Room garnet: care, reproduction, transplant, trimming. Rules for planting and maintenance of indoor grenade and methods of growing at home

If you have ever wanted to have a fruit-moving tree at home, which would not require special care, did not need a lot of time and mostly brought fruit to everything, then definitely pay attention to the room grenade. After all, it is always pleasant to enjoy the fruits of your work, especially if this is pleasure not only spiritual, but also physical!
In this article, I will tell you about this wonderful tree, his habitat habitat, give 5 practical advice on growing healthy and fruiting trees and some recommendations for the care of it.

Pomegranate (with lat. Punicia) in wildlife It is mainly the trees of low growth, approximately 2-5 meters in height. A little less often occurs a shrub, the fruits of which are the same large, as in the trees, but give back to Kislic, which gives special piquancy to the fruits.
Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant is distributed in a large range of latitudes, and it grows mainly on two continents: Eurasia and Africa. In various sources, information on the origin of the garnet and in North Africa, and Western Asia and southern EuropeOne thing is clear exactly - this type of fruit appeared on its own and for quite a long time, and the ult does not have a certain historical place of origin. I can not not tell about the history of the origin of the pomegranate name: with Latin Punicus translates like Carthaginsky or Punic. Stunches (now their state is called Tunisia) supplied the most delicious grenades in Rome. Since those times, the name "stuck" to the heroes of this article. There are also two more names of this fetus who went in the people: Malum Granatum and Malum Punicum (Malum from Latin Apple). Indeed, the similarity is obvious. In ancient Greek culture, the grenade takes a worthy place, personifying and symbolizing happy marriage, love, complete passion, and fertility.

House representatives

In rooms, the room grenade is cultivated more often as a shrub, the basis of which is 5-7 large trunks, with large quantity branches. Less often, there are a tree, but this appearance It does not contribute to the healthy growth of the plant, as predominantly the thickness of the branches and the trunks is only 1-1.5 centimeters. This pomegranate belongs to deciduous plants, so do not be surprised, or even rejoice that in the autumn he will reset the foliage and prepare for rest. There are spines on the branches, during flowering two types of flowers form. So-called "men's" and "female". The fruits are tied only in "female" flowers. It is quite simple to distinguish them: in future fruit, the flower shape is similar to a jug, but from the flowers of the bell-shaped berries you can not wait. The fruits of the room dwarf grenade variety Carthage are small enough. For cultural garden trees The norm is considered to be fruits 15-18 centimeters in diameter.
In addition to the useful and delicious fruits, indoor grenades are grown for its red small, but numerous flowers. On average, they are 4-5 centimeters in diameter and there are a lot of them on one bush. Pleasantly sometimes enjoy this kind in your own apartment or house.


At home the most suitable varieties Indoor pomegranates can be considered: Pomegranate Carthanes Dwarf and Granat Baby,

Room garnet variety Carthage

At home, it grows in the form of a tree a height of about 80 cm. If you buy it by a plant, pay attention to the size of the leaves, the Nana grenade, they are about 2 centimeters long, when both in ordinary, garden, about 3-4. Even when landing seeds, and this most often happens, it starts to bloom and even be froning approximately for 6-7 years of life. The germination of seeds of this variety is 10-70%, yes, it is such a big scatter. The fruits of the carfagen are small, 5-6 centimeters in diameter. Edible grenadeels, you can also squeeze juice from them, which is the taste of sour-sweet. Unfortunately, not always room grenade fruits, there are cases that it does not even bloom. If you have a grenade not bloomed, I suggest you vaccinate a branch from a fruiting tree to a grown plant from seeds.

Room garnet of Baby variety

Grow most often from seeds that are sold by packages of 5 seeds. This is a shrub, but already smaller than it is: 30-50 cm. Leaves, however, elongated, grow groups on branches, and these groups are distributed evenly throughout the bustice. Baby blooms for 3-4 years old with bright red flowers up to 7 cm in size, but in the first year it is usually empty. The germination of this grenade variety is more stable and is 50-60%. The fruits are 3-4 cm in size. It is desirable, even if you have more than 7 fruits on the bush, it is left for a ripening of about 5-7 fruits.


I will tell you about what care requires room grenade at home


Since the plant is from hot countries, then you can guess that he needs a lot of light. In young age, protect the seedlings from too bright light, but gradually, with increasing, teach to well-lit windows of your room. Despite the fact that the adult plant is very lightless, you should not leave it under the right sunlight. If you have a balcony or terrace, put your plant there. Optimal temperature For any varieties of grenade, 25-30 degrees above zero are considered.

Tip 1. If you have a cottage or your garden, then in the summer room grenade should not keep at home, but it is better to transplant it to the street. For landing, choose the west side, and the shadow of garden trees. You can touch the plant directly in the pot, thereby simplifying it digging along the autumn.


Why do we advise you to choose a well-ventilated room for the content of a grenade in hot time? Because the plant at low humidity and high temperature includes self-defense and resets part of foliage, growth rates are significantly slow.
In winter, the content temperature must be kept in the range of 5-10 degrees above zero. At such a temperature, the room pomegranate resets the leaves, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on flowering in the future. People period lasts 4 months since November. At this time, young plants dissolve non-human, about 1 time in 10 days. Together with the adulth of Punicia, watering is carried out in winter More and less, and at the age of 4 are brought to 1 time per month or even one and a half (it all depends on the size of the bush).

Tip 2. In winter, remove the grenade into the loggia, if the temperature there is order of +6 degrees above zero, and the plant harvested and pests will die, unless of course they were there.

Soil and its volume

Neutral soil is best suited for planting. Flowers Amateur Most often prepare ground for a grenade independently, mixing in equal bodies of humus, peat, black soil and large river sand. But if you have no one at your arm at hand, get the soil in the store for roses or any other, but most importantly with PH7. The root system grows more in diameter than deep into, respectively, the pot is better to select wide and not deep. At the bottom, be sure to put good drainagewill fit the usual and all favorite ceramzit. Another advantage in the content of pomegranate varieties is not a demandingness to a large amount of soil. The size can be chosen as follows: in the first year of life there is a 0.5 liter pot, then every year, up to 5 years of age, the size of the rig increases by 0.5 liters per year. At the age of 6 years, Carthage and Baby varieties are considered adult plants and do not require an increase in pot volumes and they can be finally defined in 4-5 liter containers. All of the above, of course, is valid for the averaged plant size and needs to be adjusted, in each case. When transplanting, try not to overdo it, but better carry out the transshipment with an increase in the size of the pot, it does not hurt the roots of the plant, and will only affect the growth and health.

A little about poliva

The room grenade does not tolerate water in pots, now you understand why it is so important to organize a good drainage. It is worthwhile standing abundantly, but also to withstand sufficient breaks, to dry up the upper layer of soil with a thickness of a couple of centimeters.

Tip 3. As an indicator of soil moisture is perfectly suitable for the usual toothpick, stuck next to the bush.

We correct watering, depending on the time of the year and the periods of plant growth as follows: During the Software - from March to May - we increase, in order to satisfy the plants, while flowering, we cut a little bit, that is, quite a bit, it will help to start the fruits, then, when The appearance of "Granatinok" watering again perform a little more often, but with caution, because it is possible to crack
Also positively indoor grenade responds to spraying foliage on hot days. This contributes to maintenance necessary humidity on the surface of the plant.

Fertilizers and subordinate

I am often asked, what to get a room grenade? It is best to perform feeding with intervals in 2-3 weeks, and divided into 3 periods: in the spring we introduce nitrogen fertilizers, and we achieve active growth, in the summer gradually moving to phosphate fertilizers, the use of which will contribute to flowering, and in autumn, for aging fruits and stock Energy for the winter feed the potassium compositions. We prepare fertilizers and introduce into the soil according to the instructions on the packages.

Council 4. When making nitrogen fertilizers, we bite the trunks of plants with polyethylene, so that the solution did not fall on the plant itself, otherwise burns may appear on its surface.

Growing and reproduction

Room grenade can be raised by two very popular ways:

From seeds

The method is very simple: after purchasing and unpacking the packs with seeds soaked them in a solution with a growth stimulant by 6-10 hours (thus, increase the percentage of good gear). We land them into one container at a depth of no more than 2 cm, moisturize the soil and create the guy. For these purposes, the food film or cover from the cake is suitable. Follow the moisture content of the soil - it is not worth it to moisten, since the likelihood of shooting shoots is great. After the appearance of germs, and it takes about 2-3 week after landing, regularly water them, and do not forget once a day for 20 minutes to air mini greenhouse. After the appearance of 4 main leaves, the film can be finally removed.

With the help of Chenkov

it best way obtaining the offspring of all the properties of the parent. For reproduction with cuttings with a fruiting branch of an adult plant, "sticks" with 5-6 kidneys are cut. Lower 1-2 kidneys should be removed. Soak out our "cutting" in the root formation stimulator for 3-5 hours, at a depth of these 2 kidneys. Next, landing the cuttings in the prepared, moistened soil to a depth of 3-4 centimeters, and also create greenhouse conditions.

Beneficial features

All grenade varieties are valuable raw materials in traditional medicine, almost all parts, including roots, bark and partitions in the fruits, are used. Eating into food "Granatok" contribute to the normalization of blood pressure and remove the headache, together with the problems with digestion, the appetite rises. In addition to the fruits, the dried and crushed crust of trees is also in progress (as an anthelmintic agent or a means from a liquid chair), and leaves for making tea.

Plant formation

The heroes of this article are quite easily transferred to all kinds of trimming, tapping and other kind of "bullying". Do you understand what I am a clone? To the fact that from the grenade, good bonsai trees are obtained, the root system described above is the same. True, let himself give a little advice, bonsai - the art of growing miniature trees from large, so use the garden grenade for this purpose.

Tip 5. In the fall, before the rest time, cut dry branches, at the same time form the necessary shape of the bush.

Diseases and pests

Against these misfortunes, unfortunately, fruit plant There is no immunity, so regularly inspect the foliage, branches and trunks. When the shield is detected, the whiteflies or other insects immediately begin treatment: with a small number of individuals you can collect them, but be sure to observe, in case of a large population of these creatures, do not hesitate to apply chemicals. If the roots are suspected, it is possible to determine this by a large number of yellowed leaves, it is necessary to carry out a plant with cropping roots to healthy tissues and further drying and coal processing of a cut.


At the end of the article I want to say that following our simple recommendationsYou will not be difficult to grow a room grenade, both from seeds and with cuttings, as well as provide it with the necessary care.

Oranges and lemons on the windowsill are a typical phenomenon. Therefore, the amateur-lovers are "domesticated" all new exotic cultures - kiwi, pineapples, grenades that not only bring delicious and useful fruits, but also very beautifully flower. Especially for cultivation in the "captivity" breeders brought several dwarf varieties. Among them and Baby, distinguished by miniature and unpretentiousness.

What does Baby grenade look like

In nature, the grenade - low (2-2.5 m) wood or splashing shrub. Fruits in the last no smaller size, but differ in very spicy acid in taste.

"Natural" grenades are much larger than anticipate at home

The Latin name of the pomegranate (Punicia) is translated as "Punic" or "Carthaginsky". This state, located in the territory of modern Tunisia, was the main supplier of delicious fruits in the Roman Empire. Grenades Her residents quickly appreciated, they became a symbol of fertility and long passionate love. A B. Ancient Greece The fruit was one of the attributes of the wife of Zeus, Gera, and meant happiness in marriage. The Russian "grenade" comes from another Latin word, Granatus (translated - "grainy").

Indoor or dwarf grenades are the recent achievement of breeders. Especially allocated miniature variety Baby. The height of the adult plant does not exceed 50 cm, but it does not affect the abundance of flowering or ability to fruit.

The height of the adult garnet Baby does not exceed half a meter

Baby fruits do not exceed 3-4 cm in diameter (approximately with walnut). But in taste, they practically do not differ from the "real" pomegranates. Do not suffer and benefit. Any grenades contain many anthocyans that contribute to the increase in blood hemoglobin levels have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, they have anti-inflammatory properties.

To mature, the fruit grenade fruits is required about six months.

Most often, Baby's grenade at home is a shrub consisting of 5-7 major shoots. A tree in one barrel from it, if desired, can also be formed, but it is not the best way It affects the state of the plant, preventing it with normal growth. Baby branches thickness - only 1.2-1.5 cm. The shoots are covered with smooth or slightly pubescent bark of light gray colors (sometimes with a brown piton).

Tree is not the most natural configuration for indoor grenade, it is quite difficult to form because of the fragility of shoots

Room grenade - leaf fall plant. If he is the fall of "bald", this is the norm, and not the first sign of some exotic disease. During the vegetative season, thanks to the brilliant leaves of a saturated dark-green shade, it looks very attractive even without flowers and fruits.

The leaves are solid, have an elongated lanceal shape and moderately "corrugated" edges. They are assembled into evenly distributed over the entire plant "beams" on branches, and those two, which are located from opposite edges of each "beam", against each other, substantially larger than others. The central vein is very clearly expressed, but with inside. The newly appeared leaves have an unusual bronze tide.

Babe flowers up to 6-7 cm long and about 2.5-3 cm in diameter, six-board, are located on the tops of the shoots. Petals in the form of a wide oval, with a moderately "wrinkled" surface, the tips are slightly rejected back. They are painted in a bright bloody-scarlet, purple or punch color. The first time buds appear in 3-4 years after seed landing. If this happens earlier, they are recommended to break - the bloom strongly depletes the young rapid plant.

On the room grenade at the same time you can see flowers and ripening fruits

Flowers are "male" or "female." The first play the role of pollinators, deprived of the pestle and the bells resemble the bells. The second is more like the pita, it is in them the fruits are tied. On average, "female" flowers formed three or five hundred. Flowering does not stop even during the aging of fruits.

The plant can be literally snapped with barriers, but he does not have enough forces to "feed" because of miniature dimensions. Therefore, it is recommended to leave 3-6 pieces, and the rest are deleted. The same is advised if Baby is grown only for blossoms. Fruiting strongly depletes the plant, for the next season it will not be so abundant and spectacular. Rose grenades closer to the middle of winter. It takes about six months.

The taste of the fruit of garnet Baibi depends on how much heat and light received a plant

At home, Babe's garnet is most often grown from seeds. They can be easily purchased in any specialized store. As practice shows, the germination is not bad, at 50-60%. Viable seeds can be obtained from independently grown fruits.

Predit-grown seeds of the room grenade are no worse than the purchased, obtained by the generative plant inherit the selection signs of the "parent"

Optimal conditions for the plant

The birthplace of a natural grenade is North Africa, therefore, as it is not difficult to guess, the plant is warm and light. This feature Inherited from the ancestors and room grade Baby. It is necessary to listen to its requirements regarding the microclimate, because bloom is possible only in optimal conditions. Also, it depends on how sweet the fruits will be and they will bloom completely.

Baby's grenade placed on the southern or southeast windowsill, there he will get enough light

Baby's light takes a lot, but at the same time it should be scattered. Especially carefully you need to protect young plants from direct sunlight. They are adapted to the permanent "place of residence" (the windowsill of the Southern or South-Eastern Window) gradually, starting from 2-3 hours a day. But also for adult copies in the hottest half, it is advisable to shaping. The pot can be covered with tulle, paper screen, gauze, blinds.

Requirements for lighting during the year of the pomegranate do not change, therefore, in order to provide a light day with a duration of 10-12 hours, in the fall and in winter (and in cloudy weather And in the summer) it will be needed. You can use special phytolambamps or ordinary fluorescent.

Phytolampa helps to extend the day day for indoor plant to the required 10-12 hours

Baby is very positive to fresh air. If the temperature on the street is suitable (25-30ºС), it can be safely taken to the loggia, a balcony, a veranda or terrace. In the presence of garden plot Plant for the summer sometimes even transplant in open sad Or cheer in a pot. It is advisable to place it so that from the West and the North grenades covered natural or artificial obstacles to protect against cold drafts. And the crown of a growing village of a tree will create the necessary half.

Baby's room grenade feels great on open airif the weather is suitable for him

Baby loves warmth, but not a strong heat. At temperatures above 35ºС, especially in combination with low humidity, it turns on the "protective mechanism": the grenade partially drops the leaves and practically ceases to grow.

In nature, the grenade blooms and fruits yearly, but at home he is needed "rest." People period lasts about four months, from November to February. The minimum time to ensure the change in the content conditions is 6 weeks.

The beginning of the rest period is easy to notice - the plant resets the leaves in whole or in part. At the same time, fruits, if they are, remain on branches. At the time of wintering, it provides a cool content (8-10ºС), cease to make feeding, and the number of polishes are reduced to one time in 3-6 weeks (it depends on the age of the plant and the size of the bush). If fruits are matured, the temperature should be slightly higher - 12-14ºС. A suitable place for pomegranate wintering is a glazed loggia. Critical minimum for Baby - 5-6ºС.

In winter, the room grenade Baby looks like this, it is completely normal for the plant

High humidity is not needed room grenade. In spraying, he needs only in a strong heat. During the rest of the time, the standard 50-60% will be fully arranged. You can still post next to the plant a special device for humidifying air or placing tanks with cool water. But the stool, like cold drafts, Baby does not like. Therefore, the room should be ventilated regularly, but carefully.

Spraying for indoor grenade - useful and pleasant, but not strictly mandatory procedure

Landing and transplant procedure

Most often at home, Baby Grenat is grown from seeds. They are acquired in any specialized store or get fruits from affected by an adult plant. In the latter case, they need to be carefully cleaned from the pulp (the remaining Oshmovka can become a source of development of rot). For landing, seeds of greenish color or soft to the touch are not suitable. The best time for the procedure is April or May.

Seeds can be removed from ordinary pomegranates purchased in the store. But such a plant will bloom at least seven or eight years after disembarking, and perhaps later. In addition, it will not fit into most modern apartments.

There is no special requirements for Baby's substrate. Its main conditions - neutral acid-alkaline balance (pH 7.0) and good aeration. Nevertheless, flowering and fruiting always takes a lot of strength in the plant, so the soil must also be nutritious. You can mix the soil alone from the porovna robust, black sooth or a turf, peat crumbs and large sand, but the store substrate is quite suitable, for example, for roses, begonias. Also a good option - soil for citrus fruits, mixed with clay and sand (3: 1: 1).

Special soil for roses is quite suitable for growing room grenade

The root system is even in adult plants superficial, so it is not necessary to purchase a volumetric wide pot. The correct container for indoor grenade is similar to a salad bowl or a deep plate. The pot of grenade should be scrupted - this contributes to the abundance of flowering. In too spacious tank, all the forces of the plant go to the development of the surrounding space.

A deep volumetric pot of Grenat Baby is not needed: it is better blooming when the roots are slightly close

In the very procedure of landing and further care There is nothing complicated:

  1. Seeds for 8-10 hours are soaked in a solution of any biostimulant (epin, zircon, humate potassium) so that it does not cover them entirely. Also suitable succinic acid And aloe juice.
  2. Small plastic cups are filled with freshly prepared sterilized substrate (a mixture of peat and large sand in approximately equal proportion). Previously need drainage holes in them. The layer of drainage is required 2-3 cm thick. The soil is moderately watered. For disinfection it is kept over the ferry, leave in freezer Or calcined in the oven.
  3. Seeds are planted in a container, bumping by 4-5 mm. The soil is sprayed from the sprayer, the pots are covered with glass or transparent film, creating a "greenhouse". Condensate often accumulates there, so it will be necessary to ventilate daily, opening for 5-7 minutes. Optimal conditions for seeds - dark place, Temperature about 25ºС, bottom heated.
  4. Shoots appear in about 12-16 days. As soon as it happened, the shelter can be removed. Capacity rearranged, providing a light day duration of 10-12 hours, as adult plants. Soil as drying is moisturized from the spray gun.
  5. Seeders with three pairs of real leaves transplanted into a pot of 7-8 cm with a diameter, filled with soil suitable for adult grenades. During the first two years of life, they need to be particularly carefully protected from direct sunlight. When they grow to 12-15 cm, the grenades are pinching, stimulating branching.

Baby grenade seed seeds give enough and friendly

Baby grenade grows fast enough. With the first transplant, it is enough to a potty of 0.5-0.7 liters. Then it is increased annually by another 0.5 liters. The plants that were six years old are considered adults and in the future increases do not need a pot. They are sufficiently tank with a volume of 4-5 liters. It is not necessary to increase it, but you will have to change the substrate once every 2-3 years. The transplant is carried out by the method of transshipment, trying to disturb fragile roots as much as possible.

The volume of the pot for the seedlings of the garnet Babei increase gradually, the capacity "on the gross" is not recommended

Room pomegranate needs regular trimming. Therefore, it is possible to reproduce it not only by seeds, but also vegetatively. The cutlets - the top of a fruitless escape of about 10 cm with five-six-six rude kidneys. The procedure for their rooting is almost no different from the extension of seeds, with the only difference that in the solution of the biostimulant, they are soaked for 4-6 hours.

The planting material for reproduction of the room pomegranate can be in abundance in the process of pruning the plant

Video: Pomegranate seed landing

Important nuances of plant care

Room grenade Baby variety deservedly considered unpretentious plant. Caring for him is even a beginner flower.

Despite the fact that the birthplace of the plant is the north of Africa, its main requirement is abundant watering. But it is impossible to overcoach the soil so that the roots do not start. To avoid stagnation of moisture in the pot, it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage to the bottom, and in about half an hour after each watering from the pallet, excess water is drained. Before the procedure, it is desirable to break the soil slightly.

The soil in the pot needs to be given to dry by 1.5-2 cm deep into, no more.

Most often, the fruits of the room grenade are cracking due to the too abundant irrigation

It is easy to check with a wooden stick or toothpick. In severe heat, the soil moisturizes every day or every other day, in more cool weather enough 2-3 times a week. The frequency is adjusted depending on the plant development phase. Pomegranates have just left the "hibernation", blooming - moderately (it helps to start the fruits). Those on which the fruits were formed - as the soil drying. It is important not to overdo they so that they do not crack. The filled plant is again watered abundantly - it forms it in autumn floral kidneys For the next year.

In nature, the grenade blooms in the midst of the drought season. Therefore, abundant watering at this time will lead to the fact that the plant will reset all buds.

Water for watering and spraying (in the heat you can also wipe the leaves) should be soft and heated to room temperature. Watering necessarily defend at least a day and add to it several lemon acid granules or 2-3 drops of apple vinegar per 10 liters. In general, the perfect option is rain, thaia or spring water. Approximately once a month it is replaced by a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Potassium permanganate - an efficient and popular disinfectant, destroying many pathogenic fungi

During the actively active vegetation, Baby is fed every 12-14 days. The flowering and formation of fruit barriers take a lot of strength from the grenade, so the fertilizer is necessary, especially if a long time is standing overcast weather. Any complex means for flowering indoor plants that does not contain chlorine is suitable. This trace element strongly loosens the root system, which is not too powerful in a grenade.

Granat Baby needs regular feeding - abundant bloom strongly depletes the plant

In the spring to flowering, the garnet is necessarily 2-3 times watered with a solution of nitrogen-containing fertilizer. This macro-element stimulates the formation of the green mass. You can use those feeders that are usually used for garden plants - carbamide, ammonium salter, ammonium sulfate (2-3 g / l). At the same time, it is advisable to protect the plant by wrapped the bottom of the polyethylene film: the fertilizer caught on the bark often causes burns similar to the sunny. Flowering plant Most of all, phosphorus, fruitful - potassium. Any feeder is brought only to a wet soil in about an hour after irrigation.

Urbamide, like any other nitrogen-containing fertilizer, stimulates a room grenade to increasing the green mass

Good Babee reacts to organic fertilizers. Some flower products generally recommend using only them so that there are no nitrates in the fruits. In this case, you can water the plant with informs of fresh cow manure or avian litter, nettle leaves or dandelion, wood ash.

Pruning, including radical, Baby suffers very easily, as if not noticing "stress". It is impossible to neglect it - during the season, the bush may increase in the amount of more than twice. Thin shoots are intertwined so that it is almost impossible to divide them. Crown is very untidy, "chaotic". This worsens her aeration, creating favorable conditions For the development of many pathogenic fungi, pest attacks.

Trimming, including radical, room grenade transfers without problems

But even too much to zealous, it's not worth it - Baby buds are formed only on annual escapes. You can give a room grenade to any shape, here the flower water is limited only by its own fantasy. The most common option is a spherical bush. To do this, it is necessary to stimulate the branching of young plants, pouring each run by 3-5 cm (2-3 top kidneys).

Baby's grenade is well suited for bonsai formation

The procedure is carried out at the end of winter or at the beginning of the spring simultaneously with the return of Baby's grenade to the "place of registration". Adult copies on each of the shoots leave no more than five points of growth, cut off the branch directly above the last kidney.

Then get rid of all the root row. On skeletal shoots (there should be no more than five to seven), they gradually form the branches of the second and third order in the same quantity. Soothes at the age of five are cut to the point of growth, replacing new.

Baby's young grenades are characterized by growth rate, so pruning for them - a mandatory procedure

Video: Proper pruning room grenade

Baby suffers rarely from diseases and pests. The main risk threatening him - root rot, whose development often provokes the flowering, too often and / or abundantly watering the plant. If at the same time in the room is also cool, the pathogenic fungus will not make himself wait.

Granat, amazed by rot, almost stops in growth, the leaves are yellow. The bases of shoots are black, become slimy to the touch. From the soil goes nasty smell, it is often covered by mold.

Root rot - dangerous disease, in the appearance of which the owner of the room pomegranate is often to blame

Save the plant if the disease has come far, it is impossible. It remains only to throw it away. When the rot is noticed in the early stages, a radical trimming and transplanting with a complete replacement of the soil on the potted potted and sterilization can help.

All parts of the plant are removed, on which the slightest traces of the rotten rotten, capturing 3-4 mm of healthy tissue. The roots are washed in a bright pink potassium permanganate solution. Triphodermin or glyocladine is added to the transplanting ground.

How nice to see on the window in the cracking winter frosts blooming and fruiting southern plants. Now they are bred and feel the citrus, persimmon, pomegranates in room conditions. On the cultivation of the room grenade of the Baby variety, we will stop.

Low, quite compact, up to 50 cm high. The plant looks very effectively during flowering. Externally room grenade is very similar to his southern relative. The same emerald leaves, bright Punchy flowers and fruits - small garnets. Although flowers can be orange and even white color.

Reproduction of seeds

Baby fruits from walnut. Everything is also like a real one, only in miniature. Growing room grenade - more simple task Compared with breeding citrus. It can be prompted by seeds, while the germination of seeds is 50%. Granat "Baby", grown from seeds, does not require vaccination. Slow best in spring. Seeds are taken in advance from an adult fruiting plant, dried and stored in a dry place to sowing. In April-May bone laid in pots to a depth of 5 mm. Soil - sand, for drainage on the bottom put a little clay. We are covered with glass, film and in two weeks we will see seedlings - two round seedlings. When 3 pairs of leaves appear on the shootings, searched by pots. Soil for pomegranate landing: Biogumus-based soil or soil for citrus + clamzite + sand.

Reproduction of cuttings

Pomegranate breeds with cuttings, similar to citrus. Cuttings plant in the sand, downstairs necessarily drainage, cover plastic or glass jar. Soil should not save. Approximately a month from the kidneys appear shoots, and the plant is transplanted on permanent place. Growing fast, from 2, 3 years old, the plant begins to bloom and fruit.

Baby grenade care

Baby's room grenade is very unpretentious, care is not complicated. Like all southern plants grenades are demanding of watering. In the summer, more abundant, in winter, during the rest period - limited. But does not like the convergence. Slightly, by the way, the taste of pomegranate fruits is depends on the lighting, the hotter and the solar - the sweeter and redest fruits. The first flowers on a young grenade is better to plunder to enable the plant itself. Baby blooms very beautiful, abundantly, but not all the flowers form a ovary. In order for the strings to be more recommended manual pollination.

Fruits ripen for six months. In the active period, the grenade once every two weeks are fed by organic and complex fertilizer without chlorine, once a month - a weak solution of manganese.

Caring for a dwarf grenade also consists in forming a crown. The plant reacts painlessly on trimming and you can give it any form convenient for you: it can be a round bush or a tree. In the fall with a reduction in the duration of the light day for a grenade, the rest period begins. Watering is limited, feeding stops. He can even reset the leaves, while the fruits remain on the grenade.

For 1-2 months, the plant should be placed in a cool place away from heating devices. After the rest, the pot with a grenade is returned to the bright, warm room and renewing active watering. It is believed that after rest quickly restoring foliage, the pomegranate blooms better.

Useful properties of dwarf grenade

The fruits of a dwarf grenade, although small, are very similar to taste on real. They are very useful, they have a beneficial effect on digestion, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, in them a large content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Thanks to the content of anthocyanov juice, the grenade increases hemoglobin. Dwarc grenade Baby - This miniature copy of a powerful southern plant will decorate your home, will give you warm and comfort, keep the memories of summer.

For interior decoration, many grown indoor plants. It can be flowers or just green bushes, letters of lianas. Pomegranate, as a room plant, is quite rare. Although it grows perfectly at home. You can grow decorative bush or tree. With proper care dwarf species You can enjoy delicious, juicy fruits.

The best dwarf varieties are Carthage and Baby. They are most decorative. Bred them not so much for the sake of fruits as due to abundant blossom. A shrub from spring to autumn is sleeping small, but very beautiful, numerous alami flowers.

For novice flower water, it is better to purchase a plant in a pot. No need to wait for germs until it grows. The finished bush will bloom faster. But if there is a desire to see the whole process - from sowing to fruiting, then you should start with the purchase of seeds.


Carthage variety - Dutch less meter high with small leaves. Requires haircuts, without which the branches are thinned, the plant blooms less often. Fruits small, size matchbox. Edible, sour-sweet taste. The germination of seeds is low.

From the moment of sowing to the first fruiting takes about seven years. On the sufficient number Moisture and light responds with annual fruiting.


Decorative garnet Baby grown from seeds. This is a small shrub growing not above half a meter. Extra long leaves are growing with beams, several leaves together. The first bloom occurs for the fourth year after seeding. The germination of seeds is average. Flowers are relatively large, purple.

Is it possible in the first year of flowering to enjoy fruits? Most probably not. The first colors are usually empty. Fruits small. Relinking up to seven pieces. If the wound is more, unnecessary should be cut. Shrub requires haircuts and thinning.

External parameters and characteristics

Granat is unpretentious, but each variety has its own characteristics. For window sides fit a shrub form of a plant.

Croon is wide, with numerous reprehensive branches covered with brown bark. Small leaves, elongated, olive color. Plant leaf fall or evergreen. It all depends on the conditions of detention and care.

Scarlet flowers of two species - male and female. Male more, resemble bells. Female more elongated, small fruits are formed. First, they are covered with thin skin orange color. By the time of ripening, the color changes on a burgundy with a brown tint.

Growing and reproduction of indoor wood

The reproduction and cultivation of the room grenade does not differ from landing other ornamental plants. Sowing materials can be seeds or cuttings. If the goal is to grow decorative plant for beauty, not fruit, then you can use bones of ordinary ripe grenade. To get delicious fruits, you should think about how and how to plant a houseplant.

From Chenka

When landing, the cutting is preserved all the features of the variety. The plant is blooming earlier and starts fruit. Bottles are harvested in early July or at the end of winter. In the first case, the cuttings are better leaving. But more often use the second. The parent plant is less in danger of damage.

Cuttings take a length of about 10 centimeters with five or family kidneys. Cut down sharp knife Under the tilt, with fruiting trees. Sections are treated with root stimulant, plant in fertile soil at an angle. Capped with a film, keep warm, pour regularly.

A month later, the cuttings are rooted, young kidneys will appear. Film removes. For a better branch, a third of the escape is cut off.

From seeds

You can use the store seeds. It is better to take seeds of ripe room grenade. They are cleaned of pulp, selected solid bones. Before sowing, soaked in water with a growth stimulator. Seed seeds in November or March, into a moistened mixture of peat with sand. Shoot will appear in 2 weeks.

How grenade grows

When growing a grenade in comfortable conditions The leaves are preserved year-round. In the absence of such a leaf fall. Then the plant is desirable to rearrange in a cool room until spring, occasionally watered.

In March, the pomegranate wakes up from the winter hibernation. First, leaves are blooming, and in a few weeks - flowers. Blossom continues until autumn. In the summer, the pomegranate is brought to the balcony or to the garden, protecting from the wind.

Required conditions for growth

To know how to grow a grenade, you need to familiarize yourself with some details of indoor flower growing.

The composition of the soil

A young plant is suitable soil consisting of sand, leaf, delicate earth, humus. All components are taken in equal parts. For mature wood, it is possible to prepare a soil of 50% of the turf, 25% of the sheet humus, 12% peat, 13% of sand.

Suitable pot and its volume

Initially, the pomegranate roots should grow in flavors. When transplanting diameter, the pot increases by 2 centimeters.


Wood need a lot sunlight. Place the grenade is better on the south side of the window. In the summer, at lunchtime, in order to protect the plant from burns, it must be shaded.


Pomegranate tree loves warmth. During flowering, the temperature should not exceed twenty-five degrees.

Air humidity

If in the room is stuffy, and the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees, the garnet spray twice a day with a summer, estimated water.

Care rules

How to care for the right plant, knows not every beginner flower model. It is not difficult to learn this, it is enough to make a little effort. As a result, the house will grow and fruit a healthy pomegranate tree.

Watering and spraying

How often watered a plant? It depends on the time of year. In winter, abundant irrigation is not needed. Spring moisture requires more. In summer, the plant is watered often, but avoiding water stagnation. In the heat, the tree is sprayed daily by estate water.


Starting to make fertilizer is necessary in the spring and continue until autumn. What to get a plant? It is better to give preference to nitrogen-phosphoric and organic fertilizers. In winter, the bait is not required.

Formation and trimming bush

To make a grenade richly blotted, brings more fruits, looked well-kept, trimming. This procedure is carried out at the beginning of autumn. Crop you need to dry, curved, thick growing sprigs.


Pomegranate up to three years must be replant annually, early in spring. Adult trees - once every three years.

Period of rest

In the fall, the pomegranate tree begins to prepare for wintering, gradually throwing leaves. At this time, it is necessary to create certain conditions. To begin with, rearrange the plant into the cool room with a temperature of at least 13 degrees. Also reduce watering.

Preparing for wintering you need three-year trees. Up to this age, the young grenade can winter under normal conditions.

How to instill a pomegranate for fruiting

Without experience, the process of vaccination can not always be crowned with success. For vaccination it is necessary to take a stalk, grown from seeds, and a kidney from a fruiting tree. On the cutlets to make a shallow incision of the crust, a length of one and a half centimeters. In the incision to insert the cut-off kidney, the vaccination is wrapped with a tape. Pomegranate is plentiful.

After eight days it will be clear, the vaccination process has been successfully passed or not. After the present, the pomegranate will begin to bear fruit in five years.

Beginning of flowering and fruiting and peculiarities in this period

Blossom starts at the end of April-early May and continues until the end of August. Forms in colors are different. In the form of a bell - non-giving fruits, and if they look like a jug - from these colors gradually formed a grenade.

Care must be as follows:

  1. For greater yield, watering is reduced during flowering, but it is impossible to allow soil drying.
  2. Spraying the tree must be carefully, it is unacceptable to get droplets of water to flowers.
  3. For flowering tree Suitable temperature in the room is twenty degrees.
  4. Fertilize once a month with phosphoric fertilizer.

Diseases and characteristic symptoms

There are several diseases that can hit a room pomegranate.

Puffy dew

Mostly fungus is striking grenades in the middle of summer. The infected plant is covered with a white bloom, in the early stages of the disease resembles a cob. Over time, the leaves are losing their shape, yellow, fall. In the case of infection, the garnet must be treated by Fundazole.

Cancer branches

For the disease Kora pomegranate Swimmed, branches are covered by cracks. The plant must be cleaned from the affected branches, cut them with a sharp knife. Cured pomegranate from this disease is hard enough.

But you can prevent her appearance. To do this, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime, prevent damage and supercooling of the tree.

Spots on the leaves

On the leaves may appear yellowish brown spots due to excess moisture in the ground. When the stain appears, the plant must be transplanted, deleting the roots with the root.

Bellenka and Tlla

The pests settled on the leaves of the grenade, gradually suck the juice, larvae are laying off. The process of reproduction occurs fast enough. The infected tree needs to be treated with soap solution or carbofos.

What problems arise when growing

Household pomegranate owners may encounter some problems.

Not growing

The reasons poor growth Room grenade:

  1. After the transplant can build roots.
  2. The soil in the pot is dense.
  3. Insufficient lighting.

Blooms but not fruits

The plant does not bring fruits for several reasons:

  1. If the rest period was broken.
  2. Not enough heat.
  3. Bad light.
  4. Frequent drying of soil or excess moisture.
  5. Lack of nutrients in the soil. Starting from April and September it is necessary to bring mineral and organic fertilizers once a month, alternately.
  6. Not regular crown formation.
  7. Flower having a bell-fired shape, free. Such flowers are better to break.

Often sick

Frequent diseases may indicate incorrect care. Such a disease like puffy dewmay hit the tree due to low temperature, high humidity, the sharpness of the room.

With frequent watering, wet water in the pallet root system Plants will start rot. Gradually, the leaves are yellow, then creep. In a short period, the tree dies. That this does not happen, the plant must be carefully taken out of the pot, which began to remove roots. The root is washed with a solution of mangartee, to dry, sprinkle the sequencing places to activated coal. Transplant to another soil.

A painful kind of plant in a spring-summer period can talk about the lack of moisture and nutrients in the soil.

Yellow leaves

If at the beginning of the fall, the leaves began to shove the leaves - it is not trouble. Pomegranate - leaf fall plant, and reset the leaves at this time of the year is a natural process.

The plant does not tolerate darkened rooms, dry air, soil drying. Place of grieving for indoor tree You must choose near the southern window. If the grenade was in the shadows for a long time, it must be accepted as gradually.

Unexpected watering is a fence for the plant. Especially follow the soil follows during the summer and heating seasonSince soil drying occurs faster. After watering water from the pallet, it is necessary to remove.

Indoor grenade, or pole - unique exotic plant Family Derbennikovy. He is grown by many people at home. Of the variety of exotic plants for homemade grinding grenade is the most unpretentious. He feels great in winter Garden Or just on the windowsill. With proper breeding room guarantor will give sweet, juicy and useful fruits. If you want to know all the nuances, you will be useful for a detailed description of how to grow grenades at home.

Pomegranate - a very decorative plant

Domestic Cultivation Varieties

Most best viewwhich is ideal for growing at home, it is a grenade dwarf. Its seeds or processes can be purchased at any flower shop. There are two varieties of dwarf grenade.

  1. Carthage.
  2. Baby.

Carthage grade is a small tree, reaching the height of 80 cm. Fall leaves are oblong, 2 cm long. If the tree is grown from seeds, then bloom and giving berries it will begin in about 6-8 years. Culture, planted from seeds, grows quite a long time. Blooming begins in May, and ends in August. Flowers of red-orange color, diameter up to 4 cm. Berries are small, 5-6 cm in diameter. It tastes like sour and sweet.

Baby's grade is almost always grown from seeds. It grows in the form of a bush, height from 30 to 50 cm, has 5-7 branches. The leaves are elongated, are collected several pieces in a muve. Blown and give the fruits a bush begins 3-4 years after landing. Flowers of this variety are quite large, red. Can be collected in inflorescences, but can grow and one. In the first year of life, all his flowers are empty, but for the next year, small brown fruits can begin, 5-7 cm.

Ripen fruit in winter. Such a culture must be artificially pollinated. If there are more than 5 berries on the plant, unnecessary needs to be removed. But you can not always get fruit with home PlantsIn this case, you need to make a vaccination from the tree branch, which is already fruit.

Pomegranate Carthage gives fruit on the eighth year of life

Pomegranate care does not take much time, but many subtleties of this process must be known. Room grenade care is simple, you only need to stick to simple rules:

  1. Lighting. The pomegranate tree needs good lighting, for this use special phytolambamps. In the summer it is recommended to take a pot with a plant on a balcony or garden. When culture is growing up, it needs fresh air and sun rays. If the plant is still young, he is learned to the street gradually. Put out on the street for several hours, and after transferred to the dark room. Such conditions will help to avoid sun burns. It can be placed on any windowsill, but not on the north side. At noon, it is not necessary to get involved in solar treatments and better shadow the plant. If the summer is cloudy, be sure to use additional lighting. In winter, light is not enough, so the plant can reset the leaves. That this does not happen, you need to purchase a powerful lamp, then the plant will feel great.
  2. Air temperature. Homemade grenade Loves warm. In its natural habitat, the air temperature is quite high, so it will be 25-30 ° C for the grenade. If the house is higher than the specified temperature, then the plant is better transferred to a cool place. In too warm the room, the garnet will dump the foliage and grow long. In the spring and summer it is necessary to spray the plant with cool water. And also need to regularly ventilate the room. Too low temperatures will harm the tre, and it can die. Temperature should not fall below 15 ° C.
  3. Rules of watering. Watered the plant moderately when upper layer Earth dry. Water surely defend and, if necessary, heated. In winter, the plant rests, so it must be watered 1 time per month. This condition is suitable only for an adult grenade. Young plant Water 1 time per week. The number of polishes begin to increase from February. At this time, the plant must be placed in a well-lit place. The land must be constantly wet, so that the flower began to develop further. Daily watering must be carried out until the plant starts blooming. And from May to September, the number of polishes significantly reduce.
  4. Air humidity. Humidity should be moderate. If the level of humidity in the room is low, it is necessary to spray the plant with cool water. Also, increase humidity can be used with water tank, which is placed next to the pot. In addition, it is necessary to wipe the leaves of the grenade with a wet cloth. If indoors high humidityIt can be reduced by means of air ventilation, but it is necessary to avoid drafts.
  5. Priming. The soil for the pomegranate should be useful and nutritious. Soil for indoor grenade should be loose and wet. You can buy land in the store. At the bottom, the pot must be placed drainage from large pebbles or clay.
  6. Fertilizers. Room pomegranate needs fertilizers. You need to use feeding from February, apply nitrogen-phosphoric fertilizers. At this time, the plant lays buds and approaches active blossom. Feed it once a week. With the arrival of autumn, nitrogen fertilizer is replaced with Kaliyevoe. It is worth knowing that fertilizers are entered into wet ground immediately after watering. It is recommended to do this in the morning or in the evening so that the roots do not get burns. If you wish to get a grenade fruit at home, then it is necessary to feed it very carefully. It is better to feed organic fertilizers. Pomegranate may not give fruits at all, if they reconcile him with nitrogen fertilizers.

Trimming flower

Trimming room grenade has a positive effect on the appearance of the plant, as well as blossom and fruiting. The bush begins to grow rapidly. The season may increase in size several times. The branches form a beautiful crown. Health plants depends on pruning. The procedure is performed 2 times a year.

The first time is at the very beginning of the pomegranate bloom, when the winter hook ended. If the flower stood in cold room, it is transferred to the sun. Then cut the dried branches, as well as small and unnecessary branches. To stimulate the plant, you need to trim the young branch directly near the kidney appeared. Strongly cut the garnet is not necessary, it can relax. It is recommended to leave 6 strong branches.

Buds will be able to grow only on developed branches. Pruning need to be carried out with caution. Pomegranate will be able to tie the berries only on young branches of the current year.

In summer, you can also trim the bush. If the branches began to grow inside the bush, they can be trimmed. The grenade refers to pruning well, so do not be afraid to conduct this procedure.

Picking grenade

Young bush is not recommended for 2-3 years. When the flower grows up and pulls out forces, it is transplanted into a larger pot. Pomegranate roots are growing styling, so you need to take wide vases, but shallow. The transplant is carried out in spring. Drainage is placed on the bottom of the vase, they put a fresh soil on top. Suitable for roses and begonia.

Next, you need to get a plant from an old pot together with an earthen room on the roots and move it to a new container. Then react well and pour out the ground. Over the next three years, the plant transplant every year in new pot, just bigger in size.

When a grenade is six years old, it will become an adult. At this age, the flower is practically not dive, only if necessary. A large grenade is enough pot, 5 liters. Do not buy a very big pot.


Room pomegranate multiplies 3 ways:

Growing from seeds

Seeds are adapted for landing only the species shape of the grenade, since the seeds do not retain the properties of the parent plant. This method is usually used to remove new varieties. Seeds take from a blooming grenade or buy in the store. Before planting a grenade in room conditions, seeds are soaked for 1 day in some kind of growth stimulator. Further, the seeds are dried and put in the tanks that are covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect. Earth take loose. Capacity with seeds are placed in a warm and well-lit place. It is necessary to ensure that the land does not drive.

After 2-3 weeks, shoots should seem. When the leaves are fixed, seedlings are seated in single containers. It must be remembered that the grenades derived from the seed begin to bloom and fruit 5-8 years after the landing.

Growing from the bone

Possible an option to grow a grenade from the bone. To do this, you need to take bones of large, matured fruits. They must have cream color and be solid. Green bones are not suitable for landing. For landing, the bones are cleaned from the pulp, washed well and dried. You can rinse them in a solution of manganese, so that they do not start during the german. For good growth before landing, the material is soaked in water with the addition of 2-3 drops of zircon or epine. In the water bones are 12 hours. The solution is poured a bit so that the bone is not covered completely, since it needs oxygen.

If you plant bones in the spring, shoots will appear quite quickly. If at another time, shoots can be waited for several months. The land must be loose, the landing depth is 0.5-1 cm. The pot is covered with a film. After landing, the container put in a warm and well-lit place. Severate bones should at a temperature of 25-27 ° C. It is also necessary to control the humidity of the soil. Watering is carried out as the land drying. When the sprouted shoots are slightly fixed, they are seated into separate containers, the size of which is 6 cm in diameter. When the branches reach a height of 10 cm, they can be seen.

The flower needs light and warm, so transfer it closer to the window. The grenade grown from the bone, begins to bloom after 7-8 years of life can grow quite large.

Growing cuttings

Many gardeners and floweries are recommended to grow pomegranate with cuttings. It has a high level of survival and retains all the qualities and parameters of the parent plant. If it is necessary to root a plant in the summer, it is necessary to pick up well-ripened branches, 10-15 cm long. There must be at least 4-5 kidneys. If you decide to remove the flower in winter, then take the onesight shoots of the same length. But their rooting and growth will occur longer, some shoots can die, so take a stalk with a margin. The cuttings necessarily process the root growth stimulant. From the branches, remove several lower kidneys and placed in the container with the ground. Earth should be loose. Put the cuttings at an angle at a depth of 3 cm, covering the film. Every day the plant is ventilated, sprayed and watered. 2-3 months after landing, seedlings can begin to dive into single containers. A year later, the plant will begin to bloom, and the berries will appear two years later.

Vaccing room grenade

Pomegranate Pomegranate when leaving at home can be multiplied by vaccinations. On the bottom of the bone, vaccinated large cuttings. It must be taken only from a healthy plant, which already gives fruit. Picky pomegranate different ways. The simplest is the vaccination with the help of copulings, behind the bark, in the split, in the butt and side cut. Anyone from the proposed methods will suit. If the cutlets takes on, then the grenade will begin to bloom after 2-3 years.

Plant Preparation for Winter

If in winter it is not possible to give a lot of light to a room grenade, then he is sent to the hibernation. The hibernation lasts from November to February. The plant is transferred to the cool room, almost do not water and do not feed until spring.

If the room temperature fails to reduce the room, the pot is installed on the windowsill, biting the film.

You can also move the flower to the balcony if it is glazed, or in the basement. But if you can provide your grenade good lighting For 12 hours with a powerful phytolamba, with normal room temperature He will feel great.

The tree can be overwhelmed on the balcony

Domestic grenade diseases

If you carefully care for your pomegranate tree, the disease is not terrible. But if all the grenade fell ill, it needs to be treated correctly. Basically, the plant begins to hurt, if not adhere to the temperature and humidity modes. Most often, the pomegranate suffers with such a disease as malievable dew. And also the plants can ship the leaves if you water it. Friend problem - can bend roots.

This also comes from excess moisture. In this case, you need to get a plant from a pot and remove patients with roots. Healthy roots need to be rinsed in mangartee, dry and put in a new pot with fresh land. Earth should be nutritious. You do not need to water, then the plant is pregnant again. For better results You can trim a little roots. If the leaves began to crumble, the reasons for this can be a lot. If this is the end of bloom, then this is a natural phenomenon. So the plant is preparing for a winter hibernation.

When the greens appealed in the middle of bloom, it means that he lacks water or fertilizer. Analyze your actions during the care of indoor grenade at home, and you will understand what went wrong.

If the roots were reloaded, they need to be disinfected in manganese


Pests attack indoor grenades extremely rarely. It can be cobed tick, thyroid and whitefly. You need to destroy pests immediately. The thyroid is removed by hand, caterpillars and eggs of whiteflies are washed under flowing water. If you have noticed a web on the leaves, it is a web tick. In this case, the leaves need to wipe the wet rag.

If the root is struck by pests very much, then special chemicals are used. For example, the drug Aktar, AcTeller or PhyTeerm Tool. Before applying these means, the soil is covered with film.


Pomegranate is a beautiful exotic plant. It is easy to care for him at home, it is necessary to simply gain patience, since this plant develops long enough. If you comply with all the conditions for growing room grenade and exercise correct careThe plant will produce fruit all year round.

With the help of pruning the plant can be given interesting form. Pruning will go grenades only for the benefit and will help him grow correctly and grow faster. There is no guarantee that your grenade will bloom and fruit every year, but it's worth trying. The plant will decorate your home and will delight you with your flowering and delicious useful fruits.