The main entrance to the house with a porch. How and where is it better to enter the house. Entrance to the house from all sides

If you live in a private house or have a comfortable cottage, it is quite possible that you devote a lot of time to decorating the exterior - everything that surrounds the buildings and, of course, the garden. And let what is obtained as a result do not claim a proud title " landscape design", - nevertheless, you do it with love and in the hope of a cozy rest.

And with the onset of the warm season, we begin to publish inspirational ideas that will help you create many original corners in the garden and in the country. Last year we gathered a lot of galleries on a variety of "garden" themes, look for them.

Here we propose to draw your attention to the decoration of the entrance to the house, because it is he who serves as a gateway between "our" territory and the world beyond. Its role is similar to that of a hallway in an apartment and psychological impact similarly. But, unlike an apartment, here you have much large areas, and nature becomes an excellent ally.

In this collection of ideas, you will find out what decorator Candi Randolph advises on the theme of decorating a house entrance, and also see:

  • how to decorate the porch and paths leading to front door;
  • how the decor can be combined with the overall style of the home and garden;
  • economical options for decorating the entrance to the country house
  • a couple of ideas for a terrace when entering a house.

Let these ideas add coziness and individuality to your "paradise", and the beauty that will surround it will always cheer you up! Also don't miss our next galleries, where we will tell you in detail about the design of the terrace and other interesting solutions for your garden.


tips from Candi Randolph - 9 steps to create a beautiful entrance to your house:

1. Walk from the gate towards the house and think what do you pay attention to first of all... Only nice looking areas or something desirable to mask? Or maybe there are empty areas in which to place beautiful elements? If there is not enough space, remember the vertical structures for weaving flowers, they decorate and mask at the same time.

2. How is it framed path leading to the front door? Is it comfortable and neat enough? Is it possible to imagine what lies ahead for you based on its condition and decor? If you like to collect guests, decorate its edges more magnificently (with flower borders), and if you prefer solitude, create a kind of gallery of plants weaving over your head.

3. Rate condition of main surfacesporch. Should you renovate the floor or paint the walls? Is your porch well protected from rain and scorching sun? If you are delighted with a particular color, it may be worth changing the shade of the door or window frames.

4. Don't make it hard for yourself by thinking that interior and exterior decoration is very different. Rate the entrance to the house the way you would do it for a normal room... You have "walls" ( outer wall at home), "ceiling" (canopy), "floor" (platform and steps), all this can be decorated in accordance with your favorite style and colors... The style can match the style of the house or evoke associations with another country, the main thing is that you like it, and the means of implementation are suitable for your climate.

5. If there is enough space on your porch, be sure to make a terrace, even in miniature... This space can be turned into an oasis, even if there is only one chair or bench + a few flower pots.

6. By purchasing terrace furniture, pay attention to how well it suits your climate.

7. Take care about good lighting ... You should have at least 3 areas of attention: gate (gate), walkway, front door. The rest is optional, but if you are planning a terrace, make 2 types of lighting on it - general and decorative.

8. Do not try to completely fill the terrace with chairs, highlight enough space for flowers and indoor plantsand also - for free passage. Even small containers of flowers can work wonders and turn a porch into a cozy space. If there is little space, hang containers from the wall, attach to a canopy or to a fence grid. And do not waste money on artificial greenery - here it is completely inappropriate, even if it claims to be solid.

9. Resist the temptation to leave on the terrace trash, which is high time to throw it away or, at least, move to the garage until the moment when you find a use for it. This is a zone that is always in sight, it is it that creates an image of the house in the eyes of guests, and also influences your own mood.


Most people are so used to their homes that they don't even notice most of the shortcomings associated with entering the premises. The movements on the porch site in front of the entrance door are worked out to automatism, the keys and the bag do not interfere with opening the lock, the legs themselves count the prescribed number of stairs. It's another matter if a guest comes to you, for him a lot will be new and very unusual. Have you ever wondered how convenient the front entrance to your house is. And is it so beautiful that there is no reason to change its appearance and shape, there are no shortcomings to be immediately eliminated.

How to evaluate the entrance to the house

Beauty is a subjective thing. In many ways, we evaluate the perfection of the porch design based on the overall picture, how well the facade of the house is combined with its design. How to properly assess the perfection of the porch design. Several basic criteria can be used for this. Each of them assesses the degree of perfection of construction and ease of use of the entrance to the house. There are many facts when in big houses with serious architecture, people often prefer to use the back entrance rather than the front door. And it's not about beauty or haste, but the convenience of using the entrance.

You can assess the porch and entrance to the house in the following positions:

  • How much the structure protects from bad weather, sun and wind:
  • The stairs and steps of the porch make it easy to go up and down safely, even if you feel bad;
  • The decoration is really beautiful, and the area in front of the entrance allows even a group of several people to sit comfortably;
  • The details of the porch do not obscure the view from the window, and at the same time, they are strong and massive enough to survive any cataclysm.

Important ! The dimensions and dimensions of the porch determine the attitude towards the house itself and often characterize the lifestyle and habits of the people living in it.

Therefore, the front porch in the house will be beautiful and comfortable if they help you live and stay healthy.

How to properly equip the porch and the entrance to the house

Every day we see and use the steps of the stairs and the landing in front of the house, they meet and escort us. They should be large enough in size, as in the photo, especially if the door at the entrance opens outwards and, before entering, you have to step aside and put things away.

On too large a porch area, there is always wind and drafts. So, all its sizes should always be optimal.

Weather protection

This is the main function and purpose of the porch and doorway at the entrance to the house. Therefore, the assessment should evaluate its capabilities first. If in the classic beauty version of the entrance to the house, the door is flooded with rain or covered with snow, then the price of such protection, as in the photo, is worthless.

Most often, the correct size of the visor, the porch platform raised to the height and the presence of side walls that protect from the wind allow you to deal with bad weather. Four steps is not much, but it is enough to protect the entrance to the house from snow drifts and torrential streams, photo.

How much precipitation bothers depends on the climate, but there are drafts and a piercing wind in every region. You can get rid of such a problem if the entrance to the house is protected by a porch closed on all sides, photo.

But such a decision can hardly be called successful, arched structure the porch limits light and visibility to the sides. A more successful option would be when the entrance to the house will be slightly "recessed" inside the photo wall, or deployed at an angle to the facade.

We should also mention the steps of the porch. Polished stairs made of natural stone always threaten with frozen ice and snow, thick bog oak or larch floorboards will be more comfortable, they do not rot, the surface will always remain non-slip, photo.

Equally important is correct lighting entrance to the house. The classic shape of the porch is always equipped with lanterns, photo. For normal movement up the stairs, an external light source is needed, there is clearly not enough lighting from the window, photo.

Business man's porch

Everyday reality forces us to rush, give all our best at work and return home, having pretty much lost the remnants of the morning reserve of strength. In this case, you will not be pleased with the long and steep staircase with high steps in front of the entrance. Most experts admit that climbing a step is much easier if after each step a person takes a couple of steps. If you look closely at the photo, you can see how competently the architects approached in designing the entrance to the house.

Almost all safety requirements for the porch have been taken into account, the very form of the entrance remains original and does not cover the facade of the building. It is much more interesting and pleasant to return home late in the evening, and even if there is no lighting, comfortable steps and handrails will easily lead you to the entrance to the house.

Even before the construction of the porch begins, it is necessary to correctly choose the height and size of the visor, the flight of stairs, the position of the entrance to the house itself. The platform in front of the entrance door, as a rule, rises 50-70 cm above the level of the foundation. This is not a whim or a tribute to tradition. As in the old days, this is a way to protect wooden porch and the entrance to the house from moisture and snow.

Second important point accurate dosing sunlightthat hits the porch. The heat from the sun dries out the surface of the steps, and most importantly, heats and disinfects the entrance doors and door mat. Thanks to this, the door does not freeze, condensation does not accumulate, and all negative environment destroyed by ultraviolet light on the doorstep. With a properly positioned porch, the visor blocks out the glare of the sun, but leaves enough light and warmth to enter the house.

The modern design offered for a business person another form of a porch, in which the entrance to the house is combined under one canopy with a parking lot.

In addition to reducing the time for parking and leaving, the car is constantly under the supervision of the owner, and at the same time is protected from bad weather by the construction of the porch.

Porch for a large family and relaxation

A modern home is inconceivable without a large and noisy family or company. And almost always in the summer there is a temptation to spend more time outdoors. In such houses, most often the porch is enlarged and decorated in the form of a terrace, photo. But at the same time, its main function is complemented by the ability to store and store everything that does not fit in the house.

The more people use the porch, the wider the flight of stairs should be. Sometimes, instead of one wide staircase, you can use two smaller ones to save space.

Porch for a country house

In the country house, the porch serves not only for rest and storage of things, often the cottage does not have a separate corridor, therefore, a glazed porch of the vestibule type takes over its functions.

The front door is arranged in about the same way, and the porch to the bathhouse or to the utility room.

If appearance and beauty are most important

Even with all the useful and practical sides of the porch, any owner wants the front entrance to his house to be the most beautiful. Because it is a kind of visiting card of a person and his home. Most often, various wooden structures, carving, mosaics, tiles and decorative plaster. Modern materials make it possible, if desired, to arrange a porch in the most incredible style, to make it more spectacular than the house itself, as in the photo.

The best material has always been and remains stone and wood. It is quite easy to make a foundation, an external cladding from stone. It is easy to build a frame, steps and a roof from wood. At the same time, the design itself can be made light and fully consistent general style houses.

The porch doesn't have to look like half a castle. Many simple and beautiful options the entrance to the house can be done by hand. To decorate and stylize the porch, use steel artistic forging, from which beautiful visors and handrails are made.

For side walls and roofs, lining is often used and decorative strip... Sometimes wooden frame sewn up with transparent plastic or polycarbonate. Even with such an incredible mix of styles and materials, a true master of design will have a beautiful and reliable version of the porch.

In addition, the decoration of the territory adjacent to the building makes a significant contribution to the harmony of the porch and the entrance to the house. This is important, especially if you have children. This is their territory, they most of all love to "hang" on the stair railings and play on the steps. Ideally, the path and flower beds should organically go into the steps, stairs and the actual entrance to the house.


Without practical experience work to choose good design porch for finished house - quite a laborious task, a lot must be taken into account and laid even when building a house. In the best way I would try to use ready-made design solutions, individual combinations of materials, shapes and colors to choose the style of decorating the entrance to the house.

Any owner of a private cottage or manor has thought at least once what kind of porch project country house choose to match the general architectural style of the building, be comfortable, safe, convenient, cozy, and demonstrate the hospitality of the owners.

Countless options for the porch of a country house, the photos of which are generously replete with the Internet, show us how extraordinary, creative, but at the same time practical and rational the owners approach this problem. But such a variety does not add clarity, it is very easy to get confused in the abundance of design solutions.

Semicircular porch with a closed vestibule

In the article, we systematize information on what types of porches for the house are in shape, style, size. We will discuss the pros and cons of closed and open outbuildings, analyze the question of how best to arrange the steps, and correctly deploy the stairs. And we will try to fully answer the question of what should be the ideal entrance porch of a private house, the photos will help us illustrate the most good ideas for outbuildings.

Mandatory conditions

The porch, in its essence, is a platform with an adjoining ladder. It can be built-in, designed together with the main building, attached with your own hands after the completion of the construction of a private house, with its own foundation, or attached-console, it does not differ in fundamentalness and solidity.

An original idea for a private house, built-in vestibule and open steps from natural stone

Regardless of the stage at which the porch was built for a private house, the optimal slope of the ladder relative to the horizon is 23-45 o, all that is higher is ladder, below is a ramp.

Types of the porch of a private house, photo of a competent combination of a side staircase, an open terrace and a glazed veranda

Of course, the porch must overlap with the main architectural concept of a private house, it must be safe, beautiful, comfortable, and meet all the requests of the owners.

Original views of the porch wooden house, photo of an extension-fortress, where logs and rubble stone are successfully combined

But besides other conditions, first of all, the porch should be ergonomic, which means comfortable and practical. All basic parameters for the construction of a private house porch are regulated by SNiP. So, according to the standards, a convenient step depth is 270-300 mm, and a height of 120-180 mm, the sum of the corresponding tread and riser dimensions should be 450 mm.

Porch in a semicircle, small photo open annex for a private house

The width of the stairs for a comfortable passage for one person is 600-900 mm, at a distance of 1200-1450 mm 2 people can easily disperse. If the porch consists of three or more steps, then it is recommended to fence it with a railing with a height of 900-1200 mm; in private construction, the height of the fence is not strictly regulated.

Photo of the front porch of a private house, semicircular lines of steps visually smooth out the massiveness of the extension

Particular attention is paid to the organization of the upper platform, it is made 50 mm below the threshold of the entrance door, as required by fire regulations. The recommended site depth is one and a half times the door width, but in practice this criterion is often neglected.

Eclecticism, in the photo there is a project of a porch of a wooden house with a high basement, a terrace and a covered hallway are provided in the annex

The width of the upper podium is limited only by the space in front of the private house and personal preferences, so it can be a tiny patch, or a full-fledged terrace that encircles the perimeter of the building.

The patio extension allows you to organize a comfortable resting place on open air, and at the same time not to clutter up the architectural ensemble, semicircular curvilinear forms "dilute" the clear geometry of the main private house

Shape, size and design features

It should be noted that the technologies of modern private construction allow you to build a porch of almost any shape: rectangular, semicircular, curved with smooth or, on the contrary, sharp lines, trapezoidal, multifaceted, etc.

A semicircular porch to a brick house, in addition to smooth rounded lines, the steps have a fuzzy trapezoidal shape, together with massive railings, such a design balances the dimensions of the building

A semicircular porch smooths out corners and straight lines, such steps provide a comfortable entrance to the dwelling from all sides. The soft outline of the entrance ensemble further emphasizes the hospitality of the hosts. Private rectangular porches made of brick, stone or concrete look very impressive; the highlight here is the lowest step, laid out in a semicircle.

The semicircular step made of rough material looks impressive and original

Trapezoidal steps balance the size of the building, they can go down in size, but sometimes, on the contrary, they expand and smoothly pass into the upper platform. A square or rectangular porch gives the structure austerity and graphicity.

Corner porch of a private house, photo-idea, how to divide the stairs into two entrances simply and compactly

Depending on the size of the upper deck, the porch can be:

  • the terrace is a large open area with railings;
  • patio - a platform with a canopy, most often without a fence;
  • a veranda is the same terrace, but closed and glazed;
  • or just a small extension that protects the entrance to the house from dirt, dust and precipitation.

A large carved private terrace with a porch, in the photo eclecticism, a mixture of Russian and romantic styles, high steps and a semicircular arched design of the columns in the compartment formed an authentic gazebo for a pleasant stay

It should be noted that private houses are often built with a high base, this may be due to several criteria. Firstly, the project, where the technical floor is provided, secondly, the climatic zone, in the snow-covered regions, the high porch is simply a vital necessity, and thirdly, the difficult terrain. An extension on piles allows you to fully use even uneven areas, excluding labor-intensive and sometimes inappropriate land work.

Closed porch of a wooden house, photo of a veranda on an area with uneven relief

As for the location of the stairs relative to the main site, they can adjoin strictly perpendicular to the facade of a private house, approach from one or two sides, and encircle the site in a circle.

Two-step porch of a house with a high plinth

If there is not enough space in front of a private house, the porch is usually placed along the facade, or they make a reversal staircase with several flights, with terraced platforms at different levels.

High turning three-flight Russian porch

Ladders located on the sides, on both sides of the site - the best way out for narrow outbuildings. Such constructions are expedient and justified, if there is practically no place in front of a private house, it is necessary to make a narrow extension, and at the same time provide a comfortable entrance for several people.

Small, narrow two-sided porch for a private house

It is very convenient when the steps are located in a circle from the main platform. Usually this technique is used in the construction of small, low porches, when it is necessary to provide an entrance from three sides.

Private house porch with circular steps

Sometimes simple, but unusual and original ideas for a porch noticeably enliven and decorate the architecture of a private house. As a rule, such an extraordinary approach is required to solve several problems at once, the photo below is a vivid example.

A corner round porch provides an entrance to the house with different sides, and at the same time levels the sloping area in front of the house

One of the most effective solutions for the porch of a private house, but it is almost impossible to execute it as a separate extension, this is when the porch starts under the same roof as the house, or the second floor or balcony is a canopy for the terrace. This configuration is most typical for a Finnish-style porch, where the entrance is usually located on the side.

Corner wooden porch for a Finnish frame house, clad with siding

As a rule, such a porch is combined with a veranda or terrace. Similar design entrance group looks solid, it is very practical solution for private houses with a small personal plot.

Finnish-style outdoor porch terrace

Style and materials for a private porch

When developing a style for the porch of a private house, you can use almost any materials suitable for outdoor work, the main thing is that they resonate with the design of the main building.

Concrete porch for a private log cabin

For private construction, as a rule, wood, stone, metal and concrete structures are used, forging and carving are not only decorative decoration, but often also significant technical elements of the extension, for example, a porch with openwork wrought iron railings and canopy consoles, or carved wooden posts and balusters.

Wooden extension in Russian style

Sometimes it is the combination of several styles at once and different materials as a result, it gives a stunningly beautiful, original and very practical architectural composition of the entrance group.

Semicircular closed polycarbonate porch

For example, the combination of natural stone and rough planks gives the structure the solidity, color and originality that are inherent in mountainous regions. Usually this design technique is used to create a chalet style, and it should be noted that it is very popular in Russian latitudes.

Chalet-style porch-veranda, rounded stone edges contrast in an original way with the clear geometry of the roof

The Mediterranean style of the entrance architectural ensemble is also very popular in modern design private property. It should be noted that it can be roughly divided into two types. One has absorbed the notes of Greek and Roman culture, this style is characterized by a large stone courtyard with gentle multi-tiered steps, beautiful finish sandstone, heavy metal elements.

The combination of natural flat rubble stone with sandstone elements is always stylish and sophisticated

Another direction of the Mediterranean style synthesized the flavor of Italian, Spanish and French culture. Typically, this private porch design is common in coastal areas with uneven areas. The extension is open terraces on several levels, paved with paving stones or clinker, connected by small stone stairs. The area near the house is usually lined with a deck board, from the sun it is protected by a canopy, which is held by columns. The perimeter of the terraces is surrounded by massive concrete balusters and wide railings, this splendor is decorated with sculptures, fountains and flowerpots.

Mediterranean style porch suitable for private property rectangularlocated in areas with uneven terrain

Separately, I would like to say about the porch-fortress. As a rule, these are relatively small closed annexes with a roof, which is held by dimensional pillars-supports: stone, brick, from thick logs. Such structures give the impression of the reliability of a private home; abundant vegetation gives a special charm to the porch.

Closed porch brick house, the photo conveys well how simple and laconic forms can enliven the appearance of a building

For rural and country houses small porches with a glazed veranda are ideal. This design allows you to be closer to nature, and at the same time protects the recreation area from atmospheric precipitation... In addition, for small private houses, this is an additional opportunity to expand the living space.

Photo of a closed porch to the house, glass partitions allow you to protect the site from precipitation, and at the same time not block the beautiful view from the veranda

When choosing the look and style for the porch of a private house, do not be afraid of extraordinary ideas. A well-planned architectural ensemble of the entrance group is able to radically change the exterior of the house, add sophistication, sophistication, individuality, and with that comfort and coziness.

Design solutions a great variety, and each private porch has its own characteristics due to the architecture, landscape, materials and needs of the owners. And what will be the entrance to your house, it's up to you.

Registration of the entrance to the house is important aspect, because he will not only produce a beneficial effect on others, but will also delight the owners. Not only the first impression of the owners, of their accuracy and hospitality, but also of the home itself, depends on the design of the entrance to the house. The entrance is, as it were, the face of your home, it makes it unique and individual. The non-standard design of the entrance will give your home special features, make it different from other houses and decorate it. An incorrectly decorated entrance can not only spoil external appearance at home, but also make a negative impression on its tenants.

There can be many options for decorating the entrance to the house, it all depends on your imagination and design invention. After all, the front door of a country house can be made more original than the door of a city apartment. Usually, the house is surrounded by greenery, which in itself will already become an element of the interior of the site, and will give the house a peculiar zest, make it unique.

When choosing an interior for an entrance, it is necessary to take into account the shape, color and details of the house so that they are interconnected with its appearance and architecture, and were a single whole. The entrance shed should be painted in accordance with the general color scheme of the house. By design, you can determine the owner's desire to give his home a certain character, emphasize its solidity, or can show extravagance, or vice versa coldness and efficiency.

There are the most common home entry options that you should consider, but they can be upgraded to your liking and desire. Common to all is that the elements of their design can be applied both as a complex and separately from each other.

The entrance area with a fence made of metal structure semicircular shape. Often, such designs are complemented by a plexiglass roof. This design looks good and at the same time serves as a trellis for climbing plants: ivy, clematis or wild grapes. Often entering vacation home decorated in the style typical of rural houses. This style is characterized on both sides by trellises for creeping climbing plants, a flower girl in the form of a pyramid and, of course, a door cornice, which is sustained in traditional style lamp. And how nice is the entrance, decorated with an arch and side trellises. In this case, the symmetry entrance zone Boxwood tubs will be beautifully emphasized, and decorative ivy will be good not only in summer, but also in winter will have a special charm. Who likes to experiment, then you can arrange the entrance to the house in the style of countries Far East... The gate will look very stylish and unusual unusual shape and a path made of stones different forms and sizes. If this option is not acceptable to you, then the entrance area will look unusual and original. mediterranean style... Such an entrance will be distinguished by columns that can perform as constructive functionand decorative. Clay vases and pebble mosaics will help complete the influence of Mediterranean traditions. Creative people they can try to diversify the design of the entrance and create their own image of decoration, which will only emphasize the originality of the entrance area and can emphasize its unusualness.

A beautifully decorated entrance does not mean that it is necessarily expensive. There are many tricks that will help you decorate the entrance area to the house in a beautiful and original way. By applying the main directions and adding a little imagination and hard work, and putting it all together, you can embody any architectural idea, and your entrance will become an object of admiration and pride.

The porch is an essential element of the front part of the house. And therefore, the design of the porch of a private house is designed to emphasize the beauty and integrity of the entire building. The desire to decorate your home, focusing on fashion trends and taking into account your own taste preferences is natural for any of us. To every owner suburban area I want to design my building so that it stands out favorably against the background of neighboring houses. Fortunately, the variety of choice of options for porch design is quite extensive. Let's take a look at the most interesting ones.

The porch is an extension in front of the entrance to the house, which, if necessary, is equipped with a small staircase lined with several steps and a shed.

The porch serves as a transition at ground level to floor level, the difference between which can reach from 50 to 200 centimeters or more

Since the floor in the house is always raised to the level of the foundation, required element the porch has a series of steps, which ends with a spacious or, on the contrary, a small platform adjacent to the front door. The number of steps is made odd: three, five, seven. It is calculated in such a way that when lifting, a person steps onto the platform with the same foot with which he began to move.

To protect against snow and rain falling on the site, which can impede the free opening of the doors, they are often placed above the porch. If, when arranging a porch located at a height of one to two meters, the railings perform a practical function, then on a low porch about half a meter high, the fence acts rather as a decorative element.

Having the opportunity to equip a spacious area in front of the entrance, you can complement the architectural ensemble by placing a bench for relaxation

Since the porch, in addition to its practical purpose, also performs an aesthetic function, acting as the main decoration of the facade, a number of points should be taken into account when decorating a porch in a private house.

For example: when arranging a wooden frame or panel house porch decoration can only be made of wood. If the house is made of stone, then you can safely use this construction materiallike concrete or brick, glass or plastic. The combination of stone and wood also looks interesting. But in this case, the combination of elements should be carried out as carefully and carefully as possible.

To achieve the desired result of the integrity of the architectural ensemble, not only the same finishing materials, but also coordinated color solutions allow. For example: if forging elements are present in the enclosing structures of the site, then it will not be superfluous to continue the theme by decorating the pilasters or railings supporting the canopy with them.

Please note that the porch, acting as the front entrance, affects the perception of the house as a whole, which leaves its mark on the image of its owner. That is why quality finishing materials saving is not worth it.

Ideal is the option in which the decoration of the porch of the house is harmoniously combined with all elements of the exterior: the facade of the building, the fence, the outer gate ...

Porch speaking meaningful architectural element, should not only protect housing from snow drifts, but also please the eye, combining with the house in style

Among the most common styles of decorating the porch of a country house, several options can be distinguished.

Option # 1 - classic design

The porch is equipped with a gable canopy, chiseled railings and decorative rounded balusters. As facing material applied ceramic tile or a stone.

Feature of porch design in classic style is moderate use decorative elementsthat emphasize consistency and austere taste

Option # 2 - a carved porch in Russian traditions

In Russia, for a long time, the main entrance of a wooden house, which towered on massive supports, was made high and spacious. The porch was decorated with many carved elements decorated with ornate patterns.

Today, the design of the porch in the "Russian style" is still popular, acting as an elegant decoration of the facade of a wooden house

Option # 3 - porch in the style of "house-fortress"

This porch is a massive structure, decorated with natural stone. The main decoration of the main entrance can be lamps in the form of torches, forged furniture and lattices, the massiveness of which helps to emphasize openwork pots with climbing plants.

Delicate roses, fragrant azaleas and graceful petunias against the background of cold and rough stone create a rather colorful contrast

Option # 4 - European style porch

The characteristic features of the style direction are the correctness of forms and restraint of lines. The porch most often looks like a neat low structure. When facing the site and steps, natural or fake diamond, or ceramic tiles.

As decorative elements of such a porch, they look appropriate garden figures in the form of animals, flowerpots and hanging bells

Option # 5 - French style porch

This direction is a variation of the European version. Characteristic feature style is " french window» - glass door, decorated with an openwork lattice. Wooden or wicker is used to decorate the main entrance. garden furniture and hanging flowers.

An abundance of flowers and figurative decoration of elements give the porch design a refined sophistication and special chic

Some ideas and illustrative design examples

There are many options for decorating the porch of a private house. It all depends only on design features construction, wishes and possibilities of the owner of the site.

You can transform a porch with a small area, which is the main architectural element of the building facade, using container flowers

Flower pots are installed on both sides of the entrance. Curtains made of loose fabrics will help to give the front entrance an atmosphere of coziness and protect the site from bright sunlight.

As a finishing touch when decorating the porch at the main entrance, you can put a nice outdoor rug that harmoniously matches color scheme with containers

When planning to equip a porch that will also serve as a veranda, you should worry about purchasing comfortable garden furniture.

The option of arranging the porch is quite popular, which is an open terrace connected to the house.

Such a patio porch acts rather as a transitional option between a traditional house porch and an open garden gazebo.

The porch space may well accommodate an open summer kitchen with chairs, and other paraphernalia. A small porch expanded to the size allows you to receive guests and relax comfortably, enjoying fresh air, near the house.

Columns or arch located in front of the entrance to the porch, entwined climbing roses, contributes to the creation of a romantic atmosphere and disposes to a pleasant stay

The architectural ensemble in the same style is also interesting, in which the lamps on the porch are made in the same style as the lamps that provide illumination of the site in the dark.

porch made of dpk for sale here