Why do strawberries dry in the garden? Planting and caring for a berry bed: why do strawberries dry out? How to prevent strawberries from drying out and deal with this problem

Strawberries, or, as they are more often called, strawberries, take pride of place in the plots of amateur gardeners not only in the southern and central regions, but even in the northern latitudes.

Strawberries are not the most capricious plant, but they require attention, which usually consists of timely watering, removing weeds, and fertilizing the soil. Signs that all is not well with the plants may include drying of leaves, flowers and berries. Therefore, when recently healthy leaves, flowers or berries suddenly begin to dry out, this is a reason to look for the cause of the changes and ways to eliminate them.

To find the reason for the drying of strawberries, you need to inspect the beds and the plants themselves.

. If the soil is deeply dry, you should water the plants more;

. detected insects may turn out to be pests;

. cobwebs on stems and leaves are also a sign of pests;

. dry spots on flowers and berries may indicate diseases that lead to drying out;

. moles and mole crickets, breaking through tunnels, damage the roots, which leads to drying out and death of plants;

. dryness of air and earth, as well as overflow or incorrectly chosen too cold and damp area in lowlands, will lead to damage to the root system and drying out of the plant.

Only after determining the cause will it be possible to begin restoring or treating the plantings.

Weather conditions often affect the development of plants: heat, lack of rain, or, conversely, excessive dampness, which provokes the development of diseases. Root system Strawberries are located close to the surface and without watering can be seriously damaged. Hot summers without rain, especially when gardeners do not have the opportunity to water strawberries frequently, can affect the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Advice from the "Household"

Most important for berry crops watering during fruiting period.

Don't leave strawberries out of water

When there is a lack of water, the leaves begin to wither without becoming stained or losing color. You can restore plants if you water them regularly: 10-12 liters of water are required per 1 m2. It is important to consider how dry upper layer soil, since overwatering can threaten the development of fungi and pathogenic bacteria. You can water from a bucket into the grooves between the bushes or from a watering can, irrigating the bushes - this is useful for plants, since water cleanses the leaves of dust, making it easier for them to absorb sunlight and oxygen, which are necessary for the growth and development of the plant. You need to water strawberries in the morning or evening so that the water has time to be absorbed into the ground and the drops of water on the leaves have time to dry, otherwise the plants will not avoid burns.

When you have to leave plantings for a long time without care, you can install a system automatic watering. Some gardeners make it simpler: 1.5-2- liter bottles with holes on the sides, they dig in near each plant and fill with water - there is enough water for several days. There are also many other ways to provide plants with water for a long time.

Excessive evaporation of moisture can be prevented if, after irrigation, the soil in the beds is mulched with straw or humus. Another method is to cover the soil with a dark film, which will prevent it from drying out, and if it rains, the soil will not become waterlogged.

Drying strawberries can be caused by diseases and pests. Diseases are often a consequence weather conditions: cold and damp. Insect damage occurs when planting plants from other areas where pests were found or, conversely, when changing location, when bushes are transferred to new beds with soil that has not undergone preventive treatment. It is dangerous to plant strawberries next to plants that have common pests and diseases.

Cause: illness

Drying of different parts of the strawberry bush causes diseases such as powdery mildew, late blight, gray rot, brown spot, verticillium.

gray rot can be identified by brown spots on the leaves and a gray coating on drying berries. The disease spreads during the period of fruit formation; it is difficult to fight it, since bushes with berries chemicals You cannot spray - the plants must be removed and burned.

Prevention measures against strawberry diseases:

. replanting to a new location every three to four years;

. timely, but not excessive watering;

. disinfected plants for planting, resistant to diseases;

. The berries should be harvested immediately after ripening, and the soil underneath them should be mulched with pine needles or clean straw. You can get rid of diseases and fungi with the help of fungicides, but not during the ripening period of the berries. In autumn or spring, old leaves need to be removed from the beds and burned, and young shoots in May will need to be treated with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate With laundry soap.

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Strawberry lovers look forward to the harvest of these fragrant and delicious berries. But some gardeners may encounter a problem when strawberry fruits dry out. To get rid of such a scourge, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence.


Strawberries are one of the most popular and favorite plants among summer residents. Its berries have a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, as well as on the functioning of the human myocardium. Experts have noted that strawberries rejuvenate the body, are an aphrodisiac and can fight viruses and infections.

But the plant requires special care, due to the lack of which gardeners may encounter some problems, for example, drying out of berries or seedlings.

  • Often, strawberries dry out, do not fill with juice, spoil without turning red, fall apart, or simply do not develop due to insufficient watering. This plant loves water, especially during the fruiting period. If there is no rain in the summer and the weather is hot, then in order to increase the size of the berries and their quantity, it is necessary to water the plants more often. A lack of moisture can be detected by dried bushes, as well as dry soil underneath them. In this case, the leaves also turn yellow and dry out, and the fruits become hard, tough, and the bushes wither immediately after flowering, not allowing the berries to develop well and ripen.
  • The berry may begin to dry out due to thermal burn, so you need to water the strawberries at a time when there is no sun in the sky. This can be done in the evening or in the morning. It is also worth making sure that the water gets on the root and not on the leaves or berries.
  • If watering is normal, then the reason for drying out of the fruit may be pests or fungi. These are fairly common problems that gardeners often have to deal with.
  • One of the reasons is a lack of vitamins. We must remember that this plant must be periodically fed by adding potassium and phosphorus to the soil. If nothing prevents the plant from developing, but the buds and berries dry out, then you need to pay attention to feeding it. The safest fertilizer is considered to be an organic composition of natural origin.

Diseases and pests

Strawberries are quite often affected by various types of fungal diseases. It is important to identify them in time, eliminate the problem, and also treat other bushes in order to prevent their disease.

Gray rot

She can appear on different plants in the garden. Initially it appears as spots on the sprouts, which gradually increase in size. After this, the leaves wither and lose their green color. Then the berries are affected, and the entire strawberry bush dies on the vine. If the affected berry is not removed from the bushes in time, it will draw all the juices from the plant, which will cause the bush to dry out completely.

Danger of this disease is that at the initial stage it is difficult to notice. If pronounced symptoms of this disease are detected, the bush can no longer be treated. It must be removed from the site and burned, otherwise the infection will spread to other plants.

It is also important, after removing the affected bush, to treat the area in which it grew, since disease spores may remain in the ground. To do this, it is recommended to water the soil with Bordeaux mixture.

Powdery mildew

This is also an insidious disease that initially affects the leaves, and then gradually spreads to the fruits and stems. It usually appears at the time of flowering of the bushes, as a result of which the fruits become tasteless. It is difficult to notice pathology in time. When it develops, it appears as a coating on the leaves that resembles dew. Most often, this disease affects strawberries in a greenhouse. To get rid of this, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often and reduce the amount of watering.

After detecting a pathology, you need to treat the bushes with whey, which is diluted in water 1: 3. The bushes need to be watered with this solution for 7 days. If necessary, you can sprinkle the bush with ash diluted in water. To do this, you need to dilute 1 kg of the mixture in a bucket of water and pour the mixture over the bushes, adding a little soap to it so that the solution sticks better to the leaves.


This disease is considered very dangerous, since the spores of the disease can live in the soil for up to 10 years. In this case, not only the soil is infected, but also the equipment with which it is cultivated. You can notice the pathology by dried flowers and leaves on the bush, which have brown tint. If measures are not taken to eliminate the pathology in time, it can affect the entire bush, and the berries begin to dry out.

Often it is not possible to save the plant, as it is necessary to use strong chemicals, and pathology appears during the fruiting period, so chemistry can also harm the berries, which will then become unsuitable for consumption. That's why experienced gardeners It is recommended that when the first signs of pathology appear, the bush should be completely torn out, taken outside the site and burned. After this, the soil needs to be treated with “Fitosporin”, but the use of chemicals during the appearance of fruits is not recommended. It is also worth collecting the top layer of soil where the bush grew and taking it out of the area.

  • Spotting. When this pathology appears, red dots begin to appear on the leaves, which will gradually increase in size and then affect the entire leaf. A diseased bush cannot be cured; it must be completely dug up and removed from the site. It is recommended to water nearby bushes with Bordeaux mixture and add ash to the soil.
  • Late blight. It affects the leaves and gradually spreads to the entire bush. If not accepted necessary measures, the berries may also dry out. They will develop spots that are hard to the touch. The berries themselves will become hard, prickly and bitter. For treatment, use Fitosporin.

Errors in agricultural technology

  • If strawberries disappear during the ripening period, then the reason for this may not be proper care or soil poor in mineral components. Not all novice gardeners know that to prevent excessive evaporation of the necessary moisture, you need to mulch the ground before and after watering. As a result of failure to comply with such requirements, the bush will dry out, as will the berries on it. You can mulch with straw or humus. It is also necessary to ensure that the berries do not touch the ground after they appear.
  • Watering the site is also not done correctly by everyone. Timely application of moisture in favorable weather will help prevent burns on shoots and berries. In order to ensure optimal watering, it is necessary to use an average of 10 liters of water per square meter landing During the rainy season, the amount of watering should be reduced.

  • Beginner gardeners also make mistakes when planting young shoots. The shoots must be placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. It is better to do this in a checkerboard pattern, since densely planted strawberries will shade neighboring bushes. It is recommended to remove weeds from the site in time, in this case you can get more harvest.
  • Proper application of fertilizing will also help avoid drying out of the bushes. Beginning summer residents make mistakes in this process as well. Usually they apply phosphorus or potassium based fertilizers 4 or even 5 times per season, this is not correct. Feeding with these preparations is carried out no more than 3 times. It is also important to ensure that the amount of nitrogen in the soil is normal. It is recommended to regularly water the area with mullein solution and sprinkle the area with ash.
  • It is important to remember that strawberries are transplanted only before the crop blooms, when the ovaries have not yet appeared on the bushes. Before planting, new seedlings are first dipped with their roots in a solution of manure and clay.

Ways to solve the problem

Experienced gardeners know what to do to save strawberries from drying out. To do this, it is necessary to carry out timely preventive actions, which will help prevent the appearance of pathologies on bushes and berries. Prevention is the main way to solve the problem when the berries on the bushes begin to dry out.

  • Young bushes have higher immunity to resist diseases and pests, so it is recommended to choose only healthy seedlings when planting. It is also necessary to observe the timing of transplanting strawberries. This procedure is performed after a certain period, which differs for different varieties strawberries (on average 4-5 years).

    • So that the garden always has fresh and beautiful strawberry, it is recommended to properly care for the plant. The main task is proper and timely watering. You shouldn’t over-moisten the soil, but you shouldn’t let it dry out either. It is recommended to use sprinklers that will moisten the soil optimally.
    • To preserve strawberries and prevent them from drying out after harvesting, it is recommended not to shift or pour them over, and also to place them in a shaded place.
    • After harvesting, it is recommended to fertilize the soil again and prepare the strawberries for winter. To do this, you need to put mulch and remove all affected and diseased bushes from the area.

    To learn why strawberries dry out, watch the following video.

Who among us doesn’t love strawberries or garden strawberries?

This berry, which ripens in May-June, is incredibly tasty and healthy. It is delicious fresh, excellent in preparations, preserves, compotes, jams, and for freezing.

In order to get a good harvest of strawberries, they need to be planted and cared for correctly. Often, with poor care, strawberries spoil, get sick and do not produce a harvest. Why strawberries dry out, what ails them and why and how to prevent this, you can find out by reading this article.

Planting and caring for strawberries

In order to enjoy excellent berries, you need to properly care for the plants. Care begins with proper planting.

First rule– choose the site wisely. Slightly acidic soils, sandy loam or loam are most suitable for strawberries; the surface should be flat, and the area should be well lit and protected from the winds. It is planted both in autumn and spring. On clay soils add compost or peat, add sand, dig it up. If the soil is acidic, lime it.

When preparing for planting, remove weeds and roots. It is possible to plant strawberries on open ground, as well as under film or geotextiles, so that it covers the main area of ​​the bed. This will help retain moisture under the plants and prevent weeds from growing, and it’s also easier to pick berries.

Second rule– choosing good seedlings. It must be healthy and of high quality. It is better to take seedlings from nurseries or from those who grow them correctly.

Strawberries can be propagated both with seeds and with the help of mustaches and seedlings.. If you plant in the spring, then take young seedlings, but if in the fall, then you can use mustaches current year, then already in next year they will bloom and produce berries. The roots of seedlings are treated with fungicides and insecticides before planting.

Why do strawberries dry out? We ask ourselves a question. And these are fungal diseases. Treating roots with fungicides before planting is an important disease prevention measure.

The bushes are not planted deep; the rosette should be at ground level.

There should be 20 cm between plants.

There are 40 cm between rows. They are planted in very damp soil, “in the mud.”

Young plants require watering: if planted in summer, water daily until the seedlings take root. And, further, as needed, without allowing the soil to dry out.

If the soil was fertilized before planting, then in the first year of life the plants do not need to be fed. If not, then add a composition of 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt per 1 square meter. The soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

Caring for strawberries in this way will help to avoid the strawberries from drying out as much as possible.

So why do strawberries dry out: pests and diseases

The leaves curl, turn yellow and dry, and the berries become small and the ovaries fall off. In order to decide what is the reason for the strawberries drying out, you need to examine them.

Plants can be damaged by moles or mole crickets. They gnaw roots and even push bushes out of the soil.

Fungal diseases of strawberries contribute to drying of leaves: spotting, powdery mildew, verticillium wilt, gray and late blight rot, anthracnose.

If, when examining the strawberry beds, several affected plants are found, then they should be pulled out and burned. When the damage is widespread, it is worth treating with fungicides. It is best if preventive spraying is carried out. In the early spring, fallen leaves should be burned and frozen plants should be removed.

Let's look at strawberry diseases and methods to combat them.

Spotting. Why do strawberries dry out - you wonder. And she may be affected by brown spotting. This fungal disease, as a result of which the leaves die, the plants weaken and the yield decreases. It is expressed externally in the form of brown spots that appear on leaves and tendrils. They increase in size and contribute to the death of leaves in the form of necrotic tissue. The fungus overwinters well on leaves and causes new infections in the spring. For prevention, you should spray the strawberry beds with Ordan in the fall. In spring you can use Falcon, Quadris, Ridomil, Metaxil. Bushes that are not in their first year of life are also sprayed after picking berries.

Powdery mildew. A sign of it is damage to leaf blades, tendrils, and berries. It starts from the underside of the leaves. Represents white coating. Affected leaves stop growing, become coarse and curl. The mustache also curls. Then the tissues die. Flowers during this period are not pollinated correctly, and the berries become ugly, underdeveloped and have a mushroom taste and smell. Powdery mildew develops in warm, moist air. For prevention, plants are treated with Quadris during the period of leaf growth. And if the disease has already manifested itself, then after harvesting - with Fundazol, Switch.

Verticillium wilt can destroy about 50% of plantings in the second or third year from the onset of the disease. This mushroom affects vascular system plants, roots and rosettes. The bushes are losing their leaves. Deformed reddish leaves peek out from the central part. yellow color. If you look at a section of the affected root, you can see blood vessels Brown. They can then infect both leaves and runners. Prevention is proper care and choice of quality healthy planting material. When it appears, it is combated by spraying with the drugs Fundazol, Benorat or sprinkling with them. When a disease is detected on early stage, and also, trichoderma is used as a preventative measure.

Gray rot can destroy up to 60% of berries. It develops well in heavily dense and unventilated areas, when grown for a long time at one place. The entire above-ground part of plants is affected. It is most evident on berries, with the appearance of foci of rotting with spores. Visible on the leaves as dark gray or brown spots. Used for prevention quality seedlings, high ridges, spraying with Euparen, Switch, Topsin M or Derozal. In rainy weather, spray again after flowering. Affected berries should be removed as the spores spread very quickly.

Late blight- the scourge of most garden crops, including strawberries. May affect roots and aboveground part. Especially in humid, warm weather. Pathogens are fungi. Brown-gray spots appear on the plants, bordered by mold or plaque. The bushes die off as the disease spreads. Control measures include proper care, high-quality seedlings, treatment with Ridomil, Metaxil, Quadris.

Anthracnose. The pathogen overwinters mainly on infected shoots. The disease develops especially quickly in those years when humidity is high in autumn and spring. The leaves and stems become covered with small gray-purple spots, the stems are ulcerated, and eventually the shoots die. For prevention purposes, planting on high ridges is used, with healthy seedlings. If a disease is detected, spray with Anthracol, Metaxyl, Quadris.

Strawberries are also affected by pests: nematodes, strawberry mite, weevil, slugs.

Fighting them is an important step in obtaining good harvest. To get rid of all these pests, you can carry out a comprehensive treatment.

At the end of September, take a bucket of water and add 2 tbsp. spoons of ash, burnt vegetable oil, liquid soap, vinegar and this composition is sprayed on plants. Also used in early spring colloidal sulfur or karbofos.

Strawberries are a widespread berry crop, but that is why they often face unfavorable factors. It is important to understand what certain manifestations of trouble indicate, such as drying out foliage, for example.


If strawberry leaves dry out, it not only produces a worse harvest than it could. The plant loses all external attractiveness. Moreover, it is likely that the disease will spread from one bush to another. That is why it is so important for farmers to know the real reasons why the foliage suddenly dries up and the berries disappear.

  • Quite logically one of the main harmful factors it turns out to be overdried land. This is especially likely against the background of excessively infrequent watering. Strawberry plants are not adapted to life in desert conditions, and it is not difficult to recognize this condition - the lower leaves are initially affected.
  • But if there is enough moisture, gardeners are obliged to check the assumption of a disease. Drying of leaves is often caused by late blight. Particular caution must be exercised due to the fact that the time of development of the disease exactly coincides with the natural period of leaf fall.

You can accurately determine whether strawberries are affected by late blight by detecting a reddish color at the base of the root. But sometimes the leaves dry out and curl up not because of infection, but because of pest damage.

  • The main danger among them is the whitefly and the strawberry leaf beetle. These insects are very fond of not only leaf sap, but also the leaf blades themselves. Pests overwinter in the upper part of the ground and begin to attack strawberry bushes in early spring.
  • If the edges are browning, rust is almost certainly the actual cause. It attacks strawberries on sour, damp soil. First of all, the disease affects the leaves from below and leads to their drying out.

  • The same problem can be associated with infection by all kinds of spots. All diseased bushes grow slowly and form too small rosettes, the middle of which is often overflowing with small foliage.

Sometimes gardeners are faced with the fact that the tips of strawberry leaves turn black. The most probable cause- this is what ignores the need for mulching with humus and straw. The appearance of black or brown spots, gradually increasing in size, indicates infection with brown spot. Unfortunately, such a disease is incorrigible and the bushes will have to be uprooted and then burned. The soil is neutralized with Bordeaux mixture, and the spread of infection to other bushes is prevented with the help of copper preparations (most often vitriol).


Exactly preventive measures plays a major role in the fight against drying foliage. There are a number of techniques that can minimize the risk of insect attacks and disease encounters. These include:

  • correct crop rotation (returning strawberries to one place after at least 4 or 5 years);
  • planting it only where garlic and onions are extracted;
  • watering the beds with “Fitosporin” and a thick solution of potassium permanganate before planting;
  • thorough check of the condition of the seedlings;
  • keeping the planting material for 30 minutes before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • spring and autumn processing protective drugs;
  • cutting off unnecessary leaves after the end of the growing season;
  • loosening (ideally digging) the earth before the onset of autumn cold weather;
  • repelling pests with garlic.

How to treat?

It happens that pests and pathogens still overcome the defense. In such cases, special measures must be taken to stabilize the state of the berry crop.

First of all, if the leaves dry out, you need to do something about watering, since this is the most likely reason.

Usually they do this:

  • irrigate the plantings once every 7 days;
  • increase the amount of water on hot days to 10 liters for every 4 plants;
  • increase moisture retention in light dry soil through mulching.

Having noticed a whitefly invasion, you need to wrap wooden sticks with tape and place them every 50 cm around the perimeter. Control of other pests by spraying is carried out immediately after the snow melts. It is also worth carrying out such events immediately before flowering. At the same time, make sure that the flower stalks have already come out, but have not yet blossomed. You can treat with Karbosof, Actellik and Aktara are also suitable, but it is best to alternate the drugs.

Powdery mildew most often occurs in greenhouses. It also contributes to its appearance high humidity well heated air. It is recommended to supplement the treatment with morning and evening ventilation. Whey or milk, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3, helps to get rid of powdery mildew. Treatment is carried out once a week.

You will learn more about how to treat strawberries in the following video.

Strawberries occupy a place of honor on the plots of amateur gardeners not only in the southern and central regions, but also in the northern latitudes.

Success in plant breeding depends on the correct variety and quality care.

Strawberries dry out: why?

Strawberries are not the most capricious plant, but they require attention, which usually consists of timely watering, removing weeds, and fertilizing the soil. Signs that not everything is all right with the plants can be the drying of leaves, flowers and berries. Therefore, when recently healthy leaves, flowers or berries suddenly begin to dry out, this is a reason to look for the causes of the changes and ways to eliminate them.

To find the reason for the drying of strawberries, you need to inspect the beds and the plants themselves. If the soil has dried out deeply, then the plants should be watered more; insects found may turn out to be pests; cobwebs on the stems and leaves are also a sign of pests. Dry spots on flowers and berries may indicate diseases that lead to drying out. Moles and mole crickets, breaking through tunnels, damage the roots, which leads to drying out and death of plants. Dry air and soil, as well as overwatering or an incorrectly chosen too cold and damp area in the lowlands, will lead to damage to the root system and drying out of the plant. Only after determining the cause will it be possible to begin restoring or treating the plantings.

Strawberries dry out: what to do - weather reasons

Weather causes often affect the development of plants: heat, lack of rain, or, conversely, excessive dampness, which provokes the development of diseases. The root system of strawberries is located close to the surface and without watering can be seriously damaged. Hot summers without rain, especially when gardeners do not have the opportunity to water strawberries frequently, can affect the quality and quantity of the harvest. Watering is most important for berry crops during the fruiting period.

When there is a lack of water, the leaves begin to wither without becoming stained or losing color. Plants can be restored if you water them regularly: per 1 sq. m. you will need 10-12 liters of water. It is important to consider how dry the top layer of soil is - overwatering can threaten the development of fungi and pathogenic bacteria. You can water from a bucket into the grooves between the bushes or from a watering can, irrigating the bushes - this is useful for plants, since water cleanses the leaves of dust, making it easier for them to absorb sunlight and oxygen, which is necessary for the growth and development of the plant. You need to water strawberries in the morning or evening so that the water has time to be absorbed into the ground and the drops of water on the leaves have time to dry, otherwise the plants will not avoid burns.

When you have to leave plantings for a long time without care, you can install an automatic watering system, although this is not the most cheap option. Some gardeners make it simpler: 1.5-2 liter bottles with holes on the sides are dug in near each plant and filled with water - there is enough water for several days. There are also many other ways to provide plants with water for a long time.

Excessive evaporation of moisture can be prevented if, after irrigation, the soil in the beds is mulched with straw or humus. Another method is to cover the soil with a dark film, which will prevent it from drying out, and if it rains, the soil will not become waterlogged.

Strawberries dry out: what to do - pests and diseases

Drying strawberries can be caused by diseases and pests. Diseases are often a consequence of weather conditions: cold and damp. Insect damage occurs when planting plants from other areas where pests were found or, conversely, when changing location, when bushes are transferred to new beds with soil that has not undergone preventive treatment. It is dangerous to plant strawberries next to plants that share common pests and diseases.

Drying of different parts of the strawberry bush is caused by diseases such as powdery mildew, late blight, gray rot, brown spot, and verticillium. Gray rot can be identified by brown spots on the leaves and gray plaque on drying berries. The disease spreads during the period of fruit formation, it is difficult to fight it, since bushes with berries cannot be sprayed with chemicals - the plants must be removed and burned.

Strawberry leaves dry out and curl due to powdery mildew, also become deformed and acquire bad smell and a berry taste, although the flowers may look normal. Powdery mildew appears most quickly when the soil is excessively damp and warm.

Verticillium wilt appears when the strawberry leaves change color to red-brown, and then the entire bush dries out. It is impossible to detect the fungus in advance - it can remain in the ground for up to 25 years, and the symptoms of the infection manifest themselves differently, depending on the plant variety and soil. Drying strawberries should be removed from the site and burned.

Late blight or leather rot appears in the form dark spots on berries that become hard and dry out.

Brown spot begins with the appearance of spots along the edge of the leaf or along the central vein, then the leaves and peduncles dry.

Prevention measures against strawberry diseases include replanting to a new location every three to four years, timely but not excessive watering, disinfected plants for planting that are disease-resistant. The berries should be harvested immediately after ripening, and the soil under them should be mulched with pine needles or clean straw. You can get rid of diseases and fungi with the help of fungicides, but not during the ripening period of the berries. In autumn or spring, old leaves need to be removed from the beds and burned, and young shoots in May will need to be treated with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate with laundry soap.

Strawberries can be damaged by many insects, some of them gnaw off leaves and peduncles, and because of some, the plants can dry out when their larvae are in the soil in winter, for example, nettle leaf weevil– an insect about 1 cm in length. In mid-summer, its larvae eat the strawberry roots, and the plant dries up; new individuals, spreading out, feed fresh leaves neighboring bushes.

Spider mite - an insect about 1 mm long. It is difficult to notice with the naked eye, but through a magnifying glass it can be seen on the ground, stems and leaves. When infected by a mite, the leaves, entangled in cobwebs, turn yellow and dry out.

Insecticide treatments will help get rid of these pests and others. Chemical substances It is better to spray in late spring, early summer before strawberries bloom, after harvesting. Karbofos, colloidal sulfur, Iskra, Neoron and others are suitable for soil treatment. From folk remedies infusions of garlic, tobacco dust and onion peel. The ground around the bushes is dug up in the spring so that the larvae outdoors died, and are also loosened at the time of setting the buds and after picking the berries, but no later than the first week of September. All treatments are carried out in the morning or evening time, irrigating the bushes with a spray bottle or watering can, repeating if necessary after 1-2 weeks, according to the instructions. As a preventive measure, you can plant plants between the strawberry bushes whose smell pests cannot tolerate - marigolds, nasturtiums, onions, garlic, dill and others.

Strawberries dry out: what to do if the reasons have not been established?

If the reasons for the drying of strawberries are not clear, then it is worth trying to transplant the bushes to another place; perhaps there is an acute lack of nutrients in the soil or, conversely, there are too many of them due to excessive fertilizing. This can be confirmed not only by dry leaves, but also by changing color, twisted, wrinkled leaves, deformed peduncles and berries.

You can dig up a bush and inspect the roots, check if there is an anthill under it. It’s easy to get rid of ants by sprinkling the area with dry ash or watering it with a solution made of vinegar, vegetable oil and water. If there are no insects, but the roots have rotted, it means that the plant is flooded, and watering should be temporarily stopped or the area should be changed to a higher and drier one.

Another option is that the bushes are old, have grown too much, and need to be replanted. In this case, you need to separate the young shoots or root the tendrils to obtain new planting material and replace dry plants with it. The lifespan of strawberries is 3-4 years.