Knauf superfloor technology for laying on wooden floors. Backfilling of expanded clay crumbs. Laying gypsum fiber sheets

Traditionally, a plank flooring or sand-cement screed acts as a sub-floor. The appearance of the Knauf floors was a real technological breakthrough. Since the advent of this type of flooring technology, none of the manufacturers in this construction sector has been able to create anything more economical.

Building materials that are produced by Knauf, have the widest distribution on the territory of our country. They are of impeccable quality, in the range Knauf products there are several dozen varieties of dry mixes, primers, sheet materials(tongue-and-groove, plasterboard, gypsum-fiber sheets).

The screed floors produced by this company are environmentally friendly, fireproof material with excellent thermal and soundproof properties... They are used both in capital construction and during renovation works... Knauf floors have the following positive qualities:

  • fire resistance. GVL boards are not subject to combustion;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation with minimal time costs;
  • compliance with the highest building standards;
  • creating an optimal microclimate;
  • Knauf floors can be used immediately after installation;
  • you can use any material for finishing coating: laminate, carpet, parquet, porcelain stoneware, or linoleum;
  • for the flooring of such a floor, careful surface preparation is not required, in the installation process there are no operations requiring the preparation of any solutions;
  • during operation, the coating does not deform, does not creak, there are no cracks or breaks on it. The total weight of the floors is low and does not create a significant load on the floors and bearing structures;
  • installation of the floor can be carried out in an unheated building in winter, the main thing is that there is no high humidity in it.

And one more important plus is the lowest-cost floor covering.

KNAUF-superfloor Floor element (EP). CharacteristicDescription
Preparation methodKNAUF superpol. Prefabricated product made of moisture-resistant gypsum fiber KNAUF-superlists (GVLV), to create a "dry" screed - a prefabricated base of the floor. Floor elements are made by gluing two moisture-resistant gypsum-fiber sheets (GVLV according to GOST R 51829-2001) with dimensions of 1200x600x20 mm with mutual displacement in two perpendicular directions and the formation of folds 50 mm wide along the perimeter of the products. The total thickness of the EP is 20 mm.
Application areaIt is used for the installation of a prefabricated base of the floor, in buildings for various purposes.
SpecificationsDimensions, mm: 1200x600x20.
Element weight, kg: about 18.
Fold width, mm - bottom layer - top layer: 50.
Useful area of ​​the element, m2: 0.75.
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / m С: from 0.22 to 0.36.
Heat assimilation coefficient, W / m С: no more than 6.2.
Front surface hardness, MPa: not less than 20.
Surface water absorption, kg / m2: no more than 1.0.
Vapor permeability coefficient, Mg / m h Pa: 0.12.
Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, Bq / kg: no more than 370.
Packaging: Package of 70 elements (50.4 m2).
With shrink film.
Fire technical characteristicsKNAUF-superfloor (floor element) is assigned to the class fire hazard KM 1, which is confirmed by a certificate of compliance with the requirements Federal law RF № 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements".
Flammability group according to GOST 30244-94: G1.
Toxicity group according to GOST 12.1.044-89: T1.
Flame propagation group according to GOST R 51032-97: RG 1.
RecommendationsBefore use, floor elements must be acclimatized (adapted) indoors.
In the installation area, floor elements must be stored horizontally (flat) on a flat surface.
The construction of the prefabricated sub-floor (screed) must not have slopes.
In cases where a prefabricated sub-floor (screed) is installed in damp rooms (bathrooms), lay a KNAUF-Flehandichtband waterproofing tape on the floor-to-wall joints, and cover the floor surface with Knauf-Flehandicht waterproofing.
If flooring is a thin elastic material, it is recommended to cover the base of the floor with a layer of self-leveling putty Knauf-Boden 15 (Leveling putty 415) with a thickness of at least 2 mm.

What is included

Knauf floors are made by gluing two moisture-resistant gypsum fiber boards. The thickness of the resulting sheet is 2 cm, the linear dimensions are 1200x600 mm, folds of 5 cm are arranged along the perimeter.

Also part of Knauf floors are fine-grained expanded clay, the amount depends on the layer thickness that is required at a given construction site. If the layer exceeds 6 cm, a second layer of GVL boards is required. The kit usually includes plastic wrap and self-tapping screws. After correct styling Knauf floors, a smooth, solid surface is formed that can withstand a significant load - up to 500 kg per square meter.

Tools and material required for installation

  1. Construction vacuum cleaner.
  2. Painting brush.
  3. Building plaster.
  4. Level (normal building or water).
  5. Deep penetration soil.
  6. Pencil or marker.
  7. Hacksaw for metal.
  8. Self-tapping screws of the required size (from 2 cm).
  9. Metal guides (rack profile, 60 mm wide or metal beacons).
  10. Waterproofing.
  11. The rule is metallic.
  12. Glue (PVA or liquid nails).
  13. Screwdriver.
  14. Putty knife.

Preparation of the base

In the event that the floor is laid during renovation work, it is necessary to completely dismantle the old covering down to the concrete (or wooden) base. For the device of Knauf floors, the base may not be entirely even, but it must be borne in mind that the backfill layer should not be more than 10-12 cm.

It is very important in the process of preparing for installation to thoroughly clean the entire area from dirt and debris, to close up large potholes / cracks in concrete or plaster mix... It is advisable to vacuum the surface with a professional construction vacuum cleaner and treat it with deep penetration soil. After the soil has dried, you can proceed to the insulation device.

Hydro and vapor barrier device

It is important technological stage and you need to approach it responsibly - a high-quality insulation layer will help you get rid of floor problems on long years... If moisture penetrates, then subsidence of individual sections of the floor and swelling of the slabs is possible, leading to deformation of the floor covering. First of all, it is necessary to check the horizontalness of the surface using a level and make marks on the walls along the entire perimeter of the room, which determine the level of backfill. Self-adhesive rolls can be used for waterproofing waterproofing materials, PVC film(not less than 200 micron thick) or vapor barrier. The waterproofing film is laid with an overlap of about 20 cm, the joints are fixed with adhesive tape.

The waterproofing film is overlapped

On the walls, waterproofing should be installed up to the marks that limit the backfill layer.

For wooden floors, glassine can be used as insulation to protect against moisture. Bitumen-impregnated paper is also suitable.

After installing the waterproofing, you should proceed to creating sound insulation. A 10-centimeter layer of insulation (edging tape) is laid along the walls, which will prevent the floor from deforming and create sound insulation. Ordinary foam tape can also serve as an insulator. They are self-adhesive and ordinary (attached with construction tape or stapler). A good option there will also be the use of a special damper tape.

Bulk material base

The base for GVL slabs can be made not only from expanded clay and silica sand, but also from other types of sand. Screenings or slag (small fraction) can also be used. These materials are characterized by flowability, almost no precipitation, and high porosity. They have a low hygroscopicity index, so they are optimal for Knauf floors.

The volume required for backfilling depends on the size of the room and the size of the layer, which, in turn, is determined by the presence of communication and the existing slope of the surface. Before you start backfilling, you need to install beacons - guides with which the dry screed will be leveled. The two extreme profiles (or beacons) are set at opposite walls strictly horizontally. They must be placed parallel to each other, the distance from the wall is about 15 cm.

You can put under beacons wooden blocks or small pieces ceramic tiles, but it is better to make support poles from plaster. Then the cord is pulled and intermediate profiles are installed, parallel to the rest, at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. After installing the lighthouses, expanded clay is poured and carefully leveled using a metal rule.

Backfill leveling with a special rule

After leveling, the lighthouses must be very carefully removed (after arranging temporary platforms made of thick plywood about 60 by 60 cm in size for movement on them) and adding expanded clay, carefully level it with a metal spatula, without disturbing the surface level. On the large areas installation should be done in stages: having completely covered a certain area of ​​the floor, you should proceed to further leveling.

On an absolutely flat surface that does not have deviations from the horizontal, expanded clay backfill is not needed. Instead of it, you can tightly lay sheets of expanded polystyrene (extruded), making an accurate cut. Mount Knauf floors on expanded polystyrene, observing the usual technology.

Having tamped expanded clay, you can proceed to the installation of GVL sheets. Prefabricated floor elements from the Knauf company are easy to install, you just need to take your time and carefully follow the entire installation technology. It is better to start laying the sheets from the door; on the first sheets, the folds should be removed from one side (from the walls) so that they lie flat and do not sink into expanded clay. The installation scheme is a "brick", with a displacement of the joints by half of the next sheet. The first sheets must be carefully leveled, the level of the assembled floor will depend on how even they lie. The folds are glued together and scrolled with self-tapping screws every 10-15 cm.

Fastening sheets with self-tapping screws

Cut GVL sheets you can use a hacksaw for metal or an ordinary hacksaw with a fine tooth. It is necessary to ensure that expanded clay or other bulk material did not get into the joints. Knauf floors can be assembled at a time throughout the apartment, while observing one level. Installation should be done with a partner; in one working day, you can lay the floor on an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. m.

Knauf floors have stood the test of time, the manufacturer guarantees a really high quality, but the super floor also has its drawbacks:

  • almost always it is necessary to cut the seam of the sheets adjacent to the wall. This ultimately leads to a slight subsidence of the floor during operation;
  • By removing the beacons and adding a small amount of expanded clay, it is quite difficult to maintain a completely flat surface, which is necessary for installation. But beacons left under the floor can also lead to deformation of the coating.

Knauf floors are afraid of moisture and require careful waterproofing.

During the installation process, you need to ensure that the bulk material is absolutely dry, otherwise the floor can "lead". Knauf floors are not recommended for use in basements and basement floors... When laying such a floor in bathrooms and kitchens, it is necessary to perform high-quality waterproofing and install a top coat that does not allow moisture to pass through. Such a floor should not be installed in rooms with a heavy load - in office and municipal buildings, in production halls. Knauf floors are a great option for an apartment or a private house with a good ventilation system... If the installation was done with high quality, this floor will serve you for a very long time.

An example of laying tiles on a KNAUF floor

Video - Paul Knauf do it yourself

Modern finishing materials have excellent performance and decorative characteristics, but they can only be used on a flat surface. Therefore, close attention is riveted to repair technologies that help solve the problem of irregularities. Let's talk about interesting novelty under the name knauf superpole and dwell on its installation in more detail.

A modern floor should be environmentally friendly, durable, "quiet" to use, resistant to temperature extremes, perfectly flat, capable of withstanding high mechanical loads and possessing excellent heat and sound insulation properties. Almost all existing finishing materials meet these requirements, but only if they are laid on a high-quality subfloor.

Knauf Superpol is an innovative repair technology, ideal for creating a secure base.

Features of the new repair technology

What is Knauf Superpol? This is a prefabricated system that reduces labor intensity and repair time, as well as avoiding wet processes and reducing the time for technological breaks.

Knauf super floors help to reduce static load on the floor, increase the heat and sound insulation of the floor. With the help of them, prefabricated bases are made, filling the floors of a complex configuration.


Each element of such a floor is a sheet made in the factory. It consists of two small-format moisture-resistant bases connected to each other with an offset of 50 mm.

  • The total thickness of the "pie" is 20 mm.
  • Dimensions - 1500 × 500 mm.
  • The weight of one element is 18 kg.
  • Useful area - 0.75 sq.m.
  • The hardness of the material is 20 MPa.
  • Ultimate strength - 20 MPa.

Such values ​​will help to make a competent calculation of the material consumption.

Building finishing material new generation

Knauf super floor is a "cake", the surface of which is made up of environmentally friendly gypsum fiber sheets. How are they laid? Usually knauf superfloor is assembled on top of a dry expanded clay screed, the grain size of which does not exceed 5 mm.

To understand what stages the installation technology consists of will help step-by-step instruction- Knauf dry floor screed is well mastered and adapted for independent execution:

  • First, the base of the floor is covered with plastic wrap, if it is concrete, or roofing material, if it is wooden. Along the entire perimeter, they are attached to the walls edging tape made of foamed polyethylene. Knauf floor elements should not be in contact with the walls - their installation implies the use of additional protection.
  • Next, beacons are placed, forming even cells. Expanded clay is poured into them and leveled with the rule. From above, the entire surface is again covered with plastic wrap.
  • Sheets of material are laid out on it and fastened together with glue, and for greater reliability also with screws with a pitch of 30 cm. That's the whole installation technology.

Despite the simplicity, the stacking of sheets is not at all primitive. She has many subtleties and trifles, the careful observance of which can give a good result. Of course, it is better to entrust the floor installation to professionals. But if you take your time, watch the video and thoroughly study the process, then you can implement it yourself.

Method based on screed from mortar (cement-sand) and bulk using prefabricated structures. The second method is used less often, but it is economical in production. Consider a method for installing a bulk floor using the products of the leader in this market - the German company Knauf.

Knauf products

This German company is widely known in the market and for many years has been distinguished by the excellent quality of its building materials. The list of its products includes gypsum plasterboard and gypsum plasterboard sheets, liquid building mixtures. Particularly widespread in our country are the "Knauf" bulk floors.

Knauf floors, floor elements

The products of this segment include "Knauf" -superlist (normal and moisture resistant) and Gypsum fiber "Knauf" -superlist - this is a high-quality, environmentally friendly and fireproof material. Has good sound and heat insulating properties. Sheet dimensions 250x120 with a thickness of 1 or 1.25 cm. It is used as a compensating layer with a backfill thickness of less than 15 cm, if "Knauf" floors are made.

Floor elements are made of moisture resistant "Knauf" -superlists. In this case, two sheets with dimensions of 120x60x1 cm are glued together. As a result, a floor element 1200x600x20mm "Knauf" is obtained - a sheet with folds along the entire perimeter with a width of 5 cm.
The "Knauf" floor structure consists of a layer of film, a layer of expanded clay and the actual floor elements. Performing flooring work has the following advantages:

Short terms;
... exclusion of "dirty" work;
... obtained ideally flat base of the floor with convenient placement of all communications.

For laying the "Knauf" floor, not only a flat surface is suitable, but also an uneven base with defects covered with a layer of filling.

Advantages of Knauf floors

Perfect subfloor evenness.
... Hypoallergenic materials.
... Absence of squeaks and breaks during the entire period of its operation.
... The floor is ready for use immediately after installation.
... Excellent sound insulation (compared to cement screed or self-leveling floors);
... The impossibility of pouring over the neighbors, since no water is used during work.
... Low thermal conductivity of Knauf floors.
... High speed of work execution.
... Possibility of alternating floors in different rooms on the same level.
... The possibility of installing any floor covering (for example, parquet).
... Possibility of mounting electrical warm floors(you can not arrange water heated floors).

DIY floor device

There is no problem in arranging your own Knauf floors. Floor elements, necessary materials and the tools must be purchased and the simple instructions must be followed step by step:

Prepare the surface;
... lay a vapor and moisture insulating layer and a layer of sound insulation;
... fill in expanded clay;
... lay the Knauf floor elements, their installation is quite simple, it is enough to fix them with screws and glue;
... complete the finish

Laying of floor elements "Knauf"

When preparing the surface, if repairs are being made, remove the old coating, dust and debris, seal all cracks and holes in the base with alabaster or gypsum mortar. If there are wires, they must be placed in the corrugation and pressed to the floor (the expanded clay layer above the corrugation must exceed 2 cm).

When installing a vapor and moisture insulating layer using a level, it is necessary to mark the upper level of expanded clay backfill along the walls (from two to six centimeters, depending on the unevenness of the base) plus 2 cm by the thickness of the floor elements. A foil (with an overlap of more than 20 cm) is laid on the base of the floor with an approach above the set level and fixed with construction tape. For concrete base it is better to use (you can use a plastic film of 200 microns), for wood - bitumen paper or glassine.

When arranging sound insulation along the perimeter of the entire room, sound-heat insulation material 1 cm thick and 10 cm wide is attached along the walls, self-adhesive or simple, fixed with ordinary tape.

When backfilling expanded clay, the main thing is to level the surface of the layer with the rule and avoid the formation of voids. To do this, preliminarily arrange profiles parallel to each other with a step of not more than 150 cm at the previously noted height according to the marks on the walls. The required height is obtained by placing planks or remnants of slabs under them. For the stability of the profiles, their support points must be located at least 70 cm. If the expanded clay layer is more than 6 cm, then an additional layer of slabs must be laid. After leveling the layer with the rule, the profile is removed along with the props, and the remaining voids are filled with expanded clay, leveled, and the entire layer is compacted. Move along the laid layer by placing squares of plywood sheets under your feet.

With a flat surface of the base, sheets of extruded polystyrene foam or others are used instead thermal insulation materials with the laying of the edging tape along the walls.

We finish arranging the "Knauf" floors. It is better to lay floor elements from the door. When laying the first row, the folds of the sheets adjacent to the walls are cut off. Subsequent rows are laid with an offset of the joints. In this case, the folds are glued and fixed with self-tapping screws 15 cm apart.

In most cases, the floor structure is a screed. The most common and popular "wet method" based on cement-sand mortar... But dry (prefabricated) technology, although it is used much less often, is a much more economically attractive way. The bulk floor can be used both for construction and renovation work in residential and non-residential areas. living quarters... The German company Knauf rightfully occupies the leading position in the dry screed flooring market.

Characteristics of the bulk floor Knauf

The Knauf company is widely known in the construction market and has been maintaining the high quality of its materials for many years. She produces drywall sheets, tongue-and-groove plates, hypo-coated sheets and many liquid building mixtures, including primers, putties, adhesives, etc. But their calling card in our country is Knauf bulk floors, which will be discussed in this article.

Knauf Superlist

It is an environmentally friendly material High Quality... Perfect for rooms with increased fire safety requirements. Possesses good sound and heat insulating properties. It is used as a compensating layer if the backfill thickness does not exceed 15 cm. Sheet dimensions are 250x120x1 cm and 250x120x1.25 cm.


  • high fire resistance;
  • high laying speed;
  • there is no need for "wet" stages of work;
  • creates a good indoor climate;
  • meets high international standards.

Moisture resistant Knauf superlist

Retains all the advantages of conventional Knauf sheets, but at the same time is highly moisture resistant. Sheet dimensions 250x120x1 cm and 250x120x1.25 cm.

Knauf superpol floor elements

Produced at the plant from moisture-resistant gypsum-fiber Knauf-superlists. In their manufacture, two sheets of 150x50x1 cm are glued together, resulting in a total thickness of 2 cm.Around their perimeter, there are folds 5 cm wide.

The Knauf bulk floor consists of a layer of PVC film, expanded clay for leveling and the floor elements themselves. The main advantages are short time performance of work, the absence of "dirty" work, the creation of a perfectly flat base of the floor and a convenient location of all communications. This floor is not only suitable for laying on a flat surface, but also for uneven substrates with cracks, depressions or bumps.


  • an absolutely flat and solid base of the floor is created, capable of withstanding a load of 500 kg / m2;
  • hypoallergenic material;
  • throughout the entire operational period, no faults appear and there are no squeaks;
  • after installation, the floor is immediately ready for use;
  • any plasterboard partitions can be installed on the Knauf bulk floor;
  • excellent sound insulation (especially important for residents of multi-storey buildings) which cannot be said about cement screed or self-leveling floors;
  • there is no risk of pouring the neighbors from below, because water is not used during work;
  • Knauf floor is much warmer than concrete screed;
  • all work is done quickly and without loss of quality. It will take no more than 3 hours for professionals to make a floor in a room of 18 meters, with all the materials and tools available. And this is especially important for those who make repairs in the apartment in which they live;
  • you can fill the floor in the rooms one by one without losing the level.

Any floor covering is mounted on the resulting flat surface of the bulk floor: parquet, laminate, tile or porcelain stoneware.

The only thing that is prohibited is the installation of a warm water floor, they are replaced with electric ones. warm floors... Thanks to a layer of expanded clay backfill, the floor has excellent thermal insulation.

  • If the repair or reconstruction of the floor is carried out in old buildings or in houses with wooden floors... Since it can significantly reduce the load on the supporting structures of the house.
  • In the case when it is required to prepare the base of the floor as soon as possible.
  • In the cold season, when it is not possible to make a cement-sand screed.
  • If necessary, the arrangement of an electric underfloor heating in wooden interfloor ceilings.

Do-it-yourself bulk floor Knauf

There is nothing difficult in making it with your own hands. The main thing is to purchase materials, prepare tools and follow step-by-step instructions.

Substrate surface preparation

If renovation work is carried out, the old floor covering is removed first. Perfect leveling of the surface is not necessary, but all construction debris should be carefully removed, including from the cracks.

Construction of a vapor and moisture insulating layer

This is an important stage in the work, on which the duration of the floor's operation depends. The fact is that moisture for bulk floors is destructive, under its influence the slabs swell and the front covering deteriorates. PVC layer or vapor barrier film laid under the backfill, will protect it from the effects of moisture, which will inevitably form on the interfloor overlap.

Using a level (best of all laser or water) marks the upper level of the backfill on the walls.

Its height depends on the unevenness of the base of the floor, and varies from two to six centimeters. To the resulting height, another 2 cm of the thickness of the prefabricated base will be added - just so much the floor level will rise as a result. Then the film is laid on the floor with an overlap of at least 20-25 cm and glued with construction tape. On the walls, it must necessarily go up to the previously set marks and be fixed with tape. As a film, you can use modern vapor barrier materials, also for concrete floor a plastic film with a thickness of 200 microns is suitable, and for wood it is bituminized paper or glassine.

Advice: Before laying the moisture-resistant film, all holes and gaps in the surface of the base should be sealed with a quick-setting alabaster. If there are wires, they are placed in the corrugation in advance and pressed to the floor. It should be noted that the minimum layer of expanded clay above corrugated pipe is 2 cm.

Arrangement of soundproofing

This stage allows you to completely eliminate sound bridges and protect the floor from deformation during thermal expansion. For this, along the perimeter of the entire room, a gap is left along the walls equal to 10 cm, in which the heat-insulating material is placed.

You can restrict yourself to a foam rubber edge tape, which has a thickness of 1 cm and a width of 10 cm. They are available for sale self-adhesive and simple, which are attached to ordinary tape.

Backfill of expanded clay

Loose material, in the role of which expanded clay acts, is necessary to create a flat surface, as well as for heat and sound insulation. Expanded clay is poured onto the film and leveled according to the marked markings by the rule. Silica or quartz sand, expanded perlite sand, fine-grained slag or screening of expanded clay production. All these materials have low hygroscopicity, practically do not settle, have high porosity and good flowability.

The thickness of the backfill layer directly depends on the degree of unevenness of the floor slab and on the need for installation in it engineering communications.

On average, a layer thickness of 3-5 cm is sufficient, but if it exceeds 6 cm, then reinforcement of the screed with an additional layer of plates is required.

How to properly fill up a dry screed

  • The first profile is installed near the wall, and all subsequent ones are at a distance of 1.5 m from each other (rule length). They should be located parallel to each other;
  • then the height of the profile points is determined and the thread is pulled. To change the height of the profiles, the remnants of slabs or planks are placed under them;

  • after completing all work, you should again check the guide profile with the level. To avoid its deflection, the supports under it are located at least every 70 cm;
  • expanded clay is poured along the prepared guides and leveled with a rule or a wide spatula. These works are carried out in a respirator due to the large volume of dust;

  • when the layer is leveled, the profile is taken out together with the props, and the holes formed are filled with expanded clay and leveled. After which everything is compacted;
  • if in the future you will have to lay the prefabricated floor from the door opposite to the entrance, then you should take care of the "islands". They are made from squares of chipboard, gypsum fiber board or plywood and stacked on a layer of expanded clay;

With a perfectly flat base surface, there is no need for dry backfill; it is replaced with sheets of extruded polystyrene foam. Also, thermal insulation materials (EPS, mineral wool, glass wool, etc.) are also used together with dry backfill when it is necessary to strengthen the thermal insulation of the floor. Insulation plates should fit snugly together, excluding even small gaps. Edging tape is placed along the walls.

Laying gypsum fiber sheets

Laying sheets on a dry screed begins from the door so that there is no need to walk on it during work. For dry screed can be used chipboard sheets, moisture resistant plywood, OSB, moisture resistant drywall or asbestos sheets. But the most durable and durable material is Knauf prefabricated floor elements. It can be simply gypsum fiber sheets glued in two layers or with an additional polystyrene foam layer.

The assembly of the first row is very important, as it is decisive for the further course of work.

Better to do this work together. Since the weight of one sheet is 17 kg, it is very difficult to hold it on outstretched arms. On the first sheets, folds are immediately cut off, this is done so that the sheet lies flat on the surface and does not sink into the expanded clay backfill when stepping on it.

Sheets are stacked according to the principle brickwork, that is, with an offset of the joints.

Thanks to this arrangement, a place is formed for fixing adjacent sheets. Self-tapping screws should be twisted through the folds along the perimeter of each sheet at a distance of 15 cm from each other. For extra strength, all seams are glued with PVA glue.

Bulk floor Knauf video

Technology of bulk floors Knauf. How to avoid mistakes during installation

Despite the fact that Knauf superfloor is a proven high-quality technology for installing a bulk floor over the years, it also has drawbacks.

The first drawback concerns not so much technology as the lack of professional tool for its device on the territory of Russia. Officials provide training videos for all stages of work, but there is simply no equipment for work in their catalogs.

The fold at the sheets extreme to the wall is permanently cut off, which is a grave mistake that will certainly lead to subsidence of the floor in this place.

Beacons left in the backfill will deform the prefabricated floor covering. Expanded clay will shrink over time, and the beacons will remain in place, which will cause problems in the future.

Particular attention must be paid to the moisture content of expanded clay. If it is not dry enough, deformation of the floor cannot be avoided.

At correct installation bulk floor Knauf has only positive reviews... It is durable, strong and safe for human health. Excellent for use in residential premises, and in places with high traffic.

Price for bulk floors Knauf

The formation of the cost of the Knauf bulk floor depends on several components. With a floor thickness of 5-8 cm with installation work, a square meter of floor will cost 1300-1500 rubles.

To hide utilities, a total floor thickness of 7-8 cm will be required. The price will be about 1,500 rubles, of which materials - 900-1000 rubles, and everything else is for work. Doing all the work with your own hands is much cheaper, but without sufficient experience it will take much longer. So, for professionals, set the floor to 50 square meters it will take only 1-2 days, and if you do it yourself, then at least twice as long.

Approximate prices for materials for Knauf bulk floor:

  • moisture resistant sheets - 320r / m2;
  • expanded clay - 1500r / m3;
  • moisture resistant film - 20r / running meter;
  • edging tape - 180r / roll;
  • self-tapping screws - from 200r / package.

The floor is an integral part of the room and affects not only the interior of the room, but also indicators such as temperature and humidity, the level of thermal protection. Therefore, the international company Knauf, working in the field of production of building materials, has developed the "Knauf-superpol" technology, which allows in a short time to perform high-quality installation of the base of the floor for further installation of the finishing coating.

Knauf superpol - what is it?

Knauf Superpol is the national team design or a system that allows you to avoid "wet works" on the concrete screed and, accordingly, reduce technological breaks associated with its drying.

The elements of this system are glued gypsum-fiber sheets, offset by 50 mm relative to each other, due to which folds are formed along the perimeter. The knauf-superpole element has a total thickness of 20 mm and overall dimensions of 1.2 × 0.6 m. With this thickness, the floor element weighs a little, but the resistance to loads of its surface reaches 20 MPa.

A dry surface serves as a leveling base for the elements of this system. backfill made of expanded clay (with a grain size of 0-5 mm), ideally filling the space and having excellent thermal and sound insulation, as well as fire performance... If the expanded clay granules are larger, you can hear a slight characteristic crunch when walking in silence.

System floating Knauf floor, as it is also called, has, in comparison with traditional floor leveling concrete screed row advantages:

  • reduction timing installation. The Knauf-superfloor system allows you to complete all the work in just a few days and not take a technological break to dry the screed - you can start laying the final flooring immediately. However, according to the recommendation of experts, you should not touch the dry screed for several weeks if the backfill layer is more than 5 cm thick, since with such a thickness, the backfill material will shrink approximately 15 mm;
  • the main advantage of this system is absence wet works. Laying a dry screed can be carried out without fear in a room where the repair has already been completed;
  • sound and heat insulation. Expanded clay backfill prevents noise penetration and heat loss;
  • floating floor technology creates base, which is ready for further coating and does not need additional leveling of small differences and irregularities inherent in sand-cement screed... This means it saves both time and money. Since the base, mounted from Knauf-superfloor elements, is smooth and even, any type of flooring can be laid on it, be it linoleum, laminate, tiles, and so on;
  • unlike cement-sand, dry screed is lightweight and does not load the floor;
  • directly in the dry screed, it is possible to lay pipes or wiring.

Knauf-superfloor is laid on wooden and concrete overlap in rooms with a non-aggressive environment. When laying a waterproofing layer, this system can also be used in showers and bathrooms. This system is especially relevant in conditions of reduced floor loads or when "wet" works are excluded.

When the Knauf system is relevant

Such floors have a wide range of possibilities and allow in some cases to get by with low costs. Use dry the screed is convenient:

  • to eliminate differences in the floor base over 40 mm. This applies to apartments in old buildings, where a serious difference in elevation is the norm;
  • when installing electrical wiring and water supply systems after the completion of the repair;
  • with a limited time frame for repair work;
  • the ability to install a floating floor when low temperatures air;
  • with dilapidated lags.

Dry screed construction

Dry screed installation Knauf start with measurements of the covered area of ​​the floor and its horizontal level. This can be done using building level making serifs on the wall indicating the deviation of the base from the horizon. The scores are then connected using a ruler and thus the required expanded clay backfill layer is determined. The expanded clay layer should not exceed 100 mm. The required backfill volume is determined at the rate of 50 kg (1 bag) of backfill to cover 1 m². But this relationship is true when the previous floor covering is completely dismantled.

For mounting floating floor you will need:

  • glue "Super PVA";
  • Knauf-superpol elements;
  • self-tapping screws for gypsum fiber sheets;
  • expanded clay backfill;
  • vapor barrier;
  • construction tape;
  • edging tape or polyurethane foam sealant.

It is more expedient to use the edging tape with an indicator of wall curvature up to 2 mm / m. If this figure is higher, it is better to fill the gap between the wall and the floor base with a sealant, the excess of which, after hardening, is removed with a sharp knife.

After cleaning a vapor barrier (polyethylene film) with an overlap of about 200 mm on the walls is spread from the base of the floor from small debris and dust. Over this film with a thick gypsum solution beacons are installed at the marked level, for example, aluminum slats for laying gypsum plasterboards, with a step of 900 mm. When laying elements systems on a wooden substructure instead of plastic film corrugated, waxed paper or glassine is used.

In the space between the lighthouses it falls asleep expanded clay faction to be leveled building rule... When forming a layer over 5 cm, the backfill must be carefully tamped.

Process stacking Knauf-superfloor elements start from the corner. The edge adjacent to the walls is trimmed. All elements are mounted according to the “thorn-groove” type, while the seams are coated with glue and then connected with self-tapping screws with a pitch of 100 mm. Experts emphasize that at the time of screwing in the screws, it is necessary to be on the sheet that is screwed.

The first row of elements is carefully flattens out at the intended level, since the installation of the remaining parts of the system will depend on this. The regulated gap between the wall and the gypsum fiber sheets - 1 cm - is then filled with polyurethane foam sealant. After all the sheets are mounted, the finished base must be vacuumed.


This construction of the sub-floor allows as a result to obtain lasting a covering that can support the weight of a loaded passenger car. However, in order to avoid unpleasant "surprises" when using the assembled floor covering, professionals recommend adhering to several rules:

  • before installation, the elements of the Knauf-superfloor system must be adapted in the room where they will be laid.
  • GVL sheets should be stored on a flat surface strictly horizontally.
  • the base layer of expanded clay should not deviate much from the horizontal level.
  • when installing the base from Knauf sheets in damp rooms, in addition to the obligatory laying waterproofing tapes along the walls, the surface of the mounted elements is covered with a layer of waterproofing. By the way, the manufacturer Knauf also produces them.
  • when finishing with a thin elastic material, the base is covered with a layer of no more than 2 mm of self-leveling putty.

As you can see, the process of constructing the Knauf superpole uncomplicated, saves not only time, but also money, allows you to reduce the load on the floors, increase the level of noise and heat protection, as well as level the floor covering of a complex configuration. The only drawback of this base is its defenselessness against moisture, if the neighbors are flooded from above. However, for the neighbors below, after the installation of the Knauf-superfloor, additional sound insulation will be a gift.