An unusual solution or a panel on the wall with your own hands. Panel creation is a hobby for novice designers

Volumetric panels on the wall can decorate almost any room. True, it is worth saying that the price of a quality product is quite high and not everyone can afford it. But in principle, if desired, anyone can do it.

Today we will talk about some of the options of this product, also on the video in this article and the photo, you can watch the entire progress of the work and select the desired option.

Wall panels are both quite small and very large in size, they serve as a decorative accent in the interior of the room. The panel can be based on various materials such as hard cardboard, plywood or fiberboard, thick fabrics or imitation leather, glass or metal.

  • You can create panels in the most various techniques such as inlay, chasing, embroidery, knitting, carving, decoupage and many others. The choice of manufacturing technique depends entirely on the skills and abilities of the master, as well as the semantic load, which can be something abstract or geometric, or it can have a very clear plot.
  • In the choice of materials for decoration and decoration, the master can give free rein to his desires and preferences, because there is a great variety of things that can be used for these purposes: shells, sea stones, objects made of plaster or salt dough, dried flowers, shards of glass, buttons, photographs, fur, beads and much more, whatever you wish.

Wall panels made of fabric, made using the patchwork technology and glued to the base or tightly stretched over the frame, look spectacular and original. This interior element can really be created quite in an easy way covering a wood panel with tapestry or jacquard-patterned fabric.

In modern times, on store shelves, you can see volumetric and flat panels decorated with 3D elements or imitating high relief and bas-relief, as well as unique carvings.

The form of wall panels can be a variety of shapes, be it an oval, a circle, a square or a polygon. In addition, panels can consist of several parts or one.

The choice of a wall panel should be deliberate, because this decorative element will attract attention to itself.

Principles of wall panel placement

Exist general advice according to the correct arrangement of the panel in the interior:

Attention: Avoid placing panels next to photographs or paintings. The ideal interval from the floor to the panel is 1.5-1.7 m.

How to create a wall mural

The panel can be made by yourself. First of all, you need to choose the material. The principles described above should be applied here.

Attention: It is worth giving preference to the material with which you have already dealt and are familiar.

Panel made of material

A hand-made wall panel made of fabric is a laconic and noteworthy choice. To create such a decorative item, in harmony with the overall interior, you do not need any skills, but just your desire.

In order to create a fabric panel, you will have to make a frame from chipboard or hard cardboard, or use an unnecessary mirror or picture frame. It is best to do a panel on the wall map of the world in this version.

Attention: If you want to make knitted panels on the wall, then you simply knit it and after that its fastening is done in the same way.

There are several ways:

  • The initially selected fabric must be pulled up, wrapped on the back and secured with glue;
  • The resulting blank can be attached to the frame.
  • Initially, it is necessary to prepare the frame from wooden slats;
  • Cut out a piece of fabric, taking into account the twists, pull it over the frame and attach it from the back with any in a convenient way whether it be nails, a glue gun or a construction stapler.
  • Foam rubber is glued to the front side of the plywood;
  • We cover the resulting blank with the selected fabric, fixing it from the seamy side of the product using a construction stapler.

In the same way, a tapestry panel on the wall is made, which can also be a decoration of the living room.

Panel from tiled debris

The technology of creating a mosaic from glass pieces is currently very popular, using which you can decorate not only such an element of the interior as a panel, but also a photo frame, a flower vase or lay out the ornament directly on the wall. Such a panel on the wall in the bathroom or kitchen will be very useful, because it is not afraid of moisture.

Action plan:

  • Fragments of tiles, mirrors or shades from chandeliers must be cut into approximately equal parts using a glass cutter;
  • We clean the surface that serves as the basis of the composition from dirt;
  • To the dry workpiece, using a glue gun, we alternately glue the elements that play the role of a background, leaving a distance of 2.5-5 mm between them;
  • We lay out the mosaic with a pattern or according to a previously sketched sketch;
  • dilute the resulting composition at will, for example, with shells or beads;
  • After finishing the main work, it is necessary to dilute the grout and apply it with a rubber spatula, removing the excess with a damp sponge;
  • Leave the resulting panel to dry for 4-6 hours.

Photo panel

It's easy enough to create a panel from photos. For this, you need to purchase a frame with a glass of a larger size in the store and fill it with episodes of your life. But you can approach the design of such an amazing thing and more creatively using the quilling technique.

This technique provides unlimited opportunity in creating an original decor with your own hands, almost cost-free. You can also make children's panels on the wall, which will be for revenge both at home and in kindergarten.

In order to implement your plan, you will need:

  • Dye in a spray can;
  • Small scissors;
  • Colored double-sided paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • 5 wooden slats;
  • 4 photo frames.

Action plan:

  • we create a base from wooden slats and attach frames to it;
  • Fill the distance between the frames with flowers, hearts, spirals made using quilling technology;
  • At the end of the decorative work, we spray the product with a dye from a balloon.

Wood panel

Glowing panels on the wall with this material should not be done, because the lamps heat up and the material can catch fire. But in the country, it can decorate the atmosphere and make the room cozy and attractive.

To create you will need:

  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Glue gun with a rod;
  • Stain;
  • Planks of equal thickness and excellent length;
  • Plywood sist.

Action plan:

  • boards are sawn at an angle of 45 to the required length and are schematically distributed on plywood;
  • wooden planks are processed with sandpaper, including the edges, and stained;
  • after the stain dries, the boards are covered with transparent varnish;
  • we wait for the boards to dry and attach them to the plywood sheet with a glue gun;
  • in order to decorate the edges of the panel, cut pieces of the required length from the boards, covered with dye or stain and fixed to the sides of the product.

The distance between the frame and the boards can be finished with wood putty.

Mirror panel

Such a panel on the wall for kindergarten it is not worth doing, because glass is an increased danger. Although this option successfully used for the hallway. After all, if it is not large, then the panel will be useful from a practical point of view.

Glass will also be an assistant if you decide to make a forged panel on the wall, because in this case you can make a wonderful composition.

The creation process consists of the following steps:

  • We make a sketch, putting down all the dimensions;
  • We take a mirror sheet and cut out the necessary elements from it, numbering them;
  • The edges of the blanks must be processed and laid out in the planned sequence on a plywood sheet;
  • We fix decorative elements on the base using a glue gun.

Mirror panel can be supplemented with splashes mosaic tiles, laid out, for example, in the form of a diamond or an oval.

  • To avoid distortion of reflection, the panel should be fixed on an absolutely flat wall;
  • In order to prevent the side edges of the panel from coinciding with the borders of the outer corners, use a border or baguette.

Bamboo panel

Thus, it is quite possible to make a flower panel on the wall, because bamboo and flowers will look quite harmonious.

When deciding to create a bamboo panel, the following conditions must be met:

  • Avoid proximity to heating devices when placing panels;
  • Maintain a certain air humidity in the room;
  • Provide internal ventilation to the plant by making holes with a diameter of 2 mm in individual vertebrae of the trunk;
  • To varnish the bamboo composition in several layers.
  • To create the presented decorative object, like a bamboo panel, you just need to glue the plant to the wall in the chosen direction, be it vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

In the presented, rather simple, way, you can create an exclusive headboard of a sleeping bed or a neat winter Garden in the living room, allocating space for the TV or delimiting the room into zones with such peculiar columns.

Do-it-yourself panels on the wall are not at all difficult. You have instructions for the most common materials. The only thing left to do is to make the right choice.

Any wall decoration after renovation is boring, you want to change something and find a way to show your imagination, talent and creative skills.

A volumetric panel made of scrap materials is one of fashion trends in design 2017.

Looking at the spectacular artwork in the illustrations, it may seem difficult. But if on school lessons of labor excellently, figures from plasticine and salt dough were obtained, there is experience in working with beads or natural materials - everything will work out.

What material to choose for wall decoration

Panel on the wall handmadespecial decor able to revitalize the most ordinary environment, introduce a new design concept and revitalize the atmosphere.

The choice of material and technique for implementing an idea depends on many factors:

  • Room functionality;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Creative inclinations;
  • Tastes and preferences;
  • Availability of materials and tools;
  • Skills in working with materials (sewing, knitting, modeling, weaving, drawing).

It is better to place a large panel on the entire wall in a large room, where there is a lot of empty space. The easiest way to buy a painting or to stick a wallpaper is. But there is nothing original in this, plus high costs, and the new object will soon get bored.

Another thing is your own "masterpiece", which you can proudly demonstrate to all visitors at home.

Looking at a unique work, friends and relatives will be interested in how to make such a panel with their own hands?

First, it is better to choose a free wall, and then decide what it will be - a collage from a photo, a drawing, modeling or a mosaic from broken tiles. The general concept and plot of the image should correspond to the functionality of the room and the practicality of care.

For example, it is easy to independently draw aquarium fish on the wall of the bathroom on a smoothly painted wall, but the paint should be durable and indelible.

If the material is susceptible to destruction or dust accumulation, it is better to cover the finished product with a colorless varnish, like a photo panel made of salt dough.

The basis of the paint for the panel must match the material of the wall cladding. For example, if it is acrylic enamel, then they are suitable for painting walls. acrylic paints.

The walls in the nursery can be decorated with a wallpaper panel, which is easy to build with the child from the remnants of roll materials left after repairs.

Tip: Give the children part fun process creating homemade decor. They will willingly join the creative process. This will help the development of fine motor skills of fingers and spatial thinking.

Children can collect natural materials- beautiful twigs, leaves and cones for panels. If they don't know how to draw, instruct your child to spray paint from a spray can on a stencil.

They will enthusiastically circle large Maple leaves on cardboard, cut out their outlines to spray on the walls in the hallway with a contour drawing in gold and silver paint. Spray paints and stencils in the decor of any room - The best decision for those who cannot draw.

Panel from edible products for the kitchen

The kitchen is a fiefdom of products, where many bulk materials suitable for decor. Before making a panel with your own hands, make an audit in your lockers.


At the disposal of novice decorators, a whole natural palette that retains its natural color for years. A panel of coffee, cereals and spices will decorate a free fragment of the wall in the dining area.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  • Choose the sample you like.
  • Make a sketch with your corrections and mark with squares to enlarge the drawing on the wall when enlarged.
  • Apply the markings and outlines of the panel with a simple pencil.
  • Process decorative fragments with glue for a specific product.
  • Finished areas should dry naturally, after which you can move on to neighboring elements until the whole picture is completed.

Tip: To avoid disagreements, it is recommended to agree on the plot of the panel with all family members.

Any "appetizing" materials are suitable for the kitchen:

  • dried drunk tea leaves are the black and brown outlines of any pattern or soil in the picture;
  • semolina is an excellent light base that can be additionally painted, it is also filled in empty areas;
  • coffee beans (green and roasted) - great stuff brown and green tones;
  • white and colored rice - a variety of sizes and colors;
  • peas, beans, lentils, and beans - white, yellow, orange, reddish, and green fruits different shapes applied to the glue in halves;

  • poppy - black base of the picture;
  • instant coffee and chicory, cocoa powder and ground cinnamon - a loose base of brown shades;
  • pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber seeds are excellent material for do-it-yourself panels, they are also glued in halves;
  • chopped or groats of millet, corn and wheat, oatmeal and pearl barley - an inexpensive base of different colors and textures.

It is advisable to carefully open the finished panel with colorless varnish in 2-3 layers, so that over time it is easy to clean it from dust.


The image can be left as if unfinished or limited to a side (frame). Joint kitchen decoration - interesting occupation, which is easy to involve family members of three generations.

Interesting ideas will be suggested by specialists who have recorded a master class on making panels with their own hands:

Those who are good at sculpting figures, small sculptures or making dolls from any material should master the technique of working with salt dough.

For a relief panel, knead fine salt with flour 2: 1, add a little vegetable oil, water and dry wallpaper glue, kneading like a regular dough. It should be flexible, but firm enough.

The finished mass should not stick to your hands. Small pieces or balls are separated from it, from which the faces of the characters, fruits, leaves and other elements of the panel are decorated. It will hold better if attached to a frame as a portable decor or attached directly to the kitchen wall.


You can add any other material to complete the plot, such as embroidered fabric, beads, or yarn.

The relief picture dries for about a week, but then a solid durable material is obtained. The finished creation can be decorated and opened with varnish, like a photo of the presented panel.

Expert advice on making panels from various materials

Making decor with your own hands is a fascinating creative process. Usually, after mastering one of the techniques, for example, decorating dough or cereals for the kitchen, I want to move on to decorating other rooms.

In the children's room, it will be appropriate to decorate with autumn leaves or colored paper, a panel made of fabric using the patchwork technique.

The needlewoman's bedroom will be decorated with a panel of flowers, leather, fabric or buttons. A popular plot is the money tree, where coins or green coffee can be added to the buttons.

For bathroom or toilet great decoration will become a "marine" material - smooth colored pebbles, shells and coral twigs.

The living room will be decorated with cork, bamboo, ornamental stone. In the right hands, any material will become the basis for a homemade masterpiece.

DIY photo panels

Wallpaper panel is modern trend... The philosophy behind this method of decorating space is in line with the general trend to reduce waste by using old to create new. The same philosophy underlies the art of patchwork or patchwork, which is fashionable today. In order to effectively decorate a wall in a room, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive paintings and other decor items. It is quite possible to create a masterpiece of design art with the help of improvised means and a drop of inspiration. And we will give you some ideas.

Today it is not difficult to decorate a room for everyone. Designers have developed a lot of options from budget to astronomical costs, and everyone can choose what he likes and can afford. One of the options is wall panels from a variety of materials.

In addition to the aesthetic, the panel also performs other important functions in the interior. Visually, the panel on the wall corrects the room in which it is located. So, with the help of a mirror panel, you can expand small room... A panel in a contrasting color will create coziness in a large room.

Modular panels are gaining great popularity today. This is modern variation frescoes, the manufacturing technique of which also consists in applying the canvas to the texture. You can either purchase it in a specialized store or create it yourself. The simplicity of making a wall panel with your own hands allows you to do this even for a person without special skills and qualifications. The necessary tools and materials for this will surely be found in any home. If, after the end of the repair, a roll is lying around in the closet beautiful wallpaper, they can be effectively decorated. Wall panel images can be anything you like. Panels with birds, flowers, for example, orchids, fauna motifs (tiger or other animals) look great in the interior. The panels are placed on the wall in the living room, in the nursery, in the bedroom.

Panel from ordinary wallpaper (video)

Panel placement rules

A panel, like any other decorative element, works effectively only in cases when the right place for its placement is chosen and the light accents are correctly placed.

  • The best option for a panel is a free wall. It is not worth complementing it with paintings, photographs and other decorative items. If the wall is decorated with a panel, this accent should be the only one.
  • The mirror panel must be placed so that it reflects the light falling on it as much as possible. Thus, the room becomes more balanced and spacious.
  • As a picture for a panel, you can use the remains of photo wallpaper, ordinary wall wallpaper as well as 3D wallpapers. In addition, they can be made to order.
  • The latest technical innovations in this area are LED panels. They look very bright and original. Such a composition can decorate the interior of any room, from a children's room to a nightclub.

Summarizing all the above tips, we emphasize that when choosing a composition for a panel, one should take into account the size and purpose of the room, the type of its lighting.

Wallpaper mural in the bedroom

To highlight the sleeping area, you can decorate the wall of the panel by composing it from wallpaper. It is important to consider color combination with the general interior of the room and its basic style.

In the bedroom, the panel is usually placed at the head of the bed. Since we are talking about a break room, you should not choose an image that is too bright and aggressive. The eyes, like the psyche, must rest.

The symbolic meaning hidden in the decorative elements has a great influence on our emotional condition even if we don't know how to read it. Therefore, when creating a panel in the bedroom, you should understand what you lack anymore - cheerfulness and good mood in the morning or calmness in the evening and at night.

Subdued motives in pastel colors- exactly what you need for a bedroom. In addition, panels, as a rule, try to choose a lighter color than the main color of the wallpaper.

Panel for the nursery

On the one hand, everything bright and cheerful can be in the nursery. Everything related to the hobbies of the child. A decorative panel will look appropriate there. On the other hand, there should be nothing in there that can accidentally scare or cause anxiety and concern. Therefore, do not get carried away when decorating a nursery with animals and birds.

The most common themes for murals in a nursery are:

  • Magic tree;
  • Ship;
  • Fairytale castle.

Of course, this is only an indicative list.

When drawing up decorative panel in the children's room, it is convenient to use photo wallpaper as a basis. Discuss with your child what he would like to see on his wall, create a project that matches the overall style of the room.

And when it comes down to it, that is, to the direct production of the panel, involve the child in work, of course, taking into account his age and skills.

We do everything with our own hands

It is not at all difficult to make a panel. It is necessary to stick a frame made of baguettes on the wall, and then create the desired composition inside the frame. Or vice versa, make a composition and frame it. As a framework, a polyurethane foam baguette is usually used, it is easy to cut and easily glued to the wall. You can choose a smooth baguette or with a relief pattern, leave it unpainted or, conversely, paint it. You can also use a wooden molding or even frame your panel with thick twisted rope, which will look especially impressive if the room is decorated in a nautical style.

The main thing is that everything must be done carefully and with a sense of style and proportion.

Start making panels with marking. Draw the borders of the frame according to the level, and preferably both internal and external, and mark a 45-degree line in the corners along which the horizontal and vertical elements of the frame will be joined. Prepare the necessary elements of the baguette and glue them on the wall. Select the adhesive in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Now coat the seams between the elements of the baguette with white putty so that they are not striking. If you are planning to paint the baguette, paint it.

Prepare the panel elements and lay the drawing on the floor on a substrate. Take a photo of it and print the picture. It will serve as a hint when transferring the drawing to the wall. Upon completion of gluing, carefully cut the edges along the perimeter of the frame with a clerical knife.

Below are some specific ideas.

Mural on the wall from wallpaper to the bedroom

Such a panel can be very simple. For example, take a piece of wallpaper with a geometric pattern and frame it on a wall covered with plain wallpaper. Place the sconces inside the panel.

Important: the color, drawing of the fragment used for the panel should overlap with color scheme textiles: curtains, bedspreads, pillows.

So simply, quickly, and without significant investments, you can update a boring interior.

Wallpaper panel on wallpaper

Usually they make a panel with a large, bright and catchy pattern, with a shiny, mirrored base against a background of plain, calm wallpaper. A bright panel on the walls covered with liquid wallpaper looks good.

But you can do the opposite. For example, if during the repair you wanted to paste over the room with bright wallpaper, and then realized that you were tired of them, and you don’t want to redo the repair, make several large panels of light and plain wallpaper and you will immediately reduce the emotional burden set by bright colors.

Wallpaper mural on wallpaper - cheap and effective method reduce stress from bright rooms, or vice versa, add a bright touch to an overly boring room.

The main thing is not to overdo it and not achieve the opposite effect.

Panel from the remnants of wallpaper

This trendy in recent times trend - room decoration with fragments different wallpapers in patchwork style, requires great accuracy and good taste, because it is very easy to get the impression that you simply did not have enough money for wallpaper.

When choosing a decor with fragments of different wallpapers, make sure that all the selected fragments are the same in thickness.

You can advise to take a picture of the available fragments of wallpaper and then in the program for computer design try to assemble the panel and see what happens. And start working only when you know exactly how the result will look and you will have before your eyes your future panel of wallpaper on the photo wall.

Decorative panel from photo wallpaper (video)

So, if you have unused wallpaper after the repair, do not rush to throw it away and regret the wasted money. They will still be useful to you. Use wallpaper to create a panel on the wall and new shades will appear in the interior.

The apartment has no more functional space than the kitchen. Here they cook, receive guests, meet the morning with a cup of coffee and make tea before going to bed. It does not always work out to make this room stylish and cozy, since this requires large sums of money. A do-it-yourself panel can become a wonderful and inexpensive decoration - this is the very thing for the kitchen.

Panel - a picture made with paints or volumetric elements. For the kitchen, it has a special application - behind it you can hide the error of the repair. The best housewife cannot always save her own workplace from cracks, greasy stains, drips. If your goal is to hide a problem, then the size of the panel is chosen based on the scale of the problem.

If the task is simply to decorate the room, then the choice already depends on the size of the kitchen. A huge picture on the whole wall will not suit miniature rooms, and one small application will be lost against the background of a large space. Choose something in between.

A universal option is small paired panels. Moreover, there may be more than two of them, but always of the same subject. The kitchen is decorated with triptychs - three paintings that continue each other.

Interesting: the panel can not only decorate the kitchen, but also divide it into functional zones. Above the coffee table - images and photos with mugs, and near the work surfaces - various fruits and vegetables.

Choice of topics

In the kitchen, it is important that the details match the design concept. The panel should decorate, stand out, match the color scheme, style and functionality of the room.

Don't worry if the kitchen doesn't have a specific theme or style: then you can "set the tone" with decorative elements.

Materials for creating a panel

In fact, panels are created from anything! The main thing here is to take into account the relevance of the plot and not overload the image. It should also be remembered that many materials absorb odors, so compositions from them are not placed near the slabs.

To create a panel for the kitchen with your own hands, any kitchenware(spoons, plates, cups), spices, magazines, photos, fabric scraps, threads, bottle caps, paper and various little things... The main thing is inspiration and evening to create a masterpiece.

Panel made of prints of fruits and vegetables

Even a child can create this image, and your creation will look just great.

Will need:

  • hard fruits or vegetables (apples, pears, citrus fruits, Chinese cabbage);
  • paint (oil, acrylic, gouache);
  • base (canvas, wooden plank, cardboard).

Everything is done simply: pour the paint into a plate, cut the fruit into halves, dip it in paints and make a stamp on a previously painted and degreased surface. The color can be matched to the color scheme of the room.

You can make prints anywhere on the canvas, but symmetrical images look better.

Nice and functional

If there are wine corks or cork at home, create a small board on which you can cling notes, recipes, or photos.

To create a panel from corks you need:

Cut the plugs lengthwise, glue the halves to the base. If you want to use the other side of the cork, it is important to cut it into equal parts.

Horizontally, vertically, with a pattern - you can spread it as you like, the main thing is to cover the entire base. The panel can be framed or hung on the wall without a frame. You can attach notes, photos, recipes, a picture and little things to it using the pins.

New life for old kitchen utensils

Do-it-yourself kitchen panels can be made even from unnecessary forks, spoons, scoops and pans. The idea can be easily realized with cutlery, a base, paints and glue. If you are not sure that the composition will hold well on the glue, then use small nails.

The basis for the panel can be any, but it is important that it can withstand the weight of all the parts that you want to attach to it.

Images and inscriptions with threads

For a long time, designers have been actively using the String Art technique. It does not require special skills, but with threads you can create a designer panel in an evening.


At the beginning, a drawing is applied to the base. You can choose any, but for the kitchen ideal options- inscriptions, mugs, cups, fruits. You need to choose an image with clear outer lines.

After the drawing is transferred to the base, it is necessary to hammer nails along the line at a distance of 0.5 - 2 cm from each other. For convenience and so that all the nails are at the same level, it is better to hold them with pliers.

When the nails are hammered in, you need to take a skein of thread and tie the end to one of them. The thread is hooked in all places in a certain sequence or in any order. If the drawing is round, it is better to move from one edge to the other. Do not pull the thread too tight, it may break.

Tip: if you don't like the color of the base, then apply a layer of paint. Do not do more than 2-3 layers: when you hammer in nails, cracks will appear.

Cooking panels for the kitchen

Beautiful and voluminous pictures are created from salted dough. It is easy to prepare, dries quickly, paint fits well on it and, most importantly, anything is created from it. It is better to cover the finished product with a colorless varnish so that it is preserved for a long time. It is important to think in advance how you will attach the panel to the wall - to make a hole or insert a hook.

For salty dough you need:

  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 200 grams of salt;
  • Water.

Mix everything, add water to the desired consistency. During the production of the panel, keep the dough in a closed bag, store for up to two days.

The finished mixture replaces regular clay. The product is dried in the oven, or when room temperature... You can stain the finished panel or the dough itself with a dye.

Voluminous still lifes are suitable for the kitchen, different flowers, fruits. They are glued to the base or made from them ready-made plates as in the photo.

If sculpting is not your strong point, then create small panels with plant prints. If desired, they are decorated, decorated with ribbons and threads.

Adhesive + base

Traditionally, in the kitchen they use coffee, pasta and cereals to create panels. It is not always cheap and far from original.

If you want to create an unusual panel, and not just a picture of pasta, then use other materials: dried fruits, spices, nuts, buttons, broken dishes, bottle caps. They are laid out in random order or adhering to the selected pattern / pattern.

The main thing is that the material used is solid and durable, the base is strong, and the glue is quick-drying and reliable.

Pallet decorations

Palettes are a popular material for needlework today. They make a lot of them: furniture, shelves, walls, gazebos. They are also suitable for kitchen decor.

Important: before decorating the pallets, the surface is carefully sanded with a special machine or sandpaper, all elements are degreased and dried.

From pallets, original small shelves for plates or photos are obtained. They will successfully fit into the Provence interior, suitable for apartments and summer cottage kitchens.

If you insert pots with plants into them, a hanging stand for flowers will come out. Plants that hang from the structure look perfect.

Pallets are also used as a canvas for drawings - for example, as in this photo.

Soft details

The kitchen is associated with coziness and warmth, so fabric panels will decorate such a room.

And even small pieces of material will do. The cuttings are cut into equal pieces and sewn using the patchwork technique. The finished product is pulled onto a canvas or loops are made on top and the finished panel is hung on a wooden stick or miniature cornice.

So sew and textile mugs, attach to the wall separately or together on the same surface.

Tableware compositions

If unnecessary plates are lying around at home, then they are suitable for creating an original panel for the kitchen with your own hands.

You will need:

  • 3-5 plates;
  • paint for ceramics;
  • glue;
  • printed images.

A common pattern is created on several plates. It is arranged according to the type of triptych paintings, where together the canvases create one picture, or 3-4 separate drawings of the same subject.

The image is applied by hand or using the decoupage technique. For the latter, you need to print the image on lightweight paper in advance or buy special sheets for decoupage. Spread out the image on previously defatted and dry plates. Apply PVA glue to the dishes with a thick layer, and on top, firmly attach the printed pattern. Then apply another thin layer of glue on top of the paper.

When everything is dry, cut off the excess, cover the plates with varnish.

Tip: to facilitate the construction of ceramic dishes together, use disposable paper.

The panel can be made from anything, but for the kitchen it is important that the materials are easy to wash and do not absorb odors. This must be taken into account when choosing those decorations that will be placed near the work surfaces and the stove.

What exactly you want to hang in the kitchen depends on your personal preferences, design features and desires.

DIY kitchen panels: 40 photos

The desire to update a recently renovated, but already boring kitchen interior often visits many of us. One of the ways to add bright touches to the interior without cardinal alterations, thereby breathing into the room new life, - to decorate a section of the wall with a panel with elements of painting. A hand-made panel is the very "highlight" that is able to reflect the character and preferences of the hostess of the kitchen, adjusting the atmosphere to the desired mood. What types of panels will look appropriate in the kitchen interior and how to make such an element of decor with your own hands, we will consider in more detail.

Some people mistakenly believe that the panel is the same painting. In fact, the picture is a work of pictorial art. The panel does not have to be a masterpiece. It is intended only to act as a bright "spot", which plays the role of a finishing touch in the decoration of the kitchen, giving integrity to the look.

Panel - stylish way decorate the kitchen interior

The panel for the kitchen can have any shape and size. Depending on the material used, they are of several types:

  • Fabric. Appliques, embroideries on fabrics and tapestries can be done serially or by hand.
  • Graphic. Themed images and art reproductions are created using modern printing techniques.
  • Wooden. Carved panels from deciduous and conifers often complemented by inlaid with semi-precious stones.
  • Ceramic. Mosaic paintings are laid out from small elements and fragments ceramic tiles.
  • Sculptural. They are mini-sculptures made of metal, textured plaster or ordinary plaster.

Separately, it is worth highlighting hand-made panels, which are made from a wide variety of materials: clay and salt dough, dried flowers and cereals, beads and seashells.

For surface protection fragile materials who suffer from high humidity and temperature fluctuations in the kitchen, the compositions are covered with a transparent or tinted varnish of the selected shade

The main thing to consider when choosing or making a decorative element with your own hands is that the kitchen is a functional room. All sorts of smells often hover in its space, and the smallest particles of edible fats settle on the walls. For this reason, decorative elements must be made of practical materials that can withstand the effects of moisture when frequent washing.

Arrangement options for accessories

Wall panel located in those areas of the room that want to visually highlight. This can be a work apron or a place near dining table.

Carved panels look great in classic interior

When decorating a kitchen large sizes designers recommend using several elements of the same type from the same series, suspended on different walls rooms.

Tip: mosaic paintings from ceramic tiles are resistant to moisture, and therefore it is better to use them to decorate the working area of ​​the kitchen.

Ceramic panels, combined with other finishing materials, are able to create a unique interior

When choosing a panel for the kitchen, it is important to consider its size. Walls small kitchens it is worth decorating with small compositions. They will not attract too much attention to themselves, thereby visually reducing the space.

Leave large images for large kitchens. They can occupy a significant part of the wall, be built into niches and be illuminated. Small pictures can easily "get lost" on the spacious wall of a large kitchen.

It will be interesting to look at a panel-blende depicting a spiral staircase

Drawn spiral staircase, located in the corner of the room, visually pushes the boundaries. To achieve the desired effect of creating the illusion of additional space, it is important to correctly enter the panel so that the staircase organically complements the interior, and does not look like an unnecessary element.

Decor for different interior styles

When arranging the kitchen interior, one should be guided by the rule: each room has its own appearance, pattern and size. The theme of the decoration should correspond to the style of the interior.

For kitchens designed in classic style, panels depicting ripe fruits and vegetables, attractive picturesque landscapes and reproductions of works of great artists are perfect.

A panel with aromatic coffee beans will cheer you up every time, reminding you of a pleasant meeting with friends

Carved wooden and ceramic panels will organically fit into the interior of a kitchen decorated in country or Provence style. These can be wall compositions using dried fruits, spices and flowers.

Panel for country style and provence

A worthy addition modern interiors such as high-tech or minimalism, dynamic pictures depicting evening cityscapes or unusual abstractions will appear. Graphic panels in a minimalistic strict frame will fit well here.

Kitchen panel for the interior in modern style

Wall compositions made from old posters, yellowed pages of books and illustrations from magazines are capable of emphasizing the refined austerity and beauty of a loft-style kitchen.

It's hard to believe what is original decoration made from ordinary wine corks

All kinds of collages, abstractions and landscapes are perfect for dining area.

Modular compositions look interesting, in which the image is split into several separate parts.

The images hung side by side create a single holistic picture.

The panel, correctly selected in terms of design and style, can favorably emphasize the interior design, giving it its own "zest" and individuality.

Making an eggshell still life

The effect is very popular in modern art. artificial aging surface called "crackle". It is obtained by coating products with special aerosol paints or carquelure varnish. But you can create such an unusual effect with the help of ordinary eggshells.

The convex surface of the crushed pieces allows you to create volumetric mosaics

The technique of making a decorative panel from eggshells is not too complicated in execution, anyone can master it. It includes a number of basic steps.

Selection of the required materials

To make a bright and appetizing still life you will need:

  • 2 pieces of fibreboard;
  • napkins or rice paper;
  • peeled eggshell;
  • transparent file A4 or A3 format;
  • acrylic primer;
  • decoupage glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue.

It is convenient to use hardboard as a solid basis for creating a composition. It holds its shape perfectly and has excellent moisture resistant properties. The size of the workpiece depends on the dimensions created composition.

It is convenient to apply the image with a brush and foam sponges

It is necessary to prepare the shell from several eggs in advance. For work, shells are suitable both from raw and from boiled eggs any shades. The shells removed from the eggs should be cleaned of traces of organic matter by removing the inner film and rinsing them in a soda solution.

Egg Crackle Formation

Having laid out the workpiece cut from the slab face up on a flat surface, cover it with a primer. It is convenient to apply acrylic primer with a foam sponge. This way it spreads more evenly and dries faster.

The process of making an egg crackle is quite time consuming. It takes the most time. They start to spread from the center or from the corner of the sheet, placing the eggshell with the convex side outward.

On the section of the workpiece, covered with PVA glue, spread a small piece of eggshell and lightly press

When pressed with a finger or a toothpick, the shell will be covered with a mesh of cracks and disintegrate into several pieces, covering part of the base surface with itself. Using a match or a toothpick, move the pieces, giving them the desired position and filling the voids on the sheet.

Having covered the sheet with pieces of crushed eggshell, to give surface strength, the product is covered with another layer of PVA

Pieces of shell completely cover the entire surface. The base with the finished shell mosaic is left for 5-8 hours until completely dry.

Image application

After the glue has completely dried, the workpiece is covered with acrylic primer and re-dried.

To speed up the process, the surface can be dried with a hair dryer.

As an image for decoupage, you can use any beautiful multi-layer napkin or printout taken from the network. Rice paper is excellent for these purposes, it will not be difficult to purchase it in specialized stores. When creating a panel, you can not take the entire drawing on a napkin, but only cut out a piece of the desired size from it.

Your task is to glue the napkin without folds

To obtain a flat, wrinkle-free surface, you need upper layer put the napkins on which the image is applied with the front side on the file. The file is carefully applied to the dry workpiece so that the drawing takes the desired position. The applied fragment is smoothed with fingers. The file is carefully removed.

The image is covered with decoupage glue

When the glue dries up, only a couple of strokes remain: paint on some elements in the picture with paints, giving them greater expressiveness, and varnish the panel.

Installations from scrap materials

Hand-made panels are a real work of authorship that can act as a worthy interior decoration and a source of pride for its owner.

Fabric "paintings" in patchwork technique

An elegant decoration of a kitchen in the style of shabby chic or Provence can be a textile panel using the patchwork technique. Wall compositions sewn from the remnants of fabric that resonate with the design of furniture and windows will harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Original compositions from textile accessories

To make such a panel on a piece of paper, you need to draw a full-size sketch. Then, from separate paper sheets, make patterns for the elements of the pattern for the applique. After making sure that the sizes match, the patterns are transferred to the fabric cuts. Having laid out the applique elements on the base, fit them to each other, carefully securing them with pins.

Threads for fabric applique are selected to match, or a contrasting contour is made

When figurines are used in a composition, they are stuffed with the remains of a thin padding polyester to give them three-dimensional shapes. The compiled composition is glued or sewn to the base.

Pockets for small things and hooks for towels will look appropriate on a patchwork panel.

To create a functional composition, the "picture" of fabric can be supplemented with spacious pockets for storing kitchen accessories.

"Delicious" compositions from dry berries and spices

The use of dried flowers, fruits, nuts and aromatic spices is a trendy theme.

To create a composition, you will need a frame with a background and the contents of your lockers. Feel free to use:

  • coffee beans;
  • candied citrus fruits;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • dried flower heads;
  • nuts and beans;
  • any types of cereals;
  • even bagels and bagels.

The process of creating a composition is pretty simple. A piece of cardboard, the size of which corresponds to the size of the frame, is covered with burlap or any other selected fabric. The material is fixed on the base, fixing it with nails or "planting" it on hot melt glue.

Large compositional elements are laid out on the front side of the fabric, choosing the most attractive arrangement option: a general pattern or an ornament from individual mini-paintings.

Having determined for yourself what the finished composition will look like, the materials laid out on the canvas are alternately lifted above the base and, after applying the glue, are laid out in their original place. You can hang the "picture" on a regular lace, or attach to metal surface using magnets.

Any available materials can serve as a basis for the manufacture of luxurious installations: yellowed satins, bottle caps, cutlery ... The choice is limited only by the style direction of the kitchen interior and your imagination.

Video master class: volumetric panel for the kitchen