Knauf system floors. Installation of a dry floor screed Knauf with sound insulation. What sheets are better to cover

Why is the Knauf dry screed called "superpol"? What is it: a marketing ploy or a really justified name? Let's figure it out ↓

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Publication date: 2018-11-03 00:11:03

Dry screed Knauf - pluses

Advantages in the design itself

The superpole system is already turnkey solution for both concrete and wooden substrates. You do not need to prepare a solution just select the ingredients you want. For example, Knauf has solutions for both additional sound and heat insulation and without them.

The main composition of the Knauf prefabricated screed is:

  • GVL sheets or GVLV,
  • adhesive mastic (you can use building PVA),
  • damper tape waterproofing film
  • and dry fill

The set of necessary tools and consumables is also small: as a rule, alignment guides, a hammer, a jigsaw for cutting sheets, laser level, beacons and self-tapping screws.

The manufacturer's website has a video with a master class on installing the Knauf floor. Such a screed can be done even when you first pick up a tool. But if you need professional help - feel free to contact us :)

Time and speed are one of the main advantages of Knauf dry screed

Prefabricated screed - a technology in which water is not used at all. Accordingly, no drying time is required and can be laid immediately flooring(laminate, linoleum, tiles, etc.). This is the most important plus, in most cases that is why it is chosen. If you have a knack for working with a tool, you can arrange a screed throughout the apartment in 1 day. Can affect laying speed complex shape premises, when there are many areas with pruning.

Another significant plus is sound and heat insulation.

Soundproofing and heat-insulating properties are excellent. All thanks to backfill - expanded clay. But there is also a weighty condition: the thickness of the backfill must be at least 40 mm, which, together with top layer the prefabricated floor will make a cake of 60 mm, and such a thickness is not always needed. More exact specifications are shown in the table at the bottom of the article.

Dry screed Knauf=light screed

The Knauf dry screed is light in weight (compared to concrete screed), which means less load on the floors. This "plus" is especially relevant for old houses with wooden floors, as well as for buildings made of lightweight materials.

Absolutely waterless advantage

Without water, which means not only does it take no time to dry, but also no splashes and overalls. Just dust ;). I don’t know if this will be an advantage for you, but I will give you the following example: imagine that you need to make a screed in only one of the rooms in the apartment where you live permanently. It is undesirable to move a tub with a wet solution along the residential part, since there is a chance of getting something dirty, plus the proximity to wet room very negatively affects the finish in other rooms. In such cases, it is better to use a dry screed. The maximum of the unpleasant consequences after working with the Knauf floor is excess dust.

Advantage - ease of installation

remark: if you follow the instructions from the manufacturer. To install the screed, you will need alabaster as beacons, guide rails for leveling the backfill, as a rule, a knife for GVL sheets or a jigsaw. The Knauf website has a video instruction on how to do it yourself.

By the way, waste from trimming GVL sheets can be used for partitions and boxes. Almost waste-free production of floors;)

Cons dry screed Knauf

If, after reading about the merits, you decide "We must take" - do not rush to conclusions. The name "super floor" is a "super move" from the manufacturer's marketers, given to a greater extent for the fact that it does not require special skills in construction and is ready for use immediately after installation.

An important minus nevertheless there is: the Knauf superpol system is afraid of water, although it is made of moisture-resistant GVLV sheets. The manufacturer indicates certain conditions for work: not less than + 10 ° C and humidity not more than 60%. That is, at the time of the screed, all "wet" work in the premises must be completed: the plaster and putty on the walls and ceilings are absolutely dry, ready for finishing.

Many do not know that the materials of the prefabricated screed absorb moisture very strongly and make the screed on draft stage repair, which is a big mistake. Having lingered in the floor element, moisture creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi, not to mention the fact that a musty smell may appear.

Huge disadvantage - fear of water

"Superpol" Knauf unlikely to survive flooding. In case of flooding, the film (the lowest layer of the screed) will play a cruel joke - water can linger in your apartment, like in a pool. After the incident, the floor must be completely dismantled, dried, treated with an anti-mold compound, and only then a new screed must be installed.

Minus the budget

The cost of a prefabricated screed is higher than that of a wet screed. This is due to the cost of the GVL sheets themselves, components and high backfill consumption.(for a screed with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1 m 2 and a thickness of 20 mm, the consumption is 20 liters), which also entails a higher cost of delivery (it is logical - the more bags, the more transport is needed). Sometimes GVL sheets need to be mounted in 2 layers or laid on plywood, and this is an additional cost.

No rigid attachment to the ceiling - can also be counted as a minus

The precast floor is a floating structure. This means that such a floor is not connected to the floor slab. Therefore, it is not suitable if it is planned to fix something to the floor in the room (for example, interior partitions, Swedish wall).

The appearance of Knauf floors on the market was a real breakthrough in the field of construction. Hundreds of users have already fallen in love with Knauf's easy-to-install bulk floors. And although it is impossible to call the material cheap, the reviews of professionals say that with such a basis you will save a lot of time and effort.

Bulk floor features

Dry screed is a kind of cocktail created by means of gypsum fiber panel elements. GVL is laid on a special waterproofing film, overlapped with ends of at least 20 cm. Also, the protection crawls out onto the walls, by about 6-7 cm. Installing a dry screed saves time, eliminating the need for a wet cement-sand mixture and all manipulations associated with it . And the main advantage of Knauf is high strength and quality of the material. The name of the bulk floor Knauf means that after leveling the surface, GVL slabs are laid on it, which are fastened by means of mounting adhesive or self-tapping screws.

Where and when to use bulk dry floors?

Whether or not to use a super-floor is up to the user, but there are cases when Knauf plates 1200x600x22 mm are the best alternative of any choice:

  1. When reconstructing an old floor covering without replacing the old base. The advantages of the plate are its low weight, which greatly facilitates the load on all load-bearing elements and quick installation, which allows you to cope with the work without attracting additional force.
  2. If it is planned to install a warm electronic floor in a building with wooden floors.
  3. In the case when laying is necessary in record time short time, gvl slabs and bulk floor Knauf - the best solution.
  4. Prefabricated slabs are ideal for arranging floors in the cold season, when the installation of a traditional screed is not possible.

View material characteristics and choose the best prices on the goods, as well as to get acquainted with the nuances of the work will help the video.

Technological process of laying bulk floor

It is important to pay attention to the execution of the stages of work so that the elements are in place and do not have to redo all the work again:

  1. Backfilling dry screed. The material purchased in the store must be covered along the perimeter of the floor area, guided by the level of the pre-installed beacons. After that, the surface should be leveled with a rail and in no case should the flat floor be subjected to deformation. How to pour out and level a dry screed Knauf will tell you a video lesson. Although the reviews of professionals say that no difficulties are expected in the process. But in order to walk on the screed, it is better to lay sheets of GVL (trimming is also possible), and then the installation of GVL will begin directly.
  2. The device bulk floor Knauf. Laying GVL elements begins from the place farthest from the entrance to the room. As soon as the first sheet is laid, the second, third immediately fit. This is done as tightly as possible, the gaps between the elements should not be more than 1mm.
  3. After installation is completed, all small joints must be sealed with glue.

Important! The screed must not be damaged in any way. And to make the installation as strong as possible, you should use self-tapping screws.

  1. After the first row of tiles has been laid, proceed to laying the second row. To start building a row, you can use a cut of the slab (in the case of cutting an element), but only if the size of the slab is not less than a quarter of the whole;
  2. At smooth walls installation is carried out without serious gaps, but in case of irregularities, the remaining gaps are foamed with mounting foam.
  3. The direction of laying out the elements is determined individually. After completion of work, the joints must be sanded and leveled with putty.

Advice! Work is best done in pairs, the weight of one gvl plate is approximately 17 kg, it is difficult to withstand it on outstretched arms. The joints when working with the material are displaced, as when laying bricks.

Dry screed thickness - stage three

The minimum thickness of the Knauf bulk floor, as recommended by the reviews of professionals, should be at least 4-5 cm. It turns out that the thickness of the backfill is added to the thickness of the sheet (2 cm), also 2-3 cm. The parameters should be taken into account in case of work with my own hands. The final floor covering (laminate, tile) must also be taken into account.

Knauf floors suggest slight shrinkage, about 1.5-2 cm, therefore, when installing a dry screed in several rooms, it is necessary to take into account interior transitions.

Waterproofing, soundproofing

All bulk floors are afraid of moisture: swelling, deformation and then uneven subsidence - all this can be avoided by arranging a waterproofing layer of ordinary polyethylene of good thickness. A layer is laid under a dry screed. It is especially important to comply with the condition if the floors of the building are wooden. Sealing cracks, holes with alabaster, pressing wires to the base are the initial work, after which waterproofing can be laid. All the nuances of the preparatory work can be seen on the video.

It's a good idea to take care of the soundproofing layer that prevents floor deformation. To do this, you need to leave a small gap between the gypsum board and the wall, where any soundproofing material (mineral wool or self-adhesive foam tape) will fit.

Under what can you install a superfloor?

Bulk material Knauf assumes any final finish:

  • Linoleum;
  • Laminate;
  • Ceramic tiles;
  • Parquet;
  • Carpet;
  • Solid wood, veneer.

Super-floor Knauf is not cheap, but such a dry screed is much easier to install and is not much inferior in terms of characteristics to cement-sand. As a result, the user receives high performance characteristics elements and speed and ease of installation.

Advantages of modular plates:

  • evenness of the base, which can withstand a load of distributed type 500 kg/m2, point type 200 kg/m2;
  • High fire-resistant qualities. The floating floor is ideal for both residential, domestic and industrial premises;
  • Hypoallergenic. Due to the fact that gvl sheets and dry screed are made from natural material, the elements are recommended for laying in kindergartens, hospitals and other premises where high standards are imposed on the quality of floors;
  • Non-deformation. Such characteristics make it possible to avoid squeaks and breaks of elements during operation. The super-floor will remain intact even with everyday intensive loads;
  • Thermal and soundproof properties. Laying Knauf flooring requires only waterproofing, without layers of heat and sound insulating material on the base. Soundproofing, as mentioned above, is required only on wall panels;
  • Extremely short turnaround time. The device of the floors is so simple that you can cope with them on your own, and without spending a single extra day on drying or ripening the composition. At the same time, the Knauf floating or modular floor is ready for operation immediately after laying out and puttying the joints;
  • Ease of installation. Due to the small format of the elements, the installation of floors can be carried out in different rooms without loss of quality and level;
  • No "wet" work. This quality is especially important if the superfloor is laid out in apartments with old supports, where a wet screed is not possible due to the dilapidation of the logs and ceilings.


  1. Superpol has a low moisture resistance. A dry screed device is impossible without a waterproofing layer. Also not recommended Knauf device in rooms with constant aggressive humid environment. Moisture ingress will require opening the plate, prolonged drying of the filler or a complete replacement of the elements.
  2. Dustiness when working with expanded clay fractions. This can be easily avoided by mounting and backfilling in respirators;
  3. High cost compared to other materials.

The disadvantages that the superpole has are minimal. The final price of the work, according to professionals, is not much higher than laying a wet screed. But the term of readiness of the floor (immediately, after the elements are laid) - makes Knauf products count ideal solution for practical owners.

Fields are one of the most important components of a room; it affects not only the interior of the room, but is also responsible for many technological properties. The first step in the arrangement of this part of the room is the leveling of the concrete floor. At the moment, a huge number of materials are presented on the construction markets with which you can make a screed. However, most of them require the addition of a wet component, due to which they dry for a very long time. However, there is a technology by which you can continue further work with the floor the very next day, it is called Knauf-superpol.

Knauf technology was invented by the company of the same name, which first began producing drywall sheets already in the 50s of the last century. In truth, such a dry screed is associated precisely with the use of drywall materials.

The Knauf superfloor laying technology is a modified version of the dry prefabricated screed. Knauf is a combination of bulk fine-grained material, on which sheets of gypsum fiber material are laid. Due to this design, the soft bulk substance is compacted and becomes solid and receives high stability to physical pressure.

Backfill for such a floor is fine-grained expanded clay, one granule of which does not exceed 4 mm in size. This sand is poured in a layer of 3 to 10 centimeters and leveled along the correctly built lighthouses. Further, the embankment is covered with strong and sufficiently thick sheets of GVL.

GVL or gypsum fiber sheets consist of a mixture of gypsum and cellulose. Unlike their drywall counterparts, they do not have a paper layer. This material is durable, fireproof and absolutely environmentally friendly.

By german technology the thickness of the Knauf screed should be no more than 20 cm thick.

The top elements for the Knauf floor are two GVL sheets glued together, the dimensions of each of which are 1200x600x20mm. They are superimposed on each other with a slight offset of 5 cm, due to which locks are formed, along which the structures are interconnected using self-tapping screws and glue.

Advantages of Knauf dry floor

The filling floor Knauf was called "Superpol" for a reason. It has a lot of advantages over wet filler screeds, due to which it is very popular in the field of apartment decoration. To make it clearer why this technology is considered so convenient, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the superpole Knauf:

  1. Knauf floor laying technology does not involve the use of wet substances. This feature makes it possible to use it in inhabited apartments, without the risk that moisture will penetrate into the next room that does not need to be repaired.
  2. Do-it-yourself installation of such a floor is a very real task. All materials are quite light, and their installation requires only the equipment that almost everyone has.
  3. By installing the Knauf flooring system, you can immediately proceed with the installation of a fine floor covering.
  4. Bulk floors can have a thickness of 8 cm, so they do not steal the height of the room much.
  5. If necessary, you can dismantle such a floor in a matter of hours. To do this, you only need 2 tools: a jigsaw and a shovel.
  6. Weight Knauf designs not very large, therefore, unlike a traditional screed, it does not have a strong impact on the supporting structures.
  7. The Knauf smart floor has thermal insulation properties, due to which it is unnecessary to put additional thermal insulation elements on top of it.
  8. Even a wooden floor cannot be compared in terms of its soundproofing properties with a Knauf floor.
  9. Prefabricated floor structures Knauf is an environmentally friendly and fireproof material.

As you can see, the list of advantages of such a dry screed is quite large. It can be used not only in new buildings, but also for leveling the floor of residential apartments. It is also the best suited for structures such as warm and floating floors.

Disadvantages of the floor Knauf

Leveling floors using Knauf technology has practically no drawbacks. Of course, the price of such a screed is somewhat higher than that of traditional materials, but it pays off due to a number of other advantages.

Some people think that when laying Knauf on the top floor, you can do without a moisture-proof film laid under expanded clay sand, but this is not so! Such a film carries not only water-repellent properties, it resists the formation of condensate and serves as additional thermal insulation.

Another disadvantage of the Knauf superfloor is its instability to moisture. However, no type of screed is waterproof. Fortunately, in the event of flooding, damaged parts of the Knauf floor can be replaced with the least loss.

What you need to install Knauf dry floors

There are several options for laying the Knauf superfloor. The most complex of them involve the use of additional heat-insulating and sound-insulating materials, for example, polystyrene foam and porous-fibrous components. We will consider the most traditional option, which requires only sheets of gypsum fiber, as well as expanded clay embankment.

You can see the prices and technological characteristics of the necessary materials on the Leroy Merlin website.

First of all, you need to prepare necessary materials and tools. Only if you have all the components you will be able to quickly and efficiently install the Knauf screed.

Tools and materials required for the installation of the Knauf superfloor:

  • GVL sheets, in a little more than you need for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which repairs will be carried out.
  • Expanded clay backfill, the granules of which will not exceed 4 mm in size. For one square meter you need 20 liters of this material.
  • Self-tapping screws (preferably Knauf). For one square meter you need 12 screws.
  • Special mastic or PVA glue.
  • Edge tape, the footage of which will correspond to the perimeter of the room.
  • Putty Knauf. For one square meter you will need 200 grams of putty mixture.
  • Film with vapor barrier effect. It is necessary to take films of centimeters 20 more than necessary for the floor.
  • Primer Knauf.
  • Roulette, rule, level.
  • Drill and jigsaw.
  • Drywall knife.
  • Lighthouses.

Having everything necessary tools and materials, it will be easy for you to fill up expanded clay, and lay GVL sheets on it. You can purchase original Knauf materials or look for high-quality analogues from other manufacturers.

Knauf flooring technology

When you have purchased all the tools and materials, you can go directly to the floor device. However, before doing so, some preparatory work, namely: remove protruding pieces of nails and fittings and cut off all large irregularities with a metal spatula. After that, you need to clean the surface of debris, and you can go directly to the installation of the Knauf structure.

Knauf floor device step by step:

  1. Lays on the floor vapor barrier film. If you do not use a solid material, but several parts, then the overlap of the sheets on each other should be 20 cm.
  2. Along the walls, it is necessary to lay the edge tape in such a way that it melts on the floor with one edge, and rests against the wall with its surface. This stage is necessary so that after changing the shape of the GVL due to temperature, the floor does not lose its attractive appearance.
  3. Now you can install beacons. To do this, at some distance from each other, parallel slides-strips (no more than 10 cm high) of expanded clay are poured, beacons are pressed into them and leveled.
  4. Expanded clay is poured between the beacons and leveled using the rule. The beacons are removed, and the grooves from them are closed with the same backfill.
  5. Installation of GVL sheets should occur from the wall opposite to the floor. You need to lay a GVL path to it so that you can move around without deforming the backfill.
  6. On one side of those plates that will adjoin the wall, the edge is cut off, so that in this place the plate turns out to be double. Next, the plates are laid row by row. In this case, the plates of each row are shifted in relation to the previous one by 2.5 cm.
  7. The folds of the previous row, before laying the next one, must be lubricated with an adhesive. After assembling the entire structure, the glued joints are additionally fastened with self-tapping screws, in increments of 2.5 cm.

Do-it-yourself Knauf bulk floors (video)

Knauf-superpole is modern way floor leveling. It has a number of advantages over the traditional screed, so it enjoys an ever-increasing hype. Use this technology in your home and you won't notice how the renovation is completed!

German manufacturer of coupler Knauf dry It is positioned as Superpol, suitable for operation in dry and damp rooms, the temperature inside of which does not fall below + 10 degrees.

In addition to materials for 4 types of dry screed - Alpha, Beta, Vega and Gamma, Knauf produces tools for this technology (2 guide rails and one sliding rule in the basic package).

However, the original brand products are expensive, when repaired on your own you can get by with GVL sheets of any manufacturer, plastic wrap, damper tape and expanded clay sand from the nearest building material store. The tool is an aluminum rule of 1.5 - 2 m and a profile from GVL systems (usually rack 2.7 x 6 cm).

Knauf dry screed device in layers

In the album of Superpol's technical solutions with the manufacturer's materials, the Knauf dry floor screed is represented by four options with different composition of the "pie" of the design:

  • Alpha- on even floors or slabs, previously leveled with a self-leveling floor, only two layers of GVL sheets without film waterproofing are used;
  • Beta- also on even floors, but acoustic (usually sound-absorbing) material is laid under the gypsum fiber panels;
  • Vega- a system for an uneven base, includes a layer of expanded clay sand, on which two layers of GVL sheets are laid;
  • Gamma- soundproofing is laid under the gypsum fiber boards, then a waterproofing film and expanded clay backfill.

Variants of the Superpole Knauf pie.

Important! The design of the Knauf Superfloor is floating, therefore, for all of these options, a damper tape along the perimeter of the walls at the junction points is mandatory.

In practice, the laying technology is most often used according to the Vega and Gamma options. Expanded clay backfill is cheaper than self-leveling floor, in addition to leveling the floor, it further improves the acoustic properties of floor slabs:



Number of layers Airborne noise isolation index R (dBa) Structural reduced noise index L (dBa) Structure thickness (cm)
Alpha 2 GVL 24 52 60 2
Beta 2 GVL + porous sound insulator 28 53 55 3 – 5
Vega 2 GVL + expanded clay + polyethylene 36 53 58 4
Gamma 2 GVL + porous sound insulator + polyethylene + expanded clay 60 55 55 5 – 11

Important! If a warm floor is included in the project, it is laid OVER the dry Knauf screed. Before tiling, the surface of the GVL sheets is puttied with a continuous layer of at least 2 mm thick with special elastic compounds, for example, Knauf LevelerShpachtel 415.

Features of dry screed for different floor coverings.

Laying technology

Unlike wet and semi-dry screeds, the installation of Superpol is much faster. You can walk on a dry screed already during the installation of GVL sheets. This option provides not only high maintainability of the structure, but also the communications hidden under it. Boxes and other drywall structures do not gain moisture, as there are no wet processes, windows do not fog up, even with poor ventilation.

Knauf dry screed floor slabs must be inspected to identify defective areas. The sequence of operations at this stage is as follows:

  • removal of a loose layer of concrete or its treatment with special compounds (deep penetration primer);
  • sealing cracks, joints and seams with putty mixtures as necessary;
  • dust removal and removal of oil stains;
  • drying wet areas of concrete.

Important! For the Superfloor of the Alpha version without expanded clay sand, it is necessary to level the slabs with a self-leveling floor.

Horizontal level beating

For a dry Knauf floor screed, it is impossible to use the understatement method highest point horizontal level, since the GVL sheet cannot be brought "to zero". Therefore, the rise in the level of the finished floor will be at least 2 cm at the top point.

The horizontal offset is done as follows:

  • a laser level or a plane builder is installed in one room in such a way that the beam penetrates the walls of adjacent rooms;
  • at an arbitrary height, a single line is drawn in all rooms of the cottage/apartment;
  • the distances from this line to the floor slabs are measured, the upper point is found (the minimum size according to the measurement results);
  • the perimeter of the walls is pasted over with a damper tape, the upper edge of which should be 2 cm above the flooring mark;
  • the upper line of the horizontal level is transferred to the tape with a tape measure, taking into account the indicated values ​​\u200b\u200bof the thickness of the dry screed.

Advice! When using the plane builder, it is not necessary to make a line; all subsequent operations can be performed with the device turned on, focusing on its laser beam.

Waterproofing, insulation and acoustic material

Depending on the acoustic and thermodynamic characteristics of the floor slab, dry screed cake may contain different materials. Therefore, they fit in the sequence:

  • noise absorbing or soundproof material directly on floor slabs;
  • polyethylene film with an overlap of strips of 15 cm minimum, the edges of which go onto the walls 2 cm above the level of the floor covering (launched under the damper tape), in the absence of acoustic material, they cover the floor with it;
  • thermal insulation - over previous layers or one polyethylene film.

Important! It is not necessary to reinforce dry screeds, the contours of the warm floor are not used inside them. All risers of engineering systems passing through the ceiling are wrapped with damper tape.

Backfilling of expanded clay crumbs

To reduce labor costs bulk material Compavit is applied to the previous layers of the dry screed cake using the following technology:

Important! When using a conventional galvanized profile, traces of shelves remain in the Compavit layer, which must be further leveled. The special Knauf tool allows you to avoid this operation - the guides are laid on top of expanded clay, and the rule has a special profile (cutouts along the edges), so there are no traces of lighthouses.

Laying GVL sheets

Unlike wet screeds, it is easier for the master to move around expanded clay by laying several pieces of GVL ranging in size from 50 x 50 cm. Therefore, it is not necessary to start laying sheet material from the corner farthest from the doorway.

Unlike conventional GVL sheets, the manufacturer Knauf manufactures EP elements - two panels glued together with an offset of 5 cm. Due to the offset, a seam connection is obtained between adjacent rows by default.

The technology for installing the upper hard layer of a dry screed is as follows:

Important! The manufacturer completes the Superpol systems with self-tapping screws 3.9 mm long 19 - 45 mm (100 pieces in a box) marked MN.

The nuances of Superpole Knauf

V ideal dry screed should be installed in all areas of the home at once. Since at the junction with the doorway, expanded clay will spill out from under the GVL sheets. However, in practice, Superpol is mounted in separate rooms, so the following technique is used:

Thus, bulk material is completely limited by a rigid box, cannot spill out from under the top layer.

Important! Even light partitions are forbidden to lean on the Knauf Superfloor, so they must be erected before the installation of a dry screed.

Thus, the Knauf dry screed is a complete system with detailed installation instructions in the manufacturer's standard solutions album. However, you can make the design yourself from ordinary GVL sheets without special tools.

Advice! If you need repairmen, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below detailed description work that needs to be done and you will receive offers with prices from construction teams and firms. You can see reviews of each of them and photos with examples of work. It's FREE and there's no obligation.

Traditionally, a boardwalk or sand-cement screed acts as a subfloor. The appearance of Knauf floors was a real technological breakthrough. Since the advent of this flooring technology, no manufacturer in the construction sector has been able to create anything more economical.

Building materials, which are produced by Knauf, have the widest distribution in our country. They are of impeccable quality, in the Knauf product range there are several dozen varieties of dry mixes, primers, sheet materials(tongue-and-groove, plasterboard, gypsum-fiber sheets).

Bulk floors produced by this company are an environmentally friendly, fireproof material with excellent thermal and soundproof properties. They are used both in capital construction and during repair work. Floors from Knauf have the following positive qualities:

  • fire resistance. Plates GVL are not subject to combustion;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation with minimal time costs;
  • compliance with the highest building standards;
  • creation of an optimal microclimate;
  • Knauf floors can be used immediately after installation;
  • you can use any material for the finishing device: laminate, carpet, parquet, porcelain stoneware, or linoleum;
  • for laying such a floor, careful surface preparation is not required, in the installation process there are no operations that require the preparation of any solutions;
  • during operation, the coating does not deform, does not creak, there are no cracks and breaks on it. The total weight of the floors is small and does not create a significant load on the floors and supporting structures;
  • installation of the floor can be done in winter in an unheated building, the main thing is that there is not much humidity in it.

And another important plus is the most low-cost flooring.

KNAUF-superfloor Floor element (EP). CharacteristicDescription
Preparation methodKnauf-superpol. A prefabricated product made of gypsum-fiber moisture-resistant KNAUF-supersheets (GVLV) to create a "dry" screed - a prefabricated floor base. Floor elements are made by gluing two moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheets(GVLV according to GOST R 51829-2001) with dimensions of 1200x600x20 mm with mutual displacement in two perpendicular directions and the formation of folds 50 mm wide along the perimeter of the products. The total thickness of the EP is 20 mm.
Application areaIt is applied to the device of the combined basis of a floor, in buildings of different function.
SpecificationsDimensions, mm: 1200x600x20.
Weight of the element, kg: about 18.
Seam width, mm - lower layer - upper layer: 50.
Useful area of ​​the element, m2: 0.75.
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m C: from 0.22 to 0.36.
Heat absorption coefficient, W/m C: no more than 6.2.
Front surface hardness, MPa: not less than 20.
Surface water absorption, kg/m2: no more than 1.0.
Vapor permeability coefficient, Mg/m h Pa: 0.12.
Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, Bq/kg: no more than 370.
Packing: Bag, 70 pieces (50.4 m2).
With shrink film.
Fire-technical characteristicsKnauf-superfloor (floor element) is assigned to the class fire hazard KM 1, which is confirmed by a certificate of compliance with the requirements federal law RF No. 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements".
Flammability group according to GOST 30244-94: G1.
Toxicity group according to GOST 12.1.044-89: T1.
Flame propagation group according to GOST R 51032-97: RG 1.
RecommendationsBefore use, floor elements must undergo acclimatization (adaptation) in the room.
In the installation area, the floor elements must be stored in a horizontal position (flat) on a flat surface.
The design of the prefabricated floor base (screed) should not have slopes.
In case of installation of a prefabricated floor base (screed) in wet rooms (bathrooms), lay the Knauf-Flehendichtband waterproofing tape on the joints of the floor with the walls, and cover the floor surface with Knauf-Flechendicht waterproofing.
If the floor covering is a thin elastic material, it is recommended to cover the subfloor with a layer of self-leveling putty Knauf-Boden 15 (Leveling spatula 415) with a thickness of at least 2 mm.

What is included

Knauf floors are made by gluing two moisture-resistant sheets of GVL (gypsum fiber). The thickness of the resulting sheet is 2 cm, linear dimensions are 1200x600 mm, 5 cm folds are arranged around the perimeter.

Also integral part Knauf floors are fine-grained expanded clay, the amount depends on the layer thickness that is required at a given construction site. If the layer exceeds 6 cm, a second layer of GVL boards is required. The kit usually includes polyethylene film and self-tapping screws. After proper laying of Knauf floors, a flat, durable surface is formed that can withstand a significant load - up to 500 kg per sq. m.

Tools and material required for installation

  1. The vacuum cleaner is construction.
  2. Paint brush.
  3. Building plaster.
  4. Level (regular building or water).
  5. Deep penetration soil.
  6. Pencil or marker.
  7. Hacksaw for metal.
  8. Self-tapping screws of the desired size (from 2 cm).
  9. Metal guides (rack profile, 60 mm wide or metal beacons).
  10. Waterproofing.
  11. Metal rule.
  12. Glue (PVA or liquid nails).
  13. Screwdriver.
  14. Putty knife.

Foundation preparation

In the case when the floor is laid during repair work, it is necessary to completely dismantle the old coating to a concrete (or wooden) base. For the installation of Knauf floors, the base may not be completely even, but it must be taken into account that the bedding layer should not be more than 10-12 cm.

It is very important in the process of preparing for installation to thoroughly clean the entire area from dirt and construction debris, close up large potholes / cracks in concrete or gypsum mixture. It is advisable to vacuum the surface with a professional construction vacuum cleaner and treat it with a deep penetration primer. After the soil has dried, you can proceed to the insulation device.

Hydro and vapor barrier device

This is important technological stage and it must be approached responsibly - a well-made insulating layer will help you get rid of problems with the floor for many years. If moisture penetrates, then subsidence of individual sections of the floor and swelling of the plates, leading to deformation of the flooring, is possible. First of all, it is necessary to check the horizontalness of the surface using a level and make marks on the walls around the entire perimeter of the room, which determine the level of backfill. For waterproofing, you can use rolled self-adhesive waterproofing materials, PVC film(thickness not less than 200 microns) or vapor barrier. The waterproofing film is laid with an overlap of about 20 cm, the joints are fixed with adhesive tape.

Waterproofing film laid with an overlap

On the walls, waterproofing should be brought up to the marks that limit the backfill layer.

For wooden floors, glassine can be used as an insulation that protects against moisture. Also suitable paper impregnated with bitumen.

After installing the waterproofing, you should proceed to the creation of sound insulation. A 10-centimeter layer of insulation is laid along the walls ( edging tape), which will prevent the floor from deforming and create sound insulation. Ordinary foam tape can also serve as an insulator. They are self-adhesive and ordinary (attached with construction tape or a stapler). good option there will also be the use of a special damper tape.

Powder base

The base for GVL slabs can be made not only from expanded clay and silica sand, but also from other types of sand. Screenings or slag (small fraction) can also be used. These materials are free-flowing, almost do not precipitate, and have high porosity. They have a low hygroscopicity index, so they are optimally suited for Knauf floors.

The volume required for backfilling depends on the size of the room and the size of the layer, which, in turn, is determined by the presence of communication and the existing slope of the surface. Before you start backfilling, you need to install beacons - guides with which the dry screed will be leveled. Two extreme profiles (or beacons) are set at opposite walls strictly horizontal. They should be placed parallel to each other, the distance from the wall is about 15 cm.

You can put under beacons wooden blocks or small pieces ceramic tiles, but it is better to make supporting poles from gypsum. Then the cord is pulled and intermediate profiles are installed, parallel to the rest, at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. After installing the beacons, expanded clay is poured and carefully leveled with a metal rule.

Leveling the backfill with a special rule

After leveling, the beacons must be very carefully removed (having previously arranged temporary platforms made of thick plywood about 60 by 60 cm in size for moving on them) and pouring expanded clay, carefully level it with a metal spatula without disturbing the surface level. On the large areas installation should be carried out in stages: having completely covered a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor, you should proceed to further leveling.

On an absolutely flat surface that does not have deviations from the horizontal, expanded clay backfill is not needed. Instead, you can tightly lay sheets of expanded polystyrene (extruded), making an accurate cut. Mount Knauf floors on polystyrene foam, observing the usual technology.

Having tamped expanded clay, you can proceed with the installation of GVL sheets. Prefabricated floor elements from Knauf company easy to install, you just need to take your time and carefully follow the entire installation technology. It is better to start laying sheets from the door, on the first sheets, the folds should be removed from one side (from the walls) so that they lie flat and do not sink into expanded clay. The installation scheme is “brick”, with the joints offset by half of the next sheet. The first sheets must be carefully aligned, the level of the assembled floor will depend on how evenly they lie. The folds are glued together and scrolled with self-tapping screws every 10-15 cm.

Fastening sheets with self-tapping screws

GVL sheets can be cut with a hacksaw or a regular hacksaw with a fine tooth. It is necessary to ensure that expanded clay or other bulk material does not fall into the joints. Knauf floors can be assembled at the same time in the entire apartment, while maintaining one level. Installation should be carried out with a partner, in one working day you can lay the floor on an area of ​​​​more than 100 square meters. m.

Knauf floors have passed the test of time, the manufacturer guarantees really high quality, but the superpole also has its drawbacks:

  • almost always you have to cut the fold from the sheets adjacent to the wall. This eventually leads to a slight subsidence of the floor during operation;
  • removing beacons and pouring a small amount of expanded clay is quite difficult to maintain a completely flat surface, which is necessary for installation. But beacons left under the floor can also lead to deformation of the coating.

Knauf floors are afraid of moisture and require carefully executed waterproofing.

During the installation process, you need to ensure that the bulk material is absolutely dry, otherwise the floor may “lead”. Knauf floors are not recommended to be arranged in basements and basement floors. When laying such a floor in bathrooms and kitchens, it is necessary to perform high-quality waterproofing and install a topcoat that does not allow moisture to pass through. Such a floor should not be arranged even in rooms with a heavy load - in office and municipal buildings, in production workshops. Knauf floors are a great option for an apartment or a private house with good ventilation system. If the installation was done with high quality, such a floor will serve you for a very long time.

An example of laying tiles on a Knauf floor

Video - Do-it-yourself Knauf floors