Universal hydro- and vapor insulator Izospan d. Izospan: types, characteristics and instructions for use

When building an energy-intensive house, the main task is to ensure effective thermal insulation. There are many types of thermal insulation materials that allow this to be done. But sometimes it alone is not enough to successfully solve the task. It can retain heat well inside the house in stable conditions - with moderate humidity. But when the weather outside changes - the temperature drops and the humidity rises, this also reduces the effectiveness of thermal insulation, since without special protection its humidity also increases. Therefore, to achieve this goal, other materials are required to protect thermal insulation and various designs premises from negative influence moisture. One of these materials is Izospan.

What is Izospan - what is it for?

Izospan is widely known today Russian market building materials, this is a domestic brand manufactured in the form of a membrane film, has a wide range of applications. It is an excellent means of protecting against moisture from both outside and inside the room.

Characteristics of Izospan

Izospan is an effective protective agent against moisture of any type: water, steam, condensation, etc. It can be different types, depending on this, some types are used to protect the insulation in the roof, others are used to protect the cold roof structure. In addition to all this, it serves as good waterproofing for walls, in interfloor ceilings, and on basement floors - in concrete and other moisture-absorbing floors.

There are several varieties of it, each of which has its own functionality.

What is Izospan

Types of isospan and technical characteristics

Izospan can be divided into four large groups - A, B, C, D, each type has its own design features, which determines them functional purpose

Izospan category A

The design of this category has effective moisture-proof properties and also allows for protection from the wind. The main task is to protect the thermal insulation layer of the house from the outside. The structure of the membrane is as follows - the surface is smooth and does not allow moisture to pass through. The inner side is porous, which allows you to effectively remove accumulated moisture from the insulation side. The material is mounted on the outside of the insulation layer, under roofing material or if it's a wall, then under facing material.

When used on a roof, according to technical recommendations, its angle of inclination should be at least 35°. It should also be noted that its installation should take place in the absence atmospheric precipitation.

Specifications Izospana A

  • Compound: Propylene 100%
  • : 190/139 N/5cm
  • Vapor permeability, not less: 3500 g/m2/day
  • Water resistance no less: 330 mm.water column,
  • Application temperature: -60 to + 80 0 C
  • Dimensions: Width 1.4 -1.6 m,
  • Square: 35;70 sq.m

Izospan A - photo

Izospan category B

This type has a two-layer design, upper layer with a smooth surface, the bottom without roughness - it retains drops of condensation and promotes their rapid evaporation.

Izospan B protects internal building elements from water vapor emanating from inside the room. It fits with inside premises on insulation, suitable for both walls and roofs, can be used in ceilings.

Technical characteristics of Izospan B

  • Compound: Propylene 100%
  • : 130/107 N/5cm
  • : 7.0
  • Water resistance no less: 1000 mm.water column,
  • Application temperature: -60 to + 80 0С
  • Dimensions: Width 1.4 -1.6 m,
  • Square: 35;70 sq.m

Izospan B photo

Category C

This type allows you to effectively protect the internal structures of buildings from steam and condensation. The structure is similar to the types described above and is excellent for steam and waterproofing of any type of roof, including flat ones. Used for protection wooden structures in cold-type roofs (also suitable for insulated roofs).

Izospan S is also used in cement concrete screeds in basement floors and in the foundations of any wet rooms.


Technical features Category C is the same as Category B, except for one point.

: 197/119

Izospan C photo

Category D

Category D isospan consists of a high-strength two-layer woven polypropylene fabric, which is considered the most durable and versatile of all types. Suitable for most types of premises, it can be used to protect against moisture, both in insulated and non-insulated roofs and in rooms in general. This material has increased strength, thanks to which it is even able to bear the load from snow in the event of a poor-quality roof.

Suitable for protecting pitched and flat roof, to ensure waterproofing in cement floors, used in basement floors and for waterproofing walls.

Technical description

  • Compound: Propylene 100%
  • : 1068/890 N/5cm
  • Resistance to vapor permeation m2 hour Pa/mg, not less: 7.0
  • Water resistance no less: 1000 mm.water column,
  • Application temperature: -60 to + 80 0С
  • Dimensions: Width 1.4 -1.6 m,
  • Square: 35;70 sq.m

Izospan D photo

To get the result really warm and cozy home, you should not neglect such things as moisture insulation, it is better to do everything using technology. Moreover, effective waterproofing using Izospan will extend the service life of both individual structures and the house itself as a whole.

Vapor barrier is a type of specialized moisture insulation used to protect building structures for various purposes from the penetration of moisture and steam, as well as from the formation of condensation. Vapor barrier materials not only extend the service life of building structures, but also reliably protect them from the effects of mold and fungi.

Today, many manufacturers produce easily attached vapor barrier films and membranes to protect roofs, walls, floors, and ceilings. The technology of vapor barrier flooring varies depending on its material and the structure being protected, but there are general rules that must be followed.

How vapor barrier is installed. Instructions

When installing a vapor barrier, you must have the following:

  • required set of tools and fasteners: wooden slats, self-tapping screws, metal profiles, scissors for cutting vapor barrier, construction stapler and construction tape for connecting pieces of vapor barrier;
  • material for vapor barrier based on the total surface area of ​​the ceiling plus an overlap of at least 15 cm on all sides.

When installing a vapor barrier, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Fastening of all materials must be done only from inside the room. It is allowed to attach a vapor barrier both from the inside and outside the room when the outside air temperature is lower (─25 ° C) and the thickness of the walls is insufficient to protect. When protecting the roof, the vapor barrier is attached only from the inside of the entire “pie” being laid;
  2. The vapor barrier should be fastened with a stapler only along the perimeter of the walls. Each subsequent sheet is laid with an overlap (from 15 cm), and the joints are taped with construction tape. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there is no tension in the material, that there are no holes or other defects. To complete the work, you can secure the vapor barrier with thin wooden (plastic) slats, nailing them to the surfaces of the walls (or to the roof rafters);
  3. the slats should be nailed in increments of 30 cm, after which thermal insulation should be laid. The space between the slats forms the necessary ventilation gap for ease and speed of moisture evaporation;
  4. The sheet vapor barrier is laid on a special frame made of a metal (wooden) profile that is pre-fixed on the protected surface, which is simply attached to the walls with self-tapping screws. The vapor barrier is attached to the frame, the joints must be taped with construction tape. Vapor barrier sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws while maintaining the integrity of the material;
  5. on a ventilated insulated facade, the vapor barrier is laid twice: under the insulation layer and on it, thus forming an effective three-layer heat and vapor barrier system.

Vapor barrier must be used for reinforced concrete structures - floors and walls.

Today there are many various types vapor barriers, each of which has its own characteristics and application features.

Izospan A is a vapor-permeable membrane to protect the roof and walls of a building, ceilings and facade from condensation. At the same time, the effective evaporation of water inside the laid “pie” prevents it from damaging building structures. For roofs, such a membrane is used for slopes up to 35 degrees.

It is a universal two-layer vapor barrier for installation exclusively indoors. It is used to protect the basement, walls, roof, attic or attic, and also as insulation. It has high density and high efficiency.

Izospan S is a hydro- and vapor barrier two-layer membrane intended for flooring on non-insulated roofs, as well as for attics.

Izospan D is a universal membrane for vapor and waterproofing of any building structures when constructing foundations, non-insulated roofs, concrete foundations, interfloor ceilings;

Izospan AM is a high-strength special material made of a membrane film, reinforced with material to protect it from mechanical damage. It is laid directly on the heat insulator and protects it from condensation and weathering.

It is a special vapor barrier based on kraft paper, metallized on one side with lavsan. It is both a vapor and waterproofing barrier, ideal for flooring on difficult pitched roofs, as well as for saunas, where it is necessary to constantly maintain high temperature and humidity. Such a membrane has a higher price, but it is often simply irreplaceable for roofing.

Vapor barrier isospan instructions for use

1. Izospan A is distinguished by mechanical tensile and punching strength, environmental friendliness, fire safety (it includes a special additive to provoke self-extinguishing in case of fires), good manufacturability, since it is easy to cut, does not tear or wrinkle.

It is used to create vapor barriers on roofs, in attics and basements to compensate for the difference between heated and unheated rooms. Its density is 110 g/sq. m, roll length – 50 m, width – 140 cm. Izospan A is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

2. used when it is necessary to insulate walls, ceilings inside a building, or roof. Usually it is laid on a layer of insulation from the side of the premises.

The layered “pie” will include the following sequence of layers from outside to inside:

  • roofing material;
  • layer of isospan A (or AS);
  • counter slats for fastening isospan A and creating a ventilation gap;
  • isospan B layer;
  • rafter beams;
  • layer interior decoration premises.

This type of vapor barrier helps prevent particles of fibrous insulation and drops of moisture from penetrating into the premises.

Technical characteristics of isospan B: density is 72 g/sq.m, roll length is 50 m, width is 140 cm.

3. Izospan S differs from other types of vapor barrier materials in that it can be used to protect roofs whose slopes are less than 35 degrees. Most often, it is through its use that it is possible for unheated attics to remain dry, and for ground floors– prevent the appearance of condensate drops on the walls and ceilings, which contribute to the formation unpleasant odor and mold.

The technology for laying this material is very simple:

  • they begin to lay the vapor barrier (on the roof) from below, the material should not be stretched too much, leaving some free space;
  • along the perimeter of the roof slope, vapor barrier panels are fastened with a construction stapler and taped at the joints with construction tape;
  • when laying, observe the amount of overlap of the material horizontally and vertically from 15 to 20 cm;
  • after stretching and securing the material, it is additionally fixed with counter slats with a cross section of 5x4 cm. The slats are fastened with nails or self-tapping screws.

If the roof slope is low, isospan C is laid only on a boardwalk fixed to the rafters.

As you can see, the technology for using a vapor barrier is extremely simple. It is through vapor barrier that protection of building structures from moisture and effective removal of condensate is ensured. Vapor barrier membranes greatly increase the service life of building materials, which has a positive effect on operating costs.

The use of different types of isospan depends on the conditions of its installation on a specific building structure, so before purchasing you should carefully study the purpose of the material and options for its use.


A properly selected universal hydro- and vapor barrier can effectively protect any building structure from possible penetration of condensation, moisture or evaporation. An example of this.

Failure to use or incorrect selection of hydro- and vapor insulation can lead to serious and even fatal operational problems, the elimination of which will require a huge amount of time and money.

Packaging of insulation "Izospan D"


One of the most effective, and also recommended by experts, universal hydro- and vapor barrier is “Izospan D”, which has received wide, and deservedly, application both in the CIS countries and, strictly speaking, abroad.

Its technical characteristics, coupled with unique properties, make this hydro- and vapor barrier the most preferable for most types of building structures.

1 General information about “Izospan D”

Universal hydro- and vapor barrier of the serial type “Izospan D” is a fabric sheet made of special high-tech polypropylene with high degree strength. Universal hydro- and vapor barrier of serial type “Izospan D” has found its application in the following areas:

  • Protection of various building elements, walls and structures from possible penetration of condensation, moisture or various fumes;
  • Hydro- and vapor insulation in roofs made of pitched type, with no thermal insulation of the walls, to protect wooden elements (structures) in the attic from possible precipitation, wind, whip and even condensation;
  • Roof hydro- and vapor insulation (flat type only);
  • Layer-by-layer vapor barrier in cement screeds, usually used when installing a floor with a concrete, earthen or, in more rare cases, some other base;
  • Vapor barrier of basement floors and rooms where high humidity is constantly observed (basements, attics);
  • Temporary, limited to 3–4 months, vapor and waterproofing of roofs, floors and various walls.

The technical characteristics of the described vapor and hydro insulation “Izospan D” are presented as follows:

  • The standard size of the Izospan D roll for walls is 1.6 meters x 43.75 meters, there is 70 m 2 per roll;
  • The density of vapor and hydro insulation “Izospan D” is 105 g/m2;
  • The ultimate breaking load is no less than 1068/890 N/5 cm (longitudinal/cross section);
  • The base composition is 100% polypropylene (as in);
  • Resistance to possible vapor permeation is no less than 7 m 2 hPa/mg;
  • The water resistance of “Izospan D” vapor insulation for walls is not less than 1000 mm water column;
  • Possible operating temperature range is from -60 degrees Celsius to +80.

Insulating coating series "Izospan D"


Despite the fact that this insulation product is the reference and most popular among all construction products for this purpose, there are similar analogues.

However, as a rule, all hydro- and vapor-insulating analogues are of the first generation, having an old composition, while “Izospan D” belongs to the second generation of insulating materials.

2 Instructions for use

  • Instructions for use for non-insulated roofs (exclusively pitched type):

In all cases for thermal insulation of this type it is necessary to lay “Izospan D” in horizontal panels strictly along the rafters of the walls. Basic instructions installation "Izospan D" states that the installation of the material itself begins from the bottom of the roof.

And here it is important to pay attention to the overlaps of the canvases: between horizontal and vertical joints the overlap of the canvases should be no less than 150 millimeters.

The insulation film must be laid and then secured to the wall rafters on either side using wooden counter-battens. After this, a continuous flooring made of boards, or, in more rare cases, lathing, should be installed along the counter slats.

After this procedure, all that remains is to glue the joints of the panels with a special, no matter what company or manufacturer, construction tape (but it is recommended to use Izospan SL) as during installation.

  • Instructions for use for flat roofing:

The roll must be rolled out on either side on the surface of the floor slabs or any other base (including walls). In this case, the overlap of the panels should be no less than 150-200 millimeters.

To connect and fix them, it is recommended to use a product of the same series - connecting tape of the Izospan SL series, or any other similar one. Fundamental difference There is no difference in what kind of connecting tape will be used to secure the overlap of the panel.

However, in this case, it is preferable to choose a product that belongs to the Izospan insulation.

On top of the film is then installed thermal insulation material or special roofing functionally corresponding to the insulating insulation.

  • Instructions for use for floors with a concrete base:

In this case, Izospan D should be placed exclusively on concrete slab in the so-called “overlap”. In this case, the final overlap of the panels should be no less than 150-200 millimeters.

And in order to subsequently remove any possible irregularities on the surface, you should apply over cement screed. Waterproofing of this type is carried out by placing the material on the walls (either side) approximately 10 centimeters, as during installation.

Roll of thermal insulation of the Izospan D series

  • Instructions for use for basement floors:

The product "Izospan D", like any other insulation of this type, protects the floor structure strictly from below. The product is attached to rough floor from below on either side. In this case, for such a procedure it is necessary to use wooden slats or a special construction stapler.

2.1 Review of hydro- and vapor insulation “Izospan D” (video)

The name of the material comes from the name of the company that produces it. It refers to several polymer films that are completely different in properties and purpose. All products of this brand are usually divided into three main groups:

  • Izospan A membranes protecting from water and wind. They are widely used in roofing, as well as facade works as protection of roof structural elements, as well as the inside of ventilated facades from precipitation. In this case, the film is able to pass steam through itself, bringing it out. This property of such membranes prevents moisture from forming condensation on the insulation or parts rafter system roofs. Some varieties have fire retardant treatment. The average vapor permeability is determined to be around 3500 g/m² per day. It must be said right away that the material cannot be used on a roof with a slope angle of less than 35ºC. A mandatory requirement is that installation must be carried out only in normal weather;

  • films that do not allow water and steam to pass through belong to the Izospan V line. Unlike its brother, it is mounted indoors. After all, its task is to prevent steam from penetrating from the room into thermal insulation layer and form condensation there. Insulation boards covered with such a membrane always remain dry, which protects them from the formation of mold and fungal colonies. Instructions for use of Izospan B will be described in more detail;
  • Izospan S is designed not only to protect the insulation layer from the wind, high humidity and steam, but also create an additional insulating effect due to a special coating that can reflect infrared rays. This greatly reduces the energy consumption of the home, creating good savings on heating costs. It has a structure consisting of two layers. One layer is always smooth, and the other is rough, which better holds condensation. The material is very waterproof, more than 1000 mm. water Art. Its resistance to steam penetration is 7.0 Pa/mg.

Technical characteristics of Izospan films:

Vapor-permeable membranes ISOSPAN
BrandDensity, g/m²CompoundVapor permeability, g/m²/day, not less
A110 100% pp177/129 1000 250
AM90 110/90 850 880
AS115 165/120 1000 1000
Steam-waterproofing ISOSPAN
BrandDensity, g/m²CompoundLongitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cmWater resistance, mm.water column, not less
B70 100% pp128/104 7 1000
C90 197/119
D105 1068/890
DM105 560/510
Reflective vapor-waterproofing ISOSPAN
BrandDensity, g/m²K thermal reflection, %Longitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cmVapor permeation resistance, m²hPa/mg, not lessWater resistance, mm.water column, not less
FB132 90 330/310 vapor-tightwaterproof
D.S.92 120/80
BrandThickness, mmK thermal reflection, %Longitudinal/transverse breaking load, N/5cmVapor permeation resistance, m²hPa/mg, not lessWater resistance, mm.water column, not less
FX2-5 90 176/207 vapor-tightwaterproof

Helpful advice! The instructions for use of Izospan B suggest that if the film breaks on any sharp objects, it can and should be repaired. To do this, the damaged area is glued with a special adhesive film.

All of the listed varieties, despite their differences, have a number of positive qualities common to them:

  • they are easy to install and are supplied in roll form;
  • are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not allow moisture to pass through;
  • their cost is quite suitable for anyone who is engaged in construction or insulation of their home.

Next, we will consider in detail the instructions for using Izospan B and its technical and quality characteristics, since it is this type of membrane that is in greatest demand, thanks to its very good combination consumer properties and prices.

Technical characteristics of vapor barrier Izospan B

TO this species These include two-layer vapor barrier membranes that can not only retain moisture, but also prevent steam from penetrating through them. They are 100% polypropylene. These films are produced in rolls with a width of 160 cm. One roll can cover a surface of 70 m². The film density is 70 g/m². These membranes are quite strong, since their tensile load along the fibers is 128 N/cm, and across the fibers is 104 N/cm.

Vapor permeability rates are very low and are around 22.4 g/m²/day. Water resistance - 1000 mm. water Art., which is enough. Resistance to ultraviolet rays observed within 4 months of continuous exposure. The technical characteristics of the Izospan B vapor barrier allow it to be used in a wide temperature range, which ranges from -60 to 80ºС.

Instructions for use of Izospan B

Before using this material for vapor barrier purposes, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the requirements for its installation:

  • When covering insulation installed on vertical or inclined surfaces, work must be carried out from top to bottom. The strips of material are fastened horizontally with an overlap of 15 cm. A special adhesive film allows you to isolate the joints;
  • Not everyone knows which side to put Izospan B insulation on. Meanwhile, this is very critical, since improper installation completely eliminates the effect of using this material. It is necessary to remember that the smooth side is always placed on the insulation, and the rough side is directed into the room;

Scheme correct application films for vapor barrier in the process using expanded clay

  • attach the membrane to the protected surface using wooden blocks, clamping bars and a construction stapler.

Since this vapor barrier material has a wide range of applications, we will consider the features of installation on several types of surfaces. When creating a vapor barrier layer in the attic, the membrane can be attached to the rafters in two ways.

The role of any home is to provide people with protection from the harmful effects of weather - low temperature, rain, snow. But building structures - walls, interfloor ceilings, attics - require protection from internal factors. Such destructive factors include moisture - water vapor, which is formed in various everyday situations.

Insulation problem

Thus, each person releases on average about 100 grams of water vapor per hour when breathing, which is 2400 grams per day. In addition, steam is generated as a result of everyday activities - washing, drying clothes, cooking, eating water procedures(total about 3000 grams).

In total, per day of living in a house, a family of 3 releases more than 10 liters of water into the air. If this moisture is not removed outside the house, it can condense on building structures and roofing. Moisture saturation also harms the building’s insulation, reduces its efficiency, increasing thermal conductivity.

Moisture that is not removed from building structures in a timely manner promotes the proliferation of mold fungi and putrefactive bacteria, house dust mites and other pests. Gradually, the walls are destroyed, mold spores are released into the air of the interior space, and the atmosphere in the rooms becomes harmful to health.

How to protect your home from excess moisture?

Ways to protect your home from harmful effects a little water vapor. Firstly, ensuring good ventilation, in which moist indoor air will be constantly released into the street, and fresh, drier air will begin to replace it.

Secondly, the use of water- and vapor-tight barriers that do not allow moisture to pass through, but allow it to slowly evaporate.

With this method of protection, water does not get into the insulation and onto the walls, and the resulting condensate evaporates directly from the protective coating.

What is Izospan?

Among the materials presented on the construction market, the leading role is played by the products of Hexa - nonwovens", produced under the brand name "Izospan". The company has its own production base in Russia, not far from Tver, and operates a research laboratory.

Izospan materials are special films and membranes made using modern polymer materials and having special properties. The thickness and strength of the films, their dimensions are selected in such a way as to make installation simple and convenient. The line of materials under the Izospan brand is represented by the following groups.


The first group is waterproofing membranes with properties of vapor permeability and resistance to wind loads. They are designed to protect buildings from external wind and rain. The property of vapor permeability allows moisture released by the walls of the house to evaporate during external environment. Such materials are designated A, AF, AF+, AM, AQ proff, AS, A with OZD.

The second group is energy-saving heat, steam, waterproofing materials. These are airtight films coated with metal foil that reflect electromagnetic radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum. Due to this effect, more thermal energy remains in the room, and heating costs are reduced. Film designations - FS, FD, FX, FB. Materials of this group can be used for saunas and steam baths.

The third group is waterproof vapor barrier film materials. They perform two main functions: the first is to protect the wall insulation from condensation and the penetration of moisture into it from the rooms of the house, the second is to insulate inner space home from harmful emissions from insulation and walls (for example, fibers mineral wool, cement dust from concrete blocks). Their designations are RS, B, C, D, RM, DM.

The fourth group is tape connecting materials. Designed to eliminate leaks at the junctions of films and membranes. Presented under the designations KL, KL+, SL, FL, FL termo, ML proff, SUL.

Izospan B: description and application

To prevent moisture and water vapor from entering insulating coatings and walls from the internal volumes of the house, Izospan V is used. Its structure allows you to create a kind of barrier for steam: a surface for collecting and ensuring gradual evaporation of condensate. Another property of Izospan B is the protection of the air in the house from the penetration of particles from insulation and wall materials.

Scope of application are:

  • internal surfaces of walls and ceilings in attic rooms and attic floors;
  • internal wall surfaces living rooms from any material;
  • surfaces of interfloor and basement floors.

Structure and parameters

Structurally, Izospan B is a polypropylene film with one smooth side and the other covered with a thin rough layer of fibers of the same material.

The smooth sealed surface of the film creates an impenetrable barrier to steam and water, and the fibrous coating is an excellent collector of condensation, which will remain on the film and will not get into the insulation of walls and ceilings.

The effectiveness of this protective coating depends on which side of the film is adjacent to building structures or insulation.

Izospan B has excellent performance characteristics:

  • vapor permeability not less than 7 mg/(m h Pa);
  • water resistance is not less than 1000 mm. aq. pillar;
  • tensile strength of at least 25 N/cm;
  • operating temperature range from -60 °C to +80 °C.

The film does not lose its properties from exposure to direct solar ultraviolet radiation for 4 months. Izospan B is produced in rolls, strips 1.4 and 1.6 meters wide and with a total area of ​​35 m2 and 70 m2. What width and area to choose the material depends on the geometric dimensions of the protected surfaces.

General principles of application

The film is laid from bottom to top with the strips overlapping each other by 10-15 cm. The joints of the strips are glued with tapes such as Izospan KL, KL+. Izospan B is always mounted with the smooth side facing the insulation. The places of contact between the sheets and laths of the sheathing, and the counter laths of the air gap are sealed with a special sealing tape. The tape is pressed with the self-adhesive side simultaneously against Izospan B and the abutment surfaces.

Connection areas with windows, niches and openings for carrying out engineering communications(ventilation, sewerage, water supply) are sealed with tape material Izospan ML proff. The same tape is used to finish joints with concrete and wooden elements designs.

Installation plan

Installation of Izospan B has features depending on which element of the structure needs to be protected.

For attics and attic floors

The installation diagram is shown in Figure 1.

First you need to unroll the roll and cut the ribbons to size. To determine which size of panels is most convenient and economical for installation, it is necessary to measure and mark the walls and ceilings. Then you need to attach the first tape to internal insulation attic or attic (ceiling side) with the smooth side and secure.

The method of fastening is chosen which is more convenient for the owner: you can fasten construction stapler or on nails. The first tape in attics must be laid from below, parallel to the floor. For convenience, the tapes can be rolled into tubes on the right side inward and unfold as it secures.

Next you need to secure the following tapes the same way, overlapping the previous one with an overlap of about 15 cm. Seal the joints with a special tape such as Izospan KL, KL+ and mount the lathing for cladding on the covering or finishing material. For ventilation and evaporation of possible condensation, the gap between Izospan B and the cladding should be 50 mm.

For interfloor ceilings

The installation diagram is shown in Figure 2:

Installation proceeds as follows:

  • Unroll the roll and cut the ribbons to size;
  • secure the first tape with the rough side to the rough ceiling (floor) using a stapler or nails;
  • fasten the remaining tapes parallel to the first, with an overlap of 150 mm;
  • seal the joints with appropriate tape from the Izospan family;
  • install the sheathing and lay insulation.

On top of the insulation, it is necessary to provide a ventilation air gap (gap) of 50 mm using counter slats on which the finishing cladding can be installed.

For interior walls of the house, interior partitions

The diagram is presented in Figure 3.

Installation is carried out similarly to the option with interfloor ceilings, while the tapes are laid starting from the bottom, parallel to the floor, also with a smooth surface to the insulation.

To protect structures frame partitions and walls inside buildings, instead of type B, you can use Izospan with the designations C, DM, RS. Installation of these materials is carried out according to the same rules.