What helps to get rid of moths. Carnation - an effective means to protect against wool wool moths, fur coats and other products. We exterminate carpet insects

Homemade butterflies are often breeding in the residential premises. They spoil the products, interior items. There are several ways to get rid of moths in the apartment, depending on. Consider each of them.

In nature, there are more than 40 types of moths. Some groups will settle in the apartment. To pick up the most effective method Fighting pests, it is important to find out which guest settled next door to people.

  • , painted into a brilliant yellowish-brown or light gray shade. In the size of the shaggy wings reach 16 mm. White pest caterpillar has a transparent skin and a brown head. Power source - natural fur on sheepskins, fur coats, shoes and other wardrobe things.
  • Furniture variety is distinguished by a light yellow tint. Brown wings and a boring head. Moth houses eggs in the hairproof, as well as in the lower part of the furniture. Wood pests feed on her own tracks.
  • Grain mole barks apartment owners in the kitchen. She settles. Differs insect with silver-white overflows. The wings are decorated with a brown pattern and in a swing reaches 15 mm size.
  • Handling mole is somewhat larger than fur coat. The scope of its wings is 22 mm. They are painted in light yellow with a purple-brown spot. On the head is a white down. The homemade mole is hiding in the damage fabrics, overlooking them from the inside.
  • The carpet winged pest is considered to be omnivorous. It feeds on any items from natural materials. Shooting eggs deep in the pile.

All means and methods are suitable in the fight against home pests. Mole does not harm the health of people and animals, but unpleasant neighborhood Causes discomfort.

Ways that homemade moth fall into the house?

The winged pest may appear in the very clean room. How does he get there? Operated window - the least likely way. Before getting rid of moths in the house, find out the path of penetration.

  • Products that are offered in shops at bargain prices often spoiled. With a violation of the tightness of the packaging, the likelihood that there are already larvae and the eggs of a flying pest, huge. Therefore, you can bring mole to the house yourself.
  • Homemothes can move from neighbors through ventilation systems.
  • Buying furniture, carefully inspect it. The larvae and eggs can be hidden between the upholstery, behind the draper and under the mattress.
  • IN apartment house The reason for the appearance of the pest may be grocery storewhich is located on social floor. Storage of flour and croup in large quantities provokes insect reproduction.

When conditions are created in the room for the existence of moth, it will not wait long.


In order not to think about how to get rid of moli at home, create circumstances in which the insect will not survive. Take prophylactic measures.

  1. Conduct wet cleaning with vinegar or summer alcohol. The resistant smell scares adults.
  2. Use the vacuum cleaner for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture.
  3. Wash in the soap solution cabinets and dressers every year.
  4. Keep clothes in closets, which is pre-selected and ironed. Fold things into dense paper, polyethylene. This rule does not apply to fur coats. The fur will deteriorate, if it is left without proper care. Refuse unbelievable covers. Household covers love secluded places in which there is no air and light.
  5. In order to storing a fur coat, choose special paper cases that contribute to free air circulation.
  6. Keep the camp and other bulk products in tightly closed metal or glass containers.
  7. Place in the apartment times the means that scare the moths with their smell. It may be citrus, chestnuts, plants and other "dischargers" of pests.
  8. Regularly ventilate the room.

Warn the appearance of scratched, in order not to worry about the destruction of the population of insects. The female postpones 100-400 eggs, so it takes in a short time.

How to get rid of kitchen butterfly: instruction

If you have a mole in your kitchen, hurry to destroy it. Otherwise, bulk food will quickly ruin.

Step 1. Spend general cleaning And find the focus of breeding. Check the secluded places in the cabinets and even recently acquired products with impaired packaging tightness. Pay attention to the covers of cans. Under them can hide a web left by butterflies. Inspect the plinth, plafones, ceilings to find eggs and pest larvae.

Step 2.. Get rid of infected products. Swap all surfaces from the inside and outside. Waste a bag with waste or freeze in the freezer for 4-5 days. Wash banks and grocery containers using a household soap.

Step 3.. For adults, use adhesive and eyeless traps treated with special pheromones. Scare them with a sharp aroma of spices, plants, citrus fruits.

Step 4.. Treat potentially infected products that look clean. Beat the cereal, ask for flour through a sieve and put in freezing Camera for 3-4 days. You can hide the product in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for 45 minutes.

In order not to think about how to get rid of moths and its offspring, keep products together with natural repellents.

  • Put on the bottom of the container with a cereal bay leaf. He will not spoil the taste of cereals,.
  • Spread garlic cloves on kitchen surfaces or orange peels.
  • Use highly smelling essential oils, chips of the household soap, branches of lavender.

Storage of food with repellents does not guarantee the destruction of pests. The smell scares adult individuals, but it does not work on the larvae and eggs.

Please note that if you put the packaging of infected cereals on the shelf with a repellent, the larvae develops immunity to the smell. Moth will not be afraid of him. Use an integrated approach.

We destroy a wrapping mole

Winged insects are harvested in a closet with clothes mainly in the hot period of the year, when most of the clothes are composed of stacks. But if you do not struggle with moths on time, they will dwell in the apartment round year. Is there a way to avoid unwanted neighborhood and spoiled things?

  1. Use fumigators on naphthalene basis. The substance is effectively, but dangerous for a person. Therefore, a harmful drug is intended for disinfection of a closed space. Advantage of Fumigator B. large deadlines Sucidity.
  2. The effect of contact aerosols is aimed at the destruction of home insects when contacting with an active substance. After the processing of the cabinet with the drug, insects are instantly dying. The disadvantage is a limited duration.
  3. Most safe method Destruction is considered a trap. It can be adhesive and blissful, but the meaning is in Pheromones, which attract females and males. The smell will not feel the smell, but the adult butterfly will fall into the west and will die. Update the device every 10 weeks.

Do not overdo the number of traps. With a strong concentration in the air, you can get used to pheromones. Place one bait on a room with an area of \u200b\u200b15 m2.

Ways to deal with furniture mole

You found larvae and insect dolls in the sofa, under the table, in the closet you have a furniture mole. It is powered by upholstery, carpets and decorating elements. Get rid of domestic butterflies once and forever.

  • Take the furniture to the street. Leave the interior items for 2-3 hours under the influence of air temperature below 10 s and above 35 C. The performance of the method is raised ultra-violet rayswhich household horses do not tolerate.
  • Enjoy carpets and furniture covers. So you get rid of insects, larvae and cocoons. They are not restrained on the surface, so they are easily crumbled.
  • In the apartment is a high population of home insects, take advantage of chemicals. Aerosol "Raptor", "Antimol" and others are characterized by efficient and fast deliverance from pests. Spray the tool in hard-to-reach places under the bed, sofa, cabinet and leave the room for 2-3 hours.

During disinsection with chemicals, stick to the instructions. Incorrect application leads to negative consequencesreflected on human health and pet.

We save from fur coat pests

Fur coats and other clothes with natural fur inserts - expensive outcome of the wardrobe, which loves robberies. In case of non-compliance with the rules for storing things, whole families of insects are created in the closet.

They spoil the material by tearing it. In order not to damage the clothes, take advantage of the folk method of scaring insects.

  • The resistant smell of lavender, chestnuts, citrus, wormwood and geranium will help scare the pest from the wardrobe. Distribute essential oils or dried fruits and branches of strongly smelling plants in the pockets of fur coats and on the shelves of cabinets.
  • In the event of insects, overborn clothes and ventilate it. In the case when you notice a large affected segment of fur, it is better to throw a thing. Otherwise, it will become a source of subsequent infection.
  • Wash cabinets S. economic soap, then rinse with water and dry.
  • Spicy coats and coats in special covers.
  • Do not spray chemical aerosols on clothes, otherwise you can spoil it. It is better to carefully inspect every thing for the presence of pests, and the repellents are positioned in the closet. In this way, you will spend thorough dressing of dressing room.

During the fight against homemade butterflies, handle cabinets inside and outside.

We exterminate carpet insects

Carpets attract home moths with their long and warm pile, the air will not penetrate the air. Most often, pests will fall in darkened areas outdoor coating. During cleaning, we definitely vacuum the apartment even in hard-to-reach places.

You will not be able to completely get rid of the population of butterflies, if it has already firmly settled in Villas. Even economic soap will not help.

Therefore, carefully follow the coating condition. Carefully vacuuming it and periodically process with lavender oil. The smell scares insects.

Choosing chemicals, pay attention to the fact that the texture and color of the carpet do not disturb. Be sure to follow the instructions and give the coating to dry 2-3 hours. To destroy larvae and eggs, treat a carpet with a special powder to leave for 10 days.

Chemicals of destruction

There are many ways to get rid of moths in the apartment at home. Folk methods are aimed at humane elimination of moths from the apartment.

If you do not have time and desire to wait until the pests leave your home, take advantage of the chemicals of the struggle. Their advantage in the total destruction of the winged neighbors. Consider the best antimole offers.

  1. Tablets "Antimol" contains naphthalene and camphor. Spread the drug on the shelves of cabinets through each square meter. Kill larvae and adult individuals.
  2. Aerosole can handle the surface of the cabinet from the inside and outside, as well as clothing. Positive result It comes after 2-3 hours of use and lasts for six months. Popular funds: "Raptor", "Diffox", "Combat".
  3. Sections scare adult butterflies. As a result, they cease to multiply. Pay attention to the "Raptor", Global "and Mosquitall.
  4. Antimole plates are impregnated with insecticidal substances. They scare the winged pests, and also kill the larvae. Effective drugs Considate "Meloror" and "Merper".
  5. Cassettes differ little from the plates. The result is seen for 6 months. To apply the drug, you need to insert it into the raptor. Manufacturers offer Arsenal, Zitol, Phytocide.
  6. Liquid Mittoks, Foxide and Morimol, can be treated with a fur coat and carpet. The result is preserved for four months.
  7. Gels in special containers contain cedar or lavender essential oils. The remedy is unfolded on the surfaces of the cabinet. The action "Raptor" and "Antimol" lasts up to three years.
  8. Special covers are impregnated with substances that scare adult individuals and prevent the appearance of larvae. If you make hermetically close the cover of the company "Raptor", then the folk methods of rebagging butterflies will not be needed.

During use chemical preparations Stick the rules specified in the instructions. Otherwise, you can harm the health of the residents of the apartment.

Have you once again discovered winter things before the start of the season and found several holes in your favorite sweater? This means that in this unpleasant incident, mole is guilty, or rather, its larvae. After all, an adult individual does not feed on organic products. But it can lay the larvae in huge quantities. They eat everything around. Do not think that mole is terrible only for wardrobe. This unpleasant insect can stay in the kitchen and in the storage room, slowly, but surely devouring your food reserves. Today we will talk about moths in the apartment - how and why it appears, what happens to do with it professional and homemade ways, and also learn about the ways to protect the house from this insect.

Views of Mole

There are several groups of moles that vary depending on their taste preferences. The largest group is a kitchen moth, which can often be found in food reserves. Fruit prefers dried fruits and tea, flour loves the flour and can penetrate even in closed containers. Potato Mol Mounts straight in the club potatoes and feeds his flesh. Grain is amazing the croup partially or completely. If you open a container with a cereal, the residues of the vital moth will be visible immediately - the holes in the beans, small dust, insect excrement, discarded skins. There is also a barn mole that loves to enjoy different nuts. These are basic insect groups that feed on food.

Besides different species The kitchen moth has a woolly mole that feeds on natural wool. It can be sweaters, a lining of the outerwear, upholstery of upholstered furniture, curtains, carpets. Mole can eat and wool pets. In some cases, the mole spoils and simple textiles, if it is saturated with urine, then, by other organic discharges. Most often, mole postphes the larvae in the folds of clothing, in the gaps of carpets under the sofa, that is, in secluded places. As noted, the female can postpone the larvae, which is necessary woolen nutrition. The offspring of one individual can eat up to 10 kilograms of wool.

Another mole is a fur coat. Damage from its actions is especially sensitive, since natural fur and it is a lot of products from it. In addition to fur, this insect is powered by felt, felt, natural feathers, Puph, etc. The fur coat moth can even fit the tail of your pet. Moth can be furniture - its addiction is very strange. Such mol eats up the upholstery, both genuine and synthetic. Such mole settles in secluded places, the intervals of wood, behind the upholstery lining. In some cases, the furniture mole affects even the wood itself, punching hollow moves in it. But the carpet mole is considered the most difficult and sustainable - it is not sensitive to Naphthale, puts the eggs deep inside the villion, find them almost unreal.

Knowing about the types of moths and its place of residence, it is possible to eliminate these insects better. How to act in case the house was discovered in the house?

What to do if mole appeared in the apartment

To evict an unexpected guest and prevent his re-visits, you need to act comprehensively.

  1. If you discovered some kind of moth in your apartment, inspect other parts of the dwelling. The fact is that mole rarely settles in the house one. If insects appeared in the kitchen, carefully inspect all the food reserves, wardrobe and textiles in the house.
  2. When the nest is detected, the moth larvae, it must be eliminated. To do this, we spend the entire affected area, rinse it with a sponge and water. In addition to the water, you need to add a small amount detergent with chlorine.
  3. If the mole is detected in the closet, carefully and painstakingly sneak all the clothes, even from synthetics. After all, insects are not always postponing in edible wool.
  4. Ideally, all the clothes need to launch on a high-temperature washing mode. Massive woolen sweaters can be cleaned from larvae with another way - just put the clothes in the freezer for several hours - the larvae will not survive. Close-up of top clothes need to be cleaned with a brush, especially folds, pockets, hard-to-reach sections of the subclass. Ideally, jackets, fur coats and coats can be treated with a steam generator, it will not leave any chance of larvae.
  5. Switch all that is possible - curtains, carpets, curtains. If the subject is not washed, it must be left under direct sunlight for several hours - the moth will not survive.
  6. If the mole struck your kitchen, it also needs a thorough revision. The affected grains, dried fruits and nuts are no longer saved, and it is impossible to take them into food. Therefore, they are unfortunately sent to the garbage tank. All containers, cabinets and most inaccessible places It is necessary to rinse with chlorine or acetic solution, allow boxes to ventilate enough.

These simple measures will help you eliminate visible foci and moth nests. But often it is not enough and only one unnoticed larva can reproduce a population in large sizes. What to do in these cases?

Here we will talk about household chemical insecticides, which are designed to destroy flying insects.

  1. Aerosols. The largest group is presented in the form of sprays. They need to use clearly according to the instructions. As a rule, the refive is sprayed in the cabinets and hard-to-reach areas of carpets, furniture, etc. After that, you need to close all windows and doors in the house, leave the apartment for several hours. Processing must be carried out in a respiratory mask. Next, everything is thoroughly washed, the clothes are processed. Aerosols will help to get rid of not only from adult individuals, but also from larvae. Here are some popular insecticides. Dichlofos can be sprayed only on solid surfaces, for example, in the closet. Antimol is very effective precisely against moths. Arch will suit textiles. Excellent results Gives a raptor - it affects the respiratory system of larvae and kills them. This agent is safe for humans. Many aerosols cannot be used in the kitchen. Such sprays are also effective as Clean house, Morimol, Foxide, Maskitol, etc.
  2. Fumigator. The fumigator is a device that is included in the outlet. When the plate is heated or a special insecticidal liquid evaporates and produces special components in the air that kill mole. For people, the fumigator is considered safer than an aerosol. Most manufacturers make insecticides in different formats - aerosols, traps, fumigators, you can use what you are more convenient. The fumigator has small square Defeats, but it is very convenient to use to disinfect the cabinet if you place the device inside with the extension cord. In this case, you do not have to enhance all the clothes.
  3. Pheromone traps. This is one of the safest and efficient ways to clean your home from molia. Trap is a small piece of cardboard, which makes a bare odor of femars of moths. The male flies on an attractive fragrance and tightly sticks to the cardboard. Life cycle stops, reproducing offspring any more. But you need to know one rule - you can not hang several traps in the room at once - the excessive smell disorient the males.
  4. Plates. These are small pieces of cardboard or organic materialimpregnated with special fragrances and insecticides. You just need to place the plates in the closet. This will make it possible to get rid of already existing moths and prevent its reassignment. Plates are one of the most durable means of protection against insects - the action of the device is preserved up to several months.

These are the most popular, efficient and safe money The destruction of moths and its larvae. But is it always worth resorting to chemical insecticides? You can try to get rid of moles with folk remedies, especially if there are old men, children or pregnant women.

Here are some recipes that do not kill mole, but it is perfectly scared.

  1. Herbs. Put in the closet fragrant smelling herbs that will scare mole. Among them, wormwood, Pijm, tobacco, geranium, mint, eucalyptus, carnation, walnut leaves. So that the twigs are not molded, they need to be pre-dry, and then put in the tissue bags so that they do not bother and not lit.
  2. Toilet soap. Many cosmetic fragrances have a rather sharp smell, which also scares moles and other insects. Put the soap with a sharp smell in a coat pockets, wrap in woolen sweaters.
  3. Cytrus zest. Before B. new Year There was a lot of tangerine peel, but experienced hostesses did not throw it into garbage. The fragrant citrus peel can be put not only in the wardrobe, but also on the kitchen shelves, unlike soap and herbs.
  4. Lavender. Lavender's essential oil does not just save you from moths, but also give clothes a nice floral fragrance.
To protect your home from molia, you need to carefully comply with all prevention measures. Do not buy products in the future - longer than 1-2 months. We regularly examine the lockers and make a revision, wipe the doors and shelves. Clean dried fruits on long storage Better in the refrigerator - mole there will definitely not appear. When cleaning wrappers and kitchen cabinets Use acetic solutions. Keep grocery reserves in sealed containersso that mole can not get to them. Try more often to air the cabinets with clothes, make cleaning. Before removing the clothes until the next season, it must be wrapped, carefully dry in the air and pack into a vacuum sealed package. Carpets and upholstered furniture also need cleaning - vacuuming them every week, and once a year you turn into a dry cleaning. Pillows and mattresses once a few months need to be tired and dried in the sun. Dear fur coats before storage need to be treated with insecticides so that the mole does not spoil a good thing.

The family of moth has more than two thousand species of this insect. The phrase "eopped Moli" implies a description of a very old, dilapidated and abandoned thing. Unfortunately, mole can spoil even new thing Literally in a few days. Therefore, it is not negligible to relate to it. Protect your cabinets, clothing and products, use only proven money from moths!

Video: How to get rid of moth folk remedies

Homemade mole, despite its small sizes, can become a source of major trouble, especially if it settled in a dressing room or storage room.

And if this voracious insect appeared in the house, it will be quite difficult to get rid of it, because chemicals can be dangerous to the health of tenants, and folk methods are not always effective.

In order to get rid of moths, you must first understand where it appears, where it lives and how to multiply, and only after that begin to combat her.

Mol: Causes of Appearance

There is an opinion that mole appears only in those owners who do not follow the purity of their home.

However, this opinion is erroneous because the main thing for moth is not the condition of the room, but the presence of a nutrient environment for breeding offspring: products and clothes that are in every home.

Also, few know that there is a total of 14 different species pray possessing unique features.

But if you do not go into details, it can be divided into two types, each of which falls into the house by its own way.

Kitchen mole

Kitchen mole is not able to patch over long distances, so extremely rarely falls into the house through open door or a window, but can fly from the neighbors through a common ventilation channel.

Own mole

Since childhood, our grandmothers inspired us that best tool From moths is naphthalene. However, this substance does not kill mole, but only scares the butterflies that are safe themselves. You need to fight not so much with them as with their offspring and for this you need to choose the most effective methods.

To the question "How to get rid of moths?" modern science knows many answers, so you can find the most diverse on store shelves different means From moths with which manufacturers promise to save a house from the pest once and for all. In order to make right choiceYou must first figure out which of them are most safe and effective.

1. Insecticidal aerosols. The principle of their action is based on sputtering in places of cluster of moth of a large number of insecticide, which falls into the insect body through the respiratory tract and causes poisoning. Aerosol is a potent chemical means, Therefore, kills mole almost after the first use. It is necessary to spray it in all alleged insect habitats: in the cabinets, on the shelves, as well as process them products from fur and wool. The disadvantage of aerosols is their high toxicity, so after their use, the room should be well installed. In addition, this agent is not suitable for combating kitchen moth, since they can not be handled food.

2. Sections and plates from moths. Unlike aerosols, special plates and sections do not poison air, they are easy to use and safe. Sections are attached inside the cabinets and shelves using a hanger or sticker and scare off butterflies, not letting them sit on clothes and leave offspring. This agent does not destroy the insect, so suitable more for prevention than to get rid of moths.

3. Fumigators. This tool will help get rid of moths, as well as from other insects - flies and mosquitoes. The effectiveness of the fumigator in the fight against the moth is great, but it works quite slowly.

4. Traps and sticky ribbons. These devices are designed for lubrication and catch adult butterflies, but completely powerless against their larvae, so used more often as auxiliary In the fight against Mol. At the same time, "velcro" and traps do not contain chemicals, so absolutely safe for humans.

How to get rid of moths: folk remedies and methods

Chemicals are far from the only way to deal with mol. Since mole is a living organism, you can get rid of it by creating conditions for him unsuitable conditions. To those can be attributed: straight sun rays, fresh airHigh or low temperatures. Therefore, the clothes in which you started mole can be cleaned, just hanging it on the street on a sunny day, or ventilating on the frost. In addition, it should be remembered that moth larvae are quite bad on clothes, and after a good shaking easily uncovered.

Another effective method of cleaning clothes from moth larvae is washing in a destructive for them. hot water or steaming.

To get rid of kitchen moths will have not only to throw out infected products, but also to spend preventive actions To prevent it re-appearance. To do this, wipe all the shelves on which products are stored, a rag moistened in a soap solution, especially thoroughly treating all hard-to-reach places. You can also additionally disinfect the surface with a solution of cutlery or alcohol.

The principle of operation of the shopping sections from moth is based on scaring insects strongly unpleasant to them odor. Many hostesses know that mole is afraid not only of "chemistry." Even ordinary geranium, which has a specific smell, has long been considered not only beautiful indoor plantbut also a means against moth. Also, this insect is afraid of many other odors, among which you can allocate:

Lavender oil or dry lavender;

Orange or lemon zest;

St. John's wort;


How to get rid of moths: secrets of storage of woolen and fur products

Return to the favorite things spoiled by Mol initial View It is already impossible, therefore, it is much more important not to invent, how to get rid of moths, and prevent its appearance. To do this, you must adhere to several simple rules for storing and care for woolen and fur things:

1. Get rid of unnecessary things. It is hardly in the future there is an application of a wind coat or an old fur hat, but they can become a good platform for the removal of the offspring of moths.

2. Before folding things into the closet, wipe all the shelves and doors with soap mortar and after that thoroughly ventilate the apartment. Clothing can be put on the shelves only after the cabinet will dry.

3. Only clean things can be left for long storage. Pollution and stains on clothes can be an additional bait for moth. Therefore, before hiding things in the closet, wash them out and carefully dry in the sun.

4. Fur products store in a dry cool place. The fur coat is better packaged in a special coverage of thick paper. An ordinary thin polyethylene is not suitable for these purposes, as the mole easily breaks it. Also inside the case, you can put a special plate from moths. The fur coat in the closet should hang freely so that the pile does not get rumbling.

5. Woolen blankets and sweaters must be accurately folded and packaged as close as possible.

6. Small fur products can be wrapped with newspaper paper: the smell of typographic paint also flashes mole well. Also crumpled pieces of newsprint can be put inside the shoes with a fur lining.

Clothing mole or wrapping

If mole appears in closets with clothes, a person has a question to get rid of moths in the apartment. This pest is often found in the dwellings of people, whereas cockroaches can be quite rare to meet in modern houses. At first glance, the harmless insect can cause great harm to clothing, regularly reinforcing coats, trousers, sweaters, skirts, scarves, caps and other outlets of the wardrobe. To once it is not to find that the mole ate a favorite sweater or a fur coat, you need to know what to do when these insects appear in the house. How to get rid of moths forever?

Moth species

First of all, you need to determine with what kind of insects you are dealing, because it depends on how tool to choose to get rid of it. In total there are about 14 species and about the same amount of pray, however ordinary person No need to know what the representatives of each of them look like. In most cases, the whole mole with which a person faces in everyday life can be divided into 2 large groups:

Modern methods of combating clothing mole

On the modern market A huge selection of funds to help get rid of moli at home:

Effective media from moths in cabinets

The fight against the mole at home is a difficult task. In order to facilitate it, we give a number of proven, efficient and affordable toolsto help get rid of moths in the closet forever:

People's Methods of Combating Mol

As practice shows, folk ways The fight against moth is the first to pop up in memory of most people when they face such a household problem. The main weapon of all folk recipes is a sharp and unpleasant smell for insects. Their action is comparable to the action of sections from moth, the difference only in price. People's recipes are significantly lower than and their popularity is explained.

More recently it was impossible to imagine a person who would not know the answer to the question of how to get rid of moths in the house. "Of course, with naphthalene!" - Most people would answer a few decades ago. There is even an idioma - "Propasses of Naftalin". He was at home for everyone, because this is what mole is afraid most in the world. However, recently scientists came to the conclusion that naphthalene possesses carcinogenic properties and is equally dangerous for both pests and for humans. Therefore B. modern world Naphthalene is practically not used if you have started mole. There are no less effective, but completely safe methods of combating moth:

How to withdraw kitchen mole

Get rid of moths in the kitchen much more difficult than survive it from the cabinets. The fact is that in the kitchen, it is usually settled in banks with croups and flour, where to use poisonous tools with insecticides cannot be applied. In such cases, you can turn to folk recipes And try to deal with it with the help of funds that our grandmothers successfully used.

So, you can put in a jar with a flour clove of garlic, and on the shelves with a croup decompose sachets with pepper. These products have a rather sharp odor, which will beat any desire to eat any desire from insatiable moth.

Periodically browse the bags and cans with cereals for the presence of larvae and adult individuals. The containers in which they firmly settled, it is better to throw away, and those in which several individuals were seen, you can try to reanimate. To do this, the cereal needs to sift and hold in the oven or microwave oven For 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 60-70 ° C.

Thus, there is a huge number of ways to get rid of unpleasant tenants in the cabinets and in the kitchen. How to deal with mole in the apartment and what tool to choose, solve only you. All of them showed themselves well and helped to cope with the problem of many people.

Mol is a butterfly graywhich settles in wardrobes, woolen things and food. To get rid of the insect, you need to use different means of dealing with it.

This article will be told using effective methods And where to buy the most inexpensive means.

Harm moths in the apartment

Mole enters residential premises in various ways:

  1. through ventilation;
  2. with clothes where her eggs can be;
  3. from library books;
  4. with animal wool.

The essence is not from where it appears, and what harm can cause things in the closet.

Tired to struggle with pests?

At the cottage or in the apartment wound cockroaches, mice or other pests? You need to fight with them! They are carriers of serious diseases: Salmonellosis, rabies.

Many dackets face pests that destroy the harvest and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • It works from the network, no recharging is required
  • No effect of addiction in pests
  • Big area of \u200b\u200bthe device

What types of moths are known?

Common types of moth:

  1. For example, a cowiced mole that lives in wardrobes is able to sprinkle even polyethylene to get to the fur coch.
  2. Furniture mole dwells in upholstered furniture and feeds on wool and furniture cloth.
  3. Harding mole eats without parsing all the clothes, which is in a dark closet.
  4. Food infects food with its excrement, subsequently, the human intoxication can begin.

To fight mole, you need to use chemical methods Fight against voracious insects, as well as folk remedies, instead of chasing her all over the apartment.

First you need to perform simple actions:

  • clean soft furniture, pillows and books;
  • knock out carpets on the street;
  • carut the cabinets;
  • fur coats and upper clothes attribute to dry cleaning.

Then move to effective means of moth.

The stories of our readers!
"All summer we spend on the cottage, mosquitoes, flies and midges are a lot. To be in the house, and even more so on the street it is impossible to do with adults or children. Acquired a lamp trap on the advice of neighbors.

We use a lamp for more than a month. Forgot about flying insects and often in the evenings on open air. Very satisfied with the result. I recommend to everyone."

Effective remedy for moths in the apartment

To urgently bring mole from residential premises And, not too spending on it, it is necessary to use deaths to eliminate this insect to achieve maximum effect.

These include the following:

  1. aerosols and sprays;
  2. fumigators;
  3. sections to scare insects;
  4. tablets and crayons;
  5. trap I. ultraviolet radiation for the extermination of butterflies;
  6. the use of folk remedies (geranium, lavender, garlic, soap).

If you do not fight insect on time, it will damage all the clothes, turning it into ugly holes.


First of all, it is best to use aerosols that will destroy the moth and its larvae in a few hours. And in order not to breathe it with pesticides, it is best to leave the house for a while, for example, go for a walk.

The aerosol itself is a potential of a powerful insecticide.

Of the most sold, it is possible to focus on such as:

  • "Arch". With a light smell of lavender, leaves white traces on the surface of the clothing. Suitable for disinfection of fur coats, jackets, coats, carpets, linen, curtains, etc.
  • "Raptor". Used to destroy wraising moth. It has a pleasant smell of lavender and destroys voracious butterflies, as well as their larvae.
  • Moskitol. Applied for tissue clothes. Kills moth in a matter of hours, however, a person causes a light headache. Therefore, after use, it is best to carefully ventilate an apartment.
  • Aerosol "Clean Home". In contrast to the above aerosols, this will be economical, since the can only be used for one application alone. Furniture, carpets and clothing should be processed, where allegedly can dwell mole.
  • "Extramit". Looks like "Arch", but more effective. Applying this aerosol, you can spread with a harmful butterfly for half a year.


Another means of combating mole are various fumigators. Unlike aerosols, their action is a little long, however, destroy insects in a couple of weeks. The plus is that they do not need to be sprayed, and then airports from unpleasant odor Chemicals.

Just insert a fumigator in a rosette or spend the extension in the wardrobe and leave it there on for a long time. After some time, Mol will die, and the smell of funds will not cause allergies in people prone to heavy symptoms.

The use of fumigators does not represent complexity. It is enough to insert an aromatic plate into the device, and insert it into the outlet. When heated, a pleasant smell will be spread. Insecticide does not harm insecticide, but it kills mole. In addition to the plates, you can use a special fluid.

There are the most famous fumigators from moths:

  1. "Dick-3". A small device in which the aromatic plate is inserted is either poured by liquid. The repellent destroys mole as a ward and food. It is also used against mosquitoes.
  2. Moskitol. Kills moles and mosquitoes within a radius of 30 square meters.
  3. "Raid". Because of its brand, it is more expensive than its analogues, and no better act better. Works on the plates.


The tool is intended to scare mole and destroy its larvae. Unlike aerosols and fumigators that distribute chemical poison, the sections are made on the basis of essential oils with a pleasant smell.

Minus that sections do not kill moleAnd the caterpillars simply get used to this smell, after which they turn into a butterfly. Some housewives advise to use sections after applying aerosols and fumigators.

There are two most common types of sections:

  • "Raptor". Sale in a business store. The fragrances of sections are diverse, and act on 1 square meter of the room, where they will be located. Using the suspension section, you can forget about moths for 4 months.
  • Moskitol. Sell \u200b\u200bin two types:
    • bag with dry spirits;
    • suspended plate.


The one who refuses to use aerosols, fumigators and sections against moth can always go to pills, which also effectively kill this voracious insect. They reliably protect any wardrobe, furniture and clothing from moths.

Tablets against moth:

  • Tablet "Antimol-Effect". Get rid of the room from an insect that feeds on woolen, felt and fur clothing. Made based on essential oils. Destroy not only mol, but also bring a pleasant aromatic effect with the smell of lavender. It is usually placed in thenessians or drawers on one tablet for each section. The tool is recommended to store away from children and domestic animals. The drug helps to get rid of also from.
  • Tablet "Dezmol". Fights with a wrapping mole. Packaging is 3 tablets. The remedy needs to be stored away from children, animal and food. One package will get rid of moths for a month. Recommended as use:
    • wrap a tablet in a gauze bandage;
    • locate tablets using different sections of the cabinet or boxes.


Smalls are much cheaper than the rest of the listed funds, and also effectively struggle with the mole in the room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 30 square meters. Using chalk you can forget about moths for a month and a half.

As a rule, they are used only when insects are observed in small quantities. The chalk get out of the packaging, keeping the polyethylene, and draw stripes at the place of the accumulation of insects width in 3 centimeters.

The minus is that this chalk contains poisonous substances, so it is recommended to use it together with other means of combating homemade pests. Still should be taken out of the room linens and food, and yourself in a mask or respirator. After disinfection of the room, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

Among the well-known firms that produce crayons against home moth can be allocated as follows:

  • small "house".

The last chalk is less efficient, as only 20 square meters of room are processed. More suitable for apartments with small living space.

Adhesive traps

Clamps based on the use of adhesive are not highly efficient, and act only as an increase in the effect against moths with other means. However, they are no less useful than aerosols, fumigators, sections, tablets and crayons.

The traps themselves highlight a special pheromone, which attracts a male pray. Killing this individual, Mol ceases to multiply.

Among famous brands You can select the following:

  • "AeroCon." The trap does not smell and can be placed even near food. More suitable for extermination.
  • "Raptor". Consists of two sets of traps. The smell of the drug is missing.
  • "Global". Does not contain harmful chemical substances. When smelling, males moth flies and stick to the trap. The term of the extermination of the insect is two months. Apply against food moth. It is recommended to store this tool away from children and animals, in a dry, ventilated place.
  • "Natural control". Destroys the linen mole. The trap itself is a special design with holes. Where mole flies on the smell specific for it. Due to its stickiness, the trap can be fixed on any vertical surfaces. Fixed, as a rule, on the surface of the cabinet. After the mole filled the trap, the drug should be disposed of. There is no chemical smell and is stored in the place inaccessible from children.

Ultraviolet irradiation

In order to get rid of annoying moths, apply a quartz lamp or ultraviolet irradiation. Indeed, under the right sunlight, the eggs are moths die very quickly, so the insect does not tolerate the air temperature above 30 degrees Celsius.

Temperature treatment

To destroy mole in the apartment, you need to conduct general cleaning.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. to heat the cabinets and drawers, where homemade pests live;
  2. internal shelves wipe with a damp cloth;
  3. spending carpets and floor by paying special attention plinths and other hard-to-reach places;
  4. in winter it costs more often to air the apartment, which will help not only get rid of moli, which does not endure temperature mode below 5 degrees of frost, but also destroy bacteria in the room;
  5. you can erase things in hot water above 50 degrees Celsius. Such a high temperature is detrimental for a voracious butterfly.

The best remedy for larvae moths at home

As a means that scare moth larvae can be called the following:

  • Fir oil. It is worth wing a tampon with essential oil those areas where mole was found, and the larvae will immediately die.
  • The smell of cedar wood is a good tool to scare away mole.
  • Vinegar. To do this, heat the two tablespoons of vinegar in a frying pan for 15 minutes, pour the contents to the jar and put it in the cabinet for 10 minutes. The tool will help destroy moth larvae.
  • Caucasian daisy powder. 4 grams of powder per square meter are enough so that its action gets rid of the pest larvae.
  • Tobacco or black pepper. Mole does not tolerate this caustic smell, and will soon fold its wings, not harming more upper clothes and linen.

Folk remedies

Among folk methodsWith which you can fight with moth, they act like:

  1. Lavender. A voracious butterfly does not tolerate the smell of dried lavender. And also suitable essential oilLavanda based, but it can get more expensive. To get rid of moths, it is enough to pack in small sacks of gauze dried lavender and decompose in those places where mole may dwell. The minus is a slight spread of her smell.
  2. Geranium. If Geranian flowers are located near the cabinet with fur clothing, then the mole will not penetrate there because of the sharp smell of the flower.
  3. Orange peels. The most pleasant aromatic catalyst against food moth. Fresh orange peels are folded in the cabinet, on the shelves and in boxes where moles are widespread. Where the orange peels are, the butterfly will not even be able to make the masonry of eggs. The disadvantage is just that it is often necessary to change the crust of the orange due to the fact that it dries quickly.
  4. Garlic and vinegar. Moths will not like sharp specific smells of these products. Usually uses vinegar when wet cleaning Cabinets and boxes, and garlic cloves lay on the shelves where mole was noticed.
  5. Laundry soap. It is the cheapest method of combating woolen pest. Slices of soap are laid down on the shelves and cabinets and are waiting until the mole is extended. The disadvantage is the smell of soap, which will absorb all the clothes.

  6. Ordered, followed instructions. Wonderful results! We did not expect this! Gathered this year a wonderful harvest, now we will always use only this means. I recommend trying. "