How to build a bathhouse with an attic with your own hands. Baths with an attic made of timber. Sloping gable roofs. Calculations and preparation for work

Relaxing at the dacha is great, but it’s not the same without a bathhouse. Therefore, a do-it-yourself bathhouse with an attic will come to the rescue.

The most important advantage of such a bath is the ability to save living space.

We are building a bathhouse with an attic

The construction of a bathhouse with an attic is essentially no different from the construction one-story bathhouse, only the amount of work and the price are higher, and the roof is higher. So, we choose timber as the material for the bathhouse, since it is perhaps the most common of those that are present on the market. The instructions for building a bathhouse with an attic are as follows:

Laying the foundation

The construction of bathhouses with an attic begins with the foundation. Attic baths are quite heavy, so a strip foundation would be most suitable for such a structure.

It is built as follows:

  • Focusing on the project, a trench is dug. The depth of the trench is determined by the properties of the soil, including the depth of freezing.
  • A sand cushion 15 cm thick is made at the bottom of the trench. To do this, sand is poured, watered and compacted.
  • Formwork is installed around the trench, for which it is used edged board, thickness 40-50 mm, in some cases 25 mm is possible.
  • A reinforcement cage is mounted inside the formwork, where the diameter of the reinforcement is 8-10 mm.

  • Concrete is poured. Concrete can be ordered from an organization that specializes in this and it will be delivered to you by a mixer.

Tip: To save money, concrete can be prepared on site at the rate of cement-sand-gravel, in volumetric parts - 1:3:5.
A concrete mixer will be a very good helper.

We build walls

Building walls from timber is not difficult, the main thing is to follow a certain procedure:

  • The surface of the foundation is covered with waterproofing; roofing felt or waterproofing is suitable for this.

  • On a row of boards, 50 mm thick. This is the so-called backing row, necessary to protect the bottom row of beams from rotting. Changes as needed.
  • The first row of beams is laid. The beams are connected either in a quarter, or with a tongue-and-groove system, or with a dovetail.
  • All inner rectangles are checked for equal diagonals, and this operation is performed every 4-5 rows and for the topmost row.

Advice: In order for the bottom row and floor beams to last a long time, they must be treated with antiseptic compounds, and for fire protection purposes too.

  • The second row is laid, aligned with the bottom one, and fastened to it with dowels. Holes for dowels are drilled every 1.5-2 meters of timber.

In this way, the walls are laid out to the place where they will be located; they are also the floors for the attic.

  • Floor beams are cut at a height determined by the design.
  • Since there is an attic in the bathhouse, the installation of wall beams continues to a height of approximately 1-1.5 meters above the floor beams.

  • The gable walls extend to the ridge.

Installing the roof

Among the tasks related to how to build a bathhouse with an attic, the task of installing the roof is one of the first places and this is done like this:

  • Auxiliary scaffolding is built in the center of the upper part of the bathhouse, for more convenient installation rafters
  • The rafters are installed near the gables. A cord is pulled along the ridge so that the rafters are level.
  • The remaining rafters are installed at a distance of 60 cm. At the level of the attic ceiling, crossbars are installed to strengthen the rafters. They are made from the same board as the rafters.

  • The rafters are covered with a vapor barrier. A counter-lattice, which is a 50x50 mm block, is nailed along the rafters. A sheathing is mounted on top of the counter-lattice from a board 25 mm thick.
  • From modern materials Metal tiles are popular, so the lathing pitch is 35 cm.

  • Metal tiles are being installed.

Exterior finishing

Since ordinary timber is often used in the construction of a bathhouse, such a bathhouse needs exterior decoration. There is nothing complicated about this decoration.

To accomplish this, a sheathing is mounted outside, to which the sheathing is attached. Such cladding is usually siding: metal, PVC, or it can also be wooden. The type of siding and its color depend on the tastes of the owner.

Interior decoration

The interior decoration of the bathhouse begins with the installation of the stove. This could be an iron stove or a stove. After this, they begin to decorate the bathhouse premises in order.

In the steam room, the walls must be completely sheathed, due to the fact that the beams are made mainly of coniferous wood. When heated to high temperatures, such wood releases resins in large quantities. It smells and is not healthy for humans.

When finishing, a frame is mounted, covered with a layer of foil insulation and made of hardwood. On the ceiling, the role of the frame is performed by the floor beams, so the foil insulation is immediately attached and only then comes the clapboard covering.

The floor is also made with insulation, installation of a vapor barrier on all sides of the insulation and covered with tongue-and-groove floorboards.

In the washing room and rest room, the floor and ceiling are also made. The only difference is that there is no need for foil insulation; a vapor barrier is used instead. The walls in these rooms do not need cladding; it is enough to process them with a planer, sand them and varnish them.

In general, cladding methods are now so different, you just need to use your imagination.

What kind of bathhouses with an attic exist?

A bathhouse with an attic can be made not only from timber. To get a complete impression of the variability in the use of materials, look at the photo gallery:


A full-fledged vacation at the dacha is impossible without a bathhouse, and if it is a residential bathhouse with an attic, then this will allow, firstly, to invite many guests. Secondly, you can live there yourself while the main building of the cottage is being built and much more. Well, our portal will help you with this additional information and by providing the video in this article.

It is easy to build a wooden bathhouse with an attic room yourself, if you take into account all the nuances when designing and choosing a location on the site. It is these subtleties that we will understand.


Equipping an additional room above the steam room has many advantages. In the attic you can arrange a billiard room or a guest room. To build a bathhouse with an attic with your own hands, you must first decide on its location on the site and choose a project. Please note that according to the rules fire safety it cannot be placed closer than 10 meters to other buildings if wood heating is planned and closer than 5 meters if gas or electric. The bathhouse must be built at a distance of more than 2.5 meters from the neighbor’s property and 20 meters from wells and wells.

Selection of materials for the construction of a bathhouse with an attic

A bathhouse with an attic can be built from different materials. Each of them has its own pros and cons:
  • Glued laminated timber. Eco-friendly and durable material. However, it is quite difficult to assemble a log house with your own hands. In addition, due to its heaviness, such a design requires the pouring of a powerful foundation. It is also important to take into account that the log house requires shrinkage, and therefore the process of building such a steam room can take about a year or two.
  • Rounded log. Another type of natural and environmentally friendly material for the construction of baths. During the production process, the weakest part, the sapwood, is removed from the logs. The remaining layer is durable and capable of withstanding significant loads, including = in the form of an attic floor. Rounded logs do not require additional external finishing; they look organic and attractive. It is enough just to open them with fire retardants and impregnations against rotting. The disadvantages include the heaviness of such a structure, which, just like in the previous case, requires a reinforced foundation.
  • Brick. It is durable and does not require caulking, like a log house. However, such a structure will cost more.
  • Frame-panel bathhouse. This technology is popular in Lately due to its affordable price, quick and easy installation.
If the material has been decided, you can begin to select a design for a bathhouse with an attic. Decide on the size of the future building and its layout. If you wish, you can order the production of a project plan taking into account all your wishes from an architectural bureau, but this is an additional expense.

Features of the construction of a bathhouse with an attic made of timber

Let's consider the technology of building a bathhouse with an attic made of timber. This building is considered “classic”. Glued laminated timber has gained popularity due to its high performance characteristics and relatively low cost. Construction from such material will cost much less than, for example, from rounded logs. Manufacturers use wood as raw material for timber coniferous species, which is carefully sanded and treated with antiseptic solutions. To glue the finished lamellas, hydrophobic non-toxic glue is used. The construction of laminated veneer lumber is moisture and heat resistant. You can order the production of material of the required shape and size.

Foundation for a bathhouse with an attic made of laminated veneer lumber

Since the frame of beams and logs is quite heavy, we build it on strip foundation.

We proceed this way:

  1. We dig a trench around the perimeter of the future bathhouse below the freezing depth by 20-30 cm. For each type of soil - a different depth. Also, the depth of freezing depends on the area.
  2. Pour a 15 cm layer of sand, water it and compact it thoroughly.
  3. We install formwork from edged boards around it.
  4. Inside we assemble a frame with cells 10-15 cm from reinforcement with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm.
  5. Cooking concrete mortar: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 5 parts gravel. It is more efficient to use a concrete mixer.
  6. We pour the concrete and let it dry for 21-28 days, after which we remove the formwork. In hot weather, the structure must be sprayed with water 5-7 times a day throughout the first week and 2-3 times subsequent.

Assembling the walls of a bathhouse with an attic

First, you need to decide on the method of connecting the beams and, if necessary, make gaps with a chainsaw. If you order timber from a manufacturer, you can choose a model with ready-made gaps.

The walls of the bathhouse are assembled in the following sequence:

  • We cover the foundation with a waterproofing layer. The best option is roofing felt.
  • We install 5 cm thick boards on top to prevent rotting of the bottom row of the log house.
  • We lay the first row of timber, interconnecting systems dovetail, tongue and groove or just a quarter.
  • We treat the structure with an antiseptic composition and fire retardant.
  • We check the equality of the diagonals of each rectangle inside.
  • We attach the second row with stainless steel dowels and align it with the first. They must lie strictly in the same plane. For fastening, you can also use wooden dowels treated with an antiseptic solution.
  • In the same way, we lay the following rows according to the scheme up to the ceiling.
  • Let's cut it in ceiling beams ceilings about 5 cm thick. They must be attached clearly in a perpendicular position. They will also be considered the floor of the attic.
  • We continue to lay out the wall with beams to a height of 1-1.5 meters from the floor beams.
  • The top two beams do not need to be fastened together until the frame has completely shrinked.

Arranging a roof for a bathhouse with an attic

A pitched roof for a bathhouse with an attic is an unacceptable option. Also, the gable rafter system is far from optimal. It is best to choose a “broken” roof project. In this case, we place the lower rafter “legs” at an angle of 75 degrees, the upper ones at a level of 30 degrees to the horizon line. This way you can get a complete room.

The broken rafter system is quite difficult to implement:

  1. We attach U-shaped wooden frames to the floor beams.
  2. Collecting on the ground truss structure made of wood.
  3. We determine the future ceiling of the attic with a height of 2 meters and install the crossbars at this level.
  4. We stuff the sheathing and cover it with a waterproofing layer (roofing felt).
  5. We mount roofing material. The ideal option for such a roof is metal tiles or corrugated roofing sheets.
If desired, you can include in the attic equipment project skylights that are mounted on the roof slopes.

IMPORTANT! Options rafter system it is necessary to clearly calculate, because the attic is planned for living space, in which you can stand up to your full height and carry out some movements.

Arrangement of the attic room in the bathhouse

You can start arranging the attic space immediately after the roof is ready. If you plan to use the second floor in the cold season, then we insulate it with foil insulation. Having laid a layer of insulation from the inside of the attic, we fix a vapor barrier film on top of it. We cover the walls inside the attic with clapboard according to the same pattern as in other living areas of the bathhouse.

Remember that the attic of a bathhouse is different from the attic of any other living space. This is due to the high temperature in the lower room and high humidity. To avoid high humidity V attic room, you should take care of a special layer between the two floors. To make an interfloor ceiling, we lay a layer of vapor barrier in the attic, followed by insulation. We install the finished floor from a tongue and groove floorboard.

You should also take care of artificial lighting attic, since there may not be enough windows. Before the beginning finishing works conduct wiring to the second floor.

Construction of stairs to the attic of the bathhouse

You can buy a staircase to the attic ready-made, but there is a risk that it will not fit into the dimensions of the bathhouse. Making it to order is quite expensive, so the best option is to make it yourself.

For construction you can use coniferous and deciduous tree. Please ensure that the lumber is well dried and smooth.

Before you begin installing the structure, decide on its location. Please note that the staircase to the attic in the bathhouse should be located exclusively indoors. It cannot be installed outdoors. The future structure should be located along the gable part of the roof. Usually the place where it is installed is the dressing room.

The simplest option staircase execution - along stringers:

  1. We stretch a rope along the wall, which connects the top point of the attic floor and the beginning of the stairs in the lower room.
  2. Next, we calculate the number of steps. The maximum height of the step is 20 cm. The angle of inclination is 45 degrees. Minimum height - 12 cm, at 30 degrees. The step should have a depth of 30 to 38 cm. The span width is 100-120 cm.
  3. We mark the corners on the stringer, taking into account the number of steps. At the top of the board we leave a tenon measuring 50-100 mm. It is designed for installing a hatch in the attic. Using a chisel, we hollow out a groove for it in the ceiling.
  4. We first nail the board to the wall and draw the steps using a level.
  5. First we install the base. We secure it with a block. We screw the stringers to the base using self-tapping screws. After this, we attach the first beam to the wall.
  6. We secure the first lower step with self-tapping screws.
  7. Next we install the riser.
  8. We screw the tread with reverse side. So we sew the stringers to the end.
  9. We sew up the outer line of the steps with plywood or board.
  10. Be sure to coat the joints with wood glue. It’s safer this way, and the stairs won’t creak.

If the attic staircase is more than 120 cm wide, then it does not need railings. Otherwise, you should make additional vertical posts that are attached to the stringers. Railings are attached to them.

Exterior decoration of a bathhouse with an attic made of laminated veneer lumber

Glued laminated timber usually looks quite aesthetically pleasing after installation. To improve the performance characteristics of the log house, it is enough to simply caulk it, wait for it to shrink and open it with varnish. However, if desired, you can cover it with any finishing material, for example, siding. Please note that this method can be applied after complete shrinkage.

The sheathing procedure is performed as follows:

  1. We caulk the bathhouse. For this we use tow, flax or jute.
  2. We cover the walls with a layer of vapor barrier, which will protect against condensation.
  3. We fill the walls with sheathing (the step depends on the finishing material) and attach the sheathing - siding.
  4. We put a heat insulator (mineral wool) between the profiles.
  5. Cover the top of the heat insulator with a layer of waterproofing (for example, isospan).
  6. We secure the starting siding strip with self-tapping screws and install the corner parts.
  7. Sheets finishing material install in the starting and corner strips.
  8. We collect from the bottom up. We connect the parts according to the tongue-and-groove pattern.
  9. We fix the finishing strip last. We insert a finishing element into it from below.

Internal lining of a bathhouse with an attic

The classic option for cladding walls and ceilings inside a bathhouse is a combination of lining made from different woods. For a washing room, dressing room, rest rooms and attic, fragrant pine, for example, is perfect. But this material is not suitable for a steam room. Pine will release resins when heated. It is better to use larch.

Instructions for interior decoration looks like that:

  1. We fill the base under the heating device with a height of about 15 cm.
  2. We install a stove in the bathhouse. The air should go out into the waiting room. As an alternative to a conventional wood stove, you can use an electric heater.
  3. We stuff the frame for interior decoration.
  4. We cover the sheathing with foil insulation.
  5. Since laminated veneer lumber is made from coniferous wood, we line the steam room with clapboard made of hardwood. For the washing room, dressing room and attic we use moisture-resistant material according to our preferences.
  6. We attach a heat insulator to the ceiling, gluing the joints with metallized tape and also sheath it, paying particular attention to Special attention joints with walls.
  7. We lay a layer of insulation on the floor, then a vapor barrier and fill the tongue and groove floorboard.
  8. There is no need to insulate the ceiling and floor in the dressing room. However, before covering we lay a vapor barrier membrane.
Watch a video about the construction of a bathhouse with an attic below:

Bathhouse with attic - perfect option, if you need to save space on the site. You should choose the material for construction and the project according to your preferences and financial capabilities. Remember that all buildings on the site must be compatible with each other in style. And the recommendations given will help bring even the most daring ideas to life.

The benefits of the bath were known back in ancient times. Since then, each nation has developed its own, ardently revered bathhouse tradition, and in Rus' bathhouses were a common feature of the rural landscape. It is also difficult to imagine modern country life without the joy of visiting a bathhouse. On personal plot You can see both the now familiar sauna and the more exotic hammam. But, despite familiarity with the customs of other cultures, the majority prefer the traditional Russian bathhouse.

To please themselves with a good rest and increase their health, the owners build bathhouses of various designs and materials. Practical owners strive to build a multifunctional bathhouse, which could become not only a decoration of the site and a health center, but also serve as a additional functions. Bathhouses made of timber with an attic are more suitable for this than others.

Timber bathhouse 6.3x6.3 m with attic Source

Material selection

A bathhouse with an attic and a terrace is usually built from wood; the most common options are:

  • Log baths. Traditionally, bathhouses (and other buildings) in Rus' were built from chopped logs, the most available material. Such designs still exist, but they are not very common due to their characteristics: labor-intensive manual processing of logs, the high cost of high-quality logs, long drying and significant shrinkage. Nevertheless, designs for bathhouses with an attic made from this material are presented in a wide range. A steam room made from hand-processed logs will be of better quality than one built from rounded logs (which, however, depends on the skill of the hired carpenters), but will cost 40-50% more.
  • Panel (frame) baths. They are valued for their speed of assembly and cost-effectiveness during construction - they do not need a massive foundation. But such a building requires high-quality insulation and finishing, the costs of which can offset the savings. Therefore, it is necessary to study well the designs and prices - with all the details - before choosing a bath house made of timber.
  • Bathhouses made of laminated veneer lumber. The main advantage of the material is minimal shrinkage, which allows you not to delay using the bath for its intended purpose. Ordering such a turnkey bathhouse with an attic is completed in the shortest possible time.

Attic bathhouse in Scandinavian style Source

  • Baths made of profiled timber. The building pleases the eye with the impeccable shape of the facade; at the same time timber natural humidity has its own characteristics. It can be significantly deformed when drying, become covered with cracks, and the shrinkage of the box in the first year will be 10–15%. Chamber-dried timber is more expensive (the price is close to a rounded log), but the risk of deformation is minimized, and shrinkage does not exceed 3–6%. This makes kiln-dried timber one of the most practical materials for building a bathhouse.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bathhouse with an attic

For such baths, instead of a regular attic, an attic floor is designed - a full living room with insulation and characteristic sloping walls. Such living space is interesting from the point of view of the emerging prospects, including:

  • Additional square meters. The most obvious advantage is that it allows you to use the room for different purposes. A 5 by 5 bathhouse with an attic can become a multifunctional structure. In addition, the room will be 30-35% cheaper than a similar one in a residential building, but will be just as comfortable. The mansard (sloping) roof, thanks to the vertical side gables, allows for maximum use of space. Hip or gable roof less profitable because, due to the design features, it reduces usable space.

Interior of a guest room in the attic of a bathhouse Source

  • Saving land. A bathhouse made of timber with an attic is a profitable solution if the plot is of modest size, and the owners have big plans for its arrangement. The saved space can always be put to good use.
  • Multifunctionality. With the acquisition of an attic, the possibilities of using a bathhouse expand significantly. The owners can set up a gym here (which would otherwise remain a dream), a cinema hall, and equip a recreation area with a billiard table and a minibar. For some, it is more important to organize a guest room or a home SPA center. A bathhouse with an attic and a terrace will also expand opportunities for outdoor recreation.
  • Originality. Historically, the design of an attic floor with a slanted ceiling line itself evokes romantic thoughts about a bohemian lifestyle; Therefore, it is especially pleasant to relax and communicate here. The unusualness of the situation can be emphasized by decorating the attic in the appropriate style. Luxurious oriental motifs, airy Provence with wicker furniture or the decor of a closed yacht club look impressive. The effect is enhanced by windows installed in the roof, a podium instead of a bed and light through shelving. If the choice fell on a bath house, projects with an attic are the most rational solution.

One of the options for using the attic Source

Bathhouse designs with an attic also have some disadvantages:

  • The issue of isolation. The top floor of a bath house with an attic needs careful protection from moisture, which is ensured by a layer of vapor barrier layer in the ceiling. The layer will preserve thermal insulation and the building structure, preventing the development of mold fungi and microorganisms hazardous to health.
  • The issue of insulation. If you plan to use the attic floor year-round, you will have to thoroughly insulate it.
  • The issue of complicating construction. The steeper the roof slopes, the more usable area there will be underneath. The best option there will be a broken (attic) roof, but it will cost more.

Broken mansard roof - technically complex design requiring a professional approach Source

Bathhouse with attic: features of projects and layouts

In modest-sized baths (3x4 or 4x4 m), it is unprofitable to install an attic floor; For them, expansion by arranging a terrace or veranda is suitable. However, bathhouses with an attic and veranda are of particular interest. You can save money on construction if the bathhouse has dimensions of 6x4, 6x6, 6x8 m and larger. In this case, the total area can reach 60-80 m2, and the project provides for:

  • On the first floor: open terrace, hallway, dressing room (rest room), washing room and steam room. It is more convenient to place the stairs to the second floor in the hallway so as not to clutter up other rooms.
  • On the attic floor: hallway, recreation room (or room with another purpose), storage room.
  • Balcony. A 6x6 (or larger) project may also include a balcony. Many owners like the idea of ​​a space for summer relaxation with leisurely tea drinking in the fresh air.

Turnkey bathhouse with attic - project with a balcony and veranda Source

The most popular option is a 6x6 turnkey bathhouse with an attic, which is inexpensive and allows you to comfortably accommodate a family or a noisy group of friends. The design of a bathhouse may vary from project to project, for example, a dressing room is often combined with a recreation room (if the attic is intended for other purposes). The remaining rooms are equipped as follows:

  • Waiting room. You can allocate a small auxiliary room in it, which can be used as a dressing room and/or a storage room for firewood.
  • Steam room. A two-tier shelf and a suitable-sized sauna stove are installed here. Windows are traditionally made small.
  • Washing room. Usually a shower tray, a wooden (oak, larch or cedar) or plastic (with antibacterial coating) font is installed.

Steam room in a timber bath Source

  • Restroom. For complete relaxation, this is the best way to would be better suited wooden floors, dim diffused light, comfortable furniture and pastel colors.
  • Bathroom. Modern requirement for comfort; for a full bathroom, 1.5-2 m2 is enough.
  • Pool. The dream of many bathhouse owners. By giving up the terrace and slightly reducing the area of ​​other rooms, you can treat yourself to such luxury.
  • Terrace. If it is glazed, it can be used for relaxation during rainy and cold seasons. As decorative element Lanterns look good here.

Video description

What a turnkey bathhouse with an attic and veranda looks like is shown in the following video:

Attic floor: construction features

A turnkey bathhouse with an attic will be inexpensive compared to a full two-story structure. Customers are attracted by the opportunity to save money without losing convenience and functionality. It is best when an additional floor is planned during design, then the calculation load-bearing structures will be as accurate as possible. Otherwise, inevitable difficulties will arise with adding a staircase (most likely, a screw model will be successful) and windows (it is inconvenient to install windows in some types of roofs).

Project of a bathhouse with an attic made of laminated veneer lumber Source

Stairs to the attic

Owners who build an attic bathhouse on their own often go to two extremes when building a staircase. It turns out to be either prohibitively large, and then eats up precious space, or (with the best intentions) prohibitively steep. The descent along such a structure turns into an entertaining, but fraught with injury attraction. And if the exit point of the stairs rests on a sloping wall, then you should also take care of your head.

There are several ways to make a staircase not only functional, but also a comfortable (and preferably beautiful) interior detail. Of all the variety of bath stairs that exist in nature, the following options are familiar:

  • Marching staircase. Depending on the allocated area, it can be one- or two-flight. Such designs are the most familiar, easy to manufacture, and therefore most common. Meet marching stairs on stringers, bowstrings or bolts; the main thing for them is the correct calculation of the parameters of the steps and the distances between them.

Classic two-flight staircase Source

  • Spiral staircase. A winning option for a bathhouse, as it takes up a small area, costs less and looks very impressive. Compared to the mid-flight, the screw design has a steeper angle of ascent and a smaller width of steps, which is potentially more dangerous.

A recent trend has been the construction of a wooden single-flight staircase with a steep angle (35-45°) and proportions tied to the average step length. This option, borrowed from the construction techniques of Scandinavian countries, makes it possible to make the stairs to the attic as comfortable and safe as possible.

Video description

About the construction of an attic bathhouse from profiled timber in the following video:


The classic Russian bathhouse had no communications and, like all medieval buildings, was heated in a black way. Firewood was brought from a neighboring forest, and water was taken from a river or well. Modern bath house - projects with an attic and ordinary steam rooms are connected to all communications, which allows you to enjoy the process in comfortable conditions. All necessary networks are provided at the design stage and include:

  • Water supply. The source can be a centralized or autonomous system, well or well. Sometimes a large storage tank is installed.
  • Electricity. Electricity is used for more than just lighting. It feeds the boiler, pump (if the supply water is coming from the well), electric furnace and Appliances, from the kettle to the TV. IN modern projects Warm floors are often installed.

The forced ventilation system also runs on electricity Source

  • Gas. Instead of an electric boiler, you can install a gas boiler. Heating water will be more economical, but you will need to invite a specialist to install the boiler.
  • Sewerage and drainage system. If central system absent, a septic tank is used for drainage.
  • Ventilation. A system that increases the service life of a building and maintains the necessary sanitary standards; It can be natural (through an open window, which is often not enough) and forced. Ventilation is needed not only in the steam room, where steam, carbon monoxide from the stove and carbon dioxide exhaled by people accumulate. Air circulation is important both in the rest room and in the washing room with shower.

Video description

About the attic bathhouse with an area of ​​60 m2 in the following video:

  • Heating. A properly designed and constructed bathhouse allows you to avoid additional heating, limiting yourself to the heat of a brick or cast iron stove. If desired, in winter time additional funds can be used. The simplest and most effective will be an electric heater. You can also use radiators, heated floors (water or electric), gas and electric convectors.

Baths with an attic: standard and individual projects

To build a bathhouse, the owner suburban area no need to rack your brains, inventing the outlines and structure of the future building, choosing and purchasing materials, raising walls and laying engineering Communication. A specialized construction company will help you choose a suitable project, carry out all the work competently and save the owner time, nerves and finances.

Typical design of a bathhouse with an attic and a terrace Source

Companies offer bathhouses with an attic made of turnkey timber, the designs and prices of which are aimed at a wide variety of tastes. Choosing a standard project allows you to immediately begin construction and after a few months (if the bathhouse is made of laminated veneer lumber or dry profiled timber) test the bathhouse in action. Individual project will require consultation with an architect and additional time (and money) for development. The decision to build a turnkey bathhouse with an attic has several important advantages:

  • The bathhouse will be built on a site of any complexity.
  • You will get a bath within the period specified in the contract.
  • The design will reliable and durable, since the builders have extensive experience and use proven assembly technology.

Glazed terrace of a bathhouse made of laminated veneer lumber Source

  • When ordering a project you can often get special offer: free antiseptic treatment of the subfloor and lower crown, a brick panel for the stove or a metal door as a gift.
  • Many organizations allow some changes in standard projects(changing the location of doors and windows) at no additional cost.

The most popular solution for a large family or friendly company is a bathhouse project measuring 5x5 and 6x6 m. The steam room in such projects is designed for 4-5 people, and the relaxation room for 7-8. An additional plus is that it is easier for a square building to find a place on the site, and the attic allows you to get a comfortable multifunctional space without taking up valuable land.

Individual project of a timber bath Source

Bathhouses with an attic on a turn-key basis: asking price

The opportunity to get “two in one” - a full-fledged living space that can be used at your own discretion, and a bathhouse made according to Russian traditions is attracting more and more people. Such buildings are distinguished by a convenient layout and high performance characteristics; Choosing a suitable project from a wide range will not be difficult. Prices for timber baths with an attic in the Moscow region are as follows:

  • Baths 4x6 m: from 245-260 thousand rubles.
  • Baths 5x5 m: from 265-270 thousand rubles.
  • Baths 6x5 m: from 280-295 thousand rubles.
  • Baths 6x6 m: from 320-350 thousand rubles.


For most people, a bathhouse is the most affordable and enjoyable way to relax from the hustle and bustle modern life, chat with friends and join the healing procedures proven by the thousand-year experience of our ancestors. Such a vacation will be especially successful if timber bath it will have an attic. Guests staying for the weekend will appreciate the advanced features this design provides.

Almost every owner of a private home has had the desire to install a bathhouse on their own plot at least once. After all, no one doubts its diversified value, ranging from health benefits to aesthetic advantages in the exterior of the site. Therefore, some have already realized their dream a long time ago, while others are just about to begin to realize it, looking for opportunities, selecting the internal arrangement of the building, its functionality, design, thinking through the stages of construction. In this good endeavor, a special place is occupied by the layout of bathhouses with an attic for small areas. They have a number of undoubted advantages compared to simple one-story solutions, nuances of design, construction and use.

Why does a bathhouse need an attic superstructure?

Often such architectural layouts are chosen, initially guided by their functionality, as well as design features:

  • usage common foundation, which allows you to combine a hygienic (1st floor) and a recreation area under the roof, for example for tea drinking or a billiard room, saving land under the building area;
  • A larger project, such as a 6x6 bath house with an attic, can already become a fully functional option for a plot of several hundred square meters. It is capable of simultaneously playing the role of a venue water procedures and accommodation, and for large private areas with separate full-fledged housing, such a layout can solve the problem of accommodating guests;
  • two-level designs often include terraces (verandas, loggias or balconies), where it is pleasant to relax while contemplating the surroundings;
  • they allow you to create aesthetically correct architectural forms. For example, the same project of a bathhouse with an attic and a terrace, guided by the requirements landscape design, is much easier to adapt to many areas as a complete solution, in contrast to separate one-story steam rooms.

Advantages of bathhouse projects equipped with attics

  1. The first thing engineers always talk about when constructing attic superstructures is a significant reduction in the load on the load-bearing foundation, compared to the construction of a full second floor.

The bathhouse complex is no exception, unless you are thinking about a lightweight frame. For him, the difference between the mass of an entire floor or an operating room under the roof is not so significant. By the way, when the strength of the foundation causes concern, it is precisely frame technology most favorable if it is necessary to complete the construction of rooms above the reconstructed object.

Therefore, for most projects of bathhouses with an attic, various economical prefabricated ones are suitable: columnar, screw, MZL. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the type of construction, as well as the properties of the soil. Yes, for brick construction on heaving soils, either powerful piles or a buried reinforced foundation strip may be needed.

  1. The base and roof common to both levels saves construction investments compared to adding auxiliary rooms or terraces.
  2. The attic in the bathhouse allows you to optimize heating costs. Firstly, a significant portion of thermal energy, rising upward with air currents, is dissipated through the roof (25%-30%). Therefore, the material consumption of insulating a roof or upper floor is higher than that of walls, since thicker layers of insulation are required. Secondly, from the point of view of the minimum ratio of the external surface to the internal volume, a building close in shape to a cube (a building with under-roof spaces) loses heat more slowly. Heating it is faster and cheaper than a one-story building with auxiliary rooms attached to the side.

In addition, taking into account the tendency of thermal energy to move upward, it is possible to simplify heating a room under the roof by properly ensuring the flow of air from the ground floor to the top.

  1. The layout solution “house bathhouse with attic” makes it possible to simplify the installation, operation, and regulation of communication systems (ventilation, heating). The use of vertically oriented risers or trunk lines is more convenient than numerous horizontal branches.

Features of design solutions

Even before starting to develop or search for a suitable ready-made design solution for self-construction, it’s good to pay attention to some design features of the structures we are considering.


It is always one of the main negative arguments among opponents of superstructure floors. Naturally, no one will dispute the fact that the staircase in the bathhouse to the attic will occupy squares of space, which are especially valuable when creating compact architectural forms. However, since we have found numerous other counterbalancing advantages, we should choose an option taking into account the characteristics of different systems:

  1. Marching stairs are the most comfortable, functional and safe. They take up more space than other types. They are difficult to adapt to small areas, for example, if you have a 4x4 m layout.
  2. Bolts - have all the advantages of marching structures. They are not suitable for frame buildings, as they require a strong load-bearing wall, to which the support pins of the steps should be attached.
  3. Screw ones are the most inconvenient, although they are effective and take up minimal space. They can often help out if you have a compact 5 by 5 bathhouse project with an attic or, especially, 4x4 m.

Features of attic geometry

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the limited internal area of ​​the object. After all, it turns out not to be too big. Therefore, in order to create a more or less functional floor, it is not advisable to use pitched roof. Gable is also not the best convenient option, since even for a 6x6 m building, in order to effectively use the space under the slopes, they will have to be made too steep, and this will have a negative impact on the wind resistance and material consumption of the entire structure.

The optimal choice of type of coating for a bath house with an attic tends to be a broken line gable roof or to the construction of an upper half-floor operating room.

We choose projects for construction with our own hands

When the main points of creating your own personal bathing and household complex are already clear, you can come to grips with design issues. Taking into account the fact that for individual use structures that are small in area and have a fairly limited variability of layouts are often considered, it is easier to take as a basis ready-made solution, which best meets the owner’s needs. Then, no one bothers you to slightly adjust any architectural idea you like to personal preferences. You can, for example, move or add partitions, or slightly change the external dimensions of the object.

At the stage of developing the geometric parameters of the future construction plan, it is important to take into account not only user characteristics. It has already been said above that the issue of heat conservation is especially important for a bath structure. Therefore, both the cubic layout in volume and the square in the plane are optimal energy-efficient shapes. Consequently, a house with a square plan will cool down more slowly. Let's look at some of them based on small typical projects.

Compact projects 4x4 m

Almost one of the most miniature architectural solutions that owners of even the smallest plots can rely on. However, despite the fact that the construction will require only a little more than 16 m2 of territory, it is quite capable of coping with the tasks assigned to it. A 4 by 4 bathhouse with an attic already on the first floor accommodates all the necessary purpose rooms: a steam room, a wash room and a relaxation room. If desired, the relaxation room can be moved upstairs by placing a not too bulky sofa or a couple of armchairs plus a small table there, and a lower entrance area equip as a dressing room. It is enough to mount an additional partition in it, which will reduce heat loss in winter. Using the upper level for relaxation will also allow you to allocate space below for a bathroom or storage of equipment.

If properly arranged, such a compact project will not only be suitable for creating a place for hygiene and relaxation with regular use by a small family. It is already quite capable of providing additional territory on which the owners can freely accommodate relatives or friends who come to visit.

Choose 5x5 m

In fact, a 5 by 5 bathhouse with an attic is only a slightly enlarged analogue of the 4x4 m design solution. The slightly expanded area does not add much richness to the choice of zoning the space of the first floor. However, “extra” squares will allow you to expand the boundaries of the washing room or rest room, which will significantly increase the user comfort of the owners, even taking into account the fact that their guests will also be amateurs bath procedures. The washing room is already capable of accommodating not just a shower stall and a small font, but a couple of types of showers (regular and contrast) and a comfortable font.

When redesigning a project, moving partitions in order to increase the volume of individual rooms, one should not forget that this is not always advisable. For example, the main trump card of a steam room is not its dimensions, but the ability to maintain a fairly high, stable temperature. The thermal balance is more difficult to regulate, and heating costs will increase significantly if the steam room is too large. Therefore, it is better to keep the steam room to a minimum size.

If we consider the upper level of the structure, then from this side the design of a 5 by 5 bathhouse with an attic provides opportunities for internal arrangement somewhat wider than similar structures that are smaller in plan. Under the roof you can get a fairly solid billiard room with a professional table or a secluded room, separated from the staircase and access to the balcony.

When installing an interfloor ceiling, you should take a responsible approach to the issue of its strength, especially if the attic tier is expected to be actively used. As beam elements, it is recommended to use a board measuring at least 150*50 mm, mounted on an edge. If there is no intermediate support of the beams on the load-bearing partitions of the 1st floor, it is better to use ribs with a height of 200 mm.

Layout 6x6 m

This type of layout is also often chosen by owners of small plots. At the same time, although the design of a 6x6 bathhouse with an attic can be classified as an average architectural solution for such buildings, the structure erected on its basis is already a fairly complete structure. On the one hand, it is not too expensive, but on the other, it can provide complete comfort to the owners. The area allocated for construction fully accommodates both all the main internal and external premises, for example with terraces on both floors. If you choose a project with terraces, then it is no longer necessary to allocate space on the site for the construction of a gazebo. The veranda and loggia, protected from precipitation, are always ready for cozy gatherings in the fresh air.

If the 6x6 m layout is developed to please interior design, then there will be enough space to separate a spacious recreation room from the entrance corridor on the lower floor, provide a compartment for storing firewood, a toilet, or even install a voluminous plunge pool in the washing room like a mini-pool. The attic in the bathhouse is zoned to be quite comfortable guest rooms, for organization gym, home cinema or other target premises.

What else to pay attention to when building a bathhouse with an attic with your own hands

After resolving issues related to the design layout of the building, you still have a number of important organizational and installation stages ahead:

  • decide on the material, buy a standard set of ready-made parts of the building, or, based on your developments, order an assembly kit from a specialized company, or completely manufacture the structural elements yourself during installation;
  • it is worth considering the aesthetic component of the location of the structure, especially if you have a bathhouse with an attic and a terrace or panoramic French windows upstairs. The landscapes you see will become a significant component of your vacation;
  • when arranging the under-roof volume, one of the key tasks will be. On the one hand, heat and moisture will try to penetrate into the attic from below, and on the other hand, from above in the sun in the summer the roof will heat up or become supercooled in the winter. Therefore, in addition to using high-quality heat-insulating materials, it is worth paying attention to careful vapor barrier in interfloor covering, as well as the tasks of vapor and waterproofing of the exploited under-roof space.