How to protect radishes from pests? Photos and descriptions of insects, recommendations for combating them, differences from diseases. Description of pests of radish (radish) and the fight against them Why radish leaves in a hole

Attacking a plant, pests can destroy the entire crop in just a few days.

Especially dangerous is the defeat of the tops - the growth of the root crop stops, and the plant dies.

How to determine what exactly struck a root crop - a disease or insects?

If a plant overcomes an ailment, it changes its physiological condition. Symptoms of various diseases can be:

  • the appearance of a white oily coating on the stems, leaves, pedicels and testes;
  • spherical growths on root crops, which eventually acquire a brown tint and begin to rot;
  • black, light yellow or brown spots on radish leaves;
  • root crops are covered with brown spots and are overgrown with gray fluff;
  • the veins on the leaves or the base of the stem turn black, the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off.

The causative agents of diseases with such manifestations are fungi and viruses.

Cruciferous flea

Black bugs moving in the garden with intense jumps making them easy to spot. The pest infects radish leaves, gnawing fragments and rapidly enlarging the affected area. The attacked radish stops growing and dries up.

The cruciferous flea is especially active in dry hot weather.

How to deal with a pest, how to treat flea radishes, are there folk remedies against this insect?

To protect the planting from flea attacks, you can resort to natural remedy. For the manufacture of a protective composition, it will be required in equal proportions:

  1. Ash.
  2. Tobacco dust.
  3. Mix the ingredients and scatter the resulting composition over the garden bed once every five to seven days.

In case of massive defeat and the inevitable need to use chemicals use drugs Tod, Alfatsin, Zolon, Kaiser, Arrivo.

The plant is processed according to the instructions. For example, Zolon, a drug in the form of an emulsion concentrate, is used as follows:

  1. Spraying is carried out during the growing season.
  2. The composition is diluted in a ratio of 1.6 ml per 2 liters of water. The resulting solution is enough to process about three square meters.
  3. Carry out processing in the morning or evening in calm, dry weather.
  4. The duration of action of the drug is 15-20 days, pests die by 90% on the third day after spraying.


White butterfly laying its larvae in soil... The caterpillars that appear move to the leaves and destroy them. To disinfect plants, you need to prepare a composition of the following components:

  1. Mustard - 2 tablespoons
  2. Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Table salt - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Water - 10 liters.
  5. Mix all the ingredients and spray the radish once a week.

Of the chemicals, Iskra M, Kemifos, Fitoferm are effective, they are used according to the instructions.

Cabbage moth

A gray-brown moth, about two centimeters in size. Insect larvae can be found on the underside of leaves... The hatched caterpillars feed on radish foliage.

To counteract the pest, you need to feed the plantings with superphosphate with calcium chloride.

If there is a massive defeat of plants, then to destroy the pests will have to resort to chemical processing Lepidocide and Bitoxibacillin, remembering that it is prohibited to carry out such treatments during fruit ripening.

Application of Lepidocide:

  1. The drug is prepared on the day of use, according to the instructions.
  2. To prepare the solution, only clean, warm water is used.
  3. Spraying is carried out in dry weather up to +35 degrees.

Cabbage fly

This gray-brown fly is not dangerous for radishes, unlike its larvae. They deform the root, gnawing holes in it. Caterpillars are also capable of completely destroying fresh leaves.

The insect does not tolerate naphthalene-based substances, slaked lime and camphor. Plants can be treated with formulations that include one of the listed components.

If the lesion exceeds 15%, use Lepidocide and Bitoxibacillin.

Garden scoop

Butterfly brown color, the larvae of which eat up the seedlings... As a result of such a defeat, the greens can grow, and the fruit does not develop, and remains a root.

To destroy the pest, you can use the following recipe:

  1. 500 grams of dried tops.
  2. 50 grams of grated laundry soap.
  3. 10 liters of water.
  4. Insist the tops in water in a warm place for four hours.
  5. Add soap before spraying.
  6. Process plantings in dry weather in the evening.

If a remedy made from natural ingredients does not work, you need to use chemicals. Zeta-cypermethrin, IntaVir have proven themselves well.

IntaVir solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tablet for 5-10 liters of water. The treatment is carried out through a sprayer.

Cabbage butterfly

Butterfly white, the caterpillars of which feed on young leaves and eat away the flesh, leaving only streaks.

You can fight pests by collecting them by hand. and processing the planting with coniferous concentrate. For this you will need:

  1. Spruce or pine branches and cones - 200 grams.
  2. Hot water - 2 liters.
  3. Fold the raw material into an enamel container, fill it with water, leave at room temperature for a week.
  4. After the allotted time, strain the product.
  5. Dilute one part concentrate to ten parts water.
  6. Spray in the morning every two weeks.

If there is a need for processing chemical compositions, then Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin and Lepidocide are well suited.


Small, brown bugs with oblong bodies. Destroy tender sprouts. Adults feed on foliage, and the larvae feed on roots... Plants attacked by wireworms can develop rot and all kinds of fungal diseases. Radish rotting out from the inside.

Burying a wireworm is a good option. onion peel in the garden at.

At the first symptoms of damage, the application of fertilizers based on ammonium sulfate can help.

If the plant is attacked en masse, use the drug Bazudin... To destroy the wireworm, it is introduced into each well at a dosage of 1 gram per square meter.

Stem nematode

These are filamentous microscopic transparent-whitish worms, up to 2 mm long. Their target - radish juice, can nest in the root collar of the fruit, roots or stem. Damaged radishes wither and die.

Marigolds are effective against nematodes:

  1. The whole plant is dried in the open air.
  2. Half a bucket of chopped marigolds are poured with ten liters of water and insisted for three days.
  3. Add 50 grams of laundry soap to the resulting composition, filter the solution.
  4. It is necessary to spray the plant weekly.

To combat nematodes, insecticides are used: Dimethoat, Rogor, Vidat... The use of these drugs makes sense only for young seedlings.

Plants are treated by spraying in the morning or evening hours... For best results, choose a warm, windless day.

Rapeseed sawfly

Insect, about 8 mm long, yellow-orange in color with two black spots on the back. The body is shiny with two pairs of transparent wings, yellow at the base and with a black border around the edges. Female rape sawfly lays eggs in the second half of May - early June on the underside of a radish leaf. The hatched caterpillars eat out numerous holes in the tops and lead the plant to death.

In the fight against the pest, an infusion of black henbane will help. You need to take:

  1. 500 grams of dry leaves.
  2. 2 liters of water.
  3. Insist 12 hours.
  4. Strain the liquid through a sieve.
  5. Dilute the resulting composition with eight liters of water, add grated soap and process the beds.

Of the chemicals, Dendrobacillin, Entobacterin are effective.

Entobacterin is dissolved in warm water, adhering to a dosage of 10 g per liter of water. Processing is carried out using a spray bottle.

Cruciferous bug

Small black bugs with bright orange stripes feed on radish juice and young shoots dry out. To protect plantings from pests, you can prepare the following solution:

  1. 500 grams of common dope leaves.
  2. 10 liters of water.
  3. 2-3 tablespoons of crushed laundry soap.
  4. Mix the ingredients and leave for 12 hours.
  5. Spray the tops every five days.

For chemical processing, Fosbecid, Actellik are used. The drugs are used according to the instructions.

Summer cabbage fly

The wormy fruits of radish are the result of summer life cabbage fly ... It is difficult to detect harmful insect larvae - they are whitish, up to 8 mm in length. Destroy the inside of the stems, make moves and move towards the fruit.

A folk remedy in the fight against this insect includes:

  1. Salt - 200 grams.
  2. Ten liters of water.

The salt is diluted with water and the beds are watered. After that, the ground must be sprinkled with ash.

Effective insecticides in the fight against summer cabbage fly - Karbofos, Zemlin, Rovikurt.


To prevent the appearance of pests, you can also carry out the following procedures:

  • spray wood ash, slaked lime and tobacco dust in equal proportions on the beds with radish;
  • spray the radish with a decoction of green wormwood;
  • spray only the seedlings that have appeared with a vinegar solution prepared at the rate of 1 glass of 9% vinegar per ten liters of water.

At the end of the season, you need to clean up plant residues., since it is in them that part of the pests winters. Closer to frost, the ground in the garden must be dug up so that the larvae and adult insects die.

Adequate crop control, prevention of pests and, if necessary, timely control measures taken will help the gardener to win the fight for a rich radish harvest.

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The main pests of radish: find and neutralize

Radishes, as well as cabbage seedlings, adore gnawing cruciferous fleas, which the rest of the time sit on rape-like weeds and wait for goodies.

Radish pest control methods

Cruciferous flea

Agricultural technology for growing radish

General information. Radish varieties.

For the same reason, tansy or celandine can be planted around the perimeter of the garden;

Should be applied at least once a week

A young radish will be a real find for them. Watering when planting in April is not necessary - the ground is still quite wet. You can pre-treat the land with hot water. When replanting radishes, watering is essential.

Almost everywhere.

Pollination with wood ash or tobacco dust is recommended against these pests. Seeded in early dates radish prevents damage to plants. Hot, dry weather contributes to the emergence of diseases and pests.

  1. Before planting, the seeds can be held in a damp cloth to hatch. To protect against dry rot planting material warmed up for 15 ... 20 minutes in heated water (about 45 ° C). This procedure also contributes to more early appearance seedlings.
  2. Early maturing varieties (growing season 25 ... 30 days). Here one can distinguish such varieties as "Zarya", "Ruby", "Rose-red with a white tip", "Camelot", "Cherry-bell", "Early red" and others.
  3. Radish is an early vegetable crop that is one of the first to harvest. Juicy, spicy-tasting fruits are incredibly healthy and tasty. They can be used for salads, okroshka and other dishes. Radishes are often attacked various pests that can destroy the crop in a matter of days or seriously spoil it, making it unfit for human consumption.
  4. It is quite simple to deal with them (and, of course, without using pesticides that will not decompose before harvesting and which you will "treat" your family to).

Soil preparation before planting

, She jumps from leaf to leaf and makes holes in the leaves.

You can also make a distracting maneuver by planting a favorite flea weed next to the radish;

... And as an option - ground black pepper or slaked lime. ​.​ The quality of the radish is proportional to the regularity of watering. Without water, radishes are not so juicy and coarse, more bitter. On hot days, radishes are watered every evening, on cool days - once every two days.

The benefits of radish. Radishes have a huge variety useful properties... It improves appetite and metabolism, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood cholesterol levels, removes toxins from the body and even, according to some reports, stops the growth of cancer cells. Guys are fiber - doctor Aibolit for our body.

Preparing radish seeds for sowing

To prepare the working solution, add about 2 glasses of fresh ash and about 50 g of laundry soap to a 10-liter bucket of water. Mix everything thoroughly. You can pick up ash on a shovel and scatter it over a bed with crops. For some time, insects will limit their harmful activities.

You can sow radishes in the country from mid-March, as soon as the soil thaws to a depth of about 10 cm (when growing radishes in a greenhouse, sowing is allowed much earlier). Agricultural technology for growing radishes involves sowing seeds in lines, deepening them by 1 ... 2 cm. Sowing deeper is not recommended, since there is a risk that the root crop will not tie up. The optimal distance between rows is considered to be 8 ... 10 cm. For planting beds of 10 square meters. m will require about 15 g of radish seeds. There are about 1000 seeds in 10 g.

Optimal seeding time

Mid-season varieties (growing season 30 ... 40 days). Sorts "Mokhovsky", "Heat", "Icicle", "Red giant", "Virovsky white", etc.

Plant care

Most often, cruciferous fleas attack radishes, which in a short period of time make many holes in the tops. All this negatively affects the amount of the crop. Fleas have absolutely small size body with pronounced metallic luster... As a rule, insects are of the same color. The spring cabbage fly, despite its name, also spoils the radish. Females lay eggs in the soil, from which larvae 6-8 mm long, gray or white, emerge. The larvae move closer to the root crops and begin to actively eat them. Over time, they spread to the stems. If you do not take action, the crop will be spoiled. The rape bug eats absolutely any cruciferous plants, including radishes. Since bedbugs hibernate under foliage, they become active immediately after warming. Females lay clutches directly on the foliage. Damaged plants turn yellow and wither. The key is to clean the garden thoroughly in the fall. The fewer last year's leaves, the lower the likelihood that pests will appear in large quantities... Unfortunately, this is not always enough. The nocturnal cabbage moth eats cabbage, radishes, turnips, and also gladly absorbs plantings of turnip, watercress, horseradish and radish. The moth looks like a small butterfly, its wings are brown with stripes. Caterpillars of the cabbage moth eat leaves in large quantities. Slugs live on cruciferous plants, especially young ones. Pests spoil mainly radish foliage. Slugs live for a long time, and they reproduce well enough, which is why it is important to process planted crops on time. Manual collection of slugs will not give the desired effect, because they can migrate from garden to garden, thereby spreading to large areas. Nutcrackers or wireworms eat all root vegetables, including radishes. Since their presence is often ignored by summer residents, significant damage is noted upon harvesting. In some areas, there is a huge number of pests that look like orange thin worms, somewhat reminiscent of copper wire.

Ordinary ash, which can be collected after cooking kebabs or specially burned through a small fire from stick branches, is sprinkled in the early morning (over dew so that it sticks to the leaves) the crops of radish and the flea beetle retires in a hurry.

It also gnaws young shoots of radishes and root crops.

To postpone the planting of crops to an earlier time (immediately after the snow melts);

Radish pests and control

Spraying gives a good result

Having then transformed into an imago, the insect eats the tops. The flea eats the delicate leaves of radish to the holes, as a result of which they dry out. In the same place, on the leaves, beetles lay yellowish eggs.

A few days after germination, the radishes are thinned out. Density of crops is one of the reasons for radish shooting. Do not regret - pull it!

Radish can be sown at several times with an interval of 10-15 days.

When growing radishes, it is best to use drip irrigation systems, as abundant watering after pest control will wash away the protective compound.

To get friendly and strong shoots, the soil must first be watered. When the first true leaves appear, it is necessary to thin out the plants. The distance between the shoots should be 2 ... 3 cm. Experienced gardeners suggest that it is better to plant one seed at a time, since thinning can damage the root of the plant left behind, after which it develops worse and can go to the arrow, which will significantly affect the harvest.

Late-ripening varieties (growing season more than 40 days). This group includes the varieties "Dungansky", "Zenith", Rampous ".

Harvesting and storage

With cabbage flea can be fought with ash. Sprinkle some ash on the leaves and the ground. Carry out the processing several times a week until the pests disappear completely. Complex preparations are presented in a wide range of gardening stores. They usually come in the form of tablets or ampoules, which must be diluted in water. The method of application is detailed on the package - you cannot make the solution more concentrated, otherwise the radish may die. Do not forget to periodically paint greenhouses, elements of which are made of wood. Otherwise, not only pests may appear, but also the development of many diseases in radishes.

Small cruciferous fleas gnaw at the leaves of radishes and all cruciferous plants, especially in dry weather. The most effective method the fight against them is the shelter of plants, especially young ones, a covering material, I use lutrasil. Less effective is the use of a soap solution with ash, pepper. You can plant cilantro and garlic next to radish crops, but the most effective is the use of a covering material.


Growing Radish | The village is my homeland ...

Choose moist places for sowing radishes. But they are used already when the flea was found on the culture. You can dilute a bottle of vinegar (or 2 tablespoons of essence) in a bucket of water, or prepare a decoction from tomato tops collected as a result of pinching the bushes. Laundry soap is also rubbed here (0.5 pieces) Usually, cruciferous flea beetles are fought with the help of purchased chemicals (Aktellik, Bankol, Karate, etc.). But since they Fertilize and feed radishes in the spring are extremely rare. Fresh manure, ash is not brought under it, potash fertilizers... They prepare a garden bed in the fall or choose especially fertile land plots after crops for which manure was applied. If you want to fertilize, read the fertilizer instructions. open ground held from April 15th. It is possible a week earlier, but under the film on the frame, so that the radish does not go into the arrow from prolonged low temperatures.

The radish is harvested as it ripens in required quantities... As a rule, freshly picked radishes are immediately eaten. If you water the radishes in the evening and pick them up in the morning, without removing the roots, and trimming the tops at a distance of 2 ... 4 cm from the fruit, then it can be successfully stored for up to 7 ... 8 days. Radish should be placed in a cool place, best kept in the refrigerator.

When to plant radishes?

If there is hot and sunny weather on the plot during the cultivation of radishes, the crop should be watered in the morning and evening.

In order for the seeds to hatch faster, they must be held in a damp cloth.

Radish is one of the earliest and everyone's favorite vegetables. In the spring, he opens the supply season human body fresh vitamins. Early ripening, tasty, very juicy, it is used for salads and appetizers. In radishes great content vitamin C, trace elements magnesium, calcium, sulfur, useful people, and the presence of aromatic mustard oils will enrich the taste of any dish.

How to plant radishes?

Radish is one of the healthiest vegetables. Always, when I plant it, after it grows on the leaves there are some punctures, I even thought it was such a peculiar kind of tops. But I read that no, these are such insects as cruciferous bugs, the so-called sawfly beetles so love to feast on radishes. We used to dig deeply in the spring and it helped, and the ash also helps to get rid of pests. Radishes must be constantly weeded out. For those who do not want to "bother" clarifying the relationship with pests, you can use the method of growing crops in greenhouses. But the ubiquitous insect is able to reach there too.

Craftsmen came up with

Radish belongs to an early ripening culture, chemical substances not worth using

With early sowing, the radish has time to get stronger before the mass appearance of the cruciferous flea, so deterrent measures (pepper, mustard, ash) can be dispensed with.

Radish care

The second planting is carried out after the appearance of the first true leaf in the plants of the first planting - from April 25th. Avid fans can plant radishes a couple more times in May and in the first half of August. Usually this is not done, since radishes are replaced by cucumbers, turnips, radishes, various varieties of cabbage.

If you remove the tops and roots of a freshly harvested radish, then it can be stored for only 5 ... 6 hours, as it will quickly wither.

Care during the growth of radishes is traditional: weeding, watering, periodic loosening. In dry weather, watering is best done twice a day, in the evening and in the morning, this contributes to the production of juicy and dense root crops. With a lack of moisture, the fruits are rough, bitter, with voids inside. Radish especially needs watering after the appearance of a real leaf, when the root crop is being formed. But it is also not worth getting carried away with watering, because excess moisture leads to cracking of the fruit.

Radish pests

Radish bears fruit well on loose light soils with an abundance of moisture. When grown in clay and dense soils, root crops are hard and shallow, often have a gnarled shape.

Radish varieties: 1 - "French", 2 - "Vera" (round form of radish), 3 - "white radish".

There are pests called cruciferous fleas. They are very fond of eating radish leaves. They gnaw through small holes. You can fight these pests with chemistry. Suitable for this are fufanon, kemifos.


Then you need to take 500 grams of wood ash, dilute in 10 liters of water, add 50 grams of grated laundry soap, stir well and spray the plant, preferably during the day, once a week.

They are prickly, and all of them have holes. Who gnaws and how to kill him?

How to get rid of a radish pest from a radish

Original traps (So ​​that the vegetable is not saturated with them). But a great solution problems can become folk remedies. But the middle and late plantings will have to be saved from the cruciferous flea. Of all the cruciferous plants in the garden, this amazing flea eats watercress first, then turnips, and then radishes, cabbage and radishes. It is not worth treating radishes with poisons - too soon it will need to be eaten. Can be used folk methods- dust with tobacco dust mixed with lime or ash. Do you know more ways of environmentally friendly control of the cruciferous flea - write.

Seeds are best bought from reliable stores that have been around for years. Poor small seeds do not yield a good harvest. No matter how hard you try

By adhering to the above rules, you can get an excellent harvest. which will delight you and your loved ones Growing radishes in a greenhouse consists in observing optimal temperature regimes and maintaining the humidity of the air and soil. Until the first shoots appear, the temperature is maintained at + 16 ... 18 ° C. After receiving mass shoots, it is lowered for 3-4 days to 6-8 ° C, using ventilation so that the shoots do not stretch out. Further, in cool weather, they withstand a temperature of + 12 ... 15 ° С, at night 8 ... 10 ° С, in sunny weather + 18 ... 20 ° С. good harvest radish in the country, it is best if the predecessors are potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers.

Folk tricks

Thanks to short term vegetation (cultivation), which lasts from 20 to 40 days, depending on the variety, it can be grown in the beds even before planting the main vegetable crops(late cabbage, etc.). It can also be sown as a compacting crop in the country. Radish is a very light-loving and moisture-loving plant. It tolerates well low temperatures, seeds begin to sprout already at temperatures of + 2 ... 3 ° C, they can tolerate short frosts of -2 ... 3 ° C. Adult plants are able to withstand cold snaps up to - 4 ... 6 degrees. Optimal temperature regime in order to grow radishes, + 16 ... 18 ° С.

  • In the fall, you need to remove the foliage and dig up the garden. It is under the foliage and in upper layers the soil, this infection lays its larvae. It is only to humans that the leaves of radish seem thorny, in fact, they are very juicy and tasty, especially when young. it is young leaves that the cruciferous flea loves to eat, one of the most important pests, capable of destroying all future harvest... Caterpillars also do not disdain radish leaves. These can be caterpillars of cabbage, whiteworm, cabbage scoop or cabbage moth, which usually eat the leaf from its inside. Beetles can also be a pest for radishes. They like foliage, for example, weevil beetle, leaf beetles and cruciferous bugs. The best remedy the control of these pests is the treatment of radish with wood ash or tobacco dust.
  • The two most vicious radish pests that feed mainly on leaves are the cruciferous bug and the rape sawfly, of various configurations. The simplest of them is a canopy over the garden. The underside of the awning is lubricated with any sticky compound (for example, tar). In a few days it will be possible to harvest insects. ”How to get rid of a cruciferous flea on a radish without using chemicals? Here are our tips:
  • Kivsyak radish planting damages very well. Many years of experience in dealing with this centipede has not yet yielded positive results without the use of pesticides. So, it is better to choose a piece of land for planting radishes, which is not inhabited by kivsya. Grow radishes
  • Hello friends! What do you think, apart from potatoes, was Peter the Great brought to Russia? Radish, of course. This early ripening vegetable the emperor liked it for a reason ... Today, the most common diseases of radish are mucous bacteriosis, phomosis, false powdery mildew, white and gray rot, dry (heart rot), powdery mildew, black leg, ordinary mosaic, fusarium, which can almost completely destroy the entire crop. sowing, there were enough nutrients for the growing season

Preventive remedies

  • The best period for growing radishes is considered to be with a day length of 10 ... 12 hours.
  • You can do without spraying. To do this, you need to plant radishes in the garden bed on which last year onions, garlic, or peas were planted. You should not plant a radish in a garden bed where cabbage or radish also grew. It can be formed by ash or tobacco dust.There are pests that gnaw the leaves of the radish, despite the fact that the leaves of the radish seem thorny to us. Nevertheless, the foliage is juicy and nutritious, and for the larvae of the rape sawfly this is just what is needed.The former sucks the juice from the leaves, at the site of the puncture, the leaf tissue die off and holes of various, often irregular shapes appear.
  • To make it easier to deal with the cruciferous fly, you can pre-protect the beds from its invasion:
  • The fight against the flea should be started almost immediately, as the radish is sown in the garden
  • For longer storage, it is better to cut off the tops of the radish immediately, and put the roots in a bag and put them in the refrigerator. The tops literally suck out all the juices from the radish and it instantly becomes lethargic.
  • - he goes to the arrow.


Who chews on the leaves of the radish?

Radish belongs to cruciferous plants therefore it can be damaged by pests.

Captain obvious

... For this it is recommended in autumn period(while digging the soil before winter), apply 400 ... 500 kg of humus per one hundred square meters and a complex mineral fertilizers: potash and phosphoric - 0.6 ... 0.9 d / v (active ingredient) per hundred square meters, 3 ... 4.5 kg of superphosphate, 1.2 ... 1.8 kg of potassium sulfate or 2.4 ... 3.6 kg of potassium magnesium ... V spring loosening and harrowing the beds to reduce moisture loss. After a few days, it is recommended to cultivate to a depth of 3 ... 5 cm. During cultivation, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 0.8 ... 1.1 kg d / in per one hundred square meters (approximately 2.3 ... 2.9 kg of ammonia village).

In order for this root crop to be regularly on your table, it is necessary to make the correct selection of varieties. In addition, you should sow seeds in several stages, if your country cottage area... Such agricultural technology will allow you to grow more than one good harvest throughout the warm season in your country house.

Actually, radishes have no special thorns on the leaves.

The rape sawfly lives on the territory of Russia already long years and feeds on redmski leaves, cabbage. The larvae are very voracious in sawflies. Dig up the soil to the depth of the shovel first as soon as the soil thaws.


The second, or rather its larva, gnaws stupidly, and indiscriminately - it can start from the edge of the leaf, and maybe from the middle. Radishes should be planted next to tomatoes -... The soil is sprinkled with a "pillow" of wood ash and tobacco dust. This will not only protect the radishes but also fertilize the soil.

Happy first harvest! fertile soil, on which cabbage, radish, radish and other crucifers were not planted in the previous year (in a new way - cabbage). In April, May - sunny places, in the rest of the months - places with shade.

Radish pests cause irreparable damage to crops

Common signs of pest damage to radish

The main pests of radish and the fight against them

There are ground and underground pests that can spoil the radish crop. If you notice the first signs of damage, you need to urgently take action. There are many effective ways pest control to help deal with the problem early.

Cruciferous fleas (Latin Phyllotretacruciferae)

If radish pests are found on the surface of the foliage, which jump high and destroy the tops, gnawing holes in it, then cruciferous fleas are on your plants. Such damage is fraught with infection of the leaves with bacteriosis, which can spread to root crops. In addition, the complete wilting of the green mass will cause growth arrest, or deformation of the radish.

To further protect the plants, they are sprinkled once a week with a mixture of ash and lime in a 1: 1 ratio. This should be done in dry weather, and be sure to repeat after rains.

In case of mass defeat, the following drugs are used to fight: Tod, Alfatsin, Zolon, Kaiser, Arrivo.

Cabbage whites (Pierisbrassicae)

They love the juicy leaves of the radish. Caterpillars are located on the underside of the leaves and gradually spread to neighboring plants. The first sign of the appearance of an insect is twisted leaves with oblong holes.

When spreading pests, chemical agents are effective: Iskra M, Kemifos, Fitoferm.

Garden moth larvae (Latin Noctuidae)

Before treating the radishes with chemicals, you can try spraying with an infusion of potato tops, which is good for the garden scoop. To prepare it, take 500 grams of dried plants and leave in a warm place for 4 hours. Before spraying, 50 grams of grated laundry soap can be added to the solution. Irrigation is carried out in the evening, always in dry weather.

If folk remedies do not help, it makes sense to apply chemicals... In the fight against these insects, Zeta-cypermethrin, IntaVir are effective.

Wireworms and clickers (lat.Elateridae)

They give preference to young shoots. The click beetles themselves feed on leaves, and their larvae feed on juicy roots. Wireworm damage is fraught with the development of rot, and many other fungal diseases. Radish begins to blacken and rot from the inside. The damaged crop cannot be stored, most often it loses its taste.

Nutcrackers cannot tolerate ammonium sulfate fertilizers. The use of such funds will help get rid of pests, and therefore from contamination of the soil with their larvae.

A good prevention against wireworms is to add onion husks to each well when planting radishes and other cruciferous crops. If the pest has attacked a large area of ​​the site, you can use the drug Bazudin.

Cabbage moth (Latin Plutellaxylostella) and cabbage fly (Latin Anthomyiidae)

The insects themselves are safe for radishes, but the larvae of these insects damage the root of the plant, eating holes in it. Caterpillars can completely destroy young leaves, which will stop the process of photosynthesis and, accordingly, the development of the root crop.

The question arises of how to spray radishes from pests before they have time to lay the larvae. Cabbage flies and moths will die if you use substances based on naphthalene, slaked lime, camphor. If more than 15% of plants are damaged, it is worth applying Lepidocide, Bitoxibacillin.

Stem nematodes (lat.Ditylenchusdipsaci)

The most dangerous pests radish - stem nematodes. They feed on the sap of the plant, they can live in the root collar of the fruit, the very root, or the stem. Damaged radish stops growing, in many cases the plant withers, becomes sick, and dies.

If the risk of infection is too high, that is: nematodes were found in neighboring plants, or these pests were in the beds last year, insecticides should be applied. In the fight against nematodes, they are used: Dimethoat, Rogor, Vidat. The use of chemistry is advisable only for young seedlings in spring, as well as at the beginning of summer - for varieties with medium and late ripening.

Preventive methods for protecting cruciferous plants

In order for the radish to grow and bear fruit well, the pests, the control measures for which we have considered in the material, should not multiply and feel comfortable on your site. This requires:

  • ensure cleanliness in the aisles, remove leaves and grass;
  • carry out preventive treatments of plants;
  • remove infected plants on the site, the putrid smell attracts pests;
  • do not store sheaves of straw, dung heaps, overheating leaves;
  • observe the norms of irrigation and fertilization, control the acidity of the soil;
  • regularly use ashes and ashes as a top dressing for radishes.

It is important to consider that radishes, cabbage, turnips are affected by the same insects as radish pests, and the fight against them at all cruciferous crops carried out in a comprehensive manner.


After spraying the radish with protective agents, watering is recommended to be carried out by a drip method so as not to wash off prophylactic agents with plant leaves. Regularly applying preventive methods pest control of radishes and folk recipes for organic mixtures, you can grow an excellent harvest without the use of drugs, and in case of massive damage to cruciferous plants, use chemical agents to prevent the destruction of the crop.

Smooth, bright marketable radish evokes joy and pride in the work done on the site. But a tasty root crop is liked not only by people, but also by insects, so it is not always possible to get a beautiful harvest. There are many pests that can spoil the radish, destroy its tops or pulp. If you do not fight them, they will quickly spread, filling the site. The article will describe the pests of radish and methods of dealing with them.

Signs of pests on radishes

It is even easier to notice pests on radishes than diseases, because they are visible with the naked eye, and if we are talking about underground pests, then it will help to determine appearance tops or a dug root crop. There are several main signs of the appearance of pests:

  • ulcers on the leaves;
  • twisted, yellow leaves;
  • black formations at the base of the sheets;
  • for no reason sluggish, drooping tops;
  • leaves in holes that could not appear in any other way, except from caterpillars and other pests;
  • holes and tunnels are visible on the radish itself.

In particular, you need to watch out for young shoots of radish. They are very vulnerable and if pests attack them, you can lose the entire crop!

Insects usually eat the leaves immediately, although underground ones can start from the root or root vegetable, so you need to be careful. And at the first sign, retaliate.

The main pests of radish

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Radish pests do not appear spontaneously in the garden. They usually switch to radishes from other crops or from weeds that are on the site.

  • Cabbage White is a white butterfly with a black border along the edge of the wing. She lays eggs in areas where radishes grow, and the caterpillars hatching from them eat the bases of the radish leaves. This leads to the fact that the root crop stops growing and may simply not grow.
  • The cruciferous flea is one of the most dangerous enemies radish. She eats still young leaves of radish, gnawing holes in them when they first appear. After their invasion, the planting bed resembles a sieve.
  • The wireworm is a pest known to any gardener. This is the larva of the click beetle, which can destroy the entire plant - the ground and underground parts in a short time.
  • Cabbage and garden scoop are gray-brown butterflies that also leave clutches on radish leaves. The larvae that appear from them eat the leaves, while only transparent skeletons remain from the green tops. Of course, root crops in the ground stop developing completely and dry out or rot.
  • The cabbage moth is a gray-brown insect with a distinctive fringe on its wings. The moth itself is not harmful to the radish, but its larvae suck the juices from the tops and eat the leaf tissue.
  • The spring and summer cabbage fly is an ash-colored insect (the summer fly is usually larger than the spring one). Among the plantings of radishes and other vegetables, she lays eggs, and the white larvae (worms) hatching from them penetrate deep into the ground and eat the roots of the radish. Within 2-3 days the radish becomes unusable.

As you can see, there are a lot of pests that threaten radish. But if you know how to deal with them, you don't have to worry about the crop or its quality.

How to deal with radish pests?

When the gardener has recognized a pest encroaching on the area with radishes, you can begin to exterminate the pests. There's a lot specialized drugs, which very effectively cope with their task, but they must be used exclusively according to instructions, during that period of culture development, when they cannot harm the crop.

  • « Actellik "- a well-known drug effective against cabbage flies, cabbage whites, scoops. For 10 liters of warm water, 20 ml of the substance is taken, mixed well and used for spraying. This solution is sufficient for 10 squares of planting.
  • « Entobacterin " - strong, biological product from cabbage moths, aphids, cabbage whites. It is used dry (for dusting) or liquid (for spraying). Diluted according to the guidance provided on the package.
  • « Zolon "Is used for cabbage whites, midges, scoops, aphids, cruciferous fleas. The method of use is indicated on the package.
  • « Zemlin »Can save the site from cabbage flies, wireworms and other insects that live in the ground. Diluted according to the rules on the package and used immediately. You cannot cook this product for future use!
  • « Provotox "Is a strong anti-wireworm preparation that is not addictive to insects and can therefore be used annually. Divorced according to the instructions on the box.

Spraying or watering with insecticides is carried out only in dry weather. If it rains after using the insecticide, it is advisable to repeat the procedure, because the water washes away most of the insecticide.

  • « Aktara "- a universal preparation against various pests on cruciferous plants. He can remove caterpillars, larvae, butterflies, moths, aphids from the site. However, you need to use it carefully because it is also harmful to bees. Therefore, it is always used only according to the instructions and only when there are no flowering plants nearby.
  • « Initiative »Breeds wireworm, caterpillars, scoopers, cruciferous flea beetles, fly larvae, cabbage whites. One bag (30 g) is sufficient for about 15 square meters of land. This remedy is being prepared atypically. It is not divorced with water, but mixed with sand. A ¾ liter jar is filled with sand, and then 30 g of the substance is poured there and mixed. The resulting composition is sprayed over the site.
  • « Bazudin »Copes with the invasion of bears, cabbage fly larvae, weevils, wireworms. To use, you need to fill in with ¾ liter jar sand, add 30 g of Bazudin and spray over the area with radishes. This amount is usually sufficient for 20 square meters of planting.

Folk methods of struggle

In the case when radish pests have just appeared on the plant, you can not immediately use strong ones, specialized means, and get along with folk remedies.

  • Ash soap. In a bucket of water (10 l), dissolve 50 g of laundry soap and 2 glasses of wood ash. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed and used for watering radishes. This tool copes with the cruciferous flea.
  • Mustard with pepper. If a mole, scoop, cabbage whitewash appears on the radish, you can scare them away with this remedy. A teaspoon of red, hot pepper powder, 2 tablespoons of salt and the same amount of dry mustard are mixed in 10 liters of water. Plants are watered with the resulting mixture.
  • Tobacco and ash drive away caterpillars, larvae, flea bees. One of these means or both, you just need to powder the leaves and the ground where the radish grows. This simple procedure will scare away pests.
  • Ash and lime in a 1: 1 mixture can drive out a whole horde cruciferous flea... But you need to use this tool only in dry weather, and repeat after rains.

Preventive actions

Every gardener knows what pests live on his site or lived earlier. In order to prevent their secondary appearance or damage to radish by them, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.

  • The aisles should be clean - no weeds, fallen leaves, and it is also not recommended to thicken the crops.
  • Preventive spraying of crops allows you to avoid possible problems... But it is not necessary to use insecticides for this. If there are no pests yet, folk recipes will also be effective.


Insects are especially active during the hot season. And most of all they are attracted by young radish.

  • Any affected plants are best removed rather than waiting for the crop to recover. While the gardener is waiting, the pest is looking for new ones, delicious treats and switches to them.
  • Rot always attracts pests, so there should be no such odors on the site. Old mulch is changed in time, fallen leaves are burned, waste is thrown away.
  • Observance of crop rotation avoids pests. You cannot plant radishes after crucifers!
  • Watering should be done in moderation. An abundance or lack of moisture can attract insects for which such an environment is comfortable.
  • An acidic environment is liked by many pests, so you need to control the acidity of the earth and adjust it as needed.

As you can see, everything is not very difficult, the main thing is to take a comprehensive approach to the problem, if it has arisen. But, in general, subject to observance preventive measures and a timely response to the appearance of pests, the gardener does not have to worry about the radish harvest.