What wallpaper is best for the living room. How to choose wallpaper of two types in the hall

Types of tapestries

It is not for nothing that wall decoration with wallpaper can be called the most affordable type of repair. Now there are a huge number of types of tapestries that have beautiful drawings and patterns, the color of which is provided in a huge palette and you can always look at the manufacturer's pictures, which will be presented fashion options design their wallpaper.

But first, let's take a closer look at the wallpaper and find out what types of wallpaper for the hall exist:

  • Paper canvases are one of the most popular and widespread. They are publicly available, it is possible to choose the color and pattern for the walls of any interior. In addition, you can beautifully combine not only with other tapestries, but even with other finishing materials. Hanging wallpaper is very simple, but you need to know that they are only suitable for rooms with a moderate level of humidity. stick on combined wallpaper in the hall will not be difficult
  • Vinyl - options using such paintings are more suitable for the walls of the kitchen, corridor. Wallpapers are not breathable and therefore the option of gluing in the hall is no longer possible. Thanks to vinyl materials, you can realize various ideas and make the interior attractive and cozy. By the way, if two types of wallpaper are used in the hall, then there may be a place for vinyl there. Following the fashion, many designers have found options for how to beautifully combine breathable and non-breathable types of trellis and thus allow them to stick on the wall in the hall.
  • On a non-woven basis - fashionable and probably the most popular in our time. The design of walls pasted over with such tapestries can be changed due to the possibility of coloring. They can be glued together with vinyl. Combined Ideas for walls look very attractive, besides, the color can be matched to any furniture or painted in any shade.
  • Acrylic is a great alternative to paper canvases. They are much stronger and not so afraid of moisture.
  • Textile - two-layer tapestries, where the base is paper or interlining, and the top is silk, linen or cotton. Fashionable wallpaper is easy to stick on the wall, a combination of two types is possible. The interior with them becomes rich and majestic

  • Wall murals - are able to give individuality in the design of any room. When choosing this option for walls, combined tapestries are almost always used. Making a selection of wallpaper for the hall, you can always stop at a combination of two elements, one of which will always be photo wallpaper
  • Metallized - to be honest, I myself first encountered such canvases. It turns out that they protect against the radiation of technology. Upper layer such tapestries are finished with foil, but this does not mean that their color is monotonous. With the help of such wallpapers, you can embody various ideas for walls that will look fashionable, thanks to a variety of embossing and textures of the material.
  • Liquid - it is very simple to make repairs with such tapestries, even a beginner can complete the whole process. The interior with them will look very relevant, and the combination of two finishes will hide some of the flaws in the walls. You can even make such wallpapers at home, it is enough to follow all the instructions correctly and follow the kneading technology. You can choose the color yourself by adding various dyes and pigments when kneading

We choose wallpaper in the hall, taking into account the furniture standing there

We select wallpaper for the hall in the apartment and house

Since my wife and I performed only pasting the walls, and not a complete transformation of the interior in our hall, the choice of wallpaper for the hall was in harmony with the furniture that was already there. In this case, it was necessary to adapt to the color of the furniture in the hall. Let's look at the example of a small table on how to properly select wallpaper for the walls of the hall:

Furniture color Ideas
Light The design in this case can be chosen to taste. A combination of two materials will do, the color in this case is not important. Canvases with large drawings will look great
Dark The material for the walls should be of a calm color, it should not “shout”. Do not choose large drawings in the design of the hall with dark furniture. You can make an accent that will be combined with furniture
Bright and saturated Wallpaper in this case should muffle the design in the hall. But if you like bright shades and contrasts of the interior, then use tapestries that will fit well into the overall contrast.
If the furniture is two colors Choose a neutral color for the tapestries that will harmoniously fit into the overall interior and at the same time emphasize the design of all elements in the hall.
More than two colors In this case, furniture takes all the attention in the interior and therefore the wallpaper should be grayish shades and with small patterns. Sometimes in design it is better that they are absent altogether. Do not use tapestries of two shades, otherwise you will bring chaos to the interior of the hall

Look at the style of our hall

The interior of the hall in the apartment

As you understand, sometimes it is difficult to choose wallpaper for the hall based only on furniture. Therefore, I decided to dig a little more and found out how you can choose wallpaper, given the interior features:

  1. The classic style of the hall - buy tapestries with floral ornaments and unusual patterns. This will bring the hall as close to classicism as possible. Choose even two types of wall finishes
  2. Modern - warm and pastel shades are perfect. If there are drawings, it is better to dwell on plants, waves or even birds.
  3. Provence - for those who are not yet familiar with this word, I will say that it came to us from France. This simplicity and harmony fascinates at first sight. Floral motifs are suitable, two types of trellis can be used in the design
  4. Loft - attic style, loves the effect of peeled walls. Therefore, you can use wallpaper with brickwork and even leave part of the wall unpasted
  5. Country - a cage, a strip, a square - this is all that emphasizes the simplicity of rustic motifs. No need to choose some flashy trellises. A selection of wildflowers on trim will do
  6. Japanese style - choose everything that belongs to the east. Dragons, cherry blossom patterns. You can choose to finish with silk or photo wallpapers. Color contrast should be calm and peaceful

Wallpaper in the house

Let's see on the example of the table what color combination do not agree with each other:

We combine wallpapers to the maximum popularly with this table:

Plain wallpaper of the same color, but with different shades They bring zest for connoisseurs of plain surfaces and lack of decor
Plain trellises with patterns They are used if you wish to decorate a hall or room with a panel or a large drawing. Not to be done in small rooms
With different patterns The most difficult type of combination. Usually two types of tapestries are taken with a different pattern, but matching background colors. Geometry and abstraction will look great with each other, a floral ornament with a strip will do
Wallpaper with different colors One type must choose neutral
Horizontal division Below - striped tapestries, above - in a small pattern;

Below - plain or in a small pattern, above - stripes, large drawing;

Bottom - large drawing, top - plain

What wallpaper to choose for your room? Photos help!

What are paper wallpapers?

The wallpaper is like a Botox injection in a "tired" room. Paint helps to perk up, but paper adds more than color, it gives walls character, dimension, pattern.

If you want to paint the wallpaper, choose "duplex" embossed, coarse-grained wallpaper (with pressed wood shavings). The advantages of paper wallpapers are their low cost and ease of maintenance. The disadvantages are relative fragility, and they are unlikely to be able to hide the defects of the wall. Apply paper wallpaper in any room, but given its low humidity.

Wallpaper - a classic room decoration - has experienced a strong renaissance over the past decade, delighting consumers with an extensive range, playing with patterns, textures, colors. Recent advances in printing technology have made them easy and enjoyable to use. Well-known design companies, experimenting with new materials, surprise interesting projects imitating lace, feathers, mosaics, wood, even animal skins. The tactile sensations are as attractive as the sparkling colors - texture wallpaper embossed varied design remain a true classic choice

When decorating a room with wallpaper, the following conditions must be considered:

  • wallpaper with horizontal stripes is a good solution for a compact space, visually they will expand it;
  • vertical stripes make the room seem taller;
  • wallpaper in dark colors visually reduce the room.

Vinyl wallpaper: features and benefits

Vinyl wallpaper is a practical and convenient solution for those who want to decorate their home simply and effectively. What is the difference vinyl wallpaper from paper? In vinyl (or PVC) coating. Reliable, durable material that can last for many years, has certain properties in work, including a shiny surface. The composition of the coating (on a paper or non-woven base) may contain chemical additives such as dispersants, resins, etc.: they give strength, water resistance to paper, protect against ultraviolet radiation. Easy to care for, can be easily washed, even in case of obvious stains and dirt (steam and water resistant, such wallpapers are suitable for the kitchen and). Do not use strong chemicals as cleaners, which can be aggressive and ruin the vinyl! Types of vinyl wallpapers based on a vinyl structure: foam, heavy, compact vinyl, silkscreen.

From an aesthetic point of view, they are presented in different colors, with a variety of patterns and motifs that are characteristic of a particular space in the apartment. They can imitate any interesting textures (wood, stone, leather, marble, and so on).

Description of non-woven wallpaper

Composed of non-woven textile and cellulose fibers, the wallpaper has good sound insulation and thermal insulation. At the same time, they absorb dust and odors, moisture, therefore they are not recommended as wallpaper for the hallway and. For sticking use a special glue. The convenience is that it is applied only to the wall. Non-woven wallpaper can be painted with latex, acrylic paints.

Textile wallpapers

Made from paper (or interlining) with a woven finish (cotton, silk, wool, canvas, jute, polyester) they create a warm and natural look. Provide sound absorption, better than conventional wallpaper. Maintenance includes vacuuming or damp sponge.

Varieties of wallpaper for painting

  • Paper duplex;
  • Raufaser;
  • Glass cloth wallpaper woven from fiberglass (which includes: quartz sand, limestone, dolomite, soda). The most popular choice of paintable wallpaper due to its many practical advantages such as dust resistance and chemicals, fire resistance, safety for health;
  • Anaglipta: textured, created from paper and vinyl, also belongs to the range of paintable wallpapers.

original textile cover

Liquid wallpaper is a loose composition containing cellulose, various textile fibers (silk, cotton), and an adhesive substance. It is diluted with water, according to the manufacturer's instructions and applied to the walls with a roller (or sprayer). Liquid wallpaper perfectly hides minor surface defects. Mixed with special dyes, they come in different colors and textures. A good choice if you decide to renovate the hall.

New York: The fashion choice for the modern home

After several years of "exile", New York-style murals are back at the forefront of trends. Photowall-paper which is appreciated for cult images: the Brooklyn bridge, the Statue of Liberty, Broadway: "the city which never sleeps" - a fine backdrop for walls of the hall. Lights and colors in Times Square, giving energy and vitality. Bright yellow cabs are one of New York City's many icons set against the backdrop of Broadway theaters or majestic Grand Central Station. The most famous skyscrapers and symbols of the metropolis are the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building. Some prefer alternative images - the mystical factories of the Bronx, the amusement park and the Coney Island boardwalk.

If you have not decided on a theme for your photo wallpaper, draw inspiration from the timeless beauty of nature. with beautiful landscapes never lose popularity, remaining a traditional form of decoration for the hall. It is extremely easy to immerse your living space in the harmony of nature, fill it with freshness, conquer it with bright colors. Thanks to such a trick as photo wallpaper, everyone can teach a piece of paradise in their home.

The timeless elegance of wallpaper in a classic style

Classic style wallpapers are celebrating their comeback as a fashion trend today. Decorating the hall with classics, immersing it in an atmosphere of unsurpassed sophistication, recreating the elegance of the good old days, they turn the house into a temple of impeccable taste.

Classic wallpapers are available in a wide variety of patterns and motifs. Among the most popular wallpaper samples;

  • with a regimental pattern (alternating rows of two different colors);
  • stripes (cream and olive green) will serve as an excellent backdrop for classic furniture dark wood, upholstered armchairs and chairs;
  • light pastel shades with floral or palmette motifs.

Wallpaper, as well as curtains for the hall, can be the element that will change environment. Emphasizing the beauty of the spacious halls with solemn decorativeness, they play a key role in creating a special microclimate.

Interest in the styles of the past, which is the main factor in the design and production of wallpaper, is not a trend of modern times. famous designers whose work is recognized as reformist often did little more than adapt the styles of the past to suit the tastes of the present. Even William Morris, who is called the inventor of wallpaper, for his elegant decorative designs found motives in medieval manuscripts, herbalists of the 16th century, in Renaissance textiles.

Many would like to live in homes that are truly period or modeled after and include classical styles. decorative features. That's why classic design wallpapers, textiles and furniture constantly finds loyal fans.

Art Nouveau wallpaper

Art Nouveau decor emerged in the late 19th century as a response to austere Victorian interior design. Initially, it gained the greatest popularity in Paris and London, but soon spread throughout the world. Flowery, bright, windy, conspicuous design fell in love with the elite. Interest in it does not disappear in our time, and if one day someone decides to use it to decorate the interior of the hall, then he can start with wallpapers that are characterized by specific decorative characteristics:

  • Rich colors: mustard yellow, dark red, olive, brown, purple and blue;
  • Drawings and motifs: wavy lines that often take the form of peduncles and buds, roots, insect wings, grape tendrils, pods. Flowers: lilies, irises, orchids. Birds of paradise, peacocks, parrots (artists and designers are always on the lookout for exotic and colorful creatures of nature). Insects: grasshoppers, butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies. The blow of the whip is a symbol of the Art Nouveau movement, a "flowing" line created by the German sculptor Hermann Obrist. One of the most iconic decorative motifs modern.

Art Deco, which followed Art Nouveau, was the leading style in the period between the two wars, until the end of 1945. The design is characterized by rich colors, bold geometric shapes, richly ornamented, and retains its real influence today, especially after the release of the film "The Great Gatsby", which can be called an art deco encyclopedia.

Notably, talented production designer Katherine Martin, who won an Oscar for her work in The Great Gatsby, has launched her own line of wallpapers and fabrics called Metropolis, which incorporates Art Deco motifs (metallic wallpaper, velvet with geometric patterns).

A great way to add some luxury and art deco glamor to your living room design is with wallpaper:

  • metallized, with gold or silver trim (pasting the entire hall with such wallpaper will turn out to be unprofitable, therefore, by choosing an elegant pattern, you can limit yourself to one wall);
  • with geometric patterns (zigzags, chevrons), Egyptian patterns (pyramids, hieroglyphs), sun motif with rays;
  • bright colors(emerald green, canary, amethyst, peacock blue, brilliant red)

Provence style wallpaper: romance on the walls

Add a romantic touch to your home with French wallpaper. The décor reflecting the nostalgic daydreaming of romantic personalities, inspired by bucolic motifs, is sure to please. The simplicity and authenticity of this French-inspired wallpaper takes us back to lavender and sunflower fields, offering delicate lilies of the valley to decorate a room with femininity and grace.

Touches of chic and luxury are carried by other "French" wallpapers inspired by the refined art of Versailles. Bouquets become more refined, covered with gold, turning the room into a precious place where you feel like a real princess. Ideal for the living room (and also as wallpaper for the bedroom) should be used sparingly to avoid the effect of heaviness: recommended on one or two walls.

Loft wallpaper: industrial details

The use of wallpaper for a particular style is one of the most ingenious solutions that makes it possible to quickly and easily make repairs and transform a living space. Among the various models available on the market today, there are many options with stylistic motifs. Some bring life to the walls, dressing them in a "holiday party", others recreate a special natural theme in the room ...

Exclusive "attic" wallpapers, in which materials such as wood, iron and stone dictate the style, decorating with rough and authentic beauty, can enhance the look of even the most "shabby" studio or large space with industrial touches. With stone effect wallpaper, you can recreate a style inspired by 1980s industrial buildings in your living room. Choose wallpaper with gray stones or bricks in reddish hues, don't forget touches like a bicycle on the wall and a sports award.

Wallpaper with a stone effect is the prerogative of not only living rooms. They also look great in the bedroom, but it is better to choose a pattern in light colors that will go well with birch furniture and bedding in soft colors (antique white, ecru, blue-gray).

Wealth and exotic oriental style

In perfect harmony with the furniture, fabrics, decor items decorating the house, oriental-style wallpapers will tell stories, reveal the feelings and emotions of distant lands. They perfectly convey the feeling of warmth and almost spiritual intimacy. The exciting and multifaceted beauty of oriental aesthetics, refined and eclectic, is felt in the space by homeliness, saturated with charm, you just need to choose all the details of the interior correctly, in an oriental way. Wood furniture, ottomans, pouffes, bright ethnic paintings are valuable allies when it comes to oriental style, provided that the main role in its creation is assigned to the wallpaper.

Damask wallpaper inspired by traditional design and original fabric patterns (twill or satin type) damask is an exceptional choice for the hall. Motifs borrowed from historic fabrics are applied to the wallpaper, offering a classic and elegant decoration. Black and white is considered one of the most popular color combinations. But in Lately beautiful "damask" wallpaper in purple, lavender, light yellow and even brown tones attract attention.

Damascus wallpaper for walls is great for interiors in ethnic and Tuscan style, but not only. They are versatile and will look good in the countryside, in a penthouse in the center of the capital, and in an apartment somewhere in the suburbs. Compatible with wooden furniture, antique and modern, furniture made of plexiglass, plastic and steel. Due to their specificity, they can be used in any space of the house (living room, bedroom, bathroom).

Moroccan style - colorful and earthy - can be created in the interior of the hall by including several key elements. Mirrors with intricate designs, ceramic vases, mosaic tabletops with extravagant patterns in bright colors, ethnic (Moroccan) lamps, sconces, chandeliers shining with gold, patterned rugs.

Designers love the Moroccan theme in wallpapers.

  • The main motives for wallpaper in Moroccan style- geometric ornaments (circles, rhombuses, triangles, arches, symmetrical lattices).
  • An anthology of colors: red and orange tones inspired by the desert and amazing African sunsets combined with blue and green tones recreating the cool turquoise and sea blues of the Atlantic and Mediterranean
  • Additional shades: lilac and pink

wallpaper in Japanese style include well-known cultural symbols of the country: cherry blossoms, Mount Fuji, symbol of the rising sun, koi, umbrellas.

Color variations

What color are the walls in your room? If the question seems irrelevant, take a look at these photos and you will be amazed. The color of the walls is not just a decorative detail, it affects the overall atmosphere of the surrounding space, sometimes very unexpectedly. The tone of the walls, leaving a deep mark on the appearance of the entire interior, shows combinations with furnishings for the sake of contrast or commonality. The choice of color in the room is crucial to the effect that the furniture should produce, enhancing its aesthetic possibilities, showing it in a new light. But not only. It is scientifically proven that the color of the walls illustrates the general mood, has a significant impact on the household. For this reason, soft, relaxing colors are preferred for bedrooms, while colors that concentrate attention are preferred for office rooms.

What to say about the hall? This is a room where they spend happy hours of leisure, receive guests and meet friends. All pleasant emotions should be displayed as much as possible. For those who like to surprise, are not afraid to be daring, pink walls are irresistibly glamorous and attractive - they will become a real adrenaline rush. Especially if it is complemented with purple armchairs and, for optimal contrast, a black sofa. Illuminate this fantasy with a magnificent white carpet - a shocking effect is guaranteed.

If pink isn't your thing, then opt for impeccable modern elegance in black and white. Wallpaper in black and white vertical stripes - a combination that you can count on for any interior. It always looks fresh and modern, while being perfectly "served" by the influence of other tones - red, hot pink or turquoise.

Unleash your creativity - take your pick juicy colors, like purple or fuchsia in contrast with pink-beige, so as not to "darken" the room too much. The result will be complex mixed, but harmonious.

For fans of classic style good decision there will be neutral colors like beige in combination with cinnamon wood furniture. The result is amazing - the warmth of golden autumn, the atmosphere of the old spirit.

The hall looks very modern with walls in white, decorated with green motifs. If you prefer twilight, love mysteries, “dress” the walls in wallpaper in dark blue, almost black, color. Seductive, but be careful not to create a funeral effect. Dilute the mystical range with white decorative accessories, and even a little kitsch will not be a hindrance.

The king of bold colors cannot be ignored! Walls in red are the choice of brave and enthusiastic people. Red is a passionate color in itself, so you need to act carefully. Avoid frilly furniture and choose "lively" shades (like the color of tomatoes). This background perfectly matches upholstered furniture in the style of the 60s, upholstered in white with geometric patterns.

White walls make the room lighter, more spacious, but on condition that they are accompanied by appropriate furniture. And if you decorate the house with luxurious accessories, throw pillows with gold trim on the sofa, it will be the highest class.

Wallpaper for the hall with light furniture

Most people know that one of the easiest ways to create airspace is to evoke it with objects. light color, decorate walls, ceilings and even the floor with white or pastel colors. Today, more than ever, “eco-conscious” trends are relevant, as any wallpaper catalog demonstrates. Light furniture in organic colors, caramel and honey tones is becoming more and more popular, giving the room a very natural look, decorating it with a spring mood. An ideal choice of furniture made of pine, chestnut, oak, cherry - it helps to create a feeling of openness, spaciousness. Such furniture relieves the space of a feeling of heaviness and fussiness. When choosing a wallpaper color scheme to backdrop light furniture, try crisp white, pastel shades (light pink, vanilla, lilac, teal, light grey).

Designers suggest using some tricks to create a sense of depth (in a small room) by using some dark color on the wall (photo or picture frames).

If preference is in favor of dark shades, then wallpaper in dark brown or dark blue can create the illusion of “infinity” of space. Try to balance all the details of the interior, including mirrors, tables, floor lamps, stretch ceilings and create a warm glow.

Wallpaper for the hall with dark furniture

If your furniture choice falls on dark colors like brown or gray, lighten up the environment by choosing wall paper in white tones. For secondary elements (textiles, curtains) - beige, cream, ocher, sand. Add contrast - small portions of yellow, red, Orange color accessories. In most cases, the choice is based on subjective preferences and alternatively it can be lilac, fuchsia, eggplant or pink. White tones are suitable for carefree environments that are young and modern, while neutral colors are ideal for classic styles including neoclassicism, neobaroque. Furniture under specific conditions can be of any color.

Wallpaper for the hall with colored furniture

The easiest way to keep the background in white with a set of furniture (sofa, armchairs) in red, turquoise and green. But with the same set, wallpaper in a small colored strip will look nice. Interesting combination black and white wallpaper with red or yellow color. Such a scheme creates a good contrast and is relatively easy to implement in practice. Black and white + green or turquoise is also a successful combination - exotic, but very fresh.

Color combination

Wallpapers of bright colors (blue, orange, yellow, green) in any combination or shades are good for modern interiors, but we should not neglect them for the classic style, in small proportions. It is always advisable to choose the dominant color in the room, but not to use it exclusively. It is not recommended that walls and floors be the same color. If you want to play around with different colors or shades of the same color, it's easy to liven up a space by following some criteria.

  • Decorate the walls with wallpaper of different shades of the same color in turn.
  • An interesting option- match contrasting colors (red in combination with white, blue with yellow).
  • The method is innovative - decorating some areas of the wall with different colors. It will look very modern, but here you need to be especially careful when choosing colors to avoid unpleasant consequences from an aesthetic point of view.

Wallpaper for the hall in "Khrushchev"

Romantic wallpapers promise a unique result. They can be adapted to many spaces, including relatively small halls.

  • Provencal wallpaper
  • country style wallpaper
  • shabby chic wallpaper

With floral patterns, they are available in all shades of pink and pastel colors. A gentle touch of romantic wallpaper, even in such a prosaic environment as "Khrushchev" will make you feel in the center of a fairy tale.

Fun and bright - decorate the hall, combined with the kitchen

Decorations for the studio will require some effort and some innovative ideas. An apartment of this type has its advantages, but it comes with one obvious drawback - small size. Due to the limited space, designing it often presents difficult task. After all, she must combine different conditions life activities: cooking, watching TV, receiving guests. It is better to prefer a neutral urban style to make up for the lack of size. How to choose wallpaper? New items with silver and black accents will help to make the interior visually larger, while at the same time adding a unique touch. Simply turn a narrow room into a living, color-filled space with a black and orange wallpaper with a 3D effect. Greens sheer curtains, dividing the room into two parts, will give it picturesqueness.

Trendy colors and patterns 2016

  • Pink is a color that evokes warm romantic feelings or a trendy glamorous vibe, depending on the shade and design.
  • Grey colour: Versatile, elegant and mysterious in its many shades. A great alternative to traditional white.
  • Patterned palm trees and exotic flowers on white and black wallpaper.
  • Wallpaper with motifs of African animals.
  • Perfect for the hall and very trendy in 2016, this map wallpaper adds exotic flavor and inspires new travels.
  • Eccentric and bright wallpaper in pop art style.

The hall or living room is the heart of every home. It is here that all family members gather to spend their leisure time at home. It is on this room that guests who come to the house focus their attention. Therefore, the interior of the hall should be comfortable for relaxation and convenient for receiving guests.

Important in decorating the hall are their texture and color. Of course, each person has their own preferences. But in order for the final result to please the hosts and pleasantly surprise the guests, when choosing wallpaper, you must adhere to some rules.

Recommendations for choosing the right wallpaper for the central room

  • For a large living room, you can safely choose bright, saturated shades wallpaper: burgundy, lemon, blue, green, cherry. It is important not to overdo it here, it is better to use especially bright colors in small doses.
  • Visually increase the area of ​​​​a small room will help the wallpaper of the following colors: lavender, fresh mint or delicate roses.
  • For a living room with windows facing north, wallpaper in strawberry, peach or apricot shades will be an excellent option.
  • For southern rooms, cold ones are better suited - lilac, pale blue and silver tones.
  • The feeling of a holiday in the hall can be created with golden or mother-of-pearl colors. Just do not abuse these shades.
  • Focus on dark furniture you can use apricot, vanilla or light purple wallpaper.
  • For light furniture, it is better to choose bright shades of the walls: lush greenery, fuchsia or sea wave.
  • The vertical pattern on the wallpaper will visually increase the height of the ceiling.
  • Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern will help visually expand the room.
  • The geometric pattern on the wallpaper looks stylish, it is only important to choose the right color scheme.
  • For elegant living room furniture, wallpaper with a classic Victorian pattern is a good choice.
  • In a room with low natural light, you can add brightness with the help of leaves painted on the wallpaper.

Video: Choosing wallpaper for the walls in the living room: ideas and options

The choice of wallpaper for the overall style of the living room

Creating a certain style of the hall requires a serious approach to the choice of wallpaper design. In this case, the following rules will help.

  1. To emphasize the luxury of a classic style, it is better to choose wallpaper light shades, on which the presence of an old ornament, gilding or embossing is allowed.
  2. For a hall decorated in the Art Nouveau style, wallpaper in pastel shades is suitable. This modern trend borrows a lot from nature, so flower painting on the wallpaper will come in handy here.
  3. The main idea of ​​the avant-garde style is a combination of the seemingly incongruous. Therefore, an ideal option for such a room would be bright wallpapers with floral patterns randomly located on them.
  4. The graphic character of the interior of the living room in the style of "minimalism" is successfully emphasized by the wallpaper of ashy, white or beige shades.
  5. For a romantic Provence, you can choose wallpaper in muted, pastel shades, on which a non-fatiguing floral pattern is applied.
  6. Rustic style "country" fit wallpaper with bright patterns lush flowers or a rare cell. Patterns on a yellowed canvas will also be a good option in this case.
  7. IN modern style"Hi-tech" wallpaper with bright patterns will not fit. Here preference is given to light, cold shades.

Types of wallpaper for the hall

Manufacturers today offer wide choose wallpaper types. Their supply outstrips demand. The fantasies of designers for the production of these materials know no bounds. To choose a decent wallpaper for your room, you need to understand the features of some types of wallpaper.


This species has been in demand since time immemorial. attract the consumer with a variety of colors, environmental friendliness and affordable price. The disadvantage of paper wall coverings is their instability to moisture, mechanical damage and sunlight. At the same time, the walls must be ideally prepared before pasting with paper wallpaper. But such wallpapers are easily restored. To increase the service life, it is better to choose paper wallpapers with a glossy finish.


They consist of two layers: the top one is made of polyvinyl chloride applied to paper or interlining. There is a large selection of textures and colors, which makes it possible to complement any interior. The micropores of modern vinyl wallpapers provide excellent air and moisture exchange, condensate evaporation and prevent moisture from getting under the coatings during their washing.


They have a lot of advantages. They are used as a leveling base or as an independent coating. Ideal for new buildings, as they do not deform in case of shrinkage of the walls. An important advantage of non-woven wallpaper is their environmental friendliness and the possibility of reusable changes in the interior by repainting the wallpaper in the desired color.


The base layer of textile wallpaper can be paper, non-woven or synthetic. Flax, felt, silk, jute are used as a decorative layer. Textile wallpaper is a great option for decorating the living room walls. With the help of these coatings, extraordinary luxurious interiors. The disadvantages include difficult care: textile wallpaper not washable, they must be vacuumed.

Liquid wallpaper

This the new kind finishing materials with a beautiful appearance. A great option for the hall. is a variety decorative plaster, well hiding the unevenness of the walls. In case of damage, they are easily restored. Appearance differences wallpaper data consist in saturation and variety of color shades.

Glass fiber

It's a special kind roll materials. They are made of glass fibers of different density and thickness, produced by weaving. Glass fiber has extreme strength and durability. Made from environmentally friendly raw materials. If you are a supporter of frequent changes, then you can purchase gossamer weaving glass wallpapers that are designed for painting. For lovers of constancy, manufacturers offer decorated glass wallpapers with a textured pattern. The disadvantages of these coatings include difficult dismantling and the need for priming the walls.


The basis of these wallpapers are paper or interlining. As decorative coating serves aluminium foil. Metallized wallpaper is used for decoration luxury interiors halls. Their shiny surface contributes to the visual expansion of the parameters of the room. This property is especially necessary for cramped living rooms. An important advantage of these coatings is the ability to reflect electromagnetic radiation. That is, the room is reliably protected from the penetration of electromagnetic rays from the outside.

Wall mural

Wall murals can play an important role in the interior design of the hall. Modern 3D photo wallpapers are so realistic that they can easily create the effect of being on the ocean, for example, or on the roof of a skyscraper. The effect of time stopped can be created using artificially “aged” photographs of landscapes, animals or people. The main thing is to choose the right color of coatings. Cold tones can visually increase the area of ​​​​the hall. And warm ones will create a special, friendly and cozy atmosphere.

Many of the above types of wallpaper are suitable for decorating the interior of the hall. The main thing is not to fuss and decide what is more important in this case: a highlight in the interior, durability, environmental friendliness, long service life or ease of wallpapering the walls.


The hall is often called one of the main rooms in any house or apartment. At the same time, it is also the most difficult in terms of arrangement and design, because the created interior design should please and suit all members of your family! And this room should also have a rich, original decoration - after all, it is in the hall that they receive guests, gather with friends and relatives, celebrate family holidays and celebrations. Therefore, the issues of choosing the style and design of the room, as well as what wallpaper to choose in the hall, should be taken seriously and responsibly.

How to choose wallpaper for the living room? What are the types of wallpaper and what are the advantages of one or another option? What are the most fashion trends living room decor? Are there any secrets to choosing and using wallpaper that help visually adjust the room? Let's try to briefly answer these questions.

What wallpaper to paste in the hall?

When it comes time to choose and buy wallpaper for the hall, many people are literally lost in the choice. It turns out that you have to make a choice not only according to the pattern, color and texture of the wallpaper, but also to choose the right type of wallpaper. If we talk about the classification in general, then all the wallpapers on the market are usually divided into the following types:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • on non-woven base;
  • wallpaper for painting;
  • cullet;
  • textile, etc.

Of course, each type of wallpaper has its own advantages and disadvantages, features of use, gluing. Knowing these parameters will allow you to approach the choice of wallpaper for the hall (living room) as objectively and competently as possible and choose the option that you not only like in terms of pattern or color, but also best suited for use.

Also, in the process of selecting wallpaper for the hall, it is necessary to determine such parameters as:

  • color spectrum;
  • plain wallpaper will be or with a pattern;
  • wallpaper texture;
  • room dimensions;
  • level natural light living room, etc.

How to choose wallpaper for the hall: basic rules and recommendations

To understand what wallpaper is suitable for the halland will become one of the decorations of the room in the future, and which ones are not and to be able to navigate the huge variety of wallpapers on the market, you should follow a few simple selection rules:

  1. When choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account the parameters of the living room (ceiling height, wall width, quality of natural light, etc.);
  2. When choosing the color of the wallpaper for the hall, it is worth considering not only personal preferences, but also which side the living room is located on (for rooms on the north and east side it is better to choose warm and bright colors, for rooms in the south and west you can choose from a palette of cold shades);
  3. The choice of texture and material (for example, interspersed with gold threads will emphasize the luxury and richness of the design);
  4. Need to decide on common style decoration of the hall and select the pattern and texture of the wallpaper based on the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdesign and decoration.

Fashion trends in the world of wallpaper for the hall 2014

Among the range of wallpapers offered by manufacturers, there are familiar, classic design options, and there are also new ones. Making repairs in the living room, I want to get not only updated, but also trendy interior. Let's ask ourselves which wallpaper for the hall is the most fashionable?

You should not be afraid and boldly use fashion trends when decorating the walls in the hall:

  • combining wallpaper - "yes!";
  • vegetable motifs on wallpaper patterns are at the peak of popularity today;
  • still do not lose their relevance and geometric motifs in the drawings;
  • in fashion - soft and calm textures, as well as gilding and glitter;
  • Wall murals can also be used in decoration, but it’s not worth giving them an entire wall in the living room, it’s better to correctly integrate the selected pattern into the design of the room.

Combining wallpaper in the hall is a fashionable, modern and effective way!

No one will argue with the fact that decorating the walls in the hall and living room is an important task. It is on how well the walls will be finished that the degree of convenience and comfort, as well as the visual perception of the room, largely depends. More and more often, in order to solve such problems, the method of various textures and patterns is used. How to combine wallpaper in the hall? we will try to answer this question.

Allocate the following types wallpaper combinations for wall decoration:

  1. vertical;
  2. horizontal;
  3. Patchwork;
  4. Wallpaper inserts.

Their skillful and competent use will allow not only to update the interior, but also to create an original, unique design. However, it is important to remember that in the pursuit of originality, one should not forget about the rules of aesthetics and common sense!

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base

Vinyl wallpaper for the walls of the hall will suit better than anyone else. They have a huge number of advantages, and the rich appearance of the vast majority of models allows them to be successfully used in living rooms.

One of the main advantages of these wallpapers is that they have a leveling effect, which allows them to be successfully used where the walls are not perfectly even.Minor dents and transitions will hide under the pattern and wallpaper, not visually visible.

So, the advantages of this wallpaper:

  • ease of working with them (in gluing);
  • interlining is a durable material, the base of the wallpaper is more durable;
  • vinyl outer covering of wallpaper is easy to wet cleaning, he is not afraid of small household pollution;
  • look impressive and rich;
  • do not fade and do not change their appearance for many years;
  • abrasion resistance.

Disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper:

  • vinyl - a material of artificial origin;
  • lack of vapor and air permeability of the material;
  • there may be a specific smell that will stay in a room covered with such wallpaper for a long time.

It is in the front rooms, which in an ordinary residential building is the hall (living room) room, that the design potential of such wallpapers is fully revealed, minimizing all the above-mentioned shortcomings.

Wallpaper for painting

Refresh the interior of the hall wallpaper for painting. This is a special type of wallpaper, which, after pasting on the walls, can be painted, and, as a rule, more than once. A convenient and practical solution that allows you to change the situation in the room without resorting to replacing the wallpaper - you just need to repaint them in the chosen color. Wallpaper for painting is divided into three main types:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • glass wall papers.

Each of these options has significant differences both in the components used in the manufacture and in the technology of further use. One thing unites them - all these wallpapers are easily painted, able to withstand several staining cycles.

paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are considered budget option However, this does not mean at all that such wallpapers do not deserve attention. Modern technologies allow the production of paper wallpapers that differ high quality, beautiful appearance, richness of style decisions.

There are several types of paper wallpaper:

  • smooth;
  • two-layer with embossing;
  • moisture resistant (washable);
  • structured;
  • foamed.

These types of wallpapers differ in the production technologies used by the components, but they have in common that they are all with paper base.

The main advantages of paper wallpaper are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • price availability.

The disadvantages include:

  • cannot be used in rooms with high humidity;
  • fragility;
  • high abrasion;
  • not elastic, very easily torn;
  • demanding on the quality of wall alignment;
  • reinforce errors, do not hide the flaws of the walls or ceiling.

Glass fiber for pasting the walls of the hall

Fiberglass is a relatively new and one-of-a-kind wall covering material that is ideal for use in living rooms. However, this material also has a number of disadvantages that you should be aware of.

In the list of advantages of glass fiber:

  • refined, stylish and respectable appearance;
  • durability;
  • high levels of strength and endurance.

In addition, we note the disadvantages:

  • exactingness in preparing walls for gluing;
  • the need to use special glue for pasting wallpaper on the wall;
  • high prices.

Textile wallpapers

Truly original solution textile wallpaper will be used to decorate the living room. Firstly, it is very non-standard and unconventional. Secondly, a huge number of advantages distinguishes this type of wallpaper from analogues, the main of which is environmental friendliness!

Wallpaper is perhaps the most popular type of wall decoration. Their design is different. If desired, it will be easy to choose the material in accordance with a specific design project of the room. Wallpaper can have different colors, patterns, be made of different materials. The main advantages of this type of wall decoration, in addition to diversity, are ease of installation and low cost. In this article, we will consider how to choose wallpaper for the hall.

Which wallpaper to choose - light or dark?

When choosing wallpaper colors, be sure to consider the size of the room. For small rooms in a small apartment, wallpaper in light shades can be an ideal option. The fact is that such tones can make the room visually more voluminous. Dark wallpaper for a small hall is not an option at all. In this case, they will simply put pressure on the psyche. So if you do not want to constantly experience depression and discomfort in your “Khrushchev”, do not paste over the hall with dark wallpaper, no matter how beautiful they may seem to you. For a large living room, you can use material of any tone - both light and dark.

Color saturation

How to choose wallpaper in the hall based on the brightness of their color? Modern wallpaper can have both rich, conspicuous colors, and not too much. In this regard, the choice also mainly depends on the size of the room. For large halls, you can choose bright, catchy wallpaper. Pastel-colored material will look very good here too. For small living rooms, it is better to choose softer shades. It can be beige, baby blue, pink, white, cream, etc.

Pattern selection

How to choose beautiful wallpaper in the hall, decorated with a pattern? Plain material without a pattern will make the room stricter and more spacious. Wallpaper with a pattern - smaller and cozier. A large pattern will look good in spacious rooms. For a small room, it is better to choose a wallpaper with a small and rarely located. If your living room does not have high ceilings, you should choose the option with a vertically oriented pattern. For a narrow room, wallpaper with horizontal is more suitable. The fact is that the vertical pattern always makes the room visually higher, and the one oriented parallel to the floor - wider.

If the drawing contrasts strongly with the background, the room will appear smaller. A more relaxed combination, in which the pattern almost merges with the background, will make the living room visually a little larger.

Wallpaper plot

The question of how to choose wallpaper for the hall comes down to choosing their plot. Of course, in the living room you should not buy wallpaper with, for example, food or cartoon characters. The first option would look more appropriate in the kitchen, and the second - in the nursery. For the living room, for example, a geometric pattern is more suitable. Wallpaper decorated in this way will make the room stricter and more solid. All sorts of leaves and flowers will have a calming effect on you and your guests. Often in the hall they use striped wallpaper. Of course, when choosing a wallpaper plot, one should take into account the habits and preferences of the owners of the apartment themselves. For example, if you are an old bachelor, you will surely like the checkered wallpaper. Family people are likely to choose a slightly more glamorous option.

Shiny or matte

Sometimes the wallpaper is decorated with a pattern made with glossy paint - silver, bronze or gold. This option looks just great. However, it is not suitable for every room. Best of all, such wallpapers will look in a large living room, decorated in a classic, Empire, Art Nouveau or Baroque style. Similar option with a simple geometric pattern, can also decorate a hi-tech room. In all other cases, it is worth using ordinary matte wallpaper.

How to choose wallpaper according to the style of the interior

The design of the wallpaper for the hall - their color and pattern - should be selected in accordance with the style that was chosen for the design of the entire hall as a whole. For classics, a rather bright geometric ornament is more suitable. Art Nouveau interiors often use wallpaper with a pattern dominated by floral motifs. For hi-tech and minimalism, plain, discreet wallpapers are most suitable. In the latter case, a black and white version is also often used.

For country style, wallpaper with a woodgrain pattern with a not too pronounced texture is ideal. In addition, in such an interior, you can use dim plain wallpaper, not particularly light. In this case, it is best to choose warm shades. For a sunny style, Provence is more suitable, on the contrary, light wallpaper with a simple floral discreet (as if faded) pattern. Scandinavian-style interiors usually use white or cool blue wall trim.

Wall mural

Photowall-paper recently again at the peak of popularity. Fashionable wallpaper for the hall, which is a large photo, can become a real "highlight" of the interior. When choosing a plot in this case, one should focus primarily on the style direction that was used to decorate the hall as a whole. Perfect for minimalism or loft suitable option with cityscape. For modern and classic, photo wallpapers with a natural plot can be the best option. Unlike the bedroom, for the living room you can choose wallpaper with the image of people.

The main color should be in harmony with the color of the surrounding walls. You can buy wallpapers large or small. Walk around hardware stores and supermarkets, you will definitely pick up the most suitable wallpaper for the interior in the apartment hall. The photo below clearly demonstrates how such a decor can transform a room:

The combination of wallpaper with the color of other interior items

Of course, the color and design of the wallpaper should be in harmony with other finishing materials used to decorate the room, as well as with interior items. Most often in living rooms, as in other rooms, the walls are finished with a material lighter than the floor, but darker than the ceiling.

If the hall was equipped with catchy design furniture, as well as bright textiles, it is worth sticking simple pastel-colored wallpapers without a pattern or with a small and not too prominent pattern on the walls. If the furniture in the apartment is rather modest, the walls should be decorated brighter.

Combining wallpaper in the vertical direction

By combining wallpapers of different colors and textures, you can create a completely unique and original design walls. Of course, the choice of material in this case depends on the taste of the owners of the apartment. However, some rules are still worth following. So what should be the design of the wallpaper for the hall in this case? You do not need to use too many wallpapers of different types when decorating the walls. Two or three options will be enough. However, in some cases this rule may not apply. It all depends on the specific interior design. If you paste over the walls with stripes of different colors, but at the same time the same width, the room will seem smaller. The greater the difference in their width, the more spacious the room looks.

Rules for combining wallpaper in the horizontal direction

In high rooms, wallpaper can also be combined in a horizontal direction. In this case, two basic rules must be observed:

  1. The junction between wallpaper of different types should be approximately 1-1.3 m from the floor level. In a room decorated in this way, you and your guests will feel as comfortable as possible. You can also paste wallpaper for the hall combined, using the so-called rule of the third, used by artists when drawing pictures. Conditionally divide the wall into three parts. Two of them should occupy the wallpaper of the first type, one - of the second.
  2. The top wallpaper must be lighter than the bottom. Otherwise, the room will look somewhat unnatural. For some people, walls pasted over with light wallpaper at the bottom and dark at the top even cause dizziness. It has more to do with habit. Purely psychologically, the dark “earth” should always be located below, and the bright “sky” should be located above.

The combination of colors combined wallpaper

In any case, the combined wallpaper for the hall should be beautifully combined in color. No need to use two types of bright finishes at once. If the color of one wallpaper is catchy, the second type of material should have a soft shade. Patterned finishes go well with solid colors. Wallpapers of shades of different color temperatures usually do not look very attractive on the same wall, that is, it is better to combine warm tones with warm ones, cold ones with cold ones. However, sometimes the method of contrasts is also used. For example, yellow is combined with blue or red with green. Although this is not important for the hall, it is still worth trying to make sure that the design of the walls does not look too defiant. Soften the colors a bit. For example, combine not red with green, but light green with pink. So you get the most harmonious color of the wallpaper for the hall in a contrasting range.

What materials can wallpaper be made from?

Today, most commonly used wallpapers are made from materials such as:

  1. Paper. This is the cheapest type of wallpaper. It is worth using them if you like to change the design of the walls often. If necessary, remove the annoying option and glue another one will not be expensive at all.
  2. Interlining. This is a somewhat more difficult type of wallpaper to install. It is thicker than the paper version and often has texture. Non-woven strips may stretch slightly. Therefore, such wallpapers are highly recommended for use in the living rooms of new houses. The fact is that such buildings shrink. As a result of microscopic displacement of the walls, paper wallpapers can tear. Available including non-woven wallpaper, intended for painting.
  3. Fabric wallpaper. This material is able to harmoniously complement the most presentable interior of the hall. Wallpapers of this type are unusually beautiful, but they are quite expensive.
  4. Glass fiber. This option is ideal for lovers of solid colors. All glass wall papers are intended for painting.

How to combine wallpaper by material

Interior designers are highly discouraged from combining wallpapers of different thicknesses in the same room. Firstly, it will not look very harmonious in terms of aesthetics, and secondly, in this case, the joints will most likely turn out to be not very neat.

What else should you pay attention to

When choosing wallpaper, among other things, it is worth considering the location of the hall itself. If its windows face south, it is better to purchase wallpaper in a cold shade. For northern living rooms suitable option will be finished with warm tones.

We think that now you more or less understand how to choose the right wallpaper for the hall. Be guided by the above recommendations, as well as your own sense of style, you will find the most harmonious and beautiful "clothes" for the walls.