Roller for glass fiber. How to paint glass wall paper. Fiberglass wallpaper in all its glory

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Every year more and more materials for surface cladding appear on the construction market. residential buildings, apartments and public buildings. Among modern claddings, cullets are popular, which are painted after finishing the base. Today we will talk about the types of paints and varnishes used for painting glass wall papers, and consider the rules for painting.

The choice of paints and varnishes for glass

Despite popular belief, it is not always necessary to paint glass fiber. There are often situations when the original color of the material fits perfectly into the interior and does not require any adjustments. However, in most cases, fiberglass wallpapers are designed specifically for further coloring, therefore they have an inexpressive and unattractive gray-white tint, which can hardly be called aesthetic.

Wallpapers are painted precisely to increase their attractiveness, this procedure is in no way connected with the technical and functional characteristics of the material, which practically do not change after coating with paint.

We strongly recommend that you think about the choice of colorants at the same time as buying glass. Glass wall paint must be suitable and have a number of important performance qualities that will allow you to perform installation work with minimal labor and financial costs, as well as provide an aesthetic appearance to the decorated room.

Almost all experienced professionals agree that it is best to paint wallpaper with water-dispersion or water-based paint. These substances meet all the criteria for glass wall paint:

  • short drying time;
  • rapid penetration into the structure of the base;
  • no strong odor;
  • environmental friendliness.

Water-dispersion dyes are chosen more often. They include aqueous dispersions of synthetic polymers. After application to the surface, the water evaporates, as a result of which the substance forms a dense protective film on the canvas. Water-dispersion paints differ from other paints in that they are diluted with water before use. In addition, it is presented on the market only in white, to give the dye other shades, it is necessary to use color.

For painting glass wall paper, you can use one of three types of water-dispersion dye:

  1. 1. Butadion-styrene dispersion. It is distinguished by increased moisture resistance characteristics, therefore it is suitable for use in the "wet" areas of the apartment - in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. It has a rather significant drawback - fading in the sun, as a result of which it is not customary to use it in rooms that get a large amount of sunlight.
  2. 2. Polyvinyl acetate composition. It is low cost and handicapped by use. Due to the poor water resistance, such substances are recommended to be used only in dry rooms.
  3. 3. Acrylic paint. Universal dye, perfect for coloring glass. It is resistant to ultraviolet exposure and high humidity, and therefore can be used in all rooms without exception. Another advantage of acrylic compositions is that they allow you to wash lined surfaces, which greatly simplifies the procedure for caring for glass.

Popular paint manufacturers - Tikkurila, Mattlatex or Caparol?

Users most often have to choose dyes not so much by their type, but by the manufacturer. It is best to opt for products from a well-known company. This will allow you to be sure of the quality of the material used, although it usually requires a large financial investment.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the paint from the company Tikkurila. Very often a model is used for painting. Tikkurila Harmony, which is characterized by high quality, dries quickly and is characterized by low consumption. Due to the absence of smell, it is suitable for facing any room, whether it is a living room, bedroom, nursery or kitchen.

You can also use latex paint for coloring. Mattlatex (Dufa). It is resistant to mechanical stress, does not wear out and is well suited for decorating the walls of rooms inside. Among other things, its use is economical due to its relatively low consumption.

Brand paints are also very popular with owners. caparol. They are suitable for creating indoor surfaces that are resistant to pollution and various adverse effects. Due to their environmental friendliness, they can be used in any objects - in children's rooms, public institutions, medical institutions.

Choosing a color for the cladding - bright or calm?

On the market of facing materials, paints are presented in the widest range of colors. Some of them are already ready to use, others have to be mixed with colors first. When choosing a shade, we recommend relying on your own design preferences, as well as taking into account the style of finish. At the same time, professionals have developed some recommendations for choosing a paint that will help you choose the most suitable material.

It is not recommended to choose too bright and catchy shades for painting. Sooner or later too bright interior you will get bored and will only cause irritation, as a result of which you will have to repaint the walls in calmer and more neutral shades.

If you want to make the interior catchy, it is better to use several shades in coloring. The background color should be calm, and saturated tones in a small amount can be used as an accent. Such a solution will not only allow you to diversify the interior and realize your own bold design decisions, but also make the decorated rooms visually more spacious.

The color and pattern of the cullet must fully comply with other objects in the design of the room, including decorative elements, furniture, all kinds of accessories and decorations. Any discrepancy will negatively affect the perception of the interior and may lead to the urgent need to repaint the surfaces.

If you decide to paint glass wall papers using stencils, then it is best to choose small images that will decorate the room, emphasize its style and attractiveness. Too massive drawings will make the room visually less spacious and in general can negatively affect its aesthetics.

How to paint fiberglass?

Glass painting is simple procedure, which can be done by any person who knows which end of the brush and roller to hold on to. It is necessary to start work with the purchase and preparation of all necessary Supplies. In addition to the coloring composition, you will also need a primer.

The surface of glass fiber is treated with a primer in several layers before painting. Priming significantly improves the adhesion of the dye to the surface, therefore we strongly do not recommend skipping this stage of work. After the last coat of primer has completely dried, paint can be applied to the wall using a roller or spray gun.

The paint is applied to glass fiber in two layers. Apply the second layer not earlier than 12-14 hours after the first. This time is necessary for the drying of the coloring composition. Before painting, it is better to protect the joints of the walls with the floor and ceiling with masking tape so as not to smear the unpainted elements of the room. When everything is ready, it remains only to walk along the walls with a roller, and that's it, there are no tricks in this process.

The work will be more difficult if you want to paint the wallpaper using stencils that allow you to create a pattern or geometric pattern on surfaces. This method of staining requires significantly more labor and takes more time. Even before facing the walls, it is recommended to purchase or make a stencil yourself. A drawing or pattern is usually applied already on top of the painted surface, so we paint the wall in the background color and wait 12-14 hours until it dries. After that, the stencil is fixed on the wall with masking tape, and paint is applied with a spray gun.

The second method of applying a pattern or pattern involves gluing the walls with masking tape before painting in such a way that the adhesive tape makes up the pattern. When the painting is done, all that remains is to remove the adhesive tape, as a result of which unpainted areas will remain on the walls, forming the desired pattern. This method can also be used in cases where you want to make the drawing barely noticeable. To do this, adhesive tape is glued to the wall after applying the first layer of paint, and a more saturated coloring composition is used as the second layer.

In our online store you can buy interior wall paint in Moscow, including glass wallpaper, with free delivery around the city and at an affordable price!

Buy premium interior paints in Moscow

The German company Diessner GmbH & Co KG is a supplier of high-quality interior paints for decorative interior decoration that meet all the requirements of the European standard DIN EN 13300. Diessner Diesco is the main tool for architects and designers when interior decoration residential and office premises. They are ideal for painting glass and fiberglass. Surfaces painted with Diessner latex water-dispersion paints acquire increased thermal, moisture, and light resistance. Disner paints are environmentally friendly and safe solvent-free materials. Favorably distinguishes them and the affordable cost of interior paint.

Interior paints Vitacryl

By purchasing Vitacryl interior paint, you can achieve a reliable, high-quality and durable repair. The paint retains all the properties of fiberglass coatings - environmental friendliness, fire safety, wear resistance, vapor permeability. The affordable price for interior paint cannot but rejoice. On the site you can order and buy Vitacryl interior paint in three levels of gloss:

    G (glossy);

    SG or S (semi-gloss);

    M (matte).

The composition of the presented paints does not contain plasticizers, solvents and other compounds harmful to the human body, as evidenced by the TUV quality mark. Resistant to moisture and chemical cleaners. Vitacrul paint is produced according to modern technology, exclusively for wall coverings - glass and canvas ("cobwebs") - brand "VITRULAN".

What is interior paint

Finishing of premises is the final stage of construction or repair of residential and other buildings. It forms a color scheme, implements an artistic concept, giving the interior decoration the required atmosphere. There are countless materials for finishing, an important place among which is occupied by interior paint. Which composition is best for glass or wood? How to paint a flat concrete wall? How to make the coating washable and moisture resistant?

The main properties of interior paintwork materials

Differences in coloring compositions for interior work from similar materials for other purposes are due to the specifics of the application and the set of requirements. To make it easier for the consumer to navigate when choosing the right product, they are placed in separate group building products. The accompanying inscription on the packaging informs the scope of the material: for interior, exterior or both types of work, for metal, wood, concrete, glass wallpaper for painting, etc.

The absence of aggressive and aromatic volatile substances is one of the important characteristics of interior paints. This allows you to work in a closed room with natural ventilation and does not adversely affect the air environment during subsequent operation. For the production of materials for interior work, specially selected technologies are used and some types of raw materials are not used, so you should carefully consider the manufacturer's information and take into account the recommended scope of paint.

Interior paints have a long history and are produced according to various technologies and on the basis of various raw material composition. Depending on the purpose and requirements, they have a wide range of physical and mechanical properties, from extremely durable compositions based on modern polymers to temporary coatings or priming compositions with low strength characteristics.

The purpose of paints is not only to create a protective layer on the material, but also to give it the desired color and texture. Arsenal paint and varnish products for internal work represents the whole range of possibilities for achieving goals. Paints differ in their ability to resist dry mechanical stress and in the presence of moisture.

Products are produced with different transparency or hiding power. From completely colorless glazing compounds designed to create a protective layer or virtuoso decorative solutions with translucent multi-layer coatings to compositions that change the color of the base in one or two penetrations. In paints, various fillers and tinting compounds are used that affect their aesthetic properties. Initially used mineral components are replaced by complex polymer materials, capable of transmitting subtle shades colors, resist the damaging effects of the solar spectrum for years without losing the original freshness of tones.

Glass fiber - that option wall covering, for which the choice of finishing means a lot. Indeed, this modern and environmentally friendly material with a lot of advantages is distinguished, first of all, by its naturalness, harmlessness, and in addition, it makes it possible to change the interior more than once with a simple repainting. In order not to lose these qualities of glass wall papers, but only to emphasize them, it makes sense to think carefully about a suitable paint, as well as about the optimal adhesive composition.

What to pay attention to first of all? On its environmental friendliness, incombustibility, breathability, water resistance - they are also inherent in glass.

Strength, durability, aesthetics

The role of paint in the interior is not limited to these properties. A significant role is played by the ability of the coating to emphasize the features of the color solution and provide visual comfort for the eyes inside it. Therefore, paints differ in reflective characteristics and are divided into:

  • glossy;
  • semi-matte and
  • matte.

The glossy surface creates a refraction of the light flux, causing a play of reflected light, which well emphasizes the details, making it possible to highlight elements that carry an aesthetic load. The semi-matte finish gives moderate softness without creating eye strain, which allows it to be used both on individual parts and when working on large areas. Matte compositions do not refract the incident light, do not give reflections and glare, ideally meeting the criteria of home comfort or accentuated official modesty.

The previous compositions did not allow creating a pronounced textured coating with a decorative relief. Today on the market there is big choice materials that can imitate various types of plastered surfaces, expanding the possibilities of design solutions and allowing you to give individuality to utilitarian premises. The compositions include a liquid base with high thixotropy, which makes it possible to keep a relatively thick layer of paint from spreading, together with granules of mineral or artificial origin, which create a unique pattern on the surface when applied.

However, to paste over the wall with glass original design, imitating, for example, fabric fibers, and then dyeing it in any color is a cheaper, more reliable and in some ways even simpler option. In addition, glass wallpapers can always be repainted, changing the interior beyond recognition, but thick textured paint, in case of repair, will have to be removed.

Most modern interior paints supplied to the buyer by well-known brands have excellent physical and mechanical properties, significant durability and a wide choice of color shades. The consumer can independently order the material of the desired color based on tinting tables, which will be made in his presence on specialized equipment. Compositions created by modern technologies, have high adhesion to various bases and do not always need its preliminary primer.

The requirements for resistance to temperature changes are not relevant for materials used in interior decoration. Nevertheless, they must be resistant to the chemical attack of detergents, the damaging effects of aggressive fumes present in the atmosphere of bathrooms and kitchens. To suppress the development of fungal and biogenic lesions, special biocidal additives are introduced into paints.

Interior paints are produced from various raw materials according to numerous recipes. Their main difference from materials for outdoor use is the absence of a pronounced pungent odor during application, associated with the release of aromatic hydrocarbons during the curing process. certain types. Therefore, modern industry focuses on compositions based on a polymeric aqueous dispersion.

Oil paints

Nevertheless, traditional compositions based on natural and composite drying oils continue to be popular with buyers. The interior oil paints and varnishes produced on their basis are characterized by high aesthetic properties and ease of use.

The use of natural oils for the manufacture of paints has its drawbacks. The film they create is not strong and durable, and the curing process itself takes long time. To improve the mechanical properties and accelerate drying, desiccants, special additives based on oils or organic solvents are added to the composition.

Modern interior oil paints are manufactured using components that do not cause irritation to the upper respiratory tract, while maintaining best performance traditional coatings.

Drying of oil paints occurs within 24 hours, which creates significant inconvenience when it is necessary to apply several layers. Durability is limited by the loss of mechanical properties of the coating as a result of ongoing oxidative processes in the oil film. Although it is more than three years, this narrows the possibilities of using the material in critical work.

With regard to cullet, the oil composition is one of the most unfortunate. Yes, cullets are durable and not afraid of moisture, so the paint will not spoil them, but, firstly, you need to paint in two layers (the canvas has an absorbent capacity), which means it takes a long time to dry, and secondly, it’s enough dense texture is able to completely hide the pattern of cullet, thirdly, the possibility of repeated repainting is lost. So the question is how to glue cullet on a covered old oil paint a wall occurs much more often than the idea of ​​​​applying a similar composition on top of fiberglass.

Alkyd paints

They are produced on the basis of alkyd resins, the most famous of which are pentaphthalic and glyphthalic. They form a film-forming system in paintwork. Resins are modified with natural oils or are water-based suspensions.

Oil-based alkyd interior paints contain more than 60 percent component based on dehydrated sunflower, linseed or castor oil. This provides good resistance to atmospheric influences, including humidity and high resistance to fading.

Alkyd paints or enamels are sometimes referred to as "oil" paints due to their high content of organic filler. Nevertheless, from the point of view of the manufacturer, these are compositions that differ from each other. Coatings based on pentaphthalic resin are characterized by the best performance in terms of mechanical strength and durability, therefore they are widely used in production.

The density, strength and consumption of the alkyd composition may depend on the type of pigment used, and range from 0.9 to 1.1 grams per cubic centimeter. The expense depends on a type of the basis and a way of drawing, fluctuating within 90-150 g/sq.m. The drying time is usually 24 hours, the same as traditional oil paints.

The disadvantages of alkyd systems include the presence of aromatic solvents in them, but in modern compositions intended for interior work, they are replaced by other, harmless components.

Another group of alkyd paints are water-based materials. They are an aqueous emulsion of alkyd resins and pigments with accompanying additives that provide resistance to external influences. Water-based alkyd formulations have the same high aesthetic and protective properties, while not having organic solvents in their composition. Due to the absence of toxicity and high environmental friendliness, they are ideal for interior work and do not subsequently affect the air environment of the room.

Alkyd coatings are more homogeneous than similar acrylic coatings due to the specific film formation process. This gives them greater strength and better aesthetic properties. It should be noted the high gloss indices associated with the same features. They are well suited for creating high gloss finishes, outperforming their acrylic counterparts by 15-25 percent.

For glass fiber alkyd composition is quite suitable, if only we are talking about a water-based version. Otherwise, the resins and solvents that make up the composition will completely destroy the environmental friendliness inherent in cullet, and they can only be used in non-residential premises. Water emulsion composition in combination with moisture-resistant glass wallpaper, it can be used to decorate the kitchen and even the bathroom - on the walls and on the ceiling.

Water-dispersion acrylic paints

Unlike alkyd paints, acrylic compositions do not use resin, but highly dispersed polyacrylate, which is a film former when the water base evaporates. Depending on the manufacturer's technology, the composition of the composition may differ significantly, but all water-dispersion acrylic paints are highly environmentally friendly and safe during work.

As an example, we can cite the products of the Diessner company, which produces water-dispersion interior paints. They do not contain volatile organic substances, solvents, plasticizers and are completely environmentally friendly. The covering differs in the high durability and water resistance, is not afraid of influence of household chemicals, it can be washed.

The abrasion of the laid layer corresponds to the second class, which means a loss of 5 to 20 micrometers at 200 cycles of wet brushing. In the line there are semi-matte, with a medium degree of gloss and matte compositions. The material is characterized by good hiding power, at the level of the second class, in which the difference between the coating on a black and white background differs by no more than two percent.

White is proposed as the main color, for which titanium oxides are introduced into the composition. It is worth paying attention to this characteristic, since many manufacturers of cheap paints whiten their compositions with chalk, which is why the coatings turn yellow or lose color over time. Using this base, the consumer can create any color scheme using tinting pastes.

Water-dispersion paints do not change the structure of the material on which they are applied, so they do not restrict air exchange, allowing the surface to “breathe” - ideal for glass wallpaper! At the same time, the polymer film retains its strength and durability, the material perfectly withstands exposure to sunlight. Consumption is 110-130 grams per 1 m2.

Acrylic water-dispersion composition is perfect for coloring glass. Thanks to the properties described above, it will help preserve the advantages of the canvas itself (breathability, durability, pattern). The main thing is that harmful chemicals are not used as components, otherwise, in your case, glass wall papers will no longer be “environmentally friendly”.

Other types of water-based paints

Water-dispersion paints are produced using polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and styrene-acrylic polymers. They have properties similar to acrylic, and the consumer cannot always determine which suspension is used for the base in specific products. However, the physical characteristics of the coatings obtained using different paints are somewhat different, due to the properties of the feedstock.

For example, acrylic compounds have a smaller polymer grain size and are able to absorb a larger volume of pigment additives. This allows you to make paints with better aesthetic and mechanical properties. Polyvinyl acetate and styrene-acrylic compounds are characterized by poorer water resistance and lower strength.

Dilution and storage of paints

Water-based paints can be thinned clean water to reduce the viscosity of the mixture. Such a need may arise when using an airbrush or pre-priming the surface. The amount of water in this case should not exceed 10-15 percent of the volume of the material.

Dispersion and emulsion paints contain a suspension of film-forming components in a liquid medium. This limits their shelf life, since over time the composition is separated into fractions. If a thick precipitate and a watery component stand out in the jar, you can use the paint after thorough mixing, but further storage is impractical.

With the same property, the requirement for a positive temperature of the room in which there are water-based materials. After freezing, separation of the suspension may occur and the properties declared by the manufacturer may be lost.

Surface preparation and paint work

The use of expensive and high-quality materials will not create an ideal appearance without proper surface preparation and the right choice of paints, taking into account the substrate on which they will be applied. The manufacturer accompanies his product detailed instructions, describing the scope of its application, the required surface cleanliness, the possibility of using paints on old coatings.

You can also find tips on diluting materials, cleaning tools and the best way to get the job done. Usually paint brushes and rollers are used, although when painting large volumes it is more profitable to use an airbrush. A variety of paints and varnishes does not make it possible to formulate any General requirements to work with them, so you need to take into account their features reported by the manufacturer.

Ideally combined between the world leader glass - Vitrulan company - and German high-tech compositions Diessner, Vitacryl, Relius. In the process of staining glass fiber, the following factors are important:

  • the surface must be smooth, with a dried adhesive layer,
  • paint will have to be applied in at least two layers with an interval of about 12 hours (glass fiber absorbs it well),
  • in the process of staining, you can implement original design ideas using various colors, stencils, etc. even on cullet with a repeating unpretentious pattern.

Glass fiber for painting is a unique finishing material, which, for all its functionality and high decorative properties, has a reasonable price and is environmentally friendly like nothing else.

Glass fiber is considered a very convenient material for beginners. Even if mistakes are made when wallpapering, the features of the material make it easy to eliminate them. The fact is that on the textured coating, the fitting of the joints will not be visible at all. You can finally get rid of defects that arose due to the inexperience of the master at the staining stage.

Painting glass fiber is also a simple process. However, as in any business, gluing and painting wallpaper has its own nuances.

Glass fiber features

Glass fiber - modern material with many advantages:

  1. Glass fiber is made from a high-strength base. The material will be preserved even in the event of encroachment on it by pets. These wallpapers are generally very resistant to mechanical damage.
  2. The material is highly fire resistant.
  3. The surface of glass fiber is resistant to dust and dirt, as the material contains an antistatic agent.
  4. Thanks to the antiseptic preparation, the wallpaper is protected from the formation of fungus and mold on them.
  5. The composition of the final material includes specialized glass fabrics, which are characterized by resistance to wear. In addition, fabrics are made from natural materials which is good in terms of environmental friendliness and safety.
  6. Wallpapers of this type look very respectable. There is a wide variety of textures, colors and patterns.

It is desirable to periodically repaint glass fiber, therefore it is recommended to purchase material with deep relief. In this case, the new paint will not overlap with the old one. In the presence of a deep relief, the original texture will remain even after repeated staining.

Paint selection

Glass wall paint should be water-dispersion - this is what most experts think. Water-dispersed compositions correspond to the following parameters:

  • fast drying;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • fast and deep impregnation of the material;
  • non-toxicity.

Since the composition of water-dispersed paint and varnish compositions includes a synthetic polymer substance, a film forms on the surface as a result. This film acts as a buffer that protects the material from negative external influences.

Types of water-dispersion paints

There are three groups of water-dispersion compositions:

  1. Butadiene-styrene dispersions. This type of paint is highly resistant to moisture. However, these paints and varnishes also have a significant drawback - instability to ultraviolet radiation. Over time, surfaces painted with styrene-butadiene dispersions fade strongly, so they try to use such paints in rooms with windows to the north side.
  2. Polyvinyl acetate paints. Paints of this type compare favorably with low prices. Polyvinyl acetate is not characterized by high water resistance, so its scope is dry rooms.
  3. acrylic compositions. This type of paint and varnish materials is characterized by maximum water resistance. Acrylic also tolerates ultraviolet radiation well. Another benefit of acrylic is that it dries quickly. Acrylic paints are considered the best choice for painting glass cloth wallpaper.

Note! If necessary additional protection rooms from fire, you can purchase a special fire-resistant acrylic paint.


The decision on what kind of paint to paint glass wall papers is largely dictated by a positive attitude towards a particular manufacturer. For example, the well-known Finnish company Tikkurila is considered a manufacturer of very high quality paints that have proven themselves for many decades.

Not so well known to the general consumer, but has not worst quality products of the German company "Meffert", which produces paint for glass fabric wallpapers "Mattlatex Dufa".

As an example, we can cite the following types of paints for glass fabric wallpaper:

  1. Tikkurila Harmony. This paint and varnish material is of high quality, fast drying and moderate consumption. "Tikkurila Harmony" is devoid of pungent odor, is offered in a wide range of colors and is quite affordable prices. The Tikkurila company also produces matte paint, with which you can give the surface a velvety finish.
  2. Tikkurila Euro 2. The paint is made from an acrylate-copolymer with the inclusion of latex. Available in assortment and matte palette. The company recommends using the paint only for painting dry rooms.
  3. Mattlatex Dufa. The paintwork composition from the German company is characterized by high stability to external influences and economical consumption. Mattlatex Dufa contains latex, and the surface is matte.

Color selection

When a manufacturer is selected, you can think about choosing the right shade of paint. Most often, personal taste is decisive in this matter. However, when choosing, it is still recommended not to forget about some practical considerations:

  1. Bright, eye-catching colors can look attractive, but sooner or later the mood will change, and flashy shades can be very annoying. Besides, it's too bright colors usually get bored quickly.
  2. If you still want to make bright accents, it is recommended to use inserts with your favorite colors against a background of pastel colors.
  3. According to the rules good taste the color of the walls should be combined with the colors of furniture and other large interior items.
  4. Small drawings can change the geometric perception of the room, and large elements are suitable for rooms with a large area.

Advice! In small rooms, the use of several colors makes it possible to visually enlarge the room.


First of all, fiberglass wallpaper for painting needs to be glued to the wall. Below is a step-by-step instruction that will help you avoid mistakes in the gluing process:

  1. The optimum temperature in the room during the application of wallpaper on the wall is from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. Relative humidity should not exceed 70%. If you neglect the specified conditions, the glue will dry unevenly. In addition, drafts and direct sunlight should be avoided, otherwise the surface will bubble.
  2. For gluing glass wallpaper for painting, you need not some, but a special glue. PVA glue or any other compounds where one of the components is PVA are not suitable. The fact is that when using PVA glue with glass wallpaper, ugly yellow spots and stains will inevitably remain on the coating.
  3. Glue can be purchased both in ready-made and in powder form. The consumption of glue per square meter is usually indicated on the packaging.
  4. Before gluing glass wallpaper for painting, we prepare the surface. We clean the wall from the old coating. The surface should be perfectly flat, so we putty it and clean it first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sandpaper. Next, the surface is treated with acrylic primer for the premises. We proceed to sticking wallpaper only after the final drying of the surface.
  5. If we are talking about wallpaper with a simple pattern, first cut off a piece of canvas of a suitable size. Dimensions should correspond to the height of the room plus a 10 cm allowance to fit the pattern. We apply glue on one and a half canvases in a uniform layer. We glue the first canvas and at the same time use a plumb line so that the canvas is strictly vertical. We smooth the canvas along the wall (from the center towards the edges), using a plastic spatula. The adhesive protruding along the edges of the canvas is removed with a knife or spatula. We glue the following canvases end-to-end to those already glued.
  6. If we are talking about gluing wallpaper with a complex pattern, then you need to act a little differently. First, we cut the canvases, taking into account the rapport (the distance between the repeating elements of the pattern). Do not forget to leave 10-12 centimeters for fitting the canvas. We number the cut pieces (with reverse side). Rapport is always indicated on the product label. The indicator must be taken into account when planning the number of cullet per room.
  7. With wallpaper with a complex pattern, you can do it differently: refuse to make blanks and immediately start gluing. In this case, the canvas is adjusted to the pattern along the way. Otherwise, gluing glass wallpaper with a complex pattern does not differ from gluing simple wallpaper.

Before painting the cullet with a pre-selected paint, it is necessary to wait for the glue to dry completely on the surface.


We apply the paintwork material to the embossed cullet with a spray gun or roller. The brush will not provide the same uniform distribution of paint over the surface. The dye is applied in two layers. The second layer is applied 12 hours after the first.

Do-it-yourself glass wall painting can be done in several ways:

  • with the use of borders;
  • using stencils;
  • squeegee method;
  • with azure.


When working with borders, keep in mind:

  1. One textured pattern based on fiberglass is used both at the top and at the bottom of the border.
  2. The composition can use various texture solutions regarding the border.

When all the canvases are already on the wall, glue the border. In order for the work to be done correctly, we mark the wall in advance. We apply the border only on a completely dry wall.


Using a stencil means not just painting the surface, but creating geometric patterns. First, we carry out the main coloring of the canvas. After that, using masking tape, we apply the planned patterns to the surface of the glass. At the same time, we apply the drawing very carefully, using a sponge made of foam rubber. It is very important to avoid leakage of the paintwork material under the adhesive tape.

When the paint is completely dry, carefully remove the masking tape from the wall. The dried surface of the finished drawing can still be processed with paint - this time manually.

Squeegee staining

This method is quite simple to perform. For the main color, deep and rich tones are suitable. After the first layer has dried, we apply a glazing coating similar in tone. For this purpose, a decorative water-based varnish (translucent) or some other paintwork material with a metallic effect is suitable.

Without waiting for the coating to dry, remove excess dye with a moistened foam sponge. The goal is to leave the paint only in the textured recesses of the embossed coating.

Advice! Squeegee staining can also be done with a spatula (rubber or plastic).

Staining with azure

First, apply a layer of paint with a roller or spray gun. When the surface is dry, proceed to the application of azure. We use a flat brush for this. The nature of the movements is transverse, in small strokes. After about 20 minutes, spread the composition on the wallpaper with a rubber spatula. It is thanks to the spatula that it is possible to achieve a uniform distribution of flakes over the surface.

If you need more saturated color, repeat the work done earlier again or apply a slightly different tone from the original to give the surface visual depth.

Modern market finishing materials constantly impresses consumers with the variety of products presented, constantly replenishing its range. Often, faced with the abundance on the market, the craftsmen believe that repair is not such a difficult task and decide on its independent implementation. And this applies not only to repairing minor defects and replacing the flooring, but also to developing the final design appearance of housing. By implementing modern renovation in an apartment, you must be aware that Finishing work are one of the most important stages of a complex and multifaceted process, since it is at this stage that the final design appearance of the room and its stylistic concept are formed. Walls must be beautiful and well-maintained to meet generally accepted design standards, which is why craftsmen attach particular importance to their decoration, encountering certain difficulties at this stage due to the variety of materials presented. However, most consumers remain faithful to traditional wallpaper, which now, like other materials, is presented in a huge assortment. But there are those who are ruled not only by a conservative principle, but also by the desire to keep up with the times, taking a step towards innovative technologies. And, fortunately, there are many. This category consumers prefer modern finishing materials, one of the representatives of which is fiberglass wallpaper, which is an original and practical roll material. Using them, you can not only give the walls a well-groomed look, but also, if necessary, change their color. But even here there are some nuances, in connection with which, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of the choice of paint for painting glass and the technology of its application.

Fiberglass wallpaper: general information

Glass fabric wallpaper is a particularly durable and durable decorative coating with high aesthetic characteristics. It can be seen from the name that the material is peculiar, and even the name of the beginners sometimes raises concerns about its production technology and decorative characteristics. For the production of this material, natural raw materials are used, which makes fiberglass wallpaper an environmentally friendly material. Despite the fact that the name "fiberglass wallpaper" has appeared quite recently, this material is not as new as it might seem at first.

Western craftsmen first got acquainted with glass wallpaper in the early 60s of the last century and, due to the fact that they have unique characteristics, they appreciated them. First appearing on domestic market, they were used for finishing offices and public spaces, and only after some time they began to be used as a finishing material for residential premises. For the manufacture of glass fiberglass, glass fabric is used, obtained from special glass briquettes, which, after heating, are drawn into threads. Of these, a woven fabric is produced, which is subsequently impregnated with a specialized composition. If you later plan to change the color of the wall covering, glass wallpaper will be your best choice.

The main advantages of glass fiber

  • Glass fiber is a wear-resistant and durable material made of glass threads, which are based on natural minerals. High-quality glass cloth, resistant to tearing, thanks to its unique structure and optimum thickness, will withstand scratches from animals and contact with strollers and bicycles;
  • Due to the fact that natural components are used for the production of glass wall papers, they are an environmentally friendly finishing material suitable for finishing residential premises, including children's rooms;
  • Flame retardant material. However, if it does occur, during the combustion process, the cullets will not emit toxic components;
  • They are characterized by increased antistatic, and therefore, they are less susceptible to household pollution. If this does happen, they can simply be wiped with a damp cloth, both with and without chemical cleaners;
  • Due to the fact that fiberglass freely passes air to moisture, walls pasted over with glass wallpaper are not susceptible to mold and fungus;
  • Despite the fact that glass wall papers are not the cheapest material, by giving them preference, you can significantly save on repairs. This is due to the fact that the reinforcing material is included in the composition of the cullet, the surface to be trimmed does not need to be pre-puttyed. In this regard, you do not need specialized screeds and mixtures;
  • Having chosen this material for decorating the walls of a living room and gluing glass wallpapers for painting, you will see new, previously absent notes of originality and originality in the interior. The chic and rich interior of the room, the walls of which are covered with glass wallpaper, will be able to amaze even the most fastidious designer;

  • This material is presented in a wide range, and even the most demanding customer will be able to choose the wallpaper of the desired color and texture. The consumer is invited to pay attention to the variety of smooth and embossed glass wall papers, the dense texture of which will successfully mask minor wall defects. To change the color of walls pasted over with glass, you do not need to remove them and glue new ones. It will be enough to paint the glass with your own hands, the technique of which will be discussed later.

Important! If you are planning to paint glass wallpaper soon, choose a glass fabric with a deep embossed pattern that will retain its unique texture even after several stains. When buying glass wallpaper, pay attention to the accuracy of weaving, as this indicates the quality of the material.

Painting glass wallpaper photo

How to paint glass wallpaper for painting: the choice of paints and varnishes

Often, the masters are faced with the question of the need to paint glass. They legitimately ask the question: “Is it always necessary to paint fiberglass wallpapers, and is it as necessary as the manufacturers of fiberglass cloths position it?” In this case, it all depends on your taste preferences. If the color of the cullet perfectly fits into the overall color concept of the interior, we can safely say that the cullet does not need additional painting. However, in most cases, the manufacturer produces glass wallpapers specifically for painting, and therefore, they are characterized by an inexpressive grayish-white color with low aesthetic qualities. Therefore, cullets are not painted in order to increase their functional characteristics, but only for aesthetic reasons. If you have made a choice in favor of painting glass, it's time to decide on the paint for painting glass. It would seem that everything is very simple, and it is enough to come to the store of paints and varnishes and consult with the seller, who will tell you the right decision. However, even here there are pitfalls, which can be circumvented only by carefully understanding this issue. So, how to paint glass wallpaper for painting?

Criteria for choosing paint for painting glass:

Glass wall painting technology does not have any bright distinctive features, requiring separate consideration, and is similar to painting any other finishing materials. The only fundamental point that distinguishes the coloring of glass and from the coloring of other materials and worthy of detailed consideration is the choice of a suitable paint and varnish material. Experts are sure and unanimously repeat that the most the best option in this case, it is the use of water-dispersion compositions that meet all the criteria for paint for coloring glass. The main ones are the following:

  • Minimum drying time;
  • No strong odor;
  • Rapid penetration into the surface structure.
  • The absence of toxic components in the composition.

Water-dispersion paints and varnishes consist of aqueous dispersions of some synthetic polymer and, after the evaporation of water, form a protective film on the surface of the glass cloth, which is formed as a result of the bonding of synthetic polymer particles. In this regard, in the composition of these paints, not a solvent, but water is used as a diluent.

All water-dispersion compositions are conditionally divided into three main categories:

  • Butadion-styrene dispersions, which have increased moisture resistance, but are characterized by a significant drawback that limits their use. It implies the yellowing of the surface of the painted glass, which occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In this regard, butadion-styrene compounds are used in rooms that are characterized by a northern location and the absence of excess light;
  • Polyvinyl acetate compounds differ in relatively low cost compared to other types of water-dispersion paints, due to their limited use. In particular, due to low water resistance, polyvinyl acetate paints can only be used in dry rooms;
  • The most versatile option for painting glass fiber are acrylic compounds with high moisture resistance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation. They are most often used for coloring glass fiber, due to their fast drying and the ability to wash the surface after painting.

Important! If your space is in need of maximum passive fire protection, paint the glass wall paper with flame retardant acrylic paint. Metal communications also need to be treated with flame retardants, for which the best way fire retardants for metal are suitable.

Also suitable for staining glass latex and acrylate compounds- in a word, in the process of choosing a paint, it is necessary to take into account the desired result. In addition, when choosing a paint, you need to pay attention to whether it is washable, which will greatly simplify further cleaning of the coating.

Paint for painting glass walls: popular manufacturers

The most common paints and varnishes for painting glass wall papers, which have received consumer recognition, are:

  • Tikkurila Harmony- high-quality paintwork material, characterized by fast drying and low consumption. It is characterized by the absence of smell, and therefore, it is suitable for use both in the bedroom or living room, and in the children's room. The manufacturer offers paint in matte colors, which contributes to the formation of a velvety surface. Grateful buyers of Tikurilla Garmonia paint leave only the most positive feedback about it, which is due not only to the aesthetic appearance of the material, but also to its affordable cost;

  • Tikkurila Euro 2- matte paint made of acrylic copolymer with the addition of latex. Most often used only in dry rooms.
  • Mattlatex Dufa- latex paint in matte shades, characterized by high durability and cost-effectiveness.

Glass wall painting: the choice of color scheme

When choosing a color scheme for painting glass wallpaper, rely on your own opinion and taste preferences. But, despite this, designers give their recommendations in this matter, the main ones of which will be discussed below.

  • For painting glass wallpapers, experts do not recommend using bright and catchy colors, as they will soon begin to bother and will not cause anything but irritation. In this regard, they will again need to be repainted in calmer tones;
  • For owners who are supporters of bold design solutions, experts recommend using bright curly inserts against the background of calm pastel shades. The implementation of this design idea will not only diversify the interior of the room, but also visually expand it;
  • When choosing furniture, it is important to take into account its compatibility with the color and shape of the pattern on the glass, as well as the overall stylistic concept of the interior as a whole;
  • When applying a stencil pattern to glass wallpaper, it is also necessary to follow the advice of experts. If you are painting and decorating glass in small spaces, choose small images that will visually expand the room. If in this case you prefer large drawings, they will contribute to a visual reduction in the volume of the room.

How to paint glass wall paper: preparatory measures

Due to the fact that painting glass wall paper is a fairly simple procedure, even an inexperienced master can handle it. As mentioned earlier, it is recommended to paint glass fiber with water-based paint, and therefore, having prepared the necessary paint and varnish composition, you can get to work.

Important! Before proceeding with painting, it is necessary to apply a primer to the surface of the glass wall, which will increase the adhesive characteristics of the paint. In order to apply the paint as evenly as possible on the surface of the glass, experts recommend using a roller.

The question concerning the need for a preliminary application of a primer on the surface of glass wall papers is of interest to many specialists. Answering it, it should be noted that the application of a primer is a mandatory and extremely important step in painting glass wall paper, as it significantly improves the painting effect, making the texture of glass wall paper brighter and of better quality.

Important! The choice of primer depends only on the individual preferences of the master, however, there is a more economical option that involves the use of glue left after gluing the glass. The quality of such an impromptu primer is in no way inferior to the characteristics of a traditional primer and in some respects even exceeds them.

To apply the primer, it is necessary to use a roller, which contributes to its uniform distribution over the surface of the glass and increase the adhesive characteristics of the paint, which is applied to the surface of the glass after the primer has completely dried.

Glass fiber painting options: a brief description

As mentioned earlier, it is best to use a roller or spray gun for painting glass wall paper, which contributes to the most even distribution of the composition. Glass wall coverings must be painted in two layers, applying the second layer after 12-14 hours after applying the first. There are several options for painting glass fiber:

  • Painting with borders;
  • Applying paint using stencils;
  • Squeegee staining;
  • Painting with azure.

Painting with borders- one of the options for staining glass, allowing you to revive the interior of any room from the living room to the bedroom. Having chosen to paint glass wall paper using stencils, you can go in two ways:

  • Use fiberglass-based wallpaper of the same texture both above and below the border;
  • Create a more interesting texture solution by choosing wallpapers of different textures in relation to the border.

After you have glued the glass wallpaper for painting, you do not need to wait for them to dry completely - proceed to the manufacture of the border. To do this, a strip is marked and cut out on the wall, the width of which corresponds to the size of the border. Further, the upper and lower sections of the wall in relation to the border must be painted over in two layers (related or even contrasting shades can be used), with an interval of 10-12 hours between applying layers. After the paint has dried, a decorative border is glued into the free space.

Glass wall painting using stencils involves the creation of some kind of geometric pattern or pattern. To do this, you need to select a pattern or ornament, in the structure of which it is desirable to have rectilinear structures, and transfer it to the wall using masking tape. To do this, a stencil is placed on the surface of the previously painted wallpaper, displaying the exact contours of the pattern, after which, in accordance with the markup, adhesive tape is glued, on top of which the background color paint is applied so that it does not flow under the adhesive tape. After complete drying, the wallpaper is painted in the desired color with the selected ornament. As soon as the surface is completely dry, the adhesive tape is removed from the surface of the wallpaper. Already finished drawing you can decorate with additional details or use another stencil. In this case, you can use any specialized paint to paint glass.

Painting glass fiber with azure involves the use of a paint and varnish combination of calm and catchy colors of the base with white or decorative flakes decorative materials. This method helps to achieve a variety of color combinations. After the main layer of paint has dried, using a flat brush, apply the azure on the surface of the glass fiber with short and transverse strokes. After 15-20 minutes, smooth the surface with a rubber spatula, spreading the flakes evenly over the surface. If you want to make the color more saturated, apply a double layer of azure and a refined and presentable result will not take long.

Squeegee painting of glass- a simple, but at the same time, an effective staining technique that allows you to achieve the original fabric texture of glass. According to experts, brightly saturated colors should be used as the main layer of paint. After the main layer dries, a glaze coating similar in tone is applied to the surface, which can be played by a translucent decorative varnish water-based or metallic finish.

Without waiting for the final drying of the glazing coating, remove with a damp sponge upper layer and excess paintwork material, keeping it only in the textured recesses of the glass. It is possible to paint glass wall papers in accordance with squeegee technique only with the help of a special plastic or rubber spatula.

Glass wall painting video