Scientific works for schoolchildren. Interesting topics for research work

Doesn't exist at all
reliable tests for giftedness,
except those that appear
as a result active participation
at least in the smallest
exploratory research work.
A.N. Kolmogorov

Researcher is



such a system of work organization,
which is related to the decision
research problem with
decision unknown in advance

How to choose a research topic?

Answer the questions:
What interests me the most?
What do I want to do first?
What do I do most often in my free time?
What subjects do I get the best in?
What did you learn at school that you would like to know?
find out more deeply?
Is there something that makes me special?

Rules for choosing a topic

1. ???? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????, ?????? ???????? ???.
????????????????? ??????, ??? ? ?????? ??????????, ???????? ? ?????????? ?????? ??
???????????? ??????. ????, ?????????? ???????, ?? ???? ???????? ??????????.
2. ???? ?????? ???? ?????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ????????????.
?????????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ????, ? ?????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???????
?????? ??????????, ??????? ????? ??????, ?????? ? ??????. ??????? ????? ???????? ?
????? ????????, ????? ??????? ?? ?? ?????? ????? ???????.
3. ???????? ???????? ?????, ????????? ????????? ????? ? ??? ?????, ? ??????? ????
????? ????? ????????????, ? ??????? ?????????? ???? ?????????.
?????? ??????? ????? ???? ???, ??? ??????? ???.
4. ???? ?????? ???? ????????????, ? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????????????, ???????????.
?????????????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????????? ????? ????? ?????????, ?? ?
??? ??????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ? ???????.

Rules for choosing a topic

5. The topic should be such that the work can
be completed relatively quickly.
6. The topic must be accessible.
The problem must be age appropriate
7. Combination of desires and possibilities.
When choosing a problem, you need to take into account the presence
necessary materials and tools.
8. You should not delay choosing a topic.
You need to act quickly before interest fades
faded away


GOALS AND OBJECTIVES research activities
determined by PERSONAL MOTIVES.
Moreover, only a PROBLEM that has
PERSONALITY, arousing interest,
a flash of curiosity makes a person
However, there MUST BE a PROBLEM
RELEVANT not only for the author, but also for


If you are interested in football



Topics can be

1. Fantastic
2. Empirical
3. Theoretical











Examples of unsuccessful names and their reformulation

Meteorites - guests from space Study
(journalistic, very broad)
Attention Sharks!
Research into causes and factors
(journalistic, very broad,
shark attacks on humans
does not relate to the subject
How the computer came into being
overcoming problems
not when creating computers
(non-scientific, Research conditions
primitive, journalistic, not the emergence of a rainbow
How to understand Chopin
Studying the Features


To get started, you need to decide on the main points of the study:


A research PROBLEM is understood as a category meaning something
the unknown that remains to be discovered and proven.
THEME reflects character traits Problems.
OBJECT is that set of connections and relationships, properties that
exists objectively in theory and practice and serves as a source
information necessary for the researcher.
The SUBJECT of the study is more specific. It includes only those connections and
relationships that are subject to direct study in work,
set the boundaries of scientific research. In each object you can
highlight several research subjects.
The subject of the research determines the PURPOSE and OBJECTIVES of the research itself.
The GOAL is formulated briefly and definitely, precisely, in terms of meaning.
expressing what the researcher intends to do. She
is specified and developed in the TASKS of the research.
The goal should follow from the title of the work, the task from the goal, i.e. her
specify, the conclusions at the end of the work correspond to the stated ones

1. Creation of a rocket plane from composite materials
materials using 3D
2. The influence of chronological types
on student performance.
3. Study of the relationship between man and dog
Russian spaniel breed.
4. Study of the origin of the pedigree
to create a family tree.
5. Using numerals
in Russian folk tales.
6. The influence of the golden ratio principle on
human perception of living and nonliving objects

Approximate topics of research work

7. Analysis of city ergonym names
Naberezhnye Chelny.
8. Obtaining a non-Newtonian liquid in
Physics classroom laboratory and identification
possibilities of using its properties.
9. The influence of body type on
performance in sports.
10. Causes of violations in posture and ways to solve them
11. Obtaining halalite plastic from
milk and its multifunctional
12.Obtaining nanostructured particles and their
multifunctional use.

All types welcome
All in your hands!
Good luck!

Most modern teachers are inclined to believe that school students should receive practical knowledge that will later help them successfully integrate into society. For this purpose, it is recommended to move away from the classical formation of skills and abilities and provide children with a different model of education related to the formation of personality and the development of their creative skills.

It is natural that to introduce forms of such education should still be in elementary school. Research activities are one of them. Many scientific topics research work in various subjects (English, Russian, literature, mathematics and other disciplines) are aimed mainly at high school students. However, it is best to implement its basics already in primary school so that children can learn to independently collect, analyze and evaluate their work as early as possible. Of course, the child must have wide choose topics for analysis, we will also talk about this below.

Objectives of research work in primary school

Purpose of student engagement primary classes in research work is the stimulation of their creative and intellectual potential in interesting form.

The tasks of this work are as follows:

Specifics of research activities in primary school

Research work includes the following stages:

  • selection of topics;
  • setting tasks and goals;
  • conducting research;
  • preparatory work to defend your topic;
  • job protection.

The peculiarity of conducting research in elementary school lies in the special role of the teacher. He must guide, stimulate and engage children, show them the importance of carrying out such work, and also actively involve parents as assistants.

There are many parents whose work is not related to pedagogical activity, almost do not engage in children’s lessons and assignments. And research work - great chance to bond with kids in order to help them solve certain problems - choose an interesting topic, select literature, update their knowledge of English or mathematics, etc.

Basically, from the first to the third grade, research work at school is of a collective nature, the topic is determined by the teacher himself. But already in grades 3-4, the child can choose a topic depending on his inclinations and hobbies. Some people prefer English, others are attracted to natural history or world literature.

Below we present the names of the most fascinating research topics primary school. They can be supplemented, modified or expanded at your discretion.

List of general topics for primary school students

We offer a list common research topics that can be offered to primary school students:

Of course, the above list of topics is far from complete. The child can choose the most interesting one for himself, taking into account his hobby.

Below we provide lists of topics for research work in school for both primary and secondary school students.

Topics for scientific work on Russian literature

School students from 1st to 7th-8th grade You can suggest the following topics on Russian literature:

Topics of research papers on the Russian language for students in grades 4-5

For upper primary school You can choose the following research topics if your child is interested in the Russian language:

Topics of scientific papers in English

In this case, it is difficult to say for which students of which classes the topics will be designed, since in different schools they begin to teach English in different ways. Some already teach it in the first grade, while others only from the fifth grade. We offer the most interesting topics that will allow children go deeper into learning English:

How to organize a study correctly

Working on the chosen topic will not be easy for children. For the first time, the child will be somewhat confused, because even if the topic is close to him, he probably will not know how to start researching it, even if he has a plan.

But everything is very simple. At first You need to ask yourself a few questions and write down your answers to them:

  • what do I know about this topic;
  • how can I evaluate it;
  • What conclusions can I draw?

Next, you should collect material on the topic of interest. Previously, students only used libraries for this, but now, with the development of the Internet, the possibilities are much wider. After all, on the Internet you can find not only articles on certain topics and literature itself, but also archives of various magazines and television programs different years.

There is no need to be embarrassed to ask something from teachers, parents and other senior comrades.

All data received should record, photograph, make video. Opportunities in this regard are now also much greater than those of schoolchildren who studied 20 years ago and earlier.

Don't be afraid to experiment and comparative analyzes. All conclusions made by a child independently are worth much more than a text memorized from a textbook on a particular issue. Even if they are naive and poorly founded, this is the beauty of creative work.

The more children modern school will be involved in creative activities, starting from the first grades, the wider their horizons will be, they will not be afraid modern world, will learn to draw conclusions on each issue, and not be guided by certain dogmas, which are often already morally outdated.

Project activity is the trend in school life relatively new. Parents, and sometimes teachers, squint at the mere mention of it. Is the beast really that scary? Who does he serve? And how to direct it for the benefit of your child?

Modern realities dictate their own rules: the successful live well. And a successful one is one who can set goals, mobilize resources, achieve goals, manage a team, and the list goes on. Yes, now not every adult can cope with this entire list, but our children will be better than us. And the Ministry of Education is confident that the quality successful person you need to start shaping it right in the first grade.

What is this anyway? project activities? Many people think that a project is a report. Or an abstract. Or, seriously, a whole study. Project activities contain elements of preparing a report, an abstract and may include research.

Project activities of students are educational, cognitive, creative or play activity, the result of which is a solution to a problem, presented in the form of its detailed description(project).

Methods of working with the project:

1. Studying literature and other sources of information on the topic

Do not forget that information may have varying degrees of reliability; please provide links to sources of information.

2. Observation

Make an observation plan (when, where, for how long and what to observe). Record your observations.

There are 3 types of surveys: conversation, interview, questionnaire. Survey results can be presented in text or in chart form.

4. Experiment

This is a series of experiments. Experience involves creating certain conditions, observing what happens, and recording the results. The conditions, the course of the experiment, and the results obtained must be described in detail in the work.

5.Text analysis

It is the process of obtaining information through interpretation of text. In the text you can find words with one meaning or another, means artistic expression, rhymes... You can compare the text to foreign language and its translation.

What does project activity teach?

When presented correctly, project activities give the child good skills in goal setting, understanding “what I want” and “why this is needed.”

However, the presentation often suffers. Well, really, MaryIvanna can’t pour her soul into it 30 times a week, she’s physically not strong enough for it. That’s why you come across uninteresting, insipid topics, where you develop a single, very dubious skill - to endure what you don’t like.

What to do?

Delve into it yourself. Not to conduct research, not to write reports at night, but to help find a topic, at least by asking - what are you interested in now? Dig into your hobbies, show them encyclopedias and take a pencil on the pages on which your eyes light up!

Topics of research papers and projects for younger schoolchildren:

Climate, plants

  • Meteorological Center « Folk signs"reports.
  • Why don't the seeds germinate in an apple?
  • Amber - magical tears of trees
  • Growing cacti at home
  • Is it possible to grow a plant indoors? glass jar
  • Mold is also a mushroom!
  • Is there water in the air?
  • Colorful seas
  • The influence of good and swear words per plant: experiment
  • Were about dust
  • What and why does frost appear on glass?
  • Why do flower buds close at night?
  • Where do loofahs grow?
  • Bow of the seven ailments
  • Bean experiment. Germination
  • Organic farming
  • I don't go to the field, I go to the pharmacy...
  • Do they treat houseplants a cold?
  • Why do nettles sting?

Animals, birds, insects

  • Differences in behavior between large and small dogs
  • Feathered architects
  • Let's help wintering birds
  • The Frog Princess, or how I raised a frog myself
  • Why do flounder have eyes on one side?
  • Observations on the development of an anthill
  • Do we understand animals, or how to attract butterflies to your garden
  • Praise the bee!
  • Hippotherapy: communication with horses is the best medicine.
  • Homeless animals are a problem for each of us
  • Can animals count?
  • How to teach a dog to follow commands?
  • Why don't cats like to swim?
  • Why don't dogs like cats?
  • The effect of music on aquarium fish.

Family, people, society

  • A little story about my big family
  • My grandmother's favorite songs
  • Sights of our city
  • Oxygen starvation city ​​residents
  • It's good in the countryside in summer: how country life differs from city life
  • What work can I do now?
  • How to organize your time?
  • Cleanliness on my street. What can I do with trash?
  • Russian and European snowman: what are the similarities and what are the differences?

Psycho-social research

  • How does the weather affect your mood?
  • Why do people talk in their sleep?
  • Why do teachers give bad grades?
  • Why are they needed? social media?
  • The theory of lies: how to notice when a person is lying.
  • What do gestures say about your mood?
  • Politeness standards in different countries: what are the similarities and what are the differences?
  • Name and character are connected: truth or myth?
  • How does fear work?
  • How to respond to rudeness?
  • Thought is material: truth or myth.
  • What do your classmates think about your desire or unwillingness to study?

Health and nutrition

  • 5 rules of hardening that I experienced myself
  • How does exercise affect a person?
  • How cartoons affect a child's psyche
  • My diet
  • Yard dangers
  • What are the benefits of cold and hunger?
  • Healthy sweets sugarless
  • Homebaked bread
  • Healthy eating habits
  • What is healthy to eat for breakfast and why?
  • Why are there holes in bread?

Science (literature, history, mathematics..)

  • Youth jargon in the speech of modern schoolchildren
  • The image of a dragon/unicorn/.... in children's literature
  • Units of measurement in Ancient Rus'
  • Mathematical proverbs
  • Quick counting techniques
  • How to write a poem?
  • A fairy tale in music.


  • How to choose a ripe watermelon
  • Salt is a material for creativity.
  • Scotch tape is a material for all occasions.

In contact with

The science

What would the world be like without scientific research? Most people would agree that some of the studies can be very informative, others not so useful, and others a waste of time and money.

The list below presents some rather unusual studies that are, at the very least, entertaining. However, some still have certain merits, others fall into the category of dubious and should be treated with distrust.

10. Recognition of an elephant

Study: Elephant Recognition of Himself

Experts placing in the garden large mirror, observed the behavior of three Asian elephants, which they named Lucky, Maxine and Patty. The letter X was drawn on the bridge of the lucky girl's nose with white paint, and the opposite side of her head was marked with a similar sign, only they did it with paint that leaves no marks, but which has an identical smell and texture.

When Lucky saw her reflection in the mirror, she repeatedly tried to reach the white mark with her trunk. This was the final test of self-recognition. Other elephants also performed repetitive movements in front of a mirror and used their trunk to "inspect" their body parts. Maxine even, while in front of the mirror, put her trunk in her mouth as if she was trying to study what was in there.

Interesting fact: elephants have already joined monkeys and dolphins, who are among a small group of animals recognizing themselves in the mirror.

9. Sheep Recognition

Study: Sheep Recognition of Different Faces

Specialists from the Babraham Institute studied the ability of sheep to identify and recognize their own kind, as well as people. Experts have trained sheep to recognize the face of a pair that is associated with food. 20 sheep were represented by photographs of 25 pairs of faces.

As a result, it was determined that sheep can recognize the face associated with receiving food, even in profile. The team later discovered that a sheep can remember more than 50 faces of its own kind, in addition to a human face, for up to two years.

Interesting fact: Scientists have concluded that because sheep have such sophisticated facial recognition skills, they appear to be much more social animals than previously thought.

Study: Do married couples become more alike as they age?

The study involved 110 people who were given photographs of random faces. Volunteers had to pair up those men and women who were most similar to each other. Two dozen were of couples who had just gotten married; the other two dozen depicted the same people, but after 25 years of marriage. As a result, the subjects were much more likely to “match” couples who had already lived together for many years than pairs of newly minted husbands and wives.

Interesting fact: No one has given an exact explanation for this phenomenon, but some possible reasons were expressed. The first is related to diet and suggests that if both partners eat high-fat foods, their faces tend to look plump.

Another explanation is related to environment, namely, sunlight which affects the skin the same way. Proponents of the third point of view say that people are more inclined, on a subconscious level, to choose as their partners the person who will resemble themselves as they age.

The most popular view says that it's all about empathy. With age, couples become similar to each other, because they empathize with each other, and therefore copy each other’s facial expressions. Then, over time, due to constant empathy, their faces become similar to each other.

7. Smart hips

Study: Relationship Between Curvy Hips and Intellectual Abilities

Experts analyzed data from more than 16,000 women and girls who took detailed measurements of their bodies, as well as their educational level and scores on various cognitive tests. Women measured their waist-to-hip ratio.

The report notes that women with waists that are about 70 percent of their hips scored higher on intelligence tests and tended to have more high level education than women, the waist-to-hip ratio is higher.

In addition, women with lower scores and their children also scored higher on cognitive tests. One theory says it's down to the omega-3 fatty acids found in the fat deposits on her thighs, making her thighs a key indicator of her heart health. It's also important for the health of her brain, and the brain of the baby she gives birth to.

Interesting fact: Scientists describe the study as quite intriguing, but emphasize that the differences in cognitive abilities found by the researchers are not that great. For this reason, they believe, it would be a mistake to interpret the results as follows: women with curvy figures are smarter.

6. Woman in red

Study: Are women wearing red more attractive?

As part of this study, the authors decided to test whether men's attitudes towards women change depending on the color of the latter's clothing? In one experiment, psychologists interviewed a large number of men who were asked the following situation: “Imagine that you are on a date with this woman and you have $100 in your wallet. How much are you willing to spend on the date?” The men were shown photos different women dressed in clothes of different colors.

As a result, women dressed in red received the maximum number of points in men's desire to spend money on them. In all subsequent experiments, women dressed in red or wearing a red piece of clothing were rated as more sexually attractive than women wearing other colors.

Interesting fact: One theory to explain the study's findings suggests that there are deep biological roots, because male primates such as baboons and chimpanzees are attracted to females who have a red tint to them. various parts bodies.

5. "Herring" gases

Research: Do herring communicate with each other through gas production?

Two teams of experts carried out this project. One of them studied the behavior of Pacific herring in British Columbia, while the other focused its efforts on studying Atlantic herring in Scotland.

As a result, it was discovered that both species of herring create a mysterious underwater noise. As it turns out, this high-frequency sound is nothing more than air from the anus. The noise was always accompanied by a thin stream of bubbles. Researchers suspect that the herring “hears” these bubbles, and thus forms protection for itself at night.

Interesting fact: The researchers called this phenomenon "rapidly repeating tics." Unlike the human version, the fish BPT is supposed to bring individuals together.

4. A bra that holds your breasts

Study: A bra that supports bouncing breasts

The experiment involved 70 women with bra sizes ranging from A to extra large. Every woman walked, jumped and ran while wearing various types bras. During the “exercises”, biomechanical measurements of the movements of the mammary gland were carried out in three directions: up-down, side-to-side, out-in.

While walking, women's breasts moved relatively little in all three directions. But when the participants started jumping or running, their breasts moved proportionately more in some directions.

A study found that A-cup women's breasts when worn sports type There was 53 percent less bra movement compared to 55 percent of G cup wearers. D cup breasts weigh approximately 7-10 kilograms, and have very little natural support from the skin.

Ultimately, experts concluded that regardless of breast size, regular bras are not adequate to support bouncing breasts.

Interesting fact: the momentum created by intense bouncing can stretch connective tissue, which can cause, in addition to sagging skin, severe pain. Researchers estimate that about 50 percent of women experience chest pain when doing exercise.

3. Sexuality and fertility

Study: Does a woman's gait become sexier during peak fertility?

The idea behind this study was to determine whether women give unconscious signals to men about the levels of sex hormones in their blood. A leading university researcher believed that a sexy gait was one of these signals.

She analyzed the gaits of female volunteers and also measured the levels of their sex hormones contained in their saliva. Then a video clip of women's gaits was shown to 40 men, who had to rate the attractiveness of the gaits, and she compared the results obtained with the results of hormonal tests.

The results were so surprising that she decided to repeat the experiment with another group of men. The researchers found that women with the most enticing gaits were far from ovulating, while women who were most ready for fertilization walked with the least movement of their hips and knees.

Interesting fact: It has been suggested that during the period of maximum hormone content in female body, a woman is most interested in forming an attachment to one man who will help her raise children, and not in order to demonstrate her fertility and hook more males. In addition, a sexy gait is something too obvious, so women often “take advantage” of changes in smells and facial expressions, which can only be felt when they are at close range.

2. Sexy scream

Study: Why do female monkeys scream during sex?

To find out what purpose the female monkeys serve, the behavioral scientist and primatologist focused their attention on Barbary macaques in a nature reserve in Gibraltar, which they observed for two years. The researchers found that females screamed in 86 percent of all sexual encounters. When females screamed, males ended intercourse with ejaculation in 59 percent of cases; in the absence of screams, ejaculation occurred in less than 2 percent of contacts.

To make sure that the screams were the result of vigorous sex, scientists counted the number of pelvic movements of the males and the time it took them to do them. They found that when the females called, the speed of movement increased. This naturally led to more energetic sex. It was eventually concluded that female monkeys scream during sex to help their partners reach climax. Scientists have found that without these screams, Barbary males almost never ejaculate.

Interesting fact: male and female Barbary macaques are promiscuous and often have sex with many partners. Females call when they are most ready to fertilize, so males can make the most of their sperm.

1. Big hands, big legs, big...

Study: There is a relationship between penis size and leg size

IN this study Scientists measured 104 men the length of their legs and the ratio to the length of their penis. Because it doesn't exist perfect way To measure a man's penis, experts used a method used in many other studies, they simply stretched the skin as much as possible.

This gives a pretty good idea of ​​how long the penis is when fully erect. As a result of this study, experts came to the conclusion that there is absolutely no connection between the length of a man's penis and the size of his penis with the length of his legs.

Interesting fact: In another study, a group of Greek specialists measured height, weight, waist-to-hip ratio, and finger length and compared all this with the length of the penises of 52 men aged 19 to 38 years. They found that age and physical characteristics have nothing to do with penis size other than length index finger, which correlated with flaccid penis size.

Today's school graduate must have not only knowledge of basic subjects, but also practical skills and abilities. To achieve this result, current teachers use innovative teaching tools, one of which is learning activities. Already in the elementary grades, schoolchildren can be provided with interesting topics for carrying out research work in order to identify and develop their abilities in a form that is interesting to the student.

Modern teaching methods for Lately have changed significantly. To identify the individual abilities of schoolchildren, today many teachers offer interesting topics for scientific learning activities already in elementary school.

This allows students to be motivated to acquire knowledge, and also contributes to their general and personal development.

The learning activity of schoolchildren is a specially organized individual or joint activity with other children. It can be creative, educational or playful. It is advisable to introduce its basics already in the lower grades.

At the same time, it becomes possible to solve the following pedagogical problems:

  1. To stimulate students to develop their creative activity.
  2. Acquiring the skills of exploratory learning as the most effective.
  3. Arouse interest in studying science.
  4. To develop the ability for independent learning and knowledge of the world around us.
  5. Development of communication skills and the ability to work in a team.
  6. Involving parents in the learning process.

This teaching method allows you to develop in a child independence, innovative thinking and the ability to objectively evaluate the results of his own business.

For its successful implementation, the teacher must create the necessary conditions, the main ones being I:

  • definition of motivation;
  • creating a creative atmosphere among students;
  • psychologically comfortable environment for each participant;
  • Research topics for elementary school should be selected taking into account age characteristics.

Important! This teaching method is more aimed at high school students. However, the foundation of knowledge and skills is laid at primary school age. Therefore, it should be implemented as early as possible.

It is extremely important, especially for younger students, to create a favorable environment for conducting classes. In this case, the psychological factor is of paramount importance. Proposed research works for children in 1st grade must correspond to their age characteristics.

This condition also applies to other age categories of participants. Project topics for schoolchildren in the first two years of study are chosen by the teacher. Starting from the third year of study, students can independently choose a problem that is interesting to them.

Project Selection

In developmental education, the process of developing research activity includes several stages, which are presented in the table.

Stage Year of study Tasks Methods
First 1 Teach a student correct positioning questions, the ability to observe, make assumptions Collective discussions, examination of objects, modeling of problem situations - in the process of conducting lessons. Excursions, educational games, simulation using available materials- outside of class
Second 2 Teach the student to determine direction, compare facts, analyze them, draw conclusions and be able to draw them up, develop independence, support initiative Conducting debates, discussions, observations in accordance with the developed plan, presentations by children and teachers with stories - in the process of conducting lessons. Excursions, role-playing games, experiments, reports, individual modeling - outside of class hours
Third 3–4 Accumulation and use of experience. Solving problems independently. Awareness of reasoning and conclusions Conducting research lessons, surveys, experimental activities and protection of results

Early school age the most characteristic is cognitive interest. It is on this psychological and physiological feature of this age category that the scientific learning activities of children are based and the topics of primary school research work are selected.

Starting from the fifth year of study, the establishment of social relationships with others and the desire to take a worthy place in the team come to the fore. At this age, schoolchildren begin to clearly demonstrate independence, and their areas of activity expand.

The teacher’s task at this stage is to support and guide the creative and educational aspirations of students. Research topics should be selected taking into account the interests of the student. For 5th grade, there are many areas for research that allow teenagers to show independence, their thinking abilities and expand the space of their actions.

Useful video: the art of writing a research paper

The scientific learning process in elementary school has its own specifics. It lies in the special role of the teacher, who must approach such an activity creatively. This will make the learning process interesting, and therefore more productive.

Important! A primary school teacher must be able to captivate children, show them the importance of their work and achieve the active participation of parents in this process. This is a great opportunity to get closer to children based on common interests and joint activities.

The participation of the children's parents is very useful. Knowing the character and hobbies of their child, they can help him choose a topic, select the necessary literature and other materials to carry out the necessary research.

Junior school projects

For the most junior schoolchildren general primary school research topics are proposed, for example:

  1. How to protect my planet.
  2. Favorite toys.
  3. Disney cartoon characters.
  4. How to make a doll with your own hands.
  5. History of Matryoshka.
  6. How to decorate a Christmas tree.
  7. What nature can tell.
  8. Rare birds.
  9. Phone history.
  10. Bicycle in different countries.
  11. How a dog became a man's friend.
  12. Independent cats.
  13. How lessons are taught in other countries.
  14. Why New Year meet in winter.
  15. The benefits and harms of tea.

This list can be continued endlessly. Kids are very inquisitive. They can be offered any topic that interests them. In the process of studying it, children will gradually learn to correctly plan and carry out scientific learning activities, which includes the following stages:

  • choosing a topic;
  • goal definition;
  • carrying out research;
  • preparation for defense;
  • protection.

Questions for research activities in some subjects can be proposed for students of both primary and secondary schools.

The world

On this topic, the teacher can offer one of the following questions for students from the first to the fourth year of study:

  1. How to protect coniferous forests.
  2. How can you use packaging to your advantage?
  3. Plants of the Red Book.
  4. The mystery of the birth of stars.
  5. Why does the cat purr?
  6. Why do birds fly away?
  7. Is salt harmful or beneficial?
  8. What fish can live in the same aquarium?
  9. Why chips are bad for your health.
  10. Who are ants?
  11. What kind of honey is called linden honey?
  12. Correct hardening.
  13. What is lemonade made from?
  14. How are wild strawberries different from strawberries?
  15. The kindest dogs.

Any object or phenomenon of the surrounding world is suitable for research activities in this direction. At the same time, the child will learn the step-by-step implementation of his project, which will help in developing more complex problems in subsequent years.

Russian language

This subject is studied at school throughout the entire period of study. To make learning it fun, starting from the first days, will help creativity teachers to teach a serious subject. The following topics proposed for research work on the Russian language can be simplified or complicated, taking into account individual abilities schoolboy:

Project topics for 1st grade:

  • alphabet in names;
  • how to show letters with gestures;
  • funny alphabet;
  • what is a dictionary for?
  • history of riddles;
  • how to learn .

Research topics for grade 2:

  • why did they come up with the rules;
  • speaking correctly is fashionable;
  • how to put emphasis correctly;
  • what are parts of speech used for?
  • write a letter to a friend;
  • We use words in a figurative sense.

For 3rd grade:

  • how words are born;
  • riddles about pronouns;
  • what does a word consist of?
  • cases and their names;
  • noun – the main part of speech;
  • how to construct a sentence from words.

Russian language projects

For 4th grade:

  • how a word affects mood;
  • history of proverbs;
  • speaking surnames using examples of famous writers;
  • the history of my name;
  • what are punctuation marks used for?
  • How commas affect the meaning of a phrase.

For 5th grade:

  • verb importance;
  • history of etiquette;
  • words of foreign origin;
  • why are polite words needed?
  • how not to get a request refused using words;
  • dialectisms using examples of works;
  • influence of the Internet on the Russian language.

Some research questions on the Russian language are relevant for any age. On the recommendation of the teacher, you can select a topic for study that will be especially relevant among students.

Russian literature

The school curriculum provides for the study of literature from the 5th to the 11th year of study. The following project topics for interesting research projects on literature will provide the opportunity to delve deeper into the chosen issue in a fun way:

  1. Heroes of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” in cinematography.
  2. Mythological subjects in painting.
  3. Russian poets and love lyrics.
  4. How to perceive proverbs.
  5. Can you believe a fairy tale?
  6. Fables and fairy tales - what's the difference?
  7. Images of animals in fairy tales.
  8. Images of plants in the poems of A. Fet.
  9. Screen adaptation of works by Russian classics.

Important! In the age of computers and the Internet, it is very difficult to attract schoolchildren to read books. Research projects can have a stimulating effect on children.

These projects, with a competent approach, can greatly interest schoolchildren and encourage them to read the works of the school curriculum, intended for study in the 5th grade.

Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber


Knowledge of history gives a person a more complete understanding of events occurring in the present time. When choosing a project topic for research work on history, the student must understand the full responsibility of the upcoming project. When performing it, the author must be extremely objective in his conclusions and not succumb to the desire to embellish historical facts.

The study of history as part of the school curriculum begins from the age of 5 secondary school. Children can be offered the following directions:

  1. Who opened the tomb of Tutankhamun.
  2. History of ships of the Ancient World.
  3. Ancient Egypt and art.
  4. History of costumes of ancient peoples.
  5. Myths and legends of Ancient Greece.
  6. The first Christian churches.
  7. First Olympic Games.
  8. Patriotic people of Greece.
  9. Spartan education.

When carrying out research work on history collectively, children have the opportunity to become closer during the collection of information and general discussion of the obtained facts and learn to find solutions and draw conclusions during the discussion.

Ancient Egypt and art

English language

To date, studying in English as part of the school curriculum, it is provided from the second year of secondary school. But since in different educational institutions Since people begin to learn a foreign language at different times, and the level of training can differ significantly, it is difficult to classify project topics for research work in English by year.

It is advisable to discuss projects in groups. This allows children to overcome the barrier oral communication in a foreign language, study more deeply the features of the English language and understand the translation of expressions that are difficult from this point of view.


When studying at school of this subject, many schoolchildren are faced with the problem of memorizing multiplication and division tables. Project topics for research papers in mathematics make the study of this material interesting. During the 3rd year of school, children are encouraged to explore problematic material in a fun way. The third grade of primary school is very important when studying mathematics, as it provides the basic knowledge for further study of this exact science.

Useful video: where to get topics for research and projects?


Modern methods educational activities at school they are called upon to teach the student how to learn. This will allow him to study independently in the future. To implement this direction today it is already quite widespread school teachers scientific learning activities of schoolchildren are used.