Finishing a bathroom with tiles - basic principles, design ideas, stages and finishing technologies (110 photos). Laying out tiles in the bathroom - step-by-step instructions with photo examples Finishing tiles for the bathroom

Ceramic tiles, i.e. tile is one of the traditional materials for facing rooms that are systematically exposed to environmental conditions high humidity. Most often, these rooms include kitchens and bathrooms. Let's talk about the latter.

Modern manufacturers provide such wide choose material that you think about its choice much longer than about the cladding itself. The palette of colors, the play of textures and the variety of sizes perfectly contribute to the creation individual project, which would appeal not only to you, but also to your loved ones, causing persistent “white” envy.

Bathroom decoration with tiles and mosaics

Expensive luxury ceramics laid in a boring and monotonous room will completely lose its original luster, so you need to think about preparing the bathroom in advance. Everything should fit harmoniously with each other.

Types of Bathroom Tiles

Tile is divided into two huge categories:

  1. floor;
  2. wall.

Bathroom tiling in a classic style

The first category is characterized by increased strength, thickness and wear resistance. Such tiles will be more expensive due to their characteristics, but this does not prevent you from gluing them to the wall to achieve a “uniform” result. Unfortunately, it is more scarce, or something, but this does not mean that the entire palette is limited to 3-5 varieties.

Important. Wall tiles are more easily cut and drilled. The floor analogue will be more difficult to cut.

Tiles with a graceful pattern

Wall-mounted analogues are in much greater demand, so manufacturers place the main emphasis on this material, coming up with all sorts of color effects, texture elements and more. Successful combination two types of tiles will allow you to achieve amazing results.

Ceramic tiles with wood pattern

Not to mention the mosaic. It can be laid with equal success both on the floor and on the wall. The main thing is that the substrate is perfectly leveled, since mosaic elements are extremely difficult to lay perfectly on a questionable surface.

Choosing a color palette for the bathroom

Perhaps the first and main stumbling block when choosing is the choice of colors. The future of design depends on it, since you will have to “pick off” the color of the tile when choosing plumbing fixtures and decorative elements, right down to rugs, soap dishes and toothbrush holders.

Advice. The choice of accessories is based on the color scheme of the room. Try to purchase the entire set so that each element fits into the overall picture.

Take the process extremely seriously, but do not forget about this important point like creativity. No one wants to spend most of their time in an overly dark room, or in some kind of surgical office, where it’s scary to step into, not to mention everything else.

  • Ivory;
  • beige;
  • pearl;
  • coffee with milk (emphasis on milk);
  • peach;
  • light brown;
  • (interspersed);
  • dark brown (in relation to gender);
  • black.

It is impossible not to dwell on dilution entries. There can be so many combinations here that it would take a very long time to describe them. Nevertheless, basic elements You need to know how to mix colors so that there are no annoying misunderstandings later.

Basic color combinations for the bathroom

  1. Monochrome colors (white and black) They get along well with each other, maintaining a 70/30 proportion with a dominant light tone. In particular, the floor can be dark, and the walls either plain or interspersed with tiles to match the color of the floor. Another interesting option is a demarcating molding on the wall, or a gradual transition from dark to light. It may look like this: the first bottom row of tiles is laid at the rate of 2 black and 1 light tile, then the amount of white increases and so on until you reach 1/3 of the wall. Then the composition is completed by light tiles.
  2. Contrast of warm and cold shades. Perhaps one of the most difficult design techniques that not everyone can do. You need to have the rudiments of an artist to successfully combine colors that are completely inconsistent. On the other hand, green can be combined well with brown and orange, red will be combined with blue and purple, and beige with metallics.
  3. The concept of transition from one shade to another. One color can smoothly flow into a completely different one thanks to thoughtful installation of tiles. Nothing prevents you from starting to lay out dark tiles on the floor, and then crowning the picture with light tile elements. For these purposes, mosaic will come in handy. Small pieces of tile will allow you to achieve a smooth and graceful transition.
  4. Monochromatic room. Perhaps the simplest method of finishing, but not everything is so simple here. In addition to color design, there is also such a thing as the texture of the material. Perhaps you want to give the walls the outline of tropical plants or a mat. With the help of modern finishing materials this will not be difficult.
  5. Panels and photocells. One wall, the most open and not cluttered with technology, can be turned into a kind of fresco and other works of art. Order a picture that will cause you great delight, but will not cause fatigue after prolonged viewing. Use the same or a ready-made panel.
  6. Chess board. Another type of monochrome finish, only the palette can be used arbitrarily, without adhering to. To some, this idea may seem very fresh and creative.
  7. Chaotic colors. Choose one dominant color, which can be diluted with squares of tiles in completely different shades. An excellent solution for creative people and those who have children.
  8. Don't forget about psychological impact flowers per person. Light and pastel shades have a positive effect on the general condition of the body and promote good spirits. The dominance of dark shades can play a cruel joke in small rooms, since such a range “puts pressure” on the psyche.

    Be very careful with red

    Important. You need to be careful with the red design, because it not only excites, but also leads to excessive nervousness when staying indoors for a long time. “Test” yourself in advance so as not to get into trouble.

    Bathroom finishing styles

    There is nothing difficult about carefully gluing tiles to the floor and walls. To do this, you don’t need to be a genius; it’s enough to be careful and follow a certain sequence. But how can you make a room unique, using the same tiles, so that the overall picture pleases the eye for a long time?

    Advice. ask the sales consultant to show several examples of design with the tiles you like. The overall exposure may differ radically from a single example.

    Various styles and finishing techniques in combination with thematic accessories and dilution components designed to brighten up the overall design will help to avoid monotony and monotony.

    Bathroom decoration in a classic style

    Here are just some of the areas:

  • classic;
  • exotic;
  • modern;
  • East;
  • Indian motifs;
  • minimalism;
  • high tech;
  • bionics and more.

Decorating a bathroom in a Greek style

Each style has its own characteristic differences. The most popular are classic and minimalist designs. The latter represents a simplicity of finishing that “hides” the extremely rich functionality of each element of plumbing. Futuristic lamps, heated towel rails and other decorative elements will look great here.

Ethnic style decoration

The oriental motif involves the use of thematic patterns, panels, frescoes and more. Lamps, earthenware and even mirrors must be consistent with the style, otherwise you will end up with some kind of tasteless hodgepodge. It's better to attract experienced designer, or search for solutions on the Internet yourself in order to have some idea about equipping the bathroom.

Don’t be afraid to “dilute” the interior with elements such as:

  • mirrors;
  • figured plumbing;
  • fancy faucets;
  • painted decorative elements;
  • furniture;
  • technique.

Finishing a bathroom with tiles is a classic renovation option. In this article you will find many photos with examples of such finishing, as well as detailed step-by-step instructions for laying tiles with your own hands. Our experts did their best and described the entire process as carefully as possible.

Ceramic tiles are the most common material for finishing a bathroom. Just follow the instructions in the article, look at the photos, and you will succeed!

By the way! A simpler option - or simple. We also recommend that you read it.

To decorate a bathroom with tiles as in the photo, there is no need to contact specialists. You can handle this kind of work yourself, while saving quite a significant portion of your repair budget.

Calculation and work plan

First you need to calculate the area of ​​each wall. Having measured the width and height of the wall, we multiply the taken indicators and get the area. When purchasing material, you should take into account that it may be necessary to replace tiles that are chipped or have other defects. Also, in most cases, the tiles will have to be cut to make proper joints at the corners.

We will help you lay tiles with your own hands!

Therefore, it is necessary to buy 5-10% more material than was calculated, while the remaining scraps can be used in the form of a mosaic. Clinker tiles for interior decoration purchased by square meters.

You need to pay attention to the matching shade of all tiles. Letters and numbers are used to indicate shade. To make the bathroom interior more attractive, you can dilute the overall background with colored or patterned tiles. Tiles that are used for final finishing, is called a profile. Profiles and other auxiliary materials are purchased by linear meters or pieces.

To understand how to lay tiles on a wall in a Khrushchev-era building, you will need to read our instructions and also acquire the necessary tools and materials.

When purchasing ceramic tiles, make sure that each package has the same manufacturer's batch number. The fact is that different batches of the same type of tile may differ in color.

Take care of purchasing any little things you may need

Even the most modern tiles may vary in size. This disadvantage inherent mainly in the inexpensive material that is offered Russian manufacturers. In some cases, purchasing imported tiles that do not have deviations in size is preferable for tiling a bathroom. However, a higher price is a circumstance that allows one to make a choice in favor of Russian material.

In general, the size of the tile does not greatly affect the complexity of the installation technology. It is only important to understand that large samples will have to be cut more.

Required tools and materials

To decorate a small bathroom with tiles, we will need special tools (which you most likely do not have) and finishing materials. In the photo you can see samples of such materials. We present full list what we need for work:

  1. Directly tiles in the required quantity;
  2. Tile adhesive (check volumes with sales consultants);
  3. Notched trowel for applying mortar (glue);
  4. Grouting mixture;
  5. Rubber spatula for grouting joints;
  6. Crosses and wedges for laying tiles and adjusting joints;
  7. Tile cutter or grinder for cutting tiles;
  8. Tape measure, level, basin or bucket for solution, pencil and other devices.

Cost of tiling a bathroom

For your convenience, we decided to mention the average prices for materials and labor for finishing a bathroom with tiles.

Average price of one square meter tiles for finishing a bathroom is about 350-450 rubles. This is if we are talking about such options as in the photo. There are more expensive options, there are cheaper ones, but on average you will find these prices.

If you don't want to tile your bathroom yourself, you'll have to hire professional tilers. Depending on the region and the status of the tiler, his services will cost you approximately 800-1500 rubles per 1 sq.m. As you can see, most of the money is spent on work, so we recommend that you seriously consider laying the tiles yourself according to our instructions.

Preparatory stage

You should first take care of the safety and security of furniture and plumbing fixtures. Bathroom finishing ceramic tiles- the work is quite dirty, so take care of this in advance. It is enough to cover the bathtub with a polymer film (if it is not intended to be replaced). You can use tape to secure the film. Cover water taps and pipes with cardboard tubes. The most necessary tool When performing work on laying ceramic tiles, use a level.

If the walls in the room are not level, it is better to plaster them first or. By the way, with the help of drywall you can also “hide” various communications behind the wall. The tile also adheres well to drywall.

IN wooden house drywall will also be an ideal solution. They can completely sheathe the walls in the bathroom or halfway, leaving part log walls in original condition. The combination of rounded logs and tiles will give the room a unique style.

At the preparatory stage, using a level, you need to draw a horizontal line along the perimeter of the entire wall, which will serve as an initial guide. The quality of the work performed will depend on how smoothly the line is drawn.

Ceramic tiles are laid with special glue. It is prepared from a dry mixture, which is diluted with water and mixed until smooth using an electric drill with an attachment. The method for preparing the adhesive solution is indicated on the packaging of the powder. You can buy glue at a hardware store. It should be taken into account that a thick solution will fall off the wall, and a too liquid solution will spread over its surface.

Bathroom tiling - instructions

It is necessary to leave space for the first row of ceramic tiles and immediately begin laying the second.

Ideally, the walls should be prepared in advance for laying tiles, i.e. leveled and primed.

The starting point is the line drawn at the preparatory stage. Using a notched trowel, glue mixture applied to the surface of the bathroom wall.

If you don't have a notched trowel, you can use a simple small trowel. Do not be overly zealous when applying tiles to the wall surface. Otherwise you may damage it.

Before starting work on finishing the bathroom in the house with tiles, you should take care of purchasing special devices called “crosses”. They will help to fix the optimal width of the seams: this indicator should not exceed a few millimeters. You can buy “crosses” at any hardware store (you can see examples in the photo).

By the way, construction stores also sell so-called “wedges” for tiling work. They are designed to equalize the distance between tiles immediately after laying the tiles.

The quality of the work performed on laying ceramic tiles must be constantly checked using a level. Using this tool, you can check whether the top line of the tile has moved up or down.

You need to be especially careful in corners

A solid tile will not fit in the corners, so it will need to be cut. For this operation you will need several tools. Most often, to obtain the material of the required size, a tile cutter is used, which allows you to cut the tiles without much effort. If you don’t have a tile cutter, you can use a regular grinder.

For some types of work, simple pliers are also suitable. By breaking off small pieces with pliers, you can get the material optimal size. All these tools may be needed if work is carried out in a room with non-standard sizes. In general, the method of laying tiles is universal. Apply tile adhesive to the wall with a spatula, glue the tiles, level using wedges and crosses. And so on.

Grouting tile joints

After finishing the bathroom with tiles, you will need to clean the adhesive from the seams. Then the joints are grouted. During this operation, a specialized mixture (look in hardware stores) is applied to the tiles in the area of ​​the seams and grouting is carried out. The grout not only acts as a waterproofing material, but also performs a decorative function. Immediately after drying, the tiles should be washed with warm water. You will get a smooth, light seam, as in the photo.

Video instructions for laying tiles on the wall:

After all the work is completed and the tile adhesive has hardened, you will need to clean the walls of excess grout and glue, after which your apartment bathroom will be transformed beyond recognition!

To create a bathroom interior ideal option is ceramics. This material is resistant to indoor humidity. Big choice products allows you to implement the most daring solutions in bathroom design.

Choice of cladding

To achieve the desired effect upon completion of the renovation, first of all, determine the method of facing the space that you like best. There are three types of cladding:

  • Decorating some parts of the room with tiles (bathroom area, washbasin, etc.);
  • Wall cladding to the intended level;
  • Full finish.

The design method directly depends on the dimensions of the room. For example, for a small bathroom, zoning with tiles is inappropriate. Individual parts will look like a jumble of different ideas in a small area.

Spacious bathrooms can be decorated in any way without fear of the visual effect of cramping.

Choosing color and style

Neutral tones

Facing in light colors with bright accents

Rich palette

When choosing a color scheme, it is necessary to maintain a balance between bright and calm shades. A provocative color can create an atmosphere of irritation, so it is better to combine rich tones with neutral finishing options.

Natural textures

Modern style

Popular trends for bathroom cladding also include classic and ethnic styles.

When planning and implementing a project, stick to one thing: important principle: the cladding of the bathroom should correspond to the overall style of the interior of the house.

Decorative panels

Recently, ceramics with photo printing are often used (option decorative panels). In this case, the choice of design is limited only by the area of ​​the room, the renovation budget and the need to match the idea. Exclusive solutions look the most attractive.

Square tiles

Rules for choosing tiles

  • Make sure that you purchase material from the same batch, otherwise there may be a discrepancy in the shades of the elements;
  • Inspect the surface of the ceramic. The tiles should be free of damage and chips. Often during transportation and storage, the integrity of products is compromised, for example, corner parts break off, cracks appear;
  • Measure individual elements to understand whether the ceramics corresponds to the parameters stated on the packaging;
  • Pay attention to the quality of the corners, each of them should be 90 degrees;
  • Place two tiles with the end parts facing each other to understand how smooth and high-quality the surface of the tile is. There should be no gap between the elements;
  • Calculating the quantity required material, take into account the margin - about 10%.

The success of bathroom design depends largely on the idea of ​​finishing and the quality of implementation. However, you should be no less careful when choosing plumbing fixtures. When purchasing, you should take into account the quality of the product, its shape, compliance with the interior style, and the manufacturer’s size range.

From the point of view of aesthetics and sanitary conditions, tiling the bathroom is the most acceptable option. The tile is moisture-resistant, durable, and easy to clean. In addition, the widest range will allow tiling the bathroom in accordance with any idea or design idea. It is not difficult to lay the walls and floor with ceramic tiles with your own hands, the main thing is to purchase high-quality material so that it can easily withstand temperature changes, high level humidity, exposure to steam. And then the bathroom renovation will delight the owners for a long time.

When choosing a cladding material for a bathroom, you must take into account the following characteristics:

  • technical parameters - strength, abrasion resistance, surface smoothness or porosity, chemical resistance. Thus, ceramic floor tiles for the bathroom should be highly wear-resistant and have a non-smooth surface;
  • aesthetic parameters - color, ornament, compliance with the style of the room being designed;
  • size and correct geometric shape.

There are various types, depending on the manufacturing method:

  • bicottura are glazed ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding; their surface is double fired. Also available with double firing metlakh tiles, made from quarry clay. Not suitable for floor coverings. Glazed ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding are very durable, but their smooth surface is not suitable for laying on the floor. The exception is relief tile glaze;
  • monocottura - single-firing tiles. Durable, suitable for flooring;
  • the most durable tile is clinker, usually used for laying on the floor, its appearance resembles a brick;
  • mosaic – small tiles glued to a mesh;
  • porcelain stoneware imitating a natural stone;
  • glass and mirror tiles for walls and ceilings. It is subject to mechanical stress, so you cannot lay the floor with it.




Porcelain tiles


The amount of tiles is calculated as follows: you need to divide the surface area of ​​the bathroom by the area of ​​one element and add 10-15 percent for the margin (undercuts, defects, defects when cutting the material).

In addition to tiles, you will need the following materials:

  • primer, which should have antifungal additives;
  • spacers (crosses) to regulate the thickness of the joints between the tiles;
  • silicone sealant;
  • bathtub sealing tape;
  • masking tape.

Do not forget that all materials used to make up ceramic tiles must be moisture resistant. The tools you will need are devices for applying and mixing the solution: rubber or toothed, a container for primer and glue. Cutting tiles is carried out with a tile cutter, grinder or ordinary glass cutter, depending on the thickness and strength of the tile. In order to sand the edges of the tiles, you will need sandpaper. A rubber mallet is needed to tap the material so that it adheres tightly to the adhesive base. You also cannot do without a building level, a wooden strip to support the bottom row of tiles, as well as bricks, if necessary, to lay the screen space under the bathtub.

Preparatory work

The preparatory stage of the process of tiling surfaces for the bathroom consists of the following work:

  • if necessary, clean the bathroom of old plumbing;
  • the top coating (lime, paint, old tiles). If the walls previously had a painted surface, the paint is burned off and carefully removed to the concrete to achieve the best adhesion. You can remove old paint using a special remover, which can be purchased at a hardware store;
  • if the sewerage and drainage system is old, then it is recommended to replace it by distributing the pipes to a pre-designed location of the bath (shower), washbasin, toilet and washing machine. In this case, it is better to hide the liner for the sink in the wall by making grooves vertically to the width of the faucet connector. If desired, you can also hide the connection for the heated towel rail in the wall;
  • the bathroom floor is thoroughly swept and cleared of debris;
  • walls and floors are checked with a level for unevenness for their further elimination. The rotation of the corners is checked using a square;
  • the walls are leveled using beacons, preferably using gypsum plaster, since when it dries it becomes lighter than cement, which prevents it from crumbling and facilitates the leveling process. A solution of gypsum plaster is prepared using a little more water than indicated on the package. This will make it more pliable and easier to apply to the walls. The primer solution is applied in 2-3 stages as each previous layer dries. You can find out more about the process here, revealing all the points;
  • composition of the mixture for pouring the floor (economical option): cement and crushed stone screenings in a ratio of 1 to 3 are diluted with water to a consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream. Using the rule, the mixture is leveled between the beacons. The drying time of the solution is approximately one day. After this time, you should use the rule to knock down uneven areas and bumps from the floor surface. The primer is applied in two or three layers, the same as on walls;
  • the ceiling is cleaned of paint and lime, prepared for plastering, and primed.

Removal old paint from the walls

Removing old flooring

Concrete screed for leveling the floor

Wall alignment

Types of installation

The calculation of the required amount of tiles depends on the layout of the bathtub tiling. Classic way masonry, “seam to seam”, forms even horizontal or vertical rows. In this case, vertical seams are plumb, and horizontal seams are level.

The “bonded” cladding method is a laying in which each ceramic tile is located in the middle of the seam separating the two tiles of the bottom row. Finishing with tiles diagonally, the seams between the tiles are perpendicular to each other, and the tiles are laid at an angle of 45 degrees. It's more the hard way tile surfaces because a lot of well-calibrated tiles are required.

The combined technology of wall cladding with ceramic tiles combines several types of cladding. This method is suitable for spacious bathrooms, and you can combine mosaic tiles with regular ones, smooth with embossed ones in various color combinations

, it is important to maintain the harmony of the ornament and the thoughtfulness of the combination.

Tile laying options

Where to start

  • walls - facing ceramic tiles are laid first on the floor, then on the walls. Cladding along the width of the wall should always start from the far corner relative to the entrance to the room. Thus, it is created base surface for further cladding. It must be remembered that the wall with the doorway is laid out last, then the strip above the door is formed. This will avoid numerous trimmings in prominent areas of the walls. In height, laying wall tiles starts from the floor level or the edge of the bathtub, if it is already installed. When laying relative to the level of the bathtub, a rail is attached along the entire perimeter of the room, at the level of which the first row of tiles will be laid;
  • floor - markings for laying tiles on the floor begin from the most noticeable corner and continue along the entire perimeter of the room;
  • ceiling - when laying ceiling tiles you can start from the center or from the edge along the marked line.

From the corner of the floor

From the corner of the wall

From the center of the wall

About the center of the floor

Bathroom tiling process

Before decorating a bathroom, you need to do accurate calculations required quantity tiles according to the area of ​​the room. You need to purchase the entire required volume of tiles at once to avoid color discrepancies if you make several purchases. This is due to the fact that different batches of one supplier, and, moreover, one brand of tiles from different suppliers may have differences in shades and texture.

In addition to decorating the surfaces of the room with tiles, in order to create harmonious interior, you can tile the bath itself. Before tiling the bathtub, it is necessary to make a base for the tiled design. This frame is made of brickwork or moisture-resistant plasterboard. You can make a facing screen from plasterboard if the bathtub is round in shape. Since ceramic tiles are problematic to place on a curved surface, tiling the bathtub with mosaics is the most best option. It can be glued both from the outside and from the inside. Facing cast iron bath mosaic will allow you to return it to a new life if it has long lost its original appearance.


The walls are measured in width and height, then distribute the tiles so that there are equal cuts in the corners, or they converge in an inconspicuous corner. The height of the undercuts should be at least the width of half the whole tile.

Tile adhesive for wall cladding is diluted strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging and mixed thoroughly. The adhesive solution is applied to the tiles in an even layer of approximately 0.5-0.7 cm using a notched trowel and a trowel. The grooves formed by a notched trowel help remove air from the adhesive and allow the tile to adhere more tightly to the wall, while filling in minor defects and unevenness.

Preparing tile adhesive

At the level of the bottom row of tiles it is attached wooden block strictly according to the level. From this strip the tiles begin to lay out. The walls are covered with ceramic tiles using a “ladder”, that is, ascending from the corner of the tile of the bottom row, not forgetting to insert cross stitches. The joint between the walls is decorated with a decorative corner or the tiles are laid joint to joint. After one day, the holding level is removed, trims are marked and glued to the top and bottom of the walls.

Almost any type of tile is suitable for decorating wall surfaces; glazed ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding look especially aesthetically pleasing, as well as combination combination mosaics with smooth matte or glossy tiles. More complete technology will be presented here.

Use a level to install the guide bar

Laying the first row of tiles

Adjusting tile placement and joint width

Grouting joints


Floor covering with ceramic tiles is usually done before the walls are laid. The length and width of the floor surface are measured so that the cuts in the corners go under the bathtub and are invisible. The space between wall tiles and the floor is filled silicone sealant. Floor tiles are often laid diagonally, although this method can cause difficulties with marking and installation.

Marking the tiles on the floor begins from the most visible corner, from which further laying continues. The process of gluing tiles to the floor is similar to laying them on walls. For better shrinkage, after gluing the tiles, you need to tap them with a rubber hammer so that they lie more tightly on the floor surface. The adhesive solution is not applied to the entire floor area, but only to the space for two or three tiles. During the work process, it is necessary to check the evenness of the laid tiles with a level. At the end of the work, when the crosses have been removed and the mortar has dried, the tiled floor is rubbed with a grout mixture using a rubber spatula. Excess grout can then be easily removed from the tiled surface. Better check out full version how to do it so as not to miss important nuances.

The grout composition for tiles should not only be moisture resistant, but also antifungal.

Floor markings for traditional and diagonal laying

You can’t do without these tools when laying tiles on the floor.

Laying tiles


The ceiling surface must be perfectly flat. To do this, you need to first plaster the ceiling with cement mortar, rotband, and to ensure an even plaster layer, profile beacons are installed. They are glued to a cement track on the ceiling, to which you can add a little glue to make the mass elastic. After one day, a solution is poured between the beacon profiles and tightened with a rule. After a few hours, the surface is rubbed and primed. It is necessary to wait 3-7 days for the plaster to “set” well so that the weight of the tile does not affect its holding ability.

Before laying the ceiling, you need to mark it with reference points, since when gluing tiles to the ceiling it is difficult to apply a level. The adhesive solution is applied both to the tile itself and to the ceiling using a notched trowel. It is better to choose spacer crosses with a thickness of 3 mm, so that errors during installation are not so noticeable. The cladding process must be accompanied by a level check to ensure the evenness of the surface. In general, the process of tiling the ceiling surface is no different from laying tiles on other surfaces.

Installation of ceramic tiles on a plasterboard ceiling


Tiles in bathroom design are the most common facing material. It does not lose its position along with the emergence of other analogues due to its high quality and performance characteristics. You can reveal its design capabilities with a creative approach, a sense of taste and borrowing the basics of modern design ideas.


The bathroom is a place with high humidity. Its conditions involve constant exposure to water and steam on any object in the room. This is especially true for floors. It is important that the type of finishing used does not allow moisture to pass through to the enclosing structures and is not subject to destruction. Bathroom tiles meet this requirement, even if they are used in an attic bathroom.

This is not only a tile option, as it seems to the average buyer. Today, finishing tiles are generally understood to mean a number of materials for decorating floors. The material may have different composition. Depending on the type of product, its thickness, density, dimensions, external characteristics and features of the selection of glue change. The method of fixing the tiles, which can be traditional adhesive or frame, depends on this. Each case requires its own set of equipment, as well as preparation of the foundation.

Typically, bathroom tiles do not accumulate moisture inside and comply with the basic standards developed for bathroom tiles. If the installation technology is followed, it does not move away from the base and holds firmly. This finish does not shrink during drying and does not deform throughout its service life. Depending on the type of material used, it can be natural or synthetic. Finishing a bathroom with tiles is the most rational approach to decorating a bathroom.

Using tiles in the bathroom can radically change the perception of a special space. Due to correct selection cladding can create various illusions, including increasing space, raising the ceiling, leveling and expanding walls. On modern market These products are presented in a wide range. The buyer has the opportunity to choose finishes taking into account taste and wallet.


The type of surface finishing material typically used meets the following requirements.

  • Durability. It is used for 10–15 years or more without adjustment.
  • Environmentally friendly. The material has harmless components; it does not emit toxic substances during operation.
  • Strength. Most varieties are resistant to accidental mechanical impacts.
  • Antistatic. Manufacturers treat tiles with special compounds. The finishing will not cause the appearance and proliferation of mold fungi.

  • Abrasion resistance. With regular cleaning, surfaces can be easily cleaned without damaging the protective layer.
  • Resistant to abrasives. Regular cleaning with household chemicals should not destroy the material.
  • Fire resistance. The tile should not burn in the event of a short circuit.
  • Aesthetics. Finishing material must be pleasant in appearance.
  • Availability. The material used as a basis must have an acceptable cost.

Despite a number of requirements, not every tile material meets all parameters. Regardless of impregnations that increase the moisture resistance of tiles, it is water that causes a reduction in the service life of any finish. This is especially noticeable in the case of leaks from apartments above. In some cases, repair is impossible; the cladding must be completely removed.


All existing varieties Bathroom tiles can be divided into 3 types:

  • wall;
  • floor;
  • ceiling

The differences between the varieties are obvious. Wall tiles are thinner and lighter than their floor counterparts. Options for the ceiling are larger in size and involve not only traditional suture technology. Due to the wavy or curly edges, they can be connected to each other without visible joints. However, some types of material have interlocking connections. Floor cladding is often massive. This is due to the need to withstand a greater weight load and resistance to vibration of the washing machine. Its strength coefficient is higher, however, it is not suitable for walls: the weight is not designed for load-bearing.

However, to support the style, brands produce floor cladding with a wall companion. Some types of wall tiles are suitable for decorating accent areas of the bathroom ceiling.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bathroom tiles have a lot of advantages.

  • This is quality material. It is performed on modern equipment using new production technologies and quality control at every stage.
  • It decorates the ceilings and floor of the bathroom. With its help you can give the room an atmosphere of home comfort and relaxation.
  • Facing allows you to convey inner world user, is appropriate in any stylistic design solution.
  • This finish has a wide range. The buyer always has the opportunity to choose between budget and luxury options.
  • It allows you to disguise unsightly areas of surfaces, hide irregularities and cracks.
  • Bathroom tiles come in a variety of textures. Due to this, you can visually change the area of ​​the space.
  • It provides for the installation of various lamps and switches. Its structure does not deteriorate with any type of lighting devices.
  • The finishing features unlimited decorative possibilities. Thanks to it, you can zone the bathroom space into separate functional areas.
  • Different types of finishes are harmoniously combined with each other. This allows you to make the texture used expressive.

With a large list of advantages, bathroom tiles also have disadvantages.

  • The material gains strength after installation. Before this, it is fragile, unstable to mechanical damage, breaks during transportation.
  • Any type of finishing tile requires preliminary preparation of the base. Without it, the cladding will not last long.
  • The abundance of the same material makes the bathroom interior boring. The texture needs comparison with other finishes.
  • Cutting and drilling holes for lamps or wiring is sometimes accompanied by breakage of the part. This needs to be done with the right tool.
  • The material has to be purchased in reserve. Buying back to back is accompanied by a shortage of parts during the cutting and laying process.


In the production of tiles for use in the bathroom, different raw materials are used. The most popular types of materials for decorating bathroom tiles are glass, ceramics, porcelain tiles, wood, plastic, vinyl, and metal. Rubber is less common in design. It is the raw materials that determine the type of tile.

Tile is better known to the average buyer. These are ceramic dies that are glued to cement-based tile adhesive. Due to this, they become durable and do not allow water to pass to the base. They can form a monolithic surface or a certain accent in the form of a panel. This is a wall and floor finish, which, in addition to concrete and brick floors, is fixed to moisture-resistant plasterboard. Porcelain tiles are often used for flooring.

Ceiling panels are square tiles. They are used to decorate the ceiling, gluing directly to the prepared base with special glue. The parts are lightweight, do not require a frame, and can be suture or seamless. Some varieties have a three-dimensional effect and different reflectivity. The shape can be square or in the form of geometric shapes.

Cassettes - tiles made of plastic, metal, mirror inserts and wood(ash, oak, bamboo), fixed to a frame made of profiles in the form of cells. This technology does not require an adhesive connection. Each tile is inserted into its place and, if necessary, can be replaced with an identical new one. The design is convenient due to the ease of dismantling and the ability to insert lamps in the form of panels of identical size instead of individual tiles.

Ceiling panels for bathroom decoration are made from metal, wood, plastic and glass. Each type of material has its own characteristics that determine the service life of the coating. The category does not include porous foam tiles - they absorb moisture, which is associated with the deterioration of the glue.

Mosaics are often used to decorate bathroom surfaces. It can be made of ceramics, glass and metal and mirrors. Manufacturers produce mosaic products in separate fragments and varieties on a grid. Glue the second one is easier material type. In this case, there is no need to align the joints between small squares and lay out the pattern on the floor before installing it on the prepared surface.

A separate topic is the quartz-vinyl options. This is a facing tile with a base layer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The composition includes crushed shell rock and crushed sand. It is elastic, dense, flexible and heavy. The advantages are thermal stability, safety for health and imitation of various natural materials.


Tile sizes

While the dimensions of other tiles are 30 x 30, 50 x 50, 60 x 60 cm, the dimensions of ceramic tiles are more varied. Previously, tiles for walls were smaller than those for floors. Today, brands are developing their own standards, so there are often discrepancies of up to several cm between generally accepted standards. For example, along with the wall dimensions of 25 x 25, which are considered a common size for small rooms, there are options 25 x 33 and 25 x 36 cm.

Options 10 x 10, 15 x 15, 20 x 20, 20 x 25, 30 x 20 cm are in demand. Some manufacturers produce floor tiles in similar sizes. This is especially true for companion tiles. With its help you can effectively highlight, say, the shower area. Dimensions 30 x 60 and 40 x 60 cm are typical floor coverings. Such samples are often used for tiling the floor of a bathroom combined with a toilet. They are appropriate on the floor in a separate bathroom.

Arrangement options

Decorating bathrooms with tiles is an activity that requires a special approach to decoration. It begins with calculating the finish for a specific area of ​​cladding, taking into account the practicality and danger of the area. For example, to decorate a bathtub area you need the most durable, moisture-resistant material. Here it is better to use ceramic tiles without a pronounced relief. The same rule applies to the shower stall and cladding near the door slopes. The materials here must have a flat (smooth) surface.

Many people try to decorate the bathtub screen with tiles to match the wall decoration. For it, it is better to select small dies with a smaller seam gap. Suitable finishing with ceramic tiles without complex decor. Mosaic is inappropriate here. It is better to choose it to accent walls or floors. This design will be more interesting and will reveal the beauty of mosaic tiles against the background of larger fragments.

Stylists pay attention to the shape of the tiles when combining them. If there are many fragments of the same size in the design, the bathroom interior risks becoming limited. In order not to cut it along and across the visual seams of the tile, it is better to mix it with wall panels or siding for interior decoration. This will simplify the tiling work and save the bathroom interior from being crushed by tile seams.

If you want to use several types of textures, you can isolate the area of ​​a cheap cabin with tiles, using them on the floor, wall and ceiling. For the rest of the space, it is advisable to select panels and siding. The wall furthest from the bathtub can be covered with plasterboard. It would be useful to use tiles for the floor. At the same time, its size and color should not match the background of the shower stall. If there is a lot of the same texture, it will lose expressiveness.

Design ideas depend on the size of the room. For example, an abundance of tiles in a limited space is undesirable panel house or small-sized “Khrushchev” with a usable area of ​​no more than 4 square meters. m. However, drywall is also inappropriate here. You will have to choose light-colored dies for the bathtub area, grout the seams to match them, so as not to create the feeling of a Rubik's cube against the general background. The wash area can be decorated with a panel. For the ceiling, it is better to choose plastic tiles, having thought through the waterproofing and ventilation system.

Modern layouts often include spacious rooms for bathrooms. Square meters there is more here, so the zoning possibilities are varied. You can decorate the wall with one material for furniture, choose a different tile for a bathtub or shower cabin, or decorate the ceiling using a combination of plasterboard with plastic or wood tiles around the perimeter. There are many options, it all depends on the height of the ceiling, the perspective of a particular room, and the presence of niches.

Niches can be highlighted with smooth tiles, and the mirror and sink area can be marked with relief tiles (for example, clinker with a protective layer). The combination of brick-like tiles with smooth varieties looks beautiful. You can balance the heaviness of the two textures using glass curtains located in front of the shower stall. Glass brings lightness to any interior, which can also be used through mirror types of surfaces.

It is better to visually separate the wall and floor cladding. The emphasis should be on one thing. Floor tiles can be laid out as carpeting. This technique will allow you to beat a more passable zone. For example, using elements of the same color scheme and a border, you can lay out an interesting pattern by combining traditional and diagonal laying.

The same applies to fixing ceiling tiles. It can be designed in different ways. This will relieve the bathroom interior from boredom, make the decor special, allow you to play up the disadvantages of the ceiling space, and hide communications. Tiles with a three-dimensional effect made of plastic with mirror inserts look beautiful. They can be placed in the bathroom as an accent to the wash area. It is advisable to keep the ceiling above the bowl simple.

Color solutions and decor

The choice of color for a bathroom tile depends on its type, the size of a particular room, its style, taste preferences and the influence of color on internal perception. A modern approach to choosing a tile shade allows you to reveal the possibilities of each shade of the color palette. Today, stylists suggest moving away from the usual stereotypes. The priority is unusual tones, bold combinations of colors, conveyed through texture and pattern.

Conventionally, the palette can be divided into 4 groups:

  • neutral;
  • natural;
  • pastel;
  • bright.

Combination white with gray and black taking center stage. However, neutral tones lack emotional coloring. To make such an interior seem cozy, you will have to complement it with colored accessories in the form of hygiene items or lighting fixtures. A popular combination of white with light gray, pearl and gray-beige. This design is more interesting and conveys the special status of the owners of the house.

The favorite color of the palette is white. It is mixed with natural tones, which include shades of wood. This technique is appropriate in different stylistic directions: a combination of white and brown paint always harmonious. A soft popular contrast is the combination of white and bleached wenge, beige-gray, beige, and milky.

Fans of light colors like the pastel palette. The most popular colors among buyers are caramel, mint and coral tones, diluted with white, as well as blue. Against the backdrop of lighting and mirrors, they look stylish and inviting. Bright colors They try to use the color palette carefully. Not every one of them contributes to creating a cozy atmosphere.

For example, a mistake is a combination of black and red, an abundance of wine tiles against a white background. When choosing black, you can soften it with white, dilute it with brown, purple. Mixing the black and orange tones of the tiles is difficult to perceive. It is advisable to balance the choice of dark material light shade finishing analogue. The combination of blue and white is best complemented with a light gray or steel tone.


A distinctive feature of bathroom tiles is the variety of textures. These are not just dies with a matte or glossy surface, different reflectivity and a protective layer. In fact, the spectrum of structure is more extensive. It can be smooth, embossed, velvety, rough, mother-of-pearl, pearl, three-dimensional. One of the possibilities of texture is imitation.

Due to the desired shade, tints, shapes and patterns, you can create the illusion of any material. For example, along with traditional fragments, you can buy brick-like tiles, natural stone, granite, marble, malachite, and wood. An interesting solution would be an option under a mirror or glass. Some varieties differ in the thickness of the dies along the edges. This complicates installation and maintenance, but gives the interior originality.


The use of print in tiles differs from the decorating techniques of the Soviet period. Today it is not customary to repeat the finish in a checkerboard pattern, mixing plain and colorful tiles. This approach to decorating surfaces is somewhat monotonous. Of course, it can be used for the floor, however, for wall decoration it is better to choose panel tiles. This is a variety that forms a pattern from several fragments.

The parts may be identical or of different shapes. This image looks more interesting, especially when supported by a plain background covering. You need to buy such options from one manufacturer from a certain series. So the tone match will be one hundred percent. A small part of the bathroom can be decorated with a drawing. Even a volumetric panel should not fill more than 30% of the entire area.

More common bathroom decorating techniques are nothing more than marine theme. These are drops, dolphins, pictures of the coast, shells, and sometimes palm trees. However, in most cases, the pattern is composite, which forces preliminary placement of tiles on the floor before the tiling process. For the floor, these are often ornaments enclosed in geometric figures. The drawing is usually made more in a dark tone, related to the main one.

Laying methods

When renovating a bathroom, tiles are purchased taking into account the installation method. The shape and quantity of raw materials depends on this. You can cover the surfaces of bathroom floors with slabs yourself. Today this is not difficult due to the wide variety adhesive compositions and instructions with a clear demonstration of the process technique. You can finish the surface using two or even three methods, depending on the idea you have in mind. However, there are more installation options for flooring.


Reception of usual styling square tiles with the formation of crosshairs. Each row is located above the previous one, the same width of the seams is maintained. This layout can be varied by combining patterns in the form of a carpet. Use this method cladding for laying floor, wall and ceiling tiles.


This technique is suitable for laying cladding on walls, ceilings and floors. One of the false methods using square-shaped fragments. It differs from the previous method by rotating the tiles by 45 degrees. It is carried out with the formation of crosshairs. It is complicated by the need to trim dies in the corners of adjacent walls. It looks interesting and combines with the traditional styling method.

Taking a running start

In essence, the installation technology resembles the basic one, however, with a slight difference. Fragments are not connected into crosshairs. This is an offset method. In fact, this is a derivative of brickwork, when the fragments are glued with a shift of half the length of the tile. Typically, parts are used for such masonry rectangular shape small size. This installation looks stylish, especially with a matte surface and a brick or board texture. Can be classic or diagonal.


This method is suitable for surface finishing rectangular tiles. The method is based on parquet masonry. The tiles are laid at an angle of 45 degrees, forming a zigzag line. The technique has two derivatives: the traditional technique and the option with an attachment. In the second case, insert into the middle of each tile mosaic tiles. If you don’t want to use mosaics, buy smaller tiles of identical thickness and texture for the main finishing. Color may vary.


One of the complex techniques for tiling bathroom surfaces. Designed primarily for floor finishing. This is an assembly of a covering from tile modules of different sizes and shapes, but of the same thickness. The drawing may be different. Its degree of difficulty depends on the variety of material purchased. Sometimes up to 5 samples of different sizes can be involved in finishing. The basic rule of installation is to follow the pattern. The difficulty is calculating the required quantity taking into account pruning.

Parquet with shift

Sophisticated modular laying technology. This can be a combination of square and rectangular elements, a combination of squares of different sizes offset by half the length of the face, or in any order. The displacement can be very small if mosaic is used. The technology does not provide crosshairs. They try to make the distance between the tiles identical through the use of special clamps.


For this technology, tiles with uneven edges are used. Technology for ceiling material does not provide for joints. When they are laid on the floor, there are seams. The disadvantage of this method is the need for preliminary calibration of the fragments used and the one-sided type of installation. The advantage is the unusual finishing decor: the floor in the form of such puzzles looks impressive.

In different styles

With the help of tiles you can show that the bathroom interior belongs to a certain stylistic solution. To make the effect more pronounced, they try to use tiles to accent one of the zones. For example, for vintage design trends it is important to show a light tone and matte texture. In this case, the tiles can be made in the shade of light wenge oak to match the texture of painted wood. It is better to place it as a panel or floor.

If you want to show a modern direction, you can take the glossy type of material surface as a basis. The emphasis is on functionality and the absence of unnecessary decoration. This role can be left to the lamp, mirror, furniture or the bath itself. Great solution The area of ​​the shower stall up to the glass curtains will be lined. Best choice tiles of natural shades or stains of brown and gray are considered.

When your soul gravitates towards creativity, you can combine brickwork with panels. There is no need to lay out any patterns. The unusualness of the textures and their deliberate roughness are enough. It is allowed to use shades and textures under plaster, concrete, and lime. In combination with fan lamps or lanterns, the tiles will sparkle in a special way.