Insulation of the extension from the inside. Frame extension to a wooden house - insulation of the veranda of a wooden house Do-it-yourself insulated veranda

If you added to yours in the summer one-story house veranda and, for example, equipped there comfortable kitchen, and with the arrival of cold weather, the corners of the extension freeze and turn black - which means it’s time to think about how to insulate the veranda.

How to insulate a cold veranda?

It must be said right away that the problem of insulation will have to be approached on a large scale, that is, you cannot get by with wall insulation alone. It is necessary to work with both walls and floors, ceilings, and windows. Well, let's get started.

Perhaps we should start with a list of what we need for work. Insulating a veranda usually means that you will need, naturally,


  • pencil, tape measure, nails, hammer, dowels, hacksaw, construction tape, spatulas and putty.

Well, buy insulation material:

  • This could be penofol or some other analogue, polystyrene foam sheets (in other words, polystyrene foam) or mineral wool, basalt wool, polyurethane foam, or maybe resole foam.

All these materials have suitable characteristics. The thickness of the insulation layer will depend on the thickness of the wall of your extension. You will determine it yourself.

And yet, what is the best material to choose for insulation?

Most often when insulating attached veranda use mineral wool and... The latter, upon possible contact with fire, will release very dangerous carcinogens, so this fact should not be ignored. Why is it still quite often used as insulation, because foam sheets are still the most affordable. This is a budget option.

How additional insulation You can add a foam pad. With the help of a metallized layer, penofol will reflect cool air from the street, and it will also retain heat inside your veranda. This material is a high-tech thermal insulation product; it consists of a layer of foamed polyethylene and a high-quality aluminum foil covering it. This “reflective” material can even be used as a separate independent thermal insulation. But the maximum effect of heat preservation will be achieved by combining it with other types of insulation.

Effective insulation options include resol foam, basalt wool and polyurethane foam. These are non-flammable materials. Therefore, when you decide how to insulate the veranda, we advise you to pay attention to these insulation materials.

Step 1: insulating windows

Insulation of the veranda, like any other part of the house, begins with the windows. First, you need to pay attention to the windows. Do existing windows retain heat well? No? We are replacing! The old windows need to be removed and good, high-quality windows installed that will retain heat in the veranda.

Which windows should you choose - wooden, aluminum or plastic - this question is described and after studying the materials you will make the choice yourself. In this case, the very fact that they will be better than your old windows in terms of thermal insulation properties is important to us.

Step 2: insulating the walls

When you have determined for yourself what is the best way to insulate the veranda, then this is the material you will use to cover the walls. On the walls (and also possibly on the floor) you attach sheets of insulation (polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, etc.). Here you will need dowels with caps large diameter, you can also use small wooden plates to prevent the dowel heads from going into the foam sheet. If this happens, the insulation will no longer hold on. At the joints of the sheets, seal the cracks using polyurethane foam, and then remove the excess and glue it on top masking tape(you can take a regular one).

ATTENTION: use polyurethane foam without toluene. This substance destroys foam.

What is the best way to insulate walls: inside or outside?

Before starting work on wall insulation, many beginners (and not only) have a question: where is it better to insulate a wall, outside or inside? Better than words This point will be clarified by the illustration below:

although this is not immediately obvious to everyone, it is better to insulate walls from the outside

Step 3: laying a vapor barrier

This step is recommended, but not required if savings are important to you. It consists of attaching foil film. attached with glue or double sided tape. A reflective foil layer will retain heat in winter period and coolness - in the summer.

Step 4: making a cold floor warm

Finally, we install the floors. In theory it needs to be laid concrete screed. But you can simply lay the floor from boards and linoleum or carpet on top of it. If your budget allows, you can make a “warm floor”.

In addition, you can use the tips described in the publication about.

The final stage

As finishing you can use the most different variants. For example, fix the lathing on the walls, and on top of it are sheets of drywall. What to do next with the now warm, cold veranda - only your imagination will tell you.

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    Last year I also insulated the veranda, and now it doesn’t heat up in the heat, it’s always cool and relatively warm in winter. In principle, I did almost everything as described in this useful information for those who have never done this before. I insulated it from the inside, first “Izospan” is a vapor barrier, chopped up bars 50 to 50, then put in “Ursa” mineral wool, again a layer of vapor barrier and then lined it with clapboard. Of course, the area of ​​the veranda decreased, but the result was positive, which is what I wanted and achieved. I chose mineral wool because mice don’t like it; it’s very unpleasant when they get between the walls.

    During the renovation, we also encountered the issue of insulating the apartment (we have a house old building, two-story, apartment on the second floor). First they decided to insulate the inside, they insulated it with mineral wool. In terms of money, of course it was more expensive, but there is more confidence that it will not freeze, and animals (mice, bugs, spiders) will not start. Then foam and drywall were laid. With the remaining money we decided to insulate the outside as well. Since we have heating system, then gas consumption is minimal, and the house is very warm.

    Polystyrene foam is suitable where it can be glued to brick wall. Wooden plots insulate with mineral wool. Insulation will be successful if you end up with a thermos. Sometimes it seems that it is easier to build a new veranda than to insulate the old one.

    Insulation should be both inside and outside. Saves payment for public utilities. I'll share mine personal experience. First, the inside walls were insulated with ecowool, then the walls were sheathed with plasterboard. Ceiling insulation is also done with the same materials. The floor was made warm - electric. They also insulated the outside with polystyrene foam (5-piece). Now it's cozy and warm. It turned out winter Garden for flowers. Try to use high-quality and environmentally friendly materials for interior decoration.

    It is definitely necessary to insulate from the outside, because the air penetrates from the street, you can use glass wool, mineral wool, etc., pay special attention to the floor and walls, they can be coated with resin, then the wood will be strengthened and there will be a pleasant smell, it’s worth paying attention Pay attention to the windows, they also play a major role in retaining heat.

    I know from my own experience and I advise you.
    When insulating, it is best to use mineral wool. Expensive? but high quality and environmentally friendly. Polystyrene foam will not give you such a result, and you will suffer (gaps remain, you won’t be able to cut them exactly anyway). If you decide to insulate, pay attention to the windows - metal-plastic windows most best option. And if you want to double insulate your veranda, then insulate it from the outside. It was not for nothing that our ancestors covered the house with dry stalks of reeds or corn for the winter.

    I’m thinking of insulating the veranda so completely insulating it, starting from the floor and ending with the roof! It’s better to insulate the floor from below and make it wooden and heated for sure! In my opinion, the walls should be insulated on both sides. Nowadays, now in a building store you can find all kinds of insulation, from inside to outside, for every taste and any money! If your windows are large, then it’s best to put glass bags with heat-preserving glass! It’s best to cover the roof with everything you have, this is a hydro bar, a heat bar, glass fiber, and after that you will have a very warm veranda! Good luck!

    I don’t know about anyone, but it’s better to insulate on both sides. And according to the technology, we first sheathe the outside (isospan) or any other pair insulating material, be sure to read on the roll how to lay it. Then there is mineral wool, just mineral wool alone will not work, it will blow through and all the heat will come out. then it depends on who is more comfortable with siding or lining for the cladding. It’s the same inside, but again you have to watch how to lay the insulation. Polystyrene foam can be used, but only on the base of the building. It does not allow air to pass through like in a greenhouse, not to mention the performance.

    Marina, what did you use for insulation? We have our own house, we insulated the roof with fiberglass and everything is natural, but the humidity is much higher. Everything from the house goes to the top, constant condensation, and no fungus of any kind. Who said you can't insulate the inside? One of the insulation methods: The outside is insulated with foam plastic or glass wool, and the top is finished (Siding, etc.), and the inside can also be glass wool.

    I agree that it is necessary to insulate from the outside, I spent a lot of effort figuring out this issue, but in the end I came to the conclusion that the most effective method This is mineral wool and steam insulation on the outside.

    Insulation definitely needs to be done from the outside. We tried the option with insulation from the inside, but two years later we removed the insulation due to moisture and fungus. The best option is mineral wool. A little labor intensive, but effective. And of course you need good sealed windows (with microventilation).

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Or verandas on suburban areaperfect solution to create additional living space that can be used throughout the year. Before insulating the veranda, it is necessary to think through the main points of the work: type of insulation, thermal insulation material, location for installing the insulator, etc. Insulation can be done both from the inside and from the outside.

Insulation from the inside is considered the most effective.

In this case, work can be carried out in any weather. In this case, you can use the same thermal insulation materials for walls, floors, and ceilings. At the same time, if the veranda has already been made and is not under construction, then the existing coverings will need to be dismantled. In addition, the freezing point will shift inside the wall material, which will negatively affect its performance characteristics.

At the same time, many experts are in favor of external insulation, who note that when carrying out work outside the veranda in a private house, the area of ​​the room will not be reduced. In addition, the freezing point will be shifted into the thermal insulation material, which will allow the walls to accumulate heat.

For external insulation, it will be necessary to ensure high-quality protection of the insulation from moisture and atmospheric phenomena, since almost all modern insulators are subject to the negative effects of humidity and temperature changes.

What materials can be used to insulate a veranda?

On modern market presents a huge number of the most different types thermal insulation materials having different characteristics and prices. The most common ones used in suburban construction are the following:

  • Penofol. If you ask a builder about how to insulate a veranda, he will most likely talk about penofol. Penofol is a modern thermal insulation material that is used separately from other insulators or together with them. Penofol is suitable for insulating various buildings in country house. This is an environmentally friendly material with a minimal degree of vapor permeability, which can be installed with your own hands.
  • Styrofoam. Probably one of the most popular insulation materials. Distinctive features: minimum weight, rigidity, stable performance over many years of use, ease of installation, the ability to install with or without a frame. But polystyrene foam is susceptible to fire and is also attractive to rodents. At the same time, when using this material there is no need to make an additional layer of waterproofing.
  • Expanded polystyrene. A modern insulator that has all the advantages of foam insulation, as well as good strength characteristics and ease of processing. Among the disadvantages, one can highlight only low sound insulation performance, however, they are usually not required on verandas. Not flammable.
  • Mineral wool. Most popular insulation, which can be used everywhere in a private home. Well suited for insulating a veranda for winter use of the premises, but only in combination with other insulation and waterproofing. To install mineral wool slabs, a frame is required. In addition, after several years of operation, the material will begin to lose its density, which will lead to a loss of insulation properties.
  • Basalt wool. Almost a complete analogue of mineral wool, although from an environmental point of view it is safer.
  • Polyurethane foam. This is one of the most modern and effective insulation materials On the market. It can be produced in the form of slabs, panels, or applied to insulated surfaces using special equipment. Advantages: light weight, resistance to any natural and chemical influences, high thermal insulation properties, amazing durability (more than 40 years). The main disadvantage of this material is its high price.
  • Linen, tow, moss. These traditional insulation can be used only in cases where it is necessary to insulate a veranda in a country house made of timber, as well as caulk cracks at the joints. As a full-fledged thermal insulation material they cannot be considered.

The choice of insulation or several insulators will depend on many factors: materials for constructing the veranda, the desired level of insulation of the room, the dimensions of the structure, etc.

It is worth noting that a truly warm veranda for year-round use can only be achieved with high-quality insulation in combination with glazing and heating.

Warming the veranda floor

You can insulate the veranda floor in different ways. The two most common methods of carrying out work should be considered.

In the first case, it is necessary to completely dismantle the finished covering of the room, reaching the subfloor (concrete, beams, etc.). After this, it is necessary to completely cover the surface of the subfloor using expanded clay (or its analogues). Then, if there is space left, you can lay insulation boards, attaching them to the floor beams. Finally, the final flooring is re-laid.

Floor insulation with expanded clay.

The second method also involves dismantling flooring, however, work can be performed using it. If work is carried out according to available wooden floor, then in the future its surface will become rough. First of all, bars measuring 50x50 are installed on the logs or on the rough surface (depending on the chosen method), then the vapor barrier layer is laid. Insulation is placed on the vapor barrier layer (mineral wool slabs can be used). Laying is done in such a way that between wooden beams and there were no cracks or gaps left with the insulation. Existing gaps and cracks can be closed with construction foam.

Floor insulation with slabs.

Above insulation material We cover it again with a vapor barrier, turning the foil part inside the veranda. It is recommended to close all resulting joints with construction tape. Finally, the finished floor covering is installed.

In some cases, to ensure maximum thermal insulation of the floor, the foundation of the veranda is insulated, but often this is not required.

Insulation of the ceiling and roof of the veranda

It is difficult to imagine insulating a veranda from the inside with your own hands without creating a thermal insulation layer on the ceiling surface. The principle of work here is approximately the same as in the case of the floor. The main difference is that all installation work canopy, which involves some difficulties, so it’s better not to do it alone.

The first method of insulating the ceiling of a veranda in a country house involves the use of a frame. First, the ceiling covering is dismantled, after which a waterproofing film is installed on the rough surface of the ceiling. If soft thermal insulation materials are intended to be used, then a frame can be made for them from timber, as a result of which an insulator can be mounted between the beams. After laying the insulation, it must be covered again over the entire area with a waterproofing film. Finishing ceiling in this case is carried out plasterboard sheets or wooden clapboard.

The second method involves the use of polyurethane foam and rigid types of thermal insulation materials. In this case, the installation of insulating materials occurs directly on the ceiling surface, after which it is completely covered with putty.

In order for the putty to hold as securely as possible, it is necessary to cover the foam with a metal mesh.

Insulation of veranda walls

The insulation of a veranda very often begins with the creation of a thermal insulation layer on the walls. In this case, work can be done both inside and outside. A variety of thermal insulation materials listed above may be suitable for insulating veranda walls. Experts recommend not insulating the walls of the veranda using the existing finish - it must be removed before work, attaching the insulation to the rough surface of the walls.

Insulating the veranda with ecowool from the outside.

When insulating walls (no matter from the outside or the inside), it is recommended to protect the thermal insulation using a waterproofing layer, for which modern waterproofing films are perfect. If slab insulation is used, then it is necessary to make a small frame of wood on the existing walls that will hold them in place.

Frame insulation of the veranda from the inside.

All gaps and cracks that will be formed between the insulation and the wall material must be caulked using jute or poured polyurethane foam.

The most important thing is that there are no gaps through which cold air from the street will penetrate into the room.

Is there enough insulation?

If the veranda is intended to be used year-round and maintained at a comfortable temperature in winter time, then the insulation of the veranda must be carried out together with high-quality glazing of the room and the installation of heating elements. Heating the veranda can be done by the most different ways: installation of traditional radiators, installation electric heaters, laying “warm floors”, etc.

The choice here is quite large. But the main thing is compliance with safety regulations.

When choosing traditional radiators, the heating project will have to be coordinated with regulatory government agencies.

The veranda in a private house is usually used only in the summer. In winter, this room is cold and uncomfortable, and it turns into a vestibule for storing unnecessary things. Unheated walls They freeze and become damp, and through them cold air penetrates into the house. However, if you properly insulate the veranda in wooden house, then heat leakage and cold entry into the interior can be prevented. In addition, additional square meters, which are never superfluous, can be used for living room. In this article we will look at what materials are suitable for thermal insulation of a terrace, and how to properly insulate this room for winter accommodation.

The veranda in a wooden house is also, as a rule, made of wood. Despite the fact that the construction market provides a wide selection of thermal insulation materials, not every insulation is suitable for log and timber house. When choosing a material, you must first pay attention to such characteristics as thermal conductivity, water resistance, and fire resistance.

The following materials are usually used as thermal insulators for finishing verandas:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • EPPS;
  • Penofol;


Traditional insulation for wooden structures is mineral wool. It has low thermal conductivity, is non-flammable, has high sound insulation qualities, and is considered environmentally friendly material. Although many experts question the latter, since mineral wool uses harmful resins as binding components. In addition, the insulator strongly absorbs and accumulates moisture, which affects its thermal insulation properties. You can read more about the characteristics of the material in the article:.


One of the most popular and inexpensive materials is polystyrene foam. The insulation shows itself to be an excellent heat insulator, is moisture-proof, biologically stable, weighs little and is easy to install. However, it has a number of disadvantages: the material is flammable, releases harmful volatile compounds when ignited, is not durable, and has low vapor permeability. In this regard, polystyrene foam is not recommended for use inside the house.

Extruded polystyrene foam

It is an excellent heat insulator. In many respects, it is much more effective than polystyrene foam, although it is more expensive. The thermal conductivity and water absorption of EPS is lower than that of polystyrene foam; it is resistant to solvents, durable and heat-resistant. However, the material does not withstand UV radiation, under the influence of which it loses its characteristics. This can be easily avoided if you immediately cover the insulation with cladding.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Available in the form of panels and polyurethane foam. The second option is more popular. Foam insulation copes with its tasks perfectly, filling even the smallest cracks and cracks. It is produced by spraying using a special installation. Therefore, in this case, you cannot do without the help of specialists.


One side of the insulation is covered with foil, which reflects the cold air coming from the street and at the same time retains heat inside the veranda. can be chosen as the main insulation, but the material has shown the greatest effectiveness when combined with other insulation materials.

Natural and synthetic materials for caulking

Moss, tow, and flax batting are inexpensive insulation materials used for caulking inter-crown seams and joints. They are made from natural materials and do not harm the environment wooden house. Available in the form of tapes, ropes, ropes. However, birds love natural insulation, so additional processing is required by special means. In addition, working with these materials requires certain experience and skills.

Polytherm is a special synthetic insulation made from polyester fibers. The threads are fastened by soldering without the use of glue. The material is produced in the form of tapes, completely ready for use.

What is the best way to insulate a veranda - outside or inside?

It’s worth saying right away that both options have both pros and cons.

Advantages of internal insulation:

  1. Ability to perform work at any time, regardless of season and weather.
  2. You can carry out the entire range of work on thermal insulation of the floor, ceiling and walls of the room at once.

When installing insulation from inside the veranda, the freezing point shifts to inner part walls. As a result, condensation forms, which leads to slow destruction wooden structure. In addition, if the vapor barrier is installed incorrectly, the dew point will move under the insulation, which causes the formation of fungus, mold, and, as a result, wood rotting.

Another disadvantage internal thermal insulation is to reduce the area of ​​the room.

As you can see, the disadvantages of this method are much more significant than its advantages.

Now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of external insulation.


  1. The dew point is located on the outer boundary of the walls, which eliminates the threat of destruction of the building.
  2. A facade made of timber or logs becomes protected from the influence of external adverse factors.
  3. The veranda area is preserved.
  4. There is an opportunity to update the façade of an old building.

There are practically no disadvantages to external insulation, except for the difficulty of carrying out work in bad weather. But in this case, it is better not to do the thermal insulation of the veranda yourself, but simply turn to professionals who will provide high-quality insulation at any time of the year.

Technology for insulating the veranda from the inside

Floor insulation

Experts recommend internal insulation verandas, start with thermal insulation of the floor, since significant heat leakage occurs from this part of the room. If there is a basement under the veranda, then insulating the floor is much easier - you do not have to dismantle the existing covering. In this case, the thermal insulation of the floor is carried out from the basement.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Along floor beams and inside wooden flooring staple the vapor barrier.
  2. Insulation is laid between the ceilings. If the distance between the beams is greater than the width of the slabs, the guides are extended with wooden blocks.
  3. Lay a heat insulator.
  4. The insulating material is covered with another layer of vapor barrier on top.
  5. The basement rough ceiling is being installed.

If basement is missing, then the floor is insulated from the veranda side. In this case, the insulating cake can be laid on top of the existing covering.

  1. Install logs.
  2. Expanded clay is poured into the gaps between the beams or slab insulation is laid.
  3. Cover everything with a vapor barrier film.
  4. New flooring is being installed.

It should be taken into account that with this method the height of the room will decrease. If you don’t want to lose extra centimeters of height, you will have to dismantle the old covering, fill expanded clay between the joists, or lay the slabs and re-lay the floor.

Roof and ceiling insulation

Thermal insulation of the roof allows you to avoid up to 20% of heat loss, so it is important to make high-quality insulation of this part of the veranda. Usually the terrace has pitched roof, which is quite inconvenient to insulate from the outside. External thermal insulation roofs are carried out at the construction stage, and in the case of a veranda, it is best to carry out insulation from the ceiling.

Frame method

  1. If the ceiling is made of plasterboard, it must be dismantled and replaced OSB boards or plywood.
  2. A waterproof film is attached to the top. A stapler is used to secure it.
  3. A timber frame is installed with a thickness equal to the thickness of the insulating material.
  4. Insulation boards are laid between the sheathing guides.
  5. The structure is covered with a vapor barrier film.
  6. Installed finished ceiling from lining or other material.

Frameless technology

Using this method, you can install rigid insulation materials, such as polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene.

  1. The slabs are glued directly to the ceiling using special glue.
  2. The insulation is covered with a reinforcing mesh.
  3. Then the ceiling is plastered.

Thermal insulation of walls

As mentioned above, it is better to insulate walls from the outside of the log house; if you have chosen the method of internal thermal insulation, then you must adhere to the following sequence:

  1. Caulk cracks and joints between logs with tow, jute or flax.
  2. Do wooden frame from beams.
  3. Cover the surface with a waterproof film.
  4. Install a counter-lattice made of slats; it is advisable that they are mounted perpendicular to the main frame.
  5. Insert insulation between the counter-lattice guides.
  6. Place a vapor barrier on top.
  7. Cover the surface with finishing material, for example, clapboard or panels. You can also install sheets of drywall, which are then puttied, painted or otherwise finished.

Features of external insulation

From the outside, as a rule, only the walls of the veranda are insulated. Thermal insulation process wooden facade is no different from internal surface insulation. A frame is also mounted outside, the only thing that needs to be taken into account is that a vapor barrier layer is laid against the wall of the house, and a hydro-windproof membrane is installed on the outside of the insulation under the cladding.

If the walls of the veranda are block, then thermal protection is done slightly differently:

  1. Insulation boards (usually foam or polystyrene foam) are glued directly to the wall using a special adhesive.
  2. Then the material is additionally secured with dowel nails.
  3. The adhesive solution is again applied on top of the insulation and the reinforcing mesh is secured.
  4. After the solution has completely dried, the surface is covered with decorative plaster.


If all work on the thermal insulation of the veranda is done correctly, the extension will eventually turn into a full-fledged living room that can be used all year round. If you have time and certain skills, you can do the insulation of the terrace yourself. But if you don’t have experience, it’s best not to take on this work yourself, but to turn to specialists who will professionally and competently do the insulation.

The Master Srubov company will provide high-quality thermal insulation for any wooden structure: verandas, bathhouses or the entire log house. Insulation made by the hands of qualified craftsmen will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

In harsh climates, owners try in every possible way to insulate their house or cottage. For example, a veranda is installed to protect the front door. This is a kind of vestibule where the mixing of cold street air and warm air from the interior occurs. But when insulating a house, they do not always take into account that the veranda could use additional insulation. Otherwise unheated room will freeze and become damp, causing the finish to quickly become unusable. With the right approach, the veranda is insulated during the construction stage. But it happens that the house was not built, but bought, and not in the very at its best. In this case, insulation of the veranda from the inside is carried out with your own hands as necessary. The main thing is to know in what places the cold “creeps” into the room and take all possible protective measures.

Usually the veranda is placed on the same type of foundation as the main building - monolithic concrete or concrete plates. This material does not block the cold that comes from the ground in winter at all, so it can freeze through. Heat loss through the foundation reaches 20%.

Options for how to insulate the base summer veranda, maybe several.

Filling the interior with earth or expanded clay

These options are only possible at the stage of constructing the veranda, when foundation work. After removing the formwork, the entire internal area is covered with earth or expanded clay. Land will be cheap, especially if there is a lot of excess soil left during construction. True, its heat saving quality is low.

Expanded clay layer prevents moisture and frost from penetrating into the concrete slab

Expanded clay has higher thermal insulation, but you will have to buy it. You can make a double layer: first fill it with soil, and the second half with expanded clay pebbles.

Pasting with polystyrene foam

For Russian lands, where 80% of the soil is heaving, external insulation of the foundation with expanded polystyrene is necessary. When thawing and freezing, such soils expand in volume and can deform the foundation. The insulation layer will become an insulator, which will relieve the base from direct contact with the ground, and will also block frost. Expanded polystyrene boards are used to cover the entire outer surface of the concrete, including the base.

For insulating a veranda with your own hands, the following are suitable: polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam and liquid polyurethane foam. All these are varieties of polystyrene, which differ in properties and method of application. The cheapest one - Styrofoam. It retains heat well, but will crack on moving soils. In addition, polystyrene foam draws moisture from the ground, so when installing it, an additional waterproofing layer is created (from the soil). Extruded polystyrene foam Due to its dense structure, it does not absorb moisture, is not afraid of soil movements, has high frost resistance and lasts for more than half a century. But it is expensive.

Before gluing expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to cover the entire foundation with waterproofing mastic

Both versions of polystyrene are laid on the outside of the foundation, excavating it to the very foundation. In this case, the first row is placed on a gravel bed. Before laying, the foundation is coated with bitumen-polymer mastic (for waterproofing), and when it dries, polystyrene foam boards are glued on. The glue must be polyurethane. It is applied in dots or by smearing the entire sheet. The joints between the plates are also glued so that there are no cold bridges and cracks for moisture penetration.

The newest way external insulationpolyurethane foam spraying. It is brought to the construction site in the form of liquid components and sprayed onto the foundation using special equipment. After hardening, the coating becomes dense, monolithic and very durable. In terms of characteristics, this material is not inferior to its extruded “brother”, but the cost of work is more expensive.

With sprayed insulation, the most best quality thermal insulation because there are no joints

To keep your feet from getting cold: floor insulation

Besides the foundation, the floor is closest to the ground. Its insulation is mandatory if you do not want to see black spots of dampness in the corners.

Most often, concrete floors are poured on verandas. If you plan to heat the veranda using a “warm floor” system, then you should take care of it already at the stage of pouring the subfloors. It's better to choose electrical system, which you will turn on as needed. A water floor can be very low temperatures freeze, and you will have to wait until spring for it to thaw, or dismantle the coating to warm up the pipes.

If you were lying on the veranda old tiles, then you can put the insulation directly on it

Let's look at how you can insulate the floor on an unheated veranda:

  1. The entire underground floor is covered with crushed stone, and on top - with sand and compacted tightly.
  2. Lay out reinforcing bars or mesh (so that the concrete does not burst) and make a concrete screed 5 cm thick.
  3. When the filling is dry, we create waterproofing. The easiest way is to coat the screed with water-repellent mastic. But it’s cheaper to lay sheets of roofing felt and fasten them together using bitumen mastic(or warm it with a burner and roll it out).
  4. Antiseptic-impregnated logs are installed on top of the waterproofing, and insulation is laid between them. The best option is mineral wool with a foil-coated side. The foil does not release infrared radiation from the veranda, along with which most of the heat evaporates. Rolls of insulation are placed after all the joists are installed.
  5. It can also be insulated with polystyrene foam. Then the joints between the plates must be blown out with polyurethane foam, and when it dries, the excess must be cut off.

After this, planks or decking are laid, because both materials are warm. The board must be treated in every possible way to prevent rotting and painted. protective composition. Besides, natural wood very afraid of poor ventilation. To avoid dampness, it is necessary to make ventilation vents in the foundation, which should be located below the floor level.

The insulation is placed with the foil facing up so that it reflects the heat back into the veranda

Decking does not require ventilation in the underground, because it is not afraid of dampness and temperature changes

Decking is also a board, but already treated with compounds at the factory. It is made from larch, which is not afraid of either frost or moisture. This material is used to line open terraces, so it’s even more suitable for the veranda. True, the cost of such a floor will not be cheap.

We install thermal protection for the walls

At the walls big square contact with the street, so let’s look at how to insulate a veranda with your own hands from the outside and inside. External insulation is carried out if the wall material looks unpresentable. Those. it could be blocks, old wood, etc.

External insulation

a) For wooden walls:

  1. We seal all the cracks in the building.
  2. We place a vertical sheathing of beams on the tree in increments of up to half a meter. It is better to measure the width of the insulation and fill it exactly to its size. Then all the slabs will fit tightly to the sheathing.
  3. We insert mineral wool between the beams, securing them with dowel umbrellas.
  4. We fix the waterproofing film on top with a stapler.
  5. We finish with clapboard or siding.

After laying the mineral wool, you need to staple the waterproofing film to the sheathing

b) For block walls:

  1. Glue on the walls polystyrene foam boards with a special adhesive composition, additionally strengthening the dowel-umbrellas.
  2. We smear the same glue on the top of the slabs and attach the reinforcing mesh to them.
  3. After drying, cover the walls with decorative plaster.
  4. Let's paint.

Pick up adhesive composition specifically for laying polystyrene foam boards

All layers of the insulation cake are hidden under decorative plaster

Let's insulate ourselves from the inside

If the veranda looks aesthetically pleasing from the outside and you do not want to change it appearance, then internal insulation can be carried out. But, before you insulate the veranda from the inside, you need to carefully caulk all the cracks (in a wooden building).

Work progress:

  1. They stuff the sheathing.
  2. Fix the waterproofing film with a stapler, which will prevent moisture from the street from entering the insulation.
  3. Mount metal carcass from profiles onto which drywall will then be attached.
  4. Fill the frame with mineral wool.
  5. Cover the insulation with a vapor barrier film.
  6. Installing drywall.
  7. Apply the finishing coat (putty, paint).

The distance between the metal profiles must match the width of the insulation sheets

We check the tightness of the installation of windows and doors

Large heat losses can come from windows and doors. If there are old ones on your veranda wooden windows, but you do not want to replace them with double-glazed windows, then you need to thoroughly check their tightness:

  • First of all, we pay attention to the quality of the glazing of the veranda: to do this, we pull each glazing bead.
  • If they are cracked or loose, it is better to remove all the glass, clean the grooves and coat them with silicone sealant.
  • Then we insert the glass back and apply sealant along the edge.
  • We press with glazing beads (new!).

Go over the joints of the frame and the window opening with a regular metal ruler. If in some places it passes freely, then these cracks must be sealed with polyurethane foam. Check the front door in the same way. If you bought an uninsulated option, you will have to insulate the canvas yourself inside and upholster with leatherette.

Seal the glass on both sides with sealant to make it windproof.

All places where the ruler moves freely must be foamed

Eliminate leakage of warm air through the ceiling

It remains to figure out how to insulate the ceiling, because through it wooden veranda a significant part of the heat evaporates. Especially if it opens Entrance door. The flow of cold air rushing inward instantly squeezes the warm air upward.

The best option is to place foil-coated foam polymer between the beams, which will simultaneously retain heat and prevent moisture from passing through.

You can also choose mineral wool, but then the first layer is roofing felt for vapor barrier, and insulation boards are placed on it.

Ruberoid is laid under mineral wool for waterproofing

After such careful insulation, your veranda will withstand any frost, even if it is unheated.

The issue of thermal insulation of the veranda becomes relevant when there is a desire to use this room all year round. Verandas are usually unheated, as a result of which the temperature in them can drop below zero in winter.

If you want to provide comfortable temperature air inside the veranda even in the coldest season, it is necessary to take care of high-quality insulation of the extension.

With comprehensive thermal insulation using proven materials, and installation of basic heating device: a small solid fuel stove or a good electric radiator can ensure a constant temperature in the veranda at +18+19 degrees.

1 Carrying out work from the inside

It’s worth mentioning right away that since the construction of a veranda is, as a rule, a budget project, as a result of which it is built from inexpensive materials - wood, cinder blocks, or gas silicate blocks, the veranda will have to be insulated comprehensively.

You can, of course, only insulate the walls and even insulate the ceiling, but you will not get the desired effect from such thermal insulation.

To turn the veranda into a full-fledged year-round living space It is necessary to insulate both the surface of the walls from the outside and the ceiling, walls and floor from the inside of the building.

1.1 What is the best way to insulate?

If savings are at the forefront of the insulation project, then ordinary polystyrene foam can be used as a thermal insulation material. This material has good thermal conductivity and is inexpensive.

Also, polystyrene foam is easy to work with, even one person can handle it without any problems, so if you plan to do everything yourself, polystyrene foam - a good option from inexpensive insulation materials.

The thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is approximately 0.04 W/mK per , which is, of course, less than that of mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam, but also quite good, considering the cost of this material.

To insulate walls, ceilings and floors, you can take foam plastic 5 centimeters thick - in most cases it will be quite enough.

Expanded polystyrene benefits not only thermal insulation properties. An important fact is that this material has minimal vapor permeability and hydrophobicity, as a result of which condensation will not form on its surface, which is the main enemy of most insulation materials.

The advantages of polystyrene foam also include ease of installation - this insulation is made in the form of slabs measuring 100*160 cm, for installation of which in most cases only an adhesive solution is sufficient.

2.1 Do-it-yourself veranda insulation technology (video)