Fescue perennial planting and care. Glacial titmouse fescue - grown from seeds. Rules for a successful planting of fescue

Owners of private houses or summer cottages want to decorate their plots with various ornamental plants to give them more aesthetic appearance... For this, there are a large number of different specimens that bloom and retain their beauty for more than one year. Blue fescue also belongs to the elements of living decor.

Description of blue fescue

Blue fescue is a perennial plant that reaches a height of 20 to 60 cm. outward appearance has a spherical shape, and the leaves in the form of needles are painted in a pleasant bluish tint. Even in winter, such a plant does not lose its attractiveness.

From the beginning of summer, the fescue begins to bloom. It has panicle inflorescences that rise high above the bush. Even when they fade, they retain their decorative function. But if desired, they can be cut off so as not to deplete the plant.

Fescue tolerates winter well, but it happens that mature bushes freeze slightly. To prevent this from happening, it is worth dividing the bush. Otherwise, it is undemanding, so it is perfect for decoration.

You can decorate the named plant with the most inconspicuous places of the site, since blue fescue grows well on dry and stony soils. You can choose from different varieties, which will differ in shades from the most blue to azure and silver.

Planting blue fescue

The ornamental plant blue fescue, planting and caring for which does not require much effort, is suitable even for novice gardeners. It is grown from seeds that are medium in size.

You can plant it immediately in open ground, from April to early May, or late autumn:

  1. Make a nest for planting, about four seeds should be placed in it. This method is most effective, as it allows you to grow a decorative hummock in the first year.
  2. Dig holes for planting at a distance of 15-20 cm. After placing the seeds in the hole, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil and water abundantly.
  3. Within two weeks you will see the first shoots of fescue. This plant loves the sun, dry or temperate soil. It is necessary to regularly loosen the surface of the earth, but water infrequently.

It is not necessary to plant the plant in the open sun, in partial shade it can also give a good decorative effect... Moreover, with such lighting, the color of the leaves takes on a more saturated shade.

You can see what fescue looks like. A photo of her is presented in our article.

Care secrets

Blue fescue seeds take root very quickly, and after germination they require the same care as the lawn. It is necessary to monitor soil moisture, fertilize as needed, and divide the plants every two or three years. It is necessary to plant so that the plants do not get used to the soil and do not die off.

After the winter period, it is required to remove old dead leaves.

To get the largest increase in ornamental grass, it is worth propagating it through planting, and not through seeds. And it is also possible, when planting from seeds, to germinate them first. To do this, they are planted in a box at the beginning of March and kept in room temperature.

Pay particular attention to watering, you cannot overmoisten the plant. Therefore, consider the weather conditions, soil type and moisture level.

If you carry out proper care, the inflorescences of the panicle of blue fescue will decorate your garden plot for a long time.

Comfortable conditions for fescue

Blue fescue - a representative of a large family Refers to the type of sun lovers. To succeed in growing, you need to find the warmest or even hottest spot in your garden. Even the most intensely lit south sides will do well. If you plant fescue too dark place, then you will not get a bluish tint of the sheets.

These plants do not put forward special requirements for the soil, so that even in completely dry zones, their spherical shape will decorate the site. You should not choose an area where moisture can accumulate, they do not like the described plants and highly nutritious soils. It is believed that the most beautiful fescues grow on the rocky soil of rock gardens and rockeries.

All species of this plant are frost-resistant and therefore do not need protection in winter. But it is still worth purchasing varieties already acclimatized to your climatic zone.

They also have a drawback - the rather rapid extinction of the curtains. After 2-3 years, the center of the sod gradually dries out in the plant, so they need to be constantly rejuvenated and separated.

Fescue is especially strong in width, and not in height, so it will fill the required area well.

Other types of fescue

Not only blue fescue, the photo of which you see in the article, can decorate your site, but also other varieties of ornamental grass.

Amethyst fescue, originating from the mountains of Transcaucasia and Central Europe... It is a large blue fescue that grows up to 60 cm in height. The leaf looks like a needle, but at the same time has a pleasant texture. The color of this evergreen plant ranges from bluish green to gray blue.

Blooms in June, and flowers rise high above the foliage. Grows well on light, poor, sandy soils.

Glacial fescue is native to the Pyrenees. It is up to 30 cm high and creates hemispherical bushes near the glacier zone. They are planted in rock gardens. The plant, although freezing in a harsh winter, has a quick ability to recover.

Panicled fescue refers to low option- up to 15 cm in height. The color is light green, blooms also at the end of June. Can also be planted in shaded areas of the garden. If after winter most of the foliage dies off, then you just need to get rid of it, and the bush itself will quickly recover.

It has thin stems that end in triangles. The foliage is silky and long, and the color is light green. It is used to decorate paths and borders, and it grows well under pine trees.

But the most interesting is still blue fescue (gray), thanks to its unnatural color. She will be especially good at decorating your yard.

Blue fescue is excellent for dry soils. If you have household plots there are places where nothing grows, since they are too dry, then they can be filled with just such decorative grass.

It is a perennial evergreen that is not afraid of the cold. If after winter dry leaves have formed, they just need to be removed.

When choosing seeds to plant, make sure they are acclimatized to your area.

It is necessary to plant in the nests, four seeds in one. Watering is not abundant after planting, as well as during cultivation. Moreover, you do not need to choose those places where water can accumulate.

Grows best in the sunniest areas. Since it does not require special care, even a novice gardener can perfectly cope with the cultivation of such a decorative element.

Possible difficulties

Over the years of observation, experts have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of diseases are not afraid of blue fescue. She is not affected by rot and tolerates cold well. Even insect pests bypass this ornamental grass.

Therefore, you will not encounter any difficulties, except for waterlogging of the soil, when it grows.

Blue fescue, which is also found under the names gray fescue, as well as ash fescue, is one of the most decorative perennial grasses with bluish foliage.

Decorative blue fescue is perfect for those gardeners who prefer plants. unusual species... She interested them with her lush spherical shape and narrow needle-like leaves of a bluish tint, which even in winter period do not lose their attractiveness.

in adulthood, it is a spherical hummock up to 35-40 cm high. Fescue is grown mainly to decorate rabatki, mixborders and rock gardens. Spherical blue fescue looks very impressive on flat lawns with low-growing shrubs, near small artificial reservoirs and around large single landings... Thanks to its beautifully colored foliage, fescue is used in city parks to create spectacular flower beds and mosaics.

What care does blue fescue require?

Fescue is not spoiled by conditions, but grows well in warm areas with abundant sunlight. If the plant does not have enough sun, the leaves will turn into normal green color, and blue fescue will lose its natural decorative view... Fescue begins to bloom in June and blooms until the end of the season, releasing long gray-green peduncles-ears with a lilac tint.

Gardeners try to get rid of them in time, since the plant spends a lot of energy on their growth.

Fescue soil prefers light, breathable, low-nutrient and well-drained soil. Areas with sandy loam soils are quite suitable. Most likely, this is due to its mountain-alpine origin.

Fescue does not tolerate drying out or waterlogging of the soil, but prefer moderate watering. On damp areas part of the fescue bushes vomits and dies, and after 2-3 years the plant completely dies.

Fescue at the age of 3 years begins to be divided and planted. This should be done every 2 years. So the plant will have larger leaves with a richer color.

Blue fescue tolerates winter satisfactorily and can hibernate without special shelter. During severe frosts, some leaves of the plant may freeze out, but in the spring and summer they quickly recover. In early spring the plant is cleared with a special sparse-toothed rake and rid of the frozen and dry leaves.

Blue fescue is resistant to diseases and pests. For the entire period of active growth, she may never get sick. This quality also attracts gardeners.

Methods for breeding blue fescue

Fescue can be propagated different ways: seed, seedling and bush division.

Seeds are sown directly into the ground on May days, when warm weather sets in or in late autumn before winter. They sow them in nests, placing them at a distance of 18-20 cm from each other. The seeds are lightly sprinkled and moisturized. Germinating together in the nest, they eventually form a spherical fluffy hummock.

Fescue can be grown seedling method planting seeds in small boxes. For this better fit lightweight substrate. Seeds are sown on the soil surface and do not sprinkle. They grow into the ground with their sharp tips. Crops are watered with settled water, covered transparent glass and put in a warm, sunny place.

After the seeds have sprouted, the box with the seedlings is moved to a bright, but cooler place to avoid stretching and depleting the seedlings. When the seedlings grow up, and the plant has two leaves each, you can transplant into separate pots for indoor plants, and already in May to land on permanent place in the garden.

If you sow seeds for seedlings in mid-March, then with sufficient watering in May there will already be strong and friendly seedlings, which can be safely planted in the ground in a permanent place.

Fescue is very beautiful herbaceous plant, which, with its spherical bushes, studded with needle-like leaves, will help decorate any garden, even though it does not bloom very attractively.

This herb is popular because it is not picky at all and at the same time has rather high decorative properties, thanks to these two factors, this plant is used in gardening to decorate a variety of buildings and gardens.

Types and varieties

The most popular today is gray fescue or Calle ... It reaches a height of about half a meter and attracts with its lush gray, with a metallic sheen, foliage. The flower is paniculate, but inconspicuous.

Has thin foliage over which it gently towers paniculate flowers... It goes well with other plants, especially cereals.

Reaches pretty great height, in comparison with relatives - its bush can be up to 80 cm. The leaves of this species are thin and tall, which creates a special grace.

Has very dense bush, but, unfortunately, it is only suitable for growing in rock gardens.

Fescue or Valissian fescue you need to be careful with this species: although at first it has a cute shape of a small bush, but then it begins to multiply uncontrollably, capturing the territory around.

Bushes amethyst fescue look sloppy, but have interesting shape which is accentuated by a mix of green and drying foliage. It is also interesting that the color of the leaves of this species changes color depending on the weather.

Forms small bushes, over which panicle flowers easily hover all summer and autumn.

Sheep fescue very small, but with the help of it you can create beautiful thickets from small bumps.

- charming low, only ten to fifteen centimeters high with inflorescences, perennial cereal. Bright green graceful needle-shaped leaves five to eight centimeters high are collected in an attractive hummock and remain green even in winter. Over time, the bumps grow and, merging, form beautiful fluffy pillows.

Fescue planting and care

Fescue is fairly easy to grow and care for. A sunny, warm area is suitable for this herb - it will feel great in a hot and dry place.

They are badly affected by drafts and shade, and if the plant lacks light, then it can lose its bluish color.

The downside of this herb is that it degenerates pretty soon. After a couple of years, the fescue begins to turn yellow and the center of the bush dies, which indicates the need for rejuvenation, which is carried out by dividing the bush.

In principle, all care for fescue consists in the above-mentioned division of the bush and transplantation. In addition, you only need to cleanse the plant of dry leaves and faded panicles.

Soil for fescue

Soils are not essential for this flower, it is only important that they are dry or have good drainage because it is very important to exclude the slightest possible stagnation of moisture.

Fescue does not need nutritious soil at all, it will thrive on dry rocky areas.

Wintering fescue

Almost all species of this plant are resistant to cold weather, but when buying material ask what conditions it is acclimatized to.

Reproduction of fescue by dividing the bush

Basically, reproduction is carried out during the division of the bush, this is a very simple method, which is resorted to with the arrival of spring.

The same method of dividing a bush is also used to strengthen plants. The bush is dug out of the soil for the winter and placed in a container that is kept at a low temperature and strong light. In the spring, the bush is divided and planted.

Fescue seed growing

Gray fescue, like almost all species, can be grown from seeds, with no particular difficulties arising. Their seeds are medium in size: one gram contains about eight hundred seeds of panicle fescue and about nine hundred and fifty seeds of gray fescue. Seeds are sown directly into open ground in April - early May or late autumn.

They usually sow in nests, three to four seeds per nest. The nests are placed at a distance of fifteen to twenty centimeters from each other. Sprinkle the seeds with a very thin layer of soil, and then water the crops.

Seedlings will appear no earlier than in a couple of weeks. Sowing with nests has its advantage - a certain number of seedlings sprouting nearby form a decorative hummock already in the first year.

Propagation of fescue seedlings

To obtain young fescue plants at an earlier time, it is grown through seedlings. Sowing is carried out in March, while it is better not to sprinkle the seeds with soil - when moistened from a spray bottle, seeds with sharp tips themselves are drawn into required depth, while giving more friendly shoots, and from above the container should be covered with glass or film to maintain moisture.

At room temperature, seeds germinate in a couple of weeks. After the appearance of seedlings, containers with crops are transferred to a bright, cooler place, which avoids stretching and lodging of seedlings. Water the shoots of fescue very carefully - if there is waterlogging, root system plants can rot.

When young plants are three centimeters high, and at the same time they have at least a couple of leaves, they should be planted in separate pots - one at a time or in a small bunch.

Sowing in April in cold greenhouses is also possible. Young fescue is planted in open ground in May, keeping a distance of twenty to twenty-five centimeters between each plant.

Diseases and pests

This plant is very resistant to diseases and is not disturbed by pests.

The most frequent question Associated with fescue is the yellowing of the middle of the bush, which, as mentioned, indicates aging and the need for division and replanting.

Gray fescue is a perennial ornamental plant, which has a rather exotic look: it resembles a small spherical bush. Unusual color and unpretentiousness make fescue a favorite experienced gardeners and landscape designers, because the grass looks great in any garden.

Characteristics of gray fescue

Fescue belongs to cereals. The main habitats are in temperate subtropical zones. And here is how an ornamental plant is common throughout the globe, our country is no exception.

Used in landscape design, especially a variety of gray fescue. This view is loved not only by professionals, but also by amateurs, because with its help you can create a magnificent oasis. The fescue got its name due to the color of its leaves, there are two types: blue fescue and ash fescue. Its color changes depending on the weather, but its decorative properties remain at the same level.

Gray fescue

The height of the bush varies from 20 to 60 cm. The leaves are narrow, twisted. This type allows the leaves to reduce fluid consumption. Evergreen looks like round bushes with a dense crown. The root system is abundant, but short.

You can grow a plant in one place for several years in a row. Fescue is an ideal plant for protecting the soil from weeds and drying out. Performing useful actions, fescue perfectly decorates the garden, because its beautiful decorative appearance is preserved throughout the summer season.

Important! Fescue comes in a huge variety of shapes and colors.

Gray fescue varieties

All plant varieties are not very different from each other and often have the same name. But the color of plants can be varied, from silver to blue with a strong metallic tint.

  • The color of the leaves of the Mirblo variety is similar to the color of the aqua;
  • Domling has a compact size, the height of the bushes does not exceed 15 cm;
  • Fescue Lapis Lazuli has distinctive feature - blue leaves with a bright metallic tint;
  • Fescue Blue tussock is a striking representative of this herb, its height is about 50 cm and a pleasant bluish shade;
  • Fescue Ice titmouse is intended for cultivation in northern countries.

Blue fescue

Gray fescue: planting and care

The first thing to start with in planting is to properly prepare the bed, it needs to be dug quite deep (on the bayonet of a shovel). If the soil is weakened, a mixture of natural fertilizers is introduced during digging:

  • humus;
  • ash;
  • sand.

There are two ways to grow a crop: direct planting directly into the open field and planting seedlings.

Gray fescue planting and care in the open field

Landing seed material on an open ridge is done by the nesting method. This method will help to form the correct form of culture without much difficulty. Plants are usually planted in April or May. But there are gardeners who practice autumn planting.

Fescue gray landing

As soon as the threat of frost has passed, it is necessary to make a small hole in the dug garden bed, and spread several seeds in it. Top up with soil and water abundantly. Wait no more than eight days for the first shoots. After the seeds have sprouted, they begin to grow very quickly.

Glacial titmouse fescue cultivation from seeds. Seedling method

The most optimal time for planting seedlings is the week after March 8th. Light soil is poured into the boxes used for cultivation. For this, a mixture of turf soil and river sand in a ratio of 3: 1 is perfect.

The soil in the seedling boxes is sprayed with water using a spray bottle, then the seeds are placed and covered with a small amount of soil. Planting is sprayed again. After - cover with foil or glass and put in a well-lit place, it is better if it is a window sill located on the south side of the house.

After the first sprouts appear, the film must be removed and the boxes rearranged to a cooler, but no less bright place.

Important! When growing seedlings, you do not need to diligently water them, this can lead to the death of young animals.

Fescue glacial titmouse

After the appearance of the second leaf, the seedlings are planted in separate containers, 3-4 pieces each. The same number of seedlings should be transplanted into prepared holes. Landing is carried out in the last decade of the last spring month.


Look after it perennial plant not difficult at all. After all, the plant tolerates drought quite well. You need to water it as it dries up in the absence of rain for a long time.

Fescue perfectly tolerates the constant loosening of the earth in the moons. Fertilizers should be applied only on soils that contain a small amount of minerals. Therefore, it is necessary to apply fertilizers strictly following the instructions. As a rule, there is no need to fertilize the crop.

After wintering, all old leaves are removed from the plant; this can be done manually or using a small rake. All peduncles are also removed. This will allow the culture to remain well-groomed and aesthetically pleasing.

Taking care of this perennial plant is not difficult at all.


Culture propagation is carried out using seeds or vegetative part. In order to collect seed material from a plant, it is necessary to leave several perfectly developed peduncles. After ripening, the panicles must be cut off, dried well and the seeds removed.

In order to propagate gray fescue, you need to dig up some good mother bushes and plant them in flower pots, it is best to do division work in mid-October. V winter time Plants are best kept in a dry basement or glass-fronted greenhouse.

The bushes are separated only in mid-March. Seated in separate pots with potting soil... As soon as it becomes warm outside and the threat of frost has passed, the plants can be planted in the prepared holes. The plant can be propagated in this way every 3-4 years.

Properties of culture

The main purpose of the plant is decorative properties that are suitable for decorating any garden. It is very simple to grow fescue; this activity will not cause unnecessary problems even to the most inexperienced summer resident.

Growing fescue is easy

The plant belongs to unpretentious, perfectly tolerates attacks of diseases and pests, is resistant to sudden changes weather conditions, so it is very easy to care for it.

Important! The plant is quite supportive of all types of soil, so it can be planted almost anywhere.

The main disadvantages of fescue are its poor resistance to frost, as well as shaded and swampy areas. personal plots... Fescue requires constant division, because it is much more difficult to care for a huge plant.

Diseases and pests

Fescue belongs to crops that tolerate diseases well. But still, with high humidity and an overabundance organic fertilizers she may get anthracnose or powdery mildew... As soon as the first signs of these diseases appear on the bushes, they should be treated with Skor or its analogues.

From a large army garden pests only dangerous for fescue spider mite, which can attack her during a very dry summer. To destroy it, you can use drugs that are sold in specialized retail outlets.

Important! Use chemicals, it is only necessary to strictly follow the instructions for their use.

Application in landscape design

The main purpose of the plant is ground cover. Fescue is widespread in the regions of our country. It is used as a background, filling various gaps in flower beds with it. Blue fescue used in carpet flower beds. Often the cereal is found planted in flower pots or baskets with blooming summer flowers. Some designers use it when decorating rock gardens.

The plant is so multifunctional that it can be used with equal success in different designs gardens. After all, it goes well with different plants and other decorative elements.

Gray fescue is one of the most famous representatives of this family. The plant is distinguished by its unusual color and texture, thanks to which it has become very popular in the design of rock gardens, rockeries, rabatoks, flower beds. Due to the wind, the thin leaves of the plant are constantly moving, shimmering with various shades of gray. Thanks to such unique feature fescue has become very popular in landscape design.

Gray fescue is a beautiful cereal crop. It is of medium size. Differs in symmetry, beautiful textures. Often used to decorate compositions. The leaves have a gray-bluish tint, due to which the plant is also known as blue fescue. They form a large sod, which reaches a height of 0.3 m. The leaves are very narrow and linear in shape. The turf itself is actually very dense, but it also appears to be half transparent as the leaves are evenly distributed and extend from the center of the ball. This type of fescue has a metallic texture, which looks very impressive.

When the inflorescences appear, the bush seems even more airy. The panicles are very soft, so they are quite pleasant to the touch. They are distinguished by a grayish-green tint. It seems as if a ball of leaves is surrounded by a light halo. Gray fescue can decorate any yard. By the way, the shade of blue can change depending on weather conditions. It is brighter on sunny days. There are many varieties of gray fescue. They differ in tones - silver, metallic, platinum and even gold. In Russia, the most popular are blue fescue, lapis lazuli, elijah blue, blue hummock.

Usually fescue is perceived as an ornamental plant, but in wildlife it is also very common. It can be found not only in places with a temperate and subtropical climate, but also in tropical regions, high in the mountains. Usually these flowers grow in steppes, meadows and forests.

Fescue belongs to cereals. This herb is a perennial. The rhizome is medium-sized, but rather dense. Sometimes the root system is creeping. As a rule, fescue is classified as a compact plant, since it small size however, there are several varieties that are planted as soloists on lawns due to their size. The shrub is from 10 cm in height, but some varieties reach 1.5 m.

Flowering usually begins in early summer. Inflorescences are very airy, they are not often located. In direct sunlight, they shimmer. Inflorescences are slightly spreading. Panicles in length can reach 4-20 cm. These are small spikelets with small inflorescences. The spine can be sinuous or straight. After flowering, a fruit is formed that looks like a small caryopsis.

Fescue stands out for its versatility. In addition, the shrubs are very hardy, they grow quickly and have a beautiful texture. In addition, the benefits of fescue are the following:

  • silver effect;
  • the presence of grayish, metallic and blue blotches, which in a flower garden will look great next to plants of a traditional color;
  • graphics in texture;
  • airiness, volume;
  • the plant does not lose its decorative properties and always looks beautiful;
  • used and how main flower, and as a background.

As a solo fescue, they are planted near paths and borders, in carpet-type flower beds. They can be in the foreground or partner with other solo cultures. Fescue looks good on ridges, rockeries, rock gardens. The design of dry walls and streams looks unusual. Shrubs can be planted in large pots and kept on the terrace.

Fescue blends well with other perennials. Best of all, the beauty of this cereal is revealed by plants with large foliage. For example, geranium, geychera, cuff, yaskolka, veronica, bell are suitable. You can plant fescue near thyme and sage. In addition, there is a beautiful contrast with other cereals. For example, this applies to sedge, sesleria, millet and others.

Planting and leaving

The fescue herb is propagated by seed. They need to be sown in open ground, after making the beds. You will not need to thin out the thickets later. You can plant seeds in a mixture of sand and soil, then dive, and then transplant into open ground. But it is best to use the ability of this cereal crop to sow and plant itself on its own. Fescue has abundant self-seeding, so that later it can be used as seedlings. It is supposed to transplant only after the young plants get stronger.

You can also reproduce by dividing the shrub. It is best to do this in spring time... You need to dig out a bush, divide it together with the root into small bunches, and then plant them over the site. Experts do not advise making bunches that are too small, as they will restore their decorative appearance. It is best to make no more than 3 bunches from one bush. This option is also considered very convenient.

The fescue should be planted in small holes. For each shrub, there should be separate place... Be sure to water the bushes after transplanting. After that, it is imperative to take into account some conditions for the fescue to look beautiful:

  • Lighting.

Gray fescue at all unpretentious plant... She is able to take root even in the most unfavorable conditions. But for the shrub to look perfect, 2 main conditions must be met. First, the area must be dry. Secondly, fescue needs bright lighting for full development and flowering. It is best to plant the bushes in a sunny location. Thanks to this, the leaves will shimmer beautifully. By the way, fescue is not afraid of drafts and winds.

  • Priming.

It is also easy to choose the soil for fescue, since it is completely picky. It is enough that the place is slightly dry and the ground is loose. But this plant will not be able to survive the dampness. When the shrub is laid in wet soil, drainage must be done at the bottom. You need to choose a place where water does not stagnate at any time of the year. Ideal option are air and permeable soils. They should be light, loose and loose. By the way, you don't even need to think about the nutritional value of the soil, since even poor soils are perfect. Fescue can grow in sandy and rocky ground.

  • Care.

Blue fescue is undemanding, so maintenance is very simple. The plant is drought tolerant, so even on the hottest days it won't need to be watered frequently. Top dressing is also not needed. In general, all the care for the plantings comes down to the fact that you need to cut off dry leaves and remove panicles when they have already faded.

But fescue also has a drawback - it requires frequent rejuvenation, otherwise it will lose its decorative appearance. After 2-3 years, the sods grow strongly, which can lead to their degeneration. They start to dry in the middle. To prevent this, it is necessary to start dividing the bushes and replanting them. This should be done every 3 years. Perform the procedure in the spring.

As for wintering, blue fescue is a hardy crop, so it is resistant to frost. Even in cold climates, it will feel great. Even if the fescue freezes during a particularly frosty winter, it will quickly recover. This will not affect its decorative properties at all. So you don't need to cover shrubs before winter.

Types of fescue

There are many varieties of fescue (about 600 varieties). Most of them are hay and fodder, but no more than 20 varieties are used in landscape design. There are 3 main groups:


The largest fescues include the following varieties:

  1. 1 Highest. It looks very powerful, but at the same time it is loose. As a result, a slightly sloppy bush comes out. The leaves are flat and narrow. Under the influence of the wind, they sway unevenly, which looks interesting and beautiful. The panicles are spreading and have a golden hue. Flowering occurs only early in the morning.
  2. 2 Gigantic. It can reach a height of 1.5 m. The sod is very dense, but compact. Leaves are narrowish. The inflorescences look weightless. Both the first and the second are constantly moving due to the wind.
  3. 3 Mountain. It is also called forest. The leaves are flat and large, reaching almost 1 m. Very flexible, arched. Their ends are slightly bent. The shade is very bright and rich. The panicles are also very massive. Among all fescue, it is the mountain inflorescence that is considered the largest.

All of these varieties are very large.


These fescues do not grow more than 0.3 m in length, so their sods are very compact. The most popular varieties are:

  1. 1 Glacial fescue. It is considered one of the smallest, but the ball comes out very thick and dense. Usually the bush is less than 0.3 m, but inflorescences also rise above it. The shade of the leaves is dark blue. By themselves, they are very narrow. In this case, the inflorescences are dense and large.
  2. 2 Paniculata. This perennial is also very short. Its ball comes out up to 10 cm in height. The leaves are bright green. They look dainty, but the sod is very dense. It looks like it is made of fur. Growing rapidly. The panicles rise slightly above the ball.
  3. 3 Filiform. Also a miniature view. The bush looks chaotic and loose. Best suited for rock gardens. The length of the leaves is no more than 15 cm. Inflorescences can rise up to 0.3 m. They have a pearly hue.
  4. 4 Sheep. Bristle greens. Dense balls are obtained. The foliage is wriggling, then it is thin. In length no more than 10 cm. This is the most hardy variety, it is able to survive even mowing and trampling.
  5. 5 Thin-leaved. Also a small shrub. The leaves are furry and narrow. Disproportionately large panicles are visible above them. Flowering lasts from early summer to autumn.

All of these species are considered miniature, but they look very beautiful.


The height of these varieties is about 0.3-0.6 m.There are many interesting varieties:

  1. 1 Amethyst. It reaches a height of 0.5 m, but can grow rapidly in width - up to 1 m. The leaves are blue. The sod comes out large and evergreen. The foliage is tough, but at the same time quite pleasant on palpation. The color can be not only blue. Depending on the soil, the foliage ranges from gray to lilac, and in some cases there are also greenish tones. Inflorescences are thin, but tall. In color, it is a mixture of purple and green. An unusual bright cloud comes out.
  2. 2 Pale. Despite this name, the shrub is quite bright. Has a rich dark green tint with pale gray blotches. Up to 40 cm high.
  3. 3 Valisskaya. The people know another name - fescue. The sod comes out narrow, but dense. Up to 0.4 m high. Leaves always stand upright.
  4. 4 Siberian. Used to create layering. The bush is no more than 0.3 m high, but rather wide. The shade of the foliage is light green.
  5. 5 Mayeri. This variety looks flawless as the shrub comes out completely symmetrical. In height - up to 0.7 m.

Gray fescue is considered one of the most famous varieties among cereals. It has an unusual shade and texture. The bloom is also very beautiful. It is actively used in the design of plots. Will look great in various places, especially on slides and bumps.