Wattle palisade fence. Weaving a fence: step by step instructions. Stages of making wattle in the country

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Of course, a concrete 2-meter fence will hide you safely from the curious. Only is your garter technology a state secret and does lovingly laid out tiles Are you a participant in rigged voucher auctions? The eye of an ordinary Russian will certainly be pleased with a do-it-yourself wicker fence erected in one summer.

First you need to decide on the materials. Willow, hazel, alder, birch are perfect for making your own wicker fence in the garden.

Fence weaving patterns

Instructions for self-installation of a wicker fence

At the first stage, columns are dug into the ground, which will serve as the basis. It can be natural wood or metal pipes suitable diameter. The thicker the rods collected for the fence, the thicker and stronger the stakes must be, otherwise they will simply break. It also depends on the depth to which the pillars are immersed in the ground. The distance between the supports should be 50-60 cm. The depth is sufficient for 30-40 cm, with especially thick rods up to half a meter.

Before starting work on installing a wicker fence made of willow with your own hands, the twigs must be softened in the steam room. A salt bath is possible for twenty minutes. So you don't have to spend extra effort for weaving, and a chance to break your construction material will decrease significantly. After the wood is finished naturally dry and return to its original shape.

Having fixed the twigs not on the first peg with a wire, you can begin the painstaking work of making a wicker fence, the scheme of which is very simple and resembles a snake. The rods in a checkerboard pattern go around the posts. To prevent the structure from falling apart, it is better to wind the twigs to the support with wire or other improvised material. You should also make sure that the wattle fence does not reach the ground by 5-10 cm. This will extend the life of the fence, and eliminate putrefactive processes. More complex types do-it-yourself wicker fences (see photo) require serious skills and are beyond the power of beginners.

Wicker board fence

A separate discussion deserves the manufacture of a wicker fence from boards, as in the photo. This grandiose building can decorate not only the classic 6 acres. It can serve as an original and worthy fence for a solid country house. As a material, ordinary planed boards are used. Supports (wooden or metal, it does not matter) are placed at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from each other and must be concreted due to the very large load exerted on them by the boards. The structure is fastened with self-tapping screws and treated with compounds that protect against decay. Unusual view such a fence will remind you of the historical past of the country and make your home stand out from many others.

After completing the work, you need to cover your creation with a stain or other composition that will help preserve natural wood used to make a wicker fence, the original view of long years. Can be painted in any color to match the exterior country house and outbuildings. In any case, the structure of the intricate pattern of the fence will remind you of its man-made and natural origin.

I would like to hope that our review with photos and videos clarified all the nuances of how to make a wicker fence with your own hands.

Video of making a wicker fence with your own hands

In order to stylishly and unusually decorate the territory personal plot, it is not necessary to apply for professional help to a landscape designer. There is nothing easier than to mark the boundaries own site on one's own. And you can do this by building decorative fence, which is commonly called wattle.

Materials for wicker fences

V Lately became particularly popular wicker fences in ethnic style. Wattle, or as it is commonly called, tyn, is universal and at the same time original decoration for any area. It is very easy to make it with your own hands, since the manufacture requires a minimum of materials and skills.

Wattle is a universal fence, which is very often used in summer cottages and garden plots. Moreover, it is used not only as a perimeter fence, but also as a miniature fence inside the site itself for or flower beds.

Any novice master can make a decorative fence with his own hands. main feature of such fences lies in the fact that it can be made from almost any material, namely: from flexible branches of trees or plants. It is best to perform weaving from rods using the following types of materials:

Types of hedge weaving

Having decided on the choice of material, it is necessary to consider what type of weaving will be used in the process of erecting the fence. There are several options for weaving fences from branches. Each of them can be easily implemented with my own hands. The speed of weaving will directly depend on the amount of work:

You can also make a rounded fence that will look gorgeous around front gardens or flower beds. Such fences perform a decorative function and simply help to decorate the territory of the site.

The benefits of wicker fences

Wattle fences have several main advantages., which favorably distinguish them from hedges made of artificial materials. They are as follows:

As for the shortcomings, they consist only in the fact that such fences, if installed incorrectly, are quickly deformed, they lack a security function and are short-lived. Otherwise, braid is a great analogue of expensive fences.

Material preparation

Before doing it yourself, you should first prepare the material from which it will be created. If this is not done, then the fence made of rods will turn out to be short-lived and fragile, and the branches will bend badly and lend themselves to processing.

It should be remembered that blanks for fences should be made either in early spring or in autumn. This is due to the fact that during this period the trees emit the least juice and they have practically no abundant foliage. Try to pick up smooth and long shoots without knots. The preparation of the material must go through the following steps:

After the preparatory work, you can begin to install a decorative fence. To do this, you need to stock up on tools:

Instructions for creating a vertical tyna

In order to make a vertical fence with your own hands, just follow the simple instructions and follow the sequence of actions:

That's all, the vertical canvas for the hedge is ready. If desired, it can be decorated with some decorative elements Or just paint it any color you like.

Horizontal tyn

Having prepared all the tools and materials, you can begin to build a horizontal fence. The process includes several steps:

So that the parts of the fence that will be in the ground do not rot over time, they should pre-char or grease with bitumen. You should always use only wet rods, since dry branches do not bend well and break quickly. And in order to somehow unusually decorate the finished fence, it is enough to use a variety of elements of traditional decor - here you can use everything that fantasy suggests.

A wicker fence is a stylish fence made of branches or rods intertwined with each other, which is selected for fencing a personal plot or one of its constituent parts. Has a decent appearance, looks great against the background of the usual rural landscape, but at the same time is more of a landscape design than reliable protection dwellings.

Wattle has long been considered a symbol of comfort and measured rural life. The technology of weaving such a fence has been preserved since ancient times. To perform this design, you can use all kinds of improvised materials, but the most popular are the branches of different trees.


Wicker type fences differ from each other in different parameters: in height, in the difference in weaving methods and in external design.

Wicker fences in height are of 3 types:

  • High (from 2 meters and above) can become quite high-quality protection. Such a fence will look decent if the pillars in it are made of stone, and a wicker product is placed between these pillars.
  • low products. Their height will not exceed 0.5-0.7 m. They are more suitable for decorating flower beds, they are used as elements stylish design landscape.
  • Wicker fences a meter high are used to separate the recreation area from the rest of the suburban area.

According to the methods of weaving, the fences are divided into:

  • Horizontal- the most common type, the easiest to perform. These wattle fences will serve you much more than their vertical counterparts.
  • vertical making fences with your own hands in weaving is very problematic if you have no experience, but those who know how to do it masterfully create amazing masterpieces, decorating a new fence with intricate patterns.

Wicker fences can also differ in how they are created and used:

  • A wicker fence with a height of less than 0.7 m is already installed on a prepared base, most often a metal base is used to increase the service life of the product.
  • Flat wattle is best installed in sections, the length of only one such section can be up to 2 meters. This weaving method is the easiest to repair than all the others, and if necessary, one of the parts can be completely replaced without difficulty.
  • Decorative fences installed in the form of a circle are most often used to decorate flower beds and flower beds.
  • A wicker-type fence is, first of all, pillars that are dug into the ground, branches or twigs of a vine are woven around them. To increase the durability of the product or create unusual and interesting patterns, special durable poles are installed between the racks.

A fence of this type will fully satisfy the owners with all aesthetic aspects. It will give any site a special rural charm. In terms of strength, such a braided line will by itself give way to a stone fence, but it will decorate your site.

For the weaving procedure itself, you will need long and thin rods that will create a plane of the hedge, and slightly thicker stakes - the rods will hold on to them. You can choose a vine of any plants that meet certain requirements. Willow twigs and bamboo often grow a "living" fence. In addition to twigs, you can pick up other materials - boards, pickets (thin and flexible).

Pros and cons

The wicker fence has the following main advantages:

  • Interesting view. Weaving helps turn the fence into a real decoration for the entire site. High or low products with different types plexuses become a stylish addition to the design of any personal plot.
  • A wicker fence is completely safe, since no life-threatening substances are used in its creation.
  • Low price. If you make a fence on your own from a tree from your site, then you can spend nothing at all. But if you buy already made fences, their cost will fluctuate depending on the amount of material, the height of the structure itself and the type of weaving chosen.
  • Ease of installation. You can decorate the yard with wattle without specialists.

However, have this product and some cons:

  • Short service life, as such a product is afraid of gusts of wind and any precipitation.
  • If you want to put a wattle fence on the site, then it is worth remembering that it will only perform a design function and will not save you from unexpected visitors.
  • Complicated repairs. When at least one of the elements breaks in such a fence, then you will have to redo the entire fence or an entire section.

Before choosing a wicker fence, remember all its positive and negative qualities, specify the duration of its service and all the features repair work, duration of installation and environmental aspects.

Types of weaving

Before you start weaving from rods or branches, you need to choose the method by which you will create a new fence. Most commonly used options:

  • Vertical type will require the presence of strong horizontal sticks between the supports. They will be fixed in increments of 20-30 cm. The rods are woven between them, starting from the bottom and to the top. The length of the branches in this case should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the fence itself. Vertical weaving is often done from boards - then a beautiful wooden fence is obtained. You just need to take the boards, use them to perform vertical weaving, and use the support to align the ends. The support is usually installed at the top of the fence. To give a beautiful effect, the same support is made at the bottom of the fence.

  • horizontal weaving everyone calls it classic. The rods are intertwined with the "8th" or the sign of "infinity". That is, each new blank- this is a natural continuation of the one ahead. The length of the blanks in this case will be at least 2 m. The supports are installed in increments of 25-30 cm so that the branches are easy to bend. If you have a lot of small rods, gather them all together in bundles and weave them all at once. One of the varieties of such weaving is the oblique method, which is done diagonally, which looks very beautiful.

A horizontal wattle fence can also be built using shields. First, the shields themselves are made, the required number of supports is made in each of them, and the blanks themselves are neatly woven between them. Shields with each other are fixed with nails, self-tapping screws.

The shield braid is also constructed from boards, only the spans between the supports will be larger.

Manufacturing materials

Wicker fences can be built from those materials that have a special flexibility. The most unreliable of them are cattail, reeds. They are unlikely to last more than 4 years, as they dry out, and after that the fences from them quickly lose their appearance and collapse. More often, vines and willows are used to obtain wattle, and today this kind of fence made of small boards is especially in demand, as they look stylish and are very durable. Companies that produce wicker products offer universal PVC fences, and although this is not a natural material, it is very durable and will last for many years.


The branches of this tree are strong and flexible, so baskets and fences are often woven from them. Before you start weaving, the rods should be steamed well so that they are even more bendable.

You can make fences from willow twigs by any method. Looks best with them vertical version. First, support structures are placed horizontally, then willow branches are woven vertically, burying their ends in the ground. A little later, willow twigs will be accepted, turn green and create the effect of a natural design of the fence.

In order for the willow braid to last for a long time, the tree must be treated with a special compound, and where the fence is installed, dig a trench for drainage and pour sand instead of soil.


A vine is a very bending and rather long branches of trees and various shrubs that are chosen for building a fence and even building houses from them. Wattle wattle is aesthetic, natural and beautiful.

In order for the fence to come out strong and last longer, the following requirements must be met:

  • To facilitate the work with the rods and give them flexibility, they are soaked in hot water or left in a well-heated bath for a couple of hours. After that, you should immediately start weaving, because after the material dries, it will lose its flexibility, but it will perfectly hold any shape.
  • For a low decorative fence, you need to pick up branches no more than 2 cm thick, for tall wooden wicker fences - from 2 to 3 cm.
  • First, you should carefully remove the entire bark from the vine, apply a disinfectant, potassium permanganate, stain and varnish.

The vine is chosen to decorate decorative fences that will complement the design of a personal plot, divide it into different zones or decorate yard flower beds.


A wicker board fence will carry both a decorative and protective load due to its reliability and ability to protect against uninvited guests on the site.

Unedged boards, planed boards and poles (they can be made of metal, wood or concrete) are selected for production. The fence will stand with the help of the tension of the "woven" boards, but nails can be used for additional fastening.

A small hole underneath finished product, often laid with ordinary bricks or stones of different sizes.

Wicker elements made of wood in a brick fence are very popular. If you want to weave a fence from boards yourself, then be sure to look for an assistant, since it is very difficult to build this building alone.

A popular type of such a fence is the Austrian braid. For its construction, a pine tree is chosen - inexpensive material characterized by a long service life. Such a structure must be coated with an antifungal substance.

Fence posts are made from wooden beams or metal pipes. They are fixed at an equal distance, for style they can be painted in any color or decorated with boards.


Most often, a wicker fence is associated among the inhabitants with natural materials, but today it is also produced from PVC, which has a number of positive features:

  • Long service life. This is the main difference between PVC and other materials. For all the time of operation, the fence will not lose its stylish look.
  • Mobility. Anyone can make and install a plastic wattle fence. The design is lightweight and easy to transport.
  • Ease of use. PVC fences will not fade in the sun, will not be afraid of heat, cold and high humidity. To fence long time retained a decent appearance, you need to cover it with a special composition from time to time. Metal components are constantly treated with a special tool.
  • Rich model selection. Fences can be selected in all sorts of colors, which will perfectly complement the design of your personal plot. It is also important to initially choose the right PVC fence parameters.
  • Acceptable price. Due to the ease of production, PVC fences have an acceptable and affordable price.

What to choose?

You have a great opportunity to first choose what material to make your new wicker fence from. In addition to those already mentioned, you can opt for hazel - this is a type of twig that is collected only in early spring, before the first buds appear on the branches, it is then that young shoots have special flexibility. Hazel in terms of service life is not inferior to willows.

Also, you should pay attention to artificial rattan, which has many advantages: it looks natural, external characteristics will not yield to natural samples, and thanks to it, Natural resources. Rattan will not respond to climate change and therefore can stand for decades without requiring repair costs. Natural rattan quickly grows into the ground, which artificial does not. Synthetic rattan costs much less than natural rattan.

Alpine vine is quite popular today for its neat appearance, so you can always pair it with other weaves to make your fence even more exclusive.

By the way, all kinds weaves can be used not only for fences, but also in flower beds. A flower bed with a wicker base in the form of a fence will not require extra costs and will look great both in the country and in the garden of a house in the city.


Wicker fences can be very successfully decorated with a number of secondary elements to make the decor of the site unique.

Chess is when the vine is taken in a bundle and woven horizontally. The result is an original product.

Among the wide variety of types and options for fencing, wicker construction stands out for its originality and aesthetics. Such a fence is relatively simple and quick to make. on your own and, most often, does not require expensive materials.

Wicker fence made of branches and boards

When wondering how to make a wicker fence with your own hands, you should first choose right material. It must be strong enough to hold its shape and flexible enough to weave. Usually they take willow and alder rods, birch and hazel. In addition, there are several schemes for making a wicker fence with your own hands.

Detailed instructions for installing a fence from branches

do-it-yourself wicker fence made of branches - schemes

To make a wicker fence from branches with your own hands, you first need to install supports. Metal pipes or fairly thick wooden stakes can be used as posts. The thicker the rods chosen for the fence, the more solid the pillars must be, otherwise they may break under the load. They put supports at a distance of half a meter or sixty centimeters. Relatively thin ones are buried thirty or forty centimeters, and thicker ones are dug to a depth of half a meter.

wicker fence made of branches with your own hands. step by step photos

Before starting work, wooden rods should soften. To do this, they are kept for some time over steam or lowered into salt water. After such processing, the material becomes more flexible, there is no danger of breaking it, and the weaving process requires less effort. When the work is completed and all the elements are installed in their places, they will dry out, lose their elasticity and be securely fixed.

On the first column, the rods should be fixed with wire. Then they are stacked with a snake, bypassing the posts. Rows go around the pillars on one side, then on the other, alternating. If the fixation of the rods seems unreliable, then it is better to attach them to the posts with wire. It is better to leave five or ten centimeters between the ground and the lower edge of the wattle fence. This will protect against the ingress of moisture and become an obstacle to rotting. The fence will last longer.

how to make a wicker fence from branches with your own hands. Video

Wicker board fence

To fence the site, you can make a wicker fence from boards with your own hands. It looks interesting and will serve as a good alternative to a picket fence or other fencing options.

The main material are planed boards. Metal or wooden supports of sufficient thickness are placed at a distance of two or two and a half meters from each other. Their base is concreted to increase stability. The load of curved boards will be significant.

how to make a wicker fence with your own hands. step by step photos

The boards are additionally fixed on the poles with self-tapping screws. Previously, the tree must be treated with antiseptic compounds from decay.

wicker fence made of boards with their own hands. Photo

The finished fence can be covered wood stain. In this case, the natural color and texture of wood will be preserved. You can also paint such a fence in any suitable color that is combined with colors other buildings on the site.

Vertical weaving fence

A vertical weaving fence made of birch branches can become not just a fence, but an original decoration of the site. In addition, it protects against penetration, since it looks quite dangerous. Making such a wicker fence with your own hands is not difficult, if available. enough suitable material.

do-it-yourself wicker fence master class. Photo

For construction you will need:

How to make such a fence: instructions

Below is a master class do-it-yourself wicker fence with vertical weaving. Let's consider the main stages.

After some time, the birch fence will dry out and all its elements will be securely fixed.

Wicker options

. wattle fence

Wattle fences are very different. Very low, enclosing small plot, or high, in human growth. Wicker fences are made using simple horizontal weaving of branches, as well as more complex weaving methods. Complex weaving creates a special aesthetic, but without experience, making such a fence is not easy. A vertical weave fence can be decorated with a curly top.

. Wicker board fence

A fence of interlaced boards can be built in several ways. In the first version, the material is used relatively flexible and it is not intertwined with the main support pillars, but with additional slats located more often. In the second version, the boards are thicker, their flexibility is less and the waves are long. In the third version, the fence is made of boards with vertical weaving, which also looks very interesting.

Fence Wattle

. Wattle beds

Wattle can decorate flower beds. The result is attractive. The shape of such a fence can be rectangular, round or multifaceted. The sizes of flower beds can vary from very small, in the form of baskets, to quite large ones. Various options weaving allows you to create original designs. For weaving, you can use bundles of rods or individual branches.

. Wattle gazebo

Using weaving from branches, you can make not only fences, but also other structures on the site, such as gazebos. Weaving can be used in different quantities. Part of the fence of the gazebo can be made from it, or it can be completely. It uses the most different variants weaving. Walls can be made with simple weaving or construction complex shape using difficult ways weaves of rods.

Branch fence - original design, which is based on weaving technology. If you use planks of small thickness (wood veneer) or boards, you can make a fence with your own hands that is similar in design, but more durable. To build a fence from branches, it is allowed to use material from different tree species.

What can be used as canvas?

If a fence of rods is erected, the most preferred options for such a design are: birch, willow, hazel and maple. There are many varieties of trees and shrubs. However, to make a relatively reliable fence, a flexible material is used.

An alternative to the above options: a fence made of branches of an apple tree, mulberry, and also a cherry. In a word, it is allowed to use material that can be obtained in your own garden.

The best rods are made from branches of willow, alder, hazel (hazel) and birch, and wattle is also made from poplar and maple.

Pillars are best made from larch, which is explained by the resistance of this type of wood to moisture, which means it will last forever. The diameter of the branches and supports may be different. But it is recommended to use thicker branches.

A fence made of woven rods is constructed using branches of a large section (no more than 8 cm), they are used for poles. The higher the fence, the larger the supports should be.

If wood veneer or reeds are used, as well as edged or unedged boards, metal or wood poles are more suitable for such cases. But their cross section can be small or medium (for example, 40x40 cm). For comparison, to make a fence made of brick, corrugated board or metal with your own hands, large-sized supports are used: at least 60x60 cm, 80x80 cm.

Procurement of material is carried out in the spring. Moreover, it is recommended to cut the rods obliquely (angle up to 60 degrees). The fence is erected with freshly cut branches. This is the least labor intensive process. It is also allowed to make a fence from rods with your own hands, while using pre-prepared raw materials.

But then you have to soak the material (in boiling water, bath). The reed needs to be dried, simultaneously with this process the desired shade is formed: golden (drying in the sun), light green (in the shade).

How to make a frame?

Wooden wattle fence is built in several stages. The first of them is the preparation and installation of supports with your own hands. Thick branches used as poles are fired.

The supports must be prepared for installation - they must be impregnated, burned and tarred.

To extend the service life, they need to be coated with a deep penetration primer, and it is recommended to tar the lower part of the pillars.

The supports are usually buried to a level that corresponds to a third of the height of the fence made of rods. For example, for a construction of 1.5 m, the pillars are buried at least 50 cm.

Depending on which weaving technology is chosen, the distance between the supports is determined. With a horizontal orientation of the rods, it is sufficient to remove the pillars by 40-50 cm. Moreover, all supports should be at an equal distance.

To make a fence using the vertical weaving method, it is necessary to attach the crossbars located in horizontal plane. Their number is determined by the height of the fence. It is recommended to fasten the crossbars at a distance of up to 50 cm.

Weaving technology

So that at the end of the work it is possible to make the upper edge of the fence more even, dig in 1-2 thicker rods between the posts. Their length should exceed the height of the fence. This will intercept the wattle on top, and align the edge. Such rods are dug into the ground.

Scheme of vertical and horizontal weaving of the fence

Chess technology involves alternately around the pillars. The branches must be laid, starting from the thickened end. The thinner edge is easier to hide between the bars. To achieve a tighter laying, every few rows (3-4) the wattle is tapped with a hammer.

Depending on which weaving technology is used, it is possible to form a fence using not single rods, but groups of branches. If the edge of the vine protrudes too much from behind the post, it is cut.


Any type of fence (wicker fence made of boards, veneer, rods or reeds) needs to be processed. Part of the material is covered with special compounds even before installation in the ground, for example, poles. If a harvested vine is used, then it is also pre-coated with stain and paints after drying.

The finished structure is also processed by special. impregnation, stain. Finishing wattle - almost always varnish. This allows you to maintain the natural appearance of the fence. One of the ways to process the finished hedge with your own hands is from a spray gun.

Features of the construction of wattle boards

If you plan to weave a fence with your own hands from a more durable material - boards, you need to pick up blanks maximum length. In this case, the distance between the supports can reach 1.5 m.

Between them have intermediate strips installed vertically. Their number is determined by the degree of rigidity of the material, as well as the length of the section.

When a wicker fence is being built from boards, the tree is laid with the end side down, on top of each other without gaps. Checkered weaving is used. Boards must be very long. Such material can easily withstand bending loads.

After mounting the pillars, install two vertical boards between them, then horizontal boards should be fixed on these vertical boards.

Metal pillars for such structures are concreted. A combination of wattle and protruding soil is allowed concrete foundation, brick pillars.

Other types of braids

The construction of veneer is somewhat different, as it is assembled from sections consisting of a frame and a woven fabric, which is fastened with self-tapping screws and nails. Another option for a fence is vertical weaving.

Ready-made fence from boards, more detailed instructions look at the video below.

For its implementation, birch branches are used, and freshly cut, as long as they are flexible enough. The material is fastened with self-tapping screws, nails to horizontally oriented crossbars.

For such structures, pillars are also needed, however, they can be placed quite far from each other. At the final stage, the fence is processed protective composition, is colored.