Choosing odorless wood furniture paint. Ways of painting old furniture, technologies and fashion trends Painted furniture

Painting will change appearance furniture, transform the interior. Old cabinets, tables, dressers or bedside tables can be restored in this way. Even beginners will be able to cope with painting. But how do you paint your furniture the right way? It is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with the features of the work, necessary materials and tools.

How to paint furniture to get a quality product that will last long years? The process is quite serious and has some peculiarities. The production uses special painting equipment. You can purchase it or make it yourself. In the latter case, you will need schematic drawings for the spray booth.

When self painting furniture, you need to figure out what types of paints are and how they interact with different materials... Tools and materials required for painting furniture:

  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper, a piece of bar (grinder or other alternatives);
  • dye;
  • brushes or roller;
  • masking tape;
  • putty;
  • primer.

In addition, you will need the product itself and protective equipment: gloves, clothing and glasses. To apply paint in an even layer, you can use a spray gun or spray gun. Such tools are mainly used when the area to be painted is very large. They will help speed up the process and save time and effort. For small items or their parts, it is recommended to use a brush or roller. The paint is applied in one direction. One layer is often not enough, so the work is repeated 1-2 more times. It is possible to apply the second and subsequent layers only if the previous layer is well dried.

Preparatory stage

To paint furniture with your own hands, it is recommended to do it in a separate room. The process can take several days, so it is better to have the furniture in another room. Thus, it will be possible to protect the home from dust. It is also recommended to wear safety glasses, gloves and a gown while working.

To prepare furniture you will need:

  • wood putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • rubber spatula;
  • acrylic primer;
  • brush (roller).

Furniture surface preparation is as follows:

  • the product is disassembled;
  • remove paint and varnish;
  • primed, putty.

The first step is to replace or repair all the mechanisms. To do this, the furniture is disassembled into separate elements, handles and hinged parts are removed. Dismantling of interior items is also necessary in order to evenly and completely paint all the elements. Do it while the furniture is in assembled impossible. When the restoration of the mechanisms is completed, you can start preparing the surface for painting.

If you disassemble and remove the decorative elements, the fittings are impossible, masking tape will help to protect them from paint ingress. On products with a pattern and a picture, all decorating elements are also sealed with tape, and after painting the furniture they are carefully removed.

Disassembling furniture before painting

Old paint must be removed first.

Priming wooden furniture


Cleaning and priming

Furniture must be cleaned of the old coat of varnish and paint. To remove old layers at home, you need coarse sandpaper. She sands the surface of interior items. The process is quite difficult; a grinding machine can make it easier. If there is none, you can wrap the sandpaper around the bar, and then walk it over the entire surface of the product.

In addition, you can remove old paint using other tools, among them:

  • construction hair dryer- the tool heats up the old paint. Under the influence of hot air, it is quickly cleaned with a spatula;
  • remover - you can buy products at car stores. The wash is applied to the surface. After a while, the paint will start to bubble. Now it can be easily removed with a spatula. When working with this tool, you must use protective equipment;
  • grinder with a metal brush. With such a tool, you need to carefully, without touching the wood, go through all the elements.

Building hair dryer

Old paint can be removed from furniture with a special remover

After cleaning the products with any tool, it is necessary to process the parts with sandpaper. Special attention need to be given to the end parts and decorative elements... Then a less harsh processing will be needed, so fine-grain sandpaper is passed over all the details. When the work is finished, dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner. This way, dust will not be scattered throughout the room.

Priming the furniture is an important step in the preparation process. A special solution is applied to the surface, which ensures an even distribution of the paint, as well as a better adhesion to the surface.

  • the furniture is covered with an acrylic primer;
  • leave for some time to dry;
  • after that, the surface is degreased with vodka or alcohol.

It is better to choose a primer similar in color to the future paint. Thus, the layer will be smoother, and it will also be possible to save on dyes.

You can cover up and paint over scratches on furniture with a putty. A small amount of the product is spread over the surface of the product with a rubberized spatula. If the defects remain visible, you can go over the putty again.

Priming wood before painting saves paint


How to paint furniture? The first step is to decide what kind of paint you need to paint your furniture. Its type depends on the material from which the chests of drawers, wardrobes, tables are made. It is recommended to use the following types of paints:

  • acrylic paints are the most popular in furniture painting. They have many advantages: they dry quickly, are easy to apply, and are considered more resistant than other types. The paint is diluted with water, which significantly saves material. Acrylic paint has a less pronounced odor and ventilates faster. Apply it with a roller or brush;
  • another commonly used type is spray paint. It is applied very quickly. Spray paint is distributed evenly;
  • depending on which surface should be glossy or matte, the paint is chosen differently. For glossy products, you need enamel varnish paint, and for matte surfaces, you need oil paint;
  • many people like the natural structure of wood. To preserve it, the products are covered with transparent paint. V building stores various colorful materials are sold for these purposes. They can be mixed with each other and get the desired shade.

Is varnish required

Varnish is used not only to make furniture look spectacular. It creates a more durable surface. The varnish will help protect interior items from dirt, moisture and insect pests. Varnish can be:

  • alcohol - used for the restoration of antique interior items;
  • acrylic is the most convenient type of varnish. It appeared not so long ago, but has already become popular. Has no strong smell, suitable for outdoor and internal works. Acrylic lacquer diluted with water. Its properties are similar to alkyd varnish, but acrylic is much more economical;
  • alkyd - it is diluted with a solvent. The surface covered with alkyd varnish has a film that is resistant to abrasion;
  • nitrocellulose;
  • oil is the most economical option. Oil varnishes are used to paint the floor. They used to be very popular. Varnish is diluted with linseed oil, it dries for a long time;
  • polyurethane - this type of varnish is used to process ship parts, which indicates its increased wear resistance. On wood treated with polyurethane varnish, a quick-drying protective film appears, due to which the furniture will be painted in the shortest possible time.




Do-it-yourself furniture painting is a great option to update the interior of the room without unnecessary hassle and cost. This is an opportunity to create your own style and not spend a lot of money on it, and in fact financial question most often worries people who are going to do repairs or change the environment.

On a note! Any furniture is subject to painting, regardless of what color it was earlier.

Do-it-yourself furniture painting is a great opportunity to restore appearance favorite wardrobe or kitchen set

Old wardrobes, tables and dressers are well suited, which can still serve, but look far from presentable. Do-it-yourself furniture painting is a great opportunity to restore the appearance of your favorite cabinet or kitchen unit and at the same time choose the exact color that is most suitable for the specific design of the walls, floor and ceiling.

It will be and interesting option for decorating a children's room. Thus, ordinary boring furniture will turn out to be bright and original design, which the child will definitely like.

Nightstand with print

Experts say that absolutely any furniture can be repainted to your liking. Even a black cabinet with a glossy surface can be turned into white if you choose the right paint and carry out the preparatory work.

Experts say that you can repaint absolutely any furniture to your liking.

It's worth starting with preparing everyone necessary tools and materials for painting furniture with your own hands. This includes a gauze bandage and glasses, sandpaper with varying degrees of grain, detergent, soft brushes and rags for rags, primer, putty knife and hair dryer. All this is useful for preparatory work. In addition, you need to stock up on acrylic or latex paint, glossy or matte varnish, rollers and brushes, masking tape, a tray for paint and stencils, if any are provided for further work. Experts recommend choosing brushes especially carefully. It is necessary to check that they do not crumble, otherwise the pile will remain on the paint, and this will ruin the whole effect.

It's worth starting with the preparation of all the necessary tools and materials.

Attention! You need to work in a well-ventilated area.

This is an important condition when it comes to paint and varnish. It is advisable to close the windows with a net so that midges do not get into the room. One mosquito on a freshly painted surface is enough to redo all the work. Don't forget about safety precautions. The nose and eyes must be well protected from toxic fumes and dust. Be sure to take care of the clothes as well, as they will get dirty during the painting process.

The nose and eyes must be well protected from toxic fumes and dust

The working process

As for how to paint chipboard furniture with your own hands, it is worth noting that it is not difficult to do this at home. Much more problems arises during preparatory work. Much depends on the condition of the piece of furniture. It is possible that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort in order to clean the surface of old paint or varnish.

It is best to disassemble the object of the future painting into parts and wash it thoroughly.

If we talk about how to paint old furniture with your own hands, then you need to start with a sink. To do this, you will need rags, kitchen sponges, and a detergent diluted with warm water. It is best to disassemble the object of the future painting into parts and wash it thoroughly. Moreover, it will be more convenient to get rid of varnish and old paint. If you cannot completely disassemble the furniture, you should at least remove the doors, handles and take out the drawers.

After everything is washed and dried, you can proceed to the next stage of work. All surfaces that will be painted in the future must be treated with fine-grained sandpaper. After that, you can apply a layer of primer, it is best to use acrylic in the color of the base paint. At this stage, you can get rid of major flaws, for example, putty chips and cracks.

If any areas are not to be painted, they should be immediately covered with masking tape.

After the putty has dried, it is worth applying another layer of primer, but this time it is necessary to match the color of the main paint. As soon as it dries, you need to use sandpaper again and wipe the surface well. After that, you will need to go over it with a vacuum cleaner to remove all the dust that remains after polishing.

If any areas are not to be painted, they should be immediately covered with masking tape. At this stage preparatory work can be considered complete. Then it remains only to apply several layers of acrylic or latex paint and wait until everything is dry. You can paint different ways... There are no special rules here, since the main role is played by the result the master wants to achieve. In this sequence, the preparation and painting of chipboard furniture takes place, but there are more difficult cases... Below you can find the video "How to paint furniture with your own hands", which will allow you to find out more information about this process.

Working with polished furniture

You can paint not only modern furniture in order to diversify it, but also the old one, which was released more than a dozen years ago. If you connect imagination, you can achieve an amazing result and turn your grandmother's old chest of drawers into a real decoration. modern interior... Painting of furniture will be especially relevant when decorating a room in the style French country and in the Scandinavian direction.

You can paint not only modern furniture in order to diversify it, but also old, which was released more than a dozen years ago.

Craftsmen often come across old polished furniture in their work, which is rather difficult to prepare for painting. Here it is necessary to first remove a thick layer of varnish while doing this so as not to damage the wood.

Professionals prefer chemical method getting rid of varnish. For this are used special means, which can be applied to the surface, wait a certain time, and then rinse with water. These are kind of solvents that get rid of varnish or old paint on any surface. It is very convenient to work with them, but the prices of such products are quite high.

The varnish is removed with sandpaper

If you don't want to spend money, you can use a mechanical cleaning method. It takes more time and effort, but is much cheaper. The varnish is removed with sandpaper. She needs to treat the entire surface so as to completely get rid of old varnish or paint, and this is not easy, since it will require serious physical effort. If the farm has a grinder, this radically changes the situation. With its help, you can remove old varnish very simply and quickly.

Advice! You can replace the sander with a construction hairdryer or a gas burner.

By heating the surface, you can easily remove old layers of varnish. However, it should be borne in mind that this method of cleaning the varnish surface is not suitable for every type of furniture. Moreover, you need to work with a hairdryer or a burner very carefully, since these devices can easily spoil the base and it will be difficult to paint furniture with your own hands.

Regardless of which way of working with the varnish surface will be chosen by the master, all safety rules must be observed. When dry cleaning, you will need gloves and a mask, if mechanical method- safety glasses, and thermal method does not exclude the ignition of the object.

How to paint semi-antique furniture?

For country style, either French Provence the options for painting furniture with artificial aging are ideal. This gives the room a special chic and brings its own flavor. In this case, as for how to paint semi-antique furniture with your own hands, it is important to choose the right color. In case of rustic styles best fit bright hues... They allow you to create the effect that the furniture has been performing its functions for a very long time and has occupied an honorable place in the house for not the first year. In the country style, good and high-quality pieces of furniture, time-tested, are appreciated.

Painting furniture in the style of Provence

In order to paint Provence style furniture with your own hands with an aging effect, you need to use several techniques. At the same time, you should not give up the preliminary preparation of the basis. The paint can even be applied in one layer so that the base shines a little through it. But the main effect of aging is performed using fine-grained sandpaper. It is used to rub furniture in corners, in the area of ​​handles and where a person often touches the surface. That is, the impression should be created that this piece of furniture has been used for a long time, but it is kept in good condition.

You can also add the effect of shining through the old paint. To do this, paint a different color on top of a new one gently with a brush, and then rub it all over. For a scuffed effect, dark wax is also suitable, which can be rubbed onto a light surface.

Everyone knows that old furniture made of wood is durable and of very high quality. Therefore, you should not rush to throw it away, because only the cladding is in poor condition. The array itself almost always retains its qualities. So what do you do? Paint the furniture with your own hands. And how to do this and which coating is better to use, we will find out further.

How to paint wooden furniture?

If you don't know how to paint wooden furniture, then understand for yourself exactly what you want to see as a result. If your goal is to emphasize the structure of the wood, then varnish, stain, enamel, oil-based impregnation are ideal for this.

If you want to harmoniously fit an element of furniture into the interior, it is recommended to opt for paint and choose the appropriate shade. The surface of wood furniture can be made matte or glossy. Fortunately, the choice of coatings is huge today.

It is better to select paints and varnishes specifically for furniture. Pay attention to the composition of the coating. Better if it is oily or water based. So, acrylic paints are ideal for wooden furniture. They are resistant, easy to apply, odorless, and dry quickly. The huge selection of shades is also pleasing.

In addition, acrylic paints have a high degree of vapor permeability, which is very important for wood. Such a coating is absolutely harmless and allows the products, literally, to breathe.

The second most popular material is varnish. The choice for painting wooden furniture should be stopped on the following types of coatings:

  1. Nitrolac... Used for small pieces of furniture. Dries quickly, easy to apply.
  2. Water based varnish... If you decide to paint your countertops, then this is a great option. Especially if the desire to emphasize the structure of the wood is in the first place. The material is easy to apply, does not emit toxins, is suitable for painting any kind of wood, and has no odor. It should be noted that the water-based varnish dries for about a day.
  3. Polyurethane based varnish... It has high degree wear resistance, connects well with wood. It is recommended to thin with a solvent before application. Preferably applied over a primer.
  4. Alkyd varnish... A great option if you want, for example, to paint a table outside. The basis of such a varnish is a solvent, therefore, when applying to the surface of furniture located in the room, all windows and doors should be opened.
  5. Acrylic lacquer... If you want to emphasize the beauty of wood, then this material is what you need. Its basis is water. Non-toxic, easy to apply. It is best not to use for furniture outside the walls of the house.

To give the wood a silky look, it is recommended to use oil impregnation... To achieve a glossy effect, experts advise giving preference to wax oil.

Using wood paint

Cracks, chips need to be putty. After drying, you need to use sandpaper and walk well over the entire surface to prevent unevenness. After that, dust and dirt is removed with a damp sponge. Now you can start coating.

So, the first thing to do is to cover the surface with a primer antiseptic. This composition will protect furniture from moisture, mold, fungi and pests.

How to cover after? The second layer is to apply a primer. This will allow the decorative layer to be distributed over the surface as evenly as possible, and the consumption of the topcoat will be much less.

After applying the primer, the base coat can be applied. If you are interested in what paint to paint, for example, wooden bed, then ideal option will be acrylic.

Important! On large surfaces it is better to work with a roller, and in hard-to-reach places it is recommended to use a natural brush.

Using wood stain

After preparing the furniture, you can start applying paints and varnishes... The stain should be applied continuously and quickly enough. This will produce an evenly colored surface.

The stain is applied in two layers. The first is in the direction of the fibers, the second is opposite. Experts recommend not to wet the brush abundantly when painting, otherwise drops may remain.

We work with wax

The waxing procedure is quite complicated. Therefore, it is better to practice in advance. For ease of application, it is better to use a piece of hard cloth.

So, liberally soak the fabric in the wax and start slowly rubbing it into the furniture. After that, you need to wait for the coating to dry, but not harden, and polish the surface with a soft, clean cloth.

How to protect wood with oil?

What other means can be used to cover the surface of the furniture? So, for example, on wooden table it is recommended to apply oil coating... It will not only give the product a beautiful glossy look, but also protect against pests and adverse factors. environment- ultraviolet radiation, high humidity etc.

  • linseed oil - suitable for all types of wood, before using it should be boiled twice so that the layer dries faster;
  • tung - used for kitchen furniture, absolutely non-toxic;
  • teak, Danish - used for wood products, mainly hardwood, outdoors.

Oils are applied with a soft brush. The tool is abundantly wetted in the composition. It is applied in the direction of the grain. After that, wait until it is absorbed and remove the residues of the product with a soft cloth, then leave for 30 minutes and polish.

Apply varnish

The varnish on the wood looks very nice and gives the furniture a presentable look. No special care is required when covering the surface. The only thing to look out for is good lighting... Since the varnish has transparent texture, there is a possibility of missing some sections.

Important! After applying the first layer after drying, the surface is treated with a second one.

Everything that is painted with your own hands is always pleasing to the eye. Surely many will agree with this. And if you also use the right coatings for wooden furniture, you can significantly extend the life of the product and protect it from pests, as well as negative impact environment.

Would you like to know about Painting wood furniture? The choice of paint, stages and application in the interior of the house. Surely you often caught yourself thinking that you want something new, for example, to update.

For this, a decision is usually made to rearrange the furniture. But even this method does not always give the desired result. And then there is another way: to change the furniture, and not its location in the rooms.

But very rarely we can afford to just throw out old furniture and buy new ones, as this is too much for the budget. We will tell you about a method that is more economical and simpler in order to freshen up the environment. It consists in painting furniture from.

Tools and materials

Very often, furniture that was produced in the USSR is of such high quality that it can serve for many years, which cannot be said about many modern models... In addition, vintage-style home furnishings are now more popular than ever. For this reason, wood-like furniture painting is the ideal solution.

But how to do everything without noise and dust, and at the same time not turn your beloved apartment into the abode of an inept painter who can smell of all toxic agents? To do this, you will need to purchase special tools and materials.

To paint you need the following:

Before starting work, you should prepare the furniture. For this you will need:

  • Protective glasses.
  • Gloves.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Paint tray.
  • Brushes or.
  • Protection glasses.
  • Fine grit sandpaper.
  • Wooden block or sander.

When you have all the tools and materials ready, you can start. But before painting, it is worth putting it in proper form, so as not to make mistakes when painting.

Preparing furniture for painting

Proper preparation is the key to success. For this reason, you should carefully read the instructions and do everything exactly as described so that after painting you get the desired effect.

Advice! When choosing a primer, try to choose a shade that will best match the shade of the furniture. This will not only make the color even, but also make it possible to save on paint.

Which paint to choose

The following types of varnishes are commonly used:

  • Epoxy.
  • Oil.
  • Alcohol.
  • Alkyd.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Nitrocellulose.

Unlike paint, varnish add surface durability and hardness. But if you have not yet decided on the choice of what paint to paint your furniture, make a choice in favor of any paint from the list below:

Stages of staining (for example, a kitchen cabinet)

Most likely, you are thinking about this or that subject that you can paint. Very often these are kitchen cabinets, since they suffer more from mechanical stress and moisture than the rest of the furniture. Let's use the example of a kitchen cabinet to paint wood furniture with our own hands.

Note, what when buying kitchen cabinets without finishing, you will come across a birch in 8 out of 10 cases. This wood has a fine-grained structure, and the stain will look great on it. For example, if you use a cherry-tinted stain, you can easily get a cherry color.

Stage 1: sanding a tree. This is the most important step in preparation. Use a 120 grit sandpaper and sand the wood easily. It is important to do this in the direction of the texture to avoid scratching. Next, take 220 grit and sand the surface again to remove any scratches and create a smooth finish.

Stage 2: wood. To apply the impregnation, you should carefully wipe the dust from the surface. In this case, the impregnation will serve, and will contribute to uniformity during staining. After application, you need to wait until it dries completely.

Stage 3: applying stain. Ideally, it should be applied with a brush and circular motions so that the product works well into the woody texture. Apply the final coat in the direction of the texture to obtain a perfectly flat surface.

Painting old chipboard furniture

Perhaps you have old furniture that is a pity to throw away and nowhere to put. She can be in a barn, in the country and in a garage. Most of these items are made from chipboard - an inexpensive, lightweight and comfortable material. You can give a second life to such furniture if you refresh the coating and paint it in a different color. In addition, painting as a renovation will help to strengthen the surface that is subject to technical damage.

Furniture should be well prepared before painting. Since in this case the material is chipboard, two cleaning methods are available to choose from:

  1. Chemical. Chemical cleaning means the use of certain products from chemical elements to remove the old cover. The tool is selected individually, depending on what kind of coating is on the furniture. It is important to use gloves when working.
  2. Thermal. In this case, the treatment is carried out with steam or hot air. But for this you need a tool such as a hair dryer. A jet of air from a hair dryer should be directed to the surface and wait until the varnish or paint has softened so that the coating can be removed with a scraper.

After cleaning, we putty the surface and rub it with sandpaper.

To paint chipboard furniture, you will need acrylic paint in the bottle. This will get the job done faster and the surface will be level. Alkyd / oil paints will also be an excellent option in this case.

Advice: if you plan to paint furniture with a brush, then it is better to do this only with new tools. Also pay attention to how firmly the bristles hold. If hair falls out during work, this will have a bad effect on quality.

You know that painting wood furniture is done not only for reasons of economy and renewal, but also to create a unique style. Fashion and its trends have taken over wooden furniture, and even an old Soviet wall can look great with modern renovation if you work on it a little.

It will be enough to repaint it using the instructions given in this article. The main thing is that you immediately decide on the design. In the photo on the Internet, you can see how to transform boring furniture.

When painting furniture, as in any other repair work, there are certain secrets. They will not only help you get things done faster, but they will also save you money and also provide a great look.


We hope you find this article helpful if you want to update your furniture with paint. As you can see, you can transform your entire home with this easy-to-follow method.

Painting furniture on your own without special equipment and experience is a demanding task that is not always easy to cope with. The fact is that the correct processing of interior items involves the implementation of a set of interrelated procedures: the choice of a suitable paint, preparation of the base, application of the composition. Also, an important aspect is the material of the furniture that is being processed. If you make mistakes in the process, it will be extremely difficult to correct the situation.

An important condition high-quality painting of furniture with your own hands is the choice of a suitable composition. Currently, several varieties are used for work.

Acrylic water emulsion

This option is becoming more and more popular, which is explained by many advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness. This is an important parameter, since the products to be painted will be located in the residential area.
  • Fire safety. The film formed does not promote flame propagation and does not support combustion.
  • Good adhesion. The solution is applied to almost any surface.
  • Moisture resistance. Due to special additives, the resulting coating lends itself to wet cleaning.
  • Decorativeness. Although white is considered the traditional color, the use of a color scheme gives an opportunity to show imagination.

Painting with acrylic is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way, but in order for such furniture to last a long time, you must first prime the surface

But the use of this product has a peculiarity. Since most of the solution is water, and furniture is made mainly of wood or its derivatives, which absorb moisture well, this can lead to damage to the parts. Therefore, the base needs to be treated with primers.

The silicone variety is used primarily outside, but can also be used inside the home to cover pieces of furniture that are in direct contact with moisture. Due to the composition based on acrylic copolymer and silicone, the mixture acquires the following properties:

  • Elasticity. This avoids cracking when the wood expands.
  • Wear resistance. Scuffs do not appear on the surface, therefore the attractiveness of the products does not decrease.
  • Durability. The applied layer, subject to the technology, does not need to be replaced for decades.

Silicone paint due to the presence of silicone resins in the composition, it is hydrophobic and vapor permeable, which is especially important when using painted furniture in wet rooms

A significant disadvantage is the high cost.

Alkyd enamels

This option is inferior in quality to the acrylic variety, but is quite popular due to its advantages:

  • Availability. The cost of the material is very democratic, and the choice colors wide.
  • Ease of application. The presence of an organic solvent does not require the use of deeply penetrating soil, but it will not be superfluous either.
  • Prevalence. There are products even in remote areas, which cannot be said about water-based versions.

Alkyd paints are inexpensive, but it is better not to use them for painting furniture that is used in residential premises

The disadvantages of this variety are quite significant: flammability and bad smell, which is also toxic, so it is better not to use an alkyd composition at home.

Car enamels

The convenience of this type of paints is that they are sold in spray cans. This greatly simplifies the work process, but increases the final cost. The products are great for touching up small area or completely decorate the facade of the furniture. But for large-scale work, the expense will be too significant.

The peculiarity of these compositions is that they form a reliable coating, which, when choosing the right variety, can shine.

When working with a spray can, paint flies into different sides, therefore, it is better to paint on the street or pre-cover all the objects surrounding the furniture

Nitro paints

This option allows you to paint the furniture in a very high quality, but the home environment is not suitable for the process. To work with this composition, it is necessary to have appropriate experience and more professional equipment.


Such products are actively used as a coating for interior items. Well suited for restorations old furniture made of wood. There are many varieties on sale that tint the surface in desired color or emphasize the natural texture (colorless).

Important! It is better to completely abandon the application. oil paint... It will not provide the desired result and will create many problems.

Furniture varnish Alpina Mobel will emphasize the structure of the wood and protect against moisture

Features of painting depending on the material

Furniture can be made from various materials therefore, a deliberate approach is required to avoid problems and damage to parts.

On a note! Furniture can be partially or completely made of metal. Working with such items requires precise definition type of material and must be accompanied by careful preparation.

How to paint furniture

Painting interior items consists of several stages, it is important to perform all actions correctly and avoid damage to parts.

Required tool

Depending on the method of application, work will require different tools and accessories:

  • Brushes. They are rarely used, since they do not give an even coating. Suitable for difficult areas or highly embossed elements.
  • Roller. Used for flat parts. It is better not to use it for façade fragments.
  • Spray gun. A great option that allows you to get the desired result when used correctly.

  • Sponge. Needed to create a flat surface. The application process will require accuracy and a lot of time.
  • Sandpaper of various grain sizes. Used for removing old coatings and sanding. A grinder can simplify the task.
  • Paint remover or hair dryer. For DIY cleaning of previously painted parts.

  • Container for the coloring composition. It is used to simplify the work and mixing of the mixture and color.

If the product has flaws, then putty will be required. All work is carried out in goggles.

Furniture preparation

Proper preparation is the key to success, so the following steps are taken:

  1. Cabinet furniture (wall, chest of drawers, wardrobe, kitchen) is completely disassembled or only painted parts are removed. Most often these are facades. The hardware is removed.
  2. The old coating is peeled off. For this, a chemical or thermal method can be used, but damage to the base must not be allowed, therefore, some of the activities are carried out with sandpaper. When working with chipboard, it is necessary to sand the laminating layer, which will not allow the paint to lie down, but it does not need to be removed at all. When engaging grinder it is important to avoid the appearance of grooves, so the movements must be uniform.
  3. The surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, additionally degreasing is carried out.
  4. After drying, the acrylic primer is laid.
  5. The existing defects are eliminated with putty, then the problem areas are ground and primed again.

You should know! If you need to paint a new product that does not have decorative coating, then the greatest attention is paid to grinding. This will remove an inconspicuous fleecy layer that can spoil the look of the front surface.


Regardless of the tools used, work begins after cleaning, grinding, priming and drying all parts. A place for work is prepared in advance: it should be a table that will provide a flat plane and easy access to the elements. If a spray gun is used for the process, then it is better to create a certain area and hang it with polyethylene. A place for drying is also being thought out; a rack in a ventilated room is considered an excellent option.

The technology is as follows:

  1. The part is placed on an elevation above the table. For linings, you can use a wooden bar.
  2. The first coat of paint is applied. When spraying from a spray bottle or can, the movements should be smooth and parallel. It is more difficult to blot with a sponge, since you need to evenly treat each area. The coating is left to dry.
  3. The second layer is laid. The procedure repeats the previous one.
  4. The expediency of the third application is determined. If the surface is painted evenly, then this is not necessary.
  5. 2-3 layers of varnish are applied. This coating will keep the parts from being damaged. But this can be avoided if they do not need special protection.
  6. The surface is polished.

It is quite easy to avoid problems in obtaining a uniform coating: the design of furniture in the Provence style with the effect of antiquity is suitable for this. In this case, the furniture paint is applied with a brush with wide strokes, after which some areas (especially protruding ones) are smoothed with sandpaper. Then a layer of colorless varnish is applied. Patination is also considered an excellent option.

Video: we paint semi-antique furniture (master class)