Growing greenhouse cucumbers. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, garter, watering, processing

Fresh cucumbers are sold in stores today all year round, but their quality cannot be compared with vegetables grown independently. That is why many gardeners resort to various tricks to get the first harvest as early as possible. What is needed for this? In fact, not much - having your own greenhouse and knowing some rules for growing early cucumbers.

The main condition for receiving early harvest cucumbers in greenhouse conditions - right choice varieties and seeds. Hybrid varieties are best suited for cold and temperate climates - they are self-pollinating and tolerate a lack of sunlight well.


Plants with limited branching and short lateral shoots. The fruits are small (9-12 cm in length) of intense green color with large tubercles.A super early variety that produces the first harvest in 37-38 days. Resistant to diseases and low temperatures.

Medium-sized bushes with small and short (length 8-11 cm, weight 95-105 g) cylindrical fruits.An early ripening variety (ripening period 45-54 days), resistant to diseases, as well as changes in temperature and humidity.

Medium-sized plant with a limited number of side shoots. Fruits with large tubercles, dark spines 8-12 cm long.An early ripening hybrid (42-45 days), resistant to diseases, especially to powdery mildew and downy mildew.

Bushes with self-regulating branching, the fruits are dark green (length 14-24 cm), have faint pimples, pale white stripes and excellent presentation.An early ripening hybrid (fruits ripen in 46-48 days), resistant to most diseases.

Vigorous bushes with big amount lashes The fruits are small (10-13 cm), bright green in color with small tubercles, without a bitter aftertaste.High-yielding variety, resistant to most diseases.

Plants are strong, with a medium or small number of side shoots. The fruits are oval (13-15 cm), bright green, with large tubercles, universal use.It is distinguished by cold resistance, high yield and uniform yield of fruits.

Bushes with a limited number of side shoots, fruits are cylindrical, dark green, with large tubercles, not prone to yellowing. The length of one fruit is 20-25 cm, weight is 200-250 g.An early ripening variety, the first fruits appear after 45-55 days. Resistant to frost and most diseases.

Instructions for growing early cucumbers in a greenhouse

It is best to grow the crop in polycarbonate greenhouses with good ventilation and lighting. It is desirable that the structure be heated, but this can be completely avoided.

In addition, to obtain a good harvest, it is very important to follow the rules and stages of sowing seeds and caring for plants.

Stage one. Soil preparation

Cucumbers love lungs fertile soils does not contain clay, so the ground should be prepared in advance. The following soil compositions are considered the most suitable:

  • turf soil, compost (50/50) and wood ash in an amount of 8-10% of the total volume;
  • light garden soil (1/4 part), compost (1/3), peat (1/2).

In addition, for each square meter you should add:

  • ammonium nitrate – 30-40 g;
  • double superphosphate – 90-150 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 35-50 g.

The soil with fertilizers should be mixed well with a rake, leveled and watered at the rate of 2-15 liters of water per meter (depending on the dryness of the soil). Next, the ground needs to be covered with film and left for two weeks so that the fertilizers are well absorbed.

Stage two. Seed preparation

Quality seeds – required condition to obtain an early harvest of cucumbers, so before planting they need to be prepared in an appropriate way.

Step, no.DescriptionPhoto
Step 1To check the germination of seeds, it is recommended to calibrate them. Dilute ordinary table salt in water (10 g per 200 ml) and pour seed into the solution. Poor quality seeds will float to the surface, while those suitable for germination will remain at the bottom. After the procedure, the selected seeds should be washed and dried well.
Step 2To disinfect seeds, they are soaked for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Step 3To speed up the germination time, the seeds are germinated. Cotton pads or cotton pads are best suited for this. natural fabric(it is not recommended to use gauze, as it can break off the delicate roots). Place the cloth or cotton wool in a container, moisten it, place the seeds on top and cover with a second moistened layer. There is no need to close the container to allow oxygen access.
Step 4Wait 2 to 5 days - during this time the seeds should sprout. After this, they are completely ready for planting.

The germination procedure can be replaced by bubbling (treatment of seed with oxygen) - this method is more effective and significantly increases seed germination.

Stage three. Growing seedlings

When choosing the timing of sowing seeds, you need to take into account the fact that cucumber seedlings are transplanted into closed ground at the age of 20-25 days. You can use boxes or cassettes as containers, but the most practical option are peat cups, since the culture does not like picking, and peat containers allow you to avoid this procedure.

In addition, you will need a nutritious soil mixture: manure compost, vermiculite and turf soil in equal parts. Additionally, ash (a glass), urea (a teaspoon) and nitrophoska (a tablespoon) are added to it. Mix all the ingredients and fill the containers with them, then pour them hot water and let cool.

Seeds are planted one in each cup to a depth of 2 cm and placed in a warm place (at least 25°C). After the first shoots appear, the containers are moved to a bright place, protected from drafts.

Temperature in daylight hours days should be at least 22°C, night - 15-16°C. Caring for shoots at this stage is as follows:

Stage four. Transplanting shoots into a greenhouse

Plants can be replanted in previously prepared soil or in so-called warm beds. You need to choose one option or another taking into account climatic features and characteristics of the greenhouse itself. In cold climates and unheated structures, it is best to arrange manure beds that allow you to maintain the temperature necessary for cucumbers. For temperate climates, compost beds are suitable, and in heated greenhouses and warm climates, the shoots can be transplanted directly into closed ground, having previously poured high bed(30-40 cm).

The timing of replanting cucumbers can also be different: in manure beds or heated structures - in early April, in compost beds - in the 20th of the month, and in ordinary greenhouses made of film, which are heated only by the sun's rays - not earlier than May.

How to arrange a “warm” garden bed?

For “warm” beds, you can use manure (cow and a little horse) or any compost (rotted sawdust, vegetable waste, last year’s leaves, etc.). You can plant shoots in manure beds already in early April, and in compost beds a little later, with the beginning of spring warming. To arrange such beds and plant seedlings, you need to follow these steps.

Step, no.DescriptionPhoto
Step 1Manure or compost is placed in a high, long bed at least a meter wide.
Step 2Place a layer of prepared soil on top (thickness - about 25 cm) and water well.
Step 3Plant the seedlings so that there are 4 seedlings per square meter. The sprouts should be covered about a third of the way with soil so that the root collar remains above the soil surface. There is no need to thicken the planting, as this can lead to a decrease in yield.
Step 4Cover the structure with a film stretched over the supports (so that it does not touch the soil).

Due to the decomposition process that occurs in the substance under the ground, the soil temperature will be quite high (in a manure bed it can rise to 30 ° C). This temperature regime can last up to a month, after which the bed will begin to cool. Active growth will begin in 3-5 days.

Note: you can plant not only seedlings, but also seeds in “warm” beds. Shoots appear very quickly, and they should be cared for as described above.

Stage five. Planting care

  1. It is very important to maintain a warm, humid atmosphere in the room: daytime temperature - 22-28°C, night temperature - 18-20°C, humidity - at least 80%, avoiding sudden changes.
  2. Cucumbers are moisture-loving crops, so they need to be watered at least twice a week with warm water. During the period of mass fruiting, watering should be carried out daily, with the exception of cool and cloudy days. The best option for cucumbers - drip irrigation systems.

  3. It is recommended to loosen the soil immediately after watering, but do this very carefully, as root system cucumbers is located close to the surface. In addition, the greenhouse must be ventilated regularly.
  4. As soon as 8 true leaves appear on the plants, you can begin to form a bush. To do this you need to pinch off side shoots on the 3-4 lower nodes, and on the upper five - one leaf and one ovary.

  5. To tie up the lashes in the greenhouse there must be a trellis wire stretched at a height of 1.8 m from the rows. As soon as the plants reach the wire, you need to twist the main lashes around it, pinch them and tie them under the 2-3rd leaf not too tightly.

  6. Downy and powdery mildew pose the greatest danger to plantings, so leaves should be regularly checked for the presence of white plaque. If signs of disease are detected, watering should be stopped and the plants should be treated with systemic fungicides.

  7. It is recommended to fertilize the plantings approximately every week, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers, and it is especially important to feed the bushes during flowering and fruiting.

Growing early cucumbers in a greenhouse is not an easy process even for experienced gardeners, but if you follow all the rules, you will be able to enjoy fresh fruits long before the main season.

Video - Growing cucumbers. Cucumbers in a greenhouse

Many people's favorite vegetable is cucumber. It is also the most widely grown of all greenhouse crops. If you provide appropriate care for cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can get a harvest twice as large as when planted in open ground.

Greenhouse preparation

As the famous proverb says, you need to prepare a sleigh in the summer. But a greenhouse for planting cucumbers - in the fall. After the last harvest is harvested in the autumn days, the gardener must carry out a number of activities:

  • remove all plant debris from the greenhouse;
  • dig up the soil;
  • in order to disinfect and destroy pests, the entire greenhouse is treated with a solution of bleach (350g of lime per bucket of water, leave for 3 hours), it is important to treat all elements of the greenhouse, regardless of what material they are made of (wood, metal, glass, foam) . Finally, all the cracks must be thoroughly treated with the sediment of the solution.

Greenhouse preparation is not limited to cultivation; it also includes soil preparation. In the case when cucumbers were grown in the same greenhouse for two years in a row, the soil is either completely replaced or treated with bleach (dry added to the soil at the rate of 150 grams per square meter of land). It is better to replace the soil with the following mixture: mix peat, humus, turf soil in equal parts, sawdust.

In the spring, 5-10 days before planting seedlings, the ground is fertilized with half-rotted manure or humus at the rate of 13 kg per 1 square meter. The greenhouse is equipped with “pegs”, “ropes” or trellises along which the plant will climb.

Video “Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse”

In this video you will find simple tips on growing cucumbers in a very simply equipped greenhouse on a summer cottage.

Disembarkation rules

In order to receive best harvest, plant the cucumber in the greenhouse with seedlings, which in no case should be overexposed. The normal period for seedling growth is 23-25 ​​days. It is transplanted into the soil of a “covered garden” when the plant has 3-4 full leaves.

The beds in the greenhouse are made from 80 to 100 cm wide, from 20 to 25 cm high, the distance between them must be at least 1 meter. Holes are made in the beds at a distance of about 30 cm, which must be filled first with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in a warm form, and then with warm water. The seedlings are carefully transferred into the holes along with the soil from the cup in which they grew. The plant is planted at the depth of the cup. Then water is poured under the root, the temperature of which is approximately +23C.

Required climate

Greenhouse cucumber is a rather demanding crop, so it is necessary to strictly observe all the microclimatic conditions necessary for it. What are these conditions and their characteristics?

Temperature is one of the most important components of the microclimate. It is necessary to ensure that it is stable and does not allow sudden changes - this applies to both air and ground temperatures.

During seed growth, the temperature barrier is between +26C and +28C. During the growth period of the plant, the temperature can vary from +18C to +30C.

Air humidity. One thing to remember important rule: the higher the temperature in the greenhouse, the higher the air humidity should be. On hot days it can be up to 85%. If natural humidity seems insufficient, then it is increased in a simple way: on a hot day, water all the paths in the greenhouse generously and close it for an hour.

Ventilation. You must always remember that cucumbers really do not like drafts, therefore, when ventilating the greenhouse, you should open one side to allow oxygen to enter.

Lighting also plays an important role. If it is not possible to install additional light sources when growing this crop in the autumn, winter period, then you should take care to choose varieties that are resistant to darkening.

What should care include?

Cucumber is the same plant as others, but a little more whimsical, and therefore requires increased, but easy care which is:

  • regular and proper watering;
  • timely feeding;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding;
  • bush formation;
  • garter

Watering. The rules for watering when caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse boil down to the following:

  • the water must be warm, because cold water provokes diseases that lead to the death of the plant;
  • the frequency of watering varies depending on the stage of vegetable growth: before the ovaries appear - once every 3 days, after - daily watering;
  • the volume of water required for normal growth is 5-7 liters per square meter;
  • periodically, using a sprinkler, give the cucumbers a “warm shower”.

There is one nuance in watering this crop: no drops of water should remain on the plant overnight.

Feeding. Regular feeding is the key to healthy plant growth, and subsequently a rich harvest. Cucumber loves organic fertilizers very much. Manure is ideal as a “food” for him, and minerals should also be added to the soil from time to time. The frequency of the procedure in summer is at least five times (1 - before flowering, the rest - until the end of fruiting).

It is preferable to carry out 2 types of fertilizing: root - on sunny days and foliar - on cloudy days.

To carry out the first, use a solution containing:

  • urea - 15g;
  • superphosphate - 30g;
  • potassium sulfate - 20g;
  • water - 10 l.

Spraying the leaves should be done with a solution containing:

  • water - 10 l;
  • saltpeter - 5g;
  • superphosphate - 10g;
  • potassium salt - 8g.

One of the main factors in caring for cucumbers is light, so it is important to tie and shape the bushes in a timely and correct manner so that excess leaves do not prevent light from entering.

Harvesting. Harvest on time, the norm is every day or once every 2 days. It is better to do this in the morning. It is recommended to cut the fruits with a knife, leaving a small “tail” on the plant.

Cucumber is a unique vegetable and very healthy. It contains necessary for a person enzymes, iodine and even an insulin analogue. Growing this vegetable is not difficult, it is only important to follow the rules of care in the greenhouse and then you will have vitamins on your table all year round.

Video “How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse”

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse from seeds - tips on sowing, picking, planting seedlings, features of growing in a greenhouse. In the video you will find tips on growing, care, watering, etc.

How to care for cucumbers or all the secrets of watering and gartering cucumbers

How to care for cucumbers and what care consists of

Caring for cucumbers will not require much time or your labor. It consists of pinching, watering, weeding, tying and fertilizing.

You need to weed cucumbers in a timely manner so that weeds do not take away the beneficial substances from your cucumbers. Weeding is always combined with loosening.

We loosen it very carefully, because the roots of cucumbers are located close to the surface of the soil and are easily damaged. Experienced gardeners advise doing this by sticking a fork at the foot of the stem (without damaging the stem itself). Normal loosening is done between rows.

To increase the yield, cucumber vines are pinched after 5-6 true leaves appear on the sprouts. This gives rise to side shoots on which they grow female flowers. It is on them that the fruits are formed - the cucumbers themselves. Male flowers, “empty flowers,” open on the main stem. They are needed for female fertilization, although in small quantities. The side lashes are pinched in the same way.

Watering for cucumbers is a vital necessity

Cucumbers need a lot of water, only then will they grow sweet and tasty. If they don't have enough water, don't be surprised if they become bitter. The soil around them should be regularly and efficiently moistened.

When watering cucumbers, you should pour water not on the root, but on the ground around the stem, and not with a strong stream from a hose, but carefully from a watering can. Also, water for irrigation should be no colder than 20-23°C, since cold water stops the growth of cucumbers, and the plant can get sick and rot. Ideally, you should place a barrel or other container with water near the cucumber beds so that it has time to heat up in the sun during the day.

We combine watering cucumbers with fertilizing

Cucumbers need to be fed during watering. It will be better if you do this in the evening, when the sun is no longer hot. After all, when watering, especially fertilizing, it is undesirable for drops of liquid to fall on the plant, otherwise a burn in this place may result. We pour all this strictly onto the ground around the cucumber trunk.

Feeding cucumbers, approximately in 9-11 days. One liter of thick cow dung dilute it in a bucket of water (10 l), and add 25-30 g of urea or ammonium nitrate. Mix everything thoroughly. We water the cucumbers with this solution at the rate of 4 roots - 1 liter of liquid.

At the beginning of flowering, we feed the cucumbers with the same solution, but also add 50 g of superphosphate and potassium salt to it. When the cucumbers begin to bloom, it is good to add boric acid - 0.5 g, manganese sulfate - 0.4 g and zinc sulfate - 0.1 g. At the beginning of fruiting, water the cucumbers with the same solution as during flowering, but increase the amount of superphosphate and potassium salt to 60 g.

After fertilizing, it is necessary to pour water around the root so that all the nutrients go deeper to the roots and do not burn the plant.

Gartering cucumbers makes harvesting easier

When growing cucumbers in rows, it is very convenient to stick a stake up to 1-1.5 m high along the edges of the bed and stretch a wire or cord between them. Ready-made trellises are also sold. When the stems of the cucumbers begin to grow, they are lifted and tied to these wires. Just like they do in the vineyards.

Cucumbers themselves cling well to anything, but they need a little help and guidance with their lashes. As mentioned above, the vines are pinched so that they do not thicken the plantings too much and produce a larger harvest.

If you decide to tie up cucumbers, pay attention to the location of your beds. Make sure that the cucumbers are protected from cold winds and exposed to the sun as much as possible.

You can plant it around the cucumber bed, along the perimeter, tall plants, for example, corn. By the time the cucumbers grow and are staked, the corn will already be tall and bulky enough to protect them from cold winds. It is good to plant it in 2-3 rows.

Cucumbers on trellises are not shaded by anything, and this contributes to faster ripening. In addition, tied cucumbers are easier to remove because the greens are all in plain sight.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse

In general, caring for cucumbers grown outdoors and in a greenhouse differs quite a bit. For example, because cucumbers are planted in the greenhouse earlier than outside (about a month). Even in the greenhouse, the main vine is pinched later, after it reaches the height of the trellis and bends slightly downwards. Cucumbers in the greenhouse are also tied to trellises with twine. Shoots and buds are plucked from the axils of the first leaves (5-6), and shoots are left from the next six. We pinch them when they reach a length of 20 cm. The next ones - only when they grow to 40-55 cm. The main stem grows over the top of the trellis and further up to 60 cm, after which it is pinched.

To grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is better to use self-pollinating varieties, then they will have much more ovaries, and in the open air you can use those varieties that are pollinated by insects.

Another difference: in a greenhouse, the risers and soil must be disinfected before sowing cucumbers. We remove waste from the greenhouse in the fall and treat the inside with a solution of bleach - dilute 40 g in 12 liters of water, leave this solution for about 2 hours, filter and process. In spring, pour boiling water over the soil (3 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water). You can also use a special preparation Inta-vir.

In sunny weather, the greenhouse needs to be ventilated, but without drafts. Cucumbers don't like them. It is also necessary to open the greenhouse for pollination by insects. This contributes to good yield of cucumbers.

Greenhouses are used if cucumbers are planted in early dates, or in places where it is cool or even cold enough to grow cucumbers, such as in winter. But, if you plant cucumbers in the south or in the middle part of Russia in early June and later, you can do this in open ground.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse: general requirements

All gardeners know that growing heat-loving vegetables in middle lane outside protected ground is almost impossible. Since heat is retained in greenhouses and greenhouses longer and the microclimate in them is favorable, independent of the external influences of wind, frost, rain and daily temperature fluctuations, sowing seeds and planting seedlings can be done earlier than in open ground, and the harvest period is extended. for 1-3 months. Moreover, the harvest itself and the quality of the products are much better than in open areas.

Cucumbers are very demanding when it comes to growing conditions and, with proper agricultural technology, are capable of producing very high yields. When caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to be prepared to provide the plants with sufficient light, nutrients, optimal humidity soil and air.

But there are a number of factors that plants do not like - these are acidic soils, growing year after year in the same place, watering late in the evening, rare fruit picking, poor ventilation of greenhouses after watering or fertilizing, sudden temperature changes and drafts. But the most destructive for plants are cold air and cold water - this should be especially remembered when caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse and try to never allow such troubles to occur to plants.

In order for plants in protected soil to develop well and produce a harvest, there is a certain technology for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, from which it is not recommended to deviate one step. The first stage in agricultural technology is soil preparation, which begins to be prepared two weeks before planting. To do this, the permanent greenhouse is disinfected and the film greenhouse is covered. The soil is well watered and disinfected copper sulfate, add humus or compost, at least 1-1.5 buckets per 1 square meter. ridges and fertilize with complex fertilizers, such as nitrophoska or “Mortar”, dig up and leave for several days. Cucumbers bear fruit well only on well-fertilized organic fertilizers soils and plants are not afraid of high doses of organic matter.

Next, the technology for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse involves planting seedlings, which are planted in one line at a distance of 35-40 cm from one another. The holes are made 10-15 cm in size and watered with heated water or a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The seedlings need to be watered 2 hours before planting, and they should not be planted too deeply, so that the upper edge of the peat cup is at soil level. If the seedlings were grown in plastic cups, you should cut the containers in several places and remove the plant so that lumps of earth do not fall off the roots. If the seedlings are too elongated, you need to plant them so that the plant is slightly inclined to the ground.

The planted seedlings must be watered with water at a temperature of at least 27° and immediately mulched with peat or humus. Further care for cucumbers in the greenhouse requires that upper layer the soil did not dry out and a hard crust did not form. You should know that cucumbers truly begin to grow only in well-warmed soil, without sharp fluctuations in daily temperature.

Under the very roof of the greenhouse, two rows of thick wire are stretched, which will be needed to tie up the plants. Good care Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse means protecting plants from diseases and pests. A good solution would be to plant along the path with cucumber bed dill or basil - this will repel aphids. When the dill has grown to a height of about 20 cm, it should be removed and the seeds planted again. Aphids and marigolds are good at repelling aphids and can be planted at the beginning and at the end of the ridge.

It is also necessary to fertilize the cucumbers as they grow. Sometimes the condition of the plant itself indicates which mineral or microelement it lacks. Quite often, gardeners wonder why cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse, and this is a fairly clear signal that the soil is not sufficient quantity nitrogen. But the cause of yellowing leaves on cucumbers can also be pests, for example spider mite. It settles on the bottom of the leaf, enveloping it in a web. The mite sucks the juice from the plants, causing the leaves to first turn yellow and then die completely. The reason why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse may also be that the plants are too thick, the greenhouse is poorly ventilated, or the soil is not loosened enough.

About proper watering of cucumbers in greenhouses

Even if there is a small land plot and the desire to have your own vegetables, you can safely get to work. For getting early vegetables they should be planted in greenhouses. Caring for plants in greenhouses is significantly different from how they are grown in open ground. In greenhouses, control over temperature conditions, the presence of moisture in the soil and other parameters is necessary. In this short article we will try to talk about watering, fertilizing and growing cucumbers in greenhouses.

Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse

Obtaining good yields of any vegetables depends on many factors, including what kind of soil in your greenhouse. Ideally, it would be good for it to consist of turf soil, contain manure and humus, as well as a peat mixture. All this is taken in equal parts, and the mixture should be well mixed. You can add chalk or quicklime, this will get rid of the appearance of fungi in the greenhouse. Experts recommend regularly adding to the soil wood ash. There is no need to add fertilizer to the soil before planting.

About a week before planting, soil in the greenhouse cover with film to keep her warm. While the soil in the greenhouse is warming up, you can stretch the wire to tie the cucumbers. It should be placed at a height of approximately 1 to 1.5 m from the floor and well secured so that it can withstand the weight of growing cucumbers. If there are several rows of wire in the greenhouse, then a distance of approximately 30 cm is recommended between the rows.

It is best to plant cucumber seedlings in the soil of a greenhouse in the pots in which they grew. This is good preserves the root system, and the plant painlessly tolerates replanting and changing conditions for further growth. They plant it in a checkerboard pattern so that one plant is no closer than 50 - 60 cm from another. This ensures good illumination of the plants.

How gardeners properly water cucumbers in a greenhouse

In any greenhouse, it is quite easy to provide the necessary temperature and humidity conditions for the growth, fruiting and ripening of cucumbers. It is necessary to ensure that there are no sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the greenhouse.

Humidity in the greenhouse is maintained quite high - from 80 to 90%. These indicators are achieved by frequent spraying and watering of plants. Helps preserve long time humidity and film with which the greenhouse is covered.

Watering should only be done heated water, the temperature of which should be within 20 - 250C. If the temperature of the water for irrigation is lower, then it must be heated. In the initial period, cucumbers require watering once every 2 - 3 days. As soon as the ovary appears, water daily. The volume of water poured should be approximately 7 liters per square meter of soil. Cucumbers should be watered in this way before harvesting.

You can water the plants different ways . The main condition for watering is that the entire plant needs water, not just the root system. This can be achieved by using sprayers with small holes. Greenhouse sprinklers are also used. If possible, watering is carried out in sunny weather, while the windows in the greenhouses are closed. To maintain high humidity, the walls and paths of the greenhouse are watered. If it becomes noticeable that water is poorly absorbed by the soil, this is a sign of compacted soil, and it needs to be loosened. This can be done with a pitchfork, piercing the soil between the plants.

About feeding cucumbers grown in a greenhouse

You need to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse more often than in open ground. This is due to the limited volume of soil in greenhouses, especially when they are grown in boxes or using different racks. Experts recommend fertilizing once every 7-10 days. For this purpose, solutions of mineral fertilizers are used. There are two types of fertilizers:

Fertilizing cucumbers in a greenhouse usually alternates. In clear sunny weather, root feeding is carried out, and foliar feeding is carried out when there is insufficient lighting in the greenhouse.

If the greenhouse is equipped with lamps for lighting in small quantities, then foliar feeding is carried out 1 - 2 times with the addition of, in addition to basic mineral fertilizers, also microelements. In this case, it is necessary to dissolve 5 g of potassium and urea sulfate in 10 liters of water, as well as superphosphate - 10 g, copper sulfate - 0.5 g. Take sulfates of elements such as manganese, iron, magnesium, 1 g each. boric acid.

Superphosphate has very poor solubility in water, so it is dissolved in hot water in advance, one day before use. Then the settled solution is drained and mixed with the remaining components.

After the first 15 days of growth, cucumber plants require increased attention and care. With the beginning of flowering, nitrogen fertilizers are replaced with phosphorus. During this period, it is necessary to strictly observe the regularity of fertilizing and not skip it.

Before fertilizing, first water the cucumber beds. This is done four hours before feeding. The feeding itself is carried out in the late afternoon. Experienced gardeners recommend adding fertile soil under the plants after fertilizing.

A few words about the formation of cucumber bushes

When 14 - 15 days have passed since the cucumber seedlings were planted, you can begin to tie them up. Cucumbers must be tied up carefully so as not to damage the stem of the plant.

They form a bush with one main stem, but leave side shoots. Inspect the axils of the first 4 - 5 leaves for the presence of shoots in them. If there are any, they are removed. The next 5 - 6 shoots are left approximately 20 cm long, and their tops must be pinched off. Above, shoots are left, the length of which does not exceed 50 cm. The main shoots are thrown over the wire, and when its length behind the wire is 60 cm, it is pinched. If this is not done, you will get too many side shoots, the leaves will shade and interfere with each other, and there will be few fruits.

Unfortunately, it often happens that cucumber plants in greenhouses begin to get sick. Offered some tips experienced gardeners, what to do in such cases:

Caring for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Distinctive characteristics of a polycarbonate greenhouse from a film greenhouse: ease of growing vegetables, reliability and strength of the structure. It is easier to create a stable microclimate in a polycarbonate greenhouse, and growing cucumbers will become a real pleasure.

Preparatory work for planting seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Before directly planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to take one nuance into account. If the greenhouse structure is made of cellular polycarbonate, then preliminary cultivation of seedlings is not necessary. You can maintain an optimal microclimate for young shoots of cucumber seedlings using additional insulation greenhouses with film or other protective materials. In the absence of cellular polycarbonate, cucumbers are grown outside the greenhouse, in a warm, cozy home, for up to 25 days or more. Typically, cucumber seedlings are planted 30 days after the cucumber seeds fall into a plastic tray or pot with soil.

It’s worth saying a few words about cucumber seeds. Not every cucumber can self-pollinate. Now the manufacturer has simplified the task of growing cucumbers indoors, where there are no pollinating insects. Hybrids are seeds that are optimally suited for closed ground. The hybrid varieties of cucumbers “Halli”, “Courage”, and “Marta” have proven themselves to be excellent. Excellent results the varieties “Granata”, “Hercules” and the variety that is not afraid showed fertility low temperatures, not whimsical in terms of lighting - “Marfinsky”.

Preparing soil in a greenhouse

Cucumber, like most garden plants, loves the sun. Warmth and water are the key to a bountiful harvest of cucumbers. Preparing the correct soil for planting cucumbers is not difficult. If you plant seeds immediately in a polycarbonate greenhouse, we will create the maximum sufficient soil temperature for the growth of cucumber shoots. We dig beds 90-130 cm wide and two bayonet shovels deep. We fill the bottom of the resulting rectangular depression with fresh manure or other organic material (sawdust, last year's leaves, dry grass, straw, etc.). Sprinkle soil over organic waste. The thickness of the soil ball should not exceed 30 cm.

The result was beds with heated soil. Organic waste will begin to decompose, and heat will be released during the decomposition process. It is advisable to stretch plastic film over the arches from above, after planting the cucumber seeds. The result is a greenhouse in a greenhouse, creating an optimal microclimate for the germination of cucumber seeds.

When planting seeds in the ground, do not overdo it. On 1 square meter no more than 5 cucumber bushes should grow in the beds. An increase in planting density will result in a decrease in yield.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse

Whatever method you choose, planting seedlings or seeds, care will consist of four main types of work:

  • Loose, well-saturated soil with oxygen only has a positive effect on the growth of cucumbers. Loosening the soil is one of the important requirements for caring for the cultivation of cucumbers.
  • Constant access of fresh air to the greenhouse. Which plant will refuse fresh air.
  • Timely and regular watering. It is best, of course, to organize automatic drip watering of cucumbers in a greenhouse.
  • Feeding.

Watering cucumbers should be done in the morning. Water is only used room temperature. We are talking about watering in the winter season. Do not use cold water as it can cause cucumber disease and sometimes cause plant death. You need to water two to three times a week, but generously. If there is no drip watering of plants, do not pour water on the leaves under any circumstances. Direct contact with water may cause burns.

Neglecting regular loosening of the soil will cut off oxygen access to the plant roots. The plants will die. Loosening the soil must be done carefully, without disturbing the integrity of the root system.

Open the windows regularly to allow plants to breathe fresh air. If the weather is sunny and not windy, you can ventilate the greenhouse throughout the day.

Feeding cucumbers is the key to a rich harvest in polycarbonate greenhouses

When cucumbers begin to form a stem, insufficient amounts of organic and mineral substances can negatively affect the future life of the cucumber. Due to the lack of organic matter in the soil, barren flowers are formed. The leaves are turning yellow.

Feeding cucumbers is as necessary as water for a person. Feeding cucumbers too often is also detrimental to the plants. The number of feedings should not exceed 4-5 times throughout the entire season. For feeding, you can use the same manure diluted with water. Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers should be applied based on the composition of the soil. Sandy soil requires nitrogen, and floodplain soil requires potassium fertilizers.

To save green leaf on cucumbers before fruiting - use ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate should be applied during the formation of the cucumber stem, into the furrows between the bushes.

Danger in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse does not end with watering and fertilizing, loosening the soil and airing. There are many dangers: pests and diseases of cucumbers. Greenhouse whitefly and melon aphid are the main enemies of cucumbers in greenhouses. But it’s quite easy to protect yourself from these enemies. Covering all the entrances and exits to the polycarbonate greenhouse with gauze or a mesh with micro-cells and regularly getting rid of the weed will help protect the cucumbers from encountering whiteflies.

Aphids are afraid of hot peppers. Treating the area with a solution of hot pepper will repel aphids from the cucumber plantation for a long time.

Downy mildew is the last of the most common problems in growing cucumbers. The disease is dangerous because it can appear at any stage of development. Cucumbers can be saved, but the infection is still long years will persist in the soil. As mentioned above, there is no need to water cucumbers with cold water. It is cold water that causes downy mildew. Copper sulfate will help eliminate the disease. During treatment with copper sulfate solution, you should stop all kinds of fertilizing, spraying, etc. You should not hope that downy mildew will not reach the cucumbers in the polycarbonate greenhouse. You need to be prepared for anything.

Prevention of false powdery mildew There will be an annual replacement of the soil, removal of weeds and watering only with warm water.

Cucumbers turn yellow in polycarbonate greenhouses

A common problem is yellowing of cucumbers. Lack of phosphorus and nitrogen, stuffiness are the main reasons why cucumbers in polycarbonate greenhouses begin to turn yellow. Fertilize cucumbers in the greenhouse in a timely manner. Water regularly with warm water and do not forget to collect cucumbers. Fruits that are not collected in time burden and overload the entire plant.

Growing cucumbers in polycarbonate greenhouses is fresh cucumber on the table all year round. A greenhouse made of polycarbonate - perfect solution, in growing cucumbers.


Cucumbers are a very popular and sought-after garden crop. Everyone loves to enjoy juicy crispy cucumbers: both adults and children. Such vegetables are especially appreciated after long winter colds, when the body needs fresh vegetables to replenish vitamin deficiencies after spring vitamin deficiency. In order to harvest ripe cucumbers as early as possible, you can successfully grow them in a greenhouse.

Subject to conditions correct landing there will be no difficulties in Krasnodar region, Kuban, nor in the Urals. In the northern regions, you can arrange a greenhouse system or plant under film. Grow high-yielding varieties possible without any secrets.

Growing this crop in a greenhouse will not cause you much trouble. After all, this at all unpretentious plants . Provided that all requirements for cultivation and care are met in a greenhouse, you can get fruits excellent quality and excellent taste, the yield of which is even will exceed the yield of cucumbers in open ground.

Basic requirements for growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

To collect good harvest To obtain excellent fruits in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you must adhere to certain requirements and technology:

  1. Availability of ventilation. This is a must. The plant needs sufficient access to oxygen, but the holes should be placed so that there are no drafts.
  2. The temperature in the greenhouse should not drop below 13 degrees and rise above 25 degrees.
  3. If possible, it is better to cover the greenhouse with glass, glass covering will provide sufficient access to sunlight to the plants.

The correct time to plant a crop in a greenhouse

There are two ways to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse: seeds and seedlings.

Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse when the seedlings already have 4-5 true leaves and underwent the necessary piercing.

This is usually done in the beginning of April. But it all depends on the growing region. Of course, the timing of landing in Krasnodar and in Siberia will differ significantly.

Regardless of the growing region, plants are planted in a greenhouse only if the soil is already sufficiently warm and the air temperature in the greenhouse is not lower than 15-18 degrees, otherwise it will be difficult to revive him.

In the cold regions of our country, this temperature can be achieved by heating greenhouses. By seed method plants are planted in a greenhouse in the second half of April.

Step-by-step instructions for caring for the first shoots

The first shoots usually appear within 5-7 days.

Immediately after their appearance, they need to be provided with decent care:

  1. It is necessary to strictly monitor soil temperature. It should not be lower than 12 degrees, otherwise tender and vulnerable shoots may turn black and disappear.
  2. Young plants react very painfully to temperature changes. It is necessary to regularly maintain stable air temperature in a greenhouse: not lower than 18 degrees.
  3. No drafts is also a necessary condition for the active growth of young seedlings.


Sufficient lighting - necessary condition growing cucumbers. Culture needs to good lighting .

Depending on the region and seasonality of growing cucumbers, if there is insufficient sunlight additional should be used artificial lighting greenhouse.

Light relays, which themselves react to a decrease in intensity, are perfect for these purposes. natural light and turn on automatically. But if it is not possible to use automation, you can use any lighting fixtures.

Cucumbers need continuous good lighting for at least 12 hours. But they also need complete darkness. Plants should be kept in the dark for 6-8 hours daily.


Cucumbers are made up of 90% water and love moisture very much. Watering plants must be timely. Before flowering, seedlings need to be watered every 5 days. In this case, the soil must be constantly loosened.

During the flowering period, watering should be more frequent and carried out at least 2 times a week, and on hot days and every other day. According to the norm, watering should be done with settled water at room temperature. It is necessary to water the soil, but not the stems and leaves.

Top dressing

This vegetable crop loves all kinds of fertilizers. Cucumbers need to be fed throughout the growing season. Rotted organic matter, ash, and mineral fertilizers are suitable for these purposes.

You can fertilize the plant 1 time per week, throughout the growing season. Only before the flowering period a small amount of fertilizer is used; during the flowering period it is increased slightly, and the largest doses of fertilizer are applied during the period of active fruiting.

Mineral fertilizers must be used strictly following the instructions for use.

Caring for grown cucumbers


Cucumbers grow very quickly in a greenhouse and need to be tied up every week. To do this, the upper shoots of the cucumber vine are tied with twine. It is best to trim the lower shoots, leaving only 2-3 axils for pollination.


It is necessary to pinch the crop or perform pruning to increase yield and improve the taste of the fruit. During the flowering period, both male and female types of inflorescences are formed on cucumber vines.

Male inflorescences – barren flowers are necessary delete, and women's - pinch. In this way, you will increase the yield and extend the fruiting period of the crop if you properly care for it.

Possible difficulties

Difficulties when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse can arise in case of insufficient lighting and temperature changes.

If you are growing varieties that require pollination, you should definitely provide bees access to the greenhouse. But if you follow all the rules and recommendations, then no difficulties will threaten you and the plant will thank you with an excellent harvest.

If pollinated varieties are grown, it is necessary to ensure access of bees to the greenhouse

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is an undertaking that requires a lot of expense and effort. But the profitability is more than compensated by early and abundant harvests. Greenhouse conditions require a completely different attitude towards plants than open ground. And here you need to provide care, which is ideal for cucumbers.

It is important to take into account the properties and characteristics of plants even in a process such as watering. The same amount of water can be optimal for one type of plant, but almost lethal for another. A novice vegetable grower must know that growing cucumbers in a greenhouse requires careful selection of the following factors:

  • the correct choice of location for the greenhouse and favorable location of the beds in it;
  • proper soil preparation;
  • choosing a cucumber variety that best reflects your needs;
  • correct planting or sowing;
  • competent care of plants;
  • formation of the most fruitful bushes;
  • necessary knowledge to combat possible diseases and pests.

Before we talk about how to plant beds in a greenhouse, we need to talk about the greenhouse itself. This structure must stand firmly on the ground. Some experienced vegetable growers even make a special base so that the entire structure lasts smoothly for many years. But these are only recommendations for a beginner. An ordinary greenhouse will be enough to start; it will ensure profitability for the first few years.

The greenhouse must be protected from strong winds from the north and west. The best way to do this is to build a fence. You need to choose level soil for the greenhouse site, this will make caring for the plants easier. The frame can be metal or wood. Each has its own advantages. But it is worth considering - wooden frame It will only last a few years and then it will have to be replaced with a new one. The best material remains to create an enclosing surface polyethylene film. It is this that ensures the reliability of the structure with slopes at an angle of 20 degrees.

It is necessary to think through the irrigation system in advance, so that in the future you do not have to make serious repairs or reconstruction, but calmly care for the cucumbers. The most optimal ratio of volume to area is 2:1. This will keep the room warm and humid enough to allow plants to grow quickly.

Video “Greenhouse cucumbers in the country”

This video is about how to conveniently set up a greenhouse and grow big harvest cucumbers on infertile soil.

Variety selection

Cucumber varieties are divided into groups, among which there are special ones that are most suitable for growing in greenhouses. These are both regular varieties and hybrid ones. Some of them are ideal for consumption immediately after harvest. Others are good for pickles and marinades. They may also differ in the method of pollination.

The most popular planting varieties are:

  • Hybrid Hercules F1. The weight of the fruit varies between 150–170 g. They have a spindle shape. Compared to other varieties, this one is late ripening. From the moment the seedlings appear until the first harvest is harvested, an average of 62 days pass. Blooms in bunches. The disadvantage is pollination by bees. Therefore, in a greenhouse it is necessary to carry out artificial pollination.
  • Hybrid Emelya F1. Weight – 120-150 g, has a long shape. Maximum length the fruit reaches 15 cm. A special hybrid variety of cucumbers, which was created for greenhouses and greenhouses. Suitable for consumption raw and salted. It pollinates independently due to an unlimited number of vines, thereby minimizing plant care. High yield. Particularly good in heated greenhouses.
  • Annushka F1. The fruits are small and have a structure with tubercles and ribs. Weight 95–110 g, length 10–12 cm. Average term ripeness. Pollinated by bees. A particular advantage is disease resistance and cost-effectiveness.
  • Dynamite F1. Showed high yield under the film. The size of the fruit is 12–14 cm, weight 100–120 g. It likes space, so there is no need to make the beds too dense. This variety does not require pollination, which makes it especially practical.

Also, many experienced vegetable growers recommend planting hybrid varieties of F1 cucumbers: Atlet, Anyuta, White Angel, Pyzhik, Vicenta, Marta, Courage. Relay, Domashny, Rossiyskiy, Zarya, Moscow greenhouse, Willow, Marfinskiy, Regatta, Rykovskiy and others are suitable for growing in glass greenhouses in winter.

Self-pollinating varieties for early harvest:

  • Muromsky 36;
  • Altai early 166;
  • Othello;
  • Satan;
  • Bush;
  • Elegant, etc.

Soil and sowing

Caring for and maintaining quality soil is very important. In many ways, the properties of the soil determine the quantity and quality of the crop. First of all, you need to know that cucumbers grow well in soil whose acidity is approximately zero.

For beginning gardeners, there are the following signs by which you can easily determine the acidity level of the soil:

  • High - mint, buttercup, fireweed, wood lice, horse sorrel, plantain, horsetail, etc. grow in this area.
  • Neutral - creeping wheatgrass, coltsfoot, odorless chamomile, garden thistle, field bindweed, etc. are common here.

To ensure the maximum amount of nutrients in the soil, fertilizing work should begin in the fall. When spring arrives, the soil must be dug up to a depth of no less than 25 cm. Next, add humus prepared in the fall and mix it with the soil. You can create such a substance yourself using straw, dried leaves and grass, manure, and sawdust. Next, you should water and cover the area that is intended for growing cucumbers. Under the film, the earth should warm up to 150 degrees Celsius.


The main stages characterizing the proper care of cucumbers in a greenhouse:

  • regular watering;
  • maintaining the required soil temperature;
  • detailed monitoring and maintenance of air temperature.

Cucumbers really need moisture. Until fruiting, watering should be done once every two or three days, depending on the specific situation. From the beginning of the development of the first fruits, the frequency must be increased to daily watering. It is advisable to fertilize the soil after watering.

You can choose different methods for moistening the soil. The most suitable are special sprinklers that can be optimally positioned in the greenhouse. Plants love systematic and abundant watering. Best time for such a process - sunny weather, but it is worth eliminating any drafts and closing all the windows or doors.

To know how to properly grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to know some secrets.

To increase female flowers, and thereby increase productivity, you can use the following trick: after the first buds appear, watering is reduced, and the previous frequency and amount of water is resumed only after the flowers disappear.

The temperature during plant growth and development is optimal at 20 degrees Celsius or more during the day and 17–18 degrees at night. During active fruiting, the air temperature should not drop below 18 degrees at night, and a maximum of 28 degrees Celsius during the day. The soil should remain warm all the time, within 22–24 degrees Celsius.

Humidity is also of great importance: until the fruit develops - 80%, subsequently - 90%. Sudden changes in temperature and humidity have a negative impact on many factors. In this case, diseases may develop. AND taste qualities cucumbers, like peppers, are greatly reduced.


The technology for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse involves the formation of a vertical bush. To do this, at a level of 170–200 cm above the rows, a wire or cornice of various materials. The bush is connected using a soft cord, tying a light knot and a loose knot on the stem. Next, simply twist the stem slightly around the cord as the plant grows. This is one of the easiest methods that gardeners use.

It is necessary to form a bush after the sixth, maximum eighth leaves appear. Flowers that appear in the first three axils must be pinched. The average stem length varies from half a meter to three meters.

Possible difficulties

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is quite a labor-intensive process.

Here are the most common problems and ways to solve them:

  • The leaves turn yellow or simply lighten. This is a sign of high levels of nitrogen in the soil. Similar symptoms may appear in peppers and tomatoes. This problem must be solved gradually with the help of urea. To do this, take 50 grams of urea per 10 liters of water and water the plants.
  • The plant grows actively, but flowering is sparse and later. To ensure profitability, it is necessary to fertilize with potassium-phosphorus solutions. Calculation for this: a bucket of solution for 8–10 bushes.
  • Small number of ovaries. In this case, proper care is provided by fertilizer made from chicken manure. It is important to maintain an air temperature of 17–18 degrees Celsius. And at night, create ventilation.

Video “Technology for a bountiful harvest of cucumbers”

You need to watch this video if you dream of harvesting bountiful cucumber harvests. It talks about growing vegetables using the Mittlider method.

Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

The common cucumber (lat. Cucumis sativus) is one of the most popular crops among gardeners. This heat-loving plant is quite difficult to grow in the climatic conditions of Russia, so they are most often planted in greenhouses. The agricultural technology for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse has its own characteristics and differs from care in the open ground.

Cucumbers growing and care in a greenhouse after planting

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse may depend on the material from which the shelter is made and the soil. They develop well at a temperature of +25 degrees. Celsius, but sudden changes or overnight frosts can kill plants. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse allows you to control temperature and humidity through watering and ventilation to create ideal conditions for the growth and fruiting of the crop.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse on manure and compost beds

It is of great importance how the soil was prepared before planting seedlings or sowing seeds:

  • fresh manure;
  • compost.

Those gardeners who use fresh cow and horse manure should know how to care for such plantings in the first months. During the decomposition of such fertilizer, the temperature of the soil rises greatly, sometimes you can even get burned if you touch it.

Such beds are called “hot”. These conditions are favorable for greens: the plants begin to develop quickly and receive everything they need from the manure. But it is important to monitor the temperature of the air and soil in the greenhouse; it can rise above +30 degrees. Celsius, and in such conditions the plants will simply burn. The soil temperature should not exceed +25-30 degrees. Celsius.

After a month, the decomposition process of manure will be completed and the temperature will gradually decrease. The big advantage is that you can start growing cucumbers in a greenhouse with hot beds much earlier than expected. This option is best suited for northern regions.

Compost is most often used as soil fertilizer in the more southern regions of Russia. The temperature of such ridges will be significantly lower, so the weather outside should be quite warm.

Beds with compost are often mulched with film, and with manure with straw to retain moisture. This should be done only when the organic matter “burns out”.


The soil in the beds must be kept moist, but it is important not to overdo it. Lack or excess of moisture has a detrimental effect on plants. With sudden changes in watering, the root system begins to crack.

Immediately after planting the seedlings, the beds are well moistened. Since young shoots are deepened during planting, the soil should be soaked to a depth of 20-25 cm. The frequency of watering depends on how long the soil retains moisture, and weather conditions. It is necessary to check the soil moisture daily and water as needed. Most often, the beds need to be irrigated once every 2-3 days.

In sunny weather, watering is recommended daily. It is best to do this in the evening, when the temperature has dropped and the water has settled and warmed up. For 1 m², use 5-7 liters of liquid. Do not pour water from a watering can in a thick stream; it is recommended to use a spray nozzle so that the soil does not become compacted under the pressure of water.

To grow cucumbers, it is recommended to use an automatic drip irrigation system, which can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make it yourself, for example, from 5 liter plastic bottles, or from a 200 liter barrel and an old hose.

Loosening and hilling

Even with proper watering, you should regularly loosen the beds to allow air to reach the roots. Loosening is carried out by 1-2 cm so as not to damage the root system.

If white threads are visible on the surface of the soil, this indicates exposure of the roots. In this case, the bushes are covered with 1.5-2 cm of black soil. Usually this procedure has to be carried out no more than 3 times per season.


The main rule of caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse

Starting from the first days of planting seedlings in a greenhouse, it is necessary to ventilate the shelter daily. To do this, the greenhouse is closed at night to retain heat, and ventilated during the day.

It is not recommended to allow drafts, as evaporation from the ground increases and also erodes carbon dioxide, which is needed for the active development of bushes and the formation of female fruiting flowers. Therefore, vents for ventilating greenhouses when growing cucumbers are often located on the roof. And not like when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, opposite each other.

Feeding cucumbers after planting in a greenhouse

During the period of active growth of shoots and leaves, this crop tends to experience a deficiency of nitrogen fertilizers. The first fertilizing should be done when the plants have formed 4-5 true leaves.

For 10 liters of water you will need:

  • 20 g superphosphate;
  • 15 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 15 g ammonium nitrate.

This amount of solution will be enough to feed 15 young bushes. The approximate consumption per plant is 0.5 liters. Cucumber does not like concentrated fertilizers, so it is best to use a 1% solution: 0.2 kg of minerals per 20 liters of water.

Signs of mineral deficiency or excess

The crop's need for mineral supplements is determined by careful monitoring of plants:

  • when there is an excess of nitrogen components in the soil, the bushes develop too violently, spending all their strength on it: the leaves are large and bright, curling at the top, and there is practically no ovary;
  • with a lack of nitrogen, the bushes, on the contrary, weaken, the leaves turn pale, turn yellow and die, the fruits become smaller;
  • potassium and phosphorus are practically never found in excess;
  • a lack of phosphorus leads to a decrease in leaves, a bluish tint can be found on them, and when they dry they become almost black in color;
  • a lack of potassium supplements is expressed in a brown tint of the lower leaves, reminiscent of a burn; the fruits are deformed and twisted;
  • It is very rare to encounter a lack of magnesium: the tissues on the leaves turn yellow and interveinal chlorosis develops.

To enrich the soil, preparations sold in any specialized stores are used: superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, urea and potassium sulfate.

It is not recommended to use potassium chloride; the plant reaction to chlorine will be negative. A drug such as Kemira is used for magnesium deficiency, and PUM-1 contains a whole set of essential microelements and is used for complex feeding according to the instructions on the package.

In order for cucumbers to develop better, care in the greenhouse should include the addition of organic fertilizers:

  • Bird droppings or fresh mullein are soaked in liquid for several days, then the resulting mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.
  • Chicken droppings must be diluted to a concentration of 1:20.

0.5 liters of fertilizer are used per plant. It is better to prepare the solution in the greenhouse itself: a barrel with manure and water is placed in the greenhouse; during the fermentation process, the mixture actively produces carbon dioxide, which has a beneficial effect on cucumber bushes.

When the temperature of the earth drops or the root system is partially destroyed, foliar feeding using special soluble ballast-free fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, double superphosphate. The solution should have a consistency of 0.5%: 0.1 kg of the drug is used per 20 liters of liquid. Spraying is carried out early in the morning or in the evening after the heat subsides.

For the reader's reference

Ballast-free fertilizers are derived from humates, salts of humic acids. They are based on water-soluble salts containing sodium, ammonium, and potassium. During the production of ballast-free fertilizers, impurities are removed and separated from the substrate, so they contain a higher percentage of active beneficial substances. Therefore, ballast-free preparations are called growth stimulants, and ballast preparations are called fertilizers.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse video

Garter and bush formation

When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, the planting and care of which are carried out according to all the rules, it is necessary to correctly form the bushes - into one stem. Plants can reach a length of up to 3 m, so the side shoots are formed so that the bush, upside down, resembles a Christmas tree:

  • varietal bushes begin to form at the 7-8 leaf stage;
  • the first 3 shoots from below are removed along with the flowers formed on them;
  • the next 2-3 sprouts are pinched into 1 leaf and 1 ovary;
  • the rest, the apical shoots, are broken off, leaving 2 leaves and 2 ovaries, etc. Thus, there should be 1 ovary for each leaf.

As a result, a regular fruit-bearing bush is formed. For each bush it is necessary to install a vertical trellis up to 2 m high. As it grows, the central stem and side branches must be tied to a support with slippery twine. The knot should be free and not pinch the stem.

When growing hybrids, side shoots are not pinched. Only the central stem is cut off when it reaches the top of the trellis. If you want to speed up fruiting, you can pinch the side shoots at the level of 4-5 leaves.

Formation and cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse video

Caring for cucumbers during flowering

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or other materials during flowering necessarily includes watering and fertilizing. It is also necessary to attract insects for pollination and carry out pinching, since the future of the crop depends on this.

Watering during flowering

With the onset of flowering, the ovary begins to actively form. Right now it is necessary to reduce the interval between watering to 3 days. Only warm water can be used. The most suitable time of day is the evening, but no later than 18:00, since after watering the soil temperature drops significantly and the root system may become supercooled.


Today, there are many parthenocarpic varieties that form the ovary without pollination: F1 Bogatyrskaya sila, F1 Anyuta, F1 Burevestnik, F1 Be Healthy. If you have chosen exactly these, you do not need to carry out any manipulations during the flowering period.

For non-hybrid varieties, growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate or film greenhouse involves a pollination procedure, which can take place in 2 ways:

  • with the help of insects;
  • artificially.

In the first case, the insects completely cope with their task; you just need to attract them to the greenhouse. To do this, it is recommended to spray the plants with a sweet solution of sugar, honey or jam at the beginning of flowering. The procedure guarantees the formation of a large number of ovaries. To be more likely, you can pollinate the cucumbers yourself using a brush or soft brush.

Female flowers differ from male flowers by the presence of a small fruit bud at the base. This cucumber is not yet pollinated because it does not contain seeds.

Artificial pollination is used when it is necessary to maintain the purity of the variety and collect planting material. Insects can carry pollen from other plants and areas, which is undesirable in this case. Even if you grow only 1 variety in a greenhouse, there is no guarantee that its uniqueness will be maintained.

Before artificial pollination begins, several plants are selected and the female flowers are isolated (covered with a piece of cotton wool, preventing insects from accessing the pistils). Then they pick off the male flowers and lightly touch them to the female ones. It is better to immediately mark the bushes pollinated in this way with tape, since their fruits will be used for harvesting seeds.

Ventilation of the greenhouse during the flowering period of cucumbers

During the flowering period, it is very important to ventilate the greenhouse daily, as it is necessary to attract insects for pollination. If possible, keep the greenhouse open as long as possible, but drafts should not be allowed. If it is not possible to open and close the windows every day, it is recommended to use an auto-ventilation system.

Feeding during the flowering period

During the flowering period, plants need phosphorus supplements. The interval between the first and second feeding is approximately 20 days, and just coincides with the active formation of the ovary.

It is best to use organic matter in conjunction with mineral fertilizers. For 10 liters of water you will need:

  • liquid mullein - 0.5 kg;
  • nitrophoska - 1 tablespoon;
  • wood ash - 1 cup;
  • boric acid - 0.5 g.

It is necessary to consume up to 3 liters of solution per 1 m² of planting.

Growing cucumbers

The pinching procedure is carried out to enhance fruiting. When a bush does not produce a harvest, it is necessary to “unload” it. To do this, remove the side shoots growing from the axils of the first 5-7 leaves, and the ovary in the axils of the first 3-4 leaves. Within a few weeks the bush will begin to actively bear fruit.

Protection from diseases and insects

Even with proper care of greens during the flowering period, it is necessary to take care of the health of the plants and their protection. The most common pests of cucumbers:

  • greenhouse whitefly - secretes a liquid that promotes the development of fungal diseases, the leaves begin to rot and dry out. You can protect your plantings using a mosquito net stretched over the doors and windows of the greenhouse; you should weed the plantings regularly;
  • aphids - insects mainly attack flowers and young shoots. For protection, it is necessary to remove weeds in time and treat the bushes with red pepper infusion.

The most common diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse:

  • downy mildew - sticky spots on the leaves indicate the presence of infection. In polycarbonate greenhouses, the disease manifests itself in the form of a white coating. Gradually the bush dries out and dies. If any symptoms are detected, it is necessary to stop watering and fertilizing for a while, then treat the beds with copper sulfate. Powdery mildew may be caused by the use of cold water for watering;
  • bacteriosis - manifests itself in the form of brown spots on the leaves, which gradually form holes. For protection, it is necessary to treat the ridges with Bordeaux mixture;
  • root rot - occurs due to excessive watering. The whole lash gradually rots and dies. The disease can be prevented by spraying with Previkur.

Rules for caring for cucumbers during fruiting period

During active fruiting, it is important to provide the plants with everything they need. During this period, treatment against pests and insects stops. Care consists of watering and fertilizing. It is also necessary to ensure the timely removal of fruiting and drying vines.


It is necessary to water cucumber bushes every day during fruiting. The soil should be moist to a depth of 20-25 cm. If there is a lack of moisture, cucumbers immediately become bitter, which cannot be corrected even with further watering.

Top dressing

During this period, plants need potassium and nitrogen supplements. To prepare 10 liters of solution you will need:

  • potassium nitrate - 30 g;
  • urea - 50 g;
  • wood ash - 1 cup.

Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse video

How to properly harvest and store crops

Do not overload the bush; fruit should be collected twice a week. During the period of active fruiting, it is advisable to harvest daily. It is better to do this in the morning, when the fruits are still saturated with moisture.

Unfortunately, the fruits do not last long, so they are preserved for the winter. There are several ways to keep them fresh for 2-3 weeks:

  • store fruits in in a plastic bag;
  • remove the cucumbers along with the stems and place them in a container with water (stems down);
  • Lubricate the fruits with egg white during storage.

Bottom line

Cucumbers are classified as demanding vegetable crops that require careful care. Minor changes in microclimate or lack of certain microelements can negatively affect the health of the plant and crop. Proper care for cucumbers in a greenhouse, proper watering, fertilizing and ventilation are the key to a bountiful harvest of strong and juicy vegetables.