Which floor is more suitable in the kitchen. Porcelain tile in the kitchen. What are the best floors for the kitchen

The kitchen is rightfully considered one of the most sought-after rooms with high traffic and an aggressive effect on the surface. Here, something is constantly boiled, fried, steamed, from which the humidity is increased, and fat, water, other liquids drip on the floor every now and then, garbage falls. At the same time, absolutely all family members are in the kitchen, and how many kilometers the hostess runs along it while she cooks for her home Tasty dinner or dinner, just do not count. Considering all this, the flooring for the kitchen must be moisture resistant, durable, withstand frequent washing with aggressive detergents, resistant to abrasion, scratches, sharp objects and other mechanical stress, and, of course, be beautiful and organically combined with kitchen furniture. In this article, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages different options floor coverings, for convenience - in alphabetical order.


Vinyl tiles are easy to install and unpretentious in operation - a good flooring option for the kitchen

Vinyl flooring can be a solid flooring (like linoleum) or a surface laid vinyl tiles. This material is able to withstand enormous mechanical loads, it is not afraid of heels, sharp knives and furniture rearrangement. not afraid of spilled water, resistant to high humidity, fire and chemicals. Additional advantages of such a coating are low electrical conductivity and high soundproofing properties.

There are two types of vinyl tiles: quartz and PVC. Any of them can easily replace linoleum, and even surpass it in strength.

For ease of installation, you can use a tile with a special layer for gluing. The disadvantage of this coating is non-environmental.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are the undisputed leader in kitchen flooring.

It is not even worth talking about ceramic tiles as a floor covering for the kitchen. While she is the undisputed leader. And not in vain. The variety of shapes, colors, patterns, textures can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding consumer. What's more, tiles can be laid in a variety of ways, such as diagonally, and combined with different patterns and decorative elements.

Of the practical features of ceramic tiles, I would like to note its strength, moisture resistance, fire resistance and resistance to various chemicals. The tile coating is almost impossible to damage when rearranging furniture, it does not “burn out” in the sun and does not conduct electricity. In addition, ceramics is an environmentally friendly material.

The tile has only two drawbacks, and those are controversial: the first - it is cold to the touch, the second - the high price and difficult installation. And with that, and with another it is quite possible to put up with.

Porcelain stoneware

For the kitchen, it is better to use matte porcelain tiles so as not to slip.

Porcelain stoneware - artificial variety tiles. Its main advantage is its colossal hardness, which allows it to be laid in rooms with high traffic and mechanical loads. He is just like ceramic tile, not afraid of water, fire and temperature changes. The appearance of porcelain stoneware can imitate any a natural stone. The texture can be polished and matte.

They are laid on the floor in the kitchen of a large country house, for example, when they walk on it with shoes on. The disadvantage is coldness.


Rarely chosen for the kitchen. Basically it is combined with other more suitable material in the kitchens combined with the dining room. Then the carpet is laid in the dining area, and other material - in the working area. kitchen area. Carpet floor - warm, soft, springy, relatively durable. This is where its advantages end, since it is not designed for frequent contact with water, it is afraid of fire, high humidity and mechanical stress. And dirt can bring it into disrepair in six months.


Only moisture-resistant laminate can be used in the kitchen

In the kitchen, you can only use a moisture-resistant laminate, and even experts advise it reluctantly. The fact is that the laminate is afraid of high humidity, sharp objects and fire. Therefore, it is laid, like carpet, mainly only in the dining area. Of the advantages, it is worth noting the relative strength, warmth to the touch, beautiful imitation of wood and scratch resistance. But at the same time, laminate locks can loosen over time, panels crack or start to creak.

Sometimes risky people working area kitchens. In this case, you must constantly monitor that liquid does not spill on it, and handle it very carefully.


Linoleum is a budget flooring option for the kitchen, but quite practical and unpretentious.

This material is a budget option for flooring. In the kitchen, linoleum is good because it is not afraid of moisture, durable, easy to clean and not afraid of cleaning products. It withstands mechanical loads of moderate severity, although there is a semi-commercial and commercial type of linoleum with increased resistance to abrasion, scratches and sharp objects. Linoleum does not burn, but melts, which is also not good for the kitchen. From too long exposure to direct sunlight, the color of such a coating “burns out”, so after a few years it will have to be replaced.


Marmoleum - a kind of cork, can have up to 2000 shades

Made from cork tree bark and vegetable resins, it is not afraid of pathogenic flora and bacteria, warm and pleasant to the touch, springy underfoot. Such a coating is resistant to fire, cleaning agents, does not “burn out” from direct sunlight and withstands high mechanical loads. The color range of marmoleum is about 2000 shades.

self-leveling floor

With the help of a self-leveling floor in the kitchen, you can realize any fantasies, but at the same time it is extremely unecological

In terms of practicality, this is the perfect flooring for the kitchen. withstands any load, it cannot be scratched or damaged, it does not burn, does not absorb water, and is not erased. Such a floor can be washed by any means. In addition, with the help of a self-leveling floor, you can realize the most daring fantasies regarding the appearance of the floor. The surface will be absolutely smooth and seamless.

Disadvantages of self-leveling floor: high price, absolute environmental friendliness, bad smell, which will not disappear in the next month, and that it cannot be removed. If you want to change the flooring, you will have to lay it on top.

natural wood

Gender out natural wood looks very authentic in the kitchen, but requires constant care

The floor made of natural wood is very whimsical, it does not like high humidity, temperature changes and aggressive detergents. That is why it is strongly recommended to lay it only in the dining area. The tree must be regularly covered with protective varnishes and treated with care. Large mechanical loads can lead to damage to the appearance of a wooden floor, the appearance of scratches and even cracks.

Despite this, a dark-colored solid wood floor can be put in the kitchen if funds allow. It looks just amazingly authentic and completely natural.

A natural stone

Natural stone for the floor in the kitchen is used in country houses, it's very cold and it can't be fixed

Stone floors are made mainly in private houses, on order. The material used is slate, limestone, marble. Such a floor will serve for centuries without changing its properties. The floor made of natural stone is durable, not afraid of water, fire, or anything else.

There are only three drawbacks - exorbitant price, big weight and incorrigible coldness.


Parquet in the kitchen is used extremely rarely because of its whimsicality to operating conditions.

The parquet floor, like any wooden floor, does not like water, temperature changes and too much load. But compared to a massive board floor, it is still more resistant to these negative factors due to a different structure. Heavy furniture and appliances leave their marks on it. And fire can cause irreparable harm.


Cork flooring is not cheap, but its properties are worth it.

Floor - 100% natural material. He is not afraid of moisture, fire and fungus, sunlight and spilled liquids. It can be washed using special products. If such a floor is properly laid, it will be able to withstand large mechanical loads. Additional advantages of cork: soundproofing properties, antistatic (does not attract dust), warm to the touch, springy underfoot and has favorable bioenergetic properties.


When choosing in the kitchen, be sure to consider the operating conditions in which they will have to “live”. In many ways, the choice will depend on personal preferences, financial capabilities and priorities.

Formula Compliant Coatings "aesthetic and practical":

  • Ceramic tile;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • A natural stone;
  • Cork coating;
  • Bulk floor;
  • Vinyl.

If we forget about practicality, then good choice there will be parquet, marmoleum and natural wood.

If you want to use natural materials, then the choice should fall on ceramic tiles, wood, parquet, natural stone and cork.

If environmental friendliness does not matter, then vinyl, self-leveling flooring and porcelain stoneware.

by the most budget options there will be linoleum, carpet and vinyl tiles.

Huge selection of floor coverings to offer modern market, can satisfy almost any desire. So go for it - the choice is yours.

Choosing a kitchen floor covering for an uninformed person can be a daunting task. It is more important to give preference not so much to beauty as to practicality. And if possible, combine these two parameters. We suggest you deal with the flooring for the kitchen. Ideal floors in this room should be moisture resistant, easy to clean from household and food contaminants (fruit juices, wine, fat, etc.), have a durable surface, be decorative and fit into overall design apartments (houses). Many modern floor coverings meet these parameters in one way or another. Let's pay attention to the most suitable options, as well as analyze their advantages and disadvantages during operation. After that, you can decide for yourself which floors are best in the kitchen.

Linoleum - a coating that is trustworthy

Perhaps most often the floor in the kitchens is covered with linoleum. This material is resistant to abrasion, not afraid of moisture and hot steam, easy to clean, it is unlikely to leave a mark after a heavy object falls. Linoleum is characterized by an inexpensive price, as well as a very in a simple way styling, which you can master yourself. In addition, linoleum, thanks to a huge assortment, allows you to implement a variety of design ideas. It can be either a plain floor covering or an imitation of various more expensive materials: tiles, parquet, stone, metal.

The disadvantage of linoleum is the formation of dents at the location of heavy furniture (refrigerator, cabinets, etc.). However, if furniture is installed in your kitchen “for centuries” and you are not going to move it, then you should not worry about the presence of dents - you will only find out about their existence when you replace the flooring.

Ceramic tiles - the apotheosis of practicality

Ceramic tile has a durable surface that is durable in color, is not subject to abrasion and does not interact with household chemicals. Tile flooring will not react to excess moisture or even flooding by neighbors.

Modern tiles are very decorative and allow you to decorate the floor space of the kitchen in the most different styles. IN Lately tile has become very fashionable, copying various “noble” materials: valuable wood, genuine leather, precious metals, marble or other expensive stone.

For the kitchen, it is better to choose tiles with a matte or even embossed surface that can protect you from falling, for example, if you spill liquid on the floor.

Unfortunately, along with the advantages, tiled flooring also has disadvantages. If a heavy object, especially a metal one, falls on the tile, it is likely that a crack will remain on the ceramic surface. In this case, to resume the decorativeness of the floor, the broken tiles will have to be changed. Another disadvantage of the tile is the cold surface, walking on which barefoot, especially in winter, is a controversial pleasure. This problem can be solved by laying a rug on the tile, or by installing an underfloor heating system under the ceramic surface.

Wooden floors - a symbol of nobility

In the kitchen, the wooden floor speaks eloquently of the good taste and well-being of its owner. Most often, we associate such a floor with parquet, but besides it, there is another fashionable material today - wood tile, made in the form of a tile different forms and sizes.

When choosing wood flooring, you should give preference to hardwoods - they are stronger and more durable. If you come across a parquet (tile) from a thermal tree - take it without hesitation. Wood aged at high temperatures is freed from all its shortcomings. It does not absorb, but repels water, does not shrink and does not swell, does not warp. At any temperature and any humidity in the kitchen, thermowood parquet will not lose its appearance and properties.

Laminate - parquet from fiberboard (chipboard)

Laminate is often used for kitchen flooring as a natural but cheaper substitute for parquet. The basis of the laminate are chipboard or fiberboard dies, on top of which paper with the desired pattern is glued. Usually this pattern imitates wood, and of any species, including valuable and exotic ones. Some manufacturers try to be original and produce a laminate that is almost indistinguishable in appearance from ceramics, marble, granite, slate, etc.

The strengths of the laminate can be called a warm surface, ease of care, simple installation. Laminate could become one of the best floor coverings for the kitchen, if not for one “but”: it is afraid of moisture, and in the kitchen the humidity is very often increased. If liquid is spilled on the floor, it should be wiped up immediately. If neighbors flood you and puddles stand on the laminate for some time, then the coating will be hopelessly damaged. Chipboard will swell and it will not be possible to restore the surface.

Concrete - why not?

Concrete is mainly used as a floor covering for outdoor areas. However, modern decorative treatments allow concrete to be included in the list of indoor coatings. For the kitchen, such a floor would be a great choice - it does not react to moisture, or to elevated temperatures, or to force loads in the form of falling frying pans or legs. metal tables. This coverage is almost permanent. It can even be made warm if you put underfloor heating cables under the screed.

Concrete floors themselves look dull, so an acid staining process is used for them. This allows you to change the color of concrete beyond recognition, making it imitate marble, slate, granite, wood, ceramic tiles.

Cork floors - softness and warmth

Cork floors are not yet widespread in our kitchens. To a greater extent, this is due to consumer distrust, at the root of which is the opinion that such soft floors are not durable and cannot cope with high humidity kitchens. Actually it is not. The cork is absolutely not afraid of moisture, it does not swell, does not warp and does not rot. In addition, the cork has a remarkable softness and natural warmth.

Polymeric floors - poured polyurethane aesthetics

Polymeric (self-leveling) floors are not very popular as kitchen flooring due to their high cost. However, they are worth it! Polymer floors are characterized by increased wear resistance, excellent moisture resistance and ease of maintenance. In addition, they are very beautiful and allow you to realize a huge range of design solutions. Various 3D images, pebbles, shells, coins or any other small objects are placed under the mirror shiny surface, which is formed by liquid polyurethane. We can say that self-leveling floors will not complement, but dictate the interior of the kitchen.

So different can be moisture-resistant and not subject to wear floor coverings. And which of them will find application in your kitchen - it's up to you!

We will analyze the most popular coatings, and you will already decide which of the evils is the least.

First, take into account the initial data of the kitchen

Before thinking about what is better to put on the floor in the kitchen, you need to think about where exactly the room is located:

1. If we are talking about a high-rise building and a middle floor, then almost any floor will be warm enough and it makes no sense to especially worry about warming.
2. A if you live on the ground floor or in a private house, then there is another conversation, since in winter time, without special heating, the floor can be just icy.

Also important is the initial humidity of the room, which, again, depends on the location. Particularly wet kitchens are on the ground floors and in houses without a basement. Putting a wooden floor in such a kitchen, for example, you should not count on the fact that it will lie for a long time and will not need looping.

But let's go in order.

What floors are there and which ones are the most practical?

Of the most popular and affordable coatings today, we can distinguish:

There are, of course, also cork floors, there are stone ones, but this is no longer so popular, since the price “bites”. Therefore, we will not include them in our review, it is better to talk about them separately, taking into account all the nuances.

From all of the above, we can say that the most practical floors are tile and self-leveling.

But the tile has one big minus - it is cold. Self-leveling floors are quite expensive. But we are all Let's look at it in more detail in separate blocks. considering both advantages and disadvantages.

If desired, you can also make a combined floor, this is especially true for kitchens connected to the living room. Due to the transition of textures, it is possible to successfully zone the room.

About screed and insulation

When repairs are in full swing, the question of which coatings to prefer is not the most burning one. Now the main thing is the screed and leveling of the surface.

Before choosing the material from which the screed will be made, you need to think about what you will lay on top.

If it is a tile, then there is no difference what will be below and an ordinary cement mortar will do. And if it is a laminate, then it is much better to make a gypsum screed using a plaster mixture for this. Such a floor will come out much warmer and will be less moisture permeable.

Also, the thickness of the screed may depend on what type of insulation you choose.

And if you raised the screed high enough, then making wooden flooring is no longer very reasonable if your ceiling height is standard, that is, 2.5 meters. If you "steal" the extra 10 cm, then this will significantly affect the visual perception of the room.

And if you are also planning a hinged ceiling, then it will not be good at all. Now let's get closer to the topic and talk about specific coatings.

Laminate in the kitchen

The good thing about laminate flooring is that its installation is quite simple and you don’t need to involve professionals for this. Also, it is quite easy to care for him, he is quite durable, warm to the touch, and the choice of colors and textures is more than huge.

Overall, laminate flooring is a very good choice for a kitchen, as long as you buy it with durability in mind and don't go for the cheapest option.

Of course, a class for commercial premises is not always needed, but increased moisture resistance and resistance to chips will not hurt. By the way, just recently we wrote about that, be sure to read.

Keep in mind that a kitchen is a kitchen. A knife, a heavy frying pan, a meat grinder can fall out of your hands ... Anything. And it will be simply impossible to restore the floor later.

Also if your room is still damp, the same first floor, then laminate will not be the most brilliant choice for the reason that it has the property of "going". And if in a room of medium humidity it save original view 10 years, then in the fifth year, in the wet, the joints will begin to “turn out”.

Do not forget that the kitchen is a place where you constantly water splashes. And the laminate does not like this very much, and you need to constantly wipe off the drops in order to keep the surface as long as possible.

Wooden floor

You can't lay parquet on your own, of course. It is expensive, prone to abrasion and, in general, not the most the best option for kitchen.

But ordinary deck boards are what you need. The floor comes out very warm and without insulation, it is easy to take care of it and most importantly - no screeds are needed in this case, since the board is laid on the logs.

It is for sale ready-made, so you don’t need to scrape anything, just lay it evenly, setting the supports in level.

This option is not the most budgetary, but it is beautiful and environmentally friendly. And given that you also save on the screed, then this option has the right to be considered.

But here, too, do not forget that if a knife that fell from a height is stuck in a tree, a scratch will remain on it. But on the laminate - no. But it is unpleasant to walk barefoot on a laminate, like on oilcloth, and on a wooden one - very much so.

But, as we wrote above, it is very cold in winter.

So, if your kitchen is poorly heated, think thrice before settling on tiles. Not only is it cold in itself, it also lowers the overall degree of the room. Not much, but still.

But, if the cold does not bother you, or you are ready to insulate the floor at the stage of laying the screed, then you can consider this option.

The tile is very exacting to correctness and quality of laying. If it is poorly laid, and there are air gaps between it and the screed, then it will very quickly begin to “walk” in these places, and over time it will simply burst in this place. Also, the tile bursts from the fact that cast-iron pans fall on it ... It is unreasonable to renounce such an incident, because anything can happen and all options must be taken into account.

It is often impossible to find a replacement for broken fragments, since fashion changes quickly, the assortment in stores also, so take this into account when buying building materials. Let you have a couple of extra tiles left for later.

Well, the last moment - the tile is often very slippery and it is very easy to slip on it if water is spilled on the floor. And falling on the tile hurts, yes. And the glasses crumble, falling on a hard surface instantly. But if they fell on a laminate or a tree, then nothing would happen to them.

As for which tile is better, it's hard to say. Naturally, it should not be for the walls, but for the floor.

If you don’t have a herd of rhinos running through your kitchen every day, you can choose the most ordinary, not the most impact-resistant. Expensive porcelain tile, for example, is definitely not needed, it is more suitable for outdoor patios.

Linoleum in the kitchen

Even a woman can put linoleum on the floor. But it must be laid exclusively on a flat surface, otherwise every grain of sand and recess will be visible under the coating. Not only is it simply ugly, it will also wipe itself in these places with incredible force.

The wear of linoleum depends on its initial characteristics. There are softer options that cannot be pressed with something hard, as a dent will instantly form. And there are denser ones, for offices and other commercial premises.

The main trouble with linoleum is that it does not shine with beautiful colors.

Color options in this case: grey, light grey, dark grey, blue. If you manage to find something more interesting and with a pattern, then it will be a great success. We do not recommend imitations of wood and tiles.

But linoleum has one big minus. On it, all the time there are black stripes from the soles, which are still a pleasure to wash. And, it's not just about street shoes.

So, if you have children in your house who run a lot and “slow down” with their soles, get ready for the fact that you will have to crawl with cotton wool soaked in acetone and wipe the marks.

Maintenance is absolutely minimal. this floor washes well. Also, it is not afraid of moisture, is not afraid of bumps and scratches, but at the same time it cannot be called very hard to the touch.

The self-leveling floor is not cold, therefore, it is much more pleasant to walk on it than on tiles.

Another big plus such floors - the ability to choose very non-standard colors. Here you can think of anything. Although the image of a volumetric aquarium with fish, with a full 3D effect.

But self-leveling floors are still a novelty, and therefore The price for them is not the most loyal.

Also of great importance is fitter skill. Some may do this very sloppily and the floor will look uneven. And considering that it is mostly glossy, every dot and bubble will be visible in the sun.

Therefore, before deciding on a self-leveling floor, look for the masters and see photos of their work, and also read reviews about this company.

And so, the self-leveling floor is very durable, they say that it has been serving for more than fifty years, while maintaining its original appearance. To be honest, we have doubts about this, since no one has canceled abrasion and micro-scratches. And, if even ceramic tiles wear out after 50 years, then how can a self-leveling floor be preserved if it is softer by definition?

Our article has come to an end and we hope you have decided a bit on which floor is better to make in the kitchen. We wish you all the best!

The kitchen in houses and apartments, offices and clubs is perceived not only as a room for cooking. Often it is used as a dining room, living room, even as a place for meetings or receiving guests. Such versatility makes buyers carefully consider the choice of finishing materials. Let's compare the most common floor coverings for the kitchen and determine which one is better.

Hardware stores offer a wide range of floor cladding materials. Including from wood, natural or artificial stone, ceramics, composite and even PVC. The first selection rule is that the coating must comply with the parameters indicated in Table 1.

Table 1. Selection criteria for floor finishing materials.

Property Additional Information
1. Wear resistance. Resistant to foot and abrasive loads, the weight of furniture and equipment, point impacts (for example, from falling sharp or glass objects), animal claws, fallen cigarette ash. Manufacturers recommend choosing depending on the class assigned to the room. In particular, for a separate kitchen room with the function of a dining room, European factories are advised to purchase products of at least class 22, Russian and Chinese - class 32. And for a kitchen-living room combined in the “studio” style, materials from 23/32-33 load categories and above are recommended.
2. Moisture resistance. The coating is usually exposed to frequent wet cleaning. Not only drops of water fall on it, but also various coloring or caustic liquids, household chemicals, oil splashes, etc. Therefore, the surface of the cladding, as well as the edges at the joints of modular products, must be reliably protected from water and various liquids, including household chemicals.
3. Hygiene. The kitchen area is an excellent environment for the development of various microorganisms (fungi, bacteria), as well as the appearance of unwanted insects or rodents. Accordingly, it is very important to maintain cleanliness and sterility. In this regard, those coatings that have such a property as bacteriostatic (the ability to resist or stop the development of bacteria) are especially valuable.
4. Maintainability. The kitchen is always a risk zone. Therefore, preference is given to those facing materials that can be quickly restored or restored to integrity at minimal cost.
5. Compatibility with base heating systems. IN kitchen areas often used water and electric underfloor heating. But not all floor materials easily tolerate constant change. temperature regime. Detailed information is always contained in the product data sheet or packing insert.
6. Easy to operate. Any user of the kitchen, whether it is in the country or in the apartment, first of all appreciates the ease of care. That is, the rapid removal of dust and dirt without the use of special tools, resistance to staining and fading. Simply put, if you do not have time to constantly care for the coating (for example, periodically rub the array with restoring wax or oil), then the choice is made in favor of unpretentious floor materials.
7. Wide range of decors and colors. The floor is exactly the surface that often plays the role of the dominant, less often the background in interior design. In any case, its decor or color should fit into the overall style, combined with others. facing materials, furniture, furnishings.
8. Acceptable cost. A good manufacturer tries to cover all groups of buyers. Therefore, their range includes products of different price categories, from budget to premium.
9. Durability. If the product is positioned as the best flooring for the kitchen, then its minimum service life under conditions of permanently medium or intensive use is at least 10 years.

Thus, the selected finishing material should be durable, practical and, of course, suitable for the interior design of your kitchen.

Features of kitchen flooring

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer many varieties of finishing materials for the floor, from traditional to the latest. We will study the most popular and accessible to a wide range of buyers. In particular:

  1. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles.
  2. Multilayer board for the floor.
  3. Solid products.
  4. Cork coverings.

Let's consider each item separately.

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

The tile and all its varieties are thin, but solid plates of fired mass based on kaolin, quartz sand, pegmatites and other inorganic components. Tiled products are the most popular and diverse in design, color, format, grade, density and other parameters.

Ceramic, porcelain stoneware and mosaic tile products, although produced in the widest range, do not have unified dimensions. Almost every factory manufactures products of its own sizes:

  • Width from 2 to 150 cm.
  • Length from 2 to 300 cm.
  • Thickness from 4 to 30 mm.

Before choosing, remember - the main focus should not be on design and color, but on the load class. Or, more correctly, the strength class. This criterion determines the scope of the product: PEI I (for residential premises with a low level of traffic), PEI II (for use in apartments and houses, movement only in soft slippers), PEI III (medium intensity of use, the level of the kitchen, hallway, bathrooms , balconies, small offices), PEI IV (active use in small commercial facilities), PEI V (for industrial use).

table 2. Pros and cons of tiles and porcelain tiles.

Advantages Flaws
High strength, wear, water and dirt resistance (for glazed products). Difficult installation with a decent amount of waste.
A huge selection of decors, colors, formats, design options. Cold surface (If there is no warm floor).
Chemical, biological and temperature resistance. When buying, you must carefully monitor all the parameters - batch number, tone, size, grade.
Absolute fire safety and hygiene. Solid weight.
Ease of use. Impossibility of restoration or local repair.
A wide range of prices to suit every budget. Slippery surface (Only for ceramic tiles and mosaics. Porcelain tiles are often made with a rough finish.).
Compatible with any underfloor heating systems.
Application indoors and outdoors (for porcelain stoneware).
Operating period - from 10 years or more.

Elastic flooring is available in two basic varieties - natural () and PVC. The first is made from natural ingredients, sold in three variations:

  • Traditional roll products, easy to install and easy to clean;
  • Modular tiles and strips for adhesive bonding – convenient solution to create original interiors;
  • Marmoleum laminate (a thin layer of natural linoleum integrated onto an HDF interlocking board) is a quick way to ennoble any living quarters with your own hands.

Marmoleum is produced in all wear resistance classes, i.e. household, commercial and special for especially extreme conditions operation.

Table 3. Advantages and disadvantages of marmoleum.

pros Minuses
High wear resistance. Increased requirements for the base when laying.
Bacteriostatic. Characteristic oily smell (quite stable).
Non-slip surface. High price for the entire product line.
Easy to care for using household chemicals. Wax protective coating needs to be restored at least once every 1-2 years.
Simple installation, preferably with the use of adhesives. Limited range of designs (mostly marbled, granite or plain).
It is allowed to put the material over the water warm floors, as well as low-temperature electric.
Good selection of colors.
Long service life - from 15 years or more.

pvc linoleum.

Synthetic analogue - PVC linoleum. It is also produced in all load classes from plastic thermopolymers with a homogeneous () or multilayer (heterogeneous) structure. The latter is quite interesting, as it resembles a laminate.

Composed of:

  • The top protective layer is transparent. The service life of the product, resistance to abrasion, scratches, coloring or caustic liquids depends on its thickness.
  • The front layer with a decorative pattern that imitates a wooden or ceramic floor, carpet or stone flooring, etc.
  • Reinforcing fiberglass, providing tensile and shear strength of the product.
  • Base made of foamed PVC or polyester felt.

Vinyl linoleum is available in the form of rolls or modular tiles/slats. The advantages and disadvantages of the material are shown in the table below.

Table 4. Positive and negative characteristics of linoleum.

pros Minuses
The richest selection of decors and colors. The surface of an inexpensive coating when water gets in becomes very slippery, traumatic.
Excellent wear, bio and water resistance. At first, there is an unpleasant odor.
Practicality, ease of care and styling. There are many very cheap and poor quality products on the market.
Partial maintainability, inertness to detergents. The polyester backing emits a strong chemical odor when wet, which disappears when the floor is completely dry.
Different cost.
Laying on glue, double-sided adhesive tape and even simple fixation with skirting boards around the perimeter is allowed.
Installation over water heat-insulated floors is allowed.
Durability - from 10 years or more.

Laminate HDF/PVC

Laminated parquet belongs to the category of multi-layer thin coatings and is available in all load classes - from 21 to 43. It consists of:

  • Overlay - a protective polymer film of high hardness. Provides wear resistance of the material to any abrasive loads.
  • Decorative paper with realistic wood, stone, textile, leather, etc. printed on the surface.
  • Bearing HDF-plate thickness 6-14 mm. A tongue-and-groove interlock of a special shape is cut along the perimeter, providing high density and water resistance of the joints. To ensure increased water resistance, some manufacturers treat locks with wax compounds.
  • Stabilizing layer, which is paper impregnated with thermosetting resins. Purpose - protection against residual moisture of the base and prevention of deformation of the lamellas.

Although laminate was originally developed as a low-cost alternative to solid wood, buyers have come to appreciate all the benefits of laminate flooring.

Table 5. Pros and cons of laminate

Advantages Flaws
Huge selection of designs, sizes, decors. Accumulation of static electricity (over time).
Wear and moisture resistant. Increased requirements for the base.
Ease of installation and maintenance. Swelling and violation of the geometry of the strips during prolonged contact with water.
maintainability and practicality. The need for high-quality sound insulation under the base.
Wide price range. Seasonal changes in geometric dimensions.
It is allowed to combine with water-heated floors, as well as electric from a series of soft ones.
Operating period - at least 10 years.

Many construction stores offer a modified lock product - vinyl or composite laminate. Manufactured from high strength thermoplastic polymer. The thickness varies from 7 to 10 mm, the width does not exceed 20 cm, and the length is up to 1.10 m. The structure of the plates can also be different - hollow (with multiple stiffeners) and solid. The surface imitates wood or stone texture, is sufficiently resistant to all types of liquids, but is not recommended for use in public and commercial premises. The reason is in the load class - from 21 to 32.

Multilayer board for the floor (parquet, engineering, panel board)

Popular floor coverings also include products such as parquet, engineering boards, parquet boards and their analogues. Feature, which unites all the above types, is a two- or three-layer structure. Planks consist of:

  • Base or carrier board cut from engineered engineered pine, moisture resistant plywood or high density HDF. Exactly these sheet materials are resistant to all kinds of deformations. Thickness - from 4 to 9 mm. A regular tongue-and-groove connection or a special-shaped lock (Click or Lock) is cut along the perimeter.
  • Decorative layer with a cross section of 2-8 mm, made from precious wood.
  • Top wear-resistant coating (lacquer, oil, wax).

In production parquet board often one more layer is integrated - the lower stabilization layer of finger-jointed pine with a thickness of no more than 3 mm. The layer is designed to provide a stable geometry of the slats.

The overall dimensions of multilayer products vary over a wide range:

  • Length - up to 2.2 m.
  • Width - from 12 to 80 cm.
  • Thickness - up to 18 mm.

Planks and plates are mounted in three ways: floating, glued and using hardware. The remaining advantages of the floor material, as well as the disadvantages, are given in the table below.

Table 6. Strong and weak sides multilayer wood products.

solid wood products

Piece parquet and typesetting (mosaic), as well as a standard floor board, are made of solid wood, which determines their value as finishing materials. Planed planks are ready for installation, have tongue-and-groove, rarely smooth edges. Dimensions can vary greatly:

  • Length - from 5 cm to 2 m.
  • Width - from 1 to 60 cm.
  • Thickness - from 8 to 25 cm.
  • The depth of the working layer (to the level of the spike or groove) is from 2 to 10 mm.

Massive coverage is a priori considered expensive, luxury. It requires a special approach in production, installation, maintenance and even operation. Most often, the hardest breeds are used for manufacturing: oak, beech, ash, teak and others. When buying, you need to pay attention to many parameters, including geometry, humidity, grade, texture, and so on. The durability and beauty of the assembled coating depends on this.

Laying of the product is most often done with an adhesive method. Less often - using hardware or other alternative methods (tension, etc.). At the same time, a lot of installation schemes have been developed - more than 20 (herringbone, rhombus, etc.). Despite some difficulties, parquet and its analogues are still popular and in demand.

Table 7. Pros and cons of solid wood flooring.

Advantages Flaws
Strength, moisture and wear resistance when processed with high-quality protective compounds. High price.
Beautiful, unique texture and wide choose shades. Complicated installation.
Excellent maintainability, restoration is allowed 2-6 times depending on the depth of the working layer. Instability to changes in temperature and humidity in the room, which is why the floor is characterized by a seasonal change in geometric dimensions.
Ease of care, including the use of household chemicals. Vulnerability to water, dirt, microorganisms and insects without protective treatment.
Installation in a set with water floor heating is allowed, as well as electrical systems"soft heat". After laying, the surface should be covered with oil, wax or varnish, painted with any tinting agents, azures or enamels.
The need for constant restoration of the tread layer.

Cork flooring

Agglomerated cork is used for the production of finishing materials for all surfaces - floors, walls, ceilings. The following types of floor coverings are in greatest demand:

  • Adhesive or self-adhesive tiles and strips up to 6 mm thick. Products are produced with a clean surface (for finishing), decorated by photo printing, veneered, painted, tinted, with an oil, varnish or vinyl protective coating.
  • Lock cork laminate is a non-standard product in which a layer of agglomerate or cork veneer is used instead of a decorative layer. The surface is usually protected by polymer compounds, so the finished floor material is assigned wear resistance classes from 21 to 33. Sometimes, to increase noise and thermal insulation properties a high-density cork substrate is integrated into the body of the plank.

Cork floor coverings are in demand by buyers, as the advantages of the material significantly outweigh the disadvantages.

Table 8. Advantages and disadvantages of cork coatings.

pros Minuses
High wear and moisture resistance (in the presence of high-quality protective surface treatment). Considerable price for the entire product line.
Good selection of decors and colors, including imitation wooden flooring, stone floor, grass lawn, etc. Lots of low quality products on the market.
Maintainability. Complex installation of adhesive products.
Cork laminate is easy to maintain and install. Gradual fading over time.
Suitable for laying on water floor heating systems. Vulnerability of coatings without protective treatment.
Service life - not less than 15 years. The appearance of dents due to constant use on the surface.

Floor in the kitchen: what you can not do without

At first glance, it is difficult to choose from all the variety. Sometimes buyers meticulously study the information, trying to decide on the position of environmental friendliness, usefulness for the body, authenticity for small Khrushchevs, or new buildings with panoramic windows and so on. We consider it useful to remind you that in any product line there are high-quality products from the luxury and medium price segments, as well as cheap and unsafe for health. Sometimes cork tiles of mysterious origin are much more harmful to humans than synthetic linoleum from a well-known manufacturer. Therefore, when buying, demand to demonstrate certification sheets and sanitary conclusions.

At the very beginning, we deduced 9 basic criteria that must be met Decoration Materials for the floor in the kitchen. Analyzing the above pros and cons of various products, we determined that best coverage for the floor in the kitchen - this is linoleum / marmoleum and porcelain stoneware. As you can see in the photo below, both of these materials fit perfectly into the kitchen environment and have the right set merits.

Linoleum floor in the kitchen.

Porcelain tile.

For zealous owners, laminate, ceramic tiles, parquet or massive board under varnish. Although manufacturers allow the use of cork in the kitchen, it must be used very carefully and carefully.

Of course, this is not all existing floor materials. In the past few years, the fashion for one of the types of industrial floors has spread widely - self-leveling or 3D. Buyers are attracted, first of all, by their two properties - the highest wear resistance (when using high-quality varnish compositions) and decorative effect. But, unfortunately, the masters forget to inform that this is not a household parquet varnish, but a product for industrial use based on highly toxic solvents and polymer resins that are poisonous to humans. The use of such compositions is justified on large areas with good ventilation, as well as in garages, outbuildings and other non-residential facilities. But not in a kitchen with an area of ​​​​6-18 m², in which air is supplied only thanks to a small window.

In addition to the above floor coverings, other interesting facings are also available. For example, very beautiful and durable slabs made of natural or composite stone, carpet products that are durable and resistant to any pollution, and much more. In any case, the purchase must satisfy all your requirements, including aesthetic, environmental and performance.

Advice! If you need repairmen, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below detailed description work that needs to be done and offers with prices from construction teams and firms will come to your mail. You can see reviews of each of them and photos with examples of work. It's FREE and there's no obligation.

Today, the variety of kitchen floor coverings is so great that without a certain knowledge base it is very difficult to choose the most suitable option. Therefore, before dwelling on one of the types, it is necessary to carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Tile floors in the kitchen

kitchen flooring requirements

When choosing flooring for the kitchen, every housewife thinks about what qualities and properties it should have. After all, the kitchen is a special place in the house that experiences constant overload: excessive temperatures, humidity, aggression of detergents, as well as increased load next to the stove and working kitchen area.

Porcelain stoneware flooring

Therefore, the floor covering must meet the most modern requirements:

  • Wear resistance. The material must be abrasion resistant.
  • Moisture resistance. Getting wet flooring in the kitchen is nonsense. Any of the selected materials must be water-repellent.
  • Resistant to cleaning agents. Often in the kitchen you have to deal with greasy spots, soot, spilled liquids. Resistance to aggressive cleaning agents is important condition when choosing a material.
  • Invulnerability to mechanical influences. Any floor covering must resist various impacts. In the kitchen, various items of utensils can fall to the floor: both sharp and heavy. At such moments, there is a desire to keep both the dishes and the floor intact.

Thinking about what kind of flooring to choose for the kitchen, you need to think about what difficulties you will encounter when installing the floor, whether you need a team of craftsmen or you can handle the repair yourself. Is it possible to install a "warm floor" system, whether the texture and color of the coating will suit the design of the kitchen.

Placement of underfloor heating in the kitchen

Types of coatings

Consider below the main types of coatings for the kitchen, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Laminate floors in the kitchen


Until recently, this material was the most common. This was facilitated by many of its advantages:

The disadvantages of linoleum can be considered its easy flammability. If a cigarette or a lit candle falls on the floor, it will leave a stain that cannot be removed. Heavy furniture standing on linoleum will leave its marks - dents. It is necessary to know about this property of the coating for those who strive for frequent changes in the situation in the apartment. An unpleasant moment is the gradual fading of colors under the influence of the sun. Cheap options are not environmentally friendly.

Linoleum floors in the interior of the kitchen


The popularity of flooring with laminate is growing rapidly, its advantages are:

  • Democratic price. Laying laminate in the kitchen, you do not need large capital investments.
  • aesthetic appearance. This coating is worthy to replace a real parquet board.
  • Wear resistance and moisture resistance. When making a choice, pay attention to the types of laminate with a water-repellent layer.
  • Pleasant to the touch, which is important for those who like to walk barefoot.
  • Possibility to use the "warm floor" system.

Laminate with a chamfer in the interior of the kitchen

The disadvantages of such a floor for the kitchen will make you think:

  • Numerous seams. When laying, they must be treated with a sealant. But even in this case, there is a high probability of moisture leakage and clogging of the seams with kitchen debris.
  • Will not withstand prolonged contact with liquid. Even moisture-resistant laminate requires careful handling.
  • Aggressive cleaners can cause irreparable damage to the laminate.
  • The most passable places will be noticeable over time.
  • Mechanical impact should be minimal. That is, moving heavy furniture and dropping cast-iron cauldrons is not recommended.
  • Possesses low fire resistance.

Laminate on the kitchen floor

Advice! If you have a large family, and you often cook a lot, then the laminate will not be able to serve you for a long time. This coating option should be chosen by those who cook little and cleanly.

When thinking about what to choose for your kitchen flooring, pay attention to cork. This floor design option has been known for a long time, but is not particularly popular. This is due to poor awareness and prejudices of buyers.

Cork floors in the interior of the kitchen

With additional processing by special means, this coating performs well even in extreme kitchen conditions:

  • Environmentally friendly material. Pleasant to the touch, walking barefoot on this is a pleasure.
  • Fire resistant. Fallen cigarettes, lit matches are not afraid of him.
  • Moisture resistant. Spilled liquids will not be absorbed, swelling does not occur from water.
  • Mold and fungus will not settle in your kitchen.
  • It has good sound insulation: the sounds of steps will be muffled.
  • The mechanical impact will leave a trace, but the special porous texture of the cork and the characteristic pattern will successfully hide the place of impact.
  • It is possible to apply the texture of natural wood to the coating, which will help to reliably imitate expensive parquet.

Cork floor in the kitchen

The disadvantages of cork flooring are its high cost. And active use in the kitchen will require a mandatory protective coating.


Tile floors are favorites in the kitchen.

Floor tiles in the kitchen

Let's take a closer look at their advantages:

  • Durability and resistance to mechanical damage. Even if some kind of tile on the floor accidentally becomes unusable, it is easy to replace it.
  • Moisture resistance. This floor is not afraid of even the flow of water in your kitchen.
  • Resistant to cleaning agents. When washing tile flooring, you do not need to worry about the composition of the detergent - it easily tolerates any chemical or mechanical attack.
  • High fire resistance.
  • Possibility to use the "warm floor" system.
  • Various color and texture solutions.
  • Its environmental friendliness is beyond doubt.

Ceramic floor tiles for the kitchen

But even such an attractive material in all respects has some drawbacks:

  • The cover is quite cold to the touch. For residents northern regions this is a significant drawback, which, if desired, can be compensated by installing the "warm floor" system;
  • Very hard coating that will not be able to save the fallen fragile dishes;
  • The surface can be quite slippery, traumatic.

Tiles for the kitchen

Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain tile is very similar to tile, but the manufacturing technology is closer to natural stone.

The advantages of the material are very pronounced.

  • The durability and strength of this material is unmatched. It will serve faithfully for decades.
  • Water resistance. Water and any other liquids will not interfere with its high performance properties.
  • Fire resistance. The material is not combustible, a fallen lit match will not have any effect on it.
  • The possibility of using the "warm floor" system.
  • Ecological purity.

Porcelain tile on the kitchen floor

The negative properties are very similar to the disadvantages of tiles: the coating is cold and very hard; when choosing glossy surfaces, it can be traumatic. And falling heavy objects will cause unequivocal damage to the material.

Porcelain tiles on the kitchen floor

self-leveling floor

This is a new way of flooring, only gaining popularity. Modern technologies achieve the best results:

  • The coating is seamless, absolutely waterproof;
  • Such a floor is not afraid of mechanical impact, scratches, chips are not afraid of him;
  • Not combustible;
  • Possesses highly resistant to abrasion;
  • Any detergents are not able to damage it, even abrasive substances can be used for cleaning, so it is not afraid of any pollution;
  • The material is completely safe for health, there is no toxicity;
  • It has some elasticity, which can save fragile objects when falling;
  • The service life is very long, about 40 years.

Screed floors in the kitchen

Note! When choosing self-leveling floors, take the opportunity to make decorative floors with a 3D image, this will emphasize the individuality of your kitchen.

The disadvantages of such a coating are the high price and the complexity of dismantling.

Self-leveling floor in the interior of the kitchen

Floor covering and interior design

Such a huge number of options for kitchen flooring has led to the emergence of new trends in the design of the room.

The choice of material for the floor in the kitchen largely depends on the operating conditions of the room and your personal preferences.


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