Camellia home: how it looks and how to care. Camellia care and cultivation at home

The beautiful camellia belongs to the large Tea family. To date, more than 80 species of this plant are known to botanists, but some scientists argue that in fact this figure should be three times more!

At home, the Japanese Camellia (Camelia Japynica) is mainly grown. Today, botanists know about 1000 varieties of this plant species, including: bell ringing”, “Forest Greens”, “Margaret Davis”, “Alba Simplex”, “Pink Perfection” and many others.

The evergreen Japanese camellia reaches a height of up to 5 meters (in culture up to 1.5 meters). It boasts medium-sized leaves (only 6-8 cm long), oval or broadly elliptical in shape. They are dark green in color, alternate, serrated, leathery and shiny. The flowers of the plant are large, axillary.

Camellia care will require some effort from the grower, but the reward for the work will be simply amazing!

Camellia care at home

The beauty camellia japonica belongs to a group of plants that are very, very demanding on indoor growing conditions. The slightest deviation from the norm can cause indoor flower will begin to drop buds, and then leaves. We will warn you right away: this plant is not for the lazy. If you want to achieve a delightful decorative perennial flowering, then you will need to take care of it from the first to last day growing a flower in room conditions.

It is very important! Camellia is incredibly demanding on growing conditions at home.

Lighting for camellia

The ideal place to grow perennials is a well-lit conservatory. The plant requires a significant drop in temperature during the cold months.

At home, camellia prefers bright light with a power of at least 3000 lux. The length of daylight hours for the normal development of camellia should be at least 12-14 hours. Therefore, in winter time indoor flower should be illuminated. Phytolamps or fluorescent lamps that have already become traditional will help the grower with this. If the illumination is not intense enough, or if it is simply absent, then the camellia is unlikely to bloom.

An important rule for flowering plants : If the camellia has entered the period of budding, in no case should it be rotated relative to the light source. Such a change in the location of the plant in space is fraught with the fact that the flower simply begins to drop buds.

In the summer, the camellia can be safely taken out to the balcony or garden, rearranged from place to place. Wherein indoor plant will not react in any way to changing growing conditions.

Remember! Intense green camellia leaves need protection from bright sunlight on hot summer days. Therefore, you should not expose camellia in well-lit areas, it is better to choose partial shade.

Camellia Growing Temperatures

Camellia japonica is a winter flowering plant. Therefore, the temperature of growing a plant, like many other flowers, differs significantly in spring-autumn and winter.

Camellia growing temperature from March to September ranges from +20 to +25 degrees. During the bookmark period flower buds the temperature of the perennial content should be somewhat lowered to +18 +20 degrees acceptable for this period of development.

The temperature of the camellia in the period from December to February should not rise above +8 +12 degrees. If the temperature is slightly different, then this may affect the quality of flowering as follows:

  • the grower will not be able to enjoy the flowering of the camellia, since at a higher temperature the buds of the camellia will begin to fall off;
  • perennial flowering will come ahead of schedule, but the quality of buds and flowers will be much worse. Possible loss of decoration.

It is important! Camellia does not tolerate drafts. This should be remembered when placing the "beauty" in your home. However, at the same time, the perennial vividly needs access to fresh air. Therefore, in the summer, plant growers are advised to put the camellia on a balcony, loggia, garden, or simply place it near an open window.

Rules for watering camellias at home

Camellia beauty refers to moisture-loving plants, but moistening the soil in the tank must occur according to special rules. Compliance with all norms and requirements will preserve the decorativeness of the plant and even prolong flowering!

  • seasonality. The volume of watering camellias cannot be called stably moderate or stably plentiful. It changes several times during the year. The right time - in the summer, in the hot season. The second time - in winter, during the flowering period of the plant.
  • reasonableness. This item involves compliance with watering volumes depending on the stage of plant development.

    In summer, soil moisture should be plentiful. The soil should not be dried out. This can lead to the death of the plant.

    In winter, watering should be carried out with extreme caution and caution. For in the cold season, especially at low temperatures in the room, moisture evaporates very slowly. Therefore, the earth in the container can remain damp for a long time. If watering is excessive, then the plant will simply turn sour and rot.

  • Quality. The successful development of camellia depends on the quality of water for irrigation. In no case should you water the indoor flower with unsettled tap water.

    It is important! Only settled water is suitable for watering camellias. room temperature. Camellia does not tolerate lime water. Watering with water of this quality will lead to the death of the plant.

    It will be great if you can add a few drops of vinegar to slightly acidify the water.

  • Timeliness. At any time during the development of the plant, a schedule for watering the camellia should be drawn up. This will help you clearly track the need and frequency of watering the plant. But in any case, you should always focus solely on the degree of drying of the soil. If the watering time has come, and upper layer has not yet had time to dry, it is necessary to postpone the moistening of the soil for several days.

Humidity in the room

Camellia does not "welcome" too dry air in the room where it grows. Therefore, conditions should be provided in which camellia could grow and develop normally. You can do this in two ways:

  • Method number 1. Next to the container in which the camellia grows, you should install a saucer with water. The liquid will gradually evaporate, thereby providing a comfortable level of humidity for the flower in the room.
  • Method number 2 You can install a humidifier in the room. Many models allow you to set the desired level of humidity at a given level. Therefore, the equipment will automatically turn on as soon as the humidity level drops below an acceptable value.

We should not forget about regular spraying of camellia, especially in summer period. During budding and flowering, spraying should be carried out with extreme caution. In no case should moisture fall on the buds and flowers of the plant.

Top dressing camellia

In summer, the plant does not feel an urgent need for top dressing, however, for harmonious growth and development, it is still worth it. Fertilizer should be applied no more than once a month.

During the period of active budding, the frequency of feeding camellia should increase significantly. Fertilizer should be applied at least 2-3 times a month.

As a fertilizer for camellias, a liquid top dressing for azaleas is suitable. You can buy fertilizer at any flower shop. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. If it has long passed, then such top dressing will not only not benefit the plant, but can also cause irreparable harm to the camellia.

Camellia transplant

Perennial, like other plants, requires regular transfers. The frequency of changing the growing container directly depends on the age of the plant.

  • Young camellias are recommended to be transplanted annually, in spring time. The container should be replaced with a new one, with a larger diameter. Transplantation is carried out with a complete renewal of the soil in the tank. In this case, the neck of the plant should in no case be immersed in the ground. This is very dangerous for the plant and can lead to its death.
  • Mature camellias no longer need such a frequent transplant. It is enough to transplant them once every two to three years. But the top layer of soil should be updated annually.

Perennials in tubs are simply not transplanted anymore, as this is a very, very laborious task. In addition, during such a transplant, mature camellia can be harmed, and it will die. Therefore, it will be enough for such plants to annually renew the top soil layer. This should be done in detail, completely removing the old soil down to the root system and laying a new one. This will reduce the risk of developing diseases and the spread of infections and encourages the plant to bloom regularly.


Camellia reproduces in several ways:

  • seeds. Plant breeders are not too fond of this method of reproduction, as it does not allow maintaining the quality of the variety. Some plants produce fruit-boxes with seeds. The seed is planted in a container with a nutrient substrate and germinated until the first viable leaves appear, then dive into separate pots.
  • cuttings. The most popular way. Allows you to maintain the quality of the variety. It is preferable to cut off the tops of the shoots of mature plants. The length should vary from three to eight centimeters.
  • Another way to propagate camellias is vaccination. It is considered very laborious, rarely implemented at home.

Problems in growing camellia

Wrong care - main reason difficulties in growing camellia:

  • Falling leaves are often associated with abundant or insufficient watering. Sometimes the reason for this uncharacteristic behavior for camellias is a lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • appeared on the leaves of the plant brown spots? It is urgent to remove the plant from the sun. This is the first sign of a sunburn.
  • Soil acidification often leads to poor flowering of the plant.
  • Often the camellia is attacked by aphids, scale insects, spider mite. They are controlled with insecticides. Popular folk way: treatment of the plant with a soapy solution.

Camellia is a delightful plant. Care will take some effort, but the mesmerizing blooms of this beautiful perennial are truly worth it!

Home camellia - lovely Oriental beauty like a luxurious rose. Beautiful buds look gorgeous against the background of dark green foliage, but in order to admire the plant, you need to properly care for it. Camellia has won the love of flower growers due to the fact that in addition to the decorative properties of the bud, its leaves are used as tea leaves.

The most common varieties of camellia

Camellia (camellia) has been known since the time of the Japanese samurai. Interest in bright flower has not faded yet. Proper cultivation camellias at home guarantees lush flowering in the winter. There are such types of flowers:

  • Camellia oleifera is an oil-bearing evergreen tree up to 10 m high, which is conveniently located along the river banks and in the wooded area of ​​China at an altitude of about 500-1400 m above sea level. seas. Often they are grown specifically in order to extract healthy oil from seeds. Flowering occurs from September to the second half of October with luxurious snow-white flowers. After that, seed boxes appear, and you can collect seeds from them.

  • Camellia sinensi is a Chinese tree with fragrant buds up to 10 m high. It begins to bloom in August, and in October three-leaved, slightly flattened boxes appear in place of the flowers. Due to the fact that its foliage is brewed like tea, the plant got its second name - tea bush.

  • Camellia japonica - this beauty grows up to 15 meters. Lives in Korea, Japan and China. Abundant flowering lasts from December to April. Flowers are terry, simple and semi-double, reaching a diameter of 4 cm.

  • Camellia sasanqua is a mountain camellia native to the islands. Bushes about 5 m high with thin branches and slightly red shoots. Fragrant flowers of white, pinkish and red shades appear from November to the end of January.

Habitual in the middle latitudes of Europe, garden camellia and home varieties common among our compatriots were bred on the basis of the Japanese variety.

How to care for homemade camellia

To grow a room camellia, you should study in detail the conditions that a capricious flower prefers. Even a slight deviation from the norm can cause it to start shedding leaves and flowers.

Important! This flower is not for the lazy, so be prepared to pay due attention to the care of indoor beauty.

Proper lighting

Indoor flower requires certain lighting:

  • The best place for breeding perennials is a well-lit conservatory. The flower prefers lower temperatures during the colder months.
  • The optimal brightness of lighting is at least 3000 lux, and the required daylight hours are at least 12-14 hours. That is why in winter the flowers need to be illuminated. For these purposes, gardeners use phytolamps, which you can read more about. With absence necessary light the plant will not bloom.
  • For camellia during the formation of buds, it is strictly forbidden to turn it relative to the light source. If you do not listen to this requirement, she will simply drop the buds.
  • Camellia in open field is also common, but even a flowerpot with a home flower can be safely taken out to the balcony or garden in the summer, as well as change its location. At the same time, the greens will not react in any way to a change in the place of cultivation.

Important! Saturated green foliage requires protection from direct sunlight on especially hot days. Therefore, the pot is best placed in a slightly shaded place.

Competent temperature regime

The camellia flower is winter-flowering, so the temperature of its cultivation, like many other flowers, is very different during the autumn-winter period.

  • March-September - the temperature ranges from +20 to +25 degrees. As soon as the period of formation of flower buds begins, lower the temperature to the optimum +18 +20 degrees.
  • December-February - the temperature is not more than +8 +12 degrees.

If the temperature is violated, you may experience such problems: the ovary will fall off or flowering will come much earlier, but the buds will be small and inconspicuous.

Camellia care involves the complete absence of drafts and the presence of fresh air.

How to water a plant

Camellia loves moisture, but this process also obeys clear rules.

  • Watering cannot be called consistently plentiful or moderate. Throughout the year, the degree of required moisture changes several times. In summer, abundant watering, and in winter, moderate.
  • The soil should not be allowed to dry out in summer, as the camellia may die. In winter, watering is prudent and accurate, since moisture evaporates very slowly at low temperatures. With excessive moisture, the flower may turn sour and die.
  • Watering is carried out only with settled water. The liquid can be slightly acidified by dropping a few drops of vinegar into it.

Important! The flower prefers watering with settled water average temperature. Water rich in lime can kill the sprout.

  • Set up a watering schedule. This will help you keep track of how often you moisturize. Landmark - the degree of drying of the earth. If the watering time is up and the topsoil is still wet, delay watering for a few days.

Optimum indoor humidity

The flower does not tolerate dry air in the room where it grows. Provide optimal humidity possible in the following ways:

  • Place a saucer of water next to the pot. The liquid will gradually evaporate, providing the plant comfortable conditions. How to humidify the air in the room in other ways, you can read.
  • Install a humidifier in the room to maintain the desired level of humidity.
  • Spray the leaves regularly, especially in summer. Be extremely careful during the budding period. Moisture should not fall on the flowers.

How to fertilize correctly

In the summer, the plant does not require active feeding, but for harmonious development, it should still be carried out. For these purposes, buy a special mineral fertilizer, and in the absence of it, a substrate for a rose or liquid top dressing for azaleas is suitable. Apply fertilizer according to the instructions no more than 1 time per month. During the flowering period, increase feeding up to 2-3 times a month. Before fertilizing, be sure to pay attention to expiration dates. Delay can only harm the pet.

Japanese beauty transplant

Perennial requires systematic transplants. The frequency of changing the pot depends on the age of the plant.

  • Replant young flowers every spring. Each time take a container with a large diameter. When transplanting, the soil changes completely, while the neck of the flower should not be covered with earth. This is dangerous for the plant, and can lead to its death.

  • Mature plants change the pot every 3 years. But the top layer changes every year.

  • If a perennial grows in a tub, then it is not transplanted, as it is very difficult. In addition to inconvenience, you can cause irreparable harm to the plant. Therefore, it is enough just to change the top layer of soil. This will reduce the risk of disease and stimulate the development of buds.

Reproduction of room camellia

Plant propagation occurs in several ways:

  • Seeds. Gardeners are not very fond of this method, as it does not retain the quality of the variety. Some individuals have seed pods. These seeds are transplanted into a container with a nutrient substrate and grown until the first leaves appear, after which the sprouts dive into different pots.

  • Cuttings. The most popular way to maintain the quality of varieties. It is better to cut off the upper parts of ripe shoots. Their length varies from 3 to 8 cm. The cuttings are placed in diluted heteroauxin. After that, the cuttings are moved to a box filled in half with peat and sand. Planting is left at a temperature of +20 +23 degrees until rooting.

  • Grafting. This method is considered very time consuming, and is extremely rare at home.

What problems do gardeners face?

How to care for camellia depends on its flowering. Errors in care - home cause of plant disease and death.

  • If the foliage falls, then you make mistakes with watering.
  • Withered leaves - the plant lacks nutrients.
  • If, as in the photo, brownish spots have formed on the leaves, then remove the pot from the windowsill as soon as possible. These are signs of sunburn.

  • meager flowering is a sign soil acidification.
  • In the event of an attack by a scale insect, tick or aphid, it is necessary to treat the foliage with special preparations, or with an ordinary soapy solution.

The video below clearly shows how to grow a camellia and make it the queen of the winter garden. Have you had any experience in breeding camellias? Write about the most important, in your opinion, in this process to readers.


Camellia needs bright diffused light, Better conditions for its cultivation are created on the eastern or western windows. If you have chosen a southerly direction, you need to take care of protection from direct sunlight. On the north side of the camellia, there may not be enough light for normal growth.

In spring and summer, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at + 20-25 ° С, for laying buds it is reduced to + 18-20 ° С, and during flowering, from December to February, it should not exceed + 12 ° С. If the temperature is higher, flowering will come earlier, but the quality of the flowers will be worse, and the likelihood of bud drop increases. When daylight hours are short, bud formation occurs at +8-10°C.

This plant is preferred high humidity air, so it is advisable to regularly spray it with soft settled water, and also put the pots on pallets with wet peat or expanded clay. Spraying should be carried out carefully, trying not to get moisture on the flowers.

In summer, the camellia should be watered abundantly when the topsoil dries out. For watering and spraying, you need to use soft water, this plant does not tolerate the high content of calcium in it.

Camellia needs fresh air, in summer it can be taken outside, just choose a place protected from direct sunlight. Young plants should be repotted annually, while adults should be repotted every two years. Transplantation is carried out from November to February, when the camellia is at rest. If carried out in the spring, it may interfere with the development of new shoots.

The soil in which camellia is grown must be acidic (pH 4.5-5), but the plant can successfully develop on more acidic soils with a pH below 4. Two parts of peat land are used to prepare the substrate, the same amount of heather and leaf, and also one part of sod land and sand.

You can use ready-made soil for azaleas, camellias and rhododendrons. At the bottom of the dishes you need to create good drainage. Camellia should not be planted deep; when planting, you need to carefully monitor that the root neck, which is located between the roots and the trunk, is not covered with earth.

Feed the camellia once in the spring. Fertilizers should not be applied in the fall, this can provoke the formation of new shoots, which is undesirable during the dormant period. Purchase special formulations for plants acidic soil or conventional complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and potassium. The concentration should be reduced by half compared to that recommended on the label. Avoid drugs that contain calcium and magnesium, these elements are in tap water, and their overabundance can lead to the death of the plant.

Camellia (Camellia) is evergreen belonging to the Tea family. This amazing flower was named after the Jesuit monk Kamelius Georg Joseph, who first brought it to Europe. In conditions wildlife the plant grows in tropical, subtropical zones in countries such as Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, China, on the islands of Java, Sulawesi.

Surely the description of the camellia flower will be of interest to many florists. This is beautiful plant is a shade-tolerant bush or tree, the height of which can vary between 2 - 20 m. Dull or pointed leaves have a simple, elliptical, broadly or oblong-ovate shape, leathery structure, glossy surface, short petioles. They are single, sequential. The length of the leaf plate is about 3 - 17 cm.

Getting an answer to the question of what a flower of a plant looks like is a must. Camellias form many single buds. The diameter of blossoming flowers with numerous stamens can vary within: 1 - 12 cm. At the base, the petals are fused. Their color is pink, red, white, variegated.

Popular types of camellia

Modern breeders have bred numerous varieties, camellia hybrids, based on various varieties plants. Below are the most popular types.

camellia japonica

This variety is considered the most famous, often used in breeding events to breed indoor flowers. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this plant is revered on a par with the iconic sakura. The magnificent flower Japanese camellia (Camellia japonicaa) is cultivated as indoor, greenhouse, garden. It is often used as an interior decor, for making bouquets.

AT natural conditions the plant can have a height of 1.5 - 11 m. Caring for home care for Japanese camellia, you can count on getting a tree-like shrub with stems up to 1 m long, blooming in November - January. Semi-double, double spherical flowers may have white, pink, red colors. In hybrid specimens, the petals often have a spotted or striped color. Flowers form in leaf axils and cover the entire crown.

camellia sinensis

This variety also has another name - tea bush. The leaves of the plant are used to produce green, black, long leaf tea. Dried flowers are components of various aromatic additives.

If you are interested in the question of where the Chinese camellia (Camellia sinensis) grows, you can find out that the industrial cultivation of the plant is carried out by many countries: China, India, Kenya, Japan, Georgia, etc. Our state is also engaged in the cultivation of tea camellia ( Krasnodar region). Indoors, its cultivation is carried out quite rarely.

mountain camellia

Mountain camellia (Camellia sasanqua) in nature grows on the islands of Kyushu, Okinawa (Japan). In a cool room, it is fashionable to observe its flowering in the period November - February. The view is often taken as the basis for the derivation of indoor, garden varieties. The plant forms single buds or rosettes with 2-3 flowers. The red camellia flower looks very impressive, also, the petals can be white or pink.

camellia saluyonskaya

This species is actively used in breeding cold-resistant varieties suitable for garden and greenhouse cultivation. A slightly branched shrub reaches a height of 1.5 m. Large flowers (8 cm in diameter) gradually bloom on it, the color of which can be snow-white, pink, dark red, burgundy. Saluyon camellia (Camellia saluenensis) is considered the most unpretentious of garden plants of his family.

Camellia oleifera

Cultivating it evergreen tree a height of about 10 m is practiced in Chinese mountainous areas. Large seeds of the camellia oil (Camellia oleifera) flower are formed in a large fruit box. For single bisexual or paired axillary flowers, the presence of a white color is characteristic.

Indoor camellia: cultivation and reproduction

As practice shows, home care for a camellia flower, which is quite capricious, will be very successful if a number of rules are observed. To master the skills of growing such a plant is quite within the power of any grower.

Requirements for location, lighting

So that the home maintenance of camellia does not cause problems, you will initially need to decide on the most successful place to install a pot with a plant.

For this purpose, it is worth giving preference to windows oriented to the west or east. Camellia also feels great in winter garden, greenhouse, on a glazed loggia.

An inexperienced florist caring for and propagating a camellia flower should take into account that the plant (especially in the first year after planting) does not like moving, turning the flowerpot, being exposed to direct sunlight, and drafts.

Bought or donated new flower it is necessary to withstand 2 weeks in a shaded cool room, and then transfer to a permanent sunny place, where the temperature will be maintained, not exceeding + 16 ° C.

In the summer, the plant is allowed to be put on Fresh air with obligatory shading. Beautiful flower camellia in a pot will show good growth, bud development in diffused light lasting 12 - 14 hours per day. AT cold period year it is worth providing camellias with additional illumination.

Temperature regime for the plant

During the laying of flower buds, it is necessary to provide for maintaining a temperature of + 5 ... + 6 ° С. Best flowering the plant will demonstrate at + 8 ... + 12 ° C. In the dormant phase, camellia tolerates temperatures + 20 ... + 25 ° C well.

Organization of watering camellia

When deciding how to care for a camellia flower, you will need to ensure that it is regularly watered using settled water. During budding, flowering, irrigation is carried out immediately after the drying of the upper soil layer is detected. It is very important to prevent stagnant water, acidification of the earth. In the dormant stage, moderate watering should be dispensed with.

To increase the humidity of the air on hot days, it is recommended to spray the bush twice a day. Also pouring water into the pan has proven itself well. Justified will be the installation of the pot in a container filled with moistened gravel, moss, sand or pebbles.

The plant likes acidified water lemon juice, vinegar. With a lack of moisture, the bush is able to shed its leaves. Excessively abundant irrigation can provoke a situation where the leaves and stems of camellias turn brown. Subsequently, flowers and buds may fall off the plant. If the situation is not corrected, the flower will die.

Soil quality for crop

Camellia is very demanding on the quality of the soil. She feels best when planted in acidic soil with a pH level in the range of 3 - 5. The use of a soil substrate for azaleas has proven itself well. Self-preparation of the soil mixture involves the use of turf (1 share), sand (1 share), peat (2 shares), leafy soil (2 shares).

Transplanted shoots are best placed in a flowerpot filled with a substrate with the following composition: sand (0.5 shares), peat (1 share), coniferous soil (2 shares). Drainage should be provided at the bottom of the landing tank.

Performing top dressing camellia

Camellia reacts positively to organic fertilizers. In the autumn-spring period, monthly application of liquid dressings is practiced. During budding, flowering, this event is performed 2 times a month. For camellias, it is advisable to purchase ready-made fertilizers suitable for orchids, azaleas.

Pinching and pruning the plant

In order to prevent crushing of flowers, pinch the buds, leaving a maximum of 2 copies per branch.

In autumn, the plant is pruned. Damaged, weak shoots are removed from him. This activates the formation of axillary buds.

The procedure for transplanting to another pot

Camellia undergoes an annual transplant for the first 3 years, and an adult, well-flowering bush - every 2 years. A similar procedure is carried out after the flowers wither in spring or summer, while pinching the apical sections of the shoots.

Reproduction of camellia in different ways

When propagating the camellia flower, it is advisable to give preference to the cutting method.

To get high-quality planting material, you need to trim the apical shoots that have formed over the current season. The recommended length of the cuttings is 6-8 cm, they should have 4-5 leaves. An oblique cut over the axillary kidney is practiced.

The optimal months for vegetative breeding of a plant are January, July-August. It will take about 2 months to root summer seedlings, winter ones will form root system for a longer period.

The cuttings are planted in boxes filled with a mixture of peat (1 share), sand (1 share). The containers are to be installed in a bright room, maintaining a temperature of + 20 ... + 23 ° C, moistening the soil by spraying. Germinated specimens are determined in pots with a diameter of 7 - 8 cm.

Florists with experience practice growing camellias from seeds to simultaneously obtain a large number of young bushes. As part of this procedure, each seed is sown in a separate container. The 2 true leaves that have appeared are a signal of the need for picking plants into a larger container.

It is worth noting that often flower shops may offer a mixture of seeds of various varieties for sale. In order not to subsequently encounter a solution to the problem of how to care for camellia mix, you will first need to carefully read the information published on the package. The preferred choice is planting material certain variety, hybrid.

Garden camellia: care features

Experienced florists are sure that keeping a camellia flower in the garden is guaranteed not to be problematic for a person who has studied the appropriate agricultural techniques. Transfer young plant in open ground conditions it is produced every two years, an adult culture is transferred to a new place with a frequency of 5-7 years.

AT landscape design, basically, the garden curly camellia flower is used. In regions with severe winter period Many low-growing varieties have been bred for growing in open ground. In anticipation of frost, they are transplanted into flowerpots and transferred indoors.

Diseases, crop pests

Unfortunately, outdoor camellia, like an indoor flower, often becomes the object of attack by pests such as aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, worms, spider mites, and thrips.

The appearance in the leaf axils, in the areas of the stems of a white, dense coating indicates the defeat of the plant by the mealybug. To get rid of the pest, it must be removed with cotton swab, toothpicks, then wipe the affected areas with a sponge dipped in a solution of laundry soap.

Due to aphids and scale insects, sooty spots begin to be visible on the plant - the black camellia looks very unpresentable. Heavily damaged specimens must be treated with specialized fungicides, insecticides. Blackened leaves must be removed.

Brown, gray spots on the sheets signal a fungal infection. Yellowing veins on the surface of the leaves indicate a mosaic virus. Having identified the disease in time, it is urgent to start treating the plant, because otherwise the decorative properties of the camellia will be lost for a long time, and sometimes the flower may even die.

Reward for patience and hard work


Camellia - beautiful flower, which is able to bring freshness and originality to your apartment. But so that the indoor camellia flower, the care of which is quite simple, does not wither and die, follow a few important rules. This will allow you to grow a real garden at home.

Required Tools

Sand Expanded clay

Proper planting for rapid development

The first thing to do is to choose the right soil for planting. The best soil for azaleas and rhododendrons, which consists of perlite, soil, peat, sand and ground tree bark. You can either buy it or make it yourself. To do this, you need to take 1 part of coniferous soil, part of peat and leaf, as well as 0.5 sand. Before planting, be sure to dig up the ground with high quality to saturate the soil with air.

Choose the right pot as well, as it should be wide enough, but not deep. We lay out drainage at the bottom, then pour out the earth and plant the plant. When disembarking, be careful, keep an eye on the root neck (the place between the trunk and the roots), since it cannot be covered with earth. It is advisable to carry out all work in the fall or early winter, when the plant is at rest. Young need to be transplanted every year, after - every two years. At the same time as transplanting, the tops need to be pinched for better branching of the plants.

Indoor camellia flower: care, watering and lighting

A lot depends directly on how you will feed the plant, especially in the winter season, when the flowers lack the main elements and vitamins. Also, do not forget that in the fall, when the camellia is at rest, no preparations can be used - because of this, young shoots will form that simply cannot stand the winter.

Fertilizers for acidic soil or preparations containing potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron and manganese are best suited as top dressing.

When buying a fertilizer, carefully read the label so as not to purchase top dressing with magnesium and calcium. And all because these substances are enough in ordinary tap water, and their excess can lead to the death of flowers. If you are going to dilute fertilizers in water, reduce its concentration several times, and remember - you should not feed the camellia too often, this can cause the death of the plant.

You should also carefully approach the process of watering, because here it is important to maintain a balance so as not to overmoisten the ground and not lead to its drying out. Water should be soft and warm, not cold, for which you can boil it and cool it a little. But in winter you don’t need to water the flower, it’s better to just spray the leaves. To create the humidity necessary for the development of the flower, in winter, put a pot of camellia on a tray with expanded clay.

Much attention is paid to lighting. Important condition for the normal development and growth of camellias - a well-ventilated and cool room. Optimum temperature for flower:

  • In winter - +8 °С - +10 °С;
  • In summer - +18 °С - +20 °С;
  • During the flowering period - about +15 ° С.

Camellias need diffused and bright lighting, but places with direct sunlight should be avoided, this can harm the flower.

Camellia propagation or how to grow your garden from plants?

So that you do not have to constantly buy camellia flowers, which even a novice gardener can handle, they can be grown at home. Pleased with a wide variety of possibilities for the method of reproduction, including the use of seeds, cuttings, grafting. Which one to choose depends on your skill and desire. To the most known method it is worth taking the cuttings, it is the simplest and requires minimum investment, as well as .

Unfortunately, the plant cannot be propagated if you simply put the cuttings in a glass of water - they must be immediately planted in a mixture of soil and peat or sand. Carefully cut off the end of the stem sharp knife, before planting, we dip it in a phytohormone, it is also necessary to ensure the lower heating of the earth in advance (the temperature should be about + 25 ° С). After planting, be sure to water the plant with water and darken if you have chosen a sunny place.

Under such conditions, the rooting of the plant will last approximately 45-60 days. Be sure to pay attention to appearance- choose cuttings olive color with a lignified stem, young shoots are not suitable for propagation. As you can see, the indoor camellia flower, the care of which does not seem very difficult and time-consuming, grows normally at home, the main thing is to follow the rules for planting, watering and lighting it.