Sheet plastic ceiling. How to make a ceiling from plastic panels: step-by-step instructions. Fastening PVC panels to the ceiling

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Ceiling panels like decent option For talented person

In the world of modern interior design, ceiling panels for interior decoration occupy perhaps the largest niche. The secret of this phenomenon is simple - plaster and putty are old-fashioned, drywall is boring, and stretch ceilings are expensive. In this review I will tell you what types of ceiling panels exist, for which rooms they are suitable, and in general outline I will outline the basic principles of their installation.

Product classification

Modern ceiling panels are a whole world, and in order not to “drown” in this ocean, let’s figure out how such materials are classified.

So, how to make such beauty? The easiest way to classify this coating is by installation method:

  • So-called cassette suspension known since Soviet times. Thanks to the efforts of Western marketers, these designs are now commonly called “Armstrong” and are considered almost a breakthrough in design. Although in a good half of Soviet institutions this newfangled “Armstrong” had been hanging since the sixties of the last century.
    The principle itself is simple: a cage made of metal corners. The standard cell size in such a cage is 600x600 mm, less common is 600x1200 mm. In each cell, T-shaped corners form a side around the perimeter, and it is on this side that the ceiling panel is laid;

  • If the cassette suspension is more suitable for administrative and office premises, That rack mounting type reigns in the household sector. The installation of all long and relatively narrow panels refers to the rack direction. Such materials can be attached either to wood or metal sheathing, and just stick to the ceiling. Such long lamellas can be connected to each other using the tenon/groove principle or mounted end-to-end;

  • And of course, the most in a simple way installation is gluing. If the ceiling is flat, then you can glue any ceiling panels to it, except perhaps metal ones. Most often, panels made of polyurethane, polystyrene foam, MDF and plastic are glued; in principle, all lightweight materials with a smooth and flat base can be glued.

If the ceiling is low and you do not need to hide any communications behind it, then the easiest way is to apply the finishing with glue. Frame and cassette installation methods are good for hiding irregularities and communications, and also if you plan to use panels for suspended ceiling.

Video. Installation of Armstrong suspended ceiling.

Raw materials used for panels

It's no secret that they are the same decorative panels for the ceiling can be mounted in different ways. Therefore, further I will talk specifically about the advantages, disadvantages and subtleties of arranging ceiling coverings from certain materials.

Natural wood

Wood rack and pinion version decorative cladding surfaces is known, perhaps, to everyone - this is the good old lining. Despite the fact that lining is wall panels on the ceiling, it is mounted quite often, and it looks great there.

There are now many types of lining and almost all of them are used for similar finishing. But whatever the lath configuration, this type of finish has general feature: in the vast majority of cases, the lining is attached using clamps to a frame made of wooden or metal profiles.

Although not very often, the cassette method of arrangement still occurs wooden structures. In this case, in addition to using carved square panels, the frame itself is finished in wood in the same style.

Of course, it is undesirable to use wood in damp rooms. But to protect it, many impregnations are now produced, and there are also powerful varnishes and paints. For example, yacht varnish, which can protect the array even from sea water.

Plus, no plastic can replace the beauty and marvelous energy of natural wood in a room. In addition, we should not forget that in addition to the traditional coniferous and deciduous wood in our country, there is now also such exotic wood as bamboo and cork panels for ceilings.

Bamboo finish came to us from Indochina. It is essentially a woven mat made from thinly cut, ironed and pressed slats of bamboo. By its nature, it is initially very durable and at the same time elastic, plus it is not afraid of any moisture. By the way, such cladding is installed precisely according to the cassette principle.

Cork flooring It has an original appearance; frankly speaking, this finish is not for everyone. Often, cork panels are glued either directly to the ceiling or to rigid plates, which in turn can be mounted using a rack or cassette method. Cork tolerates moisture well and is a unique natural sound insulator.

A distant relative of natural wood can be considered the so-called mineral panels. As a rule, the base in them is wood, dust or sawdust, but the shape and texture of the product is given with the help of polymer binders.

Use of metal in decoration

Metal panels now they are predominantly made of aluminum, although sometimes there are budget options made of thin sheet galvanized or nickel-plated steel. The sheet thickness ranges from 0.3 – 0.7 mm.

Similar products were previously produced only with a matte or glossy mirror finish and, as a rule, were used in modern design hi-tech style.

Now the line of metal ceilings is several times wider; panels with polymer painting have been added, as well as coatings decorated with natural wood or stone. The latest in fashion are metal perforated panels with an original texture, equipped with infrared elements that warm the room.

They can be mounted either in a cassette or rack manner.. The cassette version is common in large halls of administrative, shopping and entertainment centers. Rack and rack models are usually installed in residential premises.

With such a wide range of designs, metal can be installed almost anywhere. But our people prefer to use them to decorate the ceilings of kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms with unstable humidity and temperature.

If the frame for cassette installation is almost the same everywhere, then the installation of slatted panels is carried out on special guides equipped with hooks. Moreover, each model has its own guides.

The slats themselves are a kind of bracket, which from the inside with two inwardly curved edges clings to the hooks of the metal guides. As a result, some models provide an almost monolithic coating, without cracks or gaps.

If you choose such a ceiling for yourself, do not forget to take it with ceiling fillets(plinths). The fact is that an installation gap is left between the ceiling plane and the walls, and this gap will need to be covered.

The purpose of such a gap is twofold: firstly, a monolithic airtight coating requires additional ventilation. And secondly, before disassembling the ceiling made of metal panels connected tightly end-to-end, you will need to remove it, and then you will have access to the edges of the hooks.

As for performance characteristics, then they are perhaps the highest among all their closest competitors. Warranty on lightweight metal panels with modern polymer coating only starts from 50 years old.

Although by and large, having such protection, they can even last much longer in the shower. These ceilings are more likely to become obsolete than to deteriorate.

Video of installation of rack structure.

Plastic and other polymers

I would divide all polymer panels into slatted and square. Slatted ceiling panels made of plastic, more precisely polyvinyl chloride (PVC), are now breaking all records of popularity. There are several reasons for this:

  • Plastic is a malleable thing, so such a product can easily be given any shape, color and texture. The possibilities of modern photo printing open up vast horizons for plastic coverings, up to volumetric 3D images;
  • But along with such colossal design possibilities, the price of these decorative coverings rarely rises above the average threshold. And the majority plastic models generally located in the public sector;
  • Everyone knows that plastic is absolutely indifferent to high humidity. Plus, if you don’t skimp and buy a more expensive model, then sunlight with temperature changes will not cause color changes. Simply put, quality models do not fade over time;

  • Installing plastic, as a rule, does not cause difficulties even for novice craftsmen. Everything is extremely simple: they filled the sheathing, installed a U-shaped starting profile, and then just insert the tenon panels into the groove and fix each one to the sheathing with a clamp. In general, the instructions are the same as for installing the lining.

Of course, not everything is perfect with plastic; this coating also has a number of relatively serious disadvantages:

  • The most serious is quite weak mechanical strength material. But do not forget that we are talking about the ceiling, and if you are not going to play football, then nothing bad will happen;
  • Plastic and those polymers that are now used for ceiling decoration are not able to withstand temperatures above 70ºC; then they decompose and release carcinogens. Actually, that’s why it is not recommended to install it in bathhouses. Plus absolutely all polymers are flammable.

Some savvy sellers offer thin, low-quality panels, passing them off as ceiling panels. Supposedly they are lighter, therefore more suitable for this type of coating. Don’t believe it, plastic wall panels for the ceiling work just fine. And those couple of tens of grams do not matter, the main thing is that the quality is at the same level.

The slatted finish is divided into solid panels and the so-called plastic lining. They are mounted almost identically, but solid panels are more suitable for internal cladding.

Square polymer panels are now made from polyurethane or foam. Polyurethane ones are a little more expensive and prettier, while polystyrene foam is considered budget option. Theoretically, of course, they can be laid on a cassette lathing, but in reality, both foam plastic and polyurethane are always glued to the ceiling.

This type of finish is good because it is inexpensive and can be installed quite quickly and easily. Plus, both of these materials can be repainted up to 5 – 7 times, which means they will definitely be enough for a couple of decades of use.

Sometimes, when insulating balconies and loggias, ceilings are installed from sandwich panels - this is a kind of “sandwich”, in the middle part of which there is insulation, and the top and bottom of this insulation is covered with decorative or ordinary plastic.

It is also worth mentioning panels finished with metal corrugated sheets, but they are almost never used for indoor ceilings.

MDF finish

MDF ceiling panels occupy a separate niche. The price for them is about the same as for natural wood. In fact, MDF and is a natural product. This coating is made from wood dust, to which paraffin has been added and heated strongly under a press.

The fact is that if wood dust is heated for some time under high pressure, a natural glue called lignin is released from it. It is this lignin, and not polymers as many believe, that makes a monolithic and very durable slab from dust.

Ceiling MDF boards are available in several varieties. The installation method is selected depending on the conditions and configuration of the panel itself. This is one of the few materials that is available for all types of installation: gluing, regular frames, like lining and cassette frames.

  • The most affordable option is MDF laminated with PVC film. But there are a lot of fakes here; under this “sauce” they often sell fiberboard covered with the same film;

If suspicions arise, then know that you cannot pierce a real MDF board with an awl, but an awl will fit into fiberboard.

  • The most popular now is considered covered with MDF paper and laminated with melamine resins. As you understand, the paper can have any decor, and the transparent melamine resin provides the coating with unique strength.

  • Another popular model in the MDF sector are veneered boards. This is one of the most expensive options, since such slabs are covered on top natural veneer elite varieties of wood (veneer is a thin cut of wood up to 3 mm thick).

  • Still being produced covered enamel MDF slabs, they look beautiful, but are rarely used for ceilings, their destiny is furniture.

The latest fashion in this niche is the appearance of MDF panels with 3D texture. In this case, we are not talking about the effect of presence. It’s just that these ceilings have a pronounced relief texture. It can be an abstract pattern or a meaningful panel.

LED ceiling options

A novelty in this niche are the so-called LED ceiling panels. In other words, built-in ceiling lamps, made in the form of flat panels. They differ from conventional lamps in that LEDs are used as the main light source, rather than traditional lamps.

The design is made in such a way that the LEDs themselves are not visible. Using a system of lenses and reflectors, we obtain a ceiling sector that emits soft light over its entire area.

These products are quite compact, the maximum thickness of the luminous plate is about 50 mm, which, as you understand, makes it easy to mount such lamps both in a cassette and in any other suspended structure.

Production models are available in square and round versions. For square lamps of this type, the side size varies from 200 to 600 mm. But round ones are currently produced only with a diameter of 270 mm.

Although this may already be outdated information, since this industry is developing by leaps and bounds and almost every month the market pleases us with new products. The latest hit is LED panels for suspended ceilings.

Their main advantage is that they practically do not heat up, which means that these lamps can be placed in close proximity to the polymer film of the stretch ceiling. Most often they are mounted in a two-level suspended structure and are directed to the ceiling.

The thing is certainly beautiful, but to be honest, it’s expensive. Although there is no need to despair, our talented people have learned to make LED ceiling panels with their own hands. Such designs cost about 3 times less than factory ones. For those interested, there is a video below.

Video on how to assemble an LED lamp.


Ceiling panels are now a rapidly growing trend in interior design. I only talked about the most popular and recognized types of designs, and if you are talented people, no one forbids you to look for your own options. After all, any design is, first of all, creativity, and if there is a desire to discuss, then welcome to the comments, the topic is interesting.

Ceiling made of plastic ceiling panels is one of the options for suspended ceilings. Such ceilings are usually installed in bathrooms, corridors and kitchens.

A room decorated with a plastic ceiling does not look very cozy. Installation of ceiling plastic panels not recommended in the bedroom. No matter how manufacturers claim that the material is absolutely harmless, finishing the ceilings with plastic in the rooms in which you are long time- not the best the best option. In addition, if the length of the room is more than 3 meters, you will have to join the panels, and this looks ugly.

How to choose the necessary materials

Selection of plastic panels for the ceiling

Light-colored panels are usually used to decorate ceilings.

There are panels on sale with colors that imitate slatted ceiling. In terms of cost, plastic ceiling panels are much cheaper than aluminum slats for finishing the ceiling, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish by appearance plastic ceiling from aluminum rack.

Such panels have standard sizes— width 240 mm, length 3000 mm.

The photo shows plastic panels imitating a slatted ceiling.

The advantages of finishing the ceiling with plastic panels include speed of installation. The ceiling does not need to be leveled plaster mixtures. Possibility of inserting into a suspended ceiling Spotlights allows you to create cozy lighting in the room. The price of plastic ceiling panels is affordable for economy class renovations.

Calculation of materials

You will need:

Standard panels are 24 cm wide and 2.7 m or 3 m long. Divide the width of the room by the width of the panel. When planning the finishing of ceilings in two rooms, calculate how best to mount the panels so that the scraps can be used in the toilet or on the balcony.

Buy panels designed specifically for ceilings. Wall panels stronger and heavier in weight. Strength is not required for ceiling panels, but excess weight will create excessive load on the ceiling frame.

To install the panels you will need an aluminum profile. It is possible to mount plastic ceiling panels on a wooden beam sheathing, but in wet rooms it is better to use a profile. Over time, the timber becomes deformed due to humidity and the panels may warp.

A U-shaped guide profile with a cross section of 27-28 mm is mounted around the perimeter of the room. It is marked PN, or marked PNP - ceiling guide profile.

To figure out which profile serves what purpose, look at the photo. The number of guide profiles is easy to calculate. The profile is produced in a length of 3 m. Divide the perimeter of the room by 3 and round to the nearest whole number.

To form the frame you will need a ceiling profile - PP. This profile is installed perpendicular to the panels every 60 cm. Based on the width of the room, you can calculate how many ceiling profiles you will need.

To attach the ceiling profile, hangers are needed.

The hangers are attached at a distance from the wall - 30 cm, then - after 60 cm. Based on the length of the profile, calculate how many hangers are required for each profile.

Dowels are used to attach the guide profile to the wall and hangers to the ceiling. The profile is attached to dowels in the corners and then every 20-30 cm. For each suspension, at least two dowels are required. Don't try to count exact amount dowel-nails. Take it with a reserve - dowels and nails will always be useful for subsequent repairs, so it’s not a big deal if two or three dozen are left over.

To attach the panels to the frame and connect the guide and ceiling profiles, you will need galvanized self-tapping screws - a 4.2x16mm press washer. The price of self-tapping screws is small - buy 150-200 pieces.

Ceiling plinth for plastic panels is used in two types - PVC plinth or regular polyurethane. The PVC skirting board is installed before the installation of the panels begins. If the walls in the room are uneven, it is better to cover the joint between the wall and the suspended ceiling with a polyurethane plinth.

PVC skirting boards bridge the gap between the wall and the ceiling, and at the same time serve for the installation of plastic panels.

The ceiling plinth is installed around the perimeter of the room. The amount of plinth can be easily calculated by dividing the perimeter of the room by the length of the plinth and rounding the resulting value.

Purchase the required number of lamps and electrical cable to connect them.

When installing panels on a wooden sheathing, you will need timber, slats and brackets to secure the panels.

How to properly install plastic ceiling panels


  • level
  • pencil or marker
  • roulette
  • hammer drill
  • metal scissors
  • screwdriver
  • hacksaw or jigsaw
  • drill with crown
  • construction or stationery knife

Operating procedure

Using a water level, mark a horizontal line around the perimeter of the room. You can use a regular building level, but a hydraulic level gives fewer errors. Make sure that there are no air bubbles in the connecting hose. The easiest way to make marks is with a laser level, but laser level- an expensive instrument and not everyone has it home handyman it is in stock.

Secure the guide profile to the marks. The profile is attached to dowels at a distance of 30-50 cm. Cut the profile to length. The profile can be cut with a grinder, but it can be cut quite well with metal scissors. It might be faster with a grinder, but it’s easier with scissors.

Use a hammer drill with a concrete drill to make holes in the wall. Secure the profile with dowels.

Attach hangers for the ceiling profile. Suspensions are necessary for reliable fastening of the frame to the ceiling and for adjusting the level at which the profile will be mounted.

Attach the PVC skirting board to the guide profile.

Install the ceiling profile to which you will attach the panels. The PP profile is attached to the hangers and to the PN profile with self-tapping screws and a press washer. The ceiling profile is attached perpendicular to the direction of the plastic panels.

When using PVC plinth, secure the plinth with self-tapping screws to the guide profile around the perimeter of the room. At the corners, the plinth is cut at an angle of 45°.

Route out the electrical cable for installing the lamps.

Cut the panels to length. The panel is cut with a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw.

Place the edge of the panel into the groove of the baseboard. Secure the panel shelf with self-tapping screws to the ceiling profile. The next panel is inserted into the groove of the previous one and secured with self-tapping screws in the same way as the first. The photo shows the installation of panels without PVC plinth; a hole for a lamp is cut along the edge of the panel.

Holes for lamps are cut before installing the panel using a drill with a crown or a knife.

When installing the last panel, cut it to width.

Install and connect the lamps. The lamps are connected in parallel.

By using liquid nails glue polyurethane baseboard, if you did not use PVC plinth.

When installing panels on a wooden sheathing, the principle of operation is the same. The panel is attached to a block or slats using staples.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How to mark the flow level - correctly or beautifully?

When installing plastic ceiling panels, it is important to install the suspended ceiling evenly along the entire plane. It happens that the tiles that line the walls are placed incorrectly. It turns out that if the ceiling is mounted strictly according to the level, errors in laying the tiles will become noticeable. It is permissible to mount the ceiling parallel to the last seam of the tile. It won’t warp too much, but it won’t be visually noticeable that the tiles are not laid quite level.

How to secure the last panel?

The last panel is not fastened with self-tapping screws; it is inserted into the groove of the previous panel and into the groove of the PVC skirting board or guide profile. Due to its light weight, the panel is firmly held in its position.

How to install polyurethane ceiling plinth?

Polyurethane or foam ceiling plinth is glued with liquid nails. The corners are cut according to the miter box. If a gap forms between the wall and the baseboard, it is sealed with acrylic sealant.

Video instructions for installing a plastic ceiling.

Ceilings have mass positive characteristics. They are practically impervious to moisture, which determines their scope of application in interior decoration. , made of polyvinyl chloride, is environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful fumes when heated.

This suspended ceiling is very easy to care for. Stains of grease and soot can be easily washed off with a sponge and any household cleaning product. detergent. plastic does not absorb unpleasant odors.

It is important to know! Organic and synthetic solvents should not be used to remove stains. The PVC material may deteriorate.

The design of the suspended ceiling system made of plastic panels allows you to quickly install it in almost any room. It is usually used for finishing balconies and loggias, bathrooms and showers, toilets and kitchens.

It will hide all the flaws and unevenness of the old ceiling and will hide any communications passing through it. It is very easy to install spotlights in PVC panels or install overhead chandeliers or shades.

How to choose ceiling panels

On the market building materials you can find all kinds of plastic wall and. Slats for wall finishing and hanging panels ceiling ones are no different from each other.

The only difference is in the technology of corner joints on the walls. There are no such nodes on the ceiling. In everything else technology installation work almost identical.

There are seam and seamless panels. The first ones are made to simulate wooden lining or house block. The second option is designed in such a way that the panels joined to each other make the seam almost invisible (hence their name).

Plastic ceiling panels can have the following dimensions:

  • Length – 2.7 m, 3 m, 6 m
  • Width – 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 33 cm.
  • Thickness – from 8 mm to 25 mm

A pattern is applied to the front surface of the plate using offset printing. He can be different colors and imitate natural stone cut or wood of almost any species. The glossy (front) side of the panel is covered with a protective plastic film, which must be removed before installation on the ceiling.

Ceiling slatted panels measuring 6 m are usually used for finishing large industrial premises. The most common sizes for finishing rooms are slats 2.7 - 3 m long, 25 mm wide and 8 mm thick.

When choosing plastic in a store, be sure to ask the seller for a quality certificate for the product. It is rare, but still possible, to find fakes made from low-quality raw materials on the building materials market.

It can also be identified by its unpleasant chemical smell. Such counterfeit products do not have the necessary strength characteristics. Now you know how to choose ceiling panels.

What elements does a plastic ceiling consist of?

Before calculating materials, you need to familiarize yourself with the set of parts that make up the ceiling. Ceiling design suspension system includes:

  • Frame attached to existing ceiling
  • Ceiling plinth with recess for installing panels
  • Corners for joining skirting boards
  • PVC plastic panels
  • Fastening elements for plastic (galvanized self-tapping screws with a 25 mm press washer)

The ceiling frame can be made of wooden beams or galvanized metal profiles for plasterboard ceilings. The second option is more reliable for use in rooms with high humidity.

It is important to know! The use of a frame made of wooden beams in damp rooms can cause its deformation. This will lead to curvature of the ceiling surface.

For a metal ceiling frame, a guide wall profile UD and a load-bearing or ceiling profile SD are used. For attaching the ceiling profile to interfloor covering Direct hangers (U-shaped) are used.

The frame is fastened to the ceiling and walls using dowels and self-tapping screws 6 x 40 mm. If it is necessary to connect the profiles to each other, the fastening is carried out using a crab cross connector and galvanized metal screws with a 12 mm drill.

For the calculation of materials, there are rules that facilitate this operation. They are given below and will pose virtually no difficulties even for novice home craftsmen.

  • The number of wall profile UD is equal to the perimeter of the ceiling
  • Ceiling profiles are placed on the ceiling as follows:
  • The extreme ends of the CD profile must go inside the UD profile
  • The distance between the wall and the first (last) profile should be 300 mm
  • The distance between adjacent profiles is no more than 600 mm
  • Suspensions for fastening the profile are mounted on the ceiling in increments of 1 m
  • To attach one suspension, 1 dowel and self-tapping screw are enough
  • The UD wall profile is fastened with dowels in increments of 35-40 cm
  • The area of ​​plastic panels is equal to the area of ​​the ceiling + 3% (margin for trimming)
  • The ceiling plinth is secured with galvanized self-tapping screws with a press washer at intervals of 20-25 cm.
  • The ceiling panels are fastened to the UD and CD profiles using a self-tapping screw with a 25 mm press washer

The height to which the ceiling is lowered depends on the type of lighting fixtures installed. If spotlights are used, this value is 12 cm.

Marking is done as follows: Determine the lowest point of the ceiling and use a tape measure to measure the height of the future ceiling. From it, using a level, points are transferred along the perimeter to the walls at intervals of 1 m.

The points on the walls are connected to each other with a painting thread (the resulting line shows the lower edge of the UD wall profile). The axes of the supporting profiles are applied to the ceiling. Marks are placed along them at intervals of 1 m for attaching U-shaped hangers.

Assembly and installation of a metal frame

Along the line marked on the walls, the wall profile is attached with dowels and screws in increments of 35-40 cm. According to the marks on the axes of the ceiling profiles, U-hangers are attached with dowels 6 x 40 mm. The perforated legs of the suspensions are bent at an angle of 90 degrees downwards.

A ceiling profile is mounted to the legs of the suspensions using 12 mm metal self-tapping screws. It is placed wide closed shelf down. 2 self-tapping screws are screwed onto each leg. The edges of the CD profiles are inserted into the UD profile and are also secured with self-tapping screws

Note! To facilitate the installation of CD ceiling profiles, it is recommended to pull the cord from the parallel wall profiles UD in the direction perpendicular to the installation of the CD profiles. This will give you a guide to the broken horizon.

Covering the frame with plastic

The ceiling plinth is attached to the wall corner from below using self-tapping screws and a press washer. Fasteners are made at intervals of 20-25 cm. The plinth has a special groove into which the ceiling panel is inserted.

To connect the corners together, you can use ready-made plastic corners. If they are not there, then the plinth in the corners is cut at 45 degrees. This can be done conveniently using a miter box. When the baseboard is installed, the installation of plastic slats begins. They are cut to size with a hacksaw. For joining together, seamless plastic has a groove and a tenon.

Before attaching the ceiling panels, all electrical wiring must be mounted under the ceiling.

The first rail is inserted into the grooves of the ceiling plinths and secured with a self-tapping screw and press washer. The ceiling plastic panels are fastened to the upper wall of the groove of the plate to the UD profile and CD profiles.

The second plate is inserted into the groove with the first tenon and lightly tapped with the palm of your hand until full landing and eliminating the gap between the plates. After this, the second plate is fixed to the frame in the same way as the first. In the panels where the lamps should be, holes are cut out with a crown. Spotlights are inserted into them and mounted on the previous panel.

Lighting devices are immediately connected and their functionality is checked. The last panel is cut to length and holes are drilled with a drill for fastening to the profiles near the wall. In them, the panel is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws and after that the assembly of the PVC ceiling is completed.

Using a seamless plastic panel for finishing is a fast, attractive, practical and inexpensive option. Wide range of textures and color palettes of panels made of PVC plastic will help to harmoniously combine the ceiling decoration with the coating on the walls.

The image clearly shows the absence of a seam. , the installation of which will not cause difficulties, looks aesthetically attractive.

Advantages of PVC panels

Advantages of using plastic ceiling panels:

  • This ceiling is not afraid of humidity, changes temperature regime. Therefore, PVC panels are used in both interior and exterior decoration.
  • Plastic is a material that does not absorb any unpleasant odors.
  • If grease gets on the ceiling plastic while cooking, it can be easily washed off with a sponge and soapy water.

The plastic from which the panels are made looks attractive, is practical and has many other positive characteristics.

In the building materials markets, ceiling panels are offered that are printed with noble wood species. This will help to finish ceilings and walls with plastic panels in the hallway, living room, room with a fireplace or bedroom. In the decoration of the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen, ceiling panels with a print in the form of a cut of stone look good.

What is PVC panel?

The material used to make the plastic ceiling profile is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is environmentally friendly, therefore, it does not emit harmful substances. Before making a plastic panel, the powder is mixed in an industrial mixer, additives and plasticizers are added.

After kneading, a dough-like mass is formed, which is loaded into the extruder. Then, by pressing through a specialized molding type window using high temperature, the plastic ceiling profile is pulled out. Next, on the conveyor, using a guillotine, the panel is cut to size. After which the plastic ceiling profile is sent to the workshop, where a print is applied to the front side. Then the finished material is packaged and sent to the warehouse.

Types of plastic panels

Plastic ceiling profiles are divided into suture and seamless.

Plastic that forms a seam during installation

It looks original, but is not suitable for all rooms. During installation, the ceiling profile, the material for which is plastic, is laid in such a way that there is a clear seam at the joints between the individual panels. By appearance the ceiling resembles one made of clapboard. This means that it is not suitable for all rooms. The seams look unsightly on the ceiling in a bedroom, hall, made in the Art Nouveau, classical or Baroque style.

Seamless plastic

When installed correctly, this plastic ceiling profile gives a smooth, even and glossy surface. BySuitable for the kitchen, bedroom, and living room.When the ceiling covering is installed, the joining seams are not visible. To ensure that the panels are firmly connected to one another, they are equipped with a specialized groove on one side and a tenon on the other. Interior The plastic ceiling profile is equipped with partitions that increase fracture strength and at the same time have low weight. Lack of seams is the main advantage of this type ceilings, and in appearance they resemble tension ones.

The ease of installation of a suspended ceiling made of plastic, its strength and other characteristics put it at the leading position in the decoration of such premises as a balcony, loggia, bathroom, toilet and kitchen.

Installation of panels

In the ceiling made of plastic PVC profile built-in lighting fixtures of any type. There are no power restrictions in this case, unlike suspended ceilings made from PVC film, where they are 50 W. Plastic panels are not subject to combustion, and therefore a ceiling profile made of this material can be used in private boiler rooms.

Previously, plastic panels for ceilings always had seams at the joints when fastened, but then seamless structures appeared. Their fastening is similar, with the difference that the latter are closer to each other. The main thing is to correctly make the frame for the plastic panels on the ceiling.

Wooden slats as a frame

The minimum size of slats intended for a frame under plastic panels is 20 by 20 millimeters. They must be perfectly straight and even; knots and cracks are unacceptable. This is due to the fact that deformed slats can break, and removing them from assembled frame– the procedure is not simple. The guides are installed perpendicularly, in increments of less than 50 cm.

Advice! The wood is treated with an antiseptic so that the frame lasts as long as possible. This is especially true for rooms with high humidity.

Initially, the slats are located along the perimeter of the ceiling or wall - they will become the basis of the frame. To control the quality of the frame you will need a level and plumb line. When attaching the frame, wherever it does not fit tightly, you need to install additional bars. They should be fastened with self-tapping screws in 40 cm increments.

After creating a wooden perimeter for the frame, guides are attached to it at a distance of 35-45 centimeters from each other. To prevent the structure from sagging, every half meter additional slats are fixed either to the ceiling or to the wall.

Plastic frame for ceiling profiles

This material is more practical, but more expensive. A plastic frame is more sensitive to uneven wall surfaces. Its advantages are resistance to rotting and mold formation, high speed and practicality of installation.

Plastic guides are equipped with specialized clips. Installation can be carried out immediately, since the plastic ceiling profile does not require any additional processing. Plastic guides are positioned strictly perpendicularly. In most cases, this material for the frame is used in baths and steam rooms or other rooms small size, as well as in cases where the humidity is high and the use of wood is impossible.

Metal profile - material for the frame

This material is used in rare cases, since its cost is quite high. The lathing for the frame is made in a similar way to that which is made for plasterboard ceilings.

Fastening is carried out to each of the metal profiles.

Initially, a starting ceiling profile is attached along the perimeter of the wall or ceiling U-shaped. Next, guides are installed, which are fastened with screws at a distance of 80-90 cm. After this, the fittings are fastened, and plastic ceiling panels are attached to them.

Panel installation

In the right places, provide an output for lighting devices in advance. The seam may or may not be present at the junction.

Cut the first panel to the required size and secure it to the wall with a comb. The panel is attached with self-tapping screws to each of the frame elements through which it passes.

Press the first panel as close to the wall as possible and secure it into the protrusion at the bottom of the groove to avoid a seam. Cut subsequent panels in the same way to the required size, but fasten them exclusively with the bottom side of the groove, as close as possible and in compliance with the rules, then the absence of seams at the joints is guaranteed. Cut the final panel for the ceiling to length and width, and attach the free edge as close to the wall as possible.

The installation ends with the installation of decor. In this case, a plinth is used. This gives the ceiling an attractive and neat look.

Important! If a plastic ceiling profile is used instead of a plinth, then the installation is carried out along three walls, and the panels are inserted into it. In such a situation, the last panel is placed on glue.

The final stage is edging the ceiling covering with a plinth, which is attached to polymer glue or liquid nails.

Seamless glossy ceilings made from PVC profile - this is an excellent option for interior design. Visually, the result looks similar to expensive ones stretch ceilings, but it costs several times less. Ceilings made of plastic panels are a cheap and simple option for interior design with easy installation.

Tips in the video for installing a plastic seamless ceiling:

Does not allow moisture to pass through and looks stylish. Mold and mildew will never grow on it or inside it.

Until relatively recently, we had no idea what could be done with the ceiling other than... Well, paint it with water-based emulsion. If you want something “fun” - . With the entry into our lives of new, interesting building materials, the number of good and different ways ceiling finishing.Arsenal design solutions includes suspended, suspended, mineral, glass, mirror, stained glass, plasterboard, wood paneled ceilings...

Ceiling cladding with polyvinyl chloride panels offers a decent price-quality ratio. At a relatively low cost, the ceiling looks unusual and “European-quality repair”.

In the quest for originality, one should not overstep into kitsch. It is better to choose calm, neutral PVC panels pastel colors. It doesn’t irritate the eye and visually increases the volume of the room. What's usually low ceilings in the apartment multi-storey building not superfluous at all.

An important advantage of this type of finishing is that, despite the seeming complexity of the work, an inexperienced amateur builder is quite capable of coping with the installation of a plastic ceiling with his own hands. So you can save on inviting professional finishers.

Don't confuse ceiling panels with wall panels!

Building materials stores offer very wide choose PVC panels. They are of different lengths and widths, they come in varnish, glossy, matte, wood or marble. It's up to your taste; the main thing is not to confuse them with wall ones.

The modern market offers many varieties of ceiling panels. All that remains is to choose exactly what is suitable for your interior.

The difference is in weight. Plastic wall panels are heavier and stiffer. Ceiling ones are much lighter, which simplifies the work. Their fragility necessitates careful handling: a dent can be left even by hand, not with a tool.

More about the benefits of plastic panels

The finishing material is strong, durable, plastic, has good sound insulation, is moisture resistant, does not fade in the sun, and is easy to clean. Oddly enough, thanks to special additives, it is environmentally friendly, resistant to high temperatures, does not burn and does not emit unpleasant odors. Therefore, you can replace the usual electrical wiring with circuits that allow you to install LEDs, halogen, etc.

Finishing the ceiling with plastic panels makes it possible not to pay attention to the unevenness of the ceiling surface. If pipes or wiring are visible, the panels will reliably disguise them. True, they will eat up to one and a half centimeters of the height of the room.

How much to take in meters and pieces: calculation of the required amount of materials

Thickness plastic panels are usually 5–10 millimeters, width – from 25 cm (standard) to 50 cm.

Length– from 2.7 meters (standard) to 3 meters. The components are three meters long.

To calculate the required number of panels, you need to divide the ceiling area (the sides are measured and multiplied by each other) by the area of ​​one panel indicated on the package. We will add 15 percent for the cuts with which we will deliver the missing amount; round up to the nearest whole number.

  • We calculate the number of metal profiles for installation. This is more complicated. We draw on paper a proportionally reduced diagram of the ceiling. We draw parallel ones along one wall. We take into account that the profiles should be 60 centimeters apart from each other. We estimate how much is needed for the whole room.
  • You will need even more rigid profiles that will go around the perimeter.
  • The number of screws that will fasten the panels and dowels that will secure the profiles is calculated taking into account the number of both plus the reserve.

If desired, you can replace profiles wooden beam, and self-tapping screws - staples. This will reduce the cost of the process and simplify the process of assembling plastic panels. But in this case they will not stand like new for decades.

  • And finally, the ceiling plinth. We divide the perimeter of the ceiling into three (the length of the segment is three meters) - this is the required amount of plinth.

As for tools and other materials, you need a hammer drill or drill, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a knife, metal scissors, a miter box, liquid nails, and a rag.