The better to decorate the walls in the kitchen. Decorating the working wall in the kitchen with your own hands

The choice of materials for decorating the walls of the kitchen has always been acute. But there were times when there was practically no choice. We managed to get the tiles, and thank God. Today the problem is different: which of the many materials to choose?

When organizing a kitchen renovation in a private house or apartment, each of us faces this problem. We are all looking for the best option so that the material met all the requirements and the renovation was beautiful and inexpensive.

Modern materials

Modern material should reliably protect walls from soot, greasy splashes, dirt, moisture and at the same time do not cause problems with cleaning. Well, no one canceled the aesthetic function.

The most popular are such finishing materials as tiles, plastic panels, lining, wallpaper, decorative plaster and paint.

let's consider each one in more detail, then you will know exactly what material can be used to decorate the kitchen except wallpaper and tiles.


Tile is a material that can be called an old-timer in our kitchens. We owe its appearance to the inhabitants of ancient states.

Since then, the technology for making tiles has changed many times, to increase strength... Tiles include tiles, porcelain stoneware, clinker.

Today highlight the following advantages of this material:

  1. Tile looks great in any design solution ... It doesn't matter which style is chosen. For any of them, you can choose a suitable color and texture.
  2. In the composition of the tiles, the main material is clay. Therefore, this material is one of the most environmentally friendly. It is non-toxic and hypoallergenic thanks to firing.
  3. Tile resistant to moisture, aggressive chemicals, temperature changes. It does not burn, which allows you to use it even for decorating stoves and fireplaces.
  4. Regardless of the texture, the slab is easy to clean, while maintaining its color and texture. It is not recommended to use abrasive substances for cleaning the tiles, which can scratch them.
  5. Modern market building materials proposes wide range of tiles different sizes and colors, including for wall decoration in the form of a panel.

The disadvantages of tiles include its fragility. When struck with a hard object, it can burst and even crack.


Wallpaper for decoration kitchen walls are chosen quite often. Of course, not all of them are suitable for this particular space.

Wallpaper must be durable, moisture resistant, easy to clean, meet the requirements fire safety... Paper wallpapers do not meet these requirements, in contrast to smooth or embossed vinyl (foamed vinyl).

When choosing a wallpaper color it is necessary to be guided by the design kitchen, as well as its size. For visual expansion small space it is better to choose wallpaper with a small pattern, and for a spacious kitchen they are also suitable with a large one.

If the windows face north or west, it is better to stick to warm colors, and if the lighting is sufficient, you can make the walls both darker and brighter.

Wall murals in the kitchen will not just create the illusion of expanding space but also a special atmosphere. Especially if the drawing is in the form of a suite, or they depict a path going into the distance. A pseudo window will do as well. The main thing is that the kitchen has a minimum of furniture and a maximum of free space.

The main advantage of wallpaper is their wide choice, low price, the possibility of replacing them in a few years.

Disadvantages - paper wallpapers and photo wallpapers - absorb moisture well, as a result of which they warp and move away from the walls.

They can only be placed on the opposite side of the wall along which the stove and sink are located.


To paint the walls in the kitchen, you must use waterproof paint. One of the most suitable species- water emulsion. She odorless, since there are no solvents in its composition. Its price is small, it dries quickly.

After applying paint to the walls, moisture from it quickly evaporates. The water-repellent coating remains. But at the same time it allows air and steam to pass through, letting the walls "breathe". And the color spectrum of water-based paints is almost limitless.

A type of water-based paint is antibacterial water-repellent. Its color is white, but you can change it by adding a color scheme. She does not turn yellow over time and dries quickly... Silver oxide gives antibacterial properties to such paint.

A significant drawback of water emulsion - inability to remove stains from the painted surface. And you cannot apply it at temperatures below +5 degrees.

Decorative plaster

The decorative properties of the plaster give fillers and additives included in its composition such as stone chips or sawdust.

It can be solid or colored. Additives can be pearlescent, shiny, contrasting to the main tone.

TO positive properties decorative plaster include:

  1. Ease of application and versatility. The surface for its application can be wood, concrete, metal, brick.
  2. No seams remain after application.
  3. It is not necessary to pre-level the surface, since the coating perfectly masks all irregularities.
  4. The decorative plaster contains no impurities hazardous to human health.
  5. It can withstand temperatures up to +70 degrees, which is important for the kitchen.
  6. Decorative plaster is an unfavorable environment for the development of bacteria and fungi.
  7. The coating is durable, fire resistant, easy to clean.

Disadvantages of decorative plaster - high price and high consumption.

Wooden lining

Many in the lining are attracted by the natural warm color unpainted wood, on the surface of which a pattern of saw cuts is visible.

Useful properties of wood - environmental Safety, the ability to regulate the humidity in the room.

The tree is good air permeability. After impregnation with a special compound or varnishing, it is easy to clean.

Before fixing the lining on the walls, you do not need to align them, but it is necessary to pre-mount the frame... Therefore, the volume of the room will decrease somewhat, which for small kitchen will become a significant disadvantage.

Pine, cedar, linden, oak or alder lining is most suitable for decorating a kitchen. She exudes pleasant aroma, a softwood also fills the room with phytoncides with antibacterial properties.

Lack of lining - high price, as well as flammability... Therefore, the area near the slab must be finished with a refractory material.

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are another common material for finishing kitchen walls. Their other name is PVC panels. They are usually sold as rectangular planks of various lengths and widths.

You can mount them on pre-installed frame like drywall, or directly onto a wall if it is flat enough.


  1. It is highly moisture resistant.
  2. Plastic is easy to clean, even if it has been stained and oily splashed.
  3. He does not conduct electricity, which is important if electrical wiring is missed behind the panels.
  4. Plastic panels of different colors and textures are on sale. They can perfectly imitate wood, leather, stone, metal, mirror or have a relief ornament.


  1. When struck by a heavy hard object, the plastic breaks, but the damaged panel can be easily replaced without disassembling the entire structure.
  2. Some types of PVC fade in the sun.
  3. When exposed to high temperatures, the plastic melts and deforms.

What is the best way to decorate the walls in the kitchen?

The walls in the kitchen can be conditionally classified into working and decorative. Working wall is the one along which the stove, sink, cabinets and cabinets are located.

Since the work wall is obscured by all these objects, only a narrow strip remains free between wall cabinets and side tables. It is called a kitchen apron.

It is the apron that has the strongest impact. high temperatures, splashes from water and cooked food, impacts with metal objects. Therefore, the materials for its decoration must have high water resistance, non-combustibility, durability, and ease of maintenance.

These can be called panels from tempered glass- skinned, tiles, ceramic or porcelain stoneware tiles, artificial or natural stone.

Lining, wallpaper, painting- these types of finishes are best used to decorate non-working walls, along which the dining area is located, or which perform only a decorative role.

Design options

By themselves, the materials for wall decoration are just a means with which you can embody various design ideas.

The finish looks good from textured plaster in combination with wallpaper... But at the same time, one of the materials should be monochromatic. Usually this is wallpaper, whereas plaster can include multi-colored blotches.

Both materials can be used in equally, or one of them will prevail, and the other will play the role of a panel.

One of modern trendsfocusing on one of the kitchen walls... It can contrast with other walls in color or texture. For this design, they usually choose wall painting or plastic decoration.

If the owners are wealthy enough, they can cover the walls with materials such as decorative stone. Only fragments of the wall are made out with it., but not its entire surface. In combination with a stone, decorative plaster or wallpaper looks good. An example can be seen in the photo below.

The ideas for decorating kitchen walls do not end there. Everyone can become a designer of their interior, you just need to comply general principles of this art.

This video shows you how to decorate your kitchen quickly and beautifully.

"How to decorate the walls in the kitchen?" - that's pretty frequent question among those who decided to make repairs on their own. The kitchen has several differences from other premises located in the apartment, since there is high humidity, soot, fire, heat and grease splashes.

That is why all finishing materials must meet certain requirements, while maintaining their decorative and aesthetic properties.

In this article, we will talk about the best way to decorate the walls in the kitchen, so that it is not only beautiful, but also effective from a technical point of view.

Finishing methods

The most commonly used wall decoration materials are wallpaper, paint and ceramic tiles. In some cases, decorative plaster and lining, special wall panels, and OSB boards are also introduced.

V recent times decorative stone, both natural and artificial, is quite widely used in finishing works. Consider each of these finishing materials.

Materials for wall decoration

Ceramic tile

The tradition of covering the walls of kitchens ceramic tiles has more than a dozen years. And this is quite logical, because this material is the best suited for kitchen conditions.


  • easy to clean;
  • durable;
  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • in addition, a wide variety of all kinds of it is produced today.

Modern ceramic tiles are produced:

  • various sizes;
  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • smooth;
  • textural.

And the choice of colors is so great that it can surprise even the most fastidious buyer.

If earlier on the question: "what is the best way to decorate the walls in the kitchen?" the answer was unambiguous: "cover it all with ceramic tiles", but now this material is used to trim mainly the kitchen apron area. The rest of the space is covered with wallpaper or paint.

Painting the walls

  • Paint is at the moment one of the most common design options when the question arises of how you can decorate the walls in the kitchen.
  • In addition, this material is the most affordable in terms of price.
  • This way of transforming walls opens up truly impressive possibilities for embodiment. design ideas... You can mix colors, getting unique shades, you can apply original drawing on the walls.
  • An important requirement for applying paint is the evenness of the walls. In particular, the surface should be free from cracks, gouges and other irregularities that will be perfectly visible when the paint dries.

Advice! Choose a paint that is moisture resistant, or better washable, for your kitchen. Perfect option- semi-matt or matt paint, which best hides the unevenness of the walls.


Of course, familiar to many paper wallpaper are completely unsuitable for wall decoration in the kitchen, especially if the level of humidity in the room is high.

The ideal option for kitchens is vinyl wallpaper:

  • Thanks to their special coating, these wallpapers are very easy to clean, and you can even use a sponge with detergent.
  • Wallpaper made of this material perfectly withstands excess moisture and does not peel off even in the harshest kitchen conditions.
  • They are not afraid of dirt, grease, soot and direct sunlight, since they are covered with a special PVC film on top.

When deciding how to decorate a working wall in the kitchen, you can also pay attention to non-woven wallpaper:

  • They have appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already gained some popularity.
  • They are distinguished not only by lightness and strength, but also by the ability to hide the flaws of the walls.
  • When wet, such wallpaper does not peel off and does not swell.
  • Modern models can be washed even with a stiff brush.

Glass fiber you can not only wash, but also repaint, while they are very durable and waterproof. Wherein given view differs in fire resistance, which none of the analogues can boast of.

Decorative plaster

This material is very popular when the question arises of how to decorate the walls of the kitchen. And although the price of decorative plaster today remains quite high, its spectacular appearance and flexibility in work captivates many professional designers and home craftsmen.

Decorative plaster is:

  • on the water;
  • anhydrous basis.

There are two types of it:

  • structural;
  • textured.

Before applying this material, the surface of the walls must be properly prepared. This refers to the cleanliness and evenness of the coating. Therefore, immediately before finishing, the walls should be covered with a layer of primer specially designed for decorative plaster.


If you are thinking about how to decorate the walls in the kitchen, then the lining will good option... In apartments, however, it is used relatively rarely.

Such panels can be made from various materials:

  • Plastic;
  • Wood;
  • Glass.

In addition to the specific appearance, which does not fit well into the interior of a city apartment, the lining has a significant drawback, which is the ease of ignition. And this is another explanation of why it is rarely used in kitchens.


Having learned how the walls in the kitchen are trimmed, you are probably convinced that today there are many ways to give this room a unique appearance. At the same time, you do not have to overpay for the services of specialists, because you can do most of the modern repair and finishing work around the house yourself, even when you have not encountered them before.

How to decorate the walls in the kitchen? Interesting materials for wall decoration and working area enough on the market.

Check out the advantages and disadvantages of various finishing materials, study fashion trends and choose the right option.

Kitchen renovation: interior decoration

Easy to tidy up.

High-tech style will appeal to young people and active people

Provence.Reminds of country music. The same soft, cozy room... The predominance of a greenish-gray scale. Lavender shades are acceptable. Antique furniture, beautiful textiles, original lamps, big windows... For romantics.

Provence style will make the room more airy.

The Scandinavian style is common in our latitudes, especially when there is not enough sun and light.

When choosing a style and finishing materials, keep in mind that the kitchen is a room with high humidity, with the presence of steam and splashes during cooking.

The kitchen should be not only beautiful, but also functional. Organize your space so that you are not afraid to ruin furniture or expensive wallpaper.

Finishing materials

When choosing finishing materials, pay attention not only to aesthetics, but also to comfort. In the work area, make the walls and apron from materials that are easy to maintain, for example. The coating should not be afraid of the action of detergents. Simple care will greatly facilitate the life of the hostess.

The walls in the kitchen can be finished not only with traditional materials familiar to all, for example, tiles or vinyl wallpaper but also innovative effect.

The choice of one or the other finishing material often dictates the style of your kitchen. Ideally, the wall covering should be:

  • stylish;
  • beautiful;
  • original;
  • durable;
  • moisture resistant;
  • resistant to pollution;
  • easy to care for.

How to decorate the walls in the kitchen? Pay attention to popular finishing materials and their properties.

Wallpaper for kitchen walls

For the kitchen, it is better to choose vinyl or non-woven wallpaper.

This flooring provides a wide scope for imagination. Wallpaper with a different pattern and without it is used to decorate walls in different styles You can also use wallpaper for the ceiling, about this.

Wallpaper must be durable, moisture resistant, abrasion resistant. Conventional paper wallpapers are not used for kitchen decoration.

What wallpaper to choose for the kitchen? Suitable:

  • non-woven;
  • glass wallpaper.


  • reasonable price;
  • thousands of colors, shades and patterns;
  • easy to stick;
  • covered with a special film that protects the surface from grease and dirt;
  • are not afraid of moisture;
  • do not fade in the sun;
  • do not peel off when wet;
  • the surface breathes.

Innovative fiberglass wallpaper has excellent fire resistance. The material perfectly reinforces the walls.


  • the service life of the coating is shorter than that of tile;
  • some styles, such as high-tech, do not support the use of wallpaper.

Paintable walls

Painted walls look modern but require constant maintenance

This kind decorative coating suitable for almost all styles. Compositions for painting walls in the kitchen should be:

  • waterproof ();
  • environmentally friendly.

Painted walls require regular maintenance. The coating must be durable and abrasion resistant.

Paints are suitable for decorating walls in the kitchen:

  • water-based;
  • acrylic;
  • latex.


  • rich palette;
  • affordable prices;
  • painted walls are suitable for all styles;
  • non-toxic;
  • provide a breathable surface;
  • the composition is quickly applied;
  • it is easy to paint the walls with your own hands.

Cover the walls with the paint of your choice, and over the work area, make a ceramic or glass apron.


  • the walls should be perfectly smooth. The slightest flaws are clearly visible;
  • the service life is lower than that of tiles or artificial stone.

Wall tiles

Tiles can be different, and therefore it will not be easy to make your choice

Previously, tiles were used to cover all the walls in the kitchen. This tradition has long since sunk into oblivion.

The tile is used to equip the so-called apron in the work area. The rest of the walls are covered with wallpaper, painted or used.

Advantages of tile:

  • high strength;
  • long service life;
  • wide range of colors;
  • an abundance of textures, the ability to choose a matte or glossy surface.
  • tile perfectly tolerates high temperatures, exposure to moisture;
  • the tiles are not afraid of drops of hot fat;
  • the coating is easy to care for, it can be washed with hard brushes, cleaning compounds.


  • the coating is so durable that it can last for decades. Sometimes the decor is simply "boring";
  • it is quite difficult to remove tiles from the walls, the work is dusty and requires accuracy, which increases the budget for.

Liven up the space will help ceramic panel from several tiles. Size - from 30-40 cm to 1-1.5 m, depending on the area of ​​the kitchen. An interesting option- square inserts, group or single and rectangular borders for kitchen zoning.

Decorating the kitchen with plastic panels

Plastic panels are inexpensive way transform the kitchen

This type of finish is suitable for anyone who prefers traditional materials. PVC panels are not as environmentally friendly as wallpaper or acrylic paint, but this material has some advantages:

  • are inexpensive;
  • mounted quickly;
  • have a good color gamut.

There are also many disadvantages:

  • not suitable for many styles;
  • considered an outdated type of finish;
  • not suitable for arranging walls in the work area;
  • fade in the sun;
  • warp under the influence of high temperatures;
  • when heated, they release toxic substances.

The presence of a protective coating does not protect the plastic panels from damage. This type of finishing materials can be recommended for kitchen decoration only as a last resort. Attach the plastic to walls farther from the work area. You can read more about it in the article.

PVC panels look more interesting if you trim only a quarter of the wall height with them, and paint the remaining area or stick wallpaper of a suitable pattern.

Decorative rock

The decorative stone looks gorgeous - the kitchen looks like a medieval castle

Noble, stylish interior can be created with. This material allows you to create original compositions on the walls.

Designers make out decorative stone:

  1. The entire area of ​​one wall. Ideal for interiors in the style of an old castle.
  2. Inserts of various heights, widths and shapes. Size - from a few stone bricks to structures irregular shape half a meter high.
  3. Kitchen apron. For the integrity of the style, small islands or "strokes" of the same material are built on adjacent walls. The working area will look interesting if installed.

Material advantages:

  • light weight;
  • high decorative properties;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • maximum similarity with natural stone;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • reasonable price.

The stone in the interior can look different: and even so warm and sunny.

There are nuances to be aware of:

  • to lay fake diamond it is possible in a kitchen with an area of ​​at least 10 sq. m .;
  • glue the plate - two to determine the desired consistency adhesive composition cooked by yourself;
  • follow the instructions exactly. Violation of technology will lead to the fact that the bricks will not stick to the wall;
  • decorative stone requires good kitchen set otherwise the furnishings will look “cheap”;
  • a moderate amount of stone in the interior will make the room more comfortable, excess can ruin the picture;
  • this original finishing material looks great on walls in warm colors.

When covered with plates imitating a stone, large area or all walls, be sure to provide an artificial hearth on one of them, provide good lighting... Otherwise, the room will seem cold and gloomy.

Wall decoration in the kitchen

When choosing a material for decorating walls, keep in mind that there is no escape from grease, splashing water, dirt and the use of detergents. The decoration of the working area and walls, remote from the sink and stove, has its own characteristics.

  1. Tile. Go for a smooth, glossy texture if it doesn't conflict with style. For example, in provence or country, gloss is inappropriate.
  2. Ceramic mosaic. From tiles small size easy to lay out a suitable pattern. easy to clean. Looks good in Provence or country style.
  3. Glass. The material has many variations: mirror, tinted, optical effect, engraved, etc.
  4. Varnished wood. New technologies make it possible to process the material with special compounds that well protect wood from harmful effects.
  5. Stainless steel sheet. Ideal kitchen apron for high-tech style. It is easy to look after him. The coating looks stylish and impressive. It is forbidden to wash steel with a wire brush.

Drawing on the wall

Fashionable trend that the hostesses managed to appreciate different countries... A delicate sakura branch, a bowl of fruit or fluttering butterflies over the table will add fresh notes to the interior. The picture on the wall shows: creative owners with extraordinary thinking live here.

Which drawing to choose? Designers suggest decorating the walls accordingly general style premises. Popular motives:

  • still lifes;
  • graceful tree branches;
  • flowers;
  • moths;
  • "Window to the garden";
  • rural landscapes;
  • geometric ornament;
  • old houses and streets;
  • surreal motives.

Where to place the drawing? There are many options:

  1. Place small strokes over the entire area of ​​the walls. This technique is suitable for stencil painting.
  2. Perform a large composition on a wall free of furniture.
  3. A cute still life on the wall by the table will whet your appetite.
  4. A large drawing in a niche will become a noticeable accent in the interior of any kitchen. This is especially true in.

The drawing on the wall can be made in the form of a bas-relief. This will add zest

  1. If you don't know how to draw, invite a professional. A clumsy, tasteless drawing will cause ridicule from home and guests.
  2. Do you really want to draw on your own? Make a quality stencil and decorate your kitchen to your heart's content.
  3. Details repeating on walls and furniture will look original. Popular motives are bright butterflies, delicate flowers, geometric shapes.

The art canvas on the wall is fashionable, modern solution for kitchen

Now you know how to decorate the walls of the kitchen. Come up with an interesting design project, buy quality materials and start creating. Create your dream kitchen! We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you how to choose.

The room in which food is prepared is a combination of cleanliness and practicality, comfort and modern decor- therefore choosing best material for wall decoration in the kitchen, conduct a multifaceted assessment. The primary role is played by the ability to resist high humidity, high temperatures, grease and other contaminants.

Modern materials

The kitchen is a specific room, therefore, the finishing material should not be afraid of:

  • Moisture, steam and high temperatures.
  • Use of detergents.
  • Bacteria, fungi.

Different types of finishes are easy to combine with each other, this quality is used to achieve the optimal ratio of "use-decorative".

Each material has its own pros and cons.

Tile (ceramics)

Modern tiles are varied in color, size, texture. Manufacturers decorate products with photo prints, mirror coatings, inclusions of metal components that imitate glass.

Pros of ceramics:

  • masking of defects in the base - the tile hides cracks and irregularities, protects the walls from destruction.
  • ease of care.
  • durability - after multiple treatments detergents the material does not lose color, the gloss is not erased.
  • additional decoration - methods of laying and combining tiles of unequal size are selected, panels are compiled.


  • the complexity of installation - you will have to attract professionals or decide how to decorate the walls in the kitchen, except for tiles.
  • laboriousness of disassembly - it will take a lot of time, physical strength and a special tool to repair the electrical wiring or change the design of the kitchen.

The size of the tile should be taken into account - a large one visually reduces the room and vice versa.


And in our time (2017-2018), the material looks original on the surface, fits well into small rooms.

There are 2 types:

  • Glass - increased durability, but expensive.
  • Ceramic - made by analogy with tiles, a glazed coating is applied.


Decorative and performance qualities.

  • Durability - used as a floor covering.
  • Durability.
  • Ease of maintenance.


  • The complexity of installation requires a challenge from professionals.


To decorate the walls in the kitchen without the cost of paying professionals, it is worth remembering moisture-resistant acrylic or latex paints... There are glossy and matte varieties: the first looks great and is easy to clean, but the second better hides surface imperfections.


  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Vapor permeability - thanks to this, a normal humidity regime is created in the kitchen, the walls under the paint "breathe", mold does not grow on them.
  • Moisture resistance;
  • High adhesion (adhesion) to the base.
  • Relative cheapness.

Disadvantages of painting kitchen walls:

  • the obligation of thorough preparation of the base - the wall is cleaned of the previous coating, removed greasy stains, washed, dried. After that, they are cleaned with sandpaper, wiped with a dry napkin and an antiseptic primer is applied;
  • selection special paint- semi-gloss or semi-gloss, recommended for use in the kitchen (more expensive than conventional dyes).


It is distinguished by a palette of colors and a variety of patterns. The quality and durability of wallpaper in relation to kitchen conditions depends on what type they belong to:

  • Latex - the answer to the question of how to wall the walls in the kitchen inexpensively, although the durability of the coating is measured by 20 wipes with a damp cloth.
  • Vinyl - moisture resistant (although less "breathable") version with a protective PVC film, allowing soft means and sponge application.
  • Compact vinyl - differ from the previous type in greater hygiene of the coating, they are even washed with a brush.
  • Non-woven (for painting) - lightweight, durable, vapor-permeable, do not swell and shrink when wet, non-woven can be repainted up to 20 times.
  • Glass fiber is a durable option that is characterized by resistance to water, acids and even fire, withstands repeated repainting.

The disadvantages of wallpapers are relative fragility: they can be accidentally scratched, they deteriorate from regular washing and suffer from leaks.

Decorative plaster

This topcoat is rich in textures and shades. Suitable for the kitchen options with the effect of "marble chips", "bark beetle", Venetian plaster... They give the walls an attractive look, and the toning adds the finishing touch to the kitchen interior.


  • Applying a thin layer - allows you to achieve strength, while saving material.
  • Resistant to heat and moisture.
  • Hardness, wear resistance.
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Relative cheapness.


The high price, which is compensated by the low consumption of the mixture.


The material is popular, used in the interior to accent design elements. Can be easily combined with other types of cladding.


  • Low weight.
  • Durability.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Ease of maintenance.


Often used in the loft style - the use of raw materials. The contrast of design allows you to highlight and decorate a space, for example, a work or dining area(table and chairs).


Made from tree bark. Available now in the form of tiles, rolls, wallpaper on paper backing and in liquid form. Plates have two layers: 1 - substrate, 2 - cork veneer.

The budget option is wallpaper, the principle of gluing does not differ from the usual ones. The liquid plug is applied with a spray gun, and is also used for exterior decoration due to its high moisture protection. It has sound insulation properties... No seams.


If you need to sheathe a home (non-professional) kitchen, an entrance hall, your living quarters in the country or a separate wall, use the following types:

  • Double-sided seamless.
  • Europrofile.
  • Block house.
  • Imitation of brickwork.
  • Imitation of logs.


  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Strength.
  • Affordable prices.

Pipes (gas, heating) sewn with clapboard look stylish. You can use plastic in tone or contrasting colors.


These are PVC panels. Installed either on the frame or glued directly to the surface.


  • Electrical safety.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Ease of maintenance - use of detergents.
  • Not susceptible to bacteria and fungi.
  • Variety of colors and shades.
  • Budgetary price.


Does not tolerate high temperatures - it is forbidden to place near an open fire.

How to choose

The process of finishing the premises in Khrushchev apartments or in the private sector dictates its own design rules. The question inevitably arises of how and what is the best way to decorate the walls in a tiny kitchen.

Ways to visually increase the kitchen space in Khrushchev are:

  1. Increase in doorways.
  2. Not a solid tiling, but only a kitchen apron.
  3. Glueing washable wallpaper on walls in calm, cool tones.

You can replace the wallpaper by painting the walls with light glossy paints - they also visually expand the space. At the same time, skinali will become a bright color spot - a kitchen apron made of glass with a color print.

Or they pick up moisture-resistant photographic wallpapers and place them in the form of inserts between plain wallpaper strips. The main thing is that the images are not too large. Photos of vegetables, fruits, drinks will be appropriate on the walls.

For the private sector, textured natural materials: stone, wood. In an apartment with a sufficient footage, tiles, MDF or plastic panels are appropriate.

A variety of materials allows you to clad the walls in the kitchen by any available method, and what exactly is decided in the context of the overall design plan and taking into account hygiene requirements.

Additional wall finishes

An apron - the gap between the work surface and wall cabinets - requires a particularly careful selection of finishing materials. This section of the wall is exposed to heat, grease and fumes, and needs mechanical cleaning.

The most acceptable options for finishing the apron:

  • Tile or mosaic. The entire space is laid out with tiled material, or its local zones: above the sink and stove. At the same time, the height of the wall is covered with a margin (going under the cabinets) so that there is no gap for the accumulation of dirt. For the convenience of apron maintenance, smooth tiles are preferred. Tile joints are treated with grout or protective varnish.
  • Decorative plaster. Her positive traits described above. The apron treated with a wear-resistant compound also becomes stylish element kitchen. Consumption - 2.5-3 kg per square meter, it is profitable and beautiful.

  • Glass. The panels are made of hardened material no thinner than 6 mm, which provides shock resistance. Aprons are painted using a special technology. The technique of photo printing is also used to obtain any images. The panel is fixed with canopies that are screwed to the wall - this is better than drilling mounting holes in the glass.

The merits glass apron, besides strength, there is thermal resistance, low abrasion, environmental friendliness - the panel does not emit toxins when wiped with chemical agents.

  • Laminated chipboard, MDF panel. The synthetic resin coating is characterized by good strength, low abrasion and heat resistance. Minus - insufficient moisture resistance, compared to tiles and glass, and plus - low cost.

By watching the video, you will learn how you can remodel the kitchen.

Almost every person who has decided to repair the kitchen space on their own begins to think - and how to decorate the walls in the kitchen? After all, here is a special place, unlike other rooms in the apartment in terms of its microclimate. It should be borne in mind that there is high humidity here, soot and heat constantly appear, and a fire is burning. And what about the fat that settles on all surfaces? These conditions can hardly be called simple. Therefore, the usual materials used for finishing floors and walls in other rooms are not suitable here.

Types of materials

Of course, I want to decorate the kitchen space as efficiently as possible in all respects: both from a technical point of view and from an aesthetic point of view. The wall decoration options in the kitchen are varied. The best of these are paint, ceramic tiles and wallpaper. It will be more original to use a decorative stone - natural or artificial in this capacity. A good solution there will be a choice wall panels, decorative plaster, OSB boards and lining.

Ceramic tile

There are a great many modern types of ceramic tiles. Even the most fastidious person, choosing how to decorate the walls in the kitchen, will be able to purchase tiles that meet all the requirements.

This material immediately attracts attention with a variety of colors and textures. Big or small, glossy or matte, textured, smooth - there are options for every taste. Until recently, people did not even think about how to decorate the walls in the kitchen, except for tiles. Now it has been successfully replaced by ceramic tiles - usually in the “apron” area, other areas are usually covered with plaster, paint or wallpaper.

Ceramics is easy to clean, while perfectly tolerating the effects of heat and humidity. Soot, grease, of which there is always a lot in the cooking and washing areas, will not cause any harm to this material.

Wall paint

Painting is also a widespread option for covering walls in kitchens. The price of the material makes this option the most affordable. For those who like to fantasize, paint provides an excellent opportunity to play with colors- after all different shades can be mixed.

But it must be borne in mind that the preliminary preparation of the walls before painting is required - the surface should be without cracks, even. It is important for the paint itself to have moisture resistance, the ability to "breathe" and wash. If you think about the best way to decorate the walls in the kitchen from the paints sold, then you should choose matte or semi-matte options. Glossy paint is also easy to wash, but it will highlight all the flaws of the walls.


This method of decorating kitchen walls is the most common in our country and has already become a classic. Previously, there were not so many finishing options for the kitchen, but now it should be approached more carefully. Paper wallpaper for wet room will not fit. It would be ideal to stick vinyl wallpaper here.

They have a unique coating, thanks to which their surface can be subjected to intensive cleaning. This effect is achieved by using PVC film, which perfectly protects the bottom layer of the wallpaper from all kinds of dirt and grease, soot, moisture and even solar radiation.

One more good decision the question of how to decorate the walls in the kitchen is the purchase of non-woven wallpaper or decoration with decorative stone.

Wallpaper advantages:

  • Strength.
  • Low weight.
  • Masking wall imperfections - quickly led to demand in the market. They are well ventilated, "breathe".
  • They can even be painted - there will be no precipitation.

For reference. In addition, if such wallpapers are wet, then you should not expect them to peel off or swell, and there is no swelling during washing.

Glass fiber is completely unique in its properties. They can be washed and repainted more than once. They are waterproof and very durable. The uniqueness of such wallpapers is their reinforcing ability and fire resistance. So lovers modern materials Those who want to decorate the kitchen with their own hands can choose glass wallpaper.


It will be about decorative plaster, since when answering the question, how to decorate the kitchen, the option ordinary plaster not even worth considering. Decorative view the material is expensive, but very effective. Such plaster differs in the composition of the base - without or with water. It can also be structural and textured. The walls prepared for coating should be smooth, solid and clean, with a special primer applied.

Other types of finishes

People who have summer cottages also think about how they can decorate the walls in the kitchen there? Often, for these purposes, a wooden or plastic lining... PVC panels are less aesthetic, therefore they are used in summer cottages.

Wall panels are also popular:

  • Wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Glass.

Some of the very first wall panels were: OSB (OSB). They are still in demand now. The panel is a plate with chips oriented in a special way. This material resists moisture penetration and fungal attacks well. It is resistant to deformation and delamination. You don't have to think about how to decorate the walls with irregularities in the kitchen - such plates will hide them well.

Plates possess beautiful pattern... Of course, you can simply cover such a wall with varnish, but it is possible to paint or plaster it. If the OSB panel is chosen for finishing the floor, then covering it with linoleum will also be a good solution.

Advice. If you assume how to decorate the walls in the kitchen so that it turns out noble, you should pay attention to textured wooden materials made of ash, maple, linden. To protect them from moisture, a special treatment is used in production.

Durable and convenient option the apron will be trimmed with modern glass that is shock and heat resistant. It is easy to keep clean. The beauty of such a surface can be simply amazing - there is the possibility of tinting, creating an optical or mirror effect, engraving and painting in any colors.

With the quality of processing, the cost of glass will also increase, so if you work out options for finishing the kitchen in Khrushchev, then it is better not to aim at the most aesthetic models. Budgetary solution can be the use of laminated panels.

They also come in a variety of colors and textures:

  • Wooden.
  • Metallic.
  • With prints and other types.

They will not be damaged by dirt and heat, sunlight or chemical substances, fats.

If a person orders kitchen furniture with a wooden countertop, then, choosing options for finishing the kitchen 9 sq. m and less, it will take into account not only the harmony of the interior, but also the possibility of visual expansion of the room. If you skillfully choose the texture and color of the apron to match the furniture, then such a result will be achieved. The material for this is usually MDF, which is resistant to shock and moisture.

The metal finish of the apron will look original. And it's easy to do - you need to attach a sheet of metal (stainless steel) of a certain size. These are excellent options for decorating a 10 sq. miles around, as the sheen of the gloss and the smoothness of the metal will help to make the room more modern, trendy now in the style of "minimalism".

In the photo you can see the apron trimmed with ceramic tiles. It is now the most popular option, ideally suited for all finishing requirements. kitchen facilities... Ceramic mosaic will look more impressive. With the help of small tiles (not exceeding 2 cm in size), they lay out the most beautiful patterns - both simple and complex - even in the form of a panel. Pay attention to the wall decoration that harmonizes nicely with the kitchen ceiling decoration.

Instructions on how to carry out Finishing work for each type of material has its own. For simpler ones, it will be enough to read it (wallpaper, paint), but for more complex ones it will be better to watch the video "How to decorate walls in the kitchen in a cheap and effective way."