Diagonal gluing of ceiling tiles. How best to glue the ceiling tiles diagonally: video. Diagonal Ceiling Tile Sticker

Pasting the ceiling with tiles seems very uncomplicated work... The main thing in this matter is correct calculations, accurate marking, and neat gluing of the central four plates. The ceiling covering can be laid not only straight, but also obliquely. It looks interesting, extraordinary, and at the same time slightly disguises the curvature of the walls. This article will tell you how to glue ceiling tiles diagonally.

Ceiling finished with white ceiling tiles

What you need to know


Before you go to buy material, you need to find out the footage of the ceiling and calculate required amount cover. Standard sizes tiles 50x50 cm, that is, one square meter the ceiling will need four tiles.

It should be borne in mind that a certain part tiles will go for undercuts, alignment and pattern fitting. And if you decide to glue it diagonally, spending facing material will increase by another 15–20%.

Ceiling surface preparation

Before starting any decoration of the ceiling, you need to prepare it for this.

  • Free the surface from the remnants of old paint or other coating.
  • Prime the ceiling twice. Apply the second primer only after the first layer has completely dried.

    Before starting the installation, we make a ceiling primer

  • After the ceiling dries well, you need a markup that will orient the tile laying so that it goes neatly and economically.


You cannot beautifully glue the tiles diagonally from corner to corner. Correctly, if the tile runs relative to the walls of the room at an angle of 45 degrees. For flawless installation, you need to start marking from the middle of the ceiling.

It is imperative to check its accuracy once or twice. It is easier to double-check the result than to redo the damaged work later.

1 - diagonal marking for pasting; 2 - marking for parallel pasting;

  • Ceiling tiles should be glued from the middle of the ceiling or from the chandelier.
  • Glue is applied along the perimeter of each tile very carefully, and add a drop in the middle without smearing it.

Apply glue to the tiles around the perimeter

How to install tiles correctly:

  • The size of the pieces is calculated separately and depends on the area and geometry of the ceiling. If necessary, trim the tiles against the wall with a sharp knife, although it is best to do your best to make the most of each tile.
  • So that the glue on the coating does not spoil the look, it is necessary to remove it from the surface immediately during cladding.
  • Using a ruler and a knife, cut out pieces to glue the small remaining areas on the sides of the ceiling. If you do this with a calculation, then from one tile you can get a certain number of pieces suitable for business.
  • If the master accurately marked the ceiling and started work strictly from the middle, then the trimmed pieces on opposite sides of the ceiling should be completely identical.

When the chandelier is the focus

Sometimes it is better to start marking from the chandelier, even if its location does not coincide with the center of the ceiling. The joints of the first 4 plates will be located under the chandelier.

  • The scheme in this case is as follows: we outline a rectangle on the ceiling and divide it with diagonal lines. The only thing you need to check is that the center of the rectangle is defined correctly and corresponds to the attachment point. lighting fixture.
  • The diagonals of the square crossed at the point where the chandelier was attached. From this point, work should be started, distributing the starting four plates so that their edges run parallel to the diagonal lines of the rectangle, and the tops come together at the point of attachment of the lighting fixture.
  • It is quite possible that the corners of the first four slabs, converging in the center, will have to be cut off a little. This probability is in direct proportion to the configuration of the chandelier. The trimmed edges of the tiles will be hidden after finishing the work. decorative element chandeliers or the chandelier itself. The main thing here is to cut the corners as accurately and accurately as possible.
  • Then we continue gluing, coordinating each next tile on the side of the previous one.

The final stage of work

  • In order to give the tile composition a complete look, you need to use a special ceiling plinth, which can be glued with the same paste as the cladding. If its width is approximately 3.5 cm, then it will help hide small flaws around the perimeter of the room.
  • Then you need to take a damp cloth and remove the remnants of glue and all pencil marks from the surface.
  • At the end of the work, it is useful to check whether all the tiles adhere well to the ceiling. If something went wrong, you need to immediately correct possible errors.


If you do not like it when the cut pieces on the sides remain from all edges, then you need to very accurately calculate the number of tiles based on its size and the parameters of the room. It does not make sense to use the diagonal ceiling tile method if a seamless flooring is used. As you can see, working with ceiling tiles is not so laborious, it does not require large physical and financial costs. A person who does not even have professional skills in construction and decoration of premises will be able to cope with this work.


How to glue ceiling tiles diagonally

Ceiling tiles can be laid not only in a straight line relative to the walls. Diagonally laid polystyrene foam tiles not only look original, but also hide the curvature of the walls, which can naturally not mate at right angles. Typically, this method is the solution to many problems. It would be pointless to lay tiles diagonally only if you have them seamless.

It must be borne in mind that sometimes the very base of the ceiling can shine through the seams, therefore, before laying it, it must be primed with deep penetration soil. If the ceiling shows any dark spots, then you need to paint them with white water-based paint.

It will be easier for beginners in the construction business to glue white ceiling tiles, since after gluing the seams are easily masked finishing putty... After that, the ceiling can be painted several times with water-based paint of any color. The paint will hide all defects - stained seams and fingerprints. In addition, white tiles can be glued onto glue-putty - it is much more convenient and reliable than celluloid glue. If you have purchased a colored ceiling tile, then you will need to work with it very carefully, since all the flaws will be very noticeable.

Styling ceiling tiles diagonally, it is practically no different from the usual scheme. The main rule here is to correctly mark the ceiling.

So, in order to properly glue the ceiling tile diagonally, we do the following:

1. Determine the center of the ceiling. To do this, draw two mutually perpendicular lines connecting the midpoints of parallel walls.

2. Glue the first ceiling tile in the center so that its corners are aligned with the drawn axes.

4. We lay the rest of the ceiling surface with solid tiles.

  1. Cut out the necessary pieces to glue the small remaining area around the edges of the ceiling. Cutting sparingly can result in multiple pieces from a single tile.

After the entire surface of the ceiling has been pasted over, remove the remaining glue and pencil marks from the tiles with a damp cloth.

If necessary (if the ceiling tiles are white), you can putty the seams, glue ceiling plinth and paint the renewed ceiling with water-based paint in several layers.

You can learn the general principle of working with ceiling tiles from our article "Installation of a ceiling from polystyrene tiles".


How to correctly and quickly glue the ceiling tiles diagonally

We have already decided to finish the ceiling with polystyrene tiles, but you don’t like standard solutions? In this case, there are two ways to avoid banality: you can combine plates of different colors, or you can stick them in an unusual pattern, for example, diagonally. You will learn how to glue the ceiling tiles diagonally from this article. Especially useful diagonal pattern, if in some part of the room the walls are "overwhelmed" - after all, unlike usual, diagonal gluing does not emphasize this defect.

Materials and tools

For work you will need:

  • sharp construction knife;
  • painting cord;
  • ladder;
  • large brush;
  • triangle;
  • putty knife.

It looks like this diagonal way pasting with sealant

You need to purchase the following materials:

  • Ceiling tiles in the required quantity with the addition of a few pieces per cut.

When gluing diagonally, there is much more waste than when working in the usual way... The tile should be with seams, because seamless will not allow you to appreciate the unusual location of the material on the ceiling, because the seams will not be visible. Regular white square slabs work well, which can then be painted over with water-based paint to mask fingerprints and glue stains.

Advice. Painting should be done as soon as possible after gluing, ideally on the same day. If you postpone painting for a couple of weeks, then it will become more difficult to do this, because a little dust will already settle on the ceiling, and if it is a kitchen, then soot.

  • The glue will be offered to you in the store along with the tiles.

It will most likely look like a clear liquid in a plastic bottle. It will be inconvenient to work with such glue, because the plates will have to be held up for a long time with your hands. In addition, it will not allow them to be aligned relative to each other in height and the quality of work will not be ideal. It is more convenient to use glue-putty, in this case it is possible to adjust the thickness of the glue layer and at the same time to putty the gaps between the plates.

Oblique intersecting lines at the top optically push the walls apart

DIY glue preparation

You can make a good glue putty yourself. To do this, add about 10% PVA glue to a regular finishing or acrylic putty. So, for example, 150 g of PVA construction glue must be added to a one and a half kilogram bucket of putty. Dry putty (in powder form) is first diluted with water according to the instructions on the package, and only then the glue is poured.

Surface preparation

First of all, you need to carefully prepare the surface: clean old whitewash or water emulsion, sweep away dust from the surface, you can even wash it. Extensive depressions are putty, the protrusions are cut off. Cracks and seams are covered with plaster; you can use a reinforcing tape for this. Be sure to walk on the ceiling with a deep penetration primer. Any will do: acrylic, polymer, dispersion, antiseptic - all of them are deeply absorbed into the base, fastening its layers together, improve the quality of the finish, prevent dampness and the development of microorganisms.

Spots on the base ceiling can show through thin tiles. In this case, it will be enough to apply one layer of a white water emulsion to it.

Step-by-step instruction

Ceiling markings

The quality of all subsequent work depends on this crucial stage, therefore measurements should be made with all care. The marking is done with a paint cord. Working with him involves the presence of a second person, but if there is nowhere to take the assistant, you will have to drive some fasteners (nails, self-tapping screws for concrete) into the ceiling in the right places, on which you can fix the second end of the cord.

Gluing tiles

You can start gluing. Apply liquid glue around the entire perimeter and a few drops in the center, spread the glue-putty with a spatula. If Titanium and its analogs are used, the tiles must be pressed against the ceiling, removed and pressed again after a minute, already finally. Such an operation makes the liquid glue thicker, the finish will hold more reliably. If glue gets on the front side, remove it immediately with a damp cloth.

Once all the materials are dry, you can paint the ceiling and reinforce the ceiling plinth.

Video lesson: glue the ceiling tiles diagonally

Knowing how to glue the ceiling tiles diagonally, you can diversify the finishing options with this inexpensive material, to make the design of the room much more interesting and at the same time hide small defects in the proportions of the room.


How best to glue ceiling tiles diagonally: video

Diagonal tiles

Ceiling tiles (see Armstrog Ceiling Tiles) are a great solution for those who do not want to deal with complex and lengthy repairs, since they are easy to use, functional and have a good operating factor. It is very valuable to know a few practical advice, which you will inevitably come across when decorating the ceiling with tiles with your own hands.

Ceiling tiles serve a good finishing material and is appropriate in almost any room - living rooms, kitchens, corridors and even bathrooms. You have chosen the right color and size of the product, and the question is how to properly glue the ceiling tiles diagonally?

How to choose tools and glue? Below you will read detailed manual on finishing works using tiles.

Choosing glue

We start, as usual, with the purchase necessary materials so that later at the last moment, you do not realize that something was missing, you missed something, and we will create conditions in which it will be easy and fast to work.

Polystyrene tile adhesive

Assembly glue is presented on the market by many companies that specialize in the manufacture of adhesives for specific purposes. We need glue for the ceiling tiles (see Can I glue the ceiling tiles to the whitewash?), So it is more expedient to buy the most popular type - "TITAN Wild".

Choosing a tile

The glue has good performance characteristics and does not pose a threat to humans; it is made from natural high-tech raw materials. Reasonable cost, fast gluing and quality of work are significant qualities when choosing an adhesive.

Ceiling tiles - high quality and inexpensive solution

Before starting to glue the tiles diagonally to the ceiling, first of all we will choose the appropriate one depending on the type of our room and its design solution (see Design of plasterboard ceilings in the hall). Most cheap option- polystyrene tiles.

Buying tiles from this material, you get:

  • Security;
  • Versatility;
  • Ease of installation and weight;
  • Minimum thickness- no more than 10 mm.

Such tiles are durable and easy to use, but the coating is difficult to wash and accumulates dust.

There are three types of polystyrene tiles:

  • Pressed;
  • Injection;
  • Extruded.

Pressed tile is the most affordable material today, but the least durable. Injection tile easily creates the impression of a seamless ceiling, and also copes with noise and heat insulation.

Tile as a way to decorate the ceiling

Extruded tiles are the most durable and are coated with special film that can be washed, vacuumed or made wet cleaning... The range of colors among polystyrene boards is very rich - how to choose the right color?

Depending on the room, construction stores offer a wide range of textures and patterns.

Tiles are produced white, but:

  • You can paint on it;
  • Paint special paint;
  • Pick up an imitation of wood, fabric or wood.

The decorative properties of the tiles are rich and suitable for all types of premises.

Before gluing the tiles diagonally, you can watch a short video clip about the installation process.

Finishing work

Agree, not everyone is satisfied with pasting with plates exactly, parallel to the walls and you want something new.

To do this, people resort to various design solutions, for example:

  • Diagonally laid tiles;
  • Non-standard masonry;
  • Combination of types;
  • Combination different colors slabs, etc.

We will look at how to glue tiles diagonally to the ceiling and thereby kill two birds with one stone - the room will change noticeably, and you will practice on your own.

Keep in mind that ceiling tiles are rarely glued to the whitewash!

Ceiling markings

In both cases of masonry, the ceiling tiles are glued in the same way, but the markings are of particular importance - even luggage will depend on this condition. In order for the tile to lie flat, we will start the marking from the middle of the ceiling. Usually there is a chandelier hanging there, but you may not have it:

  • Draw four lines from the midpoint to the corners of the room.
  • Divide the four corners in half to get 450.

Ceiling marking instructions

Thus, these lines will become the main reference point in the tiling of the ceiling, and the installation will shift by 450 relative to the walls.

Advice! It should be borne in mind that when choosing a tile, it is better to be guided by the size of the room where the renovation is planned. It is not always wise to use non-standard masonry, but in any case, you need to know how to glue tiles diagonally in a large room.

There are many ways to mount tiles on various surfaces... Most often, the standard direct method is used, where each element is installed after another, forming a straight line. But there are other methods that differ slightly in the process of carrying out work, but the result becomes radically different. Today we will tell you about the way by which you can make a completely different pattern of the coating on the surface of the ceiling. Specifically, we will tell you how to glue the ceiling tiles diagonally so that you can diversify your knowledge in the field of repair and installation of tiles, and the room had a ceiling beautifully covered with your chosen tile.

What is this article about

What is the difference between this method?

Many will ask themselves the question, why teach new way installation, if you can lay the tiles in the same way as before. If you are not a master who already long time works with this material, then you can hardly answer this question, but the answer is very simple. There are so many laying methods that simply allow you to diversify the pattern of the coating, and somewhere it is even more appropriate to use a certain method of laying the tiles.

Diagonally gluing the ceiling tiles will allow you to make very beautiful coverage for the ceiling. It should be noted that this way great for use on the surface of the ceiling, as it makes it possible to make a beautiful coating that will be easy to perform even for a complete beginner. On the ceiling, light types of materials are most often used, since they can very easily fall off from there. To mount heavy ceramics on the ceiling, you need to use additional glue, which results in quite high costs.

A sufficient number of people working with this material know how to glue ceiling tiles. But not everyone knows what the difference is between these mounting options. If in standard way each tile is installed directly behind the adjacent one, then the installation angle of each element changes. For a typical square-shaped element, the corners are directed to the corner of the room, if it is also square or rectangular, in this case they are directed towards the walls of the room.

Do not worry that you will have to perform many new actions and incomprehensible instructions. This is a very easy option to make an unusual coating - to glue the tiles diagonally to the ceiling. All you need to do is rotate each cover element slightly to complete the desired geometric pattern. But you also shouldn't think that everything is so simple here. There are some nuances that must be taken into account when working, otherwise you can get very curved lines as a result, which can spoil the impression of all the work done.

Changes that this method gives

Of course, this is a completely different geometry of the arrangement of the elements, which allows you to achieve new impressions from creating a ceiling covering. For this option installation, you need to know how to glue the tiles to the ceiling correctly, while not departing from the intended pattern. It is necessary to completely change the angle of work precisely in the direct sense.

In most rooms where tiles are used as ceiling covering, the elements are laid in straight lines, which look very boring and uninteresting. We want to teach our readers such a simple, but very original way glue the tiles.

The most important change, as you already understood, is the change in the angle of placement of the coverage elements. but the technology, quite interestingly, remains practically the same as in standard mounting methods. The gluing will still occur straight, but the pattern on the ceiling surface will result in a completely different result. In addition, this method requires very accurate marking, since the result and quality of the work performed to create the coating will depend on it. If you are bad at doing the markup or you don’t like to do it at all, then it’s better to try other installation options that will be less demanding on this stage of the work.

Where should you start?

You, of course, need to prepare all the materials and tools that will be needed in order to perform the diagonal installation of the tiles. You will need a standard set of tools:

  • One or more spatulas, for all procedures for applying glue and other compounds to the work surface.
  • Sponge, rag so that you can immediately wipe off the parts of the mixture that have fallen on the coating elements or a clean surface.
  • All the necessary measuring devices so that you can carry out an accurate and high-quality marking of the surface where the coating will be created. Of the standard ones, this is a tape measure, a ruler, a level (preferably laser).
  • To reliably glue the material, you need to use a suitable high-quality glue and additional compounds, such as an antifungal agent, water-repellent impregnation and, of course, deep penetration primers.
  • You will also need to use a knife, with which you will adjust the elements to the required size for each room. Usually it is used in the very final stage of work, when all the elements that can be used whole are installed.

When you have all this set of tools and materials, then you can start preparing the surface of the ceiling. Anyone who knows how to properly glue ceiling tiles will start by cleaning the work surface from all dirt and stains that are on it. If this new surface, that is, before nothing was applied to it, then you can simply remove the dust and process it with the necessary impregnating agents. Otherwise, it will be necessary to remove the old coating if it will interfere with the creation of high-quality coating their tiles. Remove layers of plaster if they have already begun to crack or even fall off. Then clean the surface from all stains using special products.

Then you need to clean it from all the rest of the debris and what may interfere with the work. Once the ceiling is clean, you can apply antifungal agents to it. Wait for them to dry. Then apply a primer, which will create a layer on the surface that does not allow moisture to pass into the deep layers of the ceiling. In addition, the primer will increase the adhesion of the adhesive to the substrate, resulting in positive influence on the reliability of the coating.

It happens that the ceiling is very crooked, in this case it will be necessary to apply a putty or glue-putty. It will be possible to immediately install the coating on the latter, but you need to do this very quickly, since it dries faster than simple putty... You can also use a drywall frame, which will not only level the surface, but also hide some communications in yourself. But it will be effective only if you install it correctly, so for beginners better drywall do not use.


If you are wondering how to stick a tile so that it stays there for a very long time, then just read about it below. When you have carefully prepared the surface of the base, you will need to dilute the adhesive composition in such a way that it will last for 25-35 minutes of work, since it is after such a period of time that it will weather and harden, due to which it will lose its previous adhesive properties.

The mixture must be applied first with an even spatula, pressing firmly against the ceiling so that it does not fall. Then you need to go over the layer of glue with a notched trowel, creating grooves. The glue should be applied in a thin layer on the ceiling surface, and then, in a thicker one, on the back of the element.

It may also be useful for you to know that there is a diagram of how to glue the ceiling tile diagonally, thanks to which you can create this coating very simply and in a short period of time.

First, you will need to define the middle of the ceiling, mark it. Then there you need to install the first tile element so that its corners are directed to the walls of the room (we assume that it will be square or rectangular). Further, it is necessary, focusing on the glued element, to draw perpendicular lines from the tile to the walls from the middle. Then we fill the gaps with whole elements in a similar way, and fill the rest of the space with elements fitted with a knife. The main thing is to place the first element correctly.

Ceiling tiles can be laid not only in a straight line relative to the walls. Diagonally laid polystyrene foam tiles not only look original, but also hide the curvature of the walls, which can naturally not mate at right angles. Typically, this method is the solution to many problems. It would be pointless to lay tiles diagonally only if you have them seamless.

It must be borne in mind that sometimes the very base of the ceiling can shine through the seams, therefore, before laying it, it must be primed with deep penetration soil. If any dark spots appear on the ceiling, then you need to paint over them with white water-based paint.

It will be easier for beginners in the construction business to glue white ceiling tiles, since after gluing the seams are easily masked with a finishing putty. After that, the ceiling can be painted several times with water-based paint of any color. The paint will hide all defects - stained seams and fingerprints. In addition, white tiles can be glued onto glue-putty - it is much more convenient and reliable than celluloid glue. If you have purchased a colored ceiling tile, then you will need to work with it very carefully, since all the flaws will be very noticeable.

Laying ceiling tiles diagonally is practically no different from the usual scheme. The main rule here is to correctly mark the ceiling.

So, in order to properly glue the ceiling tile diagonally, we do the following:

1. Determine the center of the ceiling. To do this, draw two mutually perpendicular lines connecting the midpoints of parallel walls.

2. Glue the first ceiling tile in the center so that its corners are aligned with the drawn axes.

4. We lay the rest of the ceiling surface with solid tiles.

  1. Cut out the necessary pieces to glue the small remaining area around the edges of the ceiling. Cutting sparingly can result in multiple pieces from a single tile.

After the entire surface of the ceiling has been pasted over, remove the remaining glue and pencil marks from the tiles with a damp cloth.

If necessary (if the ceiling tile is white), you can putty the seams, glue the ceiling plinth and paint the renewed ceiling with water-based paint in several layers.

Glue ceiling is one of the most inexpensive and common types of ceiling finishes. It has earned its popularity due to its excellent price-quality ratio and ease of installation, which almost anyone can handle with their own hands. An adhesive ceiling can be used to mask many of the surface imperfections of the base ceiling. However, there are some nuances to be observed when gluing ceiling tiles. In this article, we will analyze how to properly glue the ceiling tiles.

How to choose a tile

There are several types of tiles for glue ceilings. It is made most often from polyvinyl chloride (or PVC), expanded polystyrene (foam), etc. The most common and economical is expanded polystyrene tiles.

By the type of manufacture, it is divided into pressed, injection and extruded.

  1. Pressed is the cheapest and lowest quality - with pronounced grains of polystyrene, quite fragile and, as a rule, white in color, which causes its strong soiling (at the same time, it is practically impossible to clean). After gluing such tiles need to be painted in order to avoid quick contamination.
  2. Injection and extruded tiles are manufactured using a more sophisticated technology. Its cost, as well as its quality, is much higher than pressed. She happens different colors and textures.
  3. The most expensive is laminated tiles that do not need painting and imitate wood, marble, plaster, etc. In our construction market at this time there is enough big choice glued ceilings of any kind with a huge variety of textures and decorative ornaments.

What type of tiles should you choose? depends entirely on your taste and wallet. The required number of tiles can be easily calculated by measuring the area of ​​the ceiling. It should be borne in mind that in any case they will not lie flat against the walls, and they will have to be cut.

You also need to take into account the fact that expanded polystyrene is very fragile material and some tiles can be accidentally damaged during installation. Therefore, their number must be taken with a margin of 10 - 20% of the ceiling area.

Depending on your design decision, ceiling tiles can be glued either parallel to the wall or diagonally.

How to choose glue

Ceiling tiles - pretty lightweight material, therefore, it does not require particularly strong adhesives - almost any universal adhesive will do. However, there are special formulations for adhesive ceilings. It should also be borne in mind that not every glue is suitable for ceilings - for example, many formulations contain a solvent that gives the glue a liquid consistency. When it evaporates, the glue hardens.

So, this solvent, hitting the expanded polystyrene, can cause its deformation or "burn" a hole in it - it simply dissolves the expanded polystyrene. Also, not all glue is suitable for gluing the ceiling to a wooden or concrete surface. Ceiling tiles, like wallpaper, do not like excessive drafts and temperature changes when gluing.

The surface of the base ceiling will first need to be cleaned of peeling plaster, whitewash or paint with a spatula or metal brush. Before pasting, it is better to moisten the whitewashed ceiling with a spray bottle to remove excess dust, let it dry, and only then start gluing the tiles. An even better effect can be achieved by treating the ceiling with a primer.

Another nuance - if the base ceiling has too noticeable differences or irregularities, then in this case the glue ceiling will only emphasize them with its broken seams. In this case, it is recommended to pre-level the ceiling with plaster, putty, or, in general, abandon the glue ceiling in favor of suspended ones - plasterboard, stretch, slatted, etc.

Polymer based adhesives

The most preferred common adhesives, according to experts, is "Titan" glue. It is odorless, thick enough and hardens quickly. The tiles glued to the Titan do not need to be fixed for a long time - it is enough just to press the tiles to the ceiling. In addition, "Titan" has good adhesion (penetration deep into the glued objects), which determines its good holding properties.

Glue "Master" similar to "Titan", also used for gluing ceilings, worse quality... Firstly, it has a pungent chemical smell - therefore, when working with it, it is necessary to intensively ventilate the room. Secondly, it dries much slower. In addition to these two, the most common types, there are many other types of polymer adhesives, both domestic and foreign. When choosing a good polymer glue, it is best to focus on its consistency (it should be thick enough) and price. Although the high price is not yet a 100% indicator of quality.

All kinds of liquid nails also well suited for the installation of adhesive ceilings. For example, "Moment montage". If you need to hide some serious ceiling defect with the help of ceiling tiles, then liquid nails will help best. With their help, you can create a layer of adhesive of the required thickness to create a smooth surface of the mounted adhesive ceiling.

But at the same time, one should not forget that the composition of liquid nails often includes a solvent incompatible with polystyrene foam. Liquid nails should be chosen better than white - a dark (gray) color when gluing thin or porous tiles will shine through it with dark stripes and spots. Liquid nails are best applied in dots around the tile perimeter and diagonally.


PVA glue and similar compositions (for example, bustilate) can also be suitable for installation. However, due to the fact that they have a more liquid consistency, they will not have to be applied pointwise, but in wide stripes, or even completely over the entire area of ​​the tile. As a result, the consumption of PVA will be much higher. Another disadvantage of PVA is that it dries for a rather long time. Plus - it is odorless and absolutely harmless in contact with it.

Finishing putty

Acrylic finishing putty can also be used as an adhesive. It adheres pretty well to any surface, including concrete ceilings and expanded polystyrene, and, therefore, it can quite reliably hold the ceiling tiles. As can be seen from the above, polystyrene foam tiles are very unpretentious to the type of glue (if it does not contain a solvent).

Ceiling markings before sticking

Before proceeding with the installation of the adhesive ceiling, it is necessary to mark the ceiling. If the room is exactly rectangular, then it is recommended to glue the ceiling tiles parallel to the walls. If the room is of an irregular shape, then in this case it is recommended to glue the tiles diagonally - this way the "irregularity" of the room's shapes will be less noticeable, plus a diagonal sticker will visually increase the size of the room.

  1. Starting to mark the ceiling, you will need to initially find the center of the room. In the event that the room is rectangular, then it will be enough to draw two diagonals along the ceiling - where they intersect, and the center will be located.
  2. In the case when a chandelier is suspended in the middle of the room, there is no need to look for the center of the ceiling - in any case, the chandelier will visually be the center of the room. Even if it is offset relative to the geometric center of the ceiling. Both when gluing parallel and when gluing diagonally, in the place where it is attached electrical wire chandeliers, the first four tiles of the mounted ceilings will converge at the corners. Their corners will need to be trimmed slightly to avoid contact with the wire. Then these corners will be closed with a chandelier and will not be visible.
  3. Before gluing them, you need to divide the ceiling into four parts by drawing two perpendicular stripes passing through the geometric center of the room or through the place where the chandelier is attached.
  4. Then we glue the first four tiles around the center, and from them start filling in each of the four squares of the ceiling, based on the lines drawn. For lines, you can use a stretched thread or fishing line). When gluing tiles, you must ensure that they are tightly pressed against each other, and the corners of adjacent tiles converge jointly to joint. This is necessary to prevent "run-up" and, as a result, uneven seams and displacement of the general pattern of the ceilings.

Diagonal sticker

If you decide to glue the tiles diagonally, then the layout will be a little more difficult. Consider how to glue the ceiling tiles in this case.

  1. If the room has the correct rectangular shape, then it will be enough just to draw diagonals from corner to corner, and start gluing also from the center of their intersection.
  2. In case the room has irregular shape or you decide to choose a chandelier offset to one of the walls as the center, then you will first have to divide the ceiling into four squares with lines parallel to the walls (or one, even wall).
  3. Then we break the right angles of each such square in the place of their joining in half using a protractor or a carpenter's square. We get diagonal angles of 45 degrees and draw new lines along them, along which we begin to glue the tiles. When gluing diagonally at the joints with the walls, there will be more scraps, so the tiles will have to be purchased with a larger margin than with the gluing method parallel to the walls.

We disassembled into general outline how to glue ceiling tiles, and, as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to have basic geometry skills and make a little effort to make your glue ceiling really decorate your apartment.

If you want to resort to repairing simple method ceiling finishes, then flow tiles are your choice. After all, it is not only easy, but also very fast when compared with other finishing methods.

Nevertheless, even such a simple option requires certain knowledge, in particular, if you want to glue the tiles diagonally with your own hands. Therefore, you should read the instructions, see photos and videos of the process.

It should be noted that the ceiling tile is an excellent material in terms of the "price-quality-finish-operation" parameter. It is suitable for installation in virtually any room: kitchen, bathroom, toilet, living room or living rooms... Therefore, first, let's figure out what the glue should be for this, as well as the tool.


Any construction process begins not only with surface preparation, but also with the purchase necessary materials and tools. In our case, in addition to the plates themselves, you will need to purchase glue for them.

Such a composition is now produced by many enterprises. However, in our case, it is recommended to use a special glue. What parameters should you focus on when choosing glue? Of course, it should be inexpensive, allow you to quickly and efficiently gluing. Of course, it is important that the glue is harmless to humans and is made from natural high-quality raw materials.


This is the basis for all further actions, so the ceiling tile must be chosen first. The choice must be made based on the type of room and design solutions... Fortunately, the assortment of this material allows you to do this quite accurately.

The cheapest option would be polystyrene tiles. Such materials give:

  • thickness - up to 1cm;
  • low weight of the structure;
  • ease of installation;
  • versatility and safety.

By making a ceiling from such products, you will receive durable construction, however, not devoid of certain disadvantages. It is bad enough to wash it, while the surface accumulates dust.

Such polystyrene products are of three types:

  • extruded;
  • injection;
  • pressed.

The first option is covered with a special film, therefore it is the most durable. Such tiles can be cleaned with a damp cloth and vacuumed. Injection is characterized by the fact that they visually create a seamless ceiling. At the same time, the material perfectly insulates the room with heat and noise. Pressed products are the most affordable solution, but have the shortest service life.

Ceiling tiles are characterized by a rich color range. At the same time, they are produced with a variety of patterns and textures.

Even if you purchase regular white tiles with a light texture, they can be painted or patterned on. Or you can buy a ready-made version.

If the choice of products has been made, then before starting work, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the installation instructions with photo and video materials, so that the result is of high quality.

Diagonal trim

Most standard version how ceiling tiles can be glued - parallel to the walls. However, this method does not always want to be used if the soul requires non-standard solutions... How to be?

You can pick up different slabs and combine them, you can perform the original masonry or glue the tiles diagonally.

And in this case, you need to perform a preliminary marking of the ceiling.


For even laying diagonally, you need to start marking from the middle. Often there is a chandelier in this place (under standard conditions).

So, from the midpoint, draw four lines to the corners of the room. Then we divide the four corners in half to get 45 degrees. These lines will be a guide when gluing.

After marking, you can start installation. It should also start from the center. After all, often the edges have to be trimmed.

Glue is applied along the edges with a thin layer, and add a drop to the center without smearing. We glue four tiles in the center of the ceiling. After three minutes have elapsed, you need to press the product to the surface. You need to hold for about fifteen seconds. During this time, the connection must be established securely. Then we glue the second and subsequent tiles.

To trim the material for wall gluing, use sharp knife... If the pattern or arrangement of flowers allows, you can try to make the most of each piece.

So that the glue on the surface does not spoil the impression of the work, it should be removed in time.


At the end of the process, you should take a look to see if all the products have adhered well. If something is wrong, you can still fix it. How to do this is shown in many videos on the web.

As you can see, the process takes a little time, because it is simple and straightforward. To give the composition a finished look, you can use a special ceiling plinth, which can be glued with the same glue. As a result, you will get a beautiful painting on the ceiling with your own hands, which will always be pleasant to admire.