Living room interior with brick walls. Brick wall in the interior (56 photos): beautiful combinations in design

The history of using fired brick in architecture is more than 4 thousand years old. New wave interest in this artificial stone swept over designers in the 20th century, when old industrial building began to turn into apartments and offices. And soon the brick "moved" as a decor and in new panel buildings.

A primitive clay rectangle is fraught with countless possibilities. He is able to transform an ordinary apartment into a medieval castle, a hunting or country house, a factory loft or a modern dwelling with a twist.

Depending on the goal different types bricks are used in the decoration of various interior elements.

Industrial revolution in the interior

In what style is decorative brick decoration used? In the interior of lofts - industrial premises that have become dwellings - brick surfaces dominate. If the wall is originally made of brick, it is enough to clean it from dirt and dust. mortars, wipe the seams and varnish, otherwise the surface will crumble. For the sake of stylistically correct "shabby", here and there you can apply rough texture plaster or a thin layer of paint with rough strokes.

Where to get decorative brick in the interior modern apartments? Since inhabited factories are now rare, more often it is necessary to create lofts from ordinary apartments... In this case, the new brickwork is deliberately aged: acid solutions, sandpaper, a hammer are used, acrylic paints and other improvised means.

Individual areas can be "smoked" with a blowtorch. The "burnt" corners of the walls under the ceiling look especially impressive: this is how the room is overgrown with a legend about a fire that once raged here.

Additional elements of loft style in the interior of a modern apartment

In addition to decorative brickwork, the spirit of industrial aesthetics is supported by the old ceiling beams, unfinished windows, wooden floor. Pictures occupy a special place in the decor. They can simply be placed on the floor, leaning against the wall, or hung in the usual way... The more modern the content of the paintings (abstractionism, impressionism and pop art are welcome), the better their union with archaic brick looks.

Brick wall decoration. Photo Key elements in the loft style. Photo Brick wall decoration. Photo How to decorate a brick wall. A photo

Gothic Middle Ages in a single apartment

To create the atmosphere of a medieval castle, we need the same aged brick, only the traces of "fire" should be discarded. The brick wall in the interior, painted in dark gray... A layer of paint is applied thickly so that it fills the seams unevenly.

In addition to the walls, columns and semi-columns, pointed arches are trimmed with bricks. This finish is suitable for any room, from the kitchen to the bedroom. In high rooms (dining room or kitchen), vaulted ceiling can be tiled with brick tiles. This will create the illusion of an old wine cellar. By the way, it is easy to arrange cells for storing bottles in the walls.

The Gothic style is a combination of rough brick with luxurious furniture, decorated with elaborate carvings and artistic forging. Huge chandeliers and massive candelabra will enhance the effect. Ancestor portraits and heavy dark curtains will complete the creation of a medieval fairy tale.

Country estate or hunting lodge?

Brick - typical construction material for country house, it also acts as a finishing material. The aged surface of the walls, canvases with hunting scenes and elk antlers above the fireplace "shifted" the room into the past by a couple of centuries. New brick and crisp, contrasting seams give a more modern look. In any case, the indispensable companions of brick walls in the interior are wooden window frames, doors, floor and furniture. A brick-faced fireplace is also indispensable.

Brick with Provencal accent

Another option for a country house is a dwelling in the style of rural Provence. Here the brick, painted in white color... To give naturalness and the spirit of antiquity, it can be aged, edges rounded from time to time, cracked surface are allowed.

As a rule, one wall is trimmed indoors with decorative bricks - for example, in the kitchen near the dining area or as an apron. The brick can be the wall behind the head of the bed or behind the sofa in the living room. Light brick does not focus on itself, but brings a certain rhythm with its texture. Suitable details for white rural brick - small still lifes and floor vases with flowers.

Modern brick design

Despite its age, brick is also used in modern interiors. Minimalism or Scandinavian style is fine with brickwork on accent walls or niches. You can brick a part of the wall, leaving "torn" edges to highlight the area of \u200b\u200bthe bar or hallway. In the latter case, the brick symbolizes the transition from street space to home space, against its background it is appropriate to place shoes.

In minimalism, as a rule, red or brown bricks are chosen, which contrasts with white, gray and black surfaces. The Scandinavian style stops on the walls in light colors: white, blue, pastel yellow. Bricks are also used to cover bar counters, kitchen islands, semi-columns and partitions, pools, bathrooms, sinks, showers. This gives the furniture solidity and geometric clarity.

Combination of brick and plaster on the wall. Photo The combination of white and brick wall. A photo Harmonious combination: brick on the walls, wood on the floor This mirror will make a gorgeous makeup

Increasingly, designers are returning to glass blocks rectangular... Interesting semi-partitions are made of colored glass bricks, which serve as screens in studio apartments.

Brick or "brick": we decide on the material

How to create decorative brickwork? The easiest and most economical option is to process the "native" brick wall. It can be left with a natural color, artificially aged the surface or painted. But if the builders cheated you with such a wall, you can fold it from facing brick or brick tiles.

Facing bricks are similar to ordinary ones, but lighter and with thin walls, due to which they "eat up" less volume. Today you can find options for the most different shades, matt or glazed, aged or new.

Brick tiles ("veneers") are even lighter, so they are well suited for finishing thin drywall walls. Tiles are laid, like facing bricks, on a flat surface, fixed with a special glue for stone, and the seams are then trowelled. By the way, a similar tile made of baked clay 2.5 cm thick was used even under Ivan the Terrible and was called plinth.

The glass bricks mentioned above are also the most different colors, and sometimes contains inclusions in the form of plants or shells. Cladding with such material is often combined with backlighting.

A simple version of imitation of brickwork in the interior is “brick-like” wallpaper. It can be paintable wallpaper that repeats the texture, or colored wallpaper with a brick pattern. This option is successfully used to decorate wall niches.

Brick in the interior is not only a successful design find, but also practical solution... Durable, water resistant and temperature tolerant, it feels great in any room. Bathroom or kitchen, cellar, living room or bedroom - everywhere the brick is in its place, creates a unique atmosphere and speaks of the impeccable taste of the owners of the home.

Brick wall in the interior - photo

Brick wall in the interior of the bathroom. Photo Brick wall in the interior of the living room. Photo Brick wall in the interior of the kitchen. A photo
Brick wall in the interior of the living room. Photo Brick wall in the interior of the living room. A photo

Decorative brick in the interior. Photo Decorative brick in the interior. Photo Decorative brick in the interior of the kitchen. Photo Decorative brick in the interior. A photo
Column, finished with bricks. Photo Decorative brick in the interior of the bedroom. Photo Decorative brick in the interior of the kitchen. Photo Kitchen apron made of bricks. A photo

Brick kitchen apron. Photo Kitchen apron made of bricks. Photo Decorative brick wall in the living room

The reason bricks are increasingly used to decorate walls in living room interiors is understandable: this technique helps to create a relaxed, slightly grungy environment with a special charm. In addition, brick is a very effective material, practical and durable, and its use in the living room space is fashion trend over the past few years.

Judging by the increasing popularity of brickwork in interior decoration and a variety of positive feedback about her as the most stylish way decorating walls, you can be sure that a room with a similar wall surface is a present and future trend in design.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, bricking the walls in a room was considered bad manners, and generally unacceptable for residential interiors. Further, over time, this material began to be used in the design of public institutions with a thematic interior.

By the way, instead of a simple brick, they used fake diamond in the form of thin and narrow tiles, often of sand, gray or terracotta color, which covered the walls not completely, but only its protruding parts (pseudo columns, openings, portals). But the tribute to fashion soon passed, and the impression of such a design remained unsteady and unclear.

Today, the most influential designers and architects use brickwork in their projects, while emphasizing that the wall decoration should look natural, therefore, the selected section of the wall is decorated completely from floor to ceiling. It seems as if the brick surface was discovered during renovation works, and decided to preserve its beautiful natural texture in the interior.


Rustic or rustic is called cladding external walls buildings or some areas on it with rectangular stones tightly fitted one to the other, the front side of which is left uncouth or roughly hewn. Interestingly, in an urban setting Ancient Rome rustic had practical significance: effectively insulated the first floors of the building from moisture and noise.

Rusting should be used in the interior design of the living room, especially if the wall adjacent to the neighboring apartment allows all the noise from the outside to pass through. Besides, rude simple masonry looks very colorful and can be a great contrast for furniture with a graceful silhouette.

Flip wall

This way of using brickwork looks original, making you wonder for a moment whether you are indoors or outdoors outside. It is recommended to use brick for wall cladding with windows, laying out the tiles in such a way as to imitate external design buildings: emphasize openings, protruding parts and niches.



Emphasized monumentality

If there are static partitions in the living room, their surface can be covered with masonry of chipped bricks or thin stone tiles with a pronounced texture.

In the interior of a spacious living room, this design looks very unusual, and, moreover, helps to diversify the minimalist design, focusing on an ordinary, initially boring wall.


Attention: portal

If there is a real fireplace in the living room, its electric analogue or a pseudo-portal, it is worthwhile to be creative in decorating it, because the heart of the room cannot be ignored.

Brick or masonry is the most organic addition hearth, even if it has only a decorative function. So, in the furnace of a pseudo fireplace decorated with brick tiles, you can put candles or lamps with lampshades - the light will emphasize the relief and create fancy shadows on the wall surface.


Background with character

Smooth brickworkused to decorate one, but big wall, - this is what is needed for various objects and objects with a pronounced texture to appear more effectively against its background.
So, beautiful, and incredibly stylish mirrors look simple geometric shape with or without frames on a wall faced with rough brick. The original designer floor lamps will also stand out catchy, desk lamp or sconces, as well as modern painting in the technique of volumetric acrylic.


Pure and white

Snow-white or cream-colored brickwork is so versatile that it can organically fit into many living room interior design styles, from classics to modernity. Within the walls clothed in white brick, you can create an atmosphere of light ease, dreamy boho, spiritual Provence or trendy loftbut the result will always be positive.



An important advantage of brickwork is its ability to adapt to the already formed image of the room and the materials used in its arrangement. Therefore, in the living room where it is installed wooden furniture and the floor, forged or stucco decorative elements, textiles made of cotton or velvet - you can safely use brick as a decoration for a site, or the surface of one of the walls completely.

Industrial plaque

No interior designed in the Loft style is complete without the use of brickwork, which is considered one of its notable features. But in order to create a clearly industrial character in the room, brick cladding should look as if she existed here for a long time, and saw the first owners of the apartment.

In short, choose a brick with an "antique" effect, - a heterogeneous color, with chips and cracks. When laying the material, you do not need to worry about the fact that the mortar for the joints lays down unevenly, in some places accumulating in clots, because this is the beauty of industrial-style masonry.



Another, in our opinion, an incredibly effective and very aesthetic way of using brickwork in the interior of the living room. The surface of the brick wall should be putty so that the relief of the material is not felt, but the unique pattern of the masonry is preserved. After that, you can tint the wall in a pastel neutral shade: powdery, ivory, light gray. This is a great option for decorating "women" living rooms, for example, in vintage style.


Topical staining

Brickwork can look quite modern and even more charismatic if the wall is painted in saturated color: dark blue, graphite, burgundy. The technique of painting brick walls also requires attention, and a rather serious approach, because brick is a natural porous material that must first be properly prepared - pickled, putty, primed, and then start painting in several layers in order to get the desired color or shade.


Ideas to use decorative bricks in the interior are becoming more and more popular. And it is not surprising, because this finishing material allows you to realize stylish fantasies, creating a cozy and original atmosphere in your apartment. In order for the results of the repairs to bring only joy, it is important to think in advance how the brickwork will look in the interior, in which rooms it is best used and which styles to give preference to. You will learn all this from the materials of the article, supported by illustrative examples in the photo.

What is decorative brick?

Decorative brick is a special kind of interior tile. Accordingly, it has a small thickness (about 2 cm), which allows wall decoration without much loss of useful space. There are bricks for the interior of different colors, sizes, textures. Thanks to this variety, you can create exactly the design in the apartment that you dream of.

Natural old brick in the interior looks the most stylish and respectable.

But it is not always possible to use it. Competent selection of high-quality decorative bricks for the interior allows you to get a worthy replacement.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to use instead of brick tiles textured wallpaper ... They are easier to operate, cheaper, and help save space. But be careful when choosing. Wallpaper often does not allow you to create the desired effect.

General rules for the use of bricks

DIY wall design and decoration requires certain knowledge and a sense of style. The first principle you must learn is:

Brick in the interior will look stylish and will emphasize comfort only if it is used in reasonable quantities.

Failure to do so will end up with a cold, uncomfortable atmosphere in your home. To make it clearer how to decorate rooms with bricks for the interior, take a look at the photo.

Brick finishing options:

  • highlighting the accent wall (the technique is suitable for any room in the apartment);
  • allocation of a fireplace area in the living room;
  • decoration of arches, niches in the walls, partitions, columns and other architectural elements.

Brick decor in different rooms


Brickwork in the interior of the hallway is very popular.... It is better to choose dark colors here, on which dirt will be less noticeable. Will do well with this antique look of tiles, with scuffs and cracks... Sometimes you can brick all the walls of the hallway and it will not seem overkill. But in most cases, it is appropriate to finish one wall, highlight an arch, a niche for a mirror or another element (examples in the photo below).

In the design of a small hallway, brick decor is often inappropriate. The tile conceals too much space, and its dark tones make the room visually cramped and gloomy. It is most appropriate to use white brick in the interior of a small hallway. Light textured wallpapers are also suitable as in the following photo.

Living room

The possibilities of using decorative bricks for the interior of the living room are very wide. Modern design styles often suggest the technique of highlighting one wall. It becomes the main "highlight" of the room, and it is on it that the main decor is located, along it is the main recreation area (photo).

When choosing decorative bricks for the living room interior, pay attention to the color.

In a large room with high ceilings, aged red will be most appropriate, and for small rooms it is better to use white (you can replace brick tiles with wallpaper).

It is good to designate the fireplace area in the living room with the help of brick decor. Possible brick finishing of the fireplace itself or the elements framing it, the podium, parts of the walls. To make the atmosphere of the living room even more cozy, it is good to use fresh flowers and textiles in this recreation area. rustic style... You will be able to achieve maximum harmony if you choose an antique look of brick tiles.

White brick looks stylish and modern in the interior. The design of the living room will be especially harmonious if you add minimalistic furniture and laconic decor to the wall, as in the photo.


The uses for bricks can also be quite varied. A common variant of the designation of the dining area. In this case, the whole wall in the kitchen or part of it is finished. If a dinner table located on the podium or separated by an arch, then these architectural elements can be additionally highlighted with bricks for the interior.

The technique of finishing with brick tiles is often used. kitchen apron... This allows you to add color to the modern kitchen design, create an interesting contrast with modern appliances. Tiles made under the old masonry will look especially original. Bricks look good in the interior of the kitchen small sizeplaced on the apron.

Fresh flowers in the kitchen will be an almost win-win option. Combined with them, brick tiles are equally well suited to any design style.

If you are doing repairs in an apartment with your own hands and decided to choose wallpaper with a brick texture, then pay attention to those that are easily tolerated wet cleaning (this rule also applies to the hallway).


The most common way of using decorative bricks for a bedroom interior is as an accent wall decoration. There may be different variants - old masonry, white or red brick, textured wallpaper (they will become the best choicewhen the repair is done by hand).

The photo below shows how comfortable it becomes in such a room. Brutal brick tiles in wall decoration emphasize the warmth and softness of pillows and textiles. Depending on the chosen design style, flowers, large laconic paintings, voluminous curtains or a canopy will well complement the overall picture.

Decorating the walls of an apartment and individual elements with bricks is a very popular topic today. If you do everything with your own hands, then decorative tiles will help you combine different textures for interesting results.... However, it is important to understand the styling technology, otherwise it is easy to ruin everything. When in doubt, it is best to choose quality texture wallpaper... Among them are durable, moisture-resistant species that will become great decoration walls even in the kitchen and hallway.

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Fashion designers offer wide selection options for interior solutions in the premises. One of them is a brick in the interior of the apartment space, which can create the effect of exclusivity in design. The fact is that in our country brick for decoration began to be used relatively recently, while in the "western territories" brick decoration is a fairly common phenomenon.

There are several ways to embody the idea of \u200b\u200busing bricks in the interior. In today's publication on "Dream House" we will try to consider in more detail the most interesting proposals.

Brickwork as an element of decor: which brick to use

The most creative solution the use of brickwork in the interior of an apartment is to use ordinary walls... In new buildings, the walls can be left "pristine", slightly cleaning them from small dirt that remained during construction. In old buildings, the walls should be carefully processed, having previously removed the layers of primer, plaster, whitewash.

Living room interior with brick wall

However, one should not forget that a brick can collapse under the influence of unfavorable factors, therefore, "bare" walls made of natural brick must be treated with special protective equipment that can be purchased at building markets.

From facing bricks, which differ in a variety of shapes, textures and colors, you can also erect partitions, equip a fireplace, create with shelving, or simply lay out a small fragment of masonry on the wall.

Facing brick in the interior photo

For interior decoration, designers advise using decorative bricks. It has established itself as a strong, environmentally friendly, durable building material with the correct shape and a wide range of colors. Through decorative tiles under the brick, door and window openings, walls, partitions, arches are perfectly ennobled.

IN recent times long forgotten glass bricks or glass blocks are coming into vogue. These frosted, colored, transparent or colorless bricks can fill any space with light. They are often used not only as a room decor, but also for. IN small apartment corrugated glass partition will serve as a durable and decorative element.

The simplest and cheapest way to use brickwork in the interior will be regular wallpaper with a brick pattern. Of course, they will not give the effect of natural brick to the room, but they will still attract attention as a bright accent.

Territory of brickwork in the interior

Any room in the apartment can be decorated with the help of "brick ornament". The main thing is to correctly approach the solution of this issue, so that the end result is not a tribute to fashion, but a highlight of the apartment, which clearly fits into the conceived interior.


A small brick partition with a "destroyed" edge will serve as an element of the hallway and kitchen zoning. Decorative candles will look cute on protruding bricks.


In the interior of the kitchen there is certainly a place for fantasy to "roam"! Firstly, it will look original when surrounded by modern kitchen appliances... Secondly, decorative bricks in the interior of the kitchen will help highlight the dining table area.

Brick wall in the interior

If a kitchen area allows, can be made of facing bricks.

You can also build a kitchen island by installing equipment into it or use it as a table by attaching it.

The brick will become excellent material for finishing the area between work surfaces and wall cabinets, appliances.

And here working area without wall cabinets will decorate a brick apron all over the wall.

Brickwork in the interior of a modern kitchen

Brick in the interior of the apartment photo

IN large kitchen with high ceilings, brick ceilings look luxurious. This option is mainly applicable for private housing construction.

Living room

Unusually, a partition made of glass bricks with internal filling from flowers, herbs, beads. It will also look good here from painted brick.

Painted brick in the interior

A brick wall in the interior of a living room can become a backdrop for furniture, fashionable elegant appliances, and accessories.

Interior with brick wall

Aged brick in the interior

Will add grace to the large hall of the column in greek style, acting as partitions or intriguing decor.

Decorative brickwork in the interior

Decorative brick in the interior

Warmth, coziness and comfort in cool weather will give a fireplace in the living room, lined with decorative bricks.


Many people ask the question, is brick applicable in the interior of the bedroom? Here the answer is unequivocal: of course yes! A brick wall will only add charm to a modern bedroom.

Red brick in the interior

And in a studio apartment or a two-level apartment, you can even make a large brick arch instead of a door to the bedroom.

Near the stairs

An interesting solution can be brickwork on the wall adjacent to the stairs. This method of decoration has been chosen by many owners. modern houses and multi-level apartments.

Interior with brick wall

Brick wall in the interior of the kitchen


Due to its moisture resistance and resistance to temperature extremes, brick decoration is allowed to be used in rooms with high humidity... So, a brick wall or imitation of brickwork will fit perfectly into the interior of the bathroom.

White brick in the interior of the bathroom

A glass brick partition can be used to separate the bathtub or the toilet. Glass blocks are highly durable, so they can be used to decorate the floor, using additional lighting and heating. Facing tiles it is worth decorating the sides of the pool.

Choosing a brick color for decorating rooms

Brick walls may not necessarily be reddish-brown. Designers offer to choose any color of the finish.

So, for example, white brick in the interior of the bedroom will make the room bright and spacious.

In addition, brick walls can be painted. So, burgundy, brown or dark blue painted bricks in the décor of the bedchamber with the glow of candles will create a romantic atmosphere.

The gray brickwork looks interesting in the interior. This option is perfect for modern design hallway.

Aged brick in a modern interior

A fashionable trend of interior design projects is the use of aged bricks with visible cracks and grooves.

Brick in modern interior associated with centuries-old traditions and gives solidity and weight to the living space. You can use it in different styles, however, the most widely used brickwork is in the loft, scandinavian style and all kinds of country. Certain elements will be appropriate in modern styles, for example, minimalism, techno, modern, eclecticism.

Brick in the interior: finishing methods

Brickwork can be used for finishing in a variety of ways:

  • Fragment. The masonry forms a small part of the wall, emphasizing the solidity of the walls of the house. This technique is used, for example, in the Scandinavian style.

  • Accent. Brickwork is used to highlight the part of the wall to which they want to draw special attention... This can be the location of the TV panel, a part of the wall behind the head of the bed, a fireplace area, or something else.

In the photo, the fireplace area is highlighted with brickwork. Project: "Interior of a 2-room apartment in beige tones"

  • Wall. An entire brick wall in an interior can also look very decorative. Usually, in this way, the part of the room that bears the main semantic load is distinguished. In the living room, this can be a wall near which the sofa is located, in the bedroom - a wall behind the head of the bed, in the kitchen - a wall near the dining area.

The photo shows a white brick wall in the kitchen-living room. Project from BohoStudio“The interior of the apartment is 56 sq. m. "

  • Element. Individual architectural elements can be built from bricks. This can be an arch or, for example, a section of a free-standing wall that can serve as the base of a bar, or a stand for an aquarium. Zoning partitions in studio apartments are also made of brick.

In the photo there is a bar drain made of bricks inscandinavian interior studio 42 sq. m.

The main disadvantage of brick as a finishing material is its considerable weight and volume. In small rooms, the brick will "eat" a significant amount, which is undesirable. In such situations, you can use materials that mimic brickwork. A brick-like wall in the interior of a small room will create the necessary impression without reducing its area.

Brick color in interior design

The surface of the brickwork, as a rule, is processed in order to remove excessive porosity, facilitate cleaning and also harmoniously fit it into the style of the room. If it is necessary to leave natural masonry, it is covered with transparent compounds. But more often brick walls are painted, choosing the most suitable color in each case. Nothing stands in the way of making the brickwork green, purple or pink, but the traditional "brick" colors are most commonly used.

The photo shows a partially white painted brick indesign of a small studio of 22 sq. m.

White brick in the interior

White is the color most often used in minimalism, Scandinavian styles. In both of these styles, brick surfaces are the element that allows you to enrich the interior with minimal means - its texture. At the same time, they try to remove the color so as not to overload the visual perception. An excellent solution in such cases is to paint the finished masonry white.

In the photo there are walls made of white painted bricks. Project by Aiya Lisova Design “Loft design studio 42 sq. m. "

White additionally gives the effect of increasing the space, which is important for those cases when the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is small. In addition, a white brick wall can serve as an excellent background for displaying decorative elements of the situation on it. White brick wall can be combined in the same room with "traditional" masonry.

Gray brick in the interior

Gray, like white, is considered neutral. It creates a calm backdrop for displaying furniture and decorative design elements. Depending on the saturation, gray can play a different role in a room.

Light gray will expand the space and slightly dim the brightness; it is appropriate to paint brickwork in rooms that are too brightly lit in this color. Dark gray will add chamberness and intimacy, create a soothing atmosphere, although it will visually conceal the volume.

As a rule, "red" refers to the shades of ordinary bricks made from clay. Although nothing prevents to paint the masonry red, if required design idea... Red brick walls are appropriate for almost all styles, including Gothic and Classics. As a rule, they immediately attract attention to themselves and become the main decorative element interior.

In the photo there is a red brick in the interiorattic studio in loft style.

Red brick walls no longer need additional decorations. It should be borne in mind that some pieces of furniture can be "lost" against their background, for example, a table of a simple shape made of wood similar in tone can be practically invisible.

Brick in the interior of the room: in which rooms is it appropriate

Elements of brickwork can be entered into a room for any purpose, from the entrance area to the room in the bathroom or toilet. The main thing is to choose an option that will perfectly match the furniture and the rest of the decoration.


Here, brickwork will help separate entrance area from the rest, either with a rich brick texture on the walls, or a free-standing brick partition, if the area allows. You can decorate a section of the wall in the hallway with masonry, set aside for a clothes hanger, thereby highlighting it in a separate area. Console tables for gloves and other little things, above which a large mirror is hung, look spectacular near a brick wall.

Pictured is a brick wall in the hallway in studio interior 56 sq. m.


Most often in the kitchen, brickwork serves as an "apron" near the work surface. As a rule, decorative bricks are used here, which have special characteristics and a smooth surface, which makes cleaning easier.

Also in the kitchen can be distinguished by masonry dining area, bar counter, table-island.

In the photo there is a bar counter decorated with red brick. Project from Litvinov design"Loft style in the interior of a compact studio."

Living room

A brick partition can separate the living room area from the rest in an open-plan apartment. In addition, false columns are faced with bricks, a wall is laid out near the fireplace. A sofa or TV area is also distinguished by masonry.

In the photo there is white brick in the interior of the living room. Project:“Design of a two-room Khrushchev, 45 sq. m. "


Here, brick is most often used to decorate the wall at the head of the bed, emphasizing its special significance in the interior with its texture. Another popular option is to accentuate the wall with a window with masonry. In small rooms, it is better to give not the entire wall as a whole for brick, but only part of it, so as not to burden the perception of space.

In the photo there is a red brick in the interior of the bedroom. Project:“Design of an apartment in white colors 90 sq. m. "

In the photo there is a white brick in the interior of a bedroom in modern style... Project:"Design of an apartment in light colors from Hola Design"

Plumbing rooms

Brick can also be used in bathrooms and toilets - there are no restrictions, the material can withstand both high temperature and humidity. Brickwork is allocated different zones indoors, or separate them with partitions.

In the photo, tiles for white brick in the interior of the bathroom. Project:“Loft style in the interior of an apartment of 85 sq. m. "

Besides, large apartments and private houses can be successfully supplemented with brick arches, or brick walls near staircases and landings.

Brick decoration in the interior of apartments: photo

One-bedroom apartment 57 sq. m.

In the design, the wall in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, as well as the bar counter separating the living area from the kitchen are made of decorative "aged" bricks.

Studio 25 sq. m.

In order to avoid the high costs of renovating the studio, the walls were painted with paint, and the furniture was purchased from IKEA. In order to strengthen decorative effect the wall near the sofa and bed was stripped down to brickwork and painted white.

Duplex apartment 82 sq. m.

The design is designed in the loft style, instead of natural brick, decorative, but natural colors are used. In order not to overload the interior, the walls were partially painted.

One-bedroom apartment 40 sq. m.

After the restoration work, the walls of old bricks were in sight. This became the main interior in the loft style.

White brick walls are the perfect backdrop for a cozy seating area.

One-bedroom apartment 114 sq. m.

The designers helped to create a brutal interior decoration Materials - natural wooden boards on the floor, red brick walls and wooden furniture.

Three-room apartment 155 sq. m.

The original design of the apartment is made in bright colors. The walls are decorated with brickwork, painting, wallpaper, mosaics, and even greenery of living plants. The combination of colors and textures is chosen so that all this variety is perfectly combined and forms a harmonious and cozy interior.