Underground water supply in the country. Water supply from polypropylene pipes in the country

It is not so difficult as it seems at first glance - do it yourself water in the country. Below we will give you a series practical advice... They will help to equip the country water supply system, which will function both in summer and, if necessary, in winter.

The distribution of the water supply system can be carried out from the central water supply system or from an artesian well.

The main thing is calculation!

It is good when the dacha is on the banks of a river or lake. But even in this case, the water supply at the summer cottage turns out to be troublesome and difficult. But what about those who have a river and a dacha - things are incompatible? Hard to tell. Therefore, most summer residents begin to equip their site with providing it with water.

  • watering;
  • food;
  • bathing;
  • household needs.

At the same time, keep in mind that for watering an orchard, one volume of water is needed, and for beds with greenery, a completely different volume. The same is with food - in summer water consumption is higher, in spring and autumn - less. With bathing, you also need to take into account such nuances as a bath and shower. And household needs are not only washing dishes, but also washing the car, watering the paths.

To make it easier to make calculations, we will assume that on average one person per day consumes such an amount of water:

  1. Bathing in the bathroom - 180 l.
  2. Bathing in the shower - 50 l.
  3. Hand washing - 5 l.
  4. Toilet bowl use - 15 liters.
  5. Dishwashing (4 people) - 25 l.

By the way, at the dawn of summer cottage construction, it was calculated that, on average, a family of 4 in a standard dacha (6 acres) spends at least 200 liters of water per day on itself. This figure can be taken as a starting point in the calculations.

You increase the result obtained by 20% and you get the amount of water that you will need to extract from a well or from a well. Based on this, you can already figure out which method of producing water in your summer cottage will be more effective.

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Dig or drill?

When choosing a water source, you need to take into account the characteristics of the landscape and soil. If your summer cottage is located in a lowland, aquifer can be near the surface, so a shallow well can be dug. And if your site is on a hill, you will have to drill a well.

By the way, about the wells. It is important to understand the difference between a conventional sand hole and an artesian well. The first has a depth of up to 50 meters, the second - from 50 meters or more. Accordingly, the water itself also differs - in composition, taste and other criteria. To drill an artesian well, you will have to hire special equipment and obtain official permission from the authorities.

So, the decision about what to equip for water supply - a well or a well - depends on the depth of the aquifer. If it is located at a depth of 10 meters, it will be easier and cheaper to dig a well. If the water depth is more than 15 meters, it is advisable to drill a well.

The so-called mine well is arranged simply - the wall is reinforced with concrete rings or a wooden frame. The bottom point of the well should be at least 3-4 meters below the level of the aquifer. This will create a constant supply of water that you will choose as needed. A layer of sand, a layer of gravel and a layer of rubble are alternately poured onto the bottom, each about 20 cm thick. These are three natural filters. If you make holes in the walls of the well, then water will also flow from there. This will increase the rate of its inflow and reduce the time to fill the well.

Water is taken from the well using a submersible pump. The advantage of the well is that it is easy to clean. The downside is that it doesn't give much water.

The well will require more costs and efforts. You will need pipes, a water filter, and a pump. Well pipes are used as follows:

  1. Steel.
  2. Stainless.
  3. Asbestos-cement.
  4. Plastic.

Steel pipes are cheaper, but less durable, plastic is more expensive, but it has a longer resource. Everyone who buys pipes for a well decides this issue based on their budget.

The advantage of the well is that it can produce a cubic meter of water per hour. The downside of the well is that after a while it can get silted up - you will have to disassemble and clean it.

But building a well or digging a well is only half the battle. The most important thing for a normal water supply at a summer cottage is a pump.

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Choosing a pump for water supply

To equip a well, you need a submersible pump. It is easy to maintain and does not require any mounting hardware. Take a cable, tie it to the pump and lower it into the well so that there is a gap of about a meter between it and the bottom of the well.

There are special models of submersible pumps that are installed at the bottom of the well. All such pumps have built-in filters, they are cooled by the pumped water, they do not make noise. Such pumps are operated manually, powered by a household power supply.

The submersible pump will ideally cope with the water supply of a small suburban area (without a pool and a large garden).

A downhole pump is installed above the well and pumps in water by sucking it in. Therefore, experts do not recommend buying pumps for wells "with a margin". If such a pump selects water, it will idle, which will lead to breakdown.

The pump power is selected based on their bandwidth wells. It is known either from the well certificate, which is made by those who drilled it, or it is calculated independently, based on the depth and diameter of the pipes.

The advantage of such a pump is that it will provide a good constant head, which will be enough for both irrigation and a summer cottage economy. The price range for such pumps is the most extensive, it depends on the power and the warranty period.

The ideal solution for a summer residence would be home station equipment. We will tell you what it is below.

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Your own water supply

Scheme 1. Scheme of the water supply system in the country.

A pumping station that operates autonomously and constantly supplies the house and the plot with water is the dream of everyone who wants to have water at their summer cottage (diagram 1). This is a complex that includes a pump, a pipe system, storage tankas well as pressure regulating valves and sensors. This is a miniature plumbing at a summer cottage.

Its main advantage is that you do not have to run and turn the pump on and off all the time. The pump pumps water into the reservoir (most often it is placed in the attic). From it, under natural pressure, it enters the system as needed, when you wash your hands, bathe or draw a kettle. The pump pumps water up to the set level, so you always have a supply of water. It is limited, but renewable.

However, when going to buy such a station, remember that most sellers understand by it only the pump itself that pumps water, a hydraulic accumulator that maintains the pressure in the system, a pressure gauge and automation for turning the system on and off and monitoring its operation. In fact, the concept includes many more objects, which includes piping around the house and site, and much more.

Of course, the cost of such a system will cost more than usual. summer cottage option "Well-pipes-pump", but it will make your stay in the country comfortable.

Previously, every summer resident calmly put up with scooping water from a well and watering plants from a watering can, but now, in the era of technology development and the appearance on the market of various automated systems, we all began to think about how to arrange a water supply system in the country.

Indeed, such a system is a solution to many problems.... Now, watering can be done from a hose, supply water to the house through pipes, and not carried with a bucket, and summer shower no longer a problem. But, the problem was solved only for one half of the summer residents, on whose streets the mains of the central water supply lay. What should the rest of us do, continue to carry water from the river or get it from the well? Of course not, because for several years there have been perfect solutions to this problem, and today we will talk about them in sufficient detail.

Plumbing system

First of all, you should consider the device of the country water supply system, and only then move on. Let's start with the fact that this system consists of two parts: internal and external. The external mains leads water to each object, “wet spots” on the street, but the internal one distributes water to the dwelling, temporary hut, and so on. If we talk about the simplest water supply system in the country, which can be arranged independently, then this is the usual supply of water from the source through pipes, through special filters to the place of use. The main role in such a system is played by a pump.

More a complex system water supply in the country can include a variety of fittings and nozzles, water intake fittings and expensive filters for the interior, as well as a battery, controllers, shutoff valves, protection and distribution systems, automation for complete process control, and so on.

Water supply source at the summer cottage

It's good when you know exactly where the water intake for the suburban water supply will come from, but if such information is not yet available, then we will offer several popular and most correct options.

Centralized water supply

The easiest option, which we mentioned a little above, if there is one on your street, or even just a neighbor's, then run water on own plot and even in country house, will not be a lot of work.

The first thing that is needed is the written and oral permission of neighbors or owners of the water supply system for taking water to your site, then, the documentary part of the special services. After that, only work on laying the system on the territory and the plant of highways in required places... Of course, this is physical labor, and tools, and materials, but you can't do without it.

Mine well

Here you will have to work a little, spend money on equipment and samples (very desirable).

If possible, it is necessary to clarify the depth of water occurrence, as well as take its samples. This will greatly facilitate subsequent work, and also exclude poor quality water after all work is completed.

Naturally, physical exercise it will not take you here, since you will need to dig a rather deep shaft, on average, 10 meters. Further, it will need to be strengthened and facilitated to fill this well with water, to correctly form the bottom. Now, after the work carried out, it is necessary to clarify the amount of incoming water (if you have not done this in advance), it should be enough for ordinary family use. If there is little liquid, then you will have to increase the depth.

Water intake and its rise can be ensured with the help of pumps, but distribution over the site can only be achieved with the help of special highways and pipelines.


This topic is very interesting and, frankly, requires a separate detailed description, which means that we will not dwell on it, but will only clarify the details.

So, you can start by drilling the well and the total cost. Let's say right away that this process is expensive, but if you do everything correctly and efficiently, then you will no longer have to pay for water and there will be plenty of it every day. But it is worth paying attention to maintenance: here, of course, you will have to constantly spend money (equipment, electricity, preventive maintenance and repairs). But, there is always a way out of the situation, for example, to organize a well in the country house on several sites at once, simply by agreeing with the neighbors.

We also note that a well cannot work without a pump, and therefore, when calculating the depth of the well and the amount of water required, immediately consider the option of the necessary submersible or borehole pump, because it is quite possible that it will pull the bulk of the budget.

Water supply from the well

In private houses, it often happens that there is already a well on the site with clean water... It is he who can become assistants in solving the issue of water supply. Of course, do not rely on huge volumes of practically free water, there will not be very much of it, and its quality may suffer due to erosion by groundwater. But, at least, you can install a liquid supply to the washbasin or a small outdoor shower, to the kitchen, and so on.

Water supply from a living source

Highly interesting option, but it requires special conditions - a living source of water nearby (river, lake, pond, becoming, and so on). Of course, to make such water potable, expensive filters are needed, and possibly boiling after them, but as a technical water supply, this is easy to do. All that is needed for its construction is a pipeline and a pump, possibly several filters at the inlet and outlet.

Summer and winter water supply

It is quite possible that summer residents who read us heard the following concepts - summer and winter water supply for giving. What do they mean and what are their main differences?

Summer water supply in the country

Summer water supply can be stationary or collapsible, here everything is only at the discretion of the summer resident. It can be organized very simply, using metal-plastic or propylene pipes, or ordinary watering hoses, the most important thing is that the water supply does not interfere with movement in the country and is not damaged.

The most popular is the summer water supply from a silicone or rubber hose, the parts of which are connected with special parts. In its finished form, it can be a simple system or even a complex grid throughout the country. You can use it for different needs.

Winter water supply in the country

This is a standard, stationary water supply system on the territory of the site, which will not need to be assembled and disassembled, it is enough to lay it only once. But, the whole process must be carefully carried out, the water supply scheme in the country house is correctly drawn up, the material and equipment for assembly are selected, and the insulation is made. This option we will consider how a stationary and full-fledged water supply system.

How to make a water supply in the country

In this section of our article, you can find answers to many questions about the construction of a country water supply system, as well as an algorithm for its assembly and laying, a diagram, necessary materials, tool and work list.

Water supply scheme in the country

The first and very important point, which we recommend to take very seriously. The operability of the water supply system and its quality will depend on its correctness and further adherence to the plan and project.

So, initially you should decide on the starting and ending point of the highway, choose equipment, water supply points in the premises, a source of water supply, material and tools. Further, accurately determine the layout and connection diagram of the water supply system in the country.

You need to draw up a drawing, draw on it the path of the lines, dimensions, installation locations of pumping equipment, and so on, then go to materials and tools.

Material and tool for work

The most commonly used polypropylene pipe or metal-plastic pipe, which forms the pipeline along the territory by means of soldering or special fittings, respectively. Pipe size, length, cross-sectional diameter - it all depends on the individuality of the water supply system (distance from the water supply point, pressure, pump power, water rise height, slope of the site, and so on), so we will not provide any data so as not to enter misleading you.

In addition, the organization of a water supply system in the country will require many consumables and special parts from you, which are also selected individually.

Of the tools, I would like to immediately declare the obligatory presence of a shovel, hammer, drill, drill or perforator, standard set (hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, etc.), grinders, pipe soldering iron (if you chose polypropylene pipes).

Also, be sure to take care of a one-time purchase of everything you need, this will give you the opportunity to save money and not be left without the necessary parts and tools in the midst of work.

Preparatory work

We have already repeatedly talked about the list of tasks that are included in the preparatory work, and therefore we will only highlight the accents. First of all, the obligatory adherence to the project and the scheme, then, marking the site and the path of the highway, after that, digging trenches of the required depth.

Try to have everything you need close at hand, this will significantly reduce the work time. Insulation material for the system, fasteners, a pipe cutter, a soldering iron or a box with fittings - everything should be at hand.

Installation of a water supply system in the country

Installing a water supply system in the country will require from you not only care, but also strength and patience. Everything must be done correctly, consistently, without the slightest mistake.

Inspect the dug trenches, they must be completely ready for laying the pipeline - the correct depth (below the level of freezing of the soil), the correct slope, cleaned bottom, fasteners and scaffolds, etc. Next, lower it into a well or well submersible pump, if you have chosen this type of water supply for the summer cottage, if not, use a surface pump, but only in a heated room.

Correctly connect the pump, the pipe to the pump and the fitting, to the outputs of the fitting - the accumulator, the pressure switch, the pressure gauge. You will need a hydraulic accumulator that can provide correct pressure in the system, as well as a good supply of water, which will be useful in an emergency.

Further, when all the mechanisms are connected, the main pipe should be connected to the last outlet and brought along a trench to the place of water supply, for example, to a residential building. It is here that the cable (armored) is laid, which is necessary to power the system equipment.

Do not forget that at the entrances to buildings it is necessary to make wells, shut-off valves, this will provide free access to the system during repairs or maintenance work.

How to insulate a water supply system in the country

Now that you know how to arrange a water supply system in the country, we will tell you how to arrange its heating, or rather, insulation, which saves the water supply system in the country in winter from many troubles.

The pipes must be carefully protected from the cold, then the water supply system will work normally, water will flow constantly and the system will not freeze. This must be done as follows:

  • Lay the pipes of the outer part of the water supply system to the correct depth, taking into account the level of soil freezing;
  • Be sure to insulate the pipes. Naturally, this will cause some cost overruns, but it is better to spend an extra 7-10% of the cost of the entire pipeline than to dig it out later, look for a problem and fix, or even change the pipeline;
  • Warming can be done with various materials, but experts recommend special foam materials - polyethylene, resembling the shape of a pipe. They are simply put on the pipes of the main line and are able to protect them not only from the cold, but even from certain mechanical damage;
  • Also, you need to carry out a thorough insulation of the water source and equipment;
  • Remember that not only the water supply system should be insulated, but also the sewerage system in the country house, so that during the winter cold the discharge system does not become unusable.

Video about plumbing in a summer cottage or cottage area

Understanding how to conduct water to the dacha, we still have a number of questions, starting from which, experts have compiled a small list additional tips.


The water supply system in the country house should run in such a way that you always have free access to it for maintenance or repairs. Do not forget about wells, gate valves, additional stopcocks.

Freezing depth

Be sure, before laying the pipeline, determine the depth of soil freezing and, starting from the data, do high-quality insulation pipes.


At the moment, most specialists prefer polypropylene plumbing in the country, since it is a little easier to work with it, and the material for the production of the pipeline itself is more durable and of better quality (provided correct assembly and quality connections).

Using a summer water supply

It is very important not to forget about the summer water supply in the country before the onset of cold weather. It should be dismantled, dried as much as possible and placed in a warm, dry storage area.

Drainage pump in the country

The drainage pump can be used to irrigate, drawing water from reservoirs, treated drains, pools and various wells... A drainage pump for a summer residence is an irreplaceable thing, so you should take care of purchasing it. If you have problems in the winter at the dacha, it will help.

Water supply and sewerage at the summer cottage

Try to combine the processes of the country water supply and sewerage system as much as possible, this will significantly reduce the loss of time and money during work. When working with pipes it will be useful.

The country water supply system made of plastic pipes does not differ much from its counterpart in ordinary apartments... The thing is that here it is necessary not only to supply water to the valves and household appliancesbut also provide a watering system.

The latter reason places high demands on pump performance and well headroom.

The reality looks in such a way that the power supply is often cut off in the suburban areas. For this reason, it is necessary to consider a water reserve.

Some of the nuances of laying the plumbing system in the country

The device of a country water supply system made of plastic is as follows. The water supply in this case is carried out by means of pump, which supplies fluid from a storage tank or accumulator.

When installing the storage tank, the liquid supply will be equal to the volume of the tank container. But, its bottom should not be located below the water intake points. Then there will always be water in the taps.

The use of a hydraulic accumulator is more convenient because there will always be constant pressure in such a system. If a pump and an automatic pressure switch are added to this device, then the whole structure will be called a pumping station.

This system is implemented in summer and winter versions. The difference between the systems will be in the place where the equipment is installed.

Which pipes are better to choose

Most recently, this question was not raised. The water pipes for the summer cottages were used only from steel.

At the moment, metal options are practically not taken, because an excellent alternative has appeared - plastic counterparts.

For suburban area better option can not found. Such pipes do not rust and do not deteriorate from the influence of low temperatures.

Only when buying, you need to take into account the fact that plastic water pipes are different:

  • HDPE. Low-pressure polyethylene. Such products are attractive because they are designed without auxiliary elements. Fittings for such materials are threaded and can be easily tightened by hand.
  • PVC. These pipes are for country house used very often. They cost less than the previous version and are held together by cold soldering (glue). The seam on such blanks comes out strong and reliable.
  • PPR. This type of plastic pipes can be used for cold and hot water and for heating systems. These materials are connected by soldering and couplings.

When installing a water supply system from plastic pipes, you need to know that its price compares favorably with a pipeline made of metal materials.

The price for billets for PP pipelines is as follows. That's $ 1 to $ 7 for one running meter... The price of fittings is approximately within these limits.

The most expensive materials of this type are supplied by German and Italian firms. Products from Turkish and domestic manufacturers are much lower.

In order for the pipeline to serve uninterruptedly, it is advised to purchase only high-quality goods from trusted manufacturers.

Such a product costs a little more, but this is fully justified by the long and reliable operation of the built system.

Construction of a plumbing system with your own hands

See at the end of the article a detailed video instruction on how to conduct water supply to a private house

It is not difficult to construct a country water supply system made of plastic with your own hands, if you carefully study all the subtleties of this matter.

  • First you need to choose a water source. The cheapest way is to build a well. Also, for such purposes, it may well be suitable sand hole... Although the best method is an artesian well. Its service life adds up to almost 50 years.
  • Summer version of the water supply system. Already from the name it is clear that this structure is used only in the summer. This network can be collapsible and permanent. Most often, in this case, the hoses are simply pulled along the ground. And for permanent summer option the workpieces are hidden in the ground so that they do not interfere on the surface. One drawback of such a structure is the tilt to the point of connection of the main network. At the location of the lowest point of the water supply, a drain valve is installed to drain the liquid for the winter period.
  • Winter view of the pipeline. This design refers to a capital system that can be used at any time of the year. Submersible pumps are installed to supply liquid. The power of such a mechanism is selected in accordance with the depth of the water supply. Also, for such equipment, you will have to connect a power source. The cable and water supply are allowed to be displaced in one casing of plastic blanks for the drain pipe network. It will provide excellent protection against freezing and mechanical stress.

Organization of watering

Water supply for irrigation in the country is a basic construction. The "summer" stage of life begins with the arrangement of the water supply.

As already mentioned, there are temporary and permanent systems... But, the construction of any of them starts in the same way - this is the development of the project.

When designing, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • Plastic pipe-rolling sartoment is carried out at a slope relative to the water intake.
  • They are brought to the surface only in consumption zones.
  • The use of polypropylene materials will make it easy to install and remodel the structure.
  • Trench depth for summer water supply should be forty centimeters. It is recommended to increase this distance under the passing beds, otherwise the pipe network can be damaged during planting work.
  • For a collapsible view, rubber hoses are often used, which are connected with jumpers, or special clips. Such a fastening makes it possible to separate or fasten two pieces of water supply in one motion.
  • The location of the beds determines the number of consumption points. To facilitate the watering process, it is advised to remove the pipe in at least five places.

Designing a water supply system for watering with your own hands

It is not difficult to create a water supply system for watering with your own hands. After the development of the project, earthworks begin.

The submersible pump is lowered into a well or placed in a nearby recess, which is insulated. It can be put directly in the house itself.

If necessary, a pressure testing device and a pump are installed. After that, the pipeline is pulled along the trench to other points of water analysis.

The battery for powering the pumping mechanism is recommended to be carried in a protected cable. You need to worry about electrical safety in any case.

In this case, you cannot do without installing sealed connectors and grounded, moisture-proof sockets.

To enter the pipe into the room, an emergency shut-off device is installed. After checking the operation of the suburban pipeline, the grooves can be covered with earth. Now you can proceed to the installation inside the housing.

Device inside

To make the use of the pipeline comfortable, you need to worry about hot water supply.

This is achieved by installing electric or gas heating units for storage or flow-through... It is more profitable to put in the country storage water heater.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with their pros and cons.

The polypropylene pipe network will not "announce" the repair soon. This is facilitated by the wonderful specifications of these goods.

Such blanks are easy to install, they are not afraid of temperature changes, and the joints do not reduce the tightness at low temperatures.

IMPORTANT! When building a water supply system in country house be sure to check the sample from the water source for purity. Based on the results of laboratory research, a multi-level filtration network is installed.

Suburban plastic plumbing will bring convenience and comfort to the standard of living outside the city.

Modern materials make it possible to build a system that will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of modern civilization with your own hands in a short time.

And the cost of polypropylene materials will not create large financial costs at the same time.


Plumbing in the country is not a luxury, but a sign of a civilized owner. A summer cottage can be made so comfortable that staying and working on it will bring joy and pleasure.

Water supply is one of important points country life. The lack of a normal water supply system is a lot of hassle and nerves.

It is quite possible to make a water supply system in the country with your own hands. Patience, accuracy, expert advice - and you all year round you will be provided with water. So, carefully study what types you can equip in your country house.

Centralized water supply.

Centralized water supply is divided into two types:

  • Used all year round;
  • For the summer period.

What is a centralized water supply system?

This is a system of pipes that are laid at a strictly defined angle towards the distribution or drainage well, at the base of which an electromagnetic or drain valve is necessarily mounted.

Thanks to this design, the intra-house system and in all buildings located nearby is completely freed from the water masses present in it.

With this type of water supply in your country house, you can have and hot water... It is enough to purchase and install a storage water heater.

Important: to connect all buildings to the centralized water supply, one condition must be met: the pressure in the water supply system must be constant, within acceptable values.

If the pressure is low enough or there are sudden changes, it is recommended to select the following type of water supply:

Water supply from the well.

Providing water at your dacha from a well is reliable, practical and profitable.
The base is a well, which has a number of advantages over a well:

  • There are no iron impurities;
  • Silt contamination is less common;
  • The cleaning process is easier (bucket + shovel);
  • Ease of use;
  • Preservation for the winter (and not only) is much easier;
  • The solenoid valve or pump can be replaced without disassembling the sealed connections.

Modern technologies allow the installation of a water intake from a well in such a way that during operation the noise remains minimal, and the conservation process is as simple as possible. To accomplish these tasks, it is recommended to install plumbing systems in which a submersible pump plays the first violin. This unit is located under water, so the noise from the operating unit drowns in the water column.

It is quite easy to drain all the water with such a pump. You need to open a special valve and ... That's it, the water left without a trace. With a surface pump, things get a lot more complicated.

Such a submersible pump is installed directly into the well. The distance from the bottom is not less than 0.8 meters. After 3 meters from the ground level, a special drain valve is attached to the pipe that supplies water. During operation, this valve will ensure a high-quality drain of the entire amount of water.

Important: In order for the water to drain completely, do not forget to lay the pipes at a slope to your well!

Please note that the water supply system in your country house, assembled by your own hands, will function throughout the entire period without interruption in the case when you think well at what depth you should place it.

The parameters of the laying depth are as follows (depending on the season of use):

  • Spring - autumn: up to 1 meter;
  • Winter is more than 2 meters.

Plumbing can be laid into the house under the foundation. If direct access to the subfloor is not possible, then installation is carried out through the wall of your house.

Please note: both options will allow you to use the plumbing system even at sub-zero temperatures. A water heating cable, laid where there is no heating, will allow you to maintain a positive temperature in this section. Install a DHW cylinder as the well water is at a low temperature.

This type of water supply system also allows high-quality watering of the site. It is possible to arrange separate watering racks and the option of docking with a crane from the street side.

Important: be sure to install dry running and pressure switches. These devices maintain the required pressure, mitigate surges during turning on and off of this pump, and turn off the unit in case of an emergency decrease in the water level.

Video water supply from a well in the country yourself:

Well to deliver water to the house.

If you decide to live outside the city all year round, you can equip a water supply system in the country using the well method.

The composition of the water supply system using a well:

I. The well itself.
II. Submersible pump.
III. Inter-house pipelines.
IV. Filter.
V. Complex of automatic adjustment.
Vi. Taps, valves, fittings.
Vii. Hydroaccumulator.

Wells are:

  • Sandy. Entry of clay and sand particles is possible. A mechanical filter is required.
  • Artesian. A special filter is needed to remove iron and some other trace elements. Worth spending chemical analysis composition of water.

It should be noted that autonomous water supply a country house using a well has many advantages:

  • Water supplies are not limited.
  • You can take a lot of water in case of increased demand.
  • Long (over 50 years) service time.

To increase the life of the well, they are equipped with a pipe of the required diameter. The top is sealed with a cap that will not let dust, insects, and small particles of debris inside. Drilling is carried out only by special organizations.

The water is pumped out by a submersible pump. This operation requires careful handling of long hoses for lifting and lowering the pump and electrical cables.

The supply of water from the well to the house passes through a pipeline. Give preference to plastic pipes. Advantages:

  • Long service life;
  • Not subject to corrosion;
  • Low hydraulic resistance.

For use in the warm season, it can be laid at a depth not exceeding 1 meter. Do not forget to drain all the water in the fall to avoid rupture.

If you plan to spend the whole year in the country, lay the pipes, adding to the freezing depth of the local soil, another margin: at least 20 cm. The type of soil greatly affects the depth of freezing. For example, clay freezes by 1.35 m, and stony soil - by 2.00 m.

It is also possible to install a heating wire (aka) inside, which will make it possible to install pipes at a shallower depth. Thermal insulation will be provided modern materials, for example, Penoplex. It will serve for more than a dozen years.
Filters are selected based on water quality analyzes.

First, a filter is installed, and only after that a hydraulic accumulator is mounted, which, together with automation, will allow:

  • Select the optimal pump operating mode. The number of start-ups and shutdowns that lead to equipment wear is reduced.
  • The pressure is kept at a stable, uniform level.
  • The possibility of a sharp increase in pressure when the pump is turned on is reduced to "no", because frequent hydraulic shocks will break the unit.

When self-assembly don't forget about important details, of which you will need a lot. We are talking about various taps, valves, check valves and fittings that will connect all nodes in a closed circuit.

A tree-shaped structure that branches from bottom to top enables quick drain water and allows you to quickly repair or preserve for the winter.

DIY winter plumbing.

Accommodation in winter time year really if you have a boiler. The cumulative option is preferable.

The models are mostly "vertical". Volume - about 100 liters, power: up to 2.5 kW. The calculation was made for a family of 3-4 people.

The basement is rarely heated, therefore, during installation, a gasket is required heating cableso that the system works smoothly in cold weather.

Sources for winter option different:

  1. Centralized highway;
  2. Well;
  3. Well.

The first and second options are preferable, since the well requires large financial costs during operation. And if it is not used for a long time, silting and stagnation of water occurs.

If you decide to carry out a winter water supply system in the country, choose polypropylene as the material. They have a lot of advantages if carried out comparative analysis indicators along with metal or polyethylene pipes:

Features of winter water supply in the country.

  • Conservation system - essential attribute... Before the planned departure, all the water is drained, so a gap is excluded.
  • Lay below the freezing depth corresponding to the given locality. The middle level is below 1.5 m.
  • It is important to observe the slope in order to easily drain the water during conservation.
  • A special electric heating cable does not freeze.
  • The wiring method is certainly consistent.

Components of the winter water supply system.

  • Modern polypropylene pipes.
  • Pump (preferably submersible).
  • Electromagnetic valve or drain valve.
  • Hydroaccumulator.
  • A special type of water heating cable.

How to make hot water from cold water.

Who said that your dacha should have Spartan conditions ?! Be sure to install an electric storage water heater that will provide you and your family hot water all year round.

Boiler - the best option installation. Manufacturers of equipment for heating water offer consumers models of different volumes, capacities and designs. Choose the one that will fully meet the needs of the family.

From 30 to 100 liters - this is the volume range of the electric water heater tank. Pay attention to an important point.

A bathroom or shower stall requires a tank with a volume of at least 80 liters. In the absence, a boiler of 30 or 50 liters is quite suitable.

An instantaneous water heater consumes more electricity, the capacity of suburban substations is small, which can lead to problems and interruptions in the supply of electricity.

Pluses of storage water heaters:

  • Automatic operation mode;
  • Maintaining the set temperature;
  • Overheating automatic shutdown system;
  • Long service life.

Important: during operation, rust, particles of sand, clay accumulate inside the heating tank. Once every 2 years it is necessary to perform preventive cleaning the inside of the tank to avoid damage to the unit.

When arranging a system using a well, hot water supply is paramount.

The advantage of a deep well, the water does not heat well and in summer heat.
The questions discussed above will allow you to independently install the water supply system at your dacha.

Remember that in such a serious and responsible matter as arranging a water supply system with your own hands, there are no trifles.

Calculate required amount materials, make an estimate, consult with experts in this field. After the completion of the work, it is necessary to draw up documentation giving the right to operate the constructed water supply system.

Depending on local conditions, the source of water can be:

  • local water supply network;
  • water from the river near the dacha;
  • open water body of natural or artificial origin;
  • well;
  • well.

Let's characterize each of these sources in more detail.

Water pipes

An operating stationary water supply system is far from uncommon in already established dacha cooperatives and horticultural associations. And new elite suburban areas can often receive water from the city or village water supply network. The owners of such dachas can only connect to the laid pipes and enjoy all the benefits of a civilized water supply.

A constantly operating water supply system makes it possible to do without storage tanks, additional pumps and, due to this, decently save on electricity. Unfortunately, even in our time, in areas remote from big cities, the presence of such a water supply is an unrealizable desire. Therefore, you have to independently equip the summer water supply in the country.

Water supply from the river

In places where the river is not poisoned by sewage, industrial and domestic discharges and ecological situation is favorable - river water can be used not only for watering plants, but also for cooking. For dirty water there are modern filters and installations that can purify it before drinking.

Plumbing device from a spring or reservoir

Spring water is a source of vital energy. Such a water supply to the dacha is a real treasure. With a sufficiently large debit of water, the spring can become the source of a small man-made lake. Such water is equal to river water and can serve to meet the needs of the country.


It is easiest to make a water supply system in a country house from a well with your own hands - this is the most common version of water intake in villages. As a rule, it is dug by hand, to a relatively shallow depth. The well is fed by the upper groundwater (top water), therefore its water regime depends on the amount of precipitation.

In arid regions, the depth can reach more than fifteen meters, but today, under such circumstances, it is more economical to drill and equip a water well. Well water is not always suitable for drinking and then it should also be filtered, boiled, or disinfected by other methods.

In places far from civilization, in ecologically safe areas, the water in the wells is particularly clean, and its quality is comparable to that of the spring. In places like this well water you can safely drink and use in cooking without additional purification.


It is the only possible source of water supply in places with poor ecological background and in arid regions. The drilling rig is able to reach the deepest aquifer located in the artesian calcareous horizon of the soil. Often, artesian wells give such a pressure of water that there is no need for an additional booster pump.

Types of summer water supply

Modern technologies provide an extensive selection of materials and methods for creating a summer water supply. Water in the country can be supplied using permanent (stationary) communications or collapsible (temporary).

Portable (temporary) water supply from polyethylene pipes

It is very simple to make a collapsible plumbing in the country with your own hands. It is quite capable of satisfying the needs of its owners. For this option, thick-walled PE (polyethylene) pipes are used, connected with a collet threaded fitting.

The main advantage of PE pipes is their low cost. The main disadvantage such a system is an expensive connection fitting. In addition, the tightness of the joints can be broken at any pipe displacements. therefore polyethylene pipes for the summer they are laid in shallow grooves that can be covered with suitable boards. The pipe is inconvenient for the distribution of the water supply in the PE house and is usually not used there.

Stationary water supply from polypropylene pipes

Unlike collapsible, non-collapsible water supply is assembled from PP (polypropylene) pipes, which are tightly soldered into unified system using a special soldering tool. Polypropylene plastic pipes for water supply in the country is somewhat more expensive than polyethylene, but the cost of this fitting is a very small fraction of all the costs of creating a pipeline. Since the PP water supply system is a stationary system, to protect it from frost, it is dug into the ground below the freezing level (at least 30 cm deep for a water supply system operated in winter in the Moscow Region). If necessary, they are additionally insulated with foam, cotton wool, polyprene, or any other suitable insulation.

Important! If the operation of the water supply system is not provided in winter, the insulation will not protect the water in the pipes from freezing. The only protection in this case is a sufficiently deep pipe laying (see table).

Hose surface water supply system for irrigation

When the owners come to the dacha quite rarely, and the summer water supply is used mainly for watering plants - a thick garden hose can play its role, connected to any convenient storage tank - a barrel, for example, or directly to borehole pump... The hose reel rolls out quickly for use, and just as easily reels out when finished.

Pump and filters for water supply in the country

When planning water supply in the country with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that it is based on the use of external (vacuum) or submersible (vibro, rotary) pumps. The vacuum pump is located above ground level, which allows it to be installed directly in the house.

The power of the pump is determined by its performance. According to the laws of physics, any vacuum pump, regardless of the power of the motor, raises water to a height of no more than 10 m. Therefore, this option is not applicable for deep wells and wells.

Submerged rotary and vibration pumps provide a significantly high water rise.

In contrast to rotary lobe, vibration pumps are distinguished by a simple design, high maintainability and a much lower price. However, due to the transmission of vibration to the water, they contribute to the rapid silting up of the water source.

Multi-stage rotary turbo pumps are the best in terms of performance and headroom. The dimensions of such mechanisms are associated with the diameter of the casing pipes of the water well, therefore they are most often used for individual water supply. Rotary lobe pumps are more expensive than vibration pumps and consume more electricity.

Organizing water supply in the country with your own hands is only half the battle. The water can be used for irrigation, hand washing and technical use... But, for the preparation of drinks and food, the water must be additionally purified. During filtration, all mechanical impurities are removed from the water, its salt composition is brought in accordance with the requirements of the SES. If the water does not pass the test for bacteriological content, such water can be used only after boiling.

Reducing water hardness has a beneficial effect on the performance of irrigation systems. When using soft water, nozzles and droppers are not clogged with deposits and do not require cleaning for several years.

Preparing summer water supply for winter

Freezing water during winter frosts can break even metal pipe... Therefore, the summer suburban water supply system is usually disassembled, cleaned, washed, dried and stored in a shed or utility block. An exception is a welded water supply from polypropylene pipeslaid below the surface freezing boundary.

If the terrain allows it, you can organize the slope of all sections of the water supply to one point to drain the water. When making a water supply system with your own hands, it is important to take into account that the intake of water from an open reservoir (pond, river, reservoir on the territory of the site, well) should be carried out below the maximum permissible ice thickness. I.e

Pipes for stationary water supply must be laid according to the scheme below, and must be insulated from water with a waterproof material. The leveling layer under the pipe must be at least 50 mm and carefully tamped down to prevent subsidence. After laying the pipe, it is covered with sand or gravel 2-3 cm from the bottom of the trench, including the leveling layer. The total height of the trench (indicated by H in the diagram) must be at least 0.5 meters.

If winter operation is not foreseen, submersible pumps are taken out of the wells to the surface, dried, cleaned of sand and plaque. Inspection required maintenance and conservation with special grease. The preservation process is always described in detail in the instructions for use of a particular product.


Since the water supply conditions for various summer cottages are very different, there is no single universal recipe for creating a water supply system. But now you know how to make a water supply system in the country with your own hands, and you can easily solve this issue in an accessible way for yourself.