Mansard roof insulation - comfortable housing instead of an attic. How is the attic roof insulated and how to prepare the roof of a private house for winter living Material for insulating the attic from the inside which is better

One of the main events in the arrangement in the attic of a private house of an additional residential floor is warming mansard roof. To create a thermal insulation barrier under the roof, you must select optimal material and to carry out the work correctly, on which the quality of the microclimate in the attic room will depend.

Unlike the main building, the attic does not have solid walls, which are a serious obstacle to heat exchange with external environment. The heat transfer resistance of a thin roof tends to zero, so the first feature of the insulation will be a thicker layer of heat-insulating material, when compared with a similar process on the walls of the house. If the thermal insulation barrier is insufficient, it will be difficult to heat the attic room in winter, and to achieve comfortable coolness during the summer heat.

The first feature of the attic roof insulation will be a thicker layer of heat-insulating material

During construction truss system often do not count on an additional load, which can be an array of insulation with subsequent finishing materials. Given this fact, it is necessary to choose thermal insulation with a minimum density, and hence weight. Ideally, when the design of the attic is carried out immediately during the construction of the house, then it is possible to take into account the upcoming loads and make the roof frame with the necessary margin of safety. But this is not always the case. The decision to convert a spacious attic into living quarters often comes when there is a need for additional square meters.

When converting the roof into a reliable fence against external influences take into account the features roofing material. If the roof is not hermetically closed, pay special attention to protection against possible ingress of moisture and wind load. Also pay attention to the "sound" of the roof. Roofing materials made of metal are very loud during rain or hail, so good noise isolation will be necessary. When deciding how to insulate the roof when arranging an attic room, consider the listed features.

To understand which insulation is best for a mansard roof, you need to know the list modern materials from this series and their performance characteristics, taking into account the peculiarity of their application in the situation under consideration. Now for warmth building structures use the following materials:

  • polymeric (foam, foam, polyurethane);
  • produced on the basis of natural raw materials (mineral wool, ecowool);
  • composite (varieties of penofol).

Styrofoam is the most popular insulation in construction due to its low cost and good thermal insulation properties.

Polyfoam is the most popular insulation in construction due to its low cost and good thermal insulation properties. The priority field of application of the polymer is the thermal insulation of facades. Inside, the foam is used with caution, mainly in technical buildings. It is not recommended to insulate housing from the inside with this polymer, due to the non-compliance of the material with fire safety requirements - it is combustible and emits very toxic smoke when burned. Private homeowners often take the risk of using styrofoam for insulation from the inside. living rooms, prioritizing low cost insulation and ease of use.

Extruded polystyrene foam or penoplex (commercial name of the material) is similar in chemical structure to foam, but a fundamentally different production method contributed to good result. Penoplex melts at high temperatures, but does not burn, it is much stronger and does not crumble when cutting, it is absolutely immune to moisture. By specific gravity polystyrene matches or slightly exceeds foam (available in various options density). In terms of thermal insulation properties, these polymers are similar, but foam plastic has slightly better soundproofing characteristics. As an attic insulation, polystyrene is a priority, if you choose from these two polymers.

Expanded polystyrene materials are available in the form of plates of various thicknesses

The described materials based on expanded polystyrene are available in the form of plates of various thicknesses. This makes it possible to produce insulation on their own. The third material from the polymer group - polyurethane foam - suggests a completely different technology for its application. It is applied to the work surface in the form of a foamed substance, which subsequently polymerizes and becomes solid. To form a heat-insulating layer, special expensive equipment is used to mix several components and apply the resulting substance to the insulated surfaces. Cured polyurethane foam has a cellular structure, low density and good resistance to heat transfer and sound conduction. This material is becoming increasingly popular for thermal insulation in construction, and mansard roof insulation is also made with it.

The most used heaters based on natural raw materials are varieties of mineral wool. The material is produced by forming mats or slabs from fibers of molten minerals. Mineral wool is produced different density(from loose material to rigid slabs) and is used both for outdoor work and for thermal insulation from the inside. Mineral wool does not burn, passes steam, is not toxic, retains heat well and does not allow sound vibrations to spread. For internal insulation What is the creation of a thermal barrier for the attic room, mineral wool is a good choice.

The most used heaters based on natural raw materials are varieties of mineral wool.

Roofs can be another natural-based insulation - ecowool. This heat insulator began to be used quite recently. Its basis is cellulose flakes, which are wetted with a special composition and applied to the insulated surface, like polyurethane, forming the necessary layer. Ecowool is used mainly for internal insulation, including for thermal insulation of the roof in the construction of attic rooms. The work is carried out by specialized teams that have at their disposal necessary equipment and knowledgeable technology process. The thermal insulation layer formed by cellulose flakes has approximately the same performance characteristics as mineral wool. The only difference is the ability of mineral wool to support combustion.

Penofol refers to composite materials and consists of a layer of polyethylene foam coated with a polished aluminum foil. It is rarely used as an independent insulation, more often they enhance the thermal insulation effect of one of the materials listed above. This combination is also applicable for attic insulation. In this case, a mineral wool plus penofol complex is often used, which is simultaneously used as a vapor barrier from inside the attic room.

One of the ways to lay insulation is before the installation of the roof, that is, outside

When deciding how best to insulate a mansard roof, it is necessary to take into account not only the properties of the materials, but also the method of their installation. Thermal insulation measures can be carried out before the installation of the roof, that is, from the outside, and from the inside, when the roof is ready. Next, we will consider how to properly insulate the roof of the attic in both situations.

Insulation from the outside - convenient if planned in advance

It is convenient to insulate the roof during roofing work, which is usually done by master roofers. This is what they do when attic room pre-designed. More often in such situations, extruded polystyrene is used as a heater. What is the essence of technology? After the construction of the frame structure of the roof, from the inside, perpendicular to the rafters, slats are stuffed, which at the same time form a crate for sheathing finishing material from the inside and the basis for laying insulation boards. The use of moisture-resistant foam plastic makes it possible not to use vapor barrier from the inside, you can mount the insulation directly on a wooden crate.

Penoplex plates are tightly laid in the gaps between the rafters, forming a continuous heat-insulating barrier. The thickness of the insulation layer corresponds to the transverse size of the rafters, that is, it becomes maximum. To do this, it is often necessary to lay the foam in several layers, placing the plates with mutual displacement in order to reduce the likelihood of the formation of cold bridges. The resulting gaps between the insulation and the rafters are filled with polyurethane sealant. On the top of the rafters and insulation, forming a continuous surface, a moisture-proof fabric is laid and fixed, after which the slats are stuffed for mounting the roofing material.

Ignore the application of moisture protective film, despite the hydrophobic properties of foam, it is impossible, because under the roof there is also, the service life of which the presence of moisture can greatly reduce.

It is much more convenient to make a bookmark of insulation from the outside, but practice shows that far from everyone succeeds in foreseeing the possible arrangement of an attic. If the roof has already been made, it is not advisable to dismantle the roofing material for the convenience of laying insulation, so in such situations you have to deal with internal thermal insulation. Read about how to insulate the attic roof from the inside in the next section.

Installation from the inside - methods available for implementation

How to properly insulate a mansard roof with a roof installed? The principle of thermal insulation, regardless of the material and technology used, is the same - to fill the spaces between the rafters with insulation as tightly as possible. This can be done with polyurethane foam or ecowool, but you will have to hire specialized teams involved in this type of activity. With the help of polystyrene foam, polystyrene or mineral wool, you can create a reliable thermal insulation barrier yourself, saving a lot of money.

Consider how to insulate a mansard roof using medium-density mineral wool as a heat insulator, which is available in the form of piece mats. This material will protect inner space attic from external temperatures and noise, while being permeable to steam, which will create a comfortable microclimate for living in the room.

The workflow consists of the following steps.

  1. 1. If the roof was made a long time ago, most likely, a moisture-proof sheet was not installed under the roofing material. In this case, you need to start by installing a protective film. It will not be possible to attach it solidly, so we cut the canvas according to the pitch of the rafters (a little more) and fix it in the gaps between the supporting bars, overlapping adjacent fragments of about 15 cm.
  2. 2. We proceed to the laying of mineral wool. The material is unpleasant to work with, especially when mounted at the top (fine prickly dust falls off), so you should take care of the presence of a respirator, goggles, gloves and a closed suit. We make a pattern of fragments of mineral wool so that they are slightly wider than the pitch of the rafters. By doing this, you do not have to additionally fix the material, it will be held on its own, moreover, there will be no gaps between the insulation and the rafters. If mineral wool is laid in two layers, make sure that the seams between the individual fragments do not match.
  3. 3. When all the gaps between the rafters are filled with mineral wool, a vapor barrier must be created from an appropriate film. It is more convenient to roll the canvas perpendicular to the rafters and attach it to load-bearing beams stapler. Adjacent canvases also need to be overlapped with each other.
  4. 4. The last step will be the creation of a counter-lattice (the slats are fixed perpendicular to the rafters), which will become the basis for the installation of drywall or OSB boards.

If we analyze the costs of heating, then the need quality insulation attic will become apparent. When finishing an attic used as a living space, it is necessary to use high-quality, time-tested attic insulation.

Energy-saving materials must necessarily meet the following requirements:

  • Fire safety- the finish must be made of non-combustible insulation;
  • High acoustic protection to completely eliminate the penetration of extraneous noise into the living room;
  • High vapor permeability to provide a comfortable microclimate;

  • The choice of insulation for the attic should be based on water-repellent finish. Because it is the roof of the building that is exposed to precipitation.
  • Insulation for residential premises must comply with sanitary and environmental building standards.

Important. Before choosing and purchasing a finish, be sure to ask the seller for certificates of conformity. A conscientious manufacturer is always ready to provide all the technical documentation for the proposed product.

The decision on which insulation to choose for the attic should be based primarily on the design of the roof. And also about which attic roof is vapor-permeable or not.

Types of thermal insulation of attic rooms

Depending on how water vapor and condensate are brought to the surface, the thickness of the attic insulation is selected.

Vapor permeable type of roof

The construction of roofs, in the system of rafters of which a wind protection system with high level vapor permeability, refers to a vapor-permeable type of roof. Steam and condensate are removed from the room through the insulation layer into the windproof gap, and then through air vent gets outside.

Important. The installation instructions for such insulation require that the thickness of the insulation be two centimeters less than the height of the roof rafters. This will prevent the wind gap from moving towards the vent.

Attic insulation in two layers

To ensure maximum energy savings, a two-layer laying of material is recommended. What thickness of insulation for the attic in two layers is considered optimal? Experts recommend insulation with a thickness of at least 25 - 30 centimeters. It is necessary to lay the material, both between the roof rafters and under them. Two layers of insulation reduce the likelihood of "linear cold bridges".

The first layer of insulation, ten to twenty centimeters thick, is mounted between the roof rafters. During installation, the width of the material is taken with an allowance of one and a half to two centimeters. This is necessary in order to exclude subsidence of the material during operation;

The second layer is mounted in the gap between the ceiling sheathing and the rafters. This layer eliminates "cold bridges" that occur at the joints of beams, rafters and other roof structures. The thickness of the layer should be at least ten centimeters.

Advice. For double-layer thermal insulation of the roof, it is recommended to use roll insulation. This is necessary to keep the number of joints to a minimum.

Materials for insulation of the attic and attic

The Russian construction market is represented by quite big choice heaters for residential attics:

  • glass wool;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam (not recommended for roofs);
  • Organic insulation - hemp, felt, damask;
  • Multilayer sandwich panels;
  • foam concrete;
  • Foamed polyurethane foam;

  • Foamed glass;
  • Expanded clay.

Advice. When choosing insulation, its thickness and form of release, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the roof gable is made. The density of insulation for an attic with wooden gables should be higher than for walls made of brick or reinforced concrete. This is due to the fact that wood is more susceptible to adverse weather effects and more hygroscopic.

Insulation for finishing roofs and residential attics should have the following properties:

  • Durability and strength;
  • Possess increased water-repellent characteristics;
  • Roof trim must be made only of non-combustible materials;
  • A mandatory property of high-quality insulation is the ability long time maintain geometric parameters and not deform over time;

  • The insulation must not be hygroscopic. Since the accumulation of moisture under the skin will lead to an increase in thermal conductivity;
  • An important parameter is also the frost resistance of the material and resistance to temperature extremes.

Advice. It is not recommended to choose ordinary foam as insulation for the attic, as the material is highly flammable. Therefore, it is better to stop at safer finishes.

Consider the characteristics of individual heaters in more detail.

glass wool

Most a budget option roof insulation, since the price of the material is quite low. The insulation has low thermal conductivity and resistance to high temperatures. It is produced both in rolls and in the form of plates.

Advice. When laying glass wool with your own hands, precautions must be taken. The smallest particles of glass, falling on open skin, cause burning and irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to work with glass wool only in a protective suit.

Glass wool can be used both for insulation between roof rafters and under sheathing made of chipboard or drywall. The thickness of the insulation ranges from 15 to 30 centimeters. Depending on the climatic zone, the thickness of the insulation layer is also selected.

The disadvantages of glass wool include the fact that it is easily deformed and eventually loses its shape and sags. Also, glass wool is hygroscopic and at high humidity it thermal insulation properties are significantly reduced. Glass wool, unfortunately, cannot be called an absolutely environmentally friendly insulation option for residential premises.

Mineral wool

The safest and most easy-to-install energy-saving material option for roof slopes and residential attic space. Mineral wool, produced on the basis of basalt fibers, has a high density, from 18 to 45 kg per cubic meter. it could be considered the best option isolation.

Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly, non-combustible material with excellent technical characteristics:

  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Increased resistance to moisture;
  • Resistance to temperature extremes;

Additional fastening guarantees the durability of the finish

  • Frost resistance;
  • Unattractive to rodents and other pests;
  • Resistant to mold and fungal infections.

Important. This property of mineral wool makes it an ideal insulation option for wooden floors roofs prone to fungus and mold.

  • The release form in the form of plates allows you to easily and quickly install the insulating layer of the roof slopes and attic walls.

The price of the material is slightly higher than that of glass wool, but this is justified by improved technical specifications mineral wool boards.

organic materials

As insulation for roofs, organic heaters are used only with the use of flame retardant additives and protective impregnations that prevent the material from igniting. Most often, felt, hemp, reed slabs and sawdust are used to insulate interventional joints in timber buildings.

All these isolations can be used for.

Sandwich panels

Construction of sandwich panels for roofs

A modern option for roof insulation. The sandwich panel consists of several layers:

  • waterproofing;
  • insulation layer;
  • Vapor barrier layer;
  • Finishing protective and decorative layer.

The price of the material is much higher than simple traditional materials. But with properly organized ventilation, this finish guarantees high-quality and durable thermal insulation of the roof and attic spaces.

foamed glass

Relatively new and expensive insulation. The slabs are made by foaming the remnants of glass production with carbon. This finish has high strength and elasticity. Ideal for soft roofs, as it has low resistance and makes the roof elastic and resistant to mechanical damage.

Proper installation of insulation

It is possible to carry out work on the thermal insulation of attic spaces at any time of the year. In order for the insulation to be of high quality, it is necessary to follow some recommendations:

  • Observe the tightness of the joints of the insulation boards. To do this, the plates are overlapped. This helps to prevent the occurrence of "cold bridges";
  • Particular attention should be paid to insulation joints at the junction of the roof with the walls. It is desirable to organize a continuous contour by connecting the wall insulation with the roof insulation;
  • The device of ventilation gaps and the installation of a vapor-permeable roofing membrane provides proper ventilation residential attic;
  • Don't forget about insulation plastic windows installed in the attic.

Advice. By entrusting the insulation of the roof and attic to professionals, you can be sure of the quality and guaranteed energy-saving properties of the roof. It is desirable that the company conducting installation work gave warranty service to the object. The standard warranty period for an object is up to five years. In this case, the customer can be sure that all defects in the insulation will be eliminated by the construction company free of charge. This will save not only money, but also the nervous system.


Read about it in other articles on our website.

The question of which insulation is best for the attic is relevant for those who decide to equip a living space under a high pitched roof of a private house. The attic differs from the usual room of the house in increased heat loss. This is due to the fact that usually it does not have capital external walls without window openings, and on both sides and from above the room is separated from the street only by a roofing system of small thickness.

Mineral wool insulation

Criteria for choosing a heater for the attic

High-quality insulation allows you to make the attic suitable for year-round use. When choosing a heat insulator, it is necessary to pay attention to the performance characteristics of the materials, including comparing:

  • soundproofing properties;
  • ease of installation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to biological destruction;
  • lifetime;
  • profitability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety.

But the main quality by which the material for insulation is evaluated is its coefficient of thermal conductivity, on which the ability to retain heat in the room depends.

From the point of view of ease of installation and use of insulation, preference should be given to universal materials. If the same heat insulator can be used for walls, roofs and floors, the insulation of all structures will last the same period.

Soundproofing properties are a particularly important parameter if the roofing is made of metal (folded roof, metal tiles, corrugated board). Gusts of wind, rain and hail make such a roof “sound”, and staying in the attic will cause discomfort.

Plate heaters of a well-known manufacturer

Since the roof frame is usually made of wood, it is desirable to use a fire-resistant and non-flammable insulation. Otherwise, an accidental fire will lead to the fact that the entire attic and roof will quickly be engulfed in fire.

So that condensation does not form on the wooden structures of the truss system and gables and the insulation does not lose its thermal insulation properties due to moisture penetration, it is necessary to insulate the attic room with vapor and moisture-proof material, or use reliable hydro and vapor barrier. This affects the speed and complexity of the installation of the insulating layer, affects the preferences when choosing a material.

Insulation thickness

Table 1. The dependence of the thickness of the insulation on the coefficient of thermal conductivity

The manufacturer indicates the thermal conductivity coefficient on the packaging of the material. This indicator depends on the production technology and the density of the insulation. The table below shows the average values:

Table 2. Thermal conductivity coefficients of some heaters

Polyurethane foam and ecowool are modern materials that can be used as a heat insulator for attic rooms, but their installation requires the use of specialized equipment, the invitation of specialists. The rest of the popular heat insulators are available in the form of plates or roll materials of various densities and thicknesses.

The insulation is cut along the width of the span between adjacent rafter legs (or the gap between the laths of the lathing on the walls) and inserted by surprise. If the calculated thickness of the thermal insulation layer exceeds the width rafter leg, bars of a suitable section are stuffed onto the rafters from the side of the room.

Two-layer insulation is considered the most effective - after the gaps between the rafters are filled with a heat insulator, another layer roll material(possible with a foil vapor barrier outer surface) is attached over the rafters with continuous joined strips. This will prevent the formation of cold bridges.

Laying a heat insulator between the rafters

Let's take a closer look at the main pros and cons. popular heaters suitable for thermal insulation mansard roof and gables.

Fibrous roll and plate heaters

  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • stone (basalt) wool.

Their key advantage and at the same time a disadvantage is the ability to pass steam. Theoretically wet. warm air from the attic will leave through a breathable inner lining, heat insulator and roofing system, which will help maintain a favorable microclimate in the room. In practice, there are the following difficulties:

  • an increase in the moisture content of the fibrous insulation leads to a sharp decrease in its thermal insulation properties;
  • the insulation that has accumulated moisture (especially glass wool) is crushed, deformed, forming cold bridges;
  • the wood of the truss system begins to rot from contact with moisture.

To avoid these problems, it is necessary to mount a vapor barrier on top of the insulation from inside the room. And between the roofing and thermal insulation should be laid waterproofing material.

Roofing pie with waterproofing over insulation

Air exchange through fibrous insulation will be carried out only if the waterproofing and vapor barrier layer is made of special gas-permeable membranes. The vapor barrier must allow air to pass through, but retain moisture coming from the room. A gas-permeable waterproofing barrier must release moisture from the insulation, and prevent water from entering it.

Membrane materials are much more expensive than ordinary or reinforced film, roofing felt or glassine. But these investments will justify themselves due to the durability of not only insulation, but also the roof truss system.

Super diffusion membrane
If a film is used as a vapor barrier, this will reduce the cost of construction, but this will nullify an important advantage of fibrous insulation - gas permeability. Perforated film should not be used, as it allows steam to pass through, which will accumulate in the insulation.

Performance characteristics of fibrous insulation

glass wool. To her positive qualities can be attributed:

  • fire safety (2 degree of fire resistance);
  • environmental safety (does not contain resins);
  • unattractiveness for mice (do not build nests and moves);
  • affordable price.

The main disadvantage is that when working with the material, sharp glass dust is formed, the installation of a heat insulator requires accuracy and the use of protective equipment. In addition, over time, glass wool tends to deform, wrinkle, especially when moisture penetrates.

Mineral wool. The composition of the material includes fibers of various origins (production material - clay, stone, quartz sand, glass, etc.). Mineral wool is characterized by a multilayer heterogeneous structure with air lenses. Due to this, the material dampens sound waves well. Mineral wool (primarily Isover, Ursa) is recommended for those who decide to make metal roofing.

Such a heat insulator is fire resistant, does not rot, and is easy to install. But rodents can settle in it, whose nests, passages and waste products reduce operational properties insulation.

Basalt wool. Consists of fibers obtained by melting rock. Withstands heat up to 1000 degrees, does not spread combustion. Basalt wool should be chosen carefully, checking quality and safety certificates: some manufacturers, in an effort to reduce the cost of products, use resins that emit toxic substances.

Basalt wool

Basalt wool is resistant to fungus, but can be damaged by rodents. This is a good sound insulator, easy to install. But when choosing a material for insulating the truss system, one should take into account enough big weight stone wool slabs.

If you have to choose a fibrous heat insulator, pay attention to the density of the material. The heat insulator should not lose shape even during prolonged use. For the mineral basalt wool the density index should be about 40-45 kg / m3.

Polymer materials for insulation

We choose a polymer heat insulator for the roof and walls of the attic. This can be foam, extruded polystyrene foam (these two types of insulation are available in the form of sheets and plates of various thicknesses), as well as polyurethane foam, which is applied to structures by spraying.

The advantages of polymer insulation include low weight and low thermal conductivity. Such thermal insulation will not overload the truss system and will successfully cope with the task of retaining heat.

The disadvantages of polymer insulation include extremely low vapor permeability. Gas exchange is not carried out through insulated structures, therefore, one cannot do without a well-thought-out ventilation system in the attic room.

Attic insulation with polyurethane foam

Thermal insulation made of extruded polystyrene (foam) and polyurethane foam will not allow heat and steam to pass to the roof truss frame, therefore, there is no need to install a vapor barrier from the side of the room. Despite the fact that the dew point during the internal insulation of the gables will shift towards the heat insulator, moisture dangerous for wood will not condense.

All joints and junctions of thermal insulation made of foam plastic must be filled mounting foam and (after removing excess foam) are glued with reinforced tape so that the insulation layer is airtight.

Manufacturers produce penoplex of various densities. For pitched roofs and attic walls, where heat losses are high, it is advisable to use slabs with a density of 30-35 kg / m3.

If you decide to choose an inexpensive foam plastic, it is better to mount the insulation according to the same principle as fibrous plate materials. Unlike extruded polystyrene foam with a solid closed cell structure, the foam consists of many individual pellets compressed into a board. Technological pores remain between the structural elements, which are able to pass steam to wooden structures.

A suitable foam density is 35 kg/m3, the material must not crumble into individual balls when broken. Since foam plastic smolders when ignited, releasing toxic substances and mice easily gnaw through it, this is not the best material for internal insulation.

Polymer insulation for the attic should not be considered as a soundproofing material for the roof - it will not save you from the sound of raindrops. But if you insulate the floor with it, it will reduce the vibration load from steps, creating acoustic comfort in the rooms under the attic.

The selected insulation option will serve long years if purchased good stuff and take into account all the subtleties of its installation.

The attic of a private house can be used to store unnecessary things, or you can equip a full-fledged living space on this area with all the advantages that an attic floor provides. The most popular option is a bedroom or a children's room, but you can also arrange a gym or even a greenhouse here.

To bring these ideas to life, it is necessary to insulate the roof, so the question of which insulation is best suited for a mansard roof is especially relevant for those who want to equip additional square meters.

General requirements for thermal insulation materials

The roof structure is not monolithic. If it is not insulated at all, then cold air penetrating through the cracks will inevitably lead to the formation of condensation on wooden structures and, as a result, the appearance of fungus and mold.

If you want to use the attic all year round, then it is necessary that the insulation meets the following performance characteristics:

Overview of thermal insulation materials

About 30% of heat is lost through the roof, therefore, regardless of what materials were used for roofing, a mansard roof requires high-quality insulation.

The range on the market today thermal insulation materials so diverse that it is not at all difficult to get lost in this abundance. Below I have reviewed the most popular types of insulation, with all their advantages and disadvantages.

Modern glass wool is made from glass waste and is fundamentally different from the glass wool that everyone remembers from Soviet times. It is a safe, soft material that does not cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin.

Glass wool is a universal insulation suitable for all types of surfaces and has the following technical characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • does not ignite;
  • resistance to temperature extremes in the range from -200 to +500 ° С;
  • vapor permeability;
  • water absorption coefficient up to 15%;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • excellent sound insulator.

In addition, glass wool has several disadvantages:

  • undergoes shrinkage during operation;
  • fibers have low density and increased brittleness;
  • in terms of thermal insulation characteristics it is inferior to mineral wool.

When choosing an attic insulation, you should not forget about small pests that are often found in private homes - glass wool is inedible, so you are not threatened by the neighborhood with rodents.

Mineral wool

The structure of mineral wool consists of thin synthetic fibers randomly intertwined with each other. Cells with air are formed among the fibers, which provide the unique thermal insulation properties of the material.

The composition of the fibers includes small stone chips, clay, a small amount of fiberglass and many other ingredients. Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • low hygroscopicity;
  • noise-absorbing properties;
  • fire safety.

Even a non-professional can insulate the attic roof with mineral wool - the material is easy to use and practically waste-free. Thanks to its soft structure, it easily fills all voids and thermal insulation layer does not have seams (when using rolls, in the case of plates, there will still be seams).

Despite all the advantages of mineral wool, it also has disadvantages:

  • according to some experts, its fibers have carcinogenic properties;
  • phenol-formaldehyde resin is used as a binder in the manufacture of mineral plates, which is quite for a long time releases free formaldehyde.

This is one of the varieties of mineral wool, which includes a natural component - basalt. Under production conditions, it is melted, and it turns into a thin fiber. The melting point of basalt is 1000°C, which is why the insulation is able to withstand heating up to this temperature.

Among fibrous heaters, basalt wool has the best technical characteristics and the highest price.

The only drawback, compared with similar materials, is a lot of weight, which must be taken into account when insulating the attic (the rafter system must be designed for such a load).

When buying basalt wool, give preference to a trusted manufacturer (for example, TechnoNIKOL products), since some unscrupulous companies, in an effort to reduce the cost of products, use components that emit toxic substances.

All mineral wool heaters are universal and are perfect for both attic insulation and floor, wall and facade insulation. However, due to the ability of the fiber to accumulate moisture, before insulating the attic, it is necessary to make high-quality waterproofing of the surfaces.

Extruded polystyrene foam

It's relative the new kind insulation in the market of thermal insulation materials, but has already gained great popularity. Extruded polystyrene foam is a “relative” of polystyrene, but due to manufacturing features, it surpasses it in terms of technical characteristics.

EPP passes through the extruder, resulting in a material whose structure consists of closed cells that can prevent the absorption of steam and moisture from the outside.

The properties of this unique material are striking in their versatility:

  • thermal conductivity is lower than that of many insulating materials;
  • even when completely immersed in water, there is no water absorption;
  • tolerates frost well;
  • resistant to most chemicals;
  • no need for additional waterproofing;
  • absolutely harmless;
  • service life up to 50 years;
  • sufficiently high compressive strength.

It could be said that extruded polystyrene foam is the best insulation for roofing, since, with all its advantages, it has a fairly low cost. However, there are two points that negate all its advantages - flammability and vapor tightness.

In view of this, it is categorically not recommended to use it for thermal insulation of a wooden truss system, although there are a lot of materials on the Internet about the use of EPP as a heater for roofing, including attic.


It is a budget option for insulation. Its advantages:

  • The low price and the possibility of do-it-yourself installation can significantly save money.
  • it is practically weightless, and does not create an additional load on the roof structure.
  • Due to its environmental friendliness, it is suitable for all types of premises, including children's institutions.

Unlike EPP, which has a closed structure, there are technological pores between the foam plastic granules, allowing steam to penetrate through it.

The disadvantages include the property of polystyrene is highly flammable (although there are types with a flammability class G1, i.e. non-combustible) and small rodents like to make their holes in it, so experts do not recommend using this material for internal attic insulation.

The video below shows a test for burning foam and polystyrene foam.


Polyurethane foam is a modern material applied to the insulated surface by spraying. It is due to the method of insulation that PPU has many undeniable advantages:

  • when warming, the construction of an additional frame is not required;
  • the heat-insulating layer turns out to be monolithic and excludes the appearance of cold bridges;
  • absolutely not afraid of moisture and at the same time vapor permeable;
  • if there are engineering structures or complex architectural forms in the attic, the joints are easily sealed by spraying;
  • excellent adhesion to any type of surface, except for polyethylene;
  • a layer of 25 mm can replace 80 mm of mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam is not liked by mice and insects, it is not subject to rotting and mold formation.

The disadvantages include the inability to perform insulation on their own - the work must be done by a team equipped with special equipment for spraying, which will require considerable financial costs.


What insulation can be better for an attic than an environmentally friendly, non-allergic material? Ecowool has all these advantages - a heater for 80% consisting of waste paper and waste paper production, and 20% - from an antiseptic and additives that prevent ignition.

Of its advantages, it is worth noting:

  • at high quality- affordable cost;
  • seamless thermal insulation layer;
  • the possibility of blowing into hard-to-reach places;
  • economical consumption when warming the room;
  • high soundproof properties.

Unfortunately, like any other material, ecowool is not without drawbacks:

  • during operation it is able to decrease in volume;
  • accumulates moisture in itself, which leads to an increase in thermal conductivity;
  • the application method is similar to PPU - the help of specialists and the use of special equipment will be required;
  • drying time of the heat-insulating layer - from two to three days;
  • it is not recommended to use near sources of open fire, because under the influence of high temperatures, ecowool can begin to smolder (after all, it is 80% paper).


The most ancient method of insulation, which, despite the variety of modern materials, is still used. There are good reasons for this:

  • this is the most cheap way insulation;
  • 100% environmental friendliness;
  • work can be done by a person with minimal experience;
  • a roof insulated with sawdust has sufficiently high heat-saving qualities if cement or clay mortar is added to the sawdust.

Despite all the advantages, insulation with sawdust is a very laborious process, which is increasingly becoming a thing of the past, giving way to modern technological materials. In addition, it is of little use for attic insulation, and is more used for thermal insulation. flat roofs outbuildings.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

The thickness of the insulation for attic insulation is calculated using a table of thermal conductivity coefficients of materials.

Table 1. Thermal conductivity coefficients of heaters

The exact indicator is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging - this value depends on the density of the material and the technology used in the production.

The thickness of the heat-insulating layer is calculated by the formula:

where R is the thermal resistance for the roof of a certain region, λB is the thermal conductivity of the insulation.

City City Thermal resistance R (m 2 * 0 C/W)
Moscow 4.67 Nizhny Novgorod 4.79
Krasnodar 3.54 Omsk 5.34
Sochi 2.95 Magadan 6.1
Rostov-on-Don 3.96 Chelyabinsk 5.09
St. Petersburg 4.6 Tver 4.71
Krasnoyarsk 5.37 Novosibirsk 5.5
Voronezh 4.46 Samara 4.76
Yekaterinburg 5.19 Permian 5.17
Irkutsk 5.62 Ufa 4.96
Volgograd 4.18 Kazan 4.91
Astrakhan 3.97

Table 2. The coefficient of thermal resistance for the roof of some Russian cities

Let's say that you live in Moscow and want to insulate the attic with extruded polystyrene foam. Minimum Thickness insulation will be 4.67 * 0.036 = 0.16 m.

The best option for insulating the roof of a residential building would be basalt wool.

Installation of this insulation does not take much time, it will help to avoid unnecessary debris (if you foresee the distance between the rafters a little less than the width of a roll or basalt wool mat) and save money if you do the work yourself. An additional important bonus - the material is harmless to health and non-flammable, which eliminates the need for processing wooden structures flame retardants.

For a bath, it is necessary to select a heater that does not absorb moisture, and extruded polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam will do it best.

They have similar characteristics, so when choosing, be guided by the amount that you have (spraying polyurethane foam will be more expensive than finishing with polystyrene foam).

In conclusion - a video review of various heaters and their areas of application:

Of course, all of the above about the choice of material for mansard roof insulation is not the ultimate truth, since much depends on financial capabilities, climate and a number of other factors. If you disagree with something, or have personal experience attic insulation (even if negative) - be sure to share your thoughts in the comments.

Idea attic floor in modern house continues to gain momentum. Over time, technologies are better developed, new materials appear. So now the homeowner can equip the attic on their own. Under the mandatory condition of a careful study of the features of such improvement.

As before, the insulation of mansard roofs from the inside is the most common. This minimizes the influence of the weather on the progress of the new roof, and also allows you to create an attic using the space of the old cold attic.

In this article

What tasks should attic insulation perform?

Warming is the most important stage in the arrangement of residential under-roof space. It is necessary to study all the features of the technology, choose the right material, and gradually carry out all the work. This is what will provide comfort and coziness in the premises for your family for a long time.

In winter, at temperatures below zero degrees, a layer of snow is a natural insulation of the roof of the attic floor. If the thermal insulation is done correctly, then the snow will remain loose, retaining its useful function. However, the largest heat loss in the house occurs through the roof, because the warm air in the room rises. Through the roofing material, it heats the bottom layer of snow. From this, frost is formed, which no longer insulates, but spoils the roofing. Therefore, high-quality thermal insulation is the protection of materials and energy savings for heating the house.

Roofing materials, having high thermal conductivity, heat up under direct rays in summer, giving off heat under the roof. In this case, the insulation layer, being a thermal barrier, allows you to maintain a normal climate in the rooms.

Thermal insulation should protect the attic from the cold in winter. The complexity of this task lies in the fact that the walls of the attic almost closely adjoin the roof and pediment. small space between the roof and the insulation cools down with the air. This leads to the formation of condensate in the under-roof space, and if installed incorrectly, to mold and destruction of the insulation. Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules for installing the entire roofing pie.

It consists of:

  1. roofs
  2. ventilation gap
  3. Waterproofing membrane (let steam out, keep water out)
  4. insulation layer
  5. Vapor barrier material
  6. battens
  7. Finishing interior design

Each layer performs an important task, and therefore, none of them can be excluded, because. this will lead to the loss of the necessary microclimate of the attic rooms, and the rapid deterioration of all materials.

Which heater to choose

Good insulation for a mansard roof has a certain set of properties.

None of the existing insulating materials meets absolutely all the requirements at once. To decide which insulation is better to choose for yourself, you can compare the most popular of them.

  • In the best ratio of all these qualities, the first place is held by mineral basalt insulation (from molten rocks) and fiberglass (glass wool). When laying from the inside with your own hands, they do not leave gaps at all. They are vapor-permeable, light in weight (with the density of the mineral sheet used in the roofs of 50 kg per 1 m3, fiberglass - 14 kg per 1 m3). Do not burn, do not rot. Good sound insulation. Minus - water permeability. Glass wool can also be caked, crumble. These difficulties will have to be compensated for during installation (vapor barrier, fastening with rails). The thickness of the insulation mat will vary between 150-300 mm. Installation of cotton insulation should be done in long-sleeved clothing to avoid getting small particles on the skin. The bonus of these materials is the relatively low price.
  • Expanded polystyrene and polystyrene are very popular materials now. They also meet many requirements for attic construction: light, moisture-proof, retain heat, thanks to their rigid structure, they are easy to install. Main disadvantage- combustibility. In addition, these materials crumble, which creates difficulties during installation. However, expanded polystyrene is good in the case of installing thermal insulation not from inside the room, but from the outside. More disadvantages: artificial origin, vapor tightness and relatively high price.
  • Polyurethane foam sprayed using special equipment is considered a new material. It does not pass moisture, does not form voids, does not change shape, does not burn, and weighs a little. But when choosing this insulation, access to repair the structure is complicated, it is vapor-tight, and therefore requires installation. forced ventilation in room.
  • Ecowool is the same as polyurethane foam, a sprayable material. Eliminates air gaps, light, almost does not burn (due to special impregnations). Good water resistance and vapor permeability. Harmless to the body. High price.

Installation of heat-insulating cake

It is better to do roof insulation at the stage of building a house. Only such an approach will ensure the implementation of all technological nuances.

Ventilation of the under-roof space

As mentioned above, a feature of mansard roofs is the absence of a large air cushion between the roof and the room. In order to maintain all the performance characteristics of future rooms, it is necessary to carefully organize ventilation under the roof. This is the only way to remove excess heat from heated roofing in summer and condensate in winter. The ventilation gap is organized between the roofing material and waterproofing. The second air layer between the waterproofing and the insulation guarantees the safety of the latter.


If vapor barrier when using hydrophobic heaters (polystyrene foam, ecowool) is not needed, then the waterproofing film is mounted in any case, as it protects the entire under-roof space from leaks. It is better to lay the waterproofing before laying the roofing material on the rafters. This is done with a slight sag, which decreases with low temperatures. Care must be taken to correctly orient the waterproofing with the waterproof side up and the vapor permeable side down. After that, the crate for the roof is made. The height of the crate bar is selected taking into account the desired value ventilation gap(3.5 - 5 cm).

An option for installing waterproofing after arranging the roof will be lining the rafters with material along the lower and side surfaces.


It is necessary to unpack the cotton wool insulation for the mansard roof in advance in order to restore the working thickness of the mat. At the design stage, the width of the rafter step, provided that the bearing capacity is maintained, can be laid under the width of the insulation. This will simplify installation, and the absence of waste will help reduce the budget. If this has not been done, then the sheets are cut to the width of the existing inter-rafter spans with an allowance of approx. 20 mm for a better stop in the structure. To prevent cold bridges (the thermal conductivity of roof construction materials is much higher than that of insulation), a second layer of mats can be laid over the rafters. In this case, the location of the latter is noted for the possibility of further installation.

It is possible to lay insulation not between the rafters, but on top of them, if the height of the roof and the dimensions of the attic do not suffer too much from the reduction in usable space. This is also a way to avoid cold bridges.

vapor barrier

Moisture-permeable insulation (basalt, glass wool) must be closed with a vapor barrier membrane with an overlap of panels and sizing of all seams. The vapor barrier has a one-way direction! Further, a crate of laths (about 30 mm thick), mounted with long hardware in previously marked places, additionally fixes the insulating and vapor barrier layer. It also creates another ventilated gap between the insulation and wall and ceiling finishes.

Even if the house is not new, insulating the mansard roof from the inside is an opportunity to increase the usable area. The privacy and romance of under-roof spaces are ideal for a bedroom, study or workshop. If beautiful surrounding views open from the height of the ceiling, then the windows in the attic will become another trump card in creating your own relaxing corner.