School cafe instead of "canteen". A modern example of a school canteen at the Cidade da Cultura de Galicia

School is one of those places where you first need to think about promoting all kinds of innovations. In the end, the world does not stand still and it is more and more difficult to instill in children a love of learning. However, with such innovations, it is quite possible!

1. Trampoline

A trampoline play area at Stockholm's Vittra Telefonplan, where hyperactive kids can have fun, let off some steam and take an active break from classes.

2. Spirit of freedom

Original design an open classroom with no walls and no habitual desks to create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

3. Open space

The unusual design of the interior space of the Vittra Telefonplan school in Stockholm, where there are no walls, and, accordingly, there are no classrooms, but different zones separated by thin partitions and original design.

4. Play furniture

Bright, futuristic furniture that students can use as play equipment makes school more enjoyable and interesting.

5. Futuristic cabinets

Bright and modern interior lecture classes in the new Kiev school promotes good mood teachers and students, and is not at all like the faceless walls of most educational institutions in our country.

6. Sports hall

Modern design sports hall with original wall and floor finishes, the latest sports equipment and a climbing wall will surely appeal to students of all ages and inspire athletic performance.

7. Behind the glass

A small gymnasium in Copenhagen, which from the outside looks like a glass cube, but inside is a huge multi-level space without walls, divided into zones and islands using wooden partitions and futuristic designs. Such a freedom-loving design is fully consistent with the school's policy: here students independently form study groups and temporary classes for scientific research and solving real life problems.

8. Office

A small school in Aiken (USA), the workspace of which is divided into many separate offices, separated from each other by low partitions. Each student has his own computer and an individual learning plan. The school management is confident that such a policy will help prepare children for adulthood, teach them to think and solve problems on their own.

9. Stadium

Huge stadium and playground built right on the roof primary school, is a great example of the smart use of school grounds in Zhejiang Province, China.

10. Library

Panoramic windows, light walls, original shelving, comfortable bright chairs and tables - a great way to familiarize students with reading and working with books.

11. Masterpiece of architecture

Unlike most of our schools, Melbourne High School is an eye-catcher unusual design and bright colors... The school is a whole complex of semicircular buildings with complex geometry and a spacious patio inside. According to the designers bright colours excite the imagination of students, charge with positive and inspire scientific discoveries.

12. School bus

An unusual school bus cabin with sofas, tables and chairs, where children can tune in to work or relax and chat on the way home.

13. Sports complex

A breathtakingly designed sports complex, part of the NY-Krohnborg school in Bergen, with a huge basketball court, modern sports equipment and a spacious lobby with sofas and tables.

14. Art space

An unconventional school in San Francisco equipped in an old warehouse, with a huge number of climbing structures, homemade theater and fortresses, materials for construction and creativity. School policy - no prohibitions. Students can get dirty, climb, set fire to objects, experiment, take things apart and create new ones. According to the creators, such educational institution will teach children not to consume, but to create.

15. Class for reading

North Carolina Elementary School has a reading class equipped with exercise bikes instead of regular desks. This solution significantly improves student performance, promotes concentration and allows both hemispheres of the brain to be used.

16. Staircase design

Stylish design of a reading room in one of Montreal's schools, with round wooden tables, in the center of which large palms grow, and original stumps instead of chairs.

19. Dining room

A school cafeteria that looks more like a fashionable restaurant with bright design walls and large tables, will forever break the stereotype about the dull decoration of the dining room and will definitely appeal to teachers and students.

20. Place to rest

A charming space decorated in soothing colors with stunning hanging chairs in the form of hemispheres instead of boring benches and armchairs, it will become wonderful place for rest in between classes.

Continuing the theme and surprise every person.

Social project within the framework of the All-Russian action

"I am a citizen of Russia"


"School cafeteria design"

Completed: pupils of 8-11 grades MKOU Krasnoflotskaya secondary school

Address: Voronezh region, Petropavlovsk district, with. Krasnoflotskoe, st. Lenin, 62. A

Project coordinators:

- Popenkova Oksana Vasilievna - teacher of mathematics and computer science

Esina Marina Ivanovna - teacher of physics and mathematics

Kalinina Maria Grigorievna - teacher of English language

Nebogina Tatyana Valerievna - teacher of chemistry and biology

Deadline : November – February 2017

with. Krasnoflotskoe

Objective of the project:

interior decoration of the school canteen.

Our tasks:

    Activation of the parent and student community for joint project activities on the aesthetic design of the dining room;

    Conducting sociometric studies of the attitude of students to the development and implementation of a design project for the aesthetic design of the school canteen (to conduct a survey in grades 5-11, among teachers and service personnel of the canteen to determine the style of the canteen);

    Creation of a regulatory and methodological framework for evaluating design projects and studying the requirements for the design of school canteens;

    Study of the influence of the visual environment of the dining room on the formation of food culture, psychological comfort;

    In accordance with the result obtained, find information for placement, create sketches and place on the stands

    Establish social partnership with the aim of decorating the school cafeteria;

    Implement the dining room design plan.



    Relevance and importance of this problem.

    Collection and analysis of information.

    1. Study of the regulatory and legal framework.

      Study of the media.

      Studying the health status of students.

      Research on the problem.

      Contest of drawings "Our school cafeteria"

    Development of own version solving the problem.


Creativity makes us happy harmony of beauty,

evokes enthusiastic feelings,

shakes the soul, awakens inspiration.

Leo Tolstoy

School canteen -
As our second home!
I eat healthy there
We chew every day!
We know that food
There is always "five"!
To the school cafeteria
We're going again!
Hands of gold there
Our chefs!
Deliciously cooked for us
Borsch, cutlets, pilaf!

A competition of social projects was announced in our school"Citizen of the Voronezh Territory - Citizen of Russia." At the meeting of high school students, many ideas were proposed, which boiled down to the design of the school. The proposal won by votingon the design of the school cafeteria.

This idea seemed very interesting. The most important thing is that it can be implemented in short term with minimal cost and creative approach school students.


The main problem, the most important at the present time for the school, is the creation of optimal conditions for the stay of students. An educational environment based on the principles of aesthetics has a beneficial effect on the mental and emotional condition schoolchildren and teachers, helps to relieve overload.

Therefore, the main problem of the project is the creation in the dining room of a zone of increased comfort, psychological relief, which makes it possible to compensate teaching loads, restore the physical and mental strength of students and teachers in between classes.

The relevance and relevance of the project lies in enhancing the social position of students in the course of project activities on the aesthetic design of the dining room. This project is based on enhancing the activities of the student community in the aesthetic design of the school premises.

Besides, relevance the project isto enable children to enjoy and enjoy the aesthetically pleasing school canteen.

Problem selection

We were faced with a problem: how to arrange a school cafeteria?

What could we do? Since the walls in the dining room are empty and painted in different colour, and there are no curtains on the windows, then we set ourselves the task: to develop and manufacture curtains for the school cafeteria, paint the walls in one color and decorate them with stands and drawings. The furniture in the dining room is new, so we decided to make flowers and napkin holders for the tables, as well as buy napkins. Our work should have a minimum material value, but the moral value will be high. To determine the unified style of the canteen, the participants of the working group (Yulia Vislova, Yana Popenkova and Daria Popenkova) conducted a survey among students in grades 5-11, parents, teachers and attendants of the canteen. 53 students of our school, 8 parents and 12 school employees took part in the survey. Only 73 people.

Sociological survey.

Questionnaire "Our school cafeteria"

A. Yes

B. No

B. Your own version

A. Yes

B. No

B. Your own version

A. Paintings ( applied arts)

B. Drawings on the walls

B. Your own version

A. In pastel

B. In bright

B. Your own version

A. In the world of fairy tales

B. Forest

B. Marine theme

D. Contemporary art

E. Your own version

Results of the survey

1. Do you like the interior of our school cafeteria?

2. Would you like to change anything?

3. What decoration would you suggest to change the interior of the dining room?

4. In what colors Should the interior of the dining room be done?

5. What topic should be chosen?


The results of the survey conducted by the working group show that the idea of ​​our project is relevant and interesting to everyone, no one remained indifferent to the design of the school canteen: 77% of the respondents suggested decorating the walls of the canteen with drawings and creating stands, 47% said that the interior of the canteen should be made in bright colors and 45% offered pastel colors, and 39% of the respondents would like to see the theme of contemporary art in the decoration of the dining room and 34% - the forest.

Collection and analysis of information

Per recent times in our dining room, only the furniture has been updated... We decided to paint the walls in the same color and decorate them with stands and drawings to make the dining room cozy and interesting. Both the kitchen in the house and the dining room in the school are the most favorite place, so I want it to be comfortable.

Together with the teachers (Popenkova OV, Esina MI, Kalinina MG, Nebogina TV), we began to work on a project called "Design of a school cafeteria."

To distribute the work of collecting and analyzing information, we divided into groups:

    SOCIOLOGISTS and INTERVIEWERS: Vislova Yulia, Popenkova Yana conduct opinion polls, questionnaires, interviews.

    SEARCH GROUP: Opryshko Alina, Smolyanina Oksana are looking for information in newspapers and the Internet.

    LAWYERS: Yakunin Evgeniy, Popenkova Daria agree and meet with representatives of various organizations, government agencies etc.

    ANALYST and JOURNALISTS: Popenkova Daria,Esin Dmitry, Zotov Alexander work with the media, draw up appeals, announcements, write presentation scripts.

    DESIGNERS - DRAWERS and PRESENTATORS : Dimitrova Irina, Nikolyukina Lyudmila, Zhivykh Elena, Larin Vadim, Lovyagin Ruslan, Ogarev Yuri, Ryabikina Anna, Nikolyukina Victoria draw up a dining room and a folder with documents, prepare a model of the school canteen interior and prepare a presentation of the project.

    ECONOMISTS: Nikolyukin Vladislav makes an estimate.

3.1. Study of the regulatory and legal framework.

Under the guidance of Maria Grigorievna Kalinina, we studied the following regulations:

    Constitution of the Russian Federation (chapter 2)

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 51)

    Convention on the Rights of the Child (arts. 12, 13, 31)

    SanPin norms.

3.2. Studying the media

E.L. Shcherbakova, teacher-organizer of Lyceum No. 23 in Moscow, claims thatthe dining room is a very special room in the school. All students visit it several times a day, so it should be comfortable, cozy, and should contribute to the formation of a culture among schoolchildren. The article Special attention focuses on the basics healthy eating: “The active creative work of the students has awakened in children interest in the issues of rational healthy eating. They understood the words of the great physician of antiquity Hippocrates: "I am what I eat." Schoolchildren should learn and accept for themselves the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, and this is possible only as a result of further joint work of teachers, parents and children themselves "

The same issue is of concern to the Education Department of the Voronezh Region.This academic year, the coverage of students in schools with hot meals will reach 90.6%
The relevance of considering the issue of improving the organization of nutrition for students in general education institutions is due to the need to adopt uniform regional measures aimed at improving the nutrition of students in order to preserve and strengthen their health.
A regional standard has been developed, which takes into account the proposals of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Voronezh Region for organizing meals for students, as well as proposals for monitoring the quality and safety of food products and ready meals... The standard provides for the maximum coverage of students of general education institutions with 2 hot meals a day. The order of the Government of the region of 17.07.2015 No. 491-r "On measures to organize meals for students of educational institutions of the Voronezh region" was adopted. The subprogram "School milk" continues to be implemented with the provision of free milk to students 3 times a week.

Based on found on the Internet guidelines on the organization of catering in general education institutions, dining halls of school canteens should have a convenient configuration, be artistically and aesthetically decorated, equipped with furniture that corresponds to the growth and age characteristics of schoolchildren. They must be provided with efficient ventilation and heating; vapors and odors from the kitchen, noise from the production premises of the catering unit should not penetrate into them.

For us, we found interesting the survey conducted by the public correspondent of the newspaper "Oktyabrsky Oilman" I. Oprunenko "How do I see the school cafeteria in the future?"

Having studied the regulatory documents and media materials, we came to the conclusion that an aesthetically designed dining room should be comfortable, cozy, and should contribute to the formation of culture among schoolchildren.

The school canteen plays a huge role - since it is the aesthetic appearance of the canteen and the children's observance of the food culture are the key proper nutrition.

Working with Internet resources

Working in the library

    1. Study of the state of health of students for the 2016 academic year

In order to study the health status of students, we turned to the head of the Krasnoflotsk FAP Natalya Alekseevna Maslova, who provided us with information about the results medical examinations students of our school for 2016.

Meeting with the head of FAP Maslova N.A.

Student Health Summary Chart

MKOU Krasnoflotskaya secondary school

Health groups

Conclusion: based on the data received, we decided to arrange a stand about healthy and proper nutrition.

3.4. Research on the problem

Assessment of the existing interior.

The dining room looks boring, the same type. I would like to add bright colors.

The wall is very large and sea ​​style is already deprecated. We decided to arrange a girl with butterflies and flowers.

This wall is located to the left of the entrance to the dining room.

It was decided to make 3 stands about healthy eating: "Alphabet of Nutrition", " Wise advice"," Bread is the head of everything. " Here are some initial ideas.

On the doors of the dispensing window, they decided to depict a tea service.

On the left to make a stand "Menu", and on the right a stand "Rules of conduct in the dining room"

There are no curtains on the windows, nTherefore, we decided to sew new curtains that meet modern requirements.

In addition, we conducted research on other schools, i.e. looked at the design options for school canteens on the Internet.

Canteens of schools of the Petropavlovsk region.

Petropavlovsk secondary school

Starokriushan secondary school

Novotroitsk secondary school

Novolimanskaya secondary school

Novoboroditsk secondary school

Bereznyagovskaya secondary school

Peskovskaya secondary school

Bychkovskaya secondary school

Canteens of schools of Russian regions

School number 7 Ulyanovsk

MBOU Secondary School No. 4, Ivanovo

School number 9 Kirov

3.5. Contest of drawings "Our school cafeteria"

The school hosted a drawing competition on the theme "Our school cafeteria." The competition was attended by students in grades 5-7. In their drawings, the children imagined how our dining room would look like:

7th grade student Zaikina Margarita became the winner of the competition

A week later, when the research results were ready, we invited everyone to brainstorm. Members of each microgroup presented the results of the survey:

After collecting and analyzing information on the problem, we made the followingconclusions:

    The aesthetically designed dining room should contribute to the formation of culture in schoolchildren;

    Analysis of the results of medical examinations of school students shows the predominance of protein-energy malnutrition and obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly inform students and parents about proper nutrition.

Developing your own solution to the problem

After that we have compiled a list necessary work for the design of the school cafeteria:

    Develop a design idea

    Create a sketch of the school canteen interior

    Select and purchase the necessary materials

    Execute registration

In order to better represent the interior of the school cafeteria, we needed to create a sketch on paper. We worked as one friendly team together with our teachers. We jointly chose the design idea and developed a schematic sketch of the arrangement of stands and drawings.

The list of necessary works requires financial investments. Head of the Agricultural Academy Krasnoflotskoe Boyarkin N.D. allocated us 3300 rubles, individual entrepreneur Popenkov R.I - 1000 rubles, head of the farm Maslov S.V. - 2000 rubles, the head of the farm Maslov V.L bought 4 cans of paint for the amount of 1040 rubles.

Decoration and procurement of materials are carried out by student members project team, teachers, parents Zotova O.V. Dimitrova E.I.

Appeal to the manager SHA "Krasnoflotskaya" Boyarkin N.D.

Meeting with the head of Krasnoflotsky administration rural settlement

Maslovoy I.V.

Economist Vladislav Nikolyukin, under the guidance of mathematics teachers, made an estimatethe cost of decorating the interior of the school canteen.


Price, rub)

Cash (RUB)


8 m


Curtain tape

15 m

Oblique binding

30 m


4 things

White paint

1 PC

Green paint

1 PC


1 PC


1 PC


2 pcs

White paint

1 PC

Floor paint

4 things


Clay Titanium

1 PC


1 PC


5 pieces


2 pcs


4 things

Openwork napkin


2 pcs


2 pcs



6091 rbl

Implementing the Action Plan for the Student Team

1. Appeal to the director of the MKOU Krasnoflotskaya secondary school Nikolyukina KS, the head of the administration of the Krasnoflotsk rural settlement Maslova IV. and the head of the Krasnoflotskaya agricultural enterprise with a request to provide material assistance on the design of the school cafeteria.

2. Creation of a sketch of the school cafeteria.

3. An appeal to the school manager with a request for assistance in the manufacture of stands.

4. Carrying out decoration work (production of curtains, stands and drawings on the wall)

5. Decoration of windows and walls of the dining room

6. Inauguration of the school cafeteria.

After drawing up sketches, carrying out all calculations working group started to practical implementation project. During our work, we observed safety precautions. The result of our project will be curtains and walls decorated with drawings and stands. Assistance in cutting and sewing curtains was provided by the teacher of mathematics Popenkova Oksana Vasilievna. The calculation of the fabric, compiled by the teacher, showed us that 1780 rubles are needed to purchase fabric and thread. Saved cost finished product and the fact that we did not pay for cutting and sewing curtains, because we sewed ourselves under the guidance of a teacher.

Making curtains

What to make stands out of? Can be made from fiberboard or plywood. Assistance in the production of stands was provided to us by the manager Lapshin Nikolai Fomich. From a large ready-made stand we were able to make 3 stands on one side, and from another 2 stands on the second wall. For the inscription "Bon Appetit", paper cardboard was used.

Help from our caretaker

Beginning of work

Making flowers on tables.

Making stands on the wall, which is on the right at the entrance.

Making stands on the wall, which is on the left at the entrance.

Making a girl with butterflies

Ruslan Lovyagin, Vadim Larin and Yuri Ogarev invented and made wonderful napkin holders out of plywood.


The goals and objectives of the project have been achieved. We got brand new and interesting interior our dining room. Now the dining room is a very cozy, warm, beautiful and favorite place for students and teachers.

And everything in the dining room is tasty and satisfying

There is cleanliness and comfort all around it,

All the guys are at recess

Friend after friend they run noisily.

Who wants to see it all

And look at all this with your eyes.

The school doors will be open!

You are welcome to visit us!

This is what our dining room looks like now!

Inauguration of the renovated dining room.

You may have already heard about the amazing project of a canteen-cafe in one of the Moscow schools - in “ Big city"A note was published about the details of the project itself. One of the architects who came up with the cafe is Katerina Bulgakova. It was she, together with her colleague Natalya Skurchayeva, who implemented the project of the canteen, which could not have been imagined before in an ordinary Russian school.

Was this project unusual for you? Did you feel that you have changed something in the stereotypes of people?

The dining room project really turned out to be special for us, as this kind of social projects do not come across so often. When there is an opportunity to do it is not easy beautiful interior, but an interior with an idea, an interior that changes not just the environment, but the mentality.

Our children spend most of their time in schools, and the school interior as such does not exist at all. Most often, these are dull faceless spaces with a sad Soviet echo. Long almost sick leave dark corridors, bare walls, but there is nothing to say about the dining room. Usually, you don't even want to go there. The eternal scent of cabbage, chairs with pantyhose clinging to, aluminum bent forks and sheer dullness. Therefore, when the opportunity arose to radically change this - to make the school cafeteria a center school life, a cafe where you want to go, where you can escape from the usual school environment, prepare for the test and even do creative work - we were very happy.

What examples in this topic of public space for children inspire you?

V European countries children's interiors have long been made according to the principle of transformability. Interiors-transformers, different functional areas, interactive zones - that is, "smart" interior, which can change depending on the needs and tasks.

Our interiors are mostly made according to the principle of decoration. Those. conceptual, semantic and social load is almost absent. The interior can be not only pleasant for the child, but also developmental, educational, and so on.

That is why we have provided in the interior a green interactive wall covered with artificial turf and consisting of cells different sizes... This wall can be an exhibition space - children can hang their drawings, photographs, crafts, contests on it. For the holidays, the wall can be decorated with thematic images - flowers in spring, Christmas tree decorations in winter, leaves in autumn. We covered some of the walls with graphite paint, on which you can draw pictures with chalk, write congratulations, and so on. That is, the interior can change depending on the season, holidays and important events.

Have you asked the children what they would like from such a space?

My daughter Varya is in the 4th grade, and the school interior is already very important for her. The youngest daughter Lisa is going to school on next year... Natasha's children - triplets - go to kindergarten, they are 4 years old. So for us, the school topic is relevant, like for anyone else. Before starting this project, we interviewed all our children, and the children of friends who go to school - how they imagine a school cafeteria, what they like and what they don't. We also asked the parents, and having collected all these opinions, we got down to work. I learned a lot about school life by consulting my 10-year-old daughter.

Describe the difficulties you encountered and the enjoyable moments.

It's nice that there are people who are willing to invest in the school cafeteria, making sure that the children are really good. Such customers are rare ("Konix-shkolnik" is a company that supplies food and equipment to child care institutions).

Lisa, Katya's youngest daughter

Pystina Anastasia

This work presents an explanatory note of the design project of the school canteen, photographs (applications) of the drawings of a 7th grade student.

Despite the fact that, as the well-known proverb says, "appetite comes with eating", the design of the dining room also contributes to the increase in appetite Beautiful design the interior of the school cafeteria provides a positive emotional attitude of students.

Love to small homeland It has essential for each person and for the country. It is necessary to remember, to protect the national culture in order to pass it on to the future generation. 2015 is the year of patriotism in the Komi Republic, therefore the name and content of the design project bear the Komi culture.

The theme of the design project is "Lunpas" (calendar).

The goal is to create a design project for a school canteen in the Komi national style.

Consider the concepts of "interior", "design project";

Develop a dining room plan.

Design a logo for the dining room;

Develop a sketch of the staff's overalls.

to study the effect of color on the appetite of schoolchildren




Despite the fact that, as the well-known proverb says, “appetite comes with eating,” the decoration of the canteen also contributes to an increase in appetite, the beautiful design of the interior of the school canteen provides a positive emotional mood of students.

Love for a small homeland is important for every person and for the country. It is necessary to remember, to protect the national culture in order to pass it on to the future generation. 2015 is the year of patriotism in the Komi Republic, therefore the name and content of the design project bear the Komi culture.

In our work, we chose the ancient Komi fishing calendar (Lunpas) as the main element of the interior - this is a well-known find of the 1st-2nd millennium AD. It is made in the form of a circle with the image of animals. Therefore, almost all objects of the dining room are rounded (dining room diagram, logo, clocks, tables) and contain images of animals (Appendix 1).

When you enter the dining room, it is pleasant when the interior is made in the same style, when it is bright and light, when you are greeted in beautiful and neat overalls - we tried to reflect this in our work. In such a dining room, it is convenient and comfortable not only for students, but also for the staff.

The theme of the design project is "Lunpas" (calendar).

The goal is to create a design project for a school canteen in the Komi national style.


  • consider the concepts of "interior", "design project";
  • Develop a dining room plan.
  • Design a logo for the dining room;
  • to develop a sketch of staff overalls.
  • to study the effect of color on the appetite of schoolchildren.

I. The concept of "interior" and "design - project"

Before starting work on the project, we got acquainted with such concepts as: interior and design - project.

The interior is architecturally and artistically designed inner space premises that provide a person with an aesthetic perception and favorable conditions life activity. The interior consists of three components:

  • building envelope: floor, walls, ceiling;
  • subject content (equipment, furniture);
  • functional processes that form both space and the sensory-psychological atmosphere.

Design (English design) - concept, intent, plan, purpose, intention, creative concept, project and drawing, calculation, construction; sketch, drawing, pattern, composition.

According to the explanatory and derivational dictionary of T.F. Efremova's interior design is "architectural and decoration the interior of the premises ".

Design is a project individual project the interior of the premises with the combined study of the interior design of the living and auxiliary area of ​​the premises. At the same time, a design project is not just a collection of ideas and pictures. It is a set of documents that includes drawings, specifications, 3D visualizations and descriptions. That is, design - a project - is the embodiment of the designer's ideas in an understandable form for engineers and builders.

In our work, we tried to complete the design - the project of the school canteen.

5 II. Dining room plan

The dining room should not only be cozy and comfortable, but also convenient for children, teachers and staff. It is made in the shape of a circle. The plan clearly shows that the dining room is divided into several zones (Appendix 2).

Zone A is a dining place for high school students and teachers:

  1. - distribution,
  2. - table with chairs.

Zone B is a food place for younger students:

3 - a table for younger students.

Zone B - sanitary facility.

Zone D - catering unit:

  1. - room for staff,
  2. - workshops for processing products
  3. - kitchen

III. Description of the dining room interior

The entire interior of the dining room is supposed to be made of environmentally friendly materials.

The side of the distribution is made using the Komi ornament painting (Appendix 1).

A colorful dining room logo hangs on the wall to grab attention. It depicts fruits, vegetables - examples of proper nutrition. The frame of the logo is also made in the form of a fishing calendar (Appendix 3).

There is also a “healthy eating hours” in the dining room, where you can see not only the time, but also an example proper breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, and at what time to use them. For example, for dinner you can cook fish with vegetables and eat at about 18.00 hours (Appendix 4).

IV. Dining room functionality

The dining room is comfortable to move around, sit in a circle and chat with each other after lunch. It is also possible to choose different dishes, including national ones (shangi, fruit drink, cherinyan - rybnik ...).

The tables have built-in animal-shaped touch screens, where you can view the menu and choose your favorite dishes. This information goes to the tablet for the head chef of the dining room, who prepares trays with the selected dishes. The attendants are handing out these lunch trays. After a meal, the student can also comment on the meal on the touch screen.

V. Color in the interior

Color helps to organize space, bring out structure, emphasize or hide the shape of an object. According to scientific data, colors can affect the mental and emotional state of a person, and even his appetite. For example, blue is considered the most unappetizing color. It is usually used in rooms where it is very hot in order to give the impression of coolness.

The interior of our dining room is made in warm colors.

Orange the color stimulates the appetite, as it is considered a "tasty" color. He is very life-affirming, adds optimism and cheerfulness. In our dining room interior, tables are orange, sitting at which you will want to eat.

The accent color is on the central wall - this is a distribution. Yellow - the color that first "catches" the eye, even if it is used in the interior in small quantities. Soft shades of yellow give a "sunny" high spirits, dispose to communication. This color promotes the production of gastric juice and an increase in appetite.

Green color is associated with nature. It is considered the color of health, gives "confident relaxation" and at the same time helps to concentrate. Therefore, we use more of it to decorate our dining room.

Blue chairs complement the interior.

Vi. Musical accompaniment

Musical accompaniment during meals influences the process of assimilation of food. A slow unhurried meal accompanied by Komi national and classical music promotes the assimilation of food, improves appetite and has a positive effect on the secretion of gastric juice. That is why in our project we intend to use quiet and calm music for the background.

Vii. Staff overalls

All canteen personnel are dressed in a special uniform (Appendix 5):

  • Apron
  • Cap
  • Stockings

The uniform style of the interior can be traced in the overalls of the staff: the apron is presented in the form of a figure of eight - a rounded shape, a cap - in the shape of a cylinder. The logo of the canteen is depicted on them. Stockings with the image of elements of the Komi ornament. All staff clothing is also presented in warm colors, the same colors as the interior of the dining room. Schoolchildren also wear an apron while on duty.

VIII. Materials and tools

To work on the project, we chose affordable and simple art materials: watercolor, pencil, felt-tip pen, A4 sheets, eraser.

Tools: brushes, a jar of water, compasses, ruler.

Equipment: laptop, printer.


We have developed a design project for a school canteen in the "Lunpas" theme. For this, we considered the concepts of "interior", "design project"; elements of the national culture of the Komi Republic (dreviekomi calendar, Komi ornament) were used to decorate the dining room; studied the effect of color on the appetite of schoolchildren; developed a sketch of the staff's overalls.

In our work, we tried to develop a design project in such a way that it was convenient and comfortable not only for schoolchildren, but also for the staff. For example, a place for rest is allocated for the employees of the canteen.

The interior of the school cafeteria is based on the dreviekomi fishing calendar in the shape of a circle, and all objects are presented in a rounded shape. By this we wanted to show love for the small homeland, for the national culture; to acquaint the smallest visitors of the canteen with the culture of the Komi region. Which is very relevant today, since 2015 is the year of patriotism.

This interior can serve not only as a dining room, but art exhibitions, expositions, school holidays meeting with interesting people(writers, artists ...), various fairs ...

We are very pleased with our result. The work was highly appreciated by my mother, grandmother, librarian, classmates.


  1. Babarykina T.S. Glass and mirrors in the interior. Newest design solutions- M .: OOO TD "Publishing House and World of Books", 2008.
  2. Gribova L.S., Savelyeva E.A. Komi folk art. Komi Yozkostsa art - Syktyvkar: republican center "veterans for peace", 1992.
  3. Kravtsova A. Colors in the interior, [ electronic resource] // Interior Design. Url: (May 19, 2008)
  4. Piterskikh A.S. art... Design and architecture in human life - Moscow: Education, 2010.
  5. What is a design project [electronic resource] // Repair + LLC.

MKOU "Soldier - Stepnovskaya secondary school"

Developed by grade 3 students

Head: O. L. Slyusarenko

Teacher primary grades

year 2012

1. Introduction

2.The main part

The urgency of the problem

Targets and goals

Implementation of the project

Results of a survey of primary school students of the MCOU "Soldier - Stepnovskaya Secondary School"

Stages of work on a project

a) collection of information

b) making sketches of the dining room and dishes

c) creating a memo

d) presentation of the results


Informational resources.


We run to the dining room:

We really want to eat.

In the classroom, they got tired.

And in the dining room they charged

We chew delicious food.

We grow up every day

We are gaining strength and health!

The urgency of the problem

Human health is the greatest human value. Nutrition is one of the main means of maintaining health.

The basic rules of nutrition are variety and timeliness, it is impossible for a child not to receive full-fledged hot meals if he is in school for 4-6 lessons (In our class, 12 people out of 12 eat in the cafeteria (this is 100%).

The school canteen plays a huge role, since it is the aesthetic appearance of the canteen and the children's observance of the food culture that are the key to proper nutrition.

This problem is urgent for us. Our class decided to draw the attention of elementary school students to this problem. We described the solution to this problem in the project.

The purpose of our work :

  1. education of a physically and morally healthy person at school;
  2. development of educational interests and skills of students by means of extracurricular activities;
  3. development cognitive activity and the interests of students;
  4. the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students;
  5. Emphasize on this problem all primary school students, through the creation and distribution of a memo, holding a competition for best sketch dining room.

Project objectives:

Drawing pictures "How I see our dining room."

Collect proverbs and sayings about food, about the rules of behavior in the dining room.

Develop rules of conduct in the school cafeteria for students, create a memo.

Prepare class hour"Rules of conduct in the dining room" "with a presentation with the participation of primary school students


Project execution mechanism:

The main executors of the project are students of the 3rd grade of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Soldiersko-Stepnovskaya Secondary School". The project is being implemented on the basis of the MCOU "Soldiersko - Stepnovskaya Secondary School". The project will be coordinated by a primary school teacher

Slyusarenko O.L. No financial support is required for the project.

Project participants

  1. grade 3 students;
  2. parents of grade 3 students;
  3. primary school teacher of MK OU "Soldiersko - Stepnovkasya Secondary School"

Description of the project

Subject of study:educational process in educational institution, aimed at the formation of a positive social experience in relation to the surrounding world.

Project implementation:

1. Study of the need for this social. project for primary school students.

2. Determination of the goals and objectives of the social project.

3. Drawing up a work plan:

- conduct a survey among elementary school students;

- hold a competition for best design dining room;

- create and distribute a canteen code of conduct for elementary school students;

Project defense at the school competition for social projects;


Expected results

1. Social activity of primary school students, their willingness to take personal part in the implementation of the project.

2. Participation in the competition for social projects.

3. Getting a social positive experience for students.


It was interesting for us to carry out the project. We learned how to create a design, arrange a project, make a presentation of a project. Each had their own business. Parents helped us in the selection of proverbs and sayings, in the design of the dining room. And most importantly, in our canteen they began to pay attention to the rules of conduct and to our memos. Our class loves what we have done. We hope everyone will enjoy our work too.