Kalanchoe domestica (Kalanchoe). How to care for Kalanchoe at home. Kalanchoe blooming - the best decoration for a window sill

Kalanchoe- a popular succulent plant of the Crassulaceae family, numbering more than 200 different types. At home, our gardeners grow no more than ten common types of small Kalanchoe. These popular succulent plants include Kalanchoe Blossfeld, Kalanchoe Kalandiva, as well as Uniflora (K. uniflora), Pinnate (K. pinnata) and Kalanchoe Daigremont.

Some types of these indoor plants (Blossfeld, and its variety - Kalandiva) are famous for their large bright flowers, but Kalanchoe has become widely known due to the healing properties of the pulp of its fleshy leaves.

It is no coincidence that this plant is popularly called medicinal Kalanchoe, indoor ginseng or home doctor. The leaves of this medicinal plant are often used to prevent colds, to treat runny nose and cough, to heal wounds from burns, bruises and cuts. In terms of popularity of use for medicinal purposes, homemade Kalanchoe can only be compared with the famous succulent plant Aloe Vera.

Kalanchoe medicinal.

How to use Kalanchoe juice to treat runny nose in adults?

To quickly get rid of a runny nose in adults, you can use Kalanchoe juice in its pure form. Every day, using a pipette, instill 3-4 drops into each nostril in the morning, afternoon and evening before bed.

Kalanchoe blooming.

For beginning gardeners, we can recommend several unpretentious species of this plant, caring for which at home does not require too much attention. This is Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and its dwarf variety - Kalanhoe Calandiva, which we mentioned above. Behind these indoor plants It is also easy to care for, like such popular house flowers as pelargonium (house geranium), Saintpaulia (house violets), phalaenopsis orchid, the rules for caring for which we told you in several previous materials.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld popular among indoor plants primarily due to its beautiful bright flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences. Blooming Kalanchoe will fill your room bright colors both on gray autumn days and on cold ones winter evenings, since Kalanchoe Blossfeld blooms almost throughout the year with the right home care. Flower colors flowering plant can be very different. Varieties with flowers of pink, yellow, white, and red are often found.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is unusually decorative and fits perfectly into the design modern interior premises. Blooming Kalanchoe of this variety is decorated with lovely double flowers, collected in lush inflorescences on short peduncles. The thick stems of the plant are decorated with beautiful fleshy leaves with a velvety or smooth surface. Kalanchoe Kalandiva is often chosen to form a stylish phytodesign of a living space along with such graceful indoor plants as Ficus Benjamin in the form of a miniature tree, Dracaena Marginata, domestic “male” anthurium and “female” spathiphyllum.


Location and lighting.

Medicinal Kalanchoe (K. Dergemona, K. pinnate) feels great even in partial shade on a stand or on a flower stand if sunlight hits the plant at least occasionally. It is advisable to place flowering Kalanchoe (Blossfeld, Kalandiva) closer to diffused sunlight (eastern, south-eastern window) so that the leaves do not turn pale and the plant does not stretch out from lack of natural light. But there is one caveat - in the summer in the afternoon it is advisable to protect the blooming Kalanchoe from sunlight by putting the pot in the shade or shading the windows.

Temperature conditions.

Indoor Kalanchoe species feel comfortable at a temperature of 16-19°C. The plant tolerates low temperatures (5-8°C) without any consequences. It is advisable that summer period the temperature in the room did not rise above 30°C. The best option- 23-25°C.

Air humidity.

The optimal humidity level for normal development of Kalanchoe is 50-60%. At constant high level humidity, the plant becomes weak, the roots and stem begin to rot, and fungus appears.


In autumn winter period The plant should be watered rarely, when the substrate and earthen ball are almost dry (about 2 times a month). Enough liquid accumulates in the stem and leaves of the flower to successfully withstand drought, but excess moisture in the soil will lead to rotting of the root system.
In the spring-summer period, it is necessary to water the plant moderately with slightly cool, settled water, without flooding. Extra water must be immediately removed from the pan after watering. It is enough to water Kalanchoe once every 2-3 days. It is not advisable to spray the plant. It is better to sometimes wash the plant in the shower during hot periods, clearing the leaves of accumulated dust.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

A universal version of the soil mixture is leaf soil, turf soil and river sand in equal proportions. In winter, it is better not to apply any fertilizers at all. In the spring-summer period, you can apply regular fertilizer for succulents once a month, taking a dose half as much as indicated in the instructions. To feed flowering species, you can choose a complex fertilizer for flowers.


To replant the plant, choose a deeper flower pot with a diameter 3-4 cm larger than the old pot. Kalanchoe grows quite quickly and therefore it is advisable to replant the plant once a year around the end of March. During transplantation, you must very carefully remove the plant from the pot along with a lump of earth and transfer it to new pot with an earth mixture of exactly the same composition. The adaptation period is about a week. During this period, it is advisable to fertilize.


This procedure is especially important for the quality growth and development of flowering Kalanchoe species. Weak and old parts of the plant should be removed using sharp knife. Strong new shoots are pruned and used for propagation, rooting in the prepared substrate. It is necessary to cut the peduncle low enough so that the remainder does not rot.


Flowering Kalanchoe successfully reproduces by children or cuttings. Some gardeners prefer to grow medicinal plant varieties from seeds.
Cuttings. Cut off young shoots in the spring when replanting the plant and lightly dig them into moistened coarse sand. After a few weeks, you can transplant the sprouts that have taken root into the pot.
Seeds. It is advisable to sow seeds at the end of winter. We prepare the substrate, pour it into a low container and evenly sow the seeds onto the surface of the substrate. Cover the container with a glass container and place it away from sunlight. We moisten the substrate daily and ventilate it by removing the glass container. A month later, when shoots with several leaves appear, we transplant the sprouts into separate pots. Young plants should be regularly fed with very small doses of fertilizer, and shoots should be pinched to form a lush Kalanchoe bush.


Powdery mildew.
Signs: The appearance of powdery plaque on the upper and lower sides of the leaf blade, as well as on the flowers of the plant. If you remove the plaque, you can see damaged areas of brown tissue.
What to do: Treat the entire succulent with fungicides (Alirin-B, Fitosporin-M). in case of severe infection - with the drugs Skor, Topaz or Chistotsvet.

Late blight.
Signs: the spread of grayish rot on different parts of the plant that begin to dry out or wither.
What to do: destruction of plants affected by late blight.

Stem rot.
Signs: the appearance of watery black spots on the leaves and shoots. Under magnifying glass small white sporangia can be seen.
What to do: Reducing the humidity level in the room. Isolate the plant from other flowers and treat it with Saprol or Rovral (spraying). If the plant is severely affected by stem rot, destroy it.

Gray rot.
Signs: appearance gray plaque on the leaves. Affected stems and leaves become watery and limp.
What to do: Reducing the humidity level in the room. Removing affected parts of the plant. Treat with Skor or Fundazol.


Signs: the appearance of sticky discharge on yellowing and deformed leaves.
What to do: Clean the plant with a sponge and soapy water. if it does not help, treatment with Biotlin, Fitoverm or Aktara.

Signs: the appearance of yellowish specks on the leaves and then discolored and dried areas, the leaves become deformed. On the underside of the leaf blade you can find small mites among the cobwebs.
What to do: first treat the plant with soapy water. if it doesn’t help, take Molniya or Akarin.


If after the flowering period the leaves begin to fall off significantly, feed the Kalanchoe with complex mineral fertilizers. If it doesn’t help, transplant the plant into a new substrate;

If you want to grow a beautiful lush bush Kalanchoe, pinch after the third pair of leaves appears on new shoots;

If the stems of a flowering Kalanchoe begin to stretch, the lower leaves turn pale and fall off, place the plant closer to sunlight. In winter, you can organize additional lighting using a phytolamp;

If Kalanchoe leaves They begin to lighten and lose shape, which means the water for irrigation is too hard, with a high concentration of calcium and magnesium. Be sure to let the water sit for several days, and the best option- use of rainwater for irrigation;

Regularly inspect the plant in daylight for timely detection of diseases and pests.


Question: What can you do if the leaves of Kalanchoe begin to turn yellow?
Answer: Leaves of shade-loving medicinal varieties often get burned from direct sunlight if they are located next to a window. Therefore, place the pot with the plant away from the window. And if the upper leaves of flowering varieties of Kalanchoe begin to fall off and the lower ones begin to turn yellow, then the plant does not have enough sunlight.

Question: Why is the adult Kalanchoe Blossfeld still not blooming?
Answer: If you follow all the rules for caring for Kalanchoe Blossfeld at home, but the succulent plant still does not bloom, then the concentration of fertilizer in the soil mixture is too high. Don't fertilize for a month and then apply less fertilizer.

Question: What to do if Kalanchoe does not grow well?
Answer: If the plant is not affected by any disease or pests, then the problem lies in a lack of nutrients or in an incorrectly formed soil mixture. The advice is to transplant the plant into a new pot with a suitable soil mixture.


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How to properly replant Kalanchoe Kalandiva.

Once every 2-3 years In summer - room temperature, in winter 12-16 No more than once a week, when upper layer soil will dry out by 3-4 cm Not required Bright lighting A period of rest is desirable


The plant needs bright lighting. But you should avoid keeping the plant in direct sun for long periods of time. The main feature of cultivation is the creation of a 12-hour daylight hours for it. This is the key to abundant flowering.

In summer, daylight hours need to be reduced by shading the plants, and in winter it needs to be illuminated additionally using special lamps.

Diffused light or partial shade is the optimal place for Kalanchoe. He will be most comfortable on eastern or western window sills, or even on southern ones. From morning until afternoon, the plant is not afraid of sunlight. From the bright sun the leaves acquire a slight reddish tint. However, after lunch it is recommended to remove the flower in partial shade or cover it with a light cloth.

In winter, the plant can also be grown on a south-facing window. It is not necessary to move it at this time of year, since the sun is not as active as in summer.


In summer, room temperature is quite suitable for the plant. It can withstand both cool temperatures of 18°C ​​and 30°C heat. In the autumn-winter period from October to January, the temperature can be slightly reduced. The plant overwinters at a temperature of 12-16°C. As February approaches, the temperature is gradually increased so that the plant begins to grow and bloom in early spring.

Kalanchoe is not too demanding on thermometer readings. In summer he will be comfortable at 22-28 degrees. However, with good watering, it can tolerate 35-degree heat without loss.

In winter, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to 14-18 degrees, since such conditions are optimal for laying flower buds. It is not recommended to keep the flower at temperatures below 7 degrees, as this is fraught with disease and even death of the plant.

In the warm season, when the temperature both day and night is at least 10 degrees, the flower can be kept outside until autumn. Fresh air: to the balcony, terrace, veranda, garden. In this case, it is better to choose a place protected from strong drafts and scorching rays of the sun.


You need to water the flower moderately. Kalanchoe are succulent plants that accumulate moisture and do not require abundant and frequent soil moisture.

Excess moisture is very harmful to succulents.

In summer, Kalanchoe is rarely watered, no more than once a week. In winter, when the plant is kept cool, watering is significantly reduced.

At any time of the year, Kalanchoe is watered only after the top layer of soil has dried 3-4 cm.

The plant is adapted to dry climates; spraying for moisture is not required. To remove dust from the leaves, the flower can be washed in the shower, but this is done no more than once a season and only in the summer. In this case, water should not get into the soil.

The soil

Growing Kalanchoe requires fertile and well-permeable soil. The best soil for Kalanchoe there will be a mixture of turf and leaf soil, sand, peat and humus in equal parts.

The plant grows well in any universal soil mixture with the addition of peat, which can be bought at flower shops.

Store-bought succulent substrate is also great. It is necessary that the soil is slightly acidic or neutral.

Another option for a soil mixture for self-preparation: deciduous and turf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:4:1:1. Peat can be replaced with coniferous soil. For epiphytic species, it is recommended to add a little humus to the soil. Place at the bottom of the pot good layer drainage.


The plant is fed during the growing season and flowering. In winter, when the flower is dormant, feeding is stopped. Fertilizer should be added to the soil every 2 weeks. It is best to feed Kalanchoe with liquid complex fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

The plant does not experience a strong need for fertilizing. However, if there is a lack of minerals (slow growth, lack of flowering, leaves become smaller), it is necessary to fertilize the plant. This can be done in spring, summer or autumn, but under no circumstances in winter.

Feeding can be done once every 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. Such procedures can be carried out regularly from mid-spring to late summer. Also, fertilizing should be done in the fall, when flower buds are being laid.

It is important to know that the concentration of fertilizer for Kalanchoe should be 2 times weaker than indicated on the package. This will be quite enough for the plant. An important rule is that it is important to first dissolve the mixture in warm water, and only after it has cooled down can you add it to the soil. Otherwise, the roots will not absorb nutrients.

When feeding a plant, it is important to remember that it is more harmed by an excess of fertilizers than by a lack of them. Therefore, such procedures should not be abused.


Let's look at how to care for Kalanchoe at home so that the plant blooms and develops luxuriantly.

Kalanchoe needs short daylight hours.

Therefore, in the summer, the plant can be put away in the closet in the evening. In winter, it needs additional lighting.

IN good conditions the plant will bloom every year. If kept at room temperature, flowering can occur as early as January. If the flower overwinters in a cool room, flowering will occur only at the end of winter, or even at the beginning of March.

A period of rest for Kalanchoe is desirable, but not at all necessary.

Flower growers claim that after a cool winter the plant blooms better and longer. The main requirements of Kalanchoe for good growth and abundant flowering is low humidity. environment and plenty of diffuse lighting.

Kalanchoe can be called a plant of short daylight hours. The formation of buds occurs when daylight hours begin to noticeably decrease, namely in the fall. Therefore, in order to wait for abundant flowering, the plant must be deprived of light for 12-14 hours a day for a month and a half. autumn period. For this experienced flower growers It is recommended to cover the flower with a paper cap from 17-18 pm and hide it in a closet. And in the morning put it back on the windowsill.

With this arrangement in daylight hours days, the plant needs a lot of light to form flower buds. Therefore, it is better to place it on a south-eastern or south-western window sill with diffused lighting.

In its homeland, this flower lives in conditions of low humidity. Do not humidify the air near the plant, as this can lead to the development of various fungal diseases. And if water gets on the stem and leaves, they may begin to rot.

Kalanchoe flowering

As a rule, Kalanchoe blooms once a year: in late winter - early spring. However, when perfect care and creating the necessary light regime, you can achieve twice flowering.

If the plant has not produced buds by the end of March, you should inspect it for pests, mold or fungal diseases.

With abundant watering rotting of roots, stems and leaves is observed. In this case, you need to water the plant less often and remove the affected leaves and shoots.

In low light the plant stretches and its lower leaves fall off. In this case, you need to move it to a more illuminated place. Also, the shoots of the flower become bare if the room temperature is very high.

At poor growth the plant should be fed. But there is no need to overuse fertilizing. If there is an excess of nutrients in the soil, the flower grows leaf mass, but does not bloom.


At home, Kalanchoe propagates by cuttings, pups or seeds. The first two methods are the simplest and fastest.

When propagating by cuttings, you can use apical cuttings that have at least 3 pairs of leaves. Before rooting, it is recommended to dry the cut areas a little and treat them with crushed activated carbon to prevent rotting.

Rooting can be done both in water and in soil. In the first case, boiled water at room temperature is used. The roots appear in 10-15 days. In the second case, a mixture of peat and sand is used for rooting, the cuttings are buried 1-2 cm.

Some types of plants form small “babies” with roots on the edges of the leaves. They often fall to the ground on their own and take root. They can be planted separately in a container (in a mixture of light soil and peat) at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. When planting, the “babies” do not go very deep; their leaves should be on the surface. Watering is moderate. When young specimens grow up, they are planted in separate pots.

Seed propagation of Kalanchoe is a very labor-intensive process that is almost never used by amateur gardeners. Moreover, it is almost impossible to obtain plant seeds at home.

You can read more about the reproduction of Kalanchoe.


The plant is replanted only when the roots have grown and entwined the entire earthen ball. Therefore, he does not need annual ones. It is enough to transplant the plant into new soil Once every 2-3 years.

Transplantation is carried out in late spring or early summer when flowering is completely over. To do this, take a pot that is 1-2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.

A drainage layer of broken brick or expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the flowerpot, and then 2-3 cm of new soil is laid.

Kalanchoe is removed from the old pot and transplanted into new way transshipment. The gap between the wall of the pot and the root system is filled with fresh soil.

After transplantation, the plant, like other succulents, should not be watered for 3-4 days. Then watering is resumed as usual.

Description of the plant and species

Kalanchoe is a perennial succulent representative of the Crassulaceae family, native to the tropics of Australia, America and Asia.

The plant has long shoots with dense light green or dark green foliage. In different species, the shape and size of the leaves are very different: they can be slightly or strongly dissected, have a short or long petiole. As a rule, the leaves are fleshy and dense.

IN room conditions Kalanchoe blooms once a year, and with ideal care - twice. The flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences and can be white, yellow, purple, red or orange.

About 200 species of Kalanchoe are known in nature, but a small part of them are grown indoors:

  • Kalanchoe Degremona is a decorative deciduous species that has oblong leaves triangular shape, reaching a length of 10 cm. At the edges of the leaves, “babies” with roots are formed, which, falling, take root in the ground. With age, Kalanchoe Degremon's leaves curl slightly along their length.
  • Kalanchoe Mangina - has small rounded leaves, bell-shaped flowers reach 2 cm in length.
  • Kalanchoe Blossvelda - can reach a height of 45 cm. It has dark green ovate leaves, slightly wavy along the edge. It blooms with lush umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which can be red, white, pink, yellow or purple.
  • Kalanchoe pinnate is the most popular hardy species and can reach a height of 1 meter. The oblong, fleshy leaves are light green in color, and form “babies” along the edges. This species has healing juice.

Kalanchoe is not only beautiful, but also very useful plant, since it is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds. In addition, this flower is quite easy to grow at home, since Kalanchoe, according to the botanical classification, belongs to succulents - plants that naturally occur in desert and semi-desert regions.

Despite its unpretentiousness, Kalanchoe still has certain requirements for care and growing conditions. From this article you can learn how to properly care for a flower at home.

Description of the Kalanchoe flower

It is believed that the birthplace of the plant is Madagascar, but in total there are about 200 species of this crop, and they are found not only in Madagascar, but also in many African and Asian countries.

Note: Despite the wide species diversity crops, only a few species can be grown at home.

As a rule, either decorative flowering or decorative deciduous Kalanchoe is grown at home. Flowering varieties are highly decorative, and the color of the petals can be very diverse, from white to deep red. In addition, the flowering period is quite long, and if you provide your plant proper care, the buds will not fade for several months.

Decorative deciduous varieties, despite the lack of flowering, will also become great decoration for the home, as their fleshy leaves various forms are highly decorative. It is noteworthy that you can form the crown completely freely, since the crop tolerates pruning quite well and quickly recovers.

What does Kalanchoe look like?

Externally, the culture resembles a small compact shrub with thick leathery leaves. It is thanks to them that the crop is able to accumulate and retain moisture for a long time, so watering the plant at home can be minimal (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External features of Kalanchoe

In addition, it prevents the evaporation of moisture from the leaves. thin film, which covers all above-ground parts of the crop. Flowering varieties at certain times of the year are covered with small inflorescences collected in panicles. The shape of the leaf blades of deciduous varieties can be either simple or terry, which significantly increases the decorative value of the crop.

Varieties of Kalanchoe

As mentioned above, you can grow deciduous or flowering varieties at home. It is important that each variety has certain characteristics that concern not only appearance, but also the characteristics of care, so before purchasing you should definitely ask what species the chosen flower belongs to.


A distinctive feature of the variety is its compactness. Even adult specimens rarely exceed 30 cm in height. The leaves are round in shape and their edges are jagged. Moreover, in some representatives of the species, the leaf blade along the edge may have a thin red border.

This variety is a flowering variety, and the flowering period lasts from the beginning of winter to the end of spring. It is important that the plant, for all its decorativeness, is absolutely unpretentious, does not require frequent watering, and tolerates replanting and pruning normally.


The Kalandiva variety stands out among other species abundant flowering. Thanks to short flower stalks, which are covered with small inflorescences, the bush is covered with a lush cap of buds.

It is noteworthy that the flowering period of the crop is about six months, regardless of how carefully you care for the plant. But even after the flowering period ends, representatives of this species will be an excellent decoration for the home, thanks to their leathery leaves of rich green color.


Representatives of this variety the structure of the leaves is more complex, and the inflorescences have the shape of a panicle, and the shade of the buds can range from soft pink to deep red.

In addition, there are hybrid varieties of pinnate Kalanchoe, the buds of which may have a different color. Another one distinctive feature- leaf color. Depending on the variety, they can be either rich green or light green, or purple.


This variety is one of the most popular, and if few have seen flowering varieties, the Degremon species is familiar to almost everyone.

Figure 2. Popular varieties plants: 1 - Blossfeld, 2 - Kalandiva, 3 - pinnate, 4 - Degremona, 5 - Mangina

The plant has oblong, dense leaves, along the edges of which there are small but numerous children. They are called brood buds: just scatter them on the surface of the soil, and you will be able to grow a new plant.

Another feature of the Degremona variety is its rapid and almost uncontrollable growth. Therefore, if you do not regularly trim and pinch the bush, it will quickly turn into a fairly tall tree.


Representatives of this species are also called African bells for unusual shape inflorescences.

Representatives of the Mangina variety are compact evergreen shrub, which in natural conditions found only in Africa. The stems of the crop are thin and flexible, covered with small, fleshy, oval-shaped leaves. Flowering begins in late spring. During this period, the bush is covered with numerous bell-shaped buds, the color of which can range from pink to deep red or orange.

How to care for Kalanchoe at home

Despite the fact that Kalanchoe belongs to the hardy succulents and does not require special attention, it will still require some care. This primarily applies to flowering varieties, which, if not properly cared for, can stop the formation of buds.


When buying any flower in a store, first of all you should decide where it will be located at home. This condition also applies to Kalanchoe. Fortunately, this culture is not particularly demanding in terms of lighting. In summer, it will feel quite normal on east and west windows, and in winter, the pot can be moved to the south window sill.

Note: For all its unpretentiousness, the plant can get sunburn from exposure to direct sunlight, so in the summer it is advisable to shade it.

But leaving the flower in the shade is also not recommended. Under such conditions, its shoots will begin to stretch out greatly, and the flowers will become small or will not appear at all. Accordingly, we can conclude that the optimal length of daylight for a flower should be about 12 hours. In summer, ordinary sunlight will be enough for this, but in winter the crop will have to be additionally illuminated.

Air humidity

Since the crop is naturally found in arid regions, its requirements for air humidity are minimal. The flower will develop normally both in a hot room with dry air and in high humidity.

However, it is still recommended to periodically spray the leaves. The main goal of this event is not to increase air humidity, but to maintain hygiene rules growing. Spraying the leaves will help remove dust from the leaves and also prevent pests or diseases from damaging the crop.


Temperature directly affects the formation of flower buds. In order for the plant to bloom, it must be moved to a cool room for the winter, with a temperature of no more than +16+18 degrees.

At the same time, the culture tolerates high temperatures quite well, so in the summer, when the readings reach +30 degrees, Kalanchoe will still not require any special care.


Although the plant is a succulent that is resistant to drought, watering this plant cannot be completely ignored (Figure 3). It should be noted that the frequency and intensity of watering is determined individually, depending on the room temperature and the size of the plant itself.

Figure 3. Proper watering culture

For example, in hot summer weather, watering should not only be regular and plentiful, but also combined with spraying the leaves. If the crop is located in a room with moderate lighting, watering it once every 2-3 days will be sufficient. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week.

It should be borne in mind that the crop tolerates a slight lack of moisture much better than its excess, therefore, when planning watering, you should focus on the degree of moisture in the top layer of soil.

The soil

It is better to plant a flower in special soil for succulents, which can be bought at any flower shop. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can make suitable soil yourself.

A substrate that consists of equal parts of peat, sand, turf and deciduous soil is suitable for the plant. It is advisable to add a little charcoal to the resulting mixture, and lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot in which the plant will be grown, which will prevent moisture stagnation at the roots.


There are no clear timings for transplantation. The procedure is carried out if the plant has grown greatly and the old pot has become too small. In this case, transplantation is carried out using the transfer method, that is, the crop is moved to a new container bigger size together with the old lump of earth, and the free space is filled with fresh soil (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Main stages of transplantation

Excessive watering is considered another signal for replanting. If the plant begins to turn yellow, or begins to emanate from the soil bad smell This means that moisture has stagnated at the roots of the crop. The only way out of the situation is to transplant the plant into a new pot with fresh and moderately moist substrate.

Trimming and pinching

Kalanchoe grows quite quickly and intensively, and without the formation of a crown it will quickly turn into a tall but shapeless plant. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly trim the branches and pinch the crown (Figure 5).

Best time for pruning - spring. At this time, shoots that have stretched too far are shortened. In this case, you can cut the branches by 2/3 or even half the length. Such severe pruning will not harm the crop, since Kalanchoe has an amazing ability to quickly recover.

Figure 5. Trimming and pinching a flower

If you want to form the crown in the shape of a beautiful bush, you need to supplement the pruning with pinching. The procedure is carried out at the beginning of summer. In this case, the top of the plant is removed to stimulate the development of side shoots. This procedure is especially relevant for young plants, but it will not harm adult specimens either.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is one of those crops that reproduce very easily at home, often even without human intervention. In many varieties, so-called “babies” are located along the edges of the leaves. After crumbling, they take root in the soil and grow into a young, full-fledged plant.

Figure 6. Basic methods of reproduction

If you want to propagate a flower yourself, just take a few babies and scatter them over the surface of the soil (Figure 6). You can also root a leaf or cutting that remains after pruning in moist soil.

Diseases and pests

Another advantage of Kalanchoe is that this crop rarely gets sick and is practically not damaged by pests.

The plant begins to hurt only if it has not been properly cared for. For example, if brown, gray or white spots begin to appear on the leaves, you should reconsider your plant care. This primarily concerns watering: stagnation of moisture at the roots and excessive soil moisture can provoke fungal diseases. Excessive fertilization can also cause a similar process, so it is better to stop fertilizing for a while.

Dangerous pests include aphids and scale insects. To deal with these insects, you need to wash the leaves of the plant with soapy water and then spray with insecticides.

You will find even more in the video useful information about how to care for flowering Kalanchoe at home.

Only a few varieties of Kalanchoe are grown at home: Pinnate, Blossfeld, Unifloral and Daigremont. But no matter which of these species grows in your home, caring for the plant will be approximately the same.

Representatives of the “domestic” Kalanchoe belong to the Crassulaceae family, they all come from the tropics, and therefore are unpretentious, can for a long time manage both without moisture and in humid environment. To survive in extreme climate zones, the leaves of the plant accumulate water during the rainy season and then use it sparingly. Kalanchoe does not need scrupulous care at home; this plant does not require frequent replanting and many fertilizers.

Important! If you don’t know what to do when Kalanchoe turns yellow, then try to first identify the cause. There may be several options: errors during planting, unsuitable soil, poor placement of the plant, non-compliance with the temperature regime, improper watering, lack or excess of minerals.


Since the tropical plant is unpretentious, any place in the house that receives sunlight is suitable for it; special lighting is not required for Kalanchoe. The plant feels great in both a light and semi-dark room.

Did you know? If the Kalanchoe stands in a well-lit, sunny place, the leaves will acquire a reddish tint over time.

The ideal option is to place the flower on the windowsill of an east or west window. It is advisable to provide flowering species big amount sun rays in winter. If Kalanchoe experiences a clear lack of light, it weakens. The lower leaves fall off and the upper leaves turn pale.


For the comfortable existence of the plant temperature regime quite free. When it is above 10°C outside, you can safely take it out to the balcony and leave it there until autumn. The plant tolerates heat and drought normally, but it is worth watering it a little more often at this time. The most favorable temperature for Kalanchoe in summer is 23-25°C, and in cold periods – 12-16°C.

Air humidity

Air humidity in your room is the least important indicator for the normal existence of Kalanchoe, since the plant is able to retain water in its leaves. Thanks to this, Kalanchoe easily tolerates drought. You just have to make sure that water does not fall on the leaves from above, as this can cause plant disease.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home

The plant will not require much effort from you, but only regular simple procedures and an understanding of how to care for Kalanchoe in winter and summer.

Watering the soil: winter-summer

The soil in the pot should be watered abundantly so that the water completely wets it. But the excess must be drained, since the soil must dry out well between waterings. During the hot summer period, water treatments need to be more frequent, and in winter, water the Kalanchoe once every 2 weeks. If the plant is over-watered, this can lead to the formation of rot and mold, and its roots will quickly deteriorate.

Spray indoor Kalanchoe not necessary. In winter, such a procedure can generally harm the plant. But in order to remove dust from the leaves, the flower must be periodically wiped with a soft cloth.

Important! If only the lower leaves of Kalanchoe dry out, and everything is fine with the upper ones, pay attention to the volume of the flower garden in which the plant lives. If the pot is small and the roots are cramped, they may die due to lack of nutrition. Kalanchoe leaves can also dry out if the flower is located near a warm radiator in winter.

Feeding the flower

About once a month, Kalanchoe needs to be fertilized with compounds that are well suited for succulents. If you are the owner of a flowering plant, feed it with complex fertilizer, otherwise the Kalanchoe will not bloom. We advise you to use only half the dose indicated on the package, and in winter you should not fertilize Kalanchoe at all.

Important! After you find buds on Kalanchoe, lighting cannot be limited, and you can water the plant as usual.

Pruning Kalanchoe

It is imperative to prune flowering Kalanchoe, since during this period the plant weakens. The peduncle must be cut to the base so that the remaining part does not rot. Don’t be afraid and don’t hesitate to put under the scissors any parts of the plant that look bad, and root the young shoots.

In the summer, it would be a good idea to pinch the tops of the Kalanchoe so that shoots form on the sides. If this is not done, the plant will take on an ugly shape and will grow.

Proper transplantation is the key to good growth

Let's now look at how to plant Kalanchoe at home. It's not difficult at all. The flower needs to be replanted once a year, at the end of March. You can add it to pots of adult plants. new land, but the roots should not extend beyond the boundaries of the flower garden.

You need to replant the plant into a pot that is about 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Carefully remove the plant from the old “house,” remembering that it has fragile stems and leaves. To transplant Kalanchoe, you need the following soil composition: sand, leaf soil, turf soil - in proportions of 1:1. You can add a little humus.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe can be propagated at home different ways, the most popular and effective of them: cuttings, children and seeds. Not every method is universal and suitable for any type of Kalanchoe.


Kalanchoe Blossfeld delights the eye with its beautiful flowering. It is recommended not only to propagate this type of plant by cuttings, but also to renew it after each flowering. New plants need to be grown from the top of the shoots. After all, this Kalanchoe grows quickly and stretches, and therefore loses its attractive appearance. In addition, after flowering, bald spots remain on the plant.

Another group of plants with branching thin stems is suitable for cuttings. Its most famous representative is Kalanchoe Mangina. In order for the plant to grow as a dense bush, it must be pruned frequently. The cut pieces will be cuttings.

The appearance of an adult plant depends on the shape of the cutting, so approach the selection of young shoots with the utmost seriousness. They should be about 8 cm long with juicy beautiful leaves. The cuttings need to be planted so that the lower leaves lie on the surface of the soil. The bald part of the shoot can be shortened to the desired size. When the seedling takes root, it needs to be pinched to form a beautiful lush bush.

Did you know? What to do if Kalanchoe dries out? Just break off the top, stick it in the ground, and you have a new flower!


This propagation method is used for “viviparous” varieties, such as Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremona.

In almost every apartment you can find a flower such as Kalanchoe, which many use for decorative and medicinal purposes. This is a fairly unpretentious plant that is easy to care for at home, but for this you must adhere to certain rules. Only in this case will Kalanchoe delight its owner with bright pink flowers, but its flowering period is not too long.

The vast majority of Kalanchoe grows in tropical climates. That is why it is so important to create similar conditions for its normal development.


In nature, this plant prefers open space to get as much light as possible. For this reason, you need to choose a window for the pot that faces south or west. Try not to block it with tulle, since even direct sunlight will not harm either the sprouts or flowers.

Temperature and humidity

In summer the temperature should be around +22 degrees, in winter – around +16 degrees. But if the temperature exceeds +25 degrees, the leaves will quickly begin to fade and fall off. Even frequent watering will not help the situation.


For Kalanchoe, it is better to choose settled water at room temperature. But the most ideal option is melt water. In the warm season, the flower is watered up to three times a week, in winter - about once every two weeks (provided that the room temperature is not higher than +17 degrees).

But here it is important to monitor the soil in the pot: if the top layer has dried out, you can start watering.

The soil

When preparing the soil, great attention must be paid to drainage issues. If moisture stagnates, rotting of the roots may occur, which will lead to the death of the plant. In hot weather, the soil should be thoroughly moistened, but daily watering should be avoided. It is also recommended to place the pot in a container with water - this way you don’t have to worry about the presence of sufficient quantity water.

The soil itself for growing should be loose and consist of humus, turf, peat and leaf soil in equal proportions.

Application of fertilizing and fertilizing

Very important point– application of fertilizers, because often many problems with this plant arise as a result of a lack of useful substances. In this case, you may experience:

  • yellowness of leaves;
  • lack of peduncles;
  • presence of brown spots;
  • growth inhibition.

At the same time, there is one important point: it is better to apply more fertilizers when feeding, because the flower will react to this better than to a lack of them.

Approximate feeding calendar (once every 2-3 weeks):

  • in the spring, nitrogen is added, which is required for active flower growth;
  • During the formation of buds, phosphorus and potassium are added.

After flowering has ended, flowering should be reduced to once a month, and additives should not be added in the winter season.

Plant transplantation - rules for performing work

All elements - the root part and leaves - grow very quickly. In one season, a flower can grow up to 40 cm in height. It is for this reason that the plant will have to be replanted once a year. The best time to carry out work is early spring. The main thing is not to replant Kalanchoe during flowering. Otherwise, the buds will fall off, and the plant itself will suffer greatly and will hurt.

Before replanting, the soil in the pot is thoroughly moistened: in this case, removing the flower will be much easier. The Kalanchoe is taken out along with a lump of earth, and the soil is carefully shaken off.

If rot or darkened leaves are detected, be sure to trim them.

Main methods of propagation of Kalanchoe

Caring for this plant also includes propagation. So, you can buy a plant at a flower shop, but it often happens that after purchasing the Kalanchoe, for some unknown reason, it begins to die.

You can breed it with your own hands, and various methods are suitable:

  • dividing a large bush;
  • planting a separate leaf;
  • sowing seeds;
  • rooting cuttings.

At home, a large bush is divided when it needs to be refreshed. But the divided flower may not take root or will take a long time to recover. The easiest option is to root the cuttings. The advantage is that the roots of the plant grow very quickly, thanks to which the Kalanchoe will very quickly take root in a new pot. One place is enough for the bush to become lush and strong.

But from the parent plant you can take not only a cutting, but also a leaf. It takes root just as quickly, but the plant will become larger only after 1-1.5 years.

Another option is to use seeds for propagation. However, the grains are so small that this makes planting them much more difficult. Therefore, they just need to be laid on top of the ground, slightly pressed into the ground, without sprinkling on top. Then the container is covered with a bag. Place the pot in a warm place, airing it once a day and making sure that the sprouts are not exposed to direct sunlight. When the first shoots appear, you need to remove the package and move the pot to a well-lit place.

Features of pruning and pinching plants

Pruning, especially during the flowering period, is only necessary if the Kalanchoe has been attacked by pests or is sick. There is nothing complicated here: the damaged parts of the plant are cut off.

After flowering, it is necessary to provide the plant with a period of rest. To do this, you cannot do without the following activities:

  • trimming flower stalks;
  • transferring the pot to a dark area;
  • no watering for at least 1.5 months.

After the specified time, the pot is placed in a lighted place, fed, watered and returned to the usual methods of care.

Pinching is an event that will allow the plant to start blooming again. In addition, it helps to increase the amount of minerals that Kalanchoe needs for normal development. Weak shoots can be pinched with anything, but the work must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to harm the plant. If this happens, then the “wound” needs to be sprinkled with ashes or charcoal to prevent infection.

What is the correct way to prevent it from wilting? Read more about this in our material.

To grow a flower at home woman's happiness, you need to know in advance all the features of caring for it. You will learn about this.

In our article we will tell you in more detail about the rules for caring for roses at home.

All types of Kalanchoe are cared for in the same way, including the “mix” variety.

Pest and disease control

Despite the fact that Kalanchoe is a fairly resistant plant, it is also susceptible to “attack” by pests, and diseases usually form as a result of improper care.

So, if small white spots are found on the leaves, we can talk about a pest such as a mealybug. This small insect feeds on the sap of the plant, quickly “devouring” and destroying the entire bush. The affected areas must be removed, and the plant itself must be wiped with mineral oil.

This plant is loved by aphids and mites, which reproduce especially well in dry climates. To get rid of the pest, you just need to wipe the leaves with a soap solution. If there are too many insects, you need to additionally purchase special chemicals.

When water stagnates in the soil or with heavy baiting, the leaves of the plant may appear dark spots, raid. In this case, it is necessary to immediately adjust the care of Kalanchoe. So, the plant itself is transplanted into looser soil with a high-quality drainage layer. Damaged leaves and rotten roots are cut off. As a result, the plant will quickly return to normal.

One of the most unpleasant problems– powdery mildew. Most often it appears when the air in the room is too dry. The problem is that this disease quickly spreads to other plants. To combat, you need to spray the Kalanchoe with fungicides and move the pot to a cooler room.