Dividing the site into zones examples. How is site zoning done? Zoning of a summer cottage and vegetable garden: stages of implementation

Having become the owner of a country house or dacha, each of us wants not only to be able to grow garden crops, but also to create the most comfortable place for relaxing in the fresh air. To implement these ideas in landscape design, there is such a thing as site zoning - dividing the territory into functional zones.

Today “Dream House” invites readers to learn about the 5 main zones of any suburban area and figure out how to format them correctly. In addition, you will learn several important rules zoning of plots of different shapes.

Main areas of the garden plot

Quantity functional zones garden plot depends on the size of its area and the wishes of the owners themselves. If the territory will be used primarily for growing horticultural crops, then the garden and economic zone must occupy at least 85% of the site area. If the owners plan not only to work at the dacha, but also to relax or receive guests, then about 20-25% of the territory should be allocated for arranging a comfortable recreation area. In addition to these functional areas, many owners also prefer to highlight separate areas for decorating a sports or children's playground.

Regardless of the functional purpose, absolutely all zones of the suburban area must be in harmony with each other, creating a single ensemble. When arranging a plot on their own, many owners often forget about this, and as a result, the garden areas look separate from each other. Ideally, adjacent zones should flow smoothly into each other. This effect is created using various plantings, paths, partitions, etc.

The first step in developing a site is selecting zones and determining their location. To do this, you need to take into account some rules landscape design, which we will consider further.

1. Garden area and vegetable garden

Regardless of the purpose and size of the garden area, it should be located on the most open and sunny side of the territory. Traditionally, this area is located away from the rest area. However, it is better to plant large trees on the north side of the site.

If the garden area is a decorative element of landscape design, that is, it should be visible, it is best to design it in local area or in the lobby area. As a rule, when this zone of the site becomes a decorative addition to the territory, flowers, shrubs, herbs, spices etc. All this can become bright decoration landscape. For example, the boundaries of the zone can be marked with beautiful paved beds, trellises, decorated with climbing plants and other decorative elements.

Usually a small vegetable garden is also placed in this zone, if there is a need for it, including. You can plant the bare minimum of crops there, which will not only bear fruit, but also, with proper care, decorate the area.

2. Economic zone

The size of the economic zone directly depends on the size of the garden or vegetable plot on the site. If you grow a lot of garden crops, you will need a variety; accordingly, they should fit freely in the economic area. In addition, this area may include a garage, shed, etc.

The utility area is always isolated from prying eyes. It is most convenient to arrange it in the backyard, but keep in mind that it should be located near the garden area. If the utility corner of the site includes only a shed or shed for storing equipment, then you can arrange it in any convenient place, decorating the buildings with vines, climbing plants or decorative partitions.

Zoning summer cottage– greenhouse

3. Relaxation area

Depending on the size, a recreation area in a garden plot may include terraces, barbecues, benches, a swimming pool, and many other decorative or functional objects. This area is intended for relaxation, eating, meeting guests and spending leisure time, so it should be as comfortable and convenient as possible.

Typically, a recreation area is located in the courtyard or backyard, in an area away from the entrance. However, if this is not possible, it can be hidden from prying eyes with the help of decorative screens, green hedges, tall bushes or trellises decorated with climbing plants.

Garden areas

4. Children's play area

Often this area is combined with a recreation area, but it is better if it is located near the house so that it is clearly visible from windows, for example, from the kitchen or living room. In addition to sandboxes, slides and swings, this area should be equipped with an area with a bench or bench, hidden under a canopy, so that, if necessary, children can rest in the shade or hide from the rain. You can mark the boundaries of the children's play area with the help of low flower beds, narrow paths with soft surfaces or beds with flower beds.

Zone for children on the site

5. Sports area

If you want to arrange a separate sports ground on your site, choose a darkened area for its location. However, if there will be attributes for team games on the territory of this zone - a table or a tennis net, a football or basketball court, no buildings or objects should be located near it. Best position sports area in the backyard.

Plot shape and zoning

When thinking about how to divide a site into zones, you need to take into account not only its size, but also its shape. The easiest way to arrange a standard plot rectangular shape, in which the house is located in the middle of the territory. In this case, the zoning of the site depends only on the wishes of the owners and taking into account the requirements for growing garden crops.

In order to organize a comfortable and pleasant life at the dacha, the site must be zoned, that is, divided into separate functional zones.

This work is best done at the planning stage, but some adjustments can be made later.

Proper zoning helps to rationally use literally every centimeter of usable dacha space and eliminates many problems associated with the future use of the territory.

On a note

A very effective means of zoning an area are hedges or groups of shrubs. With their help, you can not only visually mark the boundaries of zones, but also protect against wind and noise.

Separate and connect

When we talk about “zones,” we mean separate areas allocated for different purposes. These areas are connected to each other by paths with hard or soft surfaces, and separated by hedges, flower beds, lawns, retaining walls, various fences and architectural forms (treillages, pergolas, etc.). All these elements add expressiveness to the site and are elements of landscape design.

Before proceeding with zoning, it is necessary to study the features of the site: its slope, soil structure, lighting, etc. Then they make a list of the necessary garden zones and determine the number of people using them. Now you can calculate the required dimensions of each zone and place them on the site drawing. Usually the following functional zones are distinguished: residential, front, utility, gardening, children's, sports and recreation areas.

Entrance\entry zone

Immediately at the entrance to the dacha plot there is an entrance (or entry) area. There is a garage and a platform for a car, and more than one, because you need to take care of the guests. This location - right next to the gate - allows you to avoid wasting space on long driveways. However entrance area should not only be rationally planned, but also beautifully decorated.

The overall impression of the site begins to take shape right from the gate, the design of which distinguishes the dacha from the general surroundings and signals the character of the owners. The gate offers a view of the site, and the view of the gate from the side of the house is no less important. The area between the gate and the house should be as presentable as possible. In addition to the garage, you need to leave room here for spectacular decoration - flower beds, a path to the house and lighting. Beautiful shrubs or vertical gardening will help cover the walls of the garage so that it does not catch the eye.

Our advice:

In cool climates, low-growing plants are placed near the house, and tall plants are placed closer to the boundaries of the site. In southern climates, on the contrary, tall trees and shrubs are planted near a residential building to protect the yard from the heat.

Alignment with the house

The main building on the site is, of course, a house. This is the starting point for zoning the territory.

It’s good when the location of the living area and the design of the garden are initially determined by the general plan for the development of the site, drawn up by a professional. But in practice, when choosing a place to build a house, most summer residents are guided by their own ideas about rationality, adjusted to take into account the current standards for the location of buildings on the site.

Territory planning begins when the house is already built. In this case, there is no choice: all the necessary outbuildings must be placed on the remaining territory, leaving space for planting.


The basic household needs of the owners are provided by the economic zone, which includes such buildings as a barn, a bathhouse, a wood shed, a workshop, and an outdoor shower. Typically, buildings are combined into a single complex and located on the northern or northwestern side of the site so that they protect the garden and vegetable garden from cold winds. It is desirable that the utility block be located away from the street, and the distances between buildings comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. The utility block is fenced off decorative grilles and decorated with vines.

On a note

The distance from the toilet, septic tanks, cesspools and compost to the residential building must be at least 12 m, from summer kitchen before compost heap-7 m. Buildings for animals are placed at a distance of 7 m from the residential area and 4 m from the neighboring area.

Vegetable garden area

IN last years Some summer residents are reducing the area for gardening, but rarely does anyone give up on them completely. At dachas purchased specifically for the purpose of growing healthy vegetables and fruits, gardens and vegetable gardens often occupy up to 75% of the plot area.

When choosing a location for this zone, light and wind direction are taken into account. The garden is placed by grouping fruit trees in one place, shrubs in another, and vegetables and strawberries in a third.

Moreover, it is preferable to plant fruit trees on the northern (as well as northeastern and northwestern) side of the site. They should cover the beds from the wind, but not shade them. If the plot is very small, and it is impossible to separate the gardening area from the recreation areas, you should take care of the decorative appeal of the vegetable garden. The beds are arranged geometrically, and all kinds of modular fencing and containers are used for decoration.

Recreation area on site

Lovers of outdoor recreation will definitely need a relaxation area. You can arrange a resting place either in the front part of the garden, next to the house, or in its depths. Moreover, depending on the composition of the family and its needs, there may be more than one place to relax. On large areas, a spacious recreation area can be divided into several subzones - original “green living rooms”, separated from each other by green spaces and connected by convenient paths.

For family dinners and receptions, a spacious, weather-protected place near the house is allocated to shorten the path from the kitchen to the table. This can be a terrace attached to the house or a separate patio area.

A good location option is a well-lit back side of the house. There should be enough space for garden furniture and a canopy. If you are planning to install a barbecue oven or grill, it is better to locate the site at a short distance from the house. But it is better to hide the place for relaxation from prying eyes in the depths of the garden. To hide from direct sunlight, you may need a comfortable, cozy gazebo.

Children's recreation area on site

If you are planning to take your children to the dacha, think immediately about what you will do to keep them occupied. The best option is a separate playground.

For very young children it is worth setting up an area near the house, for older children - at some distance. It is advisable that the play area be located on the border between a sunny meadow and a shady corner, ready to shelter children on a hot day, but away from the beds and dangerous plants with poisonous fruits and thorns.

Zoning of a summer cottage

The division of a house is determined by its location, total area, number of family members and their range of interests. Even in relatively small areas, using the tricks of landscape design, you can build multifunctional garden plots. And unusually designed and harmoniously fitting lawns and lawns can create a single composition.

Methods for zoning dacha space

There are several garden zoning techniques that will allow it to become beautiful and as comfortable as possible.

Planting shrubs, flowers and trees on the demarcation line between individual plots is simple and original method saving space. Depending on their purpose, they are divided into two types.

Open or low

If there is no need for a closed garden fence, great idea there will be low green fences made of boxwood, juniper, and thuja. Plants are trimmed to 30-40cm. In this way you can separate a play area or an artistic vegetable garden.

Solid wall

Trees and shrubs can be either clipped or free-form. They reach from 1 to 1.5 m. As a rule, they serve as a fence between the utility yard and a flowering park or recreation area.

In order to make such hedges in the garden, the following are used:

  • compact shrubs (Japanese quince, Thunberg barberry, steppe almond, snowberry, different types spirea);
  • tall flowering plants (maleaea, saplings, bergenia, dahlias);
  • fast-growing perennials (teren, sunflower, titonia).

They make it possible to form living fences already in the second year after planting.

Zoning the garden area with arches, screens and trellises

Thanks to such structures, you can not only embellish the area, but also protect it from wind and noise, giving the garden a romantic, unique aura. This is also an excellent opportunity to organize a shady area for rest or plantings that do not like sunlight.

Look great on screens, trellises and arches:

  • perennial vines (campsis, clematis, climbing roses, honeysuckle);
  • annuals (beans, morning glory, nasturtium);
  • fruit (grapes, lemongrass, actinidia).

The arrangement of plants depends on the size and shape of the branches:

  • so for powerful perennials, the best houses are trellises made of wood or metal with concreted supports;
  • for annuals, screens made of strong ropes or cables are suitable, to which they will cling with tendrils and stems, entwining a gate or steel structures above the paths;
  • grapes or lemongrass will love metal arches. They will decorate the area and bring benefits with fruits.

If you deepen or, on the contrary, raise small areas on the site, you can arrange a comfortable gazebo, cascading flower garden or wood flooring near the pool. Then the place of peace will turn into a beautiful, cozy corner for the soul.

A special microclimate can be created by a stable “sunk garden”, which came to us from distant medieval England. The idea is to place decorative waterfall several levels below the main area. If the relief features are not suitable for a recess, you can build it yourself.

Master class on creating a cascading waterfall as a garden decoration option

  1. Marking. The place for constructing a “recessed garden” should be rectangular in size, 2.5*2.5 or 3*3 m.
  2. After determining the location of the future structure, a shallow pit is dug. Its bottom is covered with a 2 cm ball of geotextile. The depth of the pit depends on the type of soil: for sandy soil up to 40 cm, and for clayey soil up to 50 cm.
  3. If you plan to build walls below 45cm, you will not need a foundation. At higher heights, the presence of a base - required condition(a crushed stone cushion or a 3-5 cm layer of stone slabs is suitable).
  4. For laying walls, both dry (if there are no slopes) and cement laying of bricks or stones are used. The edges are made with a slope towards the center to protect the park from collapse or being washed away by groundwater.
  5. The floor is covered with a double ball of crushed stone or gravel (3cm each).
  6. Pre-selected flowers are planted on the sides and on the very walls (in hanging containers).
  7. A decorative pond is installed in the center.

You can place wicker furniture along the edges, hang a hammock or place a chaise lounge. Then take a siesta in the shade from the scorching heat summer sun will be pleasant and comfortable.

Paving garden paths with gravel

One of the common ways to highlight individual corners of a dacha area is to add networks of paths of different paving.

With their help, all objects are well combined into a single route. A wide variety of building materials are used for this process.

For a path going from the gate to the main buildings, it is best suited paving slabs or stone on a concrete base (paving stones, granite slabs). A path with clear geometric outlines will look most impressive.

You can create the ideal decor for a public garden with your own hands quite simply, these could be:

  • winding paths made of openwork colored tiles;
  • rounded bends running along the periphery (they are able to visually mask the imperfections of the territory);
  • walking paths with gentle turns;
  • paths located diagonally (they will effectively delimit narrow areas and flower beds or beds).

The area leading to the vegetable garden will be decorated in an original way with paving made of individual slabs placed “in the form of steps.” The distance between each such tile should be no less than 60 cm.

The children's playground will come to life thanks to colorful paving made of cork, rubber or plastic tiles. With their help, you can easily create funny cartoon pictures and amazingly colorful mosaics.

Zoning the garden with color

Have you designed your garden a long time ago, but want to change something without much intervention? Or are you planning new buildings and wondering how to decorate the area so that after their appearance everything around will still look neat and harmonious?

At the same time, multi-colored ensembles of colorful flowers and evergreen shrubs will help to fence off new objects and thereby virtually divide the plot. The front part at the entrance to the garden is the face of the owners of the house, so it should stand out especially festive and bright.

In a relatively small area you can make several types of mini-front garden.

Symmetrical zoning

The main role in this type of composition is given to conifers: thuja, juniper, euonymus. They have unique shades of blue, golden, bright green and, when combined with each other, can delight the eye all year round.

In the warm season, the bright notes of the flower bed will be:

  • in spring: red and orange tulips, yellow and white daffodils, variegated crocuses;
  • summer: abundantly blooming roses, annual petunias and verbenas, decorative strawberries. The variety of their varieties allows you to create unusually juicy and colorful combinations.

Asymmetrical view of garden zoning

Express and highlight the fence and gates of your villa. The main emphasis is on evergreen spruce. Erica and heather bushes fit harmoniously with it. Together they will create a durable and beautiful composition. IN summer period The flower garden will be complemented by decorative flowering perennials: rhododendron, larch, crowberry.

A playground is a place where kids visit often and for a long time. It is best to fence it off with a multi-colored front garden of plants that are safe for health. After all, children prefer everything colorful and unusual, and can get hurt while playing.


  • fast-growing annuals: cosmos, chamomile, cornflowers, eschscholzia;
  • biennial: hollyhocks, bluebells, lupine.

Zoning the garden for peace - this area should simultaneously lift your spirits and help you relax after a tiring workday. The best option The frame here will be soft pastel and delicately delicate flowers and shrubs:

  • silver junipers and spruces;
  • snow-white derain and weigela;
  • white and pink calvitias, spirea, hydrangeas;
  • pink, cream and white roses.

How to make the outline of the garden natural and natural

Take a closer look at your area. If there are some shortcomings or gaps in the design, they can be easily eliminated by using little tricks of landscape design and garden zoning:

  1. The boring appearance of the fences will be covered by living walls as high as a fence.
  2. In recreational areas, it is better to plant flowering plants with large and multi-colored buds, fragrant herbs and shrubs in the background, while smaller ones should be planted in the background. Then visually the background will look varied and not boring.
  3. Plan the width and style of paving paths in the garden depending on the load and frequency of attendance. So: make the foreground paths more massive, and garden paths - winding and narrow, non-slippery ones natural materials.
  4. The central part of a rectangular and small flower garden will be highlighted by weeping trees, border asters, and chrysanthemums.
  5. Hedges and arches made of vines placed on the south side will protect the park from direct sunlight.
  6. In the middle of the “recessed garden”, moisture-loving water lilies will look most colorful in company with irises and daylilies.

Front gardens dotted with seasonal flowers, replacing each other, will allow you to admire them all year round:

  • in spring the garden will be especially decorated with: milky-flowered peony, tender anemoma, Siberian iris, deltoid aubrieta;
  • in summer: paniculata phlox, perennial flax, oak sage;
  • in autumn: bush aster, delphinium, autumn helenium.

Bottom line

Arrangement of certain places for rest or wakefulness, and then delimiting them with green areas, will greatly facilitate the life of household members. As a result of painstaking work and garden care, zoning will create unique outlines around buildings and fences, which will decorate and effectively emphasize their advantages and hide their shortcomings.

Territory zoning is an essential stage of landscaping land plot. Zones are allocated areas for site design objects. To begin with, place a plan for future buildings on a sheet of tracing paper. Zoning of the territory is gradual.

Zoning space is one of the main stages of creating landscape design.

First, the location of the main buildings (house, garage, bathhouse) is determined, then zones for vegetable gardens, orchards, and roads are allocated, taking into account natural and economic characteristics, sanitary and hygienic standards and economic functions.

The division of the territory into zones is marked on the diagram, indicating the locations of existing, still planned and proposed for demolition objects, areas of landscaping and landscaping.

Layout of landscape design of the site.

An important factor are. In order to reduce groundwater Drainage, wells, and drainage channels are used. A suitable option is 20 cm wide, 50 cm deep, at the bottom of which a pipe with drilled holes. On steep slopes, terraces 5 m wide are arranged to protect against the washing away of the fertile soil layer.

When planning, you need to take into account the norms of distances between objects from the point of view of sanitation and fire safety. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the distance from the house to the barn with animals should be at least 7 meters, to the toilet - 12 meters, from the summer kitchen to the compost heap - 7 meters. Planting of trees and tall shrubs should be carried out on the sunny side at a distance of 5 meters from the house to avoid shading. The planting pattern can be in the form of a square, rectangle or checkerboard.

Layout layout of a summer cottage.

For effective zoning It is desirable to rationally place infrastructure zones, allocate as little area as possible for pedestrian roads, and ensure minimum distances between buildings. In order to save space, it is advisable to combine some auxiliary objects - a bathhouse with a shower, a barn with a poultry house or cowshed, a summer kitchen with a cellar. To visually increase the area of ​​the site, you can resort to techniques such as laying winding roads or diagonally.

The planning of the territory can be approached from the point of view of landscape design, which gives a picturesque view. In this case, the free placement of the garden and buildings is assumed, the original use of uneven surfaces - in the depressions - ponds, on the hills - a hill, on the slopes - ladders.

There are an incredible variety of options for zoning a summer cottage, depending on the territorial area, relief features, hobbies, taste and financial capabilities.

Conventionally, the land plot is divided into the following zones with the recommended area:

  • residential zone - 10%;
  • for household and household purposes - 15%;
  • for recreation - 5%;
  • for gardening - 70%.

Methods for placing zones of plots:

  1. The classic rectangular layout allows for division into zones through imagination.
  2. The elongated narrowed layout is complex due to the difficult division of areas into zones. To visually expand the territory, you can plant large vibrant views plants.
  3. The “L”-shaped layout allows the protruding part of the site to be used for recreation.

Main stages of territory zoning:

  1. Collection of information about land plots (direction of prevailing winds, groundwater level, land data, sunny and shaded zones).
  2. Placement of real estate and utility premises on the site.
  3. Arrangement of a children's playground (swings, sandbox, slides).
  4. Selection of area for garden and vegetable garden.
  5. Construction of a living fence from plants, arrangement of flower beds, flower beds, front garden.

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Zoning of residential areas and outbuildings

Territory zoning scheme.

The perimeter of the site is surrounded by trees or shrubby plants. For owners of large plots of land, a fencing option will be layering of plantings from taller ones with dense foliage to low-growing single plants.

The immediate start is with the location of the house. As a rule, the facade of the house faces the street at a distance of at least 4 m from the road. For a unique touch in front of the house, you can plant flower beds or build a front garden. It is not uncommon for a house to be built in the central part of a site for the purpose of protection from winds, noise and dust and for privacy. Living rooms should be directed towards the south, with light shining through the windows for at least 4 hours. Various plants are planted around the house ornamental plants and shrubs. It is important to consider front entrance, which is the “face” of the site. Visual hospitality requires unusual decoration. For example, a picturesquely decorated with climbing plants will fit well. arched design. It is wise to plant shrubs along the paths to transform front area. Zoning of the front area occurs not only from a functional point of view, but also from an aesthetic one.

The entrance area, consisting of a garage, entrance or parking lot, reflects the first impression of the owners. Therefore, it is important to decorate it with a fountain and flower pots.

The economic zone of the plots includes sheds, bathhouses, garages, woodsheds, workshops, barnyards, that is, everything that is needed for practical purposes. Despite the fact that the economic zone is not always in harmony with the general landscape style plot, it is necessary to provide a unique design in this area. Buildings for economic purposes are best located on the north or north-west side in the depths of the site. Buildings must be placed in such a way that bathrooms are not located next to a recreation area, and buildings for animals are not located next to a pool or natural body of water. It is reasonable to place the outbuildings of the plots remotely from the street boundaries.

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Allocation of recreation areas and children's playground

Site planning scheme.

Recreation areas attached to the house serve as a place for spending leisure time, receiving friends and guests, and eating food. The recreation area is located centrally or throughout the territory, taking into account the hobbies of each member of the house. It is not uncommon for a plot to be purchased for the purpose of spending leisure time and weekends. Because of this, it is important to carefully plan your recreation area. It should be sheltered from the wind and negative natural phenomena. For such purposes, a fence of plants or an original fence is provided. You can’t do here without a gazebo with a flower garden, a swimming pool or a natural pond and beautifully located paths. It is better to place the gazebo in a picturesque place, darkened from the scorching rays of the sun, since here you can gather to contemplate the beauty of flower plantings, birdsong and barbecue. It is important to ensure isolation from unwanted eyes, aesthetics of the environment and ease of communication with the house. To enclose the area of ​​the plots, green curtains and trellises decorated with vines are used. In the summer, you can’t do without belvederes and roof terraces or patios with garden furniture for tea drinking.

If the territories are purchased by young families or those who have small children and grandchildren, then it will be mandatory to allocate an area for children’s games so that the area is in the field of view of the elders from the windows of the house for control. You need to make a place for children in a place protected from sunlight and wind, excluding the planting of poisonous plants and the presence of reservoirs for safety reasons.

For lovers of active recreation there is a sports area. Depending on the area of ​​land, you can place a tennis court, football field, basketball, volleyball or badminton court. It is not uncommon for there to be unoccupied space near land plots. It can be used as an active area for various types of games, having previously arranged a lawn. Lawn care is a complex, time-consuming and expensive pleasure. To save money, it can be replaced with gravel or paving. A swimming pool or small pond will be an excellent addition to the landscape design of the plots. A rock garden and rock garden are placed nearby to complement the reservoir.

Landscaping a suburban area begins with planning, a simple procedure at first glance. In reality, zoning an area requires special knowledge, especially if your site has an irregular shape or is located on a slope. The layout of a dacha plot, the principles of which will be described in this article, allows not only to intelligently divide the plot into zones - residential, gardening, and to find the best place for a recreation area. Thoughtful planning makes it possible to avoid a chaotic approach to arranging the territory, when the space looks unfinished even after all the work is completed.

The layout should take into account all aspects of the owners’ lives

Layout: drawing up a sketch plan

When arranging an allotment, you can use not only strictly practical techniques, but also allow yourself creative solutions (which, as we know, are difficult to implement in limited space). The goal of any layout is to arrange as conveniently as possible all the buildings necessary for the owners, choose the optimal place for plants, and take care of the decorative and functional details of the landscape (flower beds, fences, paths). The preliminary planning of a plot of 12 acres divides the territory into several segments (functional zones associated with specific activities):

    House. Approximately 10% of the land is allocated for it.

    Outbuildings. Also occupy about 10%.

    Rest zone. From 10 to 15% of the territory.

    Garden. 60-65% of the land remains for them, but this division is advisory in nature. It is likely that you are not going to devote all your free time to labor in the vegetable beds. In this case, the beds will occupy a symbolic area, and the freed up space will be used in another way (for example, for arranging decorative pond or swimming pool).

Sample breakdown of a suburban area into zones

Having decided on the proportions, you can move on to the details. Before you make the first, tentative site plan, make a detailed list of the necessary objects. After this, the functional zones can be refined as follows:

    Economic zone. In addition to the summer kitchen, it includes a cellar, a garage, a shed for firewood, a workshop, and also paths.

    Garden area. It traditionally includes orchard, a place for planting agricultural plants, a grass lawn, a greenhouse and a greenhouse.

    Fencing area. Fence and hedge along the boundaries of the site.

    Entry zone. Gate, wicket and surrounding area (parking area, driveway, front garden).

    Rest zone. Terrace, benches, gazebo, barbecue area, landscape elements (decorative pond or fountain, flower beds, alpine slide). This also includes a bathhouse, sports ground, sandbox, swimming pool, and swings.

    Technical area. This includes a well, a water supply system, a septic tank, and a filtration field.

Sketch of the location of buildings

The location of these objects will determine the shape and location of the corresponding zones. Now you can make a preliminary plan. It is convenient to do it on graph paper; this will allow you to accurately draw buildings, zone boundaries, fences and plants. Already at this stage, inviting a specialist will be a useful step; An outside perspective can be very useful. Self-planning is certainly exciting, but it increases the risk of non-compliance with building, sanitary and fire safety regulations.

Layout: 4 points to pay attention to

A plot of land of 12 acres allows you to show imagination in the distribution of objects. But this must be done taking into account the placement rules developed by experts. Neglect of such rules is fraught with consequences that worsen the quality of life, comfort and functionality of the territory. Successful planning of a garden plot depends on the following factors:

    Location of the house. It is the house that is the starting point for the remaining elements and zones of the personal plot.

A residential building determines the placement of other objects

    Location of outbuildings. They play a secondary role, so the main principle of their placement is to make sure that they are not conspicuous.

    Gardening area. To get a good harvest, you need a lot of sun, so they try to allocate the most illuminated areas for plants.

    Rest zone. It does not have to be concentrated in one place; individual elements can be distributed over the area. If it is desirable to find a place in the shade for a gazebo, then an open place would be preferable for a pool.

For proper planning, additional characteristics of the site are important:

    Terrain and the presence of natural bodies of water or forest nearby.

    Shape of the plot and its location on the cardinal points.

    Soil type and groundwater level.

Arrangement of a site of the correct shape

Any country plot involves a family vacation, so the layout should take into account the needs of each family member. A section of regular, rectangular shape is the most common option, simplifying the design process.

Layout of a rectangular plot is not difficult

    Placement of a residential building. The site for building a house is chosen close to the entrance (entrance) to the site; The front garden serves as a separator between housing and the roadway. The house needs correct location according to cardinal directions: the main facade with a veranda is oriented to the south or southeast (this will allow you to make the most of natural light).

    Proportions. With proper planning, the area of ​​green spaces should exceed the building area. If structures, platforms and garden paths occupy more than 40% of the area, the layout is considered ineffective.

    Fence. The fence is one of the first structures to appear on the site. You can improve the borders of the territory by arranging near the fence hedge. This requires a frame and climbing plants (honeysuckle, grapes).

    Entry zone. Part of the dacha land will be occupied by a garage, a parking area and a driveway. To reduce this area, they try to locate the garage close to the gate.

Vertical gardening of a fence

    Front garden. The front part of a country estate; separated from the street by a hedge or fence. The size of the plot of 12 acres allows you to create a spectacular entrance area (6 to 10 meters deep) - set up a flower garden, plant ornamental trees or shrubs, and sow a lawn.

    Outbuildings. They are traditionally located behind residential building, in the depths of the territory. At the same time, you should not place them at the far edge of the site, so as not to increase the number and length of paths. If buildings are planned next to the house, they are covered with ornamental plants.

    Plants. Trees are planted no closer than five meters from the walls of the house, otherwise over time they will completely obscure the facade. Sun lovers ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as beds are allocated sunny side, for the rest, shady areas are suitable.

    Rest zone. The arrangement depends on the preferences of the family; They try to locate the pool in the depths of the territory, and the area with barbecue - close to the house.

The entrance area is the calling card of your home

Arrangement of an irregularly shaped area

Sometimes it happens that the features of the relief or the quirks of the general plan set the boundaries of the land plot, and it takes on a shape that is far from the classical one. Many people think that planning a plot of land in the form of a rhombus, trapezoid or triangle is a thankless task, and sharp corners will not allow for full development of the territory. Plots of land on a slope also have a bad reputation.

Undoubtedly, planning such a territory will require more effort, time, imagination, and often additional funds. Site development non-standard shape carried out with professional help, will allow you to effectively use the area, minimize costs and turn the “problem” area into a place worthy of admiration.

Video description

The following video covers the basics of planning:

Irregularly shaped areas include the following:

    Plot on a slope. If the site is located on the slope of a ravine or near a reservoir, the position of the residential building depends on the orientation of the slope. If the slope is southern, housing is built in the upper part, this will protect it from landslides caused by melting snow and heavy rains. If the slope faces east or west, the house is laid in the northern part of the land plot. If the slope is north, the building can be placed near the western or eastern border of the property. The steep slope is divided into terraces. This technique will require investment, but will allow you to use the maximum area, simultaneously strengthening the slope.

Layout on a slope without loss of usable space

    Narrow area. Common Techniques landscape design They work poorly in narrow areas. An elongated area looks cluttered, objects interfere with each other and create chaos in perception. The problem is solved by visual adjustment. In such areas, they try to locate the residential building closer to the end (short side). The remaining buildings and tall trees are located in the central part. Such zoning distracts attention from elongated proportions. The plan of a summer cottage looks like a boring series of zones, but in fact, well-planted plants and details highlighted in a contrasting color prevent the territory from feeling “squeezed in.”

Master plan for a narrow area

    L-shaped layout. The planning of such a territory brings, rather, not problems, but hidden opportunities. Land allotment L-shaped- This is a standard rectangular area with an additional platform of the same shape. This adjacent area is convenient to use for organizing a recreation area.

Working on a sketch of an L-shaped territory

    Triangular plot. Such an allotment can become a challenge for the landscape designer and a space for development creativity for you. There is no one recipe for zoning triangular areas; it all depends on the lengths of the sides and the size of the angles. The most general recommendations consist in the location of a residential building on the side opposite the sharp peak. In order for the land to be used rationally, asymmetry of functional areas and the use of details are encouraged round shape- flower beds, gazebos, alpine slide, artificial pond.

Fragment of the layout of a triangular plot

Irregularly shaped plots: 5 planning tricks

One of the rules of landscape design says: there are no bad areas, there are people who do not know the laws of competent planning. In order to tastefully place a house, buildings and other necessary objects on a complex plot, you can use professional techniques, which include the following recommendations:

    Duplicate border direction. A land plot with uneven, close to natural, boundaries can be determined by internal zoning. Diagonal paths, beds and hedges will make the layout dynamic and unique. A house located not parallel to the border, but at an angle, will set a non-standard shape for the front garden and will never look boring.

    Distraction from the shape of boundaries. If you do not like the configuration of boundaries and the irregular shape of the territory, you can try the opposite recommendation - abandon the idea of ​​duplicating boundaries. You can distract attention with curved and zigzag garden paths. A non-standard-shaped area and voluminous, overgrown bushes will be of great help in masking borders.

Video description

About the advice of a landscape designer in the following video:

    Using a pattern when paving. The rhythmic pattern of the paths, which does not coincide in direction with the boundaries, effectively distracts attention from the irregular shape of the territory. Suitable for decoration are small tiles, mosaics, natural stone– materials that allow you to complicate the space and make it more dynamic.

    Use of the natural landscape. If the terrain of the area is far from ideal, there is an excellent reason to use a landscape style for decoration. In this case, a smooth transition between zones is planned, the atmosphere of closeness to nature is played out by the use of freely growing trees, climbing plants, voluminous grasses and shrubs.

    Using accents. When planning areas shaped like a trapezoid or a triangle, the biggest problem is the sharp corners. Two techniques with opposite effects help to cope with it. The first is the effect of focusing attention when planting unusual plant, install a sculpture or cascade. The opposite technique masks the corner zone; For this purpose, choose a plant that produces lush greenery.

Site plan for 12 acres of complex shape

Inviting a specialist for planning

Planning a site for the construction of a cottage is a big job, during which many issues arise that require immediate solutions (otherwise the construction of the house will drag on indefinitely). The most common problems include:

    Layout of a site with a slope. To ensure that the life of the owners of such a plot is not complicated by soil displacements, it will be necessary to strengthen the slopes with retaining walls, and in some cases, the creation of terraces.

    Layout of a site with pronounced relief. Relief adjustments are often used.

    Layout of a site with waterlogged soil. Competently conducted soil and level analysis groundwater will allow the development of drainage and storm drains. Otherwise, stagnant water will destroy the plants and reduce the quality of life of the owners.

    Selecting plants for landscaping. In order for the garden and flower garden to bring joy, it is necessary to choose plants, taking into account the characteristics of their cultivation, compatibility, and suitability for planting in a given soil.

Video description

To learn how to properly arrange your plot of a country house, watch the following video:

    Competent zoning. The result of independent planning is often the irrational placement of buildings and paths, as well as ill-considered location of zones (when a recreation area or children's playground is next to a parking lot).

It is almost impossible to do all this work on your own without making mistakes along the way; in this situation professional help will not be superfluous at all. Many construction organizations offer turnkey planning and arrangement services for suburban areas; the work goes through the following stages:

    Site visit. The specialist conducts an initial examination.

    Conclusion of an agreement and approval of the estimate.

    Development of a conceptual solution; is carried out in accordance with building codes and the wishes of the site owners.

    Development of a master plan and working documentation.

    Planning work and landscaping of the site.

    Delivery of the object to the customer.

Recreation area arranged based on the project

When developing the layout of a plot of 12 acres, the scheme and options are presented to the owners before approval of the master plan. After studying the documents, you can:

    Imagine what the site will look like upon completion of all work, sometimes in 2-3 versions visualized in a computer program.

    Finally decide on a landscape style.

    Have complete understanding of the budget.

    See perspective plot for several years.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer landscaping services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

A professional approach to planning a dacha plot will allow you to find a use for every square meter of land and turn a plot of 12 acres into an object of your endless pride (and slight envy of friends and neighbors).