GKL Knauf technology. We make a ceiling from plasterboard using Knauf technology

KNAUF plasterboard is one of the highest quality and most sought-after materials on the construction and finishing materials. More on the basic principles of working with KNAUF drywall, components and other useful details.

IMPORTANT! Drywall and components from KNAUF are often compared with similar products from VOLMA, citing the low cost and quality of domestic plasterboard. If you have a choice, KNAUF or VOLMA, you should proceed from the expected budget and the type of structure being performed (not all structures can be built using VOLMA products; KNAUF has a wider range of materials application).

Knauf plasterboard: sheet processing and the necessary tools for this

When working with drywall, one of the main conditions for quality work is the choice of materials and components from one manufacturer.

Drywall KNAUF: tools and materials for work

  • To cut drywall, use a utility knife, a hacksaw or a toothed saw, a graver or a round cutter, and an inch ruler.
  • To putty the joints of plasterboard sheets use KNAUF putty Fugenfueller.
  • To putty drywall, it is recommended to use a universal spatula, a spatula-screwdriver, a trowel, a wide spatula and a sanding machine.
  • For puttying drywall - with a trowel, mixing container, mixing attachment or mixer.
  • The grooves for installation can be marked and cut by hand. The second option is to make them with a gravel or a special cutter for round holes.
  • For correct marking drywall using a water level, a marking cord and a tape measure.
  • For fastening drywall - with a self-tapping screw or screwdriver.

How to cut a sheet

To cut a plasterboard slab, turn the sheet over with its front side facing you and cut it according to the markings using a utility knife and a strip or metal bar. Then the sheet is broken along the edge. All you have to do is cut through the cardboard from the back.

IMPORTANT! After cutting any sheet of drywall, if it is intended that the sheet will be cut into a joint with another sheet, it is necessary to chamfer it at an angle of 45° using a plane.

Correct installation of KNAUF drywall

Knauf plasterboard, depending on the type of structure and its purpose, can be attached to an existing one monolithic wall on glue (ceiling plasterboard is attached only to frames), and installed on metal carcass. If it is necessary to divide the room, you can use KNAUF partitions with racks: install KNAUF, and then sheathe it on both sides with sheets of plasterboard.

Photo 2 - Wall covering with KNAUF plasterboard boards

The method involves fixing plasterboard slabs to the walls using glue. This method can only be used with slight curvature of the walls (up to 4 mm).

In this case, material is laid between the wall and the plasterboard slabs along the frame for additional sound or heat insulation of the room.

IMPORTANT! For wall coverings, plasterboard thinner than 12.5 mm is not used. If the wall covered with plasterboard is subsequently planned to be covered ceramic tiles, you will need to cover not one, but two plasterboard slabs.

Correct installation technology

  • Drywall boards should be fastened to a metal frame or a frame made of wood using Knauf self-tapping screws. Fastening the sheets should begin from the center of the gypsum board or from the upper corner to avoid deformation of the slabs. It is important that the screw attachment NK 11 is used, ensuring that the screw head is properly immersed in the sheet of drywall (necessary for finishing puttying of the sheet).
  • In order for you to end up with an optimal seam, plasterboard KNAUF slabs should be installed end-to-end, without gap.
  • There should be no cross-shaped seams during the installation process. That is, the end edge of the drywall sheets should have a slight offset - by the distance between the posts, the so-called axial distance.

Plasterboard sheathing: correct fastening with screws

  • The distance between the screws when covering walls should be 25 cm, when working on ceilings with KNAUF plasterboard - 17 cm.
  • Sheathing screw length metal structure We calculate based on: thickness of the gypsum plaster board +1 cm.
  • Sheathing screw length wooden structure: gypsum board thickness + 2 cm.

Technical characteristics of KNAUF sheets using the example of moisture-resistant plasterboard

  • Cardboard color is green.
  • Edge type - PLUK (semicircular thinned edge).
  • Main dimensions, mm − 2,500/1,200/12.5 ( standard sheet for floors and interior partitions).
  • Weight of GKLV KNAUF (2,500/1,200/12.5 mm, 3 m²) - 29 kg.

Geometric parameters of GKLV KNAUF

  • length - from 2,000 to 4,000 mm (and in increments of 50);
  • width - from 600 to 1,200 mm;
  • thickness (depending on sheet length) - 6.5; 8; 9.5 mm (for sheet lengths up to 2,000 mm), 12.5; 14; 16 mm (for sheet lengths up to 4,000 mm), as well as sheets on special order with a thickness of 18; 20 and 24 mm.

Technology of covering a brick wall with KNAUF slabs

  • When working in a medium-sized room, it is necessary to prepare about 30 kg of Knauf Perlfix. The dry mixture is poured into a container with clean water(volume about 17 l) and stir until smooth.
  • Drywall slabs are cut, after which Knauf Perlfix solution is distributed over back side sheets with stamps in increments of 35 cm. The distance to the edges should be at least 5 cm. And also apply a number of bunches along the longitudinal axis of the sheet.
  • The slabs are placed in a vertical position and pressed against the base of the wall, leveling.

IMPORTANT! Perlfix sets in about 10 minutes. During this time, the slabs are adjusted to the level using a rubber hammer and a block.

Alignment of walls on a frame basis to improve sound and heat insulation

  • Knauf UD profiles are cut to size using metal scissors.

IMPORTANT! To provide better sound insulation Before attaching the UD profile to the floor and ceiling, a special KNAUF self-adhesive soundproofing tape is applied to the profiles.

  • Knauf UD profiles are attached to the floor and ceiling at the above distance from the main wall using Knauf K6/35 dowels.

In this case, the maximum distance between dowels should be no more than 1 m).

  • IMPORTANT! Sound insulation can be improved by leaving a distance of 50 mm or more between the front edge of the frame and the existing wall.
  • To support the CD profile in the middle of the height of the walls (taking into account the fact that the maximum allowable distance is 1.5 m), direct KNAUF hangers are attached to the wall using pin dowels, with soundproofing tape laid in advance.
  • CD profiles 60/27 must be installed with a pitch of 60 cm vertically in relation to the UD profiles, after which the fasteners must be connected with screws. Direct hangers are also attached.

Install Knauf plasterboard sheet insulation. Now you can start fixing the sheets themselves to the frame using self-tapping screws (maximum distance between screws is 25 cm).

The axial distance between CD profiles for vertical sheathing with plasterboard sheets is: if the width of the plasterboard board is 1,200 mm, the axial distance is 60 cm.. On sale you can find both standard and moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboards; you can also order perforated acoustic plasterboard from the warehouse to increase the sound insulation of a room, or fire-resistant plasterboard to organize passive fire protection in rooms with a high probability of an open flame.

$ Cost of plasterboard KNAUF

The price of a plasterboard sheet is influenced by: the type of plasterboard (GKL, GKLV, GKLO or GKLVO, arched, ceiling or wall), sheet parameters (width/length/thickness, mm), and whether the product is purchased retail or wholesale.


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/6 mm) − $18.6/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/3,000/6 mm) - $15/sheet;


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,000/9.5 mm) − $5.6/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/9.5 mm) - $7/sheet;


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,000/12.5 mm) - $5.8/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/12.5 mm) - $7.3/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/3,000/12.5 mm) - $8.9/sheet;


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,000/12.5 mm) - $7.8/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/12.5 mm) - $9.6/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/3,000/12.5 mm) − $11.05/sheet;


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/12.5 mm) - $8.3/sheet.

$ Cost of profile for KNAUF plasterboard

  • KNAUF CD profile (60/27/0.6 ​​mm), length 3 m - $8.25;
  • KNAUF UD profile (28/27/0.6 ​​mm), length 3 m - $6.


$ Cost of work with KNAUF drywall

in Moscow: ceiling work- from 280 rub./m², wall work - from 190 rub./m², installation of partitions - from 300 rub./m².

in Kyiv: ceiling work - from 65 UAH/m², wall work - from 45 UAH/m², installation of partitions - from 80 UAH/m².

Drywall is rightfully considered a universal material that is easy to use, does not require constant and complex maintenance, and most importantly, can be used to form simple and complex elements when finishing a room. Using plasterboard, you can sheathe an arch, partitions and niches, and suspended ceilings.

On the other hand, sheets of plasterboard are not the most important thing when finishing walls in a room. In this case, you cannot do without a strong frame. KNAUF partitions are exactly the option that is perfect for decorating walls using plasterboard. Let's take a closer look at what a plasterboard partition is. KNAUF type, as well as what activities are being carried out in connection with the installation of this finishing option.

What is a KNAUF partition and what types of construction are there?

Knauf plasterboard partitions are, in fact, ordinary plasterboard construction, inside of which there is a metal frame. A reliable profile is used to create the frame. The partitions are highly durable and quite easy to assemble.

The assembly of structures takes place using a special technology, which allows us to subsequently eliminate various unforeseen circumstances and problems associated with the operation of partitions.

GKL partitions made according to the KNAUF system can have different type. They are installed in rooms with different levels of sound insulation and for different purposes. Designs can be different types and be divided according to various parameters.

Partitions are:

  • with one layer of sheathing;
  • with two layers of cladding;
  • with three layers of cladding;
  • with one layer of cladding, made of moisture-resistant KNAUF supersheets, on a single-type frame.

Important! If you want to make strong walls in the room and increased level sound insulation, then it is necessary to use partitions with a double frame.

In addition to the indicated varieties, there are partitions where special ventilation ducts and communications. Another parameter that is worth paying attention to is the type frame structure. According to this feature, the frames can be double or single.

The technology for installing partitions with a double frame provides for the creation of a strong, reliable wall, capable of supporting even a heavy TV or other furniture of significant weight.

Single-frame structures have a more affordable price and are used in rooms where an increased level of sound insulation is not required and heavy objects will not be placed on the walls.

Advantages of KNAUF plasterboard partitions

Plasterboard partitions made using the KNAUF system appeared in the 90s and today have taken a strong position in the finishing materials market. Drywall today is strongly associated with the word “European-quality renovation”, since it allows you to create a neat, beautiful and inexpensive finishing indoors in a short period of time. The KNAUF company was able to improve the quality indicators of the material and create structures that not only became a stylish, neat design in the room, but were also characterized by increased strength and reliability.

A material such as Knauf plasterboard is considered a durable and durable material that is easy to use.

The main advantages of KNAUF partitions are as follows:

  • installation of partitions can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists. The package includes detailed instructions;
  • Calculating the required amount of materials is quite simple using a special online construction calculator. Consumption is determined by taking into account the working area of ​​the room and the type of finishing that will be performed;
  • The installation kit includes a sufficient number of parts necessary to assemble the partitions. The contractor will not have to calculate materials using a calculator;
  • kits will allow you to quickly and easily assemble the partition;
  • the material is highly durable and can withstand even a strong earthquake.

The use of KNAUF partitions is very popular today and in addition to ease of use, buyers note the affordable cost of such structures.

The process of assembling partitions using the KNAUF system

This installation method does not differ much from the standard plasterboard finishing technology. However, some differences still exist.

When laying Knauf drywall, it is important to ensure that there are no cross-shaped seams.

  • IN standard kit includes upper and lower guides, as well as racks. The width of the racks can be different and depends on the height of the room where the finishing will be carried out, as well as on general view designs.
  • To fix the guides, it is recommended to use special dowels, with which you should fasten them at three points.
  • When installing racks, it is important to take into account the distance of 60 cm. individual projects, the spacing of the racks can be reduced.
  • The main method of fastening the racks is the “notch-and-bend” technique. Here it is allowed to use special self-tapping screws from KNAUF;
  • To increase the level of sound insulation, you can use mineral wool.
  • When installing sheets, it is necessary to use the “end-to-end” method so that the installation is carried out without a gap.

In addition to these recommendations, it is important to take into account the installation features of the frame. For the system to last long time, it is worth paying attention to the joints that are located above the door opening and are not located on the racks. All of these recommendations will allow you to cope with the installation of the structure in the shortest possible time.


Partitions made according to the KNAUF system can become ideal option for planning the premises and its finishing. To calculate the required amount of material, you can use a special calculator, or you can use ready-made kit. Using this finishing option, the user will receive a neat, modern and aesthetically attractive room.

In repair and construction work applicable . This construction material has a flat surface, so you can easily create it, also with the help of partitions. Knauf partitions made of tongue-and-groove plasterboard have many advantages. The functionality of the partition is mainly aimed at dividing the room.

Knauf prefabricated plasterboard partition systems are used both in apartments and in public places. They differ in types and sizes. With their help, walls and partitions are created.

Assembling the Knauf partition frame

The main advantage is the Knauf material. Tongue-and-groove gypsum slabs are created using lithium technology.

Required amount materials for installing partitions

They do not burn and are . Composite boards do not contain toxic impurities harmful to humans and animals. Such slabs are easy to install and can be processed.

Knauf plasterboard partitions are fully equipped, which is important in the installation of the partition and its further use.

Types of partitions and installation features

The Knauf company produces partitions that are excellent in size and type. For convenience, they are divided into models.

Device diagram and design of the Knauf partition

According to the design, Knauf partitions are divided into the number of layers of plasterboard (GLP):

  1. One layer of drywall.
  2. Two layers.
  3. Three layers of plasterboard.
  4. One layer on one frame.
  5. Combined drywall on one side and two-layer on the other side.
  6. Three-layer cladding of moisture-resistant plasterboard and metal sheets.

The design of the partitions has channels for communications, as well as dedicated spaces for ventilation.

According to the Knauf frame, there are partitions: single-frame, designed for places where there is no need and there will not be a strong weighting of the structure. Two-frame structures are durable and can be used as a basis for creating furniture.

Partition C112

The Knauf S112 system is a composition of materials that create a partition with a two-layer cladding and one metal frame.
Partition features:

Considering everything Knauf features, we can say with confidence that its service life is long.

Names of Knauf partition elements

Installation of partition C112

The partition installation technology is carried out in compliance with step by step instructions. Start off installation work should be carried out when all electrical work has been completed. After graduation repair work with flooring, as well as finishing water procedures in the required room.
Installation of the Knauf partition is carried out as follows:

  1. Using a laser and upholstery cord, markings are applied to the clean surface of the floor, walls and ceiling.
  2. The lines mark the location of the rack profiles, as well as the doorway.
  3. They are attached first. Metal cutting scissors are used to cut the profile to the required length.
  4. To improve sound insulation on the NP, it is necessary to glue a sealing tape according to the width of the profile.
  5. Using 35 mm dowels, the profile is attached to the floor. The fastening step is no more than 1 meter.
  6. Similarly, the NP is mounted on the ceiling.
  7. After this, you should measure the length of the rack profile from the ceiling to the floor.

    Example of fastening rack profiles

  8. The length should be 1 cm less than the height of the room.
  9. Sealing tape is glued to the rack profiles that are attached to the wall.
  10. If the wall is made of Knauf plasterboard, then profiles. If the brick or block is made of cellular concrete, then dowels 35 mm long are used. The spacing of fastening dowels or screws is no more than 1 meter.

    Scheme for fastening Knauf plasterboard sheets

  11. For doors weighing 35 kg, it is necessary to mount a double rack profile, by attaching one profile to another.

    Diagram of a double rack profile device

  12. Door racks are mounted in guide profiles and secured with self-tapping screws 9 mm long.
  13. A horizontal lintel for the door is cut from the guide profile. It is installed between the door post profiles, at the top of the door height and secured with 9 mm self-tapping screws.
  14. From the resulting door frame A cut-out rack profile in the amount of two pieces should be installed up to the ceiling. These racks are fastened using the perforation method with a bend.
    Rack connection diagram

  15. From floor to ceiling, rack profiles are installed every 60 cm, fixation is carried out using the cutting method.

    Drawing with dimensions for mounting rack profiles

  16. The backs of the profiles should be turned to one side, and the holes for the cables should be at the 1st level.

Plasterboard covering of partition C112

After the metal frame is mounted, it begins. The sheet should be fixed at a distance of 1 cm from the floor. If necessary, use a construction knife. The cardboard is cut along the intended line and the plaster is broken.

On the other side, the cardboard should be cut along the resulting fold line. The cut part of the gypsum board is processed and a 22 degree chamfer is created. And also for cutting the sheet, cutters are used - small (the width of the cut sheet is 12 cm), a large cutter is 63 cm.

Installation of drywall is carried out using a special device. The sheets are pressed against the frame and... They should be at the same distance from each other - 7.5 cm, and also from the edge at a distance of no more than 15 cm. The head of the screw should be recessed into the gypsum board by 1 mm.

In the place where 2 sheets are connected vertically, a jumper from the profile should be installed. Adjacent horizontal joints are shifted by 40 cm.

After installation plasterboard sheets, electricity and other cables should be pulled through the holes in the metal posts.

Example of wiring under drywall

The next step is installation insulating material Knauf insulation from the open side of the septum. And covering the partition with plasterboard sheets. But, the drywall joints on one side should not coincide with the joints on the other side. In this way, the strength of the structure is created.

After puttying, you should proceed to. In this case, the joints of the first layer of drywall should not coincide with the second level plasterboard covering partitions.
Using special equipment, it is necessary to cut holes at the designated points for electrical boxes for the switch and.

Drilling holes for sockets

The joints of the second layer of drywall must be sealed using Knauf reinforcing tape. After the putty has dried, the joints need to be grouted to remove excess pieces.
After grouting, the entire surface should be primed " Knauf Tiefengrund».

Detailed Process installing holes in drywall for sockets

If the partition is to be painted, then before painting the entire surface should be puttied with Knauf Multi-Finish. When the surface is dry, it should be rubbed and coated with a primer.

Watch the video for the process of installing the Knauf partition.

The concept of “dry” construction implies the design and construction of lightweight frame-sheathing structures, the installation of which requires a minimum of money and physical effort. The German company KNAUF produces high-quality materials necessary for such work and is a kind of legislator that sets standards for this type of activity. The KNAUF system for plasterboard partitions is known to any professional builder. Now it’s our turn to get to know these structures in more detail.

Series of partitions (according to KNAUF classification)

The company’s specialists classify all frame-sheathing partitions into several standard types:

Horizontal sectional view Construction type
C 111 – frame made of steel profile, covered with 1 layer of plasterboard sheets.
C 112 - steel frame covered with gypsum plasterboard sheets in 2 layers.
C 113 - a “single” frame made of steel profile covered with a three-layer gypsum plasterboard covering.
C 115 - KNAUF partitions of this series have a double metal frame and 2 layers of cladding made of gypsum plasterboard sheets.
C 116 – double steel frame with space for communications. The structure is covered with 2 layers of plasterboard on each side.
C 118 – “Intrusion protection”. The frame is made of steel profile and sheathed with gypsum board in 3 layers. Galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick is laid between the sheets.
C 121 – partition frame made of wooden beam covered with 1 layer of gypsum board.
C 122 – wooden frame with a two-layer gypsum plasterboard coating.

For external coating of frame structures KNAUF company produces durable high-tech gypsum-based material that does not contain toxic substances, is absolutely non-flammable and has excellent operational properties. Drywall is produced in the form of KNAUF sheets (GKL) - rectangular elements, consisting of a reinforced gypsum “core” covered with cardboard that has undergone special treatment.

Depending on the area of ​​application, these sheets have different properties and are divided into types:

  • GKL - used in rooms with normal humidity.
  • GKLO - has increased fire resistance. The material is used for covering profile partitions installed in fire hazardous areas.
  • GKLV is a moisture-resistant material. Its cardboard covering is impregnated with a special composition.
  • GKLVO - combines the properties of moisture and fire resistance.

In addition to this classification, KNAUF sheets have differences in the type of side edge. All features of the material are indicated by markings that are applied to each sheet.

Features of the partition frame

Next constituent elements frame-sheathing structures KNAUF systems are metal profiles - strips of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5–0.8 mm. These products add strength to the frame, but do not add to its overall weight. Let's consider what kind of profile is needed for a plasterboard partition, which will be made using the KNAUF system:

Tools and fasteners

The design features of KNAUF systems require strict compliance with all manufacturer’s recommendations regarding their installation. The company’s specialists pay great attention to the characteristics and quality of the fastening material used during assembly. frame partitions their drywall.

To connect the profiles to each other, it is recommended to use screws (self-tapping screws) for metal LN 9 and LB 9 (piercing and drilling). For fastening Knauf sheets self-tapping screws of type TN and TB with a length of 2.5–4 mm are used. The guide profile is attached to the ceilings with simple or anchor dowels measuring 4, 6, 8 or 12 mm.

1 - LN screw; 2 - LB screw; 3 - TN screw; 4 - TB screw

The design of a partition made of plasterboard from the KNAUF system is very simple, and for its installation all you need is simple tool, which is included in any “home” set:

  1. Tape measure, level, plumb line - for marking.
  2. Perforator - holes for dowels securing the guide profile.
  3. Screwdriver – installation of the frame and fastening of the casing.
  4. Metal scissors – cutting profiles to size.
  5. Construction knife - cutting drywall.

Installation stages

KNAUF specialists have developed step-by-step technology installation of plasterboard systems, implying a strict sequence of all work. So let's consider brief instructions for installation of plasterboard partitions:

  • Marking. We mark a straight line on the floor with a dye cord, and then, using a plumb line or laser level, transfer this mark to adjacent walls and ceiling.
  • Installation of a partition frame from a profile. We attach the PN profile to the floor and ceiling using dowels (every 80–100 cm). It must be secured to the ceilings by laying sealing material. In the PN we install and fasten the rack profile. The maximum distance between posts should not exceed 600 mm.
  • Equipment installation. We install embedded elements in the frame structure (supports for cabinets, shelves, lamps, etc.). We install electrical wiring and all necessary communications.
  • Frame cladding. We mount sheets on one side of the frame for the plasterboard partition, securing them with self-tapping screws every 250 mm.
  • Laying sound insulation. We lay soundproofing material between the racks (as tightly as possible).
  • Full lining. We attach the gypsum board to the remaining side of the frame. If the type of partition provides for multi-layer coating, each layer of sheets must be installed, shifting it by 600 mm from the previous one.
  • Finishing. Having finished covering the frame, you need to putty the seams between the sheets and the heads of the fastening screws. Drywall must be primed for final decorative finishing.

This short review plasterboard systems developed by the famous German company KNAUF is a kind of instruction that must be followed when installing partitions. Additional questions that arise during your work will be carefully considered by our experienced specialists. Rest assured, we will give you an answer that will provide a “pleasant” result in such a difficult task as home renovation.


One of the most effective methods ceiling leveling is installation plasterboard ceiling using Knauf technology. This method takes quite a bit of time and effort, but the result is excellent. This method is a sequential assembly of finished structural elements.

Let's look at what is included in the proposed kit:

  1. Guides.
  2. Profile 28X60.
  3. Various hanging elements.
  4. Crabs.
  5. Profile connectors are required only if the length of the profiles is not enough and they have to be extended by connecting them together.
  6. Ceiling plasterboard Knauf.
  7. Fastening elements (dowels, bugs and self-tapping screws).

Preparatory work

Installation work should be carried out during finishing works indoors, gypsum board installation technology Knauf ceilings applicable only if all wet work has already been completed. Also, before starting work on the ceiling, you should level all vertical surfaces. Indoors it is worth maintaining normal room temperature and humidity. The temperature should under no circumstances fall below 10 degrees Celsius.

Before starting work, you should prepare the following tools:

  • perforator;
  • cordless screwdriver and drill;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • knife for finishing ends;
  • hydraulic level

Marking and fastening guides

To mark a ceiling that will be installed using Knauf plasterboard technology, it will not be enough to use a building level; a hydraulic level or a laser device is ideal for this purpose. It is also worth preparing a paint strip. After marks have been made at the corners of the room using a hydraulic level, they are connected to each other along the entire perimeter using a cord.

Fastening metal profile will be carried out under the intended line, so it is worth remembering that the finishing floor will go down by the width of the profile and by the thickness of the plasterboard sheet. This point should be thought through in advance so that, ultimately, the ceiling does not drop too low.

At the marking stage, it is worth checking the ceiling and walls for the presence of electrical wiring; it is recommended to outline its location. This will prevent it from being damaged when attaching the metal profile frame.

After all the markings have been carried out, it is worth fixing the guides; a 27 by 28 mm profile is used for this purpose. They are attached to the wall with 6-40 mm dowels.

Frame installation

Knauf technology involves applying directly to the frame. After securing the guide profiles, you can begin mounting it. It is necessary to secure the hangers along the pre-designated lines. To secure them to concrete base dowels must be used. Used for frame Knauf profile 27 by 60 mm. The recommended distance between profiles is 40 cm. When all profiles are installed, you can begin installation separate pieces profiles that will run perpendicular to the main ones.

On a note: In order to connect the elements at right angles, it is necessary to use a special connecting profile - “crab”.

It snaps onto the profile, but for reliability and strength it is also attached to the profile using self-tapping screws measuring 3.5 by 9.5 mm. IN ready-made version The result should be a frame with a cell size of 40-40 cm. The final stage of installation of the metal profile frame is leveling the surface and securing the hangers. It is with their help that you can regulate horizontal plane suspended ceiling. Suspensions should be located at a distance from each other no more than 50 cm. If there are more of them, this will only improve the strength and reliability of the profile structure.

Installation of drywall on the frame

There is no great difficulty in attaching plasterboard sheets to the ceiling; the technology for installing Knauf plasterboard ceilings is very easy to implement. But to create more comfortable conditions work is worth asking for help, since drywall sheets have enough big sizes and keeping them under the ceiling is quite difficult. Before covering it is recommended to familiarize yourself with basic rules carrying out the work:

  1. Plasterboard sheets must be fixed in the direction of all profiles with a pitch between screws of no more than 20 cm. In those places where the sheets are joined, the screws will be offset.
  2. In order to cut a straight piece from plasterboard, you should use sharp knife. By making a cut in the top layer, the sheet can be broken along the slot. If you need to prepare shaped parts for cutting them, it is better to use a hacksaw.
  3. It is necessary to screw in the screws carefully; it is important to ensure that the head is slightly recessed and does not protrude above the surface. But you should be careful not to break the sheet, since the fastening will be unreliable.

Puttying a plasterboard ceiling begins with finishing the joints. It is mandatory to use a mesh that will prevent cracking of the plaster. Puttying of the entire surface is carried out only after the joints have completely dried.

Video about making a ceiling using Knauf technology

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