We make a cellar in the country with our own hands step by step: the optimal sequence of work. DIY step-by-step construction of a cellar

Since ancient times, people have used cellars (basements, underground, etc.) for long-term storage of products. V modern world they have not lost their relevance.

But when the need arises for them, the question arises: how to make a cellar with your own hands?

Types of cellars

Nowadays, there are a large number of types of cellars. Their types are distinguished mainly by the type of construction material, depth level and location.

So there are:

  • earthen cellars, brick, stone, wood, concrete and metal cellars;
  • by level above the ground: above-ground, buried cellars, semi-buried, bulk and on a slope;
  • balcony basement, cellar in the house, under the terrace, basement under the garage or kitchen, or free-standing storage.

But all these types of storages most often it is possible to build only on summer cottage... Therefore, photos of cellars in the country are so common - as an example of their use.

Some people may be confused by the idea of ​​a balcony cellar, but this is the only opportunity for those who do not have their own plot to store a large amount of food cheaply.

The essence of such a repository is wooden box with a tight lid, lined with heat insulator. In order for it to have the same temperature, an incandescent lamp is used, which is switched on from a relay and a contact thermometer.

An underground under any structure is erected during the construction of the main structure. It is the cheapest and quality option with this type of cellars. Its walls are the foundation of the building, and the ceiling is the overlap of the basement floor.

According to the construction method, the cellar under the building is erected like an ordinary basement.

However, it happens that for various reasons the storage needs to be built separately. It is on these types of cellars that we will dwell in more detail.

Where to build

The choice of the location for the future cellar is very important. It depends on the number of people in the family (the more people, the larger the cellar), on the level groundwater(if the glacier is in the water, it is unlikely that something will remain), on accessibility (the more convenient the approach to it, the better).

As an answer to the question of how to build a storage, the most the best option for a family of 4-5 people there will be a room 2 by 2 meters, up to 3 meters deep, standing at the highest point of the site.

Under such conditions, the cellar in the country can be made slowly and efficiently so that it stands long years.

How to build

There are exactly 2 ways to build a cellar: a foundation pit and a lowered one. With the lowering version, the basement box is built on the surface and only then is gradually buried into the ground, taking out the soil.

The pit method is the most common. In this case, first, a foundation pit is created for the dimensions of the future cellar with an increased tolerance of half a meter, and the cellar is already assembled in it.

Work in the pit

Having chosen the foundation pit and digging the foundation pit itself, a problem arises - how to build the cellar further?

To do this, you must perform the following work:


  • prepare the base;
  • build walls;
  • plaster them;
  • make waterproofing;
  • carry out interior decoration;
  • build a floor;
  • arrange ventilation.

Base device

The base is prepared by leveling the bottom of the pit. Then it is thrown with crushed stone, sand and broken brick with a layer of at least 20 cm. The resulting layer must be poured with heated bitumen.

On top, it is necessary to lay reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm and pour concrete mortar. The thickness of the resulting layer should be 10-15 centimeters. Further, when the concrete hardens, a box is laid on the base.

Installation of walls

We put the walls out of bricks. Its thickness is 1 brick.

In order for the masonry to be strong, it is necessary to use a wire with a diameter of 4 mm with an interval of 4 rows. Its application is especially important in corners.


Walls are plastered from 2 sides (outside and inside). To plaster mortar it is better to keep putting the wall in a washer.


After plastering, you need to wait a month until the solution dries. This period is most desirable for the further strength of the plaster.


To protect the cellar from moisture, you need to cover the walls with hot bitumen mastic and stick 2-3 layers of roofing material. The roofing material is laid with an overlap, the first layer vertically, and the second horizontally.

Upon reaching the base, it is necessary that the sheets of roofing material be found on it and carefully glued. Having carried out this work, the space between the wall of the pit and the box can be filled up.

Interior decoration of the cellar

After all the work done, it’s time to get down to the inner content of the underground. Everyone determines it himself - you can whitewash the walls, or you can paste over them with tiles.

It is advisable to cover the bottom with roofing material fastened with bitumen, and then lay the tiles on top.


Overlapping the cellar

You can cover the resulting box with both a concrete slab and wood (timber, log, board).

The type of overlap depends entirely on financial capabilities and the availability of material.

Ventilation installation

Cellar ventilation - important element its normal performance. To create ventilation, 2 pipes (exhaust and air intake) are used. One of them is placed at floor level, and the other is closer to the ceiling.

The diameter of the pipes depends on the volume of the cellar, it must allow air to circulate.

The pipe material can be different (metal, plastic, asbestos cement). For the winter, the pipes must be covered with burlap both outside and inside.

If your cellar will be a separate building and no other premises will be equipped above it, it is advisable to build a cellar - a roof that performs protective and design functions. It will save the cellar from rainfall and can be harmoniously fit into the landscape of the site.

Photo of the cellar with your own hands

Nowadays, almost every family has private plot as small summer cottages where, for their pleasure, the townspeople plant vegetables, look after fruit trees grow flower crops.

However, in the fall, many owners begin to think about where to store all the vegetables and fruits collected in the garden.

The ideal option for this is the cellar, which keeps optimum temperature for storing preparations and vegetables.

In this article, we will talk about how to build a cellar without extra costs what requirements and recommendations must be followed during construction.

Cellar device and its differences from the basement

There are serious differences.

Materials required for the construction of the cellar

For the construction of a cellar, materials such as concrete, cinder blocks and bricks.

Porous materials such as expanded polystyrene, will easily let air and moisture into the room, so additional costs may be spent on waterproofing and ventilation.

To build a cellar with our own hands, we will need:

  • crushed stone and gravel;
  • river sand;
  • clay;
  • roofing felt;
  • cement;
  • bricks;
  • ceiling boards.

The main stages of the construction of a buried cellar

Preparation of the pit and a solid foundation for the cellar

Having chosen a place for the construction of the cellar, and having decided on the size of the structure, it is necessary clear the surface of the soil from vegetation, stones and sticks.

In order for the cellar to be durable and serve you for many years, it is important to properly dig a pit and prepare the base for pouring the floor and installing the walls:

  • First you need dig a hole to a certain depth, depending on which type of cellar you have chosen. In our case, the height of the structure will be about 2.5 meters... In addition, it should be borne in mind that part of the space will be occupied by a space for an entrance or a hatch, stairs and shelves, so the pit should be dug with a margin, which will depend on your preferences.

Useful advice! Before digging a pit, the meteorological forecast for the next week should be clarified, since the presence of precipitation can significantly complicate the construction process.

  • After preparing the pit, it is necessary to process the base of the cellar, level and compact the upper layers of the soil... The floor in the cellar must be stable and level. To get rid of excess moisture, we need to fill the bottom of the cellar with a layer of rubble or gravel with a height up to 30 cm.

Filling the floor with clay and concrete

To build a floor in a cellar, you need knead the clay mortar with little content quartz sand(no more than 10% of the total amount of clay) with water.

You should get the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour gravel with the resulting mass in an even layer to a height of about 3 cm.

For the structure to serve you for many years, the clay floor will not be enough, so many strengthen it and poured with concrete... To do this, set on the dried layer of clay reinforced mesh to strengthen the floor covering.

On top of it, it is necessary to pour a layer of concrete mortar to a height of approximately 5 cm.

To prepare a concrete solution, you need to take five parts of river sand and one part of high-quality cement. For example, on 1 kg cement we should take 5 Kg sand.

Most often, the proportions of the required materials are indicated on the cement packages, so it is best to follow these recommendations. Filling the base of the cellar with mortar on 5 cm, it is necessary to level it and let it dry completely for a couple of weeks.

Building walls in the cellar

An important stage in the construction of the cellar is walling... Consider the rules for building brick walls step by step:

  1. Before erecting walls, you need them level with a shovel or trowel, so that the laying of bricks is as even as possible
  2. A prerequisite for laying bricks is foundation cleared of earth and pieces of clay, on which the first layer will fall. The foundation is essential for the stability of the brick walls. For its construction, the remaining concrete solution is used, which was used when pouring the floor. The width and height of the foundation depends on what kind of load will be placed on it in the future. Usually the width of the walls is made from 1 brick, so we fill the foundation in such a way that it protrudes above the floor level by 15 cm and let it dry
  3. The beginning of the masonry must begin from the corner of the wall in which the doorway will be... Masonry must be staggered, that is, starting with a whole brick, the second layer will start from half of the brick, the third from the whole, and so on.
  4. When laying a brick on a foundation, you need it every time to tap with a trowel handle for better bonding and so that excess mortar comes out. In order for the walls to be even and strong, it is necessary to check each erected row using a building level
  5. The cement mortar for bonding bricks is prepared in the ratio 4 parts sand to 1 part cement powder
  6. Along with cement, experts recommend preparing a thick clay solution by mixing clay and water in the ratio 2 × 1 who need to fill the free space between the earthen wall and the brickwork. This will serve as an additional layer of waterproofing.

After the construction of the walls, it is necessary to allow the solution to harden for about for a week, after which you can arrange ceiling ceilings with a ventilation system and waterproofing.


Availability waterproofing layer is an necessary requirement during the construction of the cellar.

The most popular wall insulation materials are roofing material or hydrostekloizol... In addition, experts advise treating the walls and floor with a special waterproof compound.

So, after we have processed the brick water repellent, it is necessary to waterproof the walls with roofing material and cement.

Are attached to the walls 2 - 3 layers of roofing material with the help of heated bitumen, after which they must be plastered cement mortar.

Hot bitumen is molten bituminous mastic from hydrocarbons and their derivatives. It is a bonding material that is water-repellent.

Floor construction

Overlapping in the cellar should be as strong and reliable as possible.

For the construction of the ceiling in our cellar, we use metal channels representing metal constructions U-shaped.

Due to the fact that the weight of the ceiling is very large, you should build it yourself supports supporting the ceiling. First, a base is made of four boards fastened together, wooden supports are installed on them.

A traditional cellar is designed so that its entire room is located below ground level. This design has many advantages: a stable temperature throughout the year, free space on the site, the ability to store food. With this arrangement, the overlap of the cellar is at ground level or slightly higher.

Before making any cellar, the groundwater level is taken into account. If it is located above the storage floor, then it is necessary to make an effective waterproofing of the room so that during seasonal movements water did not flood the premises. As a rule, for this they use the most simple materials- roofing material and brick.

First of all, the walls of the room are plastered with cement mortar. This needs to be done from both sides. After that, roofing material is attached to the walls (best of all in 2-3 layers). Then this simple waterproofing must be pressed down with brick wall... Such a building, despite all its simplicity, can withstand groundwater, preventing them from penetrating into the cellar. The floor of the room can be insulated in the same way, but there you first need to do nice pillow from sand and gravel.

Pouring a monolithic concrete ceiling

Upon completion of the work related to the construction of walls and the implementation of waterproofing of the premises, the moment comes when it is necessary to solve the issue of overlapping the cellar. In some cases, for this, an ordinary monolithic concrete slab is used, which is made from concrete and a reinforcing cage.

All the work can be done by hand. It is very important to build timber formwork before pouring concrete.

  • The overlap in its size should exceed the dimensions of the room, because the walls of the cellar will be its supports.
  • Before pouring the floor, special props should be installed, which must hold the structure of the wooden formwork at the time of filling it with concrete and when it dries. In this case, the formwork must be pre-sealed so that the solution does not leak during the pouring process.
  • The next step after creating the formwork is knitting the frame of the concrete slab. The frame, as already noted, is made of reinforcement. The distance between the individual rods should be about 20-25 cm. If your cellar is small in size, then one reinforcing cage will be enough, but when the dimensions of the storage are significant, for greater reliability it is better to carry out paired reinforcement of the slab. The reinforcement net should protrude several centimeters from the walls of the cellar from different sides.

As soon as the work on creating the formwork and reinforcing mesh is completed, the process of pouring concrete mortar can begin, which will form the future slab. As a rule, the height of the slab does not exceed 30 cm. This is a reliable, monolithic and high-quality ceiling that will serve you for more than a dozen years.

The concrete should be poured as evenly as possible, without interruption, until the entire slab is formed. To prevent cavities from forming inside the structure, the solution must be vibrated before pouring, which is done using a conventional board or special devices.

After pouring the concrete slab, you need to wait some time (about 3-4 weeks) for it to completely harden and take its final form. According to experts, such an overlap is the most durable and effective. In addition, if you wish, you can even use it as the foundation of a small outbuilding above.

We use precast-monolithic slabs

The overlap of prefabricated monolithic slabs is suitable for different types cellars. But, it must be taken into account that for carrying out construction works you will need to hire special lifting equipment.

The installation of such an overlap is performed by a crane, so, in fact, you don't have to do anything with your own hands. It is enough to entrust the work to an experienced crane operator, who will install the stove in the required place.

In the case of using concrete slabs, the dimensions of the cellar will have to be correlated with their standard dimensions.

Certain difficulties are associated with the standardization of the dimensions of the slabs, so you will either have to adjust the dimensions of the cellar to the dimensions of the slab, or find out the dimensions of the structure in advance, and, based on the information received, make the storage of the required length and width.

Several prefabricated monolithic slabs can be laid on the cellar. They are fixed to each other using steel beams. At the same time, do not forget about the quality thermal insulation layer to be laid in the hollow parts. This approach will allow you to maintain a normal temperature in the cellar throughout the year. Upon completion of all the work, a number of joints are formed, which can be covered with a layer of concrete.

This method of building a floor is simple and quick, but it is customary to refer to it as very costly (of course, if there is no familiar crane operator). In addition to the use of special equipment, serious work force... It should be noted that the ceiling of the vault can be finished at will.

Beam version

To make a high-quality floor for your cellar, you can use load-bearing beams. Metal beams are best suited for this. If possible, you can even use ordinary rails, which can often be purchased at construction warehouses or at places where scrap metal is received. Often, the beams, from which it is supposed to make the ceiling of the structure, are ordered individually at the factories.

As load-bearing beams even regular rails will do.

When choosing this method of creating a cellar overlap, at the stage of its construction, it is necessary to provide for the presence of special holes in the walls, which are required for fastening the load-bearing beams. The ceiling of your cellar will experience significant stress. That is why the walls should also be as strong as possible, capable of withstanding the weight of the beams and soil poured from above. By by and large, the walls will be the "foundation" for the floor.

For laying beams in the walls, special holes are provided.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. The load-bearing beams are being laid in pre-prepared holes in the wall. By and large, this work can be done independently, but with several assistants, because even the rails have significant weight.
  2. In the space that will be formed after laying the supporting beams, it is necessary to mount reinforcing rods, and then fix it with a special wire. Next, the reliability of the connection and the durability of the beams are checked. If all is well, then a wooden formwork is made and a waterproofing layer is applied to it.
  3. After the installation of the formwork, it is necessary to install supports, which will be designed to take on the load of the cement mortar.
  4. The cement mortar can be mixed with your own hands or ordered ready-made from any construction company. The solution should be poured as evenly as possible and without long interruptions metal carcass... All sections of the frame must be filled with concrete, something must not be overlooked. Upon completion of the pouring, we distribute the solution over the entire thickness of the structure.
  5. The overlap that is obtained after use this method, needs high-quality thermal insulation. For this, in principle, any thermal insulation material.

As a result, you get a reliable floor slab that can withstand serious loads. In this case, the ceiling of the cellar will be perfectly strengthened, insulated and will not cause problems during operation. The resulting overlap after all insulation work must be covered with soil, making a small mound. In some cases, it additionally establishes gable roof, which will protect the cellar from the penetration of precipitation.

We provide ventilation

After installing the floor, you should also think about organizing a high-quality ventilation system, on the work of which, in fact, the safety of products in the storage will depend.

Ideally, it is necessary to install two pipes at once, and one will be an exhaust pipe (its purpose is to eliminate excessively wet and warm air from the room), and the second supply air (responsible for the clean air into the cellar). When using these two pipes in the cellar, the optimal temperature and humidity conditions will be observed throughout the year.

In fact, ventilation needs to be taken care of even at the stage of the overlap device. For example, you can make two small holes, into which you will later establish ventilation pipes... If your cellar is small, then it is quite possible to do with one pipe.

When installing pipes, it is necessary to provide for the fact that the flow of air can be hampered by precipitation or debris, therefore, a small cap must be made over the pipe, and a metal mesh must be installed inside, which will also protect against insects and rodents from entering the cellar.

Floor insulation

Polyurethane foam evenly fills all seams and cracks.

If you are a connoisseur of everything modern and innovative, then pay attention to polyurethane foam. Today it is one of best materials who is able to provide highest level thermal insulation of the room. In addition, when using it, you do not need to additionally isolate or fill something, because when spraying, polyurethane foam will fill all cracks and other wall defects. It should be noted that the use of this method is very costly, because polyurethane foam is sprayed using special devices. And for this you will have to hire specialists.

In fact, when insulating a cellar, you can use any heat-insulating material that is suitable in accordance with certain conditions. After all, the specifics of the construction and operation of cellars can be different. Therefore, it is necessary to choose exactly what will be suitable in all respects. For all questions, it is best to consult with specialists in advance.

How and with what to block the cellar?

The cellar is an irreplaceable building for owners of private houses, which ensures the safety of food for a long time. It is a room located below the zero mark and does not take up additional space on the site. The overlap of the cellar, made taking into account building codes, will ensure the strength of the structure, maintain a stable temperature throughout all year round and will not allow dampness to form.

A storage for food, conservation, vegetables, despite its seeming simplicity, will correspond to its purpose if you take a responsible approach to the work and properly close the cellar.

Do-it-yourself work on overlapping the basement and cellar can be done on your own

Preparatory activities

To place in in full performed the assigned functions, before starting to build a cellar with your own hands, pay attention to the following points:

  • Implementation earthworks is preceded by the development of the layout of the room, which you think over to the smallest detail. This, in the future, will allow you to avoid unforeseen situations.
  • Assess the groundwater level at the construction site. Perfect option if they are low. When the storage floor is located below the water-saturated formation, take care that water does not penetrate through the floor and walls.

Only after reliable protection from moisture, you can equip a ceiling for the cellar. The task of waterproofing the building is one of the main ones, as it determines the comfortable mode of the room. How to do it correctly?

Moisture protection

Reliable waterproofing in the cellar makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate and is carried out as follows:

  • apply on lateral surfaces basement building - a layer of plaster with the addition of liquid glass;
  • glue 2-3 layers of roofing material on a wet cement mortar;
  • erect brickwork with which to press the waterproofing against the walls.

Before pouring concrete to create a basement floor, you need to mount reinforcement and formwork

Floor protection is carried out the same way, provides for the preparation of a "pillow" 20 cm thick from a mixture of crushed stone and sand.

When the box is prepared (walls, floor are concreted and waterproofed), a ceiling is built into the basement. What is the best way to make the ceiling? After answering this serious question, you can calculate the need for materials and begin work.

Convenient when the basement is located in the room where the vehicle is stored. Having completed all the work in the garage with your own hands, you can save financial resources, since you will not attract professional builders. To reduce costs, define in advance necessary materials, find out the prices at which they can be purchased. This will allow you to evaluate general level expenses.

What types of ceilings can be installed in a cellar?

Floor types

To ensure the tightness of basements are used various designs which use:

  • solid reinforced concrete slabs;
  • reinforced concrete monolithic prefabricated elements;

The quality of the fill is enhanced by the vibration fill

  • wooden structures;
  • bearing beams.

Let's consider in more detail their differences, the specifics of the arrangement.

Features of installing a monolithic block

If you are thinking about how to make the cellar overlap so that it is practical and reliable, then we recommend the common option - monolithic reinforced concrete block, which is a reinforcing cage filled with concrete.

The process of creating a one-piece reinforced base requires the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to determine the size of the monolithic block and prepare the formwork.
  • Install solid supports to support the formwork, which, when pouring the mortar and during hardening, will ensure the integrity of the massif.
  • Check the tightness of the formwork boards.
  • Carry out the mesh reinforcement and knitting of the frame after finishing the installation of the formwork. Build a reinforcement mesh, provide a 20 cm spacing between the rods and a 4 cm protrusion of the steel frame beyond the edges of the slab.

    Cellar layout with insulation and water drainage

  • When the formwork and frame are ready, you can start pouring the mortar.
  • Concrete continuously, evenly applying the composition until the formation of the massif is completed.
  • Remove air from the internal cavities of the liquid mixture using depth vibrators or conventional fittings.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Remember that a single layer reinforcement cage provides strength, but it is advisable to perform reinforcement in two layers to increase reliability.

After completing the pouring of concrete, ensure that the composition is able to acquire the necessary hardness and dry, which will take 30 days. The high strength of the monolithic structure allows it to be used as a basis for the construction of various buildings.

Such an overlap of the cellar in the garage, which is planned, is very practical. Indeed, thanks to a solid monolithic base, it can be used as a foundation for the construction of a storage facility for vehicles.

Specificity of installation of precast monolithic slabs

The ceiling in the cellar can be formed using precast monolithic slabs. To carry out construction activities, order special lifting equipment, which will significantly speed up the work.

Precast monolithic slabs are blocks that are placed between steel beams and then poured with a small layer of concrete

There are a number of difficulties associated with increased tolerances for the length and width of the slabs. They may simply not match the actual storage sizes. Considering that the length of the slabs is from 9 to 12 meters, before starting the installation, they should be compared with the dimensions of the building. If you plan to use monolithic precast slabs, it is advisable to take this into account at the design stage. The size of the basement room in width should correspond to the parameters of the slab to be installed.

If the dimensions of the slabs in the basement match, the installation is carried out using a crane. Perform the activities in the following sequence:

  • connect the structural elements using steel profiles;
  • fill the cavities in the joints with a heat-insulating compound;
  • fill the plane of the joints with concrete;
  • lay the roofing material on the surface using bituminous mastic.

Are you having difficulty how to overlap the cellar? Use a prefabricated one-piece construction reinforced concrete slabs, characterized by a low price and allowing to reduce the construction time.

Use of wood

Are you planning to equip the cellar with your own hands? Apply wooden beams- proven in practice, easy-to-process material.

If you are building a house with wood, you can cover the basement with wood beams.

Perform the activities in the following order:

  • Treat all parts of the wood structure with an antiseptic.
  • Wrap two layers of roofing material over the supporting surfaces of the beams.
  • Place wooden planks on top of the cellar walls.
  • Secure the end of the beams with small planks, providing a base for the roll boards.
  • Lay the boardboard, secure it using self-tapping screws.
  • Form a heat-insulating circuit, coat with mastic, cover with roofing felt or roofing felt.
  • Backfill the structure with earth if no building is planned to be built above the structure.

Pay attention to the presence of grooves in the basement walls required for the installation of the load-bearing beams.

Application of rolled metal

Deciding how to block off your basement? It is possible to use conventional rails. The I-beam is used as load-bearing beams and is highly durable.

Installation of rail profiles is carried out in special grooves provided in the walls of the building. This allows you to securely fix the structural elements. The length of the beams must correspond to the dimensions of the basement, the walls of which are the base for them.

Form the bearing surface according to the following algorithm: put the rods steel reinforcement between the beams, fix them with wire;

  • mount wooden formwork, lay a waterproofing coating on it;
  • install a load-bearing frame under the formwork to support the concrete array;
  • fill the structure with a solution, observing the uniformity of the layer and the continuity of work;
  • lay the roofing material on the surface.

Insulation works

Climatic parameters basement depend on the effectiveness of insulation. Use a mixture of wood sawdust and cement mortar as thermal insulation, which should be evenly applied to the surface with a layer of 4 cm thick. Carry out finishing measures after the composition has dried. It is advisable to use foam, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

Do not forget about the need for ventilation of the room. This will prevent condensation from forming.


We have figured out how to overlap the cellar. We recommend using high-quality raw materials, choosing proven solutions, and the premises will serve you for more than a decade.

On the site: Author and editor of articles on the site site
Education and work experience: Higher technical education. Work experience in various industries and construction sites - 12 years, of which 8 years - abroad.
Other skills and abilities: Has the 4th group of electrical safety approval. Performing calculations using large arrays data.

The best place for long-term storage harvest and conservation is the cellar, which is a characteristic attribute of most personal plots in Russia. There are several types of cellars, however, buried structures are common in our country, which we will talk about in this article.

We will tell you how to build a cellar with your own hands. An instruction will be given, in which all stages of construction are considered step by step - from the arrangement of the walls to the installation of ventilation.

1 Basement and cellar - what's the difference?

Often, these concepts are taken for the same structure, however, these are fundamentally different structures. The basement is a room inside a private or multi-storey building located below ground level. Used such ground floor for any household needs - you can store the same conservation, tools, make a utility room or workshop in it.

The cellar is used exclusively for storing food, it differs both in layout and in internal arrangement... At the same time, the construction of a basement is possible only inside the house, while the cellar is often carried out as a separate standing room, however, it can be installed both under the house and in the garage. They differ in designs and sizes, a basement built with your own hands can occupy the entire area of ​​the house, while the cellar is compact in size.

1.1 We make a cellar in the garage with our own hands

Before starting to build a cellar under the garage, it is necessary to draw up a sketch of the future structure. The diagram should indicate the spatial position of the building, the location of the main structural elements - entrance, ventilation, and the size of the building.

Based on the fact that the ceiling of the cellar should have a height of 180-190 cm, the depth of the excavation pit should be 2 m.Choose its area based on the size of the garage and your own needs, for storing crops from the garden and a small amount of conservation, a room with an area of ​​2 * 3 will be enough m.

You also need to decide on the materials used. The walls of the cellar can be made of bricks or concrete blocks (FBS); it is not recommended to use cellular materials (foam concrete and aerated concrete) for these purposes, as they strongly absorb moisture. The cellar floor is easiest to do in the form of a regular concrete screed... The slab must be reinforced and have a thickness of 5-10 cm. The optimal strength class of concrete is M400.

Note that it makes sense to make a cellar in the garage or under the house directly at the stage of laying the foundation of these buildings; in all other cases, it would be more rational to equip a separate room.

How to make a cellar in a garage - step by step instructions:

  1. Floor arrangement. First of all, you need to dig a pit of the required depth and form a bedding at its bottom of two layers of sand and gravel 5 cm thick, each of them must be carefully tamped. On top of the sealing pad, a layer of concrete 2-3 cm thick is poured, after it dries on concrete preparation waterproofing is laid (you can use ordinary roofing material) and a front screed with a thickness of 7-10 cm is poured, this will be the floor in the cellar. The screed must be reinforced with a steel mesh.

  2. Wall masonry. You can start raising the walls no earlier than 10 days after you have poured the floor in the cellar. Optimal material is a brick (red or silicate), the masonry is carried out using a cement-sand mortar (proportions 1: 4). The first row should be laid starting from the corners of the slab, while do not forget to control the evenness of the masonry in the horizontal and vertical planes using a level.
  3. Wall waterproofing. The simplest way waterproofing - arrangement of a castle made of oily clay along the perimeter of the walls, which will protect them from penetration surface waters... To do this, you need to dig the walls of the cellar to a depth of 50 cm, glue foam panels 5 mm thick to them and fill the ditch with clay, tamping it down in layers. Polyfoam is needed not only for thermal insulation, but also to protect the wall from the expansion of clay, which occurs when it is moistened.

  4. Floor installation. As an overlap, it makes sense to put a reinforced concrete slab with a hatch, which will form the ceiling of the cellar. Concrete slab has a significant weight, therefore, lifting equipment will be required to install it. In the future, the hatch will serve as an entrance to the cellar; together with it, you will need to use a portable ladder (arrangement of a ladder with concrete steps rational only for large basements).

After the cellar box is ready, work begins on the ventilation and waterproofing of the walls. A cellar in a house or garage can be equipped with conventional supply and exhaust ventilation from pipes with a diameter of 10 cm, in most cases it will be sufficient. The supply pipe must be installed directly under the ceiling, the exhaust pipe must be 10 cm above the floor level. The pipes are led out through the ground, their cut must be 30 cm above the roof of the building. The hole must be covered with a mesh to avoid clogging the pipe.

When arranging a do-it-yourself rake under the house, it is important to take care of the waterproofing of the walls, since the underground room will be exposed to groundwater. This can cause a variety of problems - from the formation of condensation on the walls, dampness and fungus, to partial flooding of the cellar. The most effective method of protection is the treatment of walls with penetrating waterproofing (Penetron, Penetrat, KT-Tron). These are coating materials that, after being applied to the surface of the walls, penetrate into the pores of brick or concrete and clog them, preventing water from seeping through the material.

1.2 Making a cellar with our own hands (video)

2 How to build a basement correctly?

As well as the arrangement of the internal cellar, the construction of a foundation with a basement should be envisaged even at the design stage of a house or garage. The technologies for their construction are not much different, with the exception of the difference in the size of the premises - the same floor is made of concrete screed, walls are made of FBS or brick, and the ceiling in the basement is also made from a factory floor slab.

but big sizes basement, which can occupy the entire area of ​​a private house, require much more serious costs for its arrangement, and therefore, when deciding on the need for a basement, you need to be completely sure of the feasibility of its construction.

The main reason why a basement builder is not allowed is a high GWL (groundwater level). Even though there are many effective ways drainage, in some cases it will be easier and cheaper to make an extension on the first floor of the house than to deal with groundwater.

Let's figure out how to build a basement:

  1. Excavators are developing a pit of the required dimensions.
  2. Marking in progress foundation slab at the bottom of the pit.
  3. A collapsible formwork is mounted from boards along the height of the slab, a sand and gravel cushion with a thickness of 20-30 cm is poured into the formwork.
  4. On top of the backfill, a footing up to 5 cm thick is poured, which, after hardening, is covered with waterproofing.
  5. A reinforcing frame is assembled on the footing from rods with a diameter of 14 mm. The slab must be reinforced with a frame in two belts with cells of 25 * 25 cm. The reinforcement is connected by welding or knitting wire.
  6. The slab is concreted with M400 concrete.
  7. After the foundation has gained residual strength, the walls of the basement are raised from the FBS. Each 4th row of masonry must be reinforced with rods with a diameter of 12-16 mm, which are laid in the grooves made on the surface of the blocks.
  8. Upon completion of the masonry of the walls, a floor slab is laid with a crane, which performs the function of the basement flow.

Next, the waterproofing works discussed in the previous section are performed. A few words about how to make basement stairs. It can be wooden, metal or cast concrete. The optimal staircase width is 80-90 cm, the clearance is 200 cm, the slope is from 20 to 30 degrees, the height of one step is 20 cm.

The most reliable and easy to equip is metal stairs... To weld it, you need two channels, 5 cm corners for the frame of the steps and sheet metal for their sheathing. Finished construction it is necessary to concrete in pits 20 cm deep, in the floor slab the stairs are fixed with anchors from the reinforcement.

If the conditions on the site allow the construction of an underground basement, then it can be equipped in an existing building. However, there may be problems with a lack of foundation height, which will be used as basement walls. In accordance with the rules of SNiP, the height of the basement of a private house should be 2 meters. Taking into account the thickness of the floor slab, the pit will need to be developed by at least 2.1 m.

Technically, the problem of insufficient foundation height is solvable, but at the same time it is quite laborious. To get the required 2.1 m, you can build up the foundation from below using the FBS block lining, or make a separate basement wall to the side of the foundation tape.