How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: causes of high humidity. How to reduce humidity in the apartment

It is urgent to do something, otherwise many problems may appear, up to the formation and reproduction of the fungus. In addition, dampness can lead to a musty smell in the room. That is why everyone should know how to remove excess moisture in the apartment.

Humidity rate

It is desirable that the humidity in the room be at the level of 60%. In summer, in hot weather, this figure can be reduced to 45%. True, it should be remembered that a person feels uncomfortable even in an overly dry room. That is why those who prefer to solve a similar problem with an air conditioner should monitor the state of the air and be aware of how to remove a lot of humidity in the apartment. During the course of this air conditioning equipment reduces the humidity in the room. This must be taken into account when using it.

On top of that, remember: if you prefer to dry things at home without ventilating the apartment, it will quickly increase, and such conditions will become ideal for the occurrence of mold fungi.

How to measure in a residential area?

To determine that in an apartment the moisture content in the air exceeds the norm, it is possible by mold on the wallpaper and wet walls, and also with the help of a hygrometer. Moreover, this household measuring device is not very expensive. To control the level of dampness in the room, you just need to hang it on the wall like a regular thermometer.

Harm of excess humidity in the apartment

Excessive dampness in the room will first of all have a bad effect on skin a person, for example, rashes will appear or even an allergy will occur. In addition, excess moisture can provoke the development of other unpleasant diseases. First of all from high humidity children and the elderly will suffer, as their immunity is weakened.

Magazines and newspapers in a damp room become unusable over time. Also, due to excessive humidity in the room, it starts to smell like mold. And this bad smell quickly soaks clothes and furniture. In addition, with excessive dampness, food spoils much faster, so you should figure out how to remove high humidity in the apartment, so as not to constantly throw them away.

The main reasons for the increase in humidity in the room

The reason may be poor-quality houses from the foundation. This happens due to a violation of technology during its construction. In such a situation, it will be difficult to get rid of the problem, since such construction defects almost incorrigible, but it’s still worth figuring out how to remove humidity in an apartment in order to improve living conditions.

The most common cause of excess humidity in rooms is a violation natural ventilation. Often, after replacing old windows with new, more hermetic double-glazed windows, dampness forms in the apartment. This happens, as a rule, due to a violation of air circulation, due to which moisture appears, which condenses on windows, walls and even provokes the growth of mold.

There is another source of increasing humidity in the apartment - the release of water into the air during the breathing of family members. And we are not talking about milliliters per day, but about liters. Therefore, you should definitely find out how to remove humidity in the apartment, otherwise you will not be able to avoid negative consequences.

In addition, the constant drying of laundry in the premises can worsen the situation with humidity. Another factor in increasing moisture is heating. Moreover, even when the radiators heat poorly in the room, dampness may appear.

If the roof of the house is leaking, then it will be possible to eliminate high humidity only after its repair.

How to remove humidity in the apartment?

To normalize the microclimate in the room, it is not necessary to curtain the windows on sunny days in damp rooms. Do not dry clothes in the apartment, it is better to hang it on the balcony or loggia.

Many people, when faced with a similar problem, are looking for any information on how to remove humidity in an apartment using household appliances. Today, many different devices are sold that absorb moisture. They contain an absorbent substance that absorbs all excess water from the air.

To prevent an increase in humidity in the apartment, you must always ventilate the rooms after the following manipulations:

  • hand wash;
  • cooking;
  • taking a bath.

PVC profile windows can also lead to an increase in humidity in the room. With a hermetically sealed double-glazed window, air exchange between inner space houses and street. To prevent this from happening, it is better to buy plastic windows with built-in ventilation system.

Eliminate dampness in the apartment will help candles, hair dryers, heaters and even houseplants. But the most effective method reducing humidity - air conditioning. AT modern models In addition to cooling and heating, there are additional functions like dehumidifying and purifying the air.

Dampness in the apartment can occur if the plumbing is out of order. To reduce air humidity, you will have to eliminate the causes of leakage, for example, by replacing obsolete pipes.

If the walls without wallpaper are covered with mold, then you can get rid of it with a solution of laundry soap. Making it is easy: detergent dissolved in 5 liters of water, then brought to a boil. The resulting mixture is applied evenly on the walls with a brush and left to dry completely. Repeat the procedure several times until soap marks form on the surface. Then they can be processed with a different composition, to create which you will need 6 liters of water and 100 grams of alum.

How to remove humidity in an apartment with a grandmother's method is interesting for many to know. For example, calcium chloride, which perfectly absorbs moisture, will also help to deal with this problem. Containers with it are placed in the damp corners of the room. But in order to use calcium again, it will first have to be dried in the oven, and then crushed. By the way, instead of this means you can use charcoal or

Other tricks to eliminate excess moisture in the air

Before removing high humidity in the apartment, you should also familiarize yourself with other folk methods to select the most suitable option. For example, you can get rid of dampness with the help of bricks. They must be heated and placed against a moldy wall on any fire-resistant surface. It is advisable to do this until you can get rid of dampness. It should be borne in mind that after 10 incandescent bricks stop absorbing moisture. In addition, there should not be any flammable objects near them.

But to combat black mold spots on surfaces in damp rooms, you will need a solution of the following ingredients:

  • alcohol;
  • water;
  • salicylic acid.

The walls must first be dried, and then the antibacterial substance should be dissolved in alcohol and diluted with water. The resulting composition should be applied directly to mold spots. it folk remedy will help to quickly eliminate them, and it will also prevent the occurrence of dampness.

How to avoid the appearance of high humidity in the room?

If you do not want to face such a problem, you must carefully choose indoor plants. Remember that tropical flowers need frequent watering. It is better to give preference to cacti, although some of them are not very attractive.

When repairing rooms with high humidity, it is advisable to purchase mineral-based materials, as they are able to regulate the level of dampness in the room and do not form a greenhouse effect.

During the struggle with excess moisture in the air, most people forget that dryness is no less dangerous for human health Therefore, it is so important to maintain the microclimate in the apartment at an optimal level.

High humidity in the apartment is a serious problem. Over time, from high humidity, mold appears on walls, windows, furniture and even clothes. Not only do walls lose their appearance and things become unusable, dampness is also very harmful for human health. A long stay in a damp room over time leads to a decrease in immunity, exacerbation of allergic reactions and other health problems, including chronic and oncological ones.

Reasons for high humidity

There are many reasons for high humidity.

One of the reasons - bad walls buildings from the foundation. This reason is connected with violations of technology during construction. As a result, the foundation transfers moisture to the walls, the walls evaporate it into the rooms. The result is high humidity in the apartment, and it doesn’t matter if the house is new or old. In this case, it is very difficult to eliminate the source of high humidity, because. such defects in construction are almost irreparable.

Other possible reason- salt. If the house is being built winter period, salt is often added to concrete so that frost does not interfere with the gaining strength of concrete. Walls in which there is concrete with salt will themselves be damp, and the wallpaper will be wet. And nothing can be done about it. But this is not scary, i.e. after a few years the walls will dry well and the dampness will disappear.

But most common cause high humidity in the apartment are the problems of natural ventilation. It often happens that in new apartment humidity was optimal, but after, for example, replacing windows with modern sealed ones, dampness appears. The reason for this is that airtight windows interfere with proper air circulation, and now moist air does not leave the room, condenses on walls, windows and provokes mold.

But even if everything is in order in the house with waterproofing and ventilation, this does not mean that the dampness problem will never arise. In the rainy summer, when outside for a long time there is a lot of humidity, dampness may well pass into the rooms.

An aquarium can also be a source of high humidity. Aquariums, by the way, are recommended to be placed in rooms with low humidity, because. they actively evaporate water and saturate the air with it. And if the humidity in the house is high, then the aquarium will only aggravate the situation.

Constant drying of washed laundry in rooms also exacerbates the situation with humidity.

The location of the windows of the apartment also affects the humidity. If the windows are sunny side, then the humidity is lower, if in the shade, then the humidity is higher.

- Heating is also one of the factors of humidity. If the heating in the apartment is poor, the batteries heat poorly, then this also contributes to an increase in humidity. - Leaking roof - if this is the case, then no methods of dealing with moisture will help until the roof is repaired.

There is another source of humidity that is inherent in any apartment - water is released into the air when people breathe. Moreover, we are not talking about milliliters per day, but about whole liters (from the whole family).

Ways to reduce humidity

There are several ways to deal with high humidity in the apartment.

Firstly, it is necessary to open windows more often and ventilate the rooms. This is true not only for getting rid of dampness, but also for maintaining health, because. fresh air is always helpful. If the heating is not central, i.e. a boiler is installed, it is useful to turn on the heating more strongly and open the windows. This method dries the rooms well.

Secondly, the ventilation system should be checked. It happens that the ventilation shaft becomes clogged, air exchange stops and humidity begins to rise. In this case, the shaft must be cleaned. It happens that the mine is poorly designed and there is almost no air exchange. In this case, you can build forced ventilation. Those. Install a fan in the duct.

Thirdly you can use a dehumidifier. An air dryer or dehumidifier is a device similar to appearance on the electric heater. The meaning of his work is that he sucks the air from the room, passes it through his filters, cleans and drains it. The output is air of the required degree of humidity, cleaned of dust. This option is the most expensive, but it saves even if other methods do not help.

By the way, even the most ordinary air conditioner, set to the cooling mode, reduces the humidity of the air. This happens due to the fact that moist air, in contact with the cooled surface, condenses and is discharged through the tube outside the room.

How to measure humidity in an apartment

Increased indoor humidity can be determined not only by indirect signs, such as wet walls or mold on the wallpaper, but also with the help of a specialized control and measuring device called a hygrometer (the full name is “psychrometric hygrometer”). Household hygrometers are inexpensive. They can be hung in rooms and control the level of humidity. For reference: humidity levels from 40% to 60% are acceptable.


One way to reduce indoor humidity is to use heaters and special moisture absorbers. However, this may also Negative consequences. First of all, the use of heating appliances leads to additional electricity. Secondly, excessive drying of the air should be avoided, since the humidity that is comfortable for a person is about 50%, and lower humidity can adversely affect the state of the cardiovascular system.

Install indoors quality windows. It is desirable that these be double or double-glazed windows. Such glass retains heat well and at the same time prevents the formation of condensate on. Please note that not only the double-glazed window itself, but also the window frame should be of high quality.

Ventilate the room more often. The tighter the windows, the less fresh air. It is best to air three times a day for 15-30 minutes. At night, it is advisable to leave the window open, for example,. This will reduce the chance of condensation and reduce humidity. You can install special ventilation valves on the windows.

Obtain special moisture absorbers and install them in areas prone to moisture.

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Useful advice

It is undesirable to dry washed clothes in the apartment. Thus, you will only increase the humidity in the apartment.

To feel comfortable in an apartment or house, humidity should not exceed 40-60%. Increased adversely affects the well-being of a person and household items. To begin with, it is important to find the cause of air humidification. It can be: inefficient plumbing or poor waterproofing, repairs from neighbors or poor ventilation.


Household hygrometers are used to accurately measure indoor humidity. If the device shows excessive humidity indicators air, which means that measures must be taken to reduce the level of moisture.

The easiest way to normalize the level of humidity is to ventilate the room in cold weather even if the humidity air on the street is much higher than at home. In a room, the moisture content per cubic meter is much higher. Therefore, cold moist air, having entered the room, heats up and, mixing with the air in the room, lowers the relative humidity.

The main source of moisture air there may be unventilated areas, such as a bathroom and. Although the bathrooms have an extractor hood, it may not always work properly. Installation of an exhaust fan that circulates dry and wet air, will not be redundant.

In the kitchen, it is also necessary to provide for the installation of exhaust systems. To lower the humidity level, use climate equipment - dehumidifiers air. Experts call them desiccants. They are domestic, industrial and semi-industrial. Appliances are usually installed where the humidity level is exceeded and adversely affects the equipment and health, forming mold, dampness and condensation.

Basic ways to deal with high humidity

Very often, an increase in air humidity is associated with poor ventilation. Plastic windows, which are now installed in many apartments and cottages, are sealed, which allows them to keep the heat in the room and cut off street noise. However, if the house is not installed quality system ventilation, this tightness becomes unpleasant side effect: The air humidity gradually increases, especially when using the bathroom and kitchen. To solve the problem, you should take care of installing autonomous system ventilation, ventilate common house equipment, or at least ventilate the premises more often.

"Weeping" windows are the first sign that the level of ventilation of the rooms leaves much to be desired. Remember that the standard common house system in such cases will not be enough.

The problem may lie not only in poor ventilation. Leaking pipes, poor foundation waterproofing, and a rotten roof can also lead to a strong increase in the level of humidity in the house. If this is the problem, install new system ventilation will not help get rid of it. In such cases, care must be taken first of all to eliminate the cause, and not the effect.

How to quickly reduce indoor humidity

There are also additional ways fight against high humidity to apartments and cottages. A good option may be the use of special chemicals. They absorb moisture, normalizing the microclimate in the rooms, moreover, as a rule, they do their job quite quickly.

Be very careful when using such products if you have children or animals in your home!

Another a good option- installation of a dehumidifier. Such devices allow you to quickly reduce the humidity level to a predetermined value. They are mobile, so you can move them from one room to another if necessary. In order for the dehumidifier to work efficiently and help you quickly and easily deal with the problem, take Special attention his choice. The more spacious the room and the higher the humidity, the more powerful the device should be. Otherwise, it simply will not be able to perform its functions.

Finally, if the rooms are cool, autonomous heating devices can be used to dehumidify the air. They increase the temperature and lower the humidity level, allowing you to create a comfortable microclimate. One way to gently reduce humidity is to use a "warm floor" system.

For a full-fledged life, a person needs air with an optimal level of humidity. It is not uncommon for this level to rise in the bathroom, kitchen, living room or vestibule. The owners grab their heads, not knowing how to get rid of the smell of dampness and high humidity that has appeared. Besides that unpleasant odor soaks clothes and wooden elements decor, mold appears on the walls, which spoils the whole impression. To deal with the problem in short time practical recommendations must be followed.

Optimum humidity level

It is generally accepted that the dwelling should have humidity, the indicator of which ranges from 50-60%, not higher. To measure the microclimate, you need to use a device called a hygrometer. In the summer season, the humidity level may decrease to 35-40%, this feature achieved for obvious reasons.

It is known that human body equally badly tolerates both excessively humid climate and arid. People who use split systems should be extremely careful. The air conditioner sucks in moisture, causing a drop in optimal indicator. However, if you often dry clothes in the living room, and not on the balcony, the split system will become a lifesaver.

Reasons for high humidity

  1. High humidity occurs for many reasons, one of them is considered to be the lack of both natural and artificial ventilation. If there is air circulation, then it is worth checking how well it works.
  2. There are frequent cases when the humidity rises above the permissible limits for the reason that the neighbors living above heat the apartment from below. Dampness accumulates in corners and cracks, provoking the appearance of mold.
  3. To date, not every developer can be called conscientious. Some save on material, others hire workers with insufficient qualifications. High humidity appears due to poorly sealed seams from the street part of the wall.
  4. If we talk about the house, in most cases the basement is often flooded due to the large amount of groundwater. From the lower tier, moisture rises to the first and second floors, while being accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  5. The modern design of many living spaces involves concealment sewer pipes various decorative panels. For this reason, if a water leak occurs, the owner cannot eliminate it in time.

The consequences of high humidity

Important attention must be focused on health, which deteriorates due to high humidity.

  1. In such conditions, the human body is not able to cope even with the most banal cold syndromes, what can we say about serious diseases. If you are constantly and for a long time in a humid environment, a common cold can develop into something more.
  2. In addition to weakening the immune system, a humid microclimate causes allergies, eczema, skin rashes, insomnia, runny nose, muscle and joint pain. Also, high humidity contributes to the development of apathy, general fatigue, depression.
  3. It is not uncommon for a fungus that has appeared to cause the development chronic diseases. The elderly and children are most susceptible to such reactions. In the first category, the protective functions of the body do not work to the full, in the second - the body is not yet fully formed.
  4. If the humidity of the air exceeds the optimal limits, a pungent and unpleasant smell of mold is established in the apartment. The stench eats into furniture upholstery, soft floor coverings, clothes, towels, bed sheets, mattress and pillow.
  5. Due to high humidity, the seams of the room turn black, indicating the development of mold. With each passing day, the fungus infects an increasing surface, under the threat of walls, ceilings, cabinets, window frames etc.
  6. If high humidity persists long time, accelerated spoilage of food products (baked goods, vegetables, fruits, flour, cereals and legumes) begins.

  1. Air Dryer. by the most the best option To combat high humidity, it is considered to be the use of a dehumidifier. Price policy depends on the specific manufacturer, the power of the unit and its model. You can buy the device in Vse dlya Doma stores, as well as in electronics hypermarkets. It is worth clarifying that the more productive the unit, the faster it will cope with high humidity. If possible, purchase a device with a regulator and a table that displays the level of dampness. Such a function will allow you to save on electricity and not dry out the air.
  2. Heating radiators. You can get rid of excessive moisture in the room with the help of heating radiators. Batteries are present in every apartment, but it is not always possible to use them (the exception is the summer-spring period). If you notice that dampness persists for a long time, heat the room periodically. During a kind of heat treatment, the fungus dies, the air becomes much drier. Turn on the heating only in the cold season, avoid sudden jumps temperature regime, because of which the windows sweat.
  3. Fresh air. It is known that humid environment afraid of fresh air, but only if the ventilation does not occur in cloudy and rainy weather. Make it a habit to open windows 3 times a day, leave for a quarter of an hour, if possible longer. If possible, keep the window open at all times, closing it only in case of rain outside. To make ventilation much more efficient, install plastic windows that open upwards (micro-ventilation). Such a move will eliminate the likelihood of drafts and remove moisture.
  4. Sugar and salt. The listed products perfectly absorb moisture, but, as a rule, they are used extremely rarely. Agree, it is not very convenient to keep a five-kilogram bag with a loose composition in the middle of the room, also in the open state. The option is useful in the fight against moisture in small rooms, such as a pantry, vestibule, bathroom. It is enough to pour salt or sugar into the basin, and then take it to the room, do not forget to stir occasionally.

Preventive actions

  1. Inspect sewer pipes and heating radiators, find out if there is a leak. In this case, call the wizard or troubleshoot on your own.
  2. If the yard is sunny and warm, ventilate the room constantly. Do not sit in an apartment with closed windows long time.
  3. The air conditioner absorbs some of the moisture from the room. In addition, the split system eliminates the smell of dampness and prevents mold from infecting larger areas.
  4. Equip your kitchen with a hood. Turn it on every time you cook, especially if you prefer to boil or stew food.
  5. Check traction ventilation system, clean it of dust and foreign debris. Perhaps it is the ventilation that is causing the unpleasant odor.
  6. Choose indoor plants that do not need abundant watering. The cactus is considered the most optimal, put 3 species in each room with a suffocating smell.
  7. It is known that natural materials absorb excess moisture. During cosmetic repairs give preference to products of this kind, give up synthetics.
  8. Look for absorbent preparations that absorb excess moisture. An excellent option is the STOP moisture tool, it can be purchased at any hardware store.
  9. AT winter time of the year, install an additional heating radiator in the apartment or get by with the simplest wind blowing "Breeze".
  10. If possible, dry clothes on the loggia or balcony. Otherwise, keep the windows open throughout the drying process (important for warm and sunny weather).

It is quite difficult to get rid of high humidity in the apartment, if you do not have knowledge regarding the available methods. Ventilate the room more often, install air conditioning, heat the apartment. Get a dehumidifier, turn it on at least 4 times a week.

Video: what is the danger of high humidity in apartments

Humidity in the house is a common phenomenon, it is formed during washing, cleaning the room, washing and cooking. But in some houses it is within the normal range, while in others it is increased, in this case the question arises: “why does high humidity appear in the house and how to prevent it?”

With her excess windows, glass and mirror surfaces fog up, stains appear on the walls, often with a touch of mold, all this is accompanied by a musty unpleasant odor. What should be the humidity at home without causing problems? The norm is considered to be 30-60%, it is measured with a special device - a hygrometer. In addition, it must be remembered that even normal indicators can change for various reasons and it is quite difficult to maintain a normal level of humidity, especially in summer period because heaters dry the air in winter.

Of course, every owner who encounters this problem wants to know how to get rid of humidity at home, because it causes a lot of inconvenience and, moreover, spoils aesthetic appearance dwellings. Due to the constant dampness, a fungus can form on the walls, ceiling and in the corners, which is dangerous for human health, it causes chronic colds, allergies and bronchial asthma. Children are most susceptible to changes in humidity, they suffer from this. the immune system, and it has a detrimental effect on home premises.

How to get rid of humidity at home?

Dampness in a home can be affected by many factors: weather, the proximity of large reservoirs, the construction of a house on a site with high flowing groundwater, poor ventilation and not regular airing of rooms.

To protect the house from high humidity, a mass was invented good ways, but in order to achieve the maximum effect and eliminate this problem forever, you need to apply these methods in combination. Naturally, such activities will require certain financial costs, but they will soon pay off, as they will help to avoid repair work and drug costs.

The norm of humidity in the house

Before you start fighting dampness, you need to determine the level of humidity. As mentioned above, the norm of humidity in the house should be from 30-60%, the level of 45% is considered the most optimal. Having convinced of its excess, you can begin work to eliminate it.

by the most in an efficient way will be repair work in a damp room and waterproofing. So, for example, dry mortar based on cement. The bathroom floors are waterproofed using liquid glass. Besides, external walls dwellings are treated with plaster with cement base, and you need to make several such layers. You can "dress" the walls in a special protective water-repellent coating. These measures will prevent moisture from entering the house.

To reduce air humidity, modern dehumidifiers are used, which are divided into domestic and industrial. Household applied in living quarters, they are very compact and lightweight, so they can be carried from room to room and installed in any suitable place. Such devices are silent and easy to use.

Heating appliances will be a good option to fix the problem, especially in autumn and summer, when dampness on the street more than ever affects the increase in humidity in the room. Their frequent use during this period of time will dry the damp air and prevent the formation of mold. But on the other hand, if the housing is already heated, such appliances can be harmful to health. Today, on the shelves of stores you can see a large number of chemicals that eliminate high humidity. They effectively deal with this problem, but they only work for a certain amount of time.

Why high humidity appears in the house is greatly influenced by modern double-glazed windows, or rather their poor-quality installation. In order for the air in the room to circulate properly, windows must be installed above heating appliances, batteries, this prevents the glass from freezing and moisture from appearing on it. Extra items on the battery or a very large window sill sometimes interfere with heating window panes. In the first case, you should get rid of the interfering object, and in the second, you need to make holes in a large window sill. Sometimes the reason lies in the double-glazed window itself, which may be defective and have a defect. The firm that installed the window incorrectly is obliged to solve this problem.

Often, frequent drying of clothes in the room or a malfunction of pipes in the bathroom, poor ventilation or its complete absence, has an increase in humidity. To eliminate dampness, you need to check the pipes and, if necessary, replace them with new ones, check the ventilation system. Whenever possible, linen should be dried outside. It happens that things that are not sufficiently dried after washing end up in the closet, this also leads to dampness and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is worth drying clothes as best as possible and preferably in the fresh air.

Oddly enough, too wet soil in houseplants can also contribute to dampness. You can not often and abundantly water the plants without letting the earth dry out properly.

How to reduce humidity in the house?

To the question "how to remove humidity in the house?" there are a lot of answers, the most important thing is to identify its cause, and then choose the most right ways to eliminate it.

High humidity is characteristic of old residential buildings in need of overhaul. All of the above measures to eliminate it in this case will not help. There is only one way out - to do complete renovation dwellings using wood and drywall, which are natural materials. Drywall is famous for its ability to absorb excess moisture, and, if necessary, on the contrary, release it. Therefore, it will perfectly serve to regulate the humidity in the room.

But still, how to reduce the humidity in the house, if its level has exceeded everything allowable norms? The simplest and effective way there will be frequent airing of the room, especially after cooking, washing and water procedures. In summer, it is better not to cover the windows with curtains, then the sun's rays will dry the rooms faster. An excellent device that dries the air is a fan, traditionally used to cool it. Not to mention the modern household appliances to reduce humidity. These are expensive air conditioners, and special hoods, and simple appliances at an affordable price. Such devices absorb excess moisture in the air up to optimal level, protect the house from mold and fungus, provide rooms with dryness and warmth, as well as a pleasant smell, which is also important.

How to lower the humidity in the house?

There are other methods to reduce the humidity in the house. It's effective chemicals produced on the basis of absorbents, moisture absorbers. In the process of their use, excess moisture enters the tank. You can use these drugs as needed.

If the house does not have ventilation, it will need to be installed immediately. This work can be done by the owner of the apartment himself or by inviting a master. In the wall of a problematic room, do through hole, which is closed by a lattice both inside and outside. A recuperator is preliminarily installed between the grilles, and it will draw raw air from the room, while leaving heat in the room.

Sometimes desiccant tablets help to cope with the problem, they can be found in hardware stores.

Before you reduce the humidity in the house to the desired level, you should find the cause of its occurrence, eliminate it and use the tips to prevent its reappearance.

In the process of combating dampness, many people forget that excessive dryness of the air is no less harmful to human health, so the main task is not to overdo it and “adjust” the humidity to the optimal level.