How cottages are built: new technologies. New technologies vs proven methods

Construction is one of the most developed, demanded and large-scale industries. National economy. Today, against the backdrop of the depletion of terrestrial minerals and the rapid growth of the world's population, humanity is forced to look for new technologies in the construction industry that allow economical use of resources and achieve high results.

The objectives of the development and implementation of innovative methods in construction

Traditional construction can no longer meet the growing demand for housing, and maintenance and energy costs for outdated buildings have become an unaffordable waste. Modern buildings are subject to higher requirements, dictated by new era energy efficient techniques:

  • fast and inexpensive construction;
  • increase the resource and reliability of the structure;
  • creation of comfortable, energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and easy-to-maintain buildings;
  • use of secondary raw materials.

Over the past decades, there have been no fundamental changes in the construction industry. The growth of technology is moving rather sluggishly, following the path of modernizing old methods. Although already now there are experimental technologies that can shake the world with their genius in the future.

Important! Cities mainly consist of traditional buildings that do not meet modern requirements. Therefore, the modernization of facilities remains an urgent issue, relegating global changes in construction to the background.

Popular technologies of the XXI century

Frame construction for last years occupied a leading niche in the construction of industrial and public buildings starting from trade pavilions and ending with industrial buildings. The technique consists in mounting the supporting frame and covering it with modern facing materials using effective heat and noise insulation.

A similar method is modular construction, when the building is assembled from ready-made modules assembled according to the principle of a frame structure at a production base. Both methods significantly reduce installation time, mechanize the process and reduce labor costs.

New technologies in industrial construction have made it possible to create mobile factories that are successfully used for the production of building materials on site for large-scale projects.

New ways in civil engineering

New technologies in the construction of industrial buildings in the frame way quickly found application in the civil sphere. One of the outstanding inventions in this area were houses made of sandwich panels. The panel is a composition of external and internal facing material with an intermediate layer of thermal insulation. Installation of SIP panels is carried out on the frame, and due to the groove design of the ends, the house is assembled according to the principle of the designer. In addition to high speed, an important advantage is the lightness of the design. This makes it possible to save on the simplification of the foundation and to complete the construction of attic floors on old buildings without strengthening the foundation.

The second direction in the field of new technologies in the construction of buildings is monolithic structures, the construction technique of which is Lately changed a lot. The use of modern formwork structures eliminates large labor costs, and the achievements of construction chemistry make it possible to reduce the time of solidification of the monolith.

Experimental Methods

Most of the experimental technologies are under development, but many innovative facilities are already being built quite successfully, and many have been put into operation.

Construction 3D printers

3D construction sounds like science fiction, but such houses are literally printed by giant 3D printers. The leading developers were Chinese architects and the Dutch company Dus Architects. In the Chinese version, building materials are obtained from industrial waste, and the Dutch fill the printer with bioplastic from vegetable oil and microfiber.

Such new technologies in the construction of buildings are not only quick-erect and inexpensive buildings, but also a solution for the disposal of industrial waste. Bioplastic can be reused, so structures that have served their useful life can be “reprinted” again after many years.

Already today, Emerging Objects has introduced 3D printing of ceramic bricks. A feature of the material is a multi-porous structure.

The use of 3D-brick for laying walls in countries with a hot climate saves on air conditioning. At night, the brick absorbs moisture, which during the heat of the day evaporates and the building cools.

Another promising direction is the development of innovative types of concrete. Traditional material based on cement, sand and aggregate reaches its maximum strength after a year, and subsequently loses strength under the influence of climatic cycles and dynamic loads. To increase the resource of concrete structures, active work is underway to find improved types of concrete, and there are already results.

Scientists from Holland have created concrete based on white cement, to which were added certain kind microorganisms and lactic acid calcium. Bacteria, absorbing calcium, produce limestone, which fills microcracks and restores the integrity of the monolith structure.

The second recovery option is elastic concrete. A complex of minerals has been introduced into its composition, which increases elasticity and resistance to dynamic loads. This type of building material also has the ability to recover. Rain water that has fallen on the material causes the concrete to react with carbon dioxide contained in the atmosphere. As a result, calcium carbonate is formed, which “heals” the monolith from microcracks.

Such developments were not ignored by the specialists of the Canadian company CarbonCure Technologies. At the same time, Canadians took a different path, pursuing the goals of economy, efficiency and conservation environment. High-strength eco-concrete was obtained by binding carbon dioxide emitted large enterprises. For the production of 1000 such concrete blocks, as much carbon dioxide is absorbed as one large tree absorbs in a year.

flying houses

An incredible marvel among new technologies in the construction industry is seismically resistant flying houses in Japan. The house is actually capable of flying to a height of 4 cm and remaining in the air during seismic activity. Levitation is provided by an air cushion, which is created by a pressure compressor that automatically turns on when earthquakes are detected.

thatched houses

Often, new technologies in the construction industry turn out to be long-forgotten old ones and, resurrecting, surprise with their simplicity. constructive solution. Straw houses are not new, but this applies to one-story buildings, but the five-story building built from straw is admirable.

The construction of blocks of pressed straw with subsequent plastering has already been introduced and is widely used in Europe, the USA and China. At the same time, the technique is being improved and a 40-story thatched house is being designed in the USA. Straw is a cheap and almost endless material. In addition, it is environmentally friendly, with excellent heat and soundproof properties. The only drawback is the low bearing capacity, so thatched skyscrapers are complemented by metal frames.

Development and mastering of innovative technologies

Developers of building innovations are large companies with their own scientific and technical centers. To present inventions to the world, the creators declare themselves at famous exhibitions and conferences. At the events, companies offer their products, mutually beneficial partnerships, training in new construction technologies and share their experience with each other.

Similar exhibitions are held annually around the world. One of the most popular is the international specialized exhibition in Moscow (Expocentre Fairgrounds). In January 2018, modern domestic building materials, tools, and machines will be presented at the Moscow exhibition. Those who wish can visit the event and visually get acquainted with the latest achievements in the construction industry.

Science and building technologies are advancing by leaps and bounds. Scientists around the world are driven by the desire to solve two problems at once: the disposal of industrial waste and the provision of cheap and environmentally friendly building materials. And something in this direction they have already succeeded. For example, foam plastic made of wood, facade made of rice husks have become a reality. About these and other know-how - in our review.

A team of Dutch researchers three years ago invented a biocement capable of self recovery. Scientists have thought of using special bacteria that “tighten” cracks in concrete. To do this, they proposed to combine traditional cement with a bacterial mass and calcium lactate capsules. When cracks appear in concrete over time, sooner or later water will seep into them and “activate” bacteria, which are fed by calcium lactate. By eating it, the bacteria will produce calcite, which will fill all the cracks and cracks.

At the moment, a building that can repair itself already really exists - this is a rescue station on the lake. Scientists have recorded a video in which they share their joy that their idea really works. They observed how bacteria produce limestone to repair the walls of a house.

"Wood foam" is an innovative material that won the GreenTec-2015 award in the "Building and Living" category.

Wood is crushed to a state of viscous mass. Then it is foamed by adding gas. Hardening and solidification occurs due to the natural substances contained in the wood. Turns out to be very light eco-friendly material, which can be formed into both thick solid panels and thin flexible layers. Ready-made wood foam can be easily sawn into pieces of the desired size.

Wood-based material is a good solution for home insulation. Compared to chipboard and wood fiber wool, foam is highly resistant to moisture and mechanical stress.

ECOR is another innovative material developed by the American company Noble Environmental Technologies. It is a fibreboard (MDF) pressed from fiber waste at high temperature.

The new material is certified by the Ministry Agriculture USA as a 100% recycled cellulose based bioproduct. ECOR can be sourced from old cardboard, newspapers, office paper, wood shavings, coffee, coconut, oat husks, and residual agricultural fibers, including cattle manure.

The new "green" building material looks like corrugated cardboard. Of course, in terms of structure and properties, ECOR is similar to other products in its category - drywall, composites, chipboard. But its advantage is that it is 75% lighter than conventional panels. The inventors claim that corrugated cardboard from cellulose waste can be used for construction, furniture manufacturing, interior design elements, for the production of consumer goods, packaging, signage.

Biocomposite reinforced facade material Resysta is a product of the American company Resysta North America Inc. - also meets all modern environmental requirements.

More than half it consists of rice husks, almost a quarter of table salt and 18% of mineral oil. According to the manufacturers, Resysta is resistant to moisture, salt water and UV. Panels made of the new façade material look “like tropical wood” and do not require special care. They can be subjected to any processing, and, due to their high strength, the appearance of cracks and chips is excluded. In addition to the main purpose, the material is ideal for the production outdoor furniture, decks for yachts and coverings of open terraces. It can be used for outdoor pools, because Resysta is not afraid of mold and fungi.

There are also new technologies in the production of ceramics. For example, the Spanish company Flexbrick has released a flexible building material of the same name. It is intertwined steel wire fired clay blocks. Modern building material opens up endless possibilities for architects and designers - flexible ceramic sheets are suitable for creating structures of any curvature.

By changing only one indicator - the thickness of the ceramic blocks, Flexbrick can be used as a covering for roofs, floors, walls, facades, vaults, as well as for various landscaping, slope reinforcement, street architecture elements or paving.

Thanks to the latest technologies to build your own country house it won't take much time. If earlier the construction of a building could take a time period of a year or more, now new technologies are widely used in the construction of houses, which in a matter of weeks allow you to build a fairly durable and individual dwelling.

A bunch of construction technologies came to us from abroad, but have already won recognition. One of these technologies is considered to be increasingly used in the modern construction industry.

What is such a design? Based on the name, this frame structure made of metal or wood, sheathed with finishing and insulating materials. The walls of such a structure are made of several layers, the most simple and fairly easy to assemble is a wooden frame.

Wooden construction device frame house

Advice. The only thing to consider is the quality of the source material. Wood must be dry and treated with special means.

The best material is glued laminated timber, all boards are aligned in the direction of the fibers and processed according to a certain technology, after which they are glued together under pressure. The material is durable and does not lend itself to deformation (shrink or dry out, crack), which will allow the structure to extend the operational period and improve quality.

Glued beam house frame

The metal framework differs in the durability and durability. It is reliable and is not subject to various influences of climatic or weather phenomena. The disadvantage of the frame is the poor thermal insulation of the material, so additional heaters will be required.

Metal frame of a private house

Very often used as mineral wool. It is made from basalt rocks, which allows the material not to be exposed to high temperatures, the material is not combustible. Expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam is also widely used for these purposes. Such heaters practically cannot ignite, and when melted under the influence of high temperature, they are not capable of releasing toxic substances.

Sheathing the walls of a frame house

Wall cladding in can be made of OSB sheets or from durable dense plywood.

These materials have the following properties:

  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability.

The latter property applies most of all to those materials that are in a protected state, insulated and closed from moisture and exposure to sunlight. OSB sheets or plywood must be of sufficient thickness, which is at least 1.5 cm. Thinner structures of such materials will not have sufficient rigidity and strength.

Scheme of sheathing and insulation of the walls of a frame house

Wood screws are used as fasteners for the material. V metal frame holes are drilled, then self-tapping screws are driven. With a wooden frame, everything will be much easier, since it is easier to attach a tree to a tree. This can be done with a hammer and screwdriver.

Anything can act as a finishing material: plastic, siding, sandwich panels, lining and much more.

Read also

Construction of a wooden house in winter

After sheets of chip materials are already attached to the frame, you can proceed with the installation of insulating and heat-insulating material. The next step is finishing the structure. The method of installation of any finishing material directly depends on the complexity of the material and its structure.

An example of finishing a frame house with siding

Plastic panels and siding are mounted on a pre-made wooden crate. Sandwich panels have their own special fasteners, and the lining is installed on any wall surface using self-tapping screws and dowels.

TISE technology in construction

Let's consider another modern version which is in demand among consumers is the TISE construction technology, which is distinguished by its simplicity, economy and availability. What is such a technology?

To build a house using such modern technology, you will need to have hand drill TISE for the foundation and two adjustable formwork TISE. With the help of a drill, you can build a columnar-strip foundation or a columnar foundation yourself. With the help of formwork, walls are erected by forming blocks. The drill will also be needed to form pile foundation, where the piles have an extended lower part. Piles allow you to give greater strength to the entire structure. The bearing characteristics will be at a high level.

Formwork is a tool for forming hollow blocks, with which you can build walls without making cold bridges. This allows you to solve the issue of energy saving and heat saving.

Can be used with any building material that is used to build walls.

Based on it, you can drive out walls made of brick, wood, adobe, foam blocks, cinder blocks and much more.

TISE blocks, which are made using portable formwork, have a certain harmony and give integrity to the entire structure. They can be combined with brick, and walls with such interesting and unusual inserts look more original. Wall structures According to TISE technology, they are also considered universal, and can be built on any type of foundation: tape, monolithic, pile, etc.

This construction technology is used not only in the construction of private houses. On its basis, garages, cellars, sheds are often built, ground floors and much more.

Advantages of TISE technology

    1. The technology is quite easy to use. For the construction of the house will not need to involve a team of builders. All operations can be carried out by one or two people. This will enable you to save family budget. It also does not require special skills and significant cash costs.
    2. Both the walls and the foundation, which were made using TISE technology, are universal. They can be used both together and separately. The terms of building a house are quite short, which will allow a new dwelling to be settled in a short period of time.
    3. Since the entire construction process is based on the use of a hand drill and portable formwork, this will make it possible not to involve special equipment from outside to dig out the foundation and other equipment with which walls are erected.

House built using TISE technology

Construction technologies are constantly improving. New discoveries differ in scope, but developers are pursuing common goal: to make the construction process easier, and life in new-style buildings - more comfortable and modern. Let's look at the most interesting know-how of 2017.

salt blocks

The author of the idea was the architect from the Netherlands, Eric Jobers. The building material looks unusual, but very impressive. Salt is extracted from water using solar energy. Natural starch obtained from algae is used to hold the particles together. In fact, non-waste production. Such blocks can be used even in countries with arid climates. The mixture is also suitable for the design of flexible arched structures. For protection against external factors blocks are coated with a composition based on epoxy resin. It remains to be seen whether the novelty will be widely adopted.

Plates Isoplat

Invented in Estonia by Skano Fibreboard specialists. It's natural thermal insulation material made from tree fibers conifers. They are pre-soaked in boiling water, pressed and cut into sheets of different thicknesses. To give moisture resistance, the plates are treated with paraffin. Isoplat has high vapor permeability and sound insulation, protects from wind, retains heat. Due to the fibrous structure, the plates are fireproof, resistant to pests and protozoa (mold, fungi). The elements are connected to each other in a tenon-groove type, suitable for insulating the roof, flooring and frame. Width varies from 60 to 120 cm, thickness - from 12 to 50 mm.

Lego blocks EverBlock

Outwardly, they really look like elements of a popular children's designer. Perhaps they were inspired by an engineer from the USA, Arnon Rosan. The blocks are made of foam concrete and are connected according to the tongue-and-groove type without the use of adhesives. Only vertical seams need to be processed. The water permeability of the material is less than 3%. For the construction of two-story or more buildings, the Lego block is reinforced through technological holes. The most common block size is 25x25x50 cm.

Light blocking glass facade

facades from clear glass easily let the sun's rays through, increasing the temperature in the rooms. The development of scientists from the Frankfurt Institute allows you to adjust the light transmission of glasses. Theoretically, the facade consists of many round segments. Each of them contains a fabric disk with titanium-nickel alloy wires - they have shape memory and react to ambient temperature. If the room temperature drops, the material curls up, returning transparency to the glass; when the temperature rises, it darkens the glass.

"Live tile"

A liquid tile that reacts to steps or touches by changing the pattern. The surface is made of tempered glass. She can finish not only floor coverings, but also walls, countertops. It well absorbs sounds, suppresses vibration. You can walk on such a tile almost silently. Among the shortcomings - instability to high loads, fear of sharp objects (chips may remain). But this tile looks great.

Conductive concrete Shotcrete

The brainchild of a team of scientists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Conductive concrete that absorbs and reflects electromagnetic waves different origin. The standard concrete filler was replaced by magnetite, a mineral of natural origin with excellent ferromagnetic properties. There are also metal and carbon components. Initially, the material was designed for runway hair, but can also be used in living quarters. Can be applied by spraying.

thermal wallpaper

Their trick is that when the air temperature in the room changes, the pattern on the canvas also changes. The invention of a designer from China reacts to a change in the thermal regime. Under the influence of heat, buds appear on the wall, and then flowers bloom. The inventor applies special thermal ink to the surface. Wallpapers react both to the sun's rays and to touch, but they are afraid of moisture, they cannot be washed.

Flexible wood WoodSkin

An amazingly flexible material that can be molded into any abstract shape. Consists of sandwich tiles. Polymer mesh, composite nylon composition and plywood are used. The novelty is produced in rolls and sheets. The form is given with the help of special three-dimensional machines, connecting small elements together. Sheet thickness can vary from 4 to 30 millimeters.

Sheep wool insulation

A novelty, which since November 2017 is also available in Russia. Environmentally friendly fiber isolates noise well, does not burn, and is suitable for warming any premises. Oregon Shepherd currently produces two types of insulation - Batt and Loft. Insulation is also good because it absorbs harmful substances emitted by furniture, synthetic finishing materials and other interior elements.

Plaster that regulates moisture

Condensation is a problem familiar to many. Developers from the Swiss company STO AG presented an innovative material. The plaster effectively absorbs excess water vapor from the air (about 90 g per 1 sq.m.). The thickness of the applied layer is up to 2 centimeters. There is no condensation, no mold and fungi, but there is a smooth, environmentally friendly coating.

Naturally, the developers are not going to stop there and new ones are waiting for us ahead. interesting discoveries. Maybe they will change your life for the better!

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Modern innovative construction technologies, striking the imagination with their originality and fantasticness, are used as the achievements of the latest scientific research, and the invaluable experience of ancestors.

Let's start with the most common building material - wood. It would seem that there is still something new to come up with? But even here modern innovative technologies come to the rescue.

1. Construction technology of domed houses without nails, Vladivostok, Russia

Scientists from the Far Eastern Federal University are creating modern wooden domed houses. At the same time, as in the good old days of Russian architects, without a single nail. Their uniqueness lies in the use of new designs of locks between the individual parts of a wooden spherical frame.

A domed house made of wooden parts is created in record time short time. Literally in a matter of hours, the frame grows unusual house. Today, they want to test this technology in several cities of Russia. Between themselves, the links are joined with the help of a special lock, which perceives all loads - vertical, lateral, and so on. Details are made with such precision that a kind of Lego constructor is obtained. Any person with such a set of small instruction assembly, can mount this design by yourself.

At one of the recreation centers in Primorsky Krai, the Snezhok domed express cafe, built by scientists, is already operating, which is very popular, attracting visitors with an unusual shape. The second domed house is much larger - it is a two-story twelve-meter structure with an area of ​​195 m².

2. Multi-storey buildings made of wood, London, UK

We are all somehow used to the fact that wood is used to build low-rise houses, one or two floors. But developers from the USA consider it possible to use wood for the construction of buildings up to 30 floors high.

The first of the modern residential buildings, built of wood using modern technologies of wooden housing construction (from five-layer wooden glued panels), has 9 floors and 30 meters in height. This house stands in London, it has 29 residential apartments and offices on the ground floor.

It is amazing that the entire above-ground part of this house was built in 28 working days by only five people, armed with only one mobile crane and electric screwdrivers.

3. Construction technology wooden houses Austria, Austria

The technology consists of profiled small-sized tree trunks, called “balance” by experts, which are stretched on a four-sided machine. The fact that it is the thinner that is used clearly demonstrates the fact that in every element without exception there is necessarily a core of a tree.

Then from such "puzzles" you can assemble any part of the building. Drying, the individual elements are deformed and wedged "tightly ”, creating a very strong and lightweight construction.The purpose of the invention of such a technology is the use of low-quality raw materials, which in Russia, for example, are used only for pulp or in general simply as waste.

4. Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China

Chinese architects have invented a way to build cheap houses. Their secret is in a huge 3D printer that literally prints real estate. And there would be nothing unusual in this - the technologies for "printing" buildings are already known. But the fact is that Chinese houses will be made ... from construction waste.

Thus, the specialists of the architectural company Winsun intend to solve two problems at once. In addition to creating low-cost houses, the project will give a second life to construction waste and industrial waste - this is what houses are made of.

The giant printer has really impressive dimensions - 150 x 10 x 6 meters. The device is quite powerful and can print up to 10 houses per day. The cost of each of them is no more than 5 thousand dollars.

A huge machine erects an outdoor structure, and internal partitions mounted manually later. With the help of 3D printing technology in China, they hope to solve the pressing problem of affordable housing. In the near future, several hundred factories will appear in the country, where construction waste will be used to produce Consumables for the giant printer.

5. A house is printed from bioplastic, Amsterdam, Holland

Dus Architects has developed a project to print a residential building on a bioplastic 3D printer. Construction is carried out using an industrial 3D printer KarmaMaker, which "prints" plastic walls. The design of the building is very unusual - walls are attached to the three-meter end of the house as in the Lego constructor. If redevelopment of the building is required, then it can be easily changed by replacing one part with another.

For the construction, a bioplastic developed by Henkel is used - a mixture of vegetable oil and microfiber, and the foundation of the house will be made of lightweight concrete. When completed, the building will consist of thirteen separate rooms. This technology can change the entire construction industry. Old residential buildings and offices can simply be melted down and made into something new.

The idea of ​​a similar material was found in ordinary shells. The fact is that the shells are enriched the necessary complex minerals that give them elasticity. It is these minerals that are added to the composition of concrete. The new type of concrete is incredibly elastic, more resistant to cracks, and even 40-50 percent lighter. Such concrete will not break even with very strong bends. Even earthquakes are not afraid of him. An extensive network of cracks after such tests will not affect its strength. After the load is removed, the concrete will begin the recovery process.

How does this happen? The secret is very simple. Normal rainwater reacts with concrete and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to form calcium carbonate in concrete. This substance also fastens the cracks that have appeared, “heals” the concrete. After removing the load, the restored section of the slab will have the same strength as before. Such concrete is going to be used in the construction of critical structures, such as bridges.

7. Carbon Dioxide Concrete, Canada

The Canadian company CarbonCure Technologies has developed an innovative technology for the production of concrete by binding carbon dioxide. This technology will reduce harmful emissions and could revolutionize the construction industry.

Concrete blocks are produced using carbon dioxide emitted by large industries such as oil refineries and fertilizer plants.

The new technology achieves a triple effect: concrete will be cheaper, stronger and more environmentally friendly. One hundred thousand of these concrete blocks can absorb as much carbon dioxide as one hundred mature trees absorb in a year.

Straw houses using modern technologies are being built all over the world. Reliable, warm, comfortable, they perfectly passed the test of our climate. However, so far modern technology building from pressed straw (in the West it is called strawbale-house) is known to a few in our country. It is based on the best properties of this unique natural material. When pressed, it becomes an excellent building material. Pressed straw is considered the best insulation. Straw stems of plants are tubular, hollow. They and between them contain air, which, as you know, has a low thermal conductivity. Due to its porosity, straw has good soundproofing properties.

It seems that the phrase "fire-resistant straw house" sounds paradoxical. But a plastered straw wall is not afraid of fire. Blocks covered with plaster withstand 2 hours exposure to an open flame. The straw block, open only on one side, does not support combustion. Bale density of 200–300 kg/cu. m also prevents combustion.

Straw houses are built in America, Europe, China. In the US, there is even a project for the construction of a straw skyscraper with 40 floors. The very same high buildings from straw today are five-story buildings that are combined with a reinforced concrete and metal frame.

Indeed, everything new is a well-forgotten old. Earthbite houses are gaining popularity again. This material is still used today for the construction of supporting structures and walls.

At the heart of the zembite is ordinary earthen soil. The earth bit has been tested by time, it was built from it back in Ancient Rome. The earthen soil mass has high moisture resistance and practically does not shrink. A thermal characteristics zembita can be reinforced by adding, for example, straw cuttings. After a few years, earth bit becomes almost as strong as concrete.

The most famous building built of zembit can be considered the Priory Palace located in Gatchina.

10. Chameleon brick, Russia

Since 2003, the Kopeysky brick factory has been producing bricks, nicknamed "velours" for the ability to literally absorb light with its surface, as a result of which it becomes saturated, resembling velvet.

The effect is achieved with the help of vertical grooves applied to the surface of the brick with metal brushes. At the same time, it becomes possible to deepen the main color when the angle of incidence of light changes, which likens a brick to a chameleon - at different times of the day it is able to change color depending on the lighting.

The texture of velor brick works great in tandem with smooth brick in ornamental or figured masonry.

eleven. "Flying houses, Japan

Japan never ceases to amaze with its developments. The idea is simple - so that the house does not collapse as a result of an earthquake, it simply ... should not be on the ground. So they came up with flying houses, and all this is quite real.

Undoubtedly, the word "flying" is a beautiful allegory, suggesting childhood dreams of flying in a balloon house. But Japanese construction company Air Danshin Systems Inc has developed a system that allows buildings to rise above the ground and "float" above it during an earthquake.

The house is located on an air cushion and after the sensors are triggered, it will simply hover above the ground, and during such a change, the residents of the building will not feel anything. The foundation is not attached to the structure itself. After soaring, the house sits on a frame located on top of the foundation. During an earthquake, seismic sensors are activated, which are located around the perimeter of the building. After that, they will immediately start the pressure compressor located at the base of the house. It will ensure the "levitation" of the building at a height of 3-4 cm from the ground. Thus, the house will not be in contact with the ground and will avoid the consequences of tremors. The novelty has already been installed in almost 90 houses in Japan.

"Flying houses" have been developed by many Japanese firms, in the near future know-how will appear in other regions of Asia, which often suffer from earthquakes.

12. Container house, France

Used containers have long been used for the construction of budget housing in different cities and countries. Here is one example.

During the construction of the house, eight old shipping containers were used, which created an unusual architectural form of the building. In addition to containers, wood, polycarbonate and glass were also used. The total area of ​​the house is 208 square meters.

The cost of building such “container-type” economy houses is usually half that of building a similar house from ordinary building materials. In addition, it is built twice as fast.

13. Exhibition complex from sea containers, Seoul, South Korea

If you have not surprised anyone with residential buildings made of containers for a long time, then a completely unusual building has appeared in the center of the business and shopping district of Seoul. It was built from 28 old shipping containers.

The area is 415 sq. The complex will host exhibitions, nightly film screenings, concerts, master classes, lectures and other public events.

14. Student dormitories from containers, Holland

Each separate container room has all the amenities. In addition, the roof is equipped with an efficient drainage system that collects rainwater, which subsequently goes to domestic needs.

In Finland and other Nordic countries, ice hotels are being built with might and main. At the same time, a room in an ice hotel is more expensive than in a hotel made of other, more traditional building materials. The first ice hotel opened in Sweden over 60 years ago.

16. Mobile eco-home, Portugal

A variety of technologies are used in the construction of such mobile structures. The peculiarity of this house is its complete energy independence. Solar panels are fixed on the surface of the object to produce energy that fully provides a unique house necessary quantity. By the way, the house is not only environmentally friendly, but also completely mobile.

The eco-house is divided into two sections - in one sleeping space, and in the other - a toilet. The outside of the house is covered with environmentally friendly cork.

17. Energy efficient capsule room, Switzerland

The project was developed by architects from the NAU company (Switzerland), who sought to make the most comfortable and compact housing. Called the Living Roof, the capsule room can be placed on almost any surface.

The capsule room is equipped with solar panels, wind turbines and a rainwater collection, storage and recycling system.

18. Vertical forest in the city, Milan, Italy

Innovative project Bosco Verticale - construction in Milan of two multi-storey buildings with live plants on the facade. The height of the two high-rise buildings is 80 and 112 meters. In total, 480 large and medium-sized trees, 250 small trees, 5,000 various shrubs and 11,000 grass cover plants were planted on them. This number of plants corresponds to an area of ​​10,000 m? ordinary forest.

Thanks to almost two years research work botanists successfully selected tree species that are most adapted to such difficult living conditions at altitude. Various plants were specially grown and acclimatized for this construction. Each apartment in the house has its own balcony with trees and shrubs.

19. Cactus House, Holland

A luxury 19-storey residential building is under construction in Rotterdam. It received such an original name due to its resemblance to this thorny plant. It has 98 apartments with superior comfort. Construction is carried out according to the project of the architectural company UCX Architects.

The peculiarity of this house is the use of open terraces-balconies for hanging gardens, located one above the other in a stepped order, screwing up in a spiral. This arrangement of terraces allows the sun to illuminate the plants from all sides. The depth of each terrace is at least two meters. Not only that, small pools will also be built into these balconies.

We are used to the fact that we are usually talking about energy-efficient houses. And in preparation for the Expo-2020 exhibition in United Arab Emirates an entire energy-efficient city will be built. It will be a "smart city", fully self-sufficient in energy and other resources. The project is planned to be implemented around locality Al Avir in Dubai.

It will be the first of its kind to be completely self-sufficient in terms of providing residents with all the necessary resources, transport and energy. To do this, the energy-efficient city will be equipped to the maximum with solar panels, which will be placed on the roofs of almost all residential and commercial buildings. In addition, the city will independently process 40,000 cubic meters of wastewater. The area of ​​this supercomplex will be 14,000 hectares, and the residential area itself will be built in the shape of a desert flower. Surrounded by a belt of green spaces, the "smart city" will be able to accommodate 160,000 residents.

"Construction Rules", No. 43 /1, May 2014

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