How to find out the quality of cement plaster. Varieties of plaster according to the method of execution. What is a plastering beacon

Cheap and reliable way cladding of the inner and outer surfaces of the house - traditional wall plaster. This method is indispensable for internal works Oh. Modern finishing technologies and a wide range of products improve the quality of the protective wall covering. How to avoid mistakes during work and choose the right materials and tools.

How to check the quality of the plaster and find out its composition?

Determine from which composition it is made old plaster the walls are very simple. If she has grey colour- it is cement; yellowish-white or chalk color - gypsum, white-gray color in calcareous cement plaster... To determine the quality, the wall must be “tapped” with a hammer. Where you hear a "dull" sound, you need to pick out the plaster with a spatula and remove it until it stops falling off. Cracks are widened with a spatula and loose pieces are removed.

Mixer for plaster

A mixer is necessary to obtain a high-quality solution. The most convenient in operation is a specialized mixer equipped with a speed control system and a starting current limitation to speed up the rotation and prevent splashing. The higher the speed, the better and faster the solution is stirred. A mixer with multiple attachments is heavier and more expensive. It requires a spacious container, but it is much easier to work with such a tool.

What is a rule and how do you choose it?

The rule is a long, even ruler that allows you to detect flaws while checking the plastered surface. Used to rule made of wood. Modern rulealuminum profile... It is lightweight and durable, almost not subject to deformation. The rule length is usually 1 to 2 meters or more. The 2-meter rule is most convenient.

Some modern models equipped with a built-in water level in the form of ampoules with liquid. When choosing such a rule, you need to pay attention to the tightness of the case.

How to choose a plaster mesh?

The mesh is necessary for high-quality fixing of the solution. When choosing a grid, be guided by the size of the cells and the appearance of the grid. For interior work, metal, polyurethane or polypropylene universal nets with an average mesh size of 22 x 35 mm are suitable. For outdoor use, it is better to buy a fiberglass mesh with cells - 5 x 5 mm. This mesh is resistant to temperature extremes and chemical attack.

Making a mixture for plaster

For execution plastering works make a solution based on cement or gypsum, lime mortar and placeholder. Sand is usually used as an aggregate. A high-quality solution should be homogeneous and well balanced, with a consistency reminiscent of a thick, viscous dough. Plastering skills are required to work with a gypsum-based solution, as it sets very quickly. Nowadays, ready-made dry mixes with polymer additives that increase the strength of the plaster are increasingly used.

What is a plasticizer?

To increase the plasticity of the solution, a plasticizer is introduced into it. The solution with it is easier to apply, it turns out to be more resistant and durable. You can buy a ready-made plasticizer or add CMC wallpaper glue to the solution. This is a cheaper way.

The plasticizer allows you to save expendable materials, accelerates the drying of the plaster and prevents the appearance of corrosion in the reinforcement.

What is a plastering beacon?

Plastering on beacons allows you to make a smoother surface. Lighthouses are narrow vertical metal ledges attached to the wall with dowels or plaster mortar. Their installation is a very responsible event and requires scrupulousness and attention. The time spent installing the lighthouses pays off when performing plastering work. The purpose of installing beacons is to create an ideal surface plane. Before starting finishing work, it is recommended to check the deviations of the walls from a flat plane. After finishing the walls, the beacons are removed.

What tool is needed for plastering walls?

The quality of work depends on the availability of tools and materials. For wall plastering you will need:

  • Master OK;
  • putty knife;
  • rule with level;
  • grater and grater;
  • lighthouses;
  • net;
  • plaster corners;
  • steel trowel;
  • construction mixer;
  • solution;
  • solution bucket.

You will also need several pairs of rubberized gloves, since the plaster is very caustic. All these materials and tools will help create a completely flat surface.

How to fix the mesh?

Before starting work, the mesh is cut from the roll according to the size of the surface to be treated. In concrete and brick wall drill holes and install plastic dowels. The fastening of the mesh starts from the top, securing the upper edge with self-tapping screws. Pieces can be put under the hats polyurethane foam... The mesh fasteners are staggered, making the distance between the screws 5 cm. The joints are overlapped. Additional fixation is not needed, as the wall plaster fixes the mesh securely.

Measurement of the thickness of the plaster

The thickness of one-layer plaster for walls should be no more than 20 mm based on cement and 15 mm based on gypsum. If you are doing the work yourself, it is not necessary to measure the thickness. To check the quality of work from hired builders, a special device is used to measure the layer thickness: a digital thickness gauge or an electronic gauge.

Grout after plastering the walls

After applying the finishing layer, the plaster is trowelled with a float, slightly moistening the wall. Grouting is carried out in 2 stages. In a circular motion, performed counterclockwise, step by step process small parts of the wall. At the second stage, grouting is carried out with a felt float in direct movements to obtain a smooth and beautiful surface.

What should be done after plastering the walls?

The finished surfaces must dry. Wall plaster dries completely within 1 month. It is better not to touch the walls all this time. To speed up drying, you need to open the windows and doors to ensure a through flow of air. After complete drying, the walls must be primed to improve the performance of the wall plaster. If wallpapering is planned, then the walls are simply coated with wallpaper glue.

Do I need to putty the plastered walls under the wallpaper?

It is not necessary to putty the plastered surfaces if you plan to glue thick wallpaper. The plaster is trowelled with a trowel using water, so an absolutely smooth and even surface is obtained. It is enough just to prime the surface and carry out the pasting. Acrylic primer strengthens the plaster. But if the work was carried out poorly or you are going to glue thin wallpaper, putty won't hurt. Before painting the walls, you can simply putty them without priming.

Look for contacts construction crews, which will be used for high-quality plastering of the walls, as well as store addresses building stores in the catalog

Topic # 42: “Quality control of plastering works. Plaster defects. Causes and their elimination "


Currently, there are a large number of methods for the engineering survey of buildings for various purposes, issued by various organizations. Despite this diversity, they all have one common property- in them, as a rule, only the issues of full-scale examinations of building structures of buildings are considered. This is due to the fact that in the period of the 70-90s of the last century, the customers of such works were various manufacturing enterprises and the task of field surveys was mainly to determine the state of the bearing and enclosing structures of buildings. The results of such work were used, as a rule, by the operational services to carry out the elimination of the emergency state of building structures.

V last years the volume of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures has grown significantly. At the same time, one of the main tasks is to save material and energy resources. One of the features of modern field surveys has become closer cooperation with technologists, designers and specialists in engineering equipment of buildings, and investors and design organizations have become the main customers and consumers of the results of the work. In this case, the required amount of information can be obtained by conducting only complex surveys covering a wider range of issues.

In some cases, the reconstruction of buildings is associated with their conversion. At the same time, a new one is placed in the existing volume of the building. technological equipment, which has its own characteristics. In this case, in addition to work on determining the bearing capacity of the frame for new loads, it is required to determine the actual fire safety building. Carrying out such work is also necessary due to significant changes in the regulatory framework, which requires the identification of compliance with space-planning and constructive solutions buildings, as well as fire extinguishing systems to these new standards.

Reconstruction of a building with its superstructure or other changes in space-planning solutions also requires obtaining information about existing systems of engineering equipment. This is an assessment of the state of communications, inspection of heat and energy inputs to the building, identification of the correspondence of the existing heat and power facilities to the proposed changes in the building.

The emergence of another new type of survey work is associated with the problem of economical consumption of heat and energy resources. When renovating an existing building, this problem is solved mainly in two ways.

First- increase heat engineering properties enclosing structures that meet new, higher regulatory requirements.

Second- improvement of the building engineering equipment systems.

Choice optimal solution reconstruction of a building with the lowest energy consumption during its operation is achieved by an energy audit - conducting heat engineering examinations of enclosing structures and engineering systems and a technical and economic comparison of their effectiveness.

Comprehensive surveys of reconstructed buildings should include the following sections:

Survey of the operational environment;

Inspection of the state of supporting and enclosing structures;

Inspection of engineering equipment systems and energy audit;

Assessment fire safety the reconstructed building.

Proceeding from such a wide range of issues that are resolved in a comprehensive survey of renovated buildings, the composition of survey participants also changes significantly. In this case, the group of surveyors should also become complex, i.e. it should include specialists in the study of the microclimate of premises, engineers for assessing the condition of load-bearing and enclosing structures, specialists in the examination of engineering equipment systems and in fire safety of buildings.

1. Plaster. Appointment. A kind of plaster. Quality control of plastering works

Plaster is a finishing layer on the surface of various structural elements of buildings, walls, partitions, ceilings, columns, etc., leveling these surfaces or giving them a certain shape or texture. For surface finishing use different kinds plasters, depending on the purpose, the material from which the structural elements are made, and the conditions in which they will be during operation.

Appointment of plaster.

The plaster has a sanitary-technical, protective-constructive and decorative purpose. Sanitary-technical purpose plaster consists in obtaining even and smooth surfaces of building structures, prepared for painting and cladding, to eliminate the possibility of dust settling on them and to facilitate cleaning from pollution.

Prefabricated prefabricated concrete elements with a clean smooth surface must not be plastering. Protective and constructive purpose enclosing plaster and load-bearing structures buildings is to protect structures from harmful effects dampness, increased resistance to heat transfer, reduced sound conductivity, protection from actions chemical substances... The plaster must meet the climatic conditions of the construction area, fire safety requirements, temperature and humidity conditions of the room, technological requirements of production, and also protect building construction from the action of aggressive environments. Accordingly, a number of plasters are applied. special purpose- waterproofing, acoustic, etc. Decorativeness plaster consists in creating a special texture on the surface of the plaster layer by selecting the composition of the solution according to the material (aggregate and binder) and color, the method of its application and subsequent processing of the finishing layer various instruments and fixtures.

The most commonly used plasters are of the following types:

- colored- on lime-sand mortars with the addition of pigments for their coloring; their surface is processed in a semi-plastic state for a rough and embossed texture of stones;

- stone - decorative plasters on cement mortars with stone chips;

- terrazitic- with a surface treated in a semi-dry state for a smooth or slightly embossed structure;

Sgraffito is a two-, three- or multi-colored ornamental pattern on a plastered surface, obtained by scratching and scraping off thin colored layers of plaster.

Varieties of plaster, depending on the type of surface to be plastered.

Plastering various types of surfaces requires various materials and methods of preliminary preparation of these surfaces. Wet plaster on stone is usually done with a lime or complex mortar when finishing internal brick surfaces and cement mortar on concrete surfaces with a preliminary cut with insufficient surface roughness. In either case, the solutions include various fillers and additives, depending on the purpose and operating conditions of the surfaces to be plastered. Dry plaster on the stone is fixed by gluing the back of the sheets with special mastics, which are applied to the base in the form of separate adhesive marks and beacons, as well as nails to the previously arranged wooden frame or on screws to special aluminum structures. Wet plaster for wood is made from lime-gypsum mortar with additives. Dry plaster sheets k wood surfaces fastened with screws or thin nails with wide caps, recessed into the sheet. Plaster on metal mesh or reinforced plaster it is used when it is necessary to create a plaster layer on the slope of the finished structure and is made on the basis of a rigid metal frame on partitions, walls, metal beams, etc. Such a frame is also performed when sealing grooves for hidden laying of pipelines, when creating thickened plans over 20 mm, when plastering protruding concrete, brick and wooden architectural parts (cornices, rods, belts, etc.) when plastering the joints of surfaces of structures made of dissimilar materials (wooden with brick, concrete, etc.), joints door frames with walls and partitions. The metal mesh reinforces the plaster, which prevents the appearance of cracks on it along the line of such joints.

Varieties of plaster according to the method of execution.

All types of plaster can be divided into two groups that are fundamentally different from each other in the production of work. The first, main and most common, group includes wet, or monolithic plaster, the second - dry plaster. Wet plaster is created by applying to the treated surface plaster mortar, dry- cladding of the treated surfaces with separate sheets made at special factories.

Plastering walls and ceilings consists in leveling them with gypsum, lime-cement or other mixtures, bringing them to the correct geometric shapes... Acceptance of works and quality assessment are set out in SNiP 3.04.01-87 () "Insulation and finishing coatings". This document contains an extensive list of rules for facade and interior decoration. In this article we will focus only on plastering, consider how it differs simple plaster from improved and high quality. In addition to the technology for performing each type, consider the tolerances ( tolerances) according to the standards and methods of control during acceptance of works.

General requirements for plastering

The basic rules include the following points:

  • The room is protected from atmospheric precipitation... Interior decoration is carried out at an air temperature of ≥ 10 ºС and humidity up to 60%. Such conditions are created and maintained continuously 48 hours before the start of work and at least 12 days after completion.
  • The brick walls are moistened before plastering if the air temperature is more than ≥ 23 ºС.
  • Completed hydro, heat, sound insulation and floor filling; all seams in the walls are sealed; doors and windows are mounted.
  • Water supply and heating pipes have been installed and tested.
  • Embedded products for sanitary systems are installed after plastering.
  • Facade finishing begins after the roofing, waterproofing is completed, and the gutter fasteners are installed.
  • The surface for plastering is prepared: it has no rust, oil and bitumen stains, efflorescence.
  • The base must be no less durable, finish.
  • The joints between wood and brick (concrete) surfaces are plastered on a metal mesh; wooden walls- on the stuffed shingles.
  • The protruding parts of the facade and plaster moldings are made with reinforcement (reinforcement or mesh).

Types of plaster according to SNiP

If we turn to the aforementioned SNiP 3.04.01-87, we will see that in terms of the quality of performance Finishing work classified into:

  • simple plastering;
  • improved;
  • high quality.

But it does not say for which premises what type of plaster should be used. Those. for for living quarters simple is allowed, and for semi-basement or utility rooms it is possible to perform and High Quality, if you want to. Nobody will forbid you to do this.

Of course, it is clear that in the house smooth walls will delight the eye, and in the garage there is no point in pulling the plaster along the lighthouses, if it is enough just to more or less evenly close brickwork and paint. Everything is decided by the desire of the customer.

Sequence of layers

The scope of work for internal or exterior decoration includes the application of several layers of plaster. They're called:

Splashing... This is a layer of plaster that is applied to the wall without leveling. It is needed to create a solid base on a wooden or brick surface for subsequent layers. For spraying, a thin cement-sand mortar is used, which should penetrate well into the seams of the masonry, shingles, pores and cracks in the walls. When plastering aerated concrete blocks or concrete slabs such a throwing is not done, it is not necessary.

Priming... This is the main leveling layer made of cement or gypsum plaster. All defects, drops and deviations of the walls from the vertical are corrected at this stage. The mixture is applied by hand with a trowel or by machine and then leveled before the plaster starts to set.

There can be several priming layers, depending on the degree of unevenness of the surfaces, the desired result and the permissible thickness of one layer.

Nakryvka-last finishing layer... It should be a perfectly flat and smooth surface under the wallpaper or Painting works... To create it, use gypsum plaster or plasters that gloss, removing all roughness. If planned then the cover can be omitted. Indeed, under the embossed finish, the smoothness of the base does not matter.

Important! The following requirement is imposed on the brand of solution in SNiP:

  • for spraying and soil, cement-sand or gypsum mix which passes through a mesh with 3mm meshes;
  • for the covering layer - with cells of 1.5 mm ( gypsum plaster or putty).

Execution technology

Let's go back to the types of plaster.

Before starting all the "wet" work, I determine how smooth the walls or ceilings are. If the maximum deviations do not exceed 5 mm, then the surface can be leveled with a putty without plaster. This applies to monolithic concrete foundations or aerated concrete blocks with good geometry. On the brick, you still have to plaster before puttying.

Simple plastering includes spraying and priming... This is the minimum rough finish... In this case, it is important not to exceed the tolerances for the deviation of the walls horizontally and vertically (the requirements are described in the table below). If spraying is not needed (for example, when plastering aerated concrete), then a simple coating can be single-layer - only a primer layer. The plaster is leveled immediately after application. If necessary, after setting, grout is done by hand or with a grinder.

With improved and high quality, another cover layer is added... Alignment must be performed according to beacons. Profile guides are used to create a plane. Between them, a solution is placed on the wall and, as a rule, it is evenly distributed, sliding up the beacons and filling all the voids. After the plaster has set, a cover can be applied.

Improved and high quality plastering is multi-layer (at least two stages if no spraying). Before applying any layer, you must wait for the previous one to set (and in case of a large thickness - and dry). Every time before work, dust is removed from the wall.

Expert opinion

Alexander Guryanov

Plasterer and decorative master

Quite often you can hear the question: how thick should, for example, improved plaster be? It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, because the coverage will be simple or improved depends on the quality of its implementation, i.e. from compliance with the requirements of SNiP. This will be shown by control measurements of deviations.

The thickness of the finish depends on the curvature of the surface and, accordingly, on the number of plaster layers applied to correct this curvature.

Control the quality of wall construction! To align them with plaster at the finishing stage can take huge material resources.

Below we will consider what thickness is acceptable for each layer.

Note that modern technologies have long since departed from these old standards for coating thickness without sacrificing strength.

The use of metal or fiberglass reinforcement, the presence of polymer additives in gypsum and cement-sand mixtures allow plastering on a mesh in one layer 5 cm thick!

Technical requirements and limit deviations

Now we will consider the very requirements in SNiP 3.04.01-87, which determine the difference between simple plastering and improved and high-quality for beacons. There are tolerances for wall decoration, door slopes, curved surfaces and other elements.

  • Plastered surfaces

Wall tolerances

  • Requirements for plastering door and window slopes, pilasters, pillars, husks, etc.

Permissible deviation of slopes

  • Deviations of the radius of curved surfaces from the design value (for the entire element)

Requirements for rounded walls

Quality control

Guided by the above standards, it is possible to control the quality of plastering work both when finishing indoors and on the facade.

  • They start with a general visual examination, which reveals minor defects. Found pits are putty, protruding irregularities - rubbed with a grinder or manually. There should be no voids under the plaster.
  • During the acceptance of work, measurements of deviations from the vertical are made with a rule (rail) 2 m long. Walls or ceilings are measured at least five times per 50-70 m2 surface. Discrepancies in the plane for 1 m2 and for the entire height are considered.
  • Rounded, curved walls are measured according to the pattern.
  • The verticality of door and window slopes is looked at according to the rule with a bubble level. Also measure the width between the slopes in several places.
  • The quality of plastering the corners is checked with a corner template. Everywhere should be 90º, unless otherwise provided by the project.

We hope this article was helpful to you. Leave your comments and questions in the comments below.

Plastering work is one of the main stages of repair, and the comfort in the house directly depends on them. Therefore, it is necessary to check not only the final result, but also the consistent implementation of the technological process.

Before plastering work, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleaning of the room and preparation of surfaces. The walls should be free of dust, dirt and stains of various origins. In addition, it is necessary to observe temperature regime and control the humidity of the room.

The mortar application should be uniform, and the layer thickness should be up to 50 mm.

Acceptance of works

Acceptance of the work performed must begin with an inspection of the corners. This is the most prominent indicator by which you can easily assess the quality of plastering work. The resulting surfaces should be perfectly flat and smooth, with clear edges. All cracks, bumps, potholes and gaps are the main sign of poorly executed plastering work.

To check the strength of the connection between the plaster and the surface, you need to apply several blows with your palm to the sides of the corners and in arbitrary places. No delamination and booming sounds from voids are allowed.

In addition to a visual check, it is necessary to take a rule-rule of 2.5 meters in size and attach it to the plastered surface. If for such a length the clearance to the surface does not exceed 5 mm, then the result is excellent. To check the verticality of the walls, a level or plumb line is required. The quality criterion is the same - a gap of no more than 5 mm by 2.5 meters in length.

Plaster can be simple, improved and high quality. Contrary to popular belief, these definitions do not refer to the quality of the material, but to the technology of work and the characteristics of the finish, which are regulated by the requirements and rules of SNiP and GOST. Consider the differences between improved plaster and other types plaster finishing and the requirements that it must meet.

Differences between different types of plaster

Tolerances for improved plaster

In accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87, plastered surfaces may have deviations that are not a violation of the norm:

  • from the vertical and horizontal, the coating can have a deviation of no more than 2 mm per 1 m of length;
  • over the entire height of the wall, the surface can be deflected by no more than 10 mm;
  • slopes of windows and doors, pillars, pilasters, husks can be deflected no more than 2 mm from the vertical and horizontal by 1 m in length;
  • the radius of curved surfaces can be deviated by 7mm from the value specified in the project (control is carried out using a piece);
  • the width of the slope may differ from the design by 3 mm.

Important! SNiP for improved plaster does not allow the presence of delamination, cracks, cavities, efflorescence on the surface, as well as visible traces of the tool that was used for grouting.

Requirements for the quality of the plasters used

Quality control of the material and mortar used is carried out on the basis of GOST 28013-98 “Building mortars. General technical conditions ".

According to GOST, a solution for improved plaster must meet the following requirements:

  1. The solution intended for spraying and soil must pass through a mesh with a mesh diameter of 3 mm.
  2. The coating solution must pass through the mesh, which has a mesh size of 1.5 mm.
  3. The sand used for the preparation of the mortar must contain grains, the size of which does not exceed 2.5 mm in mortars for soil and spray and 1.25 mm for finishing.
  4. GOST also regulates such technical specifications like mobility, delamination, water retention and strength.

An additional requirement of GOST is that the solution has a document that indicates:

  • the number and time of preparation;
  • solution grade;
  • number;
  • mobility;
  • astringent component;
  • standard.

Quality control of plastering works

Control over compliance with SNiP and GOST requirements is carried out at three stages: at the stage of preparation, in the process of work and at the stage of inspection and acceptance of the finished base.

For control on preparatory stage necessary:

  • check the quality of the solution;
  • determine the moisture content of the walls and temperature;
  • make sure the quality of cleaning the walls from dirt.

In the process of performing plastering works, the control of verticality and horizontality, as well as the quality of the resulting coatings, is carried out.

At the last stage, the control consists in checking the adhesion strength of the dried mortar to the wall and the quality of the surface that has been sanded.