Rules for decorating walls with gypsum plaster. The procedure for diluting plaster

Plastering walls with a gypsum composition has found wide application in eliminating surface irregularities for the purpose of further painting or wallpapering. Such a composition is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergies, has no odor, is quite easy to use, is economically consumed, is not afraid of fire, has thermal insulation and noise-suppressing properties.

The indisputable advantages also include the ability to maintain a constant microclimate in the room, since gypsum quickly absorbs excess moisture when it appears, and then also easily releases it when the air becomes excessively dry.

Also, the surface, pre-treated with gypsum mortar, is not afraid of driving in nails and screwing in the weight.

Most often, walls, ceilings and partitions are finished with plaster composition. living quarters, as well as offices and other similar buildings. It is not recommended to use it for leveling walls in bathrooms and laundries, where high levels of air humidity are present all the time. For these purposes better fit moisture resistant dry plaster mix. It is also undesirable to use gypsum mortar for leveling walls in unheated premises and on open street facades.

Gypsum plaster is applied to the most different reasons - concrete, foam concrete, brickwork, cement-sand, and other surfaces. The only condition is that the material is not susceptible to moisture.

Please note that if the surface to be coated has serious damage, you must first seal it with cement, since the gypsum coating is applied in a thin layer and will not be able to hide cosmetic defects.

Gypsum plaster is highly plastic and therefore makes it possible to create fillets on the ceiling area.

Wall decoration with gypsum plaster, due to the characteristics of the material, has certain nuances, which will be discussed in detail below.


First of all, you need to prepare the work surface., namely, clean it from dust and possible contamination and pre-prime it. This manipulation will provide better adhesion and tighter adhesion of the treated surface with the composition. Before applying the composition, determine the desired thickness of the plaster layer: the thinner it is, the more liquid the composition should be. Spread the composition along the wall with a thin spatula, and for leveling use the rule of thumb - a long, even strip 1.5-3 m long.

In the case of applying plaster in several layers, before proceeding to the next one, let the previous one dry properly - this will take at least 3 hours. Spread and level the first layer, moving horizontally, the second layer - on the contrary, vertically.

Gypsum plaster does not form cracks, therefore surfaces treated with it provide ample opportunities for decorative processing. For work with concrete bases, a gypsum mixture with priming materials is used.

As the application progresses, the plaster spreads evenly and then becomes perfectly smooth. It takes at least 5 days for the coating to dry completely, after which the surface is ready for final finishing.

Types and design

For a long time, plaster has been used as a base and as a leveling component. It is now widely distributed decorative varieties, which can easily compete with wallpapers in popularity. It is easy to combine it with other types of finishes and, as a result, to bring to life the most daring design ideas... It can be smooth or textured.

Decorative plaster can be divided into types according to the binding agent:

    Acrylic elastic, perfectly applied to the most different surfaces, suitable for creating decorative elements and patterns with a roller or spatula. Present on the market as ready mix... If desired, you can add the desired dye to it. Suitable for work in bathrooms and kitchens. To apply plaster to the base, you can use special installations, which is usually done with a large amount of work. Please note that in order to obtain a uniform shade and equal texture, it is necessary to constantly stir the composition so that it does not lose its uniformity, and, if possible, do not interrupt work for longer than half an hour. The resulting surface can be cleaned using mild detergents.

    Mineral. It uses cement as a binder. This formulation is sold in powder form. Of the positive aspects, one can single out its strength, resistance to mechanical damage, good sound insulation properties... Allows painting or varnishing.

  • Silicone produced on the basis of synthetic resin. Plastic, easy to apply, upon completion of drying, forms a water-repellent film on the surface, which allows you to cover surfaces in the bathroom with it. Long-lasting, not afraid of mold and mildew. It is used exclusively for decorative purposes and does not require preliminary preparation of the surface for application, since it perfectly levels the walls. The price category of such plaster is slightly higher than that of the previous types. Sold in containers of various sizes, which is extremely convenient for creating unique design interior during the final finishing works.

  • Silicate- manufactured using liquid glass. It is the most durable and durable type of coating, prevents wall decay and the appearance of mold, therefore it is more often used for exterior decoration facades, although it is sometimes used for indoor work. Does not suffer from temperature and wind changes. It comes in white or it can be colored. Ideal for porous substrates such as aerated concrete.

Careful preliminary preparation is required for working with other surfaces. Also, one of the disadvantages is to point out a possible change in the color of the coating under the influence of direct sunlight.

By outward appearance gypsum plaster is divided into the following types:

    Structural - with the addition of marble chips or quartz, it looks like a non-uniform granular surface. Highly breathable and moisture resistant.

    Textured - demonstrates high adhesion to brick, wood and simply smooth plastered surfaces. Easily creates an imitation of wood, fabric or stone, it is possible to paint the composition in different colors... This type of plaster perfectly masks irregularities.

    Venetian - imitates marble or onyx, is often used in interior decoration in classic style... The application of such a plaster requires careful preparation of the walls, including reinforcement, putty and primer. Then the paint is applied with a rubber spatula. Each smear requires careful drying. Can be matte or glossy.

    Flock is a new development containing acrylic flakes in the composition. Creates an imitation of suede or velor, is widely used for finishing ceilings and columns.

I would like to briefly highlight the currently most popular types of finishes:

    "Bark beetle"- contains mineral granules, which, when applied, imitate a pattern similar to the path of a wood beetle. It is used only for finishing work, it fits perfectly on plasterboard, brick and concrete substrates.

    "Lamb"- contains mineral chips. Typically used for facade works, fits perfectly on any kind of surface, previously cleaned of dirt and primed. After drying, it can be painted in any desired color.

    "Fur coat"long time ranks first in popularity. Stir the composition thoroughly before starting work, as decorative elements over time they tend to settle to the bottom of the container.

How to mix the composition?

The recipe for the solution is extremely simple:

    In a deep trough or bucket, clean water is collected at the rate of 0.5-0.7 liters per 1 kg of powder.

    The mixture is poured into the container and thoroughly mixed using a mixer for construction works or a drill. If this technique is not available, the solution is mixed by hand until smooth.

    In comparison with cement, gypsum mixture hardens very quickly, keep this in mind, this is an irreversible process and cannot be slowed down.

When carrying out work, pay attention to the following nuances:

    Gypsum plaster hardens very quickly, so it takes no more than half an hour to apply it to the surface.

    After hardening, the composition is unsuitable for work. It is unacceptable to try to dilute it again with water or add new constituents to slow down the curing process.

    The room where the work is carried out must have dry air and the temperature must not be lower than +5 and not higher than +25 degrees.

    Make sure there are no drafts, otherwise the work result may be damaged.

    Before plastering, make sure that all required wires(e.g. electrical or related to signaling).

    Remember that plaster is irritating to the respiratory organs - it makes sense to protect yourself if you are doing the work yourself.

    If there are aluminum or steel parts in the walls, dismantle them or treat them with an anti-corrosion agent, as gypsum tends to oxidize metal objects.

    At the end of the work, make sure that there are no unwanted marks or stains on the plastered surface. If found, remove them with a special degreaser or steam.

    It is better to re-inspect the surface, ready for final finishing, in good light.

    Take your choice of mixture seriously. It is better to give preference to brands that have been known for a long time on the market and have good feedback from buyers.

    When kneading, use is allowed construction mixer for faster and more uniform preparation of the mixture.

    Do not forget to carefully study the base and prepare it for work - concrete and wooden walls must be primed in different ways before plastering.

Subtleties of application

Before starting work, you need to prepare to lay the floor protective film in order to avoid getting the composition on it. Carefully read the instructions for use of the powder you are going to work with.

Before diluting the gypsum mixture, you need to prepare the work surface so that it is as clean and dry as possible.

It would be correct to do this in several stages:

    pieces of concrete are chipped off, which do not adhere well to the surface of the base;

    tap the wall - if a dull sound is heard, the concrete has become loose, it also needs to be knocked down;

    cracks and cavities are cleaned out and filled with cement;

    dry surfaces are polished with a steel brush;

    dust from the walls can be brushed off with a soft brush or removed with a vacuum cleaner;

    the plaster coating will not adhere to oil paint, therefore, the latter must be removed using a special nozzle on a drill, the surface of the stain must be sanded with a hard steel brush or wiped off with a solvent, after which a layer of gypsum composition must be applied;

    for preprocessing walls made of basalt and granite, specialized compounds are used that are applied to the surface in the form of an aerosol. After a period of time, the frozen mass is removed from the surface in the form of a film that has absorbed all the contaminants, after which the walls are primed with acrylic primer- it is important not to allow air dripping from the walls and the formation of air bubbles;

    in order to improve the adhesion of the base and the coating, a primer is used; for concrete walls, the "Concrete-contact" tool is suitable;

    walls made of bricks and blocks are treated with soil that has deep penetration characteristics to reduce their hygroscopicity. Before working with wooden base, also use specialized tools.

Plastering of walls is carried out with the help of beacons or without their use, as well as with the installation reinforced mesh or without it.

Work without a lighthouse is carried out when you need to slightly trim the wall in a plane or create an external decorative layer. This is often done by hand. Using the rule, irregularities on the ceiling and walls are determined - the tool is pressed into different places, thus indicating the area of ​​work. A plaster composition is applied to these areas and smeared over the surface. Further, using the rule, the presence of a gap between the tool and the processed surface is determined.

If the tool fits snugly, the same algorithm is worked out in the next section. All planned areas are processed in the same way. The approximate thickness of the layer will be 2-3 mm, after the composition has dried and its surface is polished, you can proceed to decorative finishing grounds.

Working with beacons is appropriate when working with large areas bases when machine plastering cannot be carried out. Specialized metal profiles, fishing line or thin cables are used as beacons.

How it's done? Along the imaginary lines of the lighthouses above and below the wall, we fasten the self-tapping screws flush with the cord. Again we "slap" the lines from the solution. Well, as a rule, we press our beacons so that on both sides they are flush with the caps of the screws. Very comfortably. And time costs are minimized with experience. And you will add it in the process of work

Next, you will have to wait for the solution to dry out a little. The wall must absorb some moisture. Well, go ahead…. Take our rule and align the mixture to the wall. It is necessary to work carefully, do not put too much pressure on the rule. From bottom to top or vice versa, as you like. Having aligned what was originally thrown on the wall, we take more mortar and level out the gaps and holes.

Basically everything. You can wipe the solution with a special grater so that everything is perfect in general.

Exterior wall plastering on lighthouses .

In this case, the plastering technology is approximately the same. You just need to know that the temperature outside should be above zero. Better to use a mixture of cement and sand. And in order to completely for centuries, it will not be superfluous to fix the mesh on the wall and plaster already on it. If the brick is silicate, then this operation is required.

My personal opinion: for exterior wall decoration, use siding. Cheap, cheerful and looks nice and neat.

Finally, one cannot fail to mention decorative plaster walls. There are a lot of technologies and options. It looks very nice and original. The main thing is the desire to learn and the availability of competent teaching materials. It's even better if someone shows you how to do it. I tried to apply decorative plaster myself. In the end it turned out what happened. Read the article on decorative plaster. Watch the videos and go.

We need plastering solution to level the walls

Lesson 1. Video tutorial. General principle of plastering

Lesson 2. Video tutorial. Find the largest bump on the wall.

Lesson 3. Trying to knock down all the big bumps on the wall.

Lesson 4. Plumb bob and building level .

Lesson 5. We fix the plaster mesh.

Lesson 6. Putting the first plaster beacon.

Lesson 7. Preparing plaster mortar.

Lesson 8. Create a wall plane for plastering.

Lesson 9. Install all the remaining plaster beacons.

Lesson 10. What to do if the plaster beacons are bent.

Lesson 11. Little secret aligning walls with lighthouses.

Lesson 12. Video lesson. Checking the installation of plaster beacons.

Lesson 13. Video lesson. We plaster the walls with our own hands.

Lesson 14. Tools and materials for plastering.

Lesson 15. Working with heat and sound insulating plaster.

Lesson 16. Insulating plasters.

Lesson 17. How to remove beacons after plastering walls.

Lesson 18. Why is the distance between the lighthouses small?

Lesson 19. How to plaster doorways

Plaster or layer finishing material applied to the surface during construction work is a mandatory step prior to finishing.

It is specially prepared, which, after drying, solidifies, forming a hard, even surface, ready for final processing.

In most cases, with its help, any defects are corrected, as well as the sealing of technological channels formed during the repair process, for example, when laying new wiring. The surface becomes even, smooth and aesthetically pleasing.

The exact proportions of the mortar for plastering the walls allow the prepared mixture, after drying, to fulfill its function and not to crumble over time. To choose it correctly, you need to have a general idea of ​​the types of building mixtures and their purpose. Knowledge of their main components and application possibilities will allow you to easily navigate the existing range and correctly apply the solution for their use.

and their features

Wall decoration can be used outdoors or indoors and is divided into three main types:

  • standard as protection against impact external environment(exterior walls) or correcting surface defects, including leveling, sealing of cracks, tramline channels and preparation for final finishing finishing decorative coatings usually thin-layer;
  • protective, performing the function of an insulator or screen, for example, suppressing noise, retaining heat or preventing the penetration of radiation;
  • decorative, used during the topcoat (colored, stone, Venetian, graphite).

Each type is characterized by a specific composition, the preparation of which requires the exact proportion of the mortar for plastering the walls.

What is building mixture

To prepare the mortar for plastering walls, the proportions should include a binder (cement, lime or gypsum), aggregate, usually sand and water.

Depending on the amount of the binder component, they are:

  • skinny, characterized by the absence of cracks, but poor strength;
  • fatty, able to crumble and shrink.

Skinny mixes easily slide off the trowel, oily mixes, on the contrary, stick to it. The task of any builder is to prepare a solution for plastering walls, the proportions of which will be optimal.

In addition, a plasticizer is necessarily added to the finished solution, which makes it easier to work with the mixture. The most simple option is the usual liquid soap or powder for washing, but there are also special industrial additives.

Number of layers

Application usually takes place in three layers, which have individual proportions of mortar for plastering walls:

  • the first (spray) is applied with a layer of at least 5 and not more than 9 mm when filling all the irregularities and looks like sour cream;
  • the second (primer) is the main layer, which can be applied several times and has the thickness of the dough;
  • the third (cover), applied with a layer of no more than 4 mm, always on a damp surface, similar in consistency to a spray.

When the solution for plastering walls is being prepared, the proportions differ in the amount of binding agent, most often cement. In the first layer there is very little of it, in the second the amount increases and in the third it becomes maximum.

Types of mixtures

When decorating walls, several basic types of compounds are used. Today, mainly three mixtures are used:

  • cement, the most common and popular, is characterized by the greatest strength, but a long hardening period;
  • clay, used during interior and exterior work when processing wooden surfaces;
  • calcareous, inexpensive analogue cement mix, often used with gypsum, to speed up the curing time and increase the strength.

In addition, depending on the situation, other options may also apply:

  • gypsum - the most rarely used because of the rapid (within a few minutes) initial solidification and complete fixation after half an hour;
  • mixed - characterized by the use of several special components at the same time;
  • special - used with a certain additive, depending on the goal.

One of the important indicators that determine the type the desired solution, is the humidity level. The required composition is selected depending on the microclimate. The most versatile and common is a cement mortar for plastering walls, the proportions of which are known even to an amateur, and allow it to be successfully used both outside and inside the room.

Cement mortar

The most reliable, simple and ubiquitous method. To do it, you must clearly observe the order.

The work begins with the preparation of all components and, first of all, the sand. It must be dried and then sieved. Then thoroughly remove all lumps, especially clay. It is not advisable to use sand of red or red color, this reduces the quality of the finished mixture and its performance properties, and you cannot use whole and uncleaned at all.

After sifting, you can start preparing for the plastering of the walls. The proportions will vary depending on the type of cement used. For example, using the M400 grade, 4 components of sand are enough for 1 part of cement. If the M500 is used, the number of parts increases to five. Violation leads to a loss of quality of finish and is not allowed. Dry components are thoroughly mixed in a previously prepared container. This can be done using a mixer inserted into a hammer drill, shovel, or concrete mixer.

The choice of method depends on the required volume. If you have to work independently, it is enough to use a large construction bucket of 15 or 20 liters, in which you can prepare a solution for plastering walls with your own hands, the proportions remain the same. If the work is done by several people, it makes sense to use a large trough or concrete mixer.

Water is gradually added to the thoroughly mixed mixture, bringing the composition to the state of thick sour cream.

Features of lime mortar

In order to reduce costs, sometimes cement is replaced with slaked lime, which has almost no effect on quality. Moreover, the proportions of lime and cement mortar for plastering walls are almost the same.

Its peculiarity lies in the use of only It is quite simple to do at home without any special costs.

The acquired lime is poured with warm, but not hot water in large capacity, and after completion of the reaction, filter, usually through cheesecloth. It can be used no earlier than in a day.

Lime mixture

Preparing the solution also requires consistency.

First, the lime is cleared of lumps by stirring. Small amounts of water or sand are allowed. Having received a homogeneous composition, you can proceed to the preparation of the mixture.

The required composition is obtained by putting three sands, previously sifted and cleaned, on one part of the lime mass. Water is gradually introduced along with the sand. This continues until the solution looks like a thick, homogeneous mass. Then it can be used for 12 hours.

Features of lime mortar during outdoor work

Typically, the lime mixture is used only in dry climates. If the processing time of the facade is limited, the proportions of the external wall plaster include a small amount of gypsum.

This allows it to begin to harden within a few minutes, completely hardening in half an hour.

To make a solution, 1 kg of gypsum is added to 3 liters of the finished lime mixture. But it is imperative to take into account the hardening period and the amount of work, otherwise it will harden ahead of time.

Clay solution

The use of clay is still quite widespread in wooden houses... To prepare a strong clay mortar for plastering walls, the proportions should include cement, lime or gypsum.

You will need alumina, preferably greasy, which is soaked for several hours. It is important to constantly stir the mixture and add water until it becomes thick.

The easiest way to prepare is to add sifted sand in a ratio of one to three. But it is not particularly durable. This is corrected by adding 1/5 parts of cement to these constituents. In this case, cement and clay, that is, binding elements, are first mixed, and only then sand.

Sometimes cement is replaced with lime, but with the obligatory increase in the part to 1/2. You can also add gypsum, but not more than 1/4.

Component ratio

Shares of different components in ready solution always differ, depending on the task and the type of layer. Typical ratios are shown in the table below.

Solution Ratio of components (in parts)
First Second Third
cement - sand 1 - 3 1 - 0,2 - 3 1 - 2
lime - sand 1 - 3 1 - 3 1 - 2
lime - sand 1 - 4 1 - 4 -
lime - clay - sand 0,2 - 1 - 3 0,2 - 1 - 5 0,2 - 1 - 3
lime - gypsum - sand 1 - 1 - 2 1 - 0,5 - 2 1 - 1 - 5
clay - gypsum - sand 1 - 0,2 - 3 1 - 0,2 - 3 -

The indicated proportions are not constant and can be adjusted on a case-by-case basis.

Ready dry mix

Today, almost all manufacturers provide a wide range of ready-made dry mixes. All that is needed before starting work is to take the required volume of water and ready-made dry solution, and then mix everything thoroughly, usually two times. The mixture is ready to use. As a rule, they are always slightly more expensive than the cost of the included components when purchased separately.

Their main advantage is that there is no need to mix several different elements in the right proportions. In addition, the sale is carried out in large quantities, which is not always convenient. For example, it makes no sense to purchase a 25 kg bag of cement if you need to close a small hole in the wall. Therefore, for a small amount of work, ready-made dry mix will be a good alternative.

Working with plaster

Competently selected proportions of mortar for plastering internal or external walls are one of the key points any repair. But even the ideal ratio will be useless if the plastering is carried out in violation of the rules for applying to the surface. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to all stages without exception. Only in this case can a positive effect be expected.

The order, thickness and number of layers are of the same importance as the composition. A mistake can lead to the most unpleasant consequences... Application is made special tool, with a mandatory time interval provided for each type of mixture.

With minimal experience in carrying out such work, it is recommended that a mandatory number of trial attempts on small areas be performed to assess your own capabilities.

Tools and specificity of individual surfaces

If the work is done by hand, you will need a certain construction tool:

  • rule;
  • Master OK;
  • level;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • cord;
  • trowel for grout.

The first and second layers are applied with a trowel, the third - with a spatula. Usually the first layers are applied to the auxiliary reinforcement mesh. When applying the topcoat, a gypsum mixture is used.

Surfaces with large differences are processed using special construction beacons, which facilitate the process of applying and leveling the plaster.

For plastering walls, ceilings and external facades using the "wet" technology, various solutions are used, which are usually classified as:

  • simple(one-component): lime, clay, cement;
  • complex(multicomponent): lime + clay, lime + gypsum; cement + lime.

Components of any plaster mix are binders, fillers and thinner (water). In order for the plaster to have sufficient operational strength and be easy to apply, it is necessary to follow the sequence of preparation of the mixture and mix the components in optimal proportions.

Preparation of plaster solution "Volma"


The most common binders for the preparation of plaster mix are cement, slaked lime, clay, gypsum... Less commonly used liquid glass, magnesia and polyvinyl acetate.


Cement plaster mortar. Photo 2

Cement most often used for the preparation of plaster, it is the most durable. For mortars, cement M400 is usually used, but other grades can also be used. Material hardening occurs on outdoors and in water for 15 minutes after reconstitution with vehicle. The cement surface gains full strength in 28 days.


Only slaked lime is suitable for a plaster mixture, since the quicklime will react with water and moisture in the form already applied to the surface. Those. the residual process of extinguishing will continue due to the presence of small quicklime particles, which leads to the destruction of the finished plaster layer.

How to extinguish lime for plaster solution

There are three types of construction lime (boiled, ground and fluff), each of which must be extinguished in a certain way.

Kippelku quenched in a special container, filling the volume by about 1/2 with water and carefully pouring lime there. The boiling point is extinguished no longer than 8-10 minutes, while strong boiling occurs with the release of steam and high temperature. The composition must be stirred with a wooden shovel until it is completely melted.

Ground lime is considered to be moderately quenching, the process takes about half an hour. To extinguish it, use a suitable container or sealed box, pour the ground composition about 1/4 of the total volume and fill it with about half of the container. After the appearance of signs of a boiling process (steam above the surface due to high temperature, hissing), the lime is stirred and water is added.

Fluff poured into a container on the basis that its volume after quenching will triple and slightly moisten. The process of decaying occurs in this case slowly, more than half an hour, the end of it will be evidenced by the absence of characteristic crackles and cooling of the container.

To mortar was completely ready for the preparation of the plaster mixture, it is kept in the pit for 3-4 weeks. To do this, pre-slaked lime is brought with water to the consistency of milk of lime, filtered and poured into a pit, after a day sifted sand and earth are poured in a common layer of about half a meter. During the holding time, the lime is finally extinguished and thickens to the consistency of a lime dough.


Gypsum significantly reduces the curing time of the applied layer to half an hour and improves its strength, gypsum and gypsum compositions play the role of an additive. Construction gypsum good in that it does not give significant shrinkage of the layer.

Attention! Wallpaper can be glued to gypsum plaster immediately. What not to do with cement mortar plaster.

How to make a cheap gypsum plaster mix


Clay is the cheapest material, it is successfully used for plastering wooden walls, ceilings wooden houses, adobe buildings and wood-burning stoves.


Fillers are divided into:

  • natural (river and quarry sand, stone chips, gravel);
  • artificial (expanded clay sand, sawdust, fuel slag).

Sand is the most good filler the finer it is, the higher the overall quality of the solution. The use of sand with a fraction of up to 0.5 mm allows you to obtain smooth surfaces that do not require additional putty before finishing the surfaces.

It is preferable to use river sand, it does not require washing, unlike open-pit sand, in which a large percentage of clay can be present.

The most common types of plaster solutions

Wooden surfaces are finished, as a rule, with solutions containing gypsum:

  • lime-gypsum;
  • lime-gypsum-clay.

Concrete and brick surfaces are finished with mortars:

  • cement;
  • lime;
  • lime-cement;
  • clay;
  • plaster;
  • clay-gypsum.

Preparation of plaster solutions. How to cook properly. Video

Lime-gypsum is prepared in the ratio: per unit volume of gypsum, 2 to 5 volumes of lime are required. First, plaster is poured into the water, stirring until homogeneous composition, a lime solution is added to the resulting mixture. It is recommended to prepare a volume of such a solution of no more than 3-4 liters, since it hardens very quickly.

Cement is prepared in the ratio: per unit volume of cement, 2 to 5 volumes of sand are required, preferably a composition of 1: 2. First, the dry components are mixed, then water is added and the composition is used for 30-40 minutes, otherwise it will harden in the container. In a concrete mixer, a different order is used: first, water is poured into a container and gradually a mixture of sand and cement is added to a working machine.

Lime also contains sand, per unit volume of lime dough, take from 1 to 5 volumes of sand, which is added to the dough, stirring constantly until a solution of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. It is believed that the lime composition good quality able to hold a pillar of 7-8 bricks.

Clay-limestone is prepared in the ratio: for 1 volume of lime dough, 3 volumes of clay dough and 9-15 volumes of sand are needed. The solution is obtained by mixing clay and lime dough, followed by adding to the resulting mass of sand.

It is necessary to achieve optimal proportions to obtain a "normal" plaster mortar. A normal composition is one that adheres well to a trowel (shovel), but does not linger unnecessarily on the tool.

Every beginner in repair must learn how to work with building mixtures. The fact is that a lot of types of work are associated with the fact that you need to glue something, patch up something, align something. In each case, its own construction material... But they are united by one essence - this is a dry building mixture that you purchase in a store, then, according to the instructions, you prepare a solution from this mixture and start working with it. Today we will talk about such dry building mixture like plaster.

Earlier, if you have already looked at my site, then you probably read the article: Help buy building mixtures, I don’t understand them, in which I reviewed what you can find in hardware stores. In addition, in the article Technology for preparing a solution from a dry building mixture is described in detail general principle... Since plaster is a dry building mixture, this principle also applies to it. However, you need to understand that a principle is a principle, and the devil, as you know, is in the details.

Appointment of plaster

So, plaster. This dry building mixture has a direct purpose, which consists in rough leveling the walls. Why rude? Because fine alignment is done later with putty. Rough alignment implies that after finishing work, the differences between separate sections walls should not exceed 3 mm (in some places 5 mm). This is the threshold that can be easily removed afterwards with a single application of the putty.

In this article I will talk about ROTBAND plaster. It is the most popular plaster in use today and has proven itself well:

In stores, this dry building mixture can be found in bags of 10 and 30 kg. If you have never worked with plaster and at the same time you have to plaster the wall, then buy a bag of 10 or 5 kg for a start and practice getting the solution. Below, in the Petrovich and OBI catalogs, you will find plaster in different packaging.

Preparation of plaster mortar

The topic of preparing a plaster solution has become relevant, since in the previous article we installed the first plaster beacon and used a plaster solution to fix it, so you should know how to prepare it now. And then this solution will be needed for the main alignment of the walls.

One of the main principles for preparing plaster mortar is that you do not need to immediately dilute the entire bag in a large bucket. The fact is that the plaster dries pretty quickly. If you dilute a large volume at once, then you can have time to work with the first part of the solution, and the rest will harden, and you simply throw out the material. Therefore, dilute the plaster in small portions: 3-4 kg of dry mix and mix it with water. We worked, the solution ran out - they prepared a new one, and so on. You need to work quickly enough, since hardening occurs within 20 minutes.

So, what we need to prepare the plaster solution.


We take the following tools for work:

  • electric drill;
  • mixer - attachment for an electric drill;
  • measure for water;
  • a bucket for the plaster poured out of the bag;
  • a steelyard for weighing the plaster poured out of the bag;
  • bucket (basin) for the prepared solution.

Materials (edit)

The materials will only be:

  • Rotband plaster;
  • water.

Solution preparation process

Now let's take a closer look at the process itself:

  1. We open the bag with plaster.
  2. Pour some of the plaster from the bag into a bucket (about 3-4 kg). For accuracy, we take a steelyard and weigh the dry mixture minus the weight of the bucket itself (for example, 3 kg).
  3. We calculate how much water we need to take for 3 kg of dry mixture. If we read the instructions on the Rotband packaging, we will see the following:

    For 10 kg of dry construction mixture, you need to take 6-7 liters of water. Let's take the average: 6.5 liters.

    10 kg - 6.5 liters

    3 kg - X liters

    X = 6.5 * 3/10 = 1.95 liters of water

    Thus, 3 kg of dry mix requires about 2 liters of water.

  4. We take a measure for water and use it to measure 2 liters of water and immediately pour this water into a bucket (basin) for the future solution.
  5. We take an electric drill, install a mixer. We check that the electric drill is working and the mixer is rotating.
  6. We take a bucket filled with dry plaster and pour it into a bowl of water.
  7. We immediately take a drill with an installed mixer, turn it on and start mixing the dry mixture with water. You can read how to use a drill with a mixer in the article: Impact drill. Functions, modes of operation, application. You can also download my book about impact drill, which goes into great detail about the many functions of this wonderful tool. In general, mixing plaster with water with a mixer is a bit like beating dough. Therefore, if you did something like this in the kitchen, then there is nothing complicated about it.
  8. Stir until the solution takes the form of thick sour cream. If we take our volume, then it is about 2 minutes.
  9. Further, after mixing, you need to wait 5 minutes and mix again. Everything, after that the plaster solution is ready for use.
  10. After the solution is ready, you need to take a part of it with a trowel or a trowel, throw it on the wall and begin the leveling process, which I will of course tell you about.

    It does not matter if you yourself mix the mixture or you have ordered the work from the master, but there is an important point that will of course ensure ease of use. Read about it here: Small repair tips will come in handy too

Step-by-step tutorials on plastering walls

Lesson 01. How to plaster walls. General principle

Lesson 02. How to plaster the walls? Tools and materials Lesson 03. Finding the largest bump on a curved wall before plastering Lesson 04. Trying to knock down a large protrusion in the wall Lesson 05. Plumb bob and building level Lesson 06. How to fix the plaster mesh Lesson 07. How to install the first plaster beacon Lesson 08. How to prepare a plaster solution Lesson 09. Create the plane of the wall for plastering Lesson 10. Install all the remaining plaster beacons Lesson 11. A little secret of aligning the walls with the beacons Lesson 12. Aligning the walls with your own hands. What is the distance between the beacons? Lesson 13. What to do if the beacons for plaster are bent? Lesson 14. Checking the accuracy of the installation of plaster beacons Lesson 15. Plastering walls with your own hands Lesson 16. How to remove beacons after plastering walls Lesson 17. How is plastering doorways Lesson 18. Warm plaster... How to work with it Lesson 19. Warm (heat-insulating) plaster. Types and features

The purpose of the plaster is to give the walls a flat surface for subsequent finishing work. Also, plaster acts as a protective coating for the walls of the facade from atmospheric influences... To the surface outer walls Throw in a solution with a solid filler and get a surface in the form of a "fur coat".

Indoors, plaster is used as a preliminary coarse layer. Special dry mixtures are stirred with water, achieving the desired consistency. We will tell you how to mix gypsum plaster, as well as similar solutions, in this article.

The main types of plaster

Different types of coatings are designed for plastering walls in certain conditions ( exterior decoration facades or indoor wall covering). Let's list the main types of dry mixes:

  • cement-sand;
  • plaster;
  • clay-sand;
  • limestone;
  • cement clay-lime.


With this mixture, the walls are prepared before finishing with a topcoat.

This type of plaster is simple in composition. Wall decoration with such a material can be called surface cementation. Basically, carburizing is done to level out minor surface defects. It also helps to strengthen the base for finishing the walls.

Preparing a cement-sand mix is ​​simple: pour cement and sand into a container in a ratio of 1: 3, add water. Stir the solution with a mixer, shovel or other device until a homogeneous creamy mixture is obtained.


A dry mixture is prepared from gypsum with the addition of various components. Each manufacturer creates its own powder composition. Knead the gypsum plaster, strictly following the instructions.

The walls of the interiors are leveled with gypsum plaster. Trimmed with plaster small areas with complex surface relief.


Covering the walls with clay-sand mortar serves as a protective fence of the facades of buildings from atmospheric phenomena.

Clay-sand mixtures are used for facades

A solution is prepared using the same technology as a cement-sand plaster.


Plaster based on a mixture of lime and sand forms a layer on the walls with high heat-shielding properties.

Prepare the solution on their own in the same proportions as the cement-sand mixture.

Such a solution is used both for facing the facades of buildings and for finishing interior walls.

The preparation of a lime-based plaster mixture significantly reduces the cost of wall decoration, especially if lime lies next to the construction in free availability.

Cement clay-sand

How is plaster made of cement, clay and sand bred and why is such a mixture needed? The answer is pretty simple. Clay is added in order to save on cement consumption. Cement and clay are taken in equal parts. The sand is added in the amount of 1/3 of the total volume of the dry composition. For more information on plasters, see this video:

Do this plaster yourself. It is profitable to prepare it when components such as sand and clay lie close to the building where the plastering work is being carried out.

Let's summarize in a single table all the above types of plaster and their areas of application:

Plaster mixing technology

Stir the mixture with a construction mixer

Kneading the plaster mortar is simple:

  1. Prepare a container for kneading. The volume of the dishes should correspond to the volume of one batch of solution. Inner surface containers must be clean and free of any deposits.
  2. Dry ingredients are poured into the dishes. The entire filled volume is thoroughly mixed, removing solid inclusions.
  3. In the process of mixing the mixture, water is gradually added to it.
  4. The process is interrupted for 10-15 minutes, and then stirring is continued until the solution is completely ready.
  5. To make sure that the mortar is normal, place a 1 cm thick mixture on the trowel. The mortar should not drain and not be too dense.

Pour the dry mixture with warm water at a temperature of 20-250C. This is especially true for work in the open air at a low above-zero air temperature.

Tools required for mixing plaster

First of all, the container itself is important for mixing the solution. Determine the amount of work, daily output and the number of batches. Based on this data, builders can choose a trough, an old bath, or some kind of tank as the capacity.

It's another matter when the volume of finishing work reaches large sizes... In this case, you cannot do without a concrete mixer. It is profitable to rent a mortar mixer.

You will need buckets and shovels to mix the solution.

If there is no central water supply in the vicinity, you need to take care of the presence of a large container filled with water.

Strict adherence to safety regulations is imperative.

Related articles:

For plastering walls, ceilings and external facades using the "wet" technology, various solutions are used, which are usually classified as:

  • simple(one-component): lime, clay, cement;
  • complex(multicomponent): lime + clay, lime + gypsum; cement + lime.

The components of any plaster mixture are binders, fillers and thinner (water). In order for the plaster to have sufficient operational strength and be easy to apply, it is necessary to follow the sequence of preparation of the mixture and mix the components in optimal proportions.

Preparation of gypsum solution "Volma"


The most common binders for the preparation of plaster mix are cement, slaked lime, clay, gypsum... Less commonly used water glass, magnesia and polyvinyl acetate.


Cement plaster mortar. Photo 2

Cement most often used for the preparation of plaster, it is the most durable. For mortars, cement M400 is usually used, but other grades can also be used. The material hardens in the open air and in water within 15 minutes after dilution with filler. The cement surface gains full strength in 28 days.


Only slaked lime is suitable for a plaster mixture, since the quicklime will react with water and moisture in the form already applied to the surface. Those. the residual process of extinguishing will continue due to the presence of small quicklime particles, which leads to the destruction of the finished plaster layer.

How to extinguish lime for plaster solution

There are three types of construction lime (boiled, ground and fluff), each of which must be extinguished in a certain way.

Kippelku quenched in a special container, filling the volume by about 1/2 with water and carefully pouring lime there. The boiling point is extinguished no longer than 8-10 minutes, while strong boiling occurs with the release of steam and high temperature. The composition must be stirred with a wooden shovel until it is completely melted.

Ground lime is considered to be moderately quenching, the process takes about half an hour. To extinguish it, use a suitable container or sealed box, pour the ground composition about 1/4 of the total volume and fill it with about half of the container. After the appearance of signs of a boiling process (steam above the surface due to high temperature, hissing), the lime is stirred and water is added.

Lime slaking pit

Fluff poured into a container on the basis that its volume after quenching will triple and slightly moisten. The process of decaying occurs in this case slowly, more than half an hour, the end of it will be evidenced by the absence of characteristic crackles and cooling of the container.

In order for the lime mortar to be completely ready for the preparation of the plaster mixture, it is kept in the pit for 3-4 weeks. To do this, pre-slaked lime is brought with water to the consistency of milk of lime, filtered and poured into a pit, after a day sifted sand and earth are poured in a common layer of about half a meter. During the holding time, the lime is finally extinguished and thickens to the consistency of a lime dough.


Gypsum plaster mortar. Photo 3

Gypsum significantly reduces the curing time of the applied layer to half an hour and improves its strength, gypsum and gypsum compositions play the role of an additive. Stucco is good in that it does not significantly shrink the layer.

Attention! Wallpaper can be glued to gypsum plaster immediately. What can not be done with cement plaster mortar.

How to make a cheap gypsum plaster mix


Clay plaster solution. Photo 4

Clay is the cheapest material; it is successfully used for plastering wooden walls, ceilings of wooden houses, adobe buildings and wood-burning stoves.


Fillers are divided into:

  • natural (river and quarry sand, stone chips, gravel);
  • artificial (expanded clay sand, sawdust, fuel slag).

Sand is the best filler, the finer it is, the higher the overall quality of the mortar. The use of sand with a fraction of up to 0.5 mm allows you to obtain smooth surfaces that do not require additional putty before finishing the surfaces.

It is preferable to use river sand, it does not require washing, unlike open-pit sand, in which a large percentage of clay can be present.

The most common types of plaster solutions

Wooden surfaces are finished, as a rule, with solutions containing gypsum:

  • lime-gypsum;
  • lime-gypsum-clay.

Concrete and brick surfaces are finished with mortars:

  • cement;
  • lime;
  • lime-cement;
  • clay;
  • plaster;
  • clay-gypsum.

Preparation of plaster solutions. How to cook properly. Video

Lime-gypsum is prepared in the ratio: per unit volume of gypsum, 2 to 5 volumes of lime are required. First, gypsum is poured into the water, stirring until a homogeneous composition, a lime solution is added to the resulting mixture. It is recommended to prepare a volume of such a solution of no more than 3-4 liters, since it hardens very quickly.

Cement is prepared in the ratio: per unit volume of cement, 2 to 5 volumes of sand are required, preferably a composition of 1: 2. First, the dry components are mixed, then water is added and the composition is used for 30-40 minutes, otherwise it will harden in the container. In a concrete mixer, a different order is used: first, water is poured into a container and gradually a mixture of sand and cement is added to a working machine.

Lime also contains sand, per unit volume of lime dough, take from 1 to 5 volumes of sand, which is added to the dough, stirring constantly until a solution of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. It is generally accepted that a good quality calcareous composition is capable of holding a pillar of 7-8 bricks.

Clay-limestone is prepared in the ratio: for 1 volume of lime dough, 3 volumes of clay dough and 9-15 volumes of sand are needed. The solution is obtained by mixing clay and lime dough, followed by adding to the resulting mass of sand.

It is necessary to achieve optimal proportions to obtain a "normal" plaster mortar. A normal composition is one that adheres well to a trowel (shovel), but does not linger unnecessarily on the tool.

Gypsum plasters, starting or finishing, are widely used to level the walls of residential premises with normal humidity. The main component of this material is considered to be the natural component of gypsum. This component is made from a special material that is pre-crushed and heat-treated. The purpose of the plaster will depend on the size of the grain fraction.

In addition to gypsum, the mixture includes polymer additives and plasticizers, as well as special substances that slow down the hardening process of the solution. Polymers are used to improve the adhesion and elasticity of the plaster. V construction stores such material comes in the form of a dry mix in special paper bags of various capacities. The working solution is prepared according to the instructions on the package.

Application of gypsum plaster

Gypsum plasters are used for leveling walls in residential and industrial buildings with normal air humidity (these can be apartments, shopping centers and offices). The main purpose of such mixtures is considered not only the preliminary leveling of horizontal and vertical surfaces, but also their decoration (finishing).

For rough leveling brick, wood or concrete base gypsum plaster with coarse grains is used, for finishing premises - a solution with small particles.

Unlike a cement-sand mixture, a gypsum analogue can be laid in a thick layer without using a reinforcing mesh. This allows you to quickly cope with any unevenness of the base, to close up cracks and holes, heaped up sections of the wall. Attention should be paid to the fact that small cracks are better covered with liquid gypsum mortar. To seal large irregularities, you will need a thick mixture.

How to dilute gypsum plaster?

The building material in question enters the stores in paper bags in the form of a ready-made mixture. To obtain a working solution, the powder must be diluted with water, but the quality of the finished plaster will depend on the technology of its preparation.

To obtain a gypsum plaster solution, we need the following tool:

  • dry mix;
  • tap water;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • electric drill with a special mixer nozzle;
  • construction trowel.

First you need to prepare a dry, clean container made of plastic or metal. After that, fill the container with the required amount of plaster mixture for mixing and add water. To obtain a high-quality solution, mix 3 kilograms of dry mixture with 1.8 liters of water. To prevent adhesion of gypsum plaster to the walls of the container, you must first pour out the water, then add the required amount of dry mixture.

When performing such work, be sure to use clean water and the tool, the slightest dirt can appear on the surface of the wall. In addition, small pieces of dirt slow down the solution hardening process.

Dry plaster is thoroughly mixed with a trowel or electric drill with a nozzle until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. If unbroken lumps remain in the solution, they will begin to quickly absorb the liquid remaining in the container, which will lead to premature setting of the solution. The mixture should stand for 3-4 minutes, then it is stirred again. The prepared gypsum solution must be fully used within 20 minutes. Taking into account such features, gypsum plaster is prepared as needed.

Consumption of gypsum plaster

Every builder who conducts renovation work inside his own house, must have information about the consumption of plaster. This value is not the same for different surfaces. The minimum amount of working solution is applied to the base made of drywall sheets, because here the plaster is laid in a uniform layer, with the exception of the joints.

The consumption of gypsum plaster per m2 of area with a layer thickness of 1 centimeter ranges from 8 to 9 kilograms. Typically, this information is indicated on the packaging of the product. Not all surfaces have a perfectly leveled base. In some cases, counting the required amount material is carried out at an average layer thickness.

For example, we have a wall with a working area of ​​12m2. On this surface there are 5 lighthouses with 1 deviations from the vertical; 5; 7; 3; and 4 centimeters. From the baseline data, you can find out that the average thickness of the mortar layer for this wall will be (1 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 7) = 3.9 centimeters. In this case, 3.9 * 8.5 = 33 kilograms will go for each square meter of usable area.

How long does gypsum plaster dry?

When carrying out finishing work in a room with room temperature and air humidity within 75%, drying of a 2 cm layer of gypsum plaster on a brick base occurs throughout the day.

Of course, the drying process of the mortar can be accelerated by using a building hairdryer, but such procedures can lead to cracks in the finish. With the same temperature and humidity conditions, a 2-cm layer of finishing on a wooden base dries up within 12 hours.