Photo wallpaper in the kitchen: our selection of fresh ideas. Photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen: making a choice

Photo wallpaper is an updated finishing material on the market, with which you can update, revitalize or change the interior of any room. Once upon a time they were already popular, but the consumer did not like them because little choice images and Bad quality canvases. Now in the age of new technologies, the range and quality of photo wallpapers is suitable for every buyer.

Photo wallpapers are so diverse and in order to choose the ones you need, you need to at least briefly study their types.

They differ:

  • According to the quality of the canvas on which the image is located.
  • According to the texture of the panel, which affects the image.
  • By the type of image applied to the canvas.
  • By subject of images.
  • By color scheme images.

You need to know the differences between photo wallpapers in order to choose the right ones for a specific room. This is necessary because modern photo wallpaper serve quite well long time and may get boring, or you need to choose those that, on the contrary, will last a long time and will not deteriorate.

Quality of photo wallpaper

The quality of photo wallpaper (see) depends on the materials used to create it. This affects their durability, how susceptible they are to mechanical damage and whether they can be washed.

According to the quality of photo wallpapers there are:

  • Paper– the most purchased, due to their low price and wide variety of images. This type of photo wallpaper is a good option if you are afraid that you will quickly get bored with the image, since they will last quite a short time.

They are environmentally friendly and allow air to pass through well, which is good if they are placed in a bedroom or children's room. But they quickly tear and are afraid of moisture, which means that this type of photo wallpaper is not suitable for the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and nursery if the children are still small.

  • Laminated- These are canvases protected with a special coating that creates a thin and transparent film on the surface. They are created on different bases, because of this, not all of them are environmentally friendly.

But otherwise, there are only advantages: wear-resistant, moisture-resistant, breathable, durable and do not fade. And their smooth glossy surface, reflecting light, will help visually expand the space of the room and make it brighter and lighter.

  • Texture– very unusual photo wallpaper with a fabric imitating various materials both natural and construction. For example: stone, brick, tree bark, fabric, canvas, sand, frost, marble and much more.

This type of photo wallpaper looks very unusual and will make any room more elegant. But when choosing them, you need to consider that they have long term You should like the service and the image so much that you won’t get tired of it even after a few years, and besides, they have a fairly high price.

  • 3D photo wallpaper(see) - newer and modern look. They are: single - small sizes, How big picture; standard – produced in the form of wallpaper; panoramic - a huge canvas reaching several tens of meters and glued to several walls; fluorescent - glowing in the dark.

The latest development is LED photo wallpaper. They resemble an electronic system in their content, which allows you to use the remote control to change the color of the image, its brightness and even the picture itself.

Advice! Photo wallpapers with a 3D effect are not suitable for very small rooms, since their three-dimensional image can begin to put pressure on those present.

Type of wallpaper images

The images are very diverse in color - they can be colorful and monochromatic, as well as black and white; and by the type of their application - they can be made in the form of a photograph and in the form of a painting, as well as in the form of abstractions and teaching aids, and by theme - they can depict anything.

Based on the type of images, photo wallpapers are usually divided into:

  • Subject– depicting a specific pattern specified by the interior style.
  • Panoramic- depicting a panoramic view, like a view from a window (see).
  • Background– depicting, for example, a bamboo forest and creating a background.
  • Realistic– depicting a realistic drawing, usually a 3D effect.

Important! The type of image you choose depends on visual effect rooms. It may increase or decrease.

Choosing photo wallpaper for the kitchen

When choosing photo wallpaper for the kitchen, designers use several useful rules, knowing which, we can create with our own hands interesting interior your kitchen.

Below are some of them:

  • Picturesque photo wallpapers will help the chef in creating culinary masterpieces.
  • For proper nutrition and diets, it is better to choose cool colors.
  • Cold light colors will help to visually enlarge a small kitchen.
  • Images with nature or architecture will elevate the kitchen.
  • For families with small children, images with orange and red accents are suitable.
  • Images of colorful vegetables and fruits are also good for children.

Advice! When choosing an image and color scheme for photo wallpaper, do not forget that you must take into account the wishes of all family members.

Photo wallpaper functions

Also, when choosing, it is taken into account what function the photo wallpaper will perform in your kitchen, it could be:

  • Zoning – with the help of photo wallpaper you can highlight a working or dining area.
  • Aesthetics - photo wallpaper can simply be a decoration for the kitchen interior.
  • Volume – with the help of photo wallpaper you can visually change the volume of the kitchen.
  • Memory - by ordering photo wallpaper with an image loved one far away, you can see it every day.

Important! Do not forget that when choosing photo wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to take into account that the kitchen requires frequent wet cleaning, therefore, photo wallpapers must be moisture resistant.

Photo wallpaper for different kitchens

For rooms of different volumes and areas, various photo wallpapers are selected according to color scheme and type of image.

Let's look at a few design secrets on creation harmonious interior for the kitchen, hiding its shortcomings and highlighting its advantages:

  • If the kitchen is small. For a small kitchen, it is better to choose photo wallpaper with a light color scheme and a neutral image. For example, bridges old and new, sea or mountain landscapes, terraces and beautiful old streets.
  • If the kitchen has low ceilings. If the ceilings in your kitchen are low, choose photo wallpaper that depicts a vertical line, for example, these could be images of tree trunks or high-rise buildings, which will visually elevate low ceiling.
  • If the kitchen is narrow. For narrow kitchen It’s good to choose an image for the entire wall with a horizontal pattern or pattern. For example, the beach and the sea, the field and the sky. Such photo wallpaper for the kitchen in the interior will make the room visually wider and larger.
  • If the kitchen is spacious. If you are lucky and your kitchen is large and bright, then choosing photo wallpaper will not be difficult, since in this case you can choose absolutely any image, guided by your tastes and desires.
  • If the kitchen is on the north side. Typically, rooms located on the north side are very dark and cold, so bright and warm photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen will make it brighter and more comfortable.
  • If the room is on the south side. The south is always warm and sunny, and for a harmonious contrast, photo wallpaper in the kitchen interior should be calm and solid colors and shades. The ideal solution There will be black and white photographs.
  • If the kitchen is bright. For a bright and colorful kitchen interior, photo wallpapers should be chosen in calm shades or black and white. This will help balance the colorfulness of the interior, which in itself can begin to irritate over time.
  • If the kitchen is monochrome. A room in one or two colors looks noble and strict. Choosing photo wallpaper for your kitchen interior is quite simple; you just need to decide what color you want to make a bright accent. This color should be repeated in small kitchen accessories.

Advice! If you decide to create an interior with photo wallpaper, then remember that the remaining walls should be plain, otherwise the image of the photo wallpaper will be lost among the patterns.


When choosing photo wallpaper for the kitchen, it is very important to choose:

  • Their correct quality is that they can be washed, as they will become dirty.
  • The correct image is so that it does not negatively affect the volume of the kitchen.
  • The right color so that it has a positive effect on food intake.

At the same time, do not forget about the tastes of all family members, since the whole family gathers in the kitchen at least twice a day and photo wallpapers should not irritate anyone. And of course, you need to take into account the overall style and color scheme of the kitchen, so as not to end up with an unharmonious interior.

The video in this article shows instructions on how to properly apply photo wallpaper.

An example of such a combination would be photo wallpaper, which not only fits into the interior of a small kitchen, but also visually expands its space.

In this article you will learn:

  • how your kitchen will be transformed with the help of modern photo wallpaper;
  • where and how best to glue them;
  • advantages and disadvantages of different types of photo wallpaper.

Return to the fashion arena

Perhaps some of the readers remember fashionable years 30th wallpaper with forests, fields, waterfalls and other images of nature. They even managed to become an integral part of the Soviet interior.

Unfortunately, at that time, wallpaper themes were not full of variety, and the quality of the material left much to be desired - over time, domestic photo wallpapers lost their brightness and faded, losing their appearance. This was the reason for the decline in their popularity.

Today, thanks to modern digital printing technologies, which make it possible to create high-quality photographs of any size, as well as materials that are more resistant to various factors, photo wallpapers have again become a popular idea for the interior. And for good reason, because compared to an ordinary monotonous wall they have so many advantages!

First of all, photo wallpaper is an excellent and quite accessible tool for various manipulations with space. With their help, you can visually enlarge, reduce or divide the room into sections, as well as hide any imperfections in the walls.

This is a way to bring newness to your home and create a wonderful atmosphere without resorting to more drastic changes like renovation. The wallpaper can depict everything your heart desires - yours favorite photo from the beach, the Grand Canyon, a still life with your favorite fruit or fractal drawings of any desired size.

And whatever you prefer, it will be hyper-realistic. Large format printing creates the impression that what is depicted is actually in your kitchen, and there was never any wall there!

What photo wallpaper is suitable for a small kitchen

For inspiration, you can start by choosing a photo. And this may be the most difficult, because the range is endless. It should be noted that photo wallpaper will become the main element of the room, which immediately attracts attention.

Therefore, the choice of picture should be taken seriously special attention. It should fill your kitchen with new vibes and emotions, match your interior and inner world.

Which image should you choose? Think about what you can look at forever, what you will never get tired of, or, if you get tired of it, then at least not right away... What calms you down the most? Or maybe, on the contrary, it revives? And, of course, what will harmoniously fit into your kitchen interior?

An important condition is a free wall that does not have any unnecessary objects, or at least half of the wall above or below the furniture.

If there isn’t one, and you’re already excited about the idea, well, think about which wall or part of it would be easiest to free. You can create a cozy place near kitchen table, for which each of us spends a lot of time.

Not all images are suitable for a small kitchen. You don't want to make it even smaller, do you?

There are already tested by both designers and housewives tricks that create the effect of increasing space.

Here are some of them:

1. If your kitchen has a low ceiling, will help make it visually taller vertical lines: towers, high-rise buildings, statues and other skyward objects.

2. If your kitchen seems too narrow to you, you can lengthen it using horizontal lines. They will help you with this sea ​​waves, beaches, spreading rivers or fields.

3. Creates a noticeable increase in space panoramic images, covering a wide viewing angle, or a pronounced perspective. These are various landscapes, paths, alleys, stairs, arches or streets that will create the effect of a portal to another world. Are you into mountain hiking? Or winter sports? Nature photographs will be a pleasant reminder of your favorite season or activity and will help create a cozy, peaceful atmosphere. Or maybe you would like to be endlessly touched by a photograph of your pet? One caveat - photos of large objects in the foreground visually make the room smaller.

4. Small dark kitchen can be illuminated light wallpaper V warm colors, occupying the entire wall. This will make a small room more voluminous and create the effect of depth.

5. Wallpaper in darker and cooler colors will help make a well-lit kitchen somewhat less bright and warm.

6. What do you think about a false window overlooking the ocean, forest or field strewn with flowers? Of course, air will not flow from it, but noticeable space is guaranteed.

7. You can enhance the effect of photo wallpaper by using LED lightening along the perimeter of the wall or only under the ceiling. You can also use fluorescent wallpaper that glows in the dark.

8. Designers advise using bright, rich photo wallpaper for kitchens with monochromatic interior and, conversely, stick on less catchy or black and white photo wallpaper in cases where your kitchen is made in bright colors.

How not to make a mistake with your choice? What if the effect is the opposite? Yes, very simple! You can look at your kitchen decorated with photo wallpaper from the outside using 3D modeling.

To do this, just take a few photos of your kitchen before you start clearing the wall, and give it to 3D image creation specialists for processing.

Most likely, this service is provided by those from whom you will purchase photo wallpaper. 3D projects are offered by many designers, manufacturers of furniture and other interior elements. If your kitchen has not become noticeably smaller and the chosen image really creates the illusion of space or other desired effects, great!

To make sure that your choice is correct or to learn some fresh and fashion ideas from modern designers, you can view the photo wallpapers present in the interiors of 2016 on the Internet.

The modern market is replete with a variety of materials.

But which material is most suitable for the kitchen? Any wallpaper must be resistant to:

  • moisture;
  • high temperatures;
  • direct sunlight;
  • fats and other contaminants.

At the same time, they must:

  • be environmentally friendly;
  • easy to stick;
  • hide possible irregularities or imperfections in the wall.

It is very important, and every housewife will agree with this, that the photo wallpaper is washable. This issue can be easily resolved if you use transparent plexiglass or another protective surface on top of any, even the cheapest, photo wallpaper.

This way, photo wallpaper can always be washed and also protected from grease, dust and mechanical damage. But whether they will last is another question.

From a surface point of view, photo wallpaper can be:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • textured (relief).

Each type of surface creates one or another effect. Here's another reason for a boundless flight of fancy.

Which material is better

Now about the materials from which photo wallpapers are made. Note that each of them has advantages.

1 Paper or textile photo wallpaper. Low cost is their only advantage. This is not for the kitchen best option, because they are not at all resistant to high level humidity, neither high temperatures nor fading. You can experiment with plexiglass - but, apart from protection from grease and damage, it hardly guarantees the durability of the image. However, you can quite successfully decorate with such wallpaper a part of the wall that is not exposed to moisture, grease, or sunlight. Glued paper wallpaper as well as regular wallpaper: glue is applied to both surfaces. True, they can swell from the glue and lie unevenly on the wall, thereby distorting the picture.

2 Photo wallpaper made from self-adhesive film. Compared to the paper version, they are water resistant and easy to clean, but are only suitable for smooth surfaces. They can be re-glued if the first time did not work out very well. But if you want to hide unevenness or imperfections in the wall, this is not the best option. Therefore, it is better to glue such photo wallpapers to small surfaces rather than to the entire wall. Apply them from the center to the edges, smoothing them out to avoid wrinkles or bubbles.

3 Vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, coated with special compounds - an ideal option for the kitchen. They do not absorb fats, are resistant to stains, are easy to clean, practically do not fade, do not lose their brightness and are resistant to deformation. Moreover, better than all other types of wallpaper, they can hide the unevenness and imperfections of the wall. Non-woven wallpaper is glued with special glue. The only drawback of this type of photo wallpaper is their cost - they are more expensive than all other types. However, this fits into general pattern: A durable, quality product always makes us want to splurge. On the other hand, you may end up investing a lot more money in upgrading and protecting lesser quality photo wallpapers. The choice is yours.

So, that’s all we wanted to tell you about which photo wallpaper will look best in the interior of a small kitchen. We wish you inspiration and simple and favorable changes to your kitchen!

Do you strive for exclusivity and originality in the interior design of your apartment? Then you should use appropriate methods and materials. One of the most effective methods for this was and remains the installation of photo wallpaper. This is a great opportunity to make the interior of any room truly original. The good thing about such wallpaper is that, depending on the image, they can be used to decorate any room in the apartment. Today it is especially fashionable to implement kitchen design with photo wallpaper.

In today’s article we will get acquainted with the advantages of using them in the kitchen, and also consider what popular and most optimal images exist, as well as what colors should be used to decorate the kitchen in a particular case.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen interior - advantages

Photo wallpaper is really very effective remedy for interior decoration. After all, the image on the entire wall will really not go unnoticed. Moreover, photo wallpapers have a very large list of other equally significant advantages:

  • Since this finishing material effectively attracts the eye, it is an excellent tool that can distract from any shortcomings and errors in the kitchen.

  • Thanks to the large palette and “types” - both directly and figuratively this word, this good remedy quickly and effectively transform a dull, boring kitchen if you use bright and catchy photo wallpaper.

  • Photo wallpaper is a great tool for playing with visual space. So for example for small room You can use panoramic photo wallpaper, this will make the design of a small kitchen visually more spacious.

Photo wallpaper for a small kitchen photo

  • But the design of a large, spacious room can be made more comfortable by using photo wallpaper on the wall, with a large ornament or other image - for example, fruits that are not naturally large in size.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen photo

Photo wallpaper with large designs

  • The kitchen is deprived sunlight, can be filled with the rays of the sun if you paste wallpaper on one of the walls with images of nature captured on a bright sunny day

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

Kitchen interior with photo wallpaper

  • For kitchens with a small window, it is quite possible to organize another one by gluing, for example, photo wallpaper depicting a window with a view of nature or a panorama of the city on a cloudless day

Decoration with photo wallpapers

  • For any style of kitchen design you can use photo wallpaper, it doesn’t matter whether it’s country, modern high-tech or classic style. After all, the image can be anything you want; there are practically no restrictions on the choice.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen photo

  • The design of your kitchen with photo wallpaper can be unique and unique if you order such wallpaper from the appropriate workshop according to your own sketches. True, the sketches must be of high resolution in order to obtain high-quality wallpaper as a result.

Kitchen design with photo wallpapers

  • For a “warm” room with a south window, it would be quite appropriate to use photo wallpaper depicting winter landscapes, this will help cope with excessive “heat”.
  • Photo wallpapers vary in their properties, but for a kitchen in which there is a constant significant difference in humidity, there are washable types that can be wiped with a damp cloth in case of contamination, which would be very appropriate for the kitchen. And this is another important advantage of such wallpaper.

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

Color and theme of photo wallpaper for kitchen design.

Choosing an image for the design of the walls of your kitchen is a very important undertaking, because you should take into account not only the layout features and configuration, but also its planned or existing style.

Therefore, the image on the wall should emphasize or complement the existing design, or, on the contrary, dilute it by displaying some design idea implying something special.

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

But still, the most important criterion for choosing a photo wallpaper image will, of course, remain your own preferences. After all, this is your apartment and you live in it. Therefore, choose an image you like so that after gluing them you will feel comfortable in the kitchen.

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

In order for breakfasts, lunches and dinners to be as favorable as possible, a relaxing atmosphere should be created in the kitchen interior, evoking feeling peace and security. Photo wallpapers with rustic motifs will cope with this task; natural landscapes with a green meadow are perfect, high mountains or seashore. A dense green thicket or a narrow path in a park or forest will contribute well to peace and tranquility of the mind.

Finishing with photo wallpaper

For stylized country kitchens, it would be very appropriate to use landscapes with sown fields, village houses with picket fences, pictures of cows, horses grazing in the field, etc.

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

For modern styles, the design can depict panoramas of both famous and little-known cities and city streets, cars passing through the window and crowds of pedestrians moving along the sidewalks of the streets.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen - city

For the Art Nouveau and high-tech style, the design of photo wallpapers with abstractions with all kinds of patterns and ornaments can be used.

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

But photo wallpapers specific to this particular room remain no less popular in design. These are various kinds of still lifes: vegetables, fruits on a tray or in a basket, ears of rye, sunflowers, images of ready-made gourmet dishes on the table, various flowers in a vase and so on.

But when choosing such “appetizing” wallpapers, take them into account psychological impact, they will help whet your appetite every time you enter the room.

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen interior

Also, so that the design with photo wallpaper is as harmonious as possible and meets your requirements. Their color palette should be taken into account, because color, like the image as a whole, has a very strong influence on our subconscious.

Related articles:

Color can bring freshness to the interior, and also help you calm down and relax - blue and blue shades. Color can help you create an unprecedented appetite - beige, orange, peach, etc. If you are on a diet and watching your weight, then choose cool colors in the design. After all, they will counteract your desire to eat every time.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen - city

Using color you can effectively “play” with space, for example, wallpaper for a small kitchen similar type, you should choose light pastel ones, this will help make the room visually larger and much more comfortable. For large kitchens, you can choose photo wallpaper mainly dark colors, this is at least a little, but it will make the interior less spacious.

In order for the design of photo wallpaper to be in harmony with the rest of the space, it must contain overall color. Most often they are combined with kitchen curtains, facades, lamps and other kitchen attributes/

Kitchen decoration with photo wallpaper

You can decorate different parts of the kitchen with photo wallpaper, most often this is, of course, the wall or part of it near which the dining area is located - the dining table, such wallpaper acts as a wall panel. And to further emphasize the effect of the panels, they are additionally trimmed along the edges with special borders. Thus, by default, zoning is also performed in this room.

If you use self-adhesive photo wallpaper, you can use it to decorate other parts, including furniture.

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper will be transformed in the blink of an eye, as this is the most effective method capable of fundamentally changing the atmosphere in any room of the apartment. The main thing is to choose correct image, and then the interior of your kitchen will delight you every time you enter it.

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen

Kitchen renovation with photo wallpaper

Examples of photo wallpapers for the kitchen

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen

Red kitchen with photo wallpaper

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

Kitchen design with photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen - nature

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen photo

You will also find out what types of photo wallpapers the current market offers and approximate prices for them.

How should you choose photo wallpaper so that it looks natural?

Why is it difficult to implement this idea in the kitchen so that the end result pleases you? Because in most cases we are talking about renovations in a small apartment.

And even if there are not even 5-6 squares, as in Khrushchev, but 8-10, it is still a small area for drawing in perspective. But it is precisely these motifs that are the most popular on the photo wallpaper market and people, not quite imagining how they will look in the interior, take them.

As a result, it is impossible to appreciate the full scope of the vast picture and such wallpapers look like something motley and sloppy. Don't forget that many of them need to be viewed from some distance, which is simply not possible in the kitchen!

But, not only the choice of pattern is important.

We still need to figure out how to design it so that it doesn’t look like an alien element. For this to work, you need, firstly, to achieve a match in the style of the furniture and household appliances, and secondly, the choice of location is important.

Let's say, imagine an option: photo wallpaper with a view of an ancient French street, and next to it there are chairs on chrome legs, and a high-tech chandelier on the ceiling. It would seem that this is an exaggerated comparison, but it happens!

Or do you have furniture? classic look, and the drawing on the wall is an ocean with palm trees... Strange, isn’t it?

But this is not all aspects. If you take a picture in perspective, you shouldn’t just stick it on the wall. She definitely needs a frame or volumetric motifs in other areas of the room that duplicate the drawing.

For example, if you have a picture on the wall of a Greek amphitheater, then you need ceiling friezes in a similar style, decorative stonework on some part of the wall and appropriate furniture.

We can talk a lot, but is it worth it? It’s better that we show you this using live examples with photos and we’ll give related comments to them. Since theory is theory, it is still easier to perceive visually.

The only thing you should understand purely theoretically: if you have just such a design in mind, then the first thing you buy is photo wallpaper.

And then you choose the rest of the building materials and furniture for them. If you do the opposite, trying to find something that will fit into an existing interior, then 90% of the time nothing good will come of it.

Examples of suitable patterns for vintage-style kitchens

In this photo you can see how well the pattern was chosen to match the furniture. Outside the window, in the distance, you can see a table and chairs of the same color, so this set looks like a continuation of the composition.

And in this option, a good location also played a role. The wall on which the photo wallpaper is pasted goes a little deeper and this makes the motif seem like an extension of the room. And, of course, it is important that the tones of the tiles in the kitchen match the color of the stone on the photo wallpaper.

And this kitchen fits so organically into the picture of street life that it’s simply amazing! The work table and textiles are matched to the color of the picture, accessories and chairs correspond to that era.

That is why everything is harmonious and there is an effect of being there. You can imagine that you are sitting in some cafe and looking out the window, and you are wearing a long dress and a beautiful hat, fashionable at that time.

And here is a framed photo wallpaper decorative stone, matched to the color of what is depicted. And therefore, they seem even more realistic and the difference in relief gives depth.

Examples of suitable patterns for kitchens in a modern style

In the case of all kinds of modern trends, choosing a pattern is much easier. Here you can use not only specific wallpaper, but also any geometric compositions, flowers, etc.

See what exactly is appropriate if you want to decorate a modern kitchen with photo wallpaper.

Huge strawberries are depicted here, and they match the color scheme with the furniture, and the highlights on them are in harmony with the stainless steel appliances. The result is a stylish look and nothing superfluous.

And here are the flowers, outlined in black, which matches perfectly with the chairs. Against the background of white, neutral walls, the composition “plays” especially brightly.

These wallpapers are stereoscopic, that is, with a 3D effect. They look very organic, since the blue color scheme on them completely matches the color of the kitchen walls, and the chairs repeat the colors of the doors and frames in the picture. If the floor had been matched to the same tone, it would have created a complete illusion of immersion.

Successful examples of photo wallpaper near the table

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen is often placed near the table. You've already seen a couple above successful examples such a plan (for example, a table with chairs next to open doors, leading to the embankment). Here are a few more successful compositions.

If you place a drawing near the table, and even more so if it is voluminous, do not forget about the proportions. They should not differ much from real interior items, otherwise the look will not be very good.

Here interesting example. Here the photo wallpaper imitates the real one wooden beam, which matches the color and texture with the furniture.

This photo is notable for the fact that with the help of photo wallpaper it was possible to completely distort the space and recreate the effect of presence.

Unsuccessful examples of photo wallpaper near the table

And now we will look at unsuccessful options for photo wallpaper near dining table, and you will understand without further ado what we mean.

As you can see, this shining American city is completely useless here. It looks especially strange with semi-Soviet furniture and a window through which daylight shines.

Here the flowers are realistic and so huge that the furniture simply dissolves against their background and there is no view at all. It looks tacky and strange.

The idea here is not bad, the proportions are consistent, but the color is too piercing, this does not happen in nature. This makes the painted window look completely bad.

And this photo is simply a standard of bad taste and strange thinking of the designer. May those who invented this forgive us, but past this illustrative example It’s just a sin to pass by and remain silent.

Not only is the perspective picture too close to the eyes of the diner, but the theme also goes against the actual views from the window!
On the wall there is a street of some Mediterranean town and paved paths, and on the street there is a Russian birch tree and lush weeds!

This example cannot be called completely egregious, but still... Depicted are elephants, Arabian horses with riders of the same nationality, mosques and a loving couple standing in the distance... She is wearing a veil, he is wearing a turban.

And against the backdrop of all this splendor stands a set in a style that you will not find in Arab countries, although there is a hint of typical carving in it. And the wall decoration is classic, not oriental. In general, the discrepancy is quite annoying. But in general – quite nice, of course.

Successful examples of photo wallpaper on a free wall

Are there photo wallpapers for the kitchen that expand the space? Of course, if it is a well-chosen perspective with a 3D effect. If the proportions are met, then you will get the effect of being present in place, provided that other attributes of the room are in harmony with the picture.

But we already talked about this, so let's take a look better photo wallpaper on the wall in the kitchen interior.

The wall here looks embossed, but in reality it’s 3D wallpaper! In our opinion, the option is quite interesting and unobtrusive.

And this example can be called semi-successful. The place was chosen well, and if the drawing were a little smaller and taken in a natural frame, imitating the edges of an aquarium recessed into the wall... In general, if only, but you get the idea.

Unsuccessful examples of photo wallpaper on a free wall

This example surpassed all the brave ones design solutions peace, perhaps. Just look at the riot of colors, the wildest realism! But for some reason, looking at this kitchen, the proverb comes to mind: “Make a fool pray to God, he’ll hit the floor with his forehead.”

So, there is no need for fanaticism in pursuit of realism.

What types of photo wallpapers are there and which ones are best to buy?

Like all Decoration Materials, photo wallpapers are more expensive and cheaper. Those that are quite inexpensive are paper based.

And besides a good price, they have nothing else to boast about. They are thin, which means that when gluing it is very easy to create a crease or hole. Then, they are glossy and don’t look realistic at all.

And every grain of sand shows through them! The wall must be perfectly flat, absolutely. Also, the finishing master must be a professional, otherwise nothing good will come of it. And judge for yourself, are they cheap if you hire a team of workers?

It's better to take something else, more modern. Such photo wallpapers are more expensive, but they are easy to install (if you can call it that) and durable in use.

There are these types of photo wallpapers:

  1. 1 Vinyl is washable wallpaper that look great in the kitchen. There are both matte and glossy textures, they look very good and are practically not subject to damage due to scratches.
  2. 2 Non-woven – printed on tissue based, making them very convenient to glue. Anyone can cope with this task, even not a professional. And on top of that, they have soundproofing properties and they are not so easy to scratch. They are also not subject to abrasion. The price for them is quite affordable, and if you consider that you don’t need to hire a specialist, it’s quite affordable.
  3. 3 Satin – created using silk-screen printing, they have a pearlescent, expensive sheen. They often imitate expensive fabrics and feel very similar to them. They cost more than other options and are often used only if the furniture and the entire style of the kitchen are pure classics, which involves decorating the walls with real fabric, not paper.

In addition, there are self-adhesive subtypes, and there are those that need to be applied to a wall coated with glue. The first ones are naturally more expensive. Moreover, it is so much more expensive that even 5 packs of glue purchased separately will cost less than this difference.

Apparently, they take money to save you from having to dilute the powder with glue with water and apply it with a roller to the wall. If this activity is too unbearable and difficult for you, then take self-adhesive ones.

But do not forget that you will still have to purchase glue separately. In case some corner lags behind and needs to be coated with glue again.

You can buy photo wallpapers both in stores and online. Now there are many companies offering a large assortment and having a large photo catalogue. You can use it or you can order individual design, for example, your photograph.

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Some people still have fresh memories of Soviet paper photo wallpapers, which usually depicted forest glades or exotic waterfalls. They quickly faded, were torn and were afraid of water, which forced us to abandon the idea of ​​​​using similar decor in the kitchen. Today the situation has changed dramatically. All you need to do is select the material suitable basis and with a protective coating, and you can safely use photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen, because they allow you not only to add a certain mood, but also to visually correct what is too small, low or uncomfortable large spaces. What is important to consider when choosing, and which design will be most suitable?

No. 1. The basis of photo wallpaper

A kitchen in which someone is constantly preparing something always results in splashes of water, grease and dirt. Their highest concentration is in work area, so even the most durable photo wallpaper in the area is not recommended. Most often, this type of decoration is used to decorate part of the wall about. In any case, photo wallpaper that will be used in the kitchen must be as dense as possible, moisture-resistant, and can withstand exposure to sunlight and washing with a damp sponge, since splashes in the kitchen are inevitable, and they fly everywhere.

The top layer of photo wallpaper must be treated with special protective compounds, paints must be moisture resistant, but the greatest importance is base material:

The technology for creating photo wallpaper involves applying a picture different types paints. In a kitchen environment, it is best to use a product printed UV ink, which perfectly convey natural colors and are resistant to moisture, grease, and many chemicals and the sun's rays. Photo wallpapers printed will cost less eco-solvent ink. They also withstand washing, constant exposure ultraviolet rays, resistant to abrasion, but the first days after gluing they emit a specific smell.

No. 2. Surface type of photo wallpaper

Based on surface type, photo wallpapers are divided into:

  • smooth;
  • textured.

Smooth wallpaper can be matte or glossy, the latter give characteristic highlights, so if they are undesirable, then it is better to opt for the matte version. The drawing is protected varnish, special moisture-proofing agents or using lamination technology.

Texture panels have a pleasant textured surface and can imitate leather, papyrus, stone, brick, canvas, linen, wood or sand, and the assortment of the KLV online store even includes photo wallpapers depicting famous paintings and landscapes of ancient cities. Such wallpapers reflect less and can last for ten years, if, of course, they are coated with protective substances.

No. 3. Photo wallpaper size

Photo wallpapers, as a rule, have a height of 2.6 to 3.6 meters, the width of the panel ranges from 0.36 m and can reach several meters. Narrow photo panels often glued to kitchen door, sometimes they allocate a lunch group in small kitchen. Large canvases can decorate the entire wall, and in some cases corner photo wallpaper is optimal.

Many manufacturers offer the same pattern in different formats, and if necessary, they can produce wallpaper of any required size and even apply the desired image.

No. 4. Color and style of photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is, first of all, an interior decoration and an opportunity to transform the kitchen, set the atmosphere of a cozy French street, a summer seaside, a garden or big city. With the help of photo wallpaper you can visually make a small kitchen larger, a low one - higher, and a dark one - lighter, and it all depends on the right choice drawing and color scheme.

The most important principle when choosing photo wallpaper for the kitchen is orientation to the degree of illumination:

When choosing a color and pattern, it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to peculiarities kitchen furniture and technology:

Photo wallpaper is universal decor which will be appropriate in anyone's kitchen. It is only important to choose the right drawing:

Travelers' kitchens can be decorated with photo wallpapers depicting a map of the world, continent or country, as well as photos of airplanes, cars, ships and other transport. IN kitchen interior Photo wallpapers with images of drinks, delicious dishes, vegetables and fruits look great. Panels depicting a wide variety of natural and urban landscapes, sky, space, interiors, sunsets and sunrises, textures, as well as black and white images are always popular.

No. 5. Photo wallpaper for a small kitchen

No. 7. Photo wallpaper for a narrow kitchen

Photo wallpaper with a predominance of horizontal lines will fit perfectly into the interior of a narrow kitchen. This either abstraction or natural landscapes. Images of the sea with waves, beaches, fields, mountain slopes, etc. are suitable. The desired expansion effect can be achieved if you stick such photo wallpaper on a narrow wall and try not to clutter the picture too much.

No. 8. Photo wallpaper for a spacious kitchen

Owners of large kitchens are not limited in the choice of pattern and color - any photo wallpaper that matches the style of the room will do. If the kitchen is too large and high and does not look cozy enough, then you can use wallpaper with a large three-dimensional pattern.

No. 9. What else is important to consider?

Finally, as a bonus, here are some tips that will help create the most harmonious interior:

Colorful and realistic photo wallpapers will become a beautiful and durable decoration of your kitchen interior if you choose the right material, pattern, style and the appropriate place for them.