How to turn your summer cottage into an oasis of pleasure and what to plant along the fence. DIY fencing for flower beds Design of a flower bed along the fence

Often the owners country houses leave small strips of land near fences, along hedges or walls, not planted with any vegetation. Areas hidden from prying eyes are not given much importance. As a rule, only ordinary grass is grown in these narrow areas. lawn grass. However, such a problematic and, at first glance, inconspicuous garden area can be easily decorated and thereby ennoble the usual landscape design of the garden area. An excellent option for using this empty strip of land would be to plant flower beds not throughout the entire garden area, but along the line of borders and buildings. Such non-standard method planting flowers will allow for ergonomic landscaping different zones and objects in the garden or around the house. Similar ribbon flower beds will become a worthy replacement ordinary framing of the main elements will create a unique garden composition that will delight the owners with a colorful variety of numerous plants, and will also make your landscape original and unforgettable.

Any structures located on a personal plot and performing practical and protective functions, including various demarcation lines and empty walls of a house, without special effort can be turned into pleasant, cozy corners that harmoniously combine with the entire territory of the garden plot. Designing ribbon flower beds in remote and unremarkable places in the garden will not only fill the voids of the available free space, but will also give it a unified and complete image. In this case, the dependence of the locations of the hedge, fence or garden path makes absolutely no difference. Plants planted in this way in flower beds will create a smooth transition, and colorful and lush bushes will fill empty strips of land using this stylistic planting technique and will line up into a holistic ensemble that can completely transform the area into a real magical kingdom of plants.

To create a ribbon flower garden in empty areas, you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort. The planting process takes only a few hours if you have ready-made seedlings on hand decorative flowers. In order for the plants to feel good and take root quickly, it is worth Special attention give to the soil at the planting site. If it is not very nutritious, it would be better to remove it completely top part and replace with soil mixed with peat and compost. Before planting plants in open ground, you need to dig it up several times. Planting must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots.

To start decorating flower beds in empty areas of the site, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of plants. Some of their species are very demanding of sunlight. Due to lack of light after landing, they can quickly die. Such plants cannot be used for growing in strip beds. All plant crops for the future flower garden must be selected taking into account the lighting characteristics of the given area. Hedges, fences, house walls - all these objects make the area around them shady. The illumination of a ribbon flower bed is determined primarily by the location and height of the fence located nearby, and also depends on the material from which the adjacent structure is made.

High walls or a solid stone fence can create unfavorable conditions for the growth of plant varieties with large and delicate leaves, at the base of which vortex flows form. To plant flower beds along hedges on the south side of the site, it is better to give preference to plants that will be resistant to dry, hot weather and bright sunlight. A strip of soil on one side of the fence will always lack moisture, so such a flower garden will need to be watered periodically, and the opposite side of the fence will be constantly exposed to atmospheric precipitation. All these nuances must be taken into account before planting. Designing a ribbon flower bed should only begin after a thorough inspection of the empty plot of land and taking into account all the features of the growth conditions of the plants that will show off in your flowerbed.

Ribbon flower beds can be decorated in absolutely any style. Combinations Beautiful flowering plants are completely different. Drawing up suitable plant combinations for flower beds depends on the available free area of ​​land. As a rule, in ordinary ribbon flower beds located near the outer and inner boundaries of walls or hedges, up to three varieties of one type of plant are grown, which may differ from each other not only in the color of leaves, flowers, but also in height. If the strip of soil intended for planting has a small width, then you can lay out a simple flowerbed on it, which will consist of only one type of plant. Low, hardy varieties are planted in narrow flowerbeds. They allow you to create a beautiful lush composition that will grow over time and fill all the empty space. Such plants can be ferns, sedges, and species of various heights.

If the strip of soil is less than one meter wide, then different flower variations can be safely planted in such an area. However, in any case, when decorating a flower bed, it is worth observing the principle of ornamentation, namely, it is necessary to adhere to a certain repetition of the pattern along the entire length of the flower garden in order to achieve a beautiful decorative effect. Such a wide flower garden, planted along a hedge or wall, can include both perennials and biennial plants, occasionally use annual species. Their number can vary from 5 to 7 types, but no more, so as not to disturb visual effect. These can be various classic varieties, for example, roses, jasmine, peony, as well as herbaceous perennials: lavender, heuchera or sage. Other unusual “green” pets will also look great: Rogersia, Volzhanka or.

We create a shady mixborder, a flowerbed near the fence: hostas and astilbes (video)

Every homeowner puts a fence next to their house. Therefore, you need to take into account that the landscape design of the fence must match the appearance of the house. It will complement the overall picture in front of the fence so that the building looks great.

Flowers along the fence will decorate the area

A fence on a site can serve as protection from strangers, be a decoration of the site, or simply mark the boundaries of the territory. It all depends on where the house is located - on a busy street or next to a highway. It is necessary to take into account the type of building, relationships with neighbors and much more.

What else can a fence serve for:

  • protection from passers-by and animals;
  • as a barrier from dust and noise;
  • to protect the privacy of owners;
  • for the decorative function of landscape design and as a basis for hedges.

Living wall

Of course, depending on the functions performed, the fence can be made of various materials.

Design and decoration of the fence

The design of the fence can be made using forging elements or by combining different building materials:

  • , stone, metal;
  • bricks, ;
  • slate, and others.

One of the options for combining materials

Landscaping along the fence and the site can be thought out in the same style.

Combining fence style with landscape

If the house is surrounded by other houses, and the owner wants privacy, then a stone, brick or reinforced concrete fence is suitable, which will help hide from prying eyes. Shrubs can be placed inside the fence, which will decorate monolithic walls and will bring to life a picture made of stone. It also looks good planting from coniferous trees. They require minimal care, and they produce a lot of greenery.

The photo shows a beautiful hedge.

An example of decorating a permanent fence

The stone looks aesthetically pleasing, will last a long time, but may not be cheap for the client. those who love will enjoy natural materials, feels the energy of the material. It is often not even made solid, creating a combined composition that looks very stylish, as in the photo:

Design to wooden fence

An excellent landscape design option for a large area

Traditional design along the fence


Art Nouveau style is completely opposite to classic. The hedge and garden are decorated with plants in random order. A minimal amount of decorations and sculptures predominates. The fence itself, like the plants, runs in a smooth curved line. Among the seedlings, the presence of conifers may predominate, which are lined up along the fence with differences in height.

The photo shows the design in the Art Nouveau style.

This design style will not leave guests indifferent

Modern and cozy environment


Mixed design style is one of the most difficult. Not all designers recommend performing such landscape design. It requires spatial thinking and enormous work of the master. An option is quite possible if you divide the area on the street side and behind the fence into zones. The photo below shows this option.

Mixed style

Shrubs and plant use along the fence

Before planting shrubs near the fence and on the territory of the dacha, a master plan of the site is drawn up, which will create general idea about landscaping the site.

We are planning the site. To do this you need:

  1. Decide what role the bushes will play, decorate the fence or, conversely, hide any unsightly forms.
  2. Be sure to note which part of the area will be allocated for plants and which will be free.
  3. Determine which side of the fence will be more comfortable for the plantings. Some shrubs like shade, others like full sun.
  4. When planting large trees, do not forget that they cast a shadow so that objects that you do not want to hide from the sun do not fall there.
  5. Be sure to consider the soil type.
  6. Decide how we can provide care for the plants.

Many owners of country houses and summer cottages strive to achieve perfection in everything. After all, even the most beautiful house with balconies or a gazebo will look dull and out of place against the backdrop of an unkempt yard. You can achieve comfort in various ways.

Flower beds along the fence, photos of which can be found in gardening and landscape design magazines, will be an excellent decoration for any site. Moreover, you do not have to resort to the help of experienced specialists and pay exorbitant amounts of money for their services. This article will teach you how to properly design flower beds along a fence with your own hands, select interesting combinations of plants and care for them.

Decorating the area near the fence

Note! If you want to create a mixborder - a flowerbed consisting of various plants, which together ensure continuous flowering, you will have to make a lot of effort. Mixborder requires:

  • cultivation;
  • trimmings;
  • timely transplantation;
  • glaze;
  • application of fertilizers;
  • use of special prophylactic agents aimed at combating plant diseases.

Therefore, if you are not ready for such responsibility, you can use schemes that are simple and accessible for arranging your flower bed along the fence.

Features of arrangement of mixborders

Most often, a flower bed is created along the fence from perennials, but they can also be supplemented by annual plants, as well as ornamental shrubs small size and small coniferous trees. The most daring schemes may include potted flowers and cereal plants. Despite all the difficulties of caring for them, such compositions look very impressive.

Note! When selecting compositions, do not forget to include plants that can set the shape and height. Their professionals are called skeletons.

Most often, the landing zone is conditionally divided into three parts of unequal sizes. Plants with voluminous shapes and intricate leaves are planted at the back. Then you can place tall flowers that have a straight stem, plants of medium height, devoid of lush foliage. You can finish with low ground cover and annuals.

Combination of perennials

Symbols on the diagram:

  • No. 1 – Endress geranium;
  • No. 2 – soft cuff;
  • No. 3 – majestic geranium;
  • No. 4 – whorled coreopsis;
  • No. 5 – shrubby cinquefoil;
  • No. 6 – ptarmika yarrow;
  • No. 7 – decorative bow;
  • No. 8 – fennel multigrass;
  • No. 9 - Bonar verbena;
  • No. 10 – boxwood;
  • №11 – decorative wormwood;
  • No. 12 – lofant;
  • No. 13 – Echinacea purpurea;
  • No. 14 – khatma;
  • No. 15 – clemantis.

View from above

If you are specifically interested in a flower bed along a fence, then an English mixborder is perfect for such placement. This flower garden is based on a combination of wild and garden plants. perennial plants. Planting near the fence can be emphasized with flower beds near the walls of the house and on the lawn along the paths. The shape of the composition can be geometric or free.

Composition “Four Seasons”

The composition “Four Seasons” is a flower garden that has continuous flowering. If you can correctly combine all its components, you will have a blooming flowerbed on your site, starting in spring and ending in late autumn.

Note! Add tall grasses, conifers, periwinkle to the “Four Seasons” and then your flowerbed will retain its attractiveness even in winter time of the year.

"Four Seasons"

When selecting components for your planting, consider the size of the future flower bed. Perennials with flowers should be in complete harmony, otherwise an oversaturation of one or the other can lead to dissonance and disorder.

Low-growing perennials look more attractive when planted in large groups. Those low-growing plants that bloom at the beginning of the year (these include muscari, snowdrops, hyacinths, etc.) should be placed in front.

Pyrethrums, foxgloves, and tulips will look great in the middle. Back it is better to plant sedums, sedums and chrysanthemums mixed with gray fescue and mantle.

Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to create a perfectly balanced composition in one season, so you can use ready-made composition schemes.

Ready-made schemes for flower beds

To design the corner part of the fence, the “Piece of Cake” pattern, which has a diameter of about 2 m, is suitable.

"A piece of cake"

Symbols on the diagram:

  • No. 1 – dark red daylily;
  • No. 2 – silver wormwood;
  • No. 3 – Macedonian bark;
  • No. 4 – heuchera;
  • No. 5 – clean.

The diagram clearly shows the number of plants being planted.

For those who cannot stand waiting for a long time, we can recommend a fast-growing composition.

"Fast-growing composition"

The diagram indicates:

  • No. 1 – rose stock (yellow, red, white);
  • No. 2 – decorative sunflower;
  • No. 3 – Icelandic poppy;
  • No. 4 – St. John’s wort;
  • No. 5 – cardinal lobelia;
  • No. 6 – catnip;
  • No. 7 – Poskharsky’s bell;
  • No. 8 – blue catananche;
  • No. 9 – gravilate;
  • No. 10 – sedum;
  • No. 11 - heuchera.

Flowers on the diagram

To obtain a more expressive and spectacular flower garden, you can use the technique of combined planting of perennials with annual plants. You can use the patterns you already know with perennials, adding annual flowers to them.

Thanks to this technique, you can cover unattractive places that open up after perennial plants stop flowering.

It is better to start designing such a composition with a sketch on paper with colored pencils. This will allow you to more clearly see the color combination you intend for your space.

Mixed flower bed

In the diagram above you can see the predominance of purple, pink, red and orange hues that frame the natural greenery of the leaves. Good option for any yard. Tree heliotrope (No. 1) combines well with Sander tobacco (No. 2), New Guinea balsam (No. 4) and marigold (3).

When deciding what to plant along the fence, you should first of all turn to your favorite plants. Whatever they say about the expediency of planting, the difficulties of care, but at your favorite dacha the plants should be such that both the soul rejoices and the heart sings. There are many fashion trends for planting. But fashion passes, but plants remain. And it’s not very fun, getting up in the morning, to look out the window at once fashionable, overseas plants that cost a lot of money and labor, and at the same time foreign and alien plants.

Each person has his own preferences, his favorite flowers and smells, his own specific associations, and you need to choose plants for your dacha first based on these considerations, and only then figure out what to plant where, how much it will cost, what neighbors and friends will say. If a dacha is not just an area with beds, but a place for summer recreation, and it has a certain style in buildings, recreation areas and flower beds, then plants throughout the area are planted for certain stylistic reasons, which are then adjusted to suit expediency.

Small summer cottages are not very suitable for special delights, and the main emphasis decorative design Usually there is a fence from the street. The fence is the first thing people pay attention to when approaching a house. It must first of all be original.

In such conditions, choosing what to plant along the fence from the street is quite difficult. Some people say that it is necessary to plant flowering shrubs, and others that, on the contrary, bushes with thorns from uninvited guests. If in front of the fence of the summer cottage there is small space, it can be used to create a three-level composition that will include low growing trees, unshaped hedge or mixed hedge.

For trees, you can use elm, which comes with beautiful foliage of different colors and does not require special care, plant an unshaped hedge of viburnum, rose hips, barberry or honeysuckle, and plant a narrow flower bed along the edge of a street piece of land with low-growing perennials that will bloom in the spring and until autumn. Low-growing ones are needed so that no one would think of picking a bouquet from them. The trees will act as a natural filter from dust and gasoline fumes from the street, the bushes will not allow anyone to climb the fence, and the flowers will simply delight those approaching the house and passers-by.

In this case, the flowerbed along the fence will play the role of a multi-colored border, which can be fenced off from the street with self-made cylindrical gabions, which will be difficult for cyclists to ride on or simply to be stepped on by passers-by trying to pass each other on the path. Flowering shrubs- also not bad, but they are covered with flowers a short time, for which they manage to break them off, and barberry, viburnum and hawthorn will delight the eye with flowers and ripening berries until late autumn. And even if you accidentally arrive at your dacha in winter, you can be delighted to see red berries against a monotonous white background. This type of front garden is popular in rural areas and in summer cottages, and even in the private sector of large cities.

Very long and boring street fence

The problem of which trees to plant along the fence arises only for those who have a huge personal plot or a detached country house. According to the law, in small summer cottages there must be a certain distance from the common fence to the planted tree. In this sense, lucky are those who have a long fence along a side street, a backdrop overlooking a forest belt, or a plot located sideways to the main street. Along it you can plant as many trees as you like, both fruit and simply decorative, and at some distance from the fence on the outside you can make a hedge of unshaped shrubs or low-growing thujas and junipers, thujas different types With different colors pine needles, alternating combined low-growing shrubs, such as jasmine and hawthorn, rowan and elderberry. An unshaped fence is not just a fashion trend, but also an extremely convenient thing, because you don’t have to fuss with it much. It only requires sanitary pruning and a schematic barrier when the bushes begin to grow tall.

The top row of trees must be carefully selected, because these plantings are long years. Here you can choose between fashionable compositions of thuja and cypress or a simple elegant green birch, disfigure an apple, pear or quince tree with a palmette - a flat shape into which the crown is artificially driven, or simply plant a spreading tree with beautiful and abundant foliage. Plants along the fence are not a means to demonstrate to neighbors your ability to keep up with fashion, but a natural green filter, a way to hide from prying eyes and decorate everyday life at the same time.

If the fence has already been built solid, stone and massive, the easiest way is to plant a vine along it - grapes, hops, creeping blackberries or raspberries. In this case, it is better to plant tall flowers along the fence from the street, bush flowers - phlox, night beauty, roses, lavender, sunflower, peonies, irises. Even after they finish flowering, they still remain greenery that will please the eye. Dahlias, which previously decorated every village house, have been undeservedly forgotten. The variety of dahlia varieties and their color scheme will give a special flavor in the autumn in the style of paisan or a la russe, especially if simple and understandable plants are planted on the site, which do not require special care.

Inner side

Trees cannot be planted along the fence that borders the neighbor’s property, but fruit bushes at a distance of about 0.5 m it is quite possible. Gooseberries, red and black currants, dwarf Chinese cherries, hybrids of different berries, blackberries can be trimmed from the side of the neighbor's fence, and the whole side along the plot will be given over to both useful and beautiful row plants. You just need to figure out which berry bushes will suit the conditions under the free wall.

If the dacha is intended only for relaxation, it’s time to think about terraces and mixborders, on which plants are planted according to mixed type, from the shortest to tall plants, preferring those that bloom for a long time. Saffron, gentian, and purslane are currently in particular growing trends. hedge To cover a fence made of chain-link or picket fence, you can also make it from roses. When planting any roses, even simple climbing ones, you should remember that some varieties of this plant are extremely selective in terms of habitat and careful care and can delight you with lush greenery, but never bloom all summer.

Decorative zone

The inner part of the fence, which is visible from the windows of a residential building, is intended for a recreation area or is not used for planting garden plants, requires special selectivity. There is no need for thorny bushes in the recreation area, and there is only one way out - a flower garden. If there is no extra space for its equipment, and every centimeter is valuable, the flower garden can be raised in height. With this matter, the only difficulty will be in choosing a form. Current garden fashion offers wide choose preferences in equipping multi-level flower beds. Trending now:

  • rockeries;
  • mixborders;
  • stepped terraces;
  • flower beds made from tires;
  • flower garden made of stones;
  • spiral flower bed;
  • gabion lawns;
  • hanging boxes with flowers.

Each of these structures can be planted exotic plants, bought for a lot of money from gardening farms, and fuss with them all summer, lamenting that they wither, get sick and wither. Or you can plant simple and understandable plants like the deafeningly fragrant night mattiola and fragrant tobacco. The pinnacle of garden aerobatics is considered to be a ridged flower garden, which is planted in the form of a planned pattern from ready-made plants, or single-color (monochrome) mixborders, which are planted from plants of the same color.

Several such mixborders can be planted, each of the same color. Such flower beds, like a perennial flower bed that blooms all summer, can become a worthy decoration of a fence, but at the same time you will have to tinker with them not only in early spring, but also throughout the summer. Fashion trends completely replaced such beautiful things as a rug made of pansies, thyme, lupine, wormwood, garden cornflowers and daisies. And for a long time no one remembers nasturtiums and bells, which look great on a summer cottage.

It doesn’t matter if the recreation area where the flowerbed will be installed is on the shady side. Daylily, lupine, Canadian chamomile, all types of viburnum, foxglove, mantle and a hundred more plants can bloom beautifully, even if only the setting sun illuminates it. And if we think about fashion, decorativeness, the shadow side, then we can’t ignore ferns. They do not bloom, prefer shade and, with little care, delight the eye with their delicate, whimsical leaves. Fern is one of the most ancient plants on Earth, and ostrich tail, adiantum, multi-row and kochedednik are themselves capable of creating such a border and such a unique flower bed that all the fashionable neighbors will be jealous.

Fashion is not the selection criterion that should be followed when looking for plants for your own plot, whatever its size and design. The main thing is that it is easy to work on it and relax with pleasure, so that the man-made beauty evokes pleasant associations, and the smells of flowers replace any aromatherapy. Then you won’t have to tinker with plants all day long, and your soul will feel good and light.

The garden has been dug up, the seedlings are ready for planting, but in addition to vegetables and useful crops, I would like to pay attention to the beauty of the garden, namely the fencing of the flower beds. Flowers growing singly or in pairs, hanging in garlands from balcony boxes, or arranged into a single composition under the windows of your favorite home will bring joy after a hard day and allow you to take a break from work. But how to preserve this beauty? How to protect flowers from the ubiquitous lawnmower line, from children who are always running somewhere, from dogs who strive to lie down on them? Let's look at a few examples of making a fence using available materials and a minimum number of tools.

Natural stone border

Stone is not an enemy to plants. Many people know that the sculptures created from durable granite, centuries later, brought to this day the beautiful faces of ancient women and the muscular torsos of men. Frozen in stone, they still amaze with their beauty.

And why not use this durable material to decorate your favorite petunias, lupins, cosmos, and marigolds. Granite and marble, of course, are not the most cheap option, but you can resort to the help of improvised representatives of the stone world, for example, cobblestones, which can be found almost everywhere. Having made a considerable reserve, you can cover a fairly large one, thereby protecting it from lawn mowers and other cutting tools.

Options for the shapes of a natural stone fence depend only on the author’s imagination and the amount of source material. The advantage of this fence is its durability, but the disadvantage is its small height and, over time, natural subsidence deep into the soil.

Flower garden fence made of wooden pegs

I'm tired of the old baseboard, why throw it away? Miniature, up to 20 centimeters, wooden fences look very unusual and pleasant, enclosing plants of medium height. The construction of such a fence will take several hours and a couple of meters of old plinth.

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the height, mark it on the base, and saw off the pegs that will make up the fence.
  2. To make it easier to insert such blanks into the ground, it is advisable to make an acute angle at one edge and leave the top straight.
  3. The pegs are either dug in or driven into the ground 5 - 10 cm for greater strength. Thus, the workpiece is a peg 30-35 cm long.

The advantage of such a fence is its original form. The disadvantages include the difficulty of setting a straight line, but using a level, you can achieve greater accuracy.

Fencing made from glass bottles - simple and affordable

Glass is not a new material, much less expensive. After all, you probably have a bottle of beer, champagne, Coca-Cola or lemonade next to the trash can in your house. They will serve as an excellent basis for a decorative fence. All you need to do is collect required amount glass bottles. For an average sized flower bed you will need approximately 20 -30 pieces. Behind winter period It will not be difficult to collect such an amount.

The construction technology is extremely simple; after digging a small hole, you need to stick a glass bottle with the neck down and dig it in for greater strength. An ordinary building level will help you maintain a straight horizontal line.

Fences made from glass bottles are durable and look great next to low plants.

Considering possible ways improvement of a flower bed, every owner is looking for the simplest and affordable option. This is easier than creating a fence from stone chips, wood or glass bottles. Let's look at a few more options for decorating floral splendor:

Wooden rods and tree branches as a decorative fence

Twigs and branches - for the fire or for work? It couldn’t be easier to build original barriers from the branches of an old tree that fell under an axe! Naturally, branches are taken as a basis, but their selection is very important.

To decorate a flower bed, it is advisable to use straight or slightly curved rods. Branches that have knots or shoots are not suitable for work, since when green spaces grow, the stems will hang and cling to them. It is advisable to clear straight branches of bark and dry them. The ideal option is also to impregnate them with antifungal agents, but this is not necessary.

The construction of such a fence is carried out as follows:

  1. Straight base stakes are driven into the ground at a distance of 10-15 cm, and twigs or branches are laid between them;
  2. Fastening, for greater stability, is carried out with twine or fishing line. The height of the structure depends on the number of rows placed in this way.

The advantages of the design are simplicity of execution and naturalness appearance. The disadvantages include short durability, generally from 2 to 3 years, and the possibility of bending under the influence weather conditions.

Another option for wicker fences is a vine fence. It looks very aesthetically pleasing. The method is similar to building from branches and twigs, only due to the length of the main material in the process of laying out the rows, the main support pegs are intertwined.

The advantages of this version of landscaping a flower bed are its excellent combination with the landscape and its aesthetically simple appeal. The downside is that it has a short service life and possible corrosion of the material. Wood processing products will help correct these shortcomings.

Macrame in garden design

The macrame technique, which is based on a special weave of threads, can become a beautiful and an unusual option flowerbed design. Naturally, the main material will be durable twine. You can take any drawing. Detailed diagrams can be found on the Internet or in craft magazines.

The original baubles will be fastened with wooden pegs, which can also be braided to match the main motif. The advantage of this work is its originality. The disadvantages include a fairly long operating time and a short service life.

Fence from dishes (photo)

The dishes are beating fortunately. All that was left of my favorite set were three plates, which were not only embarrassing to put on the table, but also offensive to the point of tears. The saucer is cracked or split in half, it doesn’t matter, we collect the fragments for the fence, they will serve as an excellent basis for creative design flower bed.

Simply stuck into the ground or embedded in cement mortar, once works of ceramic art, today will become original decoration flowering plants. The simplicity, durability and unusual nature of such a fence is a definite plus; the only disadvantages include some danger for children, because it can break and injure.

DVD discs playing in the sun's rays

Many video and audio lovers often have a fairly large number of unnecessary discs in their homes that have already played their contents millions of times and have lost their freshness and quality. By combining them with a paper clip, wire or fishing line into a single canvas and securing them on base pegs, you can give the flowerbed an unusual, bright and shiny look in all respects.

The disadvantage of such an idea is only the short service life of this fence. Otherwise, she can become original solution V landscape design any area.

Plastic bottles - a flight of fancy

Leftovers after feasts can also be useful to the decorator of flower beds. Inserted like glass bottles, carefully painted in different colors, will illuminate the green space with bright notes.

However, it is worth remembering that plastic is subject to deformation when the temperature changes, so before directly inserting the bottles into the ground, you should carefully fill them with sand. Possible deformation under the influence of weather conditions is a disadvantage of these fences.

Decorative fences enclosing your flower garden

Items such as an old fence, remnants of roofing tiles or wall plastic, unused metal tape in a roll, Forged Products and other available material can become an interesting basis for creating a flower fence.

Their presence, in various configurations, will add a touch of chaos and modern colors to the green ornament of plants, forcing the owners and guests of the summer cottage to look at the classic forms from a different perspective.

The variety of design options for flower beds sometimes amazes the most experienced florist. Wood, glass, stone chips, knitting, weaving and many other materials reveal countless creative ideas of owners of summer cottages and simply lovers of aesthetics and beauty.

Let's consider a few more ideas aimed at fencing for flower beds, which use improvised non-standard materials.

Stone border - a classic option for fencing a flower bed in a country house

Creating and decorating flower beds is undoubtedly an exciting creative activity, and flights of fancy here are unlikely to be limited to familiar shapes and materials.

By creating an object of landscape art against the backdrop of your favorite plants, each owner will be able to feel like the creator of something new, unusual, original. The main thing is a positive attitude and focus on a truly grandiose result.