Article Interior decoration of summer cuisine with their own hands. Decoration of summer kitchen inside with their own hands. Open kitchen-gazebo for giving

No matter how comfortable and thoughtful would there be a country house, rarely, as a country building costs without a device summer cuisine do it yourself. From early spring to deep autumn cold, most of the cookies, the workpiece, processing and preservation of the collected crop occurs in the summer kitchen. Here they are preparing food for the whole family, resting in the summer in the evening, so the kitchen rightfully can be called the central place in the country.

How to find the right senior solution for summer kitchen

Projects and options for summer cottage cuisine are about as much as the Dachas themselves. Often to save the owners choose the most simple schemes Open summer kitchen in the form of a rebuilt arbor or terrace. Summer kitchen is usually used as an auxiliary room, in order to save a house from smells and fluxes of hot air from the stove, and the owners and guests from the suffocating atmosphere summer pore. Most of the room closes from the rain and the sun canopies and folls, but still open summer kitchens, very beautiful and elegant in pictures, in fact remain inhabited only three to four months a year. In the cool and rainy, open summer cuisine turns into a country canopy for inventory, and the owners have to move to the house, forgetting to relax in the fresh air.

From a practical point of view, closed summer cuisines in the country are more comfortable. Correctly selected dimensions and the space of space will ensure comfortable conditions in the kitchen room are no worse than in the open version. The kitchen area in the country is a living organism, in which everything is important from the location of the construction to the nuances of the interior, each detail must be thought out, draw on paper and even see photos of the projects of a closed summer kitchen in the country given in the available sources.

Initially, before putting on paper the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe project, specify for ourselves the options for solving the most fundamental technical problems:

  • The nature of the construction of a closed summer kitchen, its size and location of the building relative to the cottage and plot;
  • As from which materials it is most convenient to build a summer kitchen;
  • Arrangement of water supply systems and water supply, power supply lines, ventilation;
  • How to equip the room with a closed summer kitchen, lay the main kitchen attributes - stove, refrigerator, hood and kitchen furniture.

Tip! The most rational solution will plan the placement of summer kitchens at the design stage of the country house and the location of the main buildings.

In this case, the two buildings can be performed on one foundation and even with a common wall, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of construction.

Where to build a closed kitchen

Unlike the open version of the kitchen room, which can be put under a canopy or in a gazebo, without a special look at its location, the closed scheme assumes the presence of a warmed foundation, ceiling and walls, and therefore it is necessary to put it with a leeward side, closer to the well, away from the septica or drain pit.

Closed summer kitchen options Lots:

Important! The closed kitchen, in contrast to the open option, will require a full-fledged foundation that holds a relatively massive construction structure.

The construction of an expedited closed kitchen costs a little more expensive, but there are no problems with the equalization of the foundations and the roof of two buildings, moreover, the design of the summer food processor can be made absolutely unlike the main building of the cottage.

In such a room, you can put a small gas furnace with a propane cylinder, which will be enough to warm out the room and cooking for a family.

Build a closed kitchen with your own hands

The device of the closed summer kitchen room is selected depending on the climate and whether the cottage is used in the period from November to March a month. For middle strip and northern latitudes can be advised to build a closed kitchen room in the form of an extension to the dacha from foam block, on capital foundation. The walls of foam concrete are perfectly preserved heat in the room, even with a significant temperature difference, and during the summer heat, they work as a thermos.

For the southern regions, there will be more convenient framework of wood with large square Glazing and, importantly, - high ceilings. Such a closed kitchen device provides excellent ventilation, even if the walls are separated by plasterboard or OSB plates. In addition, in the summer heat in a tree house is much nicer than in the construction of concrete, stone or professional flooring.

Summer kitchen made of foam block

The technology of an extension of a closed summer kitchen from foam concrete is practically no different from the construction scheme of any other small-sized attacks from foamed concrete. The material for the kitchen box will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and with proper design, it will not be needed even independent heating, there will be a sufficiently small cast-iron stove plate.

It will be possible to start a closed kitchen at no earlier than the fourth-fifth year of the completion of the construction of cottages. The foundation for the kitchen room is manufactured by the same scheme as for the cottage. Most often it is a tape low-profile foundation, reinforced steel reinforcementThat will need to be associated with the steel frame of the foundation base of the cottage. At the same time, you will need to lay the channels for the sewage pipe and plumbing.

The floor in the room of a closed kitchen is necessarily insulated with a filling of the ceramisite under concrete screed or laying sheet EPPS. If the size of the closed kitchen box does not exceed 3x4 m, the number of reinforcing belts from the bar can be reduced to two, one at one in the upper and lower strapping of the walls.

For about six months, the box will give a precipitate, and you can put the roof, insert the windows, perform decorative finish. Closed summer kitchen of this type in the autumn winter It can be used as an additional room for colors and seedlings. In the same way, you can build a closed kitchen made separately from the main building of the cottage. But in practice, such projects are less common, as they cost significantly more expensive.

The inner walls can be covered with sandy cement plaster, and the ceiling to sew plasterboard, paint with water-emulsion, as in the residential premises of the cottage, but not so simple. Any experienced dacha will confirm that the interior design of a closed summer kitchen is seriously different from ordinary kitchen facilities:

Important! In the stone room of a closed summer kitchen, you can easily build a fireplace or wood-burning furnace. Often for the sake of opportunity to use in the summer brick or stone stove on firewood and build a summer kitchen at the cottage.

Given the fact that in a relatively short period of harvest, harvesting and conservation is spent simply a huge amount of gas and electricity, such a solution will help seriously save on energy resources.

In addition, the extension to the house can be performed on a pile or a bar-based basis, due to docking with carrier wall Consumers can provide the necessary stiffness of the box without the use of traditional reinforcing belts for foam concrete. If you collect an extension from the steel profile, the walls can be performed completely from the glass, or in this case from the glass package, as in the photo.

Combined and Wooden Summer Kitchens Closed Type

The box of summer kitchen is not necessarily building completely from stone and foam concrete. Often from concrete and brick build up a full foundation and some of the walls to the level of window openings. The rest of the walls from the middle is performed on frame technology from a metal profile, steel pipes or wooden bar. Such structures allow you to build a brick furnace or install the cast-iron furnace, refuse the ceiling overlap, and make the roof with a large angle of inclination of the two-tie roof.

High ceilings guarantee comfortable conditions in the kitchen room at any time of the year, in the summer heat and winter strules.

Designs closed kitchens Not limited to stone and combined buildings. It makes no sense to build a closed-type metering of a stone and brick if the cottage is used only in the spring year period of the year. Easier and cheaper to assemble frame or completely wooden optionIt will be cheaper and more convenient.

One of the most popular solutions is to use for the cottage of finished projects and designs of closed wooden arbors. It simplifies the development of the planning of summer kitchen and reduces the cost of designing the construction. It is possible to bring one of the most popular Finnish buildings on the project "Villa Albatross", often used as a summer wooden house, closed wooden arbor, and of course, summer kitchens.

The advantages of using this scheme are obvious:

  1. The design of summer kitchen construction is almost completely made of a pine board and timber. It simplifies construction, allows you to assemble a box of the room in a matter of days;
  2. The closed kitchen has a huge glazing area. IN good weather Open windows allow you to get the atmosphere and conditions in the closed room of summer cuisine at the level, comparable with open areas and canopies;
  3. The foundation is made from piles, asbestos-cement pipes. One smells solves the problem of waterproofing and insulation closed buildings Due to the ottipsitis of the extruded polystyrene with the crumpled of the extruded polystyrene.

For your information! The octagonal form of construction is very successful. In addition to optimal use indoor spaceRounded side walls give additional stability frame design Even on open, well-thought out dacha territories.

The unusual shape of the walls requires the use of a special shape of the strapping and lags under the boardwalk, such as shown in the diagram. The roof of the design has to be assembled from separate eight skates, but the original dome technology, as in the video:

The floor inside the closed room of summer kitchens can be left a board, the laminated OSB plate or linoleum. If the summer kitchen uses an antiseptic and preservative wooden bar And the board, then there are no problems with the removal of excess moisture in the atmosphere. Otherwise, in a few months, wood will begin to intensively gain water and deform with the formation of cracks and cracks.

If necessary, a closed summer kitchen can be insulated along the outer surface of the walls using traditional technologyshown in the scheme. Mineral felt stacked on the walls, the plaster mesh is attached and a layer of soil and decorative plaster is applied. Corners and base parts are facing artificial stone.

Similarly, you can perform a decorative finish in the style of the Danish house, when the surface of the kitchen wall is separated by water-resistant plasterboard, and the elements of the planks and beams of the frame, the ceiling overlap is left open as in the photo.

Interesting solutions in the construction of closed kitchen

Often when building summer cuisine has to look original solutions The most painful problems associated with the arrangement and layout of the room. Perhaps in terms of design, such buildings are not masterpieces of design, but in a practical plan, beyond doubt, these are the most convenient and thoughtful solutions.

Optimal location of the stove in a closed kitchen

For example, fire safety rules require mangals, barbecue, Finnish firemen with an open flame of fireboxes to remove at least two meters from wooden and flammable materials. If in the summer kitchen you need to install a grill with an exhaust, then the easiest way to do this according to the photo shown in the photo.

The design of the closed kitchen is made in the form of an extension to the frame dacha. This solution allows you to perform a summer building very light and tough. Installed on pile Fundamit The robust strength is enough for one of the side walls to make in the form of a glass panel to the entire height of the ceilings. The main problem is a heavy chimney or a fireplace wall with a pipe, were taken out of summer buildings and are lined with natural stone and a painted steel corrugated sheet.

Traditionally, the wood-burning furnace requires some change in the inner interior of summer kitchen, for example, walls and ceilings are usually lined with wood-bruised log cabin or timber. The zone around the furnace in the project is defined by non-flammable materials, especially in the field of adjoining chimney To the beams of overlapping and in the ashtar and furnace.

An excellent option can be considered the arrangement of summer kitchen in the country electric stove and oven. The presence of electricity is critical for processing and storing products, but the light in the country may disappear for many hours, so there is often a gas furnace with a cylinder along with a microwave and conventional electric circuit in the interior. Moreover, experienced dacnis know that canning and recycle in salads and jam harvest With an electric stove in the country is difficult due to a small thermal power.

Options for glazing and interior of closed summer kitchen

In the summer heat, a closed kitchen room in the country can turn into a real blood pressure if the size of the windows and the operation of ventilation systems leaves much to be desired. The simplest solution implies the installation for a wooden frame building of four or five windows instead of the traditional two window openings.

The sash can be opened in ventilation mode or open the laser, depending on weather conditions and air temperature in the country.

In addition, the traditional stone closed kitchen has always been inferior to an open illumination scheme and quantity. sunlightpenetrating the inside of the room. Today, for the modern cottage and summer kitchen, the maximum amount of natural lighting becomes an unrecognized standard in the construction of summer country houses.

Regardless of whether the closed kitchen attached to the cottage room or decorated as a separate building, the larger the windows, the higher the comfort inside the structure. In this case, it is important not just glazed with a closed kitchen, but to properly arrange window openings in the structure of the structure.

Traditionally, summer closed kitchen in the country is divided into two main zones - dining and working. A place where family members are located for lunch or relaxing for a cup of tea, it is necessary to open as much as possible for sunlight. Working area Equipment of large windows does not make sense, since because of high humidity And the temperature difference glass will regularly fade by condensate and evaporation from everything that is prepared on the stove.

In addition, it is important to correctly install the window for a brick stove if there is a summertime. Such a window put for air intake outside the kitchen in the cold time to avoid drafts and heat loss indoors.

For small summer kitchens, often combined with a closed veranda, as an exclusion, the size of the windows can be increased to a maximum.

For summer kitchen room, combined with a gazebo and dining room, the size of the windows increases to a maximum, the more room, the harder to achieve good level illumination. The window can reach the baseway and occupy more than half the surface of the walls.

Very pretty the interior and inner design Summer cuisine, when finishing which used tinted wood and natural stone. Often, such solutions are resorted if the summer kitchen is part of the cottage room built from a bar or a rounded log.

For more traditional stone and framework buildings, an interior trigger is used or decorative plaster. A part of the walls adjacent to the stove or stove can be bought with tiles or ceramic mosaic.

To get rid of the shortcomings inherent in closed and open schemes Summer metering, often in the country, build combined options, which have part of the walls and window Rams Performed removable. In this case, the walls, the floor and the ceiling are insulated, and after the refund of the disclosed glazing, such rooms are easily turned into a closed or winter option.


The most unusual and practical of all summer closed kitchens can be called the construction in the country, collected from the sea 20 feet container, photo. In such a room, it is difficult to be in the heat, but in the spring and autumn the building quite justifies expectations. If a plot for the future cottage was only purchased and does not have full buildings suitable for temporary use, as a kitchen, such a closed building can serve as a place of storage at the dacha inventory and parts of the accessories, even a scooter or motor-block. Subsequently, the room is enough to lay a brick, make a full-fledged oven and sewage, and you can perfectly prepare dinners and canning fruit - vegetables at the cottage for many more years.

Do not you cook food, preserve vegetables, is preparing for noisy and abundant feasts with kebabs or barbecue inside the country house, where is all the kitchen equipment?

Avoid finding in a stuffy room and transfer all these processes on fresh air or in a separate, well-ventilated room, it is quite possible. It is enough to build a summer kitchen in the country. The features of this process will be discussed in the material below.

Varieties of structures

Before proceeding to the embodiment of your dream, it is advisable to consider all existing summer kitchen projects in the country: it is advisable to build too expensive and complex structuresotherwise you can not finish the construction at all.

All buildings for cooking on country plot They are divided into two main groups:

  1. Open kitchen. Its distinctive feature is the complete absence of walls. This allows you to achieve the feeling of space and freedom, as well as provide excellent air circulation. At the same time, all the necessary equipment - a stove, a table, washing, and so on - must be present at mandatory.

Some dacha owners, wanting to approach nature as close as possible, get rid of not only from the walls, but also from.
This is not the best solution, since you lose protection and from the Sun, and from the rain.

  1. Closed kitchen. Often it is not only the place of cooking. A small slight building can serve as a guest or a hunting house, a storeroom or a workshop for lovers to do something with their own hands.
    For construction, you can use Faneur, lining or other materials, the price of which is low. A summer kitchens for cottages built from bricks, foam or gas blocks can be successfully operated for a long time.
    Combining certain materials and projects of summer kitchens in the country - you can create original and original structures that will be a highlight landscape design Your country plot.

In any case, do not forget to equip the summer kitchen amenities:

  • plumbing;
  • sewage;
  • kitchen stove or grill;
  • lighting and electrical outlets.

If you have no opportunity to bring electricity to the summer kitchen, it will help to rent a diesel generator for giving.
This device will provide food all kitchen equipment.


The construction of summer cuisine on the cottage begins with the search for the place where it will be installed.

This platform must meet the following requirements:

  1. Convenient connection of engineering networks. There must be the possibility of supplying water supply, sewage and electricity.
  2. Distance from economic and household buildings. Pets publish nasty smellwhich is inappropriate in the kitchen. Therefore, it is advisable to make it removed from economic zone Cottages as far as possible.
  3. Availability of cellar. Well, when the plan of summer kitchen in the country includes the presence of a celler under it or nearby. This ensures access to products during cooking and the possibility of quick storage of home billets.

If before the construction capital house For housing, you use country houses from block containers, a place to build a kitchen you need to choose so that free and convenient access to it is subsequently provided.

Order of construction

Step 1. Preparation of the base

Exist various projects Summer kitchens for giving. Depending on the form, materials and size of the structure, the foundation is selected. The most common tape and columnar bases.

The first type is used in the case when it is supposed to build a closed summer kitchen from a brick or other artificial stone. Open summer summer kitchens or wood houses can be erected on columns supports. They can be made of slag blocks or pour from cement mortar.

If you intend to install only a light canopy, you can simply determine the site of the desired size, reinforcing it with a metal grid or twigs.

In any case, the sequence of actions to arrange the foundation is as follows:

  1. Excavation. According to a predetermined markup, a solid garbage excavation is made or pumped pits with dimensions of 30x30 and a depth of 70-80 cm.
  2. Arrangement of the pillow. To do this, a sand-chicted mixture is used, which is poured on the bottom of the pit with a layer of 20 cm with a thickness of 20 cm and is thoroughly tamped.
  3. Fill the foundation, platforms or pillars. Depending on the type of design and its size, as well as ambient temperatures, the complete hardening of the concrete will be required of the week to a month.
  4. Floor arrangement. In some cases, additional pouring of the draft floor may be required. To do this, a layer of soil is removed from the ground, then the sand layer is 15 cm thick. The crushed stone is placed on top of it, after which the cement mortar is filling.

If the floor is subsequently facing ceramic tiles, take care of a smooth surface by completing cement screed and grinding.

The floor of an open summer kitchen should rise above the ground level by 5-7 cm.
Otherwise, a strong summer shower will fill the platform.

Step 2. Wall Station

The presence or absence of walls depends on what kind of summer kitchen design in the country is chosen. In any case, you will need to install and correctly consolidate the support pillars that will support the roof or canopy.

The walls of the summer house cooking can be made of various materials:

  1. Wood. All structural elements are bonded between themselves with self-draws or metal corners. The material for the outer casing can be a board or siding, internal plasterboard, a t-shirt or lining.
  2. Fake diamond. Given the designation of the structure, it is enough to build walls with a thickness of one brick (slagoblock). If you intend, despite the name, exploit the kitchen in the winter, you should additionally take care of insulation and heating.

Step 3. Roof arrangement

The easiest and most inexpensive option is flat single Roof. It is easy to mount, and the exercise costs are minimal. However, the majority of summer residents prefer a batch option, considering it more attractive.

If you assume round the clock operation of the summer kitchen, between the roof lags, it is necessary to pave heat insulation from basalt fiber, glass gambles or foam.

So that the water does not pour the walls, it is necessary to provide for a long visor. This will prolong the life of the structure.

Step 4. Interior decoration

Outdoor coating in the summer kitchen can be made from ceramic tiles or decong (terraced board). In the latter case, the surface is painted in one way or another, the paint is either opened with varnish.

Ceilings and walls are advisable to cover with oil, which will protect the wood from the effects of negative environmental factors.

Promotion of the kitchen interior will help the original accessories from ceramics, wood or other materials that organically fit into the country.


Choosing a summer kitchen project, consider combining this room with a dining room or barbecue area. So, you can not only prepare food, but also to eat it in the fresh air, enjoying the stay in nature.

In more detail about the arrangement of summer cottages, you can learn from the video in this article.

A favorite holiday destination after everyday trouble can be a summer kitchen in a private area. The advantages of the economic building were actively used by our grandmothers, turning it into a mini-cannent plant. Functionality And the design of modern summer cuisines has significantly expanded. The proposed ways of arrangement of practical structures will help choose suitable option For private plot.

Summer kitchen: options for arrangement

The manifold of architectural solutions allows you to build a summer kitchen on any country site. They are attached to the private house or put separately, make an open and closed type. Each idea has undoubted advantages and some disadvantages. List of sought-after ways to improve:

Comment! The choice of a suitable project for a private house depends not only on the estimate of construction, plays a role and presence in the area of \u200b\u200bfree space.

Original ideas for the arrangement of separate and attached summer kitchens in private possessions are a photo gallery.

Characteristics of open areas

When erecting a separate open-type summer kitchen, a stone or a wooden bar is used to arrange the column arrangements, sometimes meets combined option. The design of the platform is carried out by natural or artificial stone, there is no foundation here. Protection against scoring rays or precipitation will be a canopy or roof. To feel all the delights of culinary masterpieces will help any device for cooking on open fire. The refinement of the design is distinguished by a stove lined with a stone.

If you attach the summer kitchen to a private house, it is worth taking care of the combination of materials used. Especially it concerns roofing.

The advantages of open separate sites are as follows:

  • minimum consumption of building materials;
  • lack of earthworks for the establishment of the foundation;
  • installation of summer kitchen passes simply in a short time;
  • comfortable conditions for cooking and preservation;
  • the presence in the summer kitchen manga, grill or barbecue expands the menu of the owners of the private house;
  • great place to relax a large company in the fresh air.
  • summer cuisine away from a private house is optimal from the point of view of fire safety;

Operation of an open summer platform is accompanied by some inconveniences:

  • Full dependence on weather conditions. Rain, wind and cold forced to relocate in a private house.
  • The work area is not protected from dust and provides an additional amount of cleanliness work.
  • Evening pastime on the summer kitchen is accompanied by insect attacks.
  • Products need good protection against birds of birds or animals.
  • It is possible to leave unattended technique only in the case of reliable protection of the private territory.
  • Additional troubles during seasonal permutations of equipment and furniture.
  • Summer open kitchen serves solely for the preparation and absorption of food in the fresh air.

Successful design projects of private buildings in the photo:

Features of closed premises

The closed summer kitchen design can stand separately from the private house or be an extension to the construction.

Comment! In addition to residential premises, the kitchen is combined with a bath or other economic object.

The preference of a closed type project is given when erecting a summer building in regions with an adverse climate. Frequent rains, strong winds or early frosts make an uncomfortable vacation in open areas. Therefore, summer kitchen needs protection. Subject to installation heating device This will make it nice to spend time even in winter.

The main advantages of closed buildings:

  • No dependence on weather conditions.
  • Insect protection in evening time, stocks of products are covered from night hunters, and the technique is hidden from prying eyes.
  • Summer cuisine can perform guest house functions, especially if the main private house-building does not have enough free area.
  • Combining the construction with other economic objects will reduce the cost of arrangement.

Achieving the goal to become the owner of a closed summer kitchen is accompanied by certain difficulties:

  • The preparation of the project provides for special knowledge, career assistance may be required.
  • The need for excavation works for the construction of the foundation, even if it is planned to be destroyed to a private house.
  • The consumption of building materials increases significantly.
  • The process of construction is much longer and more complicated compared to an open option for the arrangement of summer kitchen.
  • The total digit of the construction estimate is much higher projects of open structures.

Tip! To achieve the harmony of design, summer kitchen in a private house implies a thorough choice of building materials for the exterior decoration.

Photo gallery demonstrates attractive interiors of closed sites in private possessions:

Nuances of choice of place

Comfortable operation of the kitchen in the summer performance is largely determined by a competently selected placement location. When choosing a plot on a private area orient to the following recommendations:

  • It is important to determine optimal distance Between private housekeeping and cooking area. When installing a barbecue withstand the gap for compliance with fire safety. But excessive distance from a private house creates inconvenience with frequent movements.
  • Separate kitchen of a closed type requires a thorough study of the characteristics of the soil.
  • Try to place a summer building away from places with unpleasant ambrés ( village Yama, WC or PAN for animals), necessarily takes into account the prevailing direction of the wind.
  • The kitchen is better to deliver away from the roadway, excess dust and noise will break the summer holiday idyll.
  • Comfortable stay is provided by the presence of lighting, water and sewage. Therefore, the supply of communications to a private building should be available.
  • Trees I. curly plants They will become an excellent background for contemplating the natural landscape and create a pleasant shadow in hot days.

The next photos will give an idea of harmonious decoration Summer cuisine in private territory.

Stages of construction

The implementation of the project of a closed building is accompanied by the following main stages:

  • Determination of the location of the summer facility.
  • Preparation of the foundation for the kitchen.
  • Walling.
  • Roof arrangement.
  • Interior decoration.

The type of foundation is selected depending on the overall severity of the summer building and the properties of the soil. For light designs, there is a fairly bonded base. Massive buildings need to arrange a ribbon foundation.

Attention! If the kitchen is attached to the private house, the level of the foundation is focused on the indicators of the main construction.

The following types of building materials are used to build walls or reference pillars:

  • A rock. To hit the surrounding spectacular design capable pillars from granite, marble or slate. Durability and presentability are the main advantages of the material.
  • For the walls fit traditional brick or blocks. When installing heating and the availability of the heat insulating layer possible comfortable rest In the cold season.
  • Wood is more relevant with an open-type summer kitchen arrange. Easy and grace are attractive from the point of view of budget savings. Extend the period of operation will help timely processing with protective equipment.
  • The construction of walls of wood material is usually accompanied by an additional trim in the form of a siding.
  • Light designs out panoramic glass packs Open a spacious review of the beauty of private possessions. High rise and the impossibility of operating the kitchen in the winter can stop fans of year-round holidays in nature.

The choice of roofing determines the design of private house-building. Regardless of whether summer kitchen will be attached to the main construction or stand, the combination of color and textures will create a harmonious background to perceive the entire private area as a whole. Examples of summer kitchen arrangement different types In private possessions in the photo:

Selection of finishing materials and interior items

In order for the exploitation of the summer building did not bring large hassle, materials for interior decorations must meet the following criteria:

  • Show resistance to aggressive environment. Increased humidity, temperature drops, soot and fat drops should not be the cause of premature deterioration of the finishing surfaces.
  • Easy to care and use chemicals To clean up pollution.

Consider more details finishing various surfaces for summer buildings. With open-style kitchens, everything is extremely simple. For the arrangement of the site fit a stone or paving slabs. Possible installation of the deck board. It is important to take care of the absence of a slip effect when water from the water.

The closed kitchen provides a greater selection of materials. Decorative decoration Floor surfaces are possible:

  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • tile;
  • ordinary board;
  • wood-polymer composite (DPK).

Apply "Planken" or "Dekking" is allowed even on open private kitchens of summer destination.

The wall decoration is selected taking into account the planned interior. It is unlikely that in nature will want to see the concise High-tech. On summer kitchen, all directions are organically. rustic style - Country, Provence, and so on. Accordingly, the presence natural tree or artificial materialsSimulating natural textures, optimal design of the interior design of summer kitchen.

TO budget options can be attributed painting of walls private building on pre-trimming plasterboard.

It is difficult to present a comfortable stay on the summer kitchen without functional technology. Among the main items are a stove for cooking and a refrigerator, the rest - at the discretion of the owners of the private building. Naturally, the presence of a sink is not amenable to dispute. The stove can be connected to the central gas pipeline, equipped with a balloon or belong to electric type equipment. Options are determined individually in each specific situation.

Summer kitchen furnishings are carried out with the conditions of operation. Among the main requirements - resistance to high humidity. Low achowed private territory It looks harmonious when designing furniture from rattan. No matter, natural or artificial origin will be the material.

Attention! Do not forget about high-quality lighting. Lamps on solar panels - practical modern solution Landsurance of summer kitchen.

As you can see, the forms of private buildings and the methods of registration of summer cuisine are not an incluluscable set. Choose the appropriate option will help a thorough analysis of all factors affecting the kitchen arrangement with comfortable conditions operation in a private area.

Cooking is a process that should be enjoyed. But here a lot depends on the conditions you prepare. The situation must inspire and have the creation of delicious and useful dishes filled with your good energy. In the summer, in a stuff and tea of \u200b\u200bthe closed space of the kitchen, you can hardly be easily tune in to a pleasant cooking process. But if you have a cottage and a couple of skillful hands, you can solve this problem. Having built a summer kitchen in the country, you will not only save your main room from extra evaporations and heat stove, but also get the opportunity to prepare in the fresh air in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by green plantings and breeched by the breeze. In addition, the open summer kitchen can be equipped with a brazier, barbecue or fireplace and arrange cozy picnics surrounded by a lovely people.

Where to begin

Planning the construction of summer cuisine for the cottage, first of all, it is worth finding answers to a row important issuesthat will determine your further actions:

  1. Purpose. Will you use the summer kitchen only in the warm season or all year round? Do you want to cook on it often and a lot or will it become a place for periodic gatherings with friends and loved ones?
  2. Dimensions. Will the summer kitchen space workplace for the hostess for the period of closing home blanks and cooking or will it be organized in the form of a kitchen-dining room designed for a certain number of people?
  3. Accommodation. Will the kitchen be implemented as an extension to the main premises of your summer cottage or will it be a separate house? How will your structure be located in relation to the sun, the wind, green plant, the means of communication and the carriageway?
  4. Project budget. The materials that you choose for the summer kitchen and the design of the room and the costs of time for the realization of your ideas will largely depend on it.

Tip! Examine the finished projects of summer kitchens for the cottage offered by construction firms, and independently pon them under your scale and requests.

By analyzing all the meaningful moments, you will need to accurately establish the following for yourself:

  • Open or closed type suits you;
  • Will you build a furnace or limit the installation of the stove, do you plan to use the brave and grill;
  • As in your project will be organized water supply, sewage, electricity;
  • What makes you plan to implement.

Open summer kitchen

Open type of summer kitchen usually has from one to three walls, canopy as a roof, and in its own way appearance more reminds gazebo.

Advantages of open type of summer kitchens:

  • This design of an open type of summer kitchen can be built pretty quickly and without much effort.
  • It is economical in terms of costs for creating.
  • Preparing in the open air, you will not suffer from stuffing, evaporation and gary characteristic of the closed room.

However, attention should be paid to a number of significant flaws:

  • At open summer kitchen, you can prepare and relax only while on the street warm;
  • Leave food on it can not;
  • Kitchen furniture for the winter must be removed into the house so that it does not deteriorate from dampness;
  • The room is weakly protected from drafts, shower and insects.

Open summer kitchen on the veranda

You can organize an open type of summer kitchen on the veranda of your country house.

Tip! To open the summer kitchen looked good, try to equip it in a single style with your cottage.

First of all, you will need to lay the foundation. Its depth must coincide with the depth of the foundation of the house. Next, you form the framework of the walls, perform their skin and build a roof. Better if the roof is one for home and veranda. It looks good open summer kitchen, front or side wall which is glazed.

Open Summer Kitchen-Extension

An open summer kitchen can be organized in the form of an extension and connected to the cottage or with any economic room, for example, with a bath.

Such an extension is created by expanding the porch and is a kind of terrace with all the necessary kitchen attributes: a gas or electric stove, furniture, washing, etc. In the process of construction along the villa wall, the support structures are mounted on which the canopy is attached. Paul can be postponed paving slab Right on Earth, pre-racing it. This is possible if the water on this site is not going after the rain. You can protect the open summer kitchen from bad weather using sliding or removable side partitions, tarpaulin, roller. Walls can be used by plants that will delight the eyes and create coolness in the heat.

This project of open summer cuisine is cheaper and easier in implementation than the option with the foundation, but it is less reliable, because when the soil is dedicated, the kitchen can begin to roll.

Open Summer Cuisine-Arbor

Such a project of open summer cuisine is especially good when you want to install a fireplace, barbecue in the kitchen and use it for a pleasant pastime in the company of friends and loved ones. Still in such a gazebo it will be convenient to handle the harvest assembled at the cottage.

Decide what is the foundation for open kitchen-arbor - a ribbon or column - suitable for you more. The roof is recommended to do from bitumen or ondulin. When creating a carcass, such materials are usually used as: stone, brick, timber. Some wall can be made closed to place a kitchen headset along it and other necessary attributes. Leave the rest of the openings open to breathe fresh air to freely. If necessary, they can be drained to tissue curtains and rollers, reorganize with lattice panels, lucked plants or organize various partitions.

Closed summer kitchen

Closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged house, standing separately or attached to another building: cottage house, bath, utility room. This option is well suited for the terrain, where the climate is characterized by strong winds, rains, early frosts. You may like this design if you like to relax in the country in the winter and prefer to prepare in a separate room. It takes more capital investments for it, a serious approach to design, it is more complicated in the construction. But in the end, you can build a house with comfortable conditions, including the presence of heating, water supply, sewer and electricity. Often closed kitchens in the country are equipped with a cellar, fireplace, utility rooms.

Tip! When it is impossible to carry electricity to the summer kitchen, you can buy a dacha diesel generator and feed all the kitchen appliances from it.

In this project of a closed summer kitchen: 1 - kitchen itself, 2 - dining area. Rooms 3, 4 and 5 are marked stools, a table and an angular bench in the dining room. The kitchen room is equipped with a wardrobe (6), a stove (7), washing (11), water tank (12). Also here is provided: chimney (8), ventilation channel (9), window (10).

Kitchen-house with terrace

The closed option can be organized as a separate house with a terrace. In the house you will prepare, so it should be equipped accordingly, and on the terrace under a canopy you can organize a dining area where the table and chairs will be located.

Such a project is quite labor, because it requires a bookmark monolithic foundation, construction of walls, installation of windows and doors.

When the walls of the walls should take into account the strength of the wind in a given area so that they can adequately withstand the entire possible load. For a closed summer kitchen, a double roof is recommended, reliably protecting from rain and snow.

You can also consider the design of the kitchen-house with the cellar. Then, before starting the premises, you will need to dug the pit, and the cellar walls will serve as a foundation for the top of the building.

How to build a summer kitchen with your own hands

There are several main stages of the process of implementing any kitchen project for giving:

  1. Select the location of the building.
  2. Prepare a foundation.
  3. Build walls.
  4. Build a roof.
  5. Perform an internal decoration of the room.

Select location

Successfully placed kitchen should:

  1. It is convenient to be placed on the entrance to the house. On the one hand, it is not desirable that Gar from the stove fall into your main home. On the other hand, the kitchen from home will lead to the fact that in bad weather, ready to go to the house will be carried quite difficult.
  2. Be away from places emitting unpleasant odors, for example, cottage toilet, Pets, cesspools, etc.
  3. Being enough removed from the roadway to exhaust gases and the noise of the road did not interfere with you to cook and breathe fresh air.
  4. To be available for connecting communications: water supply, sewage, heating, electricity.
  5. For open summer kitchen, we should take into account the imparency of the wind, the heating of the solar rays, the presence of the greenery around.
  6. Carefully treat the level groundwater, as well as the terrain terrain on which the cottage will be built.

Attention ! Country house And the placement of summer kitchens should be at a distance of at least 15 meters from the cesspool, toilet and aviary for livestock.

Preparing foundation

What the foundation you will lay out depends on the chosen kitchen design for the cottage. It is possible for a construction option and without a foundation, for example, when you concrete a suitable scale of the pad and reinforce it with a metal mesh. It will be appropriate for open summer kitchen with an easy canopy. For closed brick or stone summer cuisines, usually prepare a ribbon foundation. Packed supports are suitable for open kitchens or wood houses.

The foundation formation algorithm is as follows:

  1. On the perimeter of the kitchen being created, select the soil or dug small pits to scale 30x30 cm and depth - 70-80 cm.
  2. Create a pillow of rubble and sand with a thickness of 20 cm and thoroughly sink it.
  3. Fill the foundation, platform or pillars. Concrete can harden from 7 days to month.
  4. If there is a need to fill the floor, follows after removing the soil layer from the platform under the kitchen, pour sand with a thickness of 15 cm, top-crushed stone and pour the cushion with a cement solution. If you plan to lay out tile floors, the surface must be pre-dissolved using grinding or cement screed option.

Attention ! For open summer kitchen, the floor should be lifted above the level of soil at a height of five to seven centimeters so that the raindic water does not flood the room.

We erect the wall

Your kitchen project may imply the presence of walls or their absence, but the reference pillars on which the roof will be kept either canopy, mount, most likely. Materials for the construction of walls can be:

  • Stone, for example, marble, limestone, granite, slate, concrete. The advantage of the stone in its reliability and durability, but prices are quite high. The wall thickness will depend on the temperature regime ambientwhich is planned operation. You can have enough thickness in one brick. For use in the cold season, additional insulation may be required.
  • Wood. This material is cheaper than stone and easier to operate. The construction of it looks elegantly and is popular with dacnis. However, it should be considered: so that the tree does not deteriorate over time, it must be subjected to special processing. Outdoor sheathing Can be performed from boards or siding, for internal - use lining, plasterboard. To create fixtures used metal corners or screws.

We build a roof

You can choose such roof options:

  • Flat or single one. It is a simple in the construction and inexpensive roof.

  • Double. More reliable, durable and popular.

Attention ! A long visor will protect the walls during the rain and will prolong the service life of your kitchen.

We are engaged in interior decoration

Often, the floors of the floors are performed using linoleum, parquet, laminate, decong or ceramic tiles.

In the case of wood walls and ceilings, they can be covered with a protective layer of olifa, which will prevent negative impact damp and time to this material.

The kitchen interior must please the eye, create comfort and comfort, so do the kitchen so that you are nice there to be there and, of course, consider your financial opportunities.

For the picture to be finished, do not forget about the aesthetics of the site where the kitchen room will be located. You can surround it with flowers and shrubs, put the tracks beautifully and even create a fountain.

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IN Hot day to cook in the house is uncomfortable: hot and stuffy. But it is at this time that the hostess spends more time at the stove, because in addition to the usual cooking, it is waiting for her ordering canned food. Easy the task and turn a mantle to pleasure will help lightweight, summer kitchen in the country. Projects, photos and a variety of ideas for the design of this cozy corner will help homemade Master Independently embody the dream into reality.

For seasonal design, a canopy and concrete site

Build a temporary dining room independently is not difficult, the main thing is to reasonably approach its location on the plot and select building materials.

Preparing the project

First of all, you need to explore the plan of the site and determine the place for optimal location Buildings. This platform must meet the following requirements:

  • be close to the main house so that we can bring dishes and products;
  • have convenient suitable ways so that there is no obstacle to moving out of the house in the construction;
  • it is desirable to provide the proximity of the site to the main communications: water, sewage and electricity.

Helpful information!An ideal option would be to the presence of a natural or artificial reservoir.

Deciding with the place of construction, you need to measure its area. The size of the temporary design is a separate question. If it is additionally carrying the dining room function, you will have to provide an additional place to install the table and place chairs or shops. The presence in the dining furnace or mangal also dictates the need to add square meters to separate the hot workshop from the dining group.

Even with the complete absence of artistic skills, it is easy to draw a plan for a future kitchen using a ruler and a cell paper. On scale you need to portray all the basic objects that will be located in the construction: washing, work surfaces, stove or oven, table. If the hostess has assistants - the room is better made stretched to work comfortably to work several cooks immediately.

The placement at the dining table should be comfortable, the chairs need enough space for ticking.

Helpful advice!If the area area does not allow you to place a temporary kitchen with a dining room, you can abandon this idea and move the dining group on or in a gazebo.

Open or closed summer kitchen at the cottage? Projects, photos, advantages and disadvantages

Easy building can be with or without walls, have a roof or located in the open air - it all depends on the wishes and fantasies of the owner.

Important!From the option of the kitchen in the open air in the context of Russian latitudes it is better to refuse. Roast sun, rain and hail can be presented to unpleasant surprises.

The walls of the country canteen, in principle, are not needed. Its main task is to give the possibility of cooking outdoors, so it is quite enough can coop and supports. Another thing, if the structure will be used in the autumn-winter period. In this case, it will have to provide walls and glazing to protect against weather and cold. Dignity open buildings:

  • fresh air access;
  • convenience of moving;
  • the possibility of cooking not only in stationary, but also on the portable mangal;
  • small construction costs.

There are disadvantages:

  • the inconvenience of cooking and receiving food into windy weather and the cool time of the day;
  • accessibility of storage of dishes and products for domestic and wild animals.

Closed building


  • the ability to enjoy the kitchen for any weather;
  • on a closed platform, you can place equipment that is sensitive atmospheric moisture.


Open summer kitchen at the cottage: projects, photos, materials

An open dining room can be temporary or stationary. The temporary structure is more mobile, it can be placed every year in a new place and remove for the winter. All equipment will also have to dismantle every time and look for a place to store it.

Closed and open summer kitchens at the cottage: projects, photos - all these materials give a reason to put the sleeves. In such a building freely accommodate the Russian oven, mangal or cauldron.

Building materials for such a project can be selected the most diverse:

  • forged openwork elements are expensive, but will delight the eyes for a long time.

Examples of closed structures

Glass and wood are the most popular materials for the construction of closed summer kitchens at the cottage. Projects, photos of similar buildings created by professionals and lovers are available to everyone. Brick in combination with, which can be opened - practical and durable solution. Such a structure will reliably protect against bad weather. It can be operated all year round.

For your information!It is possible to fully assess the advantages of the closed country building with a brazier or a stove in the New Year holidays. Fabulous view of the snow-covered garden and fire in the mangale - what could be better for the Christmas evening?

Article on the topic:

Last decade, log structures beat demand records. Summer dining room in the Slavic style, with a furnace and appropriate furniture will be a favorite destination party with close friends.

A list of building materials for such projects is very wide: and OSB plates, lining, stone. Photos and projects of closed kitchens on the cottage demonstrate the fantasy of homemade craftsmen. They offer to use a fidelum, lean material - glassware, plastic bottles and even firewood.

Video: photo ideas of summer kitchens

Phased construction of summer cuisine in the country with their own hands

  • Preparing drawing. It can be done yourself or take ready.

  • Preparation of the site. The platform is cleaned of garbage and vegetation, make marking.

  • Foundation arrangement. The base for the summer building must comply with the project. For an open structure, it is enough to fall asleep with sand, reinforce the metal grid and pour the platform with a concrete layer in 10 centimeters. Before filling the base, a canopy racks are installed. Closed canteen from brick or stone requires bookmarks. Under the construction of a bar or logs install.

  • Installing a frame. For an open dining room or the installation of vertical supports will be required. Their location depends on the project. The main thing is that the pillars are reliable and could withstand the weight of the roof and the wind load.

  • Construction of walls. In the embodiments of closed cutlery walls are laid out of miscellaneous material. Without having experience, it is better not to take for. Laying timber and logs require less construction skills, but also has its own characteristics. If the seasonal structure is bought as ready product The manufacturer, you can try to collect it with your own hands. Frame walls will master even a novice master.

  • For a stationary stove, a solid foundation will be required. The masonry is performed from refractory bricks. To avoid accidental fire, the space around the mangala is laying out with ceramic tiles. For the furnace it is better to order from the master. He will tell you what height the pipe must be installed for a good thrust.

Photo Summer Kitchen Projects at the cottage with barbecue Mangal:

  • Accessories and design space. Each kitchen is a business card of the hostess. For summer buildings, any fantasies and experiments are allowed.
  • In order for the seasonal building to become a favorite place to travel, not only the hostess, but also of all households, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

    What type of summer kitchen construction to choose?

    The kitchen is in the country with your own hands, the photo examples of which could be seen in this review - a reason for inspiration. It is not difficult to choose any format for yourself. Closed or open design with a brazier or a cauldron will be and a place for cooking, and a favorite corner of a garden for friends and loved ones. The dining room can be built or invited professional masters. In the first case, it can be saved to significantly, in the second - to achieve a guaranteed result.