Options for partitions in a litter. Device wooden interroom partition how to make a partition from bars

Conduct an internal layout of the house or an apartment with the help of partitions separating space on functional zones. Bruce walls are ideal for building buildings. They are durable and dense, perfectly protect the warmth and protect against outsided sounds. We learn how the partition is made properly from the bar, how to mount a similar design so that it serves a long time and reliably.

The construction of a partition element from the bar is significantly facilitated by the fact that this does not need to do the work of designers or the additional tape of the foundation. Bar belongs to lightweight materialsnot creating a special burden on the support.

The functionality of the brusade wall in the apartment is based on its strength. As a rule, at the bottom of the partition has a reliable support (flooring, lags). When installing one-piece bulkhead it is possible to do and without additional fastening To the floor.

To the advantages of the partition in the house made from the bar can also be attributed:

It is also important to note that the profiled timber has a natural beauty that allows you to save on a decorative finish.

Assembling brusade partition

The timber is produced mainly of solid wood. In cross section, it looks like a square or a rectangle.

For the construction of partitions, a profile of a cross section from 30x30 mm to 100x150 mm is often used.

To build a truly reliable bulkhead from the bar with their own hands, if necessary, the support function for a variety decorative elements, It is required to know some nuances.

Features of laying timber

Before starting the installation of partitions from a bar, it is necessary to correctly pick up the material for them.

The tree should be dried to a certain humid indicator (no more than 15%), otherwise, during the shrinkage process, the partition may deform.

In addition, it is required mandatory impregnation special meanspreventing the appearance of rotting and cracks on the material.

There are several subtleties prompting how to make partitions from a bar:

Important moment How to implement?
Arrangement of waterproofing. Building starts from the lower bar, on top of which you need to lay a layer waterproofing material. This contributes to the prevention of the destructive impact of moisture that is permanently accumulated at the bottom of the bulkhead, for example, when washing floors or due to breakthrough of drainage pipes. It is recommended for laying a starting series to use a ram from aspen or larch, since these breeds have the greatest moisture resistance.
Improving thermal insulation and noise insulation. Before laying the next row, the panel or jute fiber is packed over the previous one. Compound the main wall with a bulkhead is isolated by the same material.
Stiffness design. Each row is attached to the previous one. Fixation of bars is carried out using wooden or iron wrenches. The brazen is installed in increments of 1.5 m, and the distance from the angles of 15 cm. There are shocks in a checker order.

After installation, the bulkhead is polished together with the main walls and apply antiseptic primer. The inner wall can be erected in the process of the main construction of the house or after.

Bruz connection with main wall

Features and decision fixing a partition element in wooden house DIY depend on carpentry skills. The first method: Cut the grooves in a litter.

With the help of a pencil and level on the wall, two vertical lines are drawn at a distance equal to the width of the bar.

Then the neat washed down the depth of 50 mm for each line, and the middle can be removed using an ax or a chisel. The resulting groove is inserted.

If the experience for the work of a smooth washed in a litter lacking, you can resort to more simple method: Partition K. carrier wall Fasten with nails robbed at an angle.

Main stages of mountage

For the construction of a partition from bars with their own hands, you need to prepare tools.

The minimum set includes:

  • ax;
  • electrode with a drill on a tree;
  • disk saw;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • wide chisel.

It is also important to choose the appropriate lumber, and it is also facing for the skeleton.

Frame brusal partition

Interior frame partitions can be found on the basis of the bar. The framework is built from bars with a cross section of 5x5 cm.

It can be lined with drywall or hypus fiber sheets, Chipboard and fiberboard, plywood. After that, such an inner bulkhead decorate by any materials.

The construction of such internal partition elements is possible anywhere in the house, regardless of the location of the foundation.

Construction of frame partitions in the house can be produced in two ways:

Type of structure Installation Method
Anyone (walls are not necessarily wooden). It is possible to use a pre-mounted frame of timber. It will only be recorded on the floor, walls and ceiling, for example, with the help of a dowel-nail.
Log The partition can be raised in place. To do this, first produce marking of walls, ceiling and floor to the place where the structural element will be installed. Further on marking lines long screws fix bars serving the main frame frame. After their installation, it remains to collect the rest. To attach vertical and horizontal bars to the frame, it is recommended to use metal corners with screws for the self-tapping screw.

To better preserve heat in the indoor indoor in the frame, you must be foaming, minorvat, other insulating material. In the bath is also possible installation of frame bulkhead. But do not forget that there is a high temperature - there should be no metal detailsFinding on the surface.

Wooden frame base is attractive due to the availability of material and ease of construction of the wall.

The bar is well-processed, which allows you to collect a frame of a partition element of any configuration.

If it is assumed to build a bulkhead, then you will need to build a wall of two planes.

Mounting a solid partition with a bars frame

We will analyze how frame partitions are correctly installed in the house from the bar:

When erecting a double frame for a bar 100x100 mm, markup is carried out in this way. On the wall adjacent to the bulkhead, in terms of the level, fill forward vertical line. From it make indents on each side of 50 mm and there are two more parallel lines. Next, the ceiling, gender and opposite wall. According to these lines, the frames of the frame base are exposed to a cross section of 50x50 mm and fasten with long self-draws in a step of 400-500 mm. The result is a frame of a double bar with a clearance of 100 mm.

This gap is installed by the ends of the Bar of Future Lucky. But first on the floor under the frame lay the jute ribbon. The starting timber is fixed with a 100-300 mm long ducts. In the floor and lower part of the bar, the holes are drilled for naplings with a distance from the main wall 150 mm on each side and step at one and a half meters.

When laying the second row, the holes are also drilled in which the ducks are inserted into the first timber. Between the bars laid a jute insulation. In this way, we produce masonry of the entire partition from the floor to the ceiling.

Installation with spike and groove

BRUSEV compounds according to the "Schip-groove" method is permissible in the house of profiled elements.

How to make a partition from a bar in this case:

If the partition element is assumed to be an open, then you need to install additional stiffeners that are fixed on the upper bars with metal corners.

Installation in the groove without spikes

This is another way to connect timber.

Connections of a profiled bar in "Paz-Comb"

In this method, the construction of the wall is carried out according to the following technology:

  1. On the wall to which the bulkhead will join, outline the vertical line. From her they make an indent half of the profile width on each side of the line. For example, a bar width is 100 mm, then 50 mm is retreated and there are two more parallel straight.
  2. On the extreme lines, the grooves are cut in a depth of 30-50 mm.
  3. In this groove put the jute tape and stick the ends of the bar.
  4. Brous laying also produce as when assembly with spikes, with the help of ducts and jute seal

After completing the assembly, the wall is cocked by jute. When insulation, in the process of installation, a high-quality linen fiber ribbon is not required.

When designing a house from a bar, partition elements are placed in such a way as to obtain the minimum number of passing rooms.

Modern programs can create a three-dimensional model, which contributes to the assessment of how convenient there will be room accommodation, and where it is better to install door openings.

Internal partitionsThese are walls that do not perform the carrier function and serve only for the separation of premises. Partitions in a wooden house are usually erected from wood, so as not to disturb the overall stylistics of the building. But it is not fundamentally, if designer solution The interior allows them to build them from any materials, such as, for example, plasterboard or aerated concrete.

Requirements for partitions in a private house

All walls in the house are divided into carriers, self-supporting, enclosing and partitions. Bearing walls must be durable and reliable, as others are based on them architectural elements. Self-supporting rely on the foundation and withstand their weight. The enclosing wall may be carrier or self-supporting. It should be not only durable, but also insulated.

Partitions, in contrast to the above types of walls, relieve overlaps and do not carry any load. For their strength and reliability, less strict requirements are presented. However, these designs must have certain characteristics.

    Partitions should be enough lungs. The smaller their weight, the less pressure on the foundation and overlap, and this is reflected in the indicator of the equalization of the entire building.

    Partitions must be thin. The thinner the dividing inner walls, the more economical living space at home.

    When calculating partitions, it is necessary to take into account that they will hang furniture and appliances. So they should be strong.

    Partitions protrude with dividing structures to provide premises enough level noise insulation.

    Indoor partitions with high humidity and sharp drops of temperatures need to be constructed from materials that are not exposed negative impact These factors. If they are erected from wood, then it is necessary to apply effective protective impregnations.

    Partitions in the house must have a high fire resistance.

    It is very important to take into account the need for paving electric conductor In the body of the partition or along it.

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What materials are

Different building materials are used for the construction of internal partitions. Most often brick, porous concrete or plasterboard.


Brick partitions are characterized by high strength. You can mount any shelves and brackets, without fearing for the fact that they can not hold onto the wall. In addition, brick walls are a good soundproofer. So that they are not so dried up the building, it is used not an ordinary full-year brick, but its porous analog. But the partitions in the house from the bar are quite rarely built of ceramics. The fact is that even the picked brick is too heavy for wooden building. In addition brick wall Requires a painstaking surface alignment for a finishing finish.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete

Blocks made of cellular concrete are produced in various sizes. There are special products for laying partitions. They have a small thickness and minimum weight. But here there are its cons - when hanging heavy interior elements, you need to use special dowels. Another important nuance is a Hygroscopic boat concrete, and without additional protection It cannot be used to separate the premises with high humidity.


This is the cheapest and most convenient material. For the construction of partitions is installed metal carcasswhich then is trimmed from two sides with thick sheets of plasterboard. The complexity of the operation of such structures in their low resistance to mechanical influences. Mount the shelves and technique to the plasterboard itself can not. True, it is possible to fix heavy elements directly on the metal frame.

With a strong blow plasterboard Wall It cracks, as a result, it is required to replace damaged sheets.

Plasolite plates

Material made of gypsum and silicone with a puzzle compound system. From the plaster plates, practical partitions with a smooth surface are very quickly erected. Turning heavy items on them is also simply so impossible, but according to the degree of resistance to mechanical effects, this material is more attractive than ordinary plasterboard.

Partitions in a house from a bar

The density of the partitions should not exceed the density of the bearing walls, otherwise they will be too severe relative to the total weight of the building. At the same time, the bar, from which the walls are built, refers to light building materials. Traditional brick and not even very heavy aerated concrete partitions in wooden houses are not recommended. You can erect them from drywall or puzzle plates. But most optimal option - These are bruschers or frame partitions. In the technical premises, you can install associated (panel) partitions.

Partitions from Bruus

Brusade partitions allow you to maintain the harmony of the log interior. They are made of material with a small thickness. But in the height of the timber for partitions should be the same as the material for the outer walls. It is necessary in order to facilitate the process of building partitions and increase the aesthetics of the interior of the premises.

The main advantages of bruschers:



    good sound insulation.

However, it is worth noting that all preferential characteristics bruce walls Reduced due to the availability of openings in them. An important advantage of partitions from a bar is their appearancein which there is no need for additional decoration with finishing materials.

Such partitions are erected in the same way as the outer walls of the church. The base of the internal separation walls is the beams of overlapping. In the process of construction it is necessary to remember that the timber in the finished fire gives a shrinkage. This also applies to the material for the building box, and wood for the inner walls. It is more convenient to build partitions simultaneously with carrier walls. But if there is no confidence that the walls for the walls and for partitions has the same shrinkage rate, it is better to mount partitions after a complete shrinkage of the house.

The number of timber and the type of compound partition with the wall is determined by the designer or builders. In order to maximize the wood from the impact of moisture, the lower row of partitions are placed from moisture-resistant aspen or larch. In addition, it creates an insulation of a lower row of a vapor-permeable film.

Ready brusched partitions are grinning and covered protective compositions Together with the main walls. We can safely mount heavy shelves and fixing systems for household appliances on partitions from the bar.

Frame partitions

This is a more economical and disastrous option. Such partitions consist of a frame and plating. The framework is constructed from vertical racks and horizontal bundles from a bar or a non-rigid board. You can apply a metal frame for drywall. Frames fixed with hardware to the surface of the floor, bearing walls and ceiling. Ready frame Fill from the inside any thermal insulation sheet Materialwhich will provide the wall sufficient sound insulation. Most often used Minvata. Sheds design by board, timber or other material suitable for the interior design of the house under construction. Stiffness and strength frame partition It remains unchanged regardless of the number of technical and doorways.

Despite the fact that partitions from a bar or by frame technology Early quickly and with the help of an easy tool, trust this case is only qualified specialists. When working with wood materials, it is necessary to take into account the processes of shrinkage, which depend on many factors. In addition, only a professional will be able to securely secure all the elements. wooden designwithout damaging them.

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Arrangement of a frame partition in a litter from a bar or log

Boiled partitions

A variety of wooden nonsense interior Wall. From the brusade partition female is distinguished by thickness, sound insulation and strength indicators, as well as price. Typically, boarding partitions are installed in utility and technical premises, in which it is not necessary to withstand the perfect design.

This option has the principle of the frame partition. As a frame, boards installed vertically or horizontally, depending on the characteristics of the room are used. Frame boards are sewn with a planed board.

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The cottage from the bar is an environmentally friendly and comfortable housing in all respects. Interroom walls In a wooden house, one should not break the harmony of the rooms of a church. At the same time, they should not be too expensive. In homes, decorated as a classic logged, it is better to install brusched partitions. If the cottage is conceived in modern styleIt is possible to make separation walls with a smooth surface to ensure designers the ability to create an original stylish interior.

Interior partitions are erected together with the construction of the house, but you can mount them in the finished room, even in the process of redeveloping during repair. It can be built at any time, as partitions are not carriers and are not exposed to loads from overlaps. Due to the fact that it can be done without a foundation, such a proposal may be tempting.

For this option will suit Partition from a bar with their own hands. Bar made of wood is strong enough to not be subject to a deflection when sexual coating And when adjacent to the bearing wall. This type of partition, if there are no openings in it, no additional supports are required.

When installing the house from the tree, the largest part goes to the installation of walls and partitions from the bar, the remaining material will go for overlapping. The time spent on the performance of work is calculated from the parameters building materialThat is, the size and length of the selected product, as well as the number of floors. If you follow all the rules when assembling, the installation process will be fairly simple and interesting occupation.

Erecting partitions from a bar in the house

Starting the lowest range, it is necessary to comply with some conditions, and it is that a layer of waterproofing was laid between it and the base.

To install the lowest row, the material from larch is used, as it is less susceptible to rotting.

To create the most good insulation of the seams, there is a layer of jute fiber between the bars, the same is done at the joints of the walls.

To prevent the branches of the bars in relation to the main walls, they are fastened with anticipation. They bonded every next two timber in such a way that they represented one single integer.

To create the integrity of the brazers are located at a distance of about 150 cm from each other, in a checker manner, indenting the corners - at least 15 cm. In conjunction, overlaps are installed from this material.

Beams are mounted in a crown or fasten using special fastening bolts, allowing to eliminate relaxation of bearing walls.

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Connections of walls in the corners

Scheme adjoining partitions to the wall: 1 - outdoor Wall; 2 - partition; 3 - Bar.

Irreparable problems often occur if it is incorrect to install corner connections In a house from a log house. It is in these places that may arise heat losswhich reaches up to 50 percent, as the heating of the house with such problems can be very expensive.

If there is a normal material during construction, the corners of the lower layer are connected to Poledev, and already following in the groove. In Polterev, i.e. Corners on the ends of the products half the spill and fasten, laying one on one to create a high-quality junction.

In this case, the styling principle on one element saw a spike, and on another groove.

Between the connection elements, the panel is placed, which contributes to a dense landing and maintaining heat in angular compounds.

To cut the grooves and spikes, they make markup and only after that they cut them with a chainsaw. The bar from the profile is connected in the same way or in the "cup".

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Partitions from Bruus

For the device of partition walls, the material is used with a cross section of 100 mm, which is necessary to ensure rigidity. Height use the same as used for mounting the main walls. Basically apply a cross section of 100x150 or 100x200 mm.

After mounting the walls of wood, it is necessary to grind. For the convenience of the construction of the inner partitions from the bar, they can be installed together with the main walls.

The simplest method is to compound with the filling of the grooves in the main structure, where the element with spikes on the end is subsequently inserted, which will be one of the elements of the partition.

With a small thickness of the inner wall, the groove is muffled, which is equal to the thickness of the partition bar. Partitions are also erected using bars for a frame that is trimmed with plasterboard or clapboard.

Tools that need to be prepared for mounting partitions from a bar:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • petrol or electric saw;
  • the chisel is wide;
  • small hatcher;
  • drill and drill on stone and wood;
  • a hammer;
  • cross screwdriver, simple pencil and roulette;
  • level.

Building wooden house implies the construction of external and internal bearing walls. After their shrinkage, there are inner partitions in a litter. They are intended for the interior section on the functional zones, ensuring heat and sound insulation. These walls do not contribute to increasing the stability of the carrier sump walls and do not carry the load of the roof or the upper floor. Internal partitions should be as strong as possible, sufficiently light, small thickness, to withstand the possible load of attachments (cabinets, shelves, plumbers), have sufficient soundproof, and their surface must be suitable for execution finishing work. In addition, to ensure the necessary fire-prevention and sanitary and hygienic properties, they are erected from environmentally friendly materials intended for residential premiseshaving sufficient moisture resistance and fire resistance.

Options of internal partitions

In a wooden house, you can make partitions of several species:

  • solid;
  • frame-panel;
  • shield.

Solid partitions make usually from wooden barwhose thickness is 50-100 mm. For the trim, thick plywood, fiberboard, drywall can be used. To ensure optimal rigidity, the timber is connected by spikes (length 10 cm, diameter 1 cm). For installation and fastening to the ceiling and semi solid partitions, triangular bars are used. If the design is fixed to the bearing wall, then it is simply nailed with nails or choose a deformation groove in the wall, which is used to install the design.

Features of solid structures:

  • it is necessary to use a lot of material;
  • fairly costly design;
  • it has the best sound insulation qualities.

The frame-shield walls consist of a frame that is covered with finishing material. The frame of such a partition is a vertical rack from 50 mM boards 50, mounted in about 40 - 60 cm. To give them stability, the horizontal strapping. Empties between racks fill heat insulating material (polystyrene, mineral wool), are arranged on both sides vaporizolation and perform the construction of the structure. To do this, you can use Phaneur, drywall or sheets of drying plaster.

Features of frame-shield structures:

  • fast performance;
  • small construction weight;
  • low-cost;
  • comparatively low sound and thermal insulation properties.

Shielded partitions are a prefabricated structure in which the boards are located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to each other. Such walls can consist of 2 or 3 layers of boards, between which the rubryoid or cardboard is placed to increase the heat and sound insulation characteristics. For two-layer panel partitions, boards with a thickness of 20-40 mm are used, and for three-layer - 20 mm. The installation of shields is performed in special grooves in the ceiling and floor. For finish finish Walk the walls.

Features of shield structures:

  • it takes a lot of time for assembly;
  • it is necessary to ensure the maximum adjacent of boards in the shields;
  • big weight design.

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Internal partitions B. log houses Rely on the battles or beams.

Due to relatively low weight, the inner walls do not require the foundation device. It's just not recommended to install them on the floor. In the fields of the floor joints and the walls arrange soundproof gaskets. In order to make a partition in a litter, it is necessary to take into account the shrinkage of the building. General rule For any types of partitions inside the log house, the unkind of linear dimensions. This means, for example, that between the wall and frame design of the wall leave a gap of 1 cm so that the framework of the framework does not occur with the time finishing materials. In the houses from the bar or logs, leave the gap between the partition and the ceiling, the height of which is about 50 mm. This gap, as well as the places of adjoining partitions to the walls, fill the antiseptic palaces, pre-exposed in gypsum solution. The place of the adjoining can be hidden a beautiful wide wooden corner.

Separately, it is worth staying on the insulation laid in the partition of residential log houses. It contributes to improved heat distribution in interior premises And isolates the sound. Choosing thermal insulation, it is worth staying on the most eco-friendly material, for example, eco-house, vermiculite or clay. You can apply basalt wool, without forgetting about bilateral vaporizolation, mandatory in this case. The most inappropriate material for residential premises is foam: it is flammable and highlights hazardous colorless gas styrene.

Partitions from a bar in a wooden house are considered solid elements. After all, the timing used to create support is able to withstand high pressure without bending, because it rests on the floor or lags. If you do not create openings in the partition, it is not worth it and create an additional reference tool.

For mounting such partitions do not need to spend a lot of time. If you stick to the right briefing, then the device from the bar is able to serve several dozen years.

Attention! If necessary, the partition from the bars can easily be dismantled and moved to another place.

To build a wooden structure, you need to take into account a number of subtleties that contribute to the prevention of errors and are able to make the inner wall for the construction of the building quite durable. During such works, they advise different tools, After all, the material must not only choose correctly, but also to lay, connect.

Laying is made in several stages:

  • Masonka is usually starting from the bottom row wooden elements. Between the first and subsequent rows, a small layer of waterproofing is paved. It must be done because there is a humidity that sometimes the bottom of the wall is facing. These are subject to wet cleaning And all sorts of leaks from pipes. Because of this, a larch or aspen bar is recommended as a lower level.
  • When creating more high level The heat and sound insulation between the details are paved by the jute type of fibers. The junctions between the main wall and partition are to be insulated with this type of material.
  • To create a tight design of the links, it is worth bonding with the help of coppins of cores and iron. The placement of them should be every two subsequent links.

  • Installation of aggregates are carried out at a distance of 1.5 m, the retreats from the angles should be 15 cm. They are made of brazen in a checker order.
  • For these elements, the material can be approached by the cross section of 10x10 cm 10x15 cm. The height should coincide with the materials of the main walls, the big width is not needed.
  • After completion of the assembly, the construction is grined with walls and covered with antiseptic type of primer. Mounting work It should be done with the main build of the building or after it.

Connection of a bar with wall

Most. simple way Connections of the device with the main walls from the bars consider the pumping of the groove. At the end of the parts of the partitions, spit saws, which after inserted into the groove.

With a small thickness of the design, the grooves are fixed according to these sizes. It is necessary to insert the bars ends, without drinking additional holes.

There is another connection option by creating a frame from bars that are screwed to the main wall with long screws. To avoid the breaking and loss of rigidity of the structure.

Creating a frame partition

The framework creates 5x5 cm brucks from the carrier wall, from which the structure will be created parallel vertical strips For all sides and ceiling. This is the basis of the future at home. The bar is attached, starting with the sides in a vertical position from the floor with the help of self-tapping screws. After with retreats from the ceiling by 10 -15 cm make the strut on the width completely. To the ceiling it is worth it to attach to long screws. On the bottom to the floor are screwed another part, the ends of which are connected to the side elements.

Connect parts with bods on the sides using metal corners. After the opening place is planned, as well as between the bottom and the upper beams, two bars should be launched within the distance of the future. The framework makes the bars in the vertical position in a step of 0.6-0.7 m, between which the struts are created from short parts. Over the opening creates an additional spacer. Next should be seen on both sides ready frame.

Important! Between insulating material And the covering is necessarily pair insulator to protect the inside of the wall from high moisture.

Creation and installation of a partition from a bar in a wooden house - video is provided below.

Installation of solid partitions

On the adjacent wall with the help of the level, the direct vertical line is noted, from which it is worth made from two sides of the retreat of 5 cm and spend two lines in parallel. Also done on the opposite wall and on the ceiling. For these features, the bars of 5x5 cm structures are attached and screwed with long screws with a step of 0.4-0.5 m. Thus, a frame of a double bar is obtained with a gap of 10 cm, which insert the ends of the bars.

Attention! We must not forget about the flooring of the jute insulation on the floor.