Design options for small kitchens. Design options for a small kitchen, photo

The ideal kitchen for small apartment- a dream or a utopia? Today, designers and decorators offer many, if not an infinite number, ideas and ready-made solutions for interior decoration small kitchen so the question about perfect kitchen automatically switches from the “maybe” state to the “so is” position.

Don't believe me? See for yourself - a selection of 10 for you good options in various styles and directions. Look at the photos and read the recommendations of the designers, and then it's up to you ...


Agree, on six square meters, it is not easy to plan the position of the refrigerator, stove and furniture. However, “not easy” does not mean impossible. The presented photo offers one of the types of arrangement - a kitchen in two rows. On the one hand, there is a cabinet, refrigerator and sink, and on the other, there is a hob and a working kitchen table.

The dining table is located slightly to the side, by the window, which visually divides the area into a dining room and a cooking area.

The plasterboard partitions that separate the kitchen from the living room do not extend to the ceiling. This simple technique allows you to avoid the feeling of a closed space, and visually expands the room. Simple, stylish, and incredibly comfortable.

Lighting. It is worth dwelling on it in more detail, since during the development of this design project it was carefully thought out in advance. A large chandelier above the dining table, wall cabinets and a backlit cooker hood provide maximum light, which means maximum comfort and warmth. This unchanging rule should not be forgotten.


Here is another option for the layout of the kitchen in two rows. However, this time between two parallel rows of furniture is a dining table. This design is suitable for a square-shaped kitchen.

Color is the most effective method visually expand the space. V this project colors of exceptionally soft tones were used - white brickwork as an "apron", light beige walls and bright orange furniture.

The warm range of shades of "edible" colors is an ideal "recipe" for creating a stylish interior, as well as a psychologically harmonious atmosphere for the place where food is prepared and consumed.

A lot of cabinets and drawers allow you to effectively use every centimeter of an already modest space.


We offer you to get acquainted with another version of the design project for a small-sized kitchen - the L-shaped layout. Convenient and rational for small narrow spaces. Provides continuity of equipment lines, which visually expands the room, and at the same time creates the possibility of the device working area near the window.

In this case, it is a large square sink. What could be better - to wash the dishes, dreamily looking out the window!

Choosing a color for furniture is also a good solution - light facades kitchen set, glazed cabinet doors with decorative elements create a feeling of lightness and spaciousness.


A side-by-side kitchen is another great idea for narrow, elongated spaces. The main equipment in this type of project is located very compactly along one wall, leaving more room for the dining area.

And again, the designer focuses on color - a spectacular, one might say classic, and therefore a win-win combination of bright red, gray and white.

Many glossy surfaces - shiny tiles, lacquered furniture, chrome-plated backs and legs of chairs, as well as accessories - such an abundance of shiny visually increases the space and reduces the "pressing" effect of red in the interior.

Part of the working area is located above the main level - a well-known technique when at least one piece of furniture "stretches" upward, which creates optical illusion that the ceilings are higher and there is more space. It also allows you to use the cabinets as a bar counter.


The U-shaped layout is beneficial for both large kitchens and small kitchens with an area of ​​5-6 sq.m.

It provides the arrangement of equipment in a continuous line - tables, wall cabinets, mini-fridge, washing machine, oven, stove, extractor hood and microwave - which allows you to effectively use not only the total area, but also corner pieces... Agree - this is a whole art!

And again we will say a word about color! The snow-white kitchen set is harmoniously combined with the warm natural shades of the countertop, laminated under a light wood, as well as with an "apron" made of tiles imitating brickwork... Warm, cozy, and even airy!


Pay attention to this unusual solution! The wall between the kitchen and the insulated lodges was demolished, and Voila - a comfortable U-shaped layout with a working area by the window. Cozy and unusually light!

However, the "air" effect is also achieved due to light walls and to match them with the delicate color of the furniture. Plus - the lack of wall cabinets. Open shelves and "bare" walls. It turns out that the lower cabinets and drawers for storing dishes and food are quite enough. Who would have thought?


Not always perfect combination small space and classics from solid wood natural wood still takes place. The following design project is proof of this.

Presented L-shaped arrangement kitchen furniture Is one of the most practical solutions for small kitchens, because it allows you to arrange the so-called "working triangle" surprisingly conveniently and compactly - a refrigerator, a sink and a hob.

Long floor-standing and wall cabinets, shelves, all kinds of drawers - all kitchen utensils are hidden, and more than a millimeter of precious space is not lost.

Pay attention to one more detail - the tabletop is made of artificial stone the snow-white color turned out to be rather narrow, and in order to fit the stove and oven, the designers "drew" an original ledge.


Bright accents in this project are a small podium, visually separating the living room and kitchen, and a bar counter located along the wall. Considering in detail this kitchen interior, you understand how scrupulously and carefully every centimeter was thought out.

The attractiveness of the furniture is given by the play of contrasts. The milky white color of the countertop and several cupboards is contrasted with the dark brown. Small cabinets look harmonious with large ones, and narrow ones with wide ones.

Spotlights above the furniture and built into the furniture visually raise the ceiling and expand the space.


Original, and very stylish interior the next project can be named "50 shades of gray". Various shades of gray look impressive against a bright white background.

Such a spectacular contrast is complemented by no less striking smooth facades made in laconic strict lines. Minimum detail - maximum space. Minimalism on six squares - this is also possible!


High-tech kitchen interior - here you can see a couple of interesting solutions for a small kitchen!

The first - a table made in a minimalist style and chairs made of transparent plastic - create a feeling of lightness and airiness.

The second - instead of traditional curtains with ruffles, blinds with aluminum slats. The more natural light, the wider the space. And third: an abundance of mirror and shiny surfaces. This is a mirror tile "apron", and chrome handles, and a practical shiny rack for storing spices.

The brighter it sparkles and shimmers, the visually larger the small-sized kitchen!

The kitchen is the most functional room in a house or apartment. The design of the kitchen assumes the presence of several working areas and high requirements for the level of safety. finishing materials... For all its practicality, it is necessary to create a cozy nest for preparing food for family dinners.

Modern designers offer many convenient and interesting solutions, both for a spacious room and for a small kitchen.

The main trends of modern cuisine

Fashion for kitchen design does not stand still. Contemporary style is evolving rapidly, offering homeowners a wide variety of shapes, color solutions as well as textures to create your dream kitchen.

But there are general trends in the design of the modern temple of food. Designers recommend:

  • visually expand the space due light colors in decoration, mirror surfaces, lighting.
  • zone space;
  • use functional modern built-in appliances that add hi-tech notes to the interior of a small kitchen;
  • use laconic kitchen sets;
  • add strict lines to the room and geometric shapes as a tribute to modern style;
  • hide fittings;
  • use chrome surfaces, glass in decoration;
  • add "eco-notes" with wooden inserts, living plants;
  • to develop a high-tech storage system. Minimalism does not tolerate cluttered room space.

Style selection

The kitchen is the place for family dinners and romantic breakfasts. That is why it must be framed in harmony with inner peace and the tastes of the owners. Today there are applications applicable to this premise. Of course, everyone can find an option to their liking:

Classic style. It is a timeless design style. When decorating, the classics will not be too good decision, since a feature of this trend is furniture made of dark wood colors or materials disguised as it. The main colors will be beige, gold and brown.

Country style. The type of interior has something in common with the classics, but represents a simpler and more comfortable version of it. Preference is given to natural materials and the decor that conveys the flavor of the countryside: wicker motif, distinctive shapes, natural colors, patchwork fabrics.

High tech. Complete opposite country style. The emphasis is on the abundance of chrome, metal, glass, modern technology, which will become the main decor of the room. Using simple lines in the headset will accentuate its functionality. The use of one bright dominant color and one neutral is encouraged.

Modern style or modern that will fit perfectly into. Differs in brevity and striving for minimalism. The predominance of white in the interior and a large amount of natural light will further expand the space of even the smallest kitchen. Modernity is characterized by the use of geometric shapes and the functionality of every detail.

Eclecticism. Mixed style with plenty of decor. Loads space with many items. Combines various textures and colors.

Color solution

Choosing a kitchen color is an important step. The general mood of the room and the effect it creates will depend on the color scheme.

The beautiful design of a small kitchen area implies a visual increase in space. A combination of two colors will help to achieve this effect. The light color should prevail at the top, and the dark one at the bottom.

The solid color interior also fits well with the design of a small square kitchen. But when choosing a dominant color, you should use a palette from light beige to brown.

Choosing white as a solid color will make the kitchen look a little too austere; wood décor will help soften this effect.

The background largely depends on the initial choice of the style of the room, as well as on the planned coloring of the furniture: you cannot combine a variegated headset with a bright color of the walls.

It should also be remembered about the effect of color on a person. Red color is able to speed up metabolism, promotes good appetite. And the use of blue and green shades, on the contrary, is suitable for those who follow the figure and want to eat a little less than usual.

Diversify familiar environment will help non-standard choice ceiling colors. Good choice there will be light warm shades.

Kitchen decoration

Suitable for various kitchen surfaces different variants finishes. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Ceiling decoration

There are special requirements for the ceiling in the kitchen. In addition to its aesthetic appearance, it must be practical, moisture and heat resistant. The most common are:

  • wallpapering;
  • finishing with plastic panels;
  • coloring;
  • pasting with expanded polystyrene plates;
  • installation of a stretch ceiling;
  • installation of a plasterboard ceiling.

Naturally, even though pasting the ceiling will be a cheap way to finish it, these methods will definitely not be able to boast of durability.

Until recently, the most common was the method of plastering and subsequent painting of the ceiling. water-based paint... This is a rather laborious and "dirty" process, but the result is worth it. When the paint starts to turn yellow over time, it is easy to renew the ceiling with another layer.

The most modern methods are the construction of suspended and suspended ceilings. These are more expensive options, but such ceilings are durable and functional. Thanks to point lighting, it is possible to additionally illuminate the work surface, and tiered ceiling will help zone the space.

The unusual design of the small kitchen is emphasized by the mirrored ceilings. They look original, and also visually expand the space.

Wall decoration

In cases where the kitchen is divided into working and dining areas, it would be appropriate to emphasize this separation with different finishing materials. Among the most popular finishes are:

Ceramic tiles and mosaics. Leader in kitchen decoration. It owes its popularity to its durability, strength, ease of maintenance, as well as a huge selection of colors for every taste. Rarely found as a finishing material for the entire kitchen, usually fills the space of an apron or the entire work wall.

Dye. Washable paint is a great option for both work and dining areas. Mixing colors can give many beautiful shades for a quality finish. Another reason for the popularity of paint is the ability to carry out without resorting to the help of specialists in the presence of a finished flat surface.

Wallpaper. Given the specifics of the premises, this is not the place for ordinary people. Non-woven, fiberglass, vinyl wallpapers.

Yellow rectangular kitchen in the interior with wallpaper

Finishing with concrete, brick, putty. The appearance of a pristine "bare" wall, usually decorated with hidden building materials, brings a spectacular touch and a drop of rebelliousness to a modern laconic sustained style.

Wall MDF panels. Modern manufacturers offer wide choose aesthetic panels covered with a special protective film. They are easy to install and look good in the interior of the room.

Floor finishing

Choosing a floor covering is a rather difficult task for a common man in the street. There is a great variety modern materials meeting the requirements kitchen space... The practicality of the finish should come first compared to the appearance.

The favorite, as in the case of the walls, remains ceramic tile, especially since there are its colors imitating popular wooden surfaces.

The second most popular material is. It is notable for its inexpensive price, having all the qualities necessary for flooring a kitchen.

Parquet can be a beautiful, practical, but expensive option for flooring. This material qualitatively ennobles the room, without fear of moisture and temperature due to special protection.

Inexpensive alternative wooden floor will become a laminate. In addition to the advantages of the price, appearance, the material can boast of ease of installation, which even an inexperienced builder can handle.

An extravagant solution will be a loft-style floor. A pristine concrete floor is a safe bet due to its functionality and cost.


The variety of modern kitchen furniture is great for the inexperienced buyer. How not to get lost, choose the right headset?

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, there are 5 standard options layouts:

  • island accommodation;
  • peninsular placement;
  • parallel placement;
  • U-shaped placement;
  • L-shaped placement.

Whichever type of layout is chosen, there are general trends in the design of kitchen furniture. So, today, the boom is the efficient storage system. Even the most inaccessible places are used rationally.

Considering the variety of modern technology, to integrate it organically into the overall silhouette of the kitchen, ideal option will be custom-made furniture.

You should not save on the quality of the finishing materials of the kitchen set: very soon, unfairly made furniture will lose its appearance due to its instability to moisture and temperature, requiring significant funds for its complete replacement.

Dining area decoration

In most apartments, the eating area is in the kitchen. Designers recommend highlighting the dining area in the interior, visually separating it from the work surfaces.

If there is free space, this will not be difficult. You can use the design technique of zoning using different finishes walls and ceiling. Another option would be a small screen in the color of the design, covering the functional part of the room. Mosaics look good or, which will not only focus on the dining area, but also create additional coziness, become part of the picturesque decor.

Small design will require more sophistication. To put here dining area, it is recommended to choose an L-shaped layout. A good and correct solution in this case may be to use a window sill as an extension of the work surface or to complement the table.

It is popular to use instead of the usual combination of table and chairs, bar counter and high stools. But this option is unlikely to be suitable for a family with children.

Decorations and lighting will help to make an additional emphasis on the dining area. A well-chosen carpet will help to replace the finish of the floor.

Room decoration

Despite the striving of modern designers for minimalism, the decor remains part of the interior, although it undergoes some changes. Compared to the fashion of the past years, the number of non-functional elements is significantly reduced. One bright accent is preferred over many small parts, creating the effect of cluttering the kitchen.

Used as a kitchen decor:

  • stencil drawings and ornaments on a functional wall;
  • themed stickers;
  • self-adhesive paper on the refrigerator
  • decorative dishes;
  • unusual lamps;
  • hand-made items;
  • wood;
  • original carpet or panel;
  • glass decor;
  • eco-items: flowers, plants;
  • decorative curtains.

When choosing a decor and its location in the kitchen, do not forget about the fire safety rules.


The kitchen, as a functional room of any home, needs a well-thought-out quality system lighting.

An example of a backlit kitchen design project

The placement of the fixtures should be taken care of immediately after making the final decision on the layout of the kitchen. It is at this stage that it is possible to determine the location of the working areas that require additional illumination, the method of light scattering and to carry out all the missing elements (sockets, outlets, switches, etc.) in advance.

On modern kitchen no place for a single light source. For example, thanks to the combination of spot lighting and pendant lamp, you can conveniently highlight the work surface and the perimeter of the room.

It would be best to make the main light neutral and not too bright, and use additional light sources to add the desired lighting combinations.

To illuminate the kitchen space are used:

  • LED backlighting;
  • Spotlights;
  • Bus lights;
  • Pendant lights;
  • Overhead lamps.

Don't forget about the combination of style and color. lighting fixtures with the rest of the interior of the room. If the built-in lamps are universal, then the chandeliers and pendant devices can have different textures and colors. Thus, you can make a good kitchen by combining lighting functions with decorating the space.
Don't forget! Using a lamp with a fabric shade in the kitchen is inappropriate, as a large amount of grease and soot will accumulate on it.

Many of us cannot boast of a spacious kitchen, but this is not a reason to despair - this is a great opportunity to show all our resourcefulness and great imagination to equip a few square meters kitchens so that it is convenient, functional, practical, beautiful, and moreover, so that the space becomes visually much wider. Design tricks accumulated over the years and an attentive approach to every square centimeter can transform even the smallest kitchen.

The main ways to visually increase the space of a small kitchen are collected in our article.

Colors in the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Eternal friend of small kitchens - light wall color, thanks to which the boundaries of space move apart a little, since it reflects light very well. Therefore, white, beige and everything is pastel, light shades together with small bright accents can be used for a small kitchen.
  2. You don't need to combine more than two colors in a small kitchen in order not to make the space visually heavier.
  3. You can combine not only neutral shades- looks good and fresh when one wall is highlighted with some contrasting color. This creates a certain mood, but the space of the kitchen does not become smaller from this.
    A selection of photo color solutions for interior decoration of a small kitchen

  4. Bright drawings, ornament and other decorations as well not particularly appropriate- they will visually conceal the space and make it even more miniature. Therefore, it is better to abandon them in favor of monochromatic surfaces, but if the use of such ornaments is necessary, then let them be as light as possible and stand out quite a bit against the general background, and even better if the drawing is convex, embossed.

Combining the kitchen with adjacent rooms

Materials for wall and floor decoration for a small kitchen

  1. can be anything: the main thing, and it was not too dark. If not only the kitchen is small in the apartment, then it is recommended to use the same material everywhere: linoleum, etc.
  2. In order to slightly stretch the space in the kitchen laminate or diagonally.
  3. Better do not combine different and floor: you need to give preference to simplicity, which will give the feeling of a more spacious kitchen.
  4. We give preference flooring with a glossy surface for the ability to reflect light and expand the space, so it fits perfectly.

Selection of furniture for a small kitchen

  1. Under the light color of the walls better to choose and not too much dark furniture , which will be able to merge with the kitchen space and dissolve in it. Dark ones, despite their beauty and sophistication, look more massive.
  2. For a small kitchen, it is better to use built-in furniture, which can be made to order, taking into account individual wishes in terms of size, functionality and color.
  3. In any kitchen, especially in a small one, you need to strive for maximum ergonomics, so try to keep the key elements in the following order: refrigerator-sink-work surface or stove. In this case, the natural process of handling the product is observed: get it out, wash it, process it, and the kitchen becomes functional.
  4. Usage glass furniture- a great move for a small kitchen: for example, it will not visually clutter up the space, but it will perfectly cope with its functions.
  5. Moving away from stereotypes that square table more compact - on the contrary, round takes up less space and will perfectly complement even a small e. In addition, the absence of corners has a positive effect on the perception of space, and the kitchen no longer seems tiny, but rather cute and small.
  6. Folding tables- an irreplaceable option for a small kitchen: they allow you to save space while a couple of people are having lunch in the kitchen, but in a matter of seconds they are modified and can already accommodate a company or become a spacious place to work.
    A selection of photos of tables for a small kitchen

  7. A common misconception that for a small kitchen it is better to choose miniature furniture. Of course, there is some truth in this rule, but if you fill the kitchen with a huge number of small items, then it will look cluttered, and therefore even smaller. Therefore, it is better to let the furniture be larger, but the number of its items is the minimum necessary.
  8. Visually you can make the kitchen and higher: To do this, have one or a pair of pieces of furniture stretch in height. It is good if it is, for example, a refrigerator or pencil case, and it will be placed at the end of the kitchen farthest from the entrance.
  9. Selected objects close to each other and also use corner cabinets and shelves.
  10. Pay attention on glossy surfaces: if some elements of kitchen furniture are able to reflect light a little, then this is a huge plus. But the main thing in the pursuit of the most glossy, glassy and reflective surfaces is not to go too far, so keep a balance between them and the most common materials.
  11. Drawers not only slightly expand the space and make it more modern, but also more convenient in terms of storage than swing doors: in this case, everything lies in full view, and in traditional lockers the item you need can be far away, and a lot of time is spent to remove it , strength and nerves. Facilitates access to food and household items and lifting, folding doors.
    A selection of photos of drawers for a small kitchen

  12. Thanks to modern tricky furniture there are a lot of storage places in the kitchen: pull-out carousels, vertical drawers, mesh containers, in the area, etc. If you are using a seating area for the kitchen, remember that this is not only a great way to make the most of the space in terms of seating guests, but also storage space, as most models have spacious drawers under the seat.
  13. Storage locations can hide in the most unexpected places, for example, under a table. So, under a round table, a small pedestal for all sorts of little things will feel good. If you cover the table with a tablecloth from above, then it will not be visible at all, and when sitting at the table, it will not interfere either.
    Photo - Storage places for kitchen utensils in a small kitchen

  14. If the dining table often plays the role of a worker, where you read the press, do crosswords, etc., then all the necessary things can be folded into a basket, box or small vase - it will be neat, and the papers will not be scattered throughout the kitchen.
  15. If the kitchen and living rooms are connected, then it is already easier to achieve a sense of spaciousness, especially if use or move the dining table out of the kitchen area.

Appliances for a small kitchen

Lighting in a small kitchen

  1. Correct natural and artificial- a guarantee that the kitchen will be perceived as more spacious. If artificial lighting completely in our hands, then with the natural things are already worse. Therefore, it must be used to the maximum, which is why it is better to hang light translucent light curtains on the windows.
  2. To do the window is visually larger, and - above, you can slightly above the top edge of the window.
  3. The more artificial light in the kitchen, the better... Ideally, you need to provide lighting for each area. small space: one central light, sconce approx. dining table, spot lighting of the working area.
  4. If the kitchen area is very small, then you can pick up a multi-lamp lamp that will evenly illuminate both the working and dining areas. Pay attention to those models in which the angle of inclination of the lamps and their direction is adjustable.
    A selection of photos - lighting a small kitchen

Curtains and textiles in the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Instead, for the kitchen, you can use or: they allow you to let the desired level of light inside, and at the same time they are not able to take up a lot of space. But it is better to refuse immediately from curtains and heavy fabrics.
    A selection of photos - Curtains for a small kitchen

  2. In order for the kitchen, trying to become as much as possible visually, not to lose the proper comfort for upholstering furniture, pillows, pot holders, you can use fresh colorful drawings: cage, strip, peas, etc.
  3. All elements textiles should also be as light as possible in order to blend in a little with furniture, walls, and ultimately blur the boundaries of a small kitchen.


  1. Whatever the kitchen, everyone has a lot of dishes and other utensils, so their storage is always problematic. The way out is to organize storage locations wherever possible. So, a variety of wall cabinets, open shelves that make the most of wall space, and also long handles- they will become a place for towels, potholders.
  2. It will not be superfluous to audit and analyze, what kind of dishes are really constantly used, and which one has been idle for several years. Therefore, we leave everything we need in the kitchen, and take out what is required on holidays or once every five years in a barn, etc.

Accessories for the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Even in the kitchen with an area of ​​6 sq. m... there will be a place for cute accessories, which will make the space more comfortable. So, designers recommend that you hang your favorite pictures and photos not on standard height, and a little higher or lower - such a seemingly simple technique will help to divert attention a little and make the kitchen a little larger.
  2. If you feel like hanging a few photographs or paintings, place them one on top of one, and not side by side - this way you can slightly stretch the room in height.
  3. Although the design of a small kitchen cannot do without accessories, overdoing it also cannot resist, otherwise their abundance will distract attention and litter the room.
  4. In a small kitchen no place for large plants- they need to be exchanged for small flowerpots with small natural or artificial flowers.
  5. Any small the space expands with a mirror: it can be placed on one of the walls using an interesting frame. Another variant - mirrored doors lockers, glossy furniture etc.
  6. Generally all transparent and shiny objects that reflect light well, Is an ideal accessory for a small kitchen. For example: it combines both light and transparent elements, but such a solution is only suitable for rooms with an ideal ceiling

    As you can see, there are a lot of options for equipping a small kitchen: there are many ideas that will help you create unique design kitchens with a minimum area, so that it remains fully functional, comfortable, and, most importantly, that walls and furniture do not put pressure on those present. A few tricks, skillfully combined on the territory of one kitchen - and it already looks much more spacious than before.

A small kitchen also has the right to be beautiful

Completing the finishing of the kitchen requires considerable costs, which not everyone, and especially in a crisis period, has. Therefore, apartment owners often undertake to do it themselves. Apartment owners believe that the smaller the room, the fewer problems. In practice, it turns out the opposite.

Features of small spaces

Carrying out finishing and redevelopment in a small room is difficult and, like everything else, it has its own difficulties. In addition, every owner wants the kitchen to be functional, but how less area, the more difficult it is to achieve this.

In order to at least slightly increase the area of ​​the kitchen, they are redeveloping the premises. But this will be expensive. If there are no such funds, then it is better to focus on the quality of the finish. To execute an ideal one with a small space, experience and special skills are required. It is important to rationally arrange furniture and household appliances, not forgetting about creative approach to the process. Creation comfortable conditions will require not only material costs. You need to carefully consider the design of the room.

Ideas for renovating a small kitchen are not hard to find. If you find it difficult to do this on your own, then it is better to turn to professionals. They will offer you a choice of 3-4 options for the interior of the room.

Preparatory work

Plan ahead for all indoor work

Starting to renovate a small kitchen, each owner wants a change. But you need to initially know what will happen as a result. For the exact implementation of ideas, it is better to draw up an event plan and a room diagram.

First, measure the parameters of the room. An error of 5 mm will negatively affect the placement of furniture and household appliances... Then draw the outline on paper.

Professional designers lay out colored sketches of furniture and electrical equipment to scale on the plan. In order to achieve the desired result, the position of objects on the plan is changed, but at the same time one should not forget about the safety rules. Determine in advance the location of the sockets and their required number.

For a small kitchen, it is better to choose hanging cabinets. But think about how the doors will open in them so that after the repair there will be no difficulties with free space. Modern manufacturers have a choice of cabinet door designs.

It is better to design work surfaces in a single plane. This will make cooking easier and will save you a lot of space.

You can discard some electrical household items or try to place them elsewhere. Be sure to install an extractor hood above the stove, which will rid the kitchen of dirt and unwanted odors. If the stove is electric, then it should be separate from the sink.

After preparing the plan, repairs begin. And it should start with the release of the room from furniture and electrical appliances. If a major overhaul of a small kitchen is planned, then the communication systems will be dismantled.

Joint renovation that's a good idea

The gas water heater is not a hindrance

Next, they begin to free the surfaces of the walls, ceiling and floor from the previous finishing materials. If you cannot remove the old wallpaper, dampen the walls with water and let it soak, then try again. Grease stains (if any) must be removed. Released surfaces are coated with a special solution to facilitate leveling and plastering.

Before proceeding with the preparation for surface finishing, new communication networks are laid (electrical, water supply and sewerage). It is better to entrust the performance of these works to professionals, especially electrical wiring, since incorrect or poor-quality performance will create problems in the future.

DIY repair steps: how to do everything correctly

When carrying out work, it is necessary to strictly follow the plan and follow the sequence, this will affect the quality and timing of the repair.

  • ceiling;
  • walls;

You need to start with a thorough examination of the ceiling. The ceiling covering must be smooth so that it can be easily cleaned. If, after removing the old material, defects remain, they are eliminated, and then they begin to finish the surfaces. It can be putty or plaster. Some people prefer moisture resistant drywall. It is glued to a degreased and primed ceiling surface. Then you need to close up the seams between the tiles on the ceiling. To do this, use a reinforced tape and putty. Under final finishing with wallpaper or painting, the ceiling surface is leveled and sanded so that it is smooth.

Although the ceiling is a milestone, it should still be beautiful

Ceilings in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

  1. hide ceiling defects;
  2. give the room a modern look;
  3. protect furniture, appliances and wall surfaces from leaking from above.

Complete installation of stretch ceilings is performed after finishing the walls. And then, in order to hide the gap around the perimeter of the room, after installing the ceiling, the plinth (fillets) is glued. To glue the skirting board to the stretch ceiling, a technology is used that will protect it from deformation and possible damage to the film. In this case, it is better to glue ceiling plinth to Wall. Such fillets have a slightly wider lower part, which will hide the uneven edges of the wallpaper at the joints with the ceiling surface. It is better to glue the ceiling plinth with glue, or with finishing putty by adding PVA glue to it.

If the gap is large, then it is located in it. This will complement the perfect renovation.

How to transform walls: real ideas for 5.6 sq m

After finishing the ceiling, they move on to the walls. Despite the fact that it is difficult to make repairs in a small kitchen, from a design point of view, there are several options for wall decoration:

  • painting;
  • gluing washable wallpaper;
  • tiling;
  • combined method.

But in any case, the walls should be leveled. This is important if the walls will be painted. There is no need to carefully level the surfaces under the tiles.

If you don't know how to lay tiles, hire a craftsman

When renovating a small kitchen, Special attention is devoted to creating coziness. Fully tiled walls do not add to the comfort of the room. Better to apply combined option... Lay the panel out of the tile in several rows above the work surfaces and the stove. It is better to paint or paste over the rest of the walls.

Beautiful floor: inexpensive budget options

Repair in a small kitchen is completed by finishing the floor. The following mandatory requirements apply to the coating:

  1. non-slippery surface;
  2. low level of water absorption;
  3. resistance to mechanical stress.

Market building materials has coatings that meet all the requirements. It is available in financial plan material for everyone. It fits easily, even if you make repairs with your own hands in a Khrushchev without special skills. But the surface of the floor must be absolutely flat so that it does not break in places of potholes or protrusions. It is better to use a concrete screed to level the floor. Allow it to dry completely before laying the topcoat.

Ceramic (tile) tiles are durable material. Experienced builders consider her kitchens. It is suitable for finishing coat when using underfloor heating systems.

Secrets of modern design

In order for the look of the kitchen after the renovation to have a completely finished look, the plinth is installed on the floor. This is done to protect the grooves from damp fumes. Experts recommend glueing the plinth on liquid nails at the time of installation. This will help to securely fix it without damaging the structure. Watch the amount of glue applied. A small amount will not allow the skirting board to stick, and an excess will cause drips. You can try to peel off the glue when it dries, but there is a risk of damaging the surface of the coating. Another option is to dissolve liquid nails with acetone.


The furniture is arranged, the electrical appliances are in place, the new textiles are pleasing to the eye, which means that the renovation has been successfully completed.

Almost every housewife dreams of a functional and not too cluttered kitchen. but small area premises often do not allow to apply all the owner's imagination in the interior of a small kitchen. Transform a limited space into a stylish and functional room pretty tricky.

But don't despair. It is important to understand that the design of a small kitchen meets all the requirements and pleases the hostess, all the features must be taken into account. The right approach and a carefully thought-out plan will create a cozy and practical interior.

For most interior design professionals, a modest kitchen is no longer a sentence. On the contrary, they can turn it into a cozy and pleasant room.

Besides modern technologies in the field of ergonomics and technology allow you to do this without much loss for practicality and functionality.

Before starting the repair, it will not be superfluous to look at a photo of a small kitchen on the Internet. A lot of ideas can be gleaned from there.

Choice of household appliances

Modern technology can greatly facilitate the work of a woman. But at the same time it takes up a lot of space. In conditions small room a large amount of technology is simply an unaffordable luxury.

It is necessary to initially decide on the necessary technical personnel. It is not recommended to buy an extra yogurt maker or sandwich maker if it will be used at best a couple of times a month.

Instead, you can turn your attention to multifunctional technology. Food processors combine a lot of functions and significantly save space in a small kitchen. Some things will have to be sacrificed in favor of space and extra space for a work area and a dining area.

In addition, equipment manufacturers are now offering. This is a real salvation for a modern small kitchen. It looks quite stylish and practical. A wide range models allows you to choose the desired option. Additional space can be saved if the appliance is mounted directly into the wall. It may be slightly smaller than usual, but for a small family this is quite important.

No need to choose huge hobs if there is no special need for it. Two burners will be enough, and a lot of space will be freed up. This also applies to the choice of the refrigerator. You can choose a small but fairly practical model.

V recent times technology that is installed on brackets is gaining relevance. It frees up a lot of space and creates the effect of lightness, which is so necessary in a small space.

Furniture for a small kitchen

In the interior of a small kitchen, it is preferable to use furniture in light pastel shades. They do not make the environment heavier, and the room looks more spacious. Look for transparent glass and plastic furniture. This applies to shelves, tables and chairs. Sometimes designers use headsets with transparent doors, which also has a beneficial effect on the overall environment.

Functionality and practicality are equally important. A kitchen set must meet these requirements. Better not to use too many items. They may be small, but together create chaos.

Rounded tables will visually look smaller. It is recommended to take a closer look at folding tables. They do not take up much space, and if necessary, they can save the situation.

Storage systems

The storage system for kitchen utensils and food is one of the most important tasks in the design of a small kitchen. This part is worth thinking through in advance.

Tall cabinets, preferably up to the ceilings, will not only help to conveniently place the necessary things, but also visually expand the space. You can safely use the windowsill. It can accommodate a work surface, additional decorative boxes.


Room lighting should be maximized. This will make it lighter and lighter. In addition to the main lighting, you can use Spotlights and built-in LEDs in niches or furniture.

Discard the dense dark curtains... For a small kitchen, either light tulle is perfect.

Design options for a small kitchen, depending on its type

There are several main types small kitchens... They are divided depending on the location of the door, windows and gas water heater. For each of them, designers offer their own solution.

6m rectangular kitchen

This is the most common type of kitchen layout. In this case, it is desirable to optimally use the inner right angle. Experts advise placing a work surface and a kitchen set for a small kitchen in this part of the room. If the table top of the headset or the table is located near the door, then you can slightly round off its corner. So the room increases slightly, and the entrance to the room becomes much safer. This is especially true with young children.

For this type of layout, it is important to choose furniture with rounded lines, and it is better to build the sink itself into a radius or corner table. Appearance will be harmonious, and practicality will not suffer at all. Moreover, if short wall the room is slightly narrowed, then this technique will allow you to arrange household appliances on the long side and hob... Do not forget about the cabinet doors above the sink. They should also be curved for convenience.

Lack of refrigerator

This piece of technology takes up a significant part of the space in the interior of a small kitchen. If possible, it is better to move the refrigerator to the corridor, balcony. In other rooms, you can make a special niche. This solution will save some of the space and will allow you to place more multifunctional furniture.

Refrigerator and column right at the entrance to the room

Designers propose to create a special niche for kitchen appliances at the entrance to the kitchen. So you can place not only equipment, but also get additional space. For example, place excess dishes or other things in the empty space above the refrigerator. True, in this case, the premises of the corridor may decrease somewhat. Some may be disturbed by sharp corners when entering.

Kitchen set for a small kitchen along the wall

This arrangement of furniture is considered one of the most popular and practical. It will fit perfectly into modern styles, be it high-tech or minimalism. In addition, practicality will not suffer.

Modern small kitchens can look stylish and unusual. The main thing is to follow certain rules and use the potential of the room to the maximum.

110 photos of the interior of a small kitchen