How to equip the summer kitchen at the cottage: the best projects with photos. Summer kitchen on the country with your own hands than to separate the summer kitchen

The convenience of using summer kitchen on the site is indisputably in its advantage hot weather spend a few hours after cooking in small premises - Not the most pleasant occupation. Especially serious hostesses during the collection and harvesting of the crop to deal with conservation in such conditions. An excellent help for this in a private house or in the country becomes the arrangement of summer kitchen.

Type of summer kitchen

The design of the summer kitchen largely determines its type:

  • The kitchen at the cottage under the open sky without a roof will not be able to protect her interior in bad weather. Repair of such a platform is carried out with regard to kitchen utensils I did not damage the rain, and the furniture could be easily hidden if necessary in a private house.

Summer cuisine in the open air must be provided with rain utensils

  • A closed type of kitchen in the country has its advantages. The roof and walls are protected from both the scorching sun in the zenith and precipitation and strong gusts of the wind. Repair on such country kitchen Allows you to use a wider list of materials to create a welcome interior.

Open type of kitchen can be improved by setting a canopy, and instead of the walls to use sliding structures - Removable partitions, role-curtains or conventional fabric.

Summer kitchen at the cottage (video)

Interior decoration

The internal decoration of summer cuisine is obeying the same requirements as in a private house. Materials must comply with the following characteristics:

  • possess resistance to effects in aggressive environment - temperature drops, high humidity, spray hot water, fat and soot;
  • disperse, well-washed from contamination with the surface without harming the material;
  • be hygienicIn order to prevent accumulating and spreading in the house and in the country of harmful microorganisms.
  • Summer kitchen open type may have a roof that protects it from minor precipitation
    Summer kitchen closed type is a reliable shelter of utensils from natural impacts

    Satisfy the above requirements may interior performed using:

    • Stone. This material protects well from the heat and at the same time, if necessary, it slows perfectly. If kitchen brick walls or wooden frame, Repair indoors lies in the drywall and cladding natural stone. For the floor, the appropriate option will be both stone and porcelain tiles and even the ordinary paving slabs, which will perfectly fit into the overall interior. The stone will become an excellent choice for both the closed type of summer kitchen and open.
    • Tree. This environmental friend natural material It is not better suitable for kitchen design in a private house. But before making repairs, wood is treated with the compositions that increase its moisture resistance and prevent rotting and formation of fungus. At the cottage it will be appropriate to make a rack-covered boardwalk in the kitchen, and to climb the walls wooden clapboard. It is preferable to use a tree in the cottage kitchen of a closed type.

    "Wooden" interior of a summer kitchen of a private house in many respects exceeds other types of decorations

    • Modern building materials. If the design in a rustic style is not suitable for you, the interior of the summer kitchen in a private house is not forbidden to equip and furnish modern apartments. For this surface, we are lined with ceramic tiles or more budget materials - linoleum is put on the floor, and the walls are painted or plastic.

    Protecting the working area

    Summer kitchen with a private house, like any other, first of all, is designed to be a convenient place for cooking. Therefore, be asked for repairs, remember that the working area and the ceiling must be protected from fatty plates and eating odors. For this:

    • work zone at the slab, washing, cutting tables Lining with ceramic tiles;
    • instead of apron will also appropriate to lay out from ceramic tile panels around the perimeter of the kitchen, framing it with a frieze;
    • painting of walls and ceiling is the easiest and most economical finish, which is easily updated if necessary.

    Summer kitchen in a country house (video)

    Oven in the interior

    The urban resident is habitually cooking on a gas stove, but in the country there is no possibility to supply gas to the summer kitchen. Therefore, performing repair, it makes sense to think about the equipment of the country extension of the furnace and equip the interior around this original and useful member of the kitchen utensils.

    The Russian open-fire stove simultaneously performs the fireplace and stove function. It is drunk, and therefore it is very useful in those situations where the supply of electricity or gas is impossible.

    If the laying of the furnace is not for you, it is not necessary to build it with your own hands. It is much easier to order a ready-made modern design that can work both on firewood and electricity or gas. Its equipment may include:

    • oven;
    • boiler;
    • b-B-Q;
    • table top for cutting products;
    • niche for firewood, as well as shelves for dishes and cutlery.

    Oven or fireplace is not only original element Summer kitchen interior, but also an important functional component

    Semi-open design kitchen room can be equipped, pushing out of its main element - a fireplace or oven
    Summer open-air kitchen freely can include such an important element of the interior like a furnace

    Important design elements

    The interior in which there is a stove, suggests that the focus in the room will be made on it. Therefore, performing repairs should refrain from other bright design elements. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine the kitchen without such important components as a washer, a countertop, a dining table, chairs.

    If the interior assumes a rustic style, it will be appropriate to furnish with wooden furniture kitchen. Chairs successfully can replace the bench from a rough board, and stools are decorative hemp.

    The kitchen, decorated with a stone, is well combined with wicker rattan or vines furniture. Those who are used to upholstered furniture will come to the way soft pillows on the seat. By the way, the use of textiles is from towels and napkins to the tablecloths and curtains - in the kitchen in design justified and capable of transforming the general view of the room.

    Summer cuisine working area can be put out of stone or brick

    Summer cuisine lighting

    During the day the kitchen on the open area does not need lighting. But it will be odd in evening time. For this, not only ordinary lights, but also garlands.

    An excellent solution for the cottages in the evening will be lamps that work on solar panels. They accumulate energy during the day, which in the dark you can use completely free.

    Repair of a closed kitchen must necessarily provide lighting of the room. Electropurtures for this should be selected with additional protection From water - it will save from short circuits and fire. In addition to the overall lighting, it is not unshive to add several directional light lamps. Such are mounted on flexible fasteners not closer than 70 cm from the working surface.

    Summer kitchen design ideas (video)


    Make a summer kitchen not only comfortable, but also you can and you need. This is not the case where on quality can be saved. Not only the taste of prepared food, but also the security of the owners. And by connecting the fantasy and placing the interior with taste, the summer kitchen will become one of the favorite places where it is nice to gather and invite friends and neighbors.

    Kitchen design at the cottage (photo)

    Photo Gallery (23 photos):

    Stay in the summer in the house, if you can spend time in the fresh air? Not the best idea. And cook or do twists - and worse. Much more pleasant and more useful to spend time under a canopy or in a light, blown up the construction, which many call the "summer kitchen". Summer cuisine with their own hands is built easily, especially open options.

    Open summer kitchen: views and photos

    Open - it's rather open Arbor or veranda. Very good option for warm season. Not in all regions, even in the summer you can go on the street for a long time. Then make closed summer cuisine - this is a small house that can be built on any technology that seems to you most attractive.

    Summer kitchen - an extension

    Let's start with open areas. If it is assumed for the summer the main activity is transferred to fresh air, it will be more convenient for the summer kitchen to attach to the existing home. In this case, do. Most often, first make it open. The easiest way to do wooden extension. In very open version It can just be a pillars that support the roof.

    The easiest option is a few pillars supporting lightweight roofing kitchen with your own hands.

    This option is very good for the southern regions, where most of the year on the street can be arranged for a long time. For more northern Regions or if it's a house permanent residence, Usually the extension decide to make more closed. First make the railing, and then often think about something else to close the spans: I want to extend the "use period". As a result, an open summer kitchen becomes closed.

    The most common material for this kind of attack is wood. It plastic, forgives many misses, which can be further corrected without parsing, therefore it is easy to work even without skills. It is also easy, because the foundation under the summer kitchen can be made lightweight - columnar or

    The second most popular material is a brick or decorative stone. If there are "direct" hands and compliance with technology and with this material, lovers developers can work. For the construction of the house without experience it is not necessary, but folded the pillars and partitions under the summer kitchen you can try.

    But since even a pillar of brick or stone weighs no longer under a hundred kilograms and more, the basis for it is required more solid. If we consider that it will take another load from the roof, you will have to make piles or piles, with a good bearing ability.

    Removal on the side of the house - open terrace with a stove and mangal

    If you are thinking about to then put brick walls, it is better to immediately fill a pile-ribbon foundation, and the tape is plugged below the drainage depth. If this option does not fit - the depth of the freezing is large or the soil does not allow, it is necessary to do a monolithic plate, or to refuse bricks, making them on another technology, at least the same tree or the summer kitchen built with your own hands, which knows All design features to the smallest detail, you can subsequently upgrade the construction.

    Separately standing

    Someone does not like kitchen smells that can fall into the house with an extension. Then a small building is erected at some distance from home. The presence of summer kitchens is an almost mandatory attribute of private houses in the southern regions. Before the air conditioner era, it was a real torture in the heat in the area: the high temperature "overboard", preheated walls, and even heat from the plate - the conditions of hell, and the rest of the premises are heated. Therefore, they did at least a small detached arbor houses, in which they put in cities gas stove And the cylinder with liquefied gas, in the villages folded a small stove. Some even prepared on "Kirogas" or preims.

    Modern climatic equipment allows you to negate all these inconveniences, but separate summer cuisine still continue to build. They are often still used as a guest house - making them.

    The cheapest option - the poles that support the roof. They can be wooden, brick or combined - consisting of a base of stone, and the top-sample of a bar. This is the optimal option in terms of operation: wood is protected from the effect of most precipitation, and at the same time the weight is not very large.

    One of the light options

    What makes the floor

    Paul in such a kitchen can be boarded. It is easier to do, but many confuse that wood will be almost without protection. You can solve the problem in two ways. The first is to use effective protective impregnations - such as oils or wax for wood designed for external work. They do not create a shiny surface, but protect well and from moisture and from dirt. Use varnishes for summer kitchens is not the best idea. They start to burst and crack to update the old coating you need to remove completely, while the oils and wax require only thorough preliminary cleansing, after drying, you can apply a fresh layer.

    This terrace is processed by Pinotex Terrace Oil

    The second way is not to use wood, but a wood-polymer composite (DPK). These are boards that consist of a mixture of fibers of wood and polymers. They are in appearance and to the touch very much resemble wood. With the only difference that they almost do not change the size depending on the humidity, however, the temperature expansion is present. Such boards are called "decker" or "plaquene" depending on the profile of the board. There is also a "garden parquet". This coating made from the same material, only assembled in the shields, like parquet. They can simply be laid on the ground, without any preparation.

    The terrace and the floor in the summer kitchen are made of DPK - wood-polymer composite

    The advantages of the DPK include a long period of operation without changing the initial properties. It is calculated with dozens of years, but he changes greatly depending on the manufacturer. Minus is not the most democratic price. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the technology is relatively new, not yet really mastered, although there is russian manufacturers Similar products.

    It is better to transfers the weather of the weather or a specialized tile, but the device of such a floor is not easy. If you simply put on the gravel-sandy benchmark, closing the tile in the autumn, in the cold the tiles can crack or jump. You have to do insulated monolithic slabBy observing all the technology: with a sandy-gravel layer, insulation, reinforcement, filling of concrete. The dimensions of this slab are 50-60 cm more around the perimeter than the planned building. In general, costs and work are serious, although it is convenient to use.

    One of the floor options - large concrete plates made of high brand concrete

    Through the time when concrete gains strength (the minimum must pass 2 weeks, and this average temperature + 20 ° C), you can lay the coating. You can use the plate - sawn to the layers, you can - porcelain stonework, or frost-resistant tiles.

    An easier option is to lay the platform with paving tiles. But it is exclusively summer option. But - without on the foundation.

    If summer cuisine is built in the country, it is probably the most optimal option. It turns out inexpensively and practical.

    Closed summer kitchen

    Those who want to have a all-season summer platform for gatherings or cooking, put more capital buildings. Most often it is built on frame technology - Quickly and relatively inexpensive, more expensive, but more capital - from a log or bar.

    Option "Sander" - racks from a bar are covered with clapboard

    In the case of a frame construction, everything is very simple: with a small step, racks from the bar are put (you can even smash the boards), then they are trimmed from two sides by any finishing material. What is your choice, at least a wood-wooden or plastic, a block chamois, any other material. Inside, it is often plywood inside for savings, DVP, GVL, OSP, or something like that. If desired, it can be insulated. The framework of the frame on the one hand is trimmed, the insulation is laid (usually mineral wool), the casing is mounted on the other side. You can insulate not only immediately, but after some time, it will only have to remove the trim on one side.

    What does the "skeleton" of summer kitchens on framework technology look like

    Another skeleton building is convenient that it can be given any form, and the foundation can be relatively light - depending on the soils - pile or tape. Such foundations are needed and under wooden buildings - From a log or bar. Here all the rules are the same. It is important to find or order a project, but to collect - the case of technology.

    Naturally, it is possible to build from any other materials - from foam blocks - to brick or even boot. The whole thing in the amount you are planning or can spend on this construction. It will still be inexpensive to build a foam concrete, aerated concrete, some building blocks, Samana. Clacoblock, like Samam, can be made independently, so the choice of material is only for you, and then everything is built in all the rules. Only with one deflection: insulation for summer kitchen or do not do completely, or make it minimal. Another moment - heating is usually absent, and this also needs to be taken into account and when choosing materials for construction, and for finishing.

    Photo report construction of summer cuisine with an open veranda

    Summer cuisine has been built with the ability to "sit in the air". Therefore, the option was selected with open veranda. The basis of the house is collected from a bar 200 * 200 mm, internal seals - from 150 * 100 mm. Outwardly like the flaws, but it is hopelessly expensive, because the timber peredalized, to create a similar relief.

    The foundation is made column. Since the construction is light, the soils are normal, the columns are dripped only by 60 cm.

    The strapping was collected from a bar 200 * 200 mm. It was pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. The angles were connected as usual - they did the dress. Sitted to the metal U-shaped plates. The bar is not fastened, as it will still be a trunciation, so that the construction was able to "walk".

    Racks made from a bar 200 * 200 mm, interior filling Of 150 * 100 mm.

    The walls gathered pretty quickly and without problems: there is no other, just the required length of the pieces of timber is nailed to the racks. The roof is doubled, with a small slope angle. On the one hand, the removal of the rafter feet is more - to make a canopy from the veranda, which will be covered with oblique rain.

    The ceiling liner is made of unedged board, which was then brought to mind on its machine.

    Ceiling stitch - board

    Summer Kitchen Design: Photo

    After building a summer kitchen, another problem occurs: it is necessary to arrange it. The arrangement includes not only the choice of tables and chairs, it is necessary to somehow organize a working area, somewhere to store zerov for a furnace, which is often put here.

    Life away from a noisy megapolis is increasingly attracting urban residents tired of the bustle and gray working days. After purchasing cottages or country cottage First of all, you should think about the arrangement of summer kitchen. This is the main place for cooking, as well as a cozy corner where a big one is going to at the same table. friendly family And numerous friends. It is very important to ensure a comfortable stay in any weather so that guests can enjoy the meal, and the hostess was conveniently engaged in cooking and preservation. On how to build a summer kitchen, and experienced specialists will tell about the design features of the design.

    Varieties of summer kitchens

    Before making a summer kitchen, you should define its main purpose and functions that it will perform. This building can serve:

    • dining room and lounge zone for recreation and communicating with households and guests;
    • place for cooking. Including, the hostess can be engaged in conservation and billets for the winter outdoors;
    • the guest area with additional bedrooms to be able to leave for the night of relatives or friends who arrived at the weekend;
    • laundry.

    Mostly summer cuisine performs two first functions, however, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot and the family budget allows, more advanced options can be considered. The type of construction of the kitchen is divided into open and closed, and by location relative to the main house - on autonomous and adjacent. Each construction has its own distinctive featureswhich should be paid attention to. Consider the main of them.

    Open, closed and combined kitchens

    A simple summer kitchen under a canopy is a regular veranda. This is the best and simple option available to the owners of small areas, where each meter of free space should be saved. For such a building, it is not necessary to sacrifice the garden, and the house is in close proximity. Open-type frame summer kitchens also include barbecue gazes, terraces, patio. There are no walls in such buildings, and sometimes there is no roof, so it is possible to prepare food in the fresh air.

    In the arbors often put ovens and mangals, sometimes even remove the kitchen set. Of the minuses you can allocate insecurity, since being in such a kitchen for a long time In the fall or in winter it is almost impossible. It's rather country option For those who do not live in the house year-round. In addition, even in the summer there is a danger of attacking mosquitoes. Left at summer kitchen, food can also be destroyed by wild or stray animals. When determining the location of the structure, the direction of the wind should be taken into account so that the smoke from the mangala does not get into the dining room on guests.

    A closed summer kitchen is either a separate building, or a glazed veranda. Its main difference from open design - This is the possibility of year-round stay. Inside the room can be prepared in any bad weather, leave guests for the night. There is also an opportunity to equip the guest zone: put TV, sofas, chairs. Such winter kitchen - Great place to meet Christmas or New Year, when you can feel a real festive magic in unity with nature. However, there are its cons. Firstly, expensive constructionAnd secondly, in the summer there will be no opportunity to breathe fresh air in a closed room. Yes, and kebabs are much more pleasant to fry and eat on the street.

    Most. optimal option Summer cuisine is building combined type. It can be a kitchen combined with a bath or an autonomous kitchen-living room. In the latter case, the design may be the most diverse. Most often, the structure consists of three or one wall and glazing on the sides. Very stylish looks brick wall with a large stove and equipped working area and adjoining french windows. Such a kitchen in the fresh air will be decorated with any site. Like a closed-type building, such a design is difficult to build on its own, and a plan and design project are also worth a lot.

    Autonomous and adjacent kitchen house

    The kitchen is in the fresh air - the dream of any urban resident, since the lion's part of the time is held here. Of course, I want to make it large and multifunctional, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe site does not always allow to give a fantasy space. In this case, it will be appropriate to make an extension or to equip the veranda. This will save space for growing vegetables and root.

    The adjacent kitchen is good and the fact that the elongation of communications will not need. In addition, you can make a cellar for storing products and conservation. It should be remembered that it should be 3.5 m from the foundation, otherwise the house can be tamed. When choosing a place for summer kitchens, it is necessary to take into account the location relative to the parties of the world, so that there is no dark and damp indoors. Of the disadvantages, you can also allocate the distribution of foreign smells in residential premises.

    Autonomous Cuisine Outside Air - perfect option For plots with a large territory. Dimensions buildings can be the most diverse, depending on the purpose and number of free space. According to the rules of fire safety, the structure with the brazier or the furnace should be at least 7 meters from the nearest buildings so as not to provoke a fire. Also, the kitchen cannot be located in the immediate vicinity of the roadway, toilet, chicken coop, compost pit. For comfortable arrangement, you will need to elongate communications: drainage, sewage, electricity, sometimes gas.

    If there is a swimming pool or a small pond (lake, pond), it is recommended to build a building here. This is a great place to equip a comfortable lounge zone. The playground should be placed so that it is in the field of view of parents who are sitting in a gazebo. It is desirable that garden path Connected these structures along with the main home. The construction of a summer kitchen, autonomously standing, besides a closed type, should begin with the arrangement of the project of the future building. Otherwise, problems arise when selling or transferred to inheritance. This will require additional cash investments, but the result will exceed all the expectations.

    Choosing materials

    In the summer kitchen, the design should be combined with the main home or other buildings to harmoniously fit into the overall concept. For example, if the fence is brick - then the additional building let it be brick. If it is adjacent to the house, it is advisable to make it in a similar design as a corresponding continuation. Most often, the kitchen is erected from bricks, wood, polycarbonate or metal structures.

    • Wood- Environmentally friendly material that fills energy and gives strength. Summer kitchen from a bar looks very attractive and colorful, besides easy to install, therefore enjoys the greatest demand. However, the special properties of wood should be taken into account: it is subject to deformation due to moisture and adverse weather conditions, can lose color due to the long exposure to direct sunlight, besides, is the favorite delicacy of pests. Even when proper care The summer kitchen from the log needs to be restored every 5-6 years, otherwise the material will be unusable. To do this, be treated with its special protective solution. Lacation will prevent water from entering and protecting from ultraviolet.
    • Brick - wear-resistant, durable, and therefore expensive material. Unlike wood, the summer kitchen from the brick does not need constant repair and has a longer service life. The material is characterized by good thermal insulation, which means that indoors will be cool in the heat and heat in cold weather. During construction, it is necessary to lay the foundation of a tape type, one of the most durable, otherwise the design will be in the ground. It is impossible to cope with this without certain skills, so the help of specialists will be required.
    • Polycarbonate - inexpensive I. a budget option For the construction of closed-type structures. The material is very durable, resistant to mechanical damage. Due to the special substance that is in the composition, it is able to absorb ultra-violet rays and resistant to temperature drop. Summer kitchen from polycarbonate retains heat and has good noise insulation. In addition, polycarbonate itself is very light weight and convenient in the installation. For minuses include non-environmental material.
    • Metal. Metal constructions Usually used as reference elements or frame. This can look like a kitchen in the fresh air of an open type with a roof of wrought-iron elements. Metal is well harmonized with wood, stone and brick. So that the gazebo does not lose attractive appearanceThe surface should be processed by anti-corrosion solution.


    The internal decoration of the summer kitchen can be represented by clay, wall panels, plywood depending on the selected room type. As for closed structures, for additional insulation Usually used mineral WatAnd then we are cut on both sides. Even wallpapers and wallpapers are greatly attached to the walls of the foam block. decorative plasterSo the choice depends on the host itself. Photo of summer kitchens can be found on the site and pick up interesting option Interior decoration.


    Usually, when designing a summer kitchen, a boardwalk is used, which fits well into a common village concept. However, it is necessary to remember the properties of the wood to deform and undergo an attack of insects and pests. To this end, the boards are impregnated with a special solution in the form of special oils or wax, which are intended for external work. Specialists do not recommend using varnish as a cover, as it quickly bursts and cracks, which will determine the overall interior of summer kitchen.

    Relatively expensive, but practical and durable option - Polymer composite (DPK). The life of the material is several decades, while it is not distinguished from the wood to the touch, and externally too. This is a unique combination of polymers and natural tree It is one of the newest inventions of the construction industry.

    As outdoor coating can choose paving slab or stone, however, such options require the laying of a durable foundation. This is enough expensive ideas For summer kitchen, but by spending money once, you can forget about repair for many years. In closed rooms, it is recommended to use floor tiles, laminate or porcelain stoneware.


    Slate and tile firmly pushed out a metal roof, which quickly heats up in the sun and also becomes ice winter. These materials are practical, externally attractive, easy to install. It is advisable to choose a single-sided roof so that the sediments naturally shine not land. To do this, it is necessary to install different beams over the height opposite each other and attach the coating. You can also use polycarbonate sheets as a canopy for summer kitchen. The material is very flexible and plastic, so the design configurations can be the most diverse.

    Arrangement of summer cuisine

    Furniture for summer kitchens should be selected with special care, since it must withstand the temperature differences, differ in practicality and durability. About wooden headsets and laminated MDF or DSP better forget, as well as about the upholstery of leather and fabric. It is better to stay on the rattan furniture, a wicker vine that will emphasize rustic interior. For arbors are more suitable plastic tables and chairs or forged outdoor furniture (for open-type designs with metal carcasy). Stainless steel headset will be useful to those who do not plan to remove furniture in the house for the winter. Foldable mobile designs will be appropriate that do not occupy a lot of space and are easily transferred to the room.

    The kitchen in the fresh air suggests the presence of a dining and working area. The hostess should be placed in such a way as to maintain the principle of an ergonomic triangle. This visual combination of washing, plates and refrigerators will allow spending much less time on the cooking process. M-shaped headset in this case will be very appropriate. If a barbell or oven is a little bit, then a direct compact headset with a mini-fridge and a sink can be installed on the contrary.

    The perfect distance from the plate (oven, grill, mangala) to the dining table should be 3 meters. If the digit is less, the heat from the fire will interfere with the guests to trape.

    Particular attention should be paid to the lighting, because without additional light sources in the kitchen will be unsafe. For the convenience of cooking, the work area should be lit apart with a bright light. It can be suspended lights, lamps, tracks, sides, built into the headset lighting. If you restrict ourselves to one light bulb in the center of the room, then the shadow will hide the entire working surface. In open kitchens special attention It should be done by plates and lampshaps with additional precipitation protection. They can be made of plastic, metal, polycarbonate.

    Beautifully look at the lamps of rattan or braided tree. Dining area You can also select garden lamps, suspended and rotary lamps. In closed rooms you can install wall scaves, flooring. As a decor in the site, it is advisable to install lights on solar panels. Having charged the day, they automatically turn on when he darkens on the street. IN cloudy weather They do not work at all, so this option is more suitable for giving, where they spend summer vacation. But such lanterns do not consume electricity, which means that are beneficial from an economic point of view.

    What can be better than spacious and multifunctional summer kitchen, which can be seen on the site? Draw inspiration from photos and tips for mastering masters - and create a room that will become a corner homemade focus and comfort.

    Photo: Summer kitchen arrangement ideas

    Look at the design of summer kitchen in the photo showing the interior and decor options:

    Summer kitchen design in photo

    Summer kitchen in the photo

    Most often, the design of summer kitchen in a private house is designed in strict aesthetic and stylistic accordance with the main residential building.

    See how an example of a summer kitchen design in a private house in the photo, where the aesthetic subtleties and variants of various solutions are shown.

    Option for finishes inside the kitchen (photo)

    Meanwhile, the design of summer cuisine in the country can radically differ from the house and be a completely different style in which the landscape design is set.

    On this page there are tips and presented the design of summer kitchens at the cottage in the photo in a wide variety, which will allow you to choose the appropriate finish option inside and outside the facility.

    The inner decoration of the kitchen depends solely from the imagination and financial capabilities of the owners. It should be remembered that in its design, summer kitchen must be combined with other buildings on the plot. Best of all, if they are all decorated with the same materials and in a single color scheme.

    First executed interior decoration Floor, walls and ceiling, then kitchen equipment and furniture and, finally, the interior design is completed using various decor elements - curtains, vases, figurines, homemade figures, masks, panels, lighting devices etc.

    The decoration of the summer kitchen begins with the preparation of project documentation and selection suitable materials. Summer kitchen walls closed with inner You can shelter boards, rails, wood sheets (DVP, chipboard, etc.), wood lining or drywall, which can later be painted in any color. You can use more colorful materials, such as a decorative stone or brick, or combine different materials - For example, most of the walls are plasterboard, and a place defined for installation of a furnace or mangaal, lay out artificial stone etc.

    Look at the decoration of summer kitchen in the photo: Inside and outside, a variety of works can be held.

    The internal decoration of the summer kitchen affects the ceiling, which can also be seed with boards and cover the layer of olifes or use drywall, painting it into the tone with the walls or simply turning.

    The ceilings look at the ceiling look good beams and crossbars. They simultaneously perform the decorative function and serve to enhance the design and maintenance of the roof. In addition, beams can serve as a place for laying various communications on the ceiling, such as wiring. The crossbars and beams are made both in closed and open summer kitchens.

    The ceiling beams used to be common in rustic houses, as well as used in the design of the front halls of palaces, theaters and museums. In the latter case, these were decorations in the form of a convex geometric ornament from stucco or using valuable wood species.

    Of course, the decoration of the summer kitchen inside may be simple, not at all necessary to resort to such goods, but even simple wooden beams and crossbars covered with varnish or dark brown paint, give the room a solid look.

    The installation of beams and crossbars is not so complicated, especially if there is at least a small experience with a tree. Using this reception in the design of the kitchen, you should consider the overall style of the room. Such details "under the old" will be ridiculous to look in combination with ultra-modern kitchen furniture and equipment. Although even in this case, you can come up with a special design for the beams, corresponding to the general setting, thanks to interesting color and form.

    For the ceiling finishes in the summer kitchen, it is possible to use the chipboard instead of solid wood, which simplifies and reduces it. On the finished beams, then you can stick a natural veneer from ate, beech or oak, and such a finish can be used in other interior items to withstand the unity of the style.

    On a note!

    Before mounting beams, the ceiling must be prepared by drying it with plasterboard and covering light paint. For fastening the beams, nails will be required, reliable adhesive for wood, saw, an accurate line, a square, and, of course, the material itself, for example, wood cooker.

    Since the beams have a complex box structure and must be nailed to the ceiling in a certain order, it is necessary to predetermine their location, calculate and place their position and draw a sketch indicating the size of the parts. With a low ceiling in the room, the beams can be placed only in the openings of windows and doors, which will create a contrast with deepening, visually spreading space. In a room with a high ceiling, beams can be installed on the ceiling or slightly lower, attaching them to the walls and ceiling.

    For the construction of the beams, a timber is required by a cross section of 12 x 15 cm, the length of which depends on the length of the room. In a large room, you can make larger beams.

    In the middle of the ceiling or slightly away from it on the ceiling, it is required to mark the location of the central beam, and then the position of parallel and transverse beams. In the same order, the beams will be mounted for the ceiling - first central, then the rest.

    To the central bruus on the sides at an equal distance, one of the other should be selected with small planks and the collected frame with nails to nail to the ceiling. Then you need to attach the side panels to small lateral skulls, and at the end - the last bar from the bottom closing the boxed timber. For fastening parts, except nails, you can use adhesive for wood.

    After that, you need to collect and nail parallel beams to the ceiling, and when they are ready, cut and collect transverse crossbars between long beams (if any will attend the project at all). All items must be carefully fitted, fastened securely and attached to the ceiling. The slots must be embedded with either putty, or thin profile rivers that allow and gaps to disguise, and give the design a special expressiveness.

    The finished design can be covered with varnish, paint, special film Or go with a veneer.

    Interior Design of summer kitchen inside (with photo)

    After completing the interior of the summer kitchen design, it is possible to start the installation of the equipment - first of all the gas or electric stove (if the mangala or, the foundation should be prepared for them even at the construction stage of the foundation, and the output tube is mounted at the same time when the roof). Then the car wash is installed, to which the water supply and drain system should be supplied in advance. Thinking the interior of the summer kitchen, it is worth considering that it must be a desktop. If a stove barbecue is built, the working surface is provided with its design. Also in the kitchen must be a dining table and chairs, chairs or benches - at will.

    All interior items must match the overall style of the kitchen. If the main decoration of summer kitchen and design inside is a furnace, design can be made in style ethno. In this case, various forged items will be appropriate, carved wood figures, clay dishes, wooden table, chairs and other items for the complement of the overall composition.

    Depending on the style of the kitchen, accessories are selected. You can decorate the interior of various original textiles, pillows, carved decor, vases with flowers, wrought elements, decorative ceramics, etc. The main thing is that all this is combined with common style. There are several main directions in the design of the interior of the kitchen corresponding to a specific style.

    Styles used in the design of summer kitchen design inside the facilities are numerous and include some of those listed below.

    Check out the summer kitchen interior in the photo, where the options are presented in a wide variety of styles.

    Summer kitchen design in high-tech style in photo
    Such. kitchen furniture Functional, waterproof, resistant to mechanical damage (photo)

    High tech - This is a modern, far from nature style, a little cold-blooded, but distinguished by a certain grace. It is characterized by cold colors and shades, stainless steel furniture or with polymer coating. Such kitchen furniture is functional, waterproof, resistant to mechanical damage and UV rays. In such kitchen, the corresponding interior decoration is also needed using modern materials and unusual surface structures and combinations.

    Summer kitchen design in Provence style in photo
    In the interior must be present wooden furniture, Elements of wood (photo)

    Provence style as close as possible to a natural natural style. Wooden furniture, elements made of wood in the walls and ceiling must be present in the interior. Request bright kitchen towels, home dolls, photos with rustic motifs, ceramic pots, vintage tablecloths, carved wood figures or dough, draped furniture covers, as well as many plants - in pots, ads, vases, etc. Kitchen cabinets, the table and chairs are better to choose from classical wood tick treated with special protective water-repellent impregnation. You can also use wicker furniture.

    African style on summer kitchens (photo)
    Summer kitchen design African style (photo)

    African style - These are various exotic charms, curtains from beads, ethnic masks, rock painting, animal skins, etc. Furniture should also approach such an interior - it can be low tips, chairs and even sofas, but with ornamental upholstery in the African style.

    Summer cuisine provides enough space for experiments.

    Ethnic style kitchen (photo)
    Rustic kitchen (photo)

    Cooking cooking in the kitchen small size - The occupation is not pleasant. Hot air, close, constant absence of free space, make the process of cooking difficult, and sometimes unbearable. The output is only one - build a separate spacious summer kitchen in the country, where there is enough space not only to accommodate the working, but also the dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. What kind of summer kitchen today is most in demand, and is it possible to build it yourself, using typical projects and regular photofurther in our article.

    What is the summer kitchen

    Summer cuisine at the cottage is a house-built or a separate construction, designed for cooking and recreation. Depending on the choice of materials and the method of insulation, it can be used, as for the warm season and constantly.

    The type of summer kitchen design can be open and closed. In the first case, the walls in the structure are not completely either partially. They can replace light curtains or. Closed-type has capital walls and windows, reliably cover the kitchen from the rain and wind.

    For an experienced carpenter to independently build over the summer kitchen - canopy from the rain, will not be difficult

    The summer kitchen having a simple project can be safely erected in just one summer. This will require basic skills. construction work, essential material and tool. Well, for the Safety, it is desirable to have one or two assistants, as some types of work will be produced at altitude.

    Important! Before starting the construction of the object, you should choose a suitable place for it. From how much that this will be done not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the question will be dependent.

    We select a place for construction

    Selecting the appropriate place, first of all, it should be borne in mind that the kitchen should not be too removed at home. And it's not even that it will be easier and cheaper to bring communication, but in the fact that it should be within walking distance from the main structure. You will agree, every day go to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on the opposite side of the site is not entirely comfortable.

    In addition, next to the summer kitchen, there should be no sources that have an unpleasant smell. These include, sacrament and animal cages, pits with fertilizers, composted piles, sewer wells, septics, etc.

    Have your own kitchen in the fresh air - Dream of any mistress

    If there is a tree on the plot, it is advisable to plan the summer kitchen in close proximity to it. On hot days under his thick crown, you can place the table and chairs. After all, it is no secret that breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

    However, carried away by planning the future structure, do not forget about the rules of fire safety, neglect which can lead to not the best consequences.

    The presence of an open flame in the summer kitchen is allowed if it is removed from the passenger-friendly buildings at least 8-10 meters.

    We define with the design of the kitchen (photo)

    To the extension for cooking has been practical, functional and convenient, and also had an attractive appearance - it is important to pick up for her right projectIn which all nuances and design features will be painted.

    In addition, it is important that the kitchen organically fit into the overall building and did not violate the surrounding landscape, so the materials for its construction are desirable to choose the same as for the house itself. So you will achieve perfect harmony between two buildings.

    As you could have noticed, many projects of summer kitchens of which are posted in the article, have original and non-standard design. This suggests that today is aesthetic component, no less important than functional.

    Construction of construction on their own

    When the place and the project for summer cuisine is chosen, you can safely begin to build it. Like any structure, the construction of summer kitchen is performed in four stages:

    1. Marking of the site and fill the foundation.
    2. Erecting walls (if provided for by the project) or support pillars.
    3. Roof construction.
    4. Internal and exterior finish.


    Since this building is relatively not difficult, the need for fill capital Fundament - not. It is quite possible to do or, the main thing that is carried out in compliance with technology.

    Important! For those who subsequently do not want to mess with the floor, it is perfect, the top base of which will be the floor.

    For the construction of a summer kitchen made of glass - the foundation and may not be required.

    • Ribbon foundation. First on the site make the markup, which is noted on the plane by fixed spikes with a rope stretched between them. Next rotes the pit (depth 40-60 cm.), On the perimeter of which formwork from boards or moisture resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, to avoid grounding of the soil, there is a subference from the rammed seeded sand and rubble. Before pouring the concrete, the valve is lowered into the trench and bind it with a wire with a special hook. The foundation should have no less than 30 days. If you're lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
    • Monolithic foundation. After having marked up the site, at a depth of 15-20 cm. Drove the pit. To enhance the soil and protect the stove from groundwater, geotextiles are settled on the bottom of which the pillow from the sand is made. Next, the sand is moving well and tightly tumped by a wheeled machine. It remains to put a formwork, link the reinforcement frame, pour a solution of concrete. After complete drying, reliable and quality base For summer kitchen - ready.

    Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, stove from monolithic foundation It is recommended to do with a small bias in 1.5º-2º so that it can be drunk down on it.

    Wall and roof

    If the walls of summer kitchens are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame that is made of metal or wooden bars.

    1. In the corners, large (reference) racks are set - the size of 200 × 200 mm., And between them additional - the size of 150 × 150 mm.
    2. The topping bars are put on the supporting bars, which will also serve as the basis for setting the rafter.
    3. After the structures are installed, from 70 × 50 mm bars. A doomle and a counterclaim is done.
    4. Next, the entire design is processed by a special composition of fungus and mold, after which the installation is made.

    Often, a rounded log, brick or a stone, which is ideal for the construction of this type is often used as the wall material. With this walls, the construction can be used yearly, the main thing is to produce their quality.

    The indisputable advantage is that facade of summer kitchen from log, facing brick or decorative stone Does not require additional finishes. Extra cost They are reduced only to the fact that the tree is needed and, and the stone and brick.

    We define with the design of the facade

    Choosing a summer kitchen project from the photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shapes, sizes, and functional component, but also on the structure of the structure. For the cottage it is very important that the style of the attachment corresponds to the overall layout of the entire site as a whole.

    It does not mean at all that the construction should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Rather, even on the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic strokes.

    Special attention in the summer kitchen should also be given to the working and dining area, where everything should be as rationally and convenient as possible. Competently organize space to help you stock Foto Summer cuisinewhere it is clearly demonstrated how beautiful and correctly draw up various zones.

    The work area is an important element in the interior. Try to be comfortable and practical

    • Furniture. Use upholstered furniture on the summer kitchen open type best idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber who absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable pillows. Also in the interior will fit well different kinds Wicker furniture, which is perfectly combined with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a chair from the vine will look very beautiful. If used closed type Kitchen, then the flight of fantasy should not be limited. In this case, you can use any furniture, including soft.
    • Lighting. Proper lighting Summer cuisine in the country, regardless of its size - an important stage repair work. Hung in the center of the chandelier or a single lamp, it can not always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all zones, it is desirable to use more than one type of lighting. Over the working area, it is appropriate to place spotlights in the CO tandem, and hang over a large chandelier over the table.

    We hope that this article will help you competently approach the choice of a suitable project for your summer kitchen. As you can see sources for inspiration and fresh ideas on the embodiment of conceived abound. Successful construction to you.