How to properly arrange furniture in the living room, expert advice. How to correctly arrange furniture in a rectangular room

The ancient science of Feng Shui will help you achieve harmony in your own home. Competent organization space will get rid of, make the house more comfortable and attractive, allow you to balance vitality and opportunities. Regardless of the size of the house, it has several general rules, compliance with which will not require much effort from the owner.

Living room arrangement

Is one of the most important concepts Feng Shui science. The Chinese consider this energy to be all-pervasive, filling every corner of the universe, so it is necessary to create the right conditions for free circulation of Qi.

On its way, energy should not encounter obstacles, and therefore, before arranging the living room, you need to carefully consider the location of each thing.

Arranging furniture according to Feng Shui is not at all difficult, and you need to start with the most significant pieces of furniture. For a living room, such items are a sofa and armchairs, but not everyone knows how to arrange them correctly.

It is best to place the sofa closer to one of the walls, but so that the back is not turned towards the window opening. The same applies to the chairs in the living room: if the backs of the chairs are turned towards the door or windows, this interferes with the movement of Chi energy and creates unnecessary barriers.

It’s good when the sofa, armchairs and chairs are arranged in a semicircle along the central part of the room - this creates additional protection from negative energy, besides, it’s more convenient to communicate. By the way, according to Feng Shui, the sofa should have legs so that energy can circulate freely and invigorate the household.

Tall cabinets and bedside tables are installed along solid walls, trying to place them away from the doorway. If the closet has mirrored doors, they should not reflect the stairs or the door to the living room, as this negatively affects the well-being of the inhabitants of the house.

The table in the room should be round or oval, which looks more “friendly”. For correct distribution energy flows, the TV cannot be installed with the screen facing the door or window opening, and the central part of the room should be left free.

Don't clutter the living room big amount furnishings. The abundance of furniture not only reduces space, but also contributes to stagnation of energy, which is very unfavorable for those living in the house.

It is better to place tall objects in corners and along blank walls, leaving free space on both sides of the window. At the same time, decorating a room with furniture according to Feng Shui should please all household members without exception. Feng Shui experts advise placing equipment near the western wall, but in the southwestern corner you can hang family photographs so that good luck accompanies all family members.

Bedroom arrangement

The energy of the bedroom depends very much on the arrangement of furniture. Incorrect placement will create obstacles to the passage of Qi energy and reduce the effectiveness of rest. According to Feng Shui, furniture in the bedroom is placed strictly along the perimeter of the room, emphasizing the boundaries of the room. The bed and large wardrobes should be installed along the walls, freeing up the central part. It is undesirable to have deep niches in the bedroom - a lot of negative energy accumulates in them.

Before placing furniture, make sure that all the items are really necessary in the room, because unnecessary furnishings will not bring any benefit, but will cause a slowdown in the circulation of energy flows. How less furniture located in the bedroom, the better.

Very important: it cannot be placed opposite the door, but the person lying down must clearly see the doorway. The best location for a sofa or bed is to the side of the door, with the head of the bed facing the wall.

When choosing furniture for the bedroom, give preference to furnishings with rounded corners— the fewer sharp corners in the room, the more favorable the atmosphere.

Ideally, this room should not have objects with clear pointed outlines that symbolize the physical, tangible Sha. Also, you should not choose cabinets with mirrored doors or hang more than two mirrors in the bedroom; It is especially bad if the mirror reflects the sleeping person.

Kitchen interier

In the kitchen, furniture placement is no less important than in other rooms. It is here that the elements of fire and water are present, which are hostile to each other. Feng Shui experts recommend separating them with neutral objects: between the stove and the sink you can put a small cabinet with dishes or stylish shelves. It is best to place the refrigerator on the sink side, in the northeast corner of the room. But it is better to place the slab in the southeast corner, but so that it does not come into contact with the walls.

The table and chairs in the kitchen should be placed in such a way that no one sitting has their back to the door, since the energy passing through the doorway will not have a very favorable effect on the person. Also, you should not use mirror surfaces in your kitchen design. You should not place shelves for dishes and storage above the heads of those sitting at the table. household appliances— when something cumbersome hangs over a person, a feeling of psychological discomfort arises.

An important Feng Shui rule is that the room should contain only those items that are related to the kitchen and are constantly or periodically used. Everything extraneous only clutters the kitchen and accumulates negative energy. The more spacious the room, the easier energy flows circulate, contributing to the psychological comfort of the inhabitants of the house.

Decoration of the nursery

The right environment in a child’s room is conducive to his spiritual and physical development. By arranging furniture here according to Feng Shui, parents help the baby develop attention and responsibility. A healthy indoor atmosphere has a positive effect on a child’s behavior, well-being, and even intellectual development.

The most important piece of furniture is the bed. Feng Shui masters advise installing it with the headboard against a blank wall, away from the door. However, you should not use bunk beds or combined furniture.

It is advisable that there are no drawers under the bed, which are an obstacle to the flow of Qi and interfere with dusting. If space allows, the room can be zoned using bookcases or shelves with toys. When the recreation area is separated from the play and study area, this makes the child more balanced and calm, allowing him to fully relax and gain strength.

The play and study areas are located next to the door, while the table should be at some distance from the wall so that the baby sits with his back to it. If there is very little space and there is nowhere to move the table, cover the wall with beautiful photo wallpaper or a painting.

It is better to select furniture according to Feng Shui according to the age of the children, then they feel more comfortable. You should not attach shelves above the baby’s head, or install furniture that is too bulky. The central part of the room must remain free; it is highly undesirable to place furnishings here.

Arrangement of the hallway

The Chinese attach special importance to the front door and call it “the mouth of the house.” According to the teachings of Feng Shui, from correct design The financial well-being of the house depends on the hallway. The absence of barriers to Qi increases well-being, and therefore there should be a minimum of items in the hallway.

Furniture cannot be placed near the entrance; it is permissible to place only small shelves in the right corner of the door. You can also place an umbrella stand or coat hanger here. But the closet or large shelves should be placed as far as possible from the doorway.

First of all, the arrangement of furniture should please all family members, otherwise psychological comfort and harmony will be minimal. Sometimes it is enough to rearrange just a few items to find out how comfortable you will feel in such an environment. You cannot blindly follow recommendations; this will not lead to anything good.

Prosperity will always reign in the house if you maintain perfect cleanliness and order. Even if you arrange furniture according to Feng Shui, it will do nothing without maintaining order. Frequent cleaning and ventilation help get rid of negative impact, attracting positive energy flows and increasing harmony between households. Where it is clean and beautiful, there is no place for bad emotions, quarrels and anxiety.

A small room is always associated with a lack of free space. With the help of the correct arrangement of furniture, you can hide this drawback and make the bedroom and living room a functional and cozy room in which to spend time pleasantly. Let's figure out how to arrange a small room.

How to expand usable area

Choice of colors

To make the room seem more spacious, it is better to choose light colors (beige, white, blue), which visually expand the space. Large drawings Wallpaper should be avoided, and furniture should repeat the same shade, otherwise multi-colors in the interior will emphasize the lack of free space. It is better to make the floor darker so that it does not lower the height of the room.

Window decoration

It is better to choose curtains that are light, flowing, creating the illusion of airiness. If your room is located on the upper floors, you can abandon the night curtains and hang only tulle in the same shades as the wallpaper; such monochrome will visually increase the volume of the room.

Furniture size

From bulky furniture sets will have to be abandoned in favor of convenience and functionality. IN small room neat small furniture will highlight her style, while a large one will only take up useful space. Instead of bulky soft armchairs, it is better to choose upholstered chairs or poufs; you can choose a folding table, and instead of a corner sofa, place a regular one in the room.

Room zoning

Using bookshelves and other pieces of furniture, you can divide the room into zones; arrange the furniture so that it is convenient to move and there is more free floor space.

Furniture functionality

Using furniture to perform several functions will help you make good use of a small free space. Eg, Coffee table IC with doors can be used to place useful little things; a folding sofa at night will turn into sleeping area, and its inner section is convenient for storing bedding.

A small wall in the living room with cabinets will serve as a TV stand and a cabinet for storing things.

Furniture arrangement in a small living room

For proper organization free space in a small living room, you need to abandon the usual stereotypes. It is not necessary to put all necessary kit furniture - wardrobe, sofa, coffee table, armchairs.

You can limit yourself to a wall-slide in light colors, on which the TV and other necessary things and decorative items will be placed. To accommodate guests you can put compact sofa, choosing bright pillows as color accents.

To free up and lighten the space, furniture should be placed along the walls, leaving the middle of the room free.

Furniture arrangement in a small bedroom

To make the sleeping area look neat, without cluttering up unnecessary pieces of furniture, it is better to choose a simple one. But functional design premises. A double bed with two small bedside tables, accessible from all sides, and a built-in wardrobe will help save space and conveniently place things. When choosing furniture, you need to avoid various decorations on it, carvings and decor, which visually make the bedroom smaller.

How to arrange furniture in a small nursery

A small room for your child should be organized on the principles of comfort and functionality, and not have sharp corners of furniture. You can choose a ready-made furniture set that includes a bed, a chest of drawers and computer desk ik. Bed linen, clothes, books and toys are stored in convenient drawers. To free up space, furniture is placed in corners and makes maximum use of the free space under the bed and under the window sills. If there are two children, a bunk bed is an excellent solution.

When choosing furniture for a small room, you need to follow the rules maximum convenience and functionality. If you are wondering how to furnish a small room, preference should be given small sizes, strict lines and lack decorative elements, visually making the room heavier.

Sep 25, 2015 I'm Myself

Many modern living rooms today serve as more than just a place for rest and relaxation. Despite the fact that the living room was originally intended for receiving guests and having a good time, today it also serves as a work office and a place to sleep. Professional designers will tell you how to arrange furniture in a room if it serves more than one function.

You need to start arranging furniture by drawing up a room plan. In reality, moving furniture is much more difficult than trying to visually arrange it in the living room first. It is important to pay attention to detail in your plan.

When drawing up a layout plan, you need to mark in the figure the location of windows, doors, lighting fixtures, ceiling beams. Take into account if this is a walk-through room of a two-room apartment.

When arranging furniture, it is very important to decide on the main item. It is from this that you should start and arrange furniture around it. The most common item is usually the sofa.

Step-by-step actions in arranging furniture:

  • Draw a plan.
  • Decide on the center of the arrangement.
  • Fill the space correctly.
  • Apply compositional laws to the arrangement.

When filling the space, it is important that the pieces of furniture are at a sufficient distance from each other. They should not interfere with free movement around the room. It is very important that the furniture is proportionate to the size of the room.

Options for arranging furniture in the living room

Today, designers advise using a minimum amount of furniture in the hall. It is better to give preference to free space, which is so necessary for every person today. Of course, furniture arrangement options will depend on the area of ​​the room and the personal preferences of the room owners.

Today, many living room owners cannot boast of a large room area. However, even in small apartments You can arrange the furniture so that the room looks spacious.

To decorate small living rooms, it is best to use modular furniture. The modules can be placed along the wall, while upholstered furniture place along another wall. With this arrangement, the middle of the room will be free.

Furniture arrangement options:

  • For a small room it is better to use a minimal set of furniture. If the living room doubles as a bedroom, folding sofa need to be placed taking into account its unfolded state.
  • A large living room is best divided into functional areas. A good option for decorating a living room would be to arrange two corner sofas, which will create a comfortable and cozy place for relax.

Modern technology allows the arrangement to be done very compactly and beautifully. For example, a plasma TV can be hung on the wall, which will significantly save space. Installing fireplaces is very popular today.

Ideas for arranging furniture in a rectangular living room

When arranging furniture, it is important to pay attention to the shape of the room. Its geometry has a huge impact on the arrangement of furniture and zoning of space. Designers use completely different techniques for arranging furniture in square or rectangular rooms.

Carriages, or rectangular rooms in Khrushchev should be designed differently than rooms with square geometry.

When arranging interior items, it is important to ensure that the room remains proportional. It is important to avoid typical mistakes, which are allowed by the owners of rectangular living rooms. To do this, you should definitely use space zoning techniques.

Rules for arranging furniture:

  • Highlight the compositional center of the room. Starting from it, create work area.
  • Do not restrict the boundaries of the room. There is no need to place furniture exclusively around the perimeter. Upholstered furniture can be placed in the center, and the desktop can be placed against the wall.
  • Use the principle of asymmetry. The chairs can be arranged diagonally, and coffee table place between two chairs.

When arranging a rectangular room, you need to pay attention to the color decoration of the room. A good visual technique would be to separate the walls horizontally. In order for the space to be harmonious, it is best to decorate it with furniture in warm and dark shades.

Narrow living room: how to arrange furniture

Very often the shape of a room can make it difficult to decorate. To a large extent this concerns the arrangement of furniture. Thanks to the correct arrangement, the living room can be made visually wider.

It is important to note that narrow shape The living room is emphasized by furniture placed along the walls. This is a common mistake made by people new to interior design.

A narrow room should be divided into functional areas. In order to make the room wider, you need a passage along one wall. All furniture can be placed along the opposite wall.

Features of furniture arrangement:

  • Perform zoning correctly.
  • Avoid placing furniture along all walls.
  • Do not use massive furniture.

When decorating a narrow room of any size, it is important to properly zone the room. Selected areas should not be cluttered with furniture. It is better to decorate the room in light colors.

Professional designers will talk about techniques for correct and practical zoning of a room. The arrangement of furniture depends on many factors: the area of ​​the room, its shape, the amount of furniture and things that will be stored in the room. It is important not to clutter the living room with unnecessary and bulky interior items.

Unfortunately, not every family has the opportunity to purchase expensive and spacious housing. Owners of small spaces try to create an individual interior that reflects their taste and interests. To make this a reality, you need to answer the question - how to arrange furniture in a small room? The task is not easy, but completely solvable. To do this, you need to use some recommendations from experts, experiment a little and use your imagination.

Each room has its own characteristics. Incorrectly arranged furniture will depress the owners of a small space. In order to avoid making mistakes, it is advisable to adhere to generally accepted rules on how to arrange furniture in small rooms.

There are a few standard options placement of furniture in a small room:

  • Symmetrical ─ a simple way of arranging furniture that suits rooms with a rectangular configuration. In it, furniture elements are placed on both sides of the dining table, identical bedside tables are placed near the sofa, and an armchair is placed in front of the TV. But for small rooms this is not entirely convenient;
  • Asymmetrical ─ it fits well in a small room. A corner sofa with one chair will fit harmoniously here. The TV can be hung on the wall, and a compact wall slide is suitable for storing small items. IN asymmetrical bedroom a wide bed is not placed in the center of the wall. It is moved to one of the corners, freeing up space for passage. Opposite it you can place a chest of drawers with a mirror;
  • Concentric ─ you need to determine the visual center of the room and place interior items around it.

No matter how the furniture is placed, we must not forget that free space is needed to move. The distance between furniture pieces must be at least 60 cm.




A few tricks for a small room:

  1. If there is a closet in the room, it should be narrow and tall. This visually increases the space;
  2. It is better to replace a standard bed with a folding sofa;
  3. The computer desk should be narrow, with many shelves, drawers and a retractable console for the keyboard;
  4. For small items, souvenirs and books, it is better to use hanging shelves;
  5. In order not to clutter up the room area with a TV stand, it is better to choose a model that is mounted on the wall;
  6. The wide window sill will serve as a full-fledged workplace and flower stand;
  7. Swing interior door can be replaced with a sliding structure.
  • You can use online programs where you can easily select options for arranging items based on the dimensions of your furniture;
  • Before arranging the furniture, you need to decide on the “central element” around which the entire furniture ensemble will be located. They can be different for each person: for some it’s a TV, for others it’s a desktop. And the rest of the furniture around them will create a harmonious composition;
  • Do not clutter up a small area of ​​the room with oversized furniture. The transforming model saves space.

How to place depending on the room

Each time after repair or entry into new apartment you have to think about how to compactly arrange furniture in a small room. Many turn to professionals for help, and some rely on their design abilities. The main thing is not to buy furniture on the spur of the moment, but to thoughtfully approach the design of rooms, even small ones.

Living room

When arranging a living room, you need to take into account the following criteria: how many people will be in it and the type of their leisure time.

  • There should be more free space for young and childless families. In the living room there will be a bar counter with appropriate lighting, which creates the right atmosphere during gatherings with friends;
  • For married couple with children, it is better to install a small coffee table in the center of the room, around which to place a sofa, armchairs and chairs;
  • For a large family, you can’t do without built-in and transformable furniture. It should not be bulky, as this will clutter the room;
  • In a narrow living room, you should not place furniture along long parallel walls. It is enough to install the necessary furniture along one wall - a transforming sofa and a cabinet structure. And on short wall you can install open shelves for books, souvenirs, working office and documents;
  • The room must have a window. But in a small room it is better to leave this area free;
  • If you can't do without in the living room large wardrobe, then it is better that it has mirrored facades. This will greatly save space and increase the visual perception of the room.


The third part human life takes place in the bedroom. Therefore, when creating a design project, you need Special attention pay attention to comfort, coziness and a favorable atmosphere in this room. For the bedroom it is better to choose light furniture and wallpaper in warm colors:

  • The central place in the room is given to the bed. The furniture industry offers big choice beds with low headboards for small apartments. When the room is long and narrow, we place the bed along the short wall;
  • If the bedroom has a square geometry, then it is better to place the bed with the headboard against the wall. Place bedside tables on both sides of the bed. An armchair with a dressing table will take place by the window;
  • For a narrow and long bedroom, it is better to order a closet up to the ceiling individual project, and install along the short side of the wall. This will give the room a visually square appearance.
  • In a rectangular bedroom, it is advisable to place the bed with the long side along the wall;
  • Ottoman with lifting mechanism─ this is the best option for small apartments. The design lacks backrests, armrests and a frame for the mattress. The folding sofa-ottoman has a deep niche for bedding;
  • A wardrobe and chest of drawers are mandatory attributes of a bedroom. The cabinet can be a built-in or modular product. It depends on the area of ​​the room. If there is no room for a chest of drawers, then you can get by with pull-out cabinets in the closet or open shelves for bedding.

If there is an office in the bedroom, then the work area with a small computer desk is located by the window. You can install a screen between the sleeping area and the work area.


Everything that surrounds a child helps shape his worldview, aesthetic taste and personal characteristics. Children's furniture should be:

  • Functional;
  • Eco-friendly;
  • Safe.

The room should be cozy and appropriate for age categories. To achieve this, you need to look at the room with “childish” eyes:

  • Main subject for small child─ this is a bed with high sides. The retail chain sells transformable beds that “grow up” with the baby;
  • A bunk bed will be appropriate if two children live in a small room. It is better to install beds away from the window and along the wall. This way the child will feel protected;
  • For a small child, a low table with drawers is suitable in which he will store stationery and small items;
  • In the student’s room, you need to install a small student’s desk with many drawers for notebooks, textbooks and other necessary items;
  • If you need a computer desk, then it should also be small, with a pull-out shelf for the keyboard and drawers. It is better to place tables near the window.

Practical, functional and visually attractive modular furniture will allow you to create a unique children's interior.

A furniture designer will arrange the room, create a comfortable relaxation area and add brightness to the interior.

Kitchen :

complete the entire composition.



Double row

From work surface the distance to the eating area should be from 90 to 120 cm. Do not install dinner table in the center of a small kitchen.

For small kitchen better to choose folding table. Choose a countertop depending on the height of the owner of the kitchen. The standard height is from 85 to 100 cm.

Common Mistakes

How to properly arrange furniture in a small room? Wanting to fill the room necessary furniture, owners make mistakes:

  • Before arranging furniture in a room, you need to decide on its purpose. For example, there should be no bulky or unsafe objects in the children's room;
  • You should not place furniture near heating systems;
  • Bulky structures should be avoided. Modern manufacturers offer multifunctional elegant models in a large assortment;
  • There is no need to install large furniture structures in the center of the room. They “steal” free space.

Don't forget about artificial and natural light. Poor lighting with dark furniture weighs down the space, makes it gloomy and makes it even smaller. The situation will improve if the furniture items are selected light colors with mirrored facades and colored glass inserts.

How to zone space

How to zone a small room? Many owners of modest spaces are interested in this question. How to accommodate all the necessary furniture structures, without which life will be uncomfortable? The task is not easy, but completely solvable. Help here small tricks zoning:

  • Use light color scheme in room. The colors should be in harmony with each other. This will create visual volume and lightness;
  • Equip the ceiling with plenty of light. It is better to use spotlight or built-in lighting. If desired, you can do multi-level ceiling, which will divide the room into conditional zones;
  • Separate the living room from the bedroom thick curtains that will give the room a sophisticated look;
  • Use different building construction─ podium, arches, screens, racks and sliding partitions. For example, a child’s room can be separated from the parent’s area by a partition that will not take up useful space;
  • Use mirrors and reflective objects to separate the living room and sleeping area;
  • Zone the room with furniture. A sofa can be used to separate the work area from the living room. It is also convenient to use through cabinets-racks, on the shelves of which you can place photos and decorative items;
  • Protect the student’s area from the parent’s territory with a podium. You will get a clear delineation of zones. A sleeping place can also be hidden under the podium. At the right time, it will ride on wheels and perform its function. And on the podium there will be a spacious place for school and sports activities;
  • If the room has a high ceiling, then the sleeping children's place can be arranged on a strong frame under the ceiling at a distance of 1-1.5 m from it. And arrange a work area under the sleeping place. The child will receive the personal space that he so needs at this age;
  • Zoning can also be done using indoor plants that will turn small room to a piece of paradise.

Arranging a small room is a difficult task. It consists of sequential actions that have their own restrictions and rules. Only a responsible approach will ensure the premises are in a comfortable and functional state.

Not only the aesthetic perception of the interior as a whole, but also the convenience of living in this room largely depends on how well the arrangement of furniture in the apartment is thought out. An apartment cluttered with furniture looks untidy, even if the furnishings consist entirely of rare antiques. A harmoniously furnished house looks bright, spacious and functional.

How to arrange furniture correctly

To make life in an apartment or house comfortable and enjoyable, ideally you need get rid of excess furniture as much as possible. This is easy to do if you have free space to create dressing rooms and storage rooms. With absence extra rooms you can equip any unused corners - halls, corridors, walls between rooms, niches and places under stairs. Even in a room, you can separate part of the room and equip a built-in wardrobe - this will significantly save space and accommodate more things than the most spacious but massive wardrobe.

Once the largest furnishings are removed, deciding how to arrange the furniture in the room becomes much easier. First of all, it should not interfere with movement around the room. Opening doors and windows cannot catch or even hit furnishings or prevent the opening of cabinets, chests of drawers and sideboards. If there is a table in the center of the room, then the chairs should move out freely and not interfere with the neighbors. Properly placed furniture opens and closes freely, drawers slide out without interfering with movement.

For comfortable reading, table lamps and floor lamps should be located to the left of the seated person, and this circumstance should also be taken into account when designing the interior.

How to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui

The ancient Chinese teaching of harmony, Feng Shui, teaches that nothing in a room should interfere with the flow of chi energy. This is precisely what is based on the knowledge of how the correct equipment of a room harmonizes not only the environment itself, but also all areas of life in such an apartment. If there is an object in the center of the room, the chi energy should be able to “bypass” it and find a way out. If it reaches a dead end, living in such a room will be unpleasant and even harmful to health. At the same time, qi should not be “carried out” by a draft, that is, it should not fly directly from the entrance doors into the window opposite. If the apartment is designed this way, a table with chairs or a large sofa placed in the path of the chi will force it to go around it and thereby slow down its movement.

Harmony will be restored and life in the room will be normal. Also, according to the Chinese, a mirror on the path of qi reflects it back.

Much attention is paid to how to correctly arrange furniture in a spacious room. Such a room requires division into functional zones, each of which should not interfere with the movement of vital energy. It should flow smoothly from one zone to another, evenly distributed throughout the room.

How to arrange furniture in a Khrushchev building

Apartments in buildings affectionately called “Khrushchevka” are known to everyone for their tiny kitchens, combined bathrooms, small rooms and low ceilings. The question of how to arrange furniture in a Khrushchev room is especially acute. These rooms do not tolerate large, bulky pieces of furniture - they take up too much space and make the ceilings visually even lower. Good for such apartments modular systems, and objects should be alternated, and not lined up in the old fashioned “wall”.

For example, a high “pencil case” for clothes is complemented by a sofa bed, above which there is a shelf mounted on several levels, followed by a rack with open and closed doors, chests of drawers of different heights and a work desk with a computer. Differences in height prevent the eye from being fixed at one level and the room seems larger, and many functional containers in cabinets, shelves and chests of drawers allow you to hide all the necessary things. The fewer small objects that remain “on the surface,” the less the space is fragmented and the room looks more spacious. Multifunctional items, such as a sofa with large space For bed linen

, a bedside table on wheels that can be rolled under the desktop when not in use, folding chairs and much more can significantly save space and not clutter it with unnecessary furniture.

How to arrange furniture in an apartment Large houses and luxury apartments allow you to distribute a significant amount of furniture without making the space feel cramped. The situation is different in standard apartments, which do not differ in premises large area . It is especially difficult to decide how to harmoniously distribute furniture in common room . Here you need to allocate a comfortable place for each family member that matches his age and interests. The best way out — zoning space and using compact or folding furniture. For the dining area in a cramped room, a small extendable table

, which can also be used as a worker if someone in the family sews, draws or does handicrafts without having their own room or free space in it. The living room area may include a sofa and armchairs, complemented by a coffee table. Elder family members can gather here to watch TV, read and knit, and communicate with others. From such a room it is worth removing everything that is not related to relaxation and entertainment. Convenient systems

storage, sideboards and chests of drawers will help harmonize the space by removing unnecessary items that create diversity and visually make the room smaller.

Placing the right shapes and proportions is a designer's dream. There may not be a problem with how to arrange the furniture in the room, especially if the door to this room is not opposite the window. If the room is very large, placing furniture along the walls is not always justified. To prevent the center of the room from being empty, depending on the purpose of the room, you can place a dining table in the middle (in the dining room), a sofa, or even a group of sofas with a coffee or coffee table (in the living room). This arrangement of furniture will visually divide the space into zones and make it more comfortable. Main condition- furniture should not interfere with movement around the room, and armchairs and sofas should be designed specifically for such placement (often they have an unaesthetic back surface and are placed close to the wall).

A convenient option for a large living room is a corner sofa with armchairs and a table. It can separate the recreation area from the play area, if there are small children in the house, it will be very convenient to watch them, while at the same time not disturbing the kids. A rectangular bedroom will allow you to comfortably place a bed and two bedside tables, while maintaining a fairly wide approach on both sides of the bed.

How to arrange furniture in a narrow room

This room is the opposite correct proportions rectangular room. Although narrow room represents the same rectangle, its proportions are completely different - short end sides and long side sides interfere correct location furniture. Furniture cannot be placed in the center of a narrow rectangle; ideally, furniture located across the room will improve visual perception, but may interfere with movement.

Way out- transformers: sofa beds, and also better sofa, when folded, “retracts” into the furniture wall, folding tables that turn into small bedside tables and mobile objects on casters, easily removed from the road, a desk in the form of a board on hinges and supports, which lowers when not in use. If the location of the door allows, you can turn the end part of a narrow room into a dressing room or pantry, which will not only allow you to remove many items, but also change the proportions of the room for the better.

How to arrange furniture in the bedroom

The room that requires a minimum of furniture is the bedroom. When deciding how to arrange furniture in a room, owners should prefer elegant, compact items, because you don’t need to store a lot of things in the bedroom, and if you have a dressing room or a large wardrobe, you can limit yourself to a bed, bedside tables, dressing table, trellis or dressing table for a woman and a practical chest of drawers for a man. Important element bedroom furnishings - large mirror, preferably reflecting the owners in full height. It must be installed so that a person sleeping in bed does not see his reflection. Feng Shui experts believe that this has a very bad effect on health. Convenient option - mirrored cabinet doors - both practical and space-saving.

A spacious bedroom gives the owners the opportunity to experiment with the placement of the main piece of furniture - the bed. It can even be placed in the center of the room and decorated with a canopy, while the rest of the furniture in the room should be as inconspicuous as possible.

It is not advisable to place the bed with the head of the bed facing the window - drafts, noise and excessive heat from the radiators will interfere with strong and healthy sleep. Also, the bed is not placed with its back facing the entrance - it looks ugly and very uncomfortable.

How to arrange furniture in a nursery

For most parents, the question of how best to arrange furniture in a children's room is very important, because the health and safety of the child depends on the correct placement of objects, especially when it comes to a baby. First of all, children's furniture should not have sharp corners or easily detachable parts. Strong legs of cabinets and beds are a guarantee that the child will not be able to knock over these objects, and firmly and securely fastened shelves and hanging cabinets are a guarantee of the baby’s safety even if he is able to climb on them. In children's furniture, it is better not to use glass doors and sashes, as well as protruding parts, especially metal ones.

For a nursery, it is convenient to place furniture along the walls, so that the middle of the room remains free and the child can play on the carpet. The nursery should have a bed or a folding sofa, a desk with comfortable chair, selected according to the age and height of the child, a wardrobe and shelves or rack for books and toys. To prevent numerous small items and children's toys from lying around the entire room, it is worth setting aside a special cabinet or a convenient, portable and lightweight basket for them. The bed should not be placed near a window or near a door to avoid drafts.

How to arrange furniture in the hall, living room

The decision on how to arrange furniture in the room that is allocated as a living room must be decided by all family members. This room is intended for leisure time with the whole family, so it should be as comfortable as possible for everyone. If the room is used exclusively as a living room, and not in combination with the functions of a dining room, then for a comfortable environment it is enough to put upholstered furniture, a comfortable coffee or coffee table and a small sideboard or cupboard for dishes. Of course, you can’t do without a TV in such a room, and a fireplace will add coziness and become the center of the composition of the room.

If you place two soft, comfortable sofas at opposite walls of the room, and place a table between them, it will be convenient for those sitting not only to read or drink coffee, but also to talk with each other. The wall next to the door can be occupied by a sideboard or TV. This setting will fit even into a very small room. A more spacious room will allow you to add a couple of soft armchairs and a closet, which can serve as a library or storage room for family valuables. A large fluffy carpet on the floor will visually combine all the pieces of furniture into one composition.

How to arrange furniture in the kitchen

For the kitchen, the most important thing in the distribution of furniture is ergonomics. The hostess spends a lot of time in this room, constantly moving around the room. To minimize her movements, key items - the refrigerator, stove and sink - are arranged in the form of a triangle. Ideally, there is a cutting table between the stove and the sink - this makes it more convenient to work and reduces the number of steps between key elements of the decor. In addition, Feng Shui strongly recommends separating the elements of fire (stove) and water (sink), otherwise it may destroy the harmony. If you eat in the kitchen, the table should be placed so that it does not interfere with food preparation.

If you have a dining room, you can limit yourself to a small bar counter included in the set kitchen furniture- it takes up little space, but is very functional - here you can have breakfast, and in the evening have a cocktail or sit with a friend. Hanging elements of the bar counter are not only decorative, but also provide additional storage space for fragile dishes - glasses and wine glasses.

Classic version kitchen furniture with hanging cabinets is very practical and allows you to place many different items. In a small kitchen this option will help to use small space, actually one free wall. In this case, all the furniture will be lined up along one of the walls, and a table or refrigerator will be placed on the other. In large kitchens, furniture can form a corner or occupy two opposite walls.

How to arrange furniture in an office or study

If the apartment has an office or someone in the household works at home, you also have to wonder how to arrange the furniture in the room chosen for these purposes. A classic version of a set of furniture for an office: a desk with a work chair, a filing cabinet or library, a cabinet for office equipment. If this is a home office and you plan to receive visitors, then add a table for meetings and negotiations and armchairs for visitors or a soft corner if the room has sufficient space.

Desk It is better to place it so that the person sitting behind him is facing the person entering. If a cabinet for office equipment is equipped with casters, it can be easily moved away when not in use or even pushed under a table or into a cabinet. This will save space. The work and reception areas are visually separated by the arrangement of furniture. The reception area may contain chairs for visitors and a small table or a group of two sofas (a sofa and armchairs). For meetings, another table with chairs, arranged in the shape of the letter T, is attached to the manager’s desk. This way, everyone sitting can see and hear each other perfectly. Typically, filing cabinets or a library are located either behind desk, forming a background for it, or on the sides. For a study or office, the choice of furniture and its quality are very important, as this is an indicator of the status of the owner. Respectable men prefer massive furniture made of natural wood, young people are limited to light modern ones made of plastic or combined materials, a woman can afford a more elegant environment.

It is desirable that all the furniture be from the same set or harmonize with each other, but if the center of the composition is an antique object, then the rest of the furnishings are designed to play with it. A fireplace will add special chic to the office; even an electric imitation will look very dignified.

The coziness and comfort of a family’s stay, a special mood that unites all members, depends on how correctly the furniture is chosen and rationally arranged in an apartment or house. As the British say, “my home is my castle.”