Plaster or drywall: what to choose. Which is better - plaster or drywall

GKL or plaster?

Not very simple and even, one might say, philosophical question in the field of construction and finishing works: what to choose for interior decoration walls - drywall or plaster? Drywall today is very popular both in the West and in Russia, and there are many more specialists in working with drywall than good plasterers. However, plaster is still very much in demand. What is the reason for this: just with the conservative tastes of some specialists and their clients, or is it still with the advantages of plaster? Let's try to understand and answer main question: which is better - drywall or plaster?


Plastering is a type of finishing work aimed at creating a flat surface for its subsequent finishing.

Mixtures and mortars for plaster are made from lime (for example, the Tanilit plaster-lime mixture from StroyBrig), gypsum (for example, Volma Stroy gypsum plaster from Volma) or cement (such, for example, dry mix m 150 from Baustrol) with the addition of special substances that give the plaster additional properties.

There are several types of plaster: first of all, it conventional plasters used for interior and exterior decorating. Such plasters are divided into simple and improved, and depending on the presence of special additives - into sound-absorbing and waterproofing.

Plaster is also decorative - These are colored plasters, in which, among other things, pigments or "colors" are added.

Plasters are also distinguished by the basis - it can be aqueous or non-aqueous. The latter include polyurethanes as binding elements (for all types of work) and epoxy resins(mostly for internal works). Plaster mixes on not water based more often used for applying the so-called textured plaster.

Plaster: advantages

1. Plastered walls, subject to quality work, do not require repair (with the exception of finishing) for many years (up to 30 years or more).

2. Plaster is not as expensive as you might think. Comparing plaster and drywall , or rather, their cost, we came to the conclusion that materials for plaster are almost 2 times cheaper. The work itself is also in most cases cheaper (on average 10-30 percent cheaper than drywall installation).

However, the work of a good plasterer is valued higher. But even in this scenario, plaster will cost less, or the cost will be the same.

4. Well-plastered walls are strong, durable and impact resistant.

5. If the walls are plastered, there is no problem if you need to hang something on them. Drywall, on the other hand, may not withstand high loads, so for hanging heavy objects or you have to strengthen it.

Plaster: disadvantages

1. Plaster involves carrying out "wet" work, while GKL installation (plasterboard sheets) is a "dry" job. If one has to choose between dry and wet work, the former is more often preferred for obvious reasons.

2. Plastering can take a long time- it depends, first of all, on the initial quality of the walls and the experience of the plasterer. Installation of drywall usually proceeds without difficulty, regardless of the quality of the walls, and requires significantly less time.

3. If the walls are uneven, plastering can be quite expensive. But the cost of installing GKL practically does not correlate with the quality of the walls.

4. It is difficult for a non-specialist to control the quality of the plasterer's work and to identify technology violations in time.

Drywall for walls

Drywall is called dry gypsum plaster and, accordingly, its main counterpart. It is he who is preferred by most Europeans and Americans.

The result of using drywall for wall decoration– a perfectly flat surface suitable for any finish.

Drywall is a sheet with an inner layer of gypsum and several outer layers of cardboard. GKL is intended for interior decoration of walls and ceilings, as well as for creating wall and in dry rooms and in rooms with normal humidity.

However, there is also moisture resistant drywall . Moisture-resistant GKL can be used in more humid rooms, but it is still not recommended to use it for. In the bathroom, even moisture-resistant plasterboard after 5-10 years needs to be replaced.

Drywall: advantages

1. Finishing the walls with drywall involves dry work only as opposed to plaster.

2. Drywall has good soundproofing properties What can not be said about the plaster.

3. Drywall capable absorb excess moisture and release it again, that's why plasterboard walls called breathable.

4. Using drywall, you can easily create interesting, intricate curves and designs on walls and ceilings. Drywall can be bent, so even curved lines are available.

All this is easily implemented thanks to drywall.

5. Finish the walls with drywall faster and easier than plaster.

6. Between the drywall and the base wall, you can lay insulation- this is especially in demand when decorating walls in cold rooms (balconies, loggias, verandas, etc.).

Drywall: disadvantages

1. First and most main disadvantagereduction in space, since drywall is attached, as a rule, not to the wall itself, but to the crate.

2. Drywall on the walls is not fine finish . Subsequent puttying of the seams is required, as well as finishing.

3. It is impossible to hang very heavy pieces of furniture or equipment on drywall, so drywall walls have to be strengthened or laid in advance additional elements crates in those places where the object will hang. If you want to rearrange and outweigh, for example, you will have to solve the issue of strengthening.

When is drywall best?

1. If needed finish faster, it is worth giving preference to drywall. It's not just that plastering is more difficult. The plaster must dry before it can be finished.

2. If needed hide engineering Communication, wiring etc., it will help to do this drywall sheathing. In this case, there is no need to resort to wall chasing.

3. If the differences in the walls are large, plastering work will be complex and expensive. And it is not a fact that in this situation the results of the work will fully satisfy you. Thus, the worse the initial state of the walls, the greater the benefits of drywall.

4. If needed insulate the walls, it is worth giving preference to drywall - its installation on the crate allows you to lay insulation. However, due to the characteristics of drywall, associated with the absorption of moisture both from the inside of the room and from the outside, it is necessary to use a vapor barrier film for insulation.

Insulated walls

5. When decorating walls with drywall, it is much easier control the quality of work. Sometimes it matters.

6. If you prefer staining as a finishing wall, give preference to drywall, since, unlike plaster, microcracks do not occur on it.

Drywall or plaster for wall decoration.

When is plaster best?

1. If you choose decoration for a summer residence, which in winter period heated from time to time, it is better to give preference to plaster. Since for drywall this may not have the best consequences.

2. If room is very small, choose plaster, as this finish practically does not eat up valuable centimeters, unlike drywall on the crate.

3. In some, plaster is relevant as a wall finish (for example, in the style of Provence, Antique, etc.). If you have chosen one of these styles, consider applying decorative textured plaster: this is both wall alignment and finishing.

Decorative plaster on the walls

4. In those rooms where they will hanging very heavy objects(for example, a large water heater in the bathroom), it is better to plaster the walls. AT very damp areas it is also better to use plaster - this finish will last much longer.

Building a new house or repairing an old one, updating an apartment or restoring damaged walls invariably lead to the need to start repairs. A few decades ago, construction work to level walls would have been reduced to plastering them. Today, this option has a worthy competitor - drywall. This is where the dilemma arises: which is better - drywall or plaster?

There is no single answer to this question. In each case, the owner will have to decide for himself what to purchase. The choice will become obvious only after reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of each building material.

What is drywall?

This material was invented at the end of the 19th century in America. But then it was not widely used. Over time, choosing which is better - drywall or plaster, more and more people began to give preference to drywall. Since the middle of the next century, its use has spread throughout the world, it also appeared in the USSR.

Drywall is a building material. It consists of two sheets of cardboard and an inner layer of hardened gypsum dough between them. Used plasterboard for the ceiling, for inner lining walls and to create interior partitions. Not suitable for external works and for rooms with high humidity. Of course, you can level the walls with drywall, but after a few years the appearance of these walls will deteriorate. After a maximum of 6-8 years, the repair will have to be repeated.

Manufacturers produce drywall sheets of three main standard sizes. The width is one - 1200 millimeters, and the length can be 2, 2.5 or 3 meters. Sheet thickness comes in two sizes: 9.5 or 12.5 mm.

Responding to consumer requests, manufacturers have launched three types drywall: standard drywall sheets (GKL), waterproof drywall (GKLV) and fire-resistant drywall (GKLO).

Waterproof sheets are distinguished by the addition of special substances against fungi to the gypsum core. Gypsum in fire-resistant sheets is reinforced with clay and fiberglass reinforcement. Thanks to the fire-resistant properties of these materials, a drywall sheet can withstand an open fire for an hour without spreading it and smoke. The buyer can distinguish types of drywall by color staining sheets: if it is gray, then it is ordinary drywall, green marking indicates water-resistant material, and pink indicates fire resistance.

What is plaster?

For a long time, the alignment of walls and ceilings was carried out with plaster. it mortar used for finishing the inside or outside of the walls, as well as the ceiling. Plaster also refers to the hardened layer obtained by applying it to the walls. Three are usually distinguished:

  1. Normal - used to level the surface of the walls and protect them from negative impact environment. Walls can be processed both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Special - provides by adding certain components different characteristics: heat-saving, soundproof, X-ray protective, waterproofing.
  3. Decorative - at the final stage of finishing walls or ceilings, it gives an aesthetically attractive appearance to the surface. There are colored, silk, Venetian, stone and others.

Ordinary plaster may have different composition: lime, gypsum or cement-sand mixture.

Lime mortar is a mass of lime and sand in a ratio of 1:4. You can add cement for strength. The environmentally friendly mixture is quickly applied, used for outdoor work. Cement-sand mass in a ratio of 1: 4 can be applied to external and inner sides walls. This solution will be able to even out large flaws, the plaster layer does not collapse for several decades. used for interior work. The coating is even and white, suitable for finishing in any variant: wallpaper, painting, tile.

Advantages of drywall

In order to determine which is better - drywall or plaster, you need to learn about the pros and cons of each type of finishing materials. Drywall has a number of advantages that plaster does not reach:

  1. All finishing work with drywall is accompanied by a minimum of dirt, as the material is dry and does not require moisture.
  2. Aligning the walls with this material does not require special skills, it is carried out quickly. It is not difficult to use drywall for the ceiling.
  3. GKL sheathing provides sound insulation from external extraneous noise. The use of special fire-resistant drywall provides fire prevention.
  4. The ability of drywall to absorb excess moisture allows the walls to "breathe".
  5. An empty space is formed between the sheathing sheet and the wall, which can be usefully used. There you can hide communications or fill with insulation.
  6. Drywall sheets bend well. This allows you to design an original design on the walls and ceilings from this material.

Disadvantages of drywall

Like any material, it has disadvantages. The cons include:

  • reduction of usable space inside the room, because the sheets are attached to the crate;
  • wall upholstery with drywall is only part of the finishing work: you still need to putty the seams and apply finishing material;
  • drywall walls cannot hold a heavy shelf or cabinet hung on them; for this, additional elements must be laid under the sheet.

Advantages of plaster

It is not for nothing that plaster is called the old, proven way of leveling walls and ceilings. It can compete with the visible virtues of drywall when choosing a material: which is better - drywall or plaster? The material has remained in demand for so long because the advantages of plastered walls cannot be overlooked.

  1. Durability is the main advantage of plaster. The work carried out, subject to all technologies, allows you to forget about problems with irregularities for at least thirty years. Wallpaper, painting, whitewashing will have to be updated more often.
  2. A wall lined with plaster is strong, withstands impacts, and is reliable.
  3. It can withstand almost any load: furniture, electrical equipment or a picture in a heavy antique frame.
  4. Keeps the same area of ​​the room, without reducing it by a few centimeters on each side.
  5. Electricians are allowed to use single-insulated wires on plastered walls.

Material disadvantages

Plaster is good, but it is not without its drawbacks:

  • Wall plastering is carried out by adding water, so it is accompanied by a huge amount of dirt.
  • Plastering is a slow business. It takes time to apply the material, then it dries. And only then you can start finishing. This may take three weeks or more.
  • Accepting the work done by the plasterer, the customer can easily not notice the flaws. A non-professional is often unable to verify the correctness of compliance with the technology. Among the builders, there are many who want to carry out plaster work. The price at the same time depends on the level of skill and responsibility of the specialist.

Decorating a room with drywall

Plaster well and reliably hides irregularities on the walls. Drywall is capable of more - it can transform a space. When plastering, a box is obtained with an ideal smooth walls. Drywall design knows no boundaries. The most common options are: two- or three-level ceilings, room zoning, creating arches or columns. You can transform any room, from the bedroom to the hallway. Interesting ideas offer masters for decorating a bedroom, nursery, living room.

The cost of plaster and drywall

Comparison of the price of drywall and composite components for plaster shows a significant cheapness of the second material by almost two times. But from the source materials it is necessary to prepare a mixture, and then apply it to the wall. Drywall is ready to use, the sheet looks great. It is easy to lift and carry, it is light.

It is not difficult to calculate the required number of sheets of drywall. It is enough to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and ceilings in each room. Even a master can miscalculate with the right amount of plaster. Much depends on the condition of the walls. If they are in a deplorable state, then you will have to increase the consumption of materials. Hence, the question of what is cheaper - drywall or plaster, can be answered with confidence that the second material is more affordable.

Salary of specialists

The cost of cladding walls with drywall and plastering them is approximately the same. There is another problem here: to find a good master. Of course, it will cost more, but the game is worth the candle.

There are construction companies that demand quite high prices - up to 4 dollars for processing one square meter. In this case, the length of the tool is not specified. An experienced plasterer for that kind of money will work only with a one and a half meter spatula. The customer must understand that this option is preferable for him. The work of a high-class professional will cost much more: from $20 per square meter.

Align walls or ceilings with drywall will be much cheaper. So, on average, the installation of drywall (price per square meter) is about 5 dollars. Additional expenses will be required for smoothing the joints of sheets, for facing drywall. It's still cheaper than plastering.

Comparison of these prices unequivocally gives an answer to the question of what is more profitable - plaster or drywall. Plaster will cost less.

Making a choice

Plaster and drywall have common features. Let's see which ones. Drywall is not in vain called He is able to align the walls without unnecessary difficulties. Both types of finishing material are made from environmentally friendly components. Therefore they are harmless.

If we compare the speed of work, then drywall will be the undisputed leader. At the same time, you can work with it already at +5 degrees. For plaster you need a warmer temperature regime. When comparing the service life, the leadership will remain with the plaster. A small caveat: if the procedure for applying it was carried out correctly.

For a quick completion of the repair, it is better to choose the installation of drywall. Price per sq. m will also be lower, which is important. Preference should be given to drywall if you need to hide utilities or large flaws in the walls. Additional insulation also possible when mounting this material.

Plaster is preferable in the country, because in winter there is no constant heating. A small room finished with drywall will become even smaller. The plaster will save the area from shrinking. And, of course, for rooms with heavy objects on the walls, this material is a win-win option.


Here are the conclusions. The decision on what is right for you - wall decoration with plaster or drywall, take on your own. Successful repair!

Finishing work indoors often involves the need to level the walls. Usually, for these purposes, various plaster compositions or drywall. The resulting coatings differ in quality, load-bearing capacity and possibilities for decoration. To understand which is better: plaster or drywall, you need to learn more about these materials.

Plaster is the general name for a group of materials that are used to create a smooth surface by applying a certain layer. They can be made on the basis of cement, gypsum, lime or clay. Sand or other mineral fillers are added to the binder. Special additives are also used to increase the viscosity and plasticity of the material. Some additives serve to speed up or slow down the drying of plasters.

These materials are primarily divided into plasters for exterior or interior use. They can also be divided into subspecies, depending on the quality of the coating after the solution dries. In addition, there are compositions for heat and sound insulation. In most cases, plasters are white or grey colour, but some decorative mixtures add color during production. The material can be supplied in dry powder form in bags of 25 and 50 kg. Also have ready solutions, which are sold in plastic containers of various sizes.

Plaster is the general name for a group of materials that can differ significantly both in texture and appearance, and in terms of performance

If speak about positive aspects of this material, the following stand out in particular:

  1. Long service life. Subject to the manufacturing technology and application to the walls, plaster can last up to 30 years. In this case, we are talking about a rough leveling finish, the decorative one serves 2 times less.
  2. Compared to drywall, the purchase of plastering materials will cost a little less. You can save approximately 50% of your budget if you use inexpensive cement mixtures for leveling surfaces and a thin decorative layer. If we take into account the cost of work, then plastering, in the end, costs 10-20% less.
  3. After drying, the wall becomes durable and protected from various influences. This allows you to hang decor items, furniture or appliances on it. At the same time, drywall will not be able to withstand serious mechanical loads, so this possibility disappears.

Plastered walls look very aesthetically pleasing and are completely ready for decorative finishing.

The main disadvantage of plasters is the complexity of working with them. The mixture must first be properly prepared, brought to the desired consistency, and then transferred to the surface to be treated in a limited period of time. Serious preparatory work before plastering. Plasters take a long time to dry, usually taking 2 weeks to a month to get the job done from start to finish. Violation of the drying technology leads to damage to the coating, so you will have to wait in any case.

Too much blockage of the wall or a significant number of defects is difficult to fix with plaster. This requires a lot of solution, which leads to additional expenses. Also, one layer of plaster should not exceed 25 mm, and between them there should be a reinforcing mesh, which complicates the work. We should also not forget that it will be difficult for an inexperienced master to determine the quality of the solution and finished coating, so flaws during application are inevitable.

In some cases, wall plastering requires a reinforcing mesh and a large consumption of mortar.

Drywall Features

Drywall is sometimes referred to as "dry plaster" because it is the closest thing to it. AT Western countries they prefer plasterboard finishing to work with plasters, but in our latitudes they are used to the same extent. Drywall is sheets of thick hard paper, between which there is a layer of gypsum. It is designed for leveling surfaces, thermal insulation or masking engineering communications in rooms with a normal level of humidity.

On a note! For bathrooms, basements and other wet areas, it is recommended to use a special GKL with a polymer layer that is protected from harmful effects water.

For rooms with high humidity, it is better to use GKL with a polymer layer

Simple drywall will last about 15 years under normal conditions, moisture resistant in the bathroom will need to be replaced after about 7 years. After mounting the sheets of material, a perfectly flat surface is obtained, which can be decorated in any way.

Of the advantages of this material, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Drywall - already ready product which just needs to be installed. The work is not associated with the appearance of a large amount of debris and pollution.
  2. This material does not require additional sound insulation, since it itself blocks sound.
  3. Drywall is able to quickly gain and release moisture, so it does not accumulate under the surface.
  4. With it, you can finish not only smooth coatings, but also create intricate bends, decorate an interior opening in the form of an arch, and so on.
  5. Installation of drywall takes much less time than applying the plaster composition.
  6. A heater, for example, mineral wool, can be laid between the GKL sheets and the surface to be treated in order to use the space efficiently.

First and main negative trait GKL is a decrease in the internal volume of the room. The fact is that sheets of material are not installed immediately on the wall, but on metal crate. In addition, the installed drywall cannot be considered a finished finish. It will require puttying the seams between the sheets, painting, tiling or wallpapering.

Installation of a frame for drywall significantly reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room

It is important to remember that drywall is quite brittle material, therefore, furniture or heavy equipment cannot be hung on the walls finished with it. This shortcoming can be partially offset by setting additional mounts on the crate before the direct installation of the sheets, but if this is not done first, then the material will have to be dismantled to strengthen the wall.

When is drywall better than plaster?

GKL installation is preferable in cases where the wall is littered with more than 80 mm, it has many cracks, potholes, sagging, uneven joints, chips and other defects that are inherent in concrete and brick structures. Also, this material is more suitable than plaster mix when repairs need to be completed quickly. Even the inexperienced House master will cope with the lining of the ceiling and walls in 2-3 days. Professional plasterers also work quickly, but you still need to wait for drying.

On a note! Drywall is a material for home craftsmen who do not have special education and rich experience in finishing works. The entire installation process comes down to drilling holes and installing fasteners.

This finish is suitable in cases where there is no possibility or desire to ditch the walls. All engineering communications can be masked using sheets of this material. If the pipes and wiring do not go in the natural gap between the plasterboard and the wall, then insulation can be laid in it. Commonly used mineral wool because it is not very expensive, but effective.

A layer of insulation inside the drywall frame creates additional heat and sound insulation of the room

If you plan to decorate surfaces with staining, then it is better to use drywall instead of plaster. Microcracks do not appear on the sheets, so the finish layer will not suffer. Also, this material can be installed in conditions of high humidity and low temperature, which cannot be said about plaster.

When is stucco better than drywall?

Subject to the manufacturing and application technologies, the resulting coating of plaster mixtures has a significant level of mechanical strength, so if you plan to hang large furniture and appliances on the wall, or there is a possibility of damage, you must abandon the gypsum board and plaster the surfaces. Also plaster better fit where there is a significant risk of flooding, or simply in damp areas. If such a nuisance happens, then the drywall will become unusable, and the plastered surface will simply dry out.

Even the heaviest tiles can be installed on plastered walls. Also, plaster is better suited if the walls have a small number of defects. It is not recommended to use drywall in tight spaces, as it will take away an already cramped space.

Plaster is great for leveling walls and saves space.

Do I need to plaster drywall under the wallpaper?

In some cases, you do not have to choose what better plaster or drywall, but on the contrary, use both of these materials together. The fact is that when pasting GKL with wallpaper without prior preparation roll material it will firmly stick to the cardboard, so it will be possible to change the finish coat only together with drywall. The layer of plaster under the wallpaper should be minimal, just to create a small layer.

The cost of materials and work

To understand which is better: plaster or drywall, you can resort to calculating the cost of materials and work.

Let's say there is a room 3x4x2.5 m. For plasterboard sheathing, you will need the following:

  • Drywall sheets in the amount of 20 pieces - the approximate cost is 7000 rubles.
  • Reiki and steps for battens - 40 pieces of both - 4000 r.
  • Two packs of dowels - 400 r.
  • Five packs of self-tapping screws - 400 r.
  • Serpyanka - 100 rubles.
  • Primer (10 l) - 620 rubles.
  • Putty (3 bags) - 1200 r.

At the moment good master on average will take 500 r. per square meter, since 35 square meters will need to be processed. m, the cost of work - 17500r. The total amount is 31220 rubles.

Plaster or drywall: cost difference is negligible, time difference is large

For plastering:

  • 10 cans of primer - 6000 r.
  • 24 bags of plaster - 4560 rubles.
  • 3 bags finishing plaster- 600 r.

The cost of work is 600 rubles. per square meter. The plasterer will have to pay 21,000 rubles. The total cost of the work is 32160.

The difference in cost is insignificant, but in time it is very large. If you plan to quickly complete the repair, it is better to opt for drywall. If thorough repair actions are required, then it is better to choose plaster.

Each person has their own opinion on the issue of surface finishing in the apartment. To do right choice, it is important to consider the properties and characteristics building materials used in wall decoration. However, we note that there are more masters who create plasterboard masterpieces than good plasterers.

Drywall or plaster?

This material is also called dry plaster, because it contains a dry mixture of gypsum. The outer part is pressed cardboard. Among other finishing building materials in the US and Europe, drywall is in the lead. It is convenient to use it for leveling walls, as it gives a smooth, even surface. After installing drywall, the surface only needs to be covered with putty, and then apply the finishing method of your choice.

Plasterboard align walls and ceilings indoors, create various designs. The main thing - normal humidity in room. High humidity adversely affects the material, but there is an alternative in this situation. There are sheets that, to a certain extent, withstand high humidity - GKLv. But no matter what drywall is chosen, anyone will help to realize unusual fantasies, being in the hands of a good master.

Advantages of drywall

  1. Sheathing surfaces with dry plaster is easy. Almost everyone can do this without resorting to the help of professionals.
  2. Drywall levels surfaces with deviations up to 6 cm - best result than plaster.
  3. They work with the material without being distracted by breaks, while the drying of the layers of plaster has to wait.
  4. Drywall installation is clean work, after which there is no strong dust, dirt, as happens when mixing plaster.
  5. Communications are hidden under sheets of dry gypsum: electrical wires, communication cables, pipes.

When creating a frame between the wall and drywall sheets, there is room for insulation, which allows you to keep warm in the room.

Free of dust, dirt and other debris

Positive characteristics

  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Regulates indoor humidity.
  • Let air through.
  • Serves as an energy-saving and soundproofing material.
  • It does not create problems in processing, it is easy to work with it.
  • With proper handling, it bends and helps to create structures of complex shapes.
  • It is intended for alignment of surfaces and division of space.
  • Mounted using a profile and adhesive method.
  • Helps create interesting schemes lighting with built-in luminaires.


  1. On surfaces leveled with this building material, it is undesirable to place heavy objects.
  2. Finishing with dry plaster is not the final stage; you still need to walk on the surface with putty or decorate the walls in other ways.
  3. Reduces the volume of the room.
  4. Installed sheets are fragile, you will have to avoid mechanical damage.


This is a finishing material designed for leveling walls and ceilings. A plaster mixture is made from gypsum or cement, lime with the addition of additives that give the material additional properties.

Types of plaster

In turn, they are divided into ordinary and improved mixtures. In the latter, waterproofing and sound-absorbing substances are added. Exist decorative plasters containing coloring pigments.

Creating a decorative coating

Plaster mixtures are produced on a water basis and contain epoxy resins and polyurethanes. The latter are most often used only for surface treatment indoors.

Advantages of plaster

  1. After leveling with wet plaster, no repair is required long years(except for finishing).
  2. This option is cheaper than drywall.
  3. Surfaces after plastering become durable, strong, reliable, resistant to damage, scratches, dents.
  4. After plastering, it is allowed to drive nails into the walls or hang heavy objects.
  5. Plaster creates textured surfaces.
  6. When using plaster on a wall the homogeneous, moisture resistant layer is formed.
  7. You do not have to process the seams that remain after applying drywall.

Positive characteristics of plaster

  • The material is moisture resistant.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • Environmentally friendly, vapor permeable, fireproof, non-shrink, heat-insulating, sound-proof.
  • Plastered walls do not need post-treatment.

Disadvantages of plaster

  1. The process of applying the mixture to any surface is long, with breaks for drying the layer.
  2. The more irregularities, the higher the material consumption.
  3. In order to avoid cracks in the surface, it is sometimes necessary to apply a reinforcing mesh, which increases costs.

To plaster the walls, you will need an experienced craftsman, since it is very difficult to cope with this task yourself.


  • If you have to level too curved walls, it is important to understand that the consumption of wet plaster will be very high. It is better to use drywall.
  • Drywall makes the walls perfectly flat. With further finishing, the consumption of the material used is reduced. When leveling the walls with wet plaster, it is not necessary to putty the walls if you are going to glue thick wallpapers. Otherwise, you will have to smooth the surface.
  • A good plasterer is much more difficult to find than a person to level the walls with drywall. As a rule, professional plasterers have a schedule in advance. And often the master has no desire to take on a small amount of work, since they are in demand and there is a choice.
  • If you plaster the walls, then it will not work to calculate exactly how much material will go away. With drywall, you will calculate everything to the centimeter.

  • Drywall allows you to make extraordinary ledges, multi-level structures, creative elements.
  • A layer of plaster requires a certain temperature to dry.
  • Cardboard is afraid of high humidity, and if you buy moisture resistant, it will cost more.

Looking at finishing options uneven walls, and after weighing all the pros and cons, you can make a choice - plaster or drywall. When choosing, it is important to take into account the cost of work and material, technological difficulties and deadlines. construction works. Determine what is more important to you - extra centimeters or insulation.

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In this article, we will answer a frequently asked question in the construction and finishing industry: what drywall is better or plaster? Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, however, after evaluating the answers of experts and just amateur builders, we have formed some thoughts on this matter. To begin with, let's look at the pros and cons of the presented finishing materials.

Pros and cons of materials

Drywall is a very popular material, both in the West and in the East. However, good specialists who really know how to create miracles with drywall much more than master plasterers. But cement-sand plaster has the right to life, it has many fans, it is no less in demand. Does this have anything to do with its miraculous properties or with the fact that some clients and contractors have a conservative view of the repair work?


Often, drywall is called dry plaster from gypsum, which is part of it. Today it is a leader in building materials in the US and Europe. Correct work with it will provide your walls with a perfectly flat surface, which is perfect for finishing any kind of finish.

Drywall is a sheet with gypsum inside, its outer layer is cardboard. The material is intended for finishing ceilings and walls from the inside of the room. In addition, the sheet can be used to create wall or ceiling structures inside the house, it is only important that the humidity in the house is at a normal level - an increased rate does not have the most positive effect on plasterboard structures.

However, this problem has been solved - there is a special moisture-resistant drywall, which is used in rooms with high humidity. However, if the humidity is too high, even moisture-resistant drywall needs to be replaced after five to seven years, it will look completely different due to constant exposure to moisture.

Whatever drywall you choose, ordinary or moisture resistant, it will be an excellent space for the realization of the most unusual fantasies. On your own or with the help of a specialist, you can create almost any designs and patterns from it.

Drywall is an excellent finishing material, which in the hands of a talented craftsman turns into clay, in the hands of a sculptor.

Now we can highlight the advantages of drywall:

  • has excellent soundproofing performance;
  • finishing work using drywall - dry and without excess dirt;
  • helps to create the most interesting designs on the ceiling and wall, due to the fact that it bends easily and beautifully;
  • walls made of can "breathe" and absorb excess moisture;
  • installation is much easier and faster than finishing the wall with plaster;
  • insulation can be placed between the wall and drywall.

The disadvantages of drywall are few:

  • it is highly undesirable to hang heavy objects on a drywall wall;
  • finishing the wall with drywall is not the final stage, after finishing, the wall still needs to be decorated or decorated in some other way. (This item, most likely, is not even a minus of this material, but the specifics of working with it).


Plaster is both a type of finishing work and a material. Nowadays, cement-sand plaster is more often used for finishing work. Some types of plaster can be used as a surface finish, which is very convenient if too much time is allocated for repairs.

For many years, plaster has not lost its relevance, properly applied, it is safe for health and durable.

Plasters are different, the most popular types:

  • Normal. Widely used for indoor and outdoor. It happens both improved and simple. Plaster can be given a moisture- or sound-absorbing effect with various additives;
  • Decorative. It's plaster different color in which various pigments and colors are added.

Plasters can also differ due to the basis, which can be non-aqueous or aqueous.

In non-aqueous species, there are polyurethanes, they play the role of binding particles. These types of plaster are in demand in all types finishing work. Epoxy resins can be added to them, and if there are such additives, then these compounds are used exclusively for interior work. In addition, non-aqueous based plaster is used for applying textured plaster.

If you are interested in DIY plaster, then you should know that it can be done both water-based and non-water-based. It all depends on your preferences and the desired result.

I would also like to mention the advantages of plaster:

  • If everything was done correctly, “in good faith”, taking into account the application technologies, then the walls finished with plaster will not need to be repaired for at least twenty to thirty years.
  • The cost of plastering is several times lower than the cost of drywall, but if you use the services of a master plasterer, you still have to fork out. But even taking into account such expenses, the price of plaster will not be higher than the price of drywall, maximum - the same costs.
  • A well-finished plaster wall is impact-resistant, strong and reliable.
  • On a wall covered with plaster, you can hang whatever your heart desires: paintings, lamps, bedside tables, and, as you remember, drywall cannot withstand high loads.

If you are not confident in your abilities and have never experienced the plastering process before, it makes sense to turn to a professional. Otherwise, you risk getting an inaccurate and not durable result.

Like drywall, plaster has minor drawbacks:

  • The plastering process is a “wet process”, meaning there will be a lot of dirt, while the plasterboarding process is dry and clean. Sometimes this indicator is decisive, and a person, in the question of which is better - drywall or plaster, prefers the first.
  • Applying plaster is a lengthy process, the experience of the worker and the quality of the surface to be plastered play a big role. With drywall, everything is much simpler - installation is quite simple, the condition of the walls is practically not important, so everything happens faster.
  • If the condition of the walls is very poor, a lot of plaster will go to level it.
  • A person who has not previously dealt with such issues is unlikely to be able to do everything himself.

What the experts say

Drywall or plaster? - a provocative question, and I would not like to single out either one or the other way of decorating the room, because each of them finds its admirer.

This finishing method, like plaster, appeared a very long time ago, much earlier than drywall, and remains incredibly popular today. Most commonly used cement plaster, but as it turned out, it is better to use gypsum or lime for finishing the room. Gypsum can "breathe" better than cement or lime. It is environmentally cleaner, and this is very important for human health, especially if there are children in the house. Cementitious is usually applied on facades, not in residential buildings and rooms with high humidity.

What is drywall made of? From gypsum, and this, as we have already said, is environmentally friendly natural material, which does not affect human health in a negative way. Gypsum is covered with cardboard.