The cabins are insulated. Insulation of a country change house How to insulate the floor in a change house

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Modern industry produces a large number of change houses different types, size, purpose. They are equipped with advanced technical devices, are as comfortable as possible, are used both for temporary and permanent residence, however, are quite expensive.

Possessing simple skills in working with a tool, it is enough just to make a change house with your own hands. To do this, you can use wood, plastic, metal sheets, painted or galvanized corrugated board. In order to feel comfortable in such a change house, you should consider effective system insulation. This is important not only for those who plan to use it in winter period.

AT summer heat in it it will be possible to hide from the exhausting heat, in the spring slush, autumn bad weather - to warm up, cook food, relax in a warm and cozy room. An additional advantage of insulation is significant savings in heating costs and maintaining the desired temperature in the change house.

How to insulate a house

The trading network offers big choice heaters different systems insulation. Considering that there is no need to use expensive materials for a change house, varieties of mineral wool, fiberglass insulation, polyurethane, and foam plastic may become the most acceptable.

These materials are easy to install, inexpensive, and light in weight. With their help, the issue of improving the noise and sound insulation of the room is additionally solved.

Styrofoam. Often used for inexpensive insulation different rooms, with its help you can make a thermal protection of a change house for a summer residence. It has a very low thermal conductivity, does not rot, and is resistant to moisture. It should be noted that inexpensive types of foam have low strength, can be painted and destroyed over time. In the case of choosing this material, it is better to stop at more expensive varieties of increased density or extruded polystyrene foam, which have a much longer service life and quality parameters.

Polyurethane foam. This insulating material is inexpensive, is good insulation. By applying it with a construction gun, you can achieve high degree sealing cracks, holes, joints, hard-to-reach areas.

Mineral, basalt or glass wool. These insulation materials are widely represented by numerous offers from different manufacturers. They are issued different sizes, density, can be in mats or rolls. Given that the volume of the change house will decrease by the thickness of the insulation, you can use a heater of 50.75 mm, but the recommended size is 100 mm. Such types of insulation are easy to use, retain heat well, and are used as sound insulation.

An important condition for their use is protection against moisture and condensation. This is due to the fact that damp cotton wool has a sharp decrease in heat-shielding properties. Therefore, it should be protected from the inside of the room with a vapor barrier, and from the outside - covered with a wind barrier. The vapor barrier will not allow moisture from inside the change house to penetrate into the insulation, and the wind barrier will protect it from getting precipitation and will facilitate the removal of condensate moisture.

Basic requirements for insulation

In order for the funds and efforts spent to lead to the expected result, some rules for warming the change house should be observed:

  • existing joints, cracks in the walls, at the installation sites of windows and doors should be carefully sealed;
  • in addition to walls, it is necessary to insulate the ceiling and floor of the room;
  • provide for the installation of ventilation hatches or openings in the walls so that excess moisture does not accumulate inside, mold and fungus do not form;
  • in the case of installing a change house on piles or posts, it is necessary to close up the free space between the ground and the floor using bricks, blocks, roofing material or other materials to eliminate drafts under the change house and create an air space that can become additional protection from heat loss;
  • at the installation sites heating appliances to fix aluminum foil or other sheet reflective materials that increase the flow of heat into the room.

Insulation installation

For correct fastening Insulation uses wooden bars or slats that are installed vertically, to which the materials of the insulation system are attached in a strictly defined sequence, starting from the wall of the change house:

  • vapor permeable wind and hydroprotective membrane or wind barrier;
  • mineral wool (basalt, glass wool);
  • vapor barrier;
  • decorative interior decoration- upholstery.

With accuracy and patience, it is easy to insulate the change house on your own. Modern materials make it possible to inexpensively, quickly and easily turn a cold, damp room into cozy room for temporary or permanent residence. And beautiful decorative coating from wood or plastic lining, sheets of fiberboard, plastic, drywall, OSB or plywood, will help create a stylish interior inside the change house.

There are, which differ in building materials for manufacturing: wood, metal and combined options. The heat insulator is selected separately for a specific type, taking into account its specifications. The types of heaters and thermal insulation of the outbuildings will be discussed in the article.

General rules for thermal insulation

To properly insulate a wooden outbuilding, follow certain rules.

  1. First, we prevent heat loss through the roof - we cover the structure with a special film. Only after that it is possible to lay the roof in the form of corrugated board or ondulin.
  2. To increase heat resistance, MDF panels are used, installed on special profiles. We fill the free space with a heat insulator of your choice.

Change houses made of metal have high stability to mechanical and other influences. Metal carcass completely protected from moisture by a special flooring. But the roof of the outbuilding is often subject to corrosive processes. To prevent corrosion, it should be treated with a polymer-based coating or paint and varnish products.

Wall structures are sheathed with clapboard, block house or plastic panels. Mineral wool or polyurethane foam act as heat insulators. To prevent heat loss, cracks and joints are sealed with a grooved board. Combined outbuildings are insulated in the same way.

Materials for insulation

A change house without insulation will not perform all the functions and tasks for which it is intended. Therefore, you should carefully consider and select the insulation technology, as well as select the appropriate insulator.

The modern market provides a lot of heat insulating materials. Let's consider the most common in detail.

Such a heat insulator is mainly used to insulate the walls of outbuildings. Styrofoam insulation is beneficial when finishing wooden cabins. The material is resistant to moisture, simple and easy to install. Foam insulation has disadvantages: short term operation and large volume for good insulation, and with low-quality products - significant heat loss. Several layers of foam plastic will reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and improper operation of the structure will lead to a fire.

Mineral wool and fiberglass

The advantages of materials are fire safety and excellent thermal insulation characteristics, subject to all the requirements of the technological process. If you mount several layers of heat insulator, then the acoustic properties of the rooms will increase. Disadvantages - the constituent components are harmful to health.

These fibers are produced through careful processing. rocks basalt. In the construction market, a common form of material is slabs, which are easy to cut to size and lay. The heat insulator is completely resistant to fire and does not lend itself to deformation processes for a long time. Easy-to-use material will not take up much free space, so the area of ​​​​the change house will remain almost the same. The disadvantage is the many seams that remain after the installation of thermal insulation.

This heat-insulating material is the most widespread and effective for warming of economic constructions. There are 2 types: liquid and hard. Experts recommend using the second option to increase the heat capacity exterior finish the buildings. It is great for strengthening the roofing system and the outer part of the walls. With the help of the unique structure of polyurethane foam, it is possible to disguise possible defects roofing system and increase the temperature in the building.

PPU is sometimes applied in a different way - by spraying on the lining inside the premises. It fills all places where cold air enters, thereby providing maximum thermal insulation.

Advantages :

  • high level of heat resistance;
  • the material quickly becomes solid, which instantly stops heat loss;
  • fits evenly, without seams and fasteners;
  • does not contain chemicals, safe for health;
  • protects the coating from mechanical and other influences;
  • service life - from 30 years with proper use.

To carry out proper insulation, you need to know detailed technology and act in strict accordance with all stages of the thermal insulation process.

Do-it-yourself warming of a change house

The owners sometimes carry out thermal insulation of the change house on their own. A simple insulation technology allows even an inexperienced person to properly fix the heat-insulating material, the main thing is to observe the main points and first consult with an expert.

Thermal insulation of the change house outside

In order for the wall insulation to be successful and without additional costs, the owners carefully monitor the sequence of work being carried out. Thermal insulation of the outer side of the outbuilding begins with the installation of a layer of vapor barrier material. For this, materials such as polyethylene film, foil and others are used.

The main task of the vapor barrier layer is to ensure maximum ventilation of the facade of the building. If the mounting surface is too smooth, fasten the rails vertically, with their help the vapor barrier material will hold.

Now proceed to the installation of thermal insulation. Experts recommend using mineral wool or fiberglass products. For optimal protection of the building, two layers with a thickness of 10 centimeters each are enough, although when insulating a change house for living in winter, an additional layer is fixed. Mineral wool does not need special attachment to the main surface: due to the rigidity of the slab, it fits tightly to the vertical battens. Slots and solid joints are not allowed between them.

Mounted on the heat insulator special film to provide waterproofing, which will prevent moisture from entering inside. waterproofing material fasten with furniture stapler. The film is overlapped by 10 centimeters to ensure maximum protection, the joints are sealed with special adhesive tape.

Internal thermal insulation

The next step is insulation. interior spaces cabins. Each owner of the outbuilding chooses the methods of insulation independently. Among the insulators internal thermal insulation outbuildings, their cotton insulation is common. It is environmentally friendly and safe. Such material is difficult to cut, so the work will take enough time. Some owners use thermal insulation materials similar to products for external insulation.

When installing insulation, it is important to remember about the arrangement of air ducts to quickly remove the resulting condensate. Air vents are located at the top and bottom of the wall. To enhance thermal insulation, the insulation is covered with a special material - penofol. Its surface creates a "thermos effect".

Thermal insulation with foam

For quality insulation penofol is fixed in one piece, which significantly reduces the number of joints between the pieces. All resulting seams are carefully sealed with special adhesive tape to ensure maximum tightness.

To ensure maximum heat savings, experts advise insulating the floor and ceiling. The whole process is similar to thermal insulation, which was described earlier. After completion of work on internal insulation consider aesthetic design. Drywall sheets are attached to the insulation, which level the surface and increase the quality of sound insulation. Fasteners are self-tapping screws and dowels. Instead of GKL, fiberboards are sometimes used. The last stage is the finishing of the change house according to the preferences of the owner.

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It is important that the country house has an insulated change house. You can store all utensils in it and change clothes if necessary throughout the year. But sometimes, in order to save money, they buy it without insulation.

But how to insulate a change house correctly, and what materials can be used for this? Often you can make the insulation of the change house with your own hands. The features of such work will be discussed below.

The cost of such a design with insulation can be different for domestic market. It all depends on the size of the building used to insulate the material, the presence of a stove, and so on. The average price for an insulated container in the Russian Federation can be about 100 000 rubles. In this case, the buyer can choose designs of different shapes.

Change house country house happens:

  1. Frame.
  2. Shield.
  3. From logs.
  4. From a bar and others.

Do-it-yourself materials for warming a change house

A winter country change house should be warm even in severe frosts, especially if these are residential trailers for living. It is important in such a design to insulate everything:

  1. Ceiling.
  2. Walls.


Used for this kind of work. different material. The most popular is foam. Such thermal insulation does not cause allergies, does not absorb moisture, can last a long time when correct installation and also does not light up.

The substance itself is light in weight, and installation will not cause difficulties.


  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Durability.
  3. Not afraid of temperature changes.
  4. Does not burn.

The disadvantage of the material is that it is quite difficult for them to finish round bases. Its sheets do not bend. Therefore, pockets of air can remain under the panels, which will cause moisture to accumulate there. This can lead to rotting of the frame.

It is also worth remembering that the foam is not resistant to chemicals, and therefore certain types of paints can simply corrode it. It is also important to protect the surface of the foam from direct sunlight. To do this, it needs to be plastered.

Before choosing foam, you should familiarize yourself with its parameters, since with the help of certain types of it, it is impossible to insulate the trailer for living there in the winter. It is recommended to purchase polystyrene brand PSB-S40.

Also, the masters advise not to use foam to insulate the trailer from the inside. Although it does not burn, it melts when heated and releases toxins into the air, which are harmful to humans.

mineral wool

This substance is different higher quality thermal insulation and does not burn.

Also, cotton wool can improve sound insulation in an iron structure.

This substance consists of fibers, which can be:

  1. Stone.
  2. Slag.
  3. Glass.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  1. The material is soft but durable.
  2. Does not burn.
  3. Retains heat and keeps cold out.
  4. The vapor permeability coefficient is high.
  5. Can last an average 20 years with proper installation.

When working with such material, it is important to follow the rules. Events should be carried out in protective equipment.

Most in demand today stone wool. It incorporates basalt, which improves performance. Cotton wool can be easily mounted and transported.

To install a thermal insulator, you will first need to build a frame made of wood or aluminum. Many summer residents prefer mineral wool for insulation, but it costs more than polystyrene foam.

Cotton thermal insulator

This substance is the safest for today. It is high quality and environmentally friendly. It can be used to insulate walls inside the trailer and does not require special skills during installation. It is often used for thermal insulation of change houses in which it is planned to live. The downside is that the tool is hard to cut.

Step-by-step instructions for warming a change house

Work can be carried out both inside the trailer and outside. These methods are like positive points, as well as negative ones. Warming the change house from the outside will allow you to save the internal volume in it. It will also protect the walls of the building from the effects of external negative factors, which will extend the life of the trailer. The disadvantage of warming the change house from the outside is the fact that then it will have to be finished decorative material to make her look attractive.

For work inside, it is important to use non-toxic and eco-friendly materials that do not burn.

An excellent option would be to use mineral wool. The installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Equipped with a frame on the wall.
  2. The space between the beams is filled with cotton wool.
  3. A layer of waterproofing is laid.
  4. Facing.


You will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  1. Vapor barrier.
  2. Minvata.
  3. Bar.
  4. Mastic for wood processing.
  5. A hammer.
  6. Screws.
  7. Nails.

Floor insulation

How to insulate the base of the change house with your own hands? For such work, you can use:

  1. Styrofoam.
  2. Minvat.
  3. Styrofoam.

The instructions say that initially on the floor you need to lay a frame made of timber. First, the base must be cleaned of dirt. The tree must be treated with antiseptics so that it does not rot, and insects do not breed there.

The cells in it need to be made 50x50cm. They have a heater in them. On top lies a layer of waterproofing. Then the surface is covered with boards.


How to insulate a trailer for winter residence above? Such work is recommended to be carried out outside. To do this, it is necessary to remove the roofing material (slate), lay waterproofing and insulation under it. Then roofing material attach back.

If it is not possible to do such work from above, then it is necessary to insulate from the inside.

To do this, you need to attach beams to the ceiling. Thermal material is laid between them and chipboard is sewn up. It is worth remembering that this can reduce the height of the room.

Frame installation

The walls must first be treated with antiseptics so that they do not rot or rust. It will also help prevent the formation of fungus on the surface. Then wooden rails are attached to them, to which a heat insulator is mounted with a stapler. The distance between the bars should be equal to the width of the heat insulator.

When carrying out work, it is worth leaving air vents at the bottom on the walls so that steam does not collect there and condensation does not form. You can also put penofol on top of the insulation, which will create the effect of a thermos in the building.


Windows can be sealed with silicone. To do this, you will have to dismantle the glazing beads and apply a layer of sealant under them. Then the glazing beads are fixed in place. This will help keep the extra heat in the room. You can, of course, put double-glazed windows.


How to insulate a change house with your own hands, you can view in detail on the video:

As you can see, it is not difficult to insulate a change house on your own. This will not cause difficulties if you follow all the rules. It will also save on the purchase of a thermally insulated trailer, since insulated change houses are quite expensive.

But often even the acquired structure does not meet the expectations of the owners. For example, metal structures are not comfortable enough. In most cases, they will have to be insulated on their own.

The main methods and their features

There are only three options for warming such a building - these are:

  • application of an internal heat insulator;
  • installation of external insulation;
  • and placing it in the space between the walls (this option is only possible for frame temporary houses!).

The installation of insulating materials inside the walls is possible only if the change house initially provides for this possibility. Already finished structure extremely difficult to change.

Internal insulation reduces the usable area of ​​the room. Therefore, this method is not suitable for small buildings. Also technical properties material is not always allowed to mount it on inner surface walls. For example, the selected insulation emits harmful substances or is a source of dust.

External thermal insulation - optimal choice for most cases. This method has a number of advantages, such as:

  • significant savings in indoor space;
  • providing an additional protective layer outside (bad weather affects the integrity and safety of the entire structure less);
  • reducing the likelihood of freezing walls in the cold season;
  • environmental safety - no harmful chemical compounds will not be inside the cabin.

A significant disadvantage is the need for cladding. The finished layer of insulation must necessarily be carefully isolated from any external influence. This point is important to ensure long-term operation of the material.

Warming the building from the inside will cost less - here you can use polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam (if no one lives in a change house!). The last insulation does not have a long service life and is not suitable for capital buildings that have been used for a single decade in a row.

Specifications and subtleties of choice

Quite strict requirements are put forward for insulation:

  • it must not burn in an open flame;
  • be safe for humans (in temporary huts, the owners spend a lot of time and even sleep);
  • be resistant to wear.

Also, the type of insulation should be selected depending on the application. This is very important point. The life of the building material depends on it.

If it is required to isolate a temporary room from extraneous noise and heat leakage, the best choice will become basalt wool. Even a thin layer of this material is able to provide high-quality protection from the cold. But at the same time, the owners will have to deal with cracks - when laying, gaps form between the plates. They will have to be sealed separately.

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene will help to significantly speed up the work on the insulation of large temporary buildings. At the same time, they can be placed inside non-residential premises, since there is no need to save space.

Ecowool is in some way a universal material. It can be installed both manually and mechanized or wet. This insulation is 80% composed of cellulose fibers.

Technology and principles of work on insulation

When installing ecowool manually, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. The walls outside are covered with sheathing. Each cell should correspond to the size of the insulating board (optimally 50 cm by 2 meters).
  2. A lining is mounted below (to a height of about 50 centimeters).
  3. Each layer of ecowool is removed from the packaging and fluffed up by hand to increase volume.
  4. Then the first layer of insulator is laid. After that, another 50 cm lining is mounted.
  5. Actions are performed sequentially until all walls are covered with clapboard.

The long service life of ecowool directly depends on the film, which naturally is formed on the outer surface - rains and temperature changes make this heat insulator stronger.

Basalt slabs can be laid both outside (providing hermetic protection) and inside - the small thickness of the fibers practically does not affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interior. The material is characterized by safety, fire resistance and high coefficient of thermal insulation. But it does not like excess condensate.

For guard basalt wool nessesary to use vapor barrier film. This is the main condition for successful insulation. From above, the insulator is protected from damage and environmental influences by sheathing or plaster (if the density of the plates allows it).

Styrofoam sheets cannot be used indoors - this material is highly flammable and releases hazardous substances into the air when burned. But the installation of such a heater is possible even for beginners in construction - each plate is attached to the walls or ceiling with glue, and the slots are closed mounting foam.

Warming of trailers

Any metal trailer is a frame sheathed with corrugated board. The finishing layer on such a temporary hut simply has nothing to attach to!

To solve the problem, it is necessary to sheathe the trailer wooden blocks. And in the cells between them place a heater (for example, polystyrene or basalt wool).

On top of the frame, you can stretch the mesh under the plaster or install OSB boards. They do not require additional processing. Lining made of wood will cost much more in this case. And its plastic (cheaper) version is not particularly durable - under the influence of frost, this material quickly becomes unusable.

The total insulation layer should not be less than 5-8 cm! At the same time, the density of the insulation is not as important as for a residential building. For example, it is enough to take a foam plastic having a density of only 15 kg per cubic meter.

Whatever thermal insulation material is preferred, it is important not to forget about the safety of the temporary shelter. It must be protected from fires, high humidity and toxic fumes.

There is a modern and very effective technique insulation of wagons and containers. The quality and durability of this method has been proven in practice. We are talking about the insulation of wagons and containers with foamed urethane foam Ecothermix, which is supplied to the working surface under pressure, increases many times over in a few seconds, and when hardened, creates a dense porous protective coating that is durable and capable of protecting wagons and containers from heat loss for several decades . It is the durability, ease of application and high thermal protection parameters that have made PPU Ecothermix so popular in the construction and insulation of wagons and containers.

IMPORTANT: the service life of polyurethane foam is equal to or exceeds the service life of wagons and containers, i.e. having insulated the wagon and container with PPU Ecotermix once, you will not have to return to this issue again - this right economy when choosing materials for the insulation of wagons and containers

Advantages of Ecothermix insulation for wagons and containers:

  • PPU Ecotermix is ​​completely safe
  • Polyurethane foam insulation does not burn and does not support fire
  • Foam Ecothermix - sprayed insulation for quick application
  • It is very easy to work with PPU Ecothermix
  • Any surface can be insulated with polyurethane foam
  • Ecotermix insulation is not afraid of temperature changes

The service life of polyurethane foam is equal to or exceeds the service life of wagons and containers

The thermal insulation of wagons is important both to prevent heat loss and to maintain the required temperature regime and microclimate inside the wagon. This is especially true when transporting goods of certain parameters, for which the conditions and temperature of transportation are relevant. In doing so, it should be taken into account how climatic zones these wagons will move. It is this that will make it possible to decide which technology of wagon insulation is acceptable and sufficient to use in this case.

Stages of insulation of covered wagons in the classical way:

  1. Thorough drying of the car surface.
  2. Warming up the car from the inside to a temperature of +15C.
  3. Sealing the working surface of the body in the car.
  4. Filling voids and joints with mounting polyurethane foam.
  5. Installation of the crate in the form of wooden bars.
  6. Installation of wooden crates on the sides and from the end in the car.
  7. Installation of a double film of polyethylene in height.
  8. Laying foam in 4 layers.
  9. Checking the tightness of laying foam insulation.
  10. The ceiling of the car is insulated with 10-13 foam sheets.
  11. Formation of waterproofing insulation using polyethylene film.
  12. Installation of additional three layers of expanded polystyrene.

At the same time, the floor of the car is also insulated with foam plastic in 3-4 layers and covered with hardboard on top. It is by this method that the wagons are insulated with the help of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. Of course, it is much easier and more efficient to insulate the car with sprayed thermal insulation based on polyurethane foam from the Ecothermix line.

Measures for additional insulation of wagons and containers

Additional insulation of wagons and containers is designed to solve the following urgent problems of rail freight transportation:

  • Stabilize Impact temperature fluctuations environment
  • Maintain the required temperature regime for the period of cargo transportation
  • Be able to transport temperature-sensitive cargo without hindrance
  • Maintain the quality of goods transported by rail
  • Prevent liquids, vegetables, fruits, herbs from freezing
  • Deliver medicines requiring special temperature conditions transportation

It should be remembered that a properly insulated wagon and container for transportation allows you to transport any goods over significant distances. The type of cargo depends on the possible additional insulation wagon and container.

Types of container insulation:

  • Single additional insulation of the car
  • Double special container insulation

Single container insulation can be performed classical method using foam insulation. In this case, the foam joints are sealed with polyurethane-based mounting foam. It is better to take foam plastic 5 cm thick. This will be a good single insulation of the car with foam plastic.

Wizard Tips: For the best effect when transporting a number of goods, double insulation of the wagon with foam plastic is required. In this case, the insulation is made with foam in two layers. Foam plates 5 cm thick are taken and superimposed in two layers without cracks and gaps. Any gaps are sealed with mounting polyurethane foam.

Insulation of wagons and containers can also be carried out with the help of polyethylene film. Thermal insulation of wagons with film and foam - classic ways it is cheap to make the insulation of wagons, but sometimes the quality of such insulation leaves much to be desired. The best optionmodern thermal insulation Ecothermix for wagons.

The customer can choose how to insulate wagons and containers for the carriage of goods. The main thing is that the materials for the insulation of wagons are environmentally friendly and belong to the category of environmentally friendly heaters.

Smart insulation technology

The modern technology of wagon insulation allows containers to be insulated using penoizol. This is a good thermal insulation for wagons, which has a number of features during its installation. The advantage of penoizol is its affordable price and long service life of insulation based on peniosol.

In fact, penoizol is nothing more than liquid foam.

Methods for insulating wagons with penoizol

Insulation of wagons with foam isol is an improved classical method of insulation with foam plastic. In fact, penoizol is nothing more than liquid foam. Penoizol-based insulation has the following competitive characteristics:

  • Penoizol refers to environmentally friendly materials
  • This is a fireproof insulation for wagons.
  • They can make thermal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings in the car
  • A car insulated with penoizol needs to be heated much less frequently
  • Penoizol - odorless insulation
  • Penoizol-based insulation recovers after compression
  • Such insulation can be cut with a knife, a special thread or string

Additional characteristics of penoizol are:

  • Penoizol has a service life of up to 70 years
  • This is a heater with a high coefficient of vapor permeability
  • The insulation does not shrink or swell when wet
  • Penoizol easily parted with the resulting moisture without loss of properties
  • Styrofoam is good soundproof material for wagons
  • Penoizol is not available for insects and rodents

Due to its porous structure, liquid foam perfectly retains heat and creates a comfortable level of sound insulation. It is able to work well and protect the car from heat loss for 50-70 years.

Penoizol release forms:

  • Penoizol in the form of special plates for insulation
  • Penoizol crumb
  • Jellied penoizol

Penoizol insulation and how it looks:

How does filling penoizol work?

Jellied penoizol creates an excellent thermal insulation coating without a single seam. But working with him is not easy. Penoizol is poured directly onto the working surface, if we are talking about the insulation of wagons, then it is necessary to specially prepare cavities into which penoizol will then be poured. The poured liquid penoizol hardens within a few hours (usually this takes 2-3 hours). After hardening in specially prepared cavities, penoizol creates a heat-insulating coating without a single seam.

Benefits of penoizol?

Penoizol can be prepared directly on site and poured into prepared cavities using a hose. Moreover, when pumping, penoizol is evenly distributed over the insulated surface, and after hardening it turns into an even insulation without seams and cracks.

What to choose, Ecotermix or penoizol?

It is worth noting that the sprayed thermal insulation, performed using Ecotermix and liquid penoizol, has a number of similar advantages. Both heaters are able to form an even seamless coating without cracks and creases. Materials based on polyurethane foam (insulation for wagons Ecotermix) and penoizol (foam plastic insulation for wagons) can serve throughout the entire service life of wagons without replacement. Penoizol, like polyurethane foam, does not require careful surface preparation.

Wizard Tips: You can apply these heaters on any material, it can be metal, plastic, wood, concrete. Only polyethylene can serve as a limitation.

Additionally, it is not necessary to waterproof and protect the insulation from moisture and condensate, if we are talking about polyurethane foam or foam insulation. They are universal in their own way. When applied to metal, these heaters begin to work as anti-corrosion compounds. In the Ecothermix product line, there are really only multifunctional preparations for thermal insulation.

Convince yourself of the environmental friendliness and reliability of Ecothermix polyurethane foam by watching the video below:

Warm trailer - a house in the country

An interesting option for using an insulated wagon is to adapt it as a house in the country. A warm wagon is a great option for staying even all year round. Enterprising gardeners have long understood how to use insulated wagons or containers in the country. Many people know that properly insulated wagons can withstand the most severe frosts and keep warm inside. It is thanks to these properties of insulation in the regions of the Far North that workers, search teams, specialists of various profiles live in wagons insulated by classical and modern methods.

Trailer for winter

When it comes to the domestic use of insulated trailers, you need to decide in advance whether the trailer is needed only for summer use in cottage season, or it will serve as a home in the winter. The technology of warming the trailer in both cases will be different. For example, for winter version use when warming the trailer by the classical method, a wider beam is used that will hold enough thermal insulation material and a more permanent roof structure.

We must not forget that in the car it is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but without fail the floor and ceiling. The floor is the surface in direct contact with the ground, and the ceiling must prevent the escape of heat, which rises when the trailer is heated from the inside. Unprotected roof gives everything internal warmth in environment and such a trailer needs to be constantly heated, which is very expensive.

IMPORTANT: warming the trailer for giving from the inside must be done immediately in the process of its production, otherwise it will be done later good thermal insulation trailer will be very difficult

With additional insulation of the trailer after its manufacture in standard ways with the use of foam, the lining of the trailer will need to be disassembled and the foam plates fixed. The thickness of the foam in this case should not be less than 5 cm. As you can see, this method is quite laborious. Up-to-date materials for fast, high-quality and durable insulation trailer for the winter, are heaters based on polyurethane foam. They are quickly applied and do not require fasteners and complex installation of insulation.

What is the difference between a change house and an insulated trailer?

Insulated country trailer and change house for workers on construction site- various structures. The principle of heating the change house is a stove with a chimney that goes out the window, due to the heat of which the uninsulated booth was heated. A properly insulated trailer is a real house for year-round use. The main advantage of a country trailer is its price. Building a house is much more expensive than buying and insulating a trailer for a summer residence.

Advantages of the modular technology for assembling a trailer for a summer residence?

Now, modular technology is often used in the production of trailers for summer cottages. The modular technology of construction and insulation of the trailer has the following advantages:

  • Block module can be divided into sections
  • You can assemble one large sectionless room
  • It is easier to insulate block modules
  • The price of a trailer with insulation depends on the number of modules
  • You can calculate in advance how much a trailer with insulation costs

What materials are best used to insulate a trailer for a summer residence?

The classic technology for warming a trailer for a summer residence is mineral wool or polystyrene. These are cheap materials for safe and fire-resistant insulation of a trailer for a summer residence. You can insulate the trailer with mineral wool or foam plastic with your own hands using a special technology for attaching heat-insulating materials. It is possible to insulate a trailer for a summer residence with the help of polystyrene foam. Expanded polystyrene refers to more modern materials for warming a trailer for a summer residence.

good heat-insulating material is polyurethane foam. It is environmentally friendly, harmless and can be quickly applied to any surface without special preparation. The service life of products based on polyurethane foam (for example, the Ecothermix product line) allows you to insulate the trailer with polyurethane foam once and use the trailer without additional insulation. This is the most cheap way warming the trailer for giving for the entire period of its service.

Professional insulation of wagons and containers

Specialists of companies engaged in professional insulation of wagons and containers advise to insulate wagons and containers only with light modern high-density materials. Such heaters include Ecotermix foam, whose thermal insulation properties truly unique. Ecothermix heat-insulating foam not only protects the container from frost, but also helps to keep desired temperature in summer heat, that is, the main advantage of Ecotermix insulation is that it helps to maintain the desired microclimate in the car and container.

Ecothermix heat-insulating foam not only protects the container from frost, but also helps to maintain the desired temperature in the summer heat

Before choosing a wagon or container insulation technology, you need to know what kind of cargo will be transported. The thickness of the insulation layer depends on this, which must be done for high-quality insulation of surfaces. In the case of polyurethane foam, the layer thickness can be adjusted. To do this, each layer of PPU insulation is given time to harden and dry before applying a new layer.

You can observe the easy and quick application of all-foam polyurethane foam from "Ecotermix":

Proven wagon insulation technology

Insulation of wagons with polyurethane foam can be attributed to a new, but already proven technology for insulating wagons and containers. Practice has shown that Ecotermix insulation works great when transporting goods that require special temperature conditions. At the same time, the advantage of polyurethane foam is its impressive service life. PPU Ecothermix serves without loss of consumer properties for 50-70 years.

Ecothermix insulation works great when transporting goods that require special temperature conditions.

Thus, having made Ecothermix thermal insulation in a wagon or container, you can use it throughout the entire service life without replacing the insulation and without installing additional thermal insulation.

In addition, polyurethane foam is optimal solution for thermal insulation of any objects. It is great for, and, as well as for private and apartment buildings, all types of transport, industrial facilities