What rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house must be followed. Requirements and rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house How to install a gas boiler

For heating a private house the best option, of course, is a gas boiler. This heating unit has high efficiency and allows you to quite smoothly and flexibly regulate the intensity of heating of residential premises, sometimes even without the use of additional thermostatic devices. Today gas is considered the most profitable fuel from an economic point of view, therefore the costs of such a boiler will quickly pay for its purchase and installation costs.

If you plan to install a gas boiler in a private house, the requirements for the room and the heating device itself must be clarified in advance. Having received general information, you can be sure that you have to collect a lot of different documents and go through several authorities. Therefore, it is worth preparing not only theoretically and technically, but even psychologically for these rather unpleasant, but, alas, necessary events.

Sequence of preparatory activities

Basic regulatory documentation for boiler installation

All this data can be found in SNiP (Building Norms and Rules) 02/31/2001, “Gas supply country house. Requirements and installation rules gas equipment».

In addition to this document, you need to review additional ones containing information on the arrangement of boiler rooms and the rules for installing the boiler. They can also be found in the “Building Codes and Regulations”:

  • SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”.
  • SNiP 21-01-97 " Fire safety buildings and structures."
  • SNiP 2.04.01-85 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.”

To install a boiler room in a private house, you should study SNiP 2.04.08-87.

How is a boiler room equipped in a private house?

IN own home A separate room is usually allocated for heating equipment. What requirements must the boiler room meet? – detailed information about this is presented in a separate publication on our portal.

Coordination of gas boiler installation

In order to install a gas boiler in a private house or apartment, it will not be enough to study the SNiP documents. First you need to get technical specifications, which will become the basis for organizing further work on connecting equipment to gas mains.

To do this, the home owner submits an application to the local gas supply service, which indicates the estimated gas consumption required for use in a particular building for heating and other needs. This parameter is calculated approximately on the basis of SNiP 31-02 standards, clause 9.1.3, which provides the average daily gas volume for a single-family house:

— gas stove (cooking) – 0.5 m³/day;

- hot water supply, that is, the use of running water gas water heater() - 0.5 m³/day;

- heating using domestic gas unit with connected water circuit (for middle zone Russia) - from 7 to 12 m³/day.

At the local organization that controls gas supply and installation of boiler equipment, the request is reviewed by specialists. A document with technical conditions or with a reasoned refusal is drawn up for the applicant. The review process can take from one week to a month, depending on the efficiency of the control service.

If the request is satisfied, then technical conditions are issued, which must be fully implemented when installing gas equipment. This document will simultaneously serve as a permit to carry out the relevant work.

You need to know for sure that installing gas equipment without obtaining technical specifications is illegal. Moreover, it is inconsistent self-installation boiler - very unsafe, especially in cases where such work will be carried out in a multi-story building. Unfortunately, there are plenty of sad examples of this.

Installation project development

Once the technical specifications are received, you can proceed to drawing up the installation project.

The project is developed taking into account all the requirements specified in the technical specifications. This also includes a diagram for laying gas communications: for a private house - along the site to the entrance to the residential building, indicating this point in the drawing, and for an apartment - from the entrance to the gas supply pipe to the connection point to the heating boiler

The development of the project should be carried out only by design specialists who have a license to carry out work of this type. As a rule, in an organization engaged in gas supply in a particular region ( locality) there is a design department where all such research, calculations and their graphic design are carried out.

Project approval

Further, finished project is sent for approval to the branch of the organization that controls the gas supply of the house where it will be installed. The period for approval of the submitted documents depends on the complexity of the project design, and can take from one week to three months.

The following documents with the characteristics of the boiler equipment must be attached to the boiler installation and gas mains project submitted for approval:

  • Technical data sheet of the gas boiler.
  • Instructions for its use.
  • Certificates of compliance with technical and sanitary requirements.
  • Examination data on the compliance of this unit with all applicable safety requirements.

These documents are issued to the buyer by the seller along with the boiler, and they are issued by the boiler equipment manufacturer.

If the project has not received approval, then in addition to a reasoned refusal, the applicant is given a list of actions that must be performed to obtain a positive conclusion.

Prices for gas boilers

gas boiler

If the project is approved, it is certified accordingly, which means that it is already possible to produce practical work for installation of gas heating equipment.

Basic requirements for the boiler room

A separate room must be provided for the installation of gas equipment with a power of 30 kW or more. It must match everyone existing standards and instructions. Quite often, for a boiler room, they try to choose one of the rooms in the basement or ground floor, but you need to know that such installation of a gas boiler is allowed only for single-apartment private residential buildings.

In a private house, a boiler of any power can be installed, since it is usually placed in a room attached to the house, thus having the opportunity to heat not only Living spaces, but also auxiliary.

General requirements

The basic requirements for the boiler room are as follows:

  • The area of ​​the room for installing one boiler must be at least 4 m². In this case, the total number of boilers in one room can never be more than two.
  • The ceiling height of the room is not less than 2200÷2500 mm.
  • The window, which is mandatory in a boiler room for natural light, must be sized at the rate of 0.3 m² of window area for every 10 m³ of room volume, but in any case not less than 0.5 m².
  • The width of the door opening must be at least 800 mm.
  • The distance between the front door and the boiler cannot be less than 1000 mm, but it is better if this interval is 1300÷1500 mm.
  • In order to be able to carry out maintenance and repair work, the necessary free space must be provided in front of the boiler, which must be at least 1300 mm.
  • The boiler must be installed stably and in a strictly horizontal position - this will minimize possible vibrations and noise.
  • The floor in the boiler room must be made of non-combustible material and be perfectly level.
  • The walls must also be made of non-combustible materials, and the surfaces near the walls of the boiler can be additionally insulated with heat-resistant materials.
  • The boiler room must be supplied cold water. The floor of the room must be equipped with a system for draining the coolant into the sewer system.
  • Electrical sockets must have a grounding circuit, since some elements of the boiler, for example, the ignition or the pump, are connected to the electrical supply.
  • It is necessary to provide access to the chimney - in particular to the inspection window - to control the patency of the channel and the possibility of cleaning.

Ventilation and chimney systems

Ventilation and exhaust systems for gas combustion products in the boiler room must be installed in compliance with the rules for installing gas equipment, since malfunction or ineffective operation of these systems can lead to either inoperability of the equipment, or, even worse, to an emergency and even explosive situation.

Prices for chimneys and pipes


To ventilation and chimney regulatory documents the following requirements apply:

  • Ventilation and chimney ducts must be separated.

  • For admission fresh air in the boiler room it is necessary to provide supply ventilation. The entrance window is made at the bottom outer wall or front door. The size of the ventilation window must be no less than 1/30 of the total area of ​​the room, but not less than 80 mm² per 1 kW of installed power - for air flow from the street, and not less than 300 mm² per 1 kW, if the air flow comes from another premises.
  • The ventilation ducts must always be open, as air must circulate constantly.
  • It is recommended to install the boiler as close to the chimney as possible.
  • A chimney installed in a wall must have two inlet channels:

— the main one, for installation of the chimney pipe;

- inspection channel, located no less than 250 mm below the first one - this channel is intended for technological cleaning.

  • The exhaust vent of the chimney should not have a cross-section smaller than the outlet pipe of the boiler itself.
  • The chimney should not have more than three bends or turns.
  • The chimney pipe is made of stainless or carbon sheet steel. The use of asbestos concrete pipes or others made of layered materials is permissible only at a distance of at least 500 mm from the boiler chimney pipe.

  • In order for the operation of the boiler to be safe and the heating system itself to be effective, it must be created favorable conditions to maintain normal traction. Therefore, it is very important to calculate both the total height of the chimney pipe and its location above the roof surface so that the head does not fall into the zone of the so-called wind backlash.

Gas still remains the cheapest type of fuel. Accordingly, the cheapest heating is obtained precisely at natural gas. True, installing a gas boiler is associated with certain difficulties - the premises must comply with fire safety standards.

To install powerful gas boilers, a separate room is required

Gas boiler installation standards

To avoid any troubles when putting the gas boiler into operation, it is necessary to select the installation location in accordance with current standards. The installation of a gas boiler in a private house (single-family or semi-detached) is regulated by SNiP 31-02-2001, and the installation rules in apartment buildings are prescribed in SNiP 2.08.01.

For private houses

According to the standards, a gas boiler can be installed in a ventilated room, which is located:

  • on the first floor of the house;
  • in the basement or basement;
  • in the attic:
  • gas boilers power up to 35 kW (according to MDS 41.2-2000 up to 60 kW) can be installed in the kitchen.

There are currently two standards in force regarding the installation of boilers in the kitchen. According to one document, heating devices with a power of no more than 35 kW can be placed, according to another - no more than 60 kW. And we are talking only about heating devices. Gas stoves or other equipment using gas is not taken into account.

What to do? You need to find out what standards your GorGaz adheres to. After all, it is their representatives who will accept the equipment into operation. Actually, the designer should tell you all the details, but it is also advisable to know this - you will need to prepare the room for installation.

Where to put

Now let’s talk about where and how gas equipment of different capacities can be located. We will talk about gas boilers and their power is summed up:

  • with a power of up to 150 kW inclusive - in a separate room on any floor, including the basement and basement;
  • from 151 kW to 350 kW inclusive - in a separate room of the first, basement or ground floor, as well as in a separate attached room.

More powerful installations are not used in private homes.

Requirements for kitchens in which a gas boiler is installed

When placing a flow-through gas water heater or a gas heating boiler with a power of up to 60 kW in the kitchen, the room must meet the following standards:

There is one more thing that is not specified in the standards, but which exists: installing a gas boiler is allowed only in a room with doors. In light of the latest trends - removing partitions and making doors instead - this can be a problem. Without a door, the permit will not be signed. The solution is to put or . Another option - glass doors. They do not “load” the interior, but they are perceived exactly as doors.

All these requirements must be met. If there are violations, they simply won’t sign the acceptance certificate for you.

Requirements for individual premises

They are similar, but there are some differences:

  • Ceiling height - at least 2.5 m;
  • The volume and area of ​​the room are determined by ease of maintenance, but should not be less than 15 m3.
  • Walls leading to adjacent rooms must have a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours and zero limit for the spread of fire through the structure (brick, concrete, building blocks).
  • An exhaust hood with the same requirements: for outflow - three times exchange, for inflow in the same volume, plus air for combustion.
  • The room must have a window. The glass area is at least 0.03 m2 per cubic meter of volume.

If equipment is installed with a power of 150 kW or more, one of the prerequisites is the presence of access to the street. A second exit can be equipped - to a utility room (not residential). This could be a storage room or a hallway. Doors must be fireproof.

Please note that when calculating windows, the glass area is considered, not the size of the window opening. Moreover, in some cases they require at least one glass with an area of ​​at least 0.8 square meters. If enlarging the windows is problematic, you can make a similar window in the door (the regulations do not say that it must be in the wall).

How to attach boiler rooms

Sometimes it is not possible to allocate a separate room in the house. In this case, the boiler room is added. The standards for ceiling height, volume, glazing and ventilation remain the same as for individual rooms, only specific standards are added:

Please note that the extension must be registered. No one will give you gas without official documents. And one more thing: when designing it, lay down all the standards without deviations, otherwise they won’t accept it. If the installation of a gas boiler is planned in an existing room, they may turn a blind eye to some deviations or offer some compensation (if there is a missing volume or height of the ceilings, they may be asked to increase the glazing area). For newly constructed buildings (and extensions too) there are no such discounts: they must include all standards.

Combined kitchens

Today it has become fashionable to have or. It turns out to be a single large space in which it is easy to implement design ideas. But the gas service regards such premises as residential and prohibits the installation of gas equipment.

It will not be possible to solve the problem with a studio apartment, but with a combined apartment there is a solution. If you are just planning to combine the kitchen and living room, when preparing the documents, call the resulting room kitchen-dining room. This premises is not residential, so there will be no restrictions. If the papers have already been completed, you can try to redo them or go the other way - install sliding partition. True, in this case, the documents will need to be redone.

Place for installing a gas boiler

If we talk specifically about apartments, then gas boilers are installed in them, mostly in the kitchens. There are all the necessary communications: running water, gas, a window and an exhaust hood. All that remains is to determine a suitable location for the boiler. For this installation, wall-mounted (mounted) boilers are used. They are installed on several hooks fixed to the walls (usually included in the kit).

As for installation in other areas of the apartment or house, as a rule, none of them meet the requirements. For example, there is no window in the bathroom natural light, the corridor usually does not fit in size - there are not enough tolerances from the corners or to opposite wall, usually there is no ventilation at all or it is insufficient. The problem with storage rooms is the same - there is no ventilation and windows, there is not enough volume.

If there is a staircase in the house to the second floor, the owners often want to place the boiler under the stairs or in this room. In terms of volume, it usually passes, but in terms of ventilation it will have to be very powerful - the volume is considered to be at two levels and it is necessary to ensure its threefold exchange. This will require several pipes (three or more) of a very large cross-section (at least 200 mm).

Once you have decided on the location for installing the gas boiler, all that remains is to find a place for it. It is selected based on the type of boiler (wall-mounted or floor-standing) and the manufacturer’s requirements. The technical data sheet usually specifies in detail the distances from the wall on the right/left, the installation height relative to the floor and ceiling, as well as the distance from the front surface to the opposite wall. U different manufacturers they may vary, so it's worth reading the manual carefully.

Installation standards according to SNiP

  • Gas boilers can be installed on fireproof walls at a distance of at least 2 cm from it.
  • If the wall is fire-resistant or combustible (wooden, frame, etc.), it must be protected with fireproof material. This can be a three-millimeter sheet of asbestos, on top of which a sheet of metal is fixed. Plastering with a layer of at least 3 cm is also considered as protection. In this case, the boiler must be hung at a distance of 3 cm. The dimensions of the fireproof material must exceed the dimensions of the boiler by 10 cm from the sides and bottom, and from the top must be 70 cm larger.

Questions may arise regarding asbestos sheet: today it is recognized as a material hazardous to health. You can replace it with a layer of cardboard from mineral wool. And also keep in mind that a fireproof base is also considered ceramic tile, even if it is laid on wooden walls: a layer of glue and ceramics provide just the required fire resistance.

The installation of a gas boiler relative to the side walls is also regulated. If the wall is non-flammable, the distance cannot be less than 10 cm. For flammable and non-combustible walls, this distance is 25 cm (without additional protection).

If a floor-standing gas boiler is installed, the base must be non-flammable. A non-flammable stand is made on the wooden floor. It must provide a fire resistance rating of 0.75 hours (45 minutes). These are either bricks laid on spoons (1/4 of a brick), or thick ceramic floor tiles, which is placed on top of an asbestos sheet fixed to a metal sheet. The dimensions of the non-combustible base are 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the installed boiler.

When purchasing a gas boiler, many people want to save money and install it themselves. Is it possible to do this? In some cases, yes, but it still won’t be possible to do without specialists. After all, gas is an explosive fuel, and its connection by persons without a special license is illegal. The remaining work on installing a wall-mounted gas boiler can be carried out without the involvement of specialists, but all the requirements of the relevant SNIPs should be taken into account.

Please note that not all manufacturers allow the possibility self-installation. For example, the companies Ariston, Viessmann, Bosch recommend using the services of specialists only from their service centers.

BAXI, Ferroli, Electrolux are more loyal to the issue of installation and allow installation of a gas wall-mounted heating boiler with your own hands.

Therefore, before purchasing a particular model, read the documentation and find out whether you can install this unit yourself.

Note! First thing before starting installation work a project should be developed and approved by the relevant supervisory authorities.

The requirements for the room in which the wall-mounted gas boiler is located depend on the type of combustion chamber: open or closed.

Open combustion chamber uses air for the combustion process from the room in which the heating system is located, and exhaust gases are discharged through the chimney. Such gas boilers require a certain volume of air, otherwise the gas does not burn completely and forms toxic toxic substances. Therefore, the operation of units with an open combustion chamber is permissible only in a separate room, which is called a boiler room or furnace room. It is necessary to provide a window for ventilation with an area of ​​at least 0.5 m². The walls of the boiler room must be finished with fire-resistant materials.

The volume of the combustion chamber depends on the power of the gas boiler:

  • if it does not exceed 30 kW, then a room with a volume of 8 m³ is sufficient;
  • for a boiler with a capacity of 30-60 kW, a boiler room with a volume of 13-14 m³ is required;
  • for units with a power of up to 200 kW – from 15 m³.

The connection between the boiler and a conventional chimney is made by using an iron pipe of a certain cross-section. It must be resistant to high temperatures and toxic combustion products. When installing a connecting pipe, the following rules must be followed:

  • the length of its vertical part when exiting the boiler before turning must be at least two diameters;
  • Place the connection with a slight inclination towards the unit.

Closed camera type combustion suitable if it is not possible to install a separate furnace. These boilers come with a coaxial chimney, which is quite easy to install yourself. It is a structure of two pipes, one of which is inserted into the other. At closed type combustion chamber air comes from the street through outer pipe, and combustion products exit into the atmosphere through the internal one.

If you have chosen a gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber, keep in mind that such equipment will require an electrical connection to provide power to the fan, which creates air flow through the coaxial chimney.

Gas units equipped with closed combustion chambers are considered safer and more environmentally friendly, so they can be placed in the bathroom, kitchen or pantry.

Stages of installing a gas wall-mounted heating boiler with your own hands

Before starting work, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions. installation instructions for a wall-mounted gas boiler, because different models may have their own nuances and subtleties of installation. If this is not done, incorrect connection will lead to all sorts of leaks or to the fact that the boiler will not be able to work at all.

Wall installation

The first stage involves mounting it on the wall. The boiler is hung on a special bracket, which the manufacturer usually puts in the kit along with the device. Sometimes it happens that the fasteners from the kit do not fit, then you have to select the appropriate parts yourself. Also, when installing a gas unit, the type of wall is taken into account - fastening elements are selected depending on it.

The bracket is mounted in such a way that it can support the weight of the equipment and ensure a level position.

The section of the wall located behind the unit must be protected with fireproof material. The wall-mounted boiler should be installed so that the unit is no lower than 80 cm from the floor, and the gap between its rear surface and the wall is no less than 5 cm.

Note! A special cardboard template will help you with the installation. You can mark everything on it necessary fastenings and connection to the chimney. The template is applied to the wall and all marks are transferred to the wall. After this it is removed.

Connecting heating and plumbing

The second stage is connecting heating and water pipes. Their number depends on how many circuits there are in the boiler. Before installation, do not forget to remove the plugs from the pipes. On the pipes through which water will flow from heating main Filters should be installed to prevent dirt or debris from clogging the system.

The quality of the water is important - if it is hard, you will have to install treatment equipment, for example, polyphosphate dispensers.

The boiler pipes are connected to the pipelines using a threaded coupling. For tight fixation, fum tape is used.

Connecting the boiler to gas

Only a gas service specialist or an organization licensed to carry out such work can complete the third stage - connecting the wall-mounted gas boiler to the general mains.

Self-connection is illegal and can also lead to irreparable tragedy. Therefore, first of all, contact gas service. There, technical connection conditions will be developed specifically for your equipment.

Gasification can be carried out underground and aboveground. For underground pipes, polyethylene pipes are used, which are very resistant to corrosion. The above-ground method involves the use steel pipes, which enter the structure next to the location of the gas boiler at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.

If there are several in the house heating devices, gas is supplied to each of them separately. It is prohibited to lay a highway indoors.

All pipeline connections are sealed using paint or tow. It is necessary to install a gas filter on the tap, which protects the boiler from debris and condensate.

Electrical connection

The fourth stage is connecting the unit to electricity. Many modern models wall-mounted gas boilers are equipped complex system automation. It allows you to control the operation of the boiler without owner intervention, and also monitors safety.

Double-circuit units are produced in two versions: with a socket and with a cable for connecting to the machine.

If you bought a unit with a regular plug, then it should be placed closer to the outlet. According to safety requirements, it should be located next to the boiler and not under it. This is necessary to avoid short circuit, which may cause coolant leakage from the device.

The gas unit requires mandatory grounding. To do this, purchase a point grounding kit, which can be located in the basement of the house or next to it.

In order for the automation to serve for a long time and not fail, it is necessary to provide the unit with a stable voltage without significant drops. If this condition is not met, you will have to buy a stabilizer.

For details on installation and connection of communications to a wall-mounted gas boiler, watch the video.

First start-up of a gas boiler

The first start-up of a wall-mounted gas unit must be carried out by a specialist. He will set the boiler to a certain mode and check that it is operating correctly.

Before starting, the unit is slowly filled with water until its pressure in the system reaches 2 atmospheres. The tightness of all existing connections is carefully checked. During the commissioning process, you can ask a specialist all your questions about the operation of the heating device.

If the boiler is working correctly and everything is in order, sign certificate of commissioning of the unit.

It is not uncommon that many private houses do not have central heating and water supply. For this reason, owners have to resolve such issues themselves. Wall-mounted gas boilers can come to the rescue. How to correctly install a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands? How much does it cost to install a gas boiler?

Today they are presented on the market in a huge number and variety of brands. There should be no problems with their choice. However, it is worth deciding how to install the boiler - on our own or with the help of qualified specialists? The last option is not bad, but you will have to spend extra money to pay employees.

The room in which the boiler will be located must have a window for ventilation. The door to the room should open outward. The room must have an area of ​​more than four square meters. The ceiling should be at a level of two meters or more. Concerning doorway, its width must be at least 800 millimeters. Required condition for the boiler room - the presence of a working ventilation duct. Often wall-mounted boilers located in utility rooms, kitchens or pantries.

Another important condition is to cover the wall where the unit will hang with non-flammable materials. This action will eliminate the possibility of a fire that could occur when a spark hits flammable materials. Modern non-flammable products will harmoniously fit into the design of the room without spoiling the interior.

When purchasing a boiler, you need to obtain an official certificate, because in the absence of this documentation, registration of heating equipment will become almost impossible. The certificate will also allow you to connect the equipment to the gas supply system.

When choosing a location for the unit, you need to consider installing a hood for a gas boiler. Old chimneys can be used, but if they are not available, new chimneys will need to be installed. Most often, the combustion product removal system comes complete with the boiler itself.

Compliance with such rules for installing a gas boiler is vital.

Some tips for installing boilers

One of the most important stages when installing gas heating boilers is their connection to the gas supply system. In order for the regulatory authorities to give permission for it, it is necessary to carry out the installation and installation of the gas boiler strictly in accordance with the recommendations and requirements contained in the technical passport. Otherwise, you will have to redo something, if not everything.

When installing a Navien gas boiler » , as well as installation of the Immergaz gas boiler, it is important to check whether its power corresponds to the power of the entire heating system. When connecting the boiler to an old heating system, it is imperative to clean and flush all the pipes, which will eliminate the possibility of clogging in the near future.

It is necessary to think through the entire installation scheme of a wall-mounted gas boiler in advance. It must provide for water treatment to supply the system hot water. The entrance to the unit must be equipped with a cleaning and metal-collecting magnetic filter.

One of worst enemies gas boiler, and the entire heating system, is corrosion. Therefore, to avoid its occurrence, it is better to install a closed circuit that will prevent air from freely entering the system.

Installation Rules

  1. A wall-mounted gas boiler must be attached to a load-bearing or solid wall.
  2. During installation of the Ariston gas boiler, you need to ensure that the hood and chimney are proportional.
  3. The unit must be easily accessible so that timely Maintenance and freely replace parts if they break.
  4. If the boiler is installed inside a cabinet, it is necessary to provide a five-centimeter space above the equipment from the cabinet partition. This free space will make the components in the upper part accessible, so that any maintenance work will be possible.

DIY installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler - video

Boiler installation technology

Before directly installing gas equipment, you need to deal with the chimney opening.

It will be much more convenient to install if you use a special cardboard template. With its help it is easy and without special effort Marks are made for all fastenings and the chimney. When the location for the boiler is finally chosen, you should attach the template to the wall. It must have points of attachment lines and places where the wires will be connected. These important marks should be transferred to the wall with a marker or colored pencil. Then the template can be removed.

The next step is drilling holes for the dowels. To do this, you should choose a drill that has required diameter. Each dowel must be selected in accordance with the material and thickness of the wall. After the holes are ready, metal corners are attached to the wall.

Then you need to remove the top cover of the unit. Now you can safely attach equipment to hanging corners on the wall. Before installing the brackets, you need to make sure that all chimney fittings have the required dimensions exactly according to the instructions, otherwise there will be problems later. The bracket to which the gas boiler is attached must itself be very securely fixed to the wall. This is the most important point.

It is important to remember that depending on the type of wall there are various ways fastenings Exist different types fastening installations, each of which is designed to be installed a certain type unit and type of load.

During installation, it is important to ensure that no debris gets inside the fan. The pipe through which combustion products will be removed must be at least two centimeters away from the wall surface.

Boiler installation tools

Before installing a wall-mounted unit, you should obtain in advance:

  • screwdrivers,
  • fasteners,
  • glue,
  • tow,
  • wrenches,
  • drill,
  • gloves,
  • threaded coupling,
  • non-flammable finishing material.

First you need to close the water supply using the valve. After this, you can connect the boiler and pipeline using a threaded coupling. To achieve the tightest fixation, be sure to use tow. The unit must first be connected from the end side. The hot water supply is connected to the top pipe of the unit, and the return to the bottom pipe.

The distribution box of the unit must be connected to the power cable, and a safety contact outlet must be provided from the switch.

Thanks to the cable, power is supplied to a powerful boiler, and therefore each fuse should not exceed three Amperes in power, or the fuse should have a rating lower than the current rating required for quality use boiler At the end of this type of work, you need to connect the gas equipment to reliable grounding.

As you can see, installing a gas boiler on your own is quite feasible in as soon as possible without extra costs time, effort and money. You can study the installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands in the video in more detail. For example, the most frequent questions have become regarding the installation of the Danko gas boiler, which is gaining popularity.

The cost of installing a gas boiler is much lower than the cost of calling specialists. In addition, the work is carried out quickly, and the skills acquired during installation will be useful in the future.

In a modern private house you cannot do without a gas boiler. It is simple and safe to use. Yes, its installation is very labor-intensive and expensive, but in the end, a gas boiler is the most cost-effective solution for heating a house and heating water. Compared to electric heating devices, it can pay for itself in one winter.

Gas boilers can be single-circuit or double-circuit. Single-circuit ones are intended only for heating, double-circuit ones - for heating and water heating. Gas boilers also differ in power and type of installation.

It is very important to get it right determine the required power equipment. The disadvantages of insufficient power are obvious. Excess power, in addition to the economic component, is also dangerous. Frequent temperature changes cause acid condensation to form in the combustion chamber, which can corrode metal parts boiler

The boiler power is directly dependent on the size of the room. You also need to make allowances for the climatic conditions in which you live. Divide the area of ​​heated premises by 10, and multiply by a factor of 1.2 - 1.5 for the Moscow region, 0.7 - 0.9 for the southern regions, 1.5 - 2 for northern regions- and you will get the required power. Thus, for a house with an area of ​​100 square meters, located in the Central region, a device with a capacity of at least 12-15 kilowatts.

Power can be adjusted. Low-power boilers have single-stage power control. Medium-capacity heating devices are equipped with two-stage adjustment. High-performance boilers are equipped with modulated power control.

According to the type of installation, there are wall-mounted and floor standing boilers. Each type of installation has its own characteristics. But, no matter what kind of boiler we install, before its actual installation we need to fulfill a number of requirements that are established by certain SNiPs.

For devices that are installed on the territory of the Russian Federation, the requirements are determined by SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential and multi-apartment buildings”, SNiP 42-01-2002“Gas distribution systems” and other governing documents.

Rules for installing gas boilers in a private house


Requirements for parts and equipment parts

Gas outlets (or, as they are often called, chimneys)

  1. The passage for removing combustion products must be separate from the conventional chimney.
  2. Its horizontal length in the boiler room should not exceed three meters.
  3. The gas outlet can have no more than 3 bends.
  4. The diameter of the gas outlet and the boiler power must correspond (with a power of up to 30 kW, D=130 mm., with a power of 40 kW, D=140 mm.)
  5. The diameter of the gas outlet should not be less than the diameter of the hole for connecting the gas duct.
  6. The outer end of the gas outlet must be at least half a meter above the level of the roof ridge.

Modern boilers with a closed combustion chamber now use so-called coaxial chimneys , which are sold and installed together with the heating device. When installing such boilers, the dimensions of the room are not important, since the combustion air does not come from inside, but from the street.

These General requirements may vary slightly in different regions, they are constantly being refined and clarified. In addition, there are nuances that the gas supply in the house is not central, but bottled. At the same time, the rules and requirements for installing a gas boiler will differ in some features. There is also a difference in what material the house is built from and what the floors are. To avoid problems at the project approval stage, it is better to invite a specialist and inspect the house in advance for possible shortcomings.

What actions need to be taken to obtain permits for installing a gas boiler:

Agreed project and is a permitting document for installing a gas boiler.


Installation sequence for a floor-standing boiler

  • The boiler is installed on a solid base that can withstand its weight. To do this, either pour concrete screed, or a sheet of galvanized iron is laid on the floor.
  • When installing the device on the base, make sure that it is exactly parallel to the ground.
  • Connect to the chimney and check the draft.
  • Connect to the heating system pipes, while installing a hard water filter (after the outlet line before entering the return line boiler). Place shut-off mechanisms (for example, ball valves) on both sides of the filter. Install ball valves on all pipes.
  • Double-circuit boiler connect to water supply. It is better to make a tap into the water supply system as close as possible to the entrance of the pipe into the building or to the branching point of the pipe. It is better to connect the water supply pipe from above, and the water return pipe from below.
  • Connect to the gas pipeline. This can only be done by a gas master; you cannot make the connection yourself.
  • Connect to power supply.

In both installation options, the system must be filled with water before the first start-up. To do this, the device must be turned off. Water should be drawn in very slowly - this is the only way to get rid of air “bubbles” in the heating system.

It should also be remembered that the installation of any gas equipment cannot be carried out at sub-zero temperatures; the temperature must be from 5 to 35 degrees.

Maintenance of gas equipment

Gas equipment must be maintained regularly, at least twice a year. Be sure to do this before you start heating season. A specialist must check the tightness, condition of the chimney and ventilation system, clean the filters and burner, and replace worn parts.