How to make a screen for a bathtub with your own hands, recommendations for making it. We assemble a bath screen with our own hands. Self-installation options

The screen in the bathroom allows you to improve designer look premises and create additional storage space for various accessories.

Made from various materials and can be of several types.

In sales you can find factory screens for the bathroom; their advantages include speed of installation. On this, unfortunately, positive sides are ending. Disadvantages - unreasonably high cost, the presence of a gap between the screen and the floor and insufficient physical strength. In addition, it can sometimes be difficult to choose appearance factory screen to match the style of the room. We do not recommend installing factory screens; from various points of view, it is much more profitable to make them yourself or order them from professional builders.

Various materials are used to make bathroom screens; knowledge of their objective characteristics allows us to choose optimal solutions for each specific case. The table gives Comparative characteristics materials.

NamePerformance indicators

Advantages - low cost, manufacturability, speed of installation. Disadvantages - unsatisfactory mechanical strength, Negative consequences after prolonged direct contact with water.

The material is often used to make low-cost screen options and is easy to work with. In terms of cost, it occupies an average position. Disadvantage - it is afraid of prolonged direct contact with water, and over time it can slightly deform under its own weight.

In all respects it satisfies the majority of users, is not afraid of water, can withstand significant dynamic and static loads. Technologically advanced, plastic plates can be processed with the simplest mechanisms and tools. Another advantage is that the perfectly smooth surface allows you to glue decorative self-adhesive tapes to them. polyethylene films, which significantly expands the possibilities of design choice.

Shockproof glass is used, including glass with a mirror surface. The most expensive option, making such a screen yourself is very difficult. Manual cutting of shockproof glass at home is unrealistic.

The most durable structures can withstand significant loads. This is very important for acrylic bathtubs, for which such screens are considered the most optimal. Acrylic bathtubs can experience large deformations under load; all other screens, as a result of such changes in linear dimensions, lose functionality or completely fail. Masonry materials take on additional loads.

External finishing of the surfaces of bathroom screens is done different ways, from gluing patterns or drawings on plastic film before tiling with ceramic tiles. Wide variety of manufacturing options and decorative design screens puts inexperienced users in a difficult position when choosing. For them we will give some practical advice.

A screen in the bathroom is needed not only for decorative purposes, but also to protect the space under the bathtub from water leakage. Its presence causes the appearance unpleasant odors and fungi. This means that when choosing a specific screen, choose the option that completely prevents water from getting under the bathtub. Water can enter not only during taking water procedures, but also due to pipeline breaks.

Do not forget to always provide access to the siphon, shut-off valves and other engineering communications. Today's plumbing products and equipment guarantee correct installation long-term use. Periodic cleaning of siphons is done very effective means, there is no need to disassemble them, this relaxes the plumbers a little. But some cleaning products, if not used correctly, can raise the temperature to such values ​​that plastic pipes become soft, deformed at the joints and, as a result, leaks appear. In addition, small valuable jewelry can get into the bathtub siphon; they can only be removed from there after disassembling it. Conclusion - when choosing a screen, always ensure that you have access to the bottom of the bath. If you have storage space under the bathroom detergents Since this is a voluntary matter, emergency access is a prerequisite for all bath screen options.

The screen should be as strong, durable, beautiful and easy to clean as possible. Ceramic tiles best meet these conditions; all other materials, including plastic, are significantly inferior to them. But ceramic tiles can be laid both on durable brick surfaces and on plasterboard slabs. We strongly advise you not to use drywall to make screens; according to professionals, this is the most bad option of all possible.

Conclusion - a screen made of bricks or foam blocks, trimmed with ceramic tiles, is considered optimal. Access for inspection and storage space for bathroom accessories is provided in this option.

And one last thing. Only this option can be used for acrylic bathtubs; they are so fragile that even with a slight load they change their shape. All screens, except stationary brick or block ones, have an extremely negative attitude towards any fluctuations in linear dimensions. As an example, we will take the most successful version of a bathroom screen - made of foam blocks lined with ceramic tiles.

Step-by-step instructions for making a stationary block screen

First you need to think about the location of the technical holes, prepare tools and materials. There is no problem in counting the amount of materials. And the tools you will need are a basic mason's kit, a tape measure, a square, a level and glue or a cement-sand mixture.

The standard bathtub height is 56 cm, buy foam blocks measuring 30x60 cm and 10 cm thick. Such masonry materials can be placed on edge, which significantly increases the stability of the structure and makes work easier.

If the blocks are slightly larger than the required size, this is not a problem; they can be cut perfectly with a hacksaw. If it is much lower, then you will have to place them on the edge in two rows in height. This is more difficult; it will be especially difficult to work with the last row.

Important. If you have a thin acrylic bathtub, then you definitely need to make a rigid support for the bottom, otherwise it will sag and cracks will appear in the grout.

For this you can use bricks or the same foam blocks. The emphasis will not hurt for a cheap metal bathtub. Some manufacturers have learned to save so much that they make bathtubs from sheet steel a few tenths of a millimeter thick. There is no need to talk about any strength in these cases.

Step 1. Check the position of the bath. There are cases when plumbers made a mistake during its installation; the problems should be corrected before finishing begins. Check the position of all sides one by one with a level and level the position if necessary.

Practical advice. Unfortunately, you can find low-quality bathtubs with an incorrect bottom slope. In such bathtubs, the water does not completely go into the drain hole; a little always remains near it. Subsequently, it dries out and appears at the bottom. dirty spots. To eliminate this phenomenon, lift one end of the bath until the water completely goes into the drain hole. Lock it in this position. It’s okay that the sides are not horizontal; their slope is invisible to the eye. A few millimeters of difference in height are eliminated by slightly changing the width of the tile seam.

Step 2. Mark the location of the screen so that the facing tiles are flush with the side of the bathtub. To do this, take a level, place it against the side of the bathtub in a strictly vertical position, and make a mark on the floor. Make such measurements at at least three points along the length. Connect them with a thin line, it will indicate the position facing tiles. Next, you should outline the lines for the blocks. Sum up their thickness with the thickness of the glue (no more than 0.5 cm) and the thickness ceramic tiles. Draw another clearly visible line on the floor at this distance from the first with a felt-tip pen. Using a level, draw the same lines on the vertical walls.

Step 3. Prepare the solution and foam blocks. It is better to buy a dry mixture; its characteristics are much superior to self-prepared cement-sand mixtures. These adhesives are inexpensive and allow you to install directly onto existing ceramic tiles. There is no need to first tear it off, make notches with a grinder, etc.

Step 4. Try on the foam block. At the top of the bathtub it will have to be sawed off at an angle. Do this operation in several stages, repeating the fitting each time. This way you will be able to accurately adjust the dimensions of the block, which will have a positive effect on the strength of the masonry.

Step 5. Apply glue around the perimeter of the foam block approximately 2 cm thick, install it in place, check the verticality with a level. Linearity is controlled by a line drawn on the floor. Continue tiling the bathroom in the same way.

Step 6. Remove construction debris and remove any adhesive from nearby ceramic tiles with a damp cloth. Leave the structure for one or two days for the mass to harden. Next, you can begin laying the facing tiles.

How to access the siphon

We have already mentioned that the quality of modern plumbing equipment ensures reliable operation for many years. But emergency situations may arise, the elimination of which will require access to the space under the bathroom. You can make access in several ways, each of them has its own strengths and weak sides. We will briefly consider all the options, and you yourself choose the method that is acceptable to you.

Work should begin only after the masonry with foam blocks has fully gained strength.

Step 1. Mark the hatch. It should be located on the side of the bathtub on which the connection of engineering systems is installed. First you need to beat off the location lines finishing tiles screen. The area of ​​the hatch should be equal to a multiple of the number of tiles; in most cases, four pieces are enough: two in length and two in width. Accordingly, the length of one side of the square will be equal to the length of two tiles. But the exact parameters depend on the size of the tile.

Step 2. Draw a square on the blocks in the selected location; the side of the square should be 3–4 cm less than the length of the two tiles. Cut a hole along the lines. This can be done with a grinder (dusty and noisy) or an ordinary hacksaw. To start working with a hacksaw, drill several holes along the line. through holes, remove the thin bridges between the holes with a drill. This is how the initial cut for the saw is made.

These steps should be repeated on each side of the square.

Step 3. Start laying tiles on the foam blocks of the bathroom screen, leaving the prepared emergency hole free. When the tile adhesive has hardened, proceed to create an emergency hole. You'll have to work on it a little. The fact is that the tiles will only be held in place on narrow strips; such features require very careful work.

Cover the four remaining tiles on the back side with stretch film. The tiles should not stick to the blocks, but only imprint their mark. After the glue has set, carefully remove the tile, remove the film, coat the surface with sealant (it holds much more firmly) and install it in place. Grout the seams as usual. If necessary, the grout can be removed and the tiles can be removed without any problems.

After repair work all elements are installed in place. If there are concerns about the reliability of fixation of these tiles, then their position can be strengthened. To do this you need to have a segment metal U-profile for fastening drywall. It is installed vertically exactly in the middle of the cut square. Longitudinal slots are cut into the blocks under the side edges of the profile; the profile must fit in such a way that its surface is at the same level and the tiles are glued together. The free edges of the tile will rest against it, which will significantly increase their stability.

Video - Push inspection hatch under tiles

Plastic or MDF screen for the bathroom

This option is considered budget-friendly; all work can be completed within one day. It is inferior in quality and design to the one described above, but is quite suitable for small bathrooms. To make such a screen, you will need aluminum or plastic profiles for sliding doors (they have two internal tracks approximately 3–4 mm wide), durable silicone glue, dowels, plastic or MDF panels of appropriate thickness and decorative handles. The tools you will need are a drill, an angle grinder, a level, a tape measure and a pencil or marker.

The marking is done according to the algorithm described above with one difference. Only one line is needed; profiles will be installed along it. The front side of the profiles should lie in the same plane with the sides of the bathtub.

Very important. If in the first case we allowed the position of the bath to be slightly different from the horizontal, now it should be set strictly according to the level. This is explained by the fact that the shape of the doors should only be square, otherwise they will jam and not open completely.

Step 1. Measure the dimensions of the profiles around the perimeter of the bath. Cut the profiles at a 45° angle. If the walls of the room have a slope, then the cutting angle needs to be adjusted; the presence of cracks at the junction points indicates a very low qualification of the performer. There is no way to hide these gaps; over time, dirt accumulates in them, and the appearance of the screen deteriorates significantly. If you don't have practical experience When making corner joints, we recommend practicing on wooden slats. Good option, by the way, can be used as a template when cutting a profile.

Step 2. Mark the locations of the holes for the dowels. For vertical profiles, three are enough; in the lower horizontal profile, you need to check at least four.

Step 3. Place the profiles on the floor and walls one by one and mark the locations for the holes for the dowels. Drill holes in the wall and floor and insert plastic parts into them. Apply glue to the back side and secure the profiles in the dowels.

Step 4. The upper horizontal profile is fixed with glue to the lower surface of the sides of the bathtub. Before attaching it, thoroughly clean the surfaces from dirt, wipe them with solvent, and allow time to dry. Do not touch these surfaces with your fingers while applying the adhesive. Give plenty of glue; the excess will be cut off or covered up later.

Step 5. Take the exact dimensions of the sliding doors. Please note that they should be approximately 5mm larger than the screen frame opening. The doors fit into the groove of the profiles and are held in place due to their large dimensions. Cutting plastic is much faster with an ordinary grinder with a metal stone. Burrs on the reverse side are removed with a mounting knife.

Step 6. Drill holes for the handles and install them in place. Tilt the doors and insert them first into the upper profile and then into the lower one. Check for smooth running. If there are jams, find the cause and eliminate it.

Screen made of plasterboard

For this type of screen, you need to make a frame from galvanized metal profiles. To increase stability, additional vertical and horizontal jumpers are installed. Plasterboard boards are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the outer surface is covered with ceramic tiles.

Video - Installing a screen in the bathroom with your own hands

In order to qualitatively equip your bathroom, you should not forget about the aesthetic side of the finish. If you think that after renovation it is enough to install furniture and plumbing and that’s all, then you are deeply mistaken. In some cases, communications running under the bathroom remain visible, which, of course, do not add aesthetics to the room. Therefore, the free space under the bathtub should be covered with something, and a decorative screen is ideal for these purposes. Often, after repairs there is practically no money left, and it is not possible to buy ready-made panels, or there are other reasons, so you can make a bath screen with your own hands.

Aesthetics above all

IN Soviet times The free space under the bathroom, as a rule, was not closed, and no one worried about the aesthetic side of the issue. But time passes, technology develops and makes it possible to make a screen for a bath of almost any shape and style. Now Special attention pays attention to small interior details, because they can radically affect the overall picture of the renovation.

Screens for the bathtub can be purchased together with the bathtub or separately from it, but it is not always possible to choose the desired size and shape of the structure. Therefore, you can create a homemade bath screen that will not differ from the factory one either in quality or appearance.

And in this article we will tell you how to make a screen for a bathtub with my own hands, what is required for this, what material to choose and other useful things.

Selecting material for the screen

At the very beginning, before making a bathroom screen with your own hands, you need to decide what material will be used.

The most popular today are:

  • plastic;
  • acrylic;
  • brickwork;
  • tile.

Product requirements

Just like a factory product, a homemade bath screen must meet certain requirements:

  • After installation, the screen should remain Free access to communications. That is, the design must contain a door, window or canvas made in the form of sliding sections;
  • The material or its protective coating must correspond to the special microclimate of the bathroom. In the bathroom there is almost always high humidity, and sudden temperature changes occur. Therefore, ordinary finishing materials for the bathroom cannot be used, because under the influence of these factors they will quickly collapse;
  • After installing the screen, the bathtub should not rest on its plane.

Tip: The free space under the bathroom is often used as a niche for storing small items, household chemicals, detergents, etc. You can also install additional shelves on the inside and outside. This solution is especially relevant for small-sized baths.

Creating a brick screen

Brick is a fairly versatile material. In general, making a screen for a bathtub from brick is a classic option.

Creating a brick screen under the bathroom with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to know and take into account the peculiarities of the work process:

  • The laying is carried out in a quarter of a brick;
  • The screen is placed from one wall to another along the border of the bath;
  • To create the correct and robust construction of the screen, each row of brick is shifted by half of the previous one (“stitched”), that is, a “chessboard order” is obtained;
  • The space between the floor and the bathtub is not completely filled; space must be left for a door or viewing window;
  • The last row of bricks is not placed close to the bathtub. A gap of 1-2 cm is left between the brick and the bathtub; it can be blown out with foam or a decorative overlay can be installed.

When making a screen under a brick bathtub, you need to remember that it is not completely finished design. After the masonry mortar has completely dried, it is mounted on top of the brick. decorative finishing, it can be tiles, laminate or mosaic.

Important! It is extremely undesirable to use wallpaper, because high humidity and temperature will cause the service life to be very short.

Making a screen from MDF

Screens made from MDF panels are quite popular, because with careful use and high-quality surface treatment they can last long time, which sometimes amounts to 10 or more years.

Before making a screen for a bathtub from MDF, a special frame is installed from a metal profile or wooden beams.

Important! If wood is used for the frame, it should be pre-treated with a special antiseptic.

When the frame is completely ready, you can start covering MDF panels. To properly protect the material from moisture penetration, it is treated on all sides with a primer, and the points of contact with the floor are treated with silicone sealant.

The screen must have technical and ventilation holes approximately 2x5 cm in size. To make such holes look harmonious, you can install decorative grilles or panels for ventilation ducts.

Manufacturing of plastic screens

Making bath screens from plastic panels is much more simpler structures from MDF. Since there is no process of pre-treatment of the surface and decorative cladding, installation time is reduced several times.

Note: The undoubted advantages of plastic screens include easy installation and dismantling of the canvas.

Before installing the structure, you need to build a frame; for this, you should use a profile for the screen under the bathtub. Its installation is mandatory because it will fix the panel under the bathtub in the desired position. Thanks to this design it is possible to create sliding structure. This solution will allow you to rationally use the space under the bathroom.

The frame is made of several parts. The starting profile is installed first, which serves as a support for subsequent structures. The reliability of the installation will determine whether the structure will warp or not. Subsequent elements are mounted on special slides, along which the canvases will move.

Just like in MDF screens, plastic structures must have ventilation and technological holes.

We must remember! When making a screen for a bathtub yourself, you need to take care of sealing the area adjacent to the floor. This procedure can be performed with sealant. Such actions will prevent water from entering the space under the bathtub.

Decorative tile panel

The process of creating a screen from tiles is very similar to the previous ones, only here the pre-prepared frame is sheathed with moisture-resistant plasterboard, after which ceramic tiles are laid.

Unlike previous designs, the tiled screen for the bathroom is made monolithic with your own hands. Therefore, before starting the installation, you need to think through the entire design of the screen where the communication will take place, ventilation and technical openings will be located. Since access to the pipes will be limited, at the very beginning you will have to take care of creating a window or door for servicing the communications.

Before making a bathroom screen from ceramic tiles, you need to decide on the material for the base. The best would be brickwork or plasterboard construction. The frame for plasterboard can be made of wooden blocks or a metal profile.

Ceramic tiles are laid using waterproof tile adhesive for kitchens and bathrooms, and the seams are sealed with a special grout.

Important! The grout must contain substances that prevent the formation of fungus and mold.

A few words in conclusion

So that the screen for the bathroom with your own hands is of high quality and creates cozy atmosphere indoors, use our tips on how to make a screen for the bathroom, and you can also study video tutorials and photo reports from masters.

Not every bathtub can have a ready-made screen. For some it is set high, for others, on the contrary, low, there are also bathtubs non-standard sizes. In addition, not everyone wants to install plastic - they don’t trust the material or don’t like the look. In all these cases, you need to make a screen under the bathtub yourself or call a specialist. In any case, it doesn’t hurt to know how everything can and should be done.

Materials and requirements for them

  • galvanized profile covered with sheet material:
    • moisture-resistant plasterboard;
    • moisture-resistant or laminated plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm;
    • GVL ( a good choice, since it is absolutely not afraid of moisture and does not deform);
  • bricks;
  • aerated concrete 50 mm thick;
  • plastic panels and guides for their installation (this option is purely decorative, suitable only for cast iron or steel bathtubs).

All of these designs, except the last one, need finishing. Most often this is porcelain tile or ceramic bathroom.

The most common version of a homemade bath screen is made from profiles and drywall. In order for the structure to be reliable and not sag under loads, the profiles must be taken with a thick wall, or reinforced ones can be used. Also a prerequisite is good quality galvanization. If possible, you should take branded profiles so that there are no problems later - after all, high humidity in the bathroom is the norm.

Sheet material for the frame must be moisture resistant. This is a must. And even in this case, before installation, it won’t hurt to prime it with a compound that increases water-repellent properties. It’s not bad if this composition is also antibacterial - protection against mold and fungi will not hurt.

Brick screens are made mainly for acrylic bathtubs - so that part of the load can be transferred to the brick wall. Although, if desired, the profile frame can be made with sufficient load-bearing capacity - double reinforced racks can be made.

If you decide to make a screen for a bathtub from brick, you should use a red ceramic one. It is better not to take silicate because of its hygroscopicity. Ceramic brick It is also hygroscopic, but its absorption capacity is less. To minimize possible problems(coloring by high humidity), masonry with inside It is advisable to cover it with a layer of plaster. This is not easy, but if desired, it is possible to apply the solution as the screen is being erected. No special care is required, the main thing is to protect the brick from moisture.

Another option for a bathtub screen that you can make yourself is from aerated concrete. This material is easy to process. The required relief is formed easily, even with a sharp piece of iron, and the block is cut with a regular saw. With all this, the blocks have good load-bearing capacity. So this material can also be used for a homemade screen under acrylic bath Yu. In addition, the blocks are large, so this small wall folds up very quickly.

Note! In the photo above you see a block worked on one side. This is done so that after laying the tiles, they will be flush with the sides of the bathroom, and not protrude outward. For the same purpose, when installing, the blocks are recessed a little, leaving a gap equal to the thickness of the tile and tile adhesive.

In the photo, the master is holding the underworked part pointing down, but when laying the block, the block is turned over. In this position, glue is applied to its lower part, which fixes the block to the floor. Glue is applied to another side edge and on the top. This ensures fixation with the side of the bathtub and the previous block. The technology for making a screen for a bathtub from aerated concrete is not difficult; if you have at least some experience in masonry, you can do it.


We will talk about how you can make a screen for a bathtub with your own hands so that it is functional, beautiful and convenient. Everyone has their own ideas about convenience and beauty. Therefore we will consider possible options, and you yourself decide how best to do it.

With a wide side or not

Sometimes a wide side is made around the bathroom. It turns out that it is somehow inserted into the case. On the one hand, this is convenient - you can put something on the sides and, from an aesthetic point of view, the bathtub fits more harmoniously into the interior.

But not everyone can afford to allocate a large space. Bathrooms are usually not pleasing with their size and an extra 10-15 cm can be critical. In addition, this type of installation may be inconvenient for older people. To get into the bath, you have to take a long step, which is not always possible for them.

But this option has another one positive point: You can make large shelves under the bathtub. They can be open or with sliding/hinged doors.

Similar shelves are made without a wide side, but their depth is much less. Although, maybe this is not a minus, but a plus - there will be less different things collected, it will be easier to get something out and put it away.

Foot recess

It is more convenient to clean the bathtub or wash clothes in it if the screen has a recess for the feet. Its depth can be small - 10-12 cm is enough, width - about 35-45 cm. Such dimensions allow you to reach the walls and the opposite side without strain.

We’ve decided on the dimensions, all that’s left is to choose what it will look like. The easiest square notch to organize. It can be made from brick, aerated concrete and profile.

The non-standard variation looks more interesting - the entire screen is made of two levels, with the upper part hanging over the lower part (pictured below). In this version it is possible for illumination. It should be interesting.

On two levels - unusual

The next option is to make part of the screen tilted. In the case of a profile, this is easy to implement; with brick, it is almost impossible; with aerated concrete, it is possible, but difficult.

Another option is to raise the top edge of the screen above the floor a few centimeters. It will turn out to be on legs and there will be no problems with legroom. But there are problems with cleaning. You can’t pull the cladding high - it’s unsightly, but if you leave a small gap, how can you clean it? Problem.

In general, from all these options you can choose something most suitable for yourself, although they also make a blank, flat screen on the floor.

Hatches for inspection

The screen under the bath must have a removable/opening part through which you can access communications. There are several possibilities to do this. The first is to install a plastic hatch. Not everyone likes its appearance, but it is the simplest and cheapest option.

The next possibility is to make a removable panel that will be attached to the frame using magnets. Not to say that this option is difficult to implement, but it requires more experience - you need to calculate the installation location of the hatch so that whole tiles fit on it.

Instead of a hatch there is a removable panel

One thing: if you grout the seams with a light paste, the hatch will still stand out. There is no grouting in this place, but there are small gaps that are very noticeable against a light background.

The most technologically advanced, but also the most expensive way is to install special hatches for inspection. They are of two types - folding on chains and rotating.

These hatches, unlike plastic ones, are designed for laying tiles on them. If installed well and calculated correctly, it is not easy to see.

How to make a bathtub screen with your own hands

It is not always possible to guess from the general appearance of the same screen how to make it. Those who have at least some experience in repair and construction work will probably understand, but ordinary people are unlikely to. To make it easier to navigate, we will post several photo reports on the production of homemade bathroom screens different types and type.

From profile and plasterboard

Making a screen for a bathtub from plasterboard takes place in three stages: first, the frame is assembled, then it is sheathed with plasterboard, and then the tiles are laid on the glue.

The order of work is as follows:

The screen for the plasterboard bathtub is ready.

An interesting version of a more rigid screen design for a bathtub floor is in this video. It will definitely not break even under significant loads. All you need to do is attach the racks to the bathtub body. To do this, glue a piece of profile to the wall of the bath using liquid nails. Then the racks are fixed to this profile using short sections.

For a curved bath

When making a screen for a curved bathtub, the main task is to replicate its smooth curves. In this case, you can also use a galvanized profile for plasterboard PN 27*28. Instead of drywall, use EPS (extruded polystyrene foam) 50 mm thick, high density (preferably the densest). Since acrylic bathtubs most often have a nonlinear shape, they require more reliable support than a sheet of drywall. High-density extruded polystyrene foam is a fairly rigid material that will withstand the pressure of the walls of a bathtub filled with water.

You will also need a grinder or metal scissors, two or three cans of polyurethane foam. The order of work is as follows:

This technique is suitable for making your own screen for an acrylic bathtub. Polyurethane foam will support the walls and also insulate them. This bath will keep you warm for a long time.

Bath screen made of PVC panels

This product cannot be called durable, but it is built quickly and the costs are scanty. You will need two strips of PVC panels, starting guides for them, corners, and liquid nails. Tools: ruler or tape measure, metal cloth, scissors.

For ease of use, the walls are inclined inward. This design determined the assembly order: if you glue the profiles right away, you won’t be able to insert PVC strips into them. Therefore, first we assemble the plastic wall into a profile, then we put the entire wall in place, gluing the profile (we apply glue, slightly moving the wall back, then we move it into place). This trick was a success with a short end wall.

We had to do things differently with the length of the wall. First, we assembled all the pieces locally into a single canvas (without the starting profile at the bottom). The slats rested on the floor and the recess of the side. Then a guide was inserted under the finished wall. This became possible because the strips were cut 1-2 mm shorter than necessary. In general, all dimensions were measured very accurately, all strips are the same length. The wall stands securely and without glue. They did not glue it because it is long, and it is not clear how to return it to its place.

All that remains is to seal the joints with the walls and finish the corner of the screen. We carefully measure the piece that is missing, transfer the dimensions to plastic, and cut it off. We put the cut parts in place.

Now we need to refine the joints. Profile guides are slipped under the planks that are adjacent to the walls. They could have been installed immediately during installation - there would have been fewer problems.

I had to tinker with the corner. It is necessary to simultaneously drive two planes into it. This was only possible with the help of a steel ruler. It took a lot of time.

It’s not difficult to make this screen under the bathtub with your own hands. You just need to handle it carefully - the plastic is pressed through very easily. Another minus this option- absence inspection hatch. If there are problems, you will have to disassemble the part.

An excellent way to hide all plumbing communications and give the room completeness is to install a screen under the bathtub. And in order for the screen to fit perfectly into the interior of the bathroom and save money, you can make it yourself.

Making your own bath screen

A bathtub installed without a screen does not look very elegant even in the neatest and most stylish bathroom. Therefore, you should think carefully about how you can close the space under it in such a way that access to plumbing communications is not blocked and all functionality is preserved.

A universal solution to this problem can be a special screen installed under the bathtub. And in order to get a beautiful, unique and unusual interior detail, you need to abandon the ready-made purchased screen and make a screen for the bathtub with your own hands.

Which material to choose?

The easiest and most popular screens to manufacture are plastic ones, which are not afraid of dampness and are quite durable. The screen can be covered special film or made of multi-colored plastic that matches the tone of the bathroom interior.

Those who do not intend to use the space under the bathroom for storage can install plasterboard screens, which should be equipped with a door so that you have access to plumbing equipment if necessary.

Support frame

For each screen, you need to build a special frame, onto which the panels themselves must then be attached. The frame can be made of aluminum or wooden profiles with parameters 40x40, 30x30, 25x25.

Before starting work, you must make markings on the floor and walls in order to mark as accurately as possible all the lines along which you will install the screen under the bathtub with your own hands. You can also install cross profiles, which will help strengthen the screen and give additional rigidity to the entire structure.

Then all the profiles must be joined together and attached to the floor and walls of the bathroom.

Construction of a brick screen

A rather original and at the same time stylish solution could be a brick screen, which will then be finished decorative plaster or tiles. Such a screen can be easily made independently.

When starting work, you need to mark the future screen so that the edge of the bath is flush with its wall.

You should also make vertical markings on opposite wall. When laying bricks, this marking will serve as a guide. It is recommended to do the laying on cement-sand mortar in ¼ or ½ brick.

If desired, you can make a special niche for feet in the screen and be sure to build a small door so that there is access to plumbing communications and drainage. You can make such a door yourself from plastic panels or purchase a ready-made one in a store.

Popular screens

Screen made of plastic lining

This screen is the cheapest, and it is also very easy to manufacture and install. The plastic does not require any additional finishing, so you can use the bath immediately after installation. If necessary, this structure can be easily disassembled in order to open access to the space under the bathroom.

Before you begin installation, you should stock up on all the necessary materials: in addition to the panels themselves, you will also need a starting profile, which will need to be secured around the entire perimeter of the screen.

In order to prevent the plastic from losing its shape and bending over time, it is necessary to strengthen the frame with an additional profile installed in the middle of the structure.

Installation should begin by gluing the bottom of the profile to the floor using sealant. Then you need to use a construction knife to cut the strips of lining and insert them into the starting profile. You just need to cut a hole in advance in the place where the door will be located.

Sheathing with plasterboard

To make such a screen, you should use special drywall, which is intended for rooms with high levels of humidity.

One of the main advantages of a plasterboard screen is that it can be built in the form of a niche with small shelves, so it can successfully replace a chest of drawers or a cabinet in a small bathroom.

Such a screen is made from sheets of plasterboard, which are fixed to a frame assembled from wooden blocks or a metal profile. Depending on how the bathtub itself will be located, the frame can be installed either on only one side of the bathtub, or on both sides at once. The amount of materials you will need to build the screen depends on which option you ultimately choose.

In order to make such a screen for a bathtub with your own hands, you will need the drywall itself, paint, impregnations and sealants, a profile for drywall and putty.

Work should begin with marking the frame. Then you need to assemble a frame from the profile in accordance with the future shape of the screen and install it using a screwdriver and drill under the bathtub.

First of all, you need to secure the smaller part of the structure, then the larger one, and then fasten them together. After the sheets of drywall are fixed to the frame, their surface must be treated with sealant, puttied and coated with a primer. When all the layers are dry, you can start Finishing work.

Remember that it is necessary to provide a technological hole.

Ceramic tile screen

Ceramic tiles can be used to decorate screens made of brick, MDF or plasterboard. First you need to prime the surface, then apply putty on it and wait until it is completely dry. Then you need to thoroughly rub the surface with sandpaper and prime it again.

The tiles must be laid in exactly the same way as usual, using crosses for the seams, special glue and grout. The advantages of such a screen are its durability and decorativeness.

If you wish, you can select something interesting color combination, or you can even make sliding doors, which will be a little more expensive and more complicated.

MDF sheathing

Before installation it must be soaked MDF boards special impregnations, as they are afraid of moisture. Then they need to be coated with a primer and secured to the frame in the same way as gypsum board sheets.

For additional protection such a moisture screen, it is necessary to make a ventilation hole, which should be located away from the process door. Most often, a small slot is made for this purpose, 2-3 cm wide and 5-10 cm long. So that it does not disturb general view bathroom and is not noticeable, it must be closed with a decorative plastic grille.

You can finish the MDF screen with plastic or tiles.

Screen designed for acrylic bathtub

This type of bathtub is more fragile than a cast iron bathtub, so you need to be very careful when installing the screen. Its design is no different from the design intended for a cast iron bathtub.

Before starting installation, it is necessary to apply markings to the side of the bathtub and mark the places where the screen will be fixed.

Then the upper part should be aligned with the side of the bathtub and marks should also be applied to it, which should coincide with the marks on the side.

The screen can be attached to the bath using self-tapping screws and mounting studs.

To ensure that the entry points of the self-tapping screws are invisible, it is recommended to cover them with special plugs painted to match the bathtub. You can also build a screen from brick, although you should first make the screen itself, and only then install the bath on top of it.

PVC panel screen

To make such a screen, you will need plastic or aluminum guide profiles, standard plastic panels, self-tapping screws and a square pipe, the cross-section of which should be 10x10 mm.

First of all, from a pair of parallel tubes, which must be connected transversely by the same tube, it is necessary to make a frame. The placement of vertical posts depends on the size of the screen.

After painting the pipes, you need to install guides on them - attach one to the upper frame, and the other to the lower. After this, you should cut the panels and insert them into the grooves of the guides.

Screen shape

Typically, screens that are installed under the bathtub, taking into account the shape of the bathtub itself and the characteristics of the room, are made rectangular. The only exception may be screens designed for corner baths, which have a curved design.

Depending on what material the bath screen is made of, you can improve it or add some features to it.

For example, plasterboard or brick screens may have small niches for the legs, which are needed so that the legs do not rest against the wall. Such a niche can be either inclined or straight. Screens may also differ in the method of opening - hinged or sliding. The second option is more preferable, since in this case you will not need additional space for the doors.

How to make a sliding screen yourself?

The best thing sliding screen made from plastic lining or PVC panels, since these materials are the easiest to work with, and the screen that is made from them is very durable.

You will need a special one for installation aluminum profile, from which all door guides will be made.

First you need to install the frame on which the guides should be installed. The length of the guides should be equal to the distance between the walls or the length of the bathroom.

The doors should be secured to the frame, placing them in the first profile groove on the sides of the screen. The central part is most often made motionless and placed in the middle groove.

Using spacer bolts, the finished screen must be attached to the bathtub, and furniture handles must be installed on the movable doors.

Screens for corner baths

If you want to create a screen under corner bath with your own hands, then you need to take into account that materials such as drywall are quite difficult to bend yourself and then place on a rigid frame. Therefore, the most the best solution The screen will be made from plastic, which is relatively inexpensive, is not afraid of exposure to moisture and bends well. In addition, nowadays you can purchase plastic panels in a wide variety of shades.

First of all, you need to attach the plastic guides to the floor in the bathroom, repeating the curve of the bathtub itself. With help liquid nails needs to be attached to the top wooden blocks, which will serve to fix the upper guide.

Another screen option could be a brick screen, because the masonry can be made of any shape, and then decorated with mosaics or tiles. But such a screen must be built first, and then the bathroom must be installed on it.

A bathtub is a must-have plumbing fixture for many people who prefer to spend a lot of time taking comfortable water treatments. She may have in different forms and size, but there remains free space underneath it, which significantly spoils the appearance of the room. Closing it is quite easy, for which you use a screen under the bathtub with your own hands, which is not difficult to do. It is executed from different materials, and its main purpose is not only to cover the space under the bathroom, but also to decorate the room. If desired, you can make this design yourself, which will allow you to get an element that fits perfectly into the interior, and you won’t have to spend a lot of money on it. The work will not take much time and will not require any specific experience or skills.

Types of bath screens

Before the actual work, you need to decide what material will be used, as well as what the design will be.

The screen is divided into several options by type:

  • a do-it-yourself blank screen for a bathtub is considered the easiest to create, since the space is simply covered with bricks or drywall, and a decorative coating made of tiles or other material;
  • the swing room is equipped with niches that allow access to elements of communication networks at any time, and various household chemicals or other items needed for the room are often stored here, which allows you to save space in the room, since there is no need to install additional cabinets;
  • the folding one has doors that close with magnets or latches, and the design is often equipped with shelves or lifts, which ensures the formation of a full-fledged and convenient closing drawer;
  • The sliding screen under the bathtub is convenient for use, since when opening the space under the bathtub, there is no need for space in front of the plumbing for doors.

Once it has been decided what design the screen will have, the material used for the work is determined, and the tools for these purposes are prepared.




Before you make a bathtub screen with your own hands, it is important to prepare the tools used during work. They may differ depending on the chosen design, but some elements are always used:

  • plumb line, level or other high-quality and reliable measuring equipment;
  • cement mortar if you plan to use brick during the work;
  • grout for joints in brickwork or in tiles acting as decorative material to create a coating;
  • grinder for cutting various materials;
  • a screwdriver and a drill, and these tools provide a frame, which is then sheathed with various selected finishing materials;
  • special impregnations used for wooden or metal elements, increasing their resistance to moisture;
  • polyurethane foam or sealant for remaining gaps in structures, which allows you to create a perfectly sealed structure.

Other tools are often required, since their choice depends on what material is used in the work process.

Tools that may be needed to install a screen under a bathtub


How to make it yourself

It is possible to make a bath screen from a variety of materials, and each option has its own characteristics and parameters. The most frequently chosen are:

  • plasterboard, and for this room you will certainly purchase a moisture-resistant material that can easily withstand exposure high humidity, however, when using it, additional finishing work will be required to decorate the screen;
  • Before use, plywood is treated with antiseptics and other protective compounds, after which the structure is covered with paint or tiles;
  • plastic is presented in separate panels, which are easy and simple to work with, and they are also available in numerous colors, and after creating the screen, no additional finishing work is required;
  • brick provides a stationary and unchanging structure, characterized by high strength, as well as significant weight, which increases the load on the floors of the house.



From plywood


Each option has its own characteristics, so before starting work it is recommended to study all the parameters in order to decide on the right choice. In the process of selecting the material used, one’s own skills and experience, as well as the availability of funds, are taken into account.


Brickwork is considered a popular option for a stationary screen. Usually it is not equipped with doors, and it is also impossible to gain access to communications if this is not provided for in the masonry.

How to cover the space under the bathroom with brick? To do this, follow the following steps:

  • Markings are applied to determine the location of the masonry. It is necessary to use a plumb line, and it is important that the screen is level with the sides of the plumbing fixture, otherwise it will look ugly;
  • in accordance with the markings, the laying of the first row begins, and they are connected to each other with high-quality cement mortar. The second row is made offset by half a brick, which will ensure a strong, attractive and reliable structure;
  • if you plan to make a niche, then appropriate openings are left. It is important that the hole is located next to the siphon, since it is often necessary to gain access to it;
  • To close the hole, small doors or ordinary sheets of plywood are used, covered with tiles for decoration. With the help of these elements you can close other unsightly holes that appear when laying bricks as a beginner;
  • when laying the top row, the need for a gap is taken into account, its size being approximately 2 cm. This gap is filled with polyurethane foam;
  • the resulting structure is decorated, for which tiles or mosaics are most often used, and also allows you to choose other finishing materials that are perfect for the bathroom.

Thus, you can make a brick screen with your own hands quickly and easily. With its help, the room itself and the plumbing are decorated. Before creating such a structure, you should make sure that the floors in the house will withstand the additional significant load from the bricks.

To make the screen under the bathtub beautiful and even, you need to pay special attention to the markings; the corner post should be strictly at the angle of the bowl

The masonry should be made as narrow as possible from bricks placed on edge; its strength is sufficient for pasting tiles and the load on the floor can be minimized

Be sure to leave an opening opposite the siphon


From plasterboard

This option is in demand because working with drywall is incredibly easy, and it is also affordable, so you don’t need to spend a lot of money on the screen. Since the work is being carried out in the bathroom, it is imperative to choose moisture-resistant drywall that can easily withstand the effects of high humidity and other factors inherent in this room. The material is easy to process and flexible, so it is possible to form a screen under a bathtub from plasterboard, which has a unique shape and is equipped with various shelves or other elements that increase the comfort of using the space under the plumbing for any purpose.

To create a structure, the following steps are performed:

  • Initially, markings are applied that determine the dimensions and other parameters of the future structure;
  • a frame is formed, and for this it is allowed to use metal profiles or wooden slats, but before use all elements are certainly treated with special protective compounds that increase their resistance to moisture;
  • in the process of creating a frame, it is taken into account what dimensions and other parameters the selected plasterboard sheets have;
  • installation of all frame elements is carried out using a drill and screwdriver;
  • the resulting frame is sheathed with sheets of plasterboard, for which special self-tapping screws are used, designed to work with this material;
  • in the formed coating, all seams and joints must be filled with high-quality sealant, and it is also possible to use special putty for this purpose;
  • then the base is treated with a high-quality primer;
  • as soon as all the solutions have dried, finishing work begins with the resulting screen, and usually tiles or paint are chosen for this.

The resulting screen will be quite attractive, light and inexpensive, and at the same time the appearance of the bathroom will significantly improve.

Installation of a screen for a bathroom made of gypsum plasterboard and a steel hatch

First you need to make a frame from a metal profile

The frame is covered with plasterboard

Direct screen

Curved screen

DF sheathing

Wood is considered not too suitable material for the bathroom, however, DF is often used for this room, for which it is pre-coated with antiseptics. Making bath screens with your own hands from this material is not difficult. However, it is important to choose the material itself wisely, so it is recommended to contact this issue exclusively with trusted and reliable companies, since otherwise there is a high probability that the slabs will be excessively wet and of poor quality, and therefore will not cope with the effects of high humidity.

The following steps are performed:

  • Initially, high-quality slabs are purchased, and it is important that they do not have any defects or defects;
  • all elements are impregnated with special protective agents that increase their resistance to moisture;
  • a frame is formed, and wooden slats are usually used, also treated with antiseptics;
  • DF slabs are fixed to the frame;
  • a ventilation hole is certainly created in the structure to prevent the formation of dampness under the bathtub, after which it is closed with a special plastic grille;
  • The structure is finished with plastic panels or tiles.

If the question arises of how to make a screen for a bathtub from tiles, then initially a base is made of DF or plasterboard, after which the resulting coating is finished with tiles.

Preparing the metal frame

The frame is attached to the front side of the bathtub

Ready metal frame

Wooden panels are attached to the frame

Made from plastic panels

This material is considered a good choice for the bathroom. Each plastic panel is highly resistant to moisture and other factors encountered specifically in the bathroom.

The cost of the material is considered affordable, so decorating the room will not require investing a significant amount of money. Once the screen is created, no additional finishing work will be required as the panels are attractive.

PVC panels

Elements are available in numerous colors, so you can choose panels that perfectly match the color scheme of the room.

An important point is considered right choice the panels themselves, since they must be of high quality and belong to the same batch. In this case, there will be no significant joints at the joints.

The procedure for creating a screen is no different from the process in which drywall is used. To do this, a frame is formed, covered with plastic panels. For fastening, special self-tapping screws are used, designed for working with plastic. The elements are fixed together with special grooves and tenons, which they are equipped with in production. To obtain an even and beautiful design it is advisable to use starting profile. Usually a door is made in such a screen to gain access to communication systems, as well as to store various things under the bathroom chemicals. Additionally, various shelves are formed here.

Using liquid nails we mark the places where the screen will be attached

Preparation of material

Fastening strips for PVC panels

Side wall mounting

Cutout in the pipe area

Ready screen

Thus, finishing a bathroom with your own hands is a rather complex process that includes creating a screen from various materials. He may have various forms, sizes and parameters, so each owner of residential property decides independently what kind of structure will be formed. If you have time, the necessary tools and materials, you can do the work yourself. In this case, the main ideas and ideas of people are embodied, and it is also guaranteed to obtain a screen that fits perfectly into the existing color scheme and the style of the room. By doing the process yourself, you will not need to spend a significant amount of money on it.
