How to grow a large harvest of cucumbers at home on the windowsill. Harvest all year round: how to grow cucumbers on a windowsill How to plant cucumbers in an apartment

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter is a fascinating and interesting activity; in addition, hanging young cucumbers will delight not only the owners, but also visiting guests with their beauty. In addition, homemade cucumbers on the windowsill are environmentally friendly cucumbers, and anyone can grow them. Also, cucumbers on the windowsill in winter will give a feeling of summer and a pleasant aroma.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to grow cucumbers in an apartment in winter, website says yes! But to grow cucumbers on a windowsill in winter, you need to meet the following conditions.

In winter, plants require additional lighting in the form of artificial lighting. You will need . If it is not there, then you should start growing cucumbers no earlier than mid-February, and the room temperature for growing this plant should be no lower than 20-22° during the day, and 18° at night. It is advisable that your window faces south or southeast; it will be dark on the northern window sill even with additional lighting for the plants. In addition, cucumbers do not like cold and drafts; choose a protected planting site.

To grow cucumbers on the windowsill for the New Year, you need to plant them in early November

Varieties of cucumbers for the windowsill

In order to do so, you should choose a suitable seed variety or hybrid. You can choose the so-called parthenocarpic (self-pollinating varieties), which do not require pollination; such varieties are also recommended for growing in greenhouses. Also on the back of the bag of seeds indicate:

  • What this variety or a hybrid suitable for growing on the balcony;
  • able to grow in the shade;
  • has small compact fruits.

But varieties that are indicated for cultivation in open ground should not be grown at home.

Popular parthenocapic cucumber hybrids for home grown on the windowsill, balcony in the apartment:

  • F1 City cucumber,
  • F1 Balcony,
  • F1 Balagan,
  • F1 Berendey,
  • F1 Courage,
  • F1 Manul.

Planting cucumbers on the windowsill

First you need to buy a fluorescent lamp to extend the daylight. You can start sowing seeds from mid-January. In this case, the plant will bear fruit somewhere in early April. For the soil mixture, mix turf and humus soil in equal proportions. As a mineral fertilizer, add a glass of wood ash to 1 bucket of this mixture. Then fill the pots with this mixture, leaving a little space to the edges so that you can add it later, and then put all the pots in boxes.

Before planting seeds, they should be selected by pouring them into a solution of table salt (1/2 teaspoon per glass). All floating seeds are not used. Then they should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and left in a warm humid environment for germination. After pre-sowing preparation and treatment of the seeds, they should be planted one in each pot to a depth of 1 cm and watered. For good drainage Holes should be made at the bottom of the pot and a layer of expanded clay should be laid.

You can prepare seedlings in advance so that you can plant young plants later. In this case, plant the seeds in a wide pot filled with soil mixture and then cover with film. After 3 - 4 days, allow the emerging shoots to grow and transplant into pots.


In order to germinate, the temperature in the apartment must be above 20 - 22°. Sprouted sprouts should be moved to a very bright place, or placed under a lamp. To prevent the seedlings from stretching out, the lighting must be turned off at night, so they will also rest.

The room should be regularly ventilated, but at the same time protecting the plants from drafts. Cucumbers really do not like drafts, and therefore the box with pots should be removed from the windowsill.


Watering cucumbers on the windowsill in winter should be done with warm water – 22 – 24°, so that the soil is sufficiently moist, every day or every other day. From time to time, humidify the air with a sprayer, because cucumbers are demanding of air humidity - 85-90%.

Top dressing

You can start feeding cucumbers with mineral fertilizers at the age of two weeks. For these purposes, mix a solution of 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of double superphosphate and 8 g of magnesium sulfate with 10 liters of water. This fertilizer should be used at the rate of 1 cup of solution per 5 plants. After 10 days, you should repeat feeding, but use 1 cup per two plants.

Transplanting seedlings

To prevent plants from interfering with each other’s growth, you need to arrange them conveniently. Seedlings should be transplanted into large pots when 3-4 true leaves appear on them. To do this, sprinkle a small layer of soil at the bottom of the container, plant a plant in the center, and then sprinkle with soil, leaving a little space for adding. Tie a cucumber seedling to a peg 70-80 cm high. Place the pots with plants in a tray with water poured into it. This will help moisten the soil.

Formation of bushes

When the 3rd true leaf appears, it must be pinched (read also: →). This will stimulate the appearance of side shoots. And when 5-6 leaves appear on the side shoot, you should pinch the top again. So as not to waste useful material For some mustaches, they are removed, leaving the most necessary shoots.

Care during fruiting

When the first fruits appear on the branches indoor cucumbers, you should continue to feed them every 7 - 10 days. You can use the same fertilizer, but its amount should be increased to 0.5 liters per plant. Harvesting is a pleasant activity for a gardener when growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter. You just need to remove young cucumbers in time. At good care From each bush of the plant you can remove from 10 to 30 cucumbers.

Modern technologies and advances in breeding make it possible to grow cucumbers all year round, not only in greenhouses, but also at home.

The article is intended for those who prefer fresh vegetables from their own garden and are ready to begin the exciting process of growing cucumbers in their home in the Russian winter. Our good advice and recommendations will help you achieve success in this matter.

Growing cucumbers in winter

The development of retail chains makes it possible to consume fresh vegetables and fruits all year round. However, more and more people prefer to eat organic food grown in their own garden. After all harvested is a whole complex of vitamins and microelements that are important for the full functioning of the body, especially in winter, when vitamin deficiency is not such a rare occurrence.

As a result of the work of breeders, it became possible cultivation vegetables at home even in winter time: on windows, balconies and even in basements. Therefore, it is not particularly difficult to acquire a small garden bed in a city apartment. Below you will find information about the features of growing greens at home.

Cucumber varieties for winter cultivation

The winter harvest of cucumbers largely depends on the correctly selected variety.

Greens for winter cultivation are selected based on the following requirements:

  1. Cold resistance and shade tolerance;
  2. Early ripening and high yield;
  3. Easy to care for;
  4. The ability to form fruits without pollination (that is, the ability to be parthenocarpic);
  5. Resistance to bacterial and viral infections, as well as fungal rot.
  6. Limited branching and a small number of side shoots;
  7. Purpose of fruits (salad, for canning, universal);
  8. Personal preferences.

Based on the above, we can distinguish the following most popular hybrid varieties of cucumbers for winter cultivation:

  1. Salad - Tamerlan F1, Makar F1, Zozulya F1, April F1
  2. For pickling and canning - Emelya F1, Master F1, Moscow Evenings F1, Cadet F1, Danila F1, Advance F1, Barabulka F1, Zyatek F1, Dvortsovy F1, Dachny F1, Lukhovitsky F1, Usadebka F1, Tsarsky F1, etc. The fruits of these varieties They have a compact shape and are distinguished by thin skin, through which brine can easily leak. The existing thorns are darker than those of salad cucumbers, and the bumps on the skin are more enlarged.
  3. Universal (used in fresh and suitable for pickling) - Courage F1, Dynamite F1, Northerner, Magnificent, Competitor, etc.

Figure 1. Cucumber varieties for winter cultivation: 1 - Tamerlane, 2 - Emelya, 3 - Kurazh

As a rule, the purpose of cucumbers is indicated by the manufacturer on the bag of seeds (Figure 1). If such information is missing, the color of the spikes on the peel will help you navigate. In salad-type cucumbers, they have a whitish tint, and their peel is more delicate in color.

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill

Winter growing of cucumbers is possible even in a city apartment.

When building a home garden, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Keep it in a bright place: south-facing windows or a heated loggia are best suited for these purposes.
  2. Sufficient daylight hours (up to 15-16 hours a day): disadvantage natural light can be compensated using fluorescent lamps, as well as mirrors and foil as reflectors.
  3. Warmth: when germinating seedlings, it is necessary temperature regime is +25 degrees, and after emergence - not lower than +20.

The choice of variety is also important. For home cultivation winter period time, preference should be given to early ripening parthenocarpic productive hybrids, among which are varieties such as Shchedrik and Marinda, Masha F1 and Prestige F1. Used as containers for growing cucumber seedlings indoors peat pots or small cups for seedlings, which are filled with a special substrate. It can be purchased at the store or prepared independently from ordinary garden soil with the addition of chalk, ash, rotted leaves and fertilizers.

Note: So, to prepare a nutrient mixture you will need 2/3 of a bucket of soil and 1/3 of a bucket of fertilizer. The resulting volume is supplemented with chalk, ash and leaves in the ratio of 1 cup: 2 cups: 4 cups. For the purpose of disinfection, it is recommended to spill the prepared mixture several times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

When the seedlings grow, they are moved to deeper containers, which can be used as plastic or iron containers, plastic buckets or pans, which can hold at least 5 kg of soil (Figure 2). At the bottom of each container, holes should be made to drain excess water, drainage should be placed from small pebbles, and the remaining space should be filled with nutrient substrate, leaving 3-4 cm to the edge. The sprouted seeds are deepened into the soil, watered and covered with film. Until germination, containers with seeds are kept in a warm (+25 degrees) dark place. Later they are transferred to permanent place, for example, on a windowsill, where it is light and a little cooler. In this case, the seedlings should be protected from hypothermia and drafts. Therefore, it is recommended to place containers with seedlings on a raised surface made of foam, boards or thick paper. Seedlings with two pairs of true leaves are transplanted into larger containers using the transshipment method, being careful not to damage the delicate roots and leaves. For the first time, the tops of the bushes are pinched at the stage of 4-5 leaves, the second - at the level of the next 5-6 leaves.

Figure 2. Cultivation of greens on the windowsill

Further care consists of maintaining required humidity air and optimal temperature conditions, regular feeding and timely picking of fruits. It is also worth taking care of organizing holders for vines on the window, which not only support the plants, but also increase the yield. To provide cucumbers with a specific humid climate, it is necessary to spray them with a sprayer, and to obtain a bountiful harvest, carry out regular fertilizing using ready-made complex fertilizers. When caring for homemade cucumbers, remember that they are very vulnerable and delicate, so you need to handle them very carefully.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter

In winter, cucumbers can only be grown in a heated greenhouse, because this southern crop does not tolerate temperature changes, is afraid of drafts, suffers from a lack of light and is often infected various diseases(Figure 3).

Based on the above, when planning the winter cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse, a number of preparatory work should be carried out:

  1. Put the heating system, lighting and irrigation system in order;
  2. Seal cracks to avoid drafts;
  3. Clear the greenhouse of debris and weeds;
  4. Disinfect and prepare the soil.

If the greenhouse is used for the first time, the soil must be disinfected, fertilized and dug to a depth of 25-30 cm. It is recommended to remove the soil that was previously used and replace it with a new soil mixture made up of humus and turf soil in a 1:1 ratio. The substrate must be disinfected by spilling with a 5-7% solution copper sulfate. Seeds are planted at the rate of 2-4 bushes per 1 square meter. or after 40-45 cm when planting in rows.

Note: The optimal soil temperature for the full development of cucumbers is +23+25 degrees during the day and +18+20 at night. Lower temperatures increase the risk of plant damage by fungal infections.

Regular watering is also important for harvesting. At different stages of cucumber development it is produced with different intensity. So, from the beginning of the emergence of seedlings until the onset of flowering, moderate watering is carried out once every 4-5 days. In the future, the water norm is increased, and the intensity is reduced to 2-3 times a week. Nai large quantity Cucumbers consume moisture during active fruiting: up to 10 liters per 1 sq.m. area. For irrigation, it is recommended to use settled water, the temperature of which is close to the soil temperature, that is, about +20 degrees. In this case, it is advisable to water the row spacing, and not the soil under the bushes, in order to prevent rotting of the root system of cucumbers.

Note: If the root system is exposed as a result of watering, it should be covered with soil or hilled up. Because the robot heating system dries out the air, it is recommended to increase the humidity inside the greenhouse using sprinkling and spraying procedures.

Figure 3. Greenhouse cultivation

Solutions of complex fertilizers such as “Kemira” and “Kristallon” are used as top dressing, the concentration of which does not exceed 1.5%. The first application of fertilizers is carried out 2-4 days after planting the seedlings, the second - at the stage of mass budding, and the third coincides with the beginning of fruiting. In this case, during the first feeding, complete fertilizer is applied, during the second - nitrophoska (at the rate of 5-10 g per bucket of water), during the third and subsequent ones during fruiting - a solution rich in magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

Growing cucumbers on the window of a house

To grow cucumbers at home, you should arm yourself with patience, some knowledge about the biological characteristics of this crop, and familiarize yourself with growing tips. First of all, be careful when purchasing seeds (Figure 4).

Note: Preference should be given to shade-tolerant hybrids of the parthenocarpic type, which can easily tolerate temperature changes, are tolerant of lack of light, have the ability to form fruits without pollination, and are characterized by good yield. For example, the varieties Ant F1, Miracle on the Window F1, Prestige F1, etc. have such properties.

Since the roots and leaves of cucumber seedlings are very tender and vulnerable, it would be wise to sow their seeds immediately into large containers (at least 5 liters in volume) so as not to replant them later. Each container should have holes at the bottom through which excess moisture will flow out. Stagnation of water leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. The containers are filled with a nutrient mixture prepared from ordinary garden soil mixed with sawdust or peat. To enrich the soil, potassium, phosphorus or nitrogen fertilizers are added to it (at the rate of 2 matchbox per 1 bucket of soil), as well as a small amount of wood ash, which lowers the acidity level.

Figure 4. You can grow quite a decent crop of vegetables on the window

Containers with seedlings are placed on southern windows, since this is where they can receive the maximum amount of light and heat. In this case, the ambient temperature should not fall below +20 degrees, and plants should be protected from drafts. Caring for seedlings consists of regular watering, which is carried out using settled water. room temperature, maintaining indoor temperature and humidity, as well as timely harvesting to stimulate flowering and proper regular fertilizing.

There are the following requirements for winter growing cucumbers at home:

  1. Sufficient light and space: To get a good harvest, it is recommended to illuminate cucumber seedlings in winter using fluorescent lamps. Under such conditions, sowing can be carried out in any month. If artificial lighting is not used, it is better to sow cucumbers in February, when the length of daylight begins to increase noticeably. The need for sufficient space is that cucumber bushes grow quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to take this fact into account in advance and immediately sow the seeds in containers of the required volume, since the transplantation process is often detrimental to cucumbers.
  2. Maintaining humidity levels: carried out using regular watering and spraying of plants with warm, settled water.
  3. Creating the required temperature regime: includes not only heating, but also protection of crops from drafts.
  4. Timely feeding: fertilizer complexes at the most important stages of development.
  5. Formation of bushes: involves pinching the stems at the stage of appearance of 4-5 leaves and removing the tendrils.
  6. Securing the stems: they need to be fixed on special supports for easy maintenance.
  7. Timely collection harvest.

Growing cucumbers in an apartment in winter

Modern varieties of cucumbers can be grown all year round, including in winter. To do this, you don’t have to be the owner of a greenhouse. This beloved vegetable grows well in conditions ordinary apartment. The culture feels good both on the window and on the balcony or loggia, subject to certain care conditions. However, it is worth noting that not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for growing in apartment conditions (Figure 5).

Based on the capabilities of the room and climatic features cold season, greens should be:

  1. shade-tolerant
  2. mid- or early ripening
  3. short-fruited
  4. parthenocarpic
  5. productive.

The best place to locate seedlings would be south, east or west windows, a warm glazed balcony, a heated loggia, or a veranda.

Seeds are sown in pre-prepared soil, purchased in a specialized store or made independently from equal parts of peat and humus with the addition of wood ash at the rate of 1 cup per bucket of soil. The resulting mixture should be disinfected, since cucumbers are very vulnerable to various types of infections and fungi. This procedure can be done by steaming the soil or heating it in the oven, pouring a hot strong solution of potassium permanganate, using special chemicals. Seeds are sown in prepared soil to a depth of about 1 cm and watered. It is best if they are already hatched. The seeded containers are covered with film or glass to maintain the humidity level. This cover is removed with the emergence of seedlings. Growing seedlings are kept in a bright, warm place at a temperature of about +25 degrees.

Figure 5. Only certain varieties of greens can be cultivated in a city apartment

An important point is the length of daylight hours. So, for cucumbers it should be from 12 to 14 hours. Various ways to compensate for short winter days lighting, as well as sheets of foil and mirrors that reflect light. Regularly water the cucumbers with settled water at room temperature and increase the humidity in the room.

Note: After the 5th true leaf appears, it is necessary to pinch the top of the plant to form a bush with 2 stems. This procedure is repeated when the next five leaves grow. The resulting side lashes are also pinched at the lower lateral nodes above the 1st, 2nd, 3rd leaf. The cucumber lashes are tied using twine using a sliding loop.

It is impossible to do without proper fertilizing when growing indoors. So, the first application of fertilizers is carried out after the appearance of two true leaves. To do this, you can use a solution of nitrophoska at the rate of 3-4 g of the substance per 1 liter of water. With the appearance of fruits, plants should be fed every week, alternating the application of organic (20% solution chicken manure) and mineral (nitrophoska) fertilizers. The formed fruits should not be allowed to outgrow, because this delays the formation of new ovaries and leads to depletion of plants, and also worsens taste qualities the cucumbers themselves.

Growing cucumbers on the balcony in winter

You can even grow cucumbers at home in winter on your balcony. To do this, he must meet some requirements:

  • Be glazed;
  • Do not have drafts;
  • Be well lit. The amount of light directly affects the amount of harvest. Therefore, a balcony located on the south side is best suited for growing cucumbers.

Not all varieties are suitable for growing on a balcony, but those specially bred for these purposes (Figure 6). They have increased shade tolerance and do not require pollination. Examples of such hybrids are varieties such as Balcony, City Cucumber, Kurazh, etc.

Figure 6. A glazed and insulated balcony is an excellent place for growing vegetables

The harvest of cucumbers is determined not only by growing conditions, but also fertile soil. Therefore, it is best to use universal soil mixtures for growing vegetables, which are sold in specialized stores. Before use, it is recommended to disinfect any soil by treating it with a fungicide or steaming it in the oven. Prepared seeds are planted in containers, which can serve as any plastic or iron containers. suitable size. To do this, holes are made in the ground at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, into which the seeds are planted to a depth of approximately 2.5 cm. The sown container is covered with film or placed under glass and left in a warm sunny place where the temperature is +25 degrees. After seed germination, containers with crops are transferred to a permanent place.

Subsequent care of seedlings includes maintaining a moist soil, fertilizing and forming bushes. Water the cucumbers with settled water at room temperature. The frequency of watering depends on general level humidity in the room. Yes, when working heating devices The ambient humidity decreases significantly, so it must be increased by spraying cucumbers or other known methods. Plants with five true leaves should be pinched to form side shoots. Lianas stretching upward must have support to secure them. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for the installation of trellises or other supporting structures on the balcony. Feeding cucumbers on the balcony is done in the same way as when growing on a window. In this case, it is used as ready-made drugs, and mixtures prepared independently from potassium, magnesium, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate.

Among the premises suitable for growing cucumbers is the basement. In such conditions, the yield does not depend on the season and weather conditions, and the deadline for receiving finished products from the moment of germination to the moment of harvesting is significantly reduced. Of course, basement should be equipped so that it is possible to maintain optimal thermal and light conditions (Figure 7).

Note: So, the walls and floor of the basement are insulated insulating materials; install heating and lighting devices, equip a ventilation system. In addition, you should pay attention to the presence of rodents, fungus, mold, the tightness of the room and the possibility of groundwater penetrating into it.

For example, to prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to prime the walls with a composition with antifungal additives. All these activities cause the high cost of cucumbers, which is the main disadvantage of this growing method.

Figure 7. You can only grow vegetables in the basement using a hydroponic system

After arranging the basement, they move on to agrotechnical work. First of all, you need to choose a medium for growing cucumbers. Most often, the choice falls on hydroponics - a material consisting of granules with a diameter of up to 50 mm and a nutrient solution with a high content of minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. In basement conditions they are most often used seedling method growing cucumbers. The care procedures are standard: moisturizing, fertilizing, forming bushes, tying up vines, harvesting, insect control.

From the video you will learn how to grow cucumbers at home in winter.

Growing cucumbers at home in winter is a fairly common practice. But such an activity requires some effort. These plants love light and warmth, which makes it necessary to place pots and home beds on sunny side apartments. The average room temperature should not be below +20 degrees Celsius. In winter, you will have to use additional lighting, since natural light will not be enough.

Although breeding garden plants in an apartment is a common occurrence, but it is still quite difficult to grow cucumbers. For home cultivation, there are certain special varieties that are self-pollinating. They also produce a fairly high yield and ripen very quickly. Often these are hybrid varieties. Such species are designated by the symbol F1, which means that they are heterotic. The sprouts are usually very different from the standard plant.

The parthenocarpic hybrid is excellent for growing cucumbers in an apartment in winter. It is a gherkin that has female inflorescences. This variety does not require pollination.

You can grow other types of cucumbers in an apartment in winter. For this purpose these are the most suitable:

  1. Khutorok.
  2. Claudia.
  3. Rytov's room.
  4. Masha.
  5. Bianca.
  6. Shchedryk.
  7. Marinda.
  8. Prestige.

All these varieties have the prefix F1. Masha F1 needs from a month to 40 days to ripen. It has a high yield (up to 20 pieces from one branch). Shchedrik F1 ripens longer - from 40 to 45 days. The average size the fruit varies from 12 to 14 centimeters. The yield is the same as the previous variety. Marinda F1 differs from the others in that all the fruits ripen at the same time.

Farm F1 matures relatively quickly (approximately 30 days). The average size of each fruit is 10 cm. Cucumbers have a pronounced green color, as well as black spikes.

Crunch F1 matures in approximately 50 days. The yield reaches 7 cucumbers from one branch. It differs from other varieties in its tallness, so it is often used to decorate balconies. If you create good conditions for a plant, up to 40 cucumbers are usually collected from one bush.

The planting date should be determined based on when fresh vegetables are needed. If the first shoots appear, the fruits will ripen in about 35-45 days.

Dishes and soil

To grow seedlings from seeds, the best option would be to use small plastic cups (for example, jars of sour cream or yogurt), pots filled with special soil or peat containers. There should be several small holes in the bottom.

When the period of growing full-fledged bushes from seedlings comes, it will be necessary to use containers with a capacity of about 5 liters. For this, plastic pans, deep boxes, and small buckets are usually used. It is also necessary to make holes at the bottom that will allow enough level ventilation and water drainage. It is necessary to lay a drainage layer at the bottom. Fine pebbles or regular sand are suitable for this purpose. The thickness of this layer should be approximately 5 cm. Then earth is poured.

Choice correct soil is of very great importance. In specialized stores you can easily find the necessary soil, which is enriched with all the minerals and other substances necessary for the plant. You can also consult with specialists there. Experts quite often prepare the ground on their own.

For example, the recipe could be like this:

  1. It is necessary to pour 2/3 of ordinary garden soil into the container, but before that it must be disinfected with a manganese solution.
  2. 1/3 of the container is occupied by fertilizers. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are added 5 grams each. You should also add approximately 40-50 grams of lime, and fill the rest of the volume with humus.
  3. Add 1 cup of chalk, 4 cups of rotten leaves or sawdust and 2 cups of ash.

The soil must be thoroughly moistened and loosened. When growing cucumbers in boxes, it is necessary to maintain an interval between seedlings, which is about 10-15 cm.

The seeds must be soaked in advance in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is also practiced to plant dried seeds or just as they are. The grains are sprouted in a plate, which must be left in a dark place where the temperature does not drop below +25 degrees Celsius. When small sprouts up to 1 cm in size appear, they must be planted in small glasses or pots filled with soil. Then they need to be moved to a bright place and covered thoroughly. plastic film. The room temperature should not fall below +20. Periodically, the seedlings are watered and fed.

When normal leaves appear, the seedlings will need to be transplanted into larger containers. This should be done extremely carefully so that the roots of future bushes are not damaged. If the seedlings are in peat cups, then they can be transferred to large containers directly in this form.

At this time, cucumbers need special care. When 4-5 leaves appear, you should do the first pinching, and after 6 - the second. Next, the main stem is pinched over the 11th leaf. In the future, it is necessary to remove side shoots as they grow, as they take away strength from the entire plant, which entails a decrease in yield.

It should be remembered that cucumbers are very moisture-loving vegetables, so the plants need to be sprayed with water from any sprayer at least once a week. It is necessary to use only settled and warm water. Watering should occur as the top layer of soil dries. Excess moisture can only harm cucumbers. If the plant is on the balcony, there is a risk of dehydration, since the air there is often quite dry. To prevent this from happening, better nearby Place any container with water.

To ensure normal growth of seedlings, good lighting is necessary. In winter, additional artificial light is required. Infrared lamps have the best effect on plants. They should be turned on for at least 12 hours every day. At night they turn off.

There are domestic varieties that require pollination. In this case, you will have to carry out this procedure yourself. To do this, it is necessary to pick the male inflorescences and pollinate the female ones. You can also use a brush or a regular cotton swab to transfer the pollen.

Feeding seedlings

When growing cucumbers in winter, it is necessary to regularly feed the plants with fertilizers. On average, this needs to be done every 10 days. Any organic fertilizer is perfect. You need to use an infusion made from banana peels in a ratio of 1 to 10. After the plants begin to produce buds, you should use a solution of wood ash. The proportion is the same. When the cucumbers begin to ripen, it is advisable to add mineral fertilizers. They should be periodically alternated with organic ones.

If the plant suddenly weakens, then you should use a special foliar supplement of useful minerals. To make the right solution, need to prepare:

  1. 10 liters of water.
  2. 10 grams of urea.
  3. About 15 grams of double superphosphate.
  4. 3 grams of magnesium sulfur. You can also use a stock solution.

This mixture must be prepared 24 hours before use. It needs to be stirred constantly. It is advisable to strain through several layers of gauze. The bushes are thoroughly sprayed with the prepared solution. After the procedure, there will be salt residue on the leaves. They must be removed with clean water.

Diseases and pests

Ripe fruits need to be picked every day as they ripen. It is not recommended to leave the cucumber on the bush, because it will take away excess strength from the plant.

If you follow all the recommendations and conditions, then growing cucumbers in an apartment in winter is quite simple. You can provide your family with fresh vegetables throughout the year. This will also allow you to get a huge amount positive emotions directly from the cultivation itself.

But in the process, plants can get sick and die. Home conditions do not guarantee that cucumbers will not be damaged by attacks of all kinds of pests. Any violation in growing technology can lead to various diseases. For example, constant stagnation of moisture in the ground can lead to rotting of the roots, and this will lead to the death of the cucumber.

Due to aphid attack, spider mite or common whitefly. Home conditions do not allow the use of special insecticides, as this can harm the health of household members. Quite often to protect the plant folk remedies are used:

  1. Aphids and whiteflies can be easily destroyed using tobacco infusion.
  2. Spider mites die if you spray the plants with garlic tincture, to which antibacterial soap must be added.

It must be remembered that the plant, due to sharp temperature changes or a draft may wilt or drop the leaves. These factors are also the reason that the ovaries will develop very slowly.

Yellowing of foliage

Often at home, the plant may begin to wither. The first sign is yellowing of the leaves. Most often, this problem occurs due to illness or inappropriate care. Main reasons:

Today, more and more people are wondering how to grow cucumbers on a windowsill in an apartment. This interest is easy to explain: everyone wants to see high-quality and fresh vegetables on their table all year round. On modern market There are many varieties of cucumbers suitable for home cultivation.

Farmers have successfully developed varieties of cucumbers that can be easily grown at home. Most of them are represented by hybrid varieties that do not require pollination. They are cucumbers of the female flowering type, due to which the fruits are set on their own.

Table 1. Popular varieties homemade cucumbers

Variety nameDescription

They belong to the group of early ripening hybrids. The average ripening period is 6 weeks. One ovary can produce 5-8 cucumbers. Fruit:
  • large;
  • long, reaching 12 centimeters.

    One bush produces about 20 cucumbers.

  • The main advantage of the hybrid is its short ripening period, equal to one month. The variety requires pollination, which can be easily done at home with your own hands. For this:
  • male flowers (barren flowers) are picked;
  • they need to be passed over the female inflorescences (ovaries).

    You can also use a regular brush for pollination, with the help of which pollen is simply transferred from one flower to another.

    These cucumbers differ:

  • good taste;
  • fruit length up to 10 centimeters;
  • medium size;
  • presence of black spines.
  • Imported self-pollinating varieties. The main disadvantage of these cucumbers is high price seeds They are often sold individually. They do not require any preparation to germinate. These varieties differ:
  • productivity;
  • sweet taste;
  • lack of bitterness;
  • juiciness.

    For growing in winter, it will be enough to purchase about 10 seeds.

  • They are domestic analogues of the imported variety Crispina. The disadvantage of varieties is:
  • that they are presented on the market in small quantities;
  • they are hard to find.
  • Variety:
  • vigorous, it is better to let it grow as a vine along the entire window;
  • late ripening - the first fruits appear after about 50 days;
  • belongs to the group of self-pollinating hybrids.

    The fruits are formed in a bouquet of up to 7 pieces. With a good harvest, up to 40 cucumbers are obtained.

  • Features of growing cucumbers on the windowsill

    Growing cucumbers on the window is done in autumn and winter. It is only important to provide these vegetables with good artificial lighting for active growth.

    Also an important condition To successfully grow crops is soil preparation. The soil should be:

    • nutritious;
    • loose.

    To plant one bush, 5 liters of soil mixture are used. This amount of soil will allow the root system to develop well, which will have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the plant.

    It is not necessary to buy a ready-made mixture. Cucumbers will grow better in a self-prepared mixture. It will require combining in equal quantities:

    • garden soil;
    • humus;
    • sawdust that has already rotted well;
    • ash;
    • river sand.

    Any earthen substrate before starting planting work need to be disinfected with a weak solution of manganese. This procedure will ensure young plant protection from harmful insects and pathogens of various diseases.

    Not everyone prefers to prepare their own substrate for cucumbers, since it can be easily purchased at a gardening store. Suitable for home cultivation of cucumbers:

    • compositions for pumpkin plants;
    • universal primer.

    Seed material can be planted in:

    • pots;
    • plastic cups;
    • boxes.

    Boxes are considered the most convenient option, because they allow you to grow more seeds in a small area.

    Instruction No. 1 – growing cucumbers on a windowsill

    Crispy and juicy cucumbers will delight you with a good harvest if you follow some agricultural technology requirements. Every little detail is taken into account, as it affects the final result.

    Step No. 1 – preparation of planting material

    At the first stage, it is important to disinfect the planting material with a weak solution of manganese. For this seeds:

    • need to be placed in the solution for 20 minutes;
    • then take it out;
    • wrap in damp gauze.

    After about 2 days, the first seedlings will begin to appear. During this period, it is necessary to maintain moderate humidity of the gauze.

    plant planting material It is better to sprouted into the soil in advance rather than unprepared. In addition, during the germination process you will be able to detect infertile seeds and remove them from the total mass.

    Step No. 2 – soil preparation

    You can plant seeds in disposable plastic cups. In a bucket with prepared soil you need to add:

    • 1 teaspoon of urea;
    • a glass of wood ash;
    • 2 teaspoons of nitrophoska.

    Containers for planting must be disinfected. Suitable for disinfection:

    • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
    • hot steam

    Step No. 3 - planting seeds

    At the bottom of the selected container you need to make a small hole that prevents water from stagnating. If you ignore this step, fungi and rot may develop in the soil.

    Then in the container you need:

    • place the prepared soil mixture;
    • Plant the seeds at a depth of about 2 centimeters.

    It is better to sow from February to April, subject to a temperature regime of about +23 degrees Celsius.

    It is important to provide good lighting for the emerging sprouts. Otherwise, the seedlings will die. In about a month, the seedlings will be ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

    Step #4 – proper feeding and watering

    For active growth of seedlings, it is important to apply fertilizers to the soil in a timely manner. Feeding is carried out twice:

    • the first 2 weeks after emergence;
    • the second one in a week.

    The amount of feeding for each seedling corresponds to the size of its cup. To prepare the fertilizer you need to mix:

    • 1 tablespoon of urea;
    • 6 liters of water.

    Cucumbers are watered daily; the soil should not be allowed to dry out. It is better to use settled water for irrigation.

    Instruction No. 2 – planting seedlings

    After the first pair of leaves has fully formed on the seedlings, you can begin the transplanting process. To install containers with culture it is important:

    • properly prepare the place;
    • create optimal conditions for the growth of vegetables.

    Step No. 1 - preparing the container

    First, you need to prepare a good container for the growing crop. Its volume should be between 5-8 liters. Best suited for use:

    • plastic bottles;
    • flower boxes;
    • pots made of ceramics, plastic.

    It is important to make small holes at the bottom of the container. This is necessary for the free release of excess water.

    Step No. 2 - transplanting seedlings

    The container for cucumbers must be filled with soil mixture. You can use the same substrate as for seeds. It also must be disinfected with potassium permanganate.

    Seedlings need:

    • remove from the glass along with a lump of earth;
    • transfer to prepared pot.

    There is no need to fill the container with cucumbers with soil to the very brim. It is better to leave 2-3 centimeters free. During the growth process, the roots of the cucumbers will be exposed, which will require the addition of additional soil.

    Cucumber care

    Growing cucumbers at home will not cause much trouble. It is worth being patient and adhering to the basic rules of care - this will allow cold winter enjoy green and juicy fruits.


    Cucumbers are a plant that is a vine. Under natural conditions, it spreads along the ground, and growing it on a windowsill requires the construction of garters for it. It's done like this.

    1. You need to stretch the wire above the pot with the plant at a height of 170 centimeters.
    2. Then you need to take the twine and fasten one end to the wire, and lower the other to the seedling.

    Stem formation

    The cucumber vine should form as one stem. To do this you need:

    • regularly inspect the plant;
    • remove all new antennae on it.

    The main stem is pinched only when it reaches its maximum size (reaches the top wire). Since side shoots take away a lot of the plant’s strength, which it needs to develop fruits, it is better to remove them. There should be only one leaf left on the remaining shoots.


    For better yield, cucumbers need to be provided with high-quality fertilizing. Therefore, fertilizers must be applied every 10 days. High yield observed when using natural feed:

    Ready-made industrial mixtures used for indoor plants will also be very effective.


    When we transplant the cucumbers into a large container, they will need regular soil moisture. Watering should be done at least twice every 7 days. Drying out should not be allowed, and holes made at the bottom of the container will help avoid water stagnation. For watering, it is better to use the same water as for growing seedlings:

    • room temperature;
    • settled.

    Plastic bottles can become not only a container for seedlings, from which the plant will subsequently move to open ground, but also a greenhouse and a protector of seedlings from the cold. About how to get good harvest using plastic bottle, we tell in .

    What pests can damage cucumbers?

    A garlic-soap infusion will help get rid of the pest. To prepare you need:
  • chop the head of garlic;
  • fill it with 1 liter of water;
  • leave for 1.5 hours;
  • strain;
  • add 15 grams of laundry soap;
  • stir thoroughly.

    The resulting product should be sprayed well on the plants. Adding laundry soap ensures better adhesion of the solution to the surface of the seedlings.

  • Tobacco decoction works well against aphids. To prepare it you need:
  • remove tobacco from 1 pack of cigarettes into a container (pan);
  • add 1 liter of water;
  • boil for 10 minutes;
  • turn off the heat and add another 1 liter of water;
  • Spray the cucumbers well.

    After the first treatment, it becomes noticeable that the aphids have died completely.

  • Tobacco decoction also works well with whitewing. During its preparation, you should not add an additional liter of water at the last stage. For this pest, you need to prepare a more concentrated product.

    When the decoction is ready, you should:

  • strain it;
  • wait for it to cool down;
  • process the cucumbers.

    After a couple of hours, you can go over the plant with a vacuum cleaner, setting the device to minimum power. It will collect pests well from the cucumber leaves, and the problem will be solved.

  • Winter growing cucumbers

    Lovers of fresh vegetables know very well that they can be grown all year round. In winter, cucumbers will be just as tasty on the table as in summer.


    It’s impossible to create at home without the help of additional devices. ideal conditions for cucumbers. Culture needs sufficient quantity sunlight, and in winter it can only be provided with the help of lamps.

    They need to be installed:

    • from 8 am to 8 pm;
    • when the seedlings have sprouted well and become strong enough.

    Experts advise using:

    • phytolamps;
    • fluorescent lamps.

    The lamp must be placed 15 centimeters from the growing seedlings. Gradually the crop will rise, so the lamp also needs to be moved. This point is important to consider when installing a lighting fixture.

    Note: in March, the amount of artificial lighting can be reduced from 12 hours to 4 hours. This will be quite enough for cucumbers.


    In order for vegetables to grow well, it is important to provide the necessary temperature conditions. For cucumbers optimal indicator is +20 degrees Celsius.

    The window on which the crop will be grown is required:

    • insulate;
    • Cover the window with polyethylene.

    Air humidification

    In winter, heating dries out the air very much - this fact should be taken into account before you start growing vegetables on the window. You can humidify the air to the required level yourself without any special expenses. Necessary:

    • Place trays with pebbles under containers with seedlings and constantly add water to them;
    • use household humidifiers;
    • spread a wet cloth over the radiator.

    Thanks to these simple tricks, the air will be sufficiently humid. This will benefit the plants you grow.


    Even a beginner can grow cucumbers on a windowsill. Received fresh and juicy fruits will bring a lot of joy. This is a great option when tasteless products are sold on store shelves. greenhouse cucumbers. You just need to choose the variety you like and free up space on the windowsill.

    Video - How to grow cucumbers on a windowsill in winter

    Video - Growing cucumbers on a windowsill in an apartment

    Indoor gardening is an interesting hobby that brings a good harvest of natural vegetables. Growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter is not that difficult even for beginners; it is an unpretentious crop. Several useful recommendations for equipping a mini-garden and growing plants will help you get a natural product in harsh winters.

    The necessary conditions

    The first thing a novice gardener thinks about is whether the conditions of his home are suitable for cultivating cucumbers in winter. Let's consider necessary equipment for growing greens on the windowsill.

    Placement, temperature conditions

    Cucumber is a native Asian, so its love for warm climates is genetic. The bush does not tolerate drafts and prefers to bask in the sun. You need to choose the sunniest place for your home garden. The best option is a south window or an insulated loggia. But if a south-facing window is located in the kitchen, it is better not to use it for a mini-garden, because the kitchen area is ventilated more often than usual. Temperature changes will have a negative impact on the health of homemade cucumbers. It is advisable to remove other houseplants, because cucumbers will twine around their shoots.

    For normal growing season, it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature background within 20-23⁰C. When growing, until the seedlings get stronger, maintain the temperature at least 23-27⁰C. On a cold windowsill, be sure to place a thick sheet of foam under the growing container. Otherwise, the root system will slow down development.


    Since we are talking about growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter, you should prepare for certain difficulties. So that cucumbers at home do not suffer from a shortage solar radiation, you will have to select special equipment.

    The best option is to purchase a special phytolamp. This device supplies plants with light radiation at the required wavelength, providing optimal conditions for photosynthesis and root growth.

    With a day length of 16 hours, the cucumber develops well and blooms profusely.

    The phytolamp can be replaced with other light sources, such as fluorescent or diode lamps. Use reflectors to distribute light evenly. Even food foil glued to window glass will do.

    Preparation of the trellis

    Cucumber vines without tying suffer from shading and poor ventilation. A vertical trellis will help avoid the problem.

    You can make a trellis using fittings in the form of a metal ring with a thread. It should be screwed to the window slopes at a distance of 20-30 cm. Thread a clothesline or twine into the ring, and tie the other end to a peg. Bury the peg into the growing container. As they grow, tie the lashes to a string. You can see a photo of plants on a trellis above.

    There is an easier way to organize a support - buy plastic mesh and secure it to the glass unit. The tendrils of the lashes will cling to the cells. For beardless varieties, it is enough to tie the whip to a plastic support.

    Variety selection

    Not every variety is suitable for home cultivation on a windowsill.

    Varieties for growing indoors must meet the following requirements.

    • Self-fertility - the ability to self-pollinate. Such cultivars are called parthenocarpic.
    • Shade tolerance is an important requirement, because there is very little sunlight in winter.
    • Early ripening - early ripening cucumbers should grow in 40-45 days.
    • Bush type - bush hybrids will fit more compactly on the windowsill, which will increase the productivity of the garden bed.

    Each bush will bring up to 25 juicy, crispy greens. If you are not afraid of the work of a bee, you can also select bee-pollinated varieties, but you will have to work hard to get a harvest.

    What variety of cucumbers is suitable for the windowsill? Beginning gardeners should choose the following cultivars:

    • Arbat F1;
    • Shchedrik
    • Gribovchanka;
    • April
    • Prestige F1;
    • Window-balcony F1;
    • Masha F1;
    • Hostess F1;
    • Balcony miracle F

    The range of varieties is quite large; gardening store sellers will definitely help you choose best option. Before sowing, read the recommendations on the seed package.

    Growing container

    For cucumbers to feel comfortable on the windowsill, each plant needs a container with a volume of at least five liters. This volume of soil is easier to maintain constantly moist, avoiding stagnation of water. For lovers of aesthetics, we advise you to purchase plastic containers white. This shade will protect root system from overheating, will not allow the soil to dry out quickly.

    Don't forget to make holes in the bottom using a soldering iron or a hot nail. The holes will serve to drain excess liquid after watering and provide ventilation for the roots.

    Practical gardeners grow cucumbers in plastic water bottles with a volume of 5-6 liters, cutting off the top part with a stationery knife. Make room on the windowsill for 3-4 pots, because sometimes you come across seeds with poor germination.

    Some people practice growing cucumbers in dense plastic bags filled with suitable soil. Below is a video about the features of this method.

    Substrate for cucumbers

    Cucumbers develop well in the lungs fertile substrate with a pH level of 6.5-6.8. Required condition– an abundance of rotted organic matter. You can use a special soil mixture for seedlings or create it yourself. Don't forget to till the soil.

    The best compositions for beginning gardeners:

    • vermicompost and garden soil (1:1), wood ash - 5 tablespoons;
    • humus, peat, garden soil (1:1:4);
    • garden soil, humus, peat, sawdust (2:2:2:1).

    The amount of fertilizer is calculated for 5 liters of soil mixture. Two latest lineup enrich with a complete mineral complex (15-20 g) and wood ash (100 g).

    Planting technology

    Cucumbers in an apartment in winter can be grown using seedlings or without seedlings. In the first case, sowing is carried out in individual containers, and after 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are transferred to a larger container. In the second case, sowing is carried out directly into the growing container. Which method to choose is up to you.

    Before planting, the seed is disinfected and germinated. To do this, the seeds are soaked for 20-30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a warm place, for example on a cabinet, where it circulates warm air. When the seeds hatch, select the germination material and begin sowing.

    Do I need to disinfect store-bought seeds? Most agricultural companies carry out the treatment, but additional dressing will not cause harm.

    Instructions for planting cucumbers for beginner gardeners

    1. Fill the container with moistened substrate, not reaching 3-4 cm to the edge.
    2. Sow in 2 cm increments, 2-3 cm deep.
    3. Sow 3 seeds in each pot, regardless of growing method.
    4. Compact the soil a little and water the crops generously.
    5. After moisture has been absorbed, install a transparent cover (polyethylene, glass).

    If you used a water bottle as a seeding container, use the cut cap to create a mini-greenhouse. To ventilate this greenhouse, simply unscrew the lid.

    Until the seedlings appear, keep the seed containers in the warmest place in the apartment, periodically ventilating the greenhouse. When the seedlings appear, transfer the pots to the windowsill, having previously laid foam plastic. Install an additional light source; the caps can be removed from the greenhouse. Cull, leaving one strong plant in each container. Do not pull out excess cucumbers; cut them off at the root.

    Caring for indoor cucumbers

    Cucumbers on the windowsill in winter will bring a rich harvest only if certain conditions are met.

    Care consists of the following points:

    • bush shaping, tying;
    • compliance with the irrigation regime;
    • air humidification;
    • fertilization;
    • artificial pollination;
    • harvest.

    Irrigation regime, fertilization

    I love cucumbers very much high humidity. Watering of grown plants is carried out every two days. The soil should not dry out! Do not allow moisture to stagnate, drain excess water from the pallet. To irrigate cucumbers on the windowsill, use settled water at a temperature of 22-24⁰C. Spray the foliage periodically and place small containers of water between the pots.

    From two weeks of age, the indoor cucumber menu includes feeding. Ready-made mineral complexes or a solution of organic matter and potassium humate are suitable. Fertilizers will increase the productivity of the garden bed by 20-50% and strengthen the immune system. The frequency of fertilizing is twice a month throughout the entire growing season.

    Shaping, tying, artificial pollination

    To maintain compactness and uniform distribution light, pinch the top of the seedlings after 4-5 leaves. This measure stimulates the growth of side shoots, which will have a beneficial effect on productivity. Side shoots are pinched after the development of 6-8 leaves. Be sure to tie the lashes to the trellis.

    When growing cucumbers of bee-pollinated varieties, artificial pollination is necessary. Arm yourself early in the morning cotton swab. From male flowers that do not have a fruit bud, transfer pollen to female flowers.

    Hand pollination of parthenocarpic cucumbers allows you to obtain a high-quality harvest.

    When the greens reach a length of 10 cm, you can begin harvesting. Cucumbers should be picked daily, not allowing them to overgrow. This measure will speed up the growth of the remaining fruits.

    All that remains is to prepare a vitamin salad from cucumbers grown on the windowsill. As you can see, winter is not at all an obstacle to growing vegetable crop.