Simple ways to paint walls. How to paint the walls in an apartment with your own hands

Exists different colors, intended for painting walls, which differ in component composition, characteristics and properties. The modern market offers wide choose paints and varnishes. In this article, we will look at the aspects of choosing paint for the walls of a room.

Features of the choice of paint

Most consumers remain in a difficult situation when choosing paint, because manufacturers offer decorative mixtures with different effects, acrylics and other substances. When choosing, you need to pay great attention to the characteristics of paint for painting walls, as well as to the peculiarities of the microclimate in the house or apartment.

Before buying paint, you need to decide on the total area of ​​work, as well as the type of room, for example, kitchen, bedroom, nursery, and the like. It is important to consider the type of base on which the material will be applied. Modern choice paint will allow you to form any texture of the wall, from imitation marble to wood. Of course, such materials have a considerable cost, so determine the approximate amount of waste. After clarifying all aspects, you can start choosing paints and varnishes.

All paints are divided into two main types:

  • front - intended for finishing the outer walls of the building;
  • interior - used for internal works.

In this case, it is necessary to select paints for the interior. Another type of classification involves dividing into:

  • moisture resistant, experts recommend using them for the bathroom;
  • non-moisture resistant, used to decorate the walls of a room, for example, a hallway, a bedroom, and the like.

The next criterion for the classification of paints for painting walls is the property of vapor permeability. In particular, in children's rooms or in the bedroom, it is recommended to choose products that are vapor-permeable. Wear resistance is distinguished by other parameters for choosing a paint. This is indicated by the resistance of the painted wall to abrasion as a result of damage, surface cleaning, and so on.

Most experts take into account other parameters, which are important. For example, the ease of use of paint, as well as the desired result of the work, it is advised to take into account the discontinuity and thixotropy. In the first case, the parameter shows the material consumption per 1 square meter wall surface. The second property involves the use of the best paints for painting walls, which do not spread along the wall and do not drip from the brush. Such products are quite convenient to use and apply.

When choosing finishing materials, you need to choose substances with the inscription "For walls" and the like. Buyers should be aware that all paints and varnishes have various characteristics and properties depending on the painting of the ceiling, walls or floor. The painted wall should be easy to brush or wipe down with a damp cloth. Many manufacturers offer universal remedies, however, not all of their parameters may correspond to the base.

Types of paints: characteristics and selection

There are different types of paints that are designed to decorate the surface of the wall inside the house. So, manufacturers offer:

  • water-dispersive;
  • alkyd enamels;
  • oil;
  • silicone.

Water-dispersion agents are also called water-soluble and emulsion materials for water based... This type of product is the most economical and popular to use. When painting the walls with water-based paint, you will not feel any smell, and the surface will dry quickly. The main component of the material is water, however, the properties are determined by the added polymers, which bind the structure of the paint.

Water-borne paints can be produced with the addition of PVA. Such materials are the cheapest and are recommended for use when painting ceilings or dry rooms. More expensive types of paints are made from acrylic resins or latex. Dispersion mixtures are used for painting in a dry building. The main advantage of the product is its easy surface cleaning and resistance to pollution. These paints have a high level of vapor permeability.

Painting walls with acrylic paint is recommended for rooms with high humidity. These materials are made from acrylic resin, which allows substances to be bound. Acrylic products have increased resistance to abrasion, while they do not emit harmful substances and are odorless. For these products, tinting pastes are offered, which will allow you to recreate any shade of the room. After painting, the walls take on a matte shade, which looks very relevant.

Latex-based paints are classified as water-borne. The main feature of the product is abrasion resistance. When applying the product, it is not necessary to apply several layers, one will be enough, while the walls will have a matte-silky appearance. Latex paints are excellent for painting wallpaper, as well as for finishing textured plaster... After drying, it forms on the base of the wall thin film, which will keep the bases from contamination. Products differ in the level of glossy surface after finishing.

Silicone paints have many advantages, because the products are created using the latest production technologies. They are made from silicone resins, which are emulsified. The paint has a high level of vapor permeability. After painting, the surface of the wall does not allow moisture to pass through and does not absorb it, therefore the substance is used for outdoor work.

Oil paints are made from drying oil: natural or artificial with the addition of pigments, which form a homogeneous mass. Such materials are durable and are used in different types. finishing works... When painting walls oil paint it is important to remember that the surface will dry for a long time and this will create a vapor-tight surface. These parameters can be called the disadvantages of using paint. Moreover, all products have a specific smell, however, in recent times such materials are not used for interior decoration.

Alkyd paints are considered another type of paints, they consist of different components that are bound by an alkyd resin. Such substances do not dry out from the use of solvents, but as a result of oxidation on outdoors... Such paints dry quickly, while creating on the surface protective film... Most often, products are used to coat metal parts to protect them from corrosion. Alkyd substances give off a strong odor, which long time does not fizzle out. Therefore, it is not advisable to use such mixtures for painting walls.

Painting walls with decorative and textured paint

Particular attention should be paid to decorative paints that have recently appeared on the market. Using a mixture like this will allow you to recreate different surfaces with specific effects, textures, and so on. After finishing the work, the surface of the wall can display the appearance of stone, gold, velvet and the like. Many clients opt for chameleon paints, which change their shades when a certain amount of light hits the wall surface.

Decorative paints are produced on a water basis with the addition of mineral or polymer components, which determine the properties and characteristics of the substance. Also, such materials have other advantages. First of all, the decorative mixture is environmentally friendly, which allows it to be used in any room and this is especially important for living rooms... Such mixtures are resistant to abrasion and wear, which prolongs the life of the premises.

Decorative and textured paints allow you to create different effects, however, to implement them, you need to seek the help of specialists. All work is carried out with the necessary tools and tools in compliance with the paint application technique. Professionals use rollers different shapes, brushes, spatulas and other devices. In hardware stores, samples of patterns of a certain type of paint are offered. After all, each mixture forms different surface, which is important to consider when choosing a paint.

Eco-friendly paints

Some manufacturers have recently started producing certain types of paints that are environmentally friendly. Experts call them "green paints". Such materials are completely natural, and when painting the walls they do not emit harmful substances... The production process completely eliminates components that threaten human health, for example, mercury, lead, and the like.

At design painting wall paint ecological option is not suitable. Most often, such mixtures are used to decorate children's rooms or for people who suffer from allergies. Many manufacturing companies use special labels on products that indicate environmentally friendly material.

Paint selection options

Most experts put forward a number of requirements for different types of paints:

  • ecological properties of the mixture, it is recommended to choose water-based substances;
  • resistance to impact ultraviolet rays, mechanical damage and cleaning agents;
  • drying time of the material;
  • properties that determine the uniform coloring of the surface.

It's important to know! The higher the indicators provided, the better the mixture is considered for painting walls indoors.

By choosing paints and varnishes you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • type of wall base;
  • total area for finishing;
  • the purpose of the room, for example, kitchen, bath, bedroom, etc.

When choosing a paint, you need to decide on the desired shade of the wall. At the same time, you can apply decorative mixtures that will create an original and beautiful surface walls. When choosing a paint, it is important to follow some guidelines and tips.

So, the characteristics of the choice of paint are:

  • the property of para-permeability (the acquired material must "breathe", that is, let air pass through, especially when painting a nursery or bedroom);
  • resistance to wear (the painted surface of the walls should not be erased);
  • thixotropy (when painting, it is important that the paint does not drip from the brush, which can form drips and deposits on the surface);
  • approximate material consumption per 1 sq. meter.

Aspects of choosing a paint shade

Many people believe that the corresponding paint color is displayed on the packaging in the form of a small rectangle and the like. Most buyers choose bright colors for painting walls with paint, photos of which are presented in catalogs. Experts do not recommend choosing a color for such parameters.

Over time, bright colors will bore the owners, especially in large rooms or in the rooms where they spend the most time. It is recommended to stop your choice on pale or pastel colors... thus, you will create a cozy space in an apartment or house.

Designers suggest following small rules for choosing a shade of paint. This will create comfortable room any style direction. So, pay attention to these aspects:

  • in rooms with low lighting, it is recommended to use substances of light shades, for example, beige and so on;
  • when the windows exit to the south, you can pick up paints of darker shades with a rich texture;
  • in small rooms it is advised to use light shades of mixtures, which will visually enlarge the room;
  • when choosing a paint color, it is important to remember the matching of the shade of the ceiling and walls;
  • if you plan to make glossy walls, then the required intensity of the shade should be higher, and with a matte surface, the color is absorbed.

In fact, when choosing a paint, it is important to consider various parameters such as the type of substrate, material characteristics, and so on. Great attention is paid to the selection of a shade of paint for the interior of the room, which will create a comfortable and original room in a house or apartment.

Renovation of an apartment is a pleasant but expensive occupation. You can reduce costs by doing some of the work yourself. The easiest way to paint the walls is to paint them, so they will last longer, and the work can be done in a day. How to paint the walls in an apartment with your own hands, step-by-step instruction for our readers in one article.

What materials and tools will be needed

If the technology for applying paint is not followed, the walls will quickly peel off and become sloppy. In order to further protect yourself from trouble, you need to know what you need to paint the walls in an apartment with high quality.

For installation on their own, the following materials and tools are taken:

  • Roller, brushes or spray gun.

How to paint the walls depends on many factors. The easiest way to apply paint to walls with your own hands is with a roller. The tool is selected depending on the type of paint. It is not worth saving, as an inexpensive roller will quickly fail and you will have to buy a new one. A special container for paint is purchased for the roller. With its help, it is convenient to give away excess composition from the tool and there will be no smudges on the walls. The bath is purchased in the size of the roller or more, it simply will not fit into a smaller tool.

Important! Brushes are purchased in any case. Several options of various sizes are taken. They will be needed for touch-up. hard-to-reach places behind radiators, near door and window openings.

  • Primer.

The primer is selected individually for the type of paint. You can purchase a universal one that fits any type of coverage. It is imperative to prime the walls before painting for better adhesion. Paint having high degree adhesion to the wall, lays down smoother and lasts longer.

  • Dye.

For internal work are taken natural formulations... The product is selected according to the type of room. In the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, the walls should be painted with acrylic paint with silicone additives. It is moisture resistant and is not afraid of mold and mildew. In the living room, nursery and bedroom you can purchase a simple water emulsion. But if a monthly wet cleaning of the walls is planned, then a waterproof composition is acquired. In the children's wall, they paint with eco-friendly water-based paint. It is odorless and does not contain harmful components. The only drawback of compositions for children is the high price. Photo ready-made examples can be seen below.

Color is purchased for any water-based paint. In large retail outlets, the paint will be tinted in the color the customer needs. At home, you will have to dilute the paint with tonal paste yourself.

When diluting acrylic paint with color, it is taken into account that after drying on the wall, the color is 30% lighter.

A spray gun for interior work is rarely used. If the apartment is new and there is no furniture with fittings, then a spray gun can be used. In other cases, everything around will be in colored drops, after drying, which is problematic to wash off.

Photos are enlarged, click!

Work progress

When the materials and tools are selected, you can start working. The application of paint to the walls is carried out in stages, each of which must not be skipped:

  1. The walls in the apartment are cleaned of the old coating. It is easier to remove the paint with a solvent, wallpaper with water and a wide spatula. After that, the surface must be rinsed with water and a small amount of soda ash.
  2. If the walls are even, then they can be primed immediately. A surface with cracks and large transitions is leveled. For this, putty and plaster are used. In the corners and in the places of transitions, it is additionally glued with a reinforcing mesh. From above, the surface is rubbed with sandpaper and a wet sponge. Because how even the wall will be, the quality of the paint application depends. After coating, the smallest blemishes will be conspicuous.
  3. A primer is applied to the prepared wall. The number of layers is from 2 or more, depending on the material of the walls. The primer is given time to dry.
  4. A topcoat is applied on top. They begin to paint the walls from above, so the smudges from the bottom will even out in the course of work. You need to paint the walls smooth movements leaving no gaps.
  5. After letting the first layer dry, the second is applied. Further, the corners and all hard-to-reach places are tinted.

The walls should dry from 12 to 32 hours, depending on the type of paint. The room can be ventilated, but not allowed to dry out. Humidity for uniform drying is kept within 45-60%. Direct sunlight is also best avoided.

Painting the walls in the interior makes a room not only attractive, but also creative with a wide range of decorative techniques. Wall decoration ideas are not limited to monochromatic painting, structural paint and other options for original decor will create a beautiful interior.

Pros and cons of painted walls

At first glance, this is the simplest type of wall decoration, the market offers a wide range of types of interior paints that do not have an unpleasant odor and dry quickly. There are some things to consider when painting walls.


  • large selection, use of color schemes;
  • no harmful vapors when drying paint for interior decoration;
  • you can paint the walls yourself;
  • simple decor can be done using a template and a textured roller.


  • the preparation of the walls is very difficult;
  • emphasizes the unevenness of the wall;
  • when repainting, the previous layer will need to be removed.

On the picture gray bedroom with a brick wall and smooth plastered walls, the red decor is a bright accent of the interior.

Types of paint

Alkyd paints

  • Alkyd resin paint, are used for painting wood and metal, plaster. After drying, they do not harm health, do not allow moisture to pass through and do not change color.
  • Oil dries for a long time due to the oil base on drying oil, is used for outdoor work due to harmful fumes. Over time, yellowness appears in color.
  • Enamel has a distinct gloss thanks to the varnish base, it is used for painting any surfaces outside and inside the premises. Protects against corrosion, resistant to light and damp environments.

Emulsion paints

They are economical to apply, other types of paints can be used on top of them, do not have an unpleasant odor.

  • Acrylic is applied to well-dried walls, suitable for painting walls in rooms with low humidity. It lends itself to good tinting, retains its color under the sun. Does not allow steam and moisture to pass through, it is better than others resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Latex resistant to washing and rubbing, dries quickly, hides small cracks, is used for painting wallpaper, plaster, brick. May change color when exposed to sunlight.
  • Water-based over time, it loses its brightness due to washing off the color, is suitable for creating relief and texture, has high strength and hides small cracks, reinforcing them.
  • Silicone based on silicone resins has high plasticity, forms a waterproof film, hides small cracks, is applied to any surface. Combines with other emulsion paints and prevents the growth of bacteria.

Textured paint

It looks unusual compared to ordinary painted walls, suitable for interior decoration and creating a unique interior. It happens on a mineral, silicone, acrylic base.

It is applied with a sponge with blotting movements, if the area to be painted is small, with a textured hard roller with teeth, a glue comb, a metal spatula. The relief is created by filler particles.

Combination with other materials

In the interior, 2-3 types of wall finishes are often used in order to diversify the design.

They are combined in the case of finishing the ceiling with wallpaper, and the walls with paint, creating an accent on the painted wall, combinations of bottom - paint, top - wallpaper. There are also special paintable wallpapers that can be repainted several times.

They are used in the kitchen, corridor and toilet. The walls are exposed to moisture, therefore, photo wallpaper is used for decoration.

In the photo, the interior of the bedroom with photo wallpaper and neutral walls, the podium serves as a wardrobe.

Plaster can be painted on top of the bark beetle, which will give relief to the walls, or combined with painted adjacent walls in the interior of the toilet, kitchen and hallway.

A wooden wall made of beams or laminate is combined with monochromatic wall painting in the interior of the attic, living room, country house.

Suitable for finishing fireplace wall in the interior of a living room, a country-style kitchen or a chalet, where the apron is made of piece stone, and the rest of the walls are painted in a solid or transitional color. Brick and painting are suitable for finishing a Provence or loft kitchen.

Brick and painting

Brick can be white or red, and paint to match the brick, or differ in color.

On the picture

3D panels are suitable for simple but unusual interior design. Solid walls with three-dimensional panels are suitable for a restrained and stylish design, and two-tone painted walls with colored panels look good in a nursery or in an abstract interior.

Design options

Monochrome walls are chosen for restrained interiors; such walls serve as a neutral canvas for expressing style in pieces of furniture and accessories.

Painting with two different colors

Painting the walls with two different colors is a rational technique to visually enlarge a room, change the perception of the geometry of asymmetrical walls, or simply focus on one wall. One wall can be painted with two different colors.

Painting with different colors (more than two)

Painting with several colors in the same range or a combination of contrasting colors will become an independent decor in the interior. It can be stripes, vertical or horizontal separation of walls, painting all 4 walls in different colors. Within the same room, it is better to make one color the main one, and leave the remaining 2-3 colors auxiliary.

In the photo, one of the walls is painted in three colors with uneven stripes in a geometric technique using masking tape.


You can make a design using stencils and templates yourself by cutting them out of paper and fixing them on the wall. You can also draw boundaries for the design using masking tape glued to the dried base color.

Striped design

Stripes of paint stretch or expand walls, change the perception of a room depending on the location, color and frequency of the stripes.

Patterns and ornaments

Suitable for a nursery, you can draw a house, a fence, trees, ethno ornaments, monograms on the walls of the child's bedroom interior.


Can be organized or chaotic, created with a brush on wet wall paint.

Cracks or craquelure effect

Created with acrylic painting and varnish for craquelure, the more varnish, the deeper the cracks. The roller must be held vertically during application so that the cracks are even.

In the photo, the accent wall of the bedroom was made using the technique of cracked paint with a backing to match the tone of the walls.

Under the brick

Imitation of a brick can be done using plaster on a lined wall and traced joints on a damp material. After the plaster has dried, 2 layers of paint are applied.

Painting with squares

Can be done using templates or masking tape. Squares can be solid or colored, of different sizes and positions on the wall.

Texture design

It is created by painting the walls with textured paint, which contains acrylic particles and starch. It comes in dry and liquid state, it can also be tinted. Apply with a regular or textured roller. For design interior fit special textured paint for internal works.

Gradient and ombre

Suitable for visually enlarging the ceiling if dark color the floor will go white. A gradient or smooth transition of color can be horizontal and vertical, with a transition to an adjacent wall. It is created with 2 or more colors, where at the junction of colors, using a dry roller or brush, a dark color is stretched to a light zone in one direction.

In the photo there is a partition wall painted in the ombre technique with a smooth smoky transition of gray to white closer to the ceiling.

Using a textured roller or sponge

Effects with textured roller or sponges are made on an evenly painted wall, creating the effect of watercolors, bark beetles, waves, cracks, velor or mosaics.


Artistic painting in ethnic technique, depicting a view of nature, animals and reproductions will become personality trait interior with wall painting.

Design with moldings or panels

Creates the effect of niches or furniture facade, adds volume. The molding can be colored or white, made of wood, duropolymer, plaster.

Wall painting color


Often used on its own in Scandinavian and other modern interiors, it is also a companion for bright, warm and cold colors.


Does not focus on itself, acts as a background for furniture, is used in classic and modern design... Combines with white, gold and black paint.

In the photo, the interior of the kitchen with a white matte set and beige walls, where light laminate suitable for the tone of the paint.


Brown in the shade of coffee, chocolate, wood texture is combined with other natural colors, stone in the interior.


Green in a shade of ocher and pistachio color calms, suitable for bedrooms and halls. Light green and herbal are bright colors, suitable for a nursery, kitchen. Combines with raspberry, brown, yellow, white.


Is the backdrop for the loft style and modern interior, combined with red, black and white, carrot orange.


Ideal for a bedroom, nursery in a classic and nautical style. It is also a common color in bathroom walls.

On the picture gray-blue interior with plain walls and classic shelves. A green accent brightens the living room.


Suitable for southern rooms with an abundance of summer sunlight, combined with green, white, blue and red.


Yellow for sunny interiors or rooms with poor lighting, combined with orange, green, white.


Creates a Provencal atmosphere in the kitchen, suits any room and matches natural pastel colors.


As a magical amethyst, it draws attention to the interior, is used in spacious rooms or combined with white paint on the walls.


As the most active and energetically independent color, it does not need to be supplemented, but if the apartment is small, then it is better to combine red with gold, beige, white. It looks good against its background white furniture or headsets.

The photo shows a two-tone painting with an accent tomato-colored red wall, which has shelves and a chest of drawers made of natural wood.


Like yellow, it adds color to the interior, combined with all shades of green, black, in gray... Used for balcony, bathroom, hallway.


Pink in pale shades is used for the interior of a bedroom, a nursery; stripes and patterns are drawn with it using a stencil. Combines with pale blue, white, black, lemon.


In the interior, it often acts as an outline or as a pattern, a companion color, it is independently used in large rooms and acts as a background for light furnishings.

Features of painting walls of different materials

Wooden walls

Painted wood walls not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also extend the life of the wood. Before painting, you need to remove the old coating from interior doors or walls made of wood and treat it with wood stain. After drying, apply 1-2 coats of alkyd or acrylic paint.

The photo shows a pale yellow lining of wood in a classic bedroom interior with a gray baseboard and a light floor.

Brick walls

Before painting, they are cleaned and washed with water, a week after that all moisture will come out and it will be possible to prime the surface and paint the brick with interior acrylic or alkyd paint... You can age the brick or create smudges. You can apply a contrasting color to the seam.

Concrete walls

Before painting, you need to clean it, make the surface even and without cracks, prime it, let it dry and apply epoxy or latex. A second layer must be applied immediately to the entire surface of the wall so that there are no shade differences.


Wallpaper for painting is convenient in that it can be repainted without driving pigment into the walls. This wallpaper can also be removed without sanding or sanding the surface. The wallpaper paint is water-based and solvent-free. Textured wallpaper facilitate work and hide the unevenness of the walls.


Plasterboard on the wall or ceiling is painted after filling the joints and the entire drywall, as well as sanding and priming. They use acrylic or silicone paint, which are plastic and create a protective film.


Painting on plaster is carried out on a clean, dry surface. If chips were noticed during the preparation of the wall, they need to be cleaned and compacted. It is painted with a roller in 2 layers with the maximum filling of the pores.

Photos in the interior of the rooms


The kitchen, as a room where you need to wipe the walls, needs water-based painting acrylic or latex paints. For the kitchen interior, neutral colors, contrasting or matching the headset are suitable.


A children's room can be painted with special paints with marks, they are water-based and dry quickly. There are also paints with silver ions, which do not absorb moisture and allow you to paint over regular watercolors. Colored stencil designs, stripes, designs, letters and numbers will do. The interior can be easily replaced by painting the walls in a new color.

Living room

Living room as a playground for creativity, can combine stone finishes and painted walls, several colors and different design... Suitable water-soluble, textured painting or a combination of colors in the interior.

In the photo, the interior of the living room with wooden ceiling and country-style plain light walls with an emphasis on furniture from different categories and color palettes.


The bedroom is distinguished by the tranquility of the atmosphere and the interior of the cosiness, so you need to choose neutral, natural colors. In the interior, it is better to avoid bright colors or use them as an accent on the wall at the head of the bed. Stencil drawing, textured painting, stripes and ornaments will do.

Bathroom and toilet

Bathroom and toilet as wet rooms should be painted with acrylic, latex, silicone paint. Painting with oil materials is not recommended due to the long drying time and bad odor. You need to paint those areas that do not get water, the area near the sink and bathroom must be tiled.

Traditionally, the interior uses a combination of blue and white, white and orange or yellow. For the toilet, painting can be combined with vinyl or photo wallpaper.

Balcony or loggia

The balcony or loggia must be protected with paint from corrosion and fungus. For the interior of an open balcony or loggia, which is separated from the apartment, only exterior paint is suitable. For wooden lining water-based paints are suitable, for bricks or plastic - varnish.

It is often stuffy on the balcony, so a cold palette of colors will do, white and orange are also used. When painting, it is important to choose a sunny day with no rain forecast.


The hallway or corridor can be painted using the ombre technique with the transition of orange to white ceiling... Light-colored water-based paints are used, in combination with decorative stone or textured plaster. Narrow corridor can be expanded with 2-3 horizontal stripes.

Styles of design


The style uses a single or two-color wall painting, combining white with another color. In the interior of the nursery, bright details are used in stripes, drawings on the wall. The emphasis is on practicality, which is why an unobtrusive palette and combinations are used.


Minimalism is observed in monochromatic painting, a combination of gray or pale blue with white, decor with wide stripes. Sometimes the interior uses contrasting molding or textured paint.


The interior is not limited to a specific color palette, the design is used more often only on an accent wall. Also brickwork can be painted in ombre technology.


In the interior, it is expressed in a neutral light background with golden, white monograms, in blue or black ornaments, which are emphasized by tassels and fringes on velvet curtains of emerald or ruby ​​color.


Provence or French summer gloss of the interior is recognized in pink, mint or blue walls, olive shade curtains and textiles. Walls in the interior can be plain or striped. To create individuality, you can make an art painting on the wall in the form of an open window on the summer Provencal fields.

In the photo there is a turquoise Provence-style bedroom with a plain color of the walls, classic furniture and floral textiles.


The interior uses a combination of natural timber or stone with brown, mustard paint, white with whitewash texture.


The interior is as practical and light as possible, therefore the walls are creamy, white, less often sandy, blue. Stripes, moldings, 3D panels, a white brick wall are suitable for decor.

Wall painting as one of the types of decoration is used not only for external, but also internal work thanks to paints that are odorless, dry quickly and do not harm health.

Photo gallery


Painting the walls will protect their surfaces from impact and damage and improve the aesthetic appearance of the room as a whole.

Required tools and materials




Most of us think we know exactly how to paint walls with paint. After all, it would seem that there is nothing complicated in this work. But why, then, after finishing the finishing, the result does not always exceed expectations? Smudges, unevenly colored areas, dark spots- this is not the whole list possible disadvantages non-professional painting of surfaces. We offer material on how to paint walls with paint.

Painting the walls will protect their surfaces from impact and damage and improve the aesthetic appearance of the room as a whole. It should be borne in mind that the paint can only be used for finishing perfectly flat surfaces, otherwise it will accentuate even small surface imperfections.

Usually the room is painted in the following sequence: first, the ceiling and ceiling plinths (moldings, cornices) and only then the walls. That is, the coloring is carried out from top to bottom.

DIY wall painting technology with photos and videos

Do-it-yourself wall painting begins with the choice of finishing material. The range of paints these days is so wide that almost everyone can choose a coloring composition that has the properties necessary for the implementation of all design ideas.

Wall painting technology allows the use of various enamels (oil, alkyd, epoxy, nitrocellulose, etc.). Basically, all these types of paints are toxic (it is advisable to work with them in a well-ventilated room, in a respirator), flammable and short-lived, but they still continue to be used, since they fit well on the surface and dry quickly. In addition, they allow you to obtain surfaces of various textures: matte, semi-matte, rough, silky, semi-gloss, glossy. Semi-matt and matt surfaces are most effective at hiding irregularities, while paints that give a glossy surface look best on perfectly smooth walls and, thanks to their high reflectivity, brighten the room.

Usually, in rooms with small heights (up to 3 m), when choosing a finishing option, the walls are not divided horizontally, so as not to visually reduce the height of the rooms.

In this case, painting is carried out as close to the ceiling as possible, leaving a border of 50-100 mm, since the wider the width of the cornices, friezes, curbs, the lower the room will seem.

The presented wall painting with your own hands in the video demonstrates the technology of this process:

How to paint walls in an apartment correctly (with video)

Before painting the walls properly, you need to choose a tool for the job. The walls are painted with enamels most often with a brush. In order to correctly draw the paint onto the brush, it is necessary to lower it into a bowl (jar), and, removing it, squeeze excess paint on its edge.

How to paint walls in an apartment: paint is transferred to the surface of the wall with wide and uniform strokes.

You can paint the walls together: one applies the paint, and the other shades it.

The applied paint is shaded (smeared) in different directions. Most often, shading is carried out in the direction of the light rays falling from the window. In the event that there are several windows in the room, then the paint is shaded along its length.

In this case, it is advisable to hold the brush perpendicular to the wall surface or with a slight slope.

Absolutely flat surface (for example, a wall lined with drywall sheets) it is recommended to paint with water-dispersion (water-based) paints. Unlike most paints based on solvents, water-dispersion compositions form a vapor-permeable coating, which, as it were, “breathes”, which has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room.

Most of all water-based paints are based on acrylic binders (acrylic paints). They retain their color well, do not turn yellow, are resistant to washing, are easy to use and allow creating flexible coatings that can “hide” cracks up to 0.5 mm wide.

Numerous manufacturers of water-based paints produce their products, as a rule, in white. To obtain the desired color or shade, a special tinting compound (color scheme) is added to the paint and mixed thoroughly.

Water-based paints are usually applied to the surface to be treated using a roller. To receive high-quality coating paint is applied in three layers. The first two coats are best painted with a long pile fur roller, using a large amount of paint. Thanks to this, the painted surface does not dry out too quickly, which makes it possible to lay a smoother layer. Finishing painting is done with a paint roller with medium bristles.

Before a long break, such as at night, paint roller rinse thoroughly. If his "fur coat" can be removed, then it is better to do it and wash it separately. After the roller is completely washed (this is determined by the water squeezing out of it - it must be absolutely clean), it must be "fluffed" and hung up with the handle up to dry. In order for the pile on the "fur coat" to stand evenly, it is necessary to roll the roller on a clean wall with a sharp motion.

To wet the roller with paint, it is advisable to use a flat box (it is also called a pallet, or a cuvette).

A sieve (mesh) with cells of 10-20 mm is installed in the box, along which a roller soaked in paint is carried out in order to eliminate excess and evenly distribute the paint along the entire perimeter of the roller.

Instead of a box, you can purchase a special drawer for paint. It has an inclined ribbed surface to eliminate excess and even distribution of paint.

When painting walls with a molar roller, it is recommended to lengthen its handle.

How to paint walls correctly: the video dismantles all stages of work, including the preparatory part:

Technique and methods for the correct painting of walls with paint (with photo)

There are various ways to paint walls, which have their own advantages and disadvantages. The spray painting technique is considered one of the fastest, neat and most economical painting methods. It can be used to paint almost any shape, including those that are difficult to paint with a brush or roller. Spraying is also great for painting flat surfaces, as this method produces a perfectly smooth, thin coat of paint. To cover small areas it will be enough for you to purchase an air spray - an airbrush, which is a container equipped with a pumping and spraying system. A more advanced and powerful type of spray equipment is electric spray guns. They provide high productivity and excellent work quality.

Painting your walls correctly includes spraying guidelines. When painting the wall surface using the spray method, apply the paint with quick but smooth movements from side to side, in no case stop and do not let the stream concentrate at one point. The airbrush should be held strictly perpendicular to the wall. The paint used in this case is less thick than ordinary paints designed to be applied with a brush or roller, therefore, when spraying too thick, droplets will quickly form, flowing down and disturbing the uniformity of the color.

For painting small surfaces, you can use aerosol paints in cans. Their advantages include versatility (suitable for painting a wide variety of surfaces), no need to adjust and adjust the tool, low price and a wide range of colors.

Wall decoration is a mandatory step in the design of a room. Today we will consider in detail the option of decorating the wall - painting. This is a popular and demanded way to update and diversify the interior.

Painting the walls in the interior gives room to creativity and imagination. A variety of colors on store shelves allows you to realize design ideas and make the interior of your dreams come true. Right choice material is important, since the final result will depend on it. To start the painting process, materials offered in stores are studied and suitable ones are selected.

Characteristics of paints that are important to know:

  • To paint indoors, you only need interior paints, the packaging of which is marked "for interior use".
  • The way the paint interacts with water affects its application in various rooms: rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen) need moisture resistant paint. For the rest of the premises, where there is no dampness and moisture, you can use non-moisture resistant paints.
  • All coloring materials are also divided into two groups: breathable and non-breathable. Vapor-proof (non-breathable) paints should be chosen only for rooms where you plan to spend little time. The walls in the bedroom, for example, are painted only with vapor-permeable paint. This is the key to healthy air circulation and renewal.
  • Wear resistance. This is an important indicator of a paint that shows the degree of its resistance to abrasion. For example, if frequent wet cleaning of the walls is planned, then the paint should be durable.
  • Hiding power, that is, the ability of the paint to cover the surface. This directly affects its consumption. Coverage on a can indicates how much of a given paint is needed to cover 1 square meter of surface.


All these parameters must be taken into account when choosing in order to get the desired result. However, there is more to come. The paints themselves are divided by type, all the advantages and disadvantages of which we will now analyze.

Acrylic water-based paint

This dye is one of the most popular and demanded. It is based on polyacrylate resins.

Advantages: excellent hiding power, easy to apply, unlimited tinting possibilities. The low cost will also be an invariable advantage of the paint. Does not fade, moisture resistant, wear resistant. It has no unpleasant odor and is non-toxic. Also, the advantages of the paint include the fact that it is easy to use and is suitable even for those who did not take a brush in hand.

Disadvantages: high consumption. When using this type of paint, it is often necessary to apply more than one or even two layers of paint to achieve the desired result. Minus paint and what is exposed to sunlight. Also, this paint is not resistant to mildew and mildew.

Silicone paint

These paints are named after the silicone resins they contain. These coatings belong to a new generation of paints that have the advantages of water-dispersible and silicate coloring materials, and the shortcomings are eliminated. It is more often used in facade work.

The advantages of silicone paint are that it is vapor permeable and waterproof. It is resistant to sunlight, does not fade, and is not afraid of high temperatures. Resistant to alkaline attack and dirt. The scope of application of silicone paint is almost unlimited due to its excellent performance properties, durability and variety of decorative options.

The disadvantages of silicone dyes include high cost. When applied on large area, this paint is quite expensive. But here it is also taken into account that the durability of this paint, its strength and resistance to damage, will very quickly recoup all investments.

Latex paint

This dye is water-based and contains latex. The paint is known for its high wear resistance.

The advantages of latex paint are moisture resistance and durability. The surface can be exposed wet cleaning without compromising coverage. This paint is versatile: it is applicable to concrete, wood and paper. The latex paint coating looks impressive and can beautify the interior. The paint is non-toxic, vapor-permeable, endowed with excellent thermal insulation qualities, very economical in consumption and dries quickly.

Of the shortcomings, it is indicated that the walls for painting need perfectly flat. Latex paint absolutely repeats the entire surface of the wall. Also, the paint is not resistant to temperatures below freezing. In the room where staining with such paint will be carried out, there should not be strong temperature changes, otherwise there is no point in using it. High price can also scare away, but, as is the case with silicone paint, this will be a profitable investment in the long-term and wear resistance of the coating.

Vinyl paint

Created on the basis of vinyl compounds and practically ousted from the market by acrylic paints.
pros vinyl paint at a low cost. This coating does not turn yellow, its decorating ability is at a fairly high level. Resistant to solvents and chemicals. Environmentally friendly: allowed for painting walls and ceilings in children's rooms.

There are a lot of disadvantages: strong shrinkage upon drying, which often requires a second layer of staining. The paint has established itself as not very durable. The disadvantages include low vapor permeability.

The dye, which is made on the basis of PVA. Suitable for interior decoration. A budget option. A definite plus in an affordable cost.

The downside is that for indoor painting, there must be favorable conditions, without temperature extremes and with perfectly leveled surfaces. The paint is not durable, so you should not expect miracles from it.

Acrylic latex paint

Contains the qualities of latex dyes. Wear resistance, long-term operation without loss in protective properties and decorative qualities.

Structural paint

The viscosity of this material allows the paint to keep the relief set during application.
There are many advantages of the coating: from non-toxicity and odorlessness to the ability to make a unique relief pattern with different degrees of roughness on a given surface. The paint is waterproof, easy to clean, and able to mask surface imperfections. Very durable.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning only the rather high cost.

The quality of the paint and the operating conditions are what you should be concerned about when choosing a dye. Don't overpay for the brand or for the minor improvements that manufacturers often use to inflate the price. You can always find quality product on your budget. Please contact a sales consultant.

Preparing the walls

Preparing the walls is perhaps one of the most important steps. To begin with, it is worth removing all previous coatings. All roughness, cracks and irregularities are carefully rubbed out. A flat surface is a guarantee excellent result after painting. After leveling, the surface must be cleaned of dust. A brush, soft cloth and vacuum cleaner - any of these items will do the job.

The next step is priming. This is necessary in order to fill in minor surface defects and enhance the adhesion of the wall and paint. Acrylic primer is very popular. It works great on all surfaces. For priming walls and interior partition Several equipment options can be used: roller, spray or wide brush. After the primer has been applied, it must be left to dry completely. It will take about 5-6 hours.

After the soil has dried, puttying is performed. For the application of the first layer, it is worth using a starter putty. It exists both in a ready-made version and in the form of a dry mixture. The first layer is applied on top of a paint net, which is made up of fiberglass. After the plaster has dried, it is rubbed with a special device. Then you need to apply a layer of finishing putty, which is also rubbed off after drying.

Acrylic primer not only enhances adhesion, but also has antibacterial properties that prevent fungi and mold from growing on the wall.

What range to choose

The choice of color has a strong influence on the interior as a whole. Two different shades of the same color can both spoil and decorate a room. When choosing colors you need to take into account the lighting, the desired color of furniture and textiles, the mood that you want to create in the room.

V home interior neutral colors always look good: yellow, coffee, apricot. It is quite easy to choose an interior for them and these colors have a beneficial and calming effect on the psyche. Bright wall colors will require more attention and effort in order to choose the right setting for them. Designers advise not to use more than five colors in one room.

Trending colors in the interior

Fashion comes and goes, dictating its own rules, including in the interior. The most important thing is that the environment is perfect for you. Consider what colors are relevant today:

  • White immediately evokes the idea of ​​purity. White is a constant lifesaver if you need to increase and expand the space. Recommended for small and dark spaces.
  • Black, on the other hand, reduces space. In low light, this color can turn a room very dark and gloomy. Designers advise diluting black with glossy or mirrored surfaces.
  • Gray. This color is often associated with the background for very expensive items in interior furnishings. It should not be made the main color of the room, because it is quite boring in itself. A light gray color with the addition of various color spots in the setting will perfectly decorate the interior, give comfort and renewal to the room.
  • The color red is known to stimulate appetite and increase blood pressure. Used with caution in living quarters, especially in children's rooms. If used as the main color in a room, it will make an overwhelming impression. It is used as an additional accent, especially in the interior of cold colors. This will make the room cozy.

  • Yellow affects intellectual development, therefore it is suitable for a children's bedroom. This color is also used in rooms that are located on the north side.
  • Orange has the ability to harmonize indoor environments. This color is conducive to communication, so it is perfect, for example, for the living room. With orange, you need to act as carefully as with red. Do not make it the main color in the room, as it can quickly get bored.
  • The color brown, especially its light tones, is considered a classic example of color in the interior. Perfectly combined with him beige shades, peach, and coffee. Noble, cosiness-creating color.
  • The blue color gives a sense of peace and relaxation. This color reduces appetite, adjusts to a wave of relaxation. Ideal for the bedroom. A lighter shade of blue can expand the space.
  • Purple, especially its darker shades, can make you feel tired. Its use in the interior should be approached with caution.

  • Green is considered good for both the eyes and peace of mind... Green is available both in warm and cold tones. It is believed that this color helps to concentrate, therefore it is often used for workrooms. Designers often use pistachio and olive color: they are considered good for the interior. It is not always easy to match furniture to green walls, so think ahead if you are going to use this color.

Color combinations and paint application methods

Combining colors is not as easy as it sounds. For bright spots in the interior, you should use a neutral and calm tone. Also, a combination of related colors is always considered successful. Combine different shades of the same color and get harmonious interior.
Consider the main methods of applying paint when combining colors:

Horizontal division

This is a visual division of the wall into two horizontal stripes: it becomes bicolor. The most commonly used proportions are one to one or two to one. The upper strip is colored in dark tone, the lower one becomes lighter. For a clear separation of the stripes, the use of molding is permissible.

Colored inserts

A design with colored inserts can be suitable, for example, for a children's room. A neutral shade is taken as a basis: beige, white. A drawing is made against this background: geometric shapes, which are then painted over with bright colors.


It should be noted right away that furniture in the interior can also be an accent. If you want to pay attention and focus on the bright solution of the walls, then it is better to choose one or two walls and paint in a rich shade. Leave the rest in neutral colors so as not to overdo it with accents.

Gradient and ombre

The idea of ​​making a gradient on the walls is considered one of the most popular in interior design. This method of painting is obtained when different shades of the same color are applied to each surface of the wall or an individual part of it.

The ombre painting method is that the shade on one wall of the room changes in a horizontal or vertical direction. To get the entire range of shades of one color on the wall, you must first paint the surface in the lightest shade available. Then the wall is divided into quarters and the lowest quarter must be painted in the darkest shade.

The next step is to mix a dark shade with a small amount of a light one and paint a part of the surface over the dark piece. In this case, you need to step a little on a dark surface. In the very center, the most saturated and bright color, smoothly smoothing it to the light part, which is at the top.

Horizontal and vertical stripes

This design move can be performed in a variety of ways. If the house has low ceilings, then this can be corrected using narrow vertical stripes. This visually stretches the walls and increases the height. To expand the space, you can paint a horizontal wide strip on the wall. It is usually decorated with various interior items: lamps and paintings.


This method involves covering the surface of the wall with various images of figures. To significantly simplify the work, a stencil is used, which is made independently or to buy ready-made version in a hardware store.

Geometric shapes

To create the desired style in the apartment, drawing on the walls is required geometric shapes... Rhombuses, peas, squares are a few examples for decorating. This method of painting walls requires a lot of patience, as it will take a lot of time and effort to apply the drawing by hand.

The textured method of painting is to result in a surface with a unique structure. This can be achieved by the most different ways... The stores now have all the materials that are needed to implement this idea. This method perfectly masks surface irregularities.

This finishing method is suitable even for beginners. The wall should be painted with thick paint, which will not dry out immediately, but will give time to create a unique pattern on it. To do this, immediately after staining, take a crumpled piece of paper or a bag of polyethylene and blot the entire painted wall, each time stepping on the previous print.

To implement this idea, we need a regular sponge or soft bristled brush. Plain water-based paint will do never better. To apply a picture, a sponge is taken, dipped in paint, and then slightly pressed against the wall surface. This is how the entire area is processed. This decor method visually increases the area of ​​the room.

old lock

This method of decoration can often be found in hallways. country houses... This decor creates an imitation of a natural stone layout. It is considered expensive due to the fact that it is difficult to do it yourself and requires the involvement of craftsmen who know how to do it professionally.

Modern wall painting ideas

It is often mistakenly believed that wallpaper looks much more beneficial than painted walls. This is not true! And to this, examples of home decor with paint, which are in no way inferior to wallpaper decoration. Future design is limited only by imagination. Modern materials able to help make a dream come true. Consider the recommendations of designers for decorating walls:

Living room

The living room in every home has a different function. This is the most representative place in the house, but it is used in different ways everywhere. In one house, this room is a hall and meeting place for the whole family and guests, in another it is a quiet and secluded place for reading. It is important to determine the functional load of this room, because its color scheme depends on it!

If you like bright and saturated colors, but are afraid to use them, then there is a solution. Choose the same colors, but in more subdued shades. Brown, pink, orange, light green, blue, gray, black and purple perfectly diluted with white. It is a color that is used both in decoration and furniture solutions. White neutralizes dark and rich hues. The living room is the place where there is an opportunity to bring any idea to life!


The walls in the bedroom are most often painted with water-based paint. It is vapor permeable and safe. With equal success, she can be trusted to paint wood, brick and concrete walls. The bedroom is intended for rest and relaxation, therefore, the colors should be chosen appropriate. Consider the most popular interior styles that are found in bedrooms:

Romantic provenceHere delicate and transparent shades most often prevail: light pink, lavender, pale blue, white and light lilac colors.
Baroque multilayerAt least three aristocratic shades of these colors are mixed here: noble emerald, pale green, gold, beige, walnut, black and burgundy.
High techIn such interiors, only basic colors in cold tones are used: gray, light beige, white, cream.
MinimalismA minimum of colors, black, white and gray are superior.
Elegant classicClassic neutral shades are used for wall decor: beige, brown, light cream and milky colors. Painted walls work well with dark colored furniture and flooring. All colors are used in the bedroom, only in a calm version.


People spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Here they cook, eat, communicate. Color solution the kitchen is very important, as it can directly affect the mood in the morning. The paint for this room must be moisture resistant and washable.

Bright yellow shades will always cheer you up. Green color is suitable for those who constantly adhere to a diet: it has a positive effect and soothes the appetite. Light and beige shades are ideal if you need an elegant classic kitchen. Red is a bold and bright color, but it requires careful handling, as it greatly affects the appetite.


Paint for a children's room needs eco-friendly, vapor-permeable and washable. Children often paint on the walls, and you need a special coating from which you can quickly wipe off the pranks.

Suitable for a nursery: paint in one base color and then add bright accents yourself. These are bright stickers, cartoon characters drawn with felt-tip pens and paints, fictional characters - for which there is enough imagination!

Preferred colors for the nursery: yellow, orange, blue, green, light blue, pale pink.


The corridor is the first thing that a person sees when entering a house. It influences the impression of the family members living here. When choosing a decor for a hallway, it is important to take into account its dimensions: for small and narrow rooms construction is undesirable frame structures and application dark colors... The paint should be easy to clean and wet clean.

Durability is another condition when choosing a dye for a corridor. It should be borne in mind that light colors will be too easily soiled in this place.

Bathroom and toilet

Thanks to water-based paints who are not afraid of water, painting the walls in bathrooms began to supplant decorating with tiles. Here you can feel free to express your design idea in full! Bright, muted, dark and light - a variety of colors and textures are used in bathrooms.

The main thing to consider: the paint should not be afraid of water, be resistant to dirt and durable. Walls decorated with tiles and painted are often combined.

  • After the package with paint is opened, the dye is stirred to obtain a uniform color.
  • Painting takes place in a room where the temperature is not lower than 5 and not higher than 20 degrees Celsius. Moisture is also important to get the desired result. If the air is dry, it is better to turn on a humidifier or use a spray.

  • Drafts are excluded!
  • If there is mold or mildew on the walls, then the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution before painting.
  • Working brushes, as well as rollers, must be thoroughly washed from paint and dried.

Summing up, I would like to note that if you carefully follow the technology and use suitable materials and dyes, the result of staining will delight you for years!